#andrew!peter parker x reader
forever-rogue · 1 year
So I have this idea for a peter x reader. basically reader is really quiet and shes friends with Peter. anyway, she develops feeling for him but doubts that he'll ever feel the same and tries to hide it as much as possible. eventually when Peter tells her his feelings she laughs and thinks it's a joke like "how would u like me?" and Peter slows down sadly and is like "why would u think I'm joking?" and ends with just fluffy fluffy confessions and comfort <3
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AN | Oh yes, one of my favorite tropes, aka Peter Parker confesses his love but you’re not buying it❤️
Pairing | tasm!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | Main | Peter
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You’d known Peter Parker for the latter part of twenty years. 
You’d known that you were in love with him for the last five years. You were pretty sure you’d been in love with him much longer than that, but realization hadn’t dawned on you just yet. 
The revelation had come to you out of the blue one evening when you were at home in your shared apartment, the two of you watching a movie. He didn’t even really do anything special, it just hit as you listened to him comment on random scenes throughout the movie. You were in love with him. 
But just as quickly as you had your breakthrough, you decided to push it to the side, compartmentalized to the back of your mind to decay there. You might have been helplessly in love with him, enamored and enraptured by him, but you would never tell him. 
There was absolutely no way that Peter would ever return your feelings, not even remotely. No, nope, nah. You were his best friend, and that’s all you would ever be. That was your destiny, and while you hated it, you hated the idea of a life without Peter even more. 
So, like some kind of self professed martyr, you decided to live with your secret. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Are you even paying attention?” you weren’t, not until Peter was waving his hand in front of your face, but he didn’t need to know that. You turned your attention back to him and gave him a tight lipped smile and even weaker nod. He laughed, sugar sweet and syrupy, “you’re lying!”
“Am not,” you huffed petulantly, poking around the food that was on your plate. Admittedly you’d lost your appetite and zoned out when Peter started talking about Kim from work and how she’d asked him out again. He insisted that he’d turned her down, again, but it didn’t cause that nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach to go away, “I couldn’t listen to another word out of your mouth, Parker. The sound alone could put me right to sleep.”
“Oh honey,” he took a sip of his drink, leaning back in his chair as he appraised you. You felt warm under his intent gaze, avoiding his eyes as you practically stared holes into the table, “we both know that’s not true.”
“How?” you snapped your gaze back to him, and found the most satisfied little smirk on his face.
“You wouldn’t have been friends with me for so long if you really thought that,” he leaned forward and shot you a wink, which caused you to almost melt into a puddle, “right?”
“You’re the worst,” there was nothing but an affectionate lilt in your words, “the absolute worst.”
“But you love me,” you knew it was meant as a friendly comment but you felt like your heart had just plummeted into your stomach. Did he know? He couldn’t know. 
“Whatever,” you took the cloth napkin off your lap and tossed onto the table. You were out at a nice restaurant, both of you dressed to the nines; it would have been easy to assume you were a couple on a date. The waiter had made a comment about what a lovely couple you were, “hurry up so we can get out of here and get home.”
Home. As in your singular home. That’s right; not only were you a fool, you were an absolute fool. One that lived with her best friend that she was secretly in love with. It made things…interesting. But, if anything, it was a good exercise in futility. 
“Pajamas and ice cream?” he asked, as if it was really any question. At least one night a week included a lazy night in watching movies in pajamas and lots of ice cream. You loved that you were able to enjoy such simple things, along with the finer things.
“Duh,” you teased, “now come on, before someone mistakes for a couple again.”
“Would that really be such a bad thing?” there was a look of genuine curiosity in his eyes that almost made you spill your deep, dark secret then and there. 
“Yes,” you lied, biting the inside of your cheek, “the worst!”
Peter said nothing but you could feel him watching you. You were afraid that somehow he would learn all your deepest, darkest secrets. 
You hoped he wouldn’t…you weren’t sure how you’d survive that.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you woke up the next morning, it was to something that smelled extremely delicious. You groaned as you rolled onto your back, rubbing the last of the sleep from your eyes, stomach gurgling loudly. You slipped out of bed and pulled on a discarded hoodie - it used to be Peter’s but was now yours - and socks as you padded out into the hallway. 
Noise was coming from the kitchen and your brow furrowed as you walked towards the commotion. Peter’s bedroom door was open which meant that it was definitely him that was the source of all the commotion. Odd. He was usually not an early riser. 
“Pete?” a large vase of daffodils, tulips, and daisies sat on the small kitchen table. Your favorites. The boy was in the kitchen, in a t-shirt and gray joggers (damn him), and moved around to make sure everything was ready at the same time, “what’s all this?”
“Hey babe,” the pet name flowed from his lips like it was a no brainer, like this was all so natural between the two of you. You supposed, in a way, it was, “I’m making breakfast.”
“I can see that,” you raised an eyebrow and gestured around, “what’s the occasion?”
“Nothing,” he shrugged lightly, “just wanted to do something nice for you.”
“Peter, that’s…really sweet,” yeah. You weren’t even going to attempt to deny that much, “it looks and smells delicious. And the flowers-”
“Also for you,” this time a sheepish expression crossed his features along with a pretty pink blush, “I just thought you deserved something nice.”
“Is there…it’s not my birthday,” you mused out loud, “it’s not a holiday. So…am I missing something?”
“No,” he considered you for a moment before swallowing thickly, “I just…let me do something nice without the whole interrogation thing!”
“You’re Spider-Man, you should be used to interrogations.”
“Not from you!”
“Well, consider it practice.”
“No, listen, I-” he groaned lightly, swiping a hand over his face, messing up his already roguish hair, “I-I-I-”
“You can’t get all flustered!” you teased, “can’t let the enemy know you’re weak!”
“I’m not-”
“Petey,” you laughed softly, enjoying the little back and forth banter, “I’m just teasing. No need to get so worked up. Look, I’m going to go-”
“I’m in love with you.”
“And shower before breakfast,” the two of you spoke at the same time, but you heard each other loud and clear. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, feeling the heat rise up in your cheeks, flustered and wanting to disappear, “w-why would you say that?”
“What?” he looked confused. Your heart felt like it was about to burst out of your chest, “what do you mean?”
“I was just teasing you, but you don’t have to be cruel,” you felt tears already welling up as your lip trembled with effort to keep from crying, “why would you be so mean?”
“How? I don’t…what?”
“Why would you tease me and say you loved me?” despite your best efforts the tears had welled up and rolled down your face, “I was just messing around, but that’s…hurtful.”
“Wait - what do you mean?” a look of pure panic crossed his features as he shook his head, “why would I just say that? I would never say something like that if I didn’t mean it. Honey-”
“You don’t love me,” you threw up your hands in exasperation, “not like that. You’re my best friend!”
“You’re my best friend too,” he took a step closer and you took one back, “and I do love you as you my best, but you’re so much more than that. I’m in love with you.”
“You’re lying,” you insisted, unable to wrap your head around the fact that he might be telling the truth, “why would you be in love with me? I’m just…me.”
“That’s why I’m in love with you!” he wasn’t sure what your reaction was going to be, but he wasn’t fully expecting this one, “I’ve been in love with you for years! Have you really never noticed?”
“You’re just being a good friend,” were asking him or telling him? You weren’t entirely sure, “you don’t love me! You could never love me. I’m nothing.”
“You’re everything,” but you weren’t listening to him anymore. You were shaking your head, absentmindedly brushing your tears out of your face as you stumbled towards your bedroom. 
“No, please just stop,” you insisted. You ducked into your bedroom and slammed the door shut before locking it. Realistically, if he really wanted to get in it would have been a breeze for him. 
He called your name a few more times before you heard his retreating footsteps go back to the kitchen. All you could think to do was to climb into bed and get under the covers. Dealing with anything - what he had said and what you had said - seemed like the last thing you wanted to think about.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
At some point you woke up from the stress and sadness nap you had taken and found that the sun was shining brightly into the room.  You looked at your phone with a groan when you saw that it was the middle of the afternoon.
Hesitantly you dragged yourself out of bed, again, and slinked towards the door, sticking your ear to it and listening for any signs of life, also known as Peter Benjamin Parker. This would be one of the times it would have been handy to have his enhanced senses, but even with your regular old human abilities, you were sure he wasn’t home. 
With a sigh of relief you opened the door and walked back into the crime scene; the kitchen looked exactly as it had when you’d found Peter in it earlier. He must have left to give you space after your little - okay big - freak out. He’d always been good with boundaries and giving you space when needed.
Part of you almost wished he was here. The flowers on the table were almost taunting you, and you walked over to them, gently touching over their petals. Of course he knew your favorite flowers, he got them for you…kind of a lot now that you were thinking about it. He knew you inside out, better than anyone else, and sometimes you were convinced that he knew you better than you knew yourself. 
You stepped into the kitchen and started to clean things up, putting dishes in the sink and other stuff away. The thought that Peter had touched each and everyone of these things provided a sense of relief. 
Peter often did these sorts of things. He doted on you, you would absolutely admit this, but you’d always chalked it up to his friendly nature. But then…he wasn’t like this with his other friends. He was openly affectionate, yes, but with you it was different. You thought about the fact that he never went on dates with anyone - he would always turn them down, including Kim from work. The few times you’d gone on a date he always seemed upset, even if he tried to suggest otherwise. Huh.
People often asked if the two of you were dating, but you always gave them the same answer: platonic friends with a capital P. It sucked sometimes, especially when you knew that women, and men, practically threw themselves at Peter.
You thought back on all the things he did for you, all the days, nights, and weekends you’d spent together through the years and oh. Oh. 
“Oh,” you whispered the singular word out loud to yourself, halfway through washing a plate when it hit you. 
Peter hadn’t been lying; he was telling you the truth. The truth had been so obvious and right in front of you the entire time.
You wanted to curl up and vanish. Not only had you accused him of lying and only loving you as a friend, you’d run out on him and refused to talk to him like a stubborn child. All you could do was hope that you hadn’t ruined everything. 
When you were finished cleaning up the mess from earlier, you made a mental plan. Maybe he wouldn’t believe you or forgive you, but it was worth a shot like a sort of romantic hail mary. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Peter spent the better part of the day out of the apartment, opting to go and work in his office. His mind was reeling and the only way he could think to get it to quiet down was to throw himself into his work. He hoped that by the time he got home you would be willing to talk to him, or at the very least you wouldn’t run from him. 
Needless to say, he wasn’t expecting you to be in the kitchen making dinner as you sang along to whatever record you threw on the vintage player. You’d gifted it to him a few years ago on his birthday after you’d seen him eyeing it about a hundred times. It was just one of the many ways you showed him love. He’d fallen even more in love that day. 
