#and uhhhhh there were a lot of cows
There was a post going around for a while about how kana means chicken in Finnish, making Kanafinwe = chicken Finwe. The thing is, a lot of Quenya names have te reo Māori meanings or can have funny meanings when transliterated into te reo. I've made a little list.
The most important thing to know is that 'wh' is pronounced 'f' in most dialects. Also, I took several liberties with the transliterations - when there were multiple options, I picked the one whose meaning I liked the best.
Maitimo: Māītimo means sour gardening tool. (Māī = sour, timo = a tool used to dig up sweet potatoes.) But if you're willing to mess around with the vowel sounds a little ... Māī-iti-mau [my-ee-tee-mo]* = to be a little sour to be captured.
*'au' is usually pronounced like the o in no.
Kanafinwe: Kana = wild stare / to stare wildly, making him Wild Stare Finwe.
Kano: either 1) colour or 2) bean.
Turukano: tūru means chair, so Tūrukano means chair bean
Ingo means desire, yearning, wanting. (Ingoldo becomes Ingoroto, a desire/yearning within.)
Amarie: Amārie = of peace, tranquility.
Arafinwe: ara means the waters breaking in childbirth. It also means path, but the first option is funnier.
Arakano: path bean
Angamaite: anga = to face, māī = sour, and tē = fart.
Curufinwe: Kuru has a lot of meanings including to hit/punch, to be tired, a piece of greenstone jewelry, or a mallet. So I guess that makes his name Tired Finwe, Ornamental Finwe, Mallet Finwe, or Punch Finwe. The last one would be in the imperative, making it a command.
Moringotto: we have to take out one of the t's to make this Mōringoto. It means either 1) intense unimportant person or 2) unimportant person to penetrate.
Feanaro: The best transliteration would be Wheanaro, which is pronounced the same as in Quenya. But my favourite interpretation is Whaea-ngaro; mother lost/missing.
(Edited to add that 'ng' is a soft sound pronounced like in sing. I'm cheating a bit here, because it's actually the equivalent of the Quenya ñ, not n like in Feanaro.)
Nelyo: We don't typically have l or y sounds. My preferred option for this would be Ngērō, meaning to scream inside.
Nelyafinwe -> Neriawhine or Nerawhine. Nera can mean nail (as in a metal nail) or to nail. Whine [fee-neh] isn't a word in most dialects, but in some very small areas it's the word for woman/women.* (In most areas the word is wahine.) So uhhhhh interpret that as you will, but this may be the single most ironic name on the list.
*Another possible transliteration of Finwe would be Whinewē, meaning woman liquid. This is physically painful to me so I'm sticking with Whine.
Findekano: In the same vein, Whinekano means bean woman or woman bean. If you prefer Whine-te-kano or Whine-tē-kano, the former means Woman The Beans and the latter means women fart beans.
Turko is Tūrukau: chair cow / nothing but a chair.
Makalaure could become Makarōre. Maka = to throw/fling and rōre = lord, making the full name Yeet Lord. A prophetic mother name.
Tyelkormo would become Terekomo. Tere= swift/fast. Komo... um. This is mostly used to describe putting on clothes. But it can also mean to thrust or insert. So basically the same as the Quenya
Moryo = Mōriau, a firm unimportant person / a howling unimportant person.
Curvo: if written as Kuruwau, in certain dialects it would mean hit me.
Pityo would be Pitiau: defeated smoke/mist.
Findarato: rātō means western, so Whinerātō = western woman.
There are also names that are pronounced the same in te reo Māori as they are in Quenya but have no Māori meaning, e.g. Anaire or Curumo.
Take this whole thing with a pinch of salt, because obviously we don't usually make word-for-word translations of transliterated names. Like I said, I've also taken some liberties with the transliterations. But to the best of my knowledge, all of these are accurate translations.
It's the House of Finwe uwu smol beans
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calciferstims · 2 years
i hope thats just a general calf thang and that it doesnt actually have any issues with its leg, or health. but oooo looord is it CUTE! good god i just wanna....i just wanna bloody pet and hug them. these cute animals, they so DAMN CUTE!!
is there any other animal to pet there? have you ever pet a chicken?
when i was a wee young child. like, maybe 5-6, we had gone to one of those, idek what it is actually, but it had like these farm animals, maybe it is like a petting zoo of sorts too, but there was this big BIG pig walking around pretty much freely, that you could pet. and goats too...im over 20 years older now and i just...wanna go there and pet all these animals and these rabbits. like i seen of tapes me parents filmed, there was rabbits i recall...man i just love animals!!
there were plenty of other animals there in fact!!!! I was just most excited about the cows lmao 😂 they had uhhhhh the cows, a horse, some…. Alpacas???? I think??? sheep, goats, a donkey (who was very chill) and a big ol’ pig!! also lots of bunnies in cages. lots of ‘em.
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I liked this guy sticking his head out 😂
Hmmmmm I must have pet a chicken at some point??? Because we have family friends that keep chickens and they just wandered around so I must have pet them a little. Definitely something I should do again tho 😌
You should def go to a petting zoo or fair again sometime they are so fun!!!! We have this local fair that comes around every year that has a bunch of barn animals and I miss going so much we need to go again….
Funny story, my dad still teases me about it to this day because when I was little I would go into the cow barn at that fair and I insisted on hugging EVERY. SINGLE. COW. THEY ALL DESERVED HUGS. I would just lay down with them and hang out. What I would give to hug some cows nowadays….
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thedianadiary · 10 months
Look out of the nearest window. What do you see? Details, please. my neighbors house, sky, forest preserve
When you think of the word “posh”, what springs to mind? elite, fancy, expensive, nose-in-the-air
When you have chocolate, do you eat it room temperature? some i eat room temperature and some i eat cold. it just depends on the chocolate itself.
Or are you like me and stick the bar into the fridge first? ^^ i mean definitely some. we have a bunch of chocolate in the fridge currently.
What’s the most shocking thing that’s happened in your part of town? uhhhhh most recently a dad suffering from really severe PTSD was abusing his family. his wife was going to take the kids to a shelter and had just gone for a protection order. they had 4 kids -- two were 18-20 and one was like 16 and one was like 13. anyway, the dad found out that the mom was divorcing him and leaving and he shot the wife, the kids were locked in the house and he was like threatening to burn the home down and so they all started climbing out of windows and running down the block and he shot two of them in the street, so the wife and two of the kids were dying in the street. the cops are like less than a block away and came and he shot himself in the head. so two of the kids literally watched their dad massacre their family in front of their eyes. HORRIBLE. the house was like engulfed in flames and everything.
Which brand are your headphones/earbuds? sony
Do you see planes fly over your house at all? so i definitely see planes that are flying into one of the airports. but its not like they are disruptive. today for the first time there were a ton of like personal planes flying across the street which is SUPER unusual idk if i have ever really seen that before from my house since there isnt a private runway anywhere close. 
Are there any constellations you recognize just by looking at them? the big and little dippers and uhhhhhh im blanking on the other one i recognize 
Which room of your house/apartment do you spend the most time in? Mine usually.
Which insect do you find the most beautiful? butterflies or ladybugs. 
Did you have crafts/woodwork at school growing up? yea
If so, what was the best assignment you did for it? ummmmmm... thats a good question. i made clothes for myself.
Do you have a friend who likes to tell you everything? yes. several. 
What was the last thing you got very excited about? my 4 yr old nephew was so excited about flipping a small water bottle and making it land upright so i was hyping him up. You can go to any city in any country you want. Which city do you go to? oooooooooooo... somewhere in switzerland probably.
Do you like gardening? If so, what do you grow? not entirely but i think a lot of that is due to two reasons: 1. my neighbors are pretty terrible and ALWAYS staring at our lawn and 2. gardening typically happens during warm months and i cannottttttttttt do heat.
Do you enjoy puzzle games? If so, which one’s your favourite? I love them. sudoku, crosswords, word puzzles, you name it. i love stuff like that.
Is there a substance you avoid at all costs? If so, what is it and why? outside of mushrooms and spinach and fish lol nah not really
What would you love to live next door to? oooooo. a mountain, the ocean, a field of cows and horses
What gives you nostalgia? many things. idk.
What’s the best thing about fall? SO MUCH. the cold air, football/sports starting, the bonfires, the colors of nature changing, the clothing, the events/activities, the holidays, ugh i love it all.
What’s the worst thing about fall? ummmmmm i got nothin
Do you get cold easily? Or are you constantly hot? i am always boiling hot and its getting so much worse. its horrible.
When you think of a classy drink, what comes to mind first? martini
Do you prefer eating out or cooking your own meals? I love having homecooked meals but i dont love the cost/cleanup/risk lol 
Which language do you think is the most complicated to learn? english is one of the most difficult but also mandarin right
Is there a place that you might call your second home? no i feel like less and less like i belong anywhere else. idk how to explain it really without sounding like a weirdo.
How do you imagine your later life to look like? I don’t want to try and imagine that. That makes me scared. <<<<< omg same
What is a job you would never in a million years want to do? ummmm. customer service lol. im so over it.
