#anti anthony x siena
Santhony shippers: “the screenwriters should ignore the books and do their own story it’s a shame to waste Anthony and Siena’s chemistry” Kathony shippers: “LMAO Kate is the only woman Anthony ever loved, it’s canon. They are the most loved and popular ship of the series, they wouldn’t dare to change it and risk to make the fans angry.” Me, a Kathony shipper who is still traumatized by Dumb & Dumber who had the audacity to make a series based on a series of books and then did the fuck they wanted destroying the most loved ship in favour of the unpopular, incestuous and abusive one:
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truegodofthearena · 3 years
It’s interesting to see how Netflix chose to describe Kate as “smart, headstrong young woman who suffers no fools, Anthony bridgerton very much included.”
My first reaction to that was, well we have already seen one such woman in his life? Who took no shit from him and decided to live life on her own terms and dragged him when she could lol
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He clearly has a type then, I guess lol
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gxrlcinema · 3 years
For the ship ask: Anthony x Siena (Bridgerton) and if you haven't seen Bridgerton, Kira x Scott (Teen Wolf)
Anthony x Siena: Don’t Ship It
1. Why don’t you ship it?
I’m not at all anti this ship, but I’ve read The Viscount Who Loves Me so I’m 100% Kanthony trash thank you very much.
2. What would have made you like it?
Anthony not being a dick, mainly.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Yes! Both these actors are phenomenal and their characters were super interesting together! (Also it gave us that one scene where she pins his hands over his head and... yes)
Kira x Scott: Don’t Ship It
1. Why don’t you ship it?
I feel like if Kira hadn’t dated Scott, we would’ve gotten more of her hanging out with the squad in general. So it’s less of a problem with them as a couple and more of a problem with how great Kira’s character could’ve been.
2. What would have made you like it?
I did like it! That scene where Like Real People Do is playing in the background?? Adorable! I do think it would’ve been better if they’d waited a couple seasons after Allison’s death instead of them getting together in S3.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Yes again! These two were super cute and I loved the two dorks in love dynamic they had. I also think it’s great because it establishes Scott’s type as brunette sweethearts with secret weapon skills. (Teen Wolf had like, 3 female characters and they kept copy-pasting them.)
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truegodofthearena · 3 years
At first I thought the Santhony fandom was being a little hard on Violet, like maybe she just got the wrong idea about Siena and Anthony's relationship rather than being deliberately cruel. And then I was reminded of the scene where she sees that her son is staring at this woman-and you can tell by the look on his face that he's PINING and IN LOVE and IN AWE of her-and her response is to immediately try and introduce him to someone else 1/2
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Oh the ways Violet failed as a mother (a long essay for another time lol).
Your observations on the scene are absolutely correct. Violet doesn’t see Siena as a living breathing human being. In her eyes she is a mere object, a toy for her son to play with and then move on. Her small mindedness is frankly insulting. I think part of it has to do with her constant blabbering about “how good rakes make the best husbands” based on her own experience with her husband. She constantly forces that on Daphne and she thinks that Anthony, like his father, would give up his fling and settle down with the appropriate choice, which in violet’s marriage was herself. So you can see the clear bias she must have about this. However, she fails to see that just because it worked out well for her doesn’t mean history is going to repeat itself.
As a mother she refuses to see Anthony as anything other than the viscount for the family. She refuses to see Anthony, the son, because that would mean that should would also have to acknowledge where her son’s heart lies. She constantly refers to siena indirectly, NEVER by name, as if she’s afraid saying it out loud would make it true. She sees her son is aging, she knows he has a mistress who he has a house for at the other end of town (how many serious mistresses can there be who you go to those lengths for?), she sees he refuses to even THINK about marriage, who constantly disregards all topics of prospective wives and dancing partners, who sees him looking at Siena longingly and absolutely fixated - and yet, she never sits down with him to talk to him about his feelings. She never bothers to try and understand him because she knows it’s dangerous territory. So she chooses a more cowardly path and abstains from acknowledging it as a serious relationship and even blames that relationship for Anthony not managing his duties as a viscount (as if a man can’t love and do his duties at the same time). She constantly makes it seem like this relationship is holding him back when we know that was never the case. It’s the stifling environment she created for her son that led him to feel like he was trapped. He literally couldn’t talk about siena to anyone, because nobody would understand. The closest he came to confession was when he asked Benedict to care for her in case he died in the duel. Imagine loving someone that much but not being able to share it with anyone. Not even your family. Who are they if they can’t even respect the one you love?
It’s no wonder the relationship we see between Anthony and violet is a very cold and strained one. Because siena is the bridge they need to cross to understand one another and both are unwilling to compromise. What violet did to both Anthony and Siena at the ball was downright petty, cruel and self absorbed and I will forever be glad for Anthony’s response to that. That was like a slap in the face. IF she was inclined to deal with the reality of the situation, this could have been a wake up call for her to try to mend things with her son. Sadly, she didn’t.
So not surprising that if she can’t even gather the teensiest bit of motherly affection to respect or even acknowledge the girl her son loves, why should he give a shit about any girl she forces on him?
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