#and when i told my mom that i never got flowers after a concert she goes ‘yeah you did! i’m pretty sure we did’
definitelyranyata · 1 month
Every once in a while, we should all get a break. Everyone deserves one! Every after exams, a semestral break occurs. This serves as a reward for student’s hard works. From those all-nighters, becomes all-day adventures! The semestral break isn’t just a pause from academics, but also a chance to learn new hobbies, engage in new activities, and most importantly, make memories with the people you love.
My semestral break was fun! I’m very happy I got to spend time with my family, because I rarely see them. We all went to Bambanti and rode on the carousel. I haven’t ridden one ever since the pandemic started. After riding the carousel I saw one of my boardmates, and we watched a concert of the famous band “SunKissed Lola”. I am so happy I got to watch a concert! I haven’t watched one. Before the pandemic, my favorite band “Ben&Ben” went there, and I didn’t get to watch it due to the traffic and the amount of people. Anyway, I really, really enjoyed watching the concert!! But sadly, I had to leave because I spent almost an HOUR watching them, while waiting for the band to play my favorite song of theirs and also because we didn’t get to go around the booths. Some of the booths were closed, but I saw the others and they were pretty! I can’t believe the amount of effort and time they took to finish those. Some of the scarecrows scared me, like the monkey-like one. But still, it was a very enjoyable experience! I also finally got to buy those balloons with lights! We got home late, but I am very satisfied with that experience! The next day, I and my dad planned to change our screen protectors due to the cracks. We went in the afternoon, but our problem was we didn’t have any parking space. I’m happy I got to go through different routes! Sometimes, going the same way to the place and back, it bores me. So seeing new sites make the ride less boring. When we got there, the sky was so pretty! And after repairing our screen protectors we went  to this café called “Brews and Bouquets”. I got a Salted Caramel Latte while my dad got an Americano. Their drinks were very delicious. I was very satisfied! We got my mom and sister drinks because they called us and said they also wanted drinks. I spilled their drinks a little bit…but I’m glad my sister didn’t get mad. She can get dramatic and then she doesn’t want the drink anymore. She didn’t finish her drink so I did. I never would've thought strawberry drinks would taste this good! I’m not a fan of strawberry drinks because their too sweet most of the time, but this drink wasn’t too sweet! I enjoyed it very much. This is a very memorable moment for me, because my parents are busy and so am I so we barely get to spend time together.  I also got to spend time with my cousin too! I missed her so much! We barely talk anymore due to us both being busy with school. We both talked about what’s happening in our lives. We both ranted to each other about our problems. We also played badminton together! It was fun!!  Thanks to her,  I finally know how to serve in badminton! She also told me she got me a ribbon flower bouquet from her classmate, and she got me a sketchbook as a belated Christmas gift because we had some… issues during the Christmas vacation. In exchange, I got her a bracelet. Thought, I don’t know if she’d wear it because I don’t think she’s a fan of bracelets… but I hope she still loves it! Even if  she started school early she made sure she’d spend time with me. That’s one thing I love about her. Despite our families having issues she still remains being friends with me and being with me.
The semestral break gave me a chance to catch up with my sleep and improve my health. During school days, I sleep VERY late due to the amount of work given to us. I also got in touch with my creative side. Ever since school started, my skills in drawing and my imagination had sadly started to decrease. I’m so glad I got to practice my skills even in a very short amount of time. I finally got to fill the pages of my empty sketchbook.  There are some times where my drawings don’t look good nor reach my expected output, but I always tell myself that I’ll improve more with practice. I took care of the dog while my parents were gone, and got productive with my chores,  which made me very happy of myself because I tend to get lazy and only do some of my chores, or I don't do them at all. I also tutored my sister in her Chinese lessons. My parents and her look up to me to teach her because I was an honor student in Chinese. There are times that she didn’t want me to teach her, which is very annoying, but no matter how hard she resists on me to not teach her I always still do. I’m very happy to give her tips in her lessons.
Sometimes, I want the semestral break to last longer, but nothing ever lasts forever. It sucks I had to get back to school again. But the semestral break gave me a lot of lessons and I can’t wait to apply it in my everyday life. The semestral break also showed me that spending time with people you love most is important, because you’ll never know when they’re going to be gone. It made me appreciate the small things in life like just simply spending time with my family in our house playing PANTS or watching our favorite show. Going back to school is dreadful, but at the very least, I'll have these memories with me. The time we spent with each other is definetly worth more than anything in this world.
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missywritesfor7 · 7 months
🌺 Promise Flower | PJM 🌺
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Synopsis: Jimin is a popular dance student and the best one at his university. Mina is a photography student and has known Jimin since high school. An idea for a photo project finds Mina getting closer to him than she ever has before. She learns how big his heart is, but also learns how closely he guards it. Every time she thinks he'll let her in, he pulls away again. Is it even worth the trouble?
Pairing: college student!Jimin x fem!oc
Warnings: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, alcoholism
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
|| Ch. 16: Holiday ||
Being home is refreshing after what turned out to be a bit of a whirlwind of a semester. My parents got me my favorite foods and spend time telling me how much they missed me. I show them some of the photos I’ve taken over the course of the semester, which are mostly of Jimin.
Of course, with Jimin being a bit of a celebrity in our town my parents recognize him in my photos immediately. They begin telling me about how devastated everyone was when they found out about Jimin’s injury.
My mom happens to be friends with Jimin’s mom and mentioned how rough things have been for them. I hate to listen to ‘gossip’ from my mom, but she’s always got the inside scoop on everything that goes on around here. She’s never been wrong as long as I’ve been alive.
Most of what she says I already knew from what Jimin had told me. He wanted to give his extra money from the benefit concert to them to help out. His mom refused, but it seems she also refused help from other people in town who offered to help them financially. It took a community led secret fundraiser and an anonymous envelope of money left at their door to give them the help they need. Knowing how we had to keep the benefit concert for Jimin a secret I can see that this type of thing runs in the family.
Though things aren’t perfect for them, thanks to the community they’re at least a lot better than they could be. I’m starting to think that maybe Jimin’s mom wouldn’t accept the extra money from him because they really are doing ok. I’m sure his mom didn’t tell him about the money they received and that’s why he thinks things aren’t great at home.
“So…” I start knowing I may be about to change the mood in the room, but I have to ask. “Will Ryan be coming for Christmas?”
My parents look at each other uncomfortably and sigh.
“We haven’t heard from him in a while,” my dad says. “We assume he may spend the holiday elsewhere. Who knows.”
Ryan is my brother who’s 5 years older than me and a habitual flake, amongst other things. I rarely speak to him because anytime I do it turns into an argument which results in him once again accusing me of being the favored child. Drama follows him like a shadow and he’s put my parents through a lot over the years. Seems he only calls when he needs something or when he’s once again in jail for some sort of theft, assault, or drunk driving. It would be a very merry Christmas for all of us if he doesn’t show up.
For dinner my mom offered to cook my favorite pasta along with her amazing homemade garlic bread for dinner. Her and my dad both have work in the morning so after dinner they head straight to bed. I planned to meet some of my high school friends for a few drinks so I promise my parents I won’t wake them when I get back home at whatever time it may be.
I meet my friends Dylan, Phoebe, and Cindy at a bar in town shortly after finishing dinner and getting washed up. It’s funny to go out and see a photo of Jimin hanging near the front door. Lots of places have pictures and news articles of him posted up with pride. No matter how humble and modest he is, there’s no denying that he’s the shining star around here.
My friends and I enjoy ourselves catching up and joking around as if not much has changed. The drinks are sitting well and we’re having a great time. I know I’m a lightweight but I’m not even thinking about that as I don’t want to kill the vibe I have going right now.
So much for that though. Turns out someone else wanted to kill the vibe instead.
“I can’t believe every place out here still has pictures of Jimin everywhere,” Cindy says taking a sip of her mojito. “I heard he got hurt, what good is he now?”
“What does that mean?” I ask trying my best to not let my emotions come flying out.
“I mean he can’t dance, he hasn’t done any competitions lately. I know they probably just want the publicity, but there is none if he’s not doing anything.”
“It’s not like he had a career ending injury. Once he’s fully recovered he’ll be dancing again just as before.”
“Mina’s right,” Dylan chimes in. “Injuries happen but it’s not the end of the world. Plus he’s a nice guy, why are you talking about him like that all of the sudden?”
“I’m just saying,” Cindy continues. “I heard he’s back in town and there was a party thrown for him. Did you know the party was invite only? That’s such bullshit!”
I knew that he received a very warm welcome when I dropped him off at home. We hadn’t texted much today which isn’t a big deal since we both were catching up with our families. He did let me know they threw him a party and he was really embarrassed by it, but he was having a good time regardless. The invite only part is news to me, but I can’t say that I’m surprised. It’s no different than it was in high school. There’d be a celebration after another one of his competition wins but primarily for close friends and family of his. This is nothing new, however, Cindy seems to be particularly bothered by it for some reason.
“Are you jealous that you weren’t invited?” Phoebe laughs.
“So what if I am?” Cindy admits taking another sip. “You would think I’d be able to see him easily now when he’s not some big shot anymore. He should be lucky I even want to talk to him when he’s not even worth anything.”
“And why do you want to talk to him so bad?” I ask still trying to use my last sliver of sobriety to keep from throwing my drink at her rude ass.
“I wanted to talk to him after the whole Nikki thing back in school. I can’t believe he was so obsessed with her, he could do so much better with the type of money he was winning at those competitions.”
“You think you’re better?” Dylan asks starting to catch on to her negative vibes. “You just want to talk to him to try getting money out of him, how would you be any better than Nikki?”
“Yeah,” Phoebe says rolling her eyes. “You’re literally admitting to just being a gold digger and you’re wondering why you couldn’t see him?”
“I’m not a gold digger now.” Cindy laughs clearly unaware of how the rest of us are not amused at all. “Like I said, he’s not dancing so he’s nothing now. If I can get to him now when it should be easy then I’ll be set when he gets better and starts winning competitions again. I’ll make it worth his while though.”
“So you’re either a gold digger or a prostitute.” Phoebe says eliciting laughter from Dylan and I.
“You can call me whatever,” Cindy says rolling her eyes. “Just wait and we’ll see who’s laughing.” She finishes off her glass then looks at me like she just got hit with an idea. “Mina you and him go to the same school don’t you? Maybe you could t-“
“No,” I interrupt not wanting to hear anything else she has to say.
“Seriously?” She says in near disbelief. The others are laughing but I’m looking at her stone faced and ready to fight. “What are you his security or some shit now?”
“No. I’m his girlfriend.”
Everyone stares at me wide eyed taking a moment to register what I just said.
“You?” Cindy asks.
“No way!” Dylan exclaims. “That’s so awesome! I’m happy for you!”
“Me too!” Phoebe says raising her glass. “Cheers to you and Jimin!”
The three of us toast and take a sip but Cindy is still glaring.
“How is he dating you?” Cindy asks with a scowl.
“Is that a problem?” I ask furrowing my brow.
“I’m just wondering. He never dated anyone before, I’m just trying to figure out why he chose you of all people.”
“Are you fucking serious?”
“He’s probably dating her because she’s not a gold digger or a prostitute,” Dylan retorts. “Don’t be mad because it’s not you.”
“I guess he just likes loose girls that come free of charge then?” She huffs.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” I say with no sobriety left in me to maintain civility.
“I’m just saying. Don’t act like we all don’t know about how much you and Sid were fucking each other. I never understood why, but I guess if you’re easy you can get anyone.”
“What is your problem?” Phoebe asks. “You know that was all a lie, why the fuck are you attacking Mina just because you’re jealous that she’s dating Jimin? Maybe you could try being happy for someone for once instead of being a bitter bitch with no man and no money.”
“I’m not bitter,” Cindy doubles down. “Just confused.”
“You know what,” I say grabbing my purse. “I didn’t come here to be insulted by someone who can’t do anything unless kneepads are required. I’m going home.” I stand up from the table and storm out leaving Cindy’s jaw on the floor.
I start heading towards my car in the parking lot when I realize I’m actually in no condition to drive myself home right now. I’m drunk and pissed off to the point where walking is hard enough. I lean against my car wondering what I should do at nearly midnight. I can’t call my parents, they’re already in bed and I don’t want to disturb them when I know they have to get up in the morning.
[Me]: Are you still awake?
[Me]: I’m sorry if you aren’t I’m just drunk and pissedddd offfffff and need to talk to someone until I can get drive to go home
[Jimin]: Yeah I’m still awake. Why are you drunk and pissed off? What happened? Where are you??
[Me]: I went for drinks with Dylan phoebe and Cindy
[Me]: Cindy is a fuCKing bitch! i want to rip her BITCHhead off
[Me]: I’m going to walk around to try cooling off or something idkkkkk
I step away from my car and begin walking down the sidewalk to an undetermined location. I can’t stay in the parking lot of the bar because if I see Cindy come out I might strangle her. And I’m definitely not about to drive in this condition. My brother has done more than enough drunk driving in his lifetime for the both of us, I’m not interested in starting a criminal record.
I get about a block away when I remember the park nearby that I used to hangout at when I was younger. I figure I can sit out there in peace and sober up a bit. I wish I had gotten a drink of water first.
I reach the park and let out a sigh of relief to see that no one is there. Teenagers are always here at crazy hours smoking, drinking, and fucking. I’m not in the mood to encounter any of that right now.
I take a seat on one of the swings and sloppily swing my legs around until I get a call from Jimin.
“Hey,” I say answering the phone.
“Mina, where are you?” He says sounding out of breath.
“I went down the street to the park to try to get sober. I didn’t drive don’t worry.”
“That’s good to know, you sound like you’ve had more to drink than you should have.”
“If I didn’t keep drinking I would be in jail for murder,” I chuckle. “You don’t want to date a murderer, do you?”
“Mina,” he giggles. The call disconnects and I hear his voice coming from behind me. “Why would you be a murderer?”
I turn around and like some majestic angel savior he’s coming towards me. He hands me a bottle of water and lightly kisses the top of my head.
“How did you know I was thirsty?” I ask tearing the bottle open and taking a large gulp.
“I know how you are when you drink,” he laughs. “Now what’s this about Cindy and you becoming a murderer?”
“She was talking shit about you.” I take another sip and sigh. “Then I told her we were together and she started talking shit about me too. TO MY FACE!”
“It’s ok,” he says wrapping his arms around me from behind and giving the top of my head another kiss. “Why was she talking shit about us?”
“For some reason she thinks you can do better than me, and she thinks that better is her even though she’s a fucking WHORE!”
“Calm down,” he giggles holding me tighter. “What does she know? You can’t let her get to you.”
“I know. She was just being really bitchy about it and I couldn’t sit there and listen to her talk about you like that.”
“I appreciate you defending my honor,” he chuckles.
“Is this how it’s always going to be?”
“What?” He asks looking down at me.
“I’m going to have to keep dealing with jealous bitches when they find out I’m dating you?”
“No,” he laughs. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about jealous bitches.”
“But Cindy is a jealous bitch. I should have known dating a celebrity would have it’s dark side.”
“So do you want to stop dating me?”
“No, I can cut a bitch if I need to.”
“Please don’t do that,” he laughs. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“No,” I pout. “I want to stay with you longer.”
“That’s perfectly fine with me.” He begins lightly pushing me on the swing. “It’s a bit cold out here though, do you want to sit in the car and warm up? I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Ok.” He stops the swing and I stand up realizing my legs are a little more wobbly than I remember them being. “But first I want you to do something.”
“What’s that?” He asks holding me by my waist to keep me from stumbling.
“Go down the slide with me.” I look at him with a big childish smile pointing to the slide on the other side of the park.
“What?” He giggles. “Can you even make it to the slide?”
“Well I thought my strong celebrity boyfriend would help me get there. But if not I’ll go myself.”
“Your boyfriend is a celebrity?”
“Well no one threw me a welcome home party,” I tease.
“Jealous?” He laughs.
“You know what I’ll go down the slide by myself.” I start walking towards the slide on wobbly legs as Jimin follows behind me giggling.
We reach the slide and he helps me climb up to the top. He sits down and pulls me into his lap holding me tight around my waist. The air is chilly but his breath on the nape of my neck is enough to warm my entire body.
“We’ll go down once and then I’ll take you home, ok?” He whispers in my ear.
“Deal.” I lean back into his chest to savor his feeling a bit more before he slides us down and takes me home.
However, he doesn’t slide us down right away. He doesn’t move at all. He only holds me tighter as we continue sitting at the top of the slide staring at the moon and stars in the midnight sky.
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pbandjesse · 8 months
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I am so tired. Everyone thought I was taking off from the market today but I did not! I was there and I spent more money then I made but it was a beautiful day and I'm glad I was there. And I got a lot done today.
I slept alright. When I got home James helped bring everything upstairs. And I hate to go to sleep with a big mess but there was only so much we could do. They would sort the laundry and at least get things into the correct rooms. But it was just a lot to get done. I would save that for today.
We went to sleep and I woke up at one point to use the bathroom and got very woozy and almost fell over. I really wanted a mournful of peanut butter but instead was able to make it back to bed and fell asleep.
I woke up after 7 and got ready pretty quick. My hair was looking really nice today. Like healthy nice. I have been liking it after I wash it and it's really doing wonders for me. Especially as we get into winter and the air gets dryer I am trying to focus on hair health so it can grow longer. Trying not to use much heat and being gentle. A little self care project.
We went to McDonald's and got 3 hash browns to share and then James helped me get set up for the day. Stanley had to head out so James couldn't lollygag outside with me. They don't often anyway but I still want them too. After I got set up we got our bakery stuff from Ginny early. And I would go back and pay for it because James had to run back inside.
I was a little fidgety at first today and wanted to walk around and see everyone. Lock gave me a fancy tomato for free. I got my guacamole and figured out why it's been weird. It's a different kind of avacado! I don't know enough Spanish to ask the nice man why but I saw them and they are lime color and longer. I still like the guac but Google says they don't have as much oil and that's why they are sort of thinner. Not as whippable. Still good but not as amazing as it was. I am still going to eat so much of it.
I also got berries and I got some figs. I got the figs for Anne, James's mom, because she loves figs. There is a joke about being waspy in there but I will let you write that yourself. Hopefully we can give her and Tucker those tomorrow. Maybe we'll have dinner with them.
I was happy to see CJ. Callie is just so good at making people flowers and it's super nice to have a friend there. I would make her a friendship bracelet while I was standing there trying to get any sales. It was a slow day for me. But not for the market. We got almost 700 people throughout the morning! That's crazy!
I didn't recognize her at first but Julie from the nursery came through and said hi. I was like hello, I know you but I'm not sure why but I'm not going to say that. And finally she mentioned Becky and I was like ohhh!!! It was because I had never seen her without a mask! She had a baby! He was so cute! And she had two dachshunds! It was nice to see her and she bought one of my sale bears. She said I can't say I haven't sold anything now and it was very sweet.
I only sold $10 bears today. Which is fine. I also sold 4 stickers. I need to get some new stuff for the table. I also need to have James order more sticker designs. I want to do some Halloween, or more likely all the holidays, ones this week I think. Maybe when we drove to my parents on Tuesday.
I did get some knitting done. And I enjoyed the weather. But it was also super windy and so I was a little stressed about things falling over which made me on edge. And then I was cold. Me and Callie went and stood in the sun and I sat in the dog sculpture which was very warm and we learned his name is Sailor which I thought was so cute.
Meril was there too and it was fun talking to her. I told her about Louis Wain and a tattoo I want to get and I made us both cry. And w sent texts to each other from across the market about the people who were very very clearly there for the jazz concert. With their berets and shirts just in their shoulders. And the music was good and wasn't as unbearably loud.
Ann was being bad cop at people because they were putting their cars where they shouldn't or letting there dogs fight or using market tables for eating?? But it was nice chatting with her too. We actually all catty and I come up with reasonable doubt. Like apparently someone didn't come last week because their mother died. But then their mother came with them this week. And I'm like. Maybe they have two mothers, maybe they were in a beautiful lesbian relationship you don't know!! That is basically how all our conversations go. She says something and I make a wild or outrageous explanation.
I was really excited to leave though. I had told James I would get groceries if they wanted me too but I was also super tired. They told me to go rest and they would come home and while they were working on laundry they would get groceries. I appreciated that. And a little after one, and after giving Callie a big hug and telling her to let me know if I could help her move/unpack this week because I love unpacking. She also told me she got her placement for teaching and she's really happy so I'm also really happy for her!!
I went inside to say goodbye to James and then I was out. Getting home was better then yesterday when everyone was driving stupid. But in the other direction towards the museum exit was completely sitting still and there seemed to be a bad accident in the middle of the traffic?? I hope everyone and everything is okay.
I got home and ran into Mr Will outside who gave me many cheek kisses because it's been like two months since I've seen him. He seemed so much healthier then the last time. I wanted to stay and chat but I was also so tired. So I had to say goodbye and come upstairs.
I got up here and I wanted to start cleaning but decided I would sleep as long as I needed, which ended up being until 5, and then would spend as long as was needed to get everything away.
And I fell asleep hard. I slept for almost 3 hours. I really needed it. And when I woke up I got redressed and had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. James was at the store still. And I spent a few minutes waking up and feeling like a person again.
Once I was awake I got into organizing. And would spend the next 3 hours sorting and putting away. I am not done, but at least it's better. Things have spots for now. I want to get some vacuum saver bags for some of our extra pillows and blankets. And I want to get rid of some stuff. But at least for now I have made great progress. And James helped a lot. They sorted my basket of half finished projects and fabrics and put them in the boxes I have gotten for that. And I worked on the closet in the studio. Finally got the cart in there. And I am just really pleased. I also found a better way to keep my extra garment rack and I'm going to use it for all my coats for now. Which frees up the closet even more.