Is there a piece of jewelry that you feel naked without? i like to wear my heart necklace, my watch, and my very thin ring. everything else rn is like gravy :)
Do you ever “go commando”? only on occasion.
Do you ever try to make words out of number sequences you see? no. i never enjoyed that.
What’s the sweetest thing someone’s done for you? oh man. that.... i would need to really think about.
Which wild animals are a common sight in your area? deer, birds, squirrels, foxes, coyotes, raccoons, bunnies
What’s the weirdest building in your city? lol the tin man one
How do you keep in touch with friends usually? texting
Do you get a lot of visitors? a LOT? no.
Do you recognize friends’/family’s vehicles by sound? used to be able to for all three of our cars but now its just on occasion the hyundai lol
Which Disney villain is your favourite? the lady from emperors new groove
On a regular day, what do you usually do at 3 o'clock in the afternoon? usually finishing up errands at that point.
What’s something new you’ve just recently learned? headstone costs
Which possession would you not want to inherit from a relative? debt, creepy like dolls or things.
What is something you would never dare to do in public? honestly lots of things. i would not throw a fit or start fights n things like that.
Would you/ did you have a hen night/bachelorette party? I’m sure its a lot of fun but i dont know that i have the right uhhh.. crew for it. sadly.
Has anyone taken you on holiday somewhere? If so, where? outside of family? uhhhhh no not really.
Have you taken somebody on holiday? If so, where did you taken them? friends yes
Who do you see as an iconic star? cary grant 
Have you ever been to a vineyard? many
Are there any swans around where you live? sure 
Does anyone in your inner circle struggle with addiction? yes 
Has anyone told you lately that you have a nice smile? yes but i feel it is not nice.
How did you spend your last birthday? mom knew i was really struggling so she took me out for like a really fun day in wisconsin and downtown. it was really nice.
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erratic-onslaught · 3 years
a bull’s herd, a troll’s turf
Heavy hooves stomped with each step as he huffed and sniffed about. The troll had changed, for the most part. With foreign instincts pressing against his thoughts as intrusively as they were, it pushed for some changes -- the sort a number of “tricks” could provide. Digitigrade legs, long horns, an arched back, elongated tail, all brought together by large patches of thick fur coating mainly his arms; the last stretch that amulet could manage to change with its limited control.
A heavy huff shot from his nostrils. He knew there were cows around. Now it was a matter of finding them.
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cross-d-a · 3 years
For the give me a character ask 💕 LI CU!!!!!!!
you know every day i ask myself: “li cu can’t be your favourite character, right? like you’d die for iron triangle and you’d kill for xiao bai and you’d give your body and soul to free princess mute, like- it can’t be li cu, right?” and then i look myself in the mirror and go: “stop lying to yourself”
How I feel about this character:
Might possibly be my fav dmbj dumbass. who knows. certainly not me. i just- LOVE HIM?? SO MUCH???? He sucker-punched me from the very beginning with his TEARS and his DESPERATION and his ACCUSATIONS OF KIDNAPPING. and ok he’s also a Dumb Teenage Boy and ok maybe he tries Too Hard to be a Normal Dumb Teenage Boy, like he’s going through the motions and maybe I relate a little ok idk.
And I just- adore that so much of Sha Hai is through his perspective?? Because it is very much Li Cu’s story. He’s an outsider here diving into a world we already know so well and Wu Xie is the catalyst. And really- it’s about seeing a character whom we all adore (Wu Xie) who is Hurting and Desperate and Raw (bc Xiao Ge), and he’s doing his best to fulfill a HUGE storyline but maybe he catches Feelings along the way. Maybe he adopts a son who is also Hurting but for very different reasons. And maybe it’s about seeing these two people who are lost and alone find each other in this chaos, see the good in each other, and help them find the good in themselves.
I already screamed about Li Cu’s character at you last night because I just- have So Many Feelings about him. But I think the core of Li Cu’s character really resonates with me?
It’s all about him finding a reason to live and a reason to love himself and a reason to care about himself. And it’s all about him letting others love and care about him, too.
Li Cu’s been told his whole life that he isn’t worth the air he breathes and he isn’t worth the trouble he causes. He isn’t worthy of love or sacrifice or kindness. And so much about Sha Hai is Li Cu realizing that he is. 
As you pointed out so beautifully, Sierra, Wu Xie is in such an awful place, and yet he still helps Li Cu realize his worth. And, re our conversations about how Li Cu views Pingxie, Wu Xie helps Li Cu realize that that love that can a beautiful, kind thing. Painful sometimes, and so fucking hard. But it’s worth it, if you want it.
And honestly, I think a lot of the Tiger Trio is about this, too: finding a reason to live, getting out of the motions of pretending to be a Normal Teenage Boy, finding a reason to love yourself and realizing it’s okay to let others love and care and fight for you, too. 
They’re already friends, but Sha Hai truly brings them together. Makes them realize they are worth it and there is someone who cares about them and will fight for them and will follow them to the fucking ends of the earth. 
It’s about finding FAMILY and I fucking LOVE THAT for them!!!!
I adore our Ya Li so much I could cry (i do. i do cry)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
You know, I wrote a little about family and love, and promptly tripped into shipping Jia Kezi/Li Cu so hard I straight up blacked out.
I also am interested in Jia Kezi/Li Cu/Li Jiale 👀👀👀 but have not explored this yet.
I have Feelings about Li Cu/Shen Qiong/Wang Can bc of @traineecryptid’s  AMAZING fic 老牛吃嫩草| old cow eats young grass which I think about Often. I honestly don’t really ship straight up Li Cu/Shen Qiong, but adding Wang Can’s Chaotic Murder Element Does Things to me.
I want to ship Li Cu/Su Wan/Hao Ge but anything past Kissing and Holding Hands makes me cover my face in Embarrassed Despair bc they are my BABIES my SONS i cANT
and you already know about that One Very Specific time travel au where it’s li cu/wu xie/xiao ge i have a LOT of FEELINGS about THAT but only for that Very Specific Circumstance
I actually headcanon Li Cu as demi/bi, leaning more towards ace, bc it just?? Fits so well, in my opinion?? I don’t really wanna imagine him having Sexy Times with anyone, just Sweaty, Embarrassed, Panicky Feelings (except for that Very Specific Time Travel au but we’ve talked about this). Maybe this will change. But for now he is simply My Son and I wish him happiness in whatever form he so chooses.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I also unrepentantly would die for Shen Qiong&Wang Xiaoyuan&Li Cu&Su Wan&Hao Ge&Wang Can BROT6. I- wow. okay. Might actually write a fic about this. They are the Next Generation, learning from the Iron Triangle/HeiHua/Su Nan and they are learning from past mistakes and SURPASSING THEM and everyone is SO PROUD LOOK AT THEM GO!!!!!!!! And okay maybe let’s add some Xiao Bai in there, too, hm?
And- well. not BROTP, but it is our Classic FATHER&SON DUO LI CU & WU XIE. They are my favourite thing about Sha Hai. Full stop. They make me Feel Things and Cry. They’re what really got me into Sha Hai and the greater dmbj universe. :)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
UHHHHH I have no idea I’ve never thought about this before UUHH ARE there unpopular opinions???
OH maybe unpopular opinion is that Li Cu is demi/bi instead of Straight Up Sweaty Gay. he’s just Sweaty bc oH NO HE’S NEVER FELT LIKE THIS BEFORE??? HE L P???
OH also maybe unpopular opinion is that he and the original Shen Qiong actually were good friends and maybe each other’s only friend until Su Wan came along.
And okay maybe this is another unpopular opinion: Li Cu did actually start falling for Shen Qiong but he’s a Confused demi who has a difficult time telling the difference between friendship and romance and also it was a Really Shitty Situation. and he’ll forever wonder if they could have been Something or just Really Good Friends and he’ll never know 🙃
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
MORE SPIRIT SNAKE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I want them fighting over control of his body. I want Spirit Snake kicking ASS. I want more of those CRAZY DEAD PEOPLE VISIONS ok i have HEADCANONS about those and I think it was the SPIRIT SNAKE and not whatever the fuck Wu Xie said it was. I want Trauma, I want Reluctant Found Family, I want Li Cu letting the spirit snake take the reins of his body every so often so it can actually Live and maybe get Li Cu’s ears pierced and dress up gnc as FUCK bc the spirit snake don’t need no Stupid Human Gender. and- sierra, as you so eloquently put, Li Cu looking at himself and going “OH?” 👀 bc hELL YEAH THAT’S STUCK IN MY HEAD NOW LET LI CU BE GNC
I’m assuming we’ll get more spirit snake in Sha Hai 2, but if it’s not Leo Wu playing Li Cu I will burst into Actual Tears.
Sierra thank you for letting me cry about My Actual Son Li Cu. \(´;ω;`)/
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
1. What was the reason behind Tabitha being a porn star? Can you also describe what it felt like to her, if she faced any hardships?
2. How did she feel when Ethan cut all forms of contact with her? And what if they accidentally meet one day and he apologises for not talking to her face to face about the breakup or she gets to explain everything.....
