#and you can say that maybe they just forgot - but someone reacting with anger and vitriol when i refute what they claim...? yeah. no
4awny · 2 months
Not that Cartman had much of a long attention span anyway, but Kyle was getting on his nerves. He interrupted him loudly, "Oh my god shut up." He said with a flat tone. "I saved your fucking life, Broflovski. You owe me a favour."
"I don't owe you shit." Kyle made a decent effort to suppress his anger. "What makes you think I owe you something?"
"Because you do." Cartman reflected on his question, giving it some serious thought. "Because I don't help people I don't care about. If I do, it's because I know they'd do the same for me. By definition, that's called loyalty."
Emotional blackmail, Kyle preferred to call it, seeing only bad intentions. "So what if they don't want it? Or they don't feel the same way? What then?"
Cartman narrowed his eyes. "You do feel the same way."
"No, I don't. I hate you." Kyle said.
A wicked smirk laid present on Cartman's lips. "You've got a fucked up way of showing it." He uttered and then got to his feet. He dropped the towel somewhere by the sink and forgot to turn the light off as he left the room. He went back to the bedroom. "Wendy, now that's someone you hate. You hate her so bad and it's so obvious to everyone but you."
"First of all, I don't hate her. Secondly, if it's so obvious, why hasn't Stan said anything to me?"
Cartman dropped his phone on the bed and could be heard muttering, you clearly don't know him, in the background.
"What did you say?" Kyle asked irritably.
"I said you clearly don't fucking know him then, do you?" Cartman's head popped in view and there was more gravel in his voice. "Jesus fucking Christ, listen. Stan doesn't care. Stan doesn't care about anything. How can you not see that already." He vanished to go back to doing what he was doing, which was walking around the glass and pondering what he should be doing it with. "Wendy's always been too good for him, I don't know why it took her so long to see it, in my humble opinion."
Kyle couldn't understand where this was coming from. "What the hell are you talking about? All you ever do is talk shit about her?"
"Well, yeah. Stan's my fucking friend, I'm obviously on his side. That's literally retarded. I think Wendy's a stupid bitch for what she did, but I get why she did it. Stan isn't aware of anything going on outside his own head, so it's his own fault. Maybe it'll teach him a lesson. Like, I get it. You're depressed. But can you at least make the fucking effort to listen to me talk about something? It's fucking rude and I think, what's the point. What is the point? Right? We both know it, just no-one says it."
It pained him to say it, but Kyle understood very well. "Right." He agreed quietly.
"Whenever this happens, you know what happens? Me and you sit back and let Kenny do all the work." It made Cartman feel good to finally confront his thoughts out loud. "And that's because you and I, we feel the same about it. We're built different."
"Is that what you really think?" Kyle asked him.
"Yeah, that's what I really think. You wanna know what else I think?"
"Go ahead." Kyle swallowed.
"I don't think you like it when other people are in relationships. I don't like it either. Everything is fucked up when there's a girl involved. Look at Wendy. Whenever she's around us, I have to watch what I say. Okay, she's hot. And she's smart, which are two reasons why I can tolerate her. You though? You don't tolerate her at all. You always deny it too, like why? Just own it. But you won't. Heh. That's a common trait of yours. Denial." Cartman snickered some more and then grabbed his phone to see Kyle's expression, which wasn't currently in view.
"Yeah, and you think about me way too much." Kyle said, just after clenching his jaw. "That's common trait of yours. Obsession." He reappeared on screen with an irritating grin on his face.
The brunette stared at it and didn't react. He studied Kyle's smile for a few seconds longer than he needed to. "At least I'm not in denial about it." He remarked, slowly grinning with him. Kyle couldn't hold his laugh and looked away when he did. This kind of reaction made Cartman a little happier. Kyle responded in the only way he knew how to, which included a few harmless insults and of course, refusing to accept that what Cartman was saying had some truth to it.
Chapter 29 - Anxiety
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moonysimp · 1 year
i've got my eye on you, too –pedri
part 2 of i've got my eye on you <3
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the sight of gavi hit pedri like a punch to the face. and that was before gavi had actually punched him in the face.
"OH MY GOD", you screamed. everything happened so fast, one minute you were kissing pedri, the next gavi had found you two and now he had pushed pedri and punched him in the face. all in the blink of an eye. and you didn't quite understand anything that was happening.
pedri's cheek throbbed relentlessly, and he brought one of his hands to press it and try to calm the pain. he didn't fight back, he did in fact deserve the hit. but he still didn't regret a single thing.
gavi's face was a mixed of disgust and anger, pedri had seen that face on the field many times when his best friend got mad at some player, but he had never seen that look directed at him.
gavi came very close to pedri, "you're a piece of shit", he said in a low voice, and then stormed off, slamming the door.
you were still in shock, but you reacted when you saw pedri's face filled with pain. you gently took his face with your hands to take a better look, "are you okay?", you quickly asked him.
he closed his eyes and nodded, "yeah don't worry im fine", he said. he was hurting, but he didn't want to worry you and it wasn't like the pain was unbearable.
you traced your thumb along his cheekbone, "you just got punched in the face by your best friend, you don't have to lie"
"okay fine, please bring me some ice because that fucker might not be very tall but he can throw a punch", he grimaced.
you got him some ice and you two sat on the sofa. the house was empty, everyone had left already, and fer was probably passed out drunk on his bed.
"so...", you started, trying to make sense of what had happened, "i guess gavi didn't want you kissing me right after he had asked me to go out on a date"
pedri let out a sigh. "yeah, i guess i can tell you truth now"
and so he did. he told you how he had felt attracted to you from the very beginning and how gavi had felt too, and how he felt like he had to take a step back for his best friend.
"so what? you were willing to watch from the sidelines?" you couldn't believe what he was telling you.
"yes. at first. look, he was mesmerized by you and i had never seen him like that, so i decided to let him shoot his shot. i thought it would be easier if i stayed away from you but i got to know you more and then i was having feelings for you, and i couldn't help it", he was letting it all out, word after word like it had been burning inside of him, "and then he said he'd ask you out and i decided to avoid you all night because i figured it would help but-"
you cut him out, shutting him up with your lips. pedri forgot what he was saying, forgot he had gotten punched, he could forget his own name every time his lips were on yours.
you joined your foreheads together, "i can't believe you were willing to put your own feelings aside for someone else" this just proved how good and how pure his heart was.
"i never realized you liked me", he said quietly. "if i had known... maybe this whole thing could've been avoided and my best friend wouldn't hate me right now"
you leaned back. now you were feeling guilty. this whole mess had started when you kissed him, and now the beautiful friendship the two boys had was all messed up.
like he was reading your mind, pedri sweetly grabbed your chin and looked you in the eye, "don't you dare feel guilty about any of this okay? this my problem with him"
you slightly nodded and he gave you a forehead kiss, "we both need some rest after tonight"
fight or not fight, the boys had to go training. the whole team could feel the weird tension that was happening between the two players, but as long as it didn't affect their performance on the field, nobody said anything.
and that was the worst part, gavi thought, it didn't matter that he was mad at pedri, they still had a huge bond, they still knew each other so well on the field that playing with him was like a second nature, it was like nothing had happened.
but after training was over, things were not that easy.
"man we gotta talk", pedri went after gavi, in their way to the locker room. it was a mistake, pedri knew that, he needed to let gavi alone for a couple of days until he calmed down and was less mad, that was how it worked with him, but pedri couldn't wait.
gavi shook his head, still not looking at him. "you could kiss any girl", he said, "and yet you kissed her?"
pedri fidgeted with his hands, "i have feelings for her as well, i never said anything because i thought it would go away but at the party-"
gavi turned shooting him a furious glance, "so you didn't even tell me that?! you have liked her all along and you just couldn't fucking tell me so we could work it out? you just had to go kiss her the same night i TOLD you i was going to talk to her?", gavi ran his hand through his face, he was tired and hurt and everything that came out of pedri's mouth was making it all worse.
"im so sorry just let me expl-"
gavi cut him out "i don't want to see you", he started walking to the bathroom, "or talk to you", he looked at him from the shoulder, "i don't know how to trust you", and then he left.
two weeks had passed since gavi's last interaction with pedri, they kept playing together but gavi refused to let pedri explain everything.
so if gavi didn't want to hear him, at least he would read what he had to say. pedri spent the whole night writing a letter, explaining with detail all the events that had happened. he let his heart out, he wanted to be as honest as possible since he hadn't been honest with his friend from the beginning. he wrote about his feelings for you, about your feelings for him, and how he didn't knew it was reciprocal. he hoped with everything that he had that gavi would read it, and could forgive him.
so in training the next day, the last guy to come out of the locker room was pedri, and he slipped his letter into gavi's backpack. afterwards, he left, waiting and hoping that would be enough.
now your birthday was coming up on friday, and pedri had a special date planned out.
he was secretly a romantic, always thinking that somebody was out in the world meant to be his other half, and after you told him you had been a barcelona fan your entire life, he was more than sure you were the one. so, he spoke with a lot of people and begged a couple of times, and he had the camp nou opened just for the two of you at night.
and you had no idea about it.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU", you smiled at your pillow hearing laura's loud voice, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR Y/N, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU", she threw herself at your bed.
you laughed and hugged her, "thank you love,  how lovely it is you hear you this loud in the morning"
she laughed, "i know i am the best", she stood up and urged you to do the same, "you have a special gift waiting for you outside so move your ass"
you know it couldn't be him, he was training this early. you got out of bed and went to the living room, there you found a huge bouquet of sunflowers, your favorite flowers.
with the biggest smile on your face you picked up the note that was on the bouquet and read it.
happy birthday to the girl who spins my whole world around <3
can't wait to see you tonight.  -P
your stomach filled with butterflies you couldn't help to giggle, you were falling for him and there was no way to stop it. he had become such an important person to you, and everyday you were grateful to the universe for bringing him to you.
you took a photo with the flowers and sent it to him. you are simply the best, thank you for always making me feel so special, you texted him.
laura wanted to organize you a little party here tonight, but pedri had asked her to leave your night free for the two of you, so you would have a little party tomorrow, and your parents would come so they could meet him. you went to have a shower and prepare to go to work, wondering exactly what he had planned for the date.
you had ask him to give him a clue to know what to wear to wherever you were going, and he had only told you not to wear heels, to wear something you would feel comfortable in. so it definitely wasn't a restaurant, you thought.
you were finishing with your perfume when somebody knocked on the door. you quickly went to open it. his handsome face was waiting for you on the other side, "happy birthday my love"
you hugged him, you loved how he always smelled good. "thank you", you said, your face on the crook of his neck.
after the hug he said, "you look beautiful", his eyes ran through your body from head to toe, you blushed a bit and he kissed you, after waiting the whole day to do it. electricity ran through your body. this night felt different for some reason. your hands went to his hair as you kissed him back, forgetting about the plans, only concentrated in the way his lips tasted, and how his hands were roaming your back.
"of course you haven't left and instead are making out in public display", you heard laura say with amusement, "didn't he get punched in the face for doing exactly that?"
"laura shut up", pedri said, grabbing your hand, "we're leaving now"
she laughed, "yeah wear protection kids", she turned to head to her room, "oh and have fun!" she said, as you two left the apartment.
"you still haven't heard of gavi?", you asked getting on his car.
pedri felt a sting of pain on his chest, "no, nothing", he said and started driving.
you placed your hand on his thigh to comfort him, "im sure he'll reach you eventually", you said sweetly, you knew how much he missed his best friend, and you still felt guilty about the way shit had went down.
"yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. it's your day today", he said quickly looking at you. "i really hope you like my surprise"
"so, are you telling me where we're going?", you asked him, looking at the streets of barcelona.
"you'll find out soon enough", he winked at you, and kept driving.
and some time later, you saw where you were going, you entered the parking lot of the most beautiful stadium of the world, the camp nou.
your hands intertwined, and the smile on your face growing and growing bigger and bigger, pedri led you to the field, after saying hello to one of the men who worked there. you were amazed by the immensity and the beauty of the stadium.
"i can't believe you got the place just for us", you said to him. "it's beautiful to see it at night, i'd never visited it at this time"
"i know", he said quietly, and then you saw the ball and it all made perfect sense. "i thought we could improve our football skills with the camp all for ourselves", you looked even more beautiful under the lights of the field, and he could swear your eyes were glowing. and he was sure that you smiling on the field was the most precious sight his eyes had seen.
you laughed, "it's very sweet how you say you can improve your football skills when you are like the best player of the team"
"there is always room to learn", he said, grabbing the ball, "who knows? maybe you could teach me something new about football", he smiled.
"i have a feeling you will be the one who teach me everything about football today", you gave him a peck on the lips.
"let's start then", he held you hand, "let's see how good are your penalty shots"
it was the most special thing somebody had done for you. he taught you how to shoot, how to make a great pass, he told you with which part of your foot you had to kick the ball. you loved learning and listening to him. you two spent the night playing with each other, laughing about how bad you were, and talking about everything. besides, kissing a barça player under the lights of camp nou was something straight out of a fairytale.
"this was the perfect birthday", you murmured against his lips.
after you were tired, you got on the car and left, "i thought we could go to my place and watch a movie to rest a bit", he said, and your pulse fastened.
"i'd love to", you said, and now he was the one who put his hand on your thigh.
you slept together for the first time that night, and it officially became the best birthday you'd had. he dropped you off by your place right before he left to train.
laura organized a cute party the next day, the apartmente filled with your friends and family. you introduced pedri to your parents and of course they loved him, how could they not? he was like a dream, always polite and funny without trying to. the party was ending, you were about to eat the cake when somebody knocked on the door.
