#and then do a tarot reading or meditation when i get home and decorate my room a bit + clean
noirapocalypto · 1 year
5, 20, 43 for Salem?
Thank you so much! 🤗
[CP2077 OC Asks]
5. are they religious or spiritual in any way?
Salem is very spiritual, but he's not very religious. He prefers to keep the concept of God, or any deity for that matter, secular from his own beliefs. It's just not for him. He is heavily into the occult, however, and borrows practices/beliefs from various mystic philosophies that he's drawn to. Salem practices witchcraft, he's believes in fate, past lives and soulmates. He studies astrology, tarot, and believes in spiritual energies in others and the surrounding natural world around him. I can ramble on and on about Salem and his belief system 🤭 All this to say, Salem is my most spiritual out of all my other OC’s.
20. where do they currently live? describe their home. 
I'm so excited for this question, I've been trying to design Salem's apartment for the longest time 😂Sadly, I can't come up with anything visually decent, so descriptions it is! I hope I can do it justice.
Salem lives in an apartment building in Northside. It’s similar to the in-game Maelstrom apartment in terms of aesthetics but it’s a bit bigger and more livable (and slightly better maintained). It’s a 1 bedroom, 1 bath floor plan. Small yet spacious enough for him and his stuff. It has a heavy industrial vibe, with exposed brick walls, metal railings, etc.
It's messy as you'd expect it to be from someone like Salem. Worn clothes thrown on the bedroom floor, his coffee table is covered in empty cans, his rolling tray, a bong, half-read tarot spreads, etc. But it's not over crowded or cluttered to the point where it's an issue.
His decor fits his own style too. If someone were to step into his apartment, there's an immediate "Ah yeah, this is definitely Salem's space" thought. He has art on the walls that he has commissioned himself or has been given to him by fans/friends as well as various posters of various bands and musicians he genuinely is a fan of. There are little oddities and curiosities on his shelves, such as crystals, creepy little statues, things like that.
The lighting is kinda dark and somewhat dim, he tends to keep his windows closed with the curtains drawn shut, especially in his bedroom. But he'll let in a little sunlight from time to time when he needs to.
What always seems to throw guests off is how his apartment smells. It always smells nice, since he usually has incense burning either for meditation, rituals/spells or to just relax. However, there's also a noticeable weed smell lingering, so it's definitely subjective. 🤭
His favorite spot in his home is his work area. He has a corner of his living room reserved for his desk and his recording equipment. His set up might look cluttered, with all his notes scattered about as well as even more empty cans, a full ashtray and various shards here and there, but he knows exactly where everything is.
43. describe their ideal date.
Salem is not one that can easily be 'wined and dined'. He doesn't like big, expensive, excessive dates. It just turns him off and it feels very artificial and false to him. He's far more into 1x1 dates, so group dates probably aren't the best way either.
To Salem, it doesn't really matter what the setting is or what it is they're doing, as long as he gets to be with that person. He wants to get to know them, see what they're like, how they present themselves to him and how they engage in the activity their doing. It could be something as quiet and intimate as going out for a drive together, away from everyone else. Or something loud and rowdy like going to a show together or causing trouble at some bar. 🖤
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witchesbe-like · 2 years
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Things to do for a Spring Witch
Spring isn’t really my jam, but I do like to incorporate seasons into my practice. I love how each season brings with it a certain focus so you can really explore your magic throughout the whole year.
March 20th  is the first day of spring this year, and where I live we have had a long snowy winter so I’m really ready to incorporate some warm days into my magic. 
1 Clean out your witchy supplies
It gets to be a mess, I know. Spring is a great time to cleanse and purge your witchy things. Donate what you don’t need and organize the rest. Your magic will thank you. 
2 Do a big ritual cleanse for all your baddy spell casting
Kidding, but for real. Spring is a time for cleansing. 
3 Sweep out the negativity from your life 
This is not in the literal sense. To do a broom cleanse, open all your windows and doors and take your broom two inches above the floor metaphorically ‘sweep’ the negativity out of your space. 
4 Spring walks for collecting items
Spring is the best time for finding witchy things outside. I’ve found insect wings, small animal bones, rocks, anything you think you’ll need for your craft. 
5 Spells for New Growth
Ready to get that new job? New home? Or start a new business? Spring is the nest time to piggyback off that energy. 
6 Spells for Abundance
Want to attract more abundance around this time? Add dill or parsley to a drawstring bag and place it on your altar or carry it with you. 
7 Charge your Crystals (for real this time)
I’m not the greatest when it comes to taking all my crystals outside and charging them under the full moon because really it’s a nuisance. But I try to commit once a year and spring it when it is. 
8 Cleanse your tools
While you’re charging your crystals, do some more magical spring cleansing and charge your tools too. 
9 Honor your Ancestors with fresh picked flowers 
Next time you’re outside, pick up some fresh dandelions or spring flowers and place them in a vase for your ancestors. 
10 Draw, write, meditate outside
Take some time to sit outside and reflect. 
11 Focus on spiritual growth
Remember that the season of spring is all about new growth, growing spiritually and creating the life you want for yourself. 
12 Spring Clean your space
Sometimes it starts with the mundane work. Take some times this spring and clear out your physical space, sometimes it helps with your mental space too.
13 Make sun water
Make sun water on the first full spring day for the masculine equivalent to moon water. 
14 Go outside, camp, take a walk, connect with nature
This one speaks for itself, but go outside, connect and get out of the winter mood. 
15 Grow your food for spells
Even if you don’t have a lot of space (me!) take an old terra cotta pot and grow some tomatoes or zucchini. Use the vegetables in a soup spell. 
16 Grow herbs
Another way to bring spring into your home is to grow herbs. Start with basil on your windowsill and go from there. 
17 Make sun tea
Sun tea is simply making tea and setting the pitcher outside letting the sun brew the tea for a few minutes. Create sun tea and absorb that good energy from the sun in every tea glass. 
18 Press flowers or leaves
Press flowers or leaves gathered from your next walk and use them to decorate your spell book or journal.
19 Read tarot 
Do a really intense tarot reading for the season and see what’s headed your way.
20 Learn a new divination 
Spring is the perfect time to pick up a new skill. If you’ve been leaning towards learning a new divination technique, now is the perfect time to learn it!
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shespeaksinsongs · 3 years
Spiritual Draco (HCs)
definitely comes to you for tarot readings every once in a while when he needs comfort about the future
also gives you his own tarot readings whenever you ask for them
when you live together, cleanses your home once a day and makes you leave your shoes outside so you don't bring bad energy into the house
buys huge crystals like this and the decoration around the house is based on the crystals
kisses you at every angel number, even if you're busy doing something because "he wished for you" and he needs to be grateful to the universe
takes lucid dreaming pills or herbs with you so you can lucid dream together
taking naked moon baths in your backyard with him and having to drag him to bed when he starts falling asleep and mosquitoes start biting him
sometimes you wake up to him on the balcony, softly talking to the moon about how lucky he is to have you. when you catch him he definitely denies it until you're out of the moonlight and you can't see him anymore. then he nuzzles his head in your neck and admits that he told the moon about you and says that he believes he dreamt you up.
geeks out about his name being after a constellation and has a huge tapestry of it somewhere in his house
wants every pet and child you have (if you do have any) to be named after something astrological or a deity. the cat better be named selene or else he's not getting it.
manifesting king!! you're almost jealous of how good he is at it
when you ask him for something he responds with "if the universe wills it" as a joke
very in touch with his inner child, so to speak
does chakra meditations with you before you go to bed
has a ton of mantras to use when he or even you are in a bad mood. ex: "my anger is mine, but i am not my anger."
likes experimenting with tea, but his favorite for spiritual benefits is mugwort tea (he likes the vibrancy it brings to life)
sometimes he'll go to your office and give you a kiss, letting smoke out into your mouth then giggles like a primary schoolboy when you get upset
in touch with both his masculine and feminine side, but he loves to be both for you and know how to make one more dominant or sub
always asks you to bring black tourmaline with you if you're going somewhere without him, so that you can be safe
does the pentagram on you when you wake up, or if he wakes up before you, he crosses you gently with the pentagram
prays to the universe and marvels at how lucky he is
stargazing is one of his favorite things to do, but he only wants to do it if it's with you
if you get into an argument or something, he'll blame your mars sign instead of you
loves reading your natal chart and his together because you truly are very compatible
will bring a pendulum to you every once in a while and ask childish things like this: "y/n, y/n, y/n!!" "i'm on the toilet right now" "okay never mind that, watch this. will y/n love me forever? it said yes!! i always knew you loved me!" you just staring flatly, trying to pee
when you're not with him and he has free time, he will spend all of it either meditating or researching spirituality to see how he could become a better person
also cries when he finds out that you're his soulmate from multiple past lives
lays down on your chest a lot because "your heart chakra is very open"
sex on a full moon and he is aware when he does it
burns bay leaves with his intentions to the point where your house always smells like it
"i'm just feeling really appreciative of you right now so please just cuddle me" every. time. he finishes a meditation
loves when you wake up together at the same time so you can thank the universe and meditate together
really values quiet time with you, even though conversations with you are his favorite thing
very clairsentient and intuitive. will tell you if he feels something is or is not in your best interest
lays salt under your doormat so bad energy can stay out
physical touch = love language, don't try to convince me of otherwise
loves hugging or touching you because that's how he absorbs your positive energy and feels happy for the rest of the day
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baby-witch-eli · 3 years
Quantifying my Craft
I found this lovely post by @breelandwalker, who I totally recommend checking out, and it inspired me. My cards and horoscopes have been pushing me to reflect on my goals lately so this is exactly what I needed right now! I decided I'd give it a go.
Broad Concepts
I like to follow western traditions; Celtic traditions in particular are near and dear to my heart. This is why I chose to focus my worship in the Celtic Pantheon, and I'm currently working on building a relationship with Brigid. I would consider myself an eclectic, although divination and nature magic are my two main areas of focus. While I like to ask others for advice while I learn, magic is something I prefer to practice on my own. I've only been practicing since late January, interestingly enough I started around Imbolc. So far I've found intentions are the most important aspect of witchcraft and it has helped me greatly to practice intention in all aspects of my life.
Working Space
I began constructing an altar to Brigid yesterday. Frustratingly enough, my mother is going to have me put away all my small little items and decorations tomorrow as we're trying to sell our house. We won't be moving for a few more months though. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep the altar up but I'll look into online altar options if needed. I already keep an online altar to myself on an app called #SelfCare that I would highly recommended.
Right now my altar to Brigid has a white candle in a green holder; a sailor's knot I wore around my wrist until it started to come undone; a silver bell for music and creativity; the first piece of pottery I ever painted; a picture book of the traveling I did around Michigan a few years ago; an empty journal I hope to fill with art and poems dedicated to her; and a beaker (cauldron stand-in) I dedicated by burning a sigil in that holds nineteen white rose petals and a whisker my cat lost. I'm charging a carnelian and working on a piece of fox, the spirit guide she sent me, embroidery to add to the altar. It's positioned on top of an organizer I have on my desk, which is pushed up against a window.
There's a spot under my porch I wanted to use for meditation but I discovered I'm too jumpy and distractible to meditate outdoors. I don't like having my eyes closed when out of the open and I have an exaggerated startle response. Instead, I find it better for me to meditate in the bath. Sitting in water at least ankle deep with the lights off, after everybody else has gone to sleep and when the moon can shine through the window, is the ideal place for me to sit and follow a guided meditation. I find meditations that take me on a journey through my astral space are the most effective.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to have my own space where I can freely spread my altars and workspaces throughout the house. I want to be able to fill it with plants and books and cards and candles. While I'm at home trying to avoid suspicion from my Christian family, I just have to make the most of what I have.
My first deck is on the #SelfCare app. I call it my "Familiar Deck" as that's the one I'm most connected with. It's brutally honest, which I love. My second favorite deck is the "blue-eyed" deck I use for my Daily Draw. Another brutally honest deck and one I find to be very accurate. When asking Brigid questions, I prefer to use the Yes/No deck. It gives you your answer and is also good at accurately conveying "secondary," not yes/no, messages. You'll notice all of them are online and that's because, once again, I live with my Christian family and must be covert.
