#anyway i almost forgot what a fucking nightmare making gifs from this fucking show is
thispabulum-blog · 2 years
I Know That You're Timid
What's the Tea? Tuesday
Life is dumb right now and I'm having to focus more on responsible stuff instead of dating, so this is going to be another fairly short one. Also the guy across the street woke me up at 8:30 am using a chainsaw on his trees, so I'm not in the best mood.
How was last week?
Sunday was a good day. Cuddlebug went to work all day, and while he was gone I turned his bed into a small painting studio so I could funnel some of my stress into being creative. Lots of cartoon characters, weird memes, and I'm also working my way up to painting people which is very intimidating.
Once he was home for the evening we watched more Squid Game - including the most difficult episode with the marbles.
My emotions!
It's such a good show.
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Monday morning I woke up from weird nightmares, and did more painting. We finished Squid Games. I swear we're not the most boring people ever, except sometimes we are and that's fine, too.
Later I was feeling productive so I took nice pictures of the stuff he's selling on eBay. Helpful Girlfriend. Anybody want to buy some old Atari games?
We spent the afternoon cuddling and trying to pick a movie to watch, and because I was put on the spot I suddenly forgot both the titles and plots of every good movie I've ever seen. I failed at summarizing movies so badly that he asked me to show him trailers instead. We somehow landed on Blue Velvet, because I'm always down for watching weird shit. So after a quick Burger King run we started watching it, and...man, I just don't know. What can you say about David Lynch?
*credits roll*
Cuddlebug: *points at screen* That was a movie.
Me: That sounds right.
Cuddlebug: And we watched it.
Me: Yup.
Cuddlebug: I give that a "Movie" out of 5.
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Though I was having trouble staying awake throughout the movie - I'm starting to think big pasta dinners are fucking with my blood sugar - my couch sleepiness did not translate to bed sleepiness (as is so often the case), so I stayed up too late.
Tuesday morning I woke up to Cuddlebug on the phone making a doctor's appointment. Which...hot. Definitely playing into my Responsible Adult kink. But also fuck it was loud.
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He teased me about being grumpy, which I feel is a natural reaction to being woken up by someone shouting 6 feet away from you. But it was almost noon, so we won't hold that against him.
Then he went out to run errands and came back with baked goods. Cookies, red velvet whoopie pies, cream puffs, flan. He specifically brought me a slice of Italian Creme cake because he's a smart man and he knows the way to my heart.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Dr. Strangelove texted me to ask if I'd seen the new Doctor Strange movie. We've been texting infrequently and mostly superficially. I'm keeping the lines of communication open because we still have logistical things to coordinate for a while, and as Cuddlebug said a while back, it's always good to have less enemies.
While he was starting dinner, Cuddlebug and I started Baccano! (an anime that he pitched to me as "There are a bunch of people on a train. Some of them are immortal and some aren't"). We watched the first four episodes, and I'm gonna be honest, I still really don't understand what's happening. But it's entertaining, for sure, and I'm fine sticking with it. It's only 16 episodes, anyway, and he assured me it'll make more sense at some point. Do I believe him? Mostly.
Wednesday we did a good amount of couch cuddling and watching Rick and Morty while eating the rest of the baked goods. Then he made me a sandwich and took me home.
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Since then I've really just been applying for jobs, watching old episodes of John Oliver, writing, and painting.
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I've definitely got some fun things to look at tomorrow...
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bigpeepee · 3 years
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i like it. slap it on a tshirt!
@pointlessnachos i took your prompt and ran with it
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Human!Freddy Krueger x Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: What The Fuck Now, Freddy!?
This is not inherently romantic, at all. Or sexual. Just... Freddy being a bastard, and you are caught in the crosshairs- and are forever linked with him because of it.
I've been listening to Lizzie, a lot lately- and this is inspired by 'What The Fuck Now, Lizzie!?'
Also- I'm thinking this will have a part 2. Due to the ending not being quite enough. Maybe a part for the court proceedings!
Plot: Many will know the story of that terrible day Krueger essentially snapped- killing his wife, Loretta Krueger. She saw the basement, they say, and he didn't like that. Their daughter saw the whole thing and suffered a traumatic response to seeing the sight of her mother, strangled to death, by her father- and forgot the whole thing.
But if she were to remember something, one day.
She may remember something no one knows about that day, aside from Freddy himself.
She may remember, that someone else was there.
She may remember you.
Alternatively- you're being blackmailed by Freddy who found out you, another supposedly Plain Jane in Loretta's 'mothers club', is cheating on your husband and calls you up to help deal with the mess he made. Because who else did he have?
Warnings: Okay lemme see, its basically a potluck of triggers. Hm. Murder, swearing, cheating (You, on your husband. Not with Freddy), getting rid of a body, a child gets traumatised (Obviously, Kathy/Maggie), Freddy himself, mention of the basement and all that entails, reader with a very questionable moral compass. Look, I think if you can watch Freddy's Dead, you're good here.
I'm just heading out the door, to go grocery shopping - or, at least, that's the story I tell my husband. When really I don't do the grocery shop until the day after tomorrow. He never notices... - when the phone rings. By very nearly tripping over my feet in my endeavour to catch it before the ringing stops, I manage pick up the phone with very little injury besides an achy, slightly twisted ankle. "Hi! Hi, sorry, I'm here. Hello?"
Pouting, I sit down at the kitchen table; Rubbing my poor ankle to sooth the pain, which would soon diminish anyway. Still- I'm sorry, ankle. I'll try to chill.
When the voice on the other end reveals who it is who's called the house, I lose all need to be pleasant. Damn. I really need to memorise this goddamn number... so I can not answer it. "Whatcha wearin'?"
"Thank god Harrison didn't answer this, you fuck." I deeply roll my eyes. Thank god Har's out. No, this is not my mister, not the man I was going to meet just now- but its bad, enough. In an entirely different way. Its stupid, blackmailing, son of a... hundred maniacs. "What do you want?"
"What a way to answer the phone, Y/N. Gee, seems like every time I we talk, I'm learning how you really aren't in the right place, are you? Cheating on your poor husband, swearing... These aren't really signs of the perfect suburban house wife, is it?" Gritting my teeth, I keep from lashing out. I've learned, if you stay real quiet, Freddy wont have anything to pull from and will get bored quick. "Why so silent, hm?"
"... " Oh, fuck me. I cant help it. "Wondering where you get off judging me on being 'suburban', actually."
"Anywhere I like, thanks."
Oh... oh. Gross?
He doesn't see the disgust tearing my face into two perfect halves right now, but my silence must be enough as he laughs. The sound is directly into the phone, and harsh on my poor eardrums. Ugh... "Oh for gods sake... What are we? Fourteen years old?? Come on- why'd you call?"
"Uhhhh... " Quickly, midway through that drawn out 'um' sound, Freddy's voice transitions, and gets a whole lot darker. Something deep in his chest dislodging, to make it so. Perhaps, his heart. "Well... you might wanna come and see for yourself."
"Uh, I don't think so. I have somewhere to be right now- "
"Oh well you don't, anymore." And its clear what he isn't saying- or else I'll tell Harrison about Carter and set your life on fire. "Tell your boy toy you're takin' a reign check for the day. I think you'll last. In fact... after you come over here, you might be out of the game for a couple a hours at least- maybe days."
Hold on, hold on Freddy what the fuck- "What!?"
"... Believe it or not, I didn't actually mean for that one."
Nevertheless, no matter how just... off setting, Freddy is, I had to when he asked. I had to jump when he said so.
Because if not, then he would tear my life apart.
So here I am, about to knock on that big red door he lives behind, wondering what I'm walking into. Where's Loretta? Where's Kathy? How long will the visit be? I told Carter I'd be an hour or two late- any longer and I wont see him at all today. Which would absolutely suck.
Just after my knuckles come down on the wood the first time, a hand comes down on my shoulder and I immediately jump out of my skin... then slowly look around.
There's Freddy, a cheeky grin on his face. It does nothing to set my nerves at ease. "Ugh... Why are you out here?"
"We're going to the backyard. Lets go." Taking me by the shoulders, he marches me around the side of the house, instead of through it for some reason, and into the familiar backyard. I've been here numerous times, as Loretta likes to hold our club meetings here - Barbecue's, tea's... that sort of thing. Just to let the kids play together and so the adults can enjoy some adult conversation. Its a nice yard... but depending on what her horrid husband is about to show me, it may not be considered as such anymore... - , but I'm now starting to develop a sick feeling in my stomach.
Honestly- I don't know much about Freddy at all. Yes, I went to school with him, but that doesn't mean much when he was a freaky loner kid the whole time. I remember he killed the class hamster once- that's about the only splash he ever made in the news pool; But it definitely stuck.
Yes, Loretta cleaned up his image a fair bit since getting married, but now he's blackmailing me, and as far as I know I'm now alone with him.
Suspicious of him suddenly, I slip out of his grip with a dirty look flashed his way. Don't touch me.
He just rolls his eyes, leading me around some hedges.
And then everything stops.
Him, me, the air; The air around me, the breeze, the breath in my throat.
There lays Loretta, on the ground. If I was really really naïve, I could imagine she were sleeping... or passed out, at least, due to the way she's sprawled out. No one would lay down like that willingly.
But... her eyes are open.
For a moment I'm tempted to kneel down; Take a closer look. Find out how, myself. Is she bleeding anywhere that I cant see now? Are her lips turning blue? If I moved some short red hair out of the way- would their be marks on her neck yet?
But then I come to my senses...
And freak. The fuck. O u t.
"What, the fuck, did you do!?" I whip around, looking at Freddy now which entirely new eyes. I mean, before I sure wasn't fond- but now I'm filled with something new, looking at him. Something a lot worse, something that makes me want to run. Run, and hide, and stay there.
And all these, even though he hasn't really changed. He still wears a mischievous smirk, stony blue eyes eating up my reactions... like always. But this time its just so so much worse. "Made some dead weight- now you're gonna help me get rid of it. So!" Finally, though its been only a matter of seconds, he turns his gaze off of me and I'm glad. That gaze is far too heavy. "Ideas?"
Only for a moment am I lost for words, struggling to push anything out. "I... I'm sorry??"
His gaze returns to mine, but this time my eyes are hard as his are dark. "Help. Me. Get rid of her. Fucking. Body. Or do you want your dirty laundry aired for the whole community to hear?"
Before I can help myself, I let out a sharp laugh, only succeeding in making Freddy's scowl deeper. "Freddy- this secret's a lot bigger, then mine. Sure, I might get divorced- but you're going to prison!" Does he get that? He's g o i n g to j a i l. Crossing my arms, I try to avoid looking at my ex-friend's body. I cant. "I'm sure as hell not gonna be in there with you, for being an accomplice."
I really cant look at her... I can only focus on Freddy. And that takes a lot of energy- its taking everything in me, in fact. Everything I have. But I have to. If its him or her, there's no choice.
But... then a creepy smile spreads across his face- a vast polarity to the frustrated glower of before. It makes my blood run cold.