“Hello?” he asked timidly as he kicked off his sneakers by the door. On the table next to the flowers he’d gotten for you, was another vase, this one filled with daisies and sunflowers; his favorites…because they reminded him of you. 
At the sound of his voice you slowly turned around, bracing yourself for about a million different possibilities. 
“Hi Pete,” you held up your hands in a meek little wave, feeling your flush furiously, “listen-”
“I’m sorry,” the two of you said at the same time.
“W-wait,” a pretty pout settled on your lips. He wanted to kiss you until it went away and was replaced with a smile, “what are you sorry for?”
“For making you uncomfortable,” he shrugged nervously, “I didn’t think what I said would come across so…like it did. I thought you knew, or at least kind of knew, how I felt. I thought maybe you felt the same and it was finally time to tell you. That didn’t land well obviously.”
“Peter,” whenever you said his name like that it made him want to melt into a puddle. 
There were a million things you wanted to say, but couldn’t think of anything. Nothing seemed quite adequate or strong enough to convey the amount of love you held for the man in front of you.
You walked the few remaining steps over and stopped right in front of him, both of you staring at each other intensely. 
You reached up to touch his face, your hand resting on his cheek. You leaned up and closed the little bit of remaining distance, pressing your lips against his. It only took a moment for his brain to catch up to what was happening, and when he did, his hands settled on your waist, and pulled you ever closer into his body. 
Kissing Peter left so natural, so right, like you’d been doing it forever. There was no learning curve - the two of you already know each other so well - no awkward fumbling or misses. It just…was. 
And kissing him was addicting. Now that you knew what it was like, you never wanted to stop. You wanted him all over you, all the time, forever.
But eventually you needed a breath of air and reluctantly pulled apart. You found him watching you like you were the most wonderful thing he had ever seen (you were). 
“I’ve been in love with you for a very, very long time,” you admitted softly, causing his eyes to lit up, “I just never thought…you’ve always been my best friend and I was convinced you’d never want more. So I never said anything.”
“I’ve always wanted more - I want everything,” he took your face in his hands, cradling it delicately as he studied, “it’s always been you.”
“I thought that I was just me, and I’d never be good enough for you. And then I thought maybe you found out how I felt and you were teasing me,” it seemed really silly saying it out loud. 
“I would never do that,” you knew he wouldn’t. Your own self doubt had you convinced of all the wrong things, “I meant it all. I’ve always meant it.”
“I thought about it while you were gone,” it was a soft confession that had you giving him a shy smile, “and I realized it was always so obvious.”
“It’s been terribly obvious,” he agreed as you exchanged soft laughs.
“Terribly,” you agreed, “will you forgive me for how I acted earlier?”
“There’s nothing to forgive,” he insisted, sweet and saccharine, “can I kiss you more?”
“I would-”
Before you could finish what you were saying, you smelt something burning and turned around to find your pain on fire. You panicked while Peter fell into action, taking the pan off and setting it in the sink before getting the fire out. It was just one of the many ways in which you complimented each other perfectly. 
“Anyway, you were saying?” He had the biggest, silliest smile on his face as the kitchen filled with the smell of burnt food. You couldn’t help but break into a fit of giggles at the absurdity of it all...and then the smoke alarm went off.
“You can kiss me anytime,” you finally got to say what you had wanted to, shouting slightly over the alarm before the two of you dissolved into laughter, “I love you, Peter Parker. Really.”
“I really love you, honey bee.”
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criesinliess · 1 year
━MARCH 2023; susan's recs
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knock knock. who's there? @klineinie
a taste of normalcy @websterss
the stray from arif's @↑
everything @frogserotonin
marker mayhem @oblivious-idiot
no one else @vi-trying-to-survive
public displays @↑
the language of longing. looks and stolen glances @fleetingvow
at times like these @teaandransacking
out the window @givemea-dam-break
patch you up @↑
you left me @↑
anthony @↑
i know it hurts @warrenposts
love me, forever, always @klineinie
dancing with our hands tied @bloodcanbehot
i wish you would @↑
you talk too much @helloooofandoms
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tiktok trouble @ultralightpoe
do you want me to lie, sir? @simpforrooster
the princess and the hangman @↑
howdy, darlin'; part2 @↑
daddy would say yes @roosterforme
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six months @grimbanes
the king @magpiencrow
bejeweled @honeyfict
i want you to want me; part2 @sophierequests
the one you think about as you lie awake; part2 @↑
young royals @clairecrive
stars in the night @↑
currents @lantsovsupremacist
august @↑
sick & stubborn @fleurspun
healer’s duties @↑
the art of pretension @↑
speak up @prince-septimus
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you're not peter parker; part2 @curseofaphrodite
coffee run @↑
caviar and cigarettes @↑
unrequired; part2 @givemea-dam-break
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getaway car @curseofaphrodite
mortal enemies @↑
collide @curseofaphrodite
drunk nights; part2 @curseofaphrodite
the door @↑
words unsaid @↑
the break-in; part2 @↑
wishes and a gift @↑
of monsters and men @↑
the best man @↑
tricks and charms @↑
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my prince @heliads
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assigned seat @quin-ns
fiending for something, might just be a meaning @idcntlikedarkness
a visceral feeling, that i can never leave behind @↑
throw another stone at a glass house @↑
went out searching for an angel, then you came to me my darling @↑
whipped @mrsstarkey1
said you’re smoking less, and then you ashed it on your chest @idcntlikedarkness
this too shall pass @probably-writing-x
another? @↑
country club @a-aexotic
rafe defending pogue!reader @↑
no for one night stand @↑
i'd choose you over anyone @↑
cuddle buddies; part2 @fantasylandloser
tear-stained cheeks @sunraies
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safe house @quin-ns-moved
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out of love; part2; part3; part4 @probably-writing-x
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the way to his heart; part2 @adore-laur
little by little @↑
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urrockstar-xe · 3 months
forgotten valentines - p.parker x gn!reader
posted feb 1st, 2024 8:14 am.
heres the first day of my countdown to valentines day! whether ur single or just love these silly characters, i hope u enjoy :)
summary: upon the couple stumbling home from working late, reader and peter both realize they've forgotten all about the heart shaped holiday. Not proofread, may have use of Y/n.
wordcount: 1.5k
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It was nearing 10 pm when you finally made it home, wanting nothing more than to sit down and use your boyfriend as a human-weighted blanket, but just as you opened the front door you heard shuffling down the hall of your apartment complex, turning to look who was coming and seeing the boyfriend in question, Peter sighed heavily once you both made eye contact, earning a chuckle from you as you entered your apartment, Peter following not too far behind. 
“That wasn’t planned?” you joked quietly, turning on a few lights so it didn’t feel so late that you’d have to whisper. Peter’s quiet laugh filled your ears as he headed for the fridge, opening it up with a sluggish movement. “No, fate just keeps on tugging us towards each other” He teased back, pulling out two sodas before shutting the door with his elbow. 
You pulled off your coat, abandoning it by the door and making yourself comfortable on the couch. Peter soon joined you after taking off his own coat and shoes, he handed you one of the cans, already opened. You leaned into Peter’s side, causing him to throw his arm around your shoulders happily. The clock read 10:12 PM as you flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch. 
“There is a lot of 50 Shades of Grey going on,” Peter said upon realizing how many channels had the 50 Shades movies playing along with every other channel playing romcoms and old romantic dramas. “Yeah, what’s this all about?” you wondered out loud, then the realization hit.
“Oh my god, Peter it’s Valentine's Day!” You sat up, looking at Peter with wide eyes as he checked his phone and his jaw fell, matching your expression now as the date confirmed it. 
“I didn’t even realize it was February” Peter whispered, thinking out loud as you stood up, his eyes following your movements. “Okay, well, we’ve got 2 hours left,” You said, watching him nod in response. 
“It’s too late to grab flowers and chocolate” Peter’s voice was laced with a guilty tone as he spoke, remorse-filled puppy eyes staring up at you. You smiled down at him, hands coming to rest on either side of his face, “That’s okay, it’ll all be on sale by tomorrow morning” Your reassurance and soft touch brought a smile to Peter’s face, “besides, you’re here and not out there” you motioned towards the window, exposing the city of queens who didn’t get the privilege of Spider-man tonight. 
Because you did.
“Will you be my valentine?” Peter asked with a goofy grin on his face, that only grew when you laughed, giving him the exact reaction he had wanted. You nodded, “I’d be happy to be your Valentine, Peter” He smiled at you in return, standing up and causing you both to be nearly chest to chest with the action. 
“C’mon, then, we’ve got a date to prepare for” Peter whispered, planting a kiss on your forehead before leaving the soft moment, walking back to the kitchen. You smiled, abandoning the two barely touched soda cans as you switched off the TV and went to look for a Vinyl to play on your old record player. 
Neither of you had the sharpest memory but that never stopped you from being a damn good team, and times like these always did so well at reminding you both of this sweet fact.
The soft and not-too-loud music filled your small apartment once you finally made your decision. You made your way into the small kitchen as Peter rustled around the pantry looking for something to cook, “we could do pasta!” he exclaimed, too excited about finding something to make, before closing the pantry door and setting the bowtie noodles on the counter, turning to look for ingredients for the sauce. “What kind are we making?” you asked with an amused look on your face, hopping up onto the counter as you watched Peter move around the room. 
“Whichever kind we have the ingredients for,” Peter said, laughing with you as you slid off the counter despite having just barely sat down. “I’ll boil the noodles” Peter hummed in acknowledgment of your announcement, the sound of him clumsily moving behind you filled your ears and blended perfectly with the music, this was perfect. 
“Spaghetti it is!” Peter mumbled to himself before turning around, standing directly behind you as he went to turn on the burner beside the one you were using to boil water. You couldn’t have missed his hand resting on your side if you tried, even if he didn’t squeeze lightly every few seconds. Peter stood there longer than he needed, watching the flame on the left burner while you poured noodles into the pot on the right burner. 
“Just makin’ sure you’re doin’ it right, doll,” Peter explained with a small smirk on his face as if he was reading your thoughts. You scoffed, smiling, “Why don’t you start the sauce so we can have dinner before midnight, yeah?” You asked in a similar teasing tone, not even attempting to hide your heart eyes as you glanced at him. Peter laughed in response, nodding and turning to continue his job for dinner, leaving the spot where his hand sat on your side feeling cold and empty despite your hoodie covering it. 
You both stood wordlessly as you worked, eventually stopping the right burner and allowing Peter to help you drain the water with a strainer before mixing the noodles in with the sauce, “10:57, I think we’re doin’ pretty good on time, what do you think?” Peter smiled at you as you pulled out two bowls, “I think you’re gonna burn our only food option if you don’t turn off the stove” you teased, before smiling back. “We just make a good team” Your second response was more genuine, earning a nod as Peter looked away to turn off the left burner, his smile softening. “Yeah, a great team.”
