#anti once upon a time fandom
Regina: i’m actually deeply in love with Emma and we’ve been dating for a couple months now, we even have pet names.
Zelena: why are you telling me this?!
Regina: because no one will ever believe you.
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So this is not to comment on either side of the Marina vs Penelope/Lady Whistledown argument. That would be an extremely long and detailed rant that I might do later. I will say that both Ruby Barker and Nicola Coughlan seem wonderful and I have nothing negative to say about either of them (and wish to hear nothing negative of either)! This is simply because the antis are ramping up again and I keep coming across a certain video. There is one phrase people have been quoting and I cannot keep myself from saying this anymore. You are all incorrect because you can, in fact, "Disneyfy a Dichhead". *Murder, Kidnapping, Manipulation/Mind Control,Torture even Sexual Assault have all forgiven and sometimes, at least seemingly, forgotten. The worst villans have been given a redemption arc and considered good or even heroic by the end and it all started with a new look and Tale of True Love.
Whats truly insane is that It Worked! It worked so well that it ran for SEVEN season!
FOR FUCKS SAKE, It only ended 5 years ago. There was even a one season spinoff with a complete story!
And this was all done on ABC with Disney characters portrayed as adults. So maybe we're all being a little hard on the teenagers in Netflix's regency Shondaland.
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c0dmic · 3 months
I may get things wrong, so I'm putting information I know of or believe in the most. I still may get it wrong, so correct me. I'm going to talk about Regina's problematic actions, relationships she was in, and a bit of widely talked about topics. Also, most of the posts about her are outdated and later proven to be wrong. So I had to put points that are now and have been canon since the show ended.
CONTAINS: Opinions
Regina Mill's personality goes easier throughout the show. From being manipulative to caring but still having that s1 spark. She expresses her caring to her old enemies, aka, The Charmings.
From the flashbacks, we see Regina adopt a child named Henry. She went from having almost full vengeance and revenge still pent up in her heart to having a mix of both love and darkness due to Henry.
Yes, Regina was rude to her citizens of Storybrooke. But most of what she did (in later seasons) was use sarcasm. Let's jump into her actions.
Problematic Actions:
- R4pe (Graham Specifically) for 28 years
- Manipulate Henry for years ( calling his 'theory' of fairytales fake)
- Violence (to Villages and People)
Let get into the r4pe part first. Of course, even as someone like a Regina stan should not excuse this behavior. Me, aka a person who likes her but doesn't excuse and will NEVER excuse her problematic actions, especially this one in particular.
Regina had raped Graham for around 28 years. 
One sentence that implies it, even for a little bit, is in the episode where Graham (huntsman at the time) meets Regina for the first time. She says
"Take him to my bedchamber,"
I know it's short. But why else would someone say that. Just think about that.
And also the fact that Regina most definitely (for the curse) made Graham engage with her romantically and sexually. Even though it was obvious that he didn't like her that way in the Enchanted forest or most likely ever. Not to mention she had his heart, and in ouat logic hearts are used to control people, so when doing stuff with Regina both romantically and sexually, he was forced to because Regina gave him orders.
Now we go to Manipulating Henry.
For ten whole years, Henry has lived and grew up with Regina. He loved his mother (even though she's not his bio mom). Until Henry got the book, and Emma had revealed that Henry had a book and kept on saying everyone in town are fairytale characters that are cursed (which ofc is true). Regina, unknowing of her sons correct theory /speculation/ belief, was visibly shocked. And when she found out that Snow (Mary) had given the book to him, she didn't want that at all. And even set up Emma into saying that Henry was 
'crazy' when Henry was nearby. So that she can attempt to stop him from thinking of his speculation and them bonding.
All of this was to make sure Henry couldn't connect and hate his birth mother so that she could have him as his own. And also because Henry was right, and she didn't want her son of ten years to hate her for her sins.
Justify means to show or prove to be right or reasonable.
While to explain means to be the cause of or motivating factor for an action.
I know explain has many definitions or ways to explain what it means and one means to justify. While mine means to simply explain the cause or motivation towards the action.
There's no doubt Cora was abusive to Regina. And before you start, there's different types of abuse. The abuse Cora does to Regina is Mental and Emotional. Maybe physical but still very debatable and unclear.
For emotional, Cora visibly and directly shows that Cora wants to control Regina. She wanted Regina to do something Regina didn't want just so Cora could have what SHE wanted. And Emotional abuse means to, "target a person's feelings, it uses emotions to manipulate, punish, and achieve control." That heavily reminds me of Cora killing Daniel to gain more control of Regina. And if you didn't already know.