I also started going through my lotions and makeups again. I got rid of a half trash bags worth of lotions and deodorant and makeup. All expired. Or weird smelling. James is going to go through our nail polish at some point this week and I am going to go through the bathroom closet. We just have a lot of half finished things and stuff we aren't using. And it needs to get cleared out. I'm very happy with what we got done though. Even if the work continues.
Around 9 I finally got a shower. And laid down. And now I am ready to get some sleep. James just came in the room and immediately sneezed so loud. Causing a commotion. And I'm sitting here texting stupid stuff to Celia and Jess is telling me about her day. And I feel happy.
Tomorrow I hope to get more organizing done. I also want to make a list of stuff I want to accomplish this week. I want to use my two weeks well. I hope you all have a good Sunday it's also my brother's birthday! He's going to be 30!! I love him very much. Maybe when we go see my parents on Tuesday we can see him for a minute. We will see what happens.
I love you all. Sleep good. Take care of yourself!!
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cherrybeartoast · 9 months
wait im literally still bored and my fav thing to do is answer questions !!! so imma do that even tho nobody asked
used a random question generator, linked here
maybe i'll be sneaky and turn it into a tag game bc WELP im feeling like a menace
tagging my mom @thevampywolf just for shits n giggles
what have you created that you are most proud of?
bro this sounds cocky but a few things, i love them all equally so i'll list them:
my over 70,000 word novel that i've written with one of my best friends
my skateboard, which i spent hours designing the back of, i used posca paint pens to create a comic strip design with a custom character i created!
one of my first and fav kpop album redesigns...i was so excited and happy w how it turned out!!
have you ever saved someone's life?
sort of, in a way. one of my old friends (she now goes to a new school and we don't talk as much anymore) had pots, which is an illness that causes unprovoked fainting/seizures. she would faint, and be unconcious for up to 20mins, and sometimes would have seizures after fainting. other times, she would have times where she would faint multiple times, but only be unconcious for less than a minute, but would faint frequently (maybe 5-10 in an hour). because she was in our class, i did feel a lot of responsibility for looking after her. the teachers knew to call the nurse and the ambulance during her long faints/seizures, and i would go with my friend to show the ambulance where to go. we got so used to running to the school office that i swear our cardio skills built up. we have dealt with one of her faints outside of school too though, without any adult support, which was much scarier, but we managed ok. so i think a bit?
what's your favourite piece of clothing you own?
again, cannot choose. my wardrobe is my baby; she is a collection that is never ending and eclectic and so, so me. she's what i spend most of my money on (other than kpop concerts) and i love her sm.
some of my favs are:
my dungarees
my miniskirts (denim y2k style one and my beige pleated one that i sewed myself are my absolute favs)
all my pastel knitwear, most of which is secondhand!
other things that arent rly clothes but i love anyways are:
my clompers (platform doc martens)
my star hairclips (a personality trait)
what's something you wished you figured out sooner?
the fact that mf orange juice fucks with my adhd meds. like thank you mum for telling me TWO MONTHS AFTER I STARTED MY MEDICATION like i swear one month is 30 days right, and x2 is 60, and i literally know that at least 20/60 days i SWALLOWED my pills using orange juice. NO WONDER THEY LITERALLY DIDNT WORK
also that you don't have to please everyone
but mainly that orange juice fact bc THAT RLY WAS A FUCKING SHOCK
what's your go-to dance move?
i mostly listen to kpop meaning i mostly do the proper dances so i'm just gonna list my fav kpop dances i break out into even when the song isn't playing:
yes or yes by twice
talk that talk by twice
thunderous by skz
slut drop (im a menace i already told yall)
if you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
ive thought of this question every day of my life and i have a few ideas
so first is yuri (pronounced more like yu-li) and it's literally the direct japanese translation of my name, and i think its so cute. another would be star, bc i've grown to love it so much, and another would be hana bc that means flower in japanese!
random ass questiontime be like
ok love yall
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yeehawnatalie · 1 year
sometimes I think about how marjorie was written about Taylor’s grandmother, and then I think about my own grandma. she’s the strongest woman I know, and everytime I listen to that damn song I can’t help myself from crying. makes me think about how she raised three kids on her own after her alcoholic husband died in a motorcycle crash while they were in high school, battled low finances while being a librarian, gets me and my cousins an ornament every year…. screw this i’m turning this into a grandma appreciation post. i love this woman.
she’s obsessed with disney, she loves mickey mouse and has an entire christmas tree dedicated to mickey mouse ornaments. she also makes the best cookies. every thanksgiving and christmas she makes the turtle cookies with pecans and they’re so good. she lives in a small, somewhat poor neighborhood, but she always makes the most of it and never fails to help me and my mom with anything we need. she texts me every month and never fails to remember my birthday even when my friends do. she writes cards to my dorm because she thinks the cats on them are funny. she took in my uncles dog when he was battling addiction and took care of the dog until the dog died 10 years later. she loves sewing. one of my earliest memories is when she made me a pink fairy costume when I was a toddler for a mall halloween event. she sewed it by hand and i was so freaking proud to show off that costume. she hemmed my pants for a baking competition in high school and helped me to put together my chef outfit. she later helped me alter my senior prom dress and constantly told me how beautiful i looked in it even though my mom kept making remarks about how i needed to lose weight. she would take me to the zoo when my parents worked during the summer. she never had a lot of money, but she would always make sure i was having fun and was well fed. no matter how i was feeling, she was always there to encourage me and congratulate me on anything. when i was accepted to Baylor on a scholarship, she was the first to know. when I accepted my UT application, she invited me over for dinner at her house. she was there when my cat died suddenly and offered support. she came to every theatre performance and choir concert i had, even if my parents didn’t or couldn’t make it. she always comments on my instagram posts no matter what it is. always a “you look amazing!” or “looks like fun!” or “miss you!”. she never misses the chance to be there for me. she lost her husband many years ago, but never remarried. she does all her housework and constantly reminds me i don’t need anyone else to be amazing. she brought me flowers at graduation and told me how proud she was of me. when i used to play volleyball, she would come to every home game and cheer me on. she got me signed books from my favorite authors and even some books ahead of their formal publication date. she buys me cat stuffed animals when she sees them because she knows i love cats. she got me plant pots for my birthday because I had mentioned once how mine were too small. when i was really little, she would run a bath for me and i would play with this really old ship toy in the bath. she used to let me play pretend cook with her tupperware and i would serve her “gourmet beef.” she has this really old green armchair that was tearing, and cried when my family decided to refurbish it as a birthday present. she gives the best hugs and smells like cinnamon and plastic (oddly enough in a good way). she write in cursive and sometimes it’s so loopy i can’t read it. she used to have this really big tree in the backyard and every year during pecan season we would go scavenge the pecans that fell from the tree to make pie. god omg i’m crying rn as i’m writing this. anyways, idk why i decided to write this - i guess marjorie just had me thinking about it today. my grandmothers name is Margaret, and it’s scarily similar to marjorie so it makes me sob everytime. thanks grandma for being amazing.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #071
Have you ever had a teacher you got really close with? Oh yes, many. I was honestly pretty much always the "teacher's pet," but not in the snobby/suck-up sorta way. I was genuinely just a good student. Why did you fall for the last person romantically? This fucker never, ever gave up on me. He has always, always believed in and wanted the best for me. Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? I can speak very basic German. I'm a lot worse than I used to be, though; back in high school, I honestly think I could've gone to Germany and survived in all basic interactions, but now I would definitely struggle. I'm not awful, though. Do you ever fear of falling asleep? Yes, because of my nightmares. What kind of cookie is your favorite? Just basic gooey chocolate chip is perfect.
What type of underwear do you prefer your preferred sex to wear? No preference for guys really, but I'm not gonna bullshit NOBODY and fully confess I am an Ass bitch with women and thongs are fuckin fire lmao. Was your hair a different color when you were a baby than it is, now? Yes; I was dirty blonde as a baby/young kid. Do you plan on carving a pumpkin anytime soon? Yes! Girt and I are gonna do this super cute and simple cat face I found. You can have a milkshake right now. What flavor do you choose? I think I'm feelin' vanilla right now. Have you ever given someone flowers? My mom. I wanna get Girt some for his birthday since I couldn't on our anniversary. Are there any lamps on in the room that you’re currently in? Yeah. The little guitar lamp I have stays on, even though it's useless 'til it gets dark. Do you have any concerts coming up? CRIES it was apparently only a rumor that Rammstein were announcing more US tour dates this month so PROBABLY NOT Do you like group work? Absolutely not. I hated it so much and operated better alone so much that teachers that knew me well would occasionally just let me work alone. Do you listen to Nirvana? Nowhere near regularly. I do have like, four songs on my iPod, though. Have your friends ever not wanted you to be with someone? Yes. Ever suffer from amnesia? Yes, after I passed out and got my concussion. At first I barely remembered anything, and now even still today I don't remember hitting the floor, something I'm honestly grateful for. I just remember getting dizzy and trying to get out of the shower to sit down. Have you ever picked out a song to listen to on a juke box? I don't think so. When’s the last time you were genuinely freaked out? Last night; there was knocking and ringing of the doorbell past like, 9 PM. Thank god it was just my sister, I hadn't had a clue she was stopping by here. Does anyone in your house own a gun? No, that wouldn't be legal with me as a resident with my mental health history. Do you assign different ringtones to certain people? No. I never even have my phone off of vibrate. Favorite way to eat a potato? (i.e. french fries, mashed potatoes…) French fries. Are there any song covers that you think are better than the original? Three absolutely worth noting: Johnny Cash's "Hurt" cover (originally Nine Inch Nails), Disturbed's version of "The Sound of Silence" (originally Simon & Garfunkel), and Bad Wolves' rendition of "Zombie" (originally The Cranberries). Have you ever cried in a movie theater? Not sobbed, but yes. Have you ever had "a day at the spa?" Yeah, with Colleen. I don't like going though and only went to chill and chat as friends. I'd never go alone. Have you ever been told off for swearing at school/work? No. Has anyone let you down recently? Eh, yeah. Where was the last place you thought about having sex, other than your bed? I have no idea, I haven't thought about going that far not in a bed in an extremely long time. Do you own a skateboard? Nope. What are the initials of the last person you kissed? DM. What is something you want but can't afford to buy? A new, good phone is a big wish right now. Do you usually eat wheat bread or white bread, or are you gluten-free? Wheat. Was anyone rude to you today? No. Which lost friend do you most wish you could be friends with again? Megan. It's weird to say when she lied so much about herself that I barely know who she really is and what was a pity party disguise. What is your town known for? Crime, honestly. Its nickname literally has "Murder" in the name, for apt reasons. Literally recently an unhinged motherfucker stabbed an old woman he didn't even know with a machete close by here. Do you think you would be happier if you had more money? That is a motherfucking solid FACT. It wouldn't magically heal my depression I'm sure and I'd still deal with sadness, but I would ABSOLUTELY be in a better fucking position. What was the last thing you purchased off of Etsy? Girt's anniversary present template, called "Vitamin Me." It was a medicine container of adorable little pills that you open to reveal a little note you write yourself. He absolutely loved it and called it the nicest thing anyone's ever gotten him. ;_; <3 Is there a Target near you? Yeah, barely like two-ish minutes away. Where did your Christmas tree come from? Uh, good question. PROBABLY Wal-Mart. Have you ever been to Costco? No, I don't think they're around here. Do/did you have to wear a uniform to your high school? Nope; we only had uniforms in middle school. HATED it with a goddamn passion. How many video games do you own? Oh a whole lot, idk. We have a big ol' case of discs. Have you ever been to a casino? If so, which one(s)? Nope. Gambling is not something I ever plan on fucking with. Do you like the name Cindy for a girl? No, especially because I associate it with Colleen's bitch of a mother. How many sets of keys do you have for your house? Uh, I'm not sure. Mom obviously has one and so do I, my sisters have one... and probably Tobey, since she's the landlord. Maybe more. What brand is your laptop or computer? It's an Acer. Do you know anyone who has Parkinson’s disease? Not that I know of. Do you use Instagram? How often do you post there? Yeah, but I barely post anything. I'm THINKING of making a personal one, but idk. What’s your favourite place to get pizza? Domino's, IF it's not an absolute garlic fest. Sometimes it's just too much. How many times have you been to the beach? Idk, a lot, honestly. We used to go like, once a year or so for dance competitions at Myrtle Beach. Have you ever had a scary encounter with a wild animal? No. What’s the most expensive restaurant you’ve ever eaten at? To just be completely realistic considering the location and cuisine, it was probably the Italian place we went to for Sara's birthday when I was up there. My picky ass didn't like anything, ha ha, EXCEPT this lil lava cake-like dessert we had with a raspberry sauce, holy fuck that shit was incredible. Who will you be spending Christmas with this year? Same people as always: my family and my sister's in-laws. I definitely hope I get to see Girt and his family around that time, too. Did you go to high school with your current best friend? I sure did, even though it was only for one year because I was a freshman and he was a senior. Who is the person you dislike the most? Colleen, my sister's husband Nick, my disowned uncle, and I go back and forth with Sara... Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? No, because I don't have a source of income. Whenever I do though, I absolutely will. What is your favourite way to eat rice? I actually really like Mexican rice with the cheese sauce they use at the restaurants I've been to. I really enjoy pork fried rice, too. Do you watch YouTube videos often? Literally every day through most of the day. How do you usually celebrate New Years? Mom and I sometimes get some drinks, but not always. We didn't this year. Have you ever seen an emu in real life, whether in captivity or the wild? I don't believe I have, actually. What’s your father’s handwriting like? It looks very much like a man wrote it, ha ha. It's kinda like, blocky and all the letters are capitalized. Did you wash your hair last time you showered? I wash my hair every time I shower. It gets greasy too quickly not to. Have you ever waxed your eyebrows? Yeah, I used to get them waxed at my hairdresser's shop. I don't anymore. Do you listen to Guns 'N Roses? Not regularly, but I like a good chunk of songs. I think I want "Sweet Child O' Mine" by them to be my father/daughter dance. Have you ever been a bridesmaid? Yes, for my older sister. I was actually supposed to be one for my half-sister Misty's wedding too, but it wasn't something we could make it to because at that time my mother was receiving chemo. Do you think you have a “black sheep” in your family and who? Oh, that is absolutely me. What is your worst relationship quality? Probably that I'm too emotional. Do you like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? I watched and liked it as a kid. Are you always the banker when you play Monopoly? No, because I'm very bad with math and I can even make mistakes with very basic stuff. Who do you think is the most beautiful person in the world? Hm, idk. What’s the most expensive gift you’ve ever received? Probably when Jason got me a Sager gaming laptop. They're not fucking cheap. Would you ever want to be famous? I honestly wouldn't mind being a famous photographer, really just because I don't think SUPER famous photographers dealing with paparazzi and shit even exist. It'd be a subtle kind of fame, I think, which I could probably handle. When was the last time someone physically hurt you? It was just a super minor thing, but Oakley (my sister's chocolate lab) nicked my toe yesterday when Ryder got her riled up running back and forth through the house. She's a big dog and not even full grown. Do insects freak you out? Some do, yeah, but I want to put extreme emphasis on NONE of it is justified and insects are just as welcome on this earth as humans. They are vital. Do you like kiwi fruit? I love kiwi. Do you really hate losing? I really don't care. Everyone deserves their time in the limelight and I am just fine with my turn not being right then. Do you have a moustache? No. I get some dark hairs on my upper lip that I shave, but I definitely don't have a real moustache. Do you like going to museums? Yes, I love going! Well... not so much these days because all the walking would fuckin kill me, but otherwise yeah, art and science museums are especially bomb. Would you hate working in an office? No, an in-office job is one of the very few I could probably handle... if I didn't have to answer a phone. But you need fucking experience and a college education for anything like that. Can you run fast? I can't run. I was pretty average in speed as a child, though. Did you like Thomas the Tank Engine when you were a kid? I did, actually. When was the last time you were in a taxi? Never. What’s your vice? Soda. I don't drink much of it anymore thank god, but boy am I capable of drinking WAY too much. I also crave it a lot. Do you like the color yellow? Yellow is actually one of my least-favorite colors. You’re getting a custom-made hat. What do you want it to look like? Uhhhh probably a Silent Hill 2 dog ending reference; it's a running joke ending in the series that a shiba inu named Mira is sitting at a desk pushing levers and pushing buttons and shit controlling all that happens in the town, and James (the protagonist) finds her and exclaims in Japanese, "So it was all your work!" It's amazing, ha ha. It'd kinda just be a lil joke that she's controlling what's going on up there in my head, lol. I actually DO want a tattoo of her and the quote on the back of my neck one day, being just below my head. Who is the last person to call you "sweetheart?" Probably Girt. Are your eyebrows thick/thin/or basically nonexistent? I think they're pretty average, honestly. Are there any Disney celebrities that you actually don’t mind? Off the top of my head, Hilary Duff was always a well-behaved, good person. Ya nevrer heard a bad thing about her. The old, or the new Alice in Wonderland? Oh, absolutely Burton's version. What would you like on your taco? I hate tacos. Have you ever seen The Wizard of Oz? Oh, of course! My younger sister was obsessed. I didn't like it though because the witch scared me (I had a lot of nightmares about her), as did the tornado scene. What’s your mother’s favorite movie? Oh damn, I actually don't know. Why isn’t there any mentioning of dinosaurs in the Bible? Because the Bible is deranged bullshit written before dinosaurs were proven (emphasis on "proven") to exist. Where was the last place you worked? A Food Lion deli. When was the last time you crossed state lines? Where did you go and why did you go? Lake Gaston in Virginia to celebrate my niece's birthday a couple years ago. [TMI] When was the last time you had sex/did something sexual? How was it? "Stuff" happened like... a week ago? Whenever the last time Girt was here. I'm not going into graphic detail about my sex life but it was fine. What was the last color you dyed your hair? It's currently purple. It was supposed to be a light lilac, but my hair is a pain in the fucking ass to color. It SHOULD fade towards that, though. When did you last try something new (i.e., a new food, a new activity, picked up a new hobby, etc.)? I tried Pizza Hut's pan jalapeno pizza tonight. It was pretty good. Who was the last person you know to have something big happen to them (i.e., get engaged/married, have a baby, etc.)? A family I've taken pictures for since the couple were taking engagement shots is expecting another baby girl next year! I'm immensely thankful for them since they frequently had me take pictures for them for various events (even their wedding), so they were super supportive of my dreams. Do you ever do these surveys with your SO? No. What’s the most shocking thing you’ve ever found out about someone that you know personally? My dad did drugs pretty badly before he and Mom had kids. Something you were surprised to learn about your parent’s childhood? Ummm I don't know about "childhood." My mom was disowned and excommunicated from her church for getting pregnant out of wedlock, but she was an adult. Do you store any non-food items in the fridge? No. We do have rats in the freezer though for my snake; I am against live feeding of rodents to reptiles unless they LITERALLY just won't take it dead. Have you ever destroyed another person’s belongings out of anger? Absolutely not. Which pain killer do you use? Usually Ibuprofen. Have you ever borrowed underwear from a friend? What the fuck, no. That's disgusting, I don't care how many times they were washed. Have you ever really stayed up all night to do homework? Ugh, just about. Fucking ridiculous. Do any of your relatives not have home Internet? Yep, my sister. Everyone uses data. Something you taught yourself how to do? The first thing that came to mind was to edit videos in Sony Vegas pretty all right.
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lesbesitos · 3 years
i’m gonna rant in the tags don’t mind me
#so my lil sis is graduating this month and my mom and i went to get some stuff to make her those candy leis and stuff#and i get excited to craft so i was fine#but rn i’m just thinking abt how i never got a single lei for graduation or even eighth grade promotion#like i kinda get graduation bc i didn’t have one since i’m class of 2020 but i saw kids for the lil drive thru grad with some#all i had was one cord for music and my lil medal thing for music and that’s it#i get that music was all i really did in hs so i don’t have all these other things but my parents could’ve gotten me smth#and in eighth grade i had a cord for this state honor roll thing and that was all my parents didn’t get me anything again#for my sisters promotion she didn’t have a cord but my parents got her a money lei and one with flowers bc ‘she didn’t have anything’#okay yeah i guess so but i worked for my cord it’s not my fault she didn’t i should’ve gotten smth from my parents#and now my moms going all out for my sister but she has stuff to wear at grad too this time#she has her music senior cord her four year music medal and her vapa pathway cord which is smth new this year#and my moms making a bunch of stuff for my sis and her boyfriend and i’m hurt over it#and i shouldn’t be i should be happy for her graduating but i can’t help it#also i took music for seven years and my parents never got me flowers after a concert#never and i’ve had at least twenty five concerts not including band reviews so honestly it’s closer to thirty five#and my sisters first and only play she did my parents got her flowers#and when i told my mom that i never got flowers after a concert she goes ‘yeah you did! i’m pretty sure we did’#and i had to tell her that she didn’t and all she said was ‘oh’#EVEN AFTER THAT I STILL NEVER GOT FLOWERS#and i don’t want to make my mom sound bad she went to every concert in town but she easily could’ve gotten me flowers even once#so to see my mom putting in all this effort to give my sister stuff hurts#and i don’t wanna tell her bc i don’t wanna hurt my moms feelings bc i know she doesn’t mean it#but it sucks being middle child and it sucks missing out on such a big moment of ur life like hs graduation#rambles
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basiccortez · 2 years
Standby- S.F.K
Note: Samuel Sunday? is that a thing? It is now.
warnings: cursing, Sam being barefoot
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Sam knew you probably hated the invites. You had told him over and over that you never wanted a big wedding, you wanted something small. You had agreed with your mom to not just go to the courthouse, but would at least do something a little bigger. Sam ran his fingers over the pale pink paper that was decorated with flowers and had your name and your fiancé’s name written in gold cursive letters. He knew you were somewhere screaming and pulling your hair out.