Together you both set up the table, giggling when Peter ran off to get the candle before setting it down in the middle. “There’s just something missing,” Peter mumbled, watching you sit down at the small table just enough for two people, which is all you needed. 
“I’ll be right back” Before you could argue Peter had run off again, this time to your shared bedroom before stumbling out a few moments later tugging on his suit. “Peter, what are you-” “Don’t start eating yet!” he pointed at you, pulling on his mask with one hand, ignoring the sound of your laughter as he struggled. You watched with an amused expression as he left out the window, the clock now reading 11:09, it’s still early enough to wait so you took it upon yourself to get up and light the candle, along with getting out anything you had to make the rocky road ice cream in the freezer more fun and setting it on the counter.
The sound of the window closing caught your attention, “Look! Ice cream bar!” You said, smiling proudly at your presentation before turning back to your boyfriend just as he pulled off the mask, out of breath and a proud smile settled on his lips too. 
“Look!” he imitated your tone, pulling flowers from behind his back, a little droopy and absolutely taken from your upstairs neighbor, Mrs. Baker’s windowsill, but still perfect. “Flowers!” he finished, both of you laughing before you pulled out a mason jar, filling it with water, and setting it beside the candle. Peter put the 4 dainty white daisies in, smiling at you as he pulled your chair out for you. 
“I love the ice cream bar,” He praised your work, sitting across from you while immediately reaching for your hand, and you happily gave it to him. “I love the flowers,” You responded, honey dripping off the words with how sweet you spoke, blissfully happy in this moment.
“This is perfect! Who needs plans for Valentine’s Day when we’re as great as we are!” Peter said, almost moaning as he finally took a bite of his food. You laughed at his reaction before trying your own. “Last minute dates are our thing, so.” You teased, earning an unserious glare from your guilty boyfriend. 
“I love them though” You reassured, squeezing his hand. 
Peter squeezed back and leaned forward as if to tell you a secret as he softly spoke, “I love you” His gaze was as loving as ever and it was all yours, it was as if he was telling you with his eyes that it always would be. 
“I love you more”
His immediate response was too cute to argue no matter how badly you wanted to, but instead, you leaned forward just enough to plant a soft kiss on his lips. Peter sighed at the sweetness of it all, closing his eyes and shaking his head as you sat back down. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart”
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yall i haven’t been on tumblr in like 20 days BITCH IM READY TO READ SOME SMUTTTTTTT
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foreverrogers · 2 years
Okay because I'm feeling quite angsty, can you please write one for Peter accidentally triggering reader's anxiety/panic attack after he raises his voice in an argument or something? Like he doesn't know she grew up in an environment where screaming matches were a common occurrence in her household, so she gets triggered and he tries to maybe comfort her (getting her meds, helping her breathe, etc).
this is such a deliciously angsty idea, thank you sm for requesting!! this ask got swallowed in my drafts for like a month i am so sorry anon 😭
"That's not what I meant!"
Peter sounds angry. He looks angry, too, his face flooding with a subtle pink as he flushes with the emotion of it. He's rummaging around the room, upturning baskets of laundry and harshly rearranging bags and digging through the covers of the bed in search of his mask.
He hadn't even been yelling, far from the screaming that had coloured the long nights of your youth, bundled under the blankets and music blasted as high as your headphones would allow as you attempted to drown out whatever argument was unfolding in the other room.
It had been a long time now since things had been like that, a version of life before Peter had given you quiet sanctuary in his own. The gentleness you had found here was maybe why him raising his voice had made you go quiet across the room. Each sharp, rigid movement makes you flinch.
Peter's angry. And you had made him angry. After everything he's done for you, and you had said something stupid, something out of place, and you had made him angry. "Okay."
He doesn't seem to notice how small your voice is when you speak, or the fact that you've hunched your shoulders, quickly attempting to fold back into yourself, trying to take up as little space as possible, to stay out of his way like he clearly wanted you to.
You don't even really remember what you had been fighting about, because right now you're too busy trying to stop yourself from shaking, starts right in the centre of your chest and seeps through your bloodstream like a poison until your teeth are chattering and your fingers are trembling.
Your legs are carrying you to the bathroom before you have time to crumble in the middle of the bedroom. You choose flight, always, indubitably, every time.
The slam of the door behind him seems to snap Peter out of it, finally turning in search of you to find the room unnervingly empty, still, quiet, silence blooming through the buzzing energy of the argument before. He feels his chest get heavy, that deep sinking feeling that plants a hungry pit deep in his gut, makes his ears ring and his teeth clench. He had upset you. After all the peace and gentle love you had brought into his life, and he had been stupid enough to upset you.
You hear the jiggle of the handle first, the one you had been lucid enough to lock in your escape. You didn't need him seeing you like this, after all of that, hunched against the side of the tub with your knees hugged to your chest and your cheeks stained with fresh tears, an undoubtable artefact of the weakness you always tried to hide in front of him.
There's a light thud against the bathroom door, and you can tell by the shadow slipping beneath it that he's slumped against it, can imagine him sitting with the back of his head against the surface. He doesn't sound so angry anymore, concern laced in his tone. "I shouldn't have raised my voice at you like that. I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry, just please let me in."
You don't move to get up, simply squeeze your eyes shut and dig your face further into your knees, take a slow, shuddering breath you hope he can't hear through the door.
You hear him say something you can't quite make out, and then the next second there's a harsh snap that rings through the bathroom, flimsy metal pieces clattering to the tiled floor as Peter pushes his way in.
Your head snaps up at the sound, and you don't have time to protest the state of your broken bathroom door before Peter's on his knees and his arms are wrapping around your shoulders.
He pulls you against him, presses his face into the crook of your neck and slots your bodies together, a reminder of the certainty of your twin force in the universe, two people made for each other no matter what.
You repeat his movements, arms wrapped tightly around his neck in an instant. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you I just-"
"Are you kidding me?" Peter's pulling back, taking your face in his hands, the pinch of his eyebrows harsh and heart-shattering. "I didn't mean to upset you, honey. You have nothing to apologise for, it's my fault, all my fault."
"No, it's-"
Peter kisses you, shuts you up before you can pin anymore of this on yourself, kisses you sweet and salty and guilty. He feels warm and familiar against your lips and in your arms, steady and enduring, tangibly, achingly lovely. "No patrol tonight, okay? We'll stay in, just the two of us."
His thumb is at your cheek, rubs so gently and so soothingly back and forth that you have to close your eyes and lean into his touch before you can speak. "Doesn't the city need you?"
Peter smiles at you, small and fond as he moves to rest his forehead against yours. "I think the city'll last one night while I show my best girl just how much I love her."
You're quiet for so long he thinks he must have upset you again, has to pull away to properly look at you and finds you smiling up at him softly. "Your best girl, huh?"
"'Course you are, my best girl," He laughs, light and feather-soft as the hand at your cheek slowly slips down to tilt up your chin, thumbs at your bottom lip and feels the plump skin curve under his touch as your smile widens. "My only girl, always."
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targaryenluvs · 5 months
targaryenluv’s mcu masterlist
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— lover
summary: peter lost y/n and gwen at the same time. whilst ned and mj are trying to locate y/n and peter they grab the wrong versions. but it seems these two know eachother better then everyone thought.
— i got you (mature)
summary: whilst on your way to your internship at oscorp you aren’t exactly paying attention to where you’re going, luckily peter is hopelessly in love with you and follows you to make sure you’re okay.
— coming soon!
— coming soon!
— coming soon!
— coming soon!
— coming soon!
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spidey-webz · 16 days
peter parker masterlist
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some of these are andrew!peter, but i primarily write for tom holland's peter parker! if no other peter is indicated, it's tom holland's portrayal
main masterlist
✦ – contains smut
Lost and Found (Andrew!Peter)
Peter lost you. When he finds you again, he can't believe his eyes...
New Neighbour
Your neighbour keeps you up all night – just not in the way you expected.
A bunch of coincidences (Andrew!Peter)
What are the odds to end up in a different New York where your brother acts strangely and you find a different, quite attractive, version of yourself? (Spider-Woman reader)
Reminder of her (Andrew!Peter)
You are Peter's best fried, yet he isn't the one to save you from the fall...
You and Peter decide to end your relationship since your lives grew to be too different. But it's too hard to forget him. Part of the Red Anthology
Peter being a dad (Andrew!Peter)
Spider-Woman!Reader learning about her powers from the other Spider-Men (platonic)
Nerding with Peter (Andrew!Peter)
Going to prom with boyfriend!Peter
Sleepover with boyfriend!Peter
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ii-larb-you · 2 years
I was eating a churro and just thinking about my comfort character kissing the excess sugar off my lips 😔💕 like bro imagine how cute that would be
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mayfieldss · 1 year
First date - Peter Parker
AN: A quick Peter Drabble to feed to the birds.
Summary; Peter asks you on a date, though it doesn't all go to plan.
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"Will you go out with me?" that was all Peter had to ask. Six words of which the answer would ultimately determine if he would change his name and leave the country or not. If you said yes, Peter could finally be at ease, a no, well that would be earth shattering.
You were important to Peter, one of the only people he had grown to trust and care for in the hellhole he had to call a school, but now he was taking one of the biggest risks of his life.
Truth be told, it had become almost unbearable watching you across the halls, talking to you at lunch and passing notes in classes knowing that he couldn't hold your hand as more than a friend. Knowing he couldn't wrap his arms around you while you stood at your locker, kissing your shoulder with the smile that he only gave to you.
Peter thought about these things far too much for him to consider you just a friend, and even though he was at risk of ruining the great dynamic he had with you if you happened to say no, he couldn't wait any longer.
He stood now, waiting for you outside of the chemistry lab. Peter had long ago memorized your class schedule, all so he could walk with you between classes. He'd done it be a gentleman, but with the hidden intent of spending just a few more minutes in your presence.
Upon occasion you would get out of class early and meet him outside his class instead, jumping out from behind the doors to scare him. He pretended to jump, to be shocked every time you did so, but every time he knew you were there long before he had even packed his books away.
It's nerve-wracking, waiting for you now, and Peter can feel his heart, like boxer, ready to punch its way out of his chest. He knew what he was going to say to you, how he would say it. He'd spent the whole night before planning, reciting the words in his mirror, but as the seconds passed, he felt the syllables fading.
When you stepped out of class, milling behind everyone else, the words left Peter entirely. He stood unable to do anything but smile as he waited for you, sweating through his clothes.
