swagging-back-to · 3 months
it is not controversial to say that if you cannot finacially, emotionally provide for a child and/or your genetics would lead to them suffering then you should not have said child.
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bloughjobs · 1 year
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thatdamnokie · 10 months
when he says shit like “every woman is supposed to be a mother” 🚩🚩🚩
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battleangel · 6 months
Would you push the button for human extinction❓️
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tornapartbythorns · 11 months
I'm bored so I decided to write this little essay about myself as a childfree woman ❣️ I love my other childfree girlies <3
I knew I didn't want kids around 14 years old. I have absolutely no chemistry with them and being around them makes me uncomfortable. I dont enjoy being around kids and I have no interest in having them.
I don't see any part of motherhood as being fulfilling. Yes, you have a child that you can dot upon, but in my opinion, that will never trump the amount of labor that goes into raising it. I see absolutely no enjoyment in having my organs rearranged, waking up every night to screaming, cleaning up someone else's shit and vomit, constantly doing housework on top of having a job, and spending absurd amounts of money on things that will either be outgrown, destroyed or thrown out. I'd be absolutely miserable and I would loathe my children.
I am also a nihilist, so I think having children can be extremely self-absorbed. I don't care about my family's bloodline or legacy (it's abusive and confusing as fuck), and I wouldn't want my children to watch me suffer in my old age and be my personal servants. My DNA isnt special and I don't need to spread it. The world has more than enough people and I'm not terrified of my own mortality.
Natalists also love to label the childfree (especially us women) as selfish and insecure. First, who am I being selfish towards? Perhaps the millionaire CEO who needs new employees to pay for his 8th luxury car? Natalists are never able to answer this question. I don't see how I'm being selfish by making choices that don't affect anyone besides myself. I also fail to see how I'm insecure. I'm not dependent on a juvenile human to feel something and add stability to life's uncertainty.
Those who feel obligated to have children are the most insecure, as they either have no sense of self, don't want to disappoint others, or are terrified of the unknown.
Im lucky to have a partner that doesn't want children, either. I look forward to our life together, where we can enjoy each other's company in a calm house with a few pets. I am an adult and a woman regardless if I have children or not (miserable parents who say otherwise should read a dictionary). I don't believe that humans inherently should have value, and thus my lack of children doesn't bother me in any way.
I will not fall into natalist propaganda and expectations, as I am content with my life and I don't need anything else to be happy. I hope more women realize that motherhood is a choice, and that children dont equate to happiness and fulfillment. And I can only hope that society and men will eventually learn to keep their goddamn ugly nose out of our wombs, although it is unlikely.
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mushroomkaiyoti · 2 years
Tonight I deactivated my fetlife account. I don’t think it’s healthy to have my photos out there like that anymore and I don’t think there’s anyone I’ve talked to on there that is worth my time seriously investing in so … I’m just glad to say I’m finally distancing myself from that stuff entirely including trying to stop my porn addiction.
Radical feminism really woke me up in ways I could not have imagined. I am sorry for how much I tormented and punished myself for who I am - going down the trans path and medically transitioning / being in a female body… it’s all painful being here. I wish to go home.
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swagging-back-to · 2 months
every single time you stress out about your taxes, or your rent, or your debt, or your mortgage, or your car payment, or your medical bills, or climate change, or your stress over having to work and just do basic things like eating----- remember that if you have children, *you are directly responsible** for them feeling all of that suffering and stress and pain when they grow up.
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gnarlyyradical · 7 months
my antinatalism 2 cents. yeah children can be annoying. hating them for existing is weird. they never asked to be born. it's the breeders who deserve to be judged more harshly for their conscious choices. some antinatalists are really just anti-child bc they will say the most vile shit about innocent kids and in the same breath defend grown ass adults who decided to bring another life into this hellscape.
i s2g you have to have a nasty martyr complex to want to be a parent. in a patriarchal society women who make the choice to be mothers are perpetuating their own oppression.
but let's not make this planet an even harsher place for children who have the misfortune of existing.