3. I just want to see them together 😭😭💗 could you please write an alternate version where they end up together? 🙏😭
4. What was her reaction when she got to know that Tobias was just using her for sex?
oh wow okay cool! i haven’t given any deeper thought to Tabitha. i just couldn’t name her MC because to me MC is an intern turned doctor, while Ethan’s pornstar is some enigmatic businesswoman 😂
1. What was the reason behind Tabitha being a porn star? Can you also describe what it felt like to her, if she faced any hardships?
uhhhhh idk, money? quick couple of films to get her through her MBA but the got much bigger than her degree could ever make her. 
(when creating her i took inspiration from the 90210 reboot. she’s basically one of the actors for that guy who’s dad is a porno production house)
I think she’s a very forward-thinking woman. She enjoys sex and doesn’t have any problems with her sexuality. Getting paid $15k for one day of filming for something she’d do anyway didn’t seem like a bad gig. She didn’t get to finish her degree because of how viral she went in the community - both from a workload standpoint and looks she’d get around campus from guys who have obviously seen her work. She had to get a proper agent and was getting calls left and right and rarely turned anything down. It was a whirlwind that she really never had time to sit and think about too deeply besides the roles and the paychecks. 
It didn’t feel like a lot when she was in it - it totally inflated her ego and she liked being needed. Then as the years went on (she only did this for four years) people started feeling like they owned her. Like she wasn’t a person to be respected anymore. 
(fun fact: she shares this trait with odette) 
People in the business saw her as a cash cow and wanted to push the limits of the content she’d be part of. It got to the point where No was coming out of her mouth much more than Yes, and the Big Guys did not like that. They didn’t want to work with someone who’s a bitch. 
People she doesn’t know - random strangers - would come up to her and ask for pictures and touch her in places they shouldn’t. Like her body belonged to them. And they made comments about what underwear she was or wasn’t wearing. It was a nightmare. 
She changed her hair style drastically and stopped wearing colored contacts and moved to the east coast. 
2. How did she feel when Ethan cut all forms of contact with her? And what if they accidentally meet one day and he apologises for not talking to her face to face about the breakup or she gets to explain everything.....
Tabitha is used to guys acting this way. She’s conditioned to expect it. She and Ethan were very very new and she never tells a guy about her past this early in the relationship. She always waits until she has a grasp on if they could really be something. She was a bit hurt that he completely cut her off without any questions or chance to explain further. Though in the three months she’s come to know Ethan Ramsey, she isn’t surprised. Deep down she knows he couldn’t handle it. 
Tab is quite nomadic. She’s never lived in a city more than two years, never really had a reason to. Most people find out who she is and things get weird. 
She’s also so flush with cash she can keep moving when things get boring or theres another opportunity elsewhere. She’s smart with investments and hosts two businesses. 
She and Ethan would never cross paths again. She left Boston for Milan a few weeks later. 
If they did cross paths he’d pretend he doesn’t know her, and she’d do the same. If their eyes locked she’d give him a sly nod in greeting, but they’d never talk again. 
3. I just want to see them together 😭😭💗 could you please write an alternate version where they end up together? 🙏😭
No, sorry. I don’t think it’ll fit. 
Sometimes people meet and things don’t work out. That’s the story of Ethan and Tabitha. 
She’s someone Ethan dated briefly when he and Harper were off. 
4. What was her reaction when she got to know that Tobias was just using her for sex?
She kind of had a feeling after the first couple of times. She’s picked up on cues and things guys do when they’re thinking of her as Tabbi Lee. The excitement in him and his preference for her to take control most of the time was also a definite tip-off that he knows. She’s numb to most feelings by now. 
Tobias never actually brings her past up. So she doesn’t either. There’s the intuition between them acknowledging that he knows. 
They both know this isn’t forever. It’s a for-now relationship. As long as they have incredible sex, great banter and a good time together, they’ll continue seeing one another. 
She doesn’t ask to be brought to work functions. She really doesn’t mind. She likes her alone time and also sees it as a way to not invite him to her work functions. It all works out for them for now. 
Does this make any sense at all? How do you see Ethan handling his girlfriend as a pornstar???
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queenofbaws · 3 years
going off your thoughts on modern horror, what are your thoughts on the modern takes to keep older horror movies alive? What are they doing well or wrong? for example: the Halloween franchise (i have only over the last 2 months watched the first of the halloween, friday 13th, and nightmare on elm street, for the first time and wow are they different to where these movies ended up)
man they sure ARE different, huh?????
as a general rule, i'm...super not a fan of most modern remakes :\ don't get me wrong - i watch 'em! i give 'em those views!!! but like. very few have worked for me.
(important note if you're gonna read my rant: i have not (YET!!!!!) seen the candyman remake, and i'm actually kind of pumped for it, so none of what i'm about to say has ANYTHING to do with the candyman remake, lol!)
in terms of what i think they're doing WELL, i think the BIGGEST piece is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. i am wholly of the opinion that horror should EITHER be made with a budget of $5 or a blank fucking check, and a lot of modern remakes really pour money into the movies. now, they're pouring money into them in hopes of, like you said, keeping the older cash-cow franchises ALIVE AT ALL, but like...i would be a fool and a liar to say modern remakes aren't nicer to look at. they are SO much nicer to look at. the filming tends to be so much better, the sets, the costumes, props...so much nicer to look at than the originals, nine times out of ten.
i also think - and here i COULD be wrong, but it's a sense that i've gotten, personally - that another thing they TEND to do right is remove some of the more, uhhhhh. god i don't even know how to phrase it. uncomfortable? unsavory? deeply unnecessary? gross? exploitation scenes that a lot of older horror movies have. i'm sure there are remakes that still use that shit as a crutch, but to ME, at least, i feel like i spend less time cringing, waiting for some sort of bizarre, sexually driven violence to go down in a remake than in an older horror movie. a lot a lot a LOTTTTTTT of old horror movies, especially shlocky ones, would use that shit to like ratchet up tension, and uhhhh it can ruin the viewing experience. (legit, i was going to say "example: the [x] scene in [movie]" but then i realized there are. TOO MANY. and i couldn't just pick. SO!!!)
what they're NOT doing quite as well, though. HOO. i have. opinions. for me, it sort of comes down to a few basics:
-everything needs to be gritty, nothing can be funny.
-jump-scares/loud noises instead of actual dread.
-not. being able. to just. let. go.
every. single. remake i've seen has been so focused on shit being serious and gritty and grungy and grimy and DARK, and like??? that's fine for certain things but (and i should note i'm thinking specifically of nightmare on elm street here) a HUGE part of the charm of the original movies was how NOT GRITTY THEY WERE!!!!!!! i want freddy to be grinning and making wisecracks and bad puns during every single kill, i don't want him scowling and grimacing the whole time. i don't CARE how the people from the first halloween movie are doing emotionally 30 years later, i just want to see michael myers skewer some shitty teenagers. jason's mask can be as filthy and cracked as you want, if he's not committing downright physically implausible acts of violence onto idiots who get in his way, i'm not having fun!!!!!!
i feel like horror today is SCARED of being shlocky, but shLOCK IS FUCKING FUN!!!! most of the remakes take themselves WAY too seriously, and want you to sit and ponder like, the internal trauma of the horny teenagers at the camp. personally, i don't want to ponder the internal trauma of the horny teenagers at the camp while i'm watching the movie (that's what fic's for) - i want to see glorious technicolor blood rain down in gallons and gallons as someone gets, idk, uhhhh *spins wheel and throws darts* torn in half by...a razor wire tied to a volleyball net. like, have FUN with it! you're allowed to make horror FUN!!!!!!!!! IT'S A THING YOU CAN DO!!!!!!!!
i've ranted about jump-scares a lot but like. it bears repeating, i think. jump-scares and loud noises and flashing shit and cgi faces that melt and scream at you are startling. they are surprising. gore is shocking. it is disgusting. a startle response can be PART of horror. a gag response can be PART of horror. but those alone do not horror make. i think modern remakes rely WAYYYY too heavily on those because, quite frankly, people have made it known they'll watch it, and it's like...ughhh how do i articulate this.......it's like potato chips or popcorn for your eyes - you don't have to think about it, you can just keep shoveling it thoughtlessly into your mouth. it's not an actual MEAL, it's not going to make you FULL, but like. it's buttery and salty and that's fine. i'm not saying they SHOULDN'T use jump-scares or the like, just that they're a TOOL, and they're PART of what makes something scary, and when ALL YOU HAVE is jump-scares, like???? you're missing so much of the other shit that went into making the original GREAT!!!
related to this is how i think a lot of modern horror shit tends to stray away from surrealism? if that makes sense? if you ask me, a lot of horror/fear comes from shit that just plain doesn't make sense, from ambiguity, and nowadays i think directors/writers/producers/what have you feel the need to like??? explain that shit away? like "here's WHY this bizarre thing happened!" instead of leaving it unclear and making you turn it over in your head, running through possibilities, DREADING the answer.
and finally, not being able to let go. don't get me wrong - i love the oldies. i love them. most of them. love them so much. do i think we NEED 273 halloween movies? probably not. do i think we maybe stopped having fun with jason voorhees around the time we fucking sent him to outer space? yeah. yeah i do. as much as i love the idea of new fans being brought into old franchises and experiencing those characters, like...sometimes? sometimes we have to take a deep breath and say "you know what? i don't think...this movie NEEDS to be made."
but people like making money, so. *gestures vaguely*
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themilky-way · 4 years
quarantine with loki would include:
Tumblr media
author’s note: hey ya’ll this is my first head cannon and I decided to do it with loki bc he’s babie and I miss him. hope u guys enjoy!
so basically, you and loki were planning a trip to like Italy or something over the summer
BUT that shit got cancelled big time because of corona
at the time your country officially called for a national lockdown, loki had come to visit you for a while before he returned to asgard
so of course, his way of travel was also cancelled and no ships were allowed to leave the planet to avoid transferring the virus
“no, ma’am, listen to me I don’t need a ship to leave, I can just teleport anywhere-what do mean no? oh you big wrench, I will burn yo-”
“loki, stop offending the poor woman, she’s just followed orders.”
he’d be a little nervous at first because you guys had only hung out a few times but never for days 
you reassuring him you have all the food and supplies for the both of you
him later eating the entire fridge and pantry
“hey, bub? do you know where the cheez-its are?”
