#anti-venom icons
rockryu · 2 years
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scoobydoodean · 4 months
links to all the crit dramas? plz? pretty pretty plz? with plzes on top?
Bestie that is a BIG ask and I did not keep up with all the links for all of these (nor would it be feasible to link all of the wank that happened in some cases, and I think in other cases, it would be poor form). But here’s a rundown in (to the best of my memory) chronological order.
Poor wet cat failed pacifists Cas
I think this one may have more context than I know—it's a fairly common motif anyway and has been for years. But the disk horse was reignited at some point because Courtney Queermania said that Dean is, in fact, willing to be inconvenienced by Cas. This did not sit well with anti-dean destiels, who went on the post to tell Courtney they are wrong about everything because *looks at notes* Cas was dedicated to pacifism and Dean forced him to be an evil killer or some other made up nonsense. Dean also forced Cas to fall from heaven and poor bumbling billion year old baby Cas can't even take a shit without Dean's say so, so everything is always Dean's fault and he can't even be grateful and is mean and evil and probably abusive too etc etc. Funny stuff from people who ship Dean and Cas. Btw. Elements of this camp had been sending Courtney hate mail for months before this for daring to post a poll featuring canonical events that occur in the actual show.
Deangirl Uquiz
In April, I made a 50-question True/False uquiz called "How sus do you look to a deanfan (me)?" and said you were sus if you got anything less than like an 80 or something. It was supposed to be a silly, tongue-in-cheek shitpost. I did most of my fandom interaction over on @i-make-fun-of-spn-characters at the time, but intentionally did NOT post this uquiz over there (to a much larger audience) because the uquiz I'd made was meant for a small group of like-minded mutuals and followers who would actually understand the context and find it amusing.
Well. It ended up spreading.
Deancrits got ahold of it and were very very mad that I dared to say things like, "Dean is not largely responsible for Sam and Cas's issues" and "People should have laughed at Dean's jokes more" and "Sam and Cas didn't actually deserve Dean's trust in season 4/6 because they were gaslight gatekeep girlbossing and could not be trusted". They grabbed my uquiz to use like a fleshlight, then discarded it on the ground and cried that it was too big around to suit their tiny wieners.
Deancrits drove their followers to brigade my post and my page. I received hate mail. People spewed venom at me directly. Worst of all, someone I don't give a damn about told me I am not funny. :(((( People pushed and made uquizes to "combat" mine. I spawned countless vagues all over spnblr--some supportive, some spewing venom about deanfans violent hatred (???) for Sam and Cas. Whole mutualships were lost between people I didn't even know over this uquiz. It was nuts out there.
I sexily evaded deancrits with my sexy ways while they chased me through the town square, trying to wrestle me into a hair shirt. I edited the uquiz with some more snark since deancrits made it all about them anyway, and changed my icon to flaming Elmo and probably changed my header to say "@ Deancrits Suck my Ass" or something I don't remember. I think I became genuinely angry at one point for about 5 minutes. After that, I remembered a deancrit casgirl took my 50 question uquiz several times in a row, shitting out their insides with rage the entire time, then posted the screenshot of their 0% to all of their followers like the trophy head of some vanquished beast, letting out a warrior howl of victory. To this day, I could not tell you why they thought this would stick it to me. However, this was so incredibly funny that to this day I still risk pissing myself laughing when I think about it. To get that 0, they also had to call Dean their poor little meow meow btw.
Vegan Sam
Every few years deancrit samgirls start this really funny disk horse about how Dean is an evil food tamperer who doesn’t respect that Sam is a vegan. This, of course, is also a violation of Sam's bodily autonomy (see section below). Victoria Angelsdean dared to make an original post stating that Sam is not, in fact, a vegan and never ever has been one. This made vegan Sam truthers really mad, and it was really funny.
Later on, because Courtney Queermania had been receiving a continuous stream of hate mail from deancrits since February, I had lodged a threat (blackmail) to make a second uquiz of evil and villainy in retaliation should any more hate mail be sent to Courtney. During the "Sam’s Super Special Most Violated Autonomy Stolen Valor" disk horse, I made good on this threat, and featured a question about whether or not Sam is a vegan, which made them mad yet again.
Also this post was fun.
Back in April, tumblr user christ-figure-bracket took it upon themselves to create a poll tournament to determine the ultimate christ figure in fiction. Samgirls have long enjoyed paralleling Sam with Jesus, and nominated him for the tournament. In the first round, Sam was put up against Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia—literal lion Jesus. Samgirls were determined to bring Sam victory. Much of SPNblr endeavored to assist because it would be funny if Sam won. I was a stick in the mud about it, and gave this as my reasoning:
#i’m sorry I know Sam beating Aslan would be funny but I can’t stand the sam = jesus take #worst thing sam girls ever came up with #and that’s a large hurdle to clear #not even because i have a problem with people wanting to read into things and explore symbolism #it’s because some of them get gigantic heads about it and then act like they’re being persecuted for their beliefs
Lo and behold—they proceeded to prove me right.
Very early on, some samgirls started telling people who voted against Sam to kill themselves, and complaining openly by name about fellow samgirls who didn't support their plight. However, the real trouble started when christ-figure-bracket made it clear in a humorous manner that they would prefer not to have wincest shippers in their notes. Enraged, angry wincest shippers began sending christ-figure-bracket hate mail, and adding wincest fic and art to their posts and sending it in DMs, and saying they were being persecuted for their beliefs. christ-figure-bracket could barely block them fast enough. Samgirls cleverly recollected—from a few hours before—that Sam had been placed against literal lion Jesus in the very first round. This and the wincest shipper blocking clearly implied christ-figure-bracket's barely-concealed hatred for samgirls. They were no impartial moderator—no! They intended to skew the poll to destroy Sam!
Anyway, christ-figure-bracket removed Sam from the entire tournament as a punishment. Sonic the Hedgehog ended up winning the whole thing, btw. Also I thought it was funny that Sam got kicked out so I said so in some tags. I got some absolutely batshit mail about my "unfandom behavior" and how I place myself as some "sane anti bully saint" and then the person pinned a vaguepost on their page about me choosing who to bully and who to baby for like a month.
Jesus!Sam disk horse returned for a part 2 when Courtney Queermania said something like, "Making a t-shape with your arms should be called 'Sammying'" and got this shit in their inbox:
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Dean winning the best tits poll
People got really mad that Sam didn't win this. There was also a lot of arguing about "tits" versus "pecs" and whether Sam has good tits or good pecs.
Sam’s Super Special Most Violated Autonomy Stolen Valor
One day, Courtney Queermania dared to say on their own blog, that they were considering whether Sam’s autonomy actually gets violated anymore than anyone else’s, and weren't sure that it does.
This suggestion resulted in a firehose of anonymous hate mail on Courtney's blog, about what a terrible evil person Courtney is for daring to think this, about how Sam is the specialist most autonomy-less adult baby ever to exist, and how deangirls daring to possibly deny this truth or suggest anyone else ever experienced a violation of their autonomy is a violation of samgirls bodily autonomy in of itself.
To be clear, NOT ONCE did any of us go on any samgirl's page to interact with ANY of them in any negative way. And yet, samgirls fully treated all of us as absolutely evil horrible insensitive people who were actually harming them irl by posting things on our own blogs. While their friends spewed absolutely vile hate messages at Courtney, samgirl blogs were making posts about OUR cruelty and how any of us daring to find humor within the onslaught was deeply evil and insensitive toward them. It was literally argued that Samgirls themselves are all super special victims of abuse who all of us (who clearly have never been through anything bad ever) were being insensitive toward. So of course that mode of thinking within the samgirl community encouraged the hate bombing to continue as some justified form of "retaliation" against our cruelty.
Genuinely I think the hate mail on this went on for like 1-2 months. Some really really ugly vile shit was sent mixed in with some really funny shit. Questions were pondered such as, "Wait a minute—how is everyone defining autonomy???" "Is a demon tricking Sam a violation of Sam's autonomy?"" "Do Deangirls just want to give all of Sam's Super Special Traumas to Dean, who has never been through anything, ever?" "How many incidents can PK come up with where Sam violated Dean's autonomy within 3 minutes?" I posted the aforementioned blackmail uquiz, and Courtney gave all of us this incredible baby Sam image that shall live on in infamy (and haunt all of our dreams).
Psychic!Dean or: Sam's stolen valor part 2
I believe it all started when Laura ilarual made a post talking about a funny headcanon they came up with in a discord server, wherein Dean managing to predict the future fairly frequently is actually a display of latent psychic abilities Dean isn't aware he has. Courtney Queermania also joked about it, which is a crime punishable by death, because Courtney (a completely normal, nice person) is actually the devil incarnate according to a variety of hate anons who have targeted them nonstop since February 2023 for literally no fucking reason.
