#anti robert downey jr
darthmatthewtwihard · 1 month
Robert Downey Jr did not deserve to win an Oscar because he is a terrible actor and an even worse person.
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hussyknee · 8 months
Cancel culture isn't real because Robert Downey Jr did blackface in 2008 and used the r-word over and over in the same movie. The protests against both these things were vocal and well covered, but he played Iron Man the same year so nobody gave a single shit. Fifteen years later there has been no accountability or apology and y'all are still out here licking this man's continually racist Republican boots.
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
to everyone defending tony stark saying that he’s nothing like elongated muskrat, rdj based his portrayal of stark on elon and is friends with him, which is why he was in an iron man movie. die mad about it.
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He's doing it AGAIN and he doesn't have the excuse of it being social commentary this time.
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anti-mcu-in-general · 2 years
What I don't get is what the budget is spent on. They don't pay vfx artists, they don't pay for set builders, they don't have to pay RDJ's salary.
So what is their budget spent on?
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silalcarin · 9 months
So, I'm noticing in some of the comments in the video claiming that RDJ and Heath Ledger were friends and that's one reason why RDJ looked so sad when Heath won the award over him.
Yeah, no. Just no. That's completely FALSE.
A quick Google search will easily tell you that not only were Robert and Heath not friends, they also never worked together, and Robert infamously said in 2008 that he didn't like The Dark Knight and "you know what? Fuck DC Comics." Here's the interview where he said it.
So, please, for the love of whatever, stop spreading lies and misinformation. Based on that interview, I'm almost positive that Robert Downey Jr. was probably bitter AF about the fact that he lost the award to the dead Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight and he didn't win for his blackface-wearing, r-word-using performance in Tropic Thunder.
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a-marvelouzz-time · 2 years
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trash supporting trash
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msclaritea · 8 months
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Bullshit this ugly bastard is a front runner. Translation: Leo has pissed somebody off and the fucking Velvet Mafia is planning to buy B list actor, Cillian Murphy his prize, to please their greasy counterparts in the British Lavender Mafia. Penske Media can fuck off.
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Robert Downey Jr collecting, like infinity stones, problematic white men!
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justmewondering56 · 7 months
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'When Cillian Murphy took to the podium during Sunday night’s Golden Globes, his nose smudged in his wife’s lipstick, it was as if a door had opened on this Hollywood Neverland and an ambassador for the real world had stepped through.
Accepting the Best Actor in a Drama award for Oppenheimer, Murphy wasn’t so much un-starry as stonkingly everyday. Here was a normal person who had somehow beamed into peak Tinseltown and, if pleased, was also clearly a bit perplexed by it all.
The Oppenheimer win has made Murphy a frontrunner for the Oscars. In all likelihood, he will be up against a creepy Barry Keoghan in Saltburn, an overblown Bradley Cooper in Maestro, and a fervent Leonard DiCaprio in Killers of the Flower Moon. With the arguable exception of the grandstanding Cooper, all would be worthy winners. And yet, underdogs everywhere will be cheering for Murphy. He’s spent the past 20 years negotiating Hollywood on his own terms and has rejected Tinseltown’s showiness in favour of staying grounded and playing the long game.
Murphy always wanted to be an actor rather than a star. Such a choice could easily have condemned him to a lifetime of supporting roles. Or a hiatus in TV, to which he seemed exiled when he settled in for a long run as Tommy Shelby in Birmingham noir Peaky Blinders.
But his decision to turn away from flashy parts has proved inspired. He is that rarest of things: an experienced A-list actor who comes to the Oscars without baggage. Unlike DiCaprio, he hasn’t had to overcome a past life as a teen pin-up. Nor does he have to justify a lucrative stint in comic book films, as Cooper has with his time as Rocket Racoon in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Above all, Murphy goes into Oscar season as an antidote to the “look at me!” culture of the social media era. In an age when fame is regarded as the ultimate commodity – more important than awards or critical acclaim – Murphy would rather let his work speak for itself. He lives humbly in suburban Dublin with his wife and two children – and his great passion outside of acting is music, as demonstrated by his semi-regular presenting slot on BBC 6 Music.
That’s lifetimes removed from Hollywood, with its self-mythologising and turbo-charged fakeness. It is also of a piece with his career since he broke through playing a survivor of the zombie apocalypse in Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later. Ever since, he has chosen his jobs thoughtfully. In so doing, he has assembled a body of work of which he can be proud.
He hasn’t been above popcorn. He was a memorable villain in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, where he played the Scarecrow as a trippy nightmare. But even when shooting for the box office, Murphy has been studiedly un-starry. Careful to keep his ego in check, he’s often happy in an ensemble – hugging the background in A Quiet Place II and settling for an extended cameo in Nolan’s Dunkirk, where he was content to let Harry Styles and Tom Hardy hog the spotlight.