"What's with the face Peter?" It's the first thing you say to him, and only then does Peter realise he's staring, and that he can't bring himself to stop. If he could just stop being creepy for one moment, perhaps just a piece of this could go well.
"I uh, actually have something to ask you," Peter brings a hand up to the back of his neck, eyes moving from you at last to glance at his shoes. "If that's okay with you of course." The words tumble from him, far more awkward than he had intended, and he looks up with a smile so silly with nerves that you laugh.
"Sure Peter, ask away."
It takes him a second to gather his confidence and he has to think back to the reason he's doing this in the first place. If he doesn't ask you out now, someone else might and then he would have missed his chance.
"So, I was thinking, no pressure or anything but if you wanted-" He stops himself. This is ridiculous, the way his words pour out like water from a broken fish tank. He takes a breath and starts again. "Would you be interested in going out with me? On a date, just me and you, tonight?"
It's still terribly embarrassing, and he's stumbling over his words like they are feet stuck out by bullies to trip him in the halls, but it's better than what he started with. "You can say no, I just thought—"
"What time?" You cut Peter off with the question and only now does he notice the smile on your lips, wide as ever.
"What-, what time? Um, eight O'clock?" He doesn't know what he's saying, offering you the first number that came to his mind as an answer. You don't acknowledge how nervous he is, and he loves you for that.
"Okay, where are we going?" You hold your books to your chest and Peter watches as your backpack slides further off your shoulder with every second that passes. You start to walk, and Peter realizes then that you still have to get to class. "I was thinking that new pizza place downtown, but if you want something else—"
"That sounds great Peter."
It occurs to him then just what you are saying. It hits him like a tidal wave, and Peter is met with something like hope in the rush of it all.
"Wait, does this mean it's a yes? You're interested?"
He listens to you let out a quiet laugh before you look at him and he can see the blush forming on your cheeks. "Yes, Peter. I am very interested in going on a date with you."
Peter raises an eyebrow, slowly his confidence seeps back into his bones. He's smiling now, wide. "Very interested?"
He watches as you go red, tilting your head to watch your feet as you walk. "Very."
You repeat it like a bird that's just learnt to talk and the bell that signals the start of next period rings just as you reach the door to your class.
"You better run, Peter. You're gonna be late."
Peter doesn't care at all, and he can't help but grin at you as you walk through the door, leaving him to stew with his thoughts in the hall. He's awkward, and he's nervous, but most of all, Peter is happy because you said yes.
GENERAL TAGLIST; @heliads @candywh0r3 @caplanreads @hiya-its-amber
TASM PETER PARKER TAGLIST; @arignipanja574 @winter-soldier-vibes
MARVEL GENERAL TAGLIST: @mellowladyangel @5kyyy @avyannadawn
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forever-rogue · 1 year
For the I love you prompts how about tasm!peter and
[  ASLEEP  ]:     sender, having climbed into bed to cuddle the receiver (who they believe to be asleep), tells them that they love them.
🥹💕I just think this radiates Peter energy 😫
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AN |  Alright, so this is just soft and with a happy ending❤️
Pairing | tasm!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 3.3k
Masterlist | Main | Peter
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Peter?” It was the combination of how softly you said his voice contrasted to your rapid knocking that captured his attention more than anything. He stopped what he was doing, jumping off the couch before almost running to the door. He opened it without hesitation, only to frown deeply when he saw you on the other. Peter was always over the moon to see you…but he hated seeing you upset. You looked at him with teary eyes, lips trembling with effort not to cry, “hi.”
“Hey,” he pulled you into his arms before you could say anything else, and you fell apart as soon as he touched you. You buried your face into his chest, holding on to him tightly as he brought you inside and closed the door. His heart broke as he listened to you sniffle, trying your best to hold in your tears, “it’s okay, sweetheart. It’s alright, I’ve got you.”
“I know,” your soft response was muffled by the fabric of his t-shirt, “‘m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he rested his head on top of yours, rubbing your back in soothing circles, “you don’t ever have to apologize.”
Peter felt you nod in response before the emotion overwhelmed you and the tears started to roll down your cheeks. It wasn’t long before he felt the cotton of his shirt get soaked. He held you, rocking you gently back and forth until you slowly calmed down. The boy possessed many amazing qualities and skills, and giving the best hugs in the world was one of them.
“C’mere,” he loosened his grip, smiling softly when he saw the pretty pout on your lips, already missing his touch. He took your hand in his, his much larger one dwarfing yours as he led you to the couch. He set you before kneeling in front of and tenderly brushing away your tears with his thumb before pushing a few rogue locks of hair behind your hair, “do you know what this moment calls for?”
“For me to stop being a blubbering idiot?” you asked meekly, the corner of your mouth twitching up ever so slightly. 
“First of all - no,” he tutted softly, “and secondly - you’re not an idiot. The moment calls for hot chocolate.”
“Oh,” your eyes widened in excitement and you reminded him of a kid on Christmas morning, “will there be mini marshmallows?”
“You should know by now that I always keep  a bag on hand for you,” he gently tapped your chin with his knuckle before standing up, “just back, get comfy, and I will be right back.”
“Do you need a hand, Pete?”
“Absolutely not,” he insisted, “you stay and I’ll be back. Less than ten minutes. Pick out something to watch - and it better be something good!”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, such a normal thing for either of you to do, and as always it made your stomach burst with butterflies. You watched him go, already feeling a million times better; Peter had that effect on you. No matter what happened or what was going on, he always made everything better. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Peter made good on his promise and was back in even less time than he originally promised, two large mugs in his hands. You gratefully took one of them and moved so he had plenty of room to sit next to you. He set his own mug on the coffee before grabbing the big, fluffy blanket off the back of the couch and draping it over the two of you. He’d never admit it, but he bought that blanket because you had liked it so much at the store and he wanted you to have it at his place whenever you wanted it. He was thoughtful like that, among so many other things.
You pulled the blanket around your frame before cuddling up into his side before putting your feet on the table. Next to Peter, whether at his place or yours, or anywhere else was definitely your favorite place in the world. You’d put on some random show, more for background noise rather than anything else. 
“Want to talk about it?” he asked after a few moments of quiet. You knew it was coming but it still made you sigh softly, “you don’t have to if you don’t want to. But I hope you know you can tell me anything.”
“Of course I know,” you gently nudged your arm into his side, “you’re my best friend, Pete. I trust you more than anything or anyone in this world.”
“Yeah?” he teased softly, giving that boyish smile you adored, “glad to know the feeling’s mutual.”
You finished off the rest of your hot chocolate and set the mug down, shifting in your seat so you were facing him. You couldn’t quite bring yourself to meet his eyes, knowing it would make you want to cry all over again. It wasn’t even Peter himself that made you want to cry; if you were being completely honest with yourself, it was that you knew he would never be yours.It was something you’d accepted over the years - not that it made it any easier - which is why you forced yourself to date other people. 
Not that any of those worked. You knew why this never did. This time around, your current boyfriend figured out exactly why. 
“Matt, umm…he broke up with me today,” you confessed, voice dropping so much that the average person definitely would not have heard you, but you knew that Peter heard you loud and clear. His eyebrows raised in surprise, so high they almost disappeared into his hairline. 
“I…what?” he asked softly, clearly not believing what you had said. Although there was no reason you’d lie to him. It just seemed so sudden, “he broke up with you? That makes no sense. You two were so good together.”
Too good together if you asked Peter Parker.
“Well,” you exhaled slowly before shrugging your shoulders, “I guess we weren’t. At least not to him. So…he ended things today.”
“Did something happen?” he asked softly, putting a finger under your chin to turn your face up towards his. He could see that the tears were welling up again and wished he could do something to make it all better. Peter could see that you were struggling with trying to find the words, “did he do something?”
“No,” you shook your head, wrapping your fingers around his wrist and pulling his hand away. Despite the fact that he broke up with you - for the most valid of reasons - you couldn’t find it in your heart to dislike him. He wasn’t a bad person….he just got caught up with someone that happened to be in love with someone else, “he didn’t. I’m not…it sucks, but I’m not mad at him. I guess it’s just the situation.”
Peter could tell that you were holding back and not telling him the entire truth but he always didn’t want to push you. He knew you’d talk about the full details if and when you were ready.  He let out a small sigh to commiserate with you before reaching over and putting his hand on your face, resting it on your cheek, “well, if you ever want to talk about it, just let me know. And if it’s any consolation, it’s his loss. Anyone would be a fool to let you go. You’re gold, sweetheart - I can’t believe he didn’t see that.”
You swallowed thickly, desperately wanting to ask what about you, Peter? Do you want me?
But you didn’t. You weren’t about to throw about two decades worth of friendship out the window just because you couldn’t get your feelings in check. 
“Thanks Pete,” you bit the inside of your cheek to keep from saying anything else. Did he really have to look at you like that? With the sweetest, most honeyed eyes that made you want to get on your knees and beg him to love you? You nodded instead, keeping your mouth shut, “there’s some girl out there that’s going to be so lucky to get to love you one day, Parker. Whether or not you see it, you’re a huge catch.”
His cheeks flushed a pretty shade of rose as he turned his head away. You laughed softly. The sound went straight to his heart and was easily his favorite sound in the world. He gave you your knee a small squeeze, “well, I guess one day we’ll both find those people that are worthy won’t we?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed softly, “can I ask you for a favor?”
“Can I stay tonight?” you asked, as if Peter Parker ever said no to you, “you know what, I’m so rude. I just kind barged right now and didn’t even ask if you had plans or were busy. I shouldn’t just-”
“Shh,” he put a gentle finger to your lips to keep you from rambling further, “I am never too busy for you and before you argue, you are never a bother. Besides, I didn’t have plans. Just maybe some patrolling, but it can wait.”
“You don’t have to put that off,” you insisted softly, “there are more important things out there than just me.”
Doubtful, he wanted to say. 
“I don’t mind-”
“Peter, I can just go home,” you promised, “or stay here if you don’t mind.”
“When have I ever minded?” he teased as you grinned sheepishly, “never. And I don’t mind now. Stay, please. You practically live here anyway, don’t act like some sort of stranger.”
“Okay,” you felt ready to cry again, “thank you.”
“Nothing to thank me for,” he insisted sweetly, “and you got lucky - I just washed and put on my clean sheets.”
“Ahhh, you’re my hero,” the idea of slipping into his warm bed with the smell of fresh laundry and pillows that always smelled like him was heavenly, “thank you, Peter. Will you…don’t be out too late?”
“You just want me for my warm body,” he playfully huffed but you grinned like the Cheshire cat, “all these years, I should have known.”