I have a quite a few crystals as I, thankfully, was interested in collecting them when I was younger. The tumbled crystals I have are small and few; most of my crystals are raw. I keep forgetting to charge them when there's a full moon out. I'll have to set a reminder or something to that effect. At the very least, I'm happy that I don't have to bother with trying to obtain any without my parents becoming suspicious. One of these days, I'd love to start collecting rings and wear several. It's also silly little dream of mine to get an onyx pendulum someday.
As far as books go, I bought a beautiful journal I've dedicated as my grimoire. It's dark blue with shiny, gold space decals. I would love to collect witchy books but I don't have money and I couldn't get away with it while living at home. I hear there's an excellent discord that stores witchy books and I think it's something I'll look into. For now, my information comes from my internet research. Thankfully, I did debate for several years, so I know how to find sources from accurate cites, but it certainly takes a lot of work to find good information that way.
The Year
I’m interested in learning more about the Wheel of the Year and incorporating it into my practice. Imbolc is especially important to me, as I worship the goddess Brighid. I missed it this year but I hope to celebrate it in the future. I have yet to study the important of dates outside of astrology so I’ll have to make sure I study it more.
History of My Magic
Honestly, I’ve always felt a very strong pull towards magic. I was raised in a very religious family though so I was always afraid that answering the call would condemn me. I grew up reading as many fantasy stories as I could, connecting with any animal I was able to, and spending as much time in the woods or by water as I could. The woods and the water have always felt full of magic to me and inspired me to want to practice witchcraft. Ever since I was little, I’ve had a great fondness and affection for the moon and stars. I’ve also always felt very drawn to Celtic folklore, magic, and Irish culture. I have distant family ties to Ireland and even though it’s a relatively minor aspect of my heritage, it’s always felt the most important to me. Movies like Song of the Sea and Brendan and the Secret of Kells helped tighten my bond with it. I even started learning as much as I could about the Fae after some books I read piqued my interest. I’ve always been the kid who kept a firm belief in magic even after all my friends “outgrew” it.
It took me a long time to finally answer the call to magic. Like I said, I was raised in a religious household. My grandparents even accused me of being a witch when I went through my Harry Potter phase! It actually made me rather pleased. There were a few times I came very close to beginning practicing witchcraft but I shied away for fear of Hell. It wasn’t until I finally was able to distance myself from the church earlier this year that I decided to start practicing magic behind my parents’ back. I’m very glad I did.
I’ve only been practicing for a few months. I’ve been very busy with college so it’s been pretty lax so far. I’m trying to build some sort of consistency. The end of the semester is a bad time for that, for sure. I’ve really connected with astrology and tarot-reading. Learning about the symbolism of different bugs and animals has also been something I’ve honestly also done, so it’s nice to be able to incorporate that into my practice. Dragonflies have always been signs of good luck for me (or bad omens, as the one time I saw one dead was one my Grammy found in her garage; she showed it to me a month or so before she passed away from cancer).
Recently, I began meditation. I met my spirit animal, a brown-eyed fox, who I ended up learning was sent by the goddess Brighid to guide me. I contacted Brighid about twice and set up an altar for her. The first time I heard her speak to me was when she was telling me I don’t drink enough water (I haven’t met with her since I pulled an all-nighter for college and I’m sure she’s not particularly pleased with that). I’m hoping to get back into my meditative practice soon. I’ve also needed to meditate to ask about a crow or raven that my sister and I kept crossing paths with while going out to lunch together. I’m not sure if it’s a sign of something or if the Morrigan wants to contact me. I’ve also heard the name Cernunnos repeated in my head lately so I’ve wanted to look into him too. I didn’t think I’d have anything to do with deities after my experiences with Christianity but Brighid quickly changed my mind.
Final Notes
I actually started writing this post a week or so ago but life got crazy. I’m in the last few weeks of my Freshman year of college, so it’s hectic. Right now I’m staying at a cabin in the mountains over the weekend, so I’m hoping this will give me the chance I need to wind down and reconnect with Brighid and my higher self. I’m hoping to get a daily routine going for my practice over the next few weeks.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
A Tarot Reader’s Utensils
☞ Here go some classic paraphernalia that can aid your reading process or serve as multi-purpose decorations.
disclaimer ✸ none of those are obligatory, all they do is make card reader life easier and prettier 😄 this post serves to inspire whatever serves your taste, convenience, and affinity. 
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- a latin dictionary. trust me, it’ll serve you well. 
- little treasure chests and mason jars. every tarot reader becomes an apothecary down the line. mason jars are great to put battery-driven fairy lights in, it’s a quick and easy tarot table decoration to light up your spreads.
- standard notebook. everyone regrets not photographing or writing down their reading results every time.
- plants. i feel like us tarot readers are drawn to cacti in particular. maybe it’s because their maintenance is easy and they give powers of self-protection. i mean what does a cactus do: guard itself with spikes and a stable exterior. every energy worker can benefit from that. we naturally gravitate towards it anyway.
- for some of us, runes are the next step and i honestly can’t recommend making your own set enough once you researched the essentials. they are so helpful and great to carry with you. portable magic if you will. mix VERY well with pulling tarot cards. 
- candles, you know the deal. homely lighting is one aspect, but it’s also great for inviting the energy of wands i.e. fire. needs proper 30cm distance to other utensils and 10cm between each other, keep that in mind.
- an item that connects you to your family lineage. the tarot likes people who know their roots. if you ask the cards about your ancestors, such an item is even more beneficial. pick something with extra use. example: my father’s family is connected to italy — that’s where the tarot came from, no item needed. but for my mother’s side, i have a matryoshka doll. i can put little folded spells and affirmation notes into it. the dolls in a row also circle my tarot table so they look like protectors 😅
- clear quartz and tarot decks are best friends. a larger point rested on top of the card pile will amplify it energetically and keep it together physically. a crystal’s benefits are derived from its physical setup, so in this case clear quartz makes your readings clear. don’t look for it, the stone comes into your life out of nowhere.
- magnifying glasses. the LWB (little white booklet) that comes with some decks is printed in tiny font.
- shells are great. not just for keeping crystals, pendulums, or smudge sticks in them. also, shells for casting yes or no questions in addition to the tarot, cowrie shells (e.g. cypraea tigris) are the usual pick. 
- for tray-like shells, e.g. look for: all types of pectinidae (classic scallops), haliotis (abalones), pinctada (blue mother-of-pearl inlay), hyriopsis (shell halves with enclosed pearls), veneridae (venus shells), mimachlamys sanguinea or potamilus purpuratus (pink).
- if the star, empress, high priestess or moon show up in your self-readings, a star map you can rotate comes in handy. all these cards have references to constellations. you wanna see what the night sky shows you on the horizon that night.
- books on deities, angels, ascended masters, and spirit guides. whatever pops up in your day-to-day life often. e.g. the tarot has a lot of cards with angel references, it’s good to know. if you work with oracle cards, i bet my cactus you will need all four types of books sooner or later.
- pretty boxes and baskets. for your decks, it’s good to keep it all in one spot. boxes without a lid however, keep your cards in sight so you use them regularly. using decks equals charging them.
- empty old perfume bottles (smaller ones) and vintage ceramic pieces. if your clear quartz is busy elsewhere, you can put them on resting decks. i also found worn-out keys to be just perfect for that. 
- paper, pencils, scissors, rulers, stickers, labels. gotta love making DIY decks.
- a large juice mug. repurposed as a huge glass of water. you forget time when you do readings and need prolonged focus. keeping it close will save you from having to get up grumpily. also: making gem water is the shit. check which crystals you can use for it. 
- fossils. a statement piece or several smaller ones (you’ll be surprised, they are quite cheap). fossils activate ancient knowledge which is what the tarot is all about. great to put into crystal grids, too. choose whatever you’re guided towards. maybe something found in your country to make it even more personal.
- tarot cloth. a huge duh but you can’t actually find it. it’ll come to you.
- a book of world religions and mythology. the tarot has so many references. e.g. the hierophant’s insignia. or the high priestess with the tora. the hanged man representing saints. the hermit being a druid. the wheel of fortune being karma. the sphinx depictions on the chariot. even if you’re not religious, knowing about these details can help you understand the full imagery.
- let me be a pop culture victim: selenite towers. a modern tarot reader’s antenna crystal. it’s in every pick-a-card youtube reading and all over ig. i think it’s clever marketing, but still not a hoax if you know what greek tradition it has. it’s connected to the moon and the high priestess because selenite shimmers just like our lunar friend in the sky. selene (Σελήνη) = greek for moon. it was said to change according to the moon phases. be careful because it’s more porous, selenite is a saline structure with a mohs hardness of merely 2 out of 10. 
- a meditation pillow. energy work and introspection/awareness go hand in hand. it’s great to chill out and observe your breath for a little while. tarot readings can be taxing, grounding is the right thing to do.
- if you don’t look it up online, an astrology book. so many astro details in tarot. e.g. the emperor has an aries-inspired throne. or, swords represent air signs.
- salt lamps. they’re affordable, their vibes are great, they’re beautiful. tarot readings with candles, fairy lights, and salt lamps on are a different level. salt has so many properties physically and metaphysically, where to start. you can only win if you have a salt lamp.
- fake fur. perfect for your tarot table if you don’t use candles. crystals, shells and runes will never roll away. it’s the ideal decor and easy to repurpose on your tarot chair, altar, or shelf if you want to change it up.
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pigeonflavouredcake · 5 years
Making an Altar Master Post
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Considering making an altar but don’t know where to start? This long-ass post should cover all the bases of altar building for those of you who are interested but stuck. This post is pretty vague on purpose, altars are an interesting grey area of this practice. When you build an altar you can’t really go wrong, it’s something for you to take control of and decide for yourself.
📖This is all taken from my grimoire so feel free to add any info of your own in a rb or in the comments.📖
🌻What is an altar?🌻
Altars are a magical work space for any witch/pagan/wiccan/other. 
Historically altars and shrines were built all over the world in different cultures to house offerings and worship the gods/spirits/ancestors.
The difference between an altar and shrine can depend on the culture you’re looking at but generally an altar is both a work space and a place of worship and a shrine is solely a place of worship (the Theatron of Athens was an altar as it served as a place to house offerings and a communal performance space).
Modern day altars however are more private and unique to the practitioner/s. Altars and shrines can now be created using anything and include many different types.
There are many ways to think outside the box with altar building but don’t think you have to make one just because every other witch does.
🌻Types of altars🌻 (not an inclusive list)
- Home/family altar🏠: This serves as the energy centre of the home that is shared by the entire family. It can be simplistic, change with the seasons, and feature something representing each family member. (this is one that my dad built that lives in our kitchen). 
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- Personal altar: This altar is usually only connected to 1 or 2 people and kept separate from the rest of the family in a bedroom/box/draw. It can be put anywhere and be of any size (mine used to be on a shelf in my wardrobe and now it sits on the window) This altar is very personal to the practitioner often representing their passions and/or their patron. (this is my own to Dionysus and Apollo but it also includes my desk and bookshelf next to it since the window is so small).
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- Working Altar: This altar is very practical. It’s only taken out when it’s needed for spells/rituals and is unique to the spell and it’s intention. If you want this type of altar then when you build it think carefully of what corresponds to the outcome you wish for.
- Shrine: (a form of altar to some, completely separate to other but I’m including it just in case). Created to honour a specific deity/creature/spirit. This is used to house offerings and pray.
-Travel/mini altar: Often stored away in a box/tin. Travel/mini altars can consist of small trinkets to carry around when you’re away from your larger altar or have to conceal your magic (it’s great for witches in the broom closet but depending on the size it could go missing).
- Image altar📷: Less traditional but very creative. An image altar could be a collection of images on Photoshop (for techies), a collage of pictures on a wall or board, or even a drawing of an altar (It’s personal, inconspicuous and it doesn’t matter if you can draw or not). I made this one in my sketchbook using pencil, ink and watercolour.