"hey, y/n", gavi was standing at the door with a little gift on his hands and looking like he wanted to get away from there as fast as possible. "happy birthday", he gave you the present and you took it.
you were impressed to see him here, not really sure how he had known about the party, but you took his presence as a good sign. "thank you", you said and you gave him a quick hug. "come in, we're gonna eat cake". he hesitated but he joined the little party.
truth was, gavi had read the letter, and he had done his best to understand the entire situation. he wanted things with pedri to be the way they were before, he deeply missed his best friend. but, he hadn't felt ready to see you again with him. until laura texted him, inviting him to the party, she talked to gavi, and that also helped. so now here he was, ready to speak to pedri again, and ready to make peace with the whole situation.
pedri spotted gavi and his eyes widened, he went to him and opened his mouth to talk but no words came out.
gavi rolled his eyes, "well, i can't stay mad at you forever", he gave him a little smile. pedri smiled wholeheartedly and gave him a hug. he had missed his best friend, his brother, and now he was back.
taglist: @jjishotasf @anastasia-nova @k1ng0fmyheart @mad-die45 @julianalvarez9 @notsosurehritika @maudeeloise @leeamorgan @highdreaming
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lilalexchaos · 5 months
Good omens
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Original fanfic
Warlock finally fell asleep, so nanny have some time off. She knew exactly what she will be doing. She closed the door on boys darken room and went out, right to the garden.
An old gardener was scurring behind a lovely growing patch.
Nanny smirked and walked towards him.
"Mr. Francis, what a stunning flowers you have here." He declamed.
Gardeners face lightened as he looked up at nanny. "Crowley!"
"Not Crowley! I'm a nanny now." He said with amused voice.
"Oh, right my apologies miss -?"
"Ashtoreth." He declared.
"Right." Gardener giggled.
"I'm surprised he isn't frightened of you."
Aziraphale knew he was bringing out his look. He growled.
"So how's Warlock?"
"Oh he's alright. Pretty normal if you ask me."
"Hope you're Right"
"Right now he's taking a nap. Had to sing to him again."
Gardener giggled. "What were you singing him?"
"A lullaby. Usual one. You wouldn't like it."
"Crowley, he's a child!"
"He's an Antichrist Angel!"
Aziraphale looked down. "Still a child."
"Child who's going to end the life on Earth Angel."
"Guess you're right."
"I am." Aziraphale have him a disapproval look and Crowley growled.
"Listen, you mind if i took a look around your garden?" He asked, changing an argument.
"Oh no! Not at All. Actually i was planing to show it to you. Tought you'd like it."
Crowley rised his eyebrows with a smirk on his face. "Show me then."
With a genuine smile Aziraphale led Crowley through the garden showing him all lovely and colorfull flowers he had growned. Aziraphale was so excited for it, Crowley almost forgot to pay attention to what he was saying. Thay were all so beautiful, full of angelic love.
"I see you're doing very well angel. I mean, they're beautiful."
"Oh thank you Crowley, I was really hoping you'll like them"
They walked around a garden for a while, side by side, when suddenly Aziraphale remembered something.
"Oh- I almost forgot!" He cried facing Crowley. "You stay here, I'll be right back."
He run towards a little garden house leaving Crowley without a chance to say a word. He came back few moments later with a small flowerpot with yellow flowers in it.
"I grew these especially for you. When I saw them at first, I emediatly tought of you." Said the Angel handing him flowers.
Crowleys eyes brightened and the angel could see it even through his glasses. "Angel this is- i mean it's beautiful." He said as he was taking flowers from Aziraphale.
"Maybe this time you should actually speak to them. They'll grow much better when you treat them with love instead of hate and fear."
"I'm a demon i can't 'love' " Crowley whispered.
"Oh Crowley I know you better than anyone else and I know you Can love."
Crowley looked in his eyes for a long moment. He wasn't sure how to react. Should he just act as he did always so he don't get to trouble? But Angel risked by saying that. If Heaven or Hell heard that...
He looked to the ground. "But you know we're not allowed to, so it's the same." He said under his breath.
Aziraphale didnt get a chance to react, when young Warlock run betwen two of them.
"Nanny! Brother Francis! We're finally all together!" He cried.
"You young beast why aren't you sleeping?" Asked Crowley with pretended anger.
"I just woke Up. Lets play! Together. Aslo with gardener."
"Well..." he run away to get a ball and in a moment was back with it. "Come on!"
"Right," said Crowley, "let me just out these on side."
Warlock curiously came to flowers in his Nannys hands. "Are they from gardener?"
"Yep." Crowley said firmly and put flowers on a safe place.
"Do you know that if someone gives you a flowers it means they love you? My mum gets plenty of flowers from dad. And her joga teacher."
Crowley was surprised by words of young boy bit looked at Aziraphale and smiled gently. "I know." He said under his breath.
Angels heart started beating so fast he tought he was going to faint but that would be embarassing. He just managed to do a stupid smile and felt a tears apeared in his eyes.
"Right." Said Warlock, taking Nanny and gardener by hands. "Lets play then."
Crowley waited, but nothing happend. It didnt seem Hell or Heaven have noticed something. Now that one was risky.
Warlock dragged them to play football and so they did. For atleast an hour. And they had a great time playing it.
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homo4abby · 1 year
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☆ All yours ☆
warning - semi-angst, jealousy, swearing (duh it’s ellie), cheating (assumptions), crying, drinking, some fluff, reassurance, no sex
summary - ellie one night told you her and dina’s past fling, now that you know this it’s left a mark in the relationship
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: * ✧
It was my mistake, had I know how y/n would react to my past relationship with Dina, I wouldn’t have told her. Now everytime we talk she’s always brought up somehow. It would be something not even related to Dina yet y/n would find a way to drop her name in sarcastic ways.
Babe you forgot to take out the trash this morning
Oh I’m sorry maybe you can ask Dina to take it out for you
It would be so absurd I didn’t even now what to say. We didn’t have any issues prior to me fucking up that one night, but even then me and dina were just friends now. I wish she saw it like that.
I had to go out for a bit on a small mission, I told y/n I’d be home before the sun went down. She didn’t really respond and just continued off doing her own thing. I sighed and locked the door leaving without a goodbye kiss, she’s been in a mood since I told her about it.
Later in the day I decided to stop by Dina’s probably not the best timing but I wasn’t going to let y/n control who my friends were. Dina was surprised to see me. It had been a while since I visited, I was alway out or home with y/n. After a few drinks and talking I realized it was getting a little dark so I said my goodbyes and headed home. As soon as I opened the front door I new I fucked up.
It’s late
You muttered as your leg shock from the anxiety of waiting all day for Ellie’s return. It wasn’t like her to be late after telling you what times she’d be home.
I know I said I was gonna be home before dark but it was a shit show out there.
Looking down at the floor you wondered why Ellie would lie to your face. Yeah right now you two were going through a rough patch but it wasn’t to the point you two had to lie about your whereabouts. Ellie was always honest, she couldn’t lie to you, not one bit. Had this been someone else they would’ve fallen for it but you knew better.
What is your issue ellie? Why are you lying to my face?
No cause what the fuck is your problem. Just cause I fucked a girl a few times in my past you still think I’m fucking her
Then why were you at her house. Why couldn’t you just tell me you went over to have a drink.
Because either way you get like this, I can’t talk to Dina anymore cause you think it’s gonna make me want to leave you?Would that make you stop bitching and moaning about her all the time. Is that what you want?
Your face turned red, it was a mixture of anger and embarrassment. Part of you was trying to not to cry but your body had more control. Tears fell down your flushed cheeks, you wanted to yell back at Ellie but a knot at your throat began to form. Ellie’s furrowed eyebrows softened as she saw the tears fall down your cheeks.
I- I just
Trying your hardest to say out loud what you were feeling but you couldn’t choke out the words. Taking a pause trying to speak again but it was useless. Ellie’s arms wrapped around your head laying it on her chest. She hated seeing you cry, just the thought killed her.
In the beginning of your relationship you told Ellie how you were jealous. A past ex of your cheated on you (a man) and it left you with opened wounds. As hard as she tried they would never be fully healed.
I know, I see how you compare yourself to her but you are the most beautiful amazing woman, no one can beat that.
Ellie whipped your tears away with her thumbs caressing your cheek.
You don’t see me chasing after all the girls you’ve dated.
Well cause it’s only one and she’s suffocating me right now
Your right, but more arguing okay.
Fine, I’m just glad you can deal with my shit
Placing a kiss on your forehead Ellie looked as if she was thinking something.
Fuck it I’m just gonna say it this no sex things been fucking up my mind for the past week, I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you after I wash up.
The next morning you walked past Dina and Ellie and smiled at them. Dina’s eyes widened staring at Ellie in awe the girl that hated her for the past week was saying Hi to her.
What got into her last night? She’s completely changed
I got in her
Ellie not that
Dina hit Ellie’s arm at her inappropriate yet not abnormal comment.
But no for real, I was in her.
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I’m both jealous of Dina and Ellie, I want them both. This is kinda rushed but I’ll be posting more soon. Maybe a version where Ellie is jealous of you being friendly with another guy/girl I’m not sure yet
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dameronology · 2 years
hcs for steve x henderson reader please?
the scenario as to how you're a henderson sibling is ambigious; could be adopted, biological, whatever u prefer😌
you 100% met through dustin
i mean you probably knew each other already, because you're a similar age and hawkins high isn't massive but you actually properly, meet through dustin
your baby brother is an adventurous kid; he's out at all hours of the day getting up to god knows what and you know he sneaks out his window past curfew when your mum thinks he is asleep
it's whatever, really; you know he's good at heart and probably isn't getting into trouble. you were the same when you were his age
you meet steve for the first time in unfortunate circumstances; you were meant to pick dustin up from a d&d meet but the thought completely slipped your mind
steve drops him off on the doorstep about two hours later with a very grumbly, curly haired kid by his side
"you forgot about me! what's more important than me?"
you send dustin inside and profusely apologise to and thank steve at the same time; he finds it quite funny actually because honestly how could you forget about someone as persistently loud and annoying as your little brother??
you bond over the fact he's a great, if not irritating kid
steve sees you in a coffee shop a few days later & you buy him a cup to say thank you for your mistake the other night
you end up talking for hours and he asks you out
from there it's an uphill trajectory of literally just falling in love with him
you hide it from dustin at first; there's no telling how he'll react
steve likes to think he'll be jealous because even though he shouldn't care what some kid thinks, he definitely feels a pang of something everytime dustin calls him all like "don't worry about picking me up later, eddie's gonna give me a ride!"
and harrington would like to think that dustin would extend the same courtesy to him
dustin finds out by accident; you're on the phone to steve one day, hanging up and saying you love him, and dustin goes "oh, i love you too steve, i'm sorry i missed your call. we're good right?"
and when he hears you go FUCK OFF, DUSTIN! he realises he meant the other henderson
there's no anger. maybe a little that you felt the need to hide it from him but overall, dustin is absolutely obsessed with the idea of you two
your mum, a little less so. she's always been a little weary of steve, ever since mrs wheeler told her one day at brunch about what a bad influence he was on nancy
(barely tho, but yanno how ma's can be)
you don't really care; you're old enough to move out if you want and tbh most her nervous energy is focused on dustin because she swears 11 times a week that he's gonna cause her a stroke from stress
your lil brother loves movie nights with you!! he'll sit in the middle of you and steve because he can't read the room
you're both super over protective of him; one time some kids in school gave him shit for his cleidocranial dysplasia and you and steve basically corned them in the parking lot
he tries to rope you both into playing d&d and it only worked once
overall, you're like a little family and dustin loves it
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moontheoretist · 1 year
Anders: Maybe you should join the Qun, Fenris.
Fenris: We could go together. I'd be happy to sew your mouth shut.
Don’t you think that this specific banter is also kind of OOC on Fenris’ side? I mean, I know what he was getting at, he was alluding to the fact that Anders talks too much and never shuts up, but I am not sure that he actually thought through what he was insinuating?
It is also weird that this banter just ends like this, with no comeback, nothing from Anders. That is highly unusual behavior for him. Not to mention that this banter is weirdly short, as if someone forgot to write the rest. I know it was supposed to be a punchline, but it just doesn’t feel as if it was written with the characters’ motivations, beliefs and behaviors in mind. For example, how Fenris can say such a thing when he knows that mages are slaves in the Qun?
Qamek is a poison used by the Tamassrans on those who refuse to be converted into the ideology of the Qun, including all captured mages, who are deemed hopeless by default. It effectively lobotomizes victims, wiping out their memories and rendering them into mindless slaves which Qunari call Viddath-bas. Its administration is unpleasant; it leaves its victims screaming. Small doses can be recovered from, but massive ones cause irreversible damage.
In banter in 9:37 Dragon between Fenris and Isabela, he mentions that Isabela was very lucky that Hawke didn't turn her over the Qunari because she'd be converted to the Qun. When she asks if she could refuse, Fenris mentions that there is always qamek, which would turn her into a mindless laborer.
Doesn’t the treatment of mages in the Qun remind him of Danarius treating him as a weapon? And also show how much more twisted that idea can become with collars, chains, qamek and mouth sewing involved? Doesn’t it feel weird that he would allude to such treatment in regard to Anders? Yes, he dislikes him and disagrees with him, but I just can’t believe that he would say such a thing if he fully thought through what he was actually insinuating with this. How cruel that is.
It is ofc possible that Fenris took Anders’ comments as an insult and reacted in anger, as maybe he sees Qun as a whole as another form of slavery even for himself, simply because he would be forced into a role in society and not be allowed to change it unless the Tamassran approved of such change, and therefore he considered Anders’ comment not only insensitive but actively malicious? As if Anders was insinuating that Fenris would feel better in a system in which he would never be free? Or maybe he assumed that the Qun would turn him into a mindless slave with qamek and that’s why he reacted like this? I don’t know. We can’t say for sure, because we don’t have access to the inner workings of the characters’ minds. We don’t know what they thought, and with what kind of intention their lines were said, other than the obvious: Anders though Qun may be better for the elves, and Fenris had enough of Anders endless chatter and wanted to shut him up. I don’t actually believe that Anders was insinuating what I alluded to above. I genuinely think he thought it to be a good suggestion and was violently shut down by Fenris with something so brutal and dehumanizing that he “took the hint and never responded”. Still, I feel like this banter could be used better if Fenris was forced to confront what he insinuated. Like for example:
Anders: Maybe you should join the Qun, Fenris.