This resulted in this hate mail, and also blended with the general autonomy disk horse that was still going on in Courtney's inbox at the time.
I think what was funny to everyone about Psychic!Dean was how spitting mad it made people for absolutely no reason other than it was somehow perceived as "stolen valor" by samgirls. I started shitposting after that about how Dean can sense hidden rooms. Psychic!Dean has become one of my favorite headcanons since—we're all rather fond of it now.
Gun Safety: A Commentary on pillows and black store clerks
This is two different diskhorses in a trenchcoat that happened with deancrit destiels/casgirls. Once again—me and my friends never went on anyone's page to interact with anyone in a negative way.
This disk horse had two related flavors: is Dean bad and evil and the devil incarnate for 1) sleeping with a gun under his pillow and/or 2) Shooting Jack in the back to get his attention and keep him from strangling a black store clerk to death? Also, are either or both of these things abusive because of... the lack of gun safety?
I suppose you can guess what side deancrit casgirls landed on regarding both of these issues. It was suggested that the sheer possibility that Dean might hurt poor white baby Jack's feefees should trump the life of the innocent black store clerk he was strangling to death in a rage. Naturally.
Regarding the former vein of discourse: Someone got really really mad at Victoria angelsdean and me for making posts on our own blogs that didn't frame Dean as the source of all evil in the world for having a gun under his pillow, and started going through our blogs reblogging things and being an insufferably condescending asshat in tags with a very transparent goal. Among their complaints, were that "The Prisoner" is an incidence of "domestic violence" against Cas, and that Cas shoving his hand into a child's chest to feel for his soul causing him excruciating pain is perfectly fine, but Dean sleeping with a gun under his pillow is *looks at notes* abusive to Jack. Also they thought it was very important to remind all of us that their dad was in the army for some reason.
I was completely unable to take any of this seriously. If you haven't been on my page long, you might not be very familiar with my potty mouth, but it's important here. I've been here a long enough time that I've seen countless kind people get hate bombed by ugly disgusting assholes in this fandom, and this year I simply had enough. Somewhere around the 20th time I saw fellow deangirls get absolutely vile messages from deancrits or obnoxiously condescending reblogs full of nonsense in the year of our lord 2023, I started endeavoring to embarrass them. One way I did this was by equating deancrits who come onto deangirls blogs to police their posts and act like insufferable condescending assholes... with a dude who walks into a men's locker room and immediately whips his dick out. Everyone else is clothed, but this one dude starts running around naked, showing everyone his cock and going "LOOK HOW BIG MY COCK IS. SUCK ON IT" and not only is he being annoying and weird and harassing people—his dick is actually tiny. Basically I began saying, "Stop whipping your dick out on everybody else's blogs, acting like your cock is big and huge and bulging and I need to get down on my knees and suck it. No one is going to suck you tiny cock just because you decided to whip it out."
I used this metaphor with the person who was being a condescending ass on my blog. I promptly got accused of making "violent sexual threats" by one of their friends, and then another one showed up to tell me, "If internet cancellation were real, you would be so cancelled for this." I changed my header to say, “Cancelled by Ligma Balls” and blocked like 6 people and my blog has been blessedly free of deancrit casgirls throwing tantrums and trying to hit me with their babyhands since.
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'Today is a bad day for anti-trans Doctor Who fans — and we love to see it.
If you are living for the timey-wimey shenanigans of the Time Lord but aren’t down with the way the show and arguably its most popular Doctor embrace trans people, well, unlike the Tardis, you are smaller on the inside — and behind the timey-wimes.
Over the weekend, David Tennant returned to the iconic sci-fi series for the first of a three-part 60th Anniversary Special, “The Star Beast”, which featured a heartwarming and affirming trans storyline. Naturally there was outrage in response. But Tennant is not only not sweating the haters; he’s actively working to support trans rights by speaking out and raising money to help LGBTQ+ youth charities.
Last week, on Transgender Day of Remembrance, Tennant appeared on The One Show, sporting the accessory of the season, a trans-colored Tardis pin, the sales proceeds of which go toward the LGBTQ+ youth charity AKT. After Tennant was seen wearing the pin, it reportedly raised over $22,000.
Tennant gushed about the pin’s designer Dr. Jamie Gallagher when Attitude asked about it on the Rolling Stone UK Awards red carpet.
“It’s just something that I think is rather lovely and important,” said Tennant. “It suits what Doctor Who is all about, so […] the fact that relevant charities are benefiting from it is something that I’m hugely pleased about.”
He went on to talk about how the spirit of Doctor Who is in alignment with the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. “The Doctor has always supported the other, the unusual, the disenfranchised,” he said. “That’s what that show’s about”
And he offered a hopeful message: “Most people are decent, honest, understanding people who just want to live together harmoniously. We just need to banish the noise and banish the hate.”
It’s a message that some of the Doctor Who viewership needs to hear after raging about the first part of the three-part anniversary special. In the episode, Tennant and Catherine Tate return as the Doctor and Donna Noble, respectively. The episode also introduces Donna’s daughter Rose Noble, played by Heartstopper star Yasmin Finney.
The episode does not shy away from Rose’s trans identity — and treats both her gender and the character with love and respect and she even gets to be a hero. So of course ignorant people are popping off on social media about Doctor Who’s woke agenda. Seriously, have they even been watching the show for the last nearly two decades?
Transphobic viewers took to Rotten Tomatoes to express their impotent rage by review-bombing the episode. And of course to X, where they spewed venom under the #RIPDoctorWho hashtag.
Thankfully there was plenty of pushback and celebration of the series and its inclusion of Rose — and hilarious roasting.
Turns out we can have nice things! Part two of the 60th Anniversary Special, “Wild Blue Yonder”, debuts on Saturday, Nov. 25, on Disney+ followed by the final episode, “The Giggle”, on Saturday, Dec. 9. We can’t wait to tune in.'
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marvelnewssource · 6 months
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In February, explore the limits of the Venom’s symbiote startling potential in WHAT IF?… VENOM! | On Sale 2/28
Brought to you by two rising Marvel stars, writer Jeremy Holt (MARVEL’S VOICES: SPIDER-VERSE) and artist Jesús Hervás (MARVEL UNLEASHED), this new five-issue limited series will put a bold twist on the Venom symbiote’s origin as it’s rejected from Eddie Brock and tossed around on a twisted trip through the Marvel Universe.
As the symbiote crosses paths with various Marvel heroes, readers will be introduced to new symbiote-bonded versions of She-Hulk, Wolverine, Doctor Strange, Loki, and Moon Knight. Discover how all these characters grapple with their newfound power and find out who the symbiote will ultimately seek control of!
Years ago, in a familiar church tower, the Venom symbiote was spurned by Peter Parker and found a willing host in the vengeful and wrathful Eddie Brock! Or, at least, that’s the story you know! Get an all-new look at what makes the Marvel Universe’s most sinister symbiote tick, starting with a journey that reimagines its earliest days bonded to a host with a rage and temper entirely different from those of Eddie Brock!
"Having the opportunity to play within the Venom sandbox is cool. Having the opportunity to bond five iconic heroes to the alien parasite is cooler," Holt said. "In doing so within the WHAT IF…? concept, I’ve had an absolute blast crafting a linear revisionist history that’s provided me the latitude to introduce distinct versions of the anti-hero that we’ve all come to love."
Check out Leinil Francis Yu’s cover plus some of Hervás' original design sheets and see the fractured paths of what could have been for the Lethal Protector when WHAT IF?… VENOM hit stands in February!
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aamy2100982 · 1 year
We all know that Eddie Brock has symbiote children. But I think I know how to recognize which are his biological children.
Anti-Venom is actually more of a clone than a child, but he still has Eddie's white blood cells which, I guess, makes them biologically related. And we don't need to explain Sleeper, they are the symbiote son product of the homosexual marriage between Eddie and the Symby
many count Carnage as Eddie's son, but actually they are not biologically related, just like Riot, Screem, Agony and all those. In fact, Carnage is closer to being Cletus's son (because of having mixed with his blood when they were a baby) than being Eddie's son.
But I digress, the point is that: All children of the Venom symbiote have the iconic slanted white eyes. While the sons that are related to Eddie have smaller eyes and warm colors from yellow to red.