“Yeah, I just got it,” Sam said to Josh over the phone. The older twin immediately called his younger brother after opening the letter in the mail, “I looked up the address, it’s a church. She always said she wouldn’t get married in a church, she was worried it would burn down around her,”
“I don’t think that’s possible,” Josh said, “She must be a different person now, when was the last time you talked to her?”
“I don’t know 2-3 years ago. Danny said she asked Mack to be her maid of honor,”
“Did you expect anything less?”
Sam shrugged knowing his brother couldn’t see him, “I don’t think I’m gonna go,”
“You can’t do that!”
“Why would I go? To submit myself to torture of watching her marry someone else? Watching someone else give her the life I couldn’t give her?” Sam said angrily, the images of their last fight filled his mind. He looked over to the front door from his kitchen, the replay of you walking out the door, with your bags packed and tears in your eyes was forever burned into his mind.
“You pushed her away, Samuel. You can only blame yourself for that,” Josh scolded and Sam sighed.
“I thought I was doing the right thing,” Sam mumbled.
“Well do the true right thing, and go to the wedding, for her. It’ll make her happy to see you there,” Josh said and Sam told him he’d think about it.
Sam sat down on his couch and closed his eyes. Ever since that fateful day he let you go, he couldn’t fathom thinking about you with someone else. He knew though, he knew you had met someone else, a man named Peter, who was a banker. You looked happy in the pictures you posted on your instagram and Facebook, but Sam knew the truth. You really weren’t happy, you were settling. Your heart still ached anytime you saw a picture of Sam, anytime you heard that song he wrote for you, tears filled your eyes. Sam had begged Josh not to put the song on the album, but Josh said it was perfect, it was art, that needed to be shared. ‘Light My Love’ was one of the most popular songs on the album, and every time Sam had to play it, he fought back tears.
Sam pushed himself off of his spot and walked to his room. He pulled down the box that sat on the top shelf of his closet and opened the lid. Pictures, concert tickets, notes, mixed cds, random t-shirts and post cards were all packed away in the box. Sam dug to the bottom of the box, and pulled out the tiny light blue ring box and opened it. The pear shaped diamond ring glared up at him in mockery.
“Have you ever thought about the future?” You asked him, as you were both relaxing in the bathtub. Sam had a stressful day at the studio, and just wanted to relax. You had made him something to eat and drawn a bath.
“Of course,” Sam said, kissing your bare shoulder, “I think about it a lot, what I’m doing next week, or next month, or even next year,”
“Do you ever think of our future?” You asked softly.
“I-I uh, yeah sometimes. But I like were we are,” Sam said and you frowned slightly. You had been with Sam since freshman year of high school, right by his side through it all. From the first shows as Greta Van Fleet, to playing sold out concert arenas. You loved Sam, you really did, but you were hoping for more, you wanted more.
“I think about getting married,” You said and sighed into Sam, “Something small, probably in my parents backyard on a beautiful summer night. I want that perfect day, where you just wake up and saw, ‘let’s get married’, nothing too crazy. I told my mom I won’t just go to the courthouse.”
“Yeah,” Was all Sam could say.
“What?” You asked, turning your head to look at him, “You don’t. . . you don’t see that?”
“It’s not that I don’t see it, it’s that I don’t want it.”
“Oh,” Was all you could say. You nodded and then pushed yourself up from Sam’s embrace.
“Wait, Y/N,” Sam said reaching out to you as your grabbed your towel.
“The water is getting cold,” You said and dried yourself off, before heading into the bathroom.
Sam cursed himself and got out of the bathtub, grabbing his towel and following you. You at on the bed and looked at Sam with tears in your eyes. You had this sinking feeling for a while. Like things were bound to break between you. You loved Sam, you really did, and every day it felt like you were falling more in love with him. He always did something new to make you fall in love. Whether it was playing you a new song on the piano, or bringing you home your favorite flowers, to sending you postcards from where ever he was at in the world. But lately, all that had seemed to stop. You had slowly wondered if maybe, just maybe, Sam wasn’t in love with you anymore.
“Y/N. . .” Sam said your name softly.
“When did you fall out of love?”
“Sam, please,” You asked him, tears now running down your face.
“I love you, Y/N, I really do. But I- My career is just starting to take off. Greta is really becoming something. I don’t want to be holding you back from everything that you want.”
“You don’t want to hold me back, or you don’t want me holding YOU back?”
Sam sighed and looked down at his feet. Truth was, he didn’t want to hold you back. He could see the small changes in you. You had decided to change your major from education to business, something that you insisted was what you wanted. He noticed that your grades had slipped, your gpa the lowest it had ever been. You had spent more time at the studio, next to him, then hanging out with your friends. Sam didn’t want to hurt you, but he wanted you to follow your dreams, even if that meant having to break his and your heart. Sam took a deep breath and grabbed your hands.
“I’m breaking up with you,” He said and bit the bullet. You closed your eyes and Sam was fighting the urge to wipe the tears from your eyes. A sob left your pink lips and you pulled your hands from his, “I’m sorry-“
“Just shut up, Sam,” You said and pushed yourself up from the bed. You walked into the bathroom and slammed it shut, locking the door behind you. You gripped the sides of the sink and sobbed. Sam listened on the other side of the door as you threw everything off the counter, and could hear the breaking of the mirror as you threw a hairbrush at it. Sam changed into his pajamas and then set some out for you. He wrote a note that he was going to stay at Josh’s for the night.
The next morning you woke up to a cold bed and a pounding headache. You looked around the empty room and sighed. You began with the closet, dumping all your clothes into your suitcase, leaving behind the stuff that Sam had either bought you or gifted you. You packed away all your underwear, socks, and makeup. The apartment slowly becoming bare as you packed your little trinkets and decorations away. You had hoped to get most of it done before Sam came back, but you weren’t that lucky.
“Where are you going?” Sam asked, walking into the apartment and seeing your bags by the front door.
“My sister’s house,” You said and Sam looked at you confused. This was the first time you had mentioned a sister, and he had been dating you for over 5 years, “You don’t know her, she’s a half sister,”
“Okay. . . this is really it?”
“Yeah,” You said softly as you looked down at the item in your hand, a picture from your first date, taken when you were both 13. Your parents wouldn’t let you go alone, so Jake and his girlfriend at the time had to tag along. The girl took the picture and Sam gave it to you as a gift on your first anniversary, “Here,” You handed Sam the picture.
“No, no, keep it.”
“I can’t,” You said, your voice breaking. You placed your hand on Sam’s cheek, and kissed his lips softly, one last time, “Goodbye, Sam. Be good to yourself, okay?”
“I will, Y/N. I love you,”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say it back, as you grabbed your bags and walked out the front door. Sam bit his lip as he watched you walk out the door and out of his life.
You looked half dead, as you sat in the makeup chair, bright and early on your wedding day. You had tried to go to sleep, but you tossed and turned the whole night. You had thought about running away, getting your car and driving off to god know’s where, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Instead, you took some melatonin and slept for about 4 hours, until Mackenzi bursted through your door with her unusually high amount of energy. You were just happy she brought you red bull and donuts.
“You look like shit?” Mackenzi said, as she poured you a mimosa.
“I feel like it,” As you reached our hand out for the glass.
“Oh my god,” She said and pulled the glass back, “Are you pregnant?!”
“No!” You yelled, “Give me the damn drink,”
“Fiesty,” She laughed and handed you the glass, “I steamed your dress, it’s hanging up in the bathroom,”
“Thank you,” You answered, “The boys?”
“I talked to Peter’s brother, Steven, he said they are up and moving. But, if you were wondering Danny said that they are ALL on their way,”
“He’s coming?”
Mackenzi gave you a small smile and nodded, before going over to were the rest of your bridesmaids were. You looked up at your makeup artist and smiled as she placed false eyelashes on your eyes. You had tried to keep yourself from shaking with anxiety over seeing Sam, but you couldn’t help it. You had brushed it off as wedding day jitters. For the rest of the morning you and your bridesmaids drank and ate a light breakfast that your parents had provided. You had a photographer taking pictures of you guys as you got ready. The bridesmaid dresses you had picked were an emerald green, and you let them pick their own design. You sucked in a breath, as Mackenzi zipped the back of your dress. You stared at yourself in the mirror, and could hardly recognize the person in the mirror. The dress you and Peter had picked out as a classic style dress, with a deep v-cut, lace sleeves that went down to your wrists, and an open back. Peter said you looked like Princess Kate, but you felt more like Princess Di.
“Absolutely breath taking,” Mackenzi said and You smiled, trying to make yourself feel better, “They want a first look. You okay with that?”
“I mean, Peter picked the dress out, so why not,”
Mackenzi smiled and walked out of the bedroom. You blinked and stared up at the ceiling, trying not to cry. You took a deep breath and then headed out of the bathroom. You looked up from your shoes to be shocked by the 3 men standing in front of you, one noticeably missing.
“Well god damn, Y/N, you CAN clean up nicely,” Jake said and You laughed, and walked over and hugged him.
“Like our very own princess,” Josh said.
“Thank you,” You said looking at all of them. You could feel a certain pair of brown eyes burning into you, “I can’t believe you guys actually came!”
“Well, my girlfriend is your maid of honor,” Danny said, putting his arm around Mackenzie’s waist.
“She’s the best maid of honor I could ask for,” You smiled at her.
“Speaking of which, we gotta get going. Can’t be late for your own wedding,” Mackenzi said and your face faltered.
“Yeah,” You said hoping none of them noticed the change in your demeanor, of course the oldest twin did.
“Alright, let’s get going okay,” Mackenzi said and the boys nodded, following her out of the room, all except Josh who hung back a second.
“You look amazing,” Josh said, “He would be here, but he just couldn’t see you quite yet.”
“Thank you, Josh,” You said honestly. He kissed your cheek and then left your room.
“You ready?” Mackenzi asked, coming back in the room. You nodded and grabbed the champagne bottle that was next to you. Mackenzi watched with wide eyes as you downed the rest of the bottle, “Liquid courage?”
“If I do something dumb, you promise to support me?”
Mackenzi squinted her eyes at you, “Depends on what dumb thing you’re thinking about doing.”
“We’ll have to see,”
The church was decorated beautifully, white roses and emerald green flowers were mixed in and decorated the altar. Sam sat next to his brothers and best friend, trying to sit calm and making comments to Danny as your fiancé walked his family down the aisle. Danny had to nudge Sam to shut him up from talking to loud. Your mom and brother smiled at Sam as your fiancé walked them to their spot. Your brother even stopped to hug Sam, making your fiancé turn red. Sam’s heart started beating harder as your bridesmaids and the groomsmen started making their way down the aisle.
“What if I stop the wedding?” Sam asked Danny.
“Don’t even think about it Samuel,” Josh said hearing his little brother.
“You saw how unhappy she is!” Sam whispered yelled.
“She’s nervous, it’s her damn wedding day!” Josh whispered yelled back.
“Stop, Mackenzi is walking down,” Danny said noticing his girlfriend walking down with your fiancés brother. Mackenzi winked at the boys, as she took her spot right next to wear you would stand at the alter. Sam’s heart fell to his ass as he heard that oh so familiar wedding march and everyone stand up, to look to the back of the church. The doors opened Sam’s breath caught in his throat. You were breathtaking, the dress hugging your body perfect. Sam couldn’t help but wish that was for him. Your eyes were locked on Peter, as tears left his eyes. You had tried to dig down deep in your heart and remember why you were going to marry him, but everything was drawing up a blank. The aisle felt like it was miles long, and you hated everyones eyes on you. When you got to the end of the aisle, Peter stepped down to take you from your father.
“Who gives this woman, to this man?” The priest asked.
“Her mother, and I,” You dad said. He turned to you and hugged you, “Sam is here,” You went to move your head to look for him but your dad kept you from moving, “Make the right choice,” You nodded and kissed his cheek before pulling back and stepping up on the altar.
“Ladies and gentlemen, you maybe be seated,” The priest said and You handed Mackenzi your bouquet, your eyes searching the crowd of people, and finally landing on those familiar brown eyes, “Welcome, we are gathered here today to witness the symbolic ceremony of love between these two young people, Y/N M/N L/N and Peter Grant Sorenson. Is there anybody who believe that these two shouldn’t be married, speak now or forever hold your peace,”
Y/N closed her eyes and waited for someone to say something. Sam was about to stand, before Jake grabbed his arm and held him down. He looked at his brother with wide eyes, but the boy just shook his head and pointed towards you. Sam looked at you and locked eyes with him, as the priest was reading some passage about marriage and what it means in the Bible. Sam could read it in your eyes, you were really going through with this. Sam saw his window of opportunity finally close and the stages of grief started settling in his chest. He leaned back against the pew and tried to keep from crying.
“Peter, do you take Y/N, to have and to hold, to honor and treasure, to be at her side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times and bad, in sickness and health, for rich or for poor, to love and cherish her always until the moment of your last breath?”
“I do,” Peter said giving your hand a squeeze.
“Y/N,” The priest said, basically startling you, “Do you take Peter, to have and to hold, to honor and treasure, to be at his side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times and bad, in sickness and death, for rich or for poor, to love and cherish him always until the moment of your last breath?”
You looked at the priest and then at Peter, “I. . . No,”
“What?” Peter asked, “No?”
“No,” You said, retracting your hands and looked at him, “I’m sorry, I can’t. . . I can’t marry you,”
“Have you been drinking?” Peter sneered, “The hell are you talking about,”
“Sam,” You said and then turned to face the brown haired boy, who’s jaw was wide open, “I never wanted to get married in a church,”
Sam smiled and stood up, “I know. You want to go get chik-fil-a and watch a movie in the backyard?”
“Yes please,” You said. Mackenzi smiled as she handed you your bouquet and watched you run down the altar steps towards the stairs. Sam grabbed your hand and the church erupted in chaos as you ran out of the church. Mackenzi ran down the steps towards Danny, as the twins ran interference on Peter, to stop him from running after you.
“The hell did you say to her!?” Your mom asked your father, hitting him lightly on the chest.
“I just told her to make the right choice,” Your dad said smugly, “Never liked Paul anyway.”
“It’s Peter!”
You and Sam were bursting with laughter as you sprinted to his car. Sam had helped gather your dress in the car, before shutting the door carefully and jumping into the drivers seat. Neither of you guys said anything as you drove away from the church and to the nearest chik-fil-a. You were surprised that he remembered your order and handed you the peach milkshake he ordered you. You guys didn’t saw a word until you arrived at his house. Sam put the car in park and you looked outside at the rain falling.
“I ran away,” You said eyes wide, “I just pulled an April Kepner,”
“A who?”
“Your Jackson, and I’m April, and I just left Matthew at the fucking altar!” You yelled.
“I’m sorry,”
“I’m not!” You smiled and Sam looked at you. You looked out at the rain falling softly on the windshield, “Dance with me,”
Sam nodded and you both got out of the car. Sam turned up the car radio, the sweet sound of Aretha Franklins ‘Natural Woman’ filled your ear drums. Sam grabbed you softly and pulled you into him as he swayed you around the driveway. You laughed as he was dancing off beat, and stepping on your toes. You guys lost track of time, your food had gone cold, and you were both soaked, your dress was ruined.
“Your dress,” Sam said, looking at the dirty train, “I’m sorry, I’ll pay,”
“No, don’t worry about it,” You said and placed your hands on Sam’s face.
Sam’s rough hands careful gripped the side of your face and pulled his lips against yours. For the first time in nearly 2 years, you were feeling his lips on yours again. You pulled him against you, wanting him to never let you go. He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. You two didn’t say anything, but you didn’t have to . It was clear, you had made the right choice.
“Marry me,” Sam said and you looked up at him. He reached into his wet suit jacket and pulled out the blue box, “I don’t know what the hell I was thinking, I had this stashed away for the perfect moment but I just got scared. I didn’t want you to put your dreams on the back burner for me, so I let you go.”
“Sam, you dumbass,” You said, “You are my dream.”
“You’re mine too, I can’t believe I almost lost you to Patrick-“
“Whatever his name is. But marry me, please?” Sam asked getting down on one knee. You smiled and tackled him to the ground. He landed with a thud and laughed as he kissed you passionately. You pulled back and slid the ring that was already on your finger, and replaced it with the one Sam had for you, “Looks better,”
“Much better,” You said kissing him again.
3 weeks later, you woke up one morning to a cold bed, but the covers messed up. You looked out the window, seeing the sun shining and making everything glow warmly. You stretched and headed down to your kitchen, where Sam was already making dinner. You greeted him with a kiss and sat down at the table to eat the vegan pancakes he had made.
“We should get married today,” Sam suggested, “Josh got ordained online a couple months ago and has been itching to use it.”
“My dad’s got a new dinner recipe he wants to try. You got him hooked on a vegan diet.” You said sipping your orange juice.
“Then it’s settled,” Sam smiled, “Let’s get married today,”
And that’s exactly what you two did. You sent out the text message for everyone to be at your house by 6 for your wedding. Nobody questioned It, knowing this was exactly what you and Sam wanted. Everyone gathered in your back yard, dressed causally for a summer backyard wedding. Sam stood barefoot in the grass as he waited for you to walk out of the house, in a simple white maxi sun dress. Josh was living for this moment to be the official of a wedding, and what better than to be one at his baby brother’s wedding.
“Now, we can actually do this right this time,” Josh said winking at you.
“Sam, do you take Y/N-“
“Yes,” Sam said interrupting his brother.
“I have to say the speech, Samuel,” Josh scolded and everyone chuckled, “Y/N, do you take Sam-“
“I do!” You answered doing the same.
“You guys are so impatient,” Josh smiled, “Well, by the power vested in me by some officiating website and the state of Michigan, I know pronounce you husband and wife. Sam, you may now kiss your bride,”
“Don’t gotta tell me twice,”
You giggled as Sam smashed his lips against yours. Cheers were let out from your family as he dipped you and sealed the deal with a kiss. He set you back on your two feet and grabbed your hand, walking you down the make shift aisle, finally as husband and wife.
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❦ home | ni-ki
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ:  nishimura riki / ni-ki x reader ↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff | friends to lovers | requested ↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none ↬ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.9k oops ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ: @onionhaseyeo  ↬ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: 
request was ni-ki fluff with a best friends to lovers storyline
i sorta wrote this in the car while I was out lol not sure if this is what you wanted but I hope you like it 💞(sorry if some parts are cringy 😭)
for those who read the tatts & cupcakes series the next chapter will (probably) come either later this week or early next week! since spring break is coming up next week i'm hoping to be able to spend more time writing :)
Entering what was now your 1st grade class, slight fear settled in the pit of your stomach since you were now the new kid at a new school. As your eyes landed on a certain brown-haired boy in the corner of the room, your fear disappeared slightly. He sat alone focused on his Nintendo Switch. Letting go of your mom’s hand, she called out your name but you practically ran to the boy. Merely looking at him gave you a sort of happiness that you’ve only felt whenever your favorite food was made for dinner.
Annoyance settled within Ni-ki as a face popped into his line of sight, distracting him from his game. Everyone in class knew better than to bother him. His eyes settled on you with a gaze that made you squeak and jump back slightly. He didn’t expect to see someone so… he wasn’t quite sure what the word was yet. Why did looking at you make him feel similar to the happiness he felt dancing? Instead of ignoring you, he took out the blue controller of his Nintendo Switch, silently handing it to you. You took the controller, fingers brushing against each other but too young to realize what the sparks meant.
“I don’t know how to play,” you said.
“I’ll teach you,” he answered. Going home that same day, you found out that you lived next door to each other.
In 4th grade, Ni-ki discovered that when he climbed the tree in his backyard, he was able to get to your room window without having to leave the house through the front door. It became a sort of “thing” between you. Your window was always unlocked, an invitation for him to come inside whenever he wanted. At 2 am one Saturday morning, you woke up from your sleep because of the sounds from your window opening. Sleepily, you lifted up your head to be met with Ni-ki. The moonlight shining on him with his hair all ruffled made you feel giddy inside.
“Did I wake you up?” he asked. With a slight roll of your eyes,
“No, you weren’t being loud at all.”
“I can’t sleep.”
“So you decided to make me not sleep?”
“It’s cold in my room.”
“It’s cold in my room too?”
“Let’s sleep together.”
It could’ve been that you were too tired to tell Ni-ki to get out.
Or it was because you were too cold and Ni-ki was shivering.
Whatever it is that it was, you moved to the other side of your bed, making space for him. He settled in, slight heat rushing to his cheeks as his head laid on one of your pillows. While the two of you have hugged and held hands, this was something different and both of your hearts were pounding in your ears. You fell asleep first, Ni-ki looking at you, breath slightly caught in his throat. Once again, there was the same feeling from when he first met you. Yet still, he didn’t know what it was nor the proper words to label it. Sharing the same bed because a source of comfort between you as Ni-ki realized that the feelings he couldn’t express in words, he could express through the sparks.
Towards the beginning of middle school, you started going to Ni-ki’s dance studio almost every day. You would watch him perform dances before any of his covers were uploaded online, your eyes were the first to witness Nishimura Riki in his element. He couldn’t deny how he loved the way your eyes lit up whenever he performed or how you’d clap and shout his name in support.
“Y/n-ah,” you heard as he sat next to you, taking a swig of water.
“Huh?” You looked at him, noting how his hair stuck to his forehead. Knowing that he didn’t like that feeling, you brought your hand up to his hair, fixing it for him.