Fenris: We could go together. I'd be happy to sew your mouth shut.
Anders: Great! Will you collar and chain me too? That’s something you would definitely want to see, yes? Mage as your slave?
Fenris: I didn’t mean it like this.
Anders: How wonderfully selective of you.
I imagined that if Hawke was a mage and was allowed to somehow participate in the banter, Fenris would apologize for what he said.
Hawke: Is it how you want to see us? Enslaved even more than we actually are now? Living weapons that can’t disobey an order?
Fenris: I didn’t mean it like this. I apologize. It was cruel.
Anders: How wonderfully selective of you.
(I don’t like using this type of emotional manipulation tactic as it could come off as abusive or toxic, but tbh I can imagine romanced Hawke to be hurt by Fenris in banter like this, and they have a right to act hurt too and there is nothing toxic in showing your emotions).
In this case, the last comment would have double meaning then. Because it would be at the same time about Fenris only using parts of the Qun he needed to make cruel comments, without realizing the bigger implications, and also him specifically only apologizing if it was Hawke, but not doing the same for Anders, obviously. In Anders case, he doesn’t even say he was cruel, because Fenris has “feeling bad for what he said” specifically reserved for interactions with Hawke. But he would still recognize that he just wished something that happened to him on someone else. Hell, he wished something worse than what happened to him, because he was conscious all the time and could turn away, but it was very hard due to how slaves are raised and taught to never disobey, while Gamek literally makes you a mindless slave that can’t even notice or learn that they are treated unfairly. Maybe he would recognize it as cruel if Fenris had a separate relationship bar for Anders, but he doesn’t. Like he doesn’t have it with Merrill and other companions. If he did, he'd also get approvals and disapprovals for the others (wouldn’t it be interesting if we could build our companions relationships like this? Then it’d only depend on which quest we take them on to create a certain type of dynamic between them), and his behavior would change accordingly. But because he doesn’t and their relationships are forever stuck in some version of status quo, even though the game hints that Fenris invites Anders whom he hates to his house for Diamondback, a game that Hawke doesn’t actively take part in, says that the relationships change even when the game doesn’t show it at all in the banter.
I don’t even want to consider that Fenris said it seriously. It’s too horrifying otherwise. That’s why I am assuming he only wanted to convey that Anders speaks too much and should shut up before Fenris will do it for him, and didn’t think the implication through. This would be my in story explanation for this. When it comes to meta though... it is a case of inconsistent writing for the sake of keeping the divide between two characters for no apparent reason other than blatant hypocrisy. I admit it could be a useful tool, but sadly it is not.
I hope my additions were not a low blows. I just don’t like not holding characters accountable for how they behave, and I would make the same changes to any banter in which Anders was cruelly insensitive towards Fenris. I would probably not change Anders remark about “rabid dog”, but only because I know he was racist even in DAO:A to elves. The only thing I would change, or more like add, is that I would make him apologize and use that as a way for him to reflect on his racism. And with Merrill I would probably use some other companion, like Isabella, to stick in other companions’ faces how cruel they are. Though, it would be also interesting to make Merrill for a split second be cold to those who insult her and show them that she is not just a walking ray of sunshine, while whopping their asses with words.
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Can we get a story, about the first time felix found out pepa was on her period, say they're about 18 (can be smut or no smut whichever you'd like to do)
Oh Félix is the BEST for this-hold up, I gotchu.
"That was. Ugly."
"It wasn't THAT bad!"
"You called Mr.Ramerez a 'donkey faced, little dicked asswipe'. Then you hit him with lightning."
Pepa threw her hands up in the air as she walked with Félix down the hallway, uncertain about how to respond. Pepa had been more reactionary than usual today, and it worried her boyfriend. He was pretty much the only one allowed to talk to her today, even Julieta got a furious storm cloud when she tried to trade lunches with her.
"He took away ten points because I forgot the date on my paper! He's lucky I didn't call him worse!"
"You're lucky he didn't expell you. It's the last week of school, can't you try to behave?"
"I don't know, Félix, I'm just. Not okay today. Everyone makes me angry today and I just-"
She stopped, and Félix noticed her fists clenched tightly. He thought it was anger, but the scowl on her face, alongside the rather weak looking cloud over her head, let him know it was pain.
"Woah, you okay? What happened?"
"I'm. F-fine. A leg cramp. That's it."
Félix scowled as she kept trying to walk ahead, rather stiffly. He caught up to her in a second, worry all over his features.
"No it's not. When you have a leg cramp, you swear your head off."
"I'm fine. That's it."
"Pepa, don't hide things from me, please. I just want to help-"
Reaching for her hand was a mistake. She whipped around to face him, the booming thunder only illuminating her angry face.
She immediately clamped her hands over her mouth as she realized she screamed that. Not just at Félix, but at a few quickly scattering people in the hallway. Félix frowned. No wonder her temper had been extra hot today.
"Is that the problem? Why couldn't you tell me?"
Félix carefully guided her past some lockers, to give her SOME privacy. She wouldn't look at his eyes as he held onto her shoulders.
"I didn't want you to think I was gross, or to ask 'are you really angry or is it just your period', or snap at you like I literally just did-"
Félix leaned down to kiss her forehead. Just to get her to stop thinking, for a moment.
"Pepi, I'd do none of those things. I have three sisters, I know what goes on during a period. Did your other boyfriends say and do those things to you?"
Pepa nodded. Of course. That was the only thing he disliked about Pepa having MANY boyfriends in the past; none of them treated her right. Pepa was confident in many things, but all it took was words from someone you loved, to make you vulnerable. He sighed, and knelt down a bit so he could meet her eye level.
"I understand what you need. Come on, let's get you home and-"
"Ah ah ah. Detention first, young lady."
Before Félix could react, her hand was grabbed by a teacher, and she was escorted to the detention classroom. One look at her sad eyes, and he knew what he had to do.
Everything ached. From the stupid homework she couldn't focus on, from the sprinkling cloud over her head, to the stupid way the teacher wouldn't share his cookies. She was absolutely starving and it hurt to move too much. She thought about maybe sleeping on this cold, hard desk, when the door suddenly swung open.
"Señor! You have to come quick!"
"What is it, Agustín? I'm busy-"
"There's fighting in the court yard! It's Mateo!"
"Ugh, that boy. Pepa, you are to NOT come out this door. Agustín, show me."
The teacher ran out with Agustín in tow, leaving her alone. Least, that's what she thought. She heard a knock at the window, and there was Félix, hanging onto the tree with one hand, knocking on the window with the other. She struggled for a second at the sight, but went up to open it.
"What are you doing?!"
"Busting you out! Agustín can only distract him so much, come on!"
She trusted Félix enough to take his hand and help pull her out, but she was still plenty confused. He was so gentle with her, helping her up the tree, and catching her as she came back down. Félix grabbed her things, and walked her to not to her house, but his own. He tried to sneak her upstairs, but his mother, who was in the kitchen, had the ears of a bat.
"Hold up little man- why are you both not at school?"
Félix flinched for a second, but her face immediately softened upon seeing Pepa. Félix wrapped an arm protectively around her, and spun a tale of woe.
"It was awful, mami! They tried to keep her in detention while she's on her period! And she was just suffering-I don't even think they let her use the bathroom!"
Pepa nodded at his words, and his mom just melted like butter on a pan. She came out of the kitchen, holding onto her face tenderly.
"Oh you poor thing! Imma give that school a piece of mind. How about I make you something to eat, baby?"
She didn't want to impose at all, really she didn't. But she was absolutely craving so much, she couldn't help herself.
"Tamales? I know they take a while, but-"
"Nonsense! I'll get on it. Félix, you know what the poor girl needs."
"Course, I have a change of clothes for her here already."
"Good boy."
She patted his head before going back into the kitchen. Félix guided her upstairs to his room, and dug through his dresser for the outfit she always kept here. She stood there awkwardly, a bit unsure about how she should be feeling right now.
"Why did you pull me out of school? You know mami isn't going to be happy."
"Doesn't matter. I love your mom, but I'm not in love with her. I'm in love with you. It's why I brought you to MY house, to use MY shower. Not your mamá's. Then, you can take a nap till it's dinnertime. I got a hot towel with your name on it too."
He turned to look at her, and chuckled. She knew she was making that big, stupid, lovesick look at him. But she couldn't help it. He was so...sweet to her.
"You're doing all of this...just because you love me?"
"You say it like it's a small thing. My love for you is anything but. Now come on, let's get you comfortable."
He guided her to the bathroom, and even turned the water on till it was just right. She couldn't help but gawk at him, and realize, for some reason, she wanted to open her heart out to him.
"I know this might be...gross. But can you take a shower...WITH me?"
He turned his head to look at her, confusion over his features.
"Why would showering with you be gross?"
"Because I'm...bleeding. And I'll bleed all over the drain and-"
"Oye, you gonna take a shower with your hombre, or we just gonna talk all day?"
Suddenly she was just. So excited. She took off her clothes quickly, leaving everything littered on the floor, and taking his hand as he stepped into the shower. She felt her face mist, despite the running water.
"Your mother had this in mind when she said 'knowing what I need?'"
"Eh, it was implied. Now let me kiss you, you look pretty all wet~"
She let herself be kissed once, twice, thrice, till her head felt all dizzy. Then, to her surprise, he slid one of his hands up her thighs, till he was slowly rubbing at her pussy. She gasped in surprise as she grabbed onto his hand, but did nothing to stop him.
"Félix! What are you-"
"I want you to know I'm not scared of something so natural. So I'm going to sit here, kiss that pretty, wet skin of yours...and finger you till you cum for me."
She felt her nails dig into his shoulders as he had her pressed up against the shower wall. Blood truckled down his palm, but she paid it no heed. Not when his fingertips were curling inside of her so nicely, damn near making her see stars.
"M-mierda Félix...You're so good to me~"
"My girlfriend deserves it. She deserves everything."
"Including you?"
"Heh. Si, including me. Now don't hold back with those nails, mami~"
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Character study/analysis Billy Hargrove-
People call Billy racist yet Dacre confirmed his comments have nothing to do with Lucas race and that's the main reason why they removed the n word from the script, because billy had no reason to say it because it wasn't racially motivated.
Also yes his behaviour towards max is shitty but you have to remember he's being abused by his dad and he's protecting max from his abuse. But we also need to think about the amount of trouble Billy probably gets in if max misbehaves or isn't home or doing as told, which is probably why he's so mean to her. I mean we saw how his dad reacted when max ran off.
Dacre also confirmed Billy loves max, main reason he doesn't want lucas and max hanging out just because he sees him bothering his sister and doesn't like it at all. Think about it, he clearly doesn't let his father touch or hurt max, he ain't letting some middle schooler. When he said the line he could genuinely mean mean people, like his father, like him, I mean the only time he had saw Lucas at this time he had upset max and was bothering her.
So um for the people hating on people for liking Billy, maybe calm down abit and do some research and like stop dismissing his abuse just because he acts like a dick. There's a reason for his behaviour.
Also all the really terrible stuff Billy actually does is when under control of the mind flayer and even then we see multiple times he doesn't want to by the fact he cry. Almost every scene when he's with max or eleven he cries.
Also I don't care what anyone says, Billy's reaction at the Byers house was justified. His step sister was in a strangers house with a bunch of boys but also a adult male (Steve's what? 18? 19?) So yeah that is weird. Especially when Billy and Steve do not get on and Billy doesn't know any of them that well. I would too get angry if this happened, especially as Steve lies about it.
Also I notice that Billy can clearly fight and clearly win. I mean we see it with Steve, who yes hasn't really won a fight at that point but minor details, I mean he sure as hell throws the kids around and the stuff he does under the mind flayers control. But he never fights his father back. Showing he's scared of his father and that could be another reason he's a dick to max, out of fear of her having to witness it or being at the end of Neil rage. He could genuinely just want to protect her but be fucking terrible at showing it. He could also be angry about the fact Susan and max don't experience Neil's anger like he does, could be angry about the fact Susan just watches it happen. I mean he's definitely angry about his mum leaving, and Susan coming in with max, taking her place. Which is understandable. He's forced to grow up, he's forced to look after max, which he tells his father. He's watching her and she does things which he gets the blame for, which of course he'd be angry at her about.
Billy's 17 when he joins the show, a teenager, he has teenage emotions. Of course he'll be angry and angst filled. He has to look after his younger sister, cancel dates and social gatherings to go find her, basically live his life around her misbehaving and he gets punished for it, not her. People seem to forget this.
Spoilers for the new season up ahead-
And well he's dead now which you know, still praying for that to change on the 1st but knowing me, it won't.
I forgot totally about Mrs wheeler! Everyone blames Billy for that. She's a 40 something old women. He's 17. If it was a girl and a man you wouldn't be blaming the girl. Billy clearly has some form of daddy and mummy issues. He seeks female, especially older female validations and wheeler gives him that. People blaming Billy for that shit scare me. No way.
These are mostly just theories which i really like, so don't look too much into this part.
Max and Billy clearly love each other, Billy's dad truly just destroyed any chance they really had of being close, for someone who doesn't care or like Billy max is mourning him pretty hard. Especially when you think about the fact Billy's dad just up and left. I heavily believe the shirt max is wearing when she sees chrissy body is Billy's shirt. Also wonder if Billy made max those tapes or atleast the running up the hill one and that's why she's suddenly attached to her headphones and Walkman, he also might of never given it to her and when he died she found it, meaning it could just be Billy's. I mean his father clearly doesn't care so you can't convince me he sorted Billy's stuff out.
Running up that hill probably also reminds her of Billy. Which is why she's always listening to it.
She probably avoids lucas because of Billy aswell, think about it, Billy always told her to and she never did that before but does now? And the fact she willingly talks to Dustin kinda backs that for me.