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(I just realized that in both images he has almost the same pose)
Also emphasize that both symbiotes have powers regarding being able to change things to their liking. I mean that Sleeper can detect and change the environment with toxins at will and Anti - Venom can detect and cure diseases at will.
if Eddie ever has another symbiote child and this one doesn't have beady warm colored eyes and doesn't have powers to sense and change things, then my theory goes to hell. But for now I leave my humble opinion here :]
I wasn't going to add Dylan to the conversation because he's not 100% symbiote, but
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i guess it works too
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also-fours · 1 month
the problem with adaptations of venom isn't that they ignore his redemption arc, it's the fact that they always wanna tell the whole story (and even then, that's not a bad thing)
they don't wanna just START with him being one of the good guys because you NEED to start with him as a villain in order for his time as a hero to hit as hard as it does, unless it's something like midnight suns where it isn't about him
the game doesn't center around him or spider-man so who cares if it starts with eddie as an anti-hero, you can just go right to it
venom's stories of him fighting spider-man are iconic and integral to his history, to pretend they don't matter and shouldn't be portrayed just because venom's a good guy now is kinda foolish
but the thing is. usually spider-man adaptations get cancelled before they get the chance to tell that story fully
the 90s cartoon practically started the anti-hero thing, then it got canned
unlimited was using venom as a villain but thats because he wasnt in his right mind, otherwise he was pretty much spot on
spectacular probably would've gone that route too
the PS1 game was just based on what was happening in the comics at the time but still had them clash which i like. that one's an exception because of the assumption that "it's just what the comics are doing rn"
the original ultimate comics, uh. kinda gave up on venom, let's be real
web of shadows is a weird one i cant really tell what they wanted to do there
edge of time is the same case as the PS1 game, it's just what was happening in the comics at the time, though it's debatably canon to web of shadows so you can argue it's the way it is because of time fuckery
the ultimate cartoon did it but that one sucks so no one cares
the 2017 cartoon, well...that one ACTUALLY didn't care and just wanted venom to be the show's main villain and that's it
insomniac, well, they JUST started telling their venom story and haven't gotten to the part where he's a good guy just yet but people are giving them shit for it anyway (we KNOW they're not just gonna let go of venom. especially after *that* mission. come on now, dont lie to yourself)
maybe if we're patient we'll actually get to see it this time
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heavenboy09 · 7 months
5 Years Ago Today
From Colombia Pictures
& Marvel Studios Presents
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WE ARE VENOM 😈🕷⚫ #VENOM #EddieBrock #TomHardy #MichelleWilliams #RizAhmed #ToddMcFarlane #StanLee #LethalProtector #MarvelComics #MarvelStudios #MCU #SpiderMan
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Hey guys, new RWBY season drops in like two days, so I just wanted to make a post because every time we get a new season, we also get A. An increase in people posting RWBY criticism. B. An increase in people complaining about seeing RWBY criticism. And C. An increase in people asking what RWDE is. So I thought I'd give some advice on how to avoid criticism (if you want to) and posting criticism (if you want to.)
This is one of the only times I'm using the main RWBY tag, I usually try to avoid it since I'm a RWBY critic. I'm using it now in an honest effort to help, please no one send me hate anons. :)
What is RWDE? RWDE is a tag used for any and all criticism of RWBY. The fact that it's a play on the word 'rude' doesn't actually mean the criticism must be mean spirited. Most people who post in the rwde tag were ordered to by other rwby fans who demanded we use the tag as a filterable (and not use the main rwby tag either,) so we didn't really choose the name, and use it as a courtesy to other fans. RWDE is used for anything from complaints saying the whole show is a wreck to the tiniest nitpick. Like any tag, people who use 'RWDE' range in opinions, there's no 'rwde hivemind,' I myself have been in fights with other RWDE posters in the past.
What to do if you don't want to see RWBY criticism? Filter out the 'rwde' tag, as well as 'anti rwby' and 'rwby criticism.' This is pretty simple. Just go to your settings, scroll down to the 'content you see' section, go to filtered tags and click the little edit icon, you'll get the option to add a tag to filter. If you do this, then Tumblr will hide posts tagged with 'rwde' from you, and you'll have to make an active choice to seek it out. If there are certain characters you'd like to avoid seeing criticism of, rwde posters frequently use anti character tags as well. I personally have 'anti Blake Belladonna' filtered out because I don't like to see too many posts complaining about her. Another trick is looking up rwby with a hashtag # at the front like #rwby, which I've heard helps avoid the 'this post mentions rwby and therefore appears when you search 'rwby' even if it isn't tagged' feature (which I know is a headache to deal with.) Also please don't avoid blocking out of some belief that it makes you a coward or a bad person, the block function is for everyone's benefit, and if you continuously see someone posting things that annoy you or are just taking up space or you just don't really wanna see, blocking them is a good way to get them out of your life without any fighting.
What to do if you want to criticize or critique RWBY? First off, criticizing RWBY at all in any way is something that does come with a risk. This fandom can be really toxic towards critics and defensive of the show to the point where even minor objective nitpicks will be called hysterical fits of rage. It's unfortunate, but if you want to post criticism, it's best to be aware of what you're getting into. I suggest using the rwde tag when you criticize despite the venom against it, because that's the most well known criticism tag and is the one most likely to have been filtered out by people that don't like seeing criticism. Not using the rwde tag might result in you getting people in your comments or ask box angry at you for the fact that they saw your posts. If you want to critique without being associated with 'rwde' and don't want to use that tag there's only so much you can do (popular RWBYtubers have been labeled rwde just for criticizing RT,) but you can use tags like 'crtq' and 'rwby criticism' and 'rwby critique' that might get less of a venomous response. Also I would again suggest that you be free with the block button.
If you heard something about how horrible rwde and rwby critics are... Please actually look into actual rwde posters and read actual rwde posts (in their entirety, not just screencapped parts of posts) before you believe anything from other people. Just because someone says 'rwde posters think X, Y, Z' doesn't mean it's true, and again there's a wide range of opinions you'll see from rwde posters. I'm not saying you have to like us or seek us out or anything (again, you've got the filter and block option and I suggest people who don't like criticism do so and we'll leave each other alone,) but don't buy into the 'htdm' stuff without even looking to see what's true and what isn't please and thank you!
Anyway, whether you're looking forward to the new RWBY season or dreading it, good luck on Saturday!
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thehollowwriter · 4 months
✨️When you get this ask you have to put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positive vibes are cool)
Thank you Kren and @theleechyskrunkly for the ask and sorry for the late response! Gonna list 10 songs for both of you <3
1) Mr Doctor Man by Palaye Royale
2) No Love in LA by Palaye Royale
3) A Good Song Never Dies by Saint Motel
4) Rasputin by Boney M
5) Dirty Little Animals by BONES UK
6) Dynasties and Dystopia by Denzel Curry
7) Hourglass by Set It Off
8) Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy
9) Venom by Icon For Hire
10) Ad Infinitum by The Stupendium
Couldn't give a list of what I listen to without a Stupes song lol. Ad Infinitum is exactly what the name implies- infinite ads (plus anti capitalism sprinkled in) it's very... intense fkfjfk
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tsuki-sennin · 11 months
Our beloved Ohsama Sentai planned to reveal Gira's deception in spectacular fashion... but of course, freakin' Jeremy had to come in and steal all our thunder! That jerk is yuckin' it up in his narration, acting so smart and tough. Who does he think he is?!
...well, that's partly why we're here today~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-"I'm the king, dum-dum. I can do whatever I want."
-Noooooo, Himeno!
-You've gone too far this time, Spiders Jeremy!
Yanma: Yes, we know about the King-Ohger book. It's only the foundation of literally all organized religion in the world. Jeremy: Oh cool, then you'd be happy to know that I wrote it all down~!
-Damn, okay I see you King-Ohger.
-I don't think we've had a (proper) Sixth Ranger be genuinely and consciously villainous since Mikoto.
-I suppose it's fitting he's white, black, and gold on a story involving an alternate Earth.
-...of course, I'm counting my chickens a bit early, so...
-He was biding his time, that Jeremy.
-"Whoa, what!?"
-I see Rita's never heard of Rip van Winkle.
-I'm going to be feeling a lot of things about Jeremy, aren't I?
-Hi Dezzy, sorry I thought you blew up last episode.
-Morphonia, hello~!
-Just like Racules, eh?
-We now have a whopping three antagonistic factions all at the same time in the 12th episode.
-"Duuuuude, spoilers! Sheesh, just give me a headcanon, eh? :3"
-"I headcanon you as a menace to decent society."
-"See, now you get it~!"
-Read between the lines~!
-Man, these ski-lift chairs must be really disorienting to sit on.
-He got us.
-The Thundercracker?
-"Give me the spider boy, bee boy."
-Holding a little lady hostage, eh Racules?
-Suzume, Suzume... I'm not sure what manner of bee she'd represent, but
-N'Kosopa~! Lie detection~!
-Damn, okay!
-"So like, are you supposed to be killing me?"
-Jeremy Brasieri. A little over 2000 years old.
-I have to imagine what it's like to see them live.
-"Not bad, you sure know what you're doing~!"