“It’s not my fault you’re a radiator,” you stuck your tongue out at him, “one of the many good things that came out of you being bitten by a radioactive spider.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he teased, “there’s some clean stuff for you in the dresser, okay? Are you sure you’ll be fine-”
“I’m sure, Pete,” before you could stop yourself or overthink it, you pressed a kiss to his cheek, “I’ll be okay if you promise me two things.”
“Come home soon,” you pleaded softly, “and come home safe.”
“I always do,” you raised an eyebrow, silently reminding him of the many times he came home battered and bruised, “you know I’ll always come home to you.”
“I know,” you wondered if he picked up on how quickly your heart was suddenly beating; you were sure he did. You swallowed thickly before turning your face away, “I guess I’ll let you go then.”
“I’ll be back soon,” he promised, “I know it’s pointless to say, but don’t worry about me, sweetheart.”
“It is pointless,” you snorted in amusement, “but I’m just gonna go to bed and maybe watch a movie or something while you’re out.”
“Don’t wait up.”
“Again, pointless to say,” you were both well aware of that fact, “I’ll see you soon, Pete.”
“Soon, sweetheart.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Once he left, you padded to his bedroom and snuggled up in his bed, letting the warmth and familiar smell surround you. Nothing made you feel better and more at home than being in his bed. You helped yourself to a shower as you often did before rummaging through his drawer and picking a pair of his boxers and a sweater to put on. You felt so much better already, but then, that just proved that Matt had been right all along. You pushed that thought to the back of your mind as you cuddled up in his and turned on the TV. You knew you weren’t going to be able to focus on much so you turned on a show the two of you had seen a million times.
Despite your best efforts to stay awake, you were fast asleep in less than an hour. It was definitely the combination of warmth and comfort and the overwhelming feelings you were currently trying to process. 
Peter came back at a relatively early hour, deciding that things were quiet enough for him to go home. And honestly? He really just wanted to go home and see his favorite girl; his girl  - at least in his mind. His heart panged when he remembered the fact that you were unfortunately not his and likely never be his. But he could pretend, right? There was no harm in it. 
When he got home, landing on his firescape, he was ready to tap on the window to let you know he was back, but then saw that you were sleeping peacefully. A smile crossed his features as he quietly let himself in, landing on the floor with the softest thud. The boy made quick work of pulling off his mask before grabbing some pajamas out of his dresser and quickly changing in the bathroom. He thought about changing in the bedroom but didn’t want to give you a heart attack in case you woke up. Not that you hadn’t seen him shirtless about a million times before, but still. Peter was a gentleman.
Once he came back out, he walked to his side of the bed and watched you for a moment, taking in your small, light snores and even breathing. He pulled and blankets back before climbing into bed as quietly and gently as he could. Despite his best efforts, you made a small sound, “Peter?”
“It’s me,” he whispered, “‘m back. Just rest, sweetheart.”
He immediately felt the warmth of your body and he realized just how badly he wanted to hold you. Like really, really badly. You listened to him try and get comfortable while maintaining a proper distance and smiled to yourself, “can I ask you something?”
“You just did,” oh. You could practically feel the smile on the boy’s face, “but I guess you can ask something else.”
“Will you…will you cuddle me?” the shocked look on Peter’s face was something to behold. You let out a small little exhale before slowly turning around to face him. Even in the dark you could see the pretty flush on his cheeks, “you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I want to,” he was quick to dispel any of your worries as he swallowed the lump in throat. He wanted nothing more, “I-I always want to.”
You hummed in content as you scooted closer to him and you felt him wrap an arm around you. Before you could say or do anything, he pulled you closer, causing you to bump noses and laugh softly, “you’re so warm.”
“You’re so soft,” he sounded like he was in awe as you tangled your legs with his, “so soft and delicate.”
“Peter,” you leaned into him and buried your face near his chest before closing your eyes again. Alright, this was definitely your favorite spot in the entire galaxy. You laughed despite your best efforts to stay away, “you smell ‘s good.”
“Oh yeah?” you felt him press a kiss to the top of your head, “so do you.”
You smiled to yourself as you let yourself get lolled back to sleep. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Peter tried to keep calm as you slept in his arms. He wanted to get some rest too, but found that it was almost impossible with how loud his thoughts were. He tried to ground himself with the feeling of you in his arms, along with your steady breathing. It all served to remind him just how deeply in love with you he was.
He laid there for a while, trying to figure out and process his own feelings. Eventually he ended up watching you, trailing his fingers over your cheek and along your jaw before sighing softly. How were you so pretty and soft and lovely and everything? It almost wasn’t fair. 
“I hope you know how much I love you,” he whispered into the dark, accompanied by a wistful little sigh, “maybe one I’ll actually be able to tell you.”
What he didn’t know was that you were awake as well, unable to fall asleep while you were in his touch. You tried to control your inhale, still contemplating if you should say anything or just let him think you were sleeping. But you were pretty sure that he might have just said the words you’d been wanting to hear for the years.
“Peter?” you whispered after a few moments, so softly that he almost didn’t hear it. But you could hear the small sound of surprise that he made, “I wasn’t fully honest when I told you that Matt broke up with me.”
“What do you mean?”
“He broke up with me because he said he wasn’t the one for me,” you could feel him watching you intently with baited breath, “he told me that I could never love him like he deserved to be loved because…because I was already in love with someone else.”
“Because I’m in love with you,” you confessed, finally getting it all out in the open, “because it’s so obvious.” 
Peter was silent for a few moments, his mind racing as he tried to figure out if you were being serious or just repeating what Matt had said. You pulled back so you could face him, reaching over and brushing some of his wild hair out of his face, “and he was right.”
“He was?” he asked softly, setting his hand on top of yours where it rested on his face, “sweetheart?”
“He was,” you promised, “it’s always been you, Peter. I just never thought that you’d feel the same. If I did-”
“I would have said something years ago,” he finished for you as you nodded, “me too. I…I feel so dumb. All this time…”
“It’s okay,” you insisted sweetly, “we’ve always had each other - and we always will. Now we can just…do all the other stuff too.”
“All the other stuff,” he teased and you laughed softly, a mixture of adoration and nerves, “hmm, you might have to tell me more. Just to make sure that we’re on the same page.”
“First of all,” you leaned in so your lips were almost brushing against each other, “like kissing, you know?”
“Does that mean I can kiss you?”
“I insist on it, Parker,” the two of you were grinning at each other like fools, “please.”
“What if I don’t want to stop?” you saw his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. You worried your bottom lip between your teeth, a sight he was sure would kill him. He pulled you towards him, his large hand splaying on your waist as you stared at each other intensely. 
“Don’t,” you insisted softly, “don’t ever stop.”
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nowayhomer · 2 years
what about tasm!peter x reader where they’re watching a movie and peter falls asleep on the reader’s chest whilst the reader is playing with his hair and the reader doesn’t notice he’s asleep until she starts commenting on the movie and notices he isn’t responding
i changed chest to lap but other than that, i'm sorryyyy,, i took so long :(((. also idk how i feel abt the ending, but the rest is a-okay
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peter johnson
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Ⅰ. PAIRING andrew!peter x fem!reader
Ⅱ. GENRE fluff !!!
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you were sitting on the couch while peter laid his head on his lap, your fingers were tangled through his messy strands of chocolate hair. peter held the remote in his hands and powered the tv on. “what do you want to watch ?” you shrugged and let peter flick through different movies on different streaming apps until you held his hand, making him flinch. “oh my god, what ?” he sat up and worriedly watched you stare at the screen. “we have to watch percy jackson, i can’t believe they have it on here.” your eyes shone with excitement which, for peter, meant he had to be ready to hear you talk about every detail of the movie. peter rested his head comfortably, preparing himself to catch your every word; if there’s one thing peter parker loved, it was hearing you talk. he let himself collect every piece of information you had told him and stored it into a section of his brain he liked to call the “y/n-pedia.” he began to track every comparison you made between the movies and the books. “you know, dionysus called percy jackson ‘peter johnson’, i should start calling you that.” “dodds is the new teacher but in the books, she was already there and it all started at the field trip.” “the quest doesn’t involve finding the pearls, they went around by chance and a nereid gifted percy the pearls.” “the hydra wasn’t in the lightning thief book.” “grover didn’t stay behind, you know. percy had to leave sally behind.” “percy’s last big fight at the end of the quest is against ares, not luke.” peter usually kept himself more engaged as you two would have a conversation about the movie after it ended, it was nice to just talk about anything when it came to you two, but tonight he felt too tired to speak. the way your warmth radiated against him, the tips of your fingers brushing against his scalp lulled him to a comfortable slumber. “i think that if we ignore the discrepancies between the book and the film, it’s pretty enjoyable. grover’s scenes really brought some comedy to the movie and luke was still pretty sinister, you know ? and don’t get me started on how amazing i think logan lerman is–” peter would interject, but you didn’t even hear a groan from him. you went to check to see if he was okay and saw him sleeping peacefully. your eyes twinkled at the sight and you fell asleep in your seat. peter woke up with a start, not recalling when exactly he dozed off. you had woken up a few minutes before him, “hey peter johnson,” peter had felt conscious-stricken in an instant. “i am so sorry i fell asleep while you were talking. i promise you weren’t boring or anything, you never are, i just went to sleep. i don’t even remember falling asleep but i really wanted to listen to what you had to say and,” peter stopped when he heard your laugh. “calm down, it’s not a big deal peter. you barely sleep anyways so it’s nice to see you resting.” you lean down and press a lingering kiss against his forehead. peter could feel languidness take over again, “i am so tired.” “i can definitely see that, sleep some more peter johnson.” “wow, you’re gonna call me that forever.” “yeah, i will.” you chuckle. “well, you’re like my annabeth. wait, that’s right, isn’t it ?” “yes, that’s right.” “well then, goodnight annabeth.” peter drifted to the clouds with dreams of you.
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who else treat the opening of the tumblr app as a sacred event and clears a time slot for it’s consumption
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foreverrogers · 2 years
peter. thighs. peter being obsessed with his partner’s thighs.
peter is a thigh man and a tits man and that is my stance. all i could think about when i read this was facesitting so uhhh.... smut under the cut
okay but even in a non-sexual context, this boy would always have his hand resting on your thigh when you're sitting next to each other, forever a comforting force as he rubs his thumb back and forth against your skin and holds this small piece of physical contact.
but at the same time he would absolutely use the constant contact to tease you when you least expect it, especially if you're wearing a skirt or dress and the trail of bare skin just seems too inviting. back seats of cabs and table cloths at restaurants are no match for the way peter always needs to be touching you, slips his hand between your legs until he's skating up enough it hitches your breath, makes you glare at him and mutter something about being in public while he smirks at you.
and in bed there would always be some sort of grasp on your thighs, whether it be a bruising grip keeping your leg hiked up around his waist as he fucks into you, kissing down the inside of your thighs and leaving tiny lovebites before he eats you out, or, the thing i physically cannot get out of my head, those hands splayed around the outside of your thighs pinning you to his mouth as you ride his face.