“the what?”
“the little squares that taste like cheese.”
“oh I ate them. quite delicious, you should get some more”
the both of you going to the store to get his cheez-its
loki believing the employees are his servants and demanding requesting to know where the milk was
getting mad when he finds the entire milk is gone lol
“oh for odin’s sake, does this speck of a store need me to get them a cow?”
you eventually getting the stuff you needed and going back to your apartment
ok now listen to me when I say this:
loki appeared to be all tough and mean but he was a soft plushie of a baby
he loved cuddling while watching movies on your couch, eating, you guessed it, cheez-its 
eventually you would get tired because it was after midnight and you telling him you were going to bed
loki pausing the movie and insisting on carrying you to the bed
“no, baby, it’s fine I can walk”
uhhhhh you lost
he carried you to the bed and he tucked you in and he watched you gradually fall asleep
he joined you a couple minutes later after he cleaned up the living room a lil
this bitch loves pancakes and it’s the only thing he wants to have as a meal
he wakes up at the crack of dawn and idk he basically sleeps with the mixing bowl and whisk 
“loki, it’s five-thirty in the morning, go back to bed,” you say to him all groggy
“nO bABe imMa mAkE pAncAkEs”
um did i mention cuddles?
he cuddles a lot and loves it when you play with his hair aw
bitch be fallin asleep as soon as your fingers touch his scalp
“(y/n) what the hell is that scrutiny”
“sir, I’m going to ask you to stop referring to my cat like that”
“that’s a rat”
ok so you start by finding loki standing in your bedroom looking out the window
he senses you (how can he not I mean c’mon) and he like sighs super dramatically and says “I do miss going outside”
you laugh, and grabbing a pillow, you say, “we’ve only been here two weeks”
you lightly hit him on the back with the pillow and he turns around and he like with FULL power ranger force he takes it from you 
he smuggles it on your face and then you somehow eventually find another pillow 
this goes on for idk maybe five to ten minutes
when it ends though oh boy
let’s just say the vibe in the room is different and quarantine has now become sinful 
nonetheless, you both are babies and you love each other very much 
and also the cutest couple :)
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dairyfarmboy · 3 years
My first task:
What seems to be seconds after finally accepting my new life on the farm, I was already put to work by the farmer. He had put on his dirty black rubber chest waders, and had a pair of black rubber elbow gloves hanging down from the side. It looked like he was sweating profusely and his ball cap had a wet ring around it. I was instructed to put on my waders and grab my rubber gloves.
“We need to unclog one of the outlets that leads from the barn to the slurry pit”. “I need you to lift and hold up the flow gate while i push out the obstruction”. I followed him as we walked along to the side of the slurry pit. The hot sun was baking the rubber waders and the smell was overwhelming. The farmer was getting ripe in his coveralls as sweat marks were starting to form around his crotch, ass, and armpits. His back was also soaked where small pieces of hay and manure clung to the wet fabric. I started to sweat a lot myself, and could start to feel a trickle of sweat fall into the bottom of my waders.
As we walked towards the slurry pit, i could smell the growing stench of the manure. I was lead to a giant square, concrete vat that was full to the brim. It had a green and brown color with bits of hay sticking out. Half of the vat seemed to have developed a hard crust, while the other half was more liquid. My dick started bursting the crotch seems of my waders, and it throbbed uncontrollably.
“I need to tell you about the dangers of slurry gas”. “Hydrogen sulfide is that rotten eggs smelling gas which is caused by decomposing organic matter”. “You should be OK as this pit is outside, but you always need to be careful and pay attention to wind direction”. “Apparently this chemical is also used in erectile dysfunction treatment...”, as he looked down at my raging hard dick. I was super embarassed and tried to turn away from him.
“Follow me and watch your footing”. We needed to access the channel, so i followed him down a small ladder that lead to the edge of the pit. I watched his first step, and his foot slowly squished down into the wet, green, sloppy shit. His step ended right about knee height. He stepped again and was now almost up to his waist in slurry. I could hear the air getting pushed out of his waders and got a whiff of the dank sweaty rubber smell with his sweaty balls and feet.
My heart was pounding. I couldnt think right, and my head seemed to be spinning. I was facing my ultimate fantasy and couldnt handle it. I took my first step down the ladder and felt my booted foot enter the slurry. It was a spongy slimy consistancy and i felt my waders cling to my sweaty legs. I then stepped again and sunk to my waist. The feeling of the suction of the waders and rubber pushing against my rock hard dick almost made me cum instantly. The smell was overbearing. I could feel the warm humid air bubbling up from the slurry making my dick leak.
I followed the farmer closer to the inlet walking slowly, trying not to make myself cum. Every step was more pressure against the waders, my feet slid a bit on the slimy bottom, and I was now visibly panting like a dog. The farmer showed me where to stand and help me lift the flow gate. I couldnt take my eyes off the farmer. He was standing there, full of shit, and his beard dripping sweat. The smell of him and his rubber only grew in ripeness, making me delusionally submissive to this man.
I was instructed to stand and lift the gate while he walked to break the clog with a 2 X 4. “Well this is looser than I thought”, “watch out for the flood”. Within two big stabs of the board, the clog was free and there was a steady flow of yellow liquid of shit and stale cow piss. The liquid flowed past my booted feet. “Wait one more, looks like there is more up ahead”. With one big wack, all of sudden the dam of dried manure broke and sent a huge wave of slurry down the channel. “Watch out”! The farmer yelled.
I stood there watching this 3ft wall of liquid cow shit rush towards me. The smell hit me first, and then I was knocked back without a chance to brace myself. The farmer ran towards me as a became immersed in the thick gloppy slurry and fell onto the ground. I was almost in shock as i became submerged. I felt the slimey spongy shit cover me from head to toe, which was the strongest smell ive ever smelt in my life laying in what was now 2ft deep of slurry. I couldnt help myself but i started to moan as my rock hard dick started to tingle and it felt like i was pissing.
I looked up at the farmer and he stood over me and the sight of his shit covered rubber and beard made me possesed. I couldnt help it, i started to grab and hump his shitty waders. “What are you doing boy”?! I just laid there humping uhhhhhhmmm ooohhhh UHhHhh “i cant help it SIR” oooohhhh uhhhhh uhhh. The shit started to pour into my waders and the warm shit surounded my dick and slid against the rubber. My orgasm kept going and the farmer just stood there. “Ohhhh siiir” Ughhhh UuuHhhhhhhhh ahhhh AHHH uuhhh AhHh. I shot load after load into my now shitty slimey waders.
I caught my breath still on the ground. The farmer never said anything and i slowly accepted what had just happened. Now covered head to toe in shit, i struggled to get my footing. The farmer helped me up and made sure i was ok. “Well im glad youre okay, but Im going to have to do something for the rest of your training boy”. “I dont want you distracted while you are supposed to be learning and working”.
I followed him out of the channel, and back out of the pit. Walking was difficult as my waders were stilll completely full of slurry. I was ordered to dump out the waders and meet him in the barn. I walked in still wearing my shit covered coveralls. I was ordered to take everything off, and spray down the coveralls. “We have more work to do and there is no sense in you getting a clean pair dirty, “spray them down and let dry in the sun.
“We need to shower boy”. I followed him into the milking room where there was a large industrial shower. We both got naked and stood under the faucet. As the warm water flowed down my body, leaving a dirty shit colored water stream at my feet, the farmer started to massage my back. I felt his coarse hands scrubbing my shoulders and soap up my body. I could still smell his pungent musk every time he lifted his arm. My dick grew again. He then slowly reached around and started to stroke my throbbing erection. A cow in the distance mooed, and i started to moo myself.
