radicalgraff · 4 years
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"Religion is the opium of the people" 
In Albaicin-Granada, Spain
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The Continuing Appeal of Religion
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001. The Beginning
I haven’t really decided what this is going to be yet, so let’s see where it goes.
The past two years of my life have been a roller coaster.  Who am I kidding, my entire life has been one, but the last two years have been a whole different monster.  The good thing is that through the experiences I’ve gone through I’ve been able to find myself.  To be more comfortable with who I am.  Here are just a few of the things I’ve realized or come to accept…
I am an atheist. I struggled with my faith and religion for a long time.  It was hard for me to wrap my head around any of it, but I kept pushing and hoping that something would make me feel like a “good Christian.”  Eventually I realized that it’s okay to not believe in a higher power.  It’s okay to think this is it.
I am an extrovert, but I love (and crave) time by myself too. Some people call it being an “introverted extrovert,” and that’s pretty accurate I guess.  Overall I thrive being around people.  But after a while I absolutely have to recharge.  The shit thing here is that I tend to go a little overboard when I’m in hermit mode.  I won’t speak to friends, I won’t answer calls…I am a hermit.  What’s super interesting to me is that I used to be more of a hermit well, all the time.  I had terrible anxiety before I started taking Zoloft.  Zoloft saved my life.
I don’t need to run a business to be happy. This may seem a little odd, but I have committed years of my life to running some kind of business, and I’m completely over it right now.  It’s okay to want an average life.
I crave simplicity. I love minimalism.  No, not just bare white walls and uncomfortable chairs, not the decorating style, but the lifestyle.  Only owning things that bring you joy or that serve a needed purpose.  This part is hard because my husband and I differ greatly with this.  I could live in a tiny house and be happy, he loves huge plantation homes.  I could live with just a few clothing items, he has like a gazillion t-shirts.  And in an ideal living situation I would be down for eating the same basic meals each day, but my husband loves all kinds of frozen meals and on-the-go meals.  In the end, my husband is my best friend!  We just differ with this one, so I haven’t been able to have the house quite like I’d prefer.
I need stability. Having times in my life where I had no idea where my next meal was coming from means that I need stability.  In fact, I need even more than that.  I need to know that in an emergency we will be okay.  This, paired with the train wreck that is our current president (Donald Trump), means that I have taken a huge interest in survival skills and prepping.  I’m still a total noob, but I’m learning more each day.
I feel like I have a lot more to say, but this is my first day on Tumblr so I’ll be ending it here and seeing what tomorrow brings.
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helloundefined · 7 years
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If God was on dating apps you would not be happy or love him
let’s be real. 
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justpoeticjustice · 7 years
Christianity + Moral Uprightness
Christianity + Moral Uprightness
I was talking with a wise person on the subject of tithe on a one beautiful afternoon and he gave me some wisdom regarding tithe. This is his argument; everyone usually finds a way to remain sane. Some buy books on different self-help issues; some get accountability partners; some punish themselves for their flaws (God bless them) and so forth and so on. So, he says, if Christianity is keeping…
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
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hi everyone! this was a little soulmate au requested by @andreasworlsboring101 ! i was given the option between loki or ransom, and it’s been a minute since i’ve given reindeer games some attention. so here you are and i hope you enjoy!!🤍 (WARNING: contains plot/spoilers to The Avengers)
Everyone knew that moment you turned sixteen the first words you’d hear your soulmate say appeared on your wrist.
You had watched your clock count down the exact moments until 12 AM the night of your birthday. Sure enough, black scribbles (in your handwriting!) began to fade onto your wrist.
“‘Kneel?’” you asked outloud to your dark room in disgust. “What the hell is ‘kneel’?”
You spent years trying to figure out what the meaning of your word was and who on earth could possibly just say that in casual conversation?
In school you were teased, your schoolmates being convinced it was something sexual. Theirs’ were all basically the same, being something stupid like “Hello” or “Woah, I am so sorry I tripped you!” (That one was your absolute favorite. Like, how much more Hallmark Movie cliche could you get, Lily?)
