north-meadow · 2 years
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OCkiss24 day two: rain
It was a violently stormy night. Rain relentlessly beat down on the marble walls of the Palace and nearby the Nile raged. Kasuf was curled comfortably on the floor, thankful that she was inside. The downpour was almost soothing knowing that she didn’t have to go out in it anytime soon, a welcome break from the suffocating heat. The criosphinx yawned, stretched out her wings with a flap, then settled down again. 
Lightning cracked, lighting up the hall. 
Thunder rolled, loud and right overhead. 
Her ears twitched. 
A muffled scream came from the bedroom she was sleeping outside. 
Kasuf jumped up, heart pounding as she raced into the bedroom. A child, not quite a teen yet but on the cusp, was sitting up on the wooden cot in the middle of the large room, rocking themselves back and forth. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Kasuf asked, lowering her head into the child’s grasp. “Abayomi, what happened?”
Abayomi leaned into the red and green feathers that fluffed beside her face, rubbing a hand on his eyes. “I–It’s nothing.”
Thunder crashed again and Abayomi jumped, biting back another yelp. 
“Ohh, it’s ok,” Kasuf said with realization. “The storm can’t hurt you.”
“I know. I know. It’s stupid and babyish. I’m too old for stupid fears like this but–” Abayomi paused, nervously chewing on his bottom lip, debating if he should tell her. “But what if the Palace floods or the wind blows a tree through the wall or the roof comes off??”
Kasuf frowned. “Those are reasonable fears to have, it’s not babyish. But the Palace is strong and we’re safe inside.”
“Yes, but this storm is really bad! Something could happen!”
Kasuf thought. She often forgot that Abayomi was so young; it really did baffle her sometimes. He was unbelievably powerful, being able to harness the Gods’ power at such a young age to the point of being able to create life. And of course he chose to use that for kindness as young people often do before they’re jaded by the harshness of the world. 
He had made her. She didn’t quite remember it, only blood… pain… dying. Then she was back in a strange new form with limbs she didn’t know how to use. It was terrifying not knowing who she was, why she felt fragmentented, or who were all the voices in her head that cried out in pain. As her vision came into focus, she saw his tear stained face and felt his hands gently holding either side of her head. The voices merged into one… hers. He had held her gently whispering encouragement as the strength returned to her limbs and her head cleared. She had looked at him that day and vowed that as long as she drew breath, no harm would come to him.
Kasuf was shocked back to reality as another clap of thunder shook the sky and Abayomi yanked on her feathers as he jumped.
“How about I sleep in here with you and keep you safe if anything happens? Would that be ok?” she asked. 
Abayomi thought for a second before hesitantly nodding. 
“Alright.” She curled up at the foot of his bed, settling back down for sleep. The wind howled outside. 
Just as she was about to drift off to sleep again she heard, “Kasuf?”
She opened an eye.
“Um, can I sleep here?” he asked, pointing to the floor next to her. 
She blinked in surprise before pulling him in with a massive paw. “Of course, little moon.”
He tensed for a second before relaxing and snuggling up, tucking his face into her fur. Gods, he was so small. Her heart ached. She gently rested her head on his back.
Abayomi opened his eyes with a start at the feeling of her rough sandpaper tongue brushing through his dreads. It was kind’ve prickly and pulled a bit but Kasuf was making a purring sound that rumbled through her chest so he just closed his eyes again. 
Eventually, his eyes closed and he gave into the steady rhythm of sleep. She gave him one last soft nuzzle before laying her head down. She untucked a wing and covered him with it; no harm would come to him as long as she was there.
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ensign-spider · 1 year
me: ahh jeez i accidentally let it get to like 64 in here, i better kick the heater up.
heater: *kicks on, as requested*
me: dO i LiVe In A fUcKiNg HaIr DrIeR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? *sensory overload*
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thelusitanianfox · 9 months
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"Chilling Pets" Oc Pets Chilling in the afternoon, Brisa, Barcelos and Anipe, hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to like and reblog.
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anip-ocs · 1 year
Disillusions - Monster Fight - Chapter 29
I haven't done a lot of writing this NaNo that I feel is worth sharing/can be shared without spoilers, but I do have a smidge of a snippet of a monster fight! I haven't written a fight/action scene in about 10000 years so if it's a bit of a Slog I deeply apologize, this is all still first draft content.
For a moment, the team stood there, staring at the beast as it convulsed on the ground. Eyebrows raised, biting their lips, squinting in… sheer confusion. Even when it stopped moving, and began to fade away like all of the Puppeteer’s other creations, it only made them more confused. Slowly, they all lifted their heads to stare at each other. They were all thinking the same thing, right? Weren’t they?
“That was way too easy.” CJ said. “Right? Am I the only one who thinks that was way too easy?”
“No, you’re not. However,” Ken sighed, running a hand through his hair and not seeming to notice that he was smearing blue blood into it in the process. “I truly wish you hadn’t said it aloud.”
“Yeah, don’t wanna get jinxed.” Alana said.
“If we just go home, there won’t be anything to worry about, right?” Taylor shrugged, turning to leave. “I’m out! See you guys la—”
The team all froze as thunder boomed in the distance. But the sky was still clear and sunny, save for a few puffy white clouds slowly gliding along the horizon. So… not thunder? Though, the sky was quickly darkening… another thunderous boom, and then a dull roar. In the distance, a parking garage crumbled to the ground. Maddi felt her blood run cold.