“Moo for me boy”. I started to moan and moo at his complete control as he started to hand milk me. Moooo moooo ughhhhhh mooo, i was humiliated at my poor mooing, but he didnt let up. He lifted his arm and pushed my head right into his ripe armpit. I inhaled the funk and i still was mooing. Moooougmmph uhhhhhhh mooooummmm. Within a few moments, i was begging to cum. “Please sir, i want to cum so bad please sir please”. In less than 4 strokes, i collapsed into his arms as i shot another load upon load across the shower room. He had to hold me up as I caught my breath. “Finish up boy we have more work to do”.
To be continued:
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westcoastrry · 3 years
Tracing The Stars Chapter 8
Blair's POV
"Where the hell are we going?" I ask Harry after about twenty minutes of driving when we ended up in a pretty woodsy area.
He grins sheepishly. "Relax women, it's a surprise."
"You are telling me to relax, but I'm in a white man's Jeep and he is bringing me deep into the forest," I joke.
No but seriously I'm sitting in a white man's jeep in the forest. He could potentially try to kill me.
He smiles widely, breathing out a heavy laugh. "Promise I won't kill you, and it's just a little ways out of the city."
Once Harry parked his car, and grabbed a black satchel bag, I followed suit taking in the beatuiful surroundings.
Green trees, gravel roads and a setting sun.
The land was pretty big, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't even seeing half of it. There was even a house on the land which I assumed belonged to Harry's family.
This was beatuiful.
Did I smell cow manure?
"Uhhhhh, where are we?"
"It's my family's farm. I used to come here all the time with my sister and my parents as a kid. My parents got a divorce my freshman year of highschool, so we just stopped going. Now I just come here when I need to clear my head."
There was a moment of pause because I had no clue that Harry's parents got a divorce. He never mentioned it to me, but then again we were never that close.
"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't know that."
Harry grabs a small black bag from his trunk and slings it over his shoulders. "It's fine. It was a long time ago. "
His voice was shaky when he spoke. He probably didn't want to talk about it.
"So what are we doing here?" I asked quickly changing the topic, so he wasn't too upset.
"We are working on the self- confidence thing, remember? Together," he says holding his hand out for me.
"Mmm," I hum. "Fine, just don't kill me in the woods."
I place my hand in his, following him reverently as he leads me to a big open field.
"Sit down by the peach tree for me." Harry orders digging around in his black satchel bag.
I sat right under the tall cascading peach tree taking in how beautiful Harry's family farm is.  All around me there are different types of flowers, and fruit trees. I even see a couple hummingbirds up above me, pecking at the fruit for dinner.
Suddenly, a flashing light breaks my thoughts.
"Harry!" I screech covering my face.
"No stay, you look beatuiful." I could practically hear the grin on his face when he spoke.
His words shocked me. I had never had a guy call me beautiful before. Did he really think I was beatuiful? I couldn't exactly understand Harry's intentions yet. Why does he care so much about helping me? He could literally have any girl he wanted at Eastwood, but here we are at his family farm of all places.
"Since when did you become a photographer?" I asked as he held up the black camera to his face taking more pictures.
He shrugs. "I just do it for fun sometimes. Now keep your head turned that way and don't move. The sun is hitting perfect."
"Harry! What is the point of this." I groan embarrassingly
He narrows his eyes away from the camera lens towards me.
"The point of this is to show you how beatuiful you are peach. You have nothing to be insecure about."
I'm blushing so much my face physically hurts. I haven't received this much attention from a guy since Justin asked me to be his girlfriend. I wasn't sure what I was feeling in this moment, but it wasn't a bad.
His nickname for me made my heart swell.
He takes a couple more shoots coaxing me to try many different positions by the tree before taking a seat next to me.
I try to peep over his shoulder to look at the pictures he took, but he quickly shuts down his camera and puts it away.
"We need to make a list." Harry said, grabbing a notepad and a pen out of his bag.
"A list?"
"Yes. We are working on your self confidence together. I gotta know what I'm working with first so I can help you."
"Alright..." I said slowly.
"So what are things you want to work on specifically?"
I bite the inside of my check.  "Well I want to start being more confident in my body."
Harry starts to jot things down in his peace of paper.
"What else?"
"I want to start going out to parties again, and feeling good about it. Feeling safe too."
He pauses for a second but continues writing.
"Oh! I want to be better at communicating the things I want in life. A Lot of my life I feel like I have been living for other people, doing what everyone wants me to do, or expects of me, I need to start doing things for me," I continue to ramble. "Maybe even having a solid group of friends. I used to be friends with the cheer girls, but then I realized how fake they could be."
"My friends are your friends you know?" He tells me firmly. "I know its been a while since we have all hung out together but trust me, they like you."
I nodd. "I did miss you guys this summer."
"Alright, anything else peach?"
"I miss food." I deadpan making Harry furrow his eyebrows.
"I miss good food. I used to be so obsessed with this image of being skinny when I was on the cheer team like the rest of the girls, and passed up on good food. I just want to eat a burger."
Harry laughs. "We can definitely eat all the food we want."
"Do you work tomorrow?" he asks.
"No why?"
He stands up and holds his hand out to help me up. "Come to the game tomorrow. It's the first game of the season and you can hang out with us afterwards if you would like."
At first my anxiety told me to say no. To stay home, do some homework and maybe even watch a movie with my mom when she came home from work. However, going to the game ment spending more time with Harry and I don't think I would mind spending more time with him.
"Sounds like fun."
"Look," He says pointing at the sky. "The sunset is pretty."
He wraps one arm around my lower waist and I wish I could have stayed in this moment a little longer. No pressures from school, work, or my parents. Just Harry and I watching the sunset twenty five minutes away from all our troubles.
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melancholystarrs · 3 years
The cottagecore emoji asks, the same prompts you gave me: all of 'em or whatever you want to answer.
🌿 Herb: What is a scent you find relaxing? 
The smell of anything freshly baked :). Ex: apples, cinnamon, etc.
🌱 Seedling: What is something you want to begin learning? 
I just want to keep working on learning more about witchcraft :). Specifically get into Hellenism more as well as herbal stuff and kitchen witchcraft :p. Also learning more about gardening and wildlife!
🥛 Milk: What is a food you find comforting when you are sad? 
Got chocolate, strawberries with sugar, and toast with cinnamon sugar are all really nostalgia and comforting for me. Reminds me of all the time I spent at my grandmothers including when I lived there.
🍯 Honey: What is one thing you like about yourself?
Uhhhhh can’t think hrg. How to be nice to self..... Ughhhh I keep picking something and then being like “haha no” uhhhh I sure do have compassion.
🍄 Mushroom: What is a quote you find comfort in?
“someone will remember us
I say
even in another time”
Because I’m gay
☕ Tea: How do you take your tea?
I’ve tried so many times to like tea but I cannot. The only form I like it in is boba, but also caffeine gives me headaches now :/.
🐄 Cow: What is one other tumblr blog you really appreciate? 
Your blog 😉🥴
🌳 Tree: What is one thing in your future you are looking foward towards? 
Getting my wildlife biologist certificate. Working a job I love. Having a place I can call home. That’s more than one oops.
🍑 Peach: What is a color that makes you smile? 
Light blue/ periwinkle
🌻 Sunflower: What is one thing that brightened your day today? 
Working my job at the library :). I love it there and am so grateful for it.
🐓 Chicken: What is a comfort movie/show for you?
Going to have to studio ghibli films as well. Otherwise movies like legally blonde, but I’m a cheerleader. Also the haunting of bly manor 😭 as well as the haunting of hill house.
🧵 Thread: What is a recent creative project that you are proud of? 
I be doin sketches, I be tryin
🐈 Cat: Do you have any pets? Are there some pets you really want? 
I have 3 cats and 2 dogs (the target dog breed lol). I really want chickens, cows, goats, bunnies and sheep.
🍅 Tomato: Have you ever gardened, and if so, what is your favorite thing to grow? 
I am just starting to garden. I love sunflowers- they can get so big. Tomatoes and strawberries are also fun. All flowers as well.
🍃 Leaf: What is a plant you find beautiful? 
Rosemary, sage and lavender. Lots of succulents.
🐝 Bee: What is a video game that you find comforting? 
Animal crossing and sims 4 but they also stress me out as well sometimes lol. Karaoke and just dance is nice too. AND MINECRAFT.
🍞 Bread: Do you know how to bake bread? If so, what is something you’ve baked recently?
I do! I’ve baked cookies recently :). Chocolate crackle ones, I use a family recipe but you should be able to find one online easily.
🐇 Bunny: What’s a song that you really like? 
I have many songs I like. I’ll just say any hozier song haha
🌲  Pine: Do you prefer the cold, or the heat?
Heat, I love the feeling of the sun on my skin. Rather it’s by the window or at the beach.
🧶 Yarn: Knitting or Crocheting?
Knitting because crochet is too hard 😭. I love how crocheting looks and wish I could do it. Maybe someday.
🐑 Sheep: What is a comfort item you own? 
My baby blanket. It was there to cry into when my parents were busy arguing instead of comforting me. Also I have many stuffies :p.
🍓 Strawberry: Do you own any pink clothing?