"Ohhhh..." He looks almost ferocious, even in his composed state. Like a monster. Like any moment a fanged, inhuman creature is going to burst out of him and I'm going to wake up, and this will have been a nightmare. A horrible nightmare. The kind where that creature haunts me for a long time, after its over. After this over.
He's going to haunt me.
"You must think this is my first time... " My heart turns to ice, mouth hanging a little open... what the fuck have I found myself a part of!? Suddenly all the children's disappearances on the news lately come to the forefront of my brain... "Sweetheart, give a man his dues. I'm a hard working kinda guy... " I watch his gaze flicker to a door - the back door? No... The basement door, - and when a filthy smirk pulls at his mouth, my heart flies up into my throat. God, it makes me feel sick. I want to be violently ill. "My first was my adoptive Dad... pretty sick, huh?"
The fact that he didn't say anything about the basement, makes my imagination go wild. I swallow it down, though.
I just need to get out of here, and never think about this again.
And to do that I need to help Freddy get rid of this goddamn body- and... probably... testify at court... As the panic starts to finally rise up in my, right up to fill my throat, I immediately take in a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Okay... " No time to freak out. Now's the time for action.
Gaze flickering to Loretta again, I try to acclimatise to the sight. I think its a lost cause, though. "How did you get rid of him? Your Dad?"
"No, that's not gonna work. He was a drunk dead beat, and I just had to tell the police some guy's he owed money to came over to the house." Freddy grins happily at the memory, but then just as quickly, scowls at his poor deceased wife's body- that certainly cant fight back. I just tack this onto the long list of reasons I hate him. "Lore's such a goddamn goody goody- we cant do the same thing. You don't think I woulda thought of that??"
"Hey." I snap, hands braced on my hips as I flash a glare his way. "This is not the time to get defensive!"
"Whatever... "
Then- suddenly, something occurs to me. Confused, I look around; A deeply horrified feeling disturbing my stomach. "Hold on... Where's your daughter?" Seeing no sign of her anywhere, I definitely start to panic again- especially when I look to Freddy and just see a pert look in his eyes as he looks back at me, a smile that strikes something horrid inside me. My eyes narrow. "You sick fuck- where the fuck is she!??"
"Under the bed."
"What the fuck does that mean!?" I exclaim, frustrated and freaking out. He did not- he did not! Killing your spouse is one thing, but the kid?? Your own kid??
I don't wait around for him to be cryptic some more, and rush right into the house to look for her. Under the bed, under the bed, under the fucking bed...? Which fucking bed!? Forcing ferocity out of my voice, I carefully call out to Kathy. Hoping to god she answers. I try to sound normal. Maybe a little bit cheerful; Excited.
But my voice wobbles.
"Kathy?? Sweetheart, its Y/N! Are you hiding? I have something for you... " ?? You have something for her, Y/N?? God... now you have to figure out some kind of treat.
You know what? Whatever. We'll figure that out later.
Lets just hope we aren't searching for a corpse. I'd definitely be sick, seeing a child... the way Loretta is...
Shaking my head and clenching my fists, I try to focus on Kathy.
I check under the bed in the guest room because it comes into view first and she isn't there, then her bedroom and she isn't there either... and get a sick feeling as soon as I enter the last bedroom. Freddy's and Loretta's.
God, I've never been in here before but its like a museum peace now. A horrible one. Like if you would walk into the Titanic... or the Borden house.
"Kathy? You in here?" Flicking on the light I kneel down on the ground, and check under the bed.
And something immediately crashes over me, as the sight of her covering her eyes down there. It isn't exactly relief, because this whole situation is still phenomenally fucked up for her, but I am selfishly glad to not have to see her body... crumpled, just like her mother.
"Hey sweetheart," My voice quivers slightly now, but I quickly swallow. No. No. Now, you must be strong Y/N. "Its just me. Your Daddy was looking for you, and couldn't find you! It got him worried!"
"I... I don't wanna see Daddy. He hurt Mommy." Kathy doesn't remove her hands from her face, and stays firmly by the wall- too far away for anyone to grab. My heart sinks.
Slowly straightening up again, I try to take that piece of information in. Turning to the doorway, I see Freddy there. he must have followed me. I didn't even notice. Slowly, and quietly ferociously, I say; "She saw?!"
He has the good sense to look embarrassed, even if it is just to make fun of me. "It was spur of the moment... " He shrugs. "I didn't have time to get a babysitter!"
What a fucking excuse. For gods sake.
I'm definitely dealing with a psycho- if that was even a question before now.
Swiftly, I look down under the bed again, because I'm afraid that if I continue to engage with him- I'll scream, and I'll lose my breath, and I'll scare Kathy even more. She's at the forefront of my mind; That's all I can think about.
But what to do with her after I get her out from under this bed, I don't know. I cant give her back to her father... but I cant hand her over to the police either because that would involve telling them about Loretta, and... Freddy will definitely kill me, for that.
This is a nightmare of a situation.
I'm just opening my mouth to say something - what, I don't know yet, - when she speaks, instead. "Is he there?"
"... Yes." I wont lie to her; That would be treating her with not nearly as much respect as she deserves.
When she takes a deep breath and rubs her eyes, as if just trying to keep herself together, my heart clenches. God... and to think I might not have picks up Freddy's call today. I would have been leaving her with this. For the first time today, I'm morbidly glad I came.
She speaks in that loud, hissy way that kids think is a whisper. "Can he... can you please make him go away?"
Immediately I straighten back up and look to Freddy again, my eyebrows raised halfway up my forehead. Like well? "Get out."
"I don't think you're in a position to make demands here, bi- "
"Do you want Kathy to live down there now!??" I snap, trying not to be scared. Not really feeling scared, actually. Just happy to have a reason to tell him to get the hell away from me.
A deep frown creases his mouth, deeply unhappy about the situation, but steps back. I only hear him step out of the way of the door, but its good enough. Quickly, I get up and close the door - fighting with myself not to slam it, - and lock it.
Then I return to the floor, and see this time Kathy has uncovered her eyes. She looks so small, smaller then she actually is, and she looks like she's shaking. Little red bows and piggy tails in her hair are messy from crawling under the bed. "He's gone, sweetheart. And I locked the door."
She just nods, so I take the silence as a chance to offer my hand to her. "Take my hand, sweetie? Come on out from under the bed. Its cold down there, and no one wants you getting sick." I need to upkeep the family friend bit, I need to sound caring and collected. I need her to trust me.
Her big eyes, not Loretta's colour or Freddy's, look nervous as hell. And she shakes her head.
Taking a deep breath, and I conjure all the sincerity as I can. And mean it. My eyes soften and I try really hard, to resent myself as someone trustworthy- which is hard, seeing as I've never really been that. I mean, I'm cheating on my husband. I told Carter today the same lie I told Harrison when i knew I was going to be late. The only person I think who knows the truth behind all my lies is Freddy. That says something about a person, that the only person who knows them is a psychopath.
But I want to, I need to, be good for this little girl. And there's no time for me turn my life around so it has to start with this. How fucked is that?
"... I promise, I'll take care of you. He wont hurt you."
After a few whole minutes, in which I stay silent because yes she's a child, but she's still thinking, she crawls over and takes my hand, letting me lead her out. Crawling into my lap as I cross my legs under her, she buries her face in my shirt- hiding. "You promise?"
Taking a deep breath, because I've really done it now, I offer my pinky for her to see if she turned her head. I know Freddy's listening to all of this through the wall, but I try not to freak out. "Pinky swear?"
"Pinky swear." She peaks out from my shirt, and curls her little finger around mine. Okay... "Y/N... I'm scared."
"Yeah... Me too, sweetie."
What am I going to do?
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Hey doll, I know I already left a comment but I wanted to make it "official" and ask if you could make a part 2 of the latest Saul x Specialist!reader? Maybe where Saul spills his heart out to her about why he did it and it's a little angsty but fluffy all the same
Part one
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Pairing: Saul Silva x specialist!reader
Being so close to Y/N tormented Saul. He yearned to hold her hand and explain himself, to ask for forgiveness and beg for her to give him a chance; not a second chance, no, because how could it be a second chance when they barely had their first one? 
He’d watch her from the corner of his eye, hoping to draw her attention and start a conversation, but she never once looked his way.
Or so he thought. 
Saul never once saw the way she’d glance his way when his back was turned to her. He never heard the heavy sighs that passed her lips or felt the way her heart ached whenever she realized this is all she would ever have: stolen glances at the one who had torn her heart from her chest all those years ago.
It seemed as if they would never speak again, despite their 10 feet distance during the day. While they trained their students, neither dares to make the first move. 
Perhaps Saul shouldn’t have been as thankful when he found an excuse to talk to Y/N. After all, the excuse included a serious matter on their hands, something he never wanted near her yet it was painfully obvious she would have to face his worst nightmare.
“A burned one?” Y/N furrows her eyebrows. Looking around to make sure they’re alone, she stepped closer and lowered her voice. “If they’re so close to the barrier, that means we need to do more than just wait for them to harm another person.”
Saul’s eyes flicker from her lips back to her worried gaze, swallowing thickly as he nods. “Yes, I’m well aware but this could have been a coincidence.”
Scoffing, Y/N shakes her head, “How shocking! Saul Silva is once again afraid to do the right thing.” Y/N remarks, a sarcastic smile upon her face as she looks up at the sky.
Saul’s eyebrows furrow, his eyes narrowing at Y/N who placed her hands on her hips. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that”, she looks him right in the eye, “you’re afraid to go out there and make sure”, she steps closer to him, her right index finger pointed at his chest, “just because you believe in something which usually gets people hurt!” 
“I thought it was water under the bridge”, Saul’s voice is quieter, softer compared to the harshness of hers. 
Rubbing her forehead, she inhales sharply as she once again averts her gaze up to the sky. “I thought so too, but some wounds never heal.” Turning her back on Saul, she heads back to the training grounds in need of something to punch.
She once again showed how vulnerable Saul makes her and she hated that version of herself. She hated being the pathetic student with a crush on her professor. Y/N put so much work into getting over Saul and yet it all seems to have been in vain after a single day in his presence.
“I’m sorry”, Saul raises his voice so she’d hear him and when she pauses, he knows she did. 
“What for?” She turns halfway, crossing her arms over her chest. “For making me believe we would be together after I graduate only to break my heart apart or for the complete lack of trust in my opinion on how to handle the burned one situation?” Raising her eyebrow, she waits for an answer. She is fully eclipsed by the shade of an old wall. Under Saul’s gaze she doesn't withdraw or flinch, but neither does she step forward to be seen.
It reminds him of the way she had always been capable of disarming him with a single glance in the past. She never had to try, not even a smile yet he was willing to fall to his knees at her every whim. He never even tasted her lips, but he dreamed of the way they would feel against his.
“Both”, Saul makes the next move, stepping closer to her and she tenses up, lifting her chin up in defiance. She may be shorter than him, but she refused to be seen as weak in any way.
“I was trying to protect you”, Saul tries but she shakes her head, a hint of a smile upon her lips. 
“I didn’t need you to protect me”, looking him up and down, she narrows her eyes at him, “I still don’t.”