-Okay, guess it's Himeno's turn to analyze
-Rita's screms give me life.
-They kidnapped him.
-"My, you're scary~!"
-I see Himeno changed her hair back.
-"Oh is that all~?"
-"You are the Spider Man."
-Well, he's got the sass, the powers, the Anti-Venom/Spider Armor Mk. 1 color scheme...
-...speaking of which, I plan on seeing Spider-Verse 2 Part 1 soon.
-The way he's both a storyteller and playing literally everyone around him is also definitely a send up to Anansi, from the West African Akan people's folklore.
-Jeremy the Spider Man.
-Help us out, Kaguragi.
-"I'm a bigger liar than you, spider boy!"
-Well, he's definitely got the moves. I'd expect nothing less from him
-"Come ON, dude~! You've gotta know~!"
-"Jesus Christ, you people SUCK at this!"
-I really like this silhouette art-style.
-Very puppet theater-y.
-Quite literally. Spiders Jeremy.
-"Yeah, I can get behind peace :)"
-Pan icon Jeremy Brasieri.
-...I feel very personally marketed to by Spiders Jeremy.
-"...did I just make friends? ...I guess I did~!"
-Hello Dezzy!
-...I guess he says no.
-...ohhhhh, his jingle
-His transformation
-This character is everything now.
-"See you later, I suppose."
-I swear my fealty to you, my king.
-Ohhhhh, that's a tarantula.
-A big one too.
-...I am feeling many things.
-I think they're good things?
-Idk man, Sixth Rangers are just
-The most effective marketing tactic of all time
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vex-bittys · 2 years
How would a krait handle things after just biting/killing someone to save their owner? I'm certain they all know their bite is always lethal.
*Taking a life is not something a Krait would do lightly. Kraits won’t bite to save their own lives, but in a situation where they are sure that taking the life of an assailant would save their owner or an innocent child (sorry random strangers, but a Krait doesn’t know what situation has led you to danger and are unsure if they should take the life threatening yours), a Krait will use his deadly venom.
*Kraits are very aware of their Void venom and how lethal it is. Even touching the Void venom can cause nasty painful burns, so Kraits keep their fangs hidden away at all times. There is no anti-venom available for Krait bites simply because the death is instant and excruciating. It’s something every kind and gentle Krait has to live with.
*Causing a death through a direct action is devastating for a Krait. He’s glad a life was saved, but it weighs heavily on his conscience that he had to cause the other person to die to save that life. Kraits become extremely depressed in these situations and will often need counseling to learn to accept what happened and live with it. It’s natural to want to be grateful to the Krait for his actions, but reminding him of it is very painful for him.
*Give him love and comfort. Let him have space if he needs to think. Provide support if he needs it in the form of therapy. He hates violence. He hates causing violence, no matter how justified. He will need help not to hate himself.
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(Icon by IwuvCofi on Twitter)
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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Spider-Man Day
How  will you celebrate Spider-Man Day on August 1? It’s important to remember one thing: with great power comes great responsibility. Now, you, a Spider-Man fanatic, have all the power in the world to celebrate one of the most iconic comic-book superheroes of all time whichever way  you want to, so don’t take this responsibility lightly. This is your gift and your curse!
Created by Steve Dikto and Stan Lee, Spider-Man is Marvel Comics most iconic character for the past 59 years. For all true fans of the web-slinger, August 1, 2023 is the day on  which you can appreciate what Spider-Man has brought to your lives.
However, you chose to celebrate Spider-Man Day 2023 don’t forget to share your thoughts with us.
When is Spider-Man Day 2023?
“Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!” is celebrated on Spider-Man Day on August 1, 2023.
History of Spider-Man Day
Everyone  loves Spider-Man. And how can we not? Spider-Man entered the comic-book  universe in issue 15 of Marvel Comics’ “Amazing Fantasy” in August 1962  and has been a major player ever since. The groundbreaking story caught  the attention of readers when it featured an awkward, antisocial teenager as its superhero — a description typically associated with sidekicks. But this bold move turned out to be a boon for creator Stan Lee, who touched the hearts of a generation of kids who felt lonely, rejected, or had difficulty making friends. Spider-Man proved that anyone can be a superhero and, even after being around for about 60  years, he’s still as popular as ever.
Spider-Man got his own comic series, “The Amazing Spider-Man,” in March 1963. The titular character rose to popularity and quickly became integral in the ever-expanding  Marvel Universe, engaging with regularly featured characters like the  Human Torch, the Incredible Hulk, and Daredevil. The supporting  characters in the Spider-Man world were equally interactive and  colorful, enthralling readers who developed soft spots for them. This includes J. Jonah Jameson, the anti-Spider-Man editor-in-chief for the “Daily Bugle” newspaper, Spider-Man’s love interests Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Watson, and costumed villains like Doctor Octopus, the Green Goblin, and Venom.
Spider-Man became a fast-expanding franchise, his heroics no longer able to be contained in single monthly issues. Spidey’s frequent crossover storylines with other Marvel characters led to the creation of the bimonthly series “Marvel Team-Up” in March 1972,  which ran for 150 issues. Spider-Man teamed up with nearly every  high-profile superhero in the Marvel Universe in this ongoing series.
“Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man” was the fourth installment comic series of Spider-Man’s continuing adventures. It debuted in December 1976 and ended after 263 issues. One of the most memorable events of  this era was Peter’s marriage to Mary Jane Watson.
We all know  Spider-Man is fast, but his momentum in the comic world was soon noticed  by Hollywood as well. Sony Entertainment purchased the rights to Spider-Man, and brought him to the big screen in May 2002 with the movie “Spider-Man.” With Tobey Maguire playing the friendly neighborhood superhero, the Spider-Man movies paved the way for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the superhero movie genre. “Spider-Man 2” was released in 2004 and broke box-office records, followed by “Spider-Man 3” in 2007,  which ended Director Sam Raimi’s trilogy. The franchise was rebooted  five years later, with “The Amazing Spider-Man” in 2012, starring Andrew Garfield.
Next, Spider-Man made his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the third act of “Captain America: Civil War” (2016). Young actor Tom Holland breathed life into the web-slinger, who had been neglected due to the ongoing legal issues and character rights between Sony Entertainment and Marvel Studios. The latest Marvel movies featuring Spider-Man are worldwide blockbusters “Avengers: Infinity War” (2018) and “Spider-Man: Far From Home” (2019).
Spider-Man Day timeline
1962 A Hero is Born
Stan Lee comes up with the idea for Spider-Man and the character first appears in a comic as a supporting character.
1963 First Independent Comic
Spider-Man gets his own comic, "The Amazing Spider-Man".
2002 Spider-Man Goes to Hollywood
Spider-Man gets his own movie franchise ("Spider-Man") starring Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, and James Franco.
2010 Broadway Special
"Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" debuts on Broadway in NYC.
2012 Meet the New Spidey!
"The Amazing Spider-Man" starring Andrew Garfield premieres, followed by a sequel ("The Amazing Spider-Man 2") in 2014.
2017 Third Time’s the Charm
"Spider-Man: Homecoming" premieres, starring the new Spider-Man, Tom Holland.
Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is celebrated with exciting events, movie marathons, and trading of collectible comic book issues featuring the superhero. Spider-Man gets the approval of both kids and adults,  which makes him so likable and relatable. Kids don their Spider-Man costumes and toy web slingers, whereas grown-up enthusiasts wear more elaborate costumes to celebrate events and parties.
Spider-Man comic books that are rare and collectible are traded and sold. Special issues are also available at some comic book stores. With the release of  the latest Spider-Man video game, gamers and online streamers host playthrough sessions of the latest and older Spider-Man games. Today is  also the day where traditionally we see many masked marauders make news  headlines around the world as they attempt to climb walls and buildings —  but don’t try this at home (or anywhere for that matter), kids!
Spider-Man Day By The Numbers
10 tons – the weight that Spider-Man can bench press.
200 mph – the top speed at which Spider-Man can run.
#15 – the issue number of the “Amazing Fantasy” comic book that Spider-Man first appeared in.
2002 – the year in which the Spider-Man movie franchise was released.
#290 – the comic issue of “The Amazing Spider-Man” in which the superhero married Mary Jane.
1963 – the year when Spider-Man’s first solo title “The Amazing Spider-man (Vol. 1)” appeared on shelves.
700th – the issue number at which Volume 1 of “The Amazing Spider-Man” ended in December 2012.
8 – the total number of Spider-Man cartoon series.
1 hour – the time it takes for Spider-Man’s web to dissolve.
250 – the IQ level of Peter Parker.
Spider-Man Day Activities
Have a Spider-Man movie marathon
Throw a Spider-Man party
Depending  how far back in time you want to go and which producers/directors you  prefer, you could easily spend an entire day watching movie adaptations  of Spider-Man comics. Perhaps you and your friends could watch and compare the latest releases, both Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man  and discuss which version is better.