I'm convinced the first time peter suggests it, it's because he wants to feel the pressure of your thighs lock around his face. you've been lazily making out in bed for god knows how long, you in his lap with your thighs slotted around his, and when the arm around your waist presses you so close you have to kneel up peter's only thought is of how easy it would be to slide down and have you right over his face.
"what d'you think about trying something?"
you narrow your eyes at him, can't help the small smirk you give when you notice how hopeful he looks, bites his lip as he blinks up at your through those lashes. "like what?"
"like..." he trails off, and you watch him flush a little as he struggles to just come out and ask for it, instead uses his grip on your waist to keep you on your knees as he slides onto his back. your mouth sets into a small gape as you watch him, find the idea of it immediately ignites the well of heat in the pit of your stomach. you're quiet for so long peter starts to think you're trying to say no, flushes deeper with a tinge of embarrassment as he leans up against his elbow, his other hand still at your waist. "you don't want to?"
"I... didn't say that." he smiles a little when you push him back flat against the mattress. your skirt has already pooled above your hips, and with only the this barrier of your panties inches away peter can already smell the arousal you seem reluctant to admit.
he licks his lips, like he's hungry for it, like he's about to start drooling all over the sheets if he doesn't get to taste you soon.
"you sure?"
"god, yes."
his hands slip behind you, firm on the swell of your ass as he encourages you up towards him until you're hovering over his face. his fingers tease the band of your panties, holds your gaze as he slowly starts to tug them down your legs. you lift each knee one by one, let him slip the fabric off of your body and then you're bare, so close he can smell the hot arousal pooling in your lower half.
"you ready?" you nod, already find yourself speechless despite what you knew was coming. "tell me if it's too much, yeah?"
"yeah," you breathe, and then large hands are grasping the sides of your thighs, gentle pressure urging you down until you're close enough to taste.
the feeling of his mouth on you is like a different type of euphoric, tongue circling your clit before sucking the small bundle between his lips, keeps his eyes trained on yours the whole time.
you're still uncertain, though, still think you might hurt him, have to consciously resist the writhing urge to chase the friction by rocking against his face.
the force of his hands around your thighs tells you he notices, also tells you that the restraint isn't necessary, presses you so firmly against him that it sends a fresh shock of pleasure up your spine, makes you grip the headboard in front of you as you throw your head back. it also makes the first circle of your hips involuntary.
once he feels it, he needs more, hums his approval against your clit and urges your movement with every tug to your thighs.
"god, feels so fucking good, pete. so perfect."
it doesn't take long for it all to overtake you, your free hand tangling through his hair as the rocking of your hips picks up, hardly needs his encouragement anymore before you're riding his face.
peter feels it build, the way your thighs flex and tighten under his touch and around his face, drowns him in the sweet warmth of you surrounding him.
he would be lying if he said that wasn't what he was chasing when he makes you cum, feel your slick drip down his chin and digs his fingers into the flesh of your thighs as they lock around his face, trembling as he works you through the shattering orgasm.
when you finally breathe out a shaky sigh and start to lean up on your knees he kisses the inside of your thighs, nips at the delicate skin until you're grinning down at him.
he truly is a sight there, between your legs, mouth and chin sticky and glistening.
"we made a mess," you smile, reach down to try and clean up his face.
he grins right back up at you. "might as well make some more before we have to change the sheets."
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mrshipsmcgee · 1 year
A Lord & A Lady: Part 5
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TASM!Peter Parker x (fem)Reader - Bridgerton AU
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven
Summary: The Duchess and Lord Peter host a pre-wedding celebration. (Third person to get the story moving ;) )
Warnings: mentioning of consumption of alcohol, mentions of poisoning, mentions of a hostage situation
For Katie & Liz
Standing hidden in the shadows of a second floor window, the Duchess watches on as the indigo sunset sneaks away behind the tree line of her family’s old vacation home - now her home. There she stands, watching on as the people of the Ton flock to her home in their most beautiful dresses and most dashing suits, marveling at the long forgotten spacious estate.
The cobblestone and brick mansion was covered with overgrown ivy - a nuisance to many, but one of the Duchess’ most favorite parts of her home. The long, pebbled entrance to the estate was lined with candlelight and flowers, welcoming eager party guests in for celebration.
Music plays faintly through the halls of the manor, echoing against the walls, along with the chatter from the growing crowd on the main floor of the home.
A calming, raspy voice broke through the noise - “You do not suffer from cold feet, do you, my dear fiancé?”
The Duchess smiles softly to herself before turning towards the voice of her betrothed, who was standing a few steps away from her with a smile spread across his handsome face, adjusting his navy suit just as she glances his way, “Now, my dear Peter - that is an awfully silly question.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle - “Then what on earth is plaguing that beautiful mind of yours, Blue?” His brows furrow inquisitively. “Why are you hiding away from your own engagement ball?”
She bites the inside of her cheek before letting out a sigh - “I am nervous, Peter.” Her shoes click as she steps over to the man, gazing up at him before resting her forehead on his shoulder, letting out another sigh. “I just needed a moment to breathe, I suppose.”
Lord Peter’s warm fingertips move down to the Duchess’ chin, thumb and finger gently urging her gaze upward to meet his warm eyes - “I know that it seems as if the entire Ton will consume you, but I swear I am here to pull you out if they do. You say the word and I will whisk you away to wherever your heart desires,” he pulls her face to his, delicately kissing the tip of her nose before letting out a sharp exhale through his nose, followed by a cheeky grin. “If it brings you peace, you should know that the staff has prepared our favorite foods. I promise, my Bluebell, all of this should be over in just a few hours. The last of our required pleasantries will be over after this evening.”
The small smile on the Duchess’ beautiful face melts into a sorrowful look, biting her inner cheek yet again. “Peter, that isn’t it.. I feel as if something is afoot. Or - or something has gone wrong,” she explains, standing up a little straighter and placing her palm on her gut. “I feel it - deep within me. I feel as if something is watching me… Watching us.”
Peter slightly shakes his head - “It is just you and I, my love. You are safe with me,” he murmurs, his calloused fingertips spreading to cup his hand to her cheek - “No one dare watch you. No one would dare hurt you. If someone were to hurt you, I do not care to think of how I would defend you.. how I would protect you. They should pray a doctor is near if someone were to ever have the thought of harming a single hair on your beautiful head. I will always protect you. I vow it already. Until this day forward..”
He pauses - his opposite hand cups her cheek, bringing her forehead to his, “Only one more day until you are my wife. This party is just one last bump in the road until we are one. You say the word, Your Grace - and I will immediately escort you out to wherever you want.”
The Duchess smiles, shaking off the lurking paranoia in her gut and focusing on Peter’s comforting words.
“Let us go on and get things over with, my dear Peter,” she says, sweetly grabbing his hand and pulling him down the hallways towards the main staircase of the manor. “Peter, do you remember running down these halls in the summers?” She says as she continues to lead him towards the party.
“Anthony Bridgerton chasing us down the hallway wearing a white sheet to appear as a ghost is something I will never forget,” Peter says with a laugh. “He made sure the candles were always blown out and then appeared as the ghost. Mr. Cobblestone?”
“Cobblesworth!” she exclaims, rounding the corner, still pulling Peter behind her, “why on earth Ant thought that was a frightening name, I shall never-“.
“Of course I find the two of you running down the halls like you are mere children,” Lady May’s voice rang out, stopping both Lord Peter and the Duchess in their tracks. She smiles at the couple, nodding her head towards the staircase, “You two are needed downstairs. Your guests are expecting you.”
Lord Peter extends his arm towards the Duchess, holding his wide hand out, “Shall we, my dear fiancé?” He smirks, bouncing his brows at her. A small laugh erupts from the Duchess as she places her gloved hand into his, “We shall, my dear Peter.”
The betrothed step forward towards the top of the grand staircase lined with flowers and glowing lanterns extending down to the crowded dance floor where people began to stop and stare at the beautiful couple descending down the stairs.
“You look absolutely breathtaking,” Peter whispers to his bride. “I feel as if I cannot fathom that this is truly our own engagement ball.”
“I feel as if we are playing make believe, Peter,” the Duchess breathes, glancing his way. “This moment feels like a dream. Are we truly to marry tomorrow? We simply cannot be this old.”
Peter lets out a laugh as they reach the end of the staircase and step onto the marble dance floor, immediately greeted by Lady Danbury and Sarah.
“Lord Peter. Your Grace,” the two women curtsy to the couple.
“Sarah, Lady Danbury,” the Duchess smiles, reaching her hands out to two women. “This is beautiful, beyond my dreams - beautiful. It would not be so without the two of you, and of course - our lovely Lady May.”
May smiles and reaches her hand out to cup the Duchess’ shoulder, “This has truly been our pleasure, Your Grace. I simply cannot believe that tonight is a celebration for the two of you.. you still are those rambunctious children to me. Oh,” she pauses, tears beginning to form in her kind eyes before she quietly clears her throat, “Nevermind me. Tonight is a night for joy. I truly hope the two of you enjoy yourselves greatly.”
Peter clears his throat, gently wrapping his arm around Lady May’s shoulder and placing a tender kiss on her forehead, “oh, how I love you.” He looks down at her and scrunches his nose with a smile - “Though, I am convinced that you want me to shed a tear this evening, Aunt May.”
She lets out a scoffing laugh and touches her pointer finger to the tip of Peter’s nose, “Go, get drinks - enjoy yourselves. Us old hags will be around.”
Peter turns to his betrothed, holding out his hand to her - “My dear Bluebell, would you care for a dance?”
The Duchess smirks up at her fiancé, placing her hand in his - “I truly thought you would never ask, my dear Peter.”
Lord Peter leads his Bluebell through the crowd as the music plays on, pausing as they reach the middle of the dance floor.
The party guests dance around where the couple stands, just feet apart from one another underneath the ornate, candle lit chandelier in the vast ballroom. Peter steps towards his soon to be bride, slightly bowing his head to her - a smile spreading across her beautiful face before she replies with a small curtsy.
Peter reaches his hand out, fingertips gently brushing along the fabric of her gown, bringing her closer to his chest before placing his flat palm onto her lower back. Simply touching the Duchess had Peter nearly breathless, but he proceeds - his vacant hand tenderly wrapping around hers as he guides them, beginning to dance along with the crowd.