Swallowing thickly, Saul held his breath as he watched her turn away from him and it woke a part of him he forgot existed. His soul, as tortured as it is, had urged his being to move. For once, he realized he didn’t have to stay behind as she moved on without him. For once, he could take her hand and ask her to take him with her.
She turned around casually, already aware Saul is following her. There’s no one on her level but him and she respected his willpower greatly. But she truly loved the way his gear fit him - she still found it sexy.
“Why can’t you let me go?” She raised an eyebrow. Licking her lips, Y/N tilted her head to the left. 
Saul pauses, gnawing at the inside of his bottom lip. Perhaps this whole thing was a display of her power over him and he walked into her trap willingly?
“I did once and it was a fucking mistake”, Saul states, yet she doesn’t react.
Shrugging, she averts her gaze to the left, toward the sunset with a small smile. “Yeah”, Slyly, she steps closer and reaches for his left hand, “It was”, she whispers. Her touch is too intoxicating even when it’s innocent as a touch of her hand on his.
He’s efficient and capable of controlling his emotions. He’s used to numbing himself into an emotionless machine that gets the job done, yet one look at Y/N and his façade is gone.
“Are you here for me or just the job?” Saul asks quietly, almost like a plea for her to give him a reason to fight for her heart. 
Pulling back, Saul forced himself to look into her eyes and the perfect soldier was gone. He only saw her - his girl, the one he missed dearly, the one he wanted to share his life with and though he wanted to tell her he loved her, he never did.
And while he expected to see the hate in her eyes, all he saw were tears too stubborn to fall and his own clouded his vision of her - her beauty surpassing the beautiful sunset just behind her.
Biting her lower lip, Y/N boldly cupped his face and gently pulled herself up on her tiptoes. Instinctively, Saul leans down, his lips brushing hers as his forehead rests on hers. Losing his breath as he lets her take over and dominate their situation, Saul allowed his worries to subside. She always had that power and he would use it to ease his mind and be in the moment.
“This isn’t right”, she whispers against his lips.
“It’s exactly right”, Saul attempts to argue as she steps back. Shaking her head, she takes a few more steps further away from Saul.
“You had me all those years ago and you destroyed me”, she lets out a shuddered breath as the past pain flows through her. It reminds her of all the sleepless nights, of all the times she soaked her pillow with tears that refused to stop, of all the guys that would have made her perfectly happy but she couldn’t trust them after Saul had broken her heart. 
“I wanted you to be young and free! To leave Alfea and leave your mark in this world, not stay here just because of me! You’d have missed out on everything and I refused to be the reason why.” Saul hoped it would soften her, to see that he just wanted what was best for her. He just wanted her to be happy and experience all the things he’d hold her back from. 
But she didn’t. “It wasn’t your choice to make, but you made it anyway.” Shrugging, Y/N manages a meek smile. “You made it then without a single thought about the pain it would cause or the trust issues I’d have well into my adult life.” Sniffling, she presses her lips together.
Turning her back on him again, she felt heavy but she couldn’t just forgive him. Good intentions or not, he had left damage she still couldn’t repair. Glancing his way over he shoulder, she reminds him:
“You made your choice Saul. These are the consequences.”
Part 3
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btsmutimagines · 4 years
Our Future
Look, I suck at titles, y’all and I’m a day late ffs but happy birthday Kookie 
Arranged Marriage AU
Word Count: 7.5K (I really need to stop)
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Grey skies arched above you as you walked home, kicking a small pebble along with you until it got caught between a crack in the sidewalk.
You audibly sigh, enjoying yourself as you kicked it further and further each time. It was almost like you were that pebble, your life seeming to be pushed by something until it stops.
You were stuck, just like your little pebble.
You finally reached your house, unlocking the front door and noticing the familiar shoes. They were shined up and as uninvited as usual but their owner paid no mind to what you thought, clearly.
The back of your father’s head greeted you as you stepped into the living room and he put down the newspaper he was reading.
You brace yourself, knowing he came to talk to you about something. He never really looked for a conversation, just a breathing punching bag.
“Hello, father.”
“I expected you to be home sooner.”
“I hadn’t expected any guests.”
“Maybe if you answered my phone calls once in a while.”
“You don’t pick up when I call back.”
“I’ve been busy, Y/N.” When are you not? You silently retorted in your mind.
“What did you need to say, father?”
“I’d like you to come to dinner with me tomorrow night.”
“I rather not.”
“Tell me why? Is there something unpleasant about a father and daughter enjoying a nice dinner together?”
“When have we ever done anything ‘nice’, father?” He cocked an eyebrow, he knew damn well that your relationship was far from any loving familial ties.
If you had it your way, he won’t ever know where to find you.
“The Blanche, seven o’clock. I’ll have Hyunjin pick you up.” He adjusted his tie, standing up to walk away and you clenched your fists.
You wanted to yell, at least tell him off for coming over uninvited to force you into some weird dinner. But you merely stood as he brushed past you, you standing in your spot until you heard your front door shut.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ─── 
This morning, you found a box with a card attached in front of your door.
You could tell from the intricate design on the card, it was from your father. Inside was a gorgeous red dress, the off-shoulder design along with the leg slit satisfying your tastes.
You held up the dress, looking in the full-length mirror and imagining yourself in it.
“As if he would know what I liked.” You scoffed to yourself, pulling the dress back on your bed. He probably just sent off one of his servants to find something for you.
Even so, what would be so important that he would send you something to wear? You were his well-kept secret, him wanting you to keep yourself hidden from his life for appearances.
He couldn’t afford to be distracted, he said. In exchange for you disappearing from his life, he sends a weekly allowance that you’ve been saving in a separate account.
Maybe one day when you’re finished, you can pack up your things and truly disappear. Nothing was tying you down to this city anyways.
You heard your phone vibrate, a text notification appearing on the screen.
Incoming in 5, 4, 3, 2…
“One!” You heard your friend, Yeseul entering your apartment and you put to the dress back into its box hastily.
“Where are you?”
“Bedroom.” She wandered in, quickly embracing you in a hug and you stood still. You’ve been friends since freshman year, Yeseul being the only one who put up with you.
You didn’t mind hanging out with her but you didn’t put your eggs into her basket yet.
Memories of your ‘friends’ asking you to hang out, racking up a huge bill and then making excuses to leave you to pay each time. Your dad even got on your case, interrogating why you spent so much each week. He cut you off, only giving you enough for lunch and your so-called friends were suddenly too busy for you.
How naïve.
“You’re doing that thing again.”
“What thing?”
“Zoning out, burning imaginary holes into the last thing you looked at. You know, the usual.”
“I was just thinking, Seul.”
“Well stop that, we got other things to do.”
“We? What are you roping me into now?”
“Why do you say that like I only get you into trouble?”
“Because you do.” You deadpanned, you haven’t forgotten the time she thought it was a good idea to stay for after-hours when there’s a curfew in place. You had to dip into the savings to pay off the ticket you got.
“It’s harmless fun, Y/N.”
“That citation definitely harmed my savings.” You muttered.
“Anyways, listen. You and me, dancing and drinking at Hoseok’s party tonight. Sounds like a dream, right?”
“A nightmare, actually.”
“Come on, Hoseok was gracious enough to invite me with a plus one, meaning you.”
“I have to pass.”
“I have plans. Dinner plans, actually.”
“Who’s the mystery man? He must be worth your time since you’re passing up an offer from me.” She knows damn well you would pass up any party with or without plans.
“That’s not important. I just don’t think I can miss this dinner. Sorry.”
“So secretive. I expect no less though.”
“I’ll tell you about it later.”
“It’s fine, Y/N. I’ll take enough shots for both of us.”
“Remember to drink water in between and eat something too.”
“Okay.” She pursed her lips, leaving your apartment right after and you sat on your bed. You shook off the tension, checking the time and preparing yourself for this dinner.
Whatever it’s about, you had a feeling you wouldn’t like it.
You were adjusting your necklace when you hear a knock at your door. Opening the door revealed Hyunjin, one of your father’s drivers. He was newer than the others but devoted to your father like the others.
“Miss Y/N?”
“Y/N is fine. Take me to where I need to go, please.”
“As you wish, Y/N.” You took his arm, locking your door behind you and followed him to the car. The unease settled in when he started driving, part of you that you just went to that party with Yeseul.
Maybe she wouldn’t make that pointed comment and you would send your father a message.
Alas, here you are, walking into the Blanche like the little good girl he expected you to be. Wearing the dress he picked for you, even putting in the useless effort of making yourself presentable to only be met with him scowling at his phone.
“Hello to you too.”
“Ah, so you did come. Glad to see you have the decency to clean yourself up.”
“I rather you tell me why am I here instead of having this conversation with you.”
“First, sit.”
“I don’t plan on staying.”
“Then, change your plan. I have very important people that you have to meet arriving soon and it would be rude to stand there as you are.” You grit your teeth, sitting across from your father and crossing your arms.
A waiter braved his way to your table, filling up your water glass while you shot daggers at your father. Bastard didn’t even have the decency to even hint at who these ‘very important people’ are and why it should somehow matter to you?
You thought the deal was you wouldn’t even say your father’s name in passing and he could live his life freely. No burden of you.
“Ah, Younghee.” Your father got up, making you turn your head to look at a woman who was walking towards your table.
God, was he going to tell you that he was marrying this woman? Why would you even care if he gets remarried?
“I’m terribly late again, aren’t I?”
“Hardly. Is he here as well?” He? Was there a man accompanying her? Her son?
“Of course, he’s an important part of this conversation.”
“That is right. Oh, I almost forgot, this is Y/N, Younghee.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“How polite. Ah, you’re more beautiful than I thought.”
“Thank you very much.” Currently wishing the ground would swallow you whole, right about now. At least before this other guest shows up.
“Oh, Jungkook, darling, over here.” She waved someone over you, this time you stared forward. You froze as this man took a seat next to you. Fuck, you should have ditched when you still had the chance.
“Pardon my mother and I’s tardiness, sir.”
“It’s quite alright, Jungkook. All that matters is that we are all here now. Before we start, we should actually order something. Breadsticks will not get me through the night, I’m afraid.” This fucker is just going to keep dancing around the real topic for as long as he can-
“Um, I’m Jungkook. Y/N, I presume.” You looked at the man, quietly taken aback by how attractive he was. His hair was slightly parted, each hair perfectly in place. His shaped jaw highlighted his face, his pink lips were a perfect hue and he was just… perfect. But he was going to be your stepbrother, right? You shouldn’t even look at him in any other way.
“You would be right, Jungkook.”
“See, they’re already getting along.” You wanted to roll your eyes, all you did was introduce yourselves.
The waiter took your order, you quietly tapping your foot while your father acted jovial with his two guests. You only answered when addressed, quiet otherwise and hoping your food would arrive soon.
“So, Jungkook, your mother says you’re a game developer.”
“Yes, sir. Currently developing a sequel to one of my first projects.”
“My Jungkookie’s project has sold almost one billion copies globally. I’m lucky to have such a successful son.”
“That’s impressive, right, Y/N?”