Maybe it was because he was out of breath and his heart was already racing.
Maybe it was because your face was so close to his that the only thing he was able to focus on was you.
Maybe it was because your legs were touching since he always liked sitting as close to you as possible.
Whatever it was, there was that feeling again. And still, he couldn’t label it.
“What is it?” you asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat,
“I’m gonna be an idol one day. When I become one, I want you to be in the front row of my concert.”
“You think we’re still gonna be besties when that happens?” you teased. He rolled his eyes,
Throughout middle school, Ni-ki unsurprisingly became popular with everyone. Most of the girls were captivated by how well he danced while the guys wanted to be him. He didn’t care, only sticking with you for the most part. You would eat lunch together at a hidden spot behind the back of the school that only you knew. In 7th grade,
“Ni-ki,” you said as you looked up at the sky, the blue color filling your view. It was nearing spring, the flowers were in bloom, and you found yourself wondering something.
“Yeah?” he replied, stealing one of your potstickers as if you didn’t save it for him.
“Jisoo-unnie told me she kissed Sean-oppa, and she said she didn’t like it. They’re gonna break up soon,” you said, referring to some kids in your class. The two were a “thing” together and while you knew what dating entailed, you’ve never experienced it yourself.
“And I care why?” You were nervous at what you were about to say but you weren’t going to back out now. Looking at him, slightly tilting your head,
“Do you wanna kiss me?” you asked. He choked on the potsticker, causing you to pat his back and give him water.
“Yah, is kissing me that bad?” you muttered to yourself.
“W-why?” he asked, unable to help himself from stuttering. With a shrug,
“I think I’d like it… if my first kiss was you.” You expected Ni-ki to tell you off. Or just flat-out leave. But instead, he leaned forward and as if it were instinct, your eyes fluttered shut. It lasted for a second, perhaps even less, but in that short time the sparks you felt whenever you were around Ni-ki intensified.
“There, we did it.” Your eyes widened as you looked at him, heat rushing to your cheeks despite the seemingly insignificant action. There it was again, that feeling that he just couldn’t name.
Ni-ki came into your room through the window at 3 in the morning to be met with the sound of your muffled sniffles and hated that he was the reason for it. He settled into bed with you,
“Get out you traitor,” you muttered. He sighed,
“I’m sorry, y/n-ah.”
“You’re really gonna leave tomorrow?”
“Technically, it’s later but-” interrupted by you throwing a pillow at him he let out a slight groan,
“Really?” he asked with a sigh.
“I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’m going to Korea, not dying.” You knew that he was doing it to fulfill his dreams of becoming an idol and you wanted him to. But last week, after seeing him with Lisa as his dance partner for the talent show, a fit of jealousy you’ve never known before settled within you. You didn’t tell him, how could you when you had no reason to be jealous? Instead, you smiled when his eyes met yours as you sat in the audience and clapped when he and Lisa got 1st place.
“Promise me we’ll video call? And that you won’t forget me.” He wiped your tears away with his sleeve,
“Promise me that you won’t go out with Sean?” he asked. Sean had asked you out after the talent show and you told him that you needed to think about it. Ni-ki was furious when he found out using the excuse that “Sean is a jerk” despite knowing damn well that he was jealous. But this wasn’t the time to be jealous because he was going to Korea. You brought up your hand, holding out a pinky. He did the same, both of your pinkies connected,
“I promise,” you said simultaneously.
While Ni-ki was in Korea and you were at home, you’d video chat and send text messages as often as you could. Over time, you started to realize that Ni-ki was starting to want one thing.
“I wanna go home, y/n,” he said one 4 am call.
“Ni-ki, you’ve sacrificed so much, you’re almost there. We believe in you.”
“I won’t be able to talk to you for a while.”
“Why not?”
“I’m going on a survival show called i-land. If I make it to the top 7, I’ll get to debut.”
“YAH, NISHIMURA RIKI WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?” you yelled, causing him to bring move his face away from his phone.
“It just never came up.”
“That’s great! Do your parents know?”
“You’re the first one I told.” That feeling that only Ni-ki seemed to give you whenever he did or said stuff like this made itself known. In the time that Ni-ki was gone, you realized that you missed him more than you should despite being best friends. It wasn’t until you had a talk with his sister that you realized, you had a crush on him.
“I miss you, Ni-ki. And I’ll be rooting for you the whole time.”
As cheers of joy filled your ears, the sound of your heart pounding was the only thing you could hear while what was on the tv screen registered in your head.
Ni-ki. Got. Fourth. Place.
Which meant that he was debuting.
Which meant that he was going to become an idol.
Which meant that his dreams were coming true.
You couldn’t stop the immense pride you felt and the shouts of joy that escaped you. Your best friend was debuting and you had the right to be proud of him.
During enhypen’s first concert, Ni-ki knew that he should’ve been happy. This was him living out his dreams, the same dreams that he spent countless hours up till the am talking to you about. Yet, unlike all those years ago, you weren’t here at his 1st concert. You couldn’t just hop on a plane to Korea due to current restrictions and your own schoolwork.
“What’s wrong?” Jay asked as he placed his hand on the maknae’s shoulder. Ni-ki looked at Jay,
“Y/n’s not here.” Though you weren’t aware of it, the other members knew you. Well, of you since Ni-ki talked about you often.
“Why don’t you call her?” Jay offered as a solution hoping to help in some way.
“Yeah, I will,” Ni-ki said.
Your phone rang and upon seeing the contact name, you answered it.
“You’re supposed to be performing, why haven’t you started yet?” you asked.
“How’d you know?” you smiled then changed the camera view to show your laptop,
“I’m streaming, dummy.”
“Illegally?” he asked.
“No comment.”
“Yah, you’ll get in trouble!”
“Good thing you’re on my side, yeah?”
“I wish you were here.”
“I am, just look at the camera and pretend it’s me.”
“It’s not the same.”
“I know, I miss you too,” you said with a sigh. Ni-ki heard his name being called,
“I gotta go.”
“Good luck and have fun!” you managed to say before the call ended.
At your high school graduation, you walked around looking for your family frantically texting Ni-ki’s sister asking where she was. It wasn’t until you crashed into what felt like a wall that you looked up, your hand rubbing your forehead. As your eyes met the man in front of you,
“Ni-ki?” He smiled, that feeling that he still couldn’t pinpoint after all these years infecting him once again.
“That’s all you have to say?” your arms wrapped around the now much taller boy instantly, practically jumping onto him which caused him to have to carry you like a baby koala.
“It’s been a year since we’ve last seen each other in person!” you muttered, your face resting in the crook of his neck, missing his scent.
“I literally FaceTimed you last night, you’re being so extra.”
“As if you’re not?” you countered.
“Only for you,” he said with a light chuckle.
“Wait, I’m heading to Korea in a few days, why are you here?”
“I couldn’t miss your graduation. I’m only here for a few hours before I have to head back.” He set you down though his arms stayed lingering on your waist.
“You spent money on a ticket just to be here for a few hours then to head back tonight?” your heart warmed at Ni-ki’s actions and you couldn’t hold back your smile.
“I know, I’m extra.” Just then,
“Babe!” you heard. You turned your head to be met with Sean, having forgotten him with Ni-ki here. You told Ni-ki of your current 2 month relationship and he was all for it, wanting you to be happy. At least, you thought so. Well, he did want you to be happy. He just preferred it if you were happier with him.
You landed in Korea a few days after graduation. Timing seemed to work out for you and Ni-ki since enhypen’s dorm was getting renovated, he needed a place to move to. Despite being offered to share a temporary apartment with Sunoo, he opted to get one with you instead. You were thankful for it, happy to be back with Ni-ki, and excited for the 2 of you to hangout like you used to. One particular night, Ni-ki’s practice was running late and you were having a bad day.
“What?” you answered annoyed at Sean’s call. Lately, you were starting to have a strong dislike towards him with how much of a jerk he was like whenever Ni-ki was around.
“Is Ni-ki there?” Sean asked, annoyed.
“Why does that matter?” You didn’t hear the door opening or Ni-ki coming inside.
“Because he’s stuck onto you like a leech.” Ni-ki froze at those words, unsure what to do. Sean wasn’t exactly wrong but you were best friends so it was natural for you to be close, right?
“What the hell do you know?”
“He’s been gone for so long and the first chance you get, you move to where he is. Does that make sense to you? Part of an idol group and can’t even-”
“Like hell, I’m gonna let you say stuff like that about Ni-ki.”
“I can’t even say my opinion?”
“Not when it’s wrong.” Sean scoffed,
“I’m your boyfriend.” The next 2 words that came out of your mouth came as a shock to you, Sean, and Ni-ki.
“Not anymore.” Ending the call and tossing your phone on the bed, you laid in bed looking up at the ceiling. Surprisingly, you didn’t cry. Ni-ki came into your room and laid on the bed with you,
“I heard,” he said.
“You were right all those years ago, Sean is a jerk.”
“What are you gonna do now?”
“What should I do now?”
“Go out with me.”
“On a date?”
“Because I asked you out.”
“You’re serious?”
“Mhm.” You weren’t quite sure how to respond since deep down you knew that your crush on Ni-ki never truly faded away. Things were different now and you were no longer kids in grade school who were unaware of what it meant for things like dating to happen.
“This could hurt us.”
“It could.”
“This isn’t funny.”
“I wasn’t joking.”
“Where would we go?”
“Wherever you want.”
“This isn’t how I’ve imagined you asking me out.”
“So, you’ve imagined me asking you out?”
“Shut up, you’re an idol there’s a ton of imagines about you.”
“The only imagines I care about are yours.”
“Fine, I’ll go out with you.”
It was a day just like any other day when Ni-ki realized what exactly the feeling was that made itself known from the first time he saw you up until now. You just reached 10 months of dating, still living together in Korea. You were on the couch trying to do some work when Ni-ki showed up all of a sudden, clearly wanting some cuddles and physical affections. So you put on a movie, grabbed some blankets, and settled in. You were mindlessly running your hand through his hair,
“It’s been so long since I’ve felt like I’m home,” Ni-ki whispered as he looked up at you. His hair was soft, like cotton candy that melted in your mouth at an amusement park.
“With all the cameras surrounding you and being in Korea without your parents so young, it’s only natural for you to be homesick.” He realized that the feeling that appeared from time to time was something that he could now name. Home.
“I’m home with you, y/n,” he whispered.
❦ written by riri | blog masterlist
requests are open! rules can be found here
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whydoyouwantmyname · 3 years
Imagine being Sirus’s daughter
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-You were born in the year 1978, your mother was a muggle who Sirius met at a punk rock concert, and they had dated for a few months before deciding they were better off parting way as soon as he revealed he was a wizard.
-When she gave birth to you, Sirius hadn’t even known she was pregnant, and she didn’t tell him until you were 6 months old, when she went to his flat and frantically knocked on the door.
“Olivia, it’s six o’clock in the fucking morning, why are you...” and then he noticed the baby carrier
“She is one of you Sirius, she made...” her voice loud with frustration as she hushed it, “she made all of her toy fly at me when I told her it was nap time, she once cried and all the lights blew. Sirius I can not have this thing live in my house.”
“Clearly not if you are calling her a thing.” He snapped before snatching the carrier out of her hand, “I suggest you sell all her baby things, I don’t want her having a single reminder of you in her life.”
-He slammed the door in her face, and quickly placed you on the sofa, and just stared at you, for an hour. Internationally he was freaking out, he was 18, Fresh out of Hogwarts, and had zero idea how to parent a child. So he did the only thing that made rational sense, and picked up the phone.
“Hey mom, I have to tell ya something....yes I know it is early, but I just couldn’t wait to tell you....No, no I am not in jail again, however you might wanna sit down for this one..... you’re a grandma.”
-The phone was silent, and next thing he knew his fireplace lit up green, and out stepped Euphemia Potter, who was still dressed in her night gown, her eyes wide as she looked at her son’s best friend, and then noticed the small child asleep in her carrier. “She’s beautiful.”
“Mom I have zero idea how to even...”
“Trust me Padfoot,” the name slipped so comfortably out of her mouth as he looked at her with panic, “None of us do. We just do it, and pray that we don’t accidentally hex them.”
-That morning Euphemia spent teaching Sirius all about how to care for a baby, but quickly learned his new delima, “Do you have anything for her?”
“No, her mother just dropped her off this morning, I didn’t even know...”
“Did she tell you her name at least?”
“Well, how about [Y/N]? That’s what I would have named James if he was a girl.”
“[Y/N] Euphemia Black, I like it.” He smiled, looking over at a surprised Euphemia, “What? I always hear that it was a muggle tradition to give your daughter’s your mother’s middle name.”
-After that she took you and Sirius out to a muggle baby store, and the grocery store, and bought you everything you could ever need. The whole time you were with the two, you never cried, you just stared at them with your [Y/C/E]’s and played with the small rattle Euphemia bought you. Once you returned to the flat, she flicked her wand and you watched in wonder in her arms as all the furniture started to assemble itself, while your father put all the baby food and bottles away. Soon he was putting the clothes she had bought you on the hangers, while Euphemia rocked you to sleep, your eyelids heavy as she looked down at your smooth face. Her trance was broken though by Sirius’s soft voice, “How do I know I wouldn’t turn out like her?”
“Because you would never allow yourself to. I know your mother was a vile woman, who had no regard for her children, but you Sirius Black, are the greatest thing she ever created. Besides you are an amazing friend to James, and I can only imagine you will treat this little girl as well as you do my son.” She stated before slowly raising and removing the maroon and gold sweater from his fingers, and hung it up for him. “Now, I am sure Lily is already at the house frantically worrying about this wedding that’s in a few days, so I will give this precious angel to her daddy, and call you tomorrow?”
“Of course, give them all my love.” Sirius smiled as she gently placed you into his arms, before looking to him, “You will do amazing things [Y/N], I just know it.”
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-For the next week Sirius didn’t allow anyone into his flat, he just wanted to spend that time admiring your features, and learning how to be the fun dad. However after 7 days there was a pounding on his door, and behind it stood a tall, lean man, with shaggy brown hair, and glasses. In his arms were neatly wrapped boxes, and a stag plushie sat on the top.
“Really, you couldn’t have bought her a dog one after her father?” Sirius joked as James smiled, his voice filled with joy as he replied, “Never.”
-The moment you saw James, you immediately smiled, and crawled over to his feet as quickly as you could, your hands grasping at his pants as he sat the boxes down on the kitchen counter. “So you must be [Y/N]?” All he got as a reply was a giggle, and soon you were up in his arms.
-That afternoon you spent attached to James, and while him and Sirius talked, he would slowly dance around the flat with you, or throw you in the air, which also caused you to release a loud giggle. Sirius’s stress would rise quickly when he did, but once you were safely back in his hand, James would look at his friend and smile, “Don’t worry Pads, I won’t hurt our little princess.”
-Soon there was more knocking at the door, and behind it was Remus, and Peter. The man of the house quickly enveloped his friends into a hug, and opened the door wider to reveal James holding you upside down, as giggles filled the air. Quickly he lifted back to the vertical position and spun you around quickly, until you leaned into his shoulder. When he stopped Remus looked to Sirius, “Clearly we know who her favorite uncle is going to be.”
“Bullshit Mooney, she is going to love you all the same.” Sirius reassured as James stroked your back, “[Y/N], ready to meet your other uncles?”
-You immediately leaned out of James arms and right into Remus’s chest, your hands going to his face as you patted it quickly. However soon your fingers were tracing the light scars on the man’s face, your touches were delicate as you lightly brushed his warm skin. Remus tensed slightly under your touch, almost scared that you would cry within seconds, however you quickly placed your head onto his shoulder, and cuddled into him, causing Sirius to smile, “Told ya.”
-Peter was terrified to touch you, he preferred to just watch you interact with the others, and when you tried to climb up onto his lap, he stiffened. You immediately started to tear up, causing James to quickly scoop you up.
-That afternoon you napped on Remus’s shoulder.
-James and Remus both volunteered to change you, Peter was too timid to even try.
-Later that evening there was one last knock, James jumped up immediately and reached out to Sirius for you, a smile on his face as he said to you, “Alright [Y/N], now you are going to meet one of the most important woman in my life, but don’t worry, it doesn’t mean I love you any less.”
-When Lily saw you, her hands went to her face, as she silently freaked out, “Merlin, she is beautiful Padfoot.”
“Not as beautiful as her Auntie Lily.” James replied as you leaned forward and allowed Lily to hold you. She quickly cuddled you into her chest and smiled.
-As soon as Lily arrived you refused to leave her, not even James, who you were previously attached to could take you away from her, if they tried your eyes immediately watered.
-James pouted a bit about that, but Lily just chuckled and stated, “Don’t worry Love, I am sure she still loves you.”
-That night you fell asleep in Lily’s arms, and soon she was softly walking towards your nursery to put you to sleep. She smiled though at the sight of the stag plushie, and made a mental note to pick up one to represent the other boys.
-When she returned to the parlor, she smiled at the sight of the four young men, who were currently gushing over the small infant who was sleeping.
-That night when it was just James, Lily, and Sirius, he asked them if they would be your godparents. They agreed.
-The next day Lily arrived to the flat and handed Sirius a wolf, a rat, and a black dog plushie for you, and then she sat on his couch with a cup of tea, as they discussed life, your small body seated upon Sirius’s lap as you chug to your black dog plush.
-Whenever Lily saw a cute child’s outfit she would pick it up for you.
-Remus was famous for buying you books
-Peter often bought you random trinkets
-James always bought you toys.
-On full moons, Lily would babysit you, which you enjoyed, especially once you were older. She normally would play disney movies, and read to you 100 stories. She was always ready to play dress up, or paint with you.
-On nights where the order would met Euphemia and Fleamont would watch you, at their own estate. You enjoyed going to the Potter’s, and would crawl or toddle to each different room on the bottom floor. You also had a habit of falling asleep in the parlor with the pair, Fleamont normally was reading to you out of one of his many book, while Euphemia held you, her fingers tracing through your hair.
-Once they were done either meeting or fighting, Sirius, James, and Lily would drag themselves into the manor, and head to the parlor, where they would smile almost immediately at the sight of the small girl asleep on the couch.
-Sometimes when you would cry, Sirius would transform into the dog form, to which you would stop crying immediately and cuddle into the raven color, soft, fur.
-Your first word was Dadda, quickly followed by “Pong” which you would yell often at James.
-You knew all of your uncles by their Nick names, and sometimes they would find themselves calling each other the names you had assigned. James was Pong, Remus was Ooney, and Peter was Ermtail. You called Lily, Elily
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-You were the flower girl in James and Lily’s wedding, they had you sit in a wagon, which was bewitched to move down the aisle, and once it stopped at the end, Sirius went to scoop you up, and held you beside James and Remus.
-When James turned to Sirius to get Lily’s wedding band, you were the one holding it out to him, with a smile he plucked the small golden band from your little hand and whispered, “Thank you darling.”
-At the reception each of the marauders danced with you, even Peter, however he only danced half the song with you, before passing you off to Lily. Remus walked up beside the timid man and clapped his shoulder, “Don’t worry Wormtail, you won’t break her.”
-Albus and Minerva were obsessed with you, each one taking time to hold you and shower you in attention. Minerva looked at Sirius at one point and whispered, “I can already tell this girl is going to be a handful, just like her father.”
“I hope so Professor.” He joked as she carefully handed you back.
-Lily and James both danced with you together, and some of your favorite pictures were taken that night, as James and Lily spun you around, or swayed together with you on your uncle’s hip.
-Your father and you were the last ones on the dance floor, his breath smelled slightly of fire whiskey, and your eyes were heavy, but that didn’t stop your father from holding you close to his chest, your head resting on his shoulder, as he softly swayed you.
-That night when you arrived back to the flat, he carefully placed you down onto the changing table and quietly changed you out of the dress you had surprisingly worn the whole day, and into a pair of Jammies that Euphemia had gotten you. As he placed you into the crib, he couldn’t help but notice how much you had changed in such a short time. He spent the rest of the night sitting in your room, watching you sleep as he pondered the thoughts of his current life.
-For your first birthday, they had a small gathering at Jame’s and Lily’s flat, Lily had spent the whole day before decorating and cooking, while James attempted to help. However as your Uncle Remus would later tell you once you were older, all your Uncle James did was eat the cupcakes Lily had been making, which resulted in her sending James to Sirius’s flat, where he sat with the Marauders, joking and drinking while you were left in Lily’s care. (Who had picked you up when she dropped of James)
-When you arrived your attention was stolen by all the decorations, which were all natural colored, but had a bit of sparkle to them. Your father however was taken by the food spread that Lily had made, “Goodness Lily, are you feeding an army?”
“Have you seen the way you four eat Pads? You basically are an army.” She sassed as she extended her arms towards you, “Besides, I will spare no expense for this little bundle of joy.”
-When Remus arrived you were on the floor with your father and James. However at the sight of Remus, you pushed yourself up from the floor, and wandered towards your uncle, however after three steps your balance caused you to fall, and look up towards Remus with tears in your eyes at the fact that you had failed. Sirius staring at you in wonder as Remus scooped you up.
-Those were your first steps.
-Lily had made you your own little, jam filled, smash cake, it was completely covered in green frosting and on the top of it sat a tree, which she had purchased completely made of chocolate. In different tones blue frosting she had made a small pond, and within the smears of blue she wrote upon it Happy Birthday Darling in red frosting. Meanwhile all the adults got to eat the cupcakes, which she had filled with raspberry jam. Sirius couldn’t help but chuckle as he looked towards James, “Your future children are going to be so spoiled.”