Invite  your friends over, decorate the house and get the silly string  web-slinging devices ready 'cause it’s party time! To really make your  party stand out, try some Spidey-themed food like deviled eggs with paprika shaken into the shape of a spider. To keep the adults happy, try making the Spider-Man cocktail mixed with cherry and raspberry  liqueurs, tequila and a sprinkling of pop rocks.
Ever  wanted to leap and fly like Spider-Man? While swinging through New York City with a series of webs isn’t quite realistic, the growing trend of parkour can be done, right here and now. A mix of gymnastics and  dancing, building up your parkour skills means flipping, sliding and  jumping through the city just like Spidey.
5 Super Facts About Spider-Man
Spider-Man was originally Fly-Man
The only spider people like
It’s in the name
Venom was born from fanfiction
Changing times
Initially, Stan Lee wanted to create a superhero based on a fly or insect.
Head of Marvel Comics, Martin Goodman disapproved of the concept of Spider-Man due to the fact that most people hate spiders.
Stan  Lee specifically placed a hyphen in Spider-Man’s name to avoid  confusion between ‘Spiderman’ and ‘Superman’ as the latter was rather  popular at the time.
Spider-Man’s nemesis Venom was created as fan fiction, and purchased by Marvel for $220.
Spider-Man is the first independent teenage superhero who was not a sidekick to an adult superhero.
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'David Tennant proved himself the ultimate trans ally once again after rejoicing at the news that his trans-themed TARDIS badge led to thousands of pounds being raised for an LGBTQ+ charity.
The Doctor Who star has long been a vocal supporter of trans rights, from wearing iconic pro-trans t-shirts to standing up for the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.
In his latest show of solidarity, the 52-year-old actor was spotted wearing a TARDIS pin with the trans flag colours while appearing on The Last Leg and The One Show on 17 November. He was promoting his upcoming return as the Doctor for the trio of specials celebrating the Doctor Who 60th anniversary.
After eagle-eyed fans spotted the progressive badge, they flocked to social media to praise Tennant and to find out where they could also get hold of the Tardis pin.
Soon enough the creator of the badge, Dr Jamie Gallagher, announced on social media that all proceeds from the badge would be donated to LGBTQ+ homeless charity Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT), totalling at a whopping £18,000 (and counting).
During the Rolling Stone UK Awards on Thursday (23 November) Attitude magazine asked for Tennant’s reaction to the brilliant news, prompting the best response.
“That’s amazing,” he shared, before playing his down his involvement in helping to raise money.
“That’s really to do with the guy that makes it, he added.
“I can’t take any credit for that. It’s just something that I think is rather lovely and important and suits what Doctor Who is all about. So it feels that the fact that relevant charities are benefitting from it is something that I’m hugely pleased about but can’t take any of the credit for.”
His decision to wear a trans TARDIS badge comes after he caused a stir for donning a “Leave trans kids along you absolute freaks” top, which led to outrage and attacks from anti-trans activists such as Graham Linehan and Posie Parker.
While his wife, Georgia Tennant, made a loud and proud statement in support of trans rights in October after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak launched an attack on the community.
The star is certainly accurate when he says that supporting trans rights fits right into the ethos of Doctor Who. The new episodes – helmed by returning showrunner Russell T Davies – feature several trans actors including Yasmin Finney, Jinkx Monsoon, Mary Malone and Pete MacHale.
The 60th anniversary specials promise to put trans acceptance at the heart of the episodes, with Finney playing Donna’s (Catherine Tate) trans daughter Rose.
During a Q&A earlier this month, Davies eviscerated bigots looking to undermine the trans inclusivity in the upcoming season.
He admitted there are some people who are “full of absolute hate, and venom, and destruction and violence who would like to see that sort of thing wiped off the screen entirely.”
To those people, he said: “Shame on you and good luck to you in your lonely lives.”'
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oflgtfol · 2 years
i know im like constantly complaining lately but it does make me so sad that venom had such a great character arc from starting off as an iconic spiderman villain and then becoming a weird anti-hero. and then they just... devolve back into a villain for some fucking reason
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ricardotomasz · 1 month
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Spider Man! A Complete List of 768 Marvel Characters and Teams Owned by Sony
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on https://greaterandgrander.com/spider-man-a-complete-list-of-768-marvel-characters-and-teams-owned-by-sony/
Spider Man! A Complete List of 768 Marvel Characters and Teams Owned by Sony
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In the vast universe of Marvel characters, Sony Pictures Entertainment holds the cinematic rights to a unique set of beloved superheroes and villains. From the electrifying webslinger, Spider-Man, to the enigmatic antihero, Venom, Sony's roster offers a captivating array of characters primed for compelling visual storytelling. Harnessing the iconic imagery and rich narratives of these characters can elevate any message, capturing audience attention and ensuring memorable communication.
Individual Characters
Abigail Slade
Ace / “Ace” Spencer
Agony / Leslie Gesneria
Alexis Sharp
Alien Symbiote / Alien Costume (origin of the black-suited Spider-Man)
Alison Mongrain
Amanda Saint
Amun / Jon Kasiya
Amy Chen
Angus (Sandy Aitchinson’s bloodhound)
Angus Munro
Answer, The / Aaron Nicholson
Anti-Venom / Eddie Brock
Antro / Hashi Noto
Anubia / Anubis
Apocalypse (first appearing in Vampire Tales #7)
Arachne / Dr. Sylvia Yacqua
Arachne / Julia Carpenter
Arachne as an alias for Jessica Drew
Araknet, The Spider-God
Araña / Anya (Ana) Sofia Corazon
Ariadne / Julia Carpenter
Ariadne Hyde as an alias for Jessica Drew
Armand Dubroth
Arnold Strunk
Ashcan / Alexander “Alex” Woolcot
Aura / Annie Herd
Barnett, Geoffrey “Boss”
Basilisk / Wayne Gifford
Batwing / James “Jimmy” Santini
Belladonna / Narda Ravanna
Bert Gilmore
Big Man (I) a.k.a. Mr. Big / Frederick Foswell
Bigman (II) / Janice Foswell
Big Wheel, The / Jackson Weele
Binka Ivana
Black Alfred
Black Cat / Felicia Hardy
Black Fox, The / Raul Chalmers
Black Insect Swarm
Black Tarantula (I) / Carlos LaMuerto
Black Tarantula (II) / Fabian LaMuerto
Blackie Gaxton
Blaze (I) / Ashley Crawford, Thomas and Barry (students participating in a hoax)
Blaze (II) / Kirk Donaghue
Blitzgeist 2099
Blood Leader
Blood Rose / Richard Fisk
Blood Spider
Bloodbath aka Bloodbather, “Subway Vampire Killer”
Bloodlust / Beatta Dubiel
Bloodshed / Wyndell Dichinson
Bluebird (I) / Zora Loftus
Bluebird (II) / Sally Avril
Bomblast / Parmenter
Bones (I) / Rosa Estevez
Bones (II) / Bess Bliss
Morgan Boone
Bounty Hunter / Tommy Barrett
Brainstorm / Jimmy
Brother Power / Achmed Korba
Brown Raincoat
Bruno Grainger
Buddy Corbett
Buel a.k.a. Plasmmage, a.k.a. Gremlyn-Lord
Bugeye / Abner
Burglar a.k.a. Carjacker / Carradine
Buzz, The / Jack Jameson
Caesar “Big C” Cicero
Calypso / Calypso Ezili
Captain Power / Dr. Christina “Chris” Carr
Captain Zero
Cardiac / Dr. Elias “Eli” Wirtham
Carlyle, nicknamed Carlyle Calamari
Caretaker of Arcturus IV
Carnage / Cletus Kasady
Carrion (I) / Prof. Miles Warren clone
Carrion (II) / Malcolm McBride / Malcolm MacBride
Carrion (III) / Dr. William Allen
Cat a.k.a. Cat Burglar, Prowler
Cat, The / Walter Hardy
Chameleon, The / Dmitri Smerdyakov a.k.a. Dmitri Kravinoff
Chameleon 2211
Chance / Nicholas Powell
Charles H. “Charlie” Buchanan
Charlie Shaddock
Chief Inspector Krahn, RCMP
Clifton Arliss
Col. Buchinsky
Coldheart / Kateri Deseronto
Commanda / Catherine D’Anton
Commuter / Ron
Conchita Hernandez
Connie Hunt
Corona / Dagny Forrester / Dagney Forrester
Crazy Eight
Crime-Master (I) / Nick “Lucky” Lewis
Crime-Master (II) / Nick Lewis, Jr.