Anyways that's my little analysis of Billy. I knew I was going to do this when I started watching season 2, so i made sure to pay attention to his character and the little things he does. Also rip Billy and rip Billy's car. Will be missed.
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justtluffythings · 1 year
“Charlie… Bill… What are you doing here?”
“We could ask you the same question.” Charlie didn’t wait for an invitation. He pushed past her into the room, and Bill followed quickly behind him, whispering a soft ‘sorry’ as his brother invaded her privacy.
As they both looked around the room and took in the state of it, their suspicions were confirmed. She really had been living there the whole summer. The room looked lived-in; her trunk was in the corner, but there wasn’t much left in it. Her clothes were all over the room, in folded piles on every surface. She had books, parchment and quills on the desk, as well as the table next to the bed. Athena’s cage sat on the windowsill, with the bird sleeping peacefully despite the intrusion. There were no signs of other people staying in the room, specifically not parents because it would have been a lot tidier if there were. 
Why had she been staying there alone all summer? Charlie wasn’t sure, but he was going to get to the bottom of this.
There was a heavy silence that had fallen over the trio, and Veronica held her breath as she waited for them to say something. Bill had gone over and taken a seat at the edge of the bed, while Charlie stared out the window at the exact spot he had been standing in minutes ago with his family.
The Weasleys had arrived in Diagon Alley via floo powder, and Bill had been explaining to his parents that Veronica and her parents would be arriving the muggle way through the Leaky Cauldron and that they should probably meet them there and maybe grab something to eat first. Charlie happened to glance over at the windows of the Leaky Cauldron Inn just in time to see his best friend pace a few times in front of one of the windows before moving away and into the room. It was unmistakably her; he could pick her out of a crowded room easily. What was she doing?
Once his family was comfortable in the Leaky Cauldron, Charlie excused himself and Bill, claiming they needed to go to the bathroom. Bill had no idea what his brother was up to, but didn’t say anything as he let him drag him away from their family. However, as Charlie dragged him upstairs towards the rooms of the Inn, Bill pulled them to a stop.
“What is going on, Charlie? Where are we go-”
“I saw Veronica,” Charlie interrupted quietly. “I saw her in one of the windows of the Inn when we were standing outside.”
“What? Why would she be staying at the Inn?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Come on!”
Veronica watched Charlie stare out the window in silence. All her focus was on him as she waited for him to speak; she almost forgot that Bill was even there. With Bill, she could tell that he was concerned and worried about her, but Charlie was different. There was anger radiating off him, and that scared her. She didn’t know how he was going to react.
Slowly, Charlie spun around and stared her straight in the eyes. “Veronica, I’m going to ask you this one time and one time only. If you lie to me, that’s it. Our friendship will be over, do you understand me?”
Veronica’s jaw dropped as she stared back at him in disbelief. “Charlie…” She couldn’t believe he was putting their friendship up for ransom like that.
“No, don’t ‘Charlie’ me.” Charlie crossed his arms as he glared at her. It broke her heart to see this look aimed at her; he had never looked at her that way. “You’ve been lying to me this whole summer. You’ve probably been lying to me since I met you. Relationsh– Friendships are built on trust, and how am I ever supposed to trust you again after this? So I’m giving you this one chance to come clean and be honest with me. If you’re able to do that, we can go back to the way things were. If not, then I can’t be friends with someone I can’t trust.”
The tension in the room could be cut with a butter knife. Bill thought he should probably give them their privacy as this conversation seemed very personal, but he couldn’t will himself to leave. He wanted to know the truth too. Besides, Veronica was like a sister to him, and he couldn’t believe she had been lying this whole time. He wanted to know why. Not to mention he should probably be there in case a fight broke out between the two. He didn’t think they would ever hit each other, but better safe than sorry.
Suddenly, Veronica turned and made her way over to the room door. Charlie’s head dropped and his heart sank as realization dawned on him; she would rather lose him as a friend than trust him with the truth. She wasn’t even going to try… she was walking away from him.
Charlie’s head shot up as he heard the door close softly. What he saw surprised him. Veronica had shut the door, which he hadn’t even noticed was open, and she was leaning her back against it with her eyes closed. Charlie couldn’t imagine what could have her so stressed, but he knew he needed to find out. He was considering pulling her into a hug to ease her stress when she took a deep breath and began to explain.
“You’re right… I have been lying since the minute we met.”
Charlie's eyes widened; that was an odd way to start her confession.
“My parents… they hate me.” Veronica sneered bitterly at her own words. She had never actually said those words out loud before. She always knew it was true, but somehow saying it out loud made it real. “They got pregnant when they were way too young, and they had no desire to be parents. They wanted so badly to get rid of me, but they didn’t want the negative stigma of getting an abortion. So they tried every at-home method they could think of, but nothing worked. They were stuck with me. But that didn’t mean that they were going to treat me well.” Veronica could feel the tears streaming out of her closed eyes, but Charlie was quick to react, reaching her in an instant and wiping them away. Opening her eyes and looking at him, they smiled at each other sadly. Charlie held her hand as she continued. “They spent most of my life ignoring me, starving me. If it weren’t for my grandparents, I probably wouldn’t be alive today. When they died, things got worse. My dad started…” Veronica leaned her head against Charlie’s shoulder as she took a breath to steady her crying. Leaning back against the door, she continued. “He started hitting me.”
Charlie gasped as his eyes widened. How could anyone do that to her, let alone her own father, who is supposed to love and protect her? Charlie was furious. He wanted to kill him. But when he looked at Veronica and saw how much she was hurting, his anger faded and was replaced with concern. He quickly pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. Veronica had never felt so safe.
Veronica felt another pair of arms wrapping around her and remembered that Bill had been in the room with them. He had been so quiet, and all her focus had been on Charlie. But she was glad he was there. She knew she could only go through this story once.
“He’d hit me when he was upset, when he was bored, when he had nothing better to do. It didn’t really matter. And my mum would just watch, laughing.” Veronica shook her head, trying to rid her mind of the memories that gave her nightmares and often kept her up at night. “Then one day, a strange man that they’ve never met comes to the door and tells them about a school they’ve never heard of in a country they’ve never been to. He tells them that I’ll be gone 10 months out of the year, fed, taught, housed, and transported all for free, and they’ve agreed before he can even finish asking for their consent.” Veronica glanced at Charlie, seeing him shake his head. She thought he looked mad earlier, but the look on his face now could kill. “They had no idea who this man was. I’m lucky it was just Dumbledore, but it could have been anyone… with much worse intentions. When I found out I was a witch, it was probably the happiest day of my life because I knew I would be getting away from them. At first I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to afford any of my school stuff, knowing full well my parents would not pay for any of it. But then Dumbledore told me my grandparents left me everything when they died, and I was relieved. Dumbledore also gave me the option of either telling my parents I’m a witch or not. And I chose not to tell them. They would have made my life even more miserable, and they might not have let me go to Hogwarts. They didn’t know my grandparents were witches and wizards, and they didn’t know about Hogwarts, so I decided to keep it that way. Anyway, then I met you guys on the train and knew I would be okay.” Veronica squeezed Charlie’s waist, and when he pulled out of the hug to look at her, she knew she had been right. “But then Christmas time came around… and I knew I wanted to stay at Hogwarts, but I didn’t know what to tell you. So-”
Bill smirked as he came around to stand beside his brother. Charlie’s eyes widened as he grinned. “Dumbledore never actually needed your help with anything, did he?”
“Nope.” Veronica’s eyes scrunched together as she chuckled. Charlie thought she looked beautiful with the light from the window shining on her face, and he loved to make her laugh. “I asked him to give me an excuse to stay, and that’s what he came up with. And that’s why I couldn’t tell you what it was! There wasn’t anything to tell!” Veronica had a stitch in her side from how hard she was laughing. Charlie shook his head as he smiled at her. “I had hoped that I could stay at Hogwarts again over the summer, but Dumbledore kept telling me it wasn’t allowed.” Veronica’s eyes rolled involuntarily as she remembered the million and one times she had asked him to make an exception. “But he knew how badly I didn’t want to go back home, so he arranged for me to stay here.”
“But that’s what I don’t understand Veronica! Why are you staying here when you know full well my parents would love to have you at our house? We could have spent Christmas and the whole summer together. Why would you choose to stay here instead?”
“Charlie, please don’t take it personally. It had nothing to do with either of you.”
“Then what was it?”
“Your parents already have seven children of their own!”
“So??? What does that have to do with anything? They are more than happy to have you! The amount of times mum has asked when she’s going to meet you and if you’ll be coming over to stay for a while has become unbearable. She already loves you and hasn’t even met you yet. And dad has loved you since he first met you. You’re the first person that has answered all his muggle questions happily and with so much enthusiasm. And the kids are going to adore you. Percy is going to love your brainy side, Fred and George are going to love your trouble-making side, Ginny is going to love having another girl in the house, and Ron is going to love the attention we all know you’ll give him. And you already know Bill and I can tolerate you.” Charlie grinned as Veronica rolled her eyes at the last part of his speech.
“You always know how to ruin a good moment, don’t you?”
“I’m serious though. It’ll be great for everyone having you around.”
“But they don’t need another mouth to feed or another person to look after! And I know for a fact your parents won’t let me give them any money in exchange.”
“Veronica!” Bill interjected for the first time since he showed up with Charlie at her door. “You are part of our family. What don’t you get about that? You’re not an additional mouth to feed or person to look after, you’re another member of our family. And we take care of our own. We don’t need anything in exchange for taking you in. You’re one of us; all you’re missing is the red hair!”
Veronica could hardly see through the tears in her eyes. She had never felt so loved and wanted in her life. She knew she had found her true family. The brothers pulled her into a hug and held her close until she calmed down.
“Thank you. I love you guys.”
“We love you too.”
“By the way, everyone in Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron thinks I’m an orphan, so…”
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Need, run, and spring for those oc asks for Fate and Calamity?
danger: what’s one thing that makes your OC angry? what’s their temper like? how do they respond to people who make them mad?
It’s pretty hard to make Fate angry, she’s more likely to break into tears than get angry. Though if she were to get angry, you’d need to hurt or kill someone close to her. Then she’d try to throw hands with you. She will be completely in tears but she will fight you.
Calamity is much more easier to get angry, he’s got a bit of a temper. Though he’s pretty good at controlling his anger if he’s just annoyed. I mean, Fate’s his little sister and she can be annoying as hell. How he reacts depends on how angry he is. If you’re just annoying and aggravating him he’ll just give you a glare and maybe a cold shoulder depending on who you are. If you insult him he’s not afraid to retort and insult back. If you are actively physically fighting / attacking him, he won’t hold himself back either. To get him at his angriest you need to hurt someone close to him, because then he’ll hunt you down and make sure you suffer.
need: has your OC ever experienced desperation? how has it affected them? what do they do when something they need is out of their reach?
Hehehhe this is perfect cuz I’ve been thinking about WHY Variya would chose Fate and this question fits into it.
Basically, Variya wasn’t actually expecting Alain to refuse her offer and basically she went “well fuck”. So basically she quickly managed to find Fate who had just got caught up in a dangerous magic spike which essentially was going to send her to a different dimension. Transfer across dimension is very dangerous, especially when unprepared and suddenly. It leads to a lot of side effects, worse of all being total erasure of your body, which is death but worse as you are still actively conscious even after. It’s basically a sentence forever to stay in nothing and being unable to do anything, a fate worse than death. Fate was in danger of this happening to her but Variya managed to stop it for a moment and gave her an offer. Become the Interceptor and she’ll save Fate. Not wanting to fucking die Fate quickly accepted the offer.
Unfortunately Fate forgot this whole deal thing upon waking up in Alain’s body. Amnesia is pretty much a side effect that’ll always happen, though memories usually come back and Fate regains these memories during her whole Nightmare Realm. But needless to say she freaked the hell out. I mean, waking up somewhere you don’t know, in a body that’s not your own and also there’s some weird girl staring at you. Yeah, Fate didn’t react well at all. It got worse especially when Crescent asked if she was alright, using her name. Fate ended up screaming at and pushing Crescent away. Fate ended up crying for a good couple of hours until Nancy found her. But yeah, that’s probably the most desperate Fate ever got, little did she know what the fuck she was in for.
Calamity definitely went into desperation after Fate went missing. He was very vocal and active in her missing person case and in discovering what happened to her. And when it’s ruled she most likely got sent to another dimension in a unstable magic spike well his solution was to break the fucking law and travel to the dimension she was in. If that doesn’t show desperation idk what will.
spring: what does your OC miss most? will they ever be reunited? how would they feel about that?
Both miss each other the most and want to reunite with eachother. Luckily they will, unfortunately for them I will NOT make it happy!
Fate had pretty much given up on ever seeing Calamity again sometime soon after the events of Valor Mountain. She didn’t think she ever see him again. Calamity can pull some things that surprise her however and tbh with all she’s gone through she shouldn’t even be surprised anymore.
Don’t worry they’ll get a actual cute reunion moment with lots of hugs and tears because they deserve it with all the things I put them through.
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kybabi · 3 years
Can I request an hc where crush! s/o overhears them saying they don’t like her just to get people to stop asking and she believes it? Your writing is so cool! Thanks 😌❤️
their crush hearing them talk about them behind their back
w/ suna, aran, and atsumu!!
(a/n: whew that title’s weird anyways
thank you for requesting babe :)) i really like this prompt hehe
uh also i accidentally made this one super super long so i apologize !! the endings are also not super fluffy or anything since i didn’t wanna make them any longer :(
for this one only atsumu’s is in the timeskip! everyone else’s scenarios are set before !!)