-Later that night when it was just James, Sirius and Lily, they told him Lily was pregnant, and that they were going to tell his parents the next day. They also revealed that they wanted to name Sirius The Godfather. “We figured we would return the favor.” James joked as he looked down towards your small frame, the brand new teddy bear tucked your your face as you sucked your thumb in your sleep.
-That night you and Sirius had a sleepover with the Potters, and when you awoke that morning James and Lily were already gone. This left Sirius to gather all of your presents and hurry home with them, after feeding you some eggs, and apple juice.
-That night while you sat on your father’s lap, there was a knock upon the door. Cautiously Sirius put you down in your crib and advanced towards the door, wand drawn. When he looked into the peephole he saw the back of his best friend, upon opening the door, he saw the red rimming of his eyes, clear evidence of his sorrow. Without saying a word to Sirius he just walked past him, and straight into the nursery, where you giggled with excitement to see your Uncle. His lips forced themselves into a smile as he leaned in and picked you up, his feet dragging as he flopped into the rocking chair and held you. Normally you would have been squirming, wanting nothing more than to play with him, but you knew he just needed your stillness.
-It took Lily an hour to call Sirius’s, “Is he there?”
“Yes, he has just been sitting with [Y/N], not saying a word...”
“He hasn’t told you?” Lily cut him off
“Told me what? Did something happen to the...”
“No, no baby Potter is fine. But Sirius... I am so sorry. Euphemia and Fleamont caught Dragon Pox’s. When we went to the house they weren’t there, the neighbors had said they saw an ambulance, so we rushed to Saint Mungo’s. By the time we arrived....” her voice slightly broke but that was all Sirius needed, “Mum’s dead, isn’t she?”
“Sirius, I am so sorry. Dad’s not doing well either, they estimate he has maybe a week.”
-With that the phone dropped, and his feet took him to his friend, fresh tears covered both their faces as he gently wrapped James in a hug. None of you moved for what felt like forever.
“Can I stay here tonight?” James finally whispered, his voice hoarse, as Sirius muttered, “Of course, as long as you like.”
-Fleamont passed away two days later.
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-When James and Lily introduced you to Harry, you were obsessed. You wanted nothing more than to always be near the small bundle.
-The Marauders loved having two babies to spoil now. However Peter was still extremely timid around you both.
- There was only once where you were jealous of Harry, but that was just because James was holding him, and not paying attention to you lightly tapping his leg. You just sat down at his feet, and silently started tearing up, which Lily immediately noticed. This caused her to quickly advance towards James and removed Harry from his arms, James had a look of confusion, until he heard your small sniffle. Quickly he scooped you up, and apologized.
-You loved trying to help Lily with Harry. However sometimes you were too helpful, but Lily never scolded you, just corrected the behavior.
-There was one night where she was left to watch you and Harry while the order handled some affairs. You hadnt spent a night there since they had moved to Godric Hollow. She awoke to hear muffled whimpers from her son’s room, and quickly rose to collect her house coat and check on him. Upon passing your room she hadn’t noticed that your door was open, so when she opened Harry’s she was surprised to see that you had climbed into Harry’s crib, and were softly singing a nursery rhyme Euphemia had taught you to him. His eyes growing heavy as you looked towards Lily, “He was sad, now he’s better.”
“I’m sorry Love, did his crying wake you?” She whispered as she carefully lifted you out of the crib with the sleeping boy, as you gently nodded your head, “I’m sorry.”
“Oh there is nothing to be sorry about, I just wish I had the camera out to record that precious moment. How about next time though, you come get me?”
“Deal.” You smiled as she placed you back into the bed, and tucked you in.
-The next morning she told the others what you had done, and joked with Sirius, “You know she’s going to make a fine older sister someday.”
“My darling Lily, that would require me setting down, and that is not happening any time soon.” He teased back as you lifted your arms with pride, a clear plate infront of you as you giggled, “Done!”
“Splendid, now thank Auntie Lily for the pancakes, and say goodbye to everyone.” Sirius smiled as you did as instructed, and gave everyone, except Peter, a syrupy kiss on the cheek.
- the day after Sirius did missions for the order he normally wanted nothing more then to spend the day with you, in the flat. Normally you would both do arts and crafts, or he would watch what muggles called VHS tapes. You guys also spent the day eating snack foods, your favorite being Orange Maids, your father’s was chocolate.
-When Harry turned 1, you were excitingly running around the house, Harry crawling after you as the three adults sat on the couch, whispering amongst themselves. You had no idea how the conversation they were having would change your life forever.
-You once asked why Uncle Ooney never came to the flat anymore, to which your dad just told you Moony was sick. You had no idea that they ever suspected him of being a spy.
-The first time you saw Peter in the house at Godric Hollow you felt like something was off, and avoided him more than normal.
-It was two months later, you hadn’t known yet that this would be the last day you saw Auntie Lily, and Uncle Prong. Your father was extremely cautious to make sure you weren’t followed, and carefully snuck into the house. When you were placed onto the ground you took off running through the house, wanting so badly to show off your costume. The whole house was decorated, candles were lit everywhere, and streamers dangled from the living room ceiling. When you entered the kitchen however the counter was lined with food, and Harry sat in a high chair at the table, a tired James sitting beside him, as Lily stood at the stove.
“Uncle Prong, look at my costume!” You instructed, as he looked away from the Cheerios that littered the tray, and smiled at your outfit.
“Wow, we’re identical.” He gasped as you raced over and gave him a hug, Sirius stood in the doorway as Lily looked at the two of you, turning her head slightly she whispered, “Was this her idea, or yours?”
“She told me she wanted to go as Uncle Prong, figured it won’t be too hard to pull off.”
-That night you all stayed in, Lily was playing a muggle show on the tele, while you all sat on the couch eating candy. As your eyes grew heavy, Sirius looked down toward you, and whispered to his friends, “We best be on our way.”
“Oh come now, you only just arrived 5 hours ago, why don’t you two spend the night and in the morning...”
“I would love too, but I unfortunately have to get this little one home, would hate to have her dressed like your ugly mug two days in a row.” Sirius joked as James pretended to be offended.
-You sleepily gave both James and Lily a hug, unfortunately Harry was already asleep in his room so you were unable to say goodbye to the small baby that had been dressed up as a Lion that year.
“I love you.” You softly whispered to them during both of their hugs, they tightened their grip in response and replied back.
James: I love you to the moon and back my dear.
Lily: I love you too my little Prong.
-As soon as you got home, you fell asleep in your costume, Sirius didn’t have the heart to wake you up to change so he just closed your door and let you be
-when you awoke, it was to your father’s screams, and the slamming of the door. When you crawled out of bed, you saw the man your father called Albus, standing in your living room. He lowered his head, and sank to the floor, his eyes watery with tears as his soft weeps overtook him. They only paused however when he felt your soft touch. It was then Dumbledore looked to you, and whispered, “Do you want to go see your Uncle Remus?”
-When Dumbledore arrived to the cottage in the woods Remus had, he softly knocked. Your small frame in his arms, as Remus opened the door. “Remus.” His voice was soft, “The worst has happened.”
-When Dumbledore left, Remus was sitting on the couch, his eyes glassy as he looked towards you, the child of a man he had been convinced to be a traitor. But he knew Sirius, he knew Sirius would never betray his friends, yet.... here you were, no one had any idea where your father was, or how Voldemort died. But he did know one thing, he needed to take care of you while Sirius was away.
-Two days later you saw your father again.... on the front of the Daily Prophet, you would learn later in life he had went away for murdering Peter Pettigrew, the man who really betrayed his friends. But no one would ever know.
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Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
411 notes · View notes
What If...? IV // Alive!Luke Patterson
Summary: 1997 and 1998 are big years for Luke Patterson and his fiancée with their engagement and wedding planning. If you thought wedding planning and the wedding itself was the big things well, you’d be wrong. I mean this is the couple that almost ended with a car accident. Join the year long adventure.
Warnings: Swearing, pregnancy, minor angst, sweet groom!Luke, and fluff
Words: 3.3k
Requested: By @beautifulblogsblog. There is one more part after this. 🥺😭
A/N: It’s finally here! The Patterson-Y/L/N wedding makes its appearance here and a little cameo of a future character. The next part is the last part in the miniseries as well. Enjoy.
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Hollywood 1997
An entire year had flown by from the day of your engagement to Luke filled with frustration, elation and greatness. Sunset Curve toured around California, leaving the Y/L/N-Patterson women to plan the wedding. Nineteen years old now in the modestly sized apartment, Luke sat beside you in the bathroom.
Two nervous teenagers a mere month away from their wedding day they cuddled each other eyes pinned at the floor. Apprehensive of the stick that held power to change everything in their lives. For the last week, you hadn’t felt very well with being tired and nausea laying you out in bed.
“It’s been long enough.” Luke murmured reaching for the test, “No matter what. I love you.”
Kissing his cheek, the two of you slumped at the negative with surprising emotion. The negative greatly disappointed you.
“I’m sorry,” Luke mumbled to his fiancée equally torn up because while the timing wasn’t perfect, he had pictured what life would be like.
A tiny baby growing in his fiancée womb, growing into bump made flutters in his belly. Of love, he already felt for your future unborn children and snuggling his kids. Introducing them to his loved ones and bonding over music. Teaching his son or daughter how to play the guitar.
He’d love to see his parents cradle a new addition to the family freshly born with the tiny knit hat Emily couldn’t resist making. Sharing a celebratory beer with his father and wisdom for the coming years. To learn the parental reason of why they had been against his career choice.
“I really wanted it to be positive.” You admitted playing with your fingers disappointed at being wrong about your body. Luke smiled as your words as he grabbed your hand in his calloused grip.
“Do you…do you want to try for a baby?” Luke trailed off flushing at how beautiful you would look growing his child. The bathroom was quiet as you thought the idea over, “With the tour just finishing the band will be writing music and recording. I could be here for the whole pregnancy and birth.”
“If we get pregnant in the next month. But we’re also getting married in a few months.” You sighed leaning to rest about his bare arm staring at the pregnancy test.
“If it happens then it happens.” Luke spoke, “If you want, we can try.”
Raising your eyes to meet Luke’s you hesitantly nodded at his words as it settled that is there ever a perfect time to get pregnant? So many people struggle with conception like your parents did with you; your mother’s labour was so complicated that you’d never have siblings.
“Okay.” Luke breathed, standing up to scoop you into his arms, “Best get on with it.”
The laughter filled the simple bedroom as Luke crawled over your body to hover with a matching smile. There was no one else in the world that could get his heart fluttering and focus on something other than music. It was terrific, and he couldn’t be mad about.
“So, Rockstar…are you gonna help?” You whispered tugging on the chain of his necklace to drag his face closer. Closing the distance, Luke’s lips brushed yours before time stopped in a collision of senses.
The callouses of his fingers trailing a fire under the flowing shirt chosen for the lunch date earlier. The warmth of his hands nowhere close enough to match the heat your body burnt with. The taste of the cherry chapstick he shamelessly stole from you, but it was the heady scent of Luke that got you.
 Luke heavily breathed as he pulled back with a hazy gaze with the green almost overtaken by the black pupils. No hesitation as your lips sucked on his neck, bringing a gravelly moan from the man over you, a sound that caused your lower half to clench. Legs unable to fully close as his fingers drew symbols on your inner thigh.
Symbols that spelt out his full name. Now that was really hot.
A gasp pulled from your throat you arched as a hand came up to cup your breast in his hand; Luke could argue all he wanted, but he was boob man when it came to you.
Thoughts disappearing the ecstasy with the love of your life overtook your senses.
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July 1998
The white dress was a little snugger than the previous month, but you had a good reason for it. A tiny little blob had taken up residence in your womb with a sickness that lasts all day from day one until the start of trimester two. Getting pregnant had to be easy with Luke from the number of times.
Didn’t matter where you were when Luke tugged you away. The small bathroom in the studio? Three times.
Luke’s couch? Yeah, Alex refuses to sit there now.
At this point, you had been everywhere, trying for a baby was incredibly fun, but the hormones sucked. Luke’s deft fingers creating the chords of a song? Bobby banned you from rehearsals, and you had an emergency bag of clothes as well.
“You look gorgeous.” Nancy Y/L/N told her daughter with tears glittering in her eyes as she took in the sight of her daughter. The wedding dress the bridesmaids, mother’s and Alex had hunted for; the boy had tagged along as he was like a brother. Reggie, Bobby and Luke had spent the day with Mitch and Lance.
A sob broke from the lips of Lance; his baby girl no longer needed him with her soon to be husband. There was no one in the world he trusted more with his daughter than Luke Patterson. The boy never placed the band ahead of his fiancée, and it was quickly noticed how much Luke adored the Y/L/N girl.
“Dad.” You spoke, rushing to hug the man in your arms, “Stop crying. You’ll make me cry.”
Lance was able to hold his tears until the music started and the doors opened to the venue that Luke’s parents married in. Luke stood at the altar with Bobby, Alex, and Reggie. On the opposite side stood your best friend, a childhood friend and your close cousin.
“You look beautiful,” Dad told you slowly making their way to the man cupping his hands over his face. Overtaken by your beauty and the glow, Luke thanked Lance.
“Baby, you look like an Angel,” Luke whispered, squeezing your hands tightly in his as the ceremony began.
“It’s rare that one can find their soulmate, the other half of themselves on such a large plant. Luke and Y/N orbited each other as young children and fell in love in a perfect place. For those of you who don’t know, these two met as a concert. The first step to falling in love. Music is important to this couple.” The officiant spoke, “Luke’s mother told me once that music tethered their souls together, they truly met at a concert, and every important moment had a song.”
Luke’s eyes watered meeting the brown of his mother’s love-filled eyes holding hands with her husband. Luke had no clue how much his mother came to accept, and he felt the relationship fully fix itself as it settled that his Mom had personally made the ceremony better.
 “These two souls came together and became one. Luke and Y/N’s love is rare and beautiful. Today these two had decided to make their own vows.” The officiant finished, “Luke if you could start.”
“There has always music in my heart and soul since childhood. I adored listening and begging my parents for new music. My parents, one year, gave me a guitar as a gift, and it started a deep passion in my soul. I made a band with my best friends, and the band brought me to a person that would become more important. Y/N, I had had a crush on you for a long time before you first spoke to me. I had hit Reggie in the calf with my father’s car, and you made a joke about my height. It wouldn’t be until years later than I somehow convinced you to take a chance.” Luke squeezed your hands, “I love music because it brought me to you.”
“Luke. I am absolutely positive that I have loved you for more than this lifetime as my love is so vast and deep. I believe we have been destined since the dawn of time to find each other together by music. I can’t compete with your vows because you have a way with words with the songwriting you’ve done. You’ve been there through the hard times and best times holding my hand ready to catch me if I fell. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives catching each other when we need it.”
“May the rings be presented?” The officiant asked with a smile as your best friend and Alex gave the rings.
“With this ring, I thee wed,” Luke whispered as he slid the band to rest against your engagement ring. You repeated the words as you slid the band on his finger as well.
“I now pronounce you as man and wife. Mr. Patterson, you may kiss your wife.” The officiant spoke, sending the room into applause.
You and Luke ran down the aisle still holding hands with the biggest smiles of your entire life to the limo that would deliver you to the reception. Luke couldn’t help himself as he pressed kisses all over. This was a glorious day for the musician, his career was going really well, and he married the most beautiful girl.
“God, I love you.” Luke murmured to the girl in the white dress. Leaning closer for another kiss, Luke froze.
Digging into his ankle was a heavy object. Your nervous eyes glittered under the dimmed lighting in the limo. Never-ending eye contact Luke lifted a moderately heavy wooden chalkboard. Written on the sign was: ‘Unofficial flower girl or ring bearer’.
“Are you serious?” Luke asked gobsmacked at the news that heightened the greatness of his wedding day. Eyes flickering to meet yours he watched as your hand unzipped a hidden pocket on your dress.
Flat on your hand was a pregnancy test similar to the one you took months back. The only difference being this one had two lines.
“AS serious as a heart attack. There will be a baby Patterson in six months.” The laugh was joyful as your lips parted.
Luke wasted absolutely no time in setting his hand on the slight bump the dress had covered, “This is why you mentioned your dress being snugger?”
“Mhm.” You replied, stroking the softness of his cheekbone in pure love with him and the life you carried, “We’re in for a wild ride Patterson.”
“Bring it on.” Luke finished kissing your cheek as the limo came to a stop in front of a large venue. The duo you ran inside where your wedding guests threw paper airplanes that Reggie had suggested.
Each airplane had a personal note from your friends and family along that would be gathered into a binder. Reggie had found out that rice wasn’t good for birds and while the reception was inside, he couldn’t do it. So, he brought the idea of paper airplanes; in class, the boys would throw airplanes at each other. It was a nod to their adolescence.
“I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson,” Alex announced into the microphone set on the stage with Sunset Curve’s instruments. It didn’t surprise anyone that the band would play at the wedding.
On the stage, a beautiful Hispanic woman played a soft piano ballad, if you could recall that maybe the bartender from the Orpheum. Her name was on the tip of your tongue as Luke twirled you into his arms with a big grin.
“Mrs. Patterson.” You hummed tugging him to the head table with where your wedding party would join as well. The second Luke helped you sit he knelt down to reach the box covertly placed.
Your eyebrows came together as he opened it, revealing two matching pairs of personalized vans; following the wedding theme one pair was white and another black. On the right shoe, it had ‘just married’ with the wedding date while the left shoe had a picture from your engagement pictures. Of course, Luke made them have Mr. and Mrs. above the image as well.
“How?” You breathed as Luke gently removed your heels to replace them with a thin pair of no-show socks. Over the socks went the white vans that gave your feet a break from the four-inch heels.
“We’re supposed to party now.” Luke beamed squeezing your hands in his only bending to kiss the back of each. His hazel eyes had shifted to a rich green as he stared up at yours with such a tender look, you could feel the heat building in your cheeks.
As your wedding party took their seats, Luke had already changed his shoes and pushed the box back under the table. His left hand refused to leave your right one as you both took in the magical room that had once only been a concept on paper.
“This is amazing.” You breathed leaning into Luke’s arm, sending a smile to the table near the front with both your parents, “Also thank you for the shoe surprise.”
 “I am so happy they got done on time.” Luke sighed slouching in his seat, waving at the photographer you had hired.
If you can recall correctly, Luke had met him at a band photoshoot, and he was the assistant to the head photographer. You believe his name was Ray and incredibly talented and under-appreciated by his former boss.
“Did you let the photographer know we have an open bar?” You leaned over to your new husband with a flutter in your belly at his new title. The question turned the corners of Luke’s mouth for the first time that day.
“I find it unfair that we have an open bar and we can’t drink anything.” Luke snorted nudging Reggie in his side.
“Oh, I think we both know you’ll sneak some for the guys and you.” You chuckled leaning back in the chair. One hand resting on your stomach to caress the material with your thumb, unaware, “I’ll stick to the sparkling juice.”
Luke’s one eyebrow raised at the sudden change in your drink choice as in the past you wouldn’t turn down your favourite. His eyes shifted down to your hand with raised eyebrows.
“Wait…are you…?” Luke drawled out slowly in your ear taken aback when your head in a surreptitious manner. His jaw unhinged mind opened as he took in the tiny bump; in the years together, he was very acquainted with your body.
“We are. How cliché are we?” You laughed as Luke lunged to press a kiss to the supple skin lightly painted with foundation.
Your makeup was natural and straightforward to last longer for photos and make it through the dances for later. It was also Luke’s favourite look.
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Dinner, the dances and speeches had sped by ending with both the bouquet toss and the garter toss. The guests mingled with the newlyweds as some danced, Emily had managed to drag Luke back on the floor.
“I’m proud of you, Luke.” Emily smiled up at her son, “And you said those dance lessons were a waste of time.”
A light pink flush took over the nineteen-year old’s full cheeks reminiscing the lessons he had taken with his mother. He had been eleven or twelve at the time when his father pulled a muscle at the worst time. The coupons nearly expiration Emily took Luke to the lessons that initially had been for date night.
“I think it helped with singing-“Luke instinctively cut himself off as he had done years before when music was a no go subject, “Sorry you don-“
“Luke, I can never explain how sorry I am about what happened. I was wrong to push you into a box you didn’t fit. Music is a part of you, and I understand now.” Emily squeezed the bicep of the guitarist, “Besides you’ll understand where we were coming from in a couple months.”
Luke’s jaw dropped at her announcement, “What.”
“Luke, I am a mother. I know the signs such as your wife turning down the wine.” Emily admitted stepping back from the boy that had so suddenly become a man before her very eyes.
No longer was he the chubby-cheeked boy running naked from his bath after splattering spaghetti sauce on himself. He had outgrown his interest in soccer and baseball with his little friends. He had matured into a man that lived up to Emily’s teachings. Luke, in her eyes, was now a man of honour, integrity, kindness and stood up for himself.
Emily and Mitch Patterson had done a fantastic job raising their son, but now they could step back. They would get to watch Luke find his way as a husband and a father.
“Hey, man,” Reggie spoke as Luke walked off the dance floor finding you among family congratulating the couple.
“Hey, Reg.” Luke beamed tugging the bassist into his arms for a tight hug. As the two boys leaned back, they looked over at their friend.
Alex discarded the pink suit jacket at the table in favour of leaning against the wall talking with the bartender. A smile blossomed on the two men’s faces as they took in that Alex was utterly relaxed in the conversation.
“They were hardcore flirting.” Reggie piped up, referencing the male bartender, “His name is Billy, I think.”
The bartender had shoulder-length dark hair pulled back in a bun with glittering brown eyes drowning in the shy blonde. He wore a dark shirt opened a few buttons with white detailing on it. A white necklace as well, but it was the lovesick smile Luke loved; Alex deserved happiness the most in Sunset Curve.