“Yeah, sure.” You were more interested in swirling the rich wine that sat in the glass you held in your right hand than whatever this conversation was about.
“Y/N’s in university, right? I’ve heard from your father that you have multiple companies scouting you.”
“That’s really cool.”
“Yup.” You said, taking a large swig and placing your glass on the table.
“Alright, enough of the small talk. Why are we really here?”
“Forgive her, Younghee, I’m afraid alcohol tends to loosen her lips. But I don’t mind cutting the chase.”
“It’s quite alright, I’m sure she wants to relax. After all, to be married so young in this day and age is a rarity.”
“Wait, excuse me. Who’s getting married?”
“You and Jungkook are getting married. Engaged for now.”
“Are you joking? This is a joke, right?”
“Had you not tell her? This is a lot to load on the child.”
“She could have seen it coming.”
“You’re too mean.” You got up, walking away from the table as you glared at your father. Of course, he would pull some shit like this with you now and then he has to remind you that he was in control.
“Y/N!” You didn’t look back, not caring about who was following you.
“Y/N, please.”
“Just leave me alone.”
“I can’t. Not when you’re like this.” You stopped, turning around to face Jungkook. He loosened his tie, his coat over his shoulder as he caught his breath.
“You know you walk fast in heels.”
“Why did you follow me anyways? Did your mom send you?”
“I came on my own. Your dad made some excuse about you being drinker than he thought, and my mom just accepted it. I figured it was more than that.”
“Even if it was, it’s none of your business.”
“Hard to say when we’re engaged now, Y/N.”
“I don’t want to get married to you, Jungkook.” He looked down, running his hand through his hair.
“Are you really okay with this, having everything in your life dictated by someone else? Don’t you want to know what it’s like to choose?”
“All I ask is that you give me a chance.”
“Jungkook.” How strong is his mother’s hold on him?
“I know that this is probably the worst thing that could happen to you, being forced to be stuck with someone like me but I want to show you who I am. Show you that I’m someone that you can fall in love with. If we don’t work, I’ll break the engagement myself.” You looked at him, his hand clasped together as he pleaded with you.
He looked so sincere, something in his eyes made you feel like he meant it.
“I’m holding you to that.” You replied, looking away from him and he pulled you into a sudden huh. Your body stiffened, not expecting the sudden skinship. He felt warm, the scent of his cologne making it hard to think of a better adjective.
“Thank you.”
“You’d be welcome if you let me go.” You blurted, not wanting to linger around him any longer.
“Sorry. Got a little too excited.” He cleared his throat, you avoid his eyes while you fiddled with your dress.
“Can I take you home?”
“If you’re okay with a few blocks.”
“Why not call a taxi?”
“Easier to walk.” You asserted, beginning to walk in the direction of your apartment and Jungkook could only follow you.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
 You made it home, Jungkook awkwardly bidding you goodbye while you muttered a good night before slipping inside. Thankfully, you had classes to distract you but all you could think about how your dad decided to basically sell you off for his best interests. Someone like Jungkook probably had a monopoly on the gaming industry and your father wanted to venture into technology.
Regardless of how good looking he was, how successful he is, you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was mainly your father’s and his mother’s influence that is driving him. How long can he put up this earnest act?
Give me a chance.
“Ugh.” You groaned, his words repeating in your head and you felt someone poking at your head.
“Quit it.”
“It’s only Monday.”
“That’s part of the problem, Seul.” You looked up to see her sitting next to you, she didn’t seem upset anymore.
“Then what is it? Mystery date was a dud?”
“Something like that.” More like mystery fiancé.
“What happened?” You came up with a lie, telling her that your father arranged your marriage overnight would result in questions you didn’t want to answer.
“I agreed to a second date and I’m not sure if I’m still up for it since we didn’t start on the right foot.”
“What do you like about him?”
“He’s loyal to a fault, he puts in the effort, ambitious…”
“Sounds like things you put on a resume.”
“It wasn’t the best first date.”
“But you said yes to a second one.”
“But he said some sweet things when he did. It sounded like something out of a drama.”
“Aw, he melted your heart a bit, didn’t he?”
“Shut up.” You snapped, embarrassed that you admitted that part of what he said actually affected you.
“I think you should give it a shot since you saw something in him. Plus, you could always dump him if he’s not what he seems.”
“I guess, you’re right this time.”
“What do you mean ‘this time’? Aren’t I always right?”
“You wish.” She nudged you, you were laughing in response.
After your talk with Yeseul, you felt better about the bombshell. But you figured you would have some time before you would see Jungkook. Not him standing outside of your apartment building with his hands in his pockets.
He looked formal, wearing a waistcoat with a dress shirt. You could see gloves covering his hands and you cursed yourself for immediately thinking of how hot he looked.
“At my pace, my ass.” You muttered as you tried to pretend that you couldn’t know him, but he started to jog towards you. The two of you ran in the opposite direction of your apartment until he caught you, your back pressed against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Caught you. Part of me is starting to think you like the chase.”
“I like space, which you’re invading.”
“Right, no hugs. But can we talk face to face?” He let go and you obliged to his request, currently giving him a hard stare.
“I really came because I don’t have your number, can’t give our relationship an honest try without each other’s number.” You gulped, even the word ‘relationship’ made you feel weird. He was right, you thought to yourself, you had to give this an honest try, so you could properly reject him and break it cleanly.
After all, how could you fall for someone like him?
“Having daydreams about me?”
“Ha, you wish, Jeon.” You started to walk back in the direction of your house, not wanting to stay out for long.
“Not even my first name, I thought we were closer than that.”
“You have to work for it.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes.” How do you say things like that so casually, ugh? You pulled out your phone, handing it over to him to enter his number before he turned it over.
“It’s cuter hearing you actually saying it out loud.”
“I’m literally never saying that again.”
“Aw, come on Y/N, I can make up a cute nickname for you too.”
“Please don’t.”
“You seem like a sugar plum.”
“What kind of nickname is that? Sugarplum? I don’t even know what that is.”
“Have you never tried them?”
“I think your terrible nickname counts as a deterrent.”
“Why wouldn’t you want to be compared to a candy?”
“It’s not exactly something I want to hear, to be honest.”
“I promise to come up with something better.”
“A promise I wish you can’t keep.”
“I’m not giving up.”
“This is a weird hill you want to die on but by all means, go ahead.”
“At least it’s earned me a smile today.”
“You talk like the main lead in a romance drama. Just awfully cheesy.”
“I hope you’re not lactose intolerant.”
“Seriously, stop it.” You reach your apartment, the two of you talking while walking up flights of stairs until you were at your door.
“Time flies, doesn’t it?”
“I wish it would stop, kind of liked talking to you.”
“Ouch, you didn’t feel the same. I thought we had a good chat.”
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. Can’t play all my cards, can I?” You unlocked your door, letting yourself in but leaving it open enough that you could still see him.
“If this is a game, hope you don’t mind losing. I play to win, Y/N.”
“We’ll see about that. Good night.”
“Night, Y/N.” You shut your door, walking into your bedroom and plopping on the bed.
I play to win, Y/N. Not on my watch, Jungkook.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
“If you stare at your phone that hard, you might actually shoot laser beams at it.”
It’s been two weeks since you and Jungkook had met, the man semi occupied your thoughts. He kept his distance, probably leaving the ball in your court in terms of whether you wanted to talk to him or not.
And you hate to admit it but you did want to talk to him at least.
“Har har.”
“Is Mystery Date on your mind again? Did you have your second date?”
“I guess you could say so, it went so much smoother like I could say anything, he would know what to say back. It was nice.” God, you sounded like a high schooler in their first relationship. And you can’t even see you and Jungkook beyond acquaintances.
“So, he wasn’t a waste of time but what’s wrong now?”
“I don’t know what to text him.”
“Wait, you weren’t already texting?”
“I met him off Tinder and he wanted to delete the app so we exchanged numbers.” You lied coolly, Yeseul humming in response.
“What are you hoping this message sends to him? Not literal, like do you want him to be more enticed by you or like you’re playing a hot and cold thing with him.”
“Just that I’m open to texting.”
“Oh. You’re not ready for sexting anyways.”
“Just send him a simple ‘hey’.”
“Isn’t that too simple?”
“But you’re just opening a conversation, you don’t need much.”
“Are you sure?”
“Y/N, do it before I do it myself.”
“Okay, okay.” You murmured, typing it out and hitting send. He must have seen it, the familiar three dots appearing on your screen before his message came.
I didn’t think you would actually text me, I was preparing to camp out your apartment door.
I would totally call apartment security if you did.
So mean, honey bun.
Honeybun? I think you should retire from this nickname thing, it was funny the first time and now it’s just sad.
No good, huh? I have gotten plenty more to try out.
I swear I’m going to block you if you do.
Fine, I won’t try them out here. But believe me when I say that I’m going to have the perfect nickname for you and you’re going to love me for it
Sure, Jeon.
You do realize my name is actually Jeon Jungkook, not Jeon?
I am aware
Man, you play hard to get on the hardest mode, but I’m not giving up. I’m going to capture your heart.
“Oh my gosh, he’s going to ‘capture your heart’. He found your weakness, sappy lines.”
“They are not my weakness.”
“Please, all I have to say is ‘Don’t let go-”
“It’s too soon, Yeseul. Okay, too soon.”
“Are you sniffling?”
“Shut it.”
Great, you got my friend in on your corny lines
Aw, you talked about me to your friends? Can’t keep us a secret, babe? ;)
I rather keep it a secret but I need advice.
Yeah, how to deal with such a shameless man.
Hey, I have some shame. It take a lot of confidence to talk to a girl like you, I feel like you can see through me
So, you know to not waste my time.
Time with me is always worth it, trust me.
Somehow that hurt more than when you do that in person.
Hey, Y/N, I’m really happy you texted me but I gotta go? Talk to me later or something.
Don’t play too hard
That’s literally my job, Y/N but seriously bye J
“He sounds cute.”
“He’s something else, really.”
“I know you like to keep people at an arm's length but it really looks like he wants to be centimetres apart if you catch my drift.”
“We’ve been out twice, I’m not going to sleep with him.”
“Is he hot?”
“What kind of answer is that?”
“I’m not sure where you’re going with this.”
“I’m going to tell you to bag him.”
“You’re nuts.”
“No, it’s been two weeks since you met, he seems pretty decent and he’s objectively hot, whatever that means.”
“I still need to get to know him.”
“Just take him for a test drive.“
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
You were scrolling through your twitter feed, reading some thread exposing another influencer when you heard a knock on your door.
“Coming.” You said, walking over and opening it to Jungkook.
He lost the business attire, wearing a simple black shirt and jeans. Fine, so it wasn’t the suits that made him look so hot.
“Is there a reason you showed up on this fine Saturday?”
“Because I want to take you out. Plus I got to see you in shorts.”
“My eyes are up here, Jeon.”
“Wait, let me admire them a bit longer.” You were about to swing the door shut when he stopped the door.
“I was just joking, Y/N. But would you like to go out with me?”
“You don’t mean like a date, do you?”