Ken wiped a smear of blood off his cheek, squaring his shoulders as he glared in the direction of the crumbling structure. “Well. So much for that being the end of things.”
“W-What do you think it is?” Brian asked, taking a wary step back. Still, the ground rumbled beneath their feet, a loud boom accompanying each of the beast’s loud footsteps.
“It’s getting closer, that’s what.” Maddi huffed, igniting her hands. “Everyone, get ready. This is gonna be a big one.”
Indeed, it would be. As the monster got closer, they slowly began to see its gargantuan features over the rooftops. Spiraling cyan-blue horns, twirling above the rooftops of the buildings around them. Claws, almost as tall as they were, a stark white against the gray asphalt of the city streets. A yellowish-peach underbelly, six scaly blue legs. A long snout, riddled with white razor sharp teeth, a pink forked tongue snaking out to taste the air, and four large, golden eyes. Before they could truly be ready for it, the team of teen heroes found themselves under the analyzing gaze of a giant dragon, one that seemed large enough to snap them all up in one bite.
“What’s the plan here?” Alana asked quietly.
“Don’t hold back.” Ken said, a low growl in his voice. “Go for the underbelly if you can, but watch for the claws.”
“Sounds good to me.” Taylor said, flipping her hair before crouching low. “Is everything evacuated?”
“These few blocks should be, going by the notice that went out. What… are you thinking?” Brian asked.
“Watch and learn.”
The dragon released a deafening roar, so loud that Maddi was nearly knocked off her feet by the impact. Then it rushed forward, snaking between the buildings, its eyes catlike slits as it narrowed in on its latest prey. Taylor raised her hands suddenly, a chunk of asphalt from the street surging up and striking the beast in the chin, stopping it in its tracks. With a pulling motion, one of the tall concrete buildings beside it began to lean, ripping itself from its foundation as it quickly picked up speed, slamming into the dragon’s head and neck. The monster was stunned, but wasn’t crushed—instead, it shook off the damage and continued its war path towards them.
“Oh, we’re in for it now!” Maddi said, stepping forward with a grin. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she and her friends stared the beast down, watching as it continued racing at them. She charged up her powers, her hands turning to pure burning flame. Waiting… waiting… waiting…
As the dragon opened its maw, ready to snap them up, the team quickly split directions. Maddi cast a blast of flame directly in its soft, fleshy mouth, instants before Ken grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away. CJ flew upwards, grabbing an abandoned car with his powers and attempting to drive it directly into the beast’s forehead, while Alana summoned a surge of thorns to pierce its side while she bounced away on a giant mushroom. Brian wielded his streetlight weapon once again, attempting to wrap it tightly around the beast’s mouth and narrowly avoiding a swipe of its claws.
Despite it all, the beast didn’t seem to take much damage at all from their attacks. As it turned to face them again, its mouth didn’t even seem singed, and its armored scales were barely even scratched after all their efforts. As the beast hissed at them, sparks dancing around its nostrils, they knew they’d have to try a lot harder if they wanted to finish this alive.
Maddi and Ken ducked to the side instants before the beast opened its mouth and spat out a blast of electricity. Even dodging it, Maddi felt the hair on her arms standing on end, a sharp minty taste filling her mouth, a sparking sensation in her head. Ken dropped from the sky, holding Maddi close as he fell to the ground and protecting her from the bite of the asphalt. The dragon didn’t hesitate, didn’t gloat over its somewhat-successful attack, but instead turned and snapped its jaws at Alana, narrowly missing her in its efforts. The plant girl let out a scream, jumping backwards before shifting into a bird and quickly flying away.
CJ flew in a bit closer, the glowing aura around him pulsing as he focused all his mental strength on the dragon's neck. Crushing its windpipe, breaking its neck, strangling it—whatever he was trying to do, he was unfortunately unsuccessful in the end of it. Their foe didn’t seem too affected, instead standing on its hind legs and swiping, trying to knock CJ to the ground. It missed by quite a big margin, but still forced CJ to retreat. Brian summoned a new streetlight to his side and attempted to maneuver it into piercing the beast’s underbelly, but the projectile was simply swatted away—right towards Taylor, who managed to dodge it easily enough but was still startled.
The reptile hissed, spitting out more bright blue electric blasts. Brian let out a pained shout as he was hit straight-on, knocked back into the wall of a nearby building. Alana gasped, instantly flying over to him and shifting forms, kneeling beside him and taking his hand.
“Oh my god, are you alright?!” she asked.
Brian coughed, looking up at her. “Can I say no?”
“Look out!” Ken shouted. The two looked up, just in time to see the beast rushing towards them, its mouth glowing bright as it prepared a new attack. Alana shifted forms into a pterodactyl and grabbed Brian before taking off, instants before a blue beam obliterated the building they’d just been beside.
“Holy shit!” CJ gaped, stumbling backwards.
“I think we need a new plan! Darky?!” Taylor shouted, turning to where Ken was forcing his way back to his feet.
“Plan’s still the same! Give it all you’ve got!” he yelled, crouching low. The shadows of the buildings around them defied the laws of nature, stretching towards the teen as a dark aura began to surround him. He snarled, flaring his wings as he stood to his feet, his hands held close to his chest as they pulsed with energy. For a moment, his eyes seemed to glow red, and with a shout he cast his hands out. Dark energy shot out of his hands violently, blasting towards the beast’s side as the angel roared. The sky went dark, if only for a brief moment, as the attack pierced the monster’s side and slammed it against the very building it had half-destroyed just a moment ago. The beast screeched as it crumpled to the ground, the building collapsing over it a moment later.