“He’s totally a skater.” Reggie spoke, “It’s a love story. He’s a skater boy, and he’d like to do ballet.”
“That would be a sick song. He was a punk, she did ballet.” Luke hummed to a melody created on the spot, “Not really our sound.”
“Someone will figure out a way to use it.” Reggie waved off, and he was right. A singer would use the exact lyric in her song ‘Sk8er Boi’ in 2002 when Sunset Curve would bump into her.
Slowly the boys of Sunset Curve found their way to the stage to perform a few songs directed towards you. At your urging, you had demanded they give a live performance of Unsaid Emily for your now mother-in-law. As they sang, you wrapped an arm, Emily, as she cried.
“This is his best work.” You mumbled to the older woman cupping her wet cheek leaning into the touch of her husband’s touch.
As soon as the song was over, Emily yanked her son into her arms both parties of the hug emotionally moved. It seemed the performance had shifted something in their relationship for the better. Luke didn’t need to explain as he pulled you into his side once more.
 “Alex isn’t the only one that found someone.” You whispered, finding Alex and the bartender on break dancing on the edge of the dance floor. At your husband’s puzzlement, your finger pointed in the direction of the stage.
In a conversation photographer, Ray captivated the lead singer of the band you had hired when Sunset Curve didn’t play. Even Reggie seemed to have the attention of your twin showgirl cousins from Las Vegas.
“Love attracts love.” Luke simply spoke, wrapping his built arms around his wife, thinking back on the changes that had happened.
Luke hitting Reggie’s leg with the car at thirteen, finding each other at the concert a few years later, the accident that threatened the relationship. Proposing twice and finally marrying over a year later on the same day you confessed the pregnancy. So much had happened in such a fraction of time.
“I love you.” Luke murmured at the shell of your ear watching his friends have the time of their lives on a beautiful day in the summer of 1998.
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Above are the example of the shoes that Luke got.
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benji-writes · 3 years
Sammy, and I, and the Soda Pop Shop
Pairing: Sam Wilson x f!reader
Word count: 5.2k
Summary: Best friends since childhood, you and Sammy need to fall a part before you can come back together again. 
Warnings: hurt/comfort, mentions of death
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Sammy and I always made time for the Soda Pop Shop. On the corner of Smock and Singleton, the Soda Pop Shop was a local institution. Across from Colby Cook Memorial Park, locals would pop in for a soda, a Pop Pop Burger, and a bag of Hot Hot fries. The Pop Hot Combo was not to be missed out on, and Sammy and I would get 2 orders of Pop Hots every Friday night, and head across the street to eat them at the picnic table by Magnolia Trees. They were a treat, and a sacred ritual from the time we were kids till the time he left. 
Wednesday nights we’d sit at our favored booth in the Soda Shop and order Slush Puppies – Green Apple and Grape. Sometimes we’d sit at the counter stools and talk to Mama Nell, who had owned the shop and worked behind the counter as long as anyone could remember. Nobody had a lot of money where we came from, but Sammy always took care of me. He’d buy our slushees and our Pop Hots. He’d do extra chores around the house when we were kids, hoping to get a few extra dollars to spend. When we were older, I’d see him mowing lawns or running errands for the neighbors. I could never understand why he did it. I had an allowance when we were little, and as a teenager I babysat the younger kids in the neighborhood. I could easily have bought my own food, but that was just who Sammy was. 
I tried everything I could to show Sam how much he meant to me. I’d bring him breakfast to school in the morning, even when he told me not to. His favorite was always the blueberry bagels. I’d leave him notes in sidewalk chalk on the pavement outside his house. I cut the strings off the community center yo-yos and braided them together to make us matching friendship bracelets. Sammy and I never took them off. Not ever. 
For birthdays and Christmas’s, I’d save up everything I could. I’ll never forget the look on his face when I gave him tickets to what would become our first concert. Or the Christmas after his sixteenth birthday, when I bought him a video camera. 
The best gift I ever gave Sammy though was the day before he left for the Air Force. It was years of photographs, mementos, flowers. All those special things that I’d saved over the years. I had never been so nervous. 
We’d gone out that night to the Soda Pop Shop. Everyone came by to see him: to say goodbye, to reminisce, to laugh and laugh, and to cry. 
Mama Nell told wistful stories about Sammy. She lived in the house next door, and had watched me and Sammy play in the streets, and run around the park since we were practically in diapers. She had watched us grow up, always made time to ask us how school was going, and what our plans for the weekend were. Gave us free slushees whenever she could sneak us one without the other customers noticing.  
When the night wound down, and even Sam’s family had made their way home, Sammy and I were still sat in our booth by the window. Just sitting there. Quiet. Unwilling to go home. It was then, with the tables up on the chairs, and all the stores on the block closed for the night, that Mama Nell came over and sat down with us. She placed two orders of Pop Hots down, alongside a Green Apple and a Grape Slush Puppie. We’d hardly eaten a thing all night, too caught up in everything to even think about it. Just grabbing a handful of fries, or an onion ring off of somebody else’s plate. 
The food was still steaming. We hadn’t ordered anything, but somehow Mama Nell knew we were hungry. Not just for food, but for more time. For this moment together. For one last Pop Hot before everything changed. 
She sat for a second, all of us just there in the still of the moment, food in front of us waiting to be eaten when she said, “Kids. I’ve never seen anything quite like the two of you,” She took a deep breath, and shook her head. “Won’t be the same round here.” 
With that, she dropped the keys on the table and stood. She was walking towards the door, not even looking at us, “Lock up when you kids are ready. Just drop the key in the mailbox.” 
And then she was gone. Just me and Sammy, alone for the first time all night. On the precipice of a brave new world. One we would have to face alone. 
I was the first to reach for my food. We ate quietly, but together. Sammy would be gone in only a few hours, uncertain as to when we would get to see each other again. 
When I was done eating, Sammy was still making his way through the last of his fries. Eating slow, trying to make it all last. It was then that I finally spoke.
“Hey, Sammy?” It came out quieter than I wanted it to. He didn’t look up. Just kept eating. 
“Sammy?” I said louder this time, and he shoved another fry in his mouth. 
“Sam.” That got his attention. I never called him that.
“Don’t call me that, baby.” He whispered so softly. The way he called me baby made my heart fold in on itself. 
“Then look at me,” I ordered. And he did. A moment went by where we just looked at each other. “I have something for you. I want you to have it.” He wiped his hands off with a napkin and pushed the food wrappers aside while I reached into my bag to pull his present out. It was wrapped delicately in glittery tissue paper. I placed it in front of him, and he looked at it so seriously. And with such care, and the gentlest of hands, he undid the tissue paper. 
A black scrapbook. Nothing on the cover to indicate what would be on the inside. Ever so carefully, he flipped open the cover to see a picture of us two as kids, hugging and smiling for the camera. Underneath, in my handwriting, read the words “ The Adventures of Sammy and I.”
I saw his jaw clench tight. As he flipped from page to page. Picture strewn across each of them, little notes along side. 
“Wishing well we found. Two pennies thrown in. I know what I wished for...”
 “Sittin’ on the dock of the bay. Watchin’ the tide roll away.” 
“Taken after Sammy saw his first pair of tits at Mardi Gras.” 
“Biker wannabe. Sammy during his leather jacket phase, leaning against the Soda Shop, trying to catch the babes.” 
“Prom. Sammy couldn’t get a date, so I figured I might as well take pity...” 
“Under the stars. Slush puppies in the summer time. Biggie on the radio. Nights were never better than this.” 
He ran his fingers across the pages. His eyes watered, but no tears would fall. He laughed at some of my descriptions. Let out a long sigh as he ran his hand down cream soda bottle tops, movie stubs, old sticky notes left for one another. The sun-wearing-sunglasses magnet from my school locker that he always made fun of. Magnolia petals that would fall from the tree and onto our picnic table. The fortune from a cookie he gave me that said “Believe it can be done.” 
Precious artifacts that wove together the story of our friendship. Of our everything. 
“Y/N... baby, I-“ the words caught in his throat. 
“I know, Sammy. I know” I grabbed his hand from across the table. 
He looked up at me. I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I had a feeling it was about all the things we’d left unsaid. All the things that would stay unsaid. 
“You’ll stay safe out there, won’t you Sammy?” The words came out like a prayer. 
“I’ll always come back to you.” 
We sat in the park that night. Stayed out till he had to leave for basic training in the morning. We walked to the bus together. His mom and sister were already waiting there with his bag. He hugged them so tight. His mom wept. His sister pretended not to. He took a deep breath, and refused to let his chin wobble. That was my Sammy, alright. Brave face. Always trying to take care of everyone but himself. He hugged me last, shoved his head right into the crook my neck. He breathed in deep, as if he wanted to savor every piece of this last moment. As if he knew things would never be the same. He kissed my forehead, “I love you.” 
I so badly wanted him to mean it the way I meant it, “I love you too, Sammy.” 
He got on that bus, and as it pulled away a feeling settled. It was uneasy. It was empty. Something greater than loss, something more profound than grief. It was a feeling took root in the very fabric of my body. And I just knew I would never see Sammy again. 
And I didn’t. 
Not for many years. 
Not until today... 
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Mama Nell didn’t have any kids of her own. No husband to speak of. Just a handful of scrappy kids that came in and out of her shop over the years. She’d helped us out when we needed it. There were months where we spent more time with Mama Nell than with our own families. She was special to us. Family. 
After Sammy left, I spent more time with Mama Nell than I did with anyone – more than my family, more than Sammy’s family. I would help do chores around her house, stuff she “couldn’t” do anymore: wiping baseboards, washing the woodwork, replacing sheets and blankets, scrubbing the tub, vacuuming, dusting, and so on goes the list. Really Mama Nell was just giving me a reason, a guise, to be over at her house all the time. I was helping out. And she enjoyed having the company. We’d play hours of scrabble, and I’d usually lose. I’d show her new movies (anything with Denzel was her favorite). According to Mama, “Men had no right lookin’ that good.” We’d gossip and chop onions, and tomatoes for the Shop. 
I would spend hours with Mama at her house. But I couldn’t bring myself to actually walk into the Pop Shop. Not alone. Not without Sammy. Not for a long time. 
It was probably six months after Sammy had left before I even considered going into the shop. It was eight months before Mama Nell convinced me to help her bring over some containers of vegetables.
 Nine months had gone by, without so much as a phone call from Sammy. Not a single letter of mine replied too. Even his mom had only talked to him on the phone a few times. Said there was a lot going on he couldn’t talk about. But I didn’t care if he couldn’t talk about what he was doing in the military. I just wanted to hear his voice, hear him say my name, or crack a joke. I wanted to tell him about how me and Mama Nell had gotten even closer, and that I missed him. I wanted to see his chicken scratch handwriting, where you needed context clues to tell if he was trying to write a “g” or an “s.” I just wanted him. Something. Anything. I felt like a dog, begging for even the smallest of scraps. But nothing ever came. Any updates I got were passed on by his mom. He was supposed to come home after a couple of months, but he never did. And that feeling I had felt in my stomach the day he’d left, from the moment he stepped on that bus, only grew deeper and deeper. It became more. I was sick to my stomach with the knowledge that my Sammy was gone. 
It was his birthday – just over nine months after Sammy had left – that I really went back to the Soda Pop Shop. I sat down. Alone at our booth. Everything felt too still. Too quiet. The place was closed, but Mama Nell had long since given me a key, not that I’d ever really needed it before. Part of me still wonders if she knew this day would come. Where I’d need to finally have this moment. 
I sat in our booth, like we normally would. I made myself a Pop Hot, just the way Mama had taught me. I poured a Green Slush Puppie. I fiddled with the bracelet on my wrist. 
I ate alone. 
The next day, I started working behind the counter with Mama.
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“How was school today, Andy?” I asked from behind the counter, handing him a chocolate shake. 
“Stupid.” It came out all mumbled, and huffy, the way it always does when kids are asked about school. 
“You’re not getting picked on are you, honey?” I couldn’t help but worry about him. It was hard not to worry about the kids that came in and out of here. 
He took a long deep breath, “No... it’s just stupid, and I hate math, and it’s almost summer. So it’s just stupid.” 
He took a sip of his milkshake, and shrugged his shoulders. I nodded, because I remember what that was like. Me and Sammy would sit in this very spot after school, and complain to Mama Nell about how dumb school was. And she’d nod along sagely. And then, if it was one of those rare quiet days, a day like today when no one was around, she’d give us both Pop Hots – on the house. 
“Well kiddo, how’s a Pop Hot sound?” I said smiling at him. 
“Amazing! But can you wrap it up for me? I gotta be home before Ma gets mad.” He put his elbow on the table, and rested his cheek on his hand, still sipping on the straw of his milkshake. 
“Sure thing bud, I’m getting ready to close up shop anyway.” 
A few minutes later, I was wrapping up his burger in foil, and throwing his fries in a baggie. Dr. Pepper was his favorite, so I pulled one out of the fridge and stuck that in there too. 
I handed him his bag, and he pushed the empty shake glass towards me, “Be good, alright. Stay safe on the walk home, and I’ll see you soon. Flip the sign ‘closed’ on the way out.” 
He thanked me and was almost out the door when I shouted, “Tell your mother I said hello!” 
“OKAY!” I heard him yell back, muffled as the door began to close in his way out.
He was a good kid. They all were. All the little ones that came running in and out of the shop. It was easy to see why Mama Nell always took to the little rugrats that came in and out of this place. 
I grabbed his glass off the counter and turned around to start washing. The dishwasher was already running for the night, so I turned the faucet on and waited for the water to warm. That’s when the door opened, the bell above it giving a little ring. 
“Sorry pal, we’re closed for the night.” I kept washing, but whoever it was didn’t say anything, and the bell hadn’t rung again so I knew they were still there. 
I let out a little sigh, shut off the faucet, and grabbed a rag to dry my hands. 
“I’m sorry but we’re –“ I turned around, but the words caught in my throat. My rag fell to the floor, and I lifted a hand to my face. 
There was no one I expected to see less. But there he was. Taller, more angular. He’d lost his baby face, and before me stood a man. He looked sharp, like he’d just been to the barber, and for all I knew, he had. He had on a button down, and a pair of jeans. Nice leather shoes. He was even more handsome than I remembered. 
But those eyes. Those eyes that had always been so soft and hopeful. They looked so tired. Worn. Aged.
Aged... because we had aged... it had been years. It had been fucking years since I saw him last. I long since made peace with the fact that I would never see him again. Not a word from him after he left. Not a letter replied to, not a question answered, not a sight to be seen. He never came home. He never wrote. He never called. Never passed a message along to his mother, never wanted to listen to the messages I asked his mother to pass along. None of it. He promised. He was my best friend – half of my whole, all I had ever wanted, and needed, and begged for from the universe in the late of the evening. 
When we had sleepovers, he would hold me so close. We’d wake up and eat cereal in bed and watch Looney Tunes, or Family Matters, or MTV. After our lucky charms, we’d share orange slices, and grapes, and hang out for hours. I’d go home that night, and pray. I was never religious, but something about Sammy always drove me towards the unknown. I didn’t know who I was praying too, who I was begging. But I was desperate for it to work. All I’d ever wanted was my Sammy. It was always just Sammy and I, falling together in the Soda Pop Shop. 
But now... 
Now. I was angry. 
“Get out.” He looked down and nodded, but made no effort to move, “When my mom said I’d find you here, I didn’t really believe her. But when I dropped by your moms house, and she pointed me here, I figured it must’ve been true.”
“Get. Out.” The words came out through clenched teeth. 
But he just started taking steps toward me, “Listen... I know... I know what I did, okay? I know. But, baby-“ I
 cut him off, shaking my head, “Samuel.” 
That got his attention. His eyes shot straight up to mine. He looked at me for a minute. Then he nodded, real solemn, and stopped. “
I’m staying at my mom’s for a while.” 
I didn’t say anything. 
“I just... I wanted to see you.” 
My breath was shallow, “Well, you’ve seen me.” 
He shook his head, and said “Can you at least tell me where I can find Mama Nell? I figured she’d be here too.”
 I looked down, unable to believe my own ears. It was too much, it took everything in me not to break down as I said, “Luling Cemetery. Row 46, 18 down from the Oak tree.”
He didn’t say anything, just looked at me for a long while. Then he sniffled, looked down, shook his head, and shook it some more, before he turned around and kicked a chair. 
“What the fuck, Sam!” I walked out from behind the counter, and picked up the chair he’d kicked over, but he just kept walking. Walked right to our old booth. Sat in his old seat. Covered his mouth and cried. Sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed. And I stood by the chair, I’d just picked up before I took a real deep breath. 
I was mad at Sammy. Mad didn’t even begin to describe it. Heartbroken, and infuriated, and in so much pain. But somehow he hadn’t known about Mama Nell. How hadn’t he known? 
I had written him letters after she died. Pleaded with him, please come home. I had never known such depths of emptiness. I had lost my Sammy, and I had lost the woman who had taken me under her wing, and showed me how to live for myself. I felt like I had nothing left to give. At first I just asked him to write me back. 
“Just write me back, Sammy. That’s all. Just this once.”  
Then I asked him to call. 
“Just let me hear your voice, Sammy. I just need to hear your voice, Sammy. I don’t know what to do anymore.”
Then I asked him to come to the funeral. 
“Sammy, we have to bury her. Sammy, please. Please, Sammy. I need you here for this. I can’t do this on my own. I love you, and I need you now. I need you, Sammy. Please. Please, Sammy. Please come home.” 
Then I broke down. 
“Sammy... Please Sammy... We read the will today. 
She gave me the Shop Sammy... I own the Shop.” 
He never replied. Didn’t attend the funeral. Why didn’t he come? Why wasn’t he there? How didn’t he know? 
I let him cry for a while. Figured he needed it. Just finished cleaning up, and put all the chairs up on the tables. I walked back around the counter, and filled a glass with water, grabbed a box of tissues from underneath the back counter, and headed over to sit. For the first time in so many years, I sat across from Sammy at our old booth. It didn’t feel real. 
I pushed the water towards him, placed the box of tissues next to it, and let him cry it out. 
I’d never seen Sammy like this, not in all our years. I’d seen him shed tears, I’d even seen him cry a little. But sob? Never in my life had I seen him just weep. He looked like a little kid. But more than that, he looked like a broken man. 
When he started to breathe a little more evenly, and had wiped his face dry, I finally spoke. 
“Oh, Sammy,” I whispered. “How could you not know?” 
He shook his head. Closed his eyes, “No one ever... No ever told me. My mom she didn’t... Why didn’t you write me?” 
He sounded crushed, a devastation in his voice that felt so foreign coming from his mouth.
 “Sammy,” I was absolutely reeling, “I wrote you so many times. Sammy I wrote you for years before I stopped, and when Mama Nell died, I wrote you over and over and over. I... I begged you to come home, Sammy.” It all came out like such a broken whisper. 
He looked at me real hard, “No.” 
“Yes, Sammy. I did.” 
“No,” He was running his hands through his hair. “No you didn’t. I got three letters from you, right in the begging. And yeah, I was an ass for not replying, but I already felt so guilty for leaving, I just didn’t know what to say. But then they stopped. Hard stopped. So don’t tell me you wrote me for years, because it was radio silence from you.” 
I couldn’t believe my own ears, “Sammy, I wrote you hundreds of letters. Hundreds, Sammy.” 
He shook his head, “I don’t... I don’t understand.” 
“Sammy, are you telling me you didn’t get my letters?” 
“Just three. I...” He shook his head, having a hard time trying to process everything. “Pretty early on they pulled me. They were starting a new program, and I was one of the guys they wanted to train for it. I was always asking them if I got any mail. Only thing they ever gave me came from Mom. Eventually I just stopped asking. I never thought...” 
We were quiet a while. Neither of us really knowing how to handle this information.
 “I promised you I’d write...” I finally got out. 
“ I know,” He said. “I know.”
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Sammy stuck around after that, just like he said he would. He stayed with his mom, and started going to meetings at the VA, trying to process what had happened to him. To us. To Riley, and Mama Nell. 
He told me not long after he came back. He was helping me clean up one night. He’d been helping out around the shop whenever he could. It was so strange to turn around and see him again. 
He walked behind the counter, everyone gone, and only sweeping left to do, and poured himself a big grape Slush Puppie.  
He took a loud sip, “Oh man.” 
Then another “Mmm mmm mmm. I forgot how good these were.” 
I couldn’t help but smile, “Yeah, it’s been a while since I had one myself.” 
As soon as the words were out my mouth his cup was left to sit on the counter, and he was turning around to pour me one. A green apple Slush Puppie just waiting for me. He held it out to me like a present. Like a peace offering. 
“Come on baby, you’ve done enough sweeping. Get on back here and sip.” He was so confident it made me roll my eyes. 
But I listened. Walked over, hopped up onto a stool, and let Sammy serve me. He watched as I took the first sip, and as soon as that cool icy slush hit my tongue, I closed my eyes in sweet bliss. It was so much sweeter than I remembered. The kinda sweet only a kid could like. But it tasted like good memories, and I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for that. 
After a minute or two he said, “I got in contact with my colonel, y’know.”
 I took another sip, “Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he said. “Told him that I was looking for some letters... Since I’m out now, he said he might as well tell me. Since it was such an experimental program. Something kept under wraps, no one got letters from anyone but immediate family. They have boxes for each of us. So he sent over mine.” 
I didn’t know what to say, “Sammy...” 
He just continued on, “So I finally got your letters,” He took a long shaky breath.  “Baby... baby I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
“It wasn’t your fault, Sammy.” 