Hog it they did – yet it was Murphy who proved to be in it for the long road. Because he could go into Oppenheimer without a Hollywood aura, he disappeared into the role. If hardly obscure, he nonetheless assimilated fully into the part. Throughout that film, you were aware of its stars. Florence Pugh and Emily Blunt doing their best with under-written female characters. Robert Downey Jr trying to pretend he hadn’t spent a decade as Iron Man.
Murphy, by contrast, split the acting atom. He vanished into Oppenheimer with a performance that exuded humility and sincerity. Bookies have now installed him as a favourite for the Best Actor Oscar. If he wins, it would be a victory for knowing who you are and what you stand for and believing good work has value beyond short-term acclaim. Above all, his success shows that it is possible to stay grounded while scaling Hollywood’s giddiest heights.'
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
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if you’re accused of something actually really bad and you’re aided by someone who also does bad things regularly and you blame “woke people” and “cancel culture” for your problems I’m going to 100% assume you’re guilty of whatever it is
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topmarvel · 8 months
Participantes: Daniel Sarria (07), Gustavo de Oliveira (16) e Vitor Romero (28).
A Marvel Studios produziu uma série de filmes aclamados desde o início de seu Universo Cinematográfico em 2008 com "Homem de Ferro". Aqui estão cinco dos filmes mais notáveis da Marvel:
Os Vingadores (The Avengers, 2012):
Dirigido por Joss Whedon, "Os Vingadores" foi um marco na história dos filmes de super-heróis, pois reuniu heróis como Homem de Ferro, Capitão América, Thor, Hulk, Viúva Negra e Gavião Arqueiro pela primeira vez. O filme equilibrou ação empolgante com um roteiro inteligente, desenvolvendo personagens e criando um mundo coeso de super-heróis.
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Pantera Negra (Black Panther, 2018):
Dirigido por Ryan Coogler, "Pantera Negra" foi um filme revolucionário por vários motivos. Além de ser um grande sucesso de bilheteria, ele destacou a diversidade no cinema de super-heróis e explorou questões sociais e políticas de maneira inteligente. Chadwick Boseman entregou uma performance icônica como T'Challa.
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Guardiões da Galáxia (Guardians of the Galaxy, 2014):
Dirigido por James Gunn, este filme trouxe uma abordagem fresca e humorística ao Universo Cinematográfico da Marvel, apresentando um grupo de anti-heróis galácticos improváveis. A trilha sonora, repleta de sucessos dos anos 80, também contribuiu para o charme único do filme.
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Homem-Aranha: No Aranhaverso (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, 2018):
Embora seja uma produção da Sony, "No Aranhaverso" é uma obra-prima da animação que merece destaque. Este filme apresenta uma visão única e estilizada do Homem-Aranha, com uma história cativante e uma representação diversificada dos personagens do Aranha de várias dimensões.
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Homem de Ferro (Iron Man, 2008):
Este é o filme que deu início ao Universo Cinematográfico da Marvel e não pode ser subestimado em sua importância histórica. Dirigido por Jon Favreau e estrelado por Robert Downey Jr. como Tony Stark, ele estabeleceu o tom para os filmes subsequentes, combinando ação emocionante com um personagem complexo.
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Lembre-se de que as preferências em filmes são altamente subjetivas, e a lista acima é baseada em popularidade, influência cultural e impacto no gênero de super-heróis até 2021. Novos filmes da Marvel podem ter alterado a lista desde então, e é importante explorar esses títulos para formar sua própria opinião.
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reluctantbylerblog · 1 year
That was like, the whole reason John Hughes even made Some Kind Of Wonderful, specifically so the best friend would end up w the main character bc he was so upset he had to change the ending of pretty in pink lmfao. Some kind of wonderful where the artist boy is into the popular girl but realizes by the end he's actually in love with his tomboy best friend whose been in love w him the whole movie WONDER WHAT THAT SOUNDS LIKE LMFAO
yes! exactly! some kind of wonderful can almost be considered a direct response to the studio interference pretty in pink had.
it's interesting because the cast and crew (with the exception of hughes himself who literally made a whole other movie to make the ending he really wanted!) all sort of stubbornly stand by the ending in the movie. I think it's more a matter of pride at this point, because the legacy of the movie is marred by the ending. any time anyone mentions pretty in pink without a doubt someone always says, “she should have ended up with duckie!” which must sting when they were forced to change it to begin with.
sadly I think there was also some form of pretty privilege going on where the actor for duckie simply wasn't considered attractive enough to “get the girl” even if narratively it makes so much more sense. 👀👀 sound familiar?? (btw I think homophobic anti-bylers give off a similar but more insidious vibe imo.)
