#any character with a high necked undershirt+large overcoat is automatically considered to have a sleeveless undershirt
headphonemouse · 3 years
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If Ishigami village really is on the Izu Peninsula, and the weather there (in the current age) gets as high as 76°F on average in the summers and the Earth's axis has tilted so much that summer/winter high/low temperatures have become more extreme (can't remember when exactly Senkuu figured that out), then how the fuck is Gen still alive wearing 3.5 layers of leather all the time? All those clothes have got to be heavy, and he's decided to use it as a storage device as well. How many blood bags does he carry at a time? Liquid isn't light, and who knows what else he's got up his sleeves. No wonder he's hunched over all the time, the weight on his shoulders must be awful.
Remember the swimsuit illustration? He was carrying a utility belt cuz he can't hide anything under a speedo. Apparently he's not too particular about fashion and only cares about the amount of pockets he has. So why doesn't he have a utility belt all the time? Please he must be dying from heat exhaustion show this man some mercy
I like to think the undershirt is sleeveless but I guess we'll never know for sure
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