Yeh :). Wearing a magnets sweater right now haha. I don’t have much pink clothing though, it can feel to feminine and make me feel dysphoric. But when I’m in a femme mood it’s great. I mean fuck my hair was pink for like a year.
🥞 Pancake: What is your favorite breakfast food? 
French toast :0. With powdered sugar and the real maple syrup. Also fruit :).
⛰️ Mountains: Would you rather live in the mountains, city, beach, or the forest? 
Beach. I hate the city that’s near it but boy I love the beach. Maybe a forestry area near the beach?
🧸 Teddy Bear: Do you ever want to raise kids someday? 
I don’t know! It was a no for many years but now I’m reconsidering. I would adopt. I’ll have to have a stable job so it will be a while if I do. I’m just not sure if I want that responsibility.
🕯️ Candle: What is something you can’t go to bed without? 
Warm fuzzy blankey :).
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love-fireflysong · 4 years
Day 15: Believe
Fandom: Tales of Phantasia Character(s): Claus F. Lester, Mirald Rune Words: 1380 Rating: General (spoilers of Tales of Phantasia though I guess?) Author’s Notes: Here’s another ToP fic from me to you, this time Claus centric! Not a character I ever expected to cover in depth like this honestly. Him and Mirald both. The things this month is bringing out in me...
“You know, a part of me still can’t believe that I actually managed to do all of this.”
From where Claus sat at the large table in the center of the room, he heard Mirald’s voice come amused from around the corner where she was putting away some books onto one of the many, many bookshelves that littered the house. “You’re gonna have to be more specific, Claus. Are you talking about defeating Dhaos? Changing fate so magic is still a thing in the future? Travelling 100 years into the future to fight Dhaos again? Continuing yet another 50 years into the future? Riding flying machines? Defeating Dhaos for the third time? Actually managing to kill him this time? You did a lot of stuff in the month you were out of the house you know.”
Claus gave a short burst of surprised laughter. “I mean, technically I was gone for closer to three months...”
“Oh of course. I must have forgotten, what with all the time-travelling that you were off doing! My mistake.” Her bite was dry, but even without seeing her face, Claus could hear the smile in her voice. Mirald came from around the corner, and yup, there it was. the small smile that was just the upturned corner of her mouth. “I was being serious though, you are going to have to be more specific. Which of these frankly unbelievable events is the most unbelievable to you?”
Claus shrugged, a little cowed but most mostly cocky. “Well, I mean all of them if we’re being honest here, but they weren’t what I was talking about. I was talking about these.” He made a gesture to the little jewelry box he had had custom ordered when he had returned a few weeks back now. The box itself was pretty plain on the outside, just simple cedar unadorned with any designs or engravings. The inside on the other hand, was another story.
Inside the box was strips of royal blue velvet, sewn tightly together to create creases for the twelve rings inside to stand up and show off their assortment of gems. Each ring sparkled in the light of the candle nearby, and it seemed a trick of the same light, but one could swear that something seemed to swirl inside each of the jewels, but with a blink they were solid colors again. Looking for all the world. like normal, though ridiculously expensive, rings.
Claus felt Mirald come up behind him and place a hand on his shoulder as she looked over his head onto the table. “Oh! So it finally came in, did it? I must admit, the Laiott Trading Company does good work, even if it took them a while to find this for you. I still can’t believe that you managed to convince them to locate this in the first place.”
“They took it as a special request. Elwin and Nancy did owe me a favor after all.”
“Of course. Because I forgot that among all of the other hero-ing you were off doing, you were also playing matchmaker on the side.” Mirald tweaked Claus’s ear lightly and he chucked. “These are all of the rings though?”
He nodded proudly. “Yup, and each of them has a pact with a different spirit.”
“I still can’t believe that you managed to prove your theory true. That humans using magic is possible through the use of spirits.”
“Exactly! All those years of research, the pain I endured as those fools laughed at me, at us! And for what? I was right!” Claus narrowed his eyes and laughed darkly. “Let’s see those idiots laugh now when I summon Maxwell in front of them and watch him proceed to throw dark balls of molecular energy at them!” He stopped laughing when Mirald tweaked his ear again, much harder this time.
“Don’t be ridiculous. As if I would let you destroy a place of learning.”
Claus looked over his shoulder at her, a smile on his face showing off his teeth. “But you’re not saying that they don’t deserve it I noticed.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Don’t misconstrue my words like that.” She paused for a moment before sharing his smile. “Though it would be funny to watch them cower and grovel, I admit.”
“Aha! I knew it!”
“Oh, shut up. Now, show me which one’s Maxwell’s again?”
Claus eagerly pointed to a a ring placed on on the far left of the second row. A dark turquoise was centered in the silver ring, with small semi-circles of open space just below the left and right sides of the jewel letting the brilliant blue of the velvet come through. “This one. We found it near the end of the Moria Mines. I had to have a pact with Sylph, Undine, Efreet, and Gnome—” he pointed at each of the rings (opal, aquamarine, garnet, and ruby in that order) on the top row “—before we could even meet him.”
“What does he look like again?”
“An old man with big bushy white eyebrows and mustache. He wears a big black hat and robes and carries a staff.” As though sensing that she was looking at his own brown hat hung over by the door, he scoffed. “Not like that though. It was more triangular in shape, I guess? Kind of reminds me of the hats that the people in Suzu’s village wore now that I think about it...”
“Yes, because I clearly know what those hats looked like.” Before he could respond, Mirald pointed at a sapphire ring on the bottom row. “I’ve always liked the color of that one. Which one’s that?”
To her surprise, Claus made a face not unlike that of pained grimace. “Oh, that’s, uh, Gremlin Lair.”
“Gremlin Lair? Who or what is a ‘Gremlin Lair’?”
“It’s hard to explain? I mean, uh—” he quickly backtracked at the flat, unimpressed look on her face. “—it’s a summon.”
“Oh, wow. I never would have guessed. Try again.”
Claus sighed. “It’s what it says on the tin. When I summon from this ring, a bunch of gremlins come out and attack whatever I’m fighting by biting them.”
“...and you had to fight them to get it to agree to making a pact with you?”
“No, not... exactly. I promised them that I would feed them whenever I called them.”
Mirald sighed painfully as she rubbed at a spot between her eyebrows. “And what, exactly, did you promise to feed them?”
“...my mana?”
“Claus!” She was pleased to note that he at least sunk a little in his seat in shame. “Why on earth would you promise them that?!”
With a groan, Claus put his head in his hands. “I thought it would be useful? I don’t know, Mirald! It just looked so hungry and at that point we were so close to storming Dhaos’ Castle that I was desperate for anything that might help us!” 
Anticipating the no doubt scathing scolding he was about to receive, Claus frantically grabbed at a ring on the same row, but the other end as the sapphire one, and shoved it into her face. “Here!”
He watched Mirald’s face go pink all of a sudden, and didn’t understand why until he looked at the ring in his fingers, and proceeded to turn the same shade.
The voice that came out of her was not one he had ever heard before, small, high-pitched, and squeaky. “Please tell me there’s a reason you’re shoving a diamond ring into my face.”
“Yeah! I-I-I mean, of course there is, yeah. It’s the ring that has a pact with Origin.”
Though her face was still pink, Mirald had at least recovered her wits enough to gawk at the ring in shock. “You mean Origin. The Origin. Spirit of All Things and King of Spirits, Origin. That Origin?”
“The very one!”
“Oh, I have got to hear how in the world you of all people managed to convince Origin to agree to a pact.”
The smile on Claus’s face was almost scary in it’s eagerness. “Okay. So, in order to forge the sword that would break the barrier surrounding Dhaos’ Castle, we needed to find two swords of fire and ice, and a pact ring...”
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magsrome · 4 years
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⌠ PARIS BERELC, 19, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, MAGS ROMERO! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in MEDICAL TRAINING & “MCGUYVER” SURVIVAL SKILLS AND NAVIGATION; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (over-annotated novels, several potted plants and flowers, and a black boombox near the foot of a bed). when it’s the libra’s birthday on 10/11/2000, they always request their TIRAMISU from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ jess, 21, she/her, cst ⍀
i’m back w/ a fourth cutie wassup
birth name; magdalena ann romero … but please, call her mags! (maggie is okay but mags is preferable)
born to miguel and felicia romero – former fbi agents
they were not off the grid, but both miguel and felicia were both agents that retired pretty early (mostly due to wanting to start a family) so they got a place that’s a bit outside of the city ( georgia maybe idk ). of course, they never told mags what their former jobs used to be.
i mean, from the outside they look like a normal family!!! the romeros and their lil barn and fresh from the garden foods. mags studied at a nearby public school, had few friends. the romeros played nice with almost everyone they met, but kept to themselves mostly in the barn.