The rest of the team slowly turned, wide eyed, to Ken as he stood there, eyes wild and panting with ragged breaths. The boy paid them no mind, only staring blankly where the reptile had collapsed and met its certain doom, his heart pounding in his ears as energy danced and thrummed at his fingertips. Only when he’d finally caught his breath did he blink and seem to return to reality, noticing his friends staring at him, mouths agape. Ken stood straight, laughing tiredly and smiling a bit. “Well. Suppose that’s the end of that, isn’t it?”
“Dude holy shit!” Brian shouted.
“That was amazing!” Alana gasped, carrying Brian over to the rest of their friends as she finished healing him. “Have you always been able to do that?!”
“It’s not the sort of attack I’m able to do often. Honestly, it’s quite draining…” Ken laughed softly.
“Any way the rest of us can do that?!” Taylor asked.
“I’m not sure. Someone with light-attuned powers, possibly, but otherwise I’m not so sure.”
Maddi opened her mouth to ask a question, but froze as she noticed movement at the edge of her vision. A piece of rubble fell off the larger pile and to the ground—surely wouldn’t have been a big deal, but then two pieces fell, then three, then five, the pile was shifting as if something underneath it all was stirring—
“Guys,” she said loudly, grabbing all of their attention. “We’re not done.”
“What do you mean, we aren’t done?!” Alana gaped. But as the team turned back towards the dragon’s grave, they quickly had to duck to avoid the explosion of rubble as the pile exploded outwards, revealing the dragon getting back to its feet—slightly smaller than before, but still alive and kicking.
“Oh, you’re kidding me!” Taylor groaned.
Disillusions Tag List: @mallthologist
If you'd like to join the tag list, just let me know!
I hope this was a nice read!
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alcohol1maid · 1 year
do any of your OCs have sexualities?
Also ik ur genderfluid so currently what's ur gender 👁
ooh, okay!
kema umi- bisexual (male leaning)
north sky- demiromatic pansexual
sofia linkina- asexual bisexual (no lean)
monica- bisexual demiromatic (male leaning)
c-10- bisexual (no lean)
assistant kun- staight demisexual
bear chan/yuri- pansexual
sakura/skull chan- lesbian
riku linkina- demiromantic asexual
gun/trayon- bisexual (female leaning)
Kathrine- asexual lesbian
Anipe- abrosexual (currently female leaning)
Fu-min- aroace
and my current gender? male, so please use he/him mainly for now please ^-^
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sivatherium · 1 year
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untrisha · 1 year
I had an extremely traumatizing/retraumatizing couple of events in June (literally sandwiching my bday 🤪) and fully like was not able to handle it well at all. Like started drinking way too much everyday and isolating and not functioning almost at all (work >home >work>home only for this ho). I stopped drinking in early August and finally got to the point of starting to address things I'd been completely ignoring in like mid August (showering, brushing my teeth, eating, sleeping, talking to people, school, cleaning, etc).
When I started cleaning my apartment, I got pretty far...
Then I tried to do my dishes (at this point I'd had the same dishes in the sink for like a month 🤢) and found a HUGE maggot(?) infestation. I couldn't even look at it. I dropped the dish I had picked up. My whole body was shaking and I just walked away and took a hot shower and rubbed my skin raw.
I finally did a load of dishes a couple weeks ago but every time I get to the sink I just CAN'T touch it. I've thought about hiring a house cleaner just to tackle the dishes, but the idea of putting some poor human through the consequences of my actions makes me feel fucking awful. I started spraying the sink with loads of bleach to hopefully at least kill them??? I just put a load of dishes in and tried to grab more dishes and there are more maggots and I'm just shaking again. Like I can't live like this anymore!!!! It fucks with my ability to be in the main area of my home at all and like I'm not able to clean anything else because all I can think about is how I NEED to take care of these dishes and get on with my life.
Idk I need help but idk where even to go???? Or who to ask so I won't feel like a wretched cunt. Anyways maybe I'll finally be able to get some of it done tonight 🤞
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north-meadow · 2 years
beautiful friends I met yesterday! 💚
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lux-scriptum · 2 months
Many years ago I made a form to make tag lists easier on me. I waffled on making another, but this has been in my drafts for months now, so I've decided to revamp it. I'm tagging my old tag lists just to confirm y'all still wanna be there. You know what to do after the message.
@golden-eyed-writer​ @halfbloodlycan​ @kclenhartnovels​ @idreamonpaper @thespooniewrites @reininginthefirewriting @malkinse @rrrawrf-writes @incandescent-creativity @sancta-seraphina @sheralynnramsey @lady-redshield-writes @aesterea @theguildedtypewriter @anip-ocs @dragonauthor @gingerly-writing @fragmentedink @chalilodimun @rhikasa @solangelo3088 @eponinemylove @commasinsidequotes @joshuaorrizonte @golden-eyed-writer @elliot-orion @pouchedmilk @severe-fangirl-syndrome @boyswillbekillers @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @poetinprose @sarcasm-and-studying
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OCkiss24 day six: reach
Felix didn’t know what to do. 
