#anyhow I'm coming to terms with the fact that 1 i am an ass and 2 i need to change that
emdotcom · 3 years
My sister picked up Pokemon Shield a while ago. Went ahead and bought it, no intent to return it, so I decided to swallow my pride and play it after swearing it off.
I don't... Hate it.
I still have problems with it. I can still tell it's underbaked, underloved, that the higher ups pushed for speed over creativity, polishing, quality, etc. and however else you might say that same idea; it's just underproduced.
But I don't hate it.
It's got problems. I'd argue it's the worst Pokemon game, in my humble opinion, but it's not, like, unenjoyable. Or wrong to love it.
So. I was being a big, rude dummy over this, and I was wrong. And I'm sorry.
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