( tw violence ? ) so around the time mags was supposed to start high school, some rogue agents decided to invade their farm and while mags was more than happy to run and call 911, her parents made her hide in the barn with all the animals until they could get her again.
hours turned to what she presumed was a day or two. she loved the animals and would protect them however she could. all she could do was hope that her parents were okay and that they got away or got help or…basically, she trusted them to know what to do.
after around thirty five hours inside the barn, her mom came back to the barn to fetch her. “we took care of it” was their only response. another response was “we found a really good school for you! we think you’ll like it!”
it was a spy prep school. and to say she was a fish out of water was an understatement. she didn’t know which from what. hell, she didn’t even know what she was doing there at all.
her parents began to explain their lives to her bit by bit and explained that a spy prep school was practical - just in case something like the attempted home invasion happened again. they needed mags to be s a f e.
prep school was..a culture shock. the fanciest thing she’d seen in her smallish town was fairy lights and tulle-decked decor during her eighth grade dance ( where she had danced with a boy!! scandalous )…the prep school her parents sent her to ( along with the kids in it ) were…living lives she could only dream about.
nonetheless, she found a small niche of friends she could have good conversations with. while she wasn’t the most aggressive, it was apparent that mags had talent for something. her resourcefulness served her well in prep school and when it came time to come to gallagher, the survival track made sense. medical sciences came after she had encountered some major forensic science figures through the prep school – and who wouldn’t wanna do csi / bones - esque jobs for real?
at gallagher, she’s definitely going to do her best to prove her worth. she’s still not as comfortable with..everything in the spy industry, but she figures that as long as her and her family are safe and she can still do her work, she can make this kind of life work for her
personality: curious, gentle, resourceful, quick, witty – she does her best to not come off too strong. she’s more lively around friends and people she’s comfortable with.
hobbies: reading, analyzing things, flower arranging, plants….petting cute animals ( someone come get her from the stables she’s too attached to the horses send help )
plotting bullet points
uhhhhh friends pls, someone she could whisper inside jokes to!! where she can annoy with countless replays of her music playlists
im curious to see how a rival could play out with mags
i must have a preference for the fbi bc mags also has fbi parents so if ur parents were fbi and attended prep school….u must’ve seen mags during her first day at prep school where she tripped over her own shoelaces!!
idk..im blanking..im gonna revamp all my connection pages soon during this break so we’ll see!!
+ brief update in the middle of the year
  ** added, reason for leaving for a bit & coming back: her pet cow, sisa, had shown signs of being sick. mags went back to help take care of her (it’s like miley and her horse blue jeans) and once sisa was feeling a whole lot better, mags went back to gallagher. she misses sisa terribly and puts up a picture of her on her desk, right beside her dried flowers and her stack of journals.
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quirkle2 · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
Tagged by the wonderful @citrusveins​!
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?: Black.
2. Name a food you never eat?: Tacos. Unpopular opinion, but those suckers ain’t good.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?: Too cold, usually.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: Laying in bed like the lazy shit I am.
5. What is your favorite candy bar?: Uhhhh Twix??? maybe??
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?: My school took us on a field trip to an Orioles game once. Had no fuckin’ clue what was goin’ on, but at least I got some Dippin’ Dots.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?: Uhhhh I think ily to my mom??
8. What is your favorite ice cream?: Vanilla! I’m a basic bitch.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?: Tea!
10. Do you like your wallet?: Yeah, sure. It ain’t fancy, but it gets the job done.
11. What was the last thing you ate?: Some Tai Pei chicken fried rice. Shit’s good.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: I bought a shirt from Hollister that was on sale.
13. The last sporting event you watched?: Some random ass football game that my dad had on TV.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: I’m not a huge fan of popcorn (now you’ve met two people, Citrus!) but like... flavor?? I just like it with butter and salt? idk
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?: My best friend.
16. Ever go camping?: It’s been a bit, but yeah!
17. Do you take vitamins?: I have those stupid fucking Flintstones gummies on my counter and i always forget to take them
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?: I went to church once when I was a kid because some friend of my moms was involved in it and my mom was like “hey maybe we’ll go to this” and I hated it and she hated it we were like “yeah maybe not.” Just not my cup o’ tea.
19. Do you have a tan?: Hell no.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?: Uhhhhh oh nooooo pizza I guess.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?: Nah.
22. What color socks do you usually wear?: White.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?: I don’t know how to drive yet. :(
24. What terrifies you?: The ocean. Being abandoned. Police. Cows- those fuckers are huge.
25. Look to your left, what do you see?: My phone and my journal.
26. What chore do you hate?: My mom has me make tea when we’re low and i never know when it’s fuckin done i’m bad at cooking okay don’t judge me
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?: "u wanna fuckin’ go m8″
28. What’s your favorite soda?: Pepsi! Or RC.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?: Drive-thrus unless we’re not really in a rush.
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?: My mom!
31. Favorite cut of beef?: Uhhhh what does this mean help i’m dumb
32. Last song you listened to?: Take What You Want by Post Malone.
33. Last book you read?: Uhh I think it was the first Percy Jackson book?? I bought the whole series recently because I wanted to see all that I apparently missed but I just stopped reading it for some reason.
34. Favorite day of the week?: Saturday!
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?: I just tried an’ i shit you not i got two letters in
36. How do you like your coffee?: I don’t like coffee but I wish I did?? It always smells so good so I try some of it and it’s always nasty no matter what I put in it.
37. Favorite pair of shoes?: My yellow converse!
38. The time you normally go to sleep?: Around 9 because I’m a grandma.
39. The time you normally get up?: I usually wake up at 8 naturally.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?: Sunrise. I feel like sunsets have a sort of bittersweetness to them because when I see them I’m usually outdoors having a good day and seeing a sunset just kinda reminds you that you have to go home and sleep soon and you don’t want to.
41. How many blankets on your bed?: One!
42. Describe your kitchen plates: Uhh they’re all weird and mismatched. We have a really old one that my dad apparently ate off of when he was a kid. It’s got strawberries on it and it’s all faded and old looking.
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?: Haven’t tried a lot because I am but a wee child but so far I really like the moonshine that my dad’s coworker makes (i was pleasantly surprised when i could barely taste the alcohol), and uhhh i think like irish cream or something?
44. Do you play cards?: Not unless my meemaw whips out some uno and she’s ready to destroy relationships. 
45. What color is your car?: I don’t have a car but we’ve got a grey-ish boi and a piece o shit white truck.
46. Can you change a tire?: haha nope.
47. Your favorite province?: Like... in Japan? what are we talkin’ about here-
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had?: *cough* i don’t yet have a job *cough*
49. How did you get your biggest scar?: Uhhh i don’t really have a lot scars... I’ve got a really faded burn mark on my arm from when I was little. I got it when my brother was being a doofus and making me laugh and I was standing next to the stove and I kinda leaned against it a little cause I didn’t really notice i was next to it.
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?: idk man it’s like 10 am i haven’t done shit today.
Uhhh idk who to tag- if you wanna do this then don’t be shy! :D
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friendly-jester · 4 years
Critical Role
I’m going to spare anyone who doesn’t want to read this because I rambled a lot lol 
But if you want me to ramble more send me a show/movie/fandom and I’ll tell you:
my favorite female character
my favorite male character
my favorite book/season/etc
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)
my favorite cast member
my favorite ship
a character I’d die defending
a character I just can’t sympathize with
a character I grew to love
my anti otp
my favorite female characterJESTER!!!! I love her so much my precious blue troublemaker!! Seeing how much she’s grown is *chefs kiss* incredible.
Nott is a very close second because Sam makes me laugh. 
my favorite male characterMollymauk! FUCK I MISS HIM SO MUCH!! It’ll just hit me randomly how much I miss him and how much it sucks that we’ll might never get to hear his full backstory. I KNEW when I started that he was going to die but my dumbass got attached anyway.
I also really love Caleb. He’s my favorite trash disaster man and I want to smother him in hugs and kisses (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
my favorite book/season/etcI basically skipped the first campaign so I could get right into the second one so the second one I guess? 
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)Does Critical Role COUNT as a TV show??? It has episodes sooooo…. I really like when they accidentally become pirates. The girls getting tattoos is high up there too. And any with Molly in them are high up there as well lol except episode 26 fuck that episode :( 
my favorite cast member I love them all but Laura!! She’s the whole reason I decided to watch. I’ve been a huge fan of hers for years. The first anime I ever watched not counting Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, or Pokemon bc I thought those were cartoons when I was a kid was Fruits Basket (2001) and Laura as Tohru helped me though a lot in middle school. Her voice was one of the first voice actor voices I memorized. When I watched Fullmetal Alchemist for the first time and heard Lust speak I freaked out lol
my favorite shipTie between BeauYasha and Fjorester! 
Beau and Yasha just have big useless lesbian energy and I love it. I just want them both to be happy and I think they could make each other happy. They deserve it!! 
Fjord and Jester are just adorable. Seeing them go from girl who has crush on boy to close friends who care so much about each other and support each other just makes me all ~\(≧▽≦)/~ inside. I think it has to do with Laura and Travis’s chemistry as well. 
a character I just can’t sympathize withUHHHHH I don’t think there are any? Maybe Trent? Or Obann? But like those are bad guys so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
a character I grew to loveThere’s two. Beau and Caduceus. 