Everywhere she looked, there was more destruction. Set animals with their long biforked tails ran through the Gaul refugee camp, trampling everything in their path. They slashed through the canvas tents and stuck their long pointed snouts inside, ripping the flesh off the people taking shelter there. Most of the people here were displaced civilians and Felix watched in horror as families were chased through the wreckage of the camp. A man tripped and the Set animals descended upon him like wolves. A lady desperately hung onto a branch of a tree and they jumped up, grabbing her dress in their teeth and trying to pull her down. The air was filled with the crying of lost children and screaming of the unfortunate. 
There was some resistance though. To her left, Aurelius and Marcellus, the centurion of their legion, were fighting back to back, swords cutting through the vile black beasts. To her right, Philo was firing shot after shot from his bow, trying to pick off the creatures that had cornered people. A few of the refugees were Gaul soldiers; they had their long swords out and were helping to push the creatures back but even so their little band was sorely outnumbered against the creatures. 
And in the middle of it all was Anipe. But it wasn’t really her, was it? Her eyes had rolled back in her head during dinner a half hour ago and she dropped her food with a clatter. Her body had seized up, her back arching, and a deep voice that was not hers boomed out declaring itself Set, the god of chaos and destruction, come to rule the world. She had raised her hand and that had been the start of it, the first horrid Set animals forming out of the ground. 
Now she stood in the middle of the battle, white dress stained with blood, cackling and clapping her hands at the bloodshed like it was her favorite performance. A faint red glow exuded out of her. 
Felix’s eyes narrowed. “SET!”
Anipe turned to her with a blank expression. 
“Leave these people alone!” Felix commanded. “They did no wrong!”
“It’s not a question of right or wrong,” Set said dismissively, “it’s a matter of who’s in my way. These people aren’t stopping me, no, but you are and they’ll follow you anywhere. And for that… you, all your friends, and followers must die.”
Felix charged with a yell, sword at the ready. 
Set just stood there with a wicked grin. 
Felix raised her sword above her head, ready to bring it down into Set’s collar bone when suddenly Anipe stumbled. She looked up with fearful eyes. “F-Felix?”
Felix froze, her lover’s plea for help catching her off guard. In that split second hesitation, Anipe’s eyes rolled back again and Set slammed a fist into Felix’s stomach. She went flying back and landed with a sickening crunch. She weakly grabbed her ribs and a flash of pain went through her. 
Set laughed, a mocking condescending sound, as he walked towards her. “This is why you’re weak, Opto. For all your fancy fighting skills, you’re still a slave to your heart. You’ll never be able to stop me as long as you hold yourself back like this.”
Felix groaned, forcing herself to her feet. 
Set raised another hand and a red ball of glowing light formed in his palm. Felix closed her eyes, bracing for the worst. 
But nothing happened. 
Felix cracked an eye open. Where the red had once been, the ball of light now glowed a light blue, the color of Anipe’s magic. Her face was screwed up in concentration; sweat beaded up on her forehead. 
“Anipe?” Felix croaked. 
Anipe’s eyes flicked up to her. “It’s so loud in my head. I can’t hold him off much longer.”
As if on cue, her eyes turned red again and Set shook his head to clear it. 
“Stupid Thoth,” he cursed, “trying to push me out of his avatar. Giving her his power as if she didn’t want this. It’s not my fault she asked me to do this.”
“You liar,” Felix spat. “You stupid fucking liar!”
“Oh, did you not know?” Set feigned concern, putting a hand over his mouth. “Your beloved Pharaoh Anipe here asked me to use her body as a vessel. She’s the one who freed me from the old scrolls, blinded by Thoth’s pointless pursuit of knowledge. Don’t believe me? Ask her yourself.”
Anipe stumbled forward, falling into Felix’s arms. She trembled like a leaf as she looked up at her. “I– it’s true, I did. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know this would happen. Kill me, please kill me. I don’t want any more innocent people to die. Stop him, please.”
Felix’s mouth turned dry. 
With a small sigh, Anipe fell against Felix’s chest. She shakily opened her eyes like each one weighed a pound. “F-Felix…”
“Anipe…” Felix didn’t know what to do. Holding her lover in her arms while she begged to die and two gods fought under her skin was heart wrenching. 
“It’s so loud…” Anipe whispered, eyes falling shut again. “Make it stop… Make them be quiet…”
The air around them crackled with magic. Bursts of red and blue lit up in her veins as the gods battled for control. Around them, the tide in the battle against the Set animals started to turn but Felix was oblivious. Anipe’s breaths seemed to get more and more shallow until Felix struggled to see her breathe at all. 
“Anipe?” Felix gently shook her. “Anipe? Anipe?”
She reached out and grabbed her partner’s hand, gripping it so hard her knuckles turned white. 
“Nonononono,” she whispered. “Come back to me, come back. You can do it, you can beat him, you’re stronger. I don’t care if you let him out in the first place, I’m sure you didn’t know ihe would do this. Beat him, you can do it, I believe in you.”
Anipe’s brows furrowed.
A burst of blinding blue light exploded out of her small frame, flooding the remnants of the camp with light. The Set animals shrieked in pain as their bodies withered and burned away leaving behind a pile of ash and a putrid smell. 
Felix slowly blinked the spots out of her vision. Anipe sucked in a deep breath and, chest steadily rising and falling, relaxed more comfortably in her arms. 
Felix looked around in confusion. Her friends were blearily stumbling in the rubble, beginning to check on the injured. 
“It’s over…” Felix realized. “You did it. Oh, you did it, Anipe, you did it!”
She pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Then her forehead, her ear, and her cheek. 
“You did it, he’s gone, we’re alive,” Felix rejoiced. “I knew you could do it. I love you so much.”