“You promised you’d write. I should’ve fought them harder on it.” 
“It’s not your fault, Sammy. You hear me? It’s not your fault. None of it Sam.” I hoped he could hear what I was telling him. He’d told me about Riley that first night. He’d just lost him, and then to find out about Mama Nell like that. It was all too much. 
And I’m a reasonable person. Logical, and understanding. I understood that what happened between Sammy and I wasn’t entirely either of our faults, and that most of it was out of our hands. I spent so many years, with so much anger inside of me. So much grief. And don’t get me wrong, I was still angry. Just not at Sammy anymore. 
“Baby...” he said, shaking his head. 
“Sammy. It’s not your fault.” 
He reached for my hand across the counter, and I let him take it. 
“I got your letters. So,” he said reaching into his back pocket. “I wrote you a reply.” 
He sat the envelope carefully down in front of me, one hand still clutched to mine. I stared at it. A letter I’d waited for for so long. A letter that finally arrived. 
But when I looked up at Sammy, who sat watching me with anxious, awaiting eyes, I found myself asking him something, “Will you read it to me, Sammy?” 
His face froze up. I saw him swallow, “Read it to you?”
And somehow his nervousness made me more confident, more desperate to hear the words come from his mouth, “Yeah, Sammy. Will you? Will you read me your letter?” 
He looked very uncertain. 
“Please, Sammy?” I whispered. 
He closed his eyes, “Okay.” 
He was being brave, and I knew it. Loved him for it. He ran his thumb across my knuckles. Then all at once, that warmth was gone and he was reaching for the envelope. 
He took a moment to himself. Just slight shook his had, as if to ask himself what am I doing? And then, ever so softly, he began to read. 
“Dear baby... 
I got your letters today. Reading them made me homesick. Made me miss Mama Nell and the Shop. But really it made me miss you.” 
He paused, and took a deep breath. The words were sincere, but they sound unnatural coming out of his mouth. They were words he never dreamed he’d say aloud.
“I wonder where the time has gone. Reading all your letters, it makes me feel like no time has passed at all, but there’s been so much lost between now and then.
 I’m sure it sounds dumb. God knows most of the things that come outta my mouth are. But I’d do anything to never be a part from you again. And I know, I know, that so much has happened. Things have gone wrong, and I’ve changed, and you’ve changed. I know we’ve grown up, but I think about tomorrow and it hurts to imagine you not being there...” 
He cleared his throat, “I want you to know that I never stopped loving you. I’ve always loved you, and not a thing that comes between us could ever change that. 
All I know is that I want to learn you all over again. Learn who’ve you grown into. I miss talking to you, and holding you. I miss sneaking kisses on your cheek, and tucking you in when we’d fall asleep watching Good Times. 
I want to earn those times back. I mean it when I say I love you. I’ve always loved you, and no matter how many times I’d try to pick up chicks at the mall, I always belonged to you. 
I never knew if you could see how much I loved you. Or if you, like me, couldn’t see past your insecurities. I think I know now. I wish I could find more words to tell you. But I hope you feel it, baby. I need you to. 
I love you. I miss you. Write back soon. Your Sammy.”
He was quiet for a long while after that, and so was I. We sat together, in the silence, sorry for ourselves and all the time we’d lost. I’ve never been more grateful for anything than all the newfound time we’d have together. 
And all at once, I was out of my seat and holding on to, Sam, his arms wrapped around me, and he picked me up to place me on the counter. He stepped between my legs, and just held me, trying to get closer, as if we didn’t become one entity in that very second, we would be torn a part forever. 
It felt good. But more than that it felt right. And now that I had this again, I would never let go. Not ever. No. From now on, it was just gonna be me and Sammy. I loved him so much. And I could feel it in my very bones, just how much he loved me. We had a long road ahead of us, but with him by my side, I knew we’d make it. Just me and Sammy. Just Sammy, and I, and the Soda Pop Shop.
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Hey guys! 
Been gone a super long time, probably a little over a year now. But I’ve been reading some fanfiction recently, I’m in a super positive and loving relationship, and overall, just got inspired and wanted to write again! Wrote this for myself really, just to get some creative juices out, and I’ve been sititng on it for a while. I have a feeling I’ll be writing more soon, and I’ll be sure to share. 
Also thanks to everyone who continued to read my work, even during my very lengthy absence, and like/reblog/comment. I promise I’ve seen them, and they have warmed my heart like nobody’s business. I love you all so much, and am so grateful. 
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mirismuffins-ovo · 3 years
Plant palace pt 7🌿
[background: the plant based girls John has age twice as fast as a human,John ran off to go raise them at an abnormal camp his mother leads. He’s been gone two years and working as part of the abnormal rebellion and rights activist.] [this is also where I’ve decided I’d rewrite some stuff in the future,but I’ll let you guys read the first part of this before I work through it again] [first part is kinda narrative]
John's heart hurt to leave the man he loved,he wanted to raise these small little babies with Eddie but things went sideways. John and Henry stopped by the house grabbing supplies and raising the babies there for a while,until they were tracked down by the government. Escaping to a hideaway,a camp where abnormals were safe and rebelled trying to fix the outrageous laws of America. As time went on the rights of Abnormals had gotten better,after riots and protests. John raises his little girls alongside his mom. She’d become an important person in his life more than ever,helping with the babies. The little ones blooming with gorgeous pink petals and hair,John letting his own flower like features grow too. John had freed and protected abnormals with his mother, learning more control over his abilities and discovering new things he never knew he could do. Abnormals had finally gained some rights in some more progressive states,no longer needing to hide in some states. The girls were (2) 4 years old now,he’d kept up with Eddie's online following and career, proud of him for taking off. John would listen to Eddie's album Greenhouse,he recognized the song Eddie sang when they first found out about the babies,it was the most popular one. John would always tell his little girls about their dad,showing them photos of him performing. He missed him and to the point it hurt. John's family could recognize that,and John discussed that he should finally go back. It was time for John to come back home.
Now Eddie.
2 years. It has been 2 years since John has left. In the beginning, he was questioned by the government but he gave half truth answers. Yes he was with John. No he didn’t know he was an Abnormal, thinking his boyfriend was able to have kids. No the kids weren’t his, John was already pregnant when they really got official. But because they weren’t giving him the answer, he was held for 6 months for harboring an Abnormal before being let go.
After that, he explained everything to his band and how this album was going to be it. He didn’t want to make music after. They supported his decision but helped him finish the album. He had songs named after the girls, after his time at Plant Palace, the short months he was with John. Be saved the best for last. The last song on the album, which he named “Greenhouse” was called “Eden.” It was an Ode to John, thinking that no one would even get to the end of the album.
But instead people found out and it reached #1 on the charts for a solid year. He was able to go to concerts which sparked his love for music again, but he couldn’t listen to the album himself. He refused to. He would play other music in his earbuds when he was in public in case Eden came on.
He ended up moving further into the city now that he made good money off his record sales and a couple of EPs. Bitty came along with him, the cat too sweet to part with and he had a feeling John would want him to watch her. The anger he first felt after discovering John ran had faded away and he accepted it. The younger man did talk about trying to find his people to help raise the girls, but Eddie wanted to do that. He wanted to be the cool dad.
Life moved on. Eddie moved on, but still held a special spot for John, if he ever got to see him again. He even picked up a new kitty who he named Leafy. Bitty was happy to get a cute little brother and it kept her occupied. Eddie was happy.
Eddie yawned as he started to make his way home from another band practice. He and his band got the idea to write themselves each a song that they could relate to in the future. They might not make sense now, but they should when they’re older and split apart. It was late and all he wanted to do was hop in the shower, order some take out and pass out with the kitties on his lap.
While on his way home, he felt a tingle down his spine. Although it was night time, and he was walking alone, it was odd that someone might jump him, or it was local paparazzi following him to see if he had a special someone since his female fans were dying to know. So he stopped and waited for the heavy footsteps to stop.
“I’ll give you 5 seconds to turn around before I face you and deck you. I’m not in the mood for interviews or dealing with your shit.” He grumbled. He wasn’t the happy-go-lucky young band member anymore, he was a man with heartache.
There wasn’t a sound behind him, signaling the person to walk off or speak up. Eddie turned around, preparing for a recorder shoved into his face when his entire world stopped.
John stood there,he hadn’t heard Eddie's voice in a long time,at least when he wasn’t singing. His voice sounded tired and moody but it didn’t change how he felt when Eddie turned around. John had his hood up but he took it off when Eddie turned to face him. A shy half smile on the smaller man's face as he stood a few feet back from the singer. “Hey Eds…” John's hair was a little longer than before,not by much but it was longer;John looked pale,tired like an overworked parent but the energy about him was slightly different.He slowly approached Eddie hesitantly taking a step forward,he didn’t know what he should say. There was so much to apologize for,him running off with the babies not even a thing as a text and gone for two years. “It’s been a while...but since when did you cuss?” John tried to clear the air with teasing as he combed his fingers through his hair. His gaze flicking between staring at Eddie and at the ground attempting to hide the tears that glazed his eyes. Johns soft voice trembled the entire time.
Eddie felt like he died when he saw John.The anger he thought that went away was back. He clenched his fist and just looked at the younger man in front of him. He wanted to shout, scream, and yell, but instead he just turned around, continuing to walk to his house. He could hear the footsteps follow him as he got closer to his house only for him to stop again.
“I promised I’d be there…” He spoke, his voice getting ready to break. “But you went and broke that promise for me.” He turned to face John, tears falling, and screaming, letting his emotions loose. “You took my fucking kids! You ran from me instead of facing this together!”
John had expected something like this but it still made his insides shake. John couldn’t help but erupt with tears and watched the man in front of him go off.
“You think I wanted to leave you?...WATCH YOU FROM A DISTANCE?!?” His voice had turned into a yell,John never raised his voice.
“What do you think would’ve happened if I stayed there waiting, Eddie? The hospital called the government on me,they would’ve taken our girls! Would you rather me and the girls in a facility being experimented on?! Getting tortured?” He sighed frustrated still crying “I’ve counted the days..you don’t think I talk about you to them,do you think I haven’t listened to your album about our kids every day??”
He wiped his face shaking and turned to look away. “I get it..okay...I’m so sorry I left,but I warned you Eddie. I told you that it was dangerous and when I tried to contact you I found out you were detained for ‘harboring an abnormal’.” John took out a photo,it was a Polaroid. It showed the babies who’d begun to bloom their flowers.John was holding them in his lap,they were toddlers now and all dressed up,his mother was standing next to him holding one of the toddlers. He held it to Eddie “here..”
“I told you I would fight tooth and nail for them! I was so ready to take your place in a facility for your freedom.” Eddie was crying too.
Eddie wanted to argue more, but John silenced him by handing over the picture. It was a photo of John holding all three of the girls, and a larger woman behind them. He laughed quietly, so happy to see them and how big they had gotten.
“Why now? Why did you come back. When I saw that you left, I figured you’d be gone forever.”
John sighed staring at the cement “the governor passed a law here that abnormals living in human city’s are no longer illegal. That and...I missed you.” He glimpsed at Eddie,John's eyes looked tired. “They’d caught up to me last year and I was held in a facility for two months,my mom and Henry took care of the little ones... I broke out with the help of some other abnormals.” He crossed his arms and wiped away some more tears. John felt bad he’d not been there for Eddie. “I would’ve come back sooner if I could Eds,and I know you're mad but you have to know I didn’t leave willingly.The girls ask all the time when they can see they can see their-…you” John sighed fearing Eddie wouldn’t want to rekindle their relationship. He dreaded he wouldn’t want to see their daughters.
Eddie was surprised at all the new information, but also wasn’t. He heard about Abnormals allowed to live among humans, but there was still no law about living with them or loving them. He kind of rolled his eyes at that.
“So you’re a fugitive?”
John stayed silent.
Eddie sighed. “Look, as much as I would love to see our daughters, I can’t just easily accept you into my life again. You broke my heart and how will I know if you won’t do it again? Maybe the world was right that we, Abbies and Humans, aren’t meant to cohabitate with each other.” Eddie sniffled, taking his jacket and rubbing his eyes.
John looked like he was about to say something but Eddie held up a hand.
“Not tonight… I need time…” He turned to continue walking to his apartment.
Once inside, Bitty and Leafy greeted him with happy meows, but Bitty knew. She knew that her cat dad was near Eddie. He closed the door, set his guitar aside and leaned against the door, sliding down to the floor. He held his head in his hands and let the tears fall.
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heckyeahponyscans · 3 years
Yeloli Watch Party!
Season 1, Episode 5: Solitary Shelly
English translation
We start with Shelly heading down the alley, following the magic flower petals to the Yeloli Doll Shop.
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The end of the alley is incredibly narrow and the shop is in a cul-de-sac. I love this little detail.  A cut off, quiet space in an urban environment--now that is how you set up magic.
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Shelly is drawn to the doll shop, which still has Loli in the window, whoops. (Maybe she’s just visiting.) 
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Heading into the shop, Shelly meets Evelyn and tells her the dolls are beautiful.
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Shelly also talks about how lonely she is;  her studies and extra lessons mean she has no time to make friends and her parents are rarely home.  She has quite a lot of dolls at home, but they aren’t the same as a friend.
Evelyn says these dolls can be a friend.  But a doll and owner much mutually choose each other before leaving the shop.
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Then Evelyn uses her magic to open the doll cabinets.  This lady is not circumspect, but I guess she doesn’t have to be.
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So when I first saw this scene I thought it was weird how unsettling it was, instead of being a magic moment of awe for Shelly.  Then I translated the subtitles and you won’t believe what happened next (not clickbait).
What you are seeing here is a bunch of dolls rejecting Shelly. 
 “She’s rich, I’ll bet she’s a spoiled girl.” 
“She’s proud and indifferent, not my choice.” 
 “Didn’t she say she had some dolls already? She would ignore me.”  
And Shelly can hear all this, mind you.  Like, wow dolls.  You could just say “no thanks”, you don’t have to roast the poor girl.
So after all that Evelyn says, “I’m sorry, no one chose you.” and Shelly says, “Even dolls don’t want to be my friend. :( “
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But then, just as Shelly is resigning herself to a life of loneliness, a mysterious voices says, “I will be your friend!  Only a perfect girl like you is allowed to be my owner.  I will make you happy!”
The voice is coming from a magic peacock feather, which leads Shelly down the hall.  (The animation on the peacock feather is phenomenal.)
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Following the feather, Shelly enters a room full of more dolls, including a peacock themed one, who Evelyn introduces as . . . Peacock!
This doll is significant in that it’s the only that really got me interested in Yeloli dolls. What a beautiful design.
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Anyway, Shelly and Peacock have a conversation--like, astrally, in a floaty magical liminal space--and Peacock kicks it off by saying, “Hi. I choose you.”  If only Ash had had it this easy with Pikachu.
Evelyn brings Shelly back to reality and tells her, “Peacock is stubborn and arrogant at times. The other dolls think she is proud and indifferent, but actually she is very lonely.”
Of course Shelly immediately identifies with this.
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Unlike Mary, Shelly has plenty of money so she asks to buy Peacock.  But Evelyn doesn’t sell dolls.  Evelyn makes magic contracts from magic books.
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Books that already have your personal info in them!  (Shelly asks how Evelyn knew her name and Evelyn says, “A doll told me.” Nice.)
I think the Yeloli contract thing is supposed to tie-in to the brochure that comes with the dolls, which has a space for kids to write their names, like the adoption certificate that used to come with Pound Puppies.
Anyway, Shelly agrees to the terms (being sole owner of the doll and never giving it away) and she happily leaves the store with Peacock.
At least she’s happy until she gets back to the car, where the driver frets that she missed her piano lesson.  Give the kid a break, she was getting a magic doll.
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Shelly returns home, where she is sad to find she is returning to an empty house . . . again.  Her workaholic parents are never home, and she dreams of returning to the simpler days where they . . . ate whole turkeys together.
It’s especially devastating that they’re missing today . . . on her BIRTHDAY!  Dun dun dun!
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So Shelly is crying on her bed, sobbing “I wish my parents would come home”, and oh hey there’s a wish-granting fairy in earshot.
Almost instantly there’s the sound of the front door--it’s Shelly’s Dad!  Followed a minute later by Shelly’s Mom!
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A couple things about this scene:  
At first I was nervous that Peacock had magicked up fake replacement parents but no, they’re Shelly’s real mom and dad.
Peacock cancelled Dad’s meeting and Mom’s rehearsal to get them to come home.  Which is, uh, very utilitarian but kind of depressing that the parents weren’t motivated by suddenly remembering their daughter’s birthday or something.
Finally, I’m picking up some tension in the marriage.
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Like, when Mom comes through the door this is Shelly’s expression.
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And this is dad’s expression.
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Then Shelly happily grabs them by the hands, but I can’t help but notice the parents are physically distant from each other and there’s a painting in the background that symbolically makes it look like there’s a big rift between them.
Time will tell if I’m reading too much into this!
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For now, they are going to enjoy the cake that Shelly’s mom picked up.  You can tell China has different copyright laws because they sing the entirety of “Happy Birthday” (in Chinese, but same tune).
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Shelly’s mom tells her to make a wish, and Shelly does.  For being a rich kid, her wish is quite modest and attainable:  “I would like to make friends at school with my classmates, and also to be able to have ice cream after class.”
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Oh wait, it’s not attainable at all because Shelly’s mom is fucking furious.  How DAAAARE Shelly want to socialize and have a life??  Her destiny is to practice the piano at all waking hours so she can become a famous concert pianist like her mother.
Shelly immediately capitulates because she’s clearly used to having her dreams crushed.
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Is the dad going to challenge this viewpoint?  No, he also wants Shelly to become a famous concert pianist and he gives her a piano music box for her birthday.  Go to hell, Shelly’s dad.
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Shelly at least likes the music box and takes it to her bedroom where she reflects that she’s very happy that her parents came home early.
“But how did they get home so quickly? It's as if a fairy had granted my wish.”
From her box Peacock says, “Yes, it was me”, to which Shelly’s like “HWHAAAT?  I hear a VOICE??”
I really don’t get this; Peacock has talked to Shelly multiple times already.
We finish off with the narrator asking us, the audience, who’s talking to Shelly. We know who’s talking to Shelly, narrator!! Get it together!
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 12 (I'll Be There Through Every Step)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Ámbar runs into her apartment with tears falling on her face. She tries to escape into her bedroom, but Simón catches her before she’s able to. “Ámbar, what happened? Why are you crying?” Simón guides her to the couch and she cries on his shoulder in the comfort of his arms. Tears smearing the mascara all over her face. “Remember when I told you I had a meeting with some students from Law school. Well, the truth is I wasn’t going to meet for any school project, I went to go talk to my biological mom,” Ámbar tells Simón. “Look I didn’t mean to lie; I just didn’t feel like hearing anyone tell me how bad of an idea it was. I felt like I owed that moment to myself, to discover more who I am before I married you.”
“Ámbar I would’ve never stopped you and you know I always support you on every decision and step you make. Us getting married means that we have to trust each other. You have to trust me that I’ll always be here for you no matter what. I know it’s tough, to try to discover more who you are. That happened when Luna was trying to discover from who and where she came from.” Ámbar nods and wipes away her tears from the tissue Simón gave her. “It didn’t even matter anyways since part of me doesn’t believe her but then the other part of me wants to. It made sense everything she said but still hurts, a lot,” Simón holds her tight as she tells him everything Sylvania told her.
“Originally I was considering on meeting Sharon as well to have some questions answered but I don’t want to end up feeling hurt again and in tears like today. Maybe I should just leave everything in the past… I don’t know,” Ámbar says. “I know this can be very hard for you but if that’s what you want, I think it’s a good idea, to speak to Sharon even just a little if you’re ready. Maybe it can tie some loose ends, and you can finally have some of those questions answered. That’s the least you deserve.” Ámbar stares to her lap and thinks about it for a second. Simón gently holds her hand and lets her know, “I will always be here, whether you decide to go talk to Sharon or not. I’ll be here every step of the way.” Ámbar holds out her arms and gives Simón a tight hug. She kisses him on the cheek and lays her gentle face on his shoulders again.
Jam and Roller
It’s the next morning and the whole gang is huddled around Delfi as she prepares their skating video. The nerves crowd the air as she finishes the project on her computer. “Done! It’s ready you guys,” she exclaims. Some are anxiously sipping their shakes while others are tightly holding on to their companions. Pedro stares in awe and shows how proud he is of his soulmate and the whole gang. “You guys this is just the first step into making this dream, the Jam and Roller, stay alive and come true. You all should be proud because we have finally came together, worked hard and did an awesome skating routine. We got this,” Luna announces. “On ready, one, two, three… Jam and Roller!!” the gang all chant.
Delfi presses the button on her computer and it’s official, the video has been sent to the competition’s organization. After sharing a group hug with Juliana, they resume to their posts. “Since today is a special day in which we sent the video, I’m willing to give you guys this day off. Enjoy it, you all truly deserve it after how hard you guys have been working,” Juliana lets the team know at the rink. Gastón heads over to where Matteo is at and says, “hmm well someone seems to be saved by the bell.”
“You’re right, speaking of which I’m so excited to finally sing that song, I’ve been working on for Luna. I spent all night practicing it hoping she forgives me, and everything can get back to normal. I hope this plan works,” Matteo chuckles. “Don’t worry amigo, everything will be fine and lately I’ve been seeing her in a much happier mood. I think she even probably forgot about the arguments and such,” Gastón suggests. “Yeah, I hope so.”