Critical Mass / Arnie Gunderson
Crown a.k.a. Hunger
Cyber Scarlet Spider / Joseph “Joe” Wade
Cyber-Spider / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Cyborg X
Cyclone / André Gerard
D.K. / David Kalen
Daniel Lindy
Dark Angel as an alias for Jessica Drew
Dark Mairi of the Shore / Mairi
Darter / Randy Vale
Dead Aim
Deadmaker / Anatolovich
Dealer, The
Demogoblin / an unknown demon fused with Jason Philip “The Hobgoblin” Macendale, Jr.
Demon-Fire Cult (villain team)
Dentist, The
Dick Packer
Digger (I)
Digger (II / former mobsters known as “The Vegas Thirteen”, including Freddie Carnevale, Santo Castellani, Jimmy “Little Man” Desanti, Louis Fredone, Tony Mascapone, George Sims and seven others
Disruptor / Richard M. Raleigh
Doctor Angst / Jonas Mueller
Doctor Hope
Dr. David Langford
Dr. Emil Kovax – Mordechai (Bloodbath) Kovax’s father
Dr. Jacob Weisenthal
Dr. Jonas Harrow
Dr. Judas Traveller and his Host
Doctor Nero / Dr. Royce Nero
Doctor Octopus (I) a.k.a. “Doc Ock” (I) / Dr. Otto Octavius
Doctor Octopus (II) a.k.a. Lady Octopus, “Lady Ock” / Dr. Carolyn Trainer
Doctor Paine / Dr. Thaddeus Paine
Don Fortunato / Vincente Fortunato
Don Moroni
Doppelganger a.k.a. Spider-Man Doppelganger
Dormouse, The
Doug Powell
Dragons / street gang
Dryrot / Paul Contoni
Duke (first appearing in Spider-Man: The Lost Years #1)
Dumont, Harry
Dusk (I) / Peter Parker
Dusk (II) / Cassie St. Commons
El Muerto / Juan Carlos Estrada Sanchez
El Toro Negro (The Black Bull) / Sergio Torres
El Uno
Electro / Maxwell “Max” Dillon
Electro / Hyper-Electro
Eli Rumsford
Elmak the Light-Shaper
Emilio – Morbius Victim
Empathoid, The
Emperor of the Eastern Galactic Sector
Ephex, The
Equinox a.k.a. Thermodynamic Man, The / Terrence “Terry” Sorenson
Ezekiel / Ezekiel Sims
FACADE (Full Acclimation Combat And Defense Explo-skeleton) / unknown alter ego – suspects include Archer Bryce and Cole Cooper
Fancy Dan (I) / Daniel Brito
Fancy Dan (II) / Dan Rubinstein
Finisher, The / Karl Fiers
Firebrand / Russ Broxtel
Firelight / Gabriel “Gabe” O’Hara
Flipside / Junior – robot
Flying Fox
Fogg / Thomas Fogg
Foreigner, The / Basil, Rafael Sabitini, Lt. Christopher “Kris” Keating and others aliases
Fox, The / Reynard Slinker
Foxy Briggs
Frank Cortese
Frank Cruz / Franz Kraus
Frank Gibbs
Frankie the Fish
Fusion (I), the Twin Terror / Hubert and Pinky Fusser
Fusion (II) / Wayne Markley
Future Max / Max
Fyodor Rebrov
Gatekeeper, The
Gaunt / Prof. Mendel Stromm
Gauntlet / Alfredo Morelli
Gavin Thorpe
Gentleman, The / Gustav Fiers
George Hill
Gibbon, The / Martin Blank
Goblin, The – from Spider-Man Noir
Goblin God / Peter Parker
Goblin 2099 / Gabriel O’Hara
Gog (an alien, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #103)
Gorath Tenclaws
Gray Goblin, The Gabriel Stacy
“Green goblin” / Nalan Oberoi
Green Goblin, The (I) / Norman Osborn II
Green Goblin, The (II) a.k.a. “The New Goblin” / Harold “Harry” Osborn
Green Goblin, The (III) / Dr. Barton “Bart” Hamilton
Green Goblin, The (IV) / Phillip “Phil” Urich
Green Goblin, The (V)
Green Goblin, The (VI) / Norman “Normie” Harry Osborn
Green Goblin – Ultimate Green Goblin
Green Goblin / Crusher Hogan
Green Goblin / Peter Parker
Green Goblin Construct
Gremlyns, The
Griffins (Demon-Fire Cult member)
Grim Hunter / Vladimir Kravinoff
Grizzly / Maxwell Markham
Guardian / a hulking, or large, clone of Spider-Man
Gunplay / Miho Mikashi
Gunther Stein
Guy Jones
Hal Goldman
Hammerhead a.k.a. Brain Dead / Joseph
Hardcases (Vic Slaughter’s mercenaries)
Hardshell / Leila Davis
Headsman, The
Hermit / Timothy Quail
Hershell (first appearing in Web of Spider-Man #28)
Hobgoblin, The (I) / Roderick Kingsley
Hobgoblin, The (II) / Arnold “Lefty” Donovan
Hobgoblin, The (III) / Ned Leeds
Hobgoblin, The (IV) / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr.
Hobgoblin, The (V)
Hobgoblin 2211 / Robin Bourne
Homo Arachnis / Carlton Drake
Honeysuckle Muldoon
Hornet (I) / Peter Parker
Hornet (II) / Eddie McDonough
Human Fly, The / Richard Deacon
Humbug / Prof. Buck Mitty
Hybrid / Scott Washington
Hydro-Man / Morris Bench
Hypertron a.k.a. Bobster / Sturdevant E. “Bob” Robbins
Hypno-Hustler and the Mercy Killers
Iguana, The
Izumi (Spider)
Jack / child-sized clone of Spider-Man
Jackal / Prof. Miles Warren
Jack O’Lantern / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr.
Jackpot (I) / Sara Ehret
Jackpot (II) / Alana Jobson
Jacks / miniature clones of The Jackal and Spider-Man
Jaime Jade
Jake Martino
Jason Havershaw
Jason Tso
Jefferson Bolt
Jennings, Miss
Jeremiah Slade
Jimmy “The Mouth” Tannen
Jimmy-Six / Giacomo Fortunato
Joe Smith a.k.a. “A Guy Named Joe” / Joseph “Joe” Smith
Joey Beal
Joey Z
Jonathon Caesar
Josephine “Joey” Pulaski
Joshua Coolridge
Joystick / Janice Olivia Yanizeski
Justin (Demon-Fire Cult member)
Kaina / Marcy Kane
Kaine / flawed clone of Peter Parker
Kangaroo (I) / Frank Oliver
Kangaroo (II) / Brian Hibbs
Kid Ock / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
Klara – Mordechai (Bloodbath) Kovax’s mother
Knight / Malcolm Knight
Knockout / Elizabeth Rawson
Komodo (first appearing in Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1)
Kraven The Hunter (I) / Sergei Kravinoff
Kraven The Hunter (II) / Alyosha “Al” Kravinoff
Kraven (III) / Ana Tatiana Kravinoff
Kurudred the Blood Drinker a.k.a. Tyrant of Dolara, a.k.a. Master of the Night Spawn
Kwaku Anasi / Spider-Man
Larry Arnold
Lasher (I) / Ramon Hernandez
Lasher (II)
Legar, Miguel
Lena Ivana and her “Amulet of Change”
Leroy Tallon
Leticia Mason
Lightmaster (I) / Dr. Edward Lansky
Light-Master (II
Lightning Fist
Living Brain, The
Lizard, The / Dr. Curtis “Curt” Connors
Lizard Offspring
Lobo Brothers, The / Carlos and Eduardo Lobo
Loop Lash
Looter, The a.k.a. Meteor Man / Norton G. Fester
Lucky Lobo / Francisco Lobo
Mad Jack / Daniel Berkhart & Maguire Beck
Mad Hatter, The
Madam Web / Madame Web / Cassandra Webb
Madame Fang
Madame Fate
Mandy Tyler
Major Toler Weil
Man-Monster a.k.a. Smasher
Man-Mountain Marko / Michael Marko
Manslaughter Marsdale / Marsdale
Man-Spider / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Man-Spider / Antoine Tarantella
Man-Spider – 1994 Spider-Man television series
Man-Wolf / Starwolf / Ultimate Man-Wolf / Col. John Jameson
Mary Slade
Mass Carnage
Master Monarch
Master of Vengeance / Dwight Faron
Master Planner / Dr. Otto Octavius
Master Programmer / artificial intelligence, based on the mind of Dr. Otto Octavius
Medgar DuPaul
Megawatt / Dirk Leyden
Menace / Lily Hollister
Meteor Man / Norton G. Fester
Mindblast / Danielle Forte
Mindworm / William Turner
Mirage / Desmond Charne
Misery / Melissa Carsdale
Miss Arrow / Ero
Mister Negative / Martin Li
Molten Man / Mark Raxton
Molten Man / Charles “Charlie” Weiderman
Monster of the Moors aka The Madman of Mansion Slade
Montana (I) / Jackson W. Brice
Montana (II) / Montana Bale
Morbius the Living Vampire / Dr. Michael Morbius
Morris “The Snake” Diamond
Morris Forelli
Morty Phillips
Mr. Brownstone / Garrison Klum
Mr. Nacht
Mr. Nobody
Mr. P. & Mr. Q
Mr. Zodiac / Astro; sometimes in persona as Jane Virgo
Ms. Fortune / Laura
Mud-Thing / Sandman (Flint Marko/William Baker) and Hydro-Man (Morris Bench) fused together
Murder[er] By Spider
Muse / Shannon Fitzpatrick
Mutilation Killer, The
Mysterio (I) / Quentin Beck, sometimes posing in character under aliases like Dr. Ludwig Rinehart
Mysterio (II) / Daniel “Dan” Berkhart
Mysterio (III) / Francis Klum
Myth Monster, The
Nails Hogan
Nightwatch / Dr. Kevin Barry Trench
Nichols (first appearing in Morbius #2)
Nocturne / Angela Cairn
Oliver (Sister Saint’s servant)
Operator, The / Lenny Flynn
Orbit (member of the Spacemen)
Ortega, Alberto
Ortega, Pilar – Alberto Ortega’s wife
Osborn, Norman – clone
Osborn, Normie III
Osborne, Norman – from 1602
Other, The / otherwordly being with Spider-Man’s powers
Override / Dr. Gregory “Greg” Herd
Ox, The (I) / Raymond Bloch
Ox, The (II) / Ronald Bloch
Ox, The (III) / Bruno Sanchez
Pale Rider
Patch (I) / Frederick Foswell
Patch (II)
Paul Tannen
Persuader, The / Roland Rayburn
Phage / Carl Mach
Phelps (boss of the Jagged Club)
Phillip Cussler, Sr.
