#anti theism
radicalgraff · 2 years
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"Pro life my fucking ass. Let's talk about all the native kids you've killed!!"
Seen on a Catholic Church in Madison, Wisconsin
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canadianabroadvery · 9 months
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nonegenderleftpain · 10 months
There are few things I hate more than "Jewish ally" anti-theists and atheists that spout complete bullshit about Judaism and our supposed beliefs as though they know better than we do what we believe. When we talk about cultural xtianity, this is the kind of shit we're talking about.
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"You might not believe in hell but most Jews do, my ex-xtian interpretation of your holy texts is correct despite thousands of years of information on the subject, here's a video telling you that you're wrong." Spent several posts calling non-religious people "freethinkers," and continuously dodged the question regarding the harm eliminating religion would do to so many cultures. Not to mention going from "I think the world is better without religion" to "you have an anti-xtian bias that I don't like" as though there's not a reason for that.
Ex-xtian atheists - you need to address and unlearn your xtian belief that your way is the only right way. That you are objectively correct and everyone else is just ignorant. That you know better than the religious minorities you are addressing. People like this want an excuse to talk down to religious minorities under the guise of polite language, and if you don't want to be associated with them, you have to put in the work to not be like this. I say this as an ex-Catholic, and a former anti-theist - do better.
If you are making objective assertions about someone else's religion that you have not studied and cannot answer basic questions about, you're not being critical of religion, you're being an atheist supremacist. If you pull a "gods are more harmful than helpful" like this person but cannot tell me the impact of Kali or Sàngó on their respective cultures, you are not being critical, you're ignorant and self-absorbed. If you have not studied religion, you do not know what you are talking about, and if you are only accepting xtian interpretations of other religions as true, even as a basis for hatred of religion, you're just a xtian with a new wallpaper.
If you are advocating for anti-theism, you are advocating for the cultural genocide of hundreds of different cultures around the world. If you are advocating for anti-theism, you are inherently anti-Jew. And if you are talking over Jews when they correct you on your blatant misunderstanding of our culture, only to call us *liars* when we counter your misconceptions, or call out your cherry-picked sources for why you know better than we do, you're not just an asshole, you're an Antisemite.
I took this conversation in good faith, hoping that the ignorance was born from misunderstanding instead of malice. I should not have been so kind. And if you're going to come onto this post and whine and cry about "not all atheists," or "cultural xtianity isn't real," save us both the time and block me. I'm done entertaining atheists that will not acknowledge that y'all don't know better than the religious minorities you are insulting by assuming we're all just blind sheep being lied to by some hierarchy that doesn't exist outside of certain religions. My partner is an atheist. I was for a long time, and I chose to return to religion on my own. I'm still an atheist, but I am also very religious. I'm the "smart Jew" that ex-xtians love to talk about; enlightened and no longer clinging to the supernatural. And I'm telling you that you're a fucking asshole and I associate more with the most spiritual Orthodox Jew than I ever would with someone who thinks atheism makes you superior.
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a-typical · 1 year
If god is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful.
If god is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good.
If god is both willing and able to prevent evil, then why does evil exist?
If god created everything then that means he created evil. And if that is the case what does that say about god?
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shroobles · 6 days
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raspberryfem · 2 months
tbh i think atheism and even antitheism depending on how you define it should be a bigger tenet of feminism, especially radfeminism. all traditional religion is a tool of patriarchy, and all modern alternative religion is either a cult, a scam, or both. some women may be offended on the behalf of their goddess worship beliefs, but imo even that only serves to distract women from any real & meaningful changes in their lives. if you're buying crystals and practicing witchcraft, you're not focused on material feminist action
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hihiitscai · 10 months
Okay I need to yell about antitheism because it’s so painfully rampant in leftist spaces, and there seems to be an emphasis on being antitheist specifically towards the Christian God and the countless denominations that believe in Him. Things like “well if he’s so loving then why xyz thing that’s bad in the world,” or “there cannot be a god that is both all knowing and all loving because xyz thing” or, as I encountered literally today, “you don’t actually love your faith or your god because you misunderstand your religious texts” and proceeding to say that there are no verses about God loving everyone, or “Catholicisms only value is in its aesthetic,” which I also saw today.