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- Love/self care altar❤: This altar is fully dedicated to self care, loving yourself, or introspection. It includes things that have a lot of meaning to you and make you happy when you’re down (I have one by my bedside and use it when I feel shitty, I also use this space to contact my spirit guide).
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🌻Supplies🌻 (again not an inclusive list)
These are some general supplies to have for an altar but this doesn't mean that anything is 100% necessary.
- A flat surface: This can be anywhere with enough space to display everything.
- A cloth: Not just to protect the surface or fragile objects, it can be a sign of respect to your patron.
- Incense/oil diffuser: To smell nice and can be used to cleanse the space.
- Candles: Decoration, to represent fire or your patron, for candle magic, and meditation.
- Bowl/dish: To hold any offerings.
- Cup/chalice/bottles: For drink offerings, to represent water, to hold water for a spell.
- Matches/lighters: If you include candles.
- Crystals/stones: Decoration, could also be elemental/seasonal/represent the chakra.
- Wand/athame: Can be used to direct energy in a spell.
- Bell: To represent air, to call spirits/your patron.
- Mortar & Pestle: To grind up any ingredients in a spell.
🌻Building an Altar🌻
This is part is going to be a simple guide to building a personal altar (I will be using my own preference for deities as an example but you don’t have to).
1- Find a space: Think about where you want to work and consider the energy you get from different spaces (also consider any pets and fragile objects).
2- Find a surface: This can be as big as you like. I’ll be using my art desk as an example, I took everything off it and cleaned it before I did anything else.
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3- Get a cloth: Fabric from a craft shop or an old scarf/veil are perfect and come in any available colour and size. In terms of colour you can chose one of your favourites, something seasonal or something to represent your patron. 
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4- Set your intention: Now this is the time to decide what your altar is going to be used for. You can pick a centre piece that reflects this. 
I wanted to connect with the gods so I made the centre of the altar about myself and my deities go on either side. The centre piece I chose is a picture of a fairy scene I’ve had for a very long time.
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5- Candles: The next thing to put down are candles (or any source of light). The light acts as the switch to turn on your altar and give light to any patron for when you want to communicate.
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6- Tools: If you want to include any tools from the previous list then now is the time to chose where you want to put them (I included a cup of water, an incense holder, a bell, and a wand).
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7- Decoration: Next is to add any personal decoration that can go wherever you like. I put mine in the centre piece.
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8- (OPTIONAL) Representing patrons: This step is optional because it isn’t necessary to have a patron in your practice.
Because of the intention I decided on in step 4, I places the decoration representing my patrons on either side of my altar (btw these photos were before I switched from Aphrodite to Apollo so I apologies for the inconsistency).
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I left a large space empty to use for when i’m writing in my grimoire, performing a spell or doing a tarot reading. I didn’t include this in my real altar because it’s a decorative section.
- There are templates that you can follow if you really want to. They’re usually for a large traditional elemental altar though (I personally don’t recommend them because it’s boring and not very creative).
- An altar can be as big or as small as you like and you have no rules or expectations and it doesn’t have to be just one surface.
- If you want an altar for a spirit/deity/fae as well as their respective candle, you could include a candle for yourself to represent your own spirit to stay connected with them.
- An altar is a very subjective thing, if it’s personal it should change with your interests (like from light and fire the first year to sea and sand the next year).
-There are hundreds of videos on altars here’s a few I recommend you look at: 
The Witch Of Wonderlust- All About Altars:  https://youtu.be/p3ysPbvQa7c
Molly Roberts- Sacred Spaces and Kick Ass Altar Crafts: https://youtu.be/_kcki25BY6o
Harmony Nice- My Wiccan Altar II And how to set up yours: https://youtu.be/tGWkNeoE6RY
Green Witch Glamour- How to Build an Altar: https://youtu.be/v3s_etlsUE0
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whichwitchami · 3 years
Hi! I'm wondering, how often do you practice your witchcraft? Things like be with your deities/what do you do with them, cast spells, anything like that? (I hope this isn't too prying, sorry if it is. And I'm aware that everyone's craft varies and I'm not trying to copy yours, I'm just looking for some help on how to shape my own practice. I'm a new witch and very busy with family/kids and also in the broom closet since my husband is Christian, so I can't practice as much as I'd like). TIA! ❤️
You’re not being invasive or coming off as you’re trying to copy me! We learn best through communication and hearing what works for others, what doesn't, and then trying it ourselves. I get that. 
So with my spirit companions, I’d say I do something with them on average once a week. So we sing in the car, we watch movies, they hang around while I do a craft, some thing like that. It’s not necessarily planned (unless the little one whose only 5 wants to watch a movie, cos we gotta make sure its safe for her). Again, not really planned, they just show up and if I have time we hang out. 
Casting spells I do as needed. If something comes up that I feel a spell will be helpful for, I’ll go ahead and cast one. 
Deities....again the answer is kinda as needed?
I have a couple of systems in place, one where I switch out my altar every new moon to a new deity so I have some time to work with each of them. I’ll also do a tarot reading for new moon intentions. Then I do a tarot reading for myself every Sunday to do some shadow work and prep for the week. 
I also reach out when I need them. For example Mani helps me keep my patience at work a lot, Freyja helps me speak my truth etc. so I’ll leave an offering and pray to them when those themes come up in my life. 
Another idea comes from the amazing @breelandwalker who can probably explain better, but its basically focusing on one Deity per season. (or in my case 2 or 3 per season cos I have so many)
For example: 
Spring (March, April, May in the northern hemisphere): Frigg and Persephone
Summer (June, July, August): Sol and Freyja
Fall (September, October, November) Thor, Ancestor work, Spirit Guides
Winter (December, January, February) Hades and Mani 
why each Deity went with a certain season is personal, but this is my break down. Obviously I work will all of them throughout the year, but having set seasons for decorations, altars, etc. can help it be less overwhelming and make sure there’s fairly even attention towards each. 
That can be a lot when you’re busy and in the broom closet, the good thing is there’s lots of ways to make small witchcraft in your every day.
Some examples: 
1. glamor spell while washing your face/ brushing your hair, focus on confidence and whatever else you need that day
2. choose clothes accordingly. Maybe you have a necklace that reminds you of Persephone, so you wear it in honor of her. To anybody else you’re just accessorizing 
3. Meditate? if you have time even 30 seconds of breathing and appreciating your craft/ deity is good
4. Enchant your coffee, sprinkle in some cinnamon for luck, prosperity, protection (idk what cinnamon means to you but that's what it means to me) or other herbs/ spices that taste yummy in coffee and have correspondences based on what you need (doing your own research is highly encouraged and please be mindful that using herbs is ok in small amounts but I’m not an herbalist and I’m not recommending medicinal doses) 
5. Stir clockwise to invite good things, counter-clockwise to banish negativity.
6. Household chores as dedication to deities is awesome. I’ll clean the house in honor of Thor or Freyja and do the dishes in honor of Frigg. I’ve found my deities love it when I use self care as an offering. you can also weave some magic into this by adding lemon, orange, lavender etc. to floor washes and cleaning sprays. People will just assume you want the house to smell good as well as be clean. As you clean mentally manifest things like peace, love, and protection in the home. 
7. Journaling, take 5 minutes at the end of your night to reflect on the day, write down things you’re grateful for, not only is it good for your mental health but its an awesome way to secretly bond with deities
8. Cooking magic! Similar to the cinnamon in the coffee, using rosemary, thyme, sage, salt, pepper, all the herbs you normally use (and produce too! Garlic, potatoes, apples etc.) is a great way to bring magic into your day. Look up the properties of what you use on a daily basis (this can get iffy though, cos some people debate the ethics of magic in cooking especially if you’re going to share the food. Your husband and kids might not appreciate that the food comes with a magical kick....)
9. Candles! many people love a good scented candle. Pick one in a scent you associate with a magical need or a deity and light it. 100% people are gonna think you just love your house smelling wonderful. 
That’s just a handful of small ways you can bring subtle magic into your every day life. It’s a lot easier than you think, and you don’t need a lot of materials to do it! 
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nocturnegloam · 4 years
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Here in the midwest United States, the chilly morning mists are currently giving way to the sunrise set behind overcast, on the passing of this spring equinox, Alban Eiler, and Ostara, among its many other names. There is a distinct and special liminality which the vernal equinox possesses. The day and night come in perfect balance, as light and warmth prepare to inherit the Earth. 
As life cultivates in all its forms and motions, so do we. Even in the current global climate, we find ways to adapt and revive with tenacity. Now may be a time more befitting than ever to celebrate and appreciate the fire within our hearts, and circulate our feelings of love, inspiration, motivation, and gratitude through the collective. 
Of course, it is essential that in celebrating the passing of the seasons, we remain considerate of all life in our observance. This remains especially true during the current pandemic. Try not turn to fret in haste, though—even in the face of life’s uncertainty, we can find inspiration, clarification, comfort, growth, direction, balance, protection, personal action, and more.
Even for the best of us, the world will always procure unexpected circumstance, such as the current pandemic. When the life we share urgently calls, planning for things that may be deeply sacred to us may slip through our fingers. We should not let this “ebb” of the natural ebb and flow discourage us on our sabbatical or spiritual journey, lest our practices become “chores”, rather than extraordinary connections with ourselves and the beyond. The “ebb” is there to teach us something, to urge us to look deeply within ourselves. Even when the state of the world becomes seemingly inextricable, our sabbatical and spiritual practices can remain as mechanisms of divine retreat and reinvigoration.
Last night, when reading tarot, I pulled The World. Through quite a bit of reflection with this absolutely evocative card, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to help my small locale reconnect with the Earth and its seasons. To help them reconnect with their deepest selves as authentically as possible. To be a small catalyst, and a gentle guide on a path they walk all their own. 
Originally, this post was only going to be a simple list of ideas on how to celebrate this equinox during the pandemic, with social distancing and conservation of supplies (mainly food) in mind. I.e, you’ll need no more supplies than yourself and what you’ve already got at hand. In truth, that is still all it's going to be, following these paragraphs. But after meditating this morning, I felt I should share deeper insight in the simple hopes it might inspire someone else. Or, just simply cheer them up.
To whoever reads this, this is for you—and I hope you have a splendid spring equinox. I hope you can make it something all your own. I hope you find healing, revitalization, balance and more.
Best regards, Sierra
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Ideas for the observation and celebration of the spring equinox/Alban Eiler/Ostara, with the pandemic, social distancing, and food conservation in mind:
General correspondences:
Colors: Pastels, green, yellow, and pink.
Plants: Comprehensive list here.
Trees: Birch, ash, and alder.
Animals: Hares, snakes, birds, baby animals, caterpillars, ladybugs, and bees.
Crystals: Ultimately up to your own discretion, color correspondences work just fine. Specific crystals can include quartz (clear and rose), aquamarine, moonstone, jade, amethyst, and more.
Incense: Anything floral, light, fresh, or sweet-smelling.
Element: Air
Symbols: Eggs, hare/snake/bird guarding an egg, spring flowers, feathers, sprouts, shamrocks, and trefoils/trinities/triplicities.
Themes: Light, balance, cleansing and healing, feminimity, fertility, fruition and abundance, love and attraction, blessing the home.
Decorate your altar with the holiday correspondences! Ideas for items to include are potted plants, crystals, ribbons, budding branches, dried flowers or herbs, clovers, a small glass of milk and honey, baskets, seed packets, incense and feathers, and figurines of deities or baby animals. 
If you don’t have any of these items readily available, replace them with themed drawings, paintings, or your own creations for the equinox. Make your altar as simple as you need to. Right now, social distancing and food conservation are more important than picking up a few extra supplies.
When you get hungry, you can make meals including fresh fruits, spring greens and vegetables, sweets (especially cakes), nuts and seeds, floral teas, lemonade, eggs, fish, and more.
Leave offerings of non-crucial supplies to deities, the Fae, spirits, ancestors, familiars, the element of air, or any other relevant entity of your choice. Write them a short poem, prayer, letter, etc. Take a moment to center yourself. Read your prose and give the offering, and express gratitude for their guidance. If you wish, burn a candle or incense in their name, as well.