“Whatever you want it to be.”
“Then we can hang out, Jungkook.”
“You said my name.”
“Did I? Must have been a slip of the tongue, Jeon.”
“Shoot, I should have enjoyed it while it lasted.”
“You can wait in the living room. Touch anything and I’ll have your head.”
“You’re joking, right?” You smiled in response.
“So where are we going?”
“Somewhere fun, casual.”
“How descriptive.”
“It’s no fun if I tell you everything. You’ll know when we get there.”
“Of course I would because we would already be there.”
“Just get changed, Y/N.”
“Bossy.” You teased, going into your bedroom to change.
Should I dress up for him? But the most we are is friends and since when did friends have to impress each other? Gosh, why are you even thinking about this? Just toss something together!
You put on a crop top and some shorts, joining Jungkook in the living room after brushing your hair.
“Let’s go.” You clapped your hands together, getting Jungkook’s attention and walking towards the front door.
You thought you heard Jungkook mutter under his breath, making you quietly smirk before turning to look at him.
“Is something the matter?”
“Of course not. After you.” The two of you opted for the elevator, you listening to Jungkook hum melodically. He led you to his car, opening the door for you and you sat with a quiet ‘thank you’.
“Are you really not going to tell me?”
“I’ll give you a hint. It’s a building in this city.”
“I see you can be mean too.”
“Taste of your own medicine. A bit bitter, isn’t it?”
“You’re enjoying it, aren’t you?”
“A bit.”
“Sounds more cute than angry.”
“You’re a strange man.”
“Only to you, Y/N. Mother says I’m the most perfect person in the world, you’re a close second though.” You rolled your eyes, you’re surprised he went so long without mentioning his mother and chose now to bring her up.
“Of course she does. You’re her baby boy.”
“Oh shit, forgot about your father.”
“Let’s keep him forgotten.”
“I’m surprised you know how to drive.”
“What a weird comment. Why wouldn’t I know?”
“You seemed like the type to have drivers, mommy won’t want her baby to get into an accident.”
“I’m not that much of a momma’s boy. I have a motorcycle license, I’ll have you know.”
“You? On a motorcycle?”
“I was 18 and feeling rebellious. It explains the earrings too.”
“They suit you actually.”
“Thank you.”
“Now, I have to see you on a bike.”
“Depends, will you take a ride with me?”
“You just want an excuse to get me to hug you, don’t you?”
“Damn, nothing gets past you. But I miss the night rides and it’s nicer with company.”
“I might take you up on that.”
“I guess I better dust off the old bike, then.”
“It’s not a date, remember that.”
“I know, I know.” He pulled into a parking lot, smoothly reversing into a spot before the two of you getting out.
“This way.” You followed him, the sign a dead giveaway and you smiled.
“I could have guessed that you would pick an arcade.”
“It’s fun and casual.”
“Hey, Ms. Han.”
“Oh, Jungkook honey, you came! Who is this lovely woman? Your girlfriend?”
“No, she’s just a friend, Ms. Han.”
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.” You bowed to her and she waved her hands.
“No need to be so formal, a friend of Jungkookie is a friend of mine. This rascal has been coming to this arcade for years, even skipping classes to beat the high scores on most of these machines.”
“Is that so? What a bad boy.”
“Hey, don’t gang up on me. I still did well, didn’t I, Ms. Han?”
“With the skin of your teeth. You’re lucky you were a talented kid, now a big name game developer.”
“I’m still the same Jungkook.”
“You are the reason I still have banana milk in my fridge.”
“My favourite. Thank you, Ms. Han.”
“Ah, you.” Jungkook cheekily smiles before laughing, soon enough the three of you were. You took a seat at a machine, Jungkook sitting next to you and playing.
“Wanna make a bet?”
“Depends, what do I win?”
“Your most embarrassing baby photo.”
“Blackmail material, huh? Won’t put it past you.”
“Humour me with what you think you’ll win.”
“You let me take you out on a real date.”
“Aiming high, aren’t you?”
“Of course, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. You in?”
“Better be ready to hand that picture over tomorrow.”
“Don’t count on it, babe.” There’s the damned nickname, hearing it in person has the same effect as it does typed out. You didn’t let it seem obvious, focusing on the machine and the two of you playing a single round.
“I win. I can’t wait to get my hands on the sweet blackmail material.”
“Sure, after our date.”
“That isn’t part of the deal.”
“Check the scores again, Y/N.” You looked at the two screens, Jungkook putting his arm around your shoulder with a smile on his face.
10660 to 1066…5. He beat you by 5 points.
“I’ve been playing since high school, I think I’m losing my touch. I have the high score on this game, I think.”
“I want a rematch.”
“If that’s what you want.” You tried different combos, putting all your focus on your character and finishing with a better score than the first time.
“Beat you by 10, this time.”
“Are you cheating?”
“I think it’s a classic case of sore loseritis.”
“I am not a sore loser, just can’t wrap my head around you beating me.”
“Well, I am a game developer. If I were horrible at games, that would be ironic.”
“This isn’t fair.”
“Wait here, I’ll get you some banana milk.” You frowned at him, watching him go into the back and Ms. Han hit you with a rag.
“He looks really happy with you.”
“I think he just likes winning games.”
“This is a different kind of happy, the smile on his face looks different than when he sees me coming into the arcade with a carton of banana milk or hearing about how the neighbourhood kids talked about his game.”
“It’s like he’s in love. Just like that girl he used to talk about in high school.”
“Jungkook had a crush?”
“But he has you now. Keep your eye on him for me, will you Y/N?”
“Ms. Han, you’re running low on banana milk.”
“Ya, you punk, you should supply your own.”
“I promise I’ll buy some next time. Y/N, here.” He handed you a bottle, the straw already inserted and you took a sip. It was really sweet, you never thought he would like something like this.
“Can we book a karaoke room?”
“For how long?”
“An hour.”
“I want to hang out with you a bit longer.” That innocent comment led to the two of you singing the opening to Naruto three times and you two belting Unravel on the top of your lungs.
You took a seat, tired and Jungkook sang on his own. He had such a pretty voice, each note sounding perfect in your ears. Is there anything he can’t do?
“One more song?”
“You’re totally going to lose your voice.”
“I’m dedicating this song to you, Y/N.”
“Oh my god.” You covered your face, laughing as he dramatically pointed at you and he entered the code.
The gentle piano played through the speakers and he kept his eyes on the screen as he sang. It was a simple love ballad, it felt like he was truly saying these words to you.
“Are you crying?”
“Shut up, that was beautiful you ass.”
“I’m not sure whether to be offended or flattered.”
“It’s a compliment, you jerk.”
“Okay… let’s take you home.”
You followed him out to his car, going back to your apartment.
“Are we really going on a date?”
“Why? Can’t wait?”
“I rather not.”
“But we had so much fun today.”
“But it wasn’t a date.”
“I know. But it was a test run for our real date.”
“You planned this out, didn’t you?”
“No comment.”
“I can admire the sneakiness.”
“I planned the whole thing, except for the little chat between you and Ms. Han.”
“Did you eavesdrop?”
“No, I thought she would say something embarrassing that I rather not relive.”
“Really, not even the girl you had a crush on?”
“She didn’t tell you her name, did she?”
“No, but now I’m curious. A girl that got your attention, wonder what she was like? Could she be the reason you got all rebellious?”
“Hey, save these questions for our date.”
“You’re serious about that?”
“Of course. Let me walk you up.” He locked his doors behind the two of you, taking you up to your floor while talking with you more.
“Just what I wanted to see.” You looked at your father standing out of your apartment, Jungkook stopping behind you. He smirked at the two of you, your blood boiling as he adjusted his cuff links.
“Why are you here?”
“Is there something unusual about a father caring about his only daughter?”
“You? Care about me? When did that start? When I became an asset to you to use?”
“Watch your words, girl. Do you realize who you’re speaking to?”
“A deadbeat father who chose money over me.”
“You-” You shut your eyes, knowing what should come next but it didn’t. Opening your eyes, you saw Jungkook holding your father’s arm and he let go.
“Remember this, Y/N, your life was never yours. Never.” He spat, walking off and Jungkook turned to you.
“He’s done that before, hasn’t he?”
“I push his buttons a lot, don’t I?”
“You don’t have to tell me but I won’t let him get away with it anymore. Okay?” You let him hug this time, holding onto a piece of his shirt for a moment. He didn’t make you say it, thankfully but he knew what your father truly was at least.  
His hand patted your hair, the soft gesture melting your heart a bit. Your mother used to do the same thing when you were scared at night before you’d fall asleep she would say these words:
“I’ll protect you.”
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
 Yeseul came over, tossing dresses in your direction and currently spazzing while you dodged.
“Oh my god, how come you have like nothing to wear?”
“We’re standing in like a hill of my clothes right now.”
“And yet you still have nothing to wear.”
“Maybe I should get a raincheck.”
“Oh hell no, I can finally meet this mystery man tonight and you can’t take that away from me.”
“Yeseul, calm down.”
“I am calm.” So not calm. You sighed, just fishing through the clothes that Yeseul chucked and finding a simple little black dress.
“That is it. Simple, chic and elegant. My tossing abilities have never failed me.” You rolled your eyes, knowing better than to argue with Yeseul about her not noticing it when she initially tossed it at you but there was no point being a dead horse.
After putting on the dress and Yeseul becoming an impromptu hair and makeup artist, you waited for Jungkook.
You heard him knock and Yeseul sprinted to the door before you could make three steps.
“Oh my god, he’s hotter than I imagined.”
“You must be Yeseul.”
“So you have talked about me.”
“Yeah, just the usual, you being annoying and slightly overbearing. Everyday things.”
“Sometimes I wonder how Jungkook managed to get through 2 months of you without even thinking he needs a break.”
“I think about it every day, try me.”
“Oh yeah, you can start right now.”
“Oh no, missy, and pass up on this date when you’ve dressed up so beautifully? I’d would have to be locked up in an asylum.”
“I told you you looked hot.” Yeseul boasted.
“Now, I’m stealing Y/N for the night. Not sure if I’ll get her back by morning.”
“By all means, take her.”
“Gee, Yeseul, some friend you are.”
“Have fun, lovebirds.”  She rushed you both out, giving you a thumbs up and wink. You cocked an eyebrow, Jungkook leading you away and you were met with a midnight blue motorcycle.
“You weren’t joking.”
“I’d never joke about my Harley. Come on.” You took the helmet from him, placing it on your head and sitting behind him.
“Trust me and hold on.” You listen to the bike roaring to life before purring as he began to ride. He weaved through traffic carefully, probably because of you and parked at a restaurant.
“Can I..um…hold your hand?”
“Yeah.” You breathed, Jungkook quietly lacing his fingers between yours and leading you into the restaurant.
“Reservation for Mr. Jeon.”
“Right this way, sir.” The host led you to your table, an intimate booth with virtually no one in sight.
“A waiter will be with your shortly to take your orders.” He said, walking away and leaving you with Jungkook.
“Are you nervous?”
“I wasn’t expecting you to look this beautiful, it’s kind of distracting.”