Leftist and otherwise progressive spaces seem to be suddenly okay with antitheism when it’s towards Christians because it’s, I don’t know, punching up? People have been hurt by it and the vast majority of oppression in the world is perpetrated in the name of Christianity, and therefore it’s okay to be blatantly disrespectful of something that is important to literally billions of people and brings joy to their lives? My faith brings me joy and hope and love and fulfillment. I am Catholic not for the church, but for the God that I love and who I know loves me. The church is the vessel through which I feel most connected to Him. And yet I am told that I misunderstand my own religious texts (that I have studied, by the way), that I am somehow unintelligent for believing in a higher power. Antitheism of this nature is in largely online spaces, I’ll admit, like in multiple different discord servers that I have been a part of that had “religion” on their blacklist, but really only meant Christianity. Pagans, Muslims, Jewish folks, all were allowed to talk about their faith and their holidays and their beliefs and practices, but as soon as I mention my excitement for Easter, or my preparation for Lent, I’m in violation of the blacklist and get a warning or a kick or whatever the case may be. And why? For those hurt by the church? It seems to be difficult for some to view the situation with any nuance and understand that healing from religious trauma can include deconstructing and reconnecting to your religion.
Also, please don’t hear me say that this is equivalent to the systemic oppression of religious minorities or that it is appropriation. It absolutely isn’t. But there’s an important point here to be made about systemic oppression (which this isn’t) and interpersonal prejudice/discrimination (which this is). You can experience discrimination on an interpersonal level and that is what a lot of antitheism is. Devaluing my beliefs and my intelligence on the basis of my being Catholic is interpersonal discrimination. And the fact that it is permissible because it relates to Christianity is as well.
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satanic-faggotry · 1 month
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blocking desi blogs with the word sanatani cuz which self-respecting person admits that in public
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humnooshop · 1 month
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Gay the pray away :)
Available in posters, wall art and more on my Redbubble
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sweet-nothing26 · 10 months
Three years ago today i left islam, three years ago i freed myself from a cult (from a psychological standpoint), three years ago I no longer felt the need to justify islam's sexist scriptures, three years ago, I stopped feeling so much shame for simply existing as a woman. And I survived despite all the shit that I went through and for that I am eternally grateful. I am so proud of myself for putting through it all and still remaining strong and resilient throughout those past few years. Today i'm celebrating me because that woman has been through a lot. 12 july 2020- 12 july 2023
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johnwicklover1999 · 8 months
yaknow i think the easiest way to explain the harm in anti-theism is that because religion, spirituality, and culture are so heavily intertwined that when you get rid of religion you then get rid of culture. that creates a lot of contradictions when it comes to supporting cultural movements.
you're an anti-theist but you want to support native americans? ok, cool, but what about our culture? are you gonna advocate for our land back and then ridicule us for smudging sage and honoring Creator? great, thanks, that's exactly what colonizers did.
you're an anti-theist but you want to support african american culture? ok, cool, but what about our spiritual practices and our superstitions? do you want to get rid of hoodoo and voodoo? go ahead, but that's erasing valuable black culture.
what about ethnoreligions? where will you draw the line between ethnic culture and religion?
or is culture just as nonsensical? and yeah, some people might say "oh no, you're wrong, i'm not against culture." okay, let's go back to native americans. i'm partially choctaw. if you advocate to give us our land back and protect our tribe will you defend our spirituality? if not, and if you succeed in getting rid of religion then you also get rid of the patterns in our regalia and our beadwork, our mythology, and our Creator.
i dunno, how can anti-theism succeed without destroying culture? if anti-theism truly aims to succeed, it must also destroy spiritually and culture.
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My catholic parents: we're going to mass tonight, be good
Me: fine >:(
Also me, 55 minutes into the service: The Church is but a Butcher in Shepherd's clothing, luring gullible sheep to Slaughter with Hollow Promises of Green Pastures and a Warm Place to Lay. It is Hateful Actions justified by claims of Love and Righteousness and Virtuosity. It is a Wolf in Sheep's clothing which has Infiltrated the flock, Feeding upon the most Vulnerable among us while our backs are turned. It is
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avaduta · 3 months
Where is your god?
Where is your god when calamity strikes Where is your god when humans unleash the bloodshed of war Where is your god when you fall terminally ill Where is your god when vile men prey upon children Where is your god when people gore animals to death Where is your god when you are desolate and helpless Where is your god when people kill each other in his name Where is your god when millions die in hunger Where is your god when the corrupt loots the gullible Where is your god when tragedies drown people
If god exists and is omnipresent and a mute bystander to all these, he must be a cruel sadist.
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religiousqueer-inbox · 5 months
Religious queer culture is going through the tag of your religion on Tumblr and feeling isolated by the fact that nearly every time something is also tagged with queer tags, it tends to label religious people as bigots. But then feeling very happy when you manage to find something from the religious queer community or something not hateful from either side.
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zoxtmblr · 1 month
Religious freedom would feel like a more sincere cause if religious people weren't constantly using it to take away people's freedoms. There is no religious freedom to ban abortion. There is no religious freedom to force kids to follow your religion. There is no religious freedom to establish theocracies.
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