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thatdamnokie · 8 months
all of my ocs are childfree btw
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battleangel · 7 months
This Barbie Is Pro-Abortion!
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The Barbie in the Barbie movie is pro-abortion and finds herself by realizing that Barbie Land is a fake reality, discovering the real world, rejecting the programming and conditioning she received all her life in Barbie Land and scheduling an appointment with a gynecologist at the end of the movie for an abortion.
So, whats the Barbie movie really about?
I am sure thats not the ending Mattel wanted but Greta Gerwig fought for it.
Before we talk about the ending, we need to talk about the movie itself.
What does Barbie Land represent?
Barbie Land is our current virtual reality simulation, what we refer to as "the real world". Where I am typing this and where you are reading this.
Where we are now is a virtual reality simulation, just like Barbie Land is.
We all originated from an eternal dreamscape.
We are all limitless eternal energetic beings.
When our parents had sex, and procreation occurred, our limitless eternal energetic being selves temporarily manifested as physical human beings in this virtual reality.
Where we are now is a simulated virtual reality of the actual dreamscape that we all originated from.
When you dream at night, when you enter REM sleep, your consciousness shifts and you re-enter the dreamscape temporarily.
Its why dreams are so lucid, vivid and surreal. They are the dreamscape. 10 dimensions all existing simultaneously at once vs the 3 dimension virtual reality we currently inhabit.
Its why in a dream you can fall through the sky without dying, walk through walls, walk on water.
Its why in your dreams, you can do anything. Its why we all dream, even if we dont remember our dreams.
Then we wake up, and we are back to our virtual reality.
Wash, rinse, repeat for our entire human existence until our physical bodies perish and we return to our eternal energetic selves in the dreamscape.
Figuring out that you are actually a limitless energetic being, not the temporary human being you are currently physically manifested as, is the entire point to our existence.
Barbie had the same journey in the Barbie movie.
She had to figure out that Barbie Land wasn't real, it was just a simulated reality made to appear real, but it wasn't.
In the film, she then found out about our current reality (which represented the dreamscape) then she ascended beyond her Barbie doll self at the end of the film and self-actualized into who she actually was by asserting her bodily autonomy and personal freedom and scheduled an appointment with a gynecologist for an abortion.
Barbie rejected the myth and demands of feminity, the societal demands to martyr oneself on the altar of motherhood, rejected the feminine ideals of self-abnegation, self sublimation, subservience, submissiveness, putting the self last, sacrifice to the point of obliterating the self, sacrificing career, dreams & freedom.
Barbie rejected all of this societal conditioning and programming and fully accepted her actualized self, completed her self ascension and self awakening journey.
Barbie the doll was dead, Barbie the actual self had finally been realized and self-actualized.
Through an abortion appointment with a gynecologist.
In most films, Barbie would have found herself and completed herself at the end of the movie through love for a man, Ken.
They would have lived happily ever after in Barbie Land together forever in their perfect Barbie mansion.
The end.
Except she left his ass and got with America Ferrara and her daughter to take her to a gynecologist appointment for a motherfucking abortion.
Theres your happy ending.
I am in my 40s so I lived for all of those cheesy late 90's & early 00's romance comedies -- How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Wedding Planner, Shes All That, What A Girl Wants, 10 Things I Hate About You -- the list goes on and on.
If Jennifer Garner, Amanda Bynes, JLo and Kate Hudson were in it and it was a romance comedy, bet I watched it. And missed literally all of the societal grooming, messaging and conditioning inherent in all of the above movies (Julia Stiles consistent takedown of the patriarchy in 10 Things I Hate About You is a notable & rare exception which went totally over my head at the time as I was 17 and a lot more focused on how cute and endearing Heath Ledger was).
At the end of the Barbie movie, Barbie is dressed professionally in a stylish and chic business suit, so one assumed she was going to a job interview, to find her "true identity" in the hallowed halls of corporate America.
Barbie doesnt need a man, she has her career!
