#antônio madrigal
gabrielapazlima · 1 year
"Julieta don't care about Luisa or Isabela because she don't talk with her in the whole movie"
1- Yea i also wish that we saw more of their interactions,but its nice to reminde y'alk that this movie is told by MIRABEL's pov,her eyes,most of the interactions will be with her.
2- The movie is also seeted in 2 days,2 VERY hard days,jump on conclusions in any of the Madrigal dymanics its a very complicated,and that's why I wanted this movie to take place at least two days before Antônio's ceremony
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maidenxpersephone · 8 months
Todas as bios estão fixadas nos respectivos blogs.
Post/Pesquisas: Naughty or Nice?
Perséfone (@maidenxpersephone)
Nome. Perséfone. Kore. Idade. Aparenta 26. FC. Laura Harrier Espécie. Divindade. Sexualidade. Bissexual Heteromântica. Ocupação. Deusa da Primavera e Rainha do Submundo. Proprietária da floricultura Elísios. Lealdade. Neutra-vilã (influência do marido). Petweapon. Coroa. Objeto. Alianças. Família. Deméter e todo panteão grego. AU!HS. The Overachiever.
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Drácula (@vampirelord-dracula)
Nome. Conde Vlad Tepes. Vlad, o Empalador. Vlad III. Idade. 626. FC. Ben Barnes. Espécie. Vampiro. Sexualidade. Pansexual Polirromântico. Ocupação. Rei dos Vampiros e proprietário do Fangtasia. Lealdade. Vilão. Petweapon. God's Mask. Objeto. Joias de colarinho. Família. Alucard (filho). AU!HS. The Charming Bully The New Kid.
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Fiona (@enfionecida)
Nome. Princesa Fiona. Idade. 35. FC. Tessa Thompson. Espécie. Ogro. Sexualidade. Bissexual Heterorromântica. Ocupação. Policial e futura Prefeita de Tão Tão Distante. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Machado. Objeto. Anel de noivado. Família. Rei Harold (assassinado no casamento de Marta Caloteira) e Rainha Lillian (desaparecida e viva). AU!HS. The diurnal Miss Congeniality.
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Belle (@belledoslivros)
Nome. Belle French. Idade. 27. FC. Lily James. Espécie. Humana dotada de magia (não desperta). Sexualidade. Heterossexual Heterorromântica. Ocupação. Domadora de Feras e Bestas. Bibliotecária e coproprietária da livraria Tales As Old As Time. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Desiluminador. Objeto. Livro. Família. Maurice (pai) e Agatha (mãe e feiticeira). AU!HS. The Wallflower.
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Espelho Mágico (@emvocenaobrilha)
Nome. Goldyn. Idade. Indefinida. FC. Camila Mendes & Freddy Carter. Espécie. Espelho Mágico. Sexualidade. Demissexual Arromântico. Ocupação. Braço direito da Rainha Má. Lealdade. Vilões. Petweapon. Relógio. Objeto. Colar. Família. Não se aplica. AU!HS. The High School Sweathearts.
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Mirabel (@talentosamirabel)
Nome. Mirabel Madrigal. Idade. 20. FC. Isabela Merced. Espécie. Humana superdotada. Sexualidade. Heterossexual Birromântica. Ocupação. Estudante de Psicologia e Garçonete da Friar's. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Frigideira. Objeto. Bolsa. Família. Julieta (mãe) e Agustín (pai). Isabela e Luísa (irmãs mais velhas). Bruno, Pepa e Félix(tios). Dolores, Camilo e Antônio (primos). Abuela Alma (avó). Casita (soulmate). AU!HS. The almost teacher's pet.
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Gretel (@ingretel)
Nome. Annegreta. Idade. 29. FC. Conor Leslie. Espécie. Bruxa. Sexualidade. Bissuxual Demiromântica. Ocupação. Diretora do hospital Saint Muriel, médica emergencista e caçadora. Lealdade. Neutra-vilã. Petweapon. Escudo Mágico. Objeto. Fio. Família. Hansel (irmão gêmeo). Guadalupe (filha 3 anos). AU!HS. The Forced Loner.
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Anastasia (@lasttremaine)
Nome. Anastasia Tremaine. Idade. 24. FC. Adelaide Kane. Espécie. Humana. Sexualidade. Pansexual Panromântica. Ocupação. Proprietária da loja de joias finas Anastasia's. Lealdade. Vilã-neutra. Petweapon. Gargantilha Banshee. Objeto. Rosa. Família. Lady Tremaine (mãe), Drizella Tremaine (irmã mais velha), Cinderella Tremaine (meia-irmã mais nova). AU!HS. The False Preppy.