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Emrey— Survive || OC & Sully Family
Chapter 7: You Were Never Supposed To Get Hurt
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The story about love and family, about beginning and end, about life and death. All shown equally and unfairly, for that is the way it was intended.
Follow the story of the Sully Family as they journey across the seas, seeking sanctuary, only to find war and death.
But they emrey— survive, because their family is their fortress.
words: 4.3k
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
He hazarded a look down, praying to Eywa that they weren't seen. There, a little ways away from where he and Tuk had practised, were the Avatars. One with a nearly bald head and something reflective and blue covering his eyes like a visor were looking straight at them. Lo'ak heard him say something; the Avatar tilted his head slightly as he raised his gun and took aim.
Lo'ak urged Tuk to climb faster, trying to manoeuvre himself so that if they were to get shot at, it would hit him and not his sister.
He tried to listen to what the Avatars were saying, but their words got lost in the rustle of leaves and the pounding in his ears. He didn't dare look down again, too afraid of what he would see. He couldn't believe what was happening. Why were there Avatars even here in the first place? As far as he knew, the only Avatars that were supposed to be here were his father, Norm and some of the other scientists.
And the Avatars he knew had never looked so threatening, with the thick padded clothing, heavy boots, menacing glares, and even more menacing weapons gripped tightly in their five-fingered hands.
"…now or never Colonel," the one with the gun pointed at them spoke, never taking his eyes off them. Lo'ak knew enough English to know what he said.
"Take it."
Lo'ak barely had enough time to swing out of the way before the bullet made contact with the tree, splintering the wood, and sending shards flying through the air. The bullet barely skimmed past Lo'ak as he twisted his body out of the way. He had managed to shove himself between some of the vines that covered the trunk of the tree. He looked up at Tuk, he had heard her scream, dread filling his stomach at the thought of her being hit. But she didn't look hurt as she clung to the vines, frozen in place.
"Go, climb Tuk!" Lo'ak yelled, hoping his sister had heard him. But she stayed in place, her small hands clutching at the vines beneath her.
Another shot rang out, this time it wasn't aimed at Lo'ak, but instead aimed at Tuk, the bullet colliding with the tree right next to her head. The bullet had splintered the wood, sending small shards into her face. She screamed and Lo'ak's heart nearly stopped as she let go of the vines, falling to the ground below.
Lo'ak didn't think, he just did. Barely remembering to call for Anippe he launched himself from his perch towards Tuk.
He caught her securely in his arms, pulling her close as they both fell through the air.
Distantly Lo'ak wondered if this is what Ri'te felt when she jumped from High Camp, this weightlessness as the wind rushed past her. He wondered what she thought as she fell. Did she think of their family? Of the time they spent together. Did she mourn the end of her life? Or did she just accept it? Like there was nothing she could do but accept her fate as she hurtled to the ground below.
He heard the powerful wing beats of Anippe before he heard her shriek, ducking underneath them to catch them on her back. Quickly as he dared, he bonded with his beast, his mind urging her to get them away. The wind whipped past them as Anipped pulled up from her dive and swerved narrowly above the Avatars' heads.
"Don't just stand there, shoot it!"
Soon Lo'ak's ears were assaulted with the deafening sound of gunfire. In his mind, he urged Anippe to dodge the bullets, he didn't need to remind her that getting shot was a painful thing, the several small holes torn in her wings were a reminder enough.
He kept his body hunched over Tuk as she continued to cry, hands clutching at her face. She was hurt and Lo'ak didn't know what to do. He tried to get her hands away from her face, to see how hurt she was, but Tuk wasn't budging. Lo'ak stopped trying once he felt the heat of a bullet skim over his hunched back, looking up as Anippe twisted between branches, heading for the open sky.
Oh, how he wished Ri'te was here. She would know what to do like she always does. Always the one to think of a quick solution to whatever problem they had, even if it wasn't the best in hindsight.
He remembered a time when it was just Lo'ak and Ri'te, the two of them against the world, as their father had often said so fondly. Tuk had been too young to tag along in their adventures, Neteyam was too busy stepping on their father's heels as he followed him everywhere and Kiri was too often distracted by the world around her to be interested in what her two siblings were up to, so it was just them. Lo'ak and Ri'te. Ri'te and Lo'ak.
One day the two of them were roaming the jungle surrounding their camp, long before the war, when all they had to worry about was being home before nightfall. Lo'ak had got the idea to go out and look for this one specific flower he had heard their mother talking about, and of course, wherever Lo'ak went, Ri'te followed.
The two had wandered further than they would usually, so caught up in their determination to find that flower that they failed to notice they were being followed.
The jungle had gone quiet, the only sound was the cracking of twigs underneath their feet and their laughter as they playfully shoved one another. After a particularly hard shove that sent Ri'te tumbling to the ground, Lo'ak nearly fell down himself with how hard he was laughing, clutching at his stomach. 
The two had failed to notice the hisses and growls of a pack of nantang, viperwolves. Ri'te was the first to see them as one launched from behind a giant root straight for Lo'ak. She yelled for him to duck, to get away from the oncoming attack. Thankfully he had heard, dropping to the ground as the beast passed over his head.
Soon more came through the brush, each taking a chance to claw at the two children. 
Quickly they were surrounded, the viperwolves circling tightly, snapping at them when they tried to push through.
Lo'ak couldn't remember what happened after that, the only thing he remembered was the burning of his lungs and the growls and whines of the viperwolves. And the next thing he knew, they were huddled close in a hollow tree stump, Ri'te craning her neck to look in all directions, looking as breathless as him.
