#anti Daniel larusso
People are talking crap that Johnny is a shitty dad for being there for Miguel and not Robby, but isn't that what Daniel is doing as well? I started season 3 and I think I've seen Anthony twice so far.
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
I (a grown ass man) threw a child (16m) out twice and told him he was exactly like his father who is a deadbeat alcoholic just because he made a few mistakes. Later when he got out of juvie (after I got him arrested) I showed concern for one second then left him with an abusive war criminal because of a handshake deal. Gotta be honest, I don’t know why he didn’t come crawling back to me.
Months later he assaulted a kid (16m) by forcefully shaving his head, therefore stripping him of his identity. Yes I could have shown concern here for both boys but instead I decided to water down the assault and poach said child who had just been stripped of his identity. And because I’m the worst sensei ever, I also decided to use his karate to win a tournament instead of actually training my own boys.
Anyway, said tournament comes around. Turns out boy I threw out twice taught others my karate. Clearly this is more important than assaulting another kid and I treated it as such. I went up to him and proceeded to be a total dick about it (please do ignore the fact that I have no problem using other people’s karate to win tournaments, it’s just a very horrible thing when someone uses my karate). And finally, when assaulted kid had to face off with the guy who assaulted him, I told “don’t put passion over principle you’re such a horrible person”. Oh do I apply this principle to myself ever? No. But this kid is the bane of Satan so 🤷‍♀️. AITA?
TL;DR: I am the worst sensei in the world. AITA?
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miggydiaz · 2 years
Daniel is so goddamn stupid. Like, not even in a sort of endearing himbo sort of way. In a “totally self destructive because he’s so arrogant and cannot fathom that he is perpetuating this rivalry” sort of way which has been his whole MO for 4 seasons now. The man has had no growth. None. Johnny has grown and regressed and now is… at least back to a slightly improved status quo I think, but why is Daniel so damn DUMB?
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"Daniel raised the price of Johnny's rent, he kicked Robby out without allowing him to explain himself, blah blah blah, those are some of the worst things he's ever done-" wrong. the worst thing that Daniel has ever done is donate money to the police department every year.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
Daniel rarely thinks straight or talks things through in CK. And what’s bad is S2 is the most Karate Kid type of Daniel we get. Ralph Machio did an interview at a convention recently and said Daniel is going to become pretty unhinged as S5 progresses in his fight against Silver. That he spirals downward and was one of his favorite performances as an actor in one particular upcoming scene. That S5 Daniel is very different from the previous seasons and movies.
It’s not even just a Daniel problem, though. Johnny is equally (if not more) bad at communicating, he also acts first and either wallows in regret or blames everyone else afterward. It looks worse for Daniel because he acts like he has the moral high ground, but the truth is, they’re both terrible with communication.
Frankly, by the time they got their teaching privileges revoked at the end of s4, I was relieved…because every time they’ve had a chance to cooperate, they squander it every single time. And there’s only so many times characters can do that before the audience gets sick of it.
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beheworthy · 2 years
How Cobra Kai Fails Robby Keene
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Yes, this is about both the show and the characters in it. And no, this is not meant to hate on the show or any character whatsoever. What I will point out is something the show is showing us through its framing, writing, and narrative choices. These are the 3 keywords I will be using a lot in this essay. Please make sure that you fully understand their meaning to understand what I say better.
[Word count - 3.8k words. I got carried away. What’s new?]
With the disclaimers out of the way, let’s go, baby!
Robby Keene is easily the most intriguing character in Cobra Kai to me. Mostly because I couldn’t slot him in any archetype when I started watching. 
He isn’t the protagonist – he is billed 5th and introduced all the way in the 4th episode. He is not the quintessential hero or good guy because he is introduced as running scams. That should mean that he is the antagonist? Well, stealing some money so you can have food and having remorse while doing it really disqualifies you for that. He is neither the a-hole with the heart of gold because my guy is so quiet in nature.
The closest I could come up with was him being someone like Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist of the Hunger Games series. She doesn’t have a distinct personality because all her energy goes into survival. Similarly, Robby doesn’t fit in any clear archetype because all his energy goes into survival as well. He regularly chucks his self-esteem down the drain and does what he needs to to survive – from running scams to allowing being bullied.
Robby’s story has been fascinating all through S1 to S4. I’m amused at how much prominence he holds in the narrative while simultaneously being treated unfairly than other characters. He is the 4th main character and is directly in competition with Miguel. And things are pretty bleak for the guy...
Keep reading
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ryanjudgesthings · 1 year
Daniel LaRusso being told as a child by his abuser that the crane kick is weak and won't defeat anyone only for Daniel to grow up and crane kick that same abuser in the face is immensely satisfying, I'm just saying.
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hazel-eyedserpent · 10 months
No! STOP IT! I don’t like Daniel with Terry! He is literally the ONLY of Daniel’s former rivals/enemies, that has ABSOLUTELY ZERO redeeming qualities, or moments, at any point that I’ve seen him.
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that my friends know how much I love the Karate Kid series, and Cobra Kai. And I wouldn’t put someone down because they ship them.
But…this is how I feel when my friends send me pictures and posts about Silverusso….
