I’m feeling like a whole mountain has been lifted off of me after my breakup a few days ago. It’s incredible to observe the alchemy process that I can sense in my cells. I can literally feel how my grief and pain is being transformed and composted inside of my body. When I become still enough to observe, when I allow the pain to be present, with full trust in my capacity to hold this, it doesn’t take long until this energy shifts into warmth, love, vitality. Embodiment is the biggest gift I received in my life. It helps me to heal from those addictive patterns which held me captive in unhealthy relationships of all sorts. It’s only been two days since we ended the relationship, and I feel centered, joyful, content and truly loved. I feel how much intimacy I can sense besides from this partnership, I can sense how little time I made to focus on my friendships, my career, on dreaming, playing, being.
Embodiment allowed me to stay centered and deeply rooted in my truth. The wisdom I have gained through cycle tracking gave me the courage to let something that is dear to me die. It allowed me to recognize the dysfunction of the relationship, and take responsible steps to restore my own well being. I am beyond grateful to my beloved teachers and allies. This feels like a new way of living and loving. I am mind blown that this is how I can feel after a breakup.
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pihlas · 7 years
Self-Love Challenge Day 1
5 things I love about myself: - my eyes - I’m kind and friendly - I’m thoughtful - my tummy - I’m good at cooking and baking
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🦋 Self Love Challenge by @anna-learns-to-love-herself 💗 Write 5 things you love about yourself on your blog • My eyes • My intuition • My ability to communicate with people • My creativity • I am brave with some weird situations ✨🗝 I am going to get though this ! 🙏🏼
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girlcalledfearless · 8 years
Real Self Love Week 2 Catch up!
Okay so now that life has calmed down a bit I finally have a chance to catch up on the Challenge!
I’m going to put it as a read more post because its bound to get long!
Week 2 Day 2: I don’t think my dad has ever struggled with self love. He doesn’t get why I struggle, he’s very analytical and sees the world in black and white so emotions and self love don’t really register on his radar... I’m not sure if my mom ever struggled with self love but she’s definitely more understanding and can see why I struggle sometimes. I’m pretty sure there is a genetic connection in my family as many of my cousins have struggled with self harm, depression, and addiction. 
Week 2 Day 3: I think the habit that makes me feel the worst is the procrastination... It causes so much anxiety and stress... I know I’m going to regret not starting a project or essay sooner and yet I still don’t start it... I know I work well under pressure but is that because I’ve been doing it so long or because I actually do better then, I’m not sure. 
Week 2 Day 4: I think I feel most confident when I’m riding or while working as a guard. I love riding and its completely relaxes me. I love being at work. Its such a fun environment and I have fun... 
Week 2 Day 5: I think if I couldn’t fail I would apply to a bunch of internships for exotic animal rescues and start working with endangered animals and do conservation work... I would absolutely love to travel to Africa and do major work with endangered/threatened species ie cheetahs, rhinos, zebra, elephants. I definitely want to go and travel but I don’t just want it to be a two week or month long thing I want to make a difference... As cheesy as that sounds I do... I want these animals to be around in the wild when I have kids... I want to go on insane adventures and have the time of my life and I want it all to be based in animals. 
Week 2 Day 6: I think my definition of happiness is being content with what my life is at that moment. I want to be content with what I have and not always be wanting for things, be it tangible or a feeling... I think a good life could be led without happiness but would I be content, no... probably not.... 
Week 2 Day 7: I think my biggest blessing would be the family I was born into. They love me unconditionally and support me in what I want to do. No matter how successful I am at that given moment.  I’m most grateful for my family’s support and the opportunities that I’ve been given in life, ie ability to go to university, to grow up without major tragedy etc.
I think thats it for this week... thanks for sticking around through the unscheduled break :)
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turnerbop · 8 years
Where are the master posts for the real self love challenge?
I thought I had it book marked, but I didn’t.
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chuhiros · 8 years
5 things I love about myself
almost forgot to start this challenge in an attempt to boost my self-esteem 
1. I’m okay at art
2. I can be funny at times 
3. I can make decent icon edits 
4. I can make decent edits in general
5. I’m decent looking sometimes
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On Cycle Tracking as a mental hygiene tool
I had this feeling creep up on me the past days. It happens each month, and no, it’s not “that famous time of the month”, it’s not the week of my period. Since I started cycle tracking roughly a year ago, I learned so much about me as a cyclical being, what it means to empower myself and my cyclicality in a society that is structured in a linear way. I learned about the individual ways my monthly cycle is structured, I learned to listen to the language of my body, to translate what it needs and to honor its wishes and boundaries, and I explored what each of the four phases has to offer me. I learned to feel incredibly grateful for being a woman, for having a bleed. It’s no longer a burden I just have to deal with each month - my bleed is a powerful source of wisdom, a time where I can perform rituals and connect with my energetic and actual womb space. This cyclical blueprint - at least this is what I believe - is something we all carry, wether we have a womb or not. The cyclical blueprint can be found throughout all of nature, and it might simply look different than what we’ve learned. It might be way less linear in its structure, and therefore harder to recognize.