Ri'te must've told him what she was planning because he remembered their hushed conversation. "You go first," he had said lowly, head tipped in Ri'te's direction. They were hiding, breaths heaving from the run.
"No, you go first," Ri'te said back, "I've got my dagger with me, I can hold them off for as long as I can," she continued, cutting off Lo'ak's protests. He looked at her hands, and true to her word, the small obsidian dagger was clutched tightly, a gift from their uncle Tsu'tey when she had completed her first solo hunt. He had looked so proud.
"I'm the big sister, I have to look out for my baby brother," Ri'te had said so softly, staring into his eyes as if they weren't being hunted by a pack of hungry viperwolves.
Lo'ak looked into her eyes, hard with determination and wild with adrenaline. He was sure he looked the same. "But dad said I should protect you," he whispered desperately, trying to convince his sister.
Ri'te was quiet for a moment, her eyes clouding over as she thought. She focused back on him quickly after, a new light in her eyes. "How 'bout I got first, stand ground while you climb." her voice was hard, determined. She wasn't going to take no for an answer.
Lo'ak found himself nodding, standing from his crouched position. Ri'te smiled at him, the gentleness of it not meeting her eyes. She brought her hand up and placed it on the back of his head, tilting it closer to hers, "We're gonna be fine, I promise." He held her stare, silently pleading with her to change the plan, but if Ri'te was anything, she was stubborn.
Ri'te stuck her head out again, looking in every direction for their pursuers. She looked back at him and nodded, crawling out and taking a low stanch at the entrance, her dagger held at the ready.
Lo'ak scurried out after her, making his way to one of the surrounding trees and started to climb. He hadn't heard Ri'te follow him.
He risked looking down, seeing Ri'te being circled by the viperwolves, none of them advancing, wary of the weapon in her hand that swung wildly whenever one got too close. Ri'te must have felt his eyes boring into her, blood running cold as he watched his sister being at the mercy of those beasts. She turned her head to look up at him quickly, taking her eyes off the circling pack for just a second, long enough for one to lunge at her.
Lo'ak yelled out, hand reaching to her even if he knew that he could never reach.
Ri'te spun back, just in time to flip the lunging beast over her head and start to run. Lo'ak didn't know what was going on in her head but knew she must have thought up some semblance of a plan, knowing she wouldn't do something so stupid without thinking it through first.
Lo'ak hadn't noticed, but some of the viperwolves had looked up at his scream, yipping when they saw him, but Ri'te bolting off had taken their attention off of him.
Another lept at her, almost pinning her beneath its clawed paws if she had not dodged to the side, letting the beast tumble to the ground as she used its body to leap into the tree. Lo'ak had never seen her jump so high or climb so fast. She was barely in the tree for five seconds before she had passed him, urging him to follow as she scurried higher.
But Lo'ak didn't move, eyes still glued to where Ri'te had jumped, staring unbelievingly at the distance between it and the tree.
Ri'te was almost all the way to the top before she realised Lo'ak hadn't followed, looking down to see him frozen in place. She watched in horror as one of the viperwolves jumped up and start to scale the tree.
It was enough to break him out of his stupor, just in time to see the viperwolf swipe at him. He yelped and pulled himself higher, feet scrambling to find purchase.
But it was too late, the viperwolf had managed to claw at his lower leg, opening up his flesh as the blood flowed heavy and quick down his leg, dripping onto the face of the rapid beast. There was white froth forming at the corner of its mouth, having tasted his blood and now wanting for more.
Lo'ak barely had time to process the pain before he was being pulled up, a hand gripping tightly to his arm, forcing him to climb higher. He heard a pained yowl and a grunt, bleary eyes looking down to see Ri'te kicking at the viperwolf's maw, the look on her face furious and wild. He had never seen such a look on his sister, secretly unnerved by the ferociousness in her unhinged gaze. It was like Lo'ak getting hurt had snapped something in her, and now there was nothing holding her back.
He couldn't look at her any longer, turning his head up as he scaled the tree slowly, pulling himself onto a thick branch, silent tears running down his face as he touched his injured leg, hand shaking as he placed it over the open wound. 
He heard the whining of the nantang, high and piercing the jungle air.
Lo'ak couldn't remember anything past that, sure he had passed out or had blocked the memory from his mind. He can vaguely recall Max talking about it to his parents when they somehow made it back to camp, Lo'ak hanging off Ri'te's shoulder as she dragged him, barely standing herself. She had passed him off to the frantic adult as she was crowded by their uncle Tsu'tey, worried hands passing over her as he looked for injuries.
Next thing he knew he was waking up in his grandmother's hut, the musky scent of herbs thick in the air.
He felt like he was floating, mind drifting as he inhaled the almost intoxicating scent of the herbs. He was sure there was some smouldering in a bowl somewhere, the whispy smoke filling the hut. Lo'ak had always thought that it was a waste of supplies, and now understood why his grandmother did it. It's better to let an unconscious patient inhale the medicine than pour it down their throat.
He never really had the patience for healing, his heart more willing to beat for the thrill of an arrow cutting sharply through the air, lodging itself in the hide of his prey. He was addicted to the feeling of chasing down his prey, the exhilaration that came from leaping between trees, swinging down vines and the soft moss beneath his feet as he ran. That is what he is meant to do. And he loved it.