Perform a ritual to commune with your entities of choice, or to your deepest self. Or, the ritual can be performed to welcome spring into your life and into your home. It can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. When communing, focus on the theme correspondences I listed above if you would like a targeted ritual for the holiday.
Perform your favorite form of divination, and ask questions/seek guidance relating to the themes of the equinox. Here are some examples:
What seeds should I plant to grow into my fullest fruition?
Who or what aspect of my life brings me warmth and growth, like the sun itself?
What can I do to make my mind as clear as the snow melt streams?
What has this winter taught me?
What parts of myself should be reborn, and what parts of myself should melt away?
How can I nurture new opportunities? 
Make equinox water by leaving a bowl of water outside from sunrise until noon. Or, set it out at the exact time or the equinox and leave it outside overnight. You can use this as a spell component later.
Make a symmetrical crystal grid to symbolize balance, and to charge your crystals. Bonus points if you make it in the shape of an equinox-related symbol, such as a clover. Put a candle in the center of the grid to symbolize growing light. You can chant, sing, play an instrument, pray, or use a singing bowl or chimes for additional charging. If you have enough salt on hand, surround your crystal grid with it, and this will help with cleansing your crystals as well. If your crystals are safe with water (do your research!), you can also cleanse them with salt water, spell water, or moon water spray, for a mess-free cleanse. You could also waft incense smoke over them, if you wish.
Dilute your favorite floral, fresh, or sweet essential oils, herbs, and salt in plenty of water, to make a cleansing spray, or to add to mop water for spring cleaning. Make sure to enchant the mixture with visualization or other techniques. Say a prayer or chant over it, or repeat a strong and specific statement of intention over it three times. There are other methods you can use to activate it, as well. Be safe and do your research when using any essential oils and herbs. Essential oils DO NOT replace proper disinfecting supplies.
Spring cleaning: Sweep, dust, scrub, and mop, finish the laundry, change your home’s air filters, organize your pantry and refrigerator, rearrange your furniture, etc. all while practicing visualization. Chanting or singing, or incorporating spell components when cleaning helps, too. 
Take part in your favorite meditations and breathing exercises for basic grounding and clearing. Pro-tip, doing this outside (where you aren’t in contact with anyone else) is extremely helpful in connecting with the season. If you can’t go outside, turn on nature audio tracks or springtime fantasy music.
Write down your wishes and goals for the next six months, and record your reflection of today’s holiday. Hide or bury the list somewhere (you can bury it in a fake egg if you want to be festive). It is said to be good luck to wish upon the spring equinox in this way, and to plant your goals like seeds to grow over the next six months. Excavate it at the next equinox, and look back on your reflections and what you have accomplished.
Perform general item enchantments, or enchant pastel-colored clothing, accessories, or makeup items with glamour or attraction magic. Choose any attribute related to the spring equinox, that you would like others to see in you when you wear this specific item. Or, enchant the item to attract people with those attributes. There are a number of ways you can perform enchantments. My favorite process for enchantment is as follows:
Pick the item. Cleanse it with salt water, moon water, smoke, the light of the full moon, a clear quartz crystal, or clearing visualizations. Then, charge the item with sunlight, sound, or burying.
Place a ward on the item. First, cast a circle to block outside influence, if you wish. Then, place the object near protective “enhancers” (crystals, herbs, etc. if you have them, this is by no means required). Finally, say a prayer, chant, or repeat a strong and specific statement of protection over the item while visualizing a protective sheath around it. When finished, announce your conclusion. Break the circle, or, move on to the next step. Alternatively to all of this, you can create a protection sigil (don’t forget to charge and seal it after you create it), let the object sit on the sigil overnight, and destroy the sigil the next day. This will also place a protective ward on the item.
Enchant the item. This process is similar to warding, but rather than focusing on statements of protection, you are focusing on your statement of intention. Ask yourself questions like: What do you want others to see in you when you wear this enchanted object? What perspectives and energy do you want to dispel? What do you want to attract in others? Cast a circle with your corresponding intention “enhancers” (crystals, herbs, sigils, etc), if you wish, and answer those questions. Use your answers to come up with a strong and specific statement of intention, a prayer, chant, etc. While reciting your choice of prose over the object, visualize the energy from yourself and your “enhancers” entering the object. When the collective energy reaches a peak, drive the last of the energy into the object and announce your conclusion. Seal the item with a good squeeze, a splash of salt/moon water, or a dash of salt. Take a moment to center and ground yourself with the object, and break your circle. Your enchantment is complete.
Create or perform other types of spells (there is no way I could list all of them) with the equinox theme correspondences I listed above. Here are more general ideas for what I couldn’t encompass in this post:
Examples of types of spells: Blessing or consecreation spells for the self and home. Love and attraction spells. Cleansing and healing spells. Warding and protection spells. Spells for restoration of personal balance. Spells for fertility (for the surrounding land, or the self). Enchant items to make charms, amulets, or talismans with attributes relating to the spring equinox, etc.
Examples of types of magic: Air elemental magic, crystal magic, tea magic, bath spells and rituals, jar/satchet magic, glamour magic, sex magic, hearth magic, plant magic, knot magic, poppet magic, sigil magic, planetary magic, astrological magic, sorcery and summoning magic, deity/ancestor work, faerie magic, hedge magic, divination magic, and more.
Please feel free to use any of these ideas, to adapt them in your own ways, or to add on more ideas, information, or recommendations! Happy equinox to you all.
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
I have: hazel eyes, dirty blonde hair, freckles, a muscular body, huge feet, dark eyelashes.
Things that make me feel better: rain, good food, sad music, being alone, watching a movie, sleeping, taking a hot bath.
I[’ve] play[ed]/done: horseback riding, baseball, tennis, golf, soccer, gymnastics, ballet/jazz/tap dancing.
I love to eat: yogurt, raspberries, cinnamon raisin bagels, oatmeal, brown rice, tomatoes, peas, grilled cheese.
I like to read: the newspaper, Seventeen, TIME, fantasy, realistic fiction, young adult novels, comics.
I like to wear: tank tops, athletic shorts, Vans, skinny jeans, cardigans, fuzzy socks, hoodies.
I[’d] like to study: earth science, astronomy, human anatomy, marine biology, neurology, chemistry, forensics.
In my room, I have: an overhead fan, two lamps, a garbage can, a bulletin board, a night table, a dream catcher, a lantern.
I have been to: Canada, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, California, Hawaii.
I have had: IBS, celiac disease, lactose intolerance, strep throat.
Animals I’ve owned as pets: fish, bunny, cat, dog, hamster.
I’m afraid of: death, losing loved ones, serial killers, the dark, flying in airplanes, gaining weight.
My favorite bands are: Yellowcard, The Beatles, Muse, Dashboard Confessional, Jack’s Mannequin, Jimmy Eat World.
In my spare time, I enjoy: taking photographs, making things in Photoshop, solving crossword puzzles, spending time with my family and friends, Tumblring, painting with watercolors.
I regularly: exercise, go on Tumblr, take surveys, shower, watch TV, eat dinner with my family.
My favorite TV shows include: Saturday Night Live, Seinfeld, The Simpsons, The Regular Show, iCarly.
I know someone who: has diabetes, has celiac disease, had/has cancer, has arthritis, is deaf, has muscular dystrophy.
I wouldn’t mind being: an actor, a photographer, a film director, a digital media artist, an interior decorator, a detective, an architect, a lawyer.
Taurus online shopping addiction keeps it real will not change anyone’s opinion specific music taste my way or the highway the softest sheets comfort tv shows loyal to a fault expert planner taking your sweet time never wearing pants sensual spends lots of money ^but still saves lots of money standing your ground king of self-care ordering food for delivery candle collection loves aesthetics prone to laziness probably has a succulent garden possessive small group of close friends procrastinator 11/24
Virgo expert at giving advice secret wild side overthinker addicted to coffee worries about things people said 3 years ago bookworm identifies with Hermione Granger has a cultivated aesthetic own worst critic plant parent has at least one artistic hobby won’t ask for help responsible always helping friends DIY queen meddling in people’s lives corrects people’s grammar all A’s in school being on time is still considered late has been called an old soul has the best comebacks imposter syndrome cat person very clever 11/24
Capricorn sarcasm always wanting to win gets straight to the point responsible “I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist” silent treatment hard working sees through bullshit teacher’s pet emotionally unavailable super smart plan for world domination needs low maintenance friends old soul extremely witty jokes always busy trustworthy can’t tell when people are flirting would do anything to help people you love google calendar figures out how to split the restaurant bill likes to be alone great advice giver heart of gold 15/24
Out of the earth signs, you’re more of a Capricorn
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I re-watch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors and words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Results: ruled by the air element
FOODIE You’re not picky You’ll try anything once You like different types of cuisine Your favorite restaurant is not American food You shop at high-end grocery stores You have exceptional cooking skills You’ve been to a five-star restaurant You watch the Food Network #: 2
FASHIONISTA You care about Fashion Week You have a favorite designer You frequent department stores You have a credit card from a retail store You can sew You want to be a fashion designer Project Runway is your favorite reality show You only wear high-quality fabric #: 1
BOOKWORM You have more than one bookshelf Your favorite book was written before the ‘80s You’ve worked in a bookstore or library You’ve read more books than you count You enjoyed the required reading in school You hate most film adaptations You quote books a lot Your favorite author is Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, George Orwell, Thoreau or Shakespeare #: 2
MOVIE BUFF You always watch the Oscars You have a favorite director You know screen-writers Your favorite actor/actress is not someone you’re attracted to You quote movies all the time You go to the movie theater at least ten times a year You’ve seen more than 5 movies from the '60s and earlier You read movie reviews #: 1
ART LOVER You can paint, draw or sculpt well You have a favorite artist You enjoy going to art museums You took art in school You love photography You can name more than 3 art movements You have at least one piece of original art You enjoy different mediums of art #: 4
MUSIC LOVER Your favorite genre is a subgenre Your favorite musician is not currently played on Top 40 stations You’ve been to more than 20 concerts You enjoy local music shows You can play an instrument or sing well You can read music You love to do karaoke You have a favorite composer #: 3
TECH-SAVVY You own more than one computer You have built your own computer You’re constantly upgrading your own tech You always have the latest in technology You can fix anything technical You’re always on your phone or computer You buy the absolute fastest and best internet connection You have a degree in something computer related #: 1
STAR-GAZER You believe in astrology You have done your own star charts You immediately learn your closest friends star signs You know a lot about astronomy You base your potential romantic partners on their sign You always read your horoscope You wish on stars You have used tarot cards #: 0
DEEP THINKER You love poetry You have read many philosophy books You can name more than four philosophers You learn a lot about religions You journal daily, but not about your daily life You like to have deep conversations with people You meditate You do not find materialistic things interesting #: 2
BIBLE THUMPER You go to church regularly You pray every night Jesus is your Lord and Savior You believe things happen because of God’s plans You get upset when people use the Lord’s name in vain You know more than four religious songs You own rosary beads You’re of a Christian-based faith #: 0
GREEN THUMB You have your own garden You have a lot of house plants You grow your own fruits and vegetables You love taking care of your yard You’re annoyed when your neighbors don’t take care of theirs You work as a florist or in a nursery You give plants as gifts You love the smell of soil #: 1
GAMER You own more than one gaming console You own an up-to-date gaming console You play video games almost every day You play PC games You’re subscribed to WoW or a game like WoW You subscribe to Game Informer You still own a classic gaming console You work at GameStop #: 2
GYM RAT You go to the gym almost every day You drink protein shakes You can lift more 150 lbs Being fit is very important to you You have less than 10% body fat You take vitamins every day You own workout equipment You wear a fit-bit #: 1