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you and suna had been good friends since your first year
while you were always attracted to him somehow, you also cherished the friendship you had
even so, sometimes you wished for more
you loved to invite him over to study on your bed, snacking on chips and sharing answers
and you loved coming to his games and supporting them
while he wasn’t the best at showing it, you knew that deep down he held that same appreciation for you
you exhale, finishing the last sentence of your essay, and look outside. it’s alarmingly dark, and you’re surprised that so much time has passed. you check your phone and sigh.
it’s too late to take the train home alone, and you don’t want to walk by yourself either. it’s also raining, and you completely forgot to pack an umbrella before school.
you realize the team should be getting out soon. maybe suna can walk home with you?
you pull your hood over your head and rush out of the library, searching for a dry place to walk under, and head toward the gym.
while you don’t want to face it, your heart is beating wildly in your chest, and you’re giddy with excitement. being alone with rintarou has always made you felt this way, and you smile softly to yourself.
when you approach the club room, you’re about to knock on the door, until you hear a voice.
it’s rin, you think.
your heart picks up it’s pace again.
“will you all just lay off about y/n?”
“hey, if you have feelings for them, you don’t have to be insecure or anything,” a voice teases, and you lean in closer.
“atsumu, don’t be stupid. why would i ever go for someone like them?”
your heart stops.
“well, you’re awfully close to them for someone who—”
“look, the only reason i keep them around is because i need answers for the homework. and no, i’m not insecure, you’re just stupid.”
a bitter mixture of hurt and anger bubbles up in your chest, and tears are stinging at your eyes from his betrayal.
you want to leave, but your feet are stuck to the ground. you want to scream, but you can’t utter a word. and you want to run away and never look back at his stupid face ever again.
you can hear footsteps approaching, but it’s too late to react, and the door is opening.
rintarou stands in the doorway, fingers wrapped around his umbrella, and prepares to go out.
but his eyes lock on yours, widening at the hurt written all over your face, and he drops the umbrella. it makes a loud thunk on the floor, and his heart drops into his stomach.
“i guess i should’ve known, huh?” you laugh, the sound broken and watery. “i should’ve realized it sooner.”
panic starts to suffocate him, and he finds it hard to speak. “wait, that’s not—”
“not what? the truth?” you ask, angry.
suna opens his mouth to speak before closing it, and you scoff.
“i thought maybe you...” you trail off, defeated. “never mind. it doesn’t matter anyway. i’m sorry for wasting your time,” you say quietly, turning on your heel and leaving.
it’s only a minute after you’ve left that he realizes what he’s done, and that the entire team is staring at him.
“uh. suna—”
“have to go,” he mutters, grabbing his umbrella and running after you.
the rain is cold and your vision is blurry, but you try your best to find your way home in the dark. you hear frantic footsteps behind you and pick up your pace.
“wait! please!” rintarou calls behind you, and you wipe at your cheeks, continuing your path down the sidewalk.
“please,” he begs, stopping in his tracks. you’ve never heard him sound like this, and you freeze, turning around slowly.
“why? what could you possibly have to say to—”
“i like you. a lot. probably too much,” he blurts awkwardly, shifting between his feet and rubbing at the back of his neck.
you’re sure your heart has completely stopped beating.
“what?” you whisper, barely audible, and he steps up to you.
“i didn’t mean it. what i said, back in the club room. i just, uh,” he mutters nervously, “i didn’t know how you felt and i didn’t want them to know.”
“but,” you mumble. “you’re telling the truth now?”
he nods. “promise.”
your cheeks feel hot despite the cold, and you move a little closer to him.
“i like you too.”
“yeah?” he whispers, and you nod.
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when you first met aran, you were instantly drawn to him
he was one of the kindest people you’d met at inarizaki and the two of you became friends quickly
he loved to sit with you at lunch and just talk with you about anything
he was your best friend, and while you felt an attraction to him that was more than that, you didn’t think he felt the same
even so, it was lovely having him around, and you cherished his friendship more than anything
once class is over, you sigh, resting your forehead on your desk, and take a few breaths.
today has been exhausting, and you’re glad school is finally done for the day. you hear footsteps leading up to your desk and look up, brightening upon seeing aran grinning down at you.
“tough day?” he teases, and you shrug.
“‘s alright. practice today?” you ask, putting your books back into your bag, and he nods.
“yep. i’ll text you after?” he says, and you smile gently at him before waving him off.
once you’ve got your bag slung over your shoulder, you notice that aran’s water bottle is still sitting on his desk.
“aran, wait!” you yell after him, but he’s gone. so you shrug and pick it up yourself, deciding to drop it off at the club room.
you assume the boys are already in there. you can hear kita and aran talking about something, and you stand just outside the open door, snooping even when you know you shouldn’t be.
“i just want to make sure you aren’t getting distracted.”
“yeah! i think aran has a little crush,” another voice jumps in, and you pause. crush?
“if this is about y/n, i don’t wanna hear it,” aran says, and hope starts brimming in your chest at the mention of your name.
“why are you getting so defensive? are they distracting you?”
“will you all just shut up? they don’t mean anything to me. you’re crazy if you think i’m letting some random person affect my playing skills.”
stunned, you stand in the doorway, staring at the team. you’re not even sure when you made it there, but now everyone is looking at you, and it’s hard to breathe.
you were never sure what you were to him. but you never thought it’d be nothing.
aran is the last to realize that you’re there. he follows the other members’ gazes to see you standing alone in the doorway, frozen. his heart completely stops at seeing you.
“i’m sorry for intruding. i, uh,” you search for words, but you’re coming up blank. “i think you left this in the classroom. i’ll just leave it here,” you whisper, trying not to embarrass yourself by getting emotional in front of the whole team, and leave the bottle on the floor. you leave quickly, ducking your face and dashing away before anyone can say anything.
he starts to panic, looking to the rest of the team for assistance, but they all just send him weird looks, and he sighs in frustration.
“warm up without me!” he calls, running out of the room in hopes of finding you.
what he’d said earlier couldn’t be further from the truth. he’s always felt different about you, but never attempted to convey those feelings to you out of fear of rejection. he supposes none of it matters now, however, because in the end he just hurt you.
“y/n, wait!” he yells after you, frantic, and you freeze.
he finally catches up to you, grabbing your wrist and sighing. but when you turn around and he sees the hurt he caused, guilt washes over him like a wave.
“i don’t understand. why would you lead me on like that?” you whisper shakily, gaze averted. his heart breaks at seeing you so hurt, and he wishes he could take back everything he said. “i didn’t even do anything wrong.”
“look, i didn’t mean anything i said back there, okay? i just said that to get them off my back, that’s all,” he tries to reassure you, but you scoff.
“you know, i don’t get you. behind my back, you treat me like shit. what do you want from me?” you demand, and he scrubs a hand over his face in frustration.
“i really didn’t want to do this right now,” he mutters, and you stare at him, confused.
“do what?! all you’re doing is just confusing me, and i don’t think—”
“i really, really like you, okay?”
you stop in your tracks. that was not at all what you were expecting him to say. you can feel your skin getting hot at his admission, and you stand there awkwardly.
“you,” you murmur quietly. “you like... me..?”
he swallows nervously. “y-yeah.”
“but all those things you said...”
“i know. i’m sorry. i just got defensive and said some things about you that i didn’t mean,” he explains, padding over closer to you.
you can sense that same sincerity that’s always been there in his eyes, and while you’re not completely sure if he’s telling the truth, something in you wants to believe him, so you relax.
“i thought i was the only one,” you exhale, relieved, and he looks at you hesitantly.
he’s inches away from your face now, and you look up at him.
“thank god,” he whispers before leaning down to kiss you.
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you’d actually met atsumu through his brother as osamu had hired you to work at his restaurant awhile back
he was much louder than osamu and quite obnoxious, but he was also kind and funny and sweet, and somewhere along the way you fell for him
the two of you would spend days out on the town and sometimes you’d bring him food from the shop, the two of you eating comfortably at his place
he quickly became your best friend, and you fell in love
atsumu waves at you from below, and you grin, silently mouthing a proud of you and waving back. he throws up a peace sign and you sigh.
gathering your things, you stand up and step down the stairs of the bleachers, hoping to catch the team. you pass osamu on the way out, who nods at you in greeting.
today, you’ve prepared a couple light snacks and a small bento for atsumu. the two of you have had this ‘thing’ for a long time, bringing him food after a game. he’s usually pretty tired and hungry, and working at a restaurant comes in handy.
you see the team having a discussion about the game as per usual, so you wait patiently until atsumu is free to talk to you.
they exit the building and walk out around the corner, and you’re about to follow them when you hear something a little off. you backtrack, dashing behind the wall where they’re talking, and stand there silently.
“who were you waving to earlier? is it... a lover?” a voice says, whom you assume is hinata’s, and your breath hitches.
“i’ve never seen you so distracted before,” sakusa notes, voice muffled, and someone snorts.
“it was just y/n, calm down,” atsumu mumbles, and hinata laughs.
“so i was right! why won’t you just admit you have feelings for them?” he teases, and you can hear a faint smack.
“i think it’s a touchy subject! little tsumu is embarrassed,” someone else joins in, and you shift nervously.
“you know what?” he starts, and your heart beats rapidly in your chest. “i have nothing to be embarrassed about.”
hope starts to rise in your chest, giddiness making your pulse race.
“why would i have feelings for someone like y/n? they’re annoying and i can’t get rid of them,” he laughs, and your heart stops completely. “i guess they’re not that bad, though. the food y/n makes is pretty good,” he says, and your heart breaks into two.
you feel empty and used, but most of all you just feel stupid. he was right. why would he ever have feelings for someone like you?
but you’re more upset that he never even cared about your friendship in the first place. he lied to you and strung you along, and now you’re lost.
so you turn on your heel and walk away, bento clutched in your hand, and don’t look back. but you hear excited footsteps approaching you, and something in your stomach stirs bitterly.
“y/n! where have you been?” atsumu asks eagerly, and you don’t turn around. “i’ve been looking all over for you. i didn’t get a chance to see you, and—” he explains, but pauses when you turn around. you can see the exact moment that his expression drops, and you wipe at your cheeks angrily.
“y/n? what’s wrong?” he asks softly, and you want to curse him for making you feel this way, but instead you just laugh dryly.
“i heard what you told the team about me. about how you felt,” you mutter, and watch panic replace the sympathy on his face.
“t-that wasn’t—” he tries to explain, sputtering.
“look, i don’t really care if you hate me. i just thought you’d have the guts to say it to my face,” you spit, shoving the bento into his chest and leaving.
he wants to chase after you, but he knows you’ll just resent him more for it. his eyes sting as they watch you leave, and atsumu’s never felt so helpless in his life.
the bell jingles and you look up, ready to greet whoever has entered the shop. your mood instantly falls at seeing atsumu in front of you.
“y/n,” he says nervously, and you look down. “do you think we could talk?”
you look down at the desk below you, picking up a pen and twirling it.
“i’m working right now,” you answer coldly, and he swallows.
“i talked to samu about it,” he explains, and you look up at him hesitantly. “just— please?”
you look around. the restaurant’s not too busy, and you’ve got a little time on your hands. you sigh, irritated.
“you’ve got three minutes,” you mumble, leading him into the back room, and he follows you, relieved.
“what do you want?”
he sighs. “i’m sorry. for everything. i didn’t mean anything i said that day.”
“why did you say it then?” you ask, incredulous.
“i don’t know, okay? i kind of just blurted it out and i just get really nervous when people bring you up ‘cause i think i’m in love with you and, well... yeah,” he rambles awkwardly. “sorry. it all kind of just came out,” he murmurs, cursing himself for his clumsiness.
you stare at him, holding your breath. “do you really feel that way?”
he nods, and you sigh.
“you— you really hurt my feelings, you know?”
“i know,” he mutters guiltily, and somehow you know he’s being truthful.
“i’m in love with you too, tsumu.”
he freezes.
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taglist! (bold = cannot be tagged)
@yukae-rin @heyatsumu @haji-kn @heartpopper @mochizv @triniteaaa @lovinnoya @kamg89 @134340-cm @sunsets02 @unabashednightmarepizza @jovialnoise @hajkyyuu @error-cant-function @sullen-angel24 @arrogantsonofabiscuit @fallingw-angel @plsimsuchasimp @cookies-for-life-08 @sciencekidkuroo @ifyouneedmee @6mattsun9 @borpcorp @tsukkisbisexual @peteunderoos @aghashiii @queerjaguar @jessie9008 @kameko-ko @um-soybean @ibareitsotheydonthaveto @paulapxr @thegreatikigai @keijisbunny @daddyjackfrost @tsukkikawa @your-morning-star @satoris-uwu-mouth @ihaveajuicebox @candyyrushh @aonenthusiast @nikiniki743 @kawaiiisis @coach-ukais-piercings @iluvyou-xoxo @kashxyou @xedspirits @rinyagi @thepurewhore @catrawithshorterhair @cyphertooru @akadrea @fictitiousrealityy @vendreta27
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Gojo Satoru
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↠ Pairing: Gojou Satoru x F!Reader
↠ Warning: bby gojo having heavy thoughts and sadness after everything. (pls hug) angst to fluff.
↠ a/n: ironically, his name is the title for this xD also thank you so much for the love from my recent works o(^▽^)o♡ have my love too!
↬ Word Count: 1.9k
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Everyone has their beginnings. While some were blessed to start out life with good fortune and the right path, there were some who struggled through their way in living. For Gojo? He didn't really care. Not when he was already being worshipped for being born in this world, not when as a child he had barely lifted a finger before his life was already planned out for him. It was as if he was simply taking the red carpet to luxury. He already has everything. Truly, he claimed, he was indeed the honored one.
He wasn't one to be wary of his own feelings. What was there to be thought about if he doesn't know what are these stuff running through his head? Not that he should give a single mind to it. 
But as he sat down at the tub of his bathroom— tweezers between his fingers, one at a time he plucks out the small shards of glass that had dug themselves onto his skin from the previous mission he was sent on solo, he started to wonder why he was staring blankly at the crimson liquid trailing down his damaged skin. Why did he felt so empty?