You would often times wear sweatshirts or long sleeves to cover your words up. Not only were the kids at your school concerned, so were the teachers. It was kind of dumb, to be honest. You’d never forget the one time you got called to the guidance counselor’s office where this lady basically asked you if you were in a cult.
“I’m actually (religion or antheism),” you sneered back defensively. She stared at you for a moment before slowly nodding.
She claimed she just wanted to make sure you were “being safe.” And after you told your parents who threatened to sue for harassment, your words were never brought up by staff again.
You spent years dreading that stupid word, “kneel.” Once your soulmate was found the word would fade and become less bold.
Once you were older, you and a few classmates from college spent time studying abroad in Germany.
Germany was so lovely and you had the time of your life there. Your life also was changed there.
One night you and your friends attended a gala in Stuttgart. It was at a lovely facility full of people dressed in fancy gowns and suits while drinking champagne and chatting quietly. There was a violin orchestra that provided lovely music and guards that provided safety to the attendees.
As you wondered about slowly and tugged on the black glove hiding your word, you saw a man making his way down the marble staircase. He had long slicked back black hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes, wore a black suit with a long suit jacket accompanied by a green and gold scarf. He also held a sort of long scepter. You cocked an eyebrow; he didn’t seem to have a mobile disability of any sort, so what was it for?
Suddenly as he came across a man watching over the crowd on the stairs, he took the scepter and knocked the young man to the floor in one clean swing. People gasped all around you as the seemingly violent man began to make his way through the crowd quickly. Everyone parted from his way as he grabbed an older man by the neck and flung him onto a stone table carved as a sort of bull.
You watched in horror as he pulled out some sort of metal device that he shook and sprouted three separate cone-like appendages . The device whirred as it began to spin and a blue light shined under every cone. Without missing a beat, he plunged the device onto the man’s eye as people began to scream and run in all different directions. You stood in horror and watched the older man squirmed on the table.
The man with the blue eyes glanced around the room and grinned wickedly. He caught eyes with you and you began to slowly back away.
“Who the hell are you?” You blurted to him before following the crowd out of the facility.
You ran as fast as your high heels and fitted gold dress would let you. People pushed past you and ran out into the misty air and wet streets, trying to make a quick getaway. You wondered where your friends were and looked around.
You saw the man with blue eyes strolling out amongst the people with a smirk on his face. And suddenly gold light surrounded him and hid attire changed. Your heart stopped and your jaw dropped in fear and astonishment. This guy was defintely not from Earth, this was pure magic.
He was now wearing shiny gold armor with intricate detailing, a long green cape flowing behind him, and a gold helmet with long horns extending out of the front. He grasped the scepter in his hand as he strutted out in front of the still-evacuating crowd.
You made it across the street and hid amongst the crowd as the man picked up his pace. He walked right into the street when he heard a siren and saw a police car approaching. He jabbed the scepter towards it and a blast of blue light flew to the car. It tipped the car on it’s front as slid across the road sending sparks flying. The man continued to make his way to the crowd as the car flipped on its top.
You looked away and the crowd halted. The man had magically moved from behind the crowd to the front of it. Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked around frantically. He said something to the crowd that you couldn’t hear among the screaming and yelling.
The crowd tried to redirect its path when flashes of golden light circled the crowd. Clones of the man appeared around the crowd and you began to hyperventilate. What were you going to do? Were these your last moments? You’d never even met your stupid soulmate and now you were going to die at the hands of a voodoo man in Germany.
You stumbled around as your eyes darted all around you from one clone to another. You looked behind you and saw what appeared to be the real man walk forward slowly and pound his scepter onto the ground. Blue light shined from all the scepters of the clones and the crowd gasped. You clutched your chest as a tear slid down your cheek.
“KNEEL!” The man yelled furiously. You blinked and gasped quietly to yourself. The whole crowd began to lower to their knees and you followed momentarily. You anxiously yanked off your glove and stared;
“Kneel” was now faded on your wrist. You wiped away a few tears and looked up shakily at the man, who opened his arms and took in the sight with a smile.
“Is not this simpler?” He asked as he walked through the crowd. Though some looked at the ground in fear, others looked from clone to clone, and some watched in fear at the man, you never stopped looking straight into his blue eyes.