molly ringwald even said she thought if they had cast robert downey jr. (the first choice for duckie) she thought the original ending would have worked 🙄 just seems reminiscent of how if will was a girl no one would bat an eye at thinking it has a chance at being endgame
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ehgood-enough · 9 months
Now the Oppenheimer side of the barbenheimer double feature
First my butt hurts from all that sitting in a movie theater seat. We walked around for 20 minutes between shows but it was a lot of sitting
Onto the movie. Really good. My biggest disappointment came from seeing all the hype about Robert Downey jr acting. He was good. He had a good character and a good roll but I didn’t find it extraordinary which is what I was expecting when I was seeing all the he needs to win best supporting actor hype
Cillian Murphy now he blew me away. So much told just from his facial expressions. Really well acted. Absolutely in awe
The big bomb scene was breathtaking. I wish i could have seen it in imax. I am not an imax fan and normally avoid it like the plague but I really think Oppenheimer would be such an experience in imax
Back to the bomb. There was not a sound in that packed theater just absolute silence. And the tension it was like we were collectively holding our breath watching those flames. Just amazing and then when the blast sounds came you could just feel it. It was all encompassing. Beautiful and horrifying and so full of possibilities just everything and everything and everything. Amazing scene. I lack the words
The score was really well done too. It was a great movie
I will say, and this was very unexpected that the Barbie movie hit those emotions HARD. Oppenheimer did not. There were a few but where I feel they were going for some emotional stirrings but they failed to lay the groundwork. There were emotional scenes, mostly tension and anxiety but they were more surface level stuff.
It was a little slow in the beginning but I also kinda wonder if some of that was because I had just watched Barbie. Either way once it got going I was sucked in and it did not feel like a 3 hours movie. I am very anti-three (or more) hour movies but I really don’t see how this story could have been told in a shorter run time
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emmatgc · 4 months
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There are only 3 movies that highlighted 2023 for me. To be fair, this year I only managed to watch maybe more or less, 10 current movies , my fewest, ever. I had so many challenges faced this year that 2023 feels like a freaking nightmare and the problems never stop. 🤣 But anyways....
Oppenheimer is one of the 3 movies I liked this year. The best for me but not my favorite, my favorite is Air: Courting a Legend then Journey to Bethlehem.
This is not a total or intricate review of the movie. Everybody played their role great esp Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Jr. Hence, their nominations are well deserved.
Only a few 3 hour movies will keep me glued, this is one of them. Im always interested about the atomic bomb and warfare policies, history and such. When this was announced, I became so interested esp the actors in it.
For me, Robert Oppenheimer is both a hero and anti hero. A very conflicted man but not an innocent one, he knew what he was doing, he made his bed and laid on it. His moral compass has always been there and to be fair most, most scientists are in no way morally upright. They value science more than anything. Weird, nerds-they are exactly like that. Geniuses, extraordinary intellectuals with flawed, egoistic character, not to mention their not so perfect love life- the messy ones like any other.
Robert is a very complicated man. He is just good at compartmentalizing. He did his duty as he sees fit but yes,he also aimed for glory. Why not? Are politicians and war mongers are the ones only allowed on Time magazines? scientists greatly deserve it, too. The movie made Robert human and not just focus on his brain cells and the atomic bomb. It is both a gift and curse to mankind.
A gift to science and breakthrough but a curse to people. However, as much as ideally speaking, we can always say Robert has a choice, if he doesn't want blood on his hands, he could have walked away but no, he knew. He changed his convictions later on but he still made the bomb that killed hundreds of thousands. There was a war and in wars, you have to pick a side. He chose his. He made a bomb but doesn't want the bomb to hurt anyone? Ridiculous, right?
Both Oppie and Straus made sense. Oppie just had the better resume for a war hero plus, Straus was really vindictive and jealous, too. Scientists, majority of them rallied around Oppie because the system sucks. One day you are a hero, the next you are not. The government has always been an enemy for some but at the same time,the standard of excellence and success. Oppie wanted the masses to know, wanted his theories to be for the common people and good.
Oppie as he said became a bringer of death. As much as I loathe wars, old people deciding wars killing innocent ones, a war or fight sadly, is part of our DNA, whether as a system or among ourselves. We are all conflicted, Oppie just happened to be conflicted more.
The bomb to end all wars is also a bomb that starts a war. They are all soldiers. If Robert didn't make it, others will. That is a fact. Robert and America just wanted to be 1st. It killed a lot and saved a lot, too but I know killed more. That's why in war, it is always unfair. Christopher Nolan wanted to show the bad side, the conscience of Oppie, the government's trait of using people for their benefit trope but in the end, the movie still projected Robert to be the hero majority of Americans view as. He did what he had to do.
I oppose wars and fights by all means, but growing up as a child of a man in uniform, we are fighting for what we believe is right. We protect people we love esp our homeland and mostly at the expense of a lot. Unfair as it may seems, our freedom is not absolute and mostly, we choose a side. Robert did, too. History will continue to judge him and the movie? Well, for me is a masterpiece of story telling.
He made his bed until now he is laying on it even after his death. Robert was unapologetic. Even though he was conflicted, he didn't reason out himself as "i didn't know it will be in the wrong hands". No, he owned it through and through. The right and genius thing to do. Let the people decide. But I guess Oppie wanted that, too. To be deemed a hero, a villain and a victim. To be an eternal debate. Nonetheless, to be remembered, forever whichever side you are on.
Oh, lastly, give Cillian his fookin oscar next year!
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