Lo'ak wasn't sure how long he had laid there, unmoving in his grandmother's hut, but he couldn't say he minded. The musky scent of the herbs was starting to grow on him, unlike the times he had complained about the stink of it. He wondered what his grandmother thought of his whining. Hopefully, she knew he didn't actually mean it.
He felt light, like floating across the water's surface, weightless as he drifted downstream. He could imagine it now, the cool water surrounding him; his hair splayed like a halo around his head, the current caressing his skin. He drifted and drifted, but he sank and sank, his head barely above the water's surface. He wanted to do something, kick his feet, swing his arms. Anything to keep him from sinking.
He felt his leg burn, the pain stealing the air from his lungs, and then he was pulled under, sharp claws digging further into his leg.
But before he could be pulled down any further, he felt a weight on his hand, pulling him up above the water, keeping him anchored there.
There, just beyond the thrashing of the rapids was a quiet hum. A constant noise that reverberated through him, shaking him out of this dreamy headspace. He heard the noise get louder, the hum growing into gentle words, whispered softly into the quietness of his mind.
"I thought that if we could get to the trees," he heard a voice say, breaking through the fog in his mind, "we could get high enough that they would just give up on us and leave," He tried to open his eyes. Still, they felt so heavy, eventually managing to open just one, staring blearily up at Ri'te.
She wasn't looking at him, staring blankly at the wall across from her. There were remanence tear tracks down her pale cheeks, long since dried as she shut herself down. He hated when she did that; when she refused to feel anything because she is scared of the pain that it will bring. She was never good at dealing with pain.
She would always think too much about them and then end up in this almost catatonic state where she functioned on just muscle memory itself, and it was so painful for Lo'ak to just sit and watch as she shut herself out from everyone else. He just wanted to help her.
Her breath was caught in her throat, causing her to hiccup slightly, her tears renewing as her grip on his hand tightened.
"You were never supposed to get hurt," Ri'te whispered, her voice so small, so fragile. Lo'ak wanted nothing more than to comfort his sister, he hated seeing her this way. He tried to squeeze her hand back, to show that he was there, awake and there for her. But his fingers didn't do as much as twitch, laying limp in his sister's hand.
"You were never supposed to get hurt," she said again, closing her eyes tightly, tears rolling down her pale cheeks. Her breath was shallowed and trapped in her throat. Lo'ak's eyes were now fully open, staring up at his distraught sister and not able to do anything. He hated it.
"You were never supposed to get hurt," she said again, closing her eyes tightly, tears rolling down her pale cheeks. Her breath was shallowed and trapped in her throat. Lo'ak's eyes were now fully open, staring up at his distraught sister and not able to do anything. He hated it.
"Ri'te," he tried, his voice barely above a whisper. He scowled, unconsciously clenching his hands. "Ri'te," he tried again, his voice cracking in his sore throat.
But she couldn't hear him, head bowed and tightly shut eyes failing to stop the tears from falling. "You were never, never, never, never," she muttered.
Her eyes shot open, her head whipping to look at him.
"I know," Lo'ak whispered back, squeezing her hand as tight as he could. "You did what you could."
"Lo'ak," she whispered, eyes wide as she stared disbelievingly at him. Lo'ak smiled, a crooked smile that brought back some of the light that was somehow always shining in Ri'te's eyes. "The one and only,"
"Lo'ak," Ri'te whispered again, her hand impossibly tight around his. Her tears were falling heavily down her cheeks, Lo'ak wanted nothing more than to wipe them away. And he did, he brought up his hand and gently placed it on the side of Ri'te's face, his thumb wiping tenderly across her wet cheek. His eyes softened at the way Ri'te leaned into his hand. Sometimes he forgot that she was a child just like him, needing comfort in her time of distress.
"It's okay Ri'te, you did what you could," he repeated, his thumb caressing her cheek. "it wasn't your fault, I was the one that wanted to go out in the first place, all you did wrong was follow me."
"But I couldn't let you go alone!" she said, a determined light returning to her eyes.
"I know."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Lo'ak."
"It wasn't your fault."
"But I promised..."
"I know," he said again, his hold on her face tightening slightly, forcing her to look at him. "What happened was out of our control and you know it, so stop blaming yourself."
She stared stubbornly at him, her lips pressed in a frustratedly thin line. Her ear twitched and then she sighed, looking away from him. "Alright,"
Lo'ak smiled, a huff escaping his lips. "Good, now get in here," he said, scooting back on his cot, making room for Ri'te to climb in. Her head whipped back to him, the small braids that framed her face clinking together. "But grandmother said you shouldn't—"
"Oh c'mon Ri'te, just this once? It won't be that bad." he pouted, tilting his ears back and staring wide-eyed up at her. Ri'te held his stare, but he could see it in her eyes, she wanted it just as much as he. She scrunched her nose and sighed, rolling her eyes for added effect, "Fine," she said shortly.
Lo'ak did a little quiet cheer, lifting up the blanket for her to climb in. Once they were settled, with their hands still tightly clasped together, and Ri'te's other hand placed comfortingly on the back of his neck, did Lo'ak find himself floating down that stream again, this time he didn't sink. And he knew why. He tightened his hand around Ri'te's, shuffling a little closer and sighed, comforted in the fact that she wouldn't let him be pulled below the surface.
"... 'ak!"
His ear twitched, the sound so quiet he wasn't sure he even heard it.
There it was again.
He squeezed his eyes, burrowing further into his pillow, shuffling closer to Ri’te. What was making that noise?