Maybe if Shoko were around to patch him up, he would've have had someone to pester for the day. Maybe he wouldn't have gone home to the lonesome apartment he owns, hissing at the pain from each shard taken out of his body.
That was strange. He never experienced that. Not even when he's in battle with the strongest forms of curses. No matter how many gashes of wounds he's collected, they always heal themselves quickly. It was unfamiliar that it began to frustrate him. He doesn't like it. Not one bit. It hurts. It hurts so much, yet why was there still something making his heart clench?
Loneliness. Abandonment. Broken.
Gojo was a fool for losing the only person that has come close to understanding him. If only he understood what Geto was going through; if he knew what the hell were all those troubles and emotions were maybe he would've still had his only best friend here with him. But no. It slowly came crashing down on Gojo's eyes that though he was the honored one,
He was the lost one.
A broken soul being held by strings as he was only guided to follow along the path that was planned out for him, but never what he planned for himself.
Why was he remembering all of these now? It had been years after the downfall. He should've moved on from it, be the usual cherry top, annoying idiot he was to his students and colleagues. God, he hates this. Falling, falling, falling.
Only the weak fall
Was a statement drilled into his system right from the start. The never ending worship that has earned him the title of being the "strongest" was what he kept pursuing. Believing.
Was the Gojo Satoru at his weakest point?
"Fuck." the unusually large shard of glass falls on the tiled floor, removed from the left side of his chest. Near to the scar that trails from the base of his throat and down to his navel; the reminder of why he shouldn't be left vulnerable at any cost. The hideous flaw that will forever be marked on his body, the one he desperately hides behind those prideful remarks and grinning faces. It saddens him, it hurts him, it angers him. It makes himself lose his own sanity.
The stinging started to kick in on his chest, no longer can he tell if it was from the wound or the clenching of his heart. He was strong, he was suppose and always will be strong. "Why?" the tub cracks from his grip. His free hand coming up to his eyes, eyes that people loved enough to fall in a trance— enemies crumbling and begging for mercy upon them.
Gojo felt ashamed.
Shameful. He grits his teeth hard when the small trickle of the uncharacteristic tear falls from the heavenly eye. It falls down to the porcelain surface, mixing with the trail of blood that was slowly draining down, "Why?" he finally looks down at the fatal wound, attempting to stop the bleeding with his bare hands pushing his chest. The blood smearing all over his upper body, shading the past scar that it made it look like it was there again.
Gojo speaks a little louder, sweating profusely as the dam inside him broke. Like an endless waterfall it was the tears fall. It made him sick. This was all not him. This wasn't the known shaman in the jujutsu world. This wasn't the boy raised from the family of the strongest. This wasn't the strongest.
This wasn't any of him.
"Make it stop."
Then who was he?
"Please, make it stop."
Entire body freezing. It was the first time he felt fear rushing through his veins; the fear of being seen like this. It wasn't because he didn't trust you. Good gracious, you were the last and only person Gojo ever holds onto after the years being glued together by faith and his attempts of flirting. No, he didn't want you to see this unknown person that was sitting in the bathroom of your shared apartment. Right, he forgot he was living with you.
Huh, he forgot. You were there.
There knelt down to his level, wide eyes meeting the now visible broken ones that was glossy with tears. With careful movements you raised an arm to eye level, pleading silently for permission to touch him. And for the time, Gojo was actually wary. He's faced a lot in the years spent as a sorcerer, as the strongest. Never the weakest. So when your lips curled into the same smile you'd give him during your moments of vulnerability. The cute, little curve you give when you couldn't help but just admire him or when you're about to utter out his 3 favorite words, he finds himself leaning forward to rest his cheek against the warmth of your palm. He allows the pestering tears to fall omly to be caught with your thumbs, shooing them away from his features.
"Let's get you cleaned up."
When your hand pulls away for a short moment, Gojo silently whines at the lost of contact. The tightness in his chest coming back. The feeling of abandonment crosses his head for a second before you placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, holding up the tweezers he had dropped a while ago, "I'm here now."
I'm here now
That was his line. His line for when there was someone in need of help. The line that shimmers hope on the darkest moments of anyone's life. The line of the strongest. The ones who were only truly honored of saying.
Hope. It had a different form today. One that was right in front of him, plucking out every leftover shard on his body with gentleness he never got to witness as a child. The soft cooes and from time to time kisses on his scalp made his senses more focused on there rather than the stinging sensations running through his skin. Exactly how people react when there is hope.
And where there is hope,
"I love you, Satoru."
There is love.
Warm water from the shower cap started pouring down to his tensed muscles, washing out the combined dirt and blood away from him, cleansing his own form of curses that has shaken up his being. When did you finish patching him up? And why wasn't it as painful as it was when he did it?
He watches you move the small container that reeked of the scent of his blood and that inflicted his injuries far from his sight. Immediately, Gojo felt empty once more and was about to call you when you came back holding fresh towels on your hands. "Do you want me to join you?" he couldn't say yes faster than ever, almost as if he was relieved when you offered.
When you had finally stripped yourself off of your clothes and settled in between his long legs, there was nothing but the sound of the shower on echoing in the room with the two of you just staring back to one another.
Too good to be true, you were.
Gojo wanted to speak. Wanted to tell you how thankful he is that you were here to pull him away. To save his life, but all he could do was stare back into the void that of before. He sees the way your hands map around his torso in attempt to rinse him completely. Coming in contact with the old and new scar, softly tracing them as you felt his eyes wonder to yours. There was no sign of disappointment nor a hint of harm or disgust. Only something he never understood that it made him sob unexpectedly, startling you that left you pulling him into your embrace which he latches his face onto your neck and arms surrounding your body whole.
He cries.
All the frustration of not knowing whatever was happening, the mistakes he wishes to correct and the past he hoped to save along with the title he swore to maintain. It all falls on the smaller body he treasures in his arms at this very moment. He clutches, he palms, he roams. Whatever he can do just so he can fully grasp the idea that someone was there. You were there, and he wasn't alone anymore.
"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough."
It would shock the world and break the hearts of many to hear these very words uttered from the mouth of the honored one. And Gojo wishes that everyone could hear it. That it would somehow reach the skies to wherever his best friend was too. To you, the person he loved the most. He was sorry that he wasn't the Gojo Satoru in your eyes.
"No, Toru. No." you push him back gently only to pull him in for a soft kiss, "I don't need you to always be the strongest. Let alone apologize for being vulnerable." he listens as he nuzzles against the palms meeting his face. The ones that held him together when he was falling apart.
His lips wobbled a bit when you land kisses on his scars, "These may not have been the good ones in your life, but these do not make you for who you are, Satoru." he hums in content when you rub down to his chest soothingly, the feeling that you has him yearning for more. Needing for more, "It's okay to be lost, and it's okay to be weak. But it'll never define you."
"I need you to be just you."
You pull him down, letting him cry all his heart out to your naked chest. He let's you have your way to him. The emotions, words, and treatment. All so unfamiliar. And he finds himself wanting. Needing more.
All his life he thought he had it all.
But never in his life has he lived it.
"What am I, (Y/n)?"
Cooing softly as the small of his voice. Like the child who never got to experience what love was. The child raised to already has to burden such responsibilities and stand. Gojo can feel himself breathe in relief as he whispers an "i love you" with a small kiss on your skin when you uttered out the words that has set his locked up self free. Free from the strings that's been taking over. The cage he was kept from all of his living.
The curse of his gift
And being honored of what he truly deserves.
"You're Gojo Satoru."
Just Gojo Satoru.
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Brothers React to the MC Looking at Them Lovingly
This is a personal experiment. This is the very first time I've written one of these with a goal in mind, "Make them fall in love all over again." It's a tall order. I hope I succeeded. 🙏 Special thanks to @a-chaotic-dumbass for picking the mood for this one!
We all know that look. The one where one person stares at another like they just realized they're the only thing in the universe and they're in fucking awe of it. The kind of look that tells you they're utterly enthralled by that other person and just can't get enough of their presence. That look. Yeah, the brothers just got that look out of the MC.
Let's warm some cold hearts, everybody.
Lucifer was always beautiful. Always has been, as an angel or a demon.
A morning star is one that outshines all the rest. It stands out when the other stars have dimmed, holding onto its luster in defiance of the sun. 
There couldn't be a truer title for Lucifer to have. Not the horrors of war nor the fires of Hell could tarnish his radiance in any way…
But there were moments, like right then, where the MC caught a glimpse of a different sort of Lucifer.
His brothers would often only see the uptight Lucifer, the practiced visage of perfection that he tried so hard to keep up… 
But after a long day, when he thinks he's alone, he retires to his room to listen to his music and the difference is astonishing.
There's something so entrancingly calm about him… How the light of the fireplace flickers and dances across his alabaster skin to the subtle slouch of his posture. His face no longer marred by creases of stress and frustration… 
And his expression is so pure… So tranquil and at peace… Beauty without effort. A shine that can't be ignored. A morning star, in the truest sense of the word…
It took awhile for Lucifer to see the MC leaning against his doorframe.
They were staring at him with the oddest look… Smiling like they were enraptured by something, but he didn't have a clue why. He was just sitting there…
So, naturally, he turned to suspicion.
"Am I really that amusing…?"
Frankly, he wasn’t prepared for the little laugh they let out in response.
"Mm? No, no... I'm just always so amazed by you, is all. I'll leave you to your music..."
Having thoroughly ruined the mood, the MC then turned to leave. But Lucifer was already upon them before they could step away, wrapping his arms around their waist and letting contented hum escape his chest.
"Going so soon…?"
Apparently he appreciated the compliment.
He didn't have to do it.
When Belphie bumped into one of the House's vases, shattering it against the tile, he didn’t have to take the fall for it.
It wasn’t connected to him at all. He could have stayed quiet and no one would have pointed a finger at him for once.
But he did.
When Mammon set his phone down on the table, MC knew instantly that he had lied in the chat.
He was with them the entire day, he didn't have the time to accidentally break a vase. He hadn't even gone down that hallway all day...
But he said something anyway.
And he didn't even look fazed. He didn't turn towards them seeking approval nor did he look irritated that Belphie didn't speak up. He didn't curse at himself for doing something so self-sacrificing either...
When Mammon leaned back into the cushion of his couch, the MC saw something truly remarkable on his face… A smile. A small one, sure, but relaxed… 
Assured in his own actions. Confident in his choice and accepting the consequences… undeserved, and likely thankless, they may be.
A genuine, serene smile…
Mammon wasn't sure what he expected to see when he turned to the MC. Probably confusion or disbelief that he, the Great Mammon, could be so selfless.
Definitely not the awed, lovestruck look he got...
"G-gah!" He panicked slightly and pressed himself back against the armrest of the couch in shock. "Wh-... What'cha lookin at me like that for??"
When the MC didn't answer after a few seconds and just kept staring, he honestly didn't know what to do. Were they broken or something??
"Oi, MC! I asked ya wh-Hey wait a minute!!"
He made a noise between a yelp and a shout when the MC leapt forward and latched their arms onto him. What had gotten into them??
"U-uh… MC? MC?? Damnit MC, answer me already!! Or at least stop squeezin so tight!!... MC!!!"
To anyone else, it was just Levi being Levi.
He had finished a new episode of his latest animated obsession and he had to share it with someone. Anyone would do, but the MC was always willing to lend an ear.
Something about Levi really changes when he talks about his passions… It's like he comes alive in a whole new way.
He speaks at a mile-a-minute, but that's because he's so excited the words fly from his mouth. 
Some part of him is always bouncing, be it his leg or body. Sometimes even his tail will swish and curl behind him like an ecstatic puppy. And his eyes… 
Citrine pools that glimmer and dilate from the exhilaration of it all. It's his little world and anyone can see he's thrilled to be sharing it. 
You'd never know he was shy. You'd never think he'd look down himself. You'd never guess that he hid himself away… Why would someone so full of passion and life ever want to? Some things are just too beautiful to keep hidden...
Levi had only gotten six minutes into his latest rant before he finally registered how the MC was staring at him…
This man has seen enough shoujo to know what that look means and it shut him up sooo quick. If anyone else were in the room they would have seen a beet-red Levi desperately trying to hide his face.
"M-MC…! S-top staring at me like that…!!"
"Like what~?" 
He didn't have to look at them to hear the teasing lilt in their voice.
"MC…" He peeked out from behind his fingers to see them still staring and covered himself up more vigorously. "Stoooop…!!!"
But secretly? He wished they'd never stop. His cheeks may have been red from embarrassment, but his heart was trying to hammer its way out of his chest to hug them itself. Hell, he'd have happily given it over to them if they'd asked…
Please just let those loving eyes be for him and him alone...
Soft isn't exactly a word anybody would use to describe Satan, least of all himself.
His anger was quick to spark, his strength was nothing to scoff at, and even his smiles were nothing but plastic for nearly all of his existence…
The MC learned surprisingly quick that there was one thing that could bypass all of the hidden ferocity to Satan's personality. Something that could make him melt like butter in the summer sun…
Satan had always looked a little cute when he was reading. He was easily at his most expressive when engrossed in a thrilling story or deeply intrigued by something he found between the pages of a book…
But watching Satan read about cats, as he was right then, was really something else entirely.
Maybe it was the way his emerald eyes would sparkle or the lopsided grin he just couldn't hide as he would scan the pages about the playful habits of Bengals or the relaxed nature of Ragdolls…
Maybe it was the sheer impassioned dedication he took the subject, pouring countless hours into collecting and memorizing every fact he could from their diets to coat maintenance.
Or maybe it was the sheer fact that anytime he saw a picture of kitty in-print he looked like a besotted schoolgirl drawing hearts around her crush in a teen magazine.
Really, who's to say? But to the MC, it was proof that under all that anger, there was a tender, loving center even for the smallest, softest creatures…
Satan automatically snapped his book closed when he saw MC watching him from behind a bookshelves. Caught red-handed…
He knows exactly how he looks when he's doing his research internally squealing over cat pictures so he tries to do so in private...