Your heart was racing and your hands were shaking. This awful man, this dictator who wanted nothing more than to cause havoc and destruction among the innocent was your soulmate? Another tear slid down your cheek as he walked past you and continued to make a speech to the crowd.
How were you supposed to talk to him? You didn’t even want to be near him with that thing he held. You twisted your glove and glanced back down at the writing.
How were you expected to fall in love with someone like this? What were the soulmate gods thinking? You inhaled shakily and looked up at the cloudy sky.
It seemed that with completing the task of finding your soulmate, came the task of making it out alive from your soulmate’s acts of terrorism.
WAS IT GOOD? WAS IT OKAY?? i’m overall kinda impressed with how i did! it’s been a minute since loki’s got some attention so i’m glad i was able to write this! sorry not sorry about the cliffhanger though. i mean what was i gonna do, have you fight him? i think it’s nice to let your imagination decide how this turns out. thank you for your support, i love you all!🤍
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hadescavedish · 6 years
How can I write something about deconstructing the fate and the destiny, turning one's world upside down. (probably a bit antheism undertone in the story since it was used in a half mytho science fiction)
The best redemption solution, ever.
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abihasan281293-blog · 6 years
Thought via Path
*Quotes of Kiai pada Apel Milad ke-50 PM Dar El Qolam, Gintung, Tangerang Selatan Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018* *KH. Syahiduddin, Pimpinan PM Dar El Qolam, Gintung, Tangsel.* "Ternyata menjaga amanah itu sulit, melelahkan, dan butuh pengorbanan tidak sedikit. Menjaga amanah itu harus kuat" "Dar El Qolam jangan terkenal karena kiainya, tapi karena sistemnya" *KH. Hasan Abdullah Sahal, Pimpinan PM Gontor* "Kiai Rifai, pendiri Dar El-Qolam adalah sosok yang sulit dicari, jarang didapat, mahal harganya. Beliau tidak pernah mau putus asa dalam berjuang" "Satu hal yang jarang dimiliki di luar pesantren adalah sakralnya kehidupan. Santri setia dan taat pada kiai itu sakral." "Jika sakralitas kehidupan hilang, maka yang akan timbul adalah: _"fii quluubihim maradhun"_ (dalam hati mereka ada penyakit)." "Dar El Qolam ini didirikan oleh Kiai Rifai 50 tahun lalu yang waktu itu belum Drs, juga belum kiai. Dia hanya seorang manusia biasa, sederhana, tapi istiqomah dan keikhlasannya luar biasa. Dan inilah hasil karyanya" "Kiai yang masih terus belajar dan menuntut ilmu itulah kiai yang sebenarnya. Adapun kiai yang berhenti belajar adalah kiai palsu" "Dua misi pondok pesantren adalah: anti kekafiran dan anti penjajahan." "Maka, jika pondok tidak anti pada antheisme itu pondok palsu, demikian pula kiai dan santri jika tidak anti pada atheisme adalah jiai dan santri palsu" "Tapi, jangan salah paham, kiai tidak benci pada orang kafir, orang maksiat, orang pezina, karena selamanya orang-orang seperti akan ada untuk menjadi _wasailul idhoh_ (contoh / cermin). Yang dibenci adalah kekafiran, bukan orang kafirnya." "Oang yang mengatakan shalat tidak wajib adalah kafir; orang yang katakan jihad tidak penting adalah kafir. Kamu orang muslim yang tidak shalat atau kamu orang muslim yang mengatakan shalat tidak wajib? Jangan mudah mengkafirkan orang, karena kekafiran itu sudah jelas." "Jangan sampai karena banyak orang tidak shalat, maka dikatakan shalat tidak wajib. Jangan sampai karena banyak orang berzina maka dikatakan zina halal." "Misi kedua pesantren adalah anti penjajahan. Pesantren ada sejak dulu untuk membentengi umat dari penjajahan." "Kalau ada kiai tidak anti penjajah dan penjajahan adalah kiai palsu. Demikian pula santri dan pondok yang tidak anti penjajahan adalah santri palsu, pondok palsu." "Kita pernah dijajah, dan saat ini pun sedang dijajah dan akan terus dijajah. Lawan!" "Jangan tanya LGBT pada saya, tanyakan saja pada kambing, sapi, babi, dan lain-lain. Adakah pada binatang-binatang itu LGBT? Yang jawab ada lebih rendah daripada binatang-binatang