NEAT FREAK You enjoy cleaning You hate when things are messy or unorganized You own an expensive vacuum You make your own cleaner You have certain “cleaning clothes” You make people use coasters You have a favorite chore You own a surplus of different cleaners #: 1
PARTY FREAK You love going to wild parties You drink a lot You have a favorite bar You’ve done a party drug (coke, MDMA, ecstasy, shrooms, acid, etc) You’ve been to a music festival (Coachella, etc) You go clubbing a lot You’ve been to a rave You have a lot of glow-sticks #: 3
SPORTS FAN You have at least two favorite teams You go to games often You’ve owned season tickets to a certain team You played sports in high school You own a jersey for your favorite team You have a favorite athlete Your home town is home to one or more pro-sports team You bet on major sporting events #: 2
You are (name everything you have 6 or more on): art lover
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Survey #280
“this is the place in our mind with a crooked crown / we came to execute its own perfect shutdown”
Do you have a strong local accent? No. Do you prefer green or red grapes? Red, but either is fine so long as they’re crisp. Can you stand on your hands unassisted? pffff Who was the last person to knock/ring at your door? Pizza guy. How old were you when you last went trick or treating? No idea. Have you ever been bobbing for apples? ”No. That’s a gross game lol you’re dipping your head and mouth into water other people are dipping their head and mouth into.” <<<< This. What’s your most expensive piece of clothing? No clue. What’s the last thing you took a picture of? Guys I actually took a selfie bc for once in my goddamn life, I felt really pretty with the makeup Summer did on me. She's working towards a degree in cosmetology and is so talented with it. What’s the last thing you drew a picture of? A meerkat pup. Have you ever been on a pogo stick? Omg, yes. I got one for I think Christmas one year as a kid and I got SO into it. I learned how to do it really well. Can you down a pint (of anything) in one? Probably not without throwing up. Have you ever been banned from a public place? No. Have you ever been in a newspaper? A couple times, I think. I know once in elementary school for when I was in chorus; we went somewhere for a small Christmas show. Then I believe I was in it for another school thing? Idr. What football team do you support? I don’t care for football or sports in general. What did you want to be when you grew up? My phases included paleontologist, vet, movie director, author, game designer, aaaand I know I’m forgetting one. But my current and long-term goal has been to become a photographer. Being an artist as a free time “job” has always been an aspiration, too. Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes? In school, yeah. How often do you buy new clothes? Very rarely. Usually just around Christmas or my birthday from gift cards I get. Are you reliable? In some ways yes, in other ways no. Are you proud of yourself? No. If you could ask your future self one question what would it be? If she’s ended up happy. Do you hold grudges? Nah. Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas? Mom does pretty much last minute, but only sometimes when looking at the past few years. Can you solve sudoku puzzles? Sure, they’re fun. What’s the most unusual conversation you've ever had? Who knows. Are you much of a gambler? Not at all. I don’t fuck around with money, especially when just $5 makes you feel great. Have you ever been to Disneyland? I’ve been to Disney World. Do you sing in the shower? Very rarely. Almost never now that I don’t play music while I’m in there. As a child did you ever suck your thumb or fingers? I mean probably? I do know I loved my pacifier and was SO upset when Mom’s doctor or someone playfully told me I was gonna have to give it up because my upcoming baby sister would want to steal it, and guess what? Nicole never fucking used a pacifier so I was tilted lmao. What time do you usually go to bed? Lol BRO it can be as early as 7 PM on bad depression days to as late as like, 2-3 AM. I’d say the average time is like… 9:30. What's your favorite animal? MEERKATS hngggggggggggggggg Have you ever been in marching band? No. Do you have any enemies? No? At least I don’t consider anyone to be. Have you ever been a cheerleader? As a kid, Mom wanted me to so I could do something with my sisters, who were actually interested in cheerleading. She certainly didn’t force me to or anything, I just agreed to it despite not being into it. We were with this Christian sports group for a long time doing various sports all the while being taught lessons in Christlikeness. I’ve actually got warm memories of it Did you ever date anyone on the football team? No. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No, not that I’m against the idea tho. The plushy would just have to be very special to me and also comfortable to hold. How many consecutive days have you ever missed of school? I missed an entire week when I learned about Mom’s cancer. I could barely function. With how much school stressed me, I would NOT have managed. Have you ever been pregnant? No, not in my to-do list. When was the last time you wanted to speak out, but couldn’t? I’m sure it was recently over Facebook; most times, I keep my mouth shut over political things on there that might get me fired up because I’m afraid of confrontation. Are fingerless gloves awesome? I love them. Wore them daily in high school. I still have some of my favorites, though I’m doubtful they still fit my hands… Would you rather be cannibalistic or die in the wilderness? Okay so I’m gonna actually go kinda in-detail, so the squeamish be warned. Realistically, I think I’d choose to die. ESPECIALLY if I was the one expected to kill another person; then, there’s no question. I wouldn’t be able to do it either if I knew the person. If it was some stranger someone else killed and cooked, I don’t know with absolute certainty; starvation really can make animals out of people. I do know for sure I’d vomit. I far more heavily lean into still preferring to die, because I just believe some things aren’t worth living after they’ve been committed. I’d hate myself. I’d rather die feeling clean of conscience. Would you survive on a deserted island? Hell no. Have you dyed your hair eccentric colors in the past? Yeah, I want to do it far more often… What size drink do you usually get at fast food restaurants? Medium, sometimes small. What do you think is the best thing in life? Love, both platonic and romantic. Have you ever sold anything online either on Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, etc.? If not, what is your website of choice like any of the above for buying things? We sold our previous dog over Craigslist, and I sold my iguana there as well. I know Mom has used eBay and Amazon, but idk for what. Have you ever seen an animal give birth? Have you ever had a pet give birth before? I’ve seen old pet cats give birth many times. What is something you want to try to accomplish within the next year? I want a job that I’m content with and can mentally handle. Oh, and I REALLY want to make strong progress on recovering from the muscle atrophy in my legs. What’s the most unusual kind of pizza you’ve ever tried? I have no clue; I’m not that adventurous with pizza or food in general. If you were given the chance to decorate an entire house the way you wanted, with no limit to cost, how would you decorate it? GOTHIC AS A MOTHERFUCKER WELCOME TO THE GOTDAMN ADDAMS FAMILY. What’s one of your favorite things to touch/feel? My cat. :’) How often do you wear tights? Ew, never. Has there ever been anything you’ve become interested in much later than other people? I guess Instagram, but only as a viewer. I don’t have a personal one, just for my photography that I only rarely post. Have you ever had a veggie burger? Yeah, during my vegetarian streak. Burger King’s really aren’t that bad so long as the patty is made well. Do you like candles? Yeah, sure. When was the last time you wore a sports bra? Forever ago when I was doing Wii Fit. Where did you get the shirt you’re currently wearing? I think Hot Topic? It’s an oversized Umbreon shirt. Who last messaged you on Facebook? My friend Summer when we were planning our lil witch photoshoot w/ friends. Who last walked you home? lol you don’t just have someone “walk you home” here. Bundles of homes are way too far and in-between for reasonable walking distance. Did you make any new friends lately? If so, what are their names and how did you meet them? Not really recently, no. Would you rather see your favorite band/artist in concert with 2 other people or have a free $20,000 shopping spree to Walmart? Seeing Ozzy with my mom would be a DREAM, but to be realistic, I’d take the shopping spree pretty damn quickly. $20k? That would do WONDERS for us, especially as we’re about to move into a new place. When was the last time you threw up and why did you? A long time ago when I started a new medication. Do you want revenge on the person who has hurt you the most? … I’m gonna be REAL honest. For the most part, no. But ngl there are times I’m like “I’m gonna work on getting back in shape and become H O T” like a petty bitch lmao this is embarrassing to admit. Has anyone ever claimed that you saved their life? Yes. Did you ever have that near-drowning experience? No. Have you ever performed on stage? For dance, yes, but I never did a solo. Are you a jealous person? Not jealous (usually), but I’ve come to realize I’m a pretty envious piece of shit. Morning person or night person? I’m in my best mood in the morning because I have the “it’s a fresh start” ideology. Then I repeat exactly what I did the day before. :^) Have you ever written a poem for someone? Numerous times. Do you meditate? No, but I wish I could without it only causing more stress. Do you like cranberries that they serve for Thanksgiving? EW I hate cranberries. What don't you understand that frustrates you? Finances. Do you plan on going to college? I’ve tried college three times and dropped out each time. I’m done trying with school. Do you believe the governments hide technology and information from the public? AbsoFUCKINGlutely. Which is your favorite Pokemon? Ninetales! What horror fiction character scares you the most? What’s the name of the villain in the Scream series? Ghostface? I don’t feel like looking it up, but he TERRIFIED me as a kid, and I still think he’s mega creepy. Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? I was in Girl Scouts. Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? No. Do you have any family secrets? Don’t think so. Do you often read your horoscope? Never. They’re bullshit. Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? No; also bullshit. Have you ever milked a cow? No. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? They’ve always scared me because I’m afraid of throwing up. Now with how dizzy I get, I absolutely refuse to try one because I WILL faint with all the movement. What’s your favorite sportswear brand? idc Who’s your favorite superhero? Does Deadpool count? Who’s your favorite villain/baddie? If we’re still in the comics/superhero universe, the Joker. Have you ever won a giant-sized cuddly toy from a fair? No. What would you say is your favorite album of all time? Black Rain by Ozzy Osbourne. I fucking adore it; it was my introduction to metal, and still after all this time, every track S L A P S. I deadass played that CD so much that it scratches at a few points. Do you dislike hairy people? lol fuck this question. I’m guessing you’re asking if I find them attractive and not as if people I “dislike” them, but in both cases, it’s no. We’re mammals, who the fuck cares how hairy you are. Do you like your own name? I actually do really like my name. My first one, anyway. Would you ever sign a Prenuptial agreement? NOPE. Want one? You’re gonna have to find someone else willing to, my man. How long has your longest ever phone call been? No less than two hours, but I know more. I have three instances in particular where I talked with either friends or Jason for SO long. Could you ever have an affair with a married person? Hell no. What is your family Christmas like? Nicole comes here so she and I open presents with Mom, then we spend the day at my older sister’s to be with the kids. We also try to squeeze visiting Dad in there the same day, but sometimes it has to be a different one. If you met a genie who offered you three wishes, what would you wish for? (more wishes does not count) Just three is hard… but #1 is indisputably world peace, and then uhhhh the end of poverty and maybe the cure for cancer. I’d have a super hard time picking a third; so many things matter to me. Have you ever had your national flag painted on your face? No, not in my plans. Do you have any strange body things? Well, define “strange,” I guess? Nothing like, really strange. What fairy tale character would you most associate with? Can I be Snow White and attract cute critters like moths to a flame? Also I would 100% take a Good apple. If a loved one was to serenade you, what song would you most like them to sing? It would depend on the person and our bond, really. Is there a cherished song between us? What is our relationship like? There’s no umbrella song I can think of. Is your dad an embarrassing dancer? GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! My sister’s wedding, okay? Father/daughter dance? He actually has MOVES and it was incredible man, never gonna forget that. What if any unusual objects have you swallowed? Nothing, I think. If you were stinking rich, would you only go to places other rich people went? Hell naw, man. There are plenty of great, affordable places in all categories. I could be a millionaire and you’d still see my ass in McDonald’s ordering a burger and fries lmao. Have you ever owned a slinky? My sisters and I had multiple as kids; those were d o p e. Teenage parents, good, bad, or indifferent? An AWFUL idea. A teenager is physically, most likely financially, and mentally unprepared to raise a child properly. It can seriously affect the kid, and of course the parent. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever broken? I’m unsure. Pirate downloads, good or bad? It’s bad… yet plenty (myself included) have/do do it. Democracy, good or bad? Good. It’s very important to me that rule should come from the people’s majority versus a small coalition of rich guys. While the majority is not always right, it seems like the best option to me. Communism, good or bad? Okay so to be totally honest I actually don’t entirely understand what communism outlines. Like I just read multiple definitions and small articles and I’m still kinda like “????”, though judging by the countries listed as those governed by communism, I would guess it’s bad? Have you ever been electrocuted? On an electric fence, but it wasn’t too bad. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender? Yeah. The war in Iraq, good or bad? Get the fuck out of it. To start with, I’m a pretty fierce pacifist, and just… killing and killing and killing for YEARS is so goddamn pointless and is just a massacre. The war in Afganistan, good or bad? jfc ^ Have you ever appeared on YouTube? LET’S NEVER TALK ABOUT THIS lmfao Have you ever eaten anything prepared by a celebrity chef? No,, but that’d be dope. Have you ever been on radio? No. Do you prefer male or female singers voices? ”Their gender doesn’t matter, but their talent does.” <<<< Do you have a list of things to do before your ‘x’ years old? Goals should not be judged by age. I’m bad at this and have to remind myself of it a lot. A goal is a goal regardless of a number. Celebrate for *you*. Are you proud, comfortable or ashamed of your body? Very very much ashamed. Do you know html? Super poorly. Have you ever flown first class? lol hunny What are better, violins or pianos? Violins. How old is your oldest blanket? As old as me. My baby blanket is stored somewhere. Do you take enough vacations? lol hell no. I’ve maybe gone on three vacations in my entire life. Have you ever been sick on your birthday? Yup. Then one time I was recovering from a wicked stomach virus but went to Olive Garden anyway lol. I was fine though, and it’s actually a sweet memory because Jason (he worked there at the time) got the staff to do the whole “happy birthday” thing. I got a bombin’ brownie. Who is your favorite person? Sara and my mom. What do you do to stay healthy? lol you assume I’m healthy. What is your favorite form of exercise? Swimming. Do you like going to church? I never did. As a kid, I would cry when/if Mom decided we were going to mass after Sunday school lmao. It’s always been boring and too long to me, even when I was religious. Have you ever fallen asleep during a sermon? Probably as a kid. Do you like to pray for others? No. I don’t believe anyone hears them or will intervene somehow if I ask anyway. Have you ever witnessed a miracle? No. I don’t think I believe in those anyway. Have you ever been the recipient of a miracle? Definitely not. How did you or whoever come up with the name(s) for your pet(s)? I thought “Roman” was a majestic name for a male cat, and Venus has the coloration that the planet does. Who did you last walk a dog with? Sara and I walked Buster the last time I was there. It was windy as SHIT so we didn’t get far because my ass was absolutely freezing, all the while Sara was used to it. Ride bikes with? Wow, good question. I haven’t ridden a bike in many, many years. Hold hands with? My friend Summer did yesterday when she was trying to reassure me of something. For what reason did you last high five someone? Ryder and Aubree each caught Pokemon in Pokemon GO. :’’’’) I was watching them in the car while my sister/their mom was doing something at work, and they wanted to play it; they’ve come to learn that between my phone and DS, I’m the Pokemon provider, lol. I was the proudest fucking aunt ever bc they did SO GOOD after getting the hang of throwing the ball like Y’ALL. When Ash came back to the car, I gave ‘em each high fives before getting back in. What color and type is your vehicle? Don’t have my own car. Looking to upgrade or add any time soon? I doubt I’ll have my own soon. What animal do you have the most possessions *of*, or featuring? Like, décor or stuffed animals, things like that? Not the actual living creature? Easily meerkats, holy shit do I have a collection. What do you use to wash your dishes? Gain soap. Last thing you measured? Uhhh idk. Last thing you weighed? Myself. Last song you danced to? *shrug* What do you remember from your dream last night? I just remember it was a nightmare about Dad being angry. How old were you when you got your first credit card? Lol I don’t have one. Do you talk to your parent(s) [almost] every day? Mom, yes. Dad, no, because we don’t live together. What does your shampoo and conditioner smell like? I just started using a Dove brand shampoo targeting dandruff, so I don’t think it has a specific smell. I don’t use conditioner, just adds grease to your hair, plus mine is short anyway. Last person to tell you that you smell good? Idk. Last person you told that they smell good? I also don’t know. If you smoke marijuana, what is your preferred or typical method? I’ve never touched it. Last person you ran into unexpectedly? Ummm idr. How many plants can you see right now? There’re none in my room. Last compliment you received on your appearance? HA On your character/personality? That I was a loving sister. Do you remain friends with anyone you met at your first job? N/A Who have you hugged in the past month? My mom, Summer, sisters, niece and nephew, Dad… Newest musical discovery? 3TEETH is great. Like, I'm obsessed. Their cover of “Pumped Up Kicks” snagged my attention, despite actually being iffy about it at first. Guess what I’m listening to this minute lmao. Last thing you cleaned? A cup. What exactly do you carry around all your stuff in? A purse. What do you carry around, typically? Phone, keys, wallet, hand sanitizer, and my iPod are items of note. Where is your newest scar? It’s on the palm of my left hand from Roman playing with me. Where is your oldest scar? Idk. Last thing you disposed of? The milk carton. What was the last picture someone sent you? Mom sent me a gif from Hocus Pocus to fit the witch photoshoot Summer, her friend, and I did. Did you hear a siren today? No. What do you typically drink? I would rather not pretend I tend to drink soda lmao Last bad news you heard? My aunt’s brother committed suicide a couple days ago. Last good news you heard? I don’t really know. How far away is the closest cinema from your house? It’s like, 15-ish minutes away. Have you ever been to the emergency room? Many times. Are you one of those people who can’t go without their morning coffee? Y’all know me and coffee. But in place, I have my morning Mountain Dew, rip in fucking pieces. Have you ever worn fake eyelashes? No, though I’m honestly curious what I’d look like. Do you know the story of how your parents met? If so, tell me? They were coworkers; that’s all I know. What is your favorite Chinese food? I love pork fried rice. Do you live far from your parents? I live with my Mom. I live around 20 minutes or so away from Dad. What was the last hot food you ate? I’m assuming you mean spicy as opposed to just hot as in temperature. In that case, probably hot wings. Have you ever seen a meteor shower? No. Describe your current position: I’m lying down in bed, just kinda perked up by my two pillows. Have you used a microwave today? Yes; I had a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl. Do you prefer going out for coffee or brewing your own? N/A Have you consumed caffeine today? If so, in what form? yikes- Do you know anyone who follows a raw vegan diet and lifestyle? Not that I know of. Have you killed a bug this week? Yes; we’re dealing with a lovely mix of gnats and fleas. What was the first food you learned how to cook? Scrambled eggs. Or maybe pancakes with Mom’s assistance. Idr. Do you have a Bachelor’s degree? If so, what in? No. How many email accounts do you have? Two. Can you go see a doctor alone or do you like to take someone with you? I like my mom to be with me. How long is your average shower? 15 minutes, maybe? It depends on the routine I feel like doing. When’s the last time you had a headache? Yesterday. What woke you up this morning? I think I woke up naturally? A rare occasion nowadays. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Summer, yesterday.
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short-baby-witch · 5 years
100 things to do when you are a bored witch
1- Read a book
2- Drink some tea
3- Invent a spell
4- Make a spell you have never done before
5- Light some inscense
6- Take a walk
7- Go crystal shopping
8- Make a wand (here's my post about how to make one)
9- Re-organize your altar
10- Do a clensing
11- Work on a blog/book
12- Make up stories
13- Make black salt
14- Plant some herbs
15- Make some moon water
16- Charge your items
17- Go clean the ocean/forest
18- Work on your grimoire/book of shadows
19- Meditate
20- Make pouches
21- Dry/collect herbs
22- Sleep
23- Make crafts
24- Draw
25- Invite a few friends and make a collective spell
26- Write a paragraph about climate change and publish it on social media
27- Draw sigils (here's how I do it)
28- Take a ritual bath
29- Invent and brew potions
30- Make crystal infused water
31- Climb a tree
32- Try things you have never done and include them into your practice
33- Make your own candles
34- Make salt crystals
35- Make jewlery out of crystals (here's my post about crystal wraping)
36- Organize/make place for your withcraft space
37- Make tarots reading to yourself/siblings
38- Cook/bake with intentions
39- If you are still in the broom closet, get out if you feel comfortable enough
40- Join a witchcraft forum (here's one I use alot)
41- Make a witchy outfit
42- Spend time with your pets if you have some
43- Look for methaphysical shops
44- Introduce someone to witchcraft
45- Make salt dough
46- Join a coven/witch group
47- Make a representationnal face/body painting
48- Make smudge sticks and burn them
49- Travel
50- Watch a sunset/sunrise
51- Decorate your room/home for whatever occasion
52- Make runes
53- Paint stones
54- Sing/scream on top of a roof
55- Stay up at night to make a spell
56- Do your homework if you still go to school
57- Watch horror/witch/halloween movies
58- Do some research about a subject in witchcraft your not sure about
59- Make a tree house
60- Create jars for moon water, herbs, etc...
61- Pick flowers and dry them
62- Make a witch aestetic photoshoot
63- Try weather magick
64- Learn more about witchcraft/wiccan history
65- Draw sigils with icing on cookies
66- Make herb bombs (here's my post)
67- Make flowers crowns
68- Try palm reading
69- Make poppets
70- Enchant little objects
71- Hide a few sigils everywere you go to make someone happy
72- Make a campfire and use it's ashes
73- Try new witchy/moon apps
74- Make a dream journal
75- Make a broom (look here)
76- Create a witchy playlisy
77- Carve a pumpkin or an apple
78- Make pottery
79- Gaze into the future
80- Make crystal lattice paterns
81- Look at the moon/stars
82- Create a dream catcher
83- Make tiny bottle pendants
84- Learn about different kinds of paganism
85- Pick up stones from a lake/forest
86- Pick up fall leaves for your altar
87- Make knots spells bracelets
88- Cuddle up in bed with a good book and some tea/relax
89- Make a calendar with all the witchcraft holidays
90- Put lavender inside plushies/pillows
91- Make spell jars
92- Make sculptures
93- Become closer with the fae
94- Make homemade beauty products
95- Make essential oils (here's my post)
96- Make small inukshuks
97- Take deep breaths
98- Have a good meal
99- Try to communicate with someone with only thoughts
100- Become a witch if you are not one!
Done! I hope this post was fun and usefull and that you accually will do any of these things below! Thank you so much for 100 followers!
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witchesbe-like · 3 years
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Being a practicing witch is no easy pursuit. From monthly full moon rituals, spells, and loads of inner work to create a better manifested life takes an endless amount of time. And sometimes life is messy, gets in the way, or damnit you just need to take a break from all of it. So sometimes I’m a lazy witch. (shrugs) Not that I can’t be bothered with proper ingredients of a spell, but just because sometimes it is so complicated I just need to move on. 
(Quick note, no-lazy witchcraft is not really a thing, mostly this post is just for fun.)
1 I don’t always charge my crystals 
In my defense my crystal collection has grown over the years and I don’t like to drag them all outside and let the full moon do it’s thing. I have done it. And yes I did get weird looks from my neighbors who were all watching me drag tons of Pyrex dishes outside with crystals on them. 
2 Full moon rituals are a maybe
I love a full moon ritual bath. It’s cleansing and relaxing and I can decompress from the past month while preparing myself for the month ahead. Does that always happen? No. Usually if it doesn’t it’s because something got in the way like massive loads of laundry or some other mom-type crises that can’t be avoided. (Where are my other witchy moms at?)
3 Tarot readings on the fly
I LOVE getting out all the things to do a tarot reading. Candles, crystals, Hand Of Glory (kidding!) but for real getting prepped, it makes a big difference in how my connection is and ultimately how my reading goes. No matter how much I love this, most of the time my readings are done on the fly at my desk when I’m getting pissed off at someone. 
4 I don’t have a Book Of Shadows or Spellbook
I used to keep a better record, used to being the commemorative word here. After some time IDK what happened by my leather bound journals became Dollar Tree notebooks and then nothing at all. I should write everything down before I die, I know this but will I, IDK. 
5 Sabbath celebrations are a nope
I used to do these too but with Halloween and Christmas celebrations with the fam I don’t have any time to add an additional Sabbath so I flicked it off the calendar and never looked back. (Sorry ancestors) 
6 My witchy at home aesthetic pajamas
I’m completely jealous of the witches who have their look down with the black robes and completely decorated spaces to celebrate and work their magic in. I’m in the kitchen next to stacks of papers and a doggie chew toy.
7 Substitutions are a hit or miss
Spell substitutions, we all do it, the question is do they work? Sometimes they do, and sometimes the spell goes wonky. I’m just as guilty of subbing out things as the next witch but I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do!