And there's scenes where Cora would grab Regina forcefully with vines to STOP Regina from moving or walking away from her. Cora said in one of the scenes, "Don't you dare walk away from me!" Then proceed to grab Regina using vines from her Magic. Also, her father, Henry, said to Regina that Cora wanted control over her and if Regina continues with her evil actions, her mother had achieved to controlled her. Because, everything Cora did to Regina was calculated. Daniel's Death, The marriage, the abuse, and it was all to get Reina to become evil. In s2 i think, (the Angstiest Regina Season), Regina goes to Archie upset and with TEARS in her eyes because, she used magic, because she used magic. And she Didn't want to use magic against Henry like her mother. After she did so, she was upset because she broke her own promise to not use magic against Henry. Also because it reminded her of what her mother did to her, and she did want to pass it down for Henry.
Also Cora in s2, came Storybrooke (her daughters town) not only to reunite with Regina but to BREAK HER... like wtf. And Regina is Already upset because Henry is growing distant to her. But Cora, literally
frames her own daughter for murder. While the whole fucking town is already against her.
For Mental, theres an episode where Cora forms Regina's thoughts by saying, "Sometimes I wonder if the people actually like you". And Cora seems to have an influence in Regina's world view, of Wolf and Sheep. Regina States in the episode where she meets the huntsman (Graham). 
(Got the episode part from a Tumblr poster from ouatanalysis) aka:
Now back to what I was saying about Cora. Cora had forced Regina into marriage. BUT as you could tell as time went on Regina had decided to use her relationship with Leopold to gain control, because that's what her mother said, about something along the lines of, "power is useful" before she sent her mother through the mirror.
And her mother sent her to a marriage with a broken old ass man who was still grieving his wife. Which lead to the neglect from Leopold to Regina. It was stated by Regina herself that Leopold would often leave Regina by herself at the castle that at points she felt like the 'Queen of Nothing'.
And for me i feel like Regina (forgive me for wording this part wrong) was considered her as a mourning tool. Like, "Oh my wife died 8 years ago, lets get another one to help with and to deal with me". Yes he may have also gotten Regina because she seemed like a good mother figure fit for Snow, but still, most likely half the woman population of Leopolds age from Leopolds kingdom would save Snow from the horse in a heartbeat if they were there and they would show genuine feelings for Leopold. However, he chooses, a woman who's 18 and lives away.
Not only Cora and Leopold influenced Regina's bad perspective and actions, Rumple also did too.
Rumple saw Regina as a person wanting power and wanting to stand out and not seem as weak and took the opportunity as the dark one to turn Regina evil.
Regina at first was hesitant to say that she liked using magic due to her not wanting to be like her mother and also due to her mother's actions with her, with magic.
But time happens and Regina uses more and more of magic for evil and frightens villages and kills Villagers who helped Snow in the slightest bit.
I still stan her because she changed, she's reformed and she would never do that stuff again (r4pe, use magic against Henry or manipulate him, or m4ss murd3r).
ANYWAYS, this was heavily controversial. But if your going to criticize/correct parts, be respectful and mature about it instead of wanting to start a riot. Saying "Fuck you", "Go die in a hole", "Kys", "I hope your house burns down". And be respectful, if you want to critigue/correct me at certain parts, by all means, go ahead, but tell me what parts I went wrong instead of telling me to kms.
NOTE: This is from May 2023, but I just remembered this now. And parts didn't make sense so I changed it up to make it better.
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heatherfield · 5 months
Regina x Archie
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Send me a ship and I’ll respond with a gif.
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vasfasan · 8 months
wtf is up with s6 killian? TWO separate instances of hiding important shit from emma & others, he was honestly way better at truthing way back in season 3...... come to think of it, no, he's had a bunch of these fucking plotlines...
neal being alive (passed that one with flying colors)
the lip curse
his 4x04 hand being fussy
being darkmailed (its like blackmailed but by the dark one) in s4
the fate scissors
the killing granddaddy thing
boy doesn't seem to learn the lesson (its cuz the writers don kno what else to write him into, bc they need a reason fo emma to continue thinking everyones gon abandon her or play her or something)
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hopeymchope · 8 months
Honestly, anon is beginning to think "fandom culture itself" is the problem, rather than just Puella Magica fans. Modern pop culture fans just seem to have very warped moral compasses in general. The Once Upon a Time fandom makes excuses for Regina Mills raping a man, a man in the FE3H fandom threatened to lynch anyone who doesn't like Edelgard (and the Edelgard Discord agreed with him), the Star Wars fandom excuses the Sith's racism, and the New Vegas fandom has Caesar's Legion apologists.