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Surprised that Amanda is presented as the voice of reason and logic concerning Daniel’s dabblings in the Karate war and even leaves him and takes the children with her for a while when things escalate during the fundraiser where Daniel snaps and pushes Terry into the Bonsai stand, but Johnny has been involved in all of this nonsense for five seasons too now (and is the reason Cobra Kai returned in the first place) and yet that same Amanda never pulls Carmen to the side to express valid concern that her friend is having a baby with effectively the same type of man she herself briefly left...except, you know, not nearly as accomplished, family oriented, successful or stable, only barely on the verge of sobriety. Instead, at the end of the season, Amanda’s there admiring Carmen’s stolen ring, which Johnny removed off of someone’s severed finger all like ‘Yass Queen!!!’ 😬
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darkcrowprincess · 6 months
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
Lawrusso thoughts: for me personally Daniel is the only one for Johnny. But I could see Daniel with several other people(besides Amanda 🤮, never Amanda). Kumiko, Terry Silver, Chozen. But god do I have a soft spot for Johnny and Daniel being together. I could maybe see Johnny and Allie have a second chance romance together if it was better written, Johnny actually had a decently written redemption arc, Daniel was happily married to Kumiko. But over all Lawrusso is my otp. I just all the romantic writing potential they could have if we lived in better world. Thank goodness for fanfiction.
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They are soulmates I tell you! Soulmates!
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It's the way both of Daniel's kids started out as bullies and yet he's the perfect dad.
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yoaisettos · 3 months
when you finally get your friend to watch a show but they diss both your favorite characters
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lmao why are daniel stans so delusional? just because his skin isn't as white as johnny's doesn't mean he isn't some smelly mayo white guy that's above reproach! they bully so many people out of the fandom they deserve to be dragged for their toxicity
I don't know what this is referring to specifically, but I have noticed that people seem to think that he's above criticism due to his trauma, or that he's like... out of character? for not being the clear cut hero of an 80's movie that he was previously back in the original? he was always a petty little shit, I don't know why we're acting like he wasn't. I love it, and I love him for it, because I think it adds spice to his character. as far as I can remember, I genuinely can't remember a single time where I thought that he was acting wildly out of character, or where I felt as if the writers hated him. there are moments where his storyline has definitely not been handled as well as I would've liked, but that doesn't read as a slight against Daniel himself to me lmao.
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
Samtory, Lawrusso, and Danmiko for the ship bingo!!
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I love this ship! I doubt it’ll be canon, and tbh I’m fine with that, because generally there are only a few authors I trust to write it well anyway (and within the canon, Samguel has been the driving force throughout all the seasons, so it would be bizarre to throw that away). Canonically, I just want Samtory friendship. Thank you s5 for that (even tho Sam apologizing to Tory first was weird…literally why)
I think Sam and Tory have a fascinating dynamic that some fanfic authors make brilliant use of—and yes, I did color in “they could fix each other” and “they could make each other worse” because tbh it could go either way and I think it goes both ways at times 😂 in fanon, they’re amazing! I have 3 fics about them in my AO3 recs, which I highly recommend 💞
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I’ve talked before about how I don’t like this ship as much as I used to, and it’s because I liked it back when Johnny was a more interesting character who seemed to have an actual arc and growth going for him. There was even a time when I shipped Lawrussomanda (aka the ship with no good OT3 name), because the three of them had such a great dynamic in the early seasons!
But my dislike of Lawrusso now stems from my dislike of Johnny as a character. So much regression and so much backsliding and pointless drama *sigh* I only like them when Johnny is written as a better character (which is why it depends who’s writing them and how they write Johnny).
(However if you wanna read a great fic about them…Root Beer Floats and Green Tea by @desolateice is super long but so incredibly worth it imo 💞 it’s movie-verse and picks up right after KK1!!)
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In the movies, they’re my absolute OTP 💞 in the show, Amaniel’s married, so Damiko besties. Hence, it’s complicated 😂 I liked a few of their s3 scenes, but some others felt like ship-teasing (and I somewhat believe that they dropped the Chozen x Kumiko tease because they realized that they implied emotional cheating and had to cover it up)
I will always, however, side-eye the show writers for not making Damiko married at the show’s outset when it would’ve been so easy to get them back together. Like?? Would that not also make Sam’s arc more interesting?? A half-Japanese kid (maybe one who looks white passing, if they wanna keep Mary Mouser)?? Especially if they kept the white-passing aspect, it could’ve contributed to Sam’s conflict between karate/heritage and fitting in! I just…*sigh*
(This series, btw, is a fantastic Damiko post-KK2 AU, I can’t recommend it enough 💞)
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tomcat-tapes · 5 months
Movie ranting with Tomcat
One thing about me I LOVE Real Genius it’s a great movie and I recommend it!!
But If i had a nickel for any Real Genius actor being in the karate kid franchise i would have 2 nickels which isnt alot but its weird it happened twice.
Yuji Okumoto was one (Fenton being a background character in Real Genius, and later main anti hero of Karate Kid part 2 as Chozen)
BUT I JUST REALIZED THAT GABRIEL JARRET AKA MITCH TAYLOR WAS ALSO IN FHE KARATE KID FRANCHISE!! Very minor role but he was in Karate Kid part 3 as a dude named Rudy that Daniel punched while at a Club.
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Absolutely wild right?? But oh wait there’s moreeee Michelle Meyrink aka Jordan in Real Genius, was casted in The Outsiders as Marcia (A Soc girl that went to the movies with Cherry)
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And who else was The Outsiders?? None other than Ralph Macchio who is our main character Daniel Larusso in the Karte Kid franchise!!
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And even better, along with Ralph Macchio there was also another notable actor in The Outsiders, the one and only Tom Cruise (playing Steve) who goes on to Star with Val Kilmer our other main character in Real Genius in of the most iconic films of the 80s Top Gun.
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What is this all mean??
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just that all of my favorite 80s films feature the same actors. I just thought it was neat!
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