#anxiety symptoms
unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
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iwantmoreoctopusses · 27 days
Am I the only person who wants to cut off her arms when Anxious? I get anxiety, suddenly i feel my arms as two heavy things that are uncomfortable, occupying space and I feel the need to get rid of them?
My hands also start hurting.
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beanswrites · 2 years
We need to talk about anxiety.
okay so recently i've been having like increased heart rate and stuff like that and i've been so worried
literately all the symptoms of an anxiety attack are MY symptoms
So, if you:
- suddenly have increased heart rate
- are trembling
- feeling weak
- having stomach problems
- feeling nausieted
- feel weak, and/or tired
- are breathing heavily
- sweating more than usual
You're okay, you're probably having an anxiety/panic attack. So, relax, breath slowly and gently through your nose, have a glass of water, eat something, watch something to distract yourself, listen to music. Basically, just try to distract yourself as much as you can. I know that it's not possible to "jUsT nOt Be AnXiOuS" or "jUsT dOn'T tHiNk AbOuT iT", but seriously, distracting helps.
I'm no professional, but I am someone who didn't know what was wrong with me until I realized this. And it helped me, quite a bit! As soon as I realized that I'm way too anxious today, I started watching this compilation that's 3 hours long of my favorite show, and it relaxed me!
Things that could also help:
- Try talking about it with someone as it happens. I find that I feel much better if I tell someone what's going on and they reassure me that I'm gonna be fine. Just talking about my anxiety with my sister already makes it feel better!! It's not for everyone, but it does help!
- Take a shower. Preferably, a cold one. It's gonna relax your muscles and help you think, plus it helps A LOT with the sweating. However, if you're trembling way too much to stand for 10-15 minutes under the shower, lay down, deep breaths and watch something.
- If you are wearing tight clothes (tight shirts, shorts/pants that are way too tight in the waistband, bras, binders, corsets, anything that restricts your stomach/chest), take it off. You'll feel much less pressure, meaning that your heavy breathing and/or stomach problems won't be as triggered.
- Not while you're having an anxiety attack, but after, think about what triggered your anxiety attack. It's not that easy (sometimes it might seem like you're anxious about nothing in particular) but killing the source of the problem always helps.
- Once you're relaxed or half-relaxed, try not to go back to the anxious state. Even if you feel like you're fine now (for example everything is fine but you're still trembling/shivering a bit), continue distracting yourself. There's been countless cases and even is common for people to have two panic/anxiety attacks in a row, because they calmed from the first but couldn't keep relaxed. (Had them myself, 0/10 would not recommend, not fun in the least)
- if you can, try to sleep. anxiety attacks and anxiety in general can be really tiring lol
- listen. anxiety is a bitch and it acts all crazy. your nerves are gonna be triggered, so don't fear too much if you accidentaly twitch or tic, or even feel light numbness in your fingers/arms/face. it's normal and usual for anxiety, so don't put more panic on yourself if that happens.
- i'm almost never for forcefully vomiting, but if you're really feeling sick, TRY. TO. VOMIT. It will take that pressure out of you if you do and make you feel better. But only if you feel like you really need to.
- also, if you're having stomach pains and cramps, try to take a dump. helps for the same reasons as vomiting.
Once again, by any means I'm NOT a specialist for anxiety (or mental health, for that matter), a professional, or a doctor. I'm literately just a very anxious (sometimes too paranoid) girl and these are my personal experiances and things that help me. I'm not saying that they're gonna help everyone (everyone's anxiety is different), but it might help someone!
Here are some more links of research, symptoms and help for anxiety/panic attacks:
1. The symptoms of an anxiety attack
2. The difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack
3. Ways to prevent/help for anxiety/panic attacks
4. Breathing exercise
5. 3 hours of calming music
6. 3 hours of Ink Master livestream because it's so good??? And distracting??
7. 1 hour of Bob Ross because there is nothing more calming than this man
8. Games you could play to lessen you anxiety, if you're more for games, my favorite is Stardew Valley and Sky
9. The national hotline for anxiety is +18663079551. Talk to someone on the phone (or text) if you can't talk to someone in real life
Another way to prevent this (if you have any anxiety disorder), is by taking medicine. However, I didn't list that since:
- They are expensive
- There's not much research on them/some of them might not be safe
- Not many people are privileged enough to get a perscription and/or professional diagnosis
As someone who is from a very conservative, small-minded country (therefore the concept of mental health doesn't exist to them), I've never been diagnosed profesionally there, since people brushed it off as the usual: "Silly teenager! Silly teenager worry? No, no! Worry for old people! Teenager just dumb!" But I wasn't fucking dumb. I've been to actual, professional doctors where I live now and they told me that even though my illnes wasn't as severe as some other people (don't need meds, but still have irregular attacks of panic and worry), it's still real.
I'm not hating on the medication by any means!! If you take meds for anxiety and they work for you, that's awesome, I'm really glad you found a way to deal with it!! I'm just saying that it might not work/be the best solution for some people.