I hadn't thought to throw this into the same pit with "People who think Hiyoko Saionji did nothing wrong," but... no, you're right, it's totally the same pit. (I also didn't realize I was tipping my hand quite this blatantly about which side I'm on when I posted that poll, but... hoo boy, am I EVER on the side you presumed.)
It's not like Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Rebellion was subtle about the conclusion's implications. The voice acting, the visual presentation, the dialogue, the music, everything was VERY VERY SUPER-DOUBLE-PLUS OBVIOUS about this being BAaAaAaAaAaAaAaD.
But the utterly fucking bugnuts Reddit PMMM community somehow sees it the entire OPPOSITE way, and any post to the contrary is shouted down, gets zero upvotes, etc. Every post about how you-know-who is purely heroic and entirely justified gets tons of upvotes, everybody else gets told they don't fucking get it, and it is fucking INSANE.
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I didn't know Regina raped a guy?! WTF and WHY TF??? Like I've said before, didn't watch a lot of that show.
Edelgard is highly problematic by design. That's like, her whole thing. It is both the appeal and the anti-appeal of her character/narrative — the "by ANY means necessary, kill-your-friends-if-you-have-to" way she sets out to make her world (theoretically?) better. If you try to make her non-controversial, you're missing the whole goddamn point of the narrative. I don't know why anyone would WANT that. You're just killing your babies.
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And speaking of "Why would anyone want that": Why would anyone ever excuse the fucking Sith's ANYTHING? They are murderers and oppressors. They are legit rotting from the inside-out due to embracing darkness so hard. They are so known for betraying and backstabbing each other that it's literally built into their own rules of operation! And there are people who think these are the heroes?
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fictionalnation · 1 year
Okay but Zelena is like the worst ouat character. I literally hate her and dont think she deserved being as much part of the plot as she was. She was just pure evil wanted revenge even tho regina did nothing to her and then stripped away reginas happiness lol this is definitely a zelena hater account. I loved the actress playing her tho but the character just agh so annoying i woulda rather had cora back even like tamara was more tolerable lol and even the camelot storyline was better zelena just no
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cashmerebutch · 1 year
today’s dumb theory: there’s something deliciously heist-like in fanfiction that is so much better than its source material. it’s like getting away with something.
like for example, jkr and her terf bullshit can fuck off forever and it brings me untold delight to know that there are thousands of fics writing “her” characters and world better than she ever could and in a way that she cannot profit from at all.
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
Honest question, so don't come at me: has Michael Raymond-James ever played a good character? I've seen him in Once Upon a Time, Walking Dead, CSI, and Jack Reacher, and he hasn't been a good character in any of them.
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blagueofchaos · 7 months
https://www.tumblr.com/blagueofchaos/729158786156265472 valid tags because captain swan sucks ass but i cannot stress enough how for the other ship one is 12 and the other 35
Oh crud. Well. That does sound worse actually. That's my bad. Thank you for agreeing about Captain Swan though
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Emma: Is he dead?
Regina: We can only hope.
Hook: I'm still alive!
Regina: We didn't hope hard enough.
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legends-on-legends · 4 months
the "classic" villain
some ppl try to defend totk ganondorf’s one-dimensional characterization by arguing that he’s meant to be a “pure evil”, “classic” villain. now, personally, i’m not entirely opposed to having ganondorf just be an unhinged evil guy – in my opinion, part of what makes him great is the fact that he can do it all, he can be the tragic fallen hero, the sympathetic anti-villain, the remorseful old man who can’t give up the ghost of his ambitions, and also the magnificent bastard who enjoys terrorizing hyrule bc they kinda had it coming, let’s be real here. pure evil villains are fun, that’s why i love sukuna from jujutsu kaisen, he’s just an absolute unapologetic menace.
but the thing about “pure evil” or “classic” villains is that they still have to make sense. take, for instance, big jack horner from puss in boots: the last wish, a character who some have smugly pointed to as an example of a “real villain” that’s supposedly rare nowadays. the main point of jack horner is that he’s an asshole, a real piece of shit who’s uninterested in redemption or helping others, despite the best efforts of his jiminy-cricket inspired companion. jack horner is fun and adds some variety to a film that also has a sympathetic antagonist who experiences growth (goldilocks) and a force-of-nature antagonist who absolutely steals the show (death). but jack horner still makes sense; he’s an over-privileged man-child who wanted for nothing and therefore feels entitled to everything, and he’s also spiteful bc pinocchio upstaged him that one time. plus, jack horner is funny, so that’s a bonus.