That she then sublimates her entire identity for, replacing who she is with a job title, stock options, clout, prestige and a 401k account instead of pursuing true knowledge of the self.
Remember the LinkedIn posts after 250k people got their asses unceremoniously brushed out the door of big tech last fall?
Who are they if not an Amazonian, Googler or Metamate?
They dont know as their big tech career became their entire identity.
Thats the point of capitalism.
You are a worker first and foremost. Your job defines you. Your work is who you are. Your work is your worth.
You're nobody without Amazon, Google or Meta.
At Amazon, on top of the world, impressive, six figure salary, unrestricted stock, envy of your LinkedIn network, impeccable credentials, career that speaks for itself, untouchable.
Laid off from Amazon, unemployed & jobless loser who scrambles to type "Ex-Amazon" in your LinkedIn headline befofe you're even walked out of the building.
Exchanging one false identify -- Barbie the perfect living doll -- for another -- Barbie the corporate executive -- and still never finding and pursuing the true self.
Who are you and why are you here?
What were you made for?
Had the movie ended with Barbie going to a job interview, ostensibly to ascend the ranks of corporate America in her stilettos, her newfound corporate identity would be nothing but another superficial Barbie outfit.
Barbie, the corporate ballbreaker! Pantsuit sold separately.
Still with no knowledge of who she is, just another false persona to put on.
But the last line of the movie reveals that Barbie actually isnt there for a job interview, she is there for a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist.
Presumably to have fetal tissue scraped out of her uterus.
Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice hits.
The end.
So, what was the Barbie movie really about?
When you figure out our reality is actually a virtual reality simulation, and its not real, you will actually start to experience the same glitches Margot Robbie did during the "Hey Barbie!" musical number.
Her realization that Barbie Land wasnt real and that there was a real reality outside of Barbie Land and her slowly waking up to the patriarchy, paternalism, myth of femininity, toxic feminine idelas, toxic masculinity, society's dystopian obsession with beauty, unrealistic beauty standards nearly impossible to attain, obsession with image and appearing perfect, obsession with impressing people and keeping up with the joneses, hypercompetitiveness, constant comparisons, emptiness within, shallowness and superficialty, lack of substance and introspection, not knowing who she is as a person outside of "Barbie", suppression of "negative" emotions like sadness, existentialism, questioning why she is here, why she was born, what she was made for, hopelessness, malaise, boredom, always having to appear happy, always smiling, subservient submissive pliant obedient attractive sexy willing feminine ideal -- and her becoming her actual self after meeting her maker (Rhea Perlman) and leaving the virtual reality (Barbie Land) and ascending to the actual reality (our current world in the movie which actually is an allegorical stand-in for the dreamscape) and then becoming her true self and shedding her Barbie persona by scheduling the appointment with the gyencologist at the end of the movie for an abortion.
So, what was the actual message of the end of the Barbie movie?
By freely choosing to have an abortion, Barbie chose bodily autonomy, rejection of the feminine myth & feminine ideal, rejection of the societal mandate that all women martyr themselves for motherhood, rejection of societal programming that children complete womens identity by turning them into that enigmatic mystical all-consuming figure of "mother" and that a womans highest calling is to be a mother.
Barbie chose to be her complete self as a woman by choosing not to be a mother and she chose not to fulfill her identity and personhood through procreation as society dictates and demands all women to do.
Being pregnant doesnt mean -- at least it should never mean -- that you have to give birth.
A lotttt can happen where youre pregnant and you dont want to be.
Barbie refused societys demands that she now sacrifice herself on the altar of motherhood -- her dreams, her life, her sexuality, her body, her appearance, her career, her freedom, her income, her lifestyle, her independence -- all to become a sacrificial mother lamb to be put on a false pedestal like all the mothers who came before her to be endlessly used and abused for free labor.