“I am so pleased to no longer have to lead us in dancing, Peter,” the Duchess giggles as they dance around the room. “Your foot has not once touched mine. I am impressed, Parker.”
Peter lets out a loud laugh, “I am also no longer shorter than you.. by far.”
“Lord Parker!” Anthony Bridgerton exclaims as he and his wife, Kate, near the couple on the ballroom floor, waltzing towards them with eager smiles.
“In the flesh, Lord Bridgerton! You must be Kate!” Peter speaks over the music. The beautiful woman in Anthony Bridgerton’s arms nods with a small smile, “I am!”
“Ah, well - I give you my sincerest apologies and condolences for having to put up with my dear old mate!” Peter jokes. “It takes a special woman to tolerate Anthony Bridgerton!”
The Duchess lets out a snort and Anthony scoffs, his tone playful as he says - “Peter Parker, I had planned to toast you and your beautiful fiancé, however I shall now refrain from that due to your blatant rudeness!”
“Please, I beg of you! Show me mercy, Lord Bridgerton!” Peter says dramatically as the song ends, “Please, Ant - forgive my unpleasantness and toast me!”
Anthony rolls his eyes, the corners of his mouth turned upward into a devilish smile as he claps his hands, “I would like to propose a toast to the beautiful couple!” The crowd silences, turning towards where the four stood in the middle of the dance floor.
The staff hurriedly disperse drinks to the party guests and hosts - most everyone grabbing a beverage from the trays from which they were being served; the Duchess and Lord Peter receiving their drinks hand-delivered.
With drinks in hand the crowd listens on as Lord Anthony Bridgerton speaks, “I have had the pleasure of knowing the soon to be bride and groom since I was a small boy,” he pauses, looking towards Peter and his Bluebell, flashing them a knowing look before he continues, “Actually - I have had the privilege of knowing these two since before I can remember. In fact, we used to play in this very home.” He looks up at the beautiful glass ceiling - the stars still shining brightly down upon him - though the amber glow of the candlestick chandelier illuminated the room. “I believe I can speak for all of us children who got to spend the summers running through these halls and playing make believe when I say that these are hallowed grounds. This home is magic. The family that resided here was magic.”
Anthony looks at the Duchess, his dark eyes so kind - as if he were a boy again as he spoke - “oh, the make believe games we would play.. This home used to be a pirate ship… or - or a mythical castle… and now it is your home, Your Grace; soon to be the home you share with Lord Parker. Hopefully one day, a home where the small patter of feet hitting the floor resides again.”
The crowd is full of sporadic giggles.
Peter and the Duchess look to one another, exchanging loving glances before turning back to Anthony, who continues - “Lord Parker, Your Grace… I pray you have a life filled with immense joy, prosperity - and that you will always and forever share a passionate love for one another.”
Anthony raises his glass, looking around the room and winking at Kate, “Please, raise your glass with me in honor of the beautiful couple.”
The crowd of people raise their glass-filled hands to the sky as Anthony says - “Cheers!”
“Cheers!” The crowd answers in return before taking a sip from their glass, cheering and clapping as the music starts back up.
“Anthony,” the Duchess coos, stepping towards him. “That was absolutely beautiful. Thank you.”
“Ant, you should be in politics the way you commanded that crowd!” Peter quips, poking his fingertips towards Anthony’s ribs, causing him to retaliate with a shoulder to Peter’s - poking him back. “Only if you do it with me!”
“Lady Bridgerton,” the Duchess smiles, stepping towards the striking woman in purple. “It is so lovely to finally meet the woman who stole my mate’s heart.” She scrunches her nose, leaning towards Kate and gently grabbing onto her hand, whispering - “You are far too beautiful for Anthony Bridgerton. Who put you up to this marriage?”
Kate bites her lips between her teeth - trying to contain a smile before letting out a chuckle and squeezing the Duchess’ hand - “Anthony told me you are as humorous as you are beautiful. It is so nice to finally meet you, Your Grace.”
“Ah - formalities…” the Duchess smiles, “Peter has started calling me Blue as of late, and I quite like it. So how about that, Lady Bridgerton?”
“If I call you Blue you shall call me Kate. No more formalities, yes?” Kate replies with a squeeze of her hand before Anthony and Peter approach them.
“Mrs. Bridgerton - we are needed in the drawing room,” Anthony smiles, squeezing Kate’s side - her beautiful face turning into an embarrassed smile just as Peter turns to the Duchess.
Peter’s soft lips brush against her ear as he leans into the Duchess - one arm barely brushing against her waist as he whispers , “We are needed in the foyer - Lady Danbury’s carriage leaves within the half hour. We must see her out.”
“We shall see you onward into the evening,” Anthony says, pulling his wife away from the crowd.
“See you, Bridgerton,” Peter says with a half smile, turning towards the Duchess - his hand urging her towards the main entrance of the mansion.
They walk towards the crowd and into the now quiet entrance of the home, meeting Lady Danbury as she awaits her departure. She stands, gripping her cane just as her carriage pulls up to the open front doors of the manor -, she turns towards the couple, smiling sweetly - “This evening was absolutely beautiful. I will see the two of you tomorrow evening.” She sighs, looking between the couple before she says, “Enjoy the rest of this event. Cherish it, for tomorrow you become husband and wife.”
Just as Lady Danbury steps into the carriage, Peter is pulled away by - “Benedict Bridgerton,” he turns, placing his hand on his friend’s back, “Just the man I was looking for.”
Benedict stops and turns to Peter, his eyes glancing quickly to the Duchess before averting back to Peter, “Lord Parker, Duchess.” He bows before taking a small sip from the glass in his hand, “Thanks for having me.”
The Duchess notices a strange tingling feeling growing on her cheeks, which also feel flush all of the sudden. Benedict and Peter exchange conversation, but their words are far too muffled for the Duchess to understand - and now that she is trying to read their lips she’s realized that her vision has grown blurry too.
She blinks, trying to see a little clearer, just as Peter places his hand on her back - his voice is muffled as he speaks. The Duchess turns to Peter, her vision finally clearing a bit as he says, “Are you okay?”
The Duchess slightly shakes her head, looking dazed and a little frightened before she says, “I - yes, yes - Peter. I believe I may have just had a few too many drinks this evening.” She looks over to Benedict and then back to Peter before she says, “Don’t mind me, you two seemed as if you were in deep conversation - I will go get a breath of fresh air outside and find you later, Peter.” She nods to her friend, “Benedict.”
“Would you like for us to escort you?” Peter says before the Duchess can leave, his honey eyes pierced through her blurred vision - “Are you sure you are alright, my Bluebell?”
“Do not worry about me. Do not spoil your fun with Benedict on my behalf - I shall only be a moment, Peter,” she says before excusing herself.
The Duchess stands yards away from the beautiful mansion - watching on as the blurry silhouettes of party guests dance around the ballroom. Muffled music plays on as she turns towards the babbling, wide creek behind her - one of her most favorite parts of her property. Limestone rock glistens underneath the stream, glinting off of the distant amber glow coming from the bustling manor.
The water seems to sparkle due to the Duchess’ growing dizziness. The chitters of animals and humming of insects from the forest just beyond the creek grow louder, overwhelming her senses.
She falls to the ground with a grunt as her head hits the grass, her vision meeting the blurred starry sky above where she lay.
“There you are, Your Grace,” a voice says from above her as a man appears in her vision.
“Peter?” She moans, barely able to open her eyes. “Something seems to be the matter. I cannot stand.”
A hand reaches down and scoops the Duchess up from the ground and onto her feet, a strong arm wrapping around her waist as her body starts to fail again, her head going limp as she stares up towards the night sky.
“Curare,” the man says, scooping her legs into his arm, cradling her as he continues - “Do you know what Curare is, Your Grace?”
She lets out a small moan, her body completely limp in his arms - her weak eyes fixated on the sky.
“Curare is a paralyzing agent, Your Grace. It’s a poison that weakens your skeletal muscles; too much Curare can cause death,” the man says as the Duchess’ eyes finally meet him.
The tall brute that tried to assault her at the Bridgerton Ball months ago stood with her tired body in his arms. The same man that snuck into her room and hid in her wardrobe for hours hoping to rob her of her innocence, hoping for a scandal to get the Duchess to marry.
“Fredrick,” she whispers, barely able to speak at all.
Her heart races realizing she cannot scream for Peter. She cannot run. There is no escape.
A devilish smile spreads across his face, “Curare comes from a plant boiled and strained into bitter paste. How were your special made drinks this evening, Duchess? Could you notice the bitterness, or are you so innocent and sheltered that you do not know what spirits taste like?”
The Duchess’ eyes are filled with hot tears as she whispers, “Why?”
“Simply? I want your riches, and I truly do not care how I attain them at this point - so you shall come with me and I shall leave this ransom note right here on the grass for your fiancé to find later on in the evening when he cannot locate you,” Sir Fredrick says with a smile. “And who knows what could happen to the poor, defenseless Duchess while Lord Parker tries to locate her?”
The Duchess lets out a small, close-mouthed whimper as Sir Fredrick tosses her over his shoulder and tosses the ransom note to the ground and begins to walk away with the Duchess and into the dark night.
“Bridgerton, I simply cannot do another shot,” Peter yells over the string music and the roaring crowd of party guests. His eyes scan around the room before he turns back to Benedict, “One moment, Ben - I must check on my beautiful fiancé.” He holds up a finger and makes his way to the French doors leading towards the stone path to the creek, recalling seeing the Duchess head that way for a breath of fresh air.
Peter crosses the threshold to the cool night air, carding his hands through his greased locks as he surveys the waterline, not seeing his future bride.. but seeing something on the ground in the distance.
He jogs over without hesitation, nearing the cream-colored paper laying on the grass, his fingertips clasping the page reading the penned note demanding money in exchange for the Duchess’ life.
All of the life leaves Peter’s body as his stomach drops, his throat drying immediately, unable to even swallow as he desperately searches the area for any glimpse of his bride - his best friend.
Tears brim in his frightened eyes as he falls to his knees, gripping the earth beneath him as he tries to keep his composure - though hot tears run down his handsome face, dripping onto his suit.
He turns towards the manor, screaming from the very core of his soul, wailing “Benedict! Ant!” He cries - screaming out for the Duchess before something clicks in his head, something he had only felt once before.
Well, dear Reader - what do you think? I’d love to know. What will happen to the Duchess? Will Peter save her in time? Find out in Part Six!
I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for such a long wait!