same goes for every other classic villain that people like, whether it’s the old-school disney villains or the bad guys from classic cartoons. pure evil villains still have to be coherent and understandable in some way. that doesn’t mean their reasons have to be good – in fact, i think pure evil villains are basically defined by NOT having good reasons to justify their actions. but they still need to have reasons.
but totk ganondorf? this dude makes no damn sense. why does the king of the gerudo, out of all people, become king of demons? it might as well have been the king of gorons or zora or rito who turned evil. why did the gerudo support his conquest of hyrule only to turn against him once he transformed into the demon king? where did he get his powers from? how and why did ganondorf, of all people, reach the conclusion that hyrule must be bathed in eternal darkness, and why is he so dedicated to this goal that he’s willing to sacrifice his own mind and body to achieve it? what, exactly, is driving this man? you can’t call him selfish because again, he’s willing to permanently damage himself to attain his goals, that shows he’s bound to a higher cause. but there’s no explanation for why he, of all people, has chosen this particular cause.
and sure, the fandom can speculate and try to use the lore to fill in the gaps, but the fact that there are such big gaps in the first place is totk’s biggest failure, in my opinion. if people have to look at lore guides to make sense of your villain, then you’ve failed as a storyteller.
totk ganondorf might have made more sense as just a monster that spawned from the Depths rather than a man who was born among the gerudo. maybe the zonai dug around too deep and activated the Depths’ defense mechanism, and boom, ganon emerges, furious at the surface world that has dared to intrude upon his domain, and determined to return the favor by covering the land of light with darkness. he’s still a monster who must be defeated but at least there would have been some logic to his actions.
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sgiandubh · 4 months
People have opinions about kids, etc great state opinions, but when they post as absolute facts is the problem accompanied by fake voices on videos and blurred pix, that's a problem. Making up lies as facts are the problem. Denigrating Cait and or Sam or worse their families members because you have no real proof is wrong and goes beyond having a peaceful opinion.
Dear Opinion Anon,
First, our traditional spelling bee, because you people still did not learn how to write properly, ok?
People have opinions about kids, etc. great Great: state opinions, but when they post as absolute facts is the problem, accompanied by fake voices on videos and blurred pix, that's a problem. Making up lies as facts are is the problem. Denigrating Cait and/or Sam, or worse, their families' members, because you have no real proof, is wrong and goes beyond having a peaceful opinion.
Look at you, little fascist who knows nothing about the subject-verb agreement in English grammar! Being told what is right and what is wrong by someone clearly unable to properly read and write does not help, pumpkins. Send in your green berets, next time, please: this is way past boring!
I always said I shall speak only for myself on this page. So I am asking you:
Where did you see that particular video on this blog?
Where did you see those funeral pics on this blog? Let alone I explained why I never posted them and you bunch of coward liars all cackled. At length.
Where did I insult Sam's family members on this blog?
Where did I insult Cait's family members on this blog?
When and where did I stalk Sam, Cait or their entourage, unlike one of your queens?
And the question summing them all up:
Do you have a problem with freedom of speech in general?
People post whatever they want to post. They do not need me or you or Moo or *urv or Marple to tell them what to think or post. It is their constitutional right. This is not North Korea: this is an immaterial, almost completely deregulated space, where the demand for information meets the available offer via clicks, shares and comments. Other information is traded in DMs, Telegram groups and other outlets.
Have I made myself clear?
I'll tell you what. You are at once very nervous, curious and afraid of the whole bunch of things we collectively know. You still cannot understand how and why we are still here. You are perplexed by the number of intelligent professionals that are actively debunking all the shite you post regularly. You are upset by the fact real, strong friendships exist in here: something perhaps unheard of in your halls of gloom. And we elicit this reaction only based upon roughly 10 to 15% of the whole content in our, again collective, possession. If you knew all we know, your brain couldn't take it, duckie.
And then I know something else:
No shipper, ever, phoned an employer of an Anti to explain their employee was on Tumblr instead of doing their job.
No shipper, ever, phoned resorts, hotels or airline offices around the world in an attempt to find out where S, C, their progeny or other side players were, at a given moment in time.