Phineas T. Coroner
Phreak / Steve Petty
Poison / Cecelia Cardinale and the other-dimensional entity named Ylandris
Poison / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
Primal Lizard
Prodigy (I) / Peter Parker
Prodigy (II) / Richie Gilmore
Prodigy, The
Proto-Goblin / Nels Van Adder
Prowler, The (I) / Hobie Brown
Prowler, The (II) / “The Cat”
Prowler, The (III) / Rick Lawson
Puma, The / Thomas Fireheart
Purty Larry
Rabbi Krause
Ramshot / Samuel Caulkin
Ranger, The (first appearing in Peter Parker: Spider-Man #1)
Rapier / Dominic Tyrone
Rasheed ven Garmchee
Rattler / Henry Bingham
Raul Quentino
Razorback / Buford Hollis
Razorwire (I)
Razorwire (II)
Reaper (first appearing in Vampire Tales #7)
Reapers / street gang
Red / Norman Osborn
Red Nine / Wallace Jackson
Reid (first appearing in Morbius #25)
Replicoids / duplicates of Richard and Mary Parker
Reverend Daemond aka Daemond the Sorcerer
Rhino, The a.k.a. Mecha-Rhino / Alex O’Hirn, born as Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich
Ricochet (I) / Peter Parker
Ricochet (II) / Johnathon “Johnny” Gallo
Ridgeway, Meg
Riot / Trevor Cole
Roberto DeNatale
Robot Master / Prof. Mendel Stromm
Rocket Racer / Robert Farrell
Roland Treece
Rose, The (I) a.k.a. Blood Rose / Richard Fisk
Rose, The (II) / Det. Sgt. Blume
Rose, The (III) / Jacob Conover
Sandman, The / Flint Marko, born as William Baker, a.k.a. Sylvester Mann
Sandstorm / Tony Trainor
Sandy Aitchinson
Sarah Stacy
Savage Fin
Scar the Stalker / Brian Lash – Loop’s son
Scarlet Spider (I) / Ben Reilly
Scarlet Spider (II) / Joseph “Joe” Wade
Scarlet Spider (III) / Michael
Scarlet Spider (IV) / Van
Scarlet Spider (V) / Patrick
Scarlet Spider (VI) / Chu Chi Huan
Scarlet Spider (VII) / Felicity Hardy
Schemer, The / Richard Fisk
Schizoid Man / Chip Martin
Scorcher, The / Steven Hudak
Scorpia / Elaine Coll
Scorpion, The / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
Scream / Donna Diego
Screech / Maxwell “Max” Taylor
Scrier / Charles Bates
Scrier, Jr. a.k.a. Scrier Junior / Matthew DeRoma
Sean Dunne
Sentry (I) / Curtis Elkins
Sentry (II) / Senator Stewart Ward
Seth Youngblood
Shade / Jake
Shadrac (I) / Gray Dolman
Shadrac (II) / Dr. Gregory “Greg” Herd
Shaman / Threetrees
Shathra / Sharon Keller
She-Venom (I) / Anne Weying
She-Venom (II) / Patricia Robertson
Shiwa ven Garmchee
SHOC / Neal Aiken, born Todd Fields
Shocker / Herman Schultz
Shriek / Sandra Deel a.k.a. Frances Louise Barrison
Silver Sable / Silver Sablinova
Silvermane / Silvio Manfredi
Simon Stroud
Sin-Eater (I) / Det. Stanley “Stan” Carter
Sin-Eater (II) / Michael Engelschwert
Sin-Eater (III) / Emil Gregg
Sister Saint aka Mrs. Agnes
Sister Sun Sha Shan
Six-Armed Spider-Man / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Skinhead / Edward “Eddie” Cross
Slasher, The / Elyse Nelson
Slime / sentient empathic slime within NYC sewers
Slyde / Jalome Beacher
Smithville Thunderbolt, The (I) / Fred Hopkins
Smithville Thunderbolt, The (II) / Ludlow Grimes
Smythe (I) / Prof. Spencer Smythe
Smythe (II) / Alistair Alphonso Smythe
“Snake” Sanchus
Snaky Duvall
Sneak Thief
Sorcerer, The / Jonathan East
SpellCheck / Benjamin “Ben” Pancake
Spider / Peter Parker-Carnage symbiote
Spider (1602) / Peter Parquagh
Spider Clone / Ben Reilly
Spider-Carnage / Ben Reilly and the symbiote Carnage
Spidercide / clone of Spider-Man
Spider-Demon / Demon Spider-Man
Spider-Girl (I) / May “Mayday” Parker
Spider-Girl (II) / Betty Brant
Spider-Girl 2020 / May Parker
Spider-Hybrid, The
Spider-Kid / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
Spider-Lizard / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Spider-Man (I) / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Spider-Man (II) / Ben Reilly
Spider-Man (III) / Miles Morales
Spider-Man (IV) / Gerry Drew
Spider-Man 2099 / Miguel O’Hara
Spider-Man 2211 / Dr. Max Borne
Spider-Man imposter / Ron Corbett
Spider-Man imposter / Marc Noletti
Spider-Man imposters / David, Mike and a third, unnamed actor
Spider-Man: India / Peter Prabhakar
Spider-Man Noir / Peter Parker
Spider-Man Robot a.k.a. el Arana del Diablo (The Spider of the Devil, or Devil’s Spider)
Spider-Slayers / various “Marks” of robots
Spider-Wasp / Sharon Keller
Spider-Woman (II) / Julia Cornwall Carpenter
Spider-Woman (III) / Martha “Mattie” Franklin
Spider-Woman (IV) / Charlotte Witter
Spider-Woman (V) / Mary Jane “MJ” Watson
Spider-Woman / May “Mayday” Parker
Spider-Woman / unnamed female, Earth 92124
Spider-X / Brian Kornfield
Spindrifter / Marandi Sjörokker
Spoiler, The
Spot / Dr. Johnathon Ohnn / Dr. Jonathan Ohnn
Squid, The / Don “Donny” Callahan
Stag Beetle, The / Krolnek
Starngore / Maxwell “Max” Dillon
Steel Spider / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
Stegron the Dinosaur Man / Dr. Vincent Stegron
Stone / Gerald Stone
Strongarm / Cary Armstrong
Stunner / Angelina Brancale
Styx / Jacob Eishorn
Sugar Face
Sundown / Dr. David Patrick Lowell
Supercharger / Ronald “Ronnie” Hilliard
Synario / Angela Bradford
Synthetic Man, The a.k.a. The Hollow Man / robot into which The Sorcerer projects his consciousness
Tadj (first appearing in Morbius #30)
Tara and the Children of the Comet
Tarantula (I) / Anton Miguel Rodriguez
Tarantula (II) / Capt. Luis Alvarez
Tendril / River Verys
Terrier (II) / Gordon “Gordo” Savinsky
Therak / Theodore “Theo” Davros
Thousand, The / Carl King
“Three Fingers” Eddie Enders
Thunderclap / Stanly George Johnson
Timespinner / robot created to impersonate Spider-Man
Tinkerer, The (I) a.k.a. The Terrible Tinkerer / Phineas T. Mason
Tinkerer, The (II) / Elijah Stern
Tom Cochrane
Tombstone / Lonnie Thompson Lincoln
Tordenkakerlakk a.k.a. The Thunder Cockroach
Toxin / Patrick “Pat” / “Paddy” Mulligan
Toy / robot created by The Tinkerer
Turbine / Joline Cargill
Typeface / Pvt. Gordon “Geordie” Thomas
Undertaker, The / Conrad Eisenstadt
Valeri Kasatanov
Ven-orpion / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan (aka The Scorpion)
Venom (I) / Edward Charles “Eddie” Brock
Venom (II) / Angelo Fortunato
Venom (III) / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
Venom (IV) / Daniel Jackson
Venom / “Black Ops” Venom / Flash Thompson
Venom / “The Suit” Venom / Eddie Brock, Jr.