8 Kitchen witch means making Uncrustables 
Cooking is the bane of my existence. I used to love it. But after making dinner for 4 millionth time in a row I can never make a meal again. So if I have to have an edible item in my spell you best believe it’s a frozen waffle or something on that same line. 
9 Cleansing before spells is just wiping Cheeto dust off my fingers
It just takes too long. There I said it. I try to meditate to make sure my mind is clear, and I swear I used to have this ‘witchy soap’ I would make for pre-ritual washing but I haven’t come across that recipe in years so here we are.
10 My ‘circles’ are all imaginary 
I’ve seen all the fancy circles laid out with crystals, flowers and candles and I LOVE them. But am I doing them at home? Nope. Mostly I’m just imagining a fiery white light around me because that’s all the time I’ve got. 
Do you have a funny or lazy witch tip you want to share? Comment below and let me know your go-to witchy time saver!
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sageandstudies · 5 years
Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse: Cottage Witch Edition
With the great energies stirred up by this phenomenal moon, we’re going to be feeling each aspect of our lives touched, and the home is no different. As someone whose focus in magic is in the home—kitchen, green and cottage witchery to be specific—I’m very excited for the new potential opening up in my household! But what does this mean for us domestic witches specifically? How can we take advantage of these energies? Well, I’ve got a handy little list of ideas for you to try!
  🌕 Make a floor wash to help clear out old, stagnant energies that are no longer serving your home. Make it with herbs that will set your intent going forward! Rosemary is always a good catchall, but other helpful herbs are mint (luck and prosperity), basil (happiness and wealth), sage (protection), and thyme (removal of negative energies/blockages.) Steep your herbs in water until the water changes color (usually a yellowish green or green brown). Use immediately!
    🌕 Cleanse and bless your home. The out with the old in with the new theme of this full moon eclipse is perfect for creating blank slates. Use your favorite method to give it the extra, personal energy!
    🌕 Declutter where you can. The items that hide in our invisible corners especially begin to take on stagnant energy, and that energy seeps into the rest of the house! Kick it out! We’re letting things go this week, witches!
    🌕 Take a quiet moment to connect with the spirit of your home. Meditate and try and reach out—this is best done in the “heart” of your home, or wherever you find that people naturally gravitate to in your home. See how its feeling, and then decide on your work from there!
    🌕 Take stock of yourself and others in your home. How are you feeling? How are they feeling? Emotionally, physically and spiritually is the best way to go. When one is out of balance, the rest can feel out of whack as well. Remember that the people who live in your household are just as important to it as the house itself!
    🌕 Create something new for your home and enchant it. I’m working on a twine decoration to hang above my closet, and I’m hiding wishes in the knots, but you can do whatever you feel called to! A painting, a drawing, anything could add a little extra magic to your home. Use the heightened energies to your advantage!
There are certainly many other things you could do this full moon, but I hope this is a good place to start! And remember: Energy isn’t a light switch that flips on and off. The energies we are feeling this full moon will be lasting for a few days, so don’t stress about getting everything done in one day!
Let me know if you’re doing any cottage witchery for this full moon, I’d love to hear how you’re utilizing it!
Want a Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse tarot reading? Click here! Like what I do and want to support me? Click here!
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mikosaura · 5 years
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I wear crystal frequently, almost daily. I wear them to encourage certain traits to develop, I wear them because they match my outfit, and I wear them for their healing powers. I receive many comments and am often questioned about the crystal jewelry I wear.
If you're anything like me, you are incredibly attracted to gemstones. I'm guessing you do because why else would you be here reading about the seven must-have crystals?
Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, and Sapphires are prized the world over. These are indeed precious stones; they uplift the heart. Their brightness is what most people think of when they hear the word “crystal.”
Equally prized are the semiprecious stones such as those found on this list: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Howlite, Sodalite and Tigers Eye.
While crystals are incredibly fascinating and beautiful—and this adds to their value—they each also hold a sacred meaning.
Many stones and crystals have been used  for thousands of years. In ancient cultures the healing properties of a crystals was as important as their beauty. These properties remain in crystals today.
There are the flamboyant crystals that are eye-catching and incredibly popular. There are also quieter, less outwardly attractive crystals that are nonetheless extremely powerful.
Whether the gemstone is found in it's natural state or faceted and polished, they are equally powerful. Gemstones can be easily overlooked when in their natural, uncut state and often cost a fraction of the price of a faceted stone.
And with so many crystals and gems on the market it's hard to know what to choose, especially if you haven't shopped for crystals before.
If you're overwhelmed by the choices, read on...
I’ll start by saying, go with your instinct. If you are drawn to a specific stone, there is probably a reason. Do some research about your choice and discover what it is telling you.
Beyond this intuitive decision making, I would say you'll want a selection of crystals that can be used for a variety of purposes. The crystals on this list are the ones that I come back to over and over and the are a good place to start building your foundation on: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Howlite, Sodalite and Tigers Eye. Browse through, read the descriptions, and notice if one (or two) is calling to you.
Knowing how to use these crystals is vital if you are to make use of the gifts they offer.
People seem to love or hate Amethyst (The Stone of Spirituality and Transformation), with very few falling in the middle of the spectrum. Whatever your feelings about Amethyst, it is good for almost every type of magic and is full of goddess energy.
Keep a small piece of amethyst with whatever tools you use for divination, such as tucked into the bag that holds your tarot cards.
Charge Amethyst by the light of the moon, then hold over your heart to take that energy into yourself. (Note: Amethyst fades in the sun! Do not leave in direct sunlight for long periods of time, the moon is better.)
Wear or carry for the sobering effect on overindulgence and physical passions.
Place geodes and clusters in your environment to experience their energy.
Use Single points for healing properties: place the point end toward you to direct energy inward and away to draw out negativity.
Sleep with it under your pillow to help with insomnia and nightmares, to facilitate out-of-body experiences and to bring intuitive dreams.
Use for meditation or scrying
Place over the third eye chakra to stimulate it.
Clear Quartz (The Stone of Power) is a unique crystal, because it is considered universal in its ability to help with a variety of issues. Because of this, it is ideal for beginners.
Its effects are easily observable because it enhances the personal energy of the wearer. Clear Quartz can be “programmed” to hold whatever intention the wearer desires and to magnify that energy.
It is associated with many aspects of witchcraft: the Goddess, the moon, the sun, and the fifth magical element Spirit.
Charge Clear Quartz with moonlight (especially on the full moon)
Place pieces on a your body to provide healing to that/those area.
Create a crystal grid of protection for your room or home by placing Clear Quartz in the corners of a space.
Add to the top of your wand or staff
Hang in front of windows for protective decoration.
Use for moon related rituals.
Use to cleanse and recharge other crystals.
Use this all-purpose stone in practically any other way imaginable.
The pink color in this form of Quartz is thought to be caused by the inclusion of Iron and Titanium. Historically, Rose Quartz (The Love Stone) is a symbol of love and beauty. Rose Quartz enhances all forms of love: love of self, a mother’s love, both platonic and romantic love as well as general caring and kindness.
It encourages us to be gentle, peaceful and tender and helps us to opens our hearts. Rose Quartz teaches us forgiveness and tolerance. This truly is a peaceful and calming stone with energies that are gentle and nurturing. A good stone for pregnancy, care givers, lovers and fertility.
Honestly, if I had to choose one crystal from this list it would be Rose Quartz. Who doesn't want or need more calm, joy and love in their life?
Hold Rose Quartz during meditation to allow it's gentle energy to calm you.
Wear it as a pendant over your heart to open and balance your heart chakra.
Give as a gift of renewed friendship, especially at Beltane.
Keep Rose Quartz on your bedside table to promote restful sleep and harmonious partnerships.
Citrine (The Stone of Abundance) is pale yellow in color. It brings happiness, joy and optimism into your life. One of a few minerals on the planet which do not hold or accumulate negative energy, but dispels and transforms it. You don’t have to cleanse Citrine, because it doesn’t hold any negativity!
Citrine energizes and invigorates and it promotes comfort, energy and warmth. Aids in matters of daily living. It is said Citrine will open the mind to new thoughts. Often referred to as the money stone because it is said to attract abundance to you and also teach you how to maintain that abundance.
Wear on fingers or throat in contact with the skin to bring sunshine spirit into the physical realm
Place with your cash box to encourage growing abundance.
DO NOT leave in direct sunlight!
Use to cleanse other crystals.
Meditate with Citrine to cleanse any of the Chakras.
Howlite (The Stone of Goals) can be used to encourage emotional expression, to facilitate awareness, and to calm communication. It spurs one on towards the completion of goals and assists with removing hesitation. It dispels criticalness and selfish attitudes. It builds towards a decency and encourages those attributes that are building blocks to spiritual growth.
This stone is mostly famous for its ability to be dyed to look like Turquoise. Dyed Hoplite is known in the trade as Turquesite.
Meditate with Howlite to mitigate anger.
Create a grid around your bed, or place it under your pillow, to promote restful sleep.
Carry in your pocket to absorb negativity.
Place on your third eye to help with dream recall, past life recall and spiritual journeying.
Sodalite (The Stone of Insight) gets its name from its high Sodium content. It has been said that the journey from your head to your heart is the longest distance you will ever travel. This is the message of Sodalite.
Use Sodalite to aid in re-establishing inner peace and assist in clearing up mental confusion. Sodalite bridges the gap between your thoughts and your feelings and strengthens the power of mind over body. It is said to offer a cooling effect and may assist with communication difficulties causing disagreements between couples. It is the stone of logic and is very useful in group situations.
Sodalite is a stone for insight, logic, peace, and truth.
Wear during protests or when you need to stand up for yourself and your rights.
Place on your wifi router to block electromagnetic pollution.
Bring to meetings to promote companionship and collaboration.
Meditate with it to give you guidance on the right decision or plan of action.
Place on third eye to deepen and enhance meditation and stimulate your intuition.
Use when doing a tarot reading or other divination activity.
Tigers Eye (The Stone of Brightness) is a combination of Crocidolite fibers and Quartz Crystal. The fibers shine (chatoyancy) with wavy band of light causing the cat’s-eye effect.
This stone is helpful for seeking clarity and enhancing psychic abilities. It is said to encourages one to open us and bloom, it illuminates the blues and bring brightness to ones life. It is also said to bring awareness to ones needs. This is a good stone for “earthy” people and promotes intuitive practices.
Place on Solar Plexus Chakra for spiritual grounding when you feel spaced out or uncommitted.
Wear or carry for protection against ill wishes and/or curses.
Meditate with Tigers Eye to promote higher self-esteem and confidence.
Remember the crystals effects take place on many levels. These effects can be experienced differently by different people. Color, structure, and chemical composition are all factors that determine how they will effect us.
You may feel the effects immediately or the connection may not be noticed at all. No matter how they effect you, they will effect you in some way.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
I know you've been getting tons of requests for more tarot readings, but OH DEAR LORD, PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER ONE! Also, I luv ur blog have a blessed day!!!
i had a sexy idea. what about i take you to date night with SuperM 👀
That card has major prince in extra shining armor energy. It’s a highly decorated guy riding a star-spangled wagon pulled by two sphinxes. Pretty extravagant is an understatement. It can’t get any more glamorous and it’s perfectly Taemin. Especially because THE CHARIOT traditionally symbolizes being famous. Rings a bell right there. Date night will go down in a fancy car or limousine, or you will spend a major part in some kind of expensive vehicle getting you where you planned to go. Safe to say the overdressed one will not be you. Yep, no matter how hard you try. And it can’t be any other way. Taemin will stun with glitter, high fashion, perfect hair, jewelry, makeup, lavish fabrics, a perfect body, anyways. So expensive, lord. You date the Prince of Korea. Taemin might get into trouble with fans or frentic paparazzi when he shows up like that man. So it only makes sense the venue is likely a bit out of town because the chariot card is set with a city backdrop that fades in the distance. It’s gonna be next to a body of water which is depicted behind the chariot. Really a more secluded and remote area. That also tells me it’s you he dresses up for after all, not the public. And, either way. That the main theme of the card is the vehicle, that’s where you’ll be cheek to cheek. Driver, roll up the partition, please. 