itu" "Jangan jadi MCK: Muslim Campur Kafir. Jangan campur adukkan keislaman dan kekafiran. Jangan campur adukkan halal dan haram" "Imam Syafii pernah mengatakan: orang yang dibuat marah tetapi tidak marah, maka derajatnya sama dengan keledai. Jadi, kalau ada orang Islam tidak marah saat agama dan umatnya diganggu dan dihina maka sama dengan keledai. Binatang saja kalau diganggu marah." "Kiai-kiai itu kalau bertemu tujuannya silaturahim, _silatul aro_ (tukar ide), _silatul fikr_ (tukar fikiran), bukan bertemu karena fulus." "Kalau ada kiai berpidato seperti ini jangan dibilang berpolitik. Ini adalah pelajaran, kiai menyampaikan pelajaran kepada muridnya. Menyampaikan kebenaran dibilang berpolitik; otaknya kebalik." "Bicara 4 Pilar Kebangsaan, bagi pesantren itu terlalu ringan. Sebab, di pesantren banyak pilar-pilar kebangsaan lainnya. Pancasila, UUD, Kebhinekaan, NKRI itu sumbernya adalah pesantren. Di pesantren sudah selesai." "Orang-orang yang menuduh pesantren tidak pancasilais, tidak NKRI, tidak bhineka, itu seperti maling teriak maling. Orang yang masih mencurigai pesantren, maka dialah yang patut dicurigai. Orang yang menuduh pesantren adalah radikal, dia sendirilah yang radikal" "Umat Islam harus menang: _"Al-Islam ya'lu walaa yu'la alaih"_. Kalau ada yang bilang sekarang kalah, ingat pertandingan belum selesai. Kita harus menang." – Read on Path.
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nightthief · 8 years
Atheism should be characterized, I believe, by a generally relaxed position of tolerance, and the peace that comes with knowing that it’s just us here and that this is not a rehearsal. I won’t be judged by a god or some mysterious universal machinery for being a shrieking hateful prick who doesn’t know how to choose a fight or operate an ethos: I’ll be judged by myself and other humans.
Warren Ellis - The Taxonomy of Sin 
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Why believe in God when Atheist put up a better argument?
As a Christian, atheist put up a really good argument that is very logical, and I usually get pretty impressed when listening to some atheistic people’s inputs. They've argued that God either is not real or does not deserve to be praised. But look at it in a much broader sense. Think about putting your belief in God as placing a bet. There are only two possible outcomes which are that God is real or that He isn't. I think about in a sense that if He does exists then I have a 50/50 chance at being right. If I am wrong & there is no God then when I die I will just rot in the ground with not only atheist but everyone else too & then BAM that’s the end of it, I am gone forever. But if I'm right, I'll spend eternity in a realm that is so amazing that they say it is beyond description. Then if I choose to not believe in God I risk burning for all of eternity in hell. When I think of the best case scenario with an atheistic belief set it is a life that just leads to decomposing in a box that is feet under the ground. By believing in God I have the most to gain, and by believing in Atheism I’ll have more to lose. So after I explained all that... the most logical conclusion is for me to believe in God. The usual reply is "Christians risk all of their life by believing in something false" & that’s when I usually say that so do atheist. Atheist have equal chances of being wrong, & even if they somehow had assurances that they were right, I would much rather risk following a “nonexistent God” in this life that I’m living right now than to experience eternal suffering in the next.
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No God no master 1977, by Michael Callaghan
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itsherwhiteblankpage · 11 years
The only appropriate attitude for man to have about the big questions is not the arrogant certitude that is the hallmark of religion, but doubt. Doubt is humble, and that’s what man needs to be, considering that human history is just a litany of getting shit dead wrong.
Bill Maher - Religulous (2008)
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