Cooking, cleaning, laundry, rides to school, sports practices, games, dance recitals, dance rehearsals, doctors appointments, school plays, birthday parties, parent teacher conferences, sleepovers, grocery shopping, meal planning, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, car rides, car pools, help with homework & school projects, advice, discipline, punishments, teaching them, educating them, raising them, reading to them, bathing them, dressing them, teaching them manners, socializing them, singing to them, brushing their teeth, blowing their nose, changing their diapers, potty training them, putting them to bed every night, giving them medicine when theyre sick, bandaids when theyre hurt, staying up when they have a fever, picking them up when they cry, burping them, sterilizing bottles, washing dishes, emptying the dishwasher, finding recipes, placating picky eaters, fixing childrens broken hearts, dealing with toddler tantrums, making them eat their vegetables, picking up legos, limitless endless patience of a saint, never complaining, never being tired, limtless boundless energy, putting away toys, slavery, drudgery, scrubbing stains on carpets, unpaid labor, no benefits no time off, cleaning up spills, messes, urine on the floor, vomit in the hallway, blowout diaperas, diarrhea everywhere, buying decorations, responsible for creating holiday cheer, planning the 1st birthday, organizing the family calendar tracking all games, practices, parent teacher meetings and conferences, dance recitals and rehearsals, school plays, boy scout and girl scout meetings, registration for summer camps, taking them to the library, coming up with and planning all fun family activities, ensuring good grades, good behavior, good performance in sports, dance, gymnastics, cheer, teaching and instilling teamwork, friendship, generosity, kindness, sincerity, genuineness, honesty, defending the vulnerable, empathy, creativity, imagination, fostering an open mind, band camp, music lessons, playing the piano, private tutoring...
The mother is primarily responsible for all of that, and if the father deigns to help, he is lauded for "helping to babysit" and take care of his own fucking children!
Just because a condom broke or the bitch refused to wear one, just because he coerced her to have sex, pressured her, forced her, just because she had an amazing meaningless fuck and enjoyed every second, just because she had sex with her soulmate and she loved every moment, just because she didnt know how to say no because she was never taught how to, just because she was intimidated, just because she didnt want to piss him off, just because she wanted him to like her, just because shes proudly promiscuous, just because she likes to fuck, just because she forgot to take her birth control, just because she was on prescription medication that rendered her birth control ineffective, just because she couldnt get to the pharmacy on time to buy Plan B -- that should never ever ever mean that any woman should have to submit to the tyranny and sublimation of motherhood if she doesnt want to.
In rejecting the ultimate societal programming of all females which mandates that all women were meant to be mothers, you arent a woman if youre not a mother, motherhood is femininity, being a mother is a womans highest calling, only selfish women choose not to have kids, you complete & finalize your identity as a woman only by becoming a mother -- nothing else you ever do or accomplish will ever compare in any way to expelling a fetus from your uterus, she became Barbie, herself, her self, because now she knew her self, and not the Barbie she always was in Barbie Land.
This Barbie is pro-abortion.
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I'm not okay with my meme to being used to talk about overpopulation. This is a well known and popular misunderstanding about population trends and can easily veer into eugenics territory. It also ignores the way resources are artificially controlled and not distributed equitably or fairly.
There are periods of growth, as well as plateau and even decline. There is also the rate of deaths. This is my personal theory, but I think overpopulation is simply a phrase and concept made up by powerful people to convince those who aren't, that we take up too much space and there isn't enough of anything for our needs.
And we are somehow a burden, "vermin," or a virus (notice the dehumanizing language, it makes it easier for them to harm and kill us, and they want to convince us to feel and be this way towards each other). Despite the wealthy being the greatest consumers and contributing the worst or least.
I made this meme because I'm tired of the cries and calls for people to have children, people feeling entitled to children or them coming into existence, especially while not doing anything to improve conditions, including materially, for everyone. The way some obsess, pressure and even force pregnancy and childbirth into people.
Or the lies told about pregnancy, birth and parenthood, especially of new borns that creates a false perception, lots of suffering, informed choice being taken (and therefor consent), and code of silence. And just to be clear, I don't advocate for pregnancy or more births. I just wanted to say my piece.
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I’ll never understand people who want kids.
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