Luna rolls by Matteo and he doesn’t help but stare at her. “So, are you going to talk to her, or should I have to do it for you?” Gastón jokes around. Matteo takes his advice and heads to Luna where she is taking off her skates. “Hey Chica Delivery, are you getting ready for the concert I’m having today,” Matteo asks. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Luna giggles. “Glad you said that cause I may or may not have a surprise all planned out,” Matteo comments. Luna gasps and couldn’t help her excitement cloud the air. “Chico Fresa, I didn’t know you were the mysterious type?” Luna and Matteo begin to laugh in synchronicity. “Well, I guess there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me then.” Matteo’s phone begins to buzz. He picks it up and answers the phone call.
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Once he has hung up, he lets Luna know he has to leave. “I’m sorry but I have to go now to start preparing for the concert. I would love to continue this conversation, but the surprise won’t reveal itself on its own hmm,” Matteo teases. Nina rushes to Luna after seeing him slip away. “Luna, what was all that giggling?” Nina whispers. “A special moment that truly felt like it hasn’t happened in ages,” Luna responds.
Jazmín and Delfi both sit together on the couch as they discuss their plans on how they’ll find out who the secret admirer is. “So, I was thinking we can look at all the comments of your recent video and maybe find some clues as to who the secret admirer is. I feel like they probably must have known you from your videos I’m assuming,” Delfi states. “Of course, they know me from my videos, I am the most popular on the web. Who honestly wouldn’t want to date me?” Jazmín insists.
A delivery man holding a large bouquet of flowers enters the Jam and Roller and hands them to Jazmín. Delfi stares in shock. Jazmín pulls out the card and reads “Mi amor, I chose these flowers because they represent the beautiful tones of your eyes and bring out your inner sparkle. I hope these make you feel the happiness I feel just seeing you.” Jazmín holds the card close to her chest and doesn’t help but cheer. “Oh my Jazmin, this person is head over heels in love with you,” Delfi says. “I know! Whoever this is, he already sounds so charming.” Delfi is beyond excited for Jazmín but can’t help but feel a little worried for her friend since they still don’t know who this person is. Why are they sending them anonymously? She finds this a little fishy.
Sharon’s Apartment
Ámbar knocks on the door, she shakily turns the knob when she hears the door unlock from the other side. “Come in,” Sharon states while her personal caretaker guides Ámbar to the dining room as Simón follows her in. “Don’t be shy and take a seat.” Ámbar and Simón pull two chairs and sit down in response to Sharon. She slowly takes a sip from her tea as the room fills with silence. Ámbar is beginning to have flashbacks of all the lonely nights she would have being with Sharon.
“It is a pleasure getting to see you again Ámbar, you hadn’t visited in 7 months. I was beginning to worry that maybe you have forgotten about me,” Sharon admitted. “No, it wasn’t like that, I have been just so busy with law school and managing the Jam and Roller. That’s all,” Ámbar replies. “You’ve always been busy, that’s never changed. I suppose that you’re here but not only to just meet me or stop by to say hello because you would’ve done that before. I can sense you’re here for something,” Sharon remarked. Ámbar turns her eyes towards Simón as a sign for help. “Ms. Benson, I don’t mean to intrude but Ámbar has decided to come here to ask about her past,” Simón answers. “I was wondering what made you decide to adopt me?” Ámbar asks.
Sharon takes a deep breath. “In the past, I had always wanted a kid, but it never seemed like the right time. When I heard Sylvania was planning to give her child up for adoption but didn’t know who would be fitting to be the parent of her baby, that’s when I saw it as a sign of fate. It was meant for me to be your mom,” Sharon takes another sip of her tea. “I’m a little surprised since you never seemed like the ‘loving children’ type. No offense or disrespect,” Ámbar comments. “You know I was a lot different before the fire, after that everything felt a lot stressful with life in general.” Sharon reaches out to hold Ámbar’s hand and feels the ring on Ámbar’s finger.
“You’re engaged?” Sharon questions. “Yes,” Ámbar responds. “And you never told me?!” Sharon shows her dismay and stays silent. “Well, it was pretty recent, I was planning to tell you I was just not sure when or how. It’s complicated and you know that plus you never liked Simon anyways,” Ámbar said. “I know we’ve never had such a close relationship but just know I’ll forever regret not being that loving caring parent you deserved to have. I know it’s too late, but I still care about you and love you.” Sharon begins to cry and tries to wipe her tears with her fingers. “I know madrina, I know, and I love you too mom.” Ámbar heads out with Simón since she thinks it’s for the best.
Benson Valente Mansion
Monica is seen gathering some tulle and fabric in the living room. She hears the door unlock and it’s Ámbar and Simón. “Oh, hello guys! I’ve already begun preparing some of the table arrangements for the wedding reception,” Monica states gleefully. Ámbar looks a little flushed and just nods trying to avoid crying. “Mija, what’s the matter? Is everything okay?” Monica seems concerned for Ámbar. When she notices Ámbar doesn’t say anything, she does what she knows best, she hugs her. Ámbar hugs her back.
“Well, I think I should leave you two in private,” Simón whispers to Monica. Simón leaves to the kitchen when they head to the couch as Monica gives Ambar the tissue box. “Have you ever felt empty inside? Feeling as if everyone you knew as a child and grew up lied to you. That your own story held in the hands of someone else. I feel like….. me trying to uncover the pieces are as if their edges are shattered and there’s no way on putting the puzzle together. Nevermind, this all might sound very silly to you,” Ámbar sniffed. Monica thinks for a little bit. “It’s not silly at all Ámbar, it’s normal to feel this way not being able to know your own story of how your life began. But just know it doesn’t make you who you are entirely. For example, when I look at you, I don’t see the girl who was manipulated by her madrina. I see a strong-minded, hardworking, caring young girl beside me who does an excellent job managing the Jam and Roller while attending Law school. Not anyone can pull off all those moves at once, and you do it so effortlessly. You may not know the full story and only some parts of it, but you are not your mother’s mistakes. In fact, I’m proud of you. After everything you went through, you still managed to seek the right path in life, and it worked. You gave it a second chance, you had what’s so important to have, and that is hope. So, when you walk down the aisle wondering ‘who am I,’ you’re Ámbar Smith, the one who overcame it all.”
Ámbar turns to Monica sobbing, but this time with a huge smile on her face, even showing her teeth. “How do you do it?” Ámbar asks. Monica looks at Ámbar with a confused expression. “How do you know exactly what to say at the right time?” Monica smiles back giggling alongside Ámbar. They stay wrapped in each other’s arms on the couch. Ámbar starts glancing at all the beautifully tied table arrangements for her wedding, how you can tell the amount of effort that was put in each one of them. That’s when it hits her.
When they break away from each other’s arms, Ámbar faces Monica. “Can you be the one to walk me down the aisle? You have always been there for me whenever I needed you these past couple of years and…. I don’t know how to say this, but you have showed me how it feels like having a mom. Why wouldn’t I want my mom there?” Ámbar starts tearing up again. “It would be an honor to attend it, and it truly warms my heart hearing you say that. Ever since our family reunited with you and Alfredo, it’s felt much bigger and cozier. I’ve got two daughters, Luna and you. I wouldn’t miss your dress fitting or wedding for the world.” They begin to hug again. Near one of the walls close to the living room, there’s Simón who couldn’t help but smile while spying on them. It makes him feel ecstatic knowing that Ámbar does feel like she has a family now and is not alone, not ever again.
Matteo’s Concert
All of Matteo’s fans begin to huddle up near the pit of the stage. Everyone is beyond excited to hear his collaboration with Viviana on stage for the very first time. Luna enters with Nina. Nina stays holding Luna’s arm, trying not to get dragged away by the crowd of people nearby. “So Luna, how have you been feeling about the whole thing?” Luna turns towards Nina and says, “A little conflicted not going to lie, but I’m here to support Matteo. I’m still a little bit upset at what he did calling me jealous and standing me up on our date, but I think I’ve put it past us. Today is a special day for him and I shall be here for that.” Nina nods in response.
Gastón rushes over to Matteo backstage. “Everything okay amigo?” Matteo picks up his guitar and nervously answers, “Yes. Once Viviana and I stop singing, you turn off the lights and have only the spotlight facing me. Just like old times when I had sang to her Alla Voy. I will sing this song I wrote for her, and it shall feel like we’re the only ones in the room. This night shall be perfect for her.” Gastón approaches him and smiles while patting him on the back. “Don’t worry you got this!”
The crowd starts chanting when the lights turn on as Viviana and Matteo approach the stage. They begin singing into their mics, Viviana doesn’t stop staring at him while Matteo’s eyes are fixated on Luna. He is in awe of how beautiful she looks tonight, even though he feels like Luna looks beautiful all the time.
Luna starts dancing along to the song with Nina, they don’t stop giggling and having a great time. Viviana starts noticing who Matteo can’t keep his eyes off of. She grows green with envy. She never liked Luna and was always hoping he would break up with her. She tries to get really close to him, even at times trying to have a sharing mic moment. Viviana throughout the song doesn’t stop making eye contact with Matteo and keeping him close. When she sees that this doesn’t Luna, or him she reacts quickly. Once the song ends, Viviana standing next to Matteo grabs his neck towards her and kisses him. She has her hand caress his cheek. The fans are screaming with excitement.
As for Luna, she’s speechless. It feels like the world has stopped and she has lost track of her surroundings. When Matteo pushes Viviana off him, he turns and sees Luna running out of the venue crying.
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writingjoycebyers · 3 years
A/N: Heyyy ! I was in the mood for some Jopper heartbreak, based on my own ideas and not on a prompt. I‘d appreciate any constructive feedback. My inbox and dm‘s are open <3 Enjoy!!! xx writingjoycebyers
JOPPER AU - Gave you all the best years of my life - A one shot songfic
idea based on the song „Rock & Roll I gave you the best years of my life“, gif source at the end
Rating: Mature - heartbreak (sorry!),very slightly nsfw, serious case of romantic simping.
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I can still remember when I bought my first guitar
Remember walking from the shop to put it proudly in my car
„It‘s so pretty!“, Joyce said, her small hand wandering across the wooden guitar that was securely stored in her lap. Hop was steering the car, carefully eyeing his best friend as she held his new treasure, his baby.
„So what songs are you gonna try first?“, she asked curiously. She knew Hopper had been practicing with some guitars at school for some time already, and she loved the sparkle in his eyes whenever he was playing. The shiny blue, the happiness radiating from his gaze whenever he could fiddle a tune. The light in his eyes and smile had grown to no end when just fifteen minutes ago he had fulfilled his dream of buying his own guitar finally - a graduation gift from his parents, they had given him the money to go and choose the instrument of his dreams. „You never can tell.“, he said. „Chuck Berry.“
Hopper smiled over at her for a second before putting his eyes back on the road. „Dunno, there‘s so much great music. Maybe even write a song myself?“, he said with a proud smirk, eyeing the dark brown six string. Joyce chuckled, he looked at the guitar as if he was in love, as if the guitar was a very pretty girl. And yeah, he probably was in love with it, with music. Joyce found his passion beautiful as they drove through the Indiana summer afternoon, the car‘s windows down and freedom lurking around the corner, graduation just a few days away. She felt light and free, safe and in place with her best friend by her side. Her best friend - Jim Hopper, who looked at a guitar the way she sometimes wished he‘d look at her. She turned the radio up and held the guitar tight as Hopper had to stop at a traffic light on their way home. She could not wait to hear him play.
And my family listened fifty times to my two song repertoire
I told my Mom her only son was gonna be a star
A week before graduation Joyce was at the Hopper‘s for dinner. It was past nine already and they were all out in the Hopper‘s large backyard - her, Jim and his parents. Dinner was long eaten and the sun had gone down when Joyce sat on a garden bench next to Elaine, Jim‘s mother. She felt so at home with them, sometimes even more at home than at her own place, with her mother barely there, chasing her lovers around the state, and her father having left a few years ago, to start a new family and leaving his first born daughter behind in Hawkins, Indiana. Joyce had grown into the Hopper household without anyone actively noticing, being around a few times a week for homework, dinner or just to hang out with Jim after school.
Elaine squeezed Joyce‘s hand tightly as Jim played a tune on his guitar in the dark of the garden, the warm summer night around their bodies as Jim‘s dad went inside to get another beer. Hop's mother held Joyce‘s hand even tighter in a moment she saw Jim giving Joyce a smile whilst playing. The blonde woman leaned over to Joyce and whispered into her ear, making Joyce Horowitz, tough as she normally was, blush like crazy.
„You two would make such a sweet couple. I say it again and again.“
Joyce looked at Elaine next to her with her dark, deep eyes, giving her an insecure smile.
„He talks about you all the time“, she added, shrugging her shoulders as Joyce giggled sheepishly. There was some truth in the elder woman‘s words, and although Joyce and her had had some heart to heart talks in the past, they were just crossing a new line. Neither Hop nor Joyce had actively confessed any feelings, but Joyce knew the tingling feeling in her gut became harder to ignore with every hug, with every funny car ride, with every hang out at Lover‘s Lake. She just had not thought it was that obvious, especially not to Hopper‘s mother.
Later that night, Jim‘s parents had long gone to bed, the two friends ended up on that bench, the guitar on the bench on Jim‘s left, his all time best friend close to him on his right. They talked about music, dreams and the future, as suddenly her head dropped down on his shoulder, and his strong arm found his way around her shoulders a few minutes later. The guitar was forgotten for that night, their minds focussed on each other as they held each other tight long into the night.
Well I bought all the Beatles records, sounded just like hall
Or Buddy Holly or Chuck Berry's, seventy-eight in all
And I sat by my record player playing every note they played
I watched them all on TV, copied every move they made
The days before graduation, Hopper had nothing left to do for school. Joyce was busy preparing prom night with some other girls, having joined the committee earlier this year, so he did not get to see much of her. He did find something to occupy himself with, drowning in music as he usually did, though he found his mind wandering off more often then not, to the moment on that bench, her small hand in his, her smell, her smile. Every Chuck Berry song would make him day dream about swirling her around on the dancefloor on Prom Night, every Beach Boys song would make him see her in a sundress in the California Sun.
Oh, Rock'n'Roll I gave you all the best years of my life
All the dreamy sunny Sundays, all the moonlit summer nights
California. Frisco. A stupid little dream they had developed together. He‘d write songs and she‘d work in a café or a bookshop, enjoying life for some time before she wanted to enter college, before he‘d maybe get a contract for his own songs, make a record. It was a stupid little dream, but Joyce in a sundress - he could imagine that.
I was so busy in the bed room, writing love songs to you
She was at school preparing Prom, and he was glued to the TV, watching a Beatles concert as he tried some new tunes. Her birthday was coming up too, and he was planning on giving her a special present, on finally spilling the details about his hidden feelings for her. Joyce in a sundress, was that a good title for a song?
But you were changing your direction and I never even knew
That I was always just one step behind you
Joyce was at school, helping with the chairs and tables to set up the gym for Prom as her friend Karen approached her. Joyce was busy unfolding some chairs and the girls chatted for a bit. Karen would bring her boyfriend Ted to Prom, a guy who was in college already, and so the talk of college began. Karen was surprised when she heard Joyce, bookish little Joyce with the good grades, would take a gap year, work or maybe even go to California for some time, enjoy life and not study, like she usually did.
„I always thought college was your number one dream, Joy.“, Karen smiled. „Seems like love changes us all.“, she smirked, hinting on Joyce‘s plan to follow Hopper to the coast for some time.
Without really wanting it, it made Joyce think. Was it his dream or hers? Could they really dream together? Oh, she was probably just confused with prom around the corner. Typical teenage angst - she‘d do the right thing, they‘d always done the right thing - together.
On Prom night, Jim Hopper kissed Joyce Horowitz on the mouth as they danced in the crowd, bodies sweaty and limbs exhausted from all the dancing and standing, hands entangled at their sides as the world around the, the students, the lights, the music, went silent. That night, Joyce Horowitz and Jim Hopper turned from friends to lovers, ending their night in his small bed, kissing each other with a curiosity that kept them awake til the early morning hours, When the sun went up, he showed her his song for her, and she laughed, embarassed and touched by his sudden rush of feelings, as she went to grab his small pocket knife.
Ever since then, J.H. & J.H. was carved into the back of his wooden guitar, a sign lasting over time, a sign lasting longer than they would, and longer than Jim Hopper would own his first guitar.
Prom week and the summer flew by, and Jim Hopper and Joyce Horowitz from Hawkins, Indiana packed their bags and took his old truck up north to California, up north into a new life. She found it thrilling really, a perfectly romantic adventure as she watched him drive into the sunrise the day they left their hometown, before falling asleep beside him in the passenger seat of his car, feeling safe and sound with no thoughts of the future. There was no work, no college, no money - There was just J.H. & J.H.
Well, sixty-six seemed like the year I was really goin' somewhere
I was living in San Francisco wearing flowers in my hair
Singing songs of kindness so the world would understand
The guys and me thought wer were more than just another band
Five months later Jim had found a decent band to play with, working the nights in a beach bar as the boys covered songs of the most popular artists of the time. He worked the nights, she worked the days in a cafe by the sea, and quickly, J.H. & J.H. began to miss each other terribly. They lived together, sharing a small room in an appartment complex, but they seldomly got to really be together.
Joyce would sometimes go to the bar at night, and she still loved to hear him play and sing, but so did many other women. She preferred the nice and quiet of her room way too often, cuddled up next to the record player, imagening it was him singing her a song in his parents‘ garden in good old Hawkins, Indiana.
Oh, Rock'n'Roll I gave you all the best years of my life
All the crazy, lazy young days, all the magic moony nights
I was so busy on the road, singing love songs to you
But you were changing your direction and you never even knew
That I was always just one step behind you
It was another saturday night when she was occupying a small table in the last corner of the bar, reading a book despite the place being loud and crowded, as suddenly a guy approached the empty chair next to her.
„Good evening, young lady, is that seat taken?“, the tall man asked. He was wearing a leather jacket, and his hair was styled with a lot of gel. „My name is Lonnie, by the way.“
Jim Hopper eyed the scene from the other end of the room, singing some Elvis Presley love song as he saw the spark in his girlfriend‘s eyes be rekindled by the words of another man.
The door fell into it‘s lock with the familar click Joyce had not forgotten in the nine months she had been away from her home in Hawkins, Indiana. „Yeah, this is it.“, she smiled, walking around the empty first floor. Not much had changed, and her mother wasn‘t even there. „Lon?“, she asked, as she did not get a response to her little house tour, realising her boyfriend was still outside carrying their bags from the car to the house.
As he walked in, she smiled at him, and kissed him sweetly. He let the bags drop to the floor and she felt his hands wrap around her waist as their kiss intensified with every breath. She was glad to be home.
„My old room‘s upstairs.“, she whispered. He followed her, and she opened the wooden door to the small space under the roof, a room from another life. A life where she had a picture of Hop and here hanging on the wall next to her door. J.H. & J.H. She swallowed hard as she saw it, quickly placing herself in front of it before Lonnie could see it. Her heart began to race, and it wasn‘t because of the way Lonnie‘s hands were exploring her sides now, as they made their way to the bed.
As they let their bodies drop onto the bed, her pulse had calmed down a little. It was J.H. & L.B. now.
Five years later, J.H. & L.B. have become J.B. & L.B. - It‘s a rainy sunday afternoon and she‘s in the kitchen, making tea as the TV plays in the living room. She‘s just carrying the cup over to the coffee table when a song comes on on TV, Chuck Berry. You never can tell.
She freezes in the middle of her movements as memory hits her like a wall, his face in front of her inner eye, that sparkling blue of his eyes, his wooden guitar in her lap as the summer breeze caresses her face.
Which songs are you gonna try first? - Dunno, there‘s so much good music. - You never can tell. Chuck Berry.
Where might he be now? Frisco? New York? Paris or London?
She‘s ripped from her thoughts as she hears noises upstairs, a sharp cry, the cry of a baby. Jonathan‘s awake. She rubs her tired eyes and brushes her bangs out of her face as she makes her way upstairs. Lonnie should be home by now.
Seventy-one in Soho, when I met Suzanne
I was trying to go it solo with someone else's band
She listened to my problems and she seemed to understand
When she came up to me softly and she took me by the hand
And she followed me to London to a hundred hotel rooms
To a hundred record companies who didn't like my tunes
„What do you mean they did not like it?“, the blonde woman asked Hopper.
„They said it‘s a stupid title.“, he said in defeat, letting his old, worn out guitar drop down on the bed next to his girlfriend.
„Which song did you play?“, she insisted.
„Joy...— I mean, Girl in a sundress.“
„Jim, I don‘t like to say it, but I also don‘t think it‘s a potential hit, it‘s...“,
„I thought it was special.“, he whispered, looking at Suzanne as her hand found his cheek.
And she followed me back to Indiana when I finally sold my old guitar
I'm never gonna be a star.
I'm just a plain old Country boy and that's all I'll ever be.
Jim Hopper returned to Hawkins, Indiana in 1972, married. He sat at Enzo‘s with his wife one night, talking about his new job with the police as outside the window he saw a woman, short, dark hair in a messy bun, a toddler on her arm, and another little boy walking next to her. Joyce in a sundress.
Oh, Rock'n'Roll I gave you all the best years of my life
All the dreamy sunny Sundays, all the moonless summer nights
Oh, I never knew the magic I'm making it with you
I'm getting along with a Country song doing what I wanna do
When I was always just one step behind you.
(the gif at the beginning is not mine, i found it on pinterest and this is the source)
Also I found so many versions of the song that I didn't knew which lyrics to use. Here have a good mixture. 😂
Pleeeeease give me feedback and let me know how you like my original fic content. I sometimes struggle with prompts and hope you enjoy this too. Oh and. Reblogs. Comments? I simp for that.
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