No shipper, ever, used their own contacts' network to send false messages about the other side of the fandom war to the two leads, STARZ or the OL production team.
No shipper, ever, sent heinous comments on Anti blogs.
No shipper, ever, harassed Twitter and Instagram posters with endless questions about the time, place and people present at a randomly given event.
No shipper, ever, mounted via sock accounts a whole denigration and calumny campaign on Twitter when one of the leads was involved in a PR blunder.
No shipper, ever, used sexually loaded vocabulary to express 'appreciation' for the actors' work.
No shipper, ever, went on Wikipedia to repeatedly edit the male lead's dedicated page in order to include false sexual orientation reference, which then was screencapped and used as 'evidence' in subsequent flaming wars.
And many more...
You know, people have criticized me for even answering you. But answer you I shall, every time I shall think a reminder is necessary. I think shippers have turned the other cheek for way longer than they should have: a strategic choice that gave you both space and confidence. That you all went in a frenzy just before Christmas tells me perhaps more than you'd think about the kind of people you really are.
I am done with you. Don't bother coming back - you will be immediately blocked: you, your terrible grammar and your impertinence.
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morethansky · 15 days
My primary takeaway from these last six episodes is that Hunter and Crosshair ARE SO MARRIED OH MY GOD. They do everything together, even little chores.
And my Crosshair-is-Hunter's-second agenda continues to thrive; since their reunion, Hunter has hardly made a decision without checking with Crosshair first.
The way I cackled at Crosshair looking up at a ship careening in the sky and being all put upon: "Uh-huh. That's the idiot I married. Unfortunately."
And then the way he hurriedly reached for his binocs when they saw the ship crash, and how the camera lingers on him to show his relief, sob. I see you and thank you for your service, shippers on the crew.
Finally a glimpse of the cadets! Thinking about them tasting ice cream for the first time makes me want to cry. How many clones have never tasted it...
I like that "Identity Crisis" was like a mirror of "Confined," but I think it could have been 15 minutes. To be fair to them, I feel this way about like 75% of the franchise.
So we were all very wrong about what was in the Vault. What was Palpatine even going in there for, honestly. I do quite like this foreshadowing of the Inquisitorius though.
The ominous hint about Emerie's past is interesting. Is the implication that Nala Se took Omega under her wing and abandoned the rest of the Omega clones? Like Jango, I guess.
I love that Tarkin's cameos are all about funding. Something about the Imps squabbling over government spending just delights me. I wonder if the end of that conversation actually means he's not going to be killed by the clones but by Palpatine instead? That'd be kind of disappointing tbh.
Hilarious to me that Fennec got an entire episode and Cad Bane got like two minutes of screentime. Like Asajj, he knows when to stay out of the plot. They did my boy Todo justice though, love that dumb droid.
I, a plushie enthusiast, approve of how this is adamantly a pro-plushie show. But how am I supposed to believe that Omega, who missed Lula so much she effectively cloned her, was just going to leave her there??? I guess that whole scene was just a way to remove her and the goggles from the ship before it exploded.
I'm in the middle of writing like five different Tech/Wrecker whump fics and even I wouldn't have written CX-2 effectively shooting Wrecker. My heart!!!
I was so worried about Gonky. Glad he's okay.
"Point of No Return" needed 15 more minutes, actually. I continually find it so jarring how quickly this show breezes through reactions. It would've been nice to see at least a little more from the Batch at the sight of their ship being blown up.
That ending...was not for me. Crosshair missing that shot after he was given an entire episode to figure out what was wrong and meditate is such a frustrating choice. What even is going to be the arc here? Is it really going to be him abandoning his weapon entirely? That should be an upswing in the plot, but at this point it'd be more believable for him to be like, "Man, fuck this, I'm over it," lmao.
I'm glad Omega at least chose to get captured. Everyone knows I've been pissed about the anti-heroic messaging of this show from the start, and given how afraid I was that they would just abandon the other clones, I'm very relieved Omega's had this arc of worrying about them. But it's so silly to retread this line of plot after the three kickass episodes covering this exact thing. These next episodes are absolutely about to be messy af, and it's a bummer how it'll take away from the impressive clarity of the first three.
Why does this show keep cutting the titular team off at the knees?? Seems like Omega will probably work with Emerie and Nala Se to contact the Batch and Echo/Rex with the coordinates, but that will mean that Hunter's group will once again be lost and searching in the meantime. And they didn't even get to find her the first time!
Truly the quintessential fandom show. Half of it makes me tear my hair out in frustration and the other half makes me shriek in delight.