Powerful card. Either of you, I suspect it’s Baekhyun, takes responsibility to organize everything to the very last detail. It’s more head over heart energy, a hurricane, literal brain-storm even. He will surely think it through a thousand times. You gotta be the one who says easy easy, it’s about you and me and not some management job where the setting and timing and whatnot gives you all kinds of pressure. Now you understand that Baekhyun’s serious, performance-like mode is at full throttle because he’s nervous as fuck, cares about you, and doesn’t want to make any mistakes. But that contradicts what date night is all about. It’s not supposed to be stress or a task. Rather than making a good impression and being perfect, you remind him to let go a little more and return to his goofy personality. The lesson of the card might go as far as having both of you realize that racking your brains to hard is a sign to do something else. Staying at home is not a bad thing, you might even enjoy yourselves much more because everything is already taken care of. Sword energy cuts, especially if it’s the King wielding it, in this case the cutting might refer to canceling plans short notice to pursue what you’re really in the mood for as a couple. Which in turn will be rewarding and something healthy to do because you don’t force yourselves into an obligation.
So… to state the absolute obvious right away. Even if you aren’t too familiar with Tarot at all, you know for a fact that this card is a darn good one to pull for a relationship question. Lo and behold: Lucas is your #1 address for date night. If I were unsure whom to pick, THE LOVERS are the most unequivocal sign like, pack the condoms, bring out the perfume, feel good, make out… wait, too fast. First things first: Oh my, he’s gonna be amazing as your kind of date consort. The chemistry! Explosive. Since the card depicts Garden Eden, that’s gonna be your overarching theme if you will. Cloud nine essentially. This evening will be blessed and sheer paradise. Adam on the card is surrounded by flames on a tree so you bet Lucas is gonna be on fire. There are also quite a few fruits depicted so I guess your food will be sweet and light rather than heavy. Now, as for the elephant in the room. Adam and Eve are more than stark naked on that card. Sex will be involved 10/10, out of all member’s he’s the one guaranteed to lay that pipe. The Lovers card also symbolizes a decision. It might be the day Lucas chooses to propose to you, even. Your relationship will be bound for the next level there. The angel on the card tells me you are safe and protected.
Unexpected! That card is just way too dramatic for a light romantic reading. Seeeriously. Especially with Mark as a member who’s known for being super goofy and cute instead of serene and grumpy. What it’s about is plain ole doom and destruction, bringing down the old to build and restart the new. Natural catastrophe and firestorms, even. Yeah like imagine sitting together with Mark eating chipotle and some bloody earthquake hits, that’s the scenario and… actually, no. Worry not, I think the card wants us to take the image literally. The date will be in or close to some kind of tower. Or any elevated structure for that matter. Eiffel Tower much? Tower of Pisa? Sounds very romantic to me. That we have a huge thunderstorm raging on this card tells me you’ll be inside watching the huge grey clouds and thunder which is gonna be quite spectacular. Summer might be the time of the year that date goes down since it’s the season most prone to thunderstorms. Note also how dark the tower card is, that date night will go on past midnight and it will be steamy, too.
Instantly when I drew that card, I knew it’s him on it. The four of cups shows a young black-haired man with closed eyes, sitting under a tree. Whether he’s dozing, sulking, meditating, or ignoring what goes on around him isn’t entirely clear. To me, and for Ten, I feel like it’s more of a worn-out day he’ll experience. Not the date itself, mind you, it’s the social circumstances. He’s tired from dance practices and all those schedules. All the fan interactions and SNS to be taken care of. Lots of stuff going on in the group. Truth be told, the card says date night isn’t the best way to go about it. He wants to be in a state of full energy when being with you. That works best if he has a separate day planned. And not date night as an addition to an existing schedule. Cramming it in seems like deprioritizing his partner so he won’t easily consider even if you yourself suggest date night. He has his reasons but might not always care to elaborate which is interesting given how outspoken Ten is otherwise. Maybe he’s not keen to burden you with his stress and his main strategy is to stay indifferent to keep things at bay, he really values relaxation time — nothing against you, just virtue of his business.
Interesting and simple, beautiful card! It shows a young man juggling two pentacles inside an infinity symbol, acting as a scale. That tells me two things: a) you’ll split the bill and b) this is a long-term relationship. Random I know, but makes for interesting context. The main theme from the card is the following though. It’s gonna be a date by the sea. There are water and ships pictured. You’ll see the anchorage and freight ships, even take a trip across a river alternatively. Who knows, the River Han is a popular dating spot in Seoul, I am sure someone so fond of all things nature will gravitate towards that. Looking at the waves is like a meditative experience. I also got an idea looking at that card once more, something more small scale: A pool date, super sexy. Like, imagine that. Taeyong is just an avid swimmer in pools, we’ve seen it. A bit of refreshment, some games with a ball, a bit of accidental exercise along the way without it feeling like a chore? Sounds about right. Plus you automatically get frisky in your swimwear. He’s not afraid to show his body. Whatever it is, a body of water will be involved for sure. If it’s by the sea an not inside water: Taeyong will wear either a red or even orange suit, we’re going fashion forward tonight babey, he can pull it off.
When I drew this I was like oh nu why :/ But we gotta roll with it. It’s not a seriously scary thing or something, just a more strenous, not 100% smooth romance card. The Ten of Wands is more of an indicator that there’s an obstacle or strain involved. It might be the kind of date where Kai is clumsy, someone doesn’t make it on time, it’s a hassle to find the parking lot, and so on and so forth. Consistent bad luck I do not associate with the TEN OF WANDS, however! It’s more of a what effort you put in is what dictates the result energy. The card shows a hunched guy carrying ten huge wooden sticks toward a town in the backdrop. And you can really see it’s heavy and he’s struggling because he has to carry so much. So, it might be a scenario where like, say Kai and you get stuck in traffic before you arrive. Which, you know, can be super annoying but can easily turned into a perk if you know what to do with the extra time. Or, Kai takes up so much responsibility with planning that he gets exhausted with the rest of his work in the mix. Though remember, effort always comes back tenfold (it’s the ten of wands after all) so it might be worth it and be a wholesome evening after some initial stress. Something unrelated I picked up from the imagery is that the date will be in a castle, because that is pictured in the backdrop!
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herecomesthewitch · 6 years
L’s Altar Building 101
This post includes many notes and writings from my own grimoire about altars, their construction and their maintenance. I have tried to keep things generalized, however please note that this is based around my own personal belief system and so may not match up with your own beliefs.
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Altars are deeply personal to each practitioner. Altars are often for our Gods, for ourselves and for our goals, which obviously leads to very different altars depending on the practice. While in this post I will list things that I personally do with altars, it is important to understand that there is no right or wrong way to make an altar. Altars can be small or large, elaborate or simple, hidden or in the open. If you are new to building altars, I recommend experimenting with different styles to find out what works best for you and go from there.
⛤ What is an Altar? ⛤
In my grimoire, I define an altar as “An important powerspot in your home, a place for you to contemplate and honor the divine.” 
Going based on this definition, an altar can serve a variety of purposes, such as:
- Honoring your Deities - Praying or asking the spirits for help - Communicating with your guides and spirits - Meditating on a spiritual issue - Reflecting upon Sabbats or Esbats - Performing spells or rituals
⛤ How do I make an Altar? ⛤
The simple answer to this is, anyway you want to. As I’ve said before altars are personal and unique to each person. You don’t have to set up your altar any “certain” way. That being said, here is a run-down of how I build my altars.
1. Purpose. Figure out what purpose your altar will serve. Is this an altar for a specific deity? Is it a place to cast spells or do divination? Is it an altar for you?
2. Decor. Next you must establish what items should go on your altar. These items or decorations are meant to honor and reflect your purpose. 
3. Storage. Some of us like to keep all of our witchy things together in one space. Maybe due to space constraints or secrecy, or simply to keep everything neat and organized. This can be achieved with a shelf or a box to hold all your extra things on, or near, your altar, so if you get the urge to change your altar you don’t have to dig around your room to find things.
4. Images. If you have an altar for a specific deity or spirit or ancestor, keeping a photo or other image of them on the altar can help you feel more connected to them. These images can be drawings or paintings or symbols that represent your spirit or deity. They can be framed on the wall above the altar is that is more comfortable. You can also have statues or clay models of your deities.
5. Offerings. Usually on altars for deities or spirits, offerings are left. Depending on what kind of offerings you may want to use, leaving a space on your altar may be important. Different ideas for offerings are talked about below.
⛤ Why do I use an Altar? ⛤
1. Meditation/Reflection/Grounding. Having an altar set up can help us reach our “witchy” mindset much easier. This helps if you are a beginner, as having the “proper” mindset is often key to working magic. The altar can also serve as a reminder to meditate, or to ground after spell work. It’s also another way to work with your tools in a relaxed manner. For example, working with a new crystal or tarot deck at your altar.
2. Spellwork/Ritual. Having an altars sets aside a certain amount of space where we can perform our spells, crafts and rituals. If you have all your tools in one space, then you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything during your spell or ritual. During Sabbats and Esbats, you can decorate your altar as part of your celebration as well. 
3. Offerings. For altars that are made for deities and spirits, leaving offerings to them is usually the way to show them honor and gain their respect or favor. Depending on the deity or spirit, different types of offerings are more appropriate than others. It is best to research before hand what offerings are typically made to that deity or spirit. Some basic offerings usually include:
 - A bowl of water (changed daily) - A stick or cone of incense - A bit of food (if it is part of your own meal, theirs is normally served first out of respect) - Something you’ve made for them. This includes paintings/drawings, poems, letters, jewelry, trinkets, etc. - Prayers. Often the most simple offering is a word of thanks and a word of appreciation to your gods. - Flowers (usually changed when the flowers start to die) - A dish of milk or olive oil (this depends on what spirit/deity you are working with. Faeries are often left milk as an offering, and olive oil was a common offering to the Greek gods) - Candles (these can be simple tea light candles, or they can be colored to match your deities colors)
4. Deity/Spirit Communication. One way of using your altar is as a devotional platform to your chosen deity/spirit. Your altar can be a place where you simply sit and ask your deity/spirits to talk to you. You can use divination at your altar to receive messages from them as well. 
As often as altars are linked with deities and spirits, there are other things you can dedicate your altar to. Below is a short list.
- Gods and Goddesses - Ancestors  - Faeries, Elves, Mermaids - Elementals (Sylphs, Gnomes, Salamanders and Undines) - Saints, Angels
- The Earth, the Sun or the Moon - The Planets or the Stars - A place, such as the ocean, a forest or the mountains - The Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) - Your Self
⛤ Items to Include ⛤
There is a never-ending list of possible things to include on your altar, however in my grimoire I have a few items marked as “essential” to my practice.
- Elemental Representations - 
In my practice, the concept of the four basic elements is a main pillar. The four elements are (in my eyes) necessary for all magic to occur, and so out of respect for these elemental powers, I always keep a representation of them on my altar. When I first started out I used a rock, a feather, a candle and a sea shell to represent my elements. Years later I use little soapstone figurines in the shapes of animals I associate with the elements.
- Deity Representations - 
Unless I am working with a specific deity, I normally do not include this, however if I am not working with a deity I usually keep something on my altar to represent balance or yin and yang, light and dark.
- Candles - 
I see candles as not a necessity, but as a versatile tool that can fit almost any situation, which makes it valuable. Candle magick can be used for literally any purpose, which makes it great for spell work, and it also is a offering to the spirits I honor.
- Altar Cloth - 
This is optional for many witches, but if you plan on burning incense or using loose herbs or burning candles, altar cloths can help keep all that mess off your table/shelf so that it doesn’t get ruined.
Other Items for your altar can be your grimoire, any spiritual books you are reading/like to keep handy, your tarot deck(s), crystals or herbs, incense sticks or cones, feathers or colorful cloths, shells or stones or beads, etc. The list is literally endless.
I enjoy writing about altars and so I’m putting together a few more posts about altars. If you have any questions or topics you’d like me to write about, please send me an ask! I enjoy it immensely. 
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