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Primavera (@godfather-autumn)
Nome. Autumn. Outono. Idade. Aparenta 29. FC. Kofi Siriboe Espécie. Fada/Feérico. Sexualidade. Pansexual Birromântico. Ocupação. Padrinho de Aurora e estilista/costureiro da Vil's. Lealdade. Mocinho. Petweapon. Cetro. Objeto. Varinha. Família. Fauna e Flora. Fausto. AU!HS. The Dreamer.
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Capitão Gancho (@youshalldie)
Nome. Killian Jones. Idade. 47 anos. FC. Karl Urban. Espécie. Eterno adulto rabugento. Sexualidade. Machista. Ocupação. Capitão do Jolly Rogers. Proprietário do Puddin 'n' Pie. Lealdade. Vilão. Petweapon. Em construção. Objeto. Em construção. Família. Smee.
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Tropeço (@you--rang)
Nome. Tristan Tropeço. Idade. Indefinida. FC. Casey Deidrick. Espécie. Indefinido. Sexualidade. Indefinida. Ocupação. Mordomo e integrante da família Addams. Lealdade. Neutro. Petweapon. Em construção. Objeto. Em construção. Família. Mortícia, Gomez, Wandinha, Mãozinha...
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Jane (@mimjaneporter)
Nome. Jane Fernanda Porter. Idade. 26. FC. Deniz Işın. Espécie. Humana. Sexualidade. Bissexual. Ocupação. Funcionária do Santuário de Tarzan. Professora de desenho e pintura da Universidade. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Em construção. Objeto. Em construção. Família. Arquimedes Q. Porter (pai).
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Mor'du (@morduforte)
Nome. ???. Adotou Kendrew para sua forma humana. Idade. Aparenta 30. Aproximadamente 60 de existência. FC. Calahan Skogman. Espécie. Humano amaldiçoado, transforma-se em urso negro. Sexualidade. Furry. Ocupação. Segurança da Drink in Hell. Lealdade. Vilão. Petweapon. Em construção. Objeto. Em construção. Família. Pai e três irmãos mais novos, assassinados por ele.
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Pocahontas (@ppocahontas)
Nome. Matoaka. Amonute. Idade. 28 anos. FC. Devery Jacobs. Espécie. Indígena shamã. Sexualidade. Indefinida. Ocupação. Livre. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Lasso. Objeto. Colar da Mãe. Família. Powhatan (pai), Callun. AU!HS. The Activist.
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Please Disney don't construct casita in animal kingdom it doesn't fit the park
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You can have a Antônio room area with character appearences of the family in animal kingdom to interact in the south america area but construting the whole casita of the madrigal family in ANIMAL kingdom is just no. The madrigal home on disney world should be on one of the other parks(magic kingdom, epcot or hollywood studios all of those fit)
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luvlyencanto · 2 years
Pepa and Juliet's pregnancy - headcanons.
request status: OPEN
a/n: my first request! I loved righting this.
warnings: none (again, English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes). (gif is not mine. all rights reserved to the creators. found it on google)
word count: 2677 words
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Request: Hello how are you?. I was looking for tumblrs that write about Encanto and I found yours, I liked your corner and wanted to ask you a question. Could you make headcanons for Pepa and Juliet's pregnancy? I'm making a fanfic based on this, I'll use your information as a base and inspiration for me, I hope it doesn't have any problems.
Hey, how are you? Very nice to see you here 😉. Well, if you like my headcanons, you can use them as reference material to create a plot (feel free for that). Here we go...
Pepa when she was pregnant:
Dolores – She could only eat soft foods. Pepa loved sweets during Dolores' pregnancy, chocolates were her all-time favorite. She had a certain sensitivity to sound in her first pregnancy and had several migraine attacks. During this period, Casita Madrigal adapted to its shape, produced less noise and helped others in this as well. It was a smooth pregnancy, Dolores was a quiet baby, but very exploring.
Camilo – She had the craziest cravings of all, like eating raw corn, eating snow (and she simply made it snow for that) or drinking sea water. One day she wants avocado and the next she gets sick. Flu and morning sickness.
Antonio – Completely accidental, but welcome. Pepa knew she was pregnant, but decided not to tell anyone, however, sixteen-year-old Dolores cornered her trying to find out why her mother suddenly had two heartbeats. When the pregnancy was revealed, Julieta claimed that she already knew, she only noticed Pepa getting (somehow) even more emotional and refusing her food. Her belly didn't grow much, and that worried him. She was sick of the smell of meat and other things that were of animal origin, anyway, during almost all of Antônio's pregnancy the Madrigal Family became vegetarian.
Juliet when she was pregnant:
Isabela – Julieta may have been sick of everything in her pregnancy, except the flowers, her sense of smell was even more acute in her first pregnancy, smells of varied spices while cooking and perfumes were her favorites. She just woke up with different cravings every day and had strong mood swings. A LOT OF AGUAPANELA, MY GOD.