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oh no i'm not a melvin anon, but i have been experiencing some byler doubt since david harbour said that thing back in november last year. so i guess i got kinda paranoid when i saw that pic and looked a bit too deep into it.
Yeah I understand! I think we’ve all been there before where doubt seems louder than normal. David’s comments definitely didn’t spark joy, and they came at a time where the fandom as a whole was in a dark place/in shambles/going through it, so that added to the general sense of negativity.
That chaos has mostly dissipated, and Byler tumblr is a place where confidence is expected and vocalizing doubt is frowned upon (or at least it goes against tag norms), so if you find yourself in a place of doubt, it can be isolating for sure. But it’s important to keep in mind that the actors lie and tell half-truths all the time. They shouldn’t just be taken with a grain of salt. They should be taken with the whole Red Sea. Remember DH himself once said that Hopper was dead following the S3 fake-out, and look how that turned out.
What’s most important is to trust the show itself. The vast majority of Byler doubt cases have nothing to do with the narrative arc of the show or its characters, which overwhelmingly point in a pro-Byler direction. Sure, occasionally people get doubt because of the monologue or because of early-ST Mleven, but the vast majority of Byler doubt is caused by external factors such as what the actors say (or don’t say), the way the show is promoted on social media, feelings of negativity caused by the barrage of name-calling from toxic Twitter Mlevens and anti-Byler Redditors (delusional, fetishizer, sloppy seconds, etc), and just the general fear that Byler is too good to be true and that the show would never “go for it.”
But none of that is “real.” None of that should supersede all the careful analysis that has been done. None of that should challenge the media literacy we are simply applying. None of that should erase what your eyes see when watching the show, especially in S4, which is filled to the brim with Byler momentum and evidence. The show is the thing, and if something like the out-of-context brozone pic generates paranoia, it’s a sign of misplaced faith and energy.
Remember that we all watched Byler flirt multiple times in the real text of the show:
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genericpuff · 6 months
so, i'd been stalking your blog in silence for the past few days/weeks because i used to be a huge fan of LO (i paid patron, was on the discord, own merch and a volume, spent money on fast past for over FOUR years). but as it happened to most fans, i got frustrated and gave up fastpass, and for a while i was trying to stay away from LO critiques because it just made me mad to realize something that was a comfort thing for me was bad all along (and i didn't wanna go full blown anti-LO) but i just finished reading your analysis on the mid-season finale and oh my god dude.
the retcon on how persephone feels about apollo after over 4 years of seeing her hate him because of what he did nearly pushed me over the edge. i feel sick to my stomach, this has to be among the worst things rachel has done and i just wanna say thank you for bringing it up and talking about it so eloquently. i'm a victim of SA and its comforting to see people in the fandom take it as seriously as it should be.
also LO rekindled is a breath of fresh air, thank you for creating it and putting so much work into it <3
Aw man, it's wild when I see people go through the pipeline of realizing LO has issues, mostly because it's a common attack on the critical community that everyone in it are just a bunch of "trolls and haters", but really, a lot of us started in the same boat as you, myself included. I unfortunately just missed the Patreon era, but I remember when I was a diehard fan of LO, it was one of the biggest facets of my friendship with the person who introduced me to it, I would literally be swiping my app refreshing it over and over again in the last seconds leading up to new updates trying to get the episode to just load, I drew fanart, I even did a tattoo of it once for that same friend who got me into it, and yes, I was really pissed that there was an anti community surrounding it.
It's crazy to think back on those times. I do miss how the comic used to make me feel, but at the same time, I know there's no going back to that time so I try to make the best of what I have now within the critic community, and what I've gained since then in terms of dissecting and discussing literature.
I feel so much for your feelings regarding the SA plot, I'm also a victim of SA so it was one of the biggest plot points that drew me into the comic in the first place, so it was really hard to truly realize what the series had become as the SA plotline took a backseat and the characterizations fell apart. It felt like something that I had gone through - and many others who also related to Persephone's struggles - was being used for cheap drama and that feels especially apparent now with how the series seems to be backpedaling it, or at least, replacing it with different motivations to make Apollo the villain, almost like it's an attempt to distract us from the SA and make us want to see his downfall for reasons that Rachel can quantify in a more black and white "good vs evil" kind of way.
I'm so glad you like Rekindled, I made it for people like you and I who loved LO once upon a time but mourn for what it once was before it turned into what it is now. It's been such a cathartic project for me and I'm so happy that others enjoy it too <3
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