So what’s happening right now? I am in my inner autumn, the time right after ovulation. When I ovulate, I am full of hormones that make me feel strong, that help me to feel connected to a general sense of trust. I feel more outgoing, and happily connect with others. The extrovert in me is much more on the rise. It feels juicy being in my body at that time, there is a deep connection to my sensuality and I enjoy being intimate with others and myself. Then, an egg is released, and I crash. The contrast is immense. My cyclical summer (the time before and during ovulation) is probably a lot easier for me to deal with, because it presents itself with qualities our modern world values a lot more than the qualities that are present in my inner autumn. During autumn, I feel highly critical and irritable. I am more tired, and I sense a desire to spend time on my own or with significant others who can deal with me being down. Before I tracked my cycle, I didn’t see the regularity in this monthly crash. Usually it “happens”, or let me say, Manifests on my 18th day of my menstrual cycle. Now I know. Now I can choose to be prepared. I can schedule something calm or uplifting in advance on this day, and not expect too much.
Honestly, without the tools of cycle tracking I was devestated regularly about losing my positivity. I felt hopeless about this repetitive crash, not seeing the relation to my hormone levels. I felt like a failure. Sometimes it got so intense, I even had suicidal thoughts. Today, I either manage to be really really caring, or I embrace this darker episode. I allow myself to see what this pain and darkness is pointing to. Many topics and feelings that I manage to ignore during the other phases of my menstrual cycle, will no longer be silenced during my autumn, and I have learned to be grateful for that. I no longer label all darkness that appears as PMS, and it’s no longer something I believe needs fixing. I use this time as an embodied meditation, and I try to see what happens when I dare to sit with my feelings, my gewy, not so easily loveable parts.
If this resonates with you, and you wish to find out more about how you personally connect to (or disconnect from) the phases of your menstual cycle, get in touch with me! I offer Embodiment Coaching with a focus on cyclical living. Oh, and if you don’t have a bleed, but still feel this topic is interesting, also don’t hesitate to get in touch. I would love to explore this topic from all sorts of view points.
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🦋 Self Love Challenge By @anna-learns-to-love-herself 🌟 💗 Add at least one thing to your jar of self love • I am lovely! And Kind ! 😍🙏🏼🦋✨🗝
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girlcalledfearless · 8 years
Real Self Love Struggles and Triumphs
I think the biggest struggle I had with my self love was a couple winters ago. my grades were plummeting and I had absolutely no desire to save them. I equated my entire self-worth to my grades. It was definitely not healthy. I also became very depressed, a lot of that was brought on by the concussion I had suffered previously. Being asian brought certain expectations of grades and extracurriculars while growing up. Those expectations weren’t always voiced but they were definitely always in the back of my mind. For me it seemed as though my grades dictated how proud of me my parents, specifically my dad, were. Now having struggled so much and gone through so many breakdowns my parents have been much more vocal about grades not being everything which I really really appreciate. They’ve been so helpful in helping me to see that I have so much more to offer than grades. I can’t thank them enough.
I think the moments that I feel the best about myself are when I’m working with an animal (dog or horse) and something that we’ve been struggling with for a while just clicks in their brains and they’ve got it. Something about just getting to that click is a wonderful feeling. Its really really nice to feel like I accomplished something and that the animal is better off for it!
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turnerbop · 8 years
Real Self Love Challenge: Day 7
Day 7 - Take a look back on the week. What did you learn about yourself through the daily prompts and or challenges? Are there any things you realised / learned that you want to do in the future?
I’ve come a long way from where I was in high school and middle school. I also have realized that I look the same, but also incredibly different. Middle school I just look sad, high school I look to freaking happy, and now you can tell that I have a range of emotion and that I am actually letting myself experience life. 
It was nice to sit down and think a little bit about the way that I treat myself and think about who I am. I need to work on writing down my thoughts. That may be a good project for the accident second bullet journal I ordered. Go day by day and record my positive and negative thoughts.
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