Lo’ak jerked back. Wha– what? What happened just now? Where was he? He wanted to be back with Ri’te, warm and safe and secure. 
He felt cold. So cold. But there was something warm on his shoulders, shaking him. 
His head hurt. 
He pried his eyes open, seeing the jungle rush past beneath him. He was flying. Why was he flying?
He looked away, dazed eyes falling on his little sister. Tears mixed with blood as they both rolled down her cheeks. What happened to her?
Tentatively he brought his hand up to her face, thumb wiping away the muck in a way that brought a sense of nostalgia to him.
Tuk flinched back, eyes shining with pain as his hand came away stained with her blood. She was hurt. Why was she hurt? Who did this to her?
"Tuk," he said quietly, words almost lost in the rush of the wind. "What happened to you?"
She looked back at him, face twisted in pain. "The Avatars Lo'ak, the Avatars attacked us!" she yelled, her hands impossibly tight on his shoulders, still shaking him.
Lo'ak felt as if someone slapped him in the face. The rush of clarity almost making him fall from Anippe's back. The Avatars, the ones with the guns and the mean stares. The Avatars.
He focused back on flying, wrapping one arm around Tuk, needing her close so he can reassure himself of her presence. She had her face hidden in the crook of his neck, her little whimpers of pain barely heard over the rush of the wind. he could almost feel the splinters in her face dig into his skin, which only made him wonder of how much pain his little sister is probably in right now. He had to get them home.
Lo'ak urged Anippe on, getting her to fly as fast as she could. He took a risk at sending a piece of his panic through their bond, hoping it would be enough for her to understand why he was straining her like this. He could already feel the strain of her wings through the bond, a phantom pain that lead from his upper back and outward to where he knew Anippe's wings extended. He couldn't explain it, the feeling he gets whenever he and Anippe bonded, it was like he became a part of her, and she, him. He could feel her powerful heartbeat, her breath in his lungs, her thoughts in his mind.
He felt whole whenever they bonded.
Lo'ak felt his stomach swoop as Anippe suddenly dove down, flying almost vertical to the ground. He could feel himself lift off the saddle, Tuk grabbed harder at him, feeling their change in direction.
He focused back on flying, head whipping to the sides to see why Anippe had dived so suddenly. He scanned the air around them, the trees rushing past below them, but he couldn't see a single thing that could have caused her to act like this. He pushed his confusion and concern into their bond, hoping that she would answer him. 
And she did, sending back what could only be a memory from just a moment ago. He looked through her eyes, saw what she saw. A shadow had passed over them, large and imposing. He had only heard stories of a creature like that, dread weighing heavy in his stomach. 
They broke through the treetops, Anippe landing heavily on the lower branches of the tree. Lo'ak could feel the stain as she breathed, the ache of muscles he didn't have, the pounding of a heart that wasn't his own.
"Tuk," he said quietly, "look at me."
His little sister was trembling in his arms, clinging to him in a desperation he wished he'll never see again. She shook her head.
"Tuk, please," he pleaded, "I wanna make sure you're okay."
Tuk whimpered, wetting his neck more with her tears and blood.
Lo'ak inhaled deeply, closing his eyes as he fought back tears of his own. He placed his hand on the back of her head, threading his fingers in her hair as he tried to pry her face away from his neck, but she held fast and pressed her face harder into his skin.
"Tuk please,"
She stilled for a moment, her body tensing as she took a shaky breath. She loosened her arms enough to lean back, looking up at Lo'ak with her pained golden eyes, shining with tears and fear. Lo'ak could feel his heart break as he took in her face, the little splinters embedded in one side of her face, leaking blood as it trailed down her face and mixed with her tears.
He brought up his hand, his fingers barely skimming over the splinters, not wanting to cause her any more pain. "Oh Tuk," he breathed.
Tears were now falling freely down his cheeks, dripping down his jaw and they landed in the space between him and Tuk. She didn't deserve this. He should have never taken her out, not this far. Should have stayed with her. Should have not made that stupid bet. Should have done better.
He couldn't take his eyes off her face, her sweet little face, stained with her own blood and tears.
"Lo'ak," Tuk said, her voice cracking, "I want to go home."
Lo'ak found himself nodding before he even said anything. "Alright, but we can't go right now," he tried not to look at her as he saw something in her eyes break, that little spark fading, "it isn't safe,"
"But..." she started, her hand clutching his, still hovering over her bleeding face.
"I'm sorry Tuk." he felt a tear roll down his cheek, but it was nothing compared to Tuk as her face crumpled, eyes squeezed shut as she silently cried, pressing her face into his neck again, gripping his hand tighter. Lo'ak couldn't do anything but hold her, gently shush her whimpers and sobs. Oh how he longed for comfort of his own, someone to hold him, tell him that it's going to be okay, to wipe his tears.
He just wanted his big sister.
translations in order of appearance:
Eywa - world spirit/the Great Mother who protects the balance of life
Nantang - viperwolf
@iwaslikeblah @liyahsocorro
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
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god-mouths · 1 year
What's ur favourite TF2 headcanon u have
hard tie between aro sniper and trans woman scout i <3 my fuckin aro sniper and trans woman scout. aniper is just aro not aroACE he still FUCKS. thats really important
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eric-makes-art · 11 months
Animal crossing but it's my sona and gator aniper 👍🏼
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butfirstatwist · 2 years
also lmao @ anipals because they’re probably trying to figure out how to lock down the outdoors people without ruining their twist
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