“Should I be offended or flattered?”
“You’re beautiful.”
“You’re pretty handsome, I guess.”
“Compliments with you are like pulling teeth.”
“At least you know how much I mean it when I say one due to their rarity.”
“Point taken. But I’m going to keep telling you how beautiful you are until it sticks.”
“You might give me a big head.”
“Even so, you would be beautiful.”
“I aim to please, babe. Since you like it when I call you that.”
“When did I-”
“Didn’t think I would notice how you gulp anytime I said it and you look to your left?”
“Okay, that’s weird for you to notice.”
“It’s because I’m always looking at you. It’s hard to keep my eyes off you.”
“But you drink it up like syrup.”
“Doesn’t make it any less sappy.”
“Fair enough.” The waiter came by, the two of you placing your orders and once again were left to each other.
“What was your childhood like?”
“Always with the hard questions, Y/N. Dad was busy expanding his empire and legacy, Mom took care of me and my older brother. My older brother started working for our dad, spending more time with the company then getting married and putting any other free time into his wife.”
“It was me and mom for a while, but my dad would come back to remind me that I was his son and he’s the one calling the shots.”
“I remember the day I ran off after turning 18, spending countless nights mindlessly riding through cities, spending nights in bars and crashing at random people’s houses to get by. My mother came for me with two men to drag me back home, my father was gone. Fucked off to god knows where.”
“Mom was lonely and so was I, so we lived together. I put my time into game development, being one of the lucky ones to hit big with my first project and here am I.”
“I guess a power-hungry father is a trope we share.”
“You’re right.”
“But you’re conveniently forgetting this mystery crush from high school.”
“She was so carefree, always doing what she wanted but never in the way of others. Like a bird. She flew away, out of my life for years.”
“Do you know what happened to her?”
“I.. don’t, could only guess she’s happy now.”
“I’m surprised your crush wasn’t a video game character.”
“Lara Croft is still my number one.”
“I see, that’s why you like shorts so much.”
“It was an awakening.” You tittered, he’s such a goofball.
“Your turn.”
“It was just me, my father and mom. My mom died in my first year of middle school, dad starts nosediving into work and I had to raise myself. Dad came home one day and told me that we shouldn’t be associated with each other anymore. Sent me away after high school and occasionally pops in to make me feel like I’m nothing without him.”
“You’re more than what he could ever be. He’s just a grumpy piece of shit.”
“It’s nice to hear someone else finally say it.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.” He reached for your hand, his thumb stroking the back of your palm.
“Yeah.” He caught your eyes, the two of you having a quiet conversation through eye contact. You didn’t know what to say next until Jungkook started to wiggle his eyebrows at you.
“God.” You started to laugh, breaking eye contact.
“I win.”
“When was this a competition?”
“Since I said it was.”
“Is everything a game to you?”
“Not when it comes to like… serious stuff.”
“How profound, Jungkook.”
“I should be a philosopher.” You shook your head, him chuckling to himself. The waiter came around with your food, appreciating the arrangement before taking a bite.
It was silent yet comfortable. The quite clatter for utensils against dishes left you to think about this moment in time.
You would have never thought that you would be able to sit across Jungkook, being about to joke around with each other and just feel happy in each other’s company.
Didn’t think that you’d find yourself talking every day, hanging out whenever you were free, sometimes even missing him- Wait, when did things become so different?
“Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? It’s just you got a little something on your cheek.” You took a napkin, gently wiping his cheek before he could. He watched you, those brown eyes drinking the sight of you and you felt like you were drowning.
His hand came to cover yourself when you were about to pull away. Your face grew hot, his large hand clasped over yours against his cheek while he gazed into your eyes. You were slowly becoming his leading lady and you hadn’t even realized it until now.
“I like you.”
“I like you, Y/N. Not because of our parents, but because I got to see parts of you that I didn’t know existed. You’re witty, competitive, smart, beautiful, everything I could ever want and need.”
“Tell me I’m not crazy for feeling like this, that I’m not the only one.”
“You’re not crazy.”
“But how do you feel about me?”
“Promise me you won’t grow a big head.”
“I won’t grow a big head all of a sudden.”
“I think you’re different from who I thought you were.”
“Good different?”
“Good different. Maybe more than that.”
“I’ll take it.”
 ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
 You took off your helmet, fixing your hair and Jungkook getting off after shutting his bike off.
“You totally rode slower this time.”
“It’s the only time you’ll hold me.”
“That’s because…you’re the affectionate one.”
“And I’ve been deprived, you know.”
“You have my permission now.” He took a step closer to you, his hand gently smoothing over a strand of your hair before tucking it behind your ear. His hand swiftly moved to hold your cheek before he looked into your eyes.
“I want to kiss you so badly.”
“Please do.” You breathed mindlessly before he leaned in.
He was gentle, your kiss barely touching before you pulled on his tie to reel him closer. Your mind was racing faster than your heart, the softness of his lips blocking out any other thought beside Jungkook.
He tasted like the champagne you two shared, the sweet taste more intoxicating than the actual alcohol. You melted, him wrapping an arm around your waist and temporarily breaking your kiss.
You dived back in, not wanting to let go the feeling his lips gave you. It hadn’t occurred to you that you were waiting for this for so long, holding back for what?
You pulled away, needing to breath and he held you close. His heart was pounding as hard as you was while you quietly listened against his chest.
“Give me your hand.”
“Now, close your eyes.”
“You’re getting bossy, you know.”
“Sometimes I like to wear pants, you know.”
“Don’t get used to it. I like control.”
“Then I’m all yours. Open them.” You looked your hand, seeing a ring on your ring finger.
It was a silver band with red heart crystals embedded around it.
“It’s just a promise ring. A promise that I’ll be by your side… as your boyfriend.”
“Will you be my girl?”
“Of course, I will, Kookie.”
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camillemonty · 3 years
JJ x Reader|kook
Summary: You just moved to outer banks and you are not so thrilled about your new kook life as your parents and are curious about how your summer will be. As the summer goes on surprises come along with ups and downs, tears and laughter, new friends and family.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (p1), Chapter 4 (p2), Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - I'm sorry.
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It’s been almost two weeks since you ditched the girls at the beach, but to your surprise, they came looking for you at your house the next day.
“We just wanted to tell you that we know why you ditched us yesterday” Sarah spoke.
“Pope told us what JJ said to you” Kie started “we just want you to know that we don’t feel the same way, we like to hang out with you”
“Yeah, I’m sorry he made you think that all of us thought that” Sarah said, you smiled at them and you felt your heart lighter.
“Thank you” you said and the two smiled.
“Do you want to go for ice creams?” Kie asked, you nodded at them.
You have been hanging out with them since that, sometimes John B or Pope came too, but never JJ, they didn’t talk about him around you and you didn't ask. Most of the time you just walked around on the island or went to The Wreck. They were friendly as always, and you liked hanging out with them but sometimes you missed the blonde's presence.
"Hello y/n" she smiled at you.
You got out of Lane's car and walked behind her to the house, she invited you to dinner with her parents two days ago. "Hi Mrs. Miller" you said as you walked in the kitchen and saw Lane's mom.
"There's something I can help with?" You asked.
"You can get the table ready with Lane" she said and you two nodded. You followed Lane to the dining room and in a couple of minutes, the table was ready. “Let's sit on the sofa” she said walking towards the living, she sprawled on the sofa and you sat next to her talking about random stuff to pass the time.
"Well well look who we got here" Cooper spoke as he arrived at the bottom of the stairs.
"Hi Coop" you said with a smile. When you weren't with the Pogues you were hanging out with Lane and surprisingly Cooper and Peter always appeared, no matter where you were, and hanged out with you two, so now you felt a little closer to him, not to mention that you’ve seen him too for the golf lessons you accepted.
"May I say you look very pretty tonight?" He said.
"Well thank you kind gentleman" you both let out a chuckled as Lane rolled her eyes. Cooper sat on the sofa across from you "you are getting better" he said "I forgot to tell you that yesterday"
"Thanks" you felt proud of yourself.
"Maybe is your handsome teacher" he teased, putting a hand on his chest.
"Mmm I don’t know maybe I'm a fast learner" you replied.
"Well let me say you are the prettiest student I ever had" he winked at you.
"Because I'm the only one you ever had" you laughed. "Small details" he huffed.
Lane looked in between you two and smiled rolling her eyes “Leave the flirting for when I have someone to flirt to”. Cooper scoffed and you felt your cheeks turn red immediately. You kept talking, this time including Lane in the conversation until their mom called for dinner. Cooper sat in front of you, giving you quick glances through all the meal or stepping your foot softly under the table, thinking nobody noticed it, but both his mom and dad were well aware of what he was doing. Once the dinner ended you kept talking at the table.
"How are going the golf lessons?" Mr. Miller asked Cooper.
"Very well y/n is an excellent student and a very fast learner" Cooper answered and smiled at you.
"Well if you are part of the Island Club you have to play golf" his mother said.
"I never thought it will be so fun" you said.
"It seems boring from the outside but once you get the rhythm of the game it becomes fun" his dad spoke.
"Y/n honey do you want to come with us next weekend to our little boat trip?" Mrs. Miller asked "I think it would be fun to have you around" she glanced in between Lane and Cooper, both with big smiles on their faces.
"I'll have to ask my parents, but thanks for the invitation" you answered with a smile.
"It's our pleasure," Mr. Miller said as he nodded at you.
"Well we have to get going" Lane said after a while as she stood up from the table.
"I'll take you two I have to go out anyway" said Cooper following his sister. You got up too and said goodbye to their parents.
"Miss" said Cooper while holding open the car door for you. You laughed at him and Lane raised her brows teasing you. He drove you two to a full Boneyard, the bonfires were already lighted up and you were pretty sure half of the island was there. "Just call me when you want to go back home" said Cooper stopping the car "I’ll be with the guys"
You two nodded and got out of the car, Lane walked towards some people you didn't know, she introduced you to them and you started drinking right away, mixing up between the keg beer and some liquor they had. At your sixth beer, you started to feel funny, the alcohol already making effect on you. You were laughing your lungs out at something Sam, one of the guys, said and almost fall from the log you were now seated.
You looked around, unconsciously searching for the blue eyes you missed, you saw him in the distance and felt your heart thundering in your chest, he was just talking to some people but somehow he managed to look extremely hot while doing it. A cruel voice at the back of your head repeated his words "You are not part of the group anyway" it didnt hurt like before because you knew that it wasn't completely true, but it hurt you because that's how he felt about you.
You shook your head forcing yourself to think about something else and as you got into the conversation in front of you again you realized that they were talking about midsummer, you looked down at your beer remembering that night, and felt your stomach twist, you knocked back the rest of your beer and stood up "I'm going for a beer" you told Lane. 
"I'm going with you" she spoke and stood up. Suddenly you didn't felt funny anymore. You arrived at the beer and filled up your cups, you were mumbling stuff with Lane making your way back to the group when unfortunately a not-so-friendly face got in the middle. "Well hello girls” Rafe and Liam.
"What do you want?" You huffed rolling your eyes.