He was about to sputter out a defensive explanation but then he registered their face…
He'd seen that look described in stories, romance novels mostly, but he'd rarely seen it in action… and never once leveled at him with such intensity…
Not to be cliche, but frankly his heart skipped a beat.
Satan forgot about his book briefly and got up to close the distance between them, tilting their chin up to keep their eyes on him.
"Like something that you see, Kitten?"
"You could say that…"
He laughed at their attempt to play coy, but let it slide just this once… Easy to do with them looking at him so amorously.
Asmo is a very popular demon. Someone so free ought to know quite a lot of people, after all.
And, of course, he had plenty of fans. He made DevilTube videos, hosted radio shows, fashion designed, and even modeled.
So it wasn't very surprising when a young demoness stopped him while he and the MC were out shopping. It wasn’t the first time he had been asked to sign autographs, but this meeting… it was different.
It was clear to them both that this girl was shy. Though she held out the paper, her eyes stayed firmly on the ground and she stumbled on her question… She likely a fan from afar, but everything about her seemed meek… unassuming.
Most people would have just gave the autograph then went on with their day. The interaction could have taken five seconds at most… but not Asmo.
He asked her name… where she was from, how she was feeling, her favorite foods, outfits, makeup, you name it. All with investment.
It was amazing to watch the shy young woman slowly open up, getting more bright and cheerful with each passing question until it evolved into a healthy conversation.
When their little meeting finally wrapped up, he gave her back the paper (now signed) but also fished out a bottle of perfume from among the mountains of bags he was carrying. He gave it to her and wouldn't hear anything to the contrary, he could always buy another.
None of his brothers ever gave Asmo enough credit for his giving nature… even if he had his own way of going about it. Though he cared so much about image and his ability to shine, he never hesitated to make sure that the people around him shined too...
Asmo waved to the fan as she scampered away and was about to  apologize to the MC when he saw their face…
The man knows this look well. He's seen it a billion times, though it was particularly cute coming from them.
"Awww MC! Taken by my beauty are you~?"
He was about ready to kiss their cheek when they responded.
"No, not your looks, Asmo… with you."
… Oh.
It was very rare to see Asmo speechless, but for a few seconds his mind seemed to take in their words… letting them fully sink in before his heart utterly melting.
Oh MC… His sweet MC!!
Asmo ended up dropping the rest of his bags just so he could properly litter his human in nuzzles and kisses, the both of them humming and giggling in delight despite their shameless PDA.
Of course it would be his MC to see that part in himself… Who else would take the time?
Food is a precious resource to Beel. For him, it's a lifeline. A good meal could save him from the brink of starvation…
But that still doesn't make him incapable of sharing from time to time.
He and the MC were walking back to the House after getting takeout from Hell's Kitchen. Beel hadn't even waited until they left the restaurant to start eating his share, spilling the smell of fresh food into the air around them…
Things were going fine on their route back until they heard whimpering behind them…
A hellhound puppy, not quite old enough to bear its fangs, seemingly followed them as they were walking… It looked like it had been out for some time and eyed their food with hungry eyes, but weak posture. Who knows when it last had a meal?
The MC was about to tug at Beel's sleeve and say something, but their demon was ahead of them this time.
A casual observer might have gawked at the sight of Gluttony kneeling down to offer such a lowly creature a sandwich. But the MC knew better. When you spend your whole life hungry, nobody more than you understands that kind of pain in someone else. 
This reaction wasn't out of character for Beel, it was elementary.
And when the puppy finished its meal and covered Beel's cheeks with appreciative licks, he just laughed and scratched behind its ears. Amethyst eyes looking more relieved at its health than disappointed he lost some of his lunch...
Food was Beel's lifeline, but kindness is what made him who he was…
When the pup finally scampered off, Beel looked over at the MC to tell them it'd be alright and saw their face…
He wasn't really sure what they were staring at… Did he have something between his teeth again?
"MC? Are you okay...?"
They laughed at him for some reason but pulled him in for a hug so they must have meant well.
"You're so sweet, Beel…"
Beel's never one to refuse a compliment so he just hugged them back, beaming.
"Thank you, MC…"
To say that Belphegor tended to be on the melancholic side would be an understatement… It wasn’t that he was incapable of expressing joy, it was just harder for him to do than most. Not helped, of course, by his tendency to keep his true feelings vague and hard to pinpoint.
But on those rare occasions where he was overjoyed… Belphie could really be something special…
The MC and Belphie were attending one of Beel's games and it was a tight one… Both teams had spent most of it tied and Beel's team was running out of time to overtake that slim margin.
Belphie had always been a supporter of his twin's athletics, but this time it was tense even for him. He kept on the edge of his seat and didn't even nod off during the breaks like he normally would… The MC could just tell how nervous he was for Beel…
But right as the time was about to run out, Beel made a last minute score and sure, the whole field erupted, but Belphie? Belphie hollered.
The normally sleepy and mellow demon was on his feet in an instant and practically shredding his vocal chords in excitement. If his tail had been out, it would have been beating against the bleachers like a war-drum. And his expression?
Belphie's smile is said to stop hearts for a reason. When he puts his all into a grin it's almost like he ascends to Heaven once more, as pure as an angel's choir and as warm as a summer's breeze… Nothing in his eyes but pride and adoration for his beloved twin brother.
Truly, a heartwarming sight to behold…
Belphie didn't calm down until the rest of the crowd settled and was about to point out Beel's skill to the MC when he noticed their face.
… oh no… Why do they look so sappy…?
"You really love your brother, don't you?"
Belphie quickly hid his thoughts behind an irritated frown and plopped back down in his seat… but that didn't shield them from seeing his pink cheeks.
"Of course I do. What kind of question is that?"
He debated just joining Beel on the field to hide his embarrassment when he heard them snicker back.
"Yeah, you're right… Don't mind me."
Oh he minded. He minded a lot that he let his carefully veiled image slip like that. But thinking back to that smile on their face…?
Maybe being a little open wasn't so bad after all...
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books-and-catears · 3 years
I’m back to cause more chaos! :D (You did my Savage MC so well, how could I not return?)
My idea for this request shall be head cannons of the Brothers reacting to an Mc that’s just over everything. Threats from other demons (including the brothers) don’t phase her. She’ll either have a blank expression or say something like:
Demon: I could kill you right now! 👿
MC:*smiles and raises eyebrows* Then do it. Put me out of my misery right now 😃
Since MC’s died before, she’s just not concerned about her life anymore and would say concerning things like:
“How messy do you think my corpse would leave the ground if I jumped from this ledge? 🤔”
“Go ahead and kill me, you’re making things easier for both of us ☺️”
“I’m pretty sure if it wasn’t for my relation with Lilith, I would still be dead....So close *pouts* ”
When someone asks why she’s like this she just explains with a soft smile and empty eyes about the shit she went through in the Devildom and that she’ll never be the same person she was before she was forced there. “You can’t blame me for being fucked up. I’m just accepting it 😀”
(This is only if you feel comfortable doing this, I understand if you’re not since this can be touchy to other readers)
Oh my god. I was literally thinking about writing something like this three days ago but I got stupid college assignments and completely forgot. I relate to this so much I feel like you and I share a good amount of brain cells thank you so much for this ❣️❣️
Warning: Mention of death, suicidal thoughts
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Lucifer: MC, you're late again. How many times do I have to tell you to maintain curfew?
MC: I was busy helping Solomon, Lucifer so lay off me and go scare someone else.
Lucifer: You dare talk to me in that tone of voice?! Is that how you're supposed to talk to me?!
MC: Oh great Sir Lucifer, I've seen death, you see. You will have to do more than just threaten me now.
Lucifer: *shocked* MC... I wasn't....
Mammon: *seeing MC in a scuffle with a lower demon*
Mammon: MC! How many times do I have to tell ya to not pick fights with other demons!?
MC: *laughs* Why? Cause they aren't related to Lilith and so won't spare my life?
Mammon: MC...no...
MC: Honestly I'd rather be killed for being me than be kept alive in someone else's memory so go away Mammon.
Mammon: *tearing up* MC don't say that... *Holds your hand tight while taking you back home*
Levi: MC for the last time, stop killing your character within 5 minutes of playing!!
MC: Sorry I can't help it. It's not like I can die that easy in real life!
Levi: ...what?
MC: Ah man these characters are lucky! Look just one little bomb and dead! *kills character again*
Levi: *quitting the game, hanging his head low* Let's a play a different game, okay?
Asmo: MC, would you like to join me in bed tonight? ;)
MC: Sure only if you choke me.
Asmo: Ah that's kinda kinky-
MC: Choke me like Belphie did.
Asmo: *horrified* MC, honey, no!
MC: Come on! Think of it as a kink!
Asmo: *distraught* Stop it MC! We're going to cuddle and kiss and you'll stop talking about this! *drags you and cuddles you tight to himself, softly sobbing*
Beel: MC, you're standing too close to the edge there!
MC: How messy do you think my corpse will be if I drop from here, Beel?
Beel: *wide eyed* MC what-
MC: Oh my bad, can't have you watch your sister die in front of you again, can we? Ah man *pouts* why did I have to have her bloodline... You could have eaten me so long ago!
Beel: *breaking down in tears* MC no... please...MC just come back inside...*picks you and holds you tight to safety*... MC I would never eat you...
Belphie: MC what's wrong? Why won't you hug me back?
MC: *dry laugh* Sorry Belphie, it's just not the same without you berating my worth and choking me to death.
Belphie: *looks away hurt* ... I'm sorry.
MC: Maybe you can do me a favour instead of half assed apologies.
Belphie: Favour? Sure I can do that.
MC: Do us both a favour and kill me, will you? No more apologies for you, no more worthless living for me, how about that?
Belphie: *buries his head into his pillow* I'm sorry MC... I'm sorry...
Simeon: MC this is the third day you've eaten Solomon's cooking.
MC: Well it's not death, but it's close enough.
Solomon: Wait what?
Simeon: MC...
MC: *pats Luke's head* It's okay Luke, I'm safe here with you guys right?
Satan: MC I'm worried about the books you've been borrowing from the library lately.
MC: *sitting in the middle of books about lethal poisons and easy killing methods* Ah I wonder why~
Satan: Do you think I didn't notice how much you changed after your ressurection?
MC: Well good for you Sherlock. Say have you ever rage killed anyone? Cause I would love to volunteer.
Satan: MC stop. *Holds their hand* Don't be this way.
MC: *lifeless eyes and softly smiling* Try being brought to a whole new world without warning, getting ridiculed and threatened and made to feel weak by people you clearly you want to cherish, and then getting manipulated and killed by the person you only wanted to save.
Satan: *runs his fingers on your palm, listening*
MC: And then! Being brought back to life and told that you were spared for the sake of a dead stranger, who you have to replace.
Satan: *smiles sadly* Does being thrust into existence with a head full of memories and a heart of full anger and pain that isn't yours come close enough?
MC: ... Well a little. *holds his hand back*
Satan: You and I are more similar than you think. Our voices are but echoes of someone else's call. But it doesn't have to be that way always. Don't let it damage you like this.
MC: Ah well the damage is done. And I'm too tired to fix it, so I accept it instead. *dry laugh*
Satan: Well let me watch over this damaged soul then. *Brings out their favourite book* And for now let's read this instead.
MC: Can we go play with the cats later?
Satan: Of course, MC.
Hope this was okay! :') Really loved writing this thank you for the asks 😭😭😭😊😊😊😊
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proxre-l · 2 years
❝ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛᴇᴀꜱᴇ❞
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Synopsis: Hawks has been teasing you ever since you met; little does he know you think hes serious and one day he goes a step too far.
Warnings/tags: swearing, gn! reader, hawks calls reader pretty
A/n ~ I forgot I wrote this so I went ahead and edited it, it's also my first one shot so I hope u enjoy the read :D (also sry for sucky title lmao)
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You woke up this morning feeling amazing, and to match that it was a beautiful day. The way the sun had peeked through your curtains to wake you up felt heavenly, and you thought to yourself, today is going to be great. 
After getting ready for the day, you took the morning train to your agency and clocked in to begin your morning patrol. You had opted for mornings so you could get it out of the way, but it wasn't uncommon for you to be called in to help out later, which you didn't really mind. 
So far, your patrol had been great. It was peaceful, anyone you walked by gave a warm greeting. One of the local coffee shop owners even offered you a free cup of coffee, which you happily accepted. The people here knew you well, as this was the part of town you patrolled the most. It was almost 1pm (your shift started around 9am), and you felt it had been a successful morning. As you were rounding the last corner of your route, you heard a familiar flapping of wings, and a light breeze blowing from above. 
You thought maybe today was the one day you could finish a peaceful patrol without having to talk to him. 
Oh no. Please not now, you thought to yourself. 
"Weellll, would you look at who it is!" Hawks drawled out as he landed loudly.
"The iconic h/n, making their way down the street, when there's absolutely nothing in sight!" Hawks's favorite way of 'messing with you,' as he put it, was pointing out how every single time he saw you, there was no crime in sight. Of course, his teasing never implied there was no crime because of you, but simply because you never actually wanted to do anything and chose the easy routes. This angered you because he never seemed to pay attention when you did stop crime, even if a majority of the time it was when you were helping him out. 
"Why do you feel the need to bother me everyday?" You continue walking, slightly picking up the pace, and the winged hero proceeds to easily match your speed. 
"What can I say, it's too easy!" He expressed. 
You stopped suddenly to look at him. "Look," you deadpanned, "I'm almost done with my patrol, so you can save your insults for tomorrow." You spun back around and continued your fast walking, hoping he'd leave you alone. But, of course, Hawks wouldn't let you off that easily. 
"Insults? Don't act so innocent, you love to fire back at me" he smirked, suddenly flying in front of you. 
"It's too easy," you said, mocking his tone from earlier. 
"Damn, ok then... I guess someone's in a mood," Hawks mumbled, however still loud enough for you to hear. 