Luisa – Luísa was not an easy child, she moved a lot and kept Julieta from sleeping. For much of her second pregnancy she walked around with deep circles under her eyes, her feet were very swollen as well and her appetite literally tripled after a while. Enchantment almost ran out of supplies trying to satisfy the desires of his dear Juliet 😅. But it was all worth it, Julieta forgot everything when she had her little baby in her arms.
Mirabel – Mirabel was the easiest pregnancy because, apart from her growing belly, Julieta had no side effects. No morning sickness, no trouble sleeping, nothing. Julieta was a little worried about it, but she didn't tell anyone about her worries, only to Agustín.
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talentosamirabel · 6 months
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
Domingo. Almoço. Casa dos Madrigal. Não importa se seu dia, semana, mês, ano, década foi ruim. Um almoço com a família Madrigal e você sai dali novinho em folha. Dolorido de tanto rir, vermelho de tanto revidar e empanturrado com todo o tipo de criação de Julieta. Seus problemas são expostos e uma porção de soluções aparecem, boas e ruins. Isabela faz crescer flores na cabeça dos primos, Luísa trás o piano para o namorado de Dolores tocar e tio Feliz puxa tia Pepa para dançar. Casita rearranja os móveis e coloca todo mundo para fora da cozinha, migrando o almoço-festa para o pátio interno, onde a luz nunca acaba. E Mirabel? Ela puxa Antônio para o colo e palpita quem ganha a discussão com Tio Bruno.
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theliviariane · 2 years
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grimxark · 2 years
Why do people keep calling Antonio a “short king”…. He isn’t short… he is 5
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bellathechildbitch · 2 years
pepa madrigal x reader, where reader is having fun with their children (Dolores, Camilo and Antônio) and doesn't realize that pepa is watching them
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It was a warm and sunny day.. thanks to your wife of course. She was in a great moon and it was rather surprising.
After breakfast Camilo just gotten a new soccer ball and he was wanting to play with it all day. He decided to invite his sibling to play.
As they played in a field you watched them for a moment. Dolores had the ball as she was aiming to kick it twords Antonio, but Camilo swoops in as he kicked the ball away from her and back into his hands.
Dolores would growl "Hey! That's not fair you used your hands Camilo!" She hissed at her you her brother
Camilo would stick his tongue out "You we're going to kick it out of bounds anyways!"
"Was not!"
"Were too!"
"Was not!-"
You stepped in "Enough both of you.. Camilo I taught you all the rules with soccer.. no hands.. put the ball down.. and I'll show you how it's done"
Both of them seemed surprised as Camilo rolled his eyes playfully "Oh yeah? Come on mama/papa.. you're going to pull a muscle like you did last time.." he said as he put the ball down "Just admit it.. you're getting old!" He laughed
You would scowl "Oh hush Camilo.. " you said as you flicked his nose "Don't get so cocky now.. just because I'm a bit old doesn't mean anything!" You said as you kicked the ball away from him as you chased after the ball. Camilo would be shocked as he looked at you "Not fair!" He yelled out.
You would laugh "Antonio! Dolores! Let's play keep away.. keep the ball away from Camilo!" You teased
"Alright Mama/Papa! " Called out Antonio as you passed the ball to him, as Camilo tried to get it from him but missed
Dolores would giggle as Antonio would then pass the ball to his older sister "Come and get it cheater!" She yelled at Camilo as he would glare at her as he ran beside her, attempting to get the ball from her Dolores would then kick the ball twords you. "Get it in the goal mama/papa!" She cheered
You would kick the ball as it would go through the make shift goal that the kids made. Jumping up and down you would pick Antonio up as he cheered with you "Goal!!" You both screamed
Camilo would pant as he glared "Okay okay! I cheated.. I get it.."
Dolores would laugh "finally you admit to it.." she said as she would ruffled his brown curly locks he would grumble as the both would join in with the cheering.
From afar Pepa watched as she smiled brightly at the sight of her family getting along. Hesitating she would walk over to you guys "Room for one more player..?" She asked softly
You turned twords her and nodded "of course.. let's see if you still have the skills to go against me.. and the great Madrigal children!" You said in a cocky tone
Pepa would smirk "Oh yeah? Haven't you forgotten that I always beat you in almost every game we played as children?"
You blushed as you looked away "Not true..! Don't fill our children's heads with such lies!" You huffed
They would laugh "Oh fine.. but I'm sure to win this time as well!" She said as she would move her hair out of the way.
"Oh boy.. fine.. let's see... Then shall we..?" You said as you set Antonio down. "the best out of three!"
Pepa would scoff "Deal.."
After playing for hours I hate to say it.. but your wife.. won.. yet again.. but hey.. it was worth to see the smile on her face as she cheered with her children.. all in a day's work in the house of madrigal ;)
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cram-cram · 2 years
Could I get an Encanto matchup?
so I’m Lexi and my icon is me! (You can also check my "#vintage inspired" tag for a better look!)