- <3 Cait
A Lord & A Lady Taglist: @loserbee14 @fk12b @todaywasafairytale07 @bellestalesoffiction @nayspy @splintered-emotions @dark-night-sky-99 @panic-at-space-camp @dxmerons @jeezlouiisee @tenaciousperfectionunknown @strangerdangerwrites @spiidergirlsworld @softyutae @kas-1 @lovelyweepingrebel
TASM tag list: @lendeluxe
Tag List: @rose-writes-shit @xuxialling @itwasallinmyhead1 @mypalbuck @angelcritterz @levylovegood @gwenebear @saltedcoffeescotch @thelittlebirdwriter @mbjackie @kiwi5335 @nikkitc0703 @laurathefahrradsattel @lizabethmenke @cheeseman @blooming-violets @haileymorelikestupid @uwiuwi @themartiansdaughter @florqlness @aphrodites-perfume @andrews-lovr @luvvvjada @liz-allyn @abibliophobiaa
General Tag List: @witheringawayagain
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
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Pairing: Peter Parker (The Amazing Spiderman) x Reader
Type: Fluff
Summary: Peter almost knocks you down a flight of stairs, and then he offers a proposal you just can’t say no to.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: theft, lack of sleep
A/N: hiii, welp today’s a day for new things ig. i literally wrote this in like two hours and managed to not write over 5k words (unheard of) and i’m using second person for something that’s not a hc???. anyways DON’T QUOTE ME but i might make a part two (or maybe a mini-series we’ll see). as always, likes/reblogs/comments and constructive criticism are always appreciated, thx :)
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At first you thought you were just delirious. You hadn’t gotten much sleep recently — what with your noisy roommate who refused to wear earbuds and your ever-increasing list of homework assignments and essays. You had begun supplementing your lack of energy with caffeine and while you knew it wasn’t the smartest option, you didn’t think it would make you hallucinate. Besides, it wasn’t like you were pulling consecutive all-nighters, you were still able to get some sleep on the hard library tables.
Which is why it didn’t make sense for this to be happening. The entire situation seemed laughable, but you were too stressed and this felt too catastrophic for you to find humor in it. You tried to make your legs move, maybe this was your imagination, and once you reengaged with reality everything would go back to how it was supposed to be.
And yet here you stood, just a few steps outside your university’s lecture halls, staring at the patch of sidewalk where your bike had resided just an hour and a half ago. Everyone had warned you of the dangers of owning a bike on campus, your parents, your friends, heck even the tour guide on your first day of classes. You had done everything in your power to prevent your bike from getting stolen — you even splurged on what was supposed to be an extra secure lock to keep your bike safe while you were in classes. But how the hell were you supposed to prevent this?
You probably would have stood in front of the building for hours if someone didn’t crash into you, sending you nearly face first down the steps before he managed to catch your wrist. “Oh shoot— sorry.” You heard the stranger say, not recognizing the voice. You twisted around and it took a moment for you to recognize him; you weren’t used to seeing him so up close. Frankly, you weren’t really used to seeing him at all, considering that he usually sat behind you in class.
You tried to remember his name, but he never talked much and you were too busy with school to bother getting to know everyone in your class. “Peter?” you guessed, cringing at how unsure you sounded. You heard a breath catch in his throat, and you were suddenly aware of how close the two of you were. His hand was still clutching onto your wrist; his skin felt rough and calloused, and you wondered how they got that way. The two of you were teetering on the edge of the step, forcing you to press your body against him, lest you want to topple down the stairs and probably end up with a nasty concussion. You could feel his breath fan across your face — which smelled like spearmint — and you prayed that he couldn’t feel how rapidly your pulse was beating.
“Uhm, sorry,” you said awkwardly, peeling yourself away from him and finding residence on the step below him. “Standing on the edge of a bunch of stairs probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do.” You gave him a sheepish smile, darting your eyes away from his when you saw how he was staring at you. “Anyways, I should probably go, that 4,000 word essay Professor Specklehorn assigned us isn’t gonna write itself,” you said, letting out a half-hearted chuckle at your petty attempt at humor. 
You figured that would be enough for the brunette to let go of your wrist, which was hanging limply in his vice-like grip, and yet he still wouldn’t let go, instead continuing to stare blankly at you. You should probably have been freaked out by this, and maybe you should’ve pulled out your pepper spray by now, but for some reason you didn’t feel scared.
The atmosphere between you two felt thick and tense, as if there was some sordid past between the two of you filled with years of history and feelings for each other. It didn’t make sense though, because you had never even really met Peter before today, and you definitely didn’t notice the tiny flecks of light brown in his dark eyes or the sharp points of his canines that were just barely visible behind those sultry pink lips.
You froze. Why the hell was your mind going there? You had more important things than crushing on some random junior in your American Literature class who probably spent more time sleeping in class than actually reading. You had an essay to write and homework to complete and a stupid police report to file for your stolen bike. You couldn’t keep standing here, getting lost in some stranger’s eyes as the sun went down.
“I really have to go now,” you repeated, taking a step backwards and trying to tug your wrist away from him. He kept staring at you though, and for a moment you wondered if he had suddenly had a stroke or something. You waved your free hand in front of his face, trying to catch his attention, and then suddenly he was like a toy soldier sprung into life.
“I— Oh my god. I’m— I— I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—” he fumbled, tripping over his words as they rushed out of his mouth. You were almost shocked by his sudden change of demeanor, and you tried to ignore the hurt that rose inside of your chest when he dropped your wrist hurriedly, like it had burned him. “God I—” he started again, rubbing his hand against his face, “I— I don’t even know what I was doing. I was trying to run back to my dorm. It was stupid. I should’ve been looking where I was going.”
You watched him struggle to explain himself, and you had to tamp down a chuckle that threatened to spill out. It wasn’t that you thought he was embarrassing or anything; endearing was the word you would use. Who knew the sleepyhead in class could be so full of bashful charm?
“It’s fine,” you told him, and you had to repeat it a few times before he actually heard you. “It’s my fault too, I was standing right in front of the doors, I should’ve moved or something.”
Peter didn’t say anything, and you didn’t either. Suddenly the atmosphere became stiflingly awkward as the two of you stared at each other, neither one knowing what to say.
“I should—” you started.
“You usually—” he said at the same time. 
“I— Sorry, you go ahead,” you said, gesturing for him to continue.
“Oh,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “I was just gonna say, you usually bike to your dorms right? I’ve seen you a few times this year.”
You took in a sharp breath, “Actually, I have to walk home today. Some douche took the bike rack.”
Peter paused, and you figured his face was probably identical to the one you had made just minutes earlier. “The bike rack? Like, the thing that holds the bikes? The whole thing?” he asked, his voice dripping with incredulity.
You chuckled, which ended up turning into a delirious school-girl giggle. “Yup,” you said, shrugging your shoulders, “an hour and a half ago there was a bike rike right next to that trash can and now there’s not. I don’t know how they did it, but somewhere out there some guy is probably enjoying a few stolen bikes and a free bike rack.”
Peter looked over to where you had pointed, and you watched his mouth gape open when he noticed the absence of the metal rack. You couldn’t help but giggle again, which felt wrong for some reason, but the sensation washed over you and you couldn’t do anything about it. Peter began to join in too, and the two of you stood in front of the building, giggling over a stolen bike rack like you were children.
Your eyes began to tear up from laughing so much, and you tried to take a deep breath to steady yourself. “Oh my god,” you cried, wiping your eyes, “I’m sorry, I just haven’t slept in like forever so I guess the deliriousness is finally getting to me.”
“Yeah I saw you passed out at the library last night, I was wondering how much sleep you were getting,” he remarked, and you paused, suddenly embarrassed. What if you were an ugly sleeper? What if you were snoring? What if you were drooling? And furthermore, why the hell did you care so much what he thought of you? “Don’t worry,” he said, sensing your turmoil, “you looked just like every other sleep deprived college student here, which is to say perfectly fine.”
You let out a sigh, “Well that’s a relief. At least I won’t have to worry about embarrassing myself when I’m sleeping anymore.”
“Why were you sleeping at the library anyways?” he asked. “I mean, shouldn’t you have a dorm you can go to?”
You groaned, “I wish. My stupid roommate read somewhere that listening to music on earbuds is bad for you or something, so she’s completely boycotted them. And that would be fine, right? Except she listens to the loudest, god-awful music all night long, and as soon as I think she’s done she’ll start playing some random lecture at the highest volume. God, I just want one night where I can fall asleep to the hum of air conditioning and not the faint sobs of students crying in the back of an organic chemistry lecture.”
Peter chuckled at that, and you couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride at humoring him. “Hey, if you want, you can stay at my place,” he offered. “My roommate dropped out at the beginning of the year so I have an empty bed.” You sucked in a breath, staring at him tentatively. “If it helps, I’m a big fan of earbuds and I don’t snore,” he added, eliciting a sheepish grin from you.
You sighed. What you were about to do felt wrong. It felt like it was going to lead to something more, and you weren’t sure if you wanted that. But you were tired. And you really hated your roommate’s music, so despite the protests of your logical mind, you said, “That’d be great. Where’s your dorm?”
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DAY TWELVE: Concern w/ Andrew!Peter Parker
a/n: Yes, I am aware how late this is, but I figured out that I do rhese challenges much better if I don't push myself, as well as me trying to answer old requests!
masterlist | comfortember masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood
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When you're not worrying about Peter getting hurt while he's disguised as Spider-Man, you're worried about what people your age should be, like homework. You had a major exam coming up, and with the way your life was going, you were for sure going to fail it. You've spent most of your weekend hunched over your desk surrounded by papers, textbooks piled up neatly on the edge of your desk. You had forgotten all about the date you were supposed to go on with Peter until you heard that familiar tapping on your window.
Your reddened eyes looked to your left to see Peter grinning at you sheepishly. He wasn't in his suited, clad in a cute boyfriend sweater, seeing as though the air began to grow cold as the leaves changed colors and fell off their stems. You quickly hopped off of your seat.
"Peter!" You exclaimed as you opened your window as quiet as you could. "What are you doing?" You whispered harshly. It was late in the night and your parents were fast asleep, there room being right next to yours. "Well, I figured something was up when you didn't join me for our date that we had planned." Your heart fell into your stomach as you remembered. "Oh my god, Pete, I'm so sorry." You apologized, pulling the lanky but muscular boy into a hug. "It's okay, baby, I promise." He reassured. It felt good to be held, not even realizing how frigid your body was until his scientifically modified one was pressed against yours.
"I see what's got you so distracted." His eyes locked on your disarrayed desk. "You stressed about the test?" You nodded against his chest. "Babe you'll do fine." You nuzzled into his pecks, allowing your softer body to sink into his. "I know.. it just feels like I forgot what it was like to be a teenager." He chuckles, placing a sweet kiss on the top of your head.
"Yeah, me too." He said softly.
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