Sorry for the rant, I just felt like I needed to share since I found this out only recently and am glad that I finally know what's wrong. You can take my advice, or not, but do what you feel like will help you! Hope that you can find something that helps you calm down in this looooooongg post of my little things that help me!! All of my fella's with anxiety disorders, have a lovely day/night, have a good rest, and be safe ♡︎
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nerrissadevampyre · 10 months
Guys anxiety sucks not because of the lack of peace of mind but also because of all these psychosomatic symptoms that include:
stomach upsets
migraines & headaches
feeling cold for no reason especially in hands and feet
feeling electricity go down your spine
And i really could go on forever but being told to "calm down" really isn't gonna work magically by itself when the symptoms get a tad too physical. So please just don't immediately say "calm down" to someone because even if the mind quietens for a moment the body is still keeping the anxiety trapped inside.
No purpose for this random vent I suppose I just felt the need to scream those words into the void.
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aroha-scape · 5 months
Begging god to tell me why he made me this way because they always ask me why do you do it?
They never ask if I'm okay. They never ask if I need someone to talk to. They never ask if I need a hug. they never tell me it'll be okay. They never tell me to call them the next time I think about it. They never tell me to text them either. Its always "why do I do it?"
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nasikasakura · 1 year
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 7 months
Is it just me or does everyone with high social anxiety stop hearing properly in scary settings and hence have to lipread or ask them to repeat their words again
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rottingbxy · 8 months
i hate having all of those symptons, what i'm supposed to do with this? i'm so young and genuinely suffering, i don't have a mental health professional to talk about this
it may be just teenage angst or sime shit like that
but i can't keep myself alive anymore, i don't know what to do
and i keep thinking that wathever that's happening to me isn't serious, isn't that 'severe', that it could be worse, that there are worst things
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emilybrontesghost · 1 year
My anxiety has been SO awful lately. God.
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katimorton · 2 years
Okay, the hot topic, something we all have, something we all feel from time to time, or maybe all of the time... it's anxiety! The truth is anxiety can effect so many parts of our life from our stomach to our relationships to our work to our eyes to our brain and so many other things. So if you ask yourself is anxiety affecting my work or is anxiety affecting my relationships, then let's dive into the 8 things anxiety makes you do (that you may not know). These are not the only things anxiety makes you do or anxiety affects, there could be many things that anxiety could affect depending on your individual background, brain, body and relationships. But these are common things that anxiety makes you do. Do you have anxiety? 
Let's look at the signs and symptoms of anxiety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrEwsxYt25w 
5 signs of social anxiety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC8KRPYAdBk 
5 misconceptions of anxiety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCSESj_sWnw
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tilila333 · 2 years
And then you get back to your room, your whole body aches from the anxiety, you already threw up a couple times earlier today, the acid growls in your guts, the piercing headache of how painfully heavy the day was, your whole body weights in the bed, it’s like you’re sinking in slowly, you mindlessly watch trash tv to stop thinking for a second, it’s empty inside, but in a way you don’t know how to fill it, in a way it seems very hard to fill…
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reflect-within · 30 days
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Reflect within to recognize signs and symptoms of Anxiety Disorders. These may include excessive worrying, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and muscle tension. Understanding these indicators can prompt seeking appropriate support and treatment.
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rachymarie · 1 month
Ahh gawd the globus sensation (psychosomatic lump in throat) is back today y'all
Anyone else getting all fricked up from the change of season and such?
Google tells me yesterday was the March equinox and start of Autumn and *gestures up and down body* ✨ this whole system ✨ has decided to start malfunctioning in all sorts of "fun" ways (brain and whatnot that runs this shanky cobbled-together ship)
But aside from that I have been doing better so far this week. Any other tips for globus sensation that aren't "take a shower, steam will help" or should I just take a bunch of (well, a quarter pill) anti-anxiety drugs that will probably just make me fall asleep at work or on the way home so i can't fend off attackers/thieves 😱 lol
Anyhoo I'd better stop putting off my Second Coffee and get on with everything
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divinefem333 · 1 month
Prayer Calms Your Anxiety. Click to Watch☝🏽
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aroha-scape · 5 months
And if the scars don't stay on me forever than what was the point of all this suffering? I just want to rip the skin off my body to free whatever's destroying my mind. I want it to bleed as I never learnt how to make others bleed. Oh tell me, what was the point to cry my eyes out?Why do I want to watch myself bleed everytime I am sad?
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discoverybody · 1 month
Buspirone Medication for Anxiety Relief
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Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. There are several types of anxiety disorders, but effective treatments, including medication, are available. Buspirone, often known as Buspar, is a regularly prescribed anxiolytic that helps to relieve anxiety symptoms.
Buspirone is in the azapirone class of medications and is frequently used in conjunction with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Buspirone, unlike benzodiazepines, has no sedative or muscle-relaxing properties, making it a safer option for anxiety reduction without the risk of addiction or withdrawal symptoms.
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