I’m 21, she/her, 5’4, & ISFP.
Pros? I’d say I’m playful, talkative, loyal as a dog, great listener, smiley (albeit I’ve got resting bitch face), sarcastic, and most would probably describe me as either adorable yet cursed or adorably cursed. Essentially a bit of a cryptid
Neutral? I’m very sensitive, mildly socially awkward, tend to ramble a lot, and am a bit of a perfectionist
Cons? I’m shy, anxious, stubborn, non-confrontational (unless truly needed), and can be petty/passive-aggressive
Likes/Hobbies: Playing bass, secondhand shopping/thrifting, music, art, photography, and horror movies
Dislikes: Being underestimated, my passions/interests being mocked (let’s just say I’ve always been a bit of a black sheep 😬), being interrupted (I’ve had trouble in the past with coming off as quite literally invisible to peers), and...country music? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Fun facts about me:
* Sometimes I write music (mainly just basslines though)
* I once accidentally won an art show (Yes I do mean accidentally. I wasn’t even planning on entering until I was basically forced to🤡)
* Erm…I used to work at a daycare?
Hope that’s enough info. Thanks in advance!
A/N: sorry for taking so long to do your request! Burnout is a bitch, but I hope you like it!
Your matchup is... Bruno!
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At the start, he was scared of approaching you because of your resting bitch face, he thought it was a bit intimidating with a mix of attractiveness
He needed the help of his sisters to go talk to you
Welp, now you're a happy couple!
In the beginning you were anxious around him and you being mildly socially awkward didn't help much with interacting with his family
But as time went on, you became a bit more comfortable around them!
Since you worked on a daycare beforez you're really good with kids! Therefore, I have a feeling Antônio would like you a lot!
And, let's face it, he would help you hook up with Bruno because of what he heard from the rats and thought you and his tio were adorable together the entire family hopped on the bandwagon as well
The fact that you are stubborn can create some conflicts at times, same thing with your passive aggressiveness, but I feel like he would know how to go around those factors and would 1- convince you and 2- calm you down
If he saw someone underestimating you or seeing someone mock something you're passionate about, consider not only him, but the entirety of the family Madrigal just eyeing that person with heavy murder intent
Two anxious people together sound like a disaster, but in reality, you both know how to calm each other down!
He likes your playful and talkative personality and loves to hear you go on and on about a topic. It became something that helps him calm down
Loves your smile. He sees you smiling? Bam, he'll be smiling. You're basically his charger for whenever he's feeling tired. Just seeing you smile brings back all of his energy.
Absolutely adores hearing you play the bass. He just likes sitting near you while you're playing or writing a piece of music for the bass.
Also really likes the pictures you take. He values a lot the gifts you give him, he'll treasure them.
Also very aware that you dislike being interruped and will look at the person slightly annoyed when they interrupt you and, reluctantly tell them thay you were talking and and motion for you to continue
I also have a feeling that he isn't very confrontational either. For obvious reasons. If it is a major problem, you'll most likely be the one to adress it and confront him about it. He'll be slightly scared at the beginning of the conversation but will calm down and talk it out in a calm (Bruno style calm) manner
He doesn't mind your rambling since, he too, rambles a lot!
Would definitely remind you that not everything needs to be perfect and would help you with your perfectionism if it ever started to make you feel uncomfy with yourself.
Appreciates your loyalty and so does his family! After everything he went through, someone that's loyal and loving to him is very much welcomed. Please just love this man, I beg
Also appreciates the fact that you're a good listener. After sometime in your relationship, he'll feel more comfortable with opening up and just vent sometimes. He also likes hearing you vent if you ever need it. Both of you are great listeners and try to help each other out in any way you can.
In general you two are a great couple! Yes, sometimes you two have an argument, but you always work it out! That's what a relationship is made of anyways
It's a healthy and happy relationship :D
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magicalencanto · 2 years
I wanted to request headcanons for the movie "Encanto". This girl (which you can name) would be the lost daughter of Pepa and Félix Madrigal. -- I know it sounds crazy, WOW THIS COUPLE ALREADY HAS 3 CHILDREN --. But I love them both 😩.
It's going to be more or less the story of "Tangled". She would be kidnapped from the Madrigal house, and kept imprisoned in a tall tower far away from the village. Years later, she would flee from there and find herself fleeing to the village. There, she meets Mirabel (or even Camilo) and the story begins to unfold.
She would have the power to Manipulate water -or fire- (an elemental power, similar to her mother).
➖ Probably, everything would happen after the reconstruction of the Casita.
➖ She would be younger than Dolores and Camilo and older than Antônio.
Thank you in advance ❤.
I can do something like that 😊
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theliviariane · 2 years
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Sorry, I found this on twitter and thought I should share here IMAO
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