"Nothing we just ran into you two" Liam shrugs.
"And now we are going" Lane spoke as you two tried to walk away, but of course, they didn't let you go "So fast?" Rafe asked "I thought we were bonding"
"C'mon let's go drink something together, like old times" Liam wrapped his arm around your shoulders and Rafe did the same with Lane, forcing you two to go towards their group. Topper and Kelce we're the first’s ones to say hi. They didn't let go of the grip on your shoulders, making you stay there with them, you glanced at Lane, confused about what to do and she had the same look on her face.
Looking around you saw Sarah in the distance, which brought you an idea, carefully and with a smile on your face you reached for your phone in your pocket, Liam was too focused on the conversation happening in front of him to realize what you were doing. Quickly you texted Sarah for help and shoved your phone back in your pocket.
"Rafe what the fuck?" Sarah spoke seconds later, making the guy turn around. "Little sis" he smiled.
"Let them go" She demanded.
"We are just having fun" Liam said grabbing you tighter, but Sarah ignored him.
"You are drunk and high so if you don’t want me to call you out in front of dad let them go"
Rafe huffed and rolled his eyes "ok" he let go of Lane and looked at Liam, he let you go too "what a pain in the ass" he said referring to her sister, she showed him the middle finger and walked away with you two by her side.
"Thanks" you said.
"No problem" she smiled and just to keep the nightmare going, Rebecca catched up on you three. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" She asked as she got in front of you.
"What?" You asked confused.
"Stay away from Liam" she warned you.
"Don't worry he's all yours" you rolled your eyes.
"Exactly he's mine and he loves me so back off," she said and you laughed at her "what's so funny?"
"Nothing just that you are too into it for a summer fling"
"It's not a summer fling" she stated.
"Of course it is" you laughed again making her face turn red from anger.
"You are saying that just because you are jealous that he chose me," she said placing her hands on her hips.
"Aw honey he didn't tell you?" You teased.
"Tell me what?" She tried her best not to sound worried.
"That he's going away for college when the summer ends" you could tell by the look on her face that she didn't knew that "oh he didn't… well now you know" with a big smile on your face you walked away. Sarah and Lane chuckled "Oh they are so going to fight" said Sarah and Lane agreed with her laughing.
You walked with Sarah towards the Pogues and Lane went back to the others. They were seating on a log in front of a bonfire, your eyes went straight to JJ and you felt your heart skip a beat, he was seated on the sand with his head tilted back laughing at something.
"Hello there" you said as you got closer, JJ eyes widened when he looked at you.
"y/n!" John B and Pope greeted you.
"Come here girl" Kie patted the spot next to her.
You sat on the log and side hugged her, you did your best and made an effort not to look at the blond in front of you but you failed, JJ was now looking at the sand with a red cup in his hand, his words flew through your mind once again and just as if he knew you were thinking about him he looked up at you but you looked away.
JJ was caught out of guard by your presence, yeah he knew you were hanging out with his friends but he didn’t expect you to join them now that he was here too. Anyway, he wasn't going to let that ruin the night.  He looked up and locked with your eyes for a second before you looked away, he thought about the last time he was here with you, it felt like a lifetime ago, he sighs and took a sip of his beer shaking his head to keep those thoughts away.
The rest talked like nothing had ever happened and for your fortune, the beer never lacked; the conversation was fluent in between things you do together and things they did with JJ, it didn't feel awkward at least not until John B and Sarah stood up and walked away saying that they were going to talk to some of Sarah's friends, and Pope and Kie on the other hand, were seated together at the other end of the log mumbling stuff between each other. Your pulse speeds up, as you were hoping for this moment didn't arrive, you glanced up at JJ he was concentrated on the fire in front of him, you budged in the sand trying to get more comfortable and turned to look at the people having fun around you.
JJ took this opportunity to look at you, his eyes trailed all your figure and face and he cursed himself at the fact that here you were, after days of not seeing you, sitting in front of him and somehow you looked more beautiful than the last time he saw you. Deep down he wanted to mend things up, he wanted to do something about it because he knew he fucked up, he knew it was his fault you were so distant. His mind played him dirty as he remembered the last time you two were here, he felt your arms around his neck and his arms around your body, he shook his head and took a sip of his beer. He looked at you again, he hated the feeling in his stomach, he wanted to feel comfortable around you again but he didn't know how to or where to start.
"Long time no see" JJ speaks suddenly, surprising even himself.
You turned at him and doubted for a second if he was talking to you "yeah" you finally responded.
"How are you?" He asked.
"I'm fine, you?" You took your knees close to your chest.
"Fine" he said simply "I see that you guys had fun this couple of days" he didn't know what he was doing, he hated small talks.
"Yeah we did" you nodded, not knowing what to say.
You locked stares for the second time in the night, this time a little longer but you couldn’t keep it too much and looked away. He noticed the look in your eyes get sadder "I'm going for a beer" he stood up "do you want some?" You nodded as he walked away.
This was too awkward, even for him, JJ was stubborn and he wasn’t going to just apologize to you, yeah he said those stuff because he was angry, but that was him and everybody knew that, if he is angry he would act and say things not thinking about their consequences and so far nothing too bad had happened. He grabbed two cups and filled them up, thinking about what to do next, what he would say to you.
“Hey hey look who we got here” Rafe voice snapped him out of his thoughts, JJ looked up at him and saw Liam too, he rolled his eyes and sighs heavily not at all in the mood for this, JJ straighten his back and with the cups on his hand, he tried to walk pass through them, but of course Rafe didn’t let him, he grabbed JJ’s shoulder making him stop in front of him “we just want to talk” JJ stepped back, pulling his shoulder out of his grip.
“What do you want?” JJ blurted out “see I’m kind of occupied” he raised the cups so the two could see them, Rafe glanced at Liam but he didn’t talk.
“You truly are a Pogue” Liam said just as JJ was walking through them, making him stop “digging in the trash of a Kook to see if you can find something for yourself” JJ's jaw clenched and he felt the anger grow inside his chest as Rafe chuckled.
“Don’t fucking talk about me like if I couldn't beat the fuck out of you if I wanted” JJ growled, his face dangerously close to Liam.
“Oh but you didn’t hear Liam?” Rafe spoke making the two turn at him “I heard y/n is all over Cooper Miller, getting golf lessons and everything” JJ’s brows frowned for a second but Rafe saw it “what you didn’t know?” he teased.
“Oh yeah I heard, but I was kinda rooting for the Pogue right here” Liam spoke and palmed JJ’s shoulder “But it was obvious she was going to go for Cooper, you didn’t think she was going to choose you did you?” he asked now facing JJ but he didn’t answer knowing very well what would happen if they keep pushing him “you did, didn’t you? You really thought she would have chosen a miserable and dirty Pogue like you” JJ's jaw clenched again as a smirk covered Liam's face “don’t worry she’s a slut she will come back crawling to you, now be a good boy and go get me some beer” with this last words Liam hit one of JJ hands, flipping the cup and wetting his shirt making him go blind with fury.
You were still seated on the sand when you heard gasping and saw people jogging to get somewhere behind you, that made you curious and you turned around, your eyes widened when you saw Liam’s fist smack JJ’s cheek making him stumble, you stood up immediately and ran towards them, you pushed the people that had already gathered around to look at the scene, everything moved so fast that the next thing you could see with clarity was JJ pounding at Liam’s stomach, but he managed to punch at JJ in the face again and you saw the blood coming from his mouth, JJ’s fist flew and connected to Liam’s nose, the sight was horrible and blood was everywhere.
“Stop!" you squealed as loud as you could but none of the guys heard you, you looked around and saw Pope and Kie but they didn’t move and John B and Sarah were nowhere to be found, you thought about it one, two, three times and took a long breath, so when you saw the two guys stop hitting each other for a second you did it, you stepped in between the two, a hand in each other's chest “stop!” you screamed again looking in between them, Liam spits out blood and JJ’s eyes were blazing with fire. Pope and Kie took the opportunity to come towards JJ and grabbed him trying to stop the fight from continuing. You took your hand off their chests and turned to look at JJ, his eyes meted yours for a couple of seconds and you felt your heart hurt at his sight.
“Look at you” Liam started making you turn at him “can’t decide who to spread your legs too” your eyes widened as you felt the heat creeping up to your neck “are you doing Cooper in the morning and the Pogue in the nig…” you didn’t let him finish, your hand collided with his cheek loudly, felling itchy already, you looked at him in disbelief but his face was void from any feeling. You turned around and walked away from the circle of people, fighting back tears of anger.
“You ok?” you heard his voice behind you after a minute and stopped.
“Like if you even cared” you mumbled thinking he wouldn’t hear, but he did “I do” he replied “No you don’t JJ” you snapped back turning to look at him, a couple of tears falling down your cheeks, his eyes softened at the view of you "you made it clear how you feel about me remember?"
"I..." He started.
"I thought we were friends" you said.
"We were" he said "look I was having a bad day and I took it out on you I know that it wasn't fair"
"That it wasn't fair?" You asked sarcastically "you know how bad you made me feel?" You said "that every time I look at you all I can hear is you telling me that? You know how hurt I was?" You felt your cheeks get hot with embarrassment.
JJ felt his heart twist at your words "I'm sorry" he said softly, so softly that you thought you were imagining it "I know I fucked up"
Silence falls between you two “You should clean those cuts” was everything you could say, he nodded shoving his hands on his pockets he gave you a last look and you could see in his eyes he really mean it, he was sorry, he turned around and walked away. You let out a deep sigh and sobbed as your vision got blurry with tears, you saw Lane walking towards you and when she was close enough she gave you a little hug “let’s go home” she said.
JJ walked back to his friends, John B and Sarah were there too, he kept his eyes on the sand until Pope placed a hand on his shoulder. "Everything ok?" He asked JJ.
"I apologize to her" he almost whispered.
The four looked in between each other and decided not to talk about it. They followed the blond to the van and drove back home in complete silence. JJ played with the rings in his fingers feeling like total shit about how he made you feel, he didn't know that it would affect you that much so if he felt bad before now he felt ten times worst.
Cooper arrived in a couple of minutes, giving you some time to calm yourself, but thankfully he didn’t ask or say anything all the ride home, you assumed Lane told him what happened. The car stopped in front of your house, you hugged the two from the bag seat and thanked them. The second you stepped in your room you felt a little lighter, you were tired and a headache was killing you, you put on your pajamas, took a pill for the pain, and as soon as your head touched the pillow you fell asleep
I struggled a little writing this chapter and had a little block so I really hope you like it 💕 I know it's not the best.
Feedback is always appreciated 💗 thank you for reading.
Taglist: @victoria-a567 @indeedtryingforstraykids @slytherin-chaser @magicwithaknife @princessmugglecup @hannahhistorian92 @5am-cigarette @lovelogan @edgymuffin @brown-eyedshell @lcil123 @purple-vodka-99 @thecraziestcrayon @rafeyybabyy @canyoubuymetoast
Let me know if you want to be tagged 💕✨
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
Debt to Be Paid: I
Summary: Earth fears intergalactic war with another planet. The Avengers are called to work out negotiations on Zevitar, the planet of peace. What happens when they are reunited with their long lost team member?