I just… didn’t like Beau at first? I dunno why she just kinda rubbed me the wrong way? I can’t tell you exactly when I started liking her but I do now and I think she’s such a strong character and has so much love in her heart for everyone in the mn. I love my useless lesbian daughter. 
When Caduceus showed up I was still upset about Molly so I was just bitter for a little bit lmao. But I love that weird cow man now. 
my anti otp Caleb x Nott. It’s just weird to me because I see them as purely familial at this point that any talk of them being romantic makes me uncomf ??
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theodej · 4 years
uhhhhh chapter 2 is up, come meet makwa
i’ll put it under the cut again, but after this i’ll probably just post them to ao3 ✌️ i’ll still link em here tho
The Wet Hen pub was overflowing with families and laughter that night. It was the kind of noise that shoved its way into every nook and cranny, bouncing off walls and seeping into the laminate.
It was someone’s birthday. (It was always someone’s birthday.) The girls were being corralled just behind the kitchen doors. Like every chain, they had their own butchered version of “Happy Birthday,” torn apart and glued back together with some particularly imperfect rhymes.
As was tradition, Makwa was hiding in the bathrooms. She’d shut herself in one of the stalls and sat on the toilet’s tank, resting her knee. It hadn’t been the same since she messed it up during soccer practice in high school. Hill didn’t like her wearing her brace to work. Of course, she never said a word about it; she couldn’t, unless she wanted HR up her ass. But she always treated Makwa differently when she wore it.
She didn’t trust the seats enough to actually sit on them, especially when it was her turn to clean. She flicked through her phone, waiting. It wasn’t long before the girls started singing and, muffled or not, someone smarter than her could probably pick out the dozen or so different keys they switched between. Whether you wanted to or not, you could hear the Wet Hen girls “singing” from the outskirts of town. It was the one thing they didn’t fake.
When the restroom door opened, Makwa held her breath. Footsteps shuffled on the tile—they didn’t sound like heels, boots maybe?—and stopped at the sinks. The taps were turned on, and the rush of water just barely covered the person’s sniffling. They muttered to themselves, tone hush but fervent, before shutting the water off. For a moment, all she heard was clapping and laughter from the restaurant proper. Then there was a soft sigh and, finally, they left. Makwa knew she should do the same, although there wasn’t any use in keeping up appearances anymore; Hill had definitely noticed her repeated absences during “birthday roundups.” One more minute of peace couldn’t hurt.
Hill wasn’t waiting outside the bathroom door for her, surprisingly.
“…the same guy as last time.”
“And you passed him off to someone else last time, too.”
But she was close, and she was using that even, soft tone of hers. That tone meant trouble, and trouble meant Makwa should keep walking.
“He’s creepy! And he’s, like, twice my age.”
Hill had pulled the youngest waitress aside to have one of her not-so-private discussions. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. You can’t pick and choose your tables. If I let you switch now, would that be fair to everyone else?”
The girl bit her lip. She was clearly ready to back off. Hill saw it, too, judging by the sickly sweet smile on her face.
Just go already.
“You know the rules, Grace. You signed off on them.”
“I’ll take it,” Makwa said.
Hill turned to her, the smile melting off her face like wax. “Where have you been?”
“Just give me the table. I’m not doing anything right now, anyway.”
Grace’s shoulders relaxed instantly. “Are you sure?”
“Which table?”
Makwa nodded quickly before moving away, avoiding Hill’s eyes even as they burned a hole in her back. She gave herself a quick moment to scan the restaurant through the backroom door’s little window—a few new faces since she’d ducked away, all families—and headed back into the fray.
The Wet Hen’s décor could be best described as… overstimulating, at best. Imagine the tackiest southern belle you can think of. Now imagine her meemaw’s life exploding onto barn walls in a shower of sweet tea, cow skulls and ten-gallon hats. The paneled walls were covered in yellowed photographs and replica guns. There was even a tractor jutting out of one wall, as if someone was that desperate to get their hands on some over-sauced wings. It was a clusterfuck of colours and smells, and yet it was packed every Friday night.
“What dressing would you like with that?”
Makwa had found the table without any trouble. The man in question brought his wife and kid in, too, and despite his audience, it was immediately clear why Grace had made such a fuss.
“Balsamic, please.”
She felt his eyes on her.
She turned to the kid next. “And yourself?”
Makwa was painfully aware of the pub’s sorry excuse for a uniform—flannel and jean shorts.
“He’ll just have the chicken fingers.”
Makwa and her big mouth. She shouldn’t have cared.
“All right…”
She’d deliberately left him for last. Makwa didn’t ask him what he wanted, simply made eye contact (even if it made her spine crawl) and waited.
“Steak. Rare.”
Why did she always do this?
“And for a side?” She stared down at her notepad, moving slow, as if “steak” was taking all of her mental faculties to spell.
“What happened to the other girl?” He was smiling now. “She took our drink order!”
“I’ll get them. Your side?”
“Hey, I’m not complaining. Maybe I’ll like you better,” he chuckled.
Makwa was still writing, waiting, and could his wife not see the look on his face? Or was she trying to ignore it, too?
“Just fries is fine.”
Finally. “Is that all?”
The moment his wife started nodding, Makwa was off. She felt eyes on her the whole way, and didn’t stop until she was safe in the backroom. Grace was there, looking for all the world like a scolded dog, a tray of drinks held in her shaking hands. Makwa only glanced at her before stopping at one of the countertops. The order was crumpled in her hands. She’d have to write a new ticket.
She cast quick glances over her shoulder as the girl approached. “You- you didn’t need to do that, you know. I mean, thanks, but you… I didn’t mean to make you feel like you had to.”
“It’s fine.” The kid looked so relieved, and that made her look even younger. Makwa swore she must’ve lied about her age to get hired, but Hill probably didn’t care either way.
Grace was peering over her shoulder at the crumpled note.
… garden, balsamic kids tenders steakkk fuckk fuck you ff fries
“Did he, uh… do anything?”
Makwa shoved the paper into her pocket. “It was fine.” She hung the new ticket up with the rest, skin itching as Grace followed her. “Really. Don’t worry about it.”
Grace just stared. “Ms. Hill said–”
“Don’t worry about her. We’ve got your back here.”
The girl’s smile almost made this whole ordeal worth it. “Oh! Right, these are, um…” She looked down at the drinks, and Makwa took them without a word.
The man was smiling at her return, his eyes focused nowhere near her face.
The last hours of her shift flew by. The creep’s family had finished eating a while ago, but Hill wouldn’t call it loitering yet. They were talking money, which meant their kid had resorted to running toy cars off any ramp-shaped surface in the restaurant, apparently hellbent on getting in everyone’s way.
The man had just ordered his fifth beer—the light ones, but what was the point if he drank so many?—and the inappropriate comments were only increasing. His wife gave her sympathetic looks, but didn’t acknowledge it otherwise. Makwa was starting to hate them both equally. When she trudged back, drink in tow, the kid was nowhere to be seen. He was someone else’s problem for now.
She had her eyes fixed on the table as she walked, counting the minutes till her shift ended—when her legs flew out from under her. Makwa landed flat on her ass, a shrill crash sounding behind her. Her knee ached. A few people came forward as she slowly registered the beer soaking through her shorts and the toy car rolling away from her.
That fucking kid.
“You okay?” The man stooped in front of her, reaching out with one hand.
There was a screech. Makwa scooted back, eyes fixed on him. His fingers only brushed her shoulder, but it felt like a burn. That heat shot to her hands next, and it took her a second to realize she was leaning on broken glass.
A modest crowd had gathered by then. Makwa shot upright despite the pain, took one second to check her knee—nothing out of place—and darted past them. There was a first aid kid in the back. Not that it did her much good. She fumbled with the latch, hissing. It kept slipping between her bloody fingers.
Someone was behind her.
She jumped back to see Grace, who took it as an invitation to open the kit herself. Makwa gave up and slumped against the wall. The pain wasn’t bad, but it was still too much. Hill was nowhere to be seen. Probably apologizing to that fucking asshole.
When Grace reached for her hands, it took everything she had not to pull away. The girl was gentle, but the contact couldn’t end soon enough. Makwa kept her eyes shut.
“We’ve got each other’s backs, remember?” Grace said quietly.
Back on the floor, one server had drawn the short straw and was sweeping up the glass with a hand broom. There wasn’t a lot of blood, but what was there looked so bright against the laminate. The brush bristles left red tracks behind them, drawing hypnotizing patterns with every movement.
“Um… Can I get you anything else?”
He hadn’t realized he was staring. He chuckled. “Nein, thank you,” he said, turning back towards the bartender. “Just the bill is fine.” He gave her a bright smile, and she nodded, returning it nervously as she looked at the scene behind him. Cute.
By the time he turned back, the unlucky server had switched to a mop. It wasn’t long before the mess was cleaned and sterilized, as if nothing ever happened. Soon, the manager dragged the waitress back out. Poor thing. She was apologizing, but didn’t look too happy about it. Her fingers picked at the bandaids covering her hands.
What a lucky day he’d picked to come! It wasn’t his favourite place to drink; the usual crowd wasn’t really his type. But he never turned his nose up at dinner and a show.
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