Venom / Edward Saks
Venom / Spider-Girl, May “Mayday” Parker
Venom 2099
Vermin / Edward Whelan
Vic Slaughter
Vince Granetti
Vincent “Vince” Tannen
Virus, The / Corman
Vladimir (first appearing in Morbius #25)
Vladimir Kravinoff
VR-39 / Master Programmer’s cyberspace creation
Vulture 2099, The
Vulture, The (I) / Adrian Toomes
Vulture, The (II) / Blackie Drago
Vulture, The (III) / Dr. Clifton Shallot
Warrant / Gray Garrison / Grey Garrison
Wendigo, The / elemental creature (first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #277)
Wes Cassady / Wesley Cassady
Whiplash / Leean Foreman
White Dragon
White Rabbit / Lorina Dodson
Wild Whip
Will O’The Wisp / Jackson Arvad
Willy Stein
Winston Shepherd
Winston Walker
Wraith, The / Brian DeWolff
Wysper / Jennifer “Jenny” Stewart
XP-2000 a.k.a. XP
Yokai (The Damned)
Amazing Siskinsky Sisters, The / Sophie Siskinsky and her sisters
Anarchists for Freedom
Arcane Order of the Night / Andrew Carpathian and his cult members
ARES (Assassination, Revolution, Extortion, and Sabotage)
Band of Baddies
Banko Squad / armed robbers
Barons, The / street gang
Black Apostles, The
Black Hoods, The / terrorists in Northern Ireland
Blazing Skulls muggers
Blue Boys / criminal gang
Brll’nah>Zhhk<, The / alien race
Cabal of Scriers, The
Cult of the Jackal
Death Squad
Diggers / Life Foundation operatives
Dragon Lords, The / White Dragon, Tommy Li and other street gang members
Enforcers, The
Exterminators, The / team of villains led by The Chameleon
Femme Fatales
First-Strikers; Magenta, Brown, Red, Green – villains
Foragers (Packrat and Solly)
Gathering of Five
Intruders, The
John, Paul, Ringo, and George (teenage thugs, first appearing in Spectacular Spider- Man #110)
Jury, The
League of Three Threes, The
Legion of Light
M’Sieu Tete’s Gang (Goldie, Shiner and Silent Joe)
Masters of Mayhem
Meridian Institute
Misfits (group featuring Spider-Kid but for the sake of clarity, specifically excluding Frog-Man and Toad)
Mimes, The
Monks of the Hidden Temple, The / High Priest (Guardian of the Light), Giant One and other guardian monks
National Crime Syndicate
New Enforcers, The
Order of the Goblin, The
Outlaws, The
Penny Ant-Es
People’s Liberation Front / terrorist group
Praetorian Guard, The
Protectors / Life Foundation mercenaries
Q-4 / Russian mercenaries
Rat Pack (a criminal gang, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #220)
Ricardo, Freddy and Dumbo
Rogues, The
Shadowforce Alpha
Silencers / mercenaries
Silver Squad, The
Sinister Seven, The
Sinister Six, The
Sinister Syndicate, The
Sinister Twelve, The
Sisterhood of the Wasp, The
Slingers, The
Snake Clan / Faire de Lain and his followers in their Peruvian tribe
Spacemen, The
Spider Clan / Taran, High Priestess of the Temple of the Great Weaver, and her followers in their Peruvian tribe
Spider Society, The
Spider-Man Revenge Squad, The a.k.a. The Legion of Losers
Spider-Squad / 3 unnamed criminals (a strongman, an acrobat, and a tumbler)
Students of Love / Teacher, Brother Bruce, Brother Guy, Brother Lenny, Sister Betty (Betty Brant), Sister Jane, Sister Kate (Kate Cushing) and other cult members
Subhumans, The / NYC sewer-dwellers who assist Morbius
Team Spider
Technomancers, The and their Menagerie / Master Om, Maegis Gunther Senreic, Maegis Hamilton Cromwell and others
Terror Unlimited / terrorist group
Tiger’s Claw, The (street gang)
Timmy, Chester and Myron (former A.I.M. agents who tried to steal Hypertron 1.0)
Time-spinners – Spider-Man 2211
Ultimate Enforcers, The
Universal Liberation Army / terrorist group
Venom Task Force / Det. Clark, Det. Steen and other members of the police task force
Waiters, The / tuxedo-wearing assassins
Warzone / Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta
Wicked Brigade, The
Wild Pack / The Delta Team - band of mercenaries led by Silver Sable
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dan6085 · 2 months
The most popular superhero villains captivate audiences just as much as their heroic counterparts, often becoming integral to the stories that define the genre. Their complexity, motivations, and conflicts make them unforgettable. Here’s a list of some of the most iconic and enduring superhero villains of all time, known for their appearances in comic books, movies, and other media:
1. **The Joker** - Batman's arch-nemesis, known for his clown-like appearance and chaotic nature.
2. **Lex Luthor** - The brilliant but morally bankrupt arch-enemy of Superman, obsessed with power and the destruction of the Man of Steel.
3. **Magneto** - A powerful mutant with the ability to control magnetic fields, often opposing the X-Men in his quest for mutant superiority.
4. **Thanos** - A cosmic tyrant obsessed with balancing the universe by eliminating half of all life, famously opposed by the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
5. **Green Goblin (Norman Osborn)** - Spider-Man's formidable foe, a business tycoon and scientist turned psychotic villain.
6. **Loki** - The Asgardian God of Mischief, Thor’s adoptive brother, and a thorn in the side of many Marvel heroes.
7. **Doctor Doom (Victor Von Doom)** - The ruler of Latveria, with genius-level intellect and mastery of magic, primarily opposing the Fantastic Four.
8. **Darkseid** - A nearly omnipotent being from the planet Apokolips, seeking to control the universe with the Anti-Life Equation, mainly opposing the Justice League.
9. **The Red Skull (Johann Schmidt)** - Captain America's arch-enemy, a Nazi officer and terrorist leader.
10. **Harley Quinn (Dr. Harleen Quinzel)** - Initially introduced as the Joker's sidekick, she has become a formidable villain (and anti-hero) in her own right.
11. **Venom (Eddie Brock)** - Originally one of Spider-Man's most dangerous foes, this alien symbiote has also played the anti-hero role.
12. **Ultron** - An artificial intelligence created by Hank Pym (or Tony Stark, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) that develops a genocidal hatred for humanity.
13. **Ra's al Ghul** - An international terrorist and assassin known for his desire to restore balance to the world by any means necessary, often opposing Batman.
14. **Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)** - A powerful crime lord and one of Daredevil's main adversaries, also opposing Spider-Man and the Punisher.
15. **Hela** - The Asgardian Goddess of Death, seeking to rule over Asgard and beyond, primarily Thor's adversary.
16. **Mystique (Raven Darkholme)** - A mutant with the ability to shape-shift, known for her complex relationship with the X-Men and Magneto.
17. **The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot)** - A Gotham City mobster with a penchant for bird-themed crimes, frequently clashing with Batman.
18. **Catwoman (Selina Kyle)** - While sometimes an anti-hero or ally to Batman, her criminal endeavors make her one of his most complex opponents.
19. **Bane** - Best known for breaking Batman's back, he combines immense physical strength with tactical brilliance.
20. **Doomsday** - A monstrous being engineered for destruction, famously known for killing Superman in the "Death of Superman" storyline.
This list represents a mix of villains from various comic book eras and universes, each bringing their own unique brand of evil and challenge to their superhero counterparts. Their stories, abilities, and personal vendettas have made them iconic figures in superhero lore.
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