"I was actually in a good mood until you showed up! You always have a way of ruining my day, don't you? What did I ever do to you?" At this point, you were glaring with an intensity that managed to catch Hawks off guard. 
His look of shock disappeared quickly, replaced with a sly smirk, however this time it was far more infuriating than previous times he flashed it your way. 
"You know, I'm just teasing. How do you expect me to react to someone as pretty as you?" Hawks proudly waited for your flustered expression at his compliment, as most would react, and instead was met with your already angry expression worsening. 
"I cannot believe you," you muttered. Somehow, faster than he could react you quickly turned to finally finish your route for the day, hopefully with no more rude interruptions. 
You somehow managed to make it back to your agency without him following you, silently celebrating your escape. After you clocked out for your lunch, you headed home, a place that was guaranteed to be Hawks-free. You typically would eat at this small cafe near your agency, however due to the unfortunate circumstances, you proceeded to order it instead. Your anger let up a little once the food arrived, and slowly began to improve as you ate. You relished in the beauty of the day from within your home (before it was ruined for you), slightly dreading the moment you would have to go back to your agency. The second half of your day usually included the more boring part of being a hero; the paper work. However, since you hadn't faced any problems during patrol, it should be fairly light. 
You stood up and stretched, ready to head back, when suddenly your phone buzzed from a notification. As soon as you turned on your phone to check what it was, your anger returned. 
At the top read: Hawks, 2 messages 
You had completely forgotten the fact that Hawks had your number. Your agency was next to his, so often you were asked to assist or partner up on missions, which meant you had to be able to contact each other. Hawks made attempts to bother you through texting outside of work, but to him your dry replies over text were nothing like the real thing. When you first met, you were initially thrilled; who wouldn't be after getting the Number 2's number and the rare opportunity to work with him? Although you hadn't known much about him aside from his ranking, it was still exciting nonetheless. However, his cockiness got in the way and ultimately tainted your first impression of him. Don't be upset if you can't keep up, he had said with that notorious smile of his. Although you laughed it off, comments like that would become frequent, gradually turning the focus to you. 
You decided to turn off your phone and wait until after work to deal with him.
  • • • • • • •
Hawks stared at his phone, waiting for the little 'read' to pop up under the two messages:
Hey, can I stop by your agency?
I want to talk for a bit
At this point, 5 minutes had passed and nothing happened. To him, 5 minutes of no response meant the other person didn't want to talk. With a frown, he put his phone away, thinking about the interaction earlier. He hadn't meant to actually hurt your feelings; he was only teasing, you knew that right? After you told him off, Hawks had stood there for a good few minutes dumbfounded. He planned to follow you again to apologize, but he was called to help with some minor criminal activity in a neighboring city at that moment. 
Hawks felt his teasing was harmless, and that you knew it was to get a reaction out of you; it was almost like a little game to him. However, when he thought about it more, he realized he had been the only one playing along. At the beginning he felt the energy was light, playful. He took your insults to him as an invitation to push you a little further, not thinking about how far he was actually going. Hawks tried to ease the tension by calling you pretty, which unbeknownst to you, he honestly felt. You were very pretty. He decided he was going to go straight to your agency and apologize to your face, whether you like it or not. 
   • • • • • •
You slumped in your chair, discouraged by the pile of paperwork currently on your desk. It was now 4pm, the time you planned on leaving work, however the small fight that had occurred in the neighboring city was a case your agency had been working on the previous week. The fight was small enough that you didn't need to be called in, however your agency felt the repercussions after being involved in the first place. 
You were a little under halfway done with the pile, and you estimated you wouldn't be done until 5:30pm. At this calculation you decided to give yourself a small break to get water. As you made your way into the lounge, towards the front of the office floor, you saw none other than the Number 2 hero. He was talking with one of your coworkers, however his charm seemed to affect everyone there. You nearly overfilled your cup when he spotted you and he gave a small nod to your coworker to then start making his way towards you. Something was off, you thought, as he wore a somewhat nervous expression. You stood there, too stunned to react, as he made his way towards you. 
"I know, I'm probably the last person you want to see right now," he said, scratching his neck. You began to drink your water, so he cleared his throat and continued talking. 
"Do you think we could take this conversation to your office?" He asked, taking off his visor. You sighed and tossed your cup in the trash, and began leading him to your office. As you made your way across the room, you could feel the stares of your coworkers as the winged hero followed you. Jeez, they can't try to be at least a little subtle? you thought. He closed the door as you stood facing the window that overlooked the street. 
"Continue," you said flatly. 
"I, uh, didn't mean to come across so harshly earlier," he admitted. 
"Thanks." Hawks nearly flinched at your sour tone.
To his surprise, you kept going. "Do you even pay attention to what I do outside of reacting to your antics?" You turned around to meet his stare. There was something more genuine to his expression, although you couldn't explain it, but you didn't let that get to you just yet. 
"I thought it was a joke at first, and then you kept going. You always made comments basically about how useless I am. Do you know how that feels?" 
"Pretty awful," Hawks mumbled, looking down slightly. 
"Yeah," you scoffed, "and after always hearing those things, for you to top it off with calling me pretty? I thought at that point you were really mocking me." 
"You know," Hawks started, "I never mean those things I say to you...I don't think you're useless. Quite the opposite actually...you fight so confidently I thought you'd be able to take my teasing. I should've been more considerate. I'm sorry." 
You stared at him in shock of his apology, searching his face for any sign of falsity in his statement, but finding none. He stared back, his warm eyes showing the honesty of what he said at that moment. You looked back down at your feet; you felt so stupid for taking his jests so seriously, always insulting him back with true disgust. 
"I'm... sorry too. I didn't mean to snap, it had just been building up and...I took it out on you." You looked up to see he had stepped closer, about a foot away from you now. 
You had never gotten this close to him, and the minimal space between you two allowed you to really take in his features. It was surprising how different he appeared without his visor, and silently you wished he would take it off more often. He truly was attractive, a fact you could never deny, despite your previous distaste towards him. His kindness was something you never expected, and (as cheesy as it is) it made him all the more beautiful. 
He gave you a sympathetic smile. "You don't need to apologize. I was.... being an ass, to put it bluntly," he chuckled, and for once you chuckled back. 
"Yeah," you smiled. Hawks always thought you were beautiful, but seeing you express your happiness with him made his heart flutter at how stunning you really were. There was a bit of awkwardness to the air, but it was much more breathable than the previous tension that would always build when you were within the same vicinity as the other. 
Hawks finally broke the silence. "And for the record, I really meant what I said when I called you pretty," and with that he winked and flashed his smirk, however this time it felt like a warm embrace instead of a slap to the face. You looked at him in disbelief, and covered your face when he started chuckling at your expression. 
"How about I make it up to you by taking you to dinner? I know this place that makes incredible yakitori," he said, drawing out the last vowel to add emphasis. 
You sighed and looked away. "I can't, I have a shit ton of paperwork I need to finish. Maybe another time?"
"I'll finish it tomorrow. I was the one involved in the fight after all, I can help out. Just send the files and I'll take care of it," he offered.
"Are you sure?" You asked. "It's a lot," you warned, but he persisted.
"I'm positive," he said, still smiling. "Consider this another way of me making it up to you. That is, if you even want to go out with me," he teased.
"I do, actually," you retorted, earning a hearty laugh from the winged hero. "Thank you, Hawks." Your expression was kind, and it warmed him to the core. And with that, you gathered your things as he led you out the door, both ready for the new start between you two.
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©️ Proxre-l 2021 - do not repost, translate, or record audio
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sassyabbs · 3 years
hi bestie, feel like writing a Fred hc? maybe how he would react to his sub trying to dom him?
Smut headcanons: Fred Weasley's sub tries to dominate him.
[Notes: oh Lord, you made my imagination fly so fast that I-
Btw, stimulating lubricant is inspired by stimulating gels, try them.
So let me know if you liked and it's what you have been thinking ;) that's for you all, and also tell me if there something wrong with the grammar, English isn't my first language and if forgot some tw ]
TW: NSFW CONTENT!, dom! Fred, sub! reader dirty talk, bondage, waxplay, overstimulation, denied orgasm, cumplay, crying, use of stimulating products, mentions of the war and accidents, subs training, oral sex (female receiving) and someone grabs the other by the neck but it's not suffocation (I think that's it).
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Fred Weasley was a simple man, he knew what he liked and was attached to it. There were limits that weren't written, but that he had clear in his mind. Things that he for practicality he didn't bother to try, knowing himself as he knows himself, he knew he wouldn't like them.
As well the things that he loved were his safe place, like the joke shop he built with his brother, his mother's food and intimacy with you.
Your relationship was everything that Fred needed after the war. After the accident he had in the battle of Hogwarts when a wall almost crushed him, but luckily he only hurt his foot, he had a long time recovering. And having you by his side, following his orders as if you were the goodest girl in the world was comforting to him.
Your sex life took a deeper direction 3 months after you two became official. Everything was playful and passionate but then, one day you were telling him that you were just about to come and he demanded "Hold it up, babe, you don't have my permission" while keeping you all over the edge.
It was certainly unexpected, but you both had time to explore each other, build trust and try all the things that now were part of your daily sex life.
However switch your roles was never one of the things that you both have tried. It was always him with his hoarse voice ordering and demanding as he pleased and you following his wishes.
So it was a surprise to him when you interrupted his order to undress to tell him that this time you were the one in charge.
At first he laughed, incredulity palpable in his tone and the tautness of his shoulders.
"Good joke, puppet, do you want a kiss as a reward for thinking something so funny? Is this your way of trying to impress me?"
Of course, he started to get angry when you say that you weren´t joking.
He was the dom and you were the sub, why that would change?
He licked his lips and crossed his arms, rubbing himself a little when you didn´t stop.
"Stop this tantrum now, only brats do things like this and I have trained you well."
Part of him was wondering if you really wanted to switch roles, but you would have said your safe word if that was the case, or it had been spoken before. But it wasn't like that, so you were just being a brat, which infuriated him.
Of course, you didn´t stop provoking him.
That´s when he couldn´t control himself anymore. He walked to you, tall and intimidating thanks to his angry face, and grabed your neck to put your face in front of his.
"You want a punishiment? all right, that´s what you´re gonna get."
He led you by his grip on your neck to the bed, it didn't take much for him to bend you over the edge and give you the first slap on your butt.
"You know, you don´t expect this attitude from the pup that you´ve been taking care of all this time, but I guess I can remind you your place."
He spanked your ass some more with your clothes on, until he got tired of the fabric cushioning his hand and made it disappear with his wand.
He also took advantage of the moment and cast a spell to tie you up, so you had no escape and the hand on your neck disappeared.
"There and just like this is were you belong."
He stared at your red cheeks, his erection pulse in his pants at the sight, his anger lowering just enough for him to think what would be the next step.
The answer came from his pocket, he had designed lubricants and this one in particular was finished. He had brought it to talk about it, but now it seemed like a good time to use it wih you.
"Brats like you don´t deserve my time but I´ve got this lube that I´ve designed for you. It will make you feel warm and it will stimulate you almost to your orgasm, do you wanna use it in your punishment? Yes or no, are the only good answers."
You said yes, and with your consent he lubricated your entire area, without bothering to give you pleasure, and then put two digits in your entrance. The teasing about how wet you were beforehand was not long in coming.
Fred was starting to enjoy the punishment, now that he had calmed down, but there was one thing that he knew and it was that you were not cumming tonigh.
You ruined the scene tonight, disrespected him and continued to give him a bad attitude despite his warnings, this had to be something you regretted.
When you started to feel the stimulation from the lube, Fred laughed and spread your legs and ordered to keep them open "just as they should always be for him."
He stared at your pussy with a devil grint, knowing that it wouldn't take to much for you to start crying and moaning for his permission to cum. It would be great when he denied you.
He also decided that he could add something else to it, to make the matter more interesting. He fetched one of the red candles that you kept on the nightstand, lit it, and prepared to stain your entire back with it.
Meanwhile you were suffering the lube a little too much more than you expected. It was warm and it made you try to touch yourself to ease some of the pain. You even thought you could just come from that, but it always left you there, on the edge.
He warned you from the wax, and when you didn't say your safe word, instead you moaned loudly, he let a couple hot drops on your ass. Now you felt a little overwhelmed, but it was so good that it almost put you in sub space.
He unbuttoned his pants and released his erection, sat next to your body on the bed and jerked into a tight fist while painting your back.
When you couldn't keep you legs open from the overstimulation, he summoned two soft ropes and tied your legs to the bedposts, keeping them separate.
Now a couple of tears were gathering in your eyes and Fred held back his words of comfort, but he put down the candle and stroked your hair until the last stains of wax dried. It was a punishment, he could 't spoil you more than he already did, he couldn't stop punishing you for a few tears, damn you had not even said your word to stop, you were clearly handling it well.
"You look beautiful like this, too bad you made me so mad just to get this, puppet."
He positioned himself behind you and entered you with a long, deep thrust. He kept pushing, slowly so that you couldn't come and the excitement only accumulated in your belly.
"I took care of you so well, puppet, I tied you with precious knots, I ripped you orgasms one after the other, I devoured your little pussy everytime but you were a brat today, so this is your punishment. I decided that you can't come tonight, after what you did I want you to regret it and remember it and not try again. Now say you understand it."
After you could match the words in your mouth between moans, Fred accelerated his thrusts but he came out of you and let his climax paint on the wax of your ass before you could even think of cumming without his permission.
"Well that's a really good view isn't it?"
And it was, your skin was red from the spanks, then the wax of the same color dripped from your cheeks to the beginning of your thighs and Fred's white stripes on top of it all made a memorable image.
After that, he untied your bindings and wiped the wax off your back, but let the remnant of the lube stay inside you.
"You better not cum while you're sleeping, pup." He said before hugging you and start the aftercare.
"That was amazing babe, I'm sorry that you have to feel like that now, but is part of your punishment."
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