Warnings: dark!Bucky x reader, mentions of non/dub-con, age gap (reader is of age) 
Notes: SHE’S HEREEEEEEE!!! Welcome to the first chapter of DTBP, the sequel to IOU!! If you’re new to this story make sure you check out IOU before you read this!! To all those who have read IOU... buckle up... Anyways enjoy!! Let me know what ya think! Please make sure to like, comment, reblog, inbox, and follow me for more! Enjoy :) 
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Throughout his lifetime Steve Rogers was exposed to many types of pain. Whether it was physical, mental, or emotional, Steve could handle just about anything life could throw at him. That was until he lost you. In all his years of fighting alongside the Avengers, having been responsible for the demise of half the world’s population, and the tons of toxic chemicals pumped into his body could never prepare him for the pain of losing a child. While there is no biological relation, Steve couldn’t help but mourn for the loss of his daughter.
When Sam and Tony had come to the island to end his vacation they were trying to keep quiet about the situation that occurred back home. It wasn’t until three hours into the flight back home that Tony finally cracked and told Steve what was up. Steve was in shock, his daughter fought and nearly killed his best friend? Impossible.
Needless to say, Steve Rogers was an emotional wreck once he got back to the compound. He saw the state of Bucky’s room, he saw where they kept you locked up, he saw the damage that had been done to Stephen and Wanda when you escaped. He saw parts of you that he never knew you held. How dark had you become since he left, he wondered on those late sleepless nights.
Steve didn’t speak for days. Instead, he spent them walking around the taped off ruins of his beloved compound. What was once a home for him and his family felt more like a cold, steel, jail cell. He was truly in hell without you.
The nights were filled with him lying awake in bed, eyes opened wide and darting to every corner of the room, praying that you would somehow walk out of the shadows and back to him. Instead of taking sleeping pills that Tony suggested to him, he would get up out of bed and start researching, questioning, and theorizing where it is that you could be.
After a few weeks and two overworked coffee machines later, Steve had created three possible theories about what could have happened to you:
Being an Avenger came with a handful of enemies.  
Almost everyone on the team had their own enemies. From empty threats to stalker incidences, no one on the team was really safe. Any form of social media was constantly monitored, every time they were in a car there was security two cars behind, the second an Avenger leaves the tower they have surveillance on them 99.9% of the time.
Still, that .1% haunts Steve. He knows that people have their ways when it comes to the innovation of technology. Perhaps there was someone out there that was too good with computers. They hacked you, stalked you, and threatened you not to tell anyone. Maybe it got so out of hand to the point where you ran away for the protection of yourself and for the others. Maybe you attacked Bucky to keep the secret hidden or you got so scared that attacking him was an accident.
    2.   Everyone has their demons… maybe you had kept yours hidden too well.
As days grew longer, so did Steve’s suspicions. He never thought bad things about you. In fact, Steve knew there wasn’t a bad bone in your body. So why did he keep thinking you were secretly an evil person?
He theorized that there could’ve been another side to who you were. The nice and sweet you was all an act and you were waiting for an opportunity to show your true self. Between him not being around anymore and you now having full access to technology and weapons only Avengers have access to, you took advantage of your new found status and got carried away. Bucky found out and tried to put a stop to you and that’s how he ended up getting attacked. You broke out before you could face any consequences.
Steve shook his head at this theory. He knew you like he knew the layout of his old 40’s apartment. You’re not a bad person and never once have you said you hated someone. You never said you even hated Bucky, just upset that he didn’t seem to like you as much as the others did.
  3.  Being apart from Steve sent you towards a downwards spiral… basically it was all Steve’s fault that you’re gone.
This theory made a whole lot of sense, and none of it at the same time. Yes, everyone could confirm that you really missed Steve. You missed training with him and hanging out with him. You missed his presence around the compound as well. Something about Steve just made your days way better than when he wasn’t at the compound at all.
What didn’t make sense to anybody was why would you attack someone over this? Sure, you missed Steve, but nobody thought you missed him so much to the point of nearly killing someone. Bucky did give you a hard time, but as far as the Avengers knew it was just some name calling you didn’t appreciate.
Everyone recounted their last few days with you at the compound. You seemed okay, nothing out of the usual for you. However, Peter did speak up saying you seemed a bit jumpier and a little bit down and out than usual. Again, it chalked up to you missing Steve really bad. Then there was the matter of Stephen and Wanda.
They were your last victims before you escaped. The pair had gone through extensive questioning. However, they both had the same story. Wanda and Strange had tried to calm you down, but things got out of hand and you ended up lashing out at them.
Steve hit a brick wall at this point. How could no one know what happened to you? He tried hacking into security cameras from that day, but he was met with a disappointing glare from Tony and a handful of security to escort him out of the room meant for their investigation.
What was there even to investigate? You were gone and as far as anybody knew, there was no trace of you in New York, the United States, and pretty much any other country that agents were sent out to look for you. Steve guessed they only continued because Bucky needed to get some sort of justice or closure, but he swears that he was attacked for no reason. Everyone knew about their slight tension, but thought it wouldn’t go as far as leaving Bucky hospitalized.
Bucky kept quiet after Steve came back. Truth be told, he feared what his friend might do to him if the truth got out. He made sure to delete any evidence he could off his computer of you. When he visited you those last days, he managed to fuck up something in the control room that cut off the audio of him talking. No one had called him in to question his meeting with you, and Bucky was relieved because he needed more time to come up with the perfect excuse.
Now all he had to do was get rid of Wanda and Stephen, or get them off his back. He knows that they must know something. Tensions around the compound have been high around the three of them. The pair had been cold towards him after the attack, only going so far as signing a ‘Get Well Soon’ card and pitching in a few dollars for a thing of flowers, but that was all.
Wanda and Strange wasted no time after their questioning was over. They got right to work trying to compile all the evidence they could to expose Bucky. Unfortunately, it was proving to be more difficult than expected.
Bucky’s room had been blocked off by agents. He had to change rooms until the investigation was cleared. Everything in the room remained untouched, but no Avengers, besides Tony, had access to the room.
Strange and Wanda even went in from another angle and enlisted Peter to help find that security footage, but so far everything was blocked off to them. It seemed like there was one dead end after another. If the pair weren’t fast in their findings, they might never get justice for you. Even if you were long gone, Bucky shouldn’t get away with what he did.
No matter what, the pair of Avengers new they needed to finish the job you attempted to start… and Stephen Strange and Wanda Maximoff will be damned if justice wasn’t served.
You emptied your stomach of breakfast later in the day. Same as yesterday, the day before that, and the day before that… something’s got to be up?
Maybe it was nerves? That could explain a lot seeing as the nightmares weren’t letting up anytime soon.
Seeing images of Bucky Barnes every time you close your eyes led to a lot of sleepless nights. It led to much more than sleepless nights, but you tried your best to listen to Carol’s advice and put the past behind you. Sadly, it would take a lot more than blocking that vile man from your thoughts.
Carol saw how you were feeling sick everyday. She also tried to put the worst out of her head, but curiosity piqued. It was important for her to tell you, but it was also important that you found out now before you were back on your home planet alone and scared.
When she first suggested that you may be pregnant, you laughed in her face, then you cried, then were angry, then depressed. There was no possible way, right? You remembered to take your birth control every night, right?
Okay, now you were freaking out. There was one night you might’ve forgot to take it, and that time spent in your jail cell, and maybe one or twice while on a mission.
Now you were panicking.
You forgot some days to take birth control, you were off it for a couple of days too. Bucky was relentless. The possibilities were leading towards confirmation. Every sign of pregnancy pointed to yes.
You tried to deny it for a week, but as you looked at the remnants of today’s breakfast being flushed down the toilet again you collected yourself and came towards acceptance. Coming out of the bathroom, Carol was right there with a quirked brow. She was about to say something, but you opened your mouth first.
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
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Bucky Barnes x short!civillian!fem!reader
author’s note || thank you for the request, babes! @kpopgirlbtssvt​ I love the idea of them surprising each other and the team just goes with it! I’m sorry I didn’t get it in sooner, the tags weren’t working. I really hope that the tags work for this but honestly, I’m still gonna post it anyways. I’m really annoyed with Tumblr rn lmao.
warnings || none, fluff
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Natasha flopped herself on the couch, wedging herself between Rhodey and Thor. She closed her eyes in exhaustion, her breathing was steady. She could almost fall asleep right there on the couch. You and Bucky had all of them beat, making them run around and get things for the other for a celebration.
“Those two are such idiots, I swear.” Thor opened an eye and looked over at Natasha, her eyes were still closed and a sigh escaped her lips. 
“They’re idiots in love.” Rhodey just groaned next to Natasha, his limbs and body completely exhausted. He had to use the war machine suit four times because you forgot to get a few things for the surprise. 
“I wonder if they know.” Thor’s hand went to rub his face, his thick fingers wrapping around his cheeks. Natasha opened her eyes, watching the fan spin around the room over and over.
“I seriously doubt it. They’re too wrapped up in their own surprises.” Rhodey nodded, agreeing with Natasha as he just sighed. Maybe, before you came back with more tasks for them to do, he could take a little nap. Just a small one, maybe thirty minutes maximum. 
“What time is it?” Thor shrugged, watching as Natasha stared at her phone screen. “5:32.” They were all silent for just a second, sweet relaxation taking over their burnt-out bodies. That is until Natasha’s eyes practically popped out of her skull. 
“Oh my god, 5:32!” The three of them launched themselves off the couch and ran towards the elevator, frantically pushing the button. They raced down the stairs since the elevator was taking too long, Thor’s mind was rushing with fear at what Bucky would do if they were late that he didn’t even think about using Mjolnir. 
A sigh of relief exits them as you and Bucky walk in hand in hand, bright grins on your face. The surprise had yet started. A smile reached onto Natasha’s face, the two of you had unknowingly planned two surprises on the same day. Sure, Bucky’s birthday wasn’t until next week but you were going to be on a mission. So, you wanted to celebrate with everyone a little earlier.
Bucky, on the other hand, had been planning a proposal. He’s had that little box in his pocket for about a year now, carrying it everywhere he went in case he got the urge to just propose right then and there. He almost did a couple of times, especially following up to the actual surprise. You had made him some homemade soup and cuddled him while he had a cold, his heart swooned and all he wanted to do was get on one knee.
Although, he figured he’s just wait considered that a coughing fit and snot running down his nose as he asks the big question wouldn’t be the prettiest sight to see. 
Bucky squeezes your hand, the two of you walk right into the main entryway. A gasp escapes your lips as your eyes trail around the room. There were a bunch of flower petals that made a pathway onto the floor, it consisted of many different types and colors from pink, red, orange, white, and purple. There were bright, golden lanterns hanging from the tall ceiling, tangling where each Avenger stood. 
They all had a rose in their hand and a little piece of paper. You walk up to Thor, taking the rose and the card. You laughed at his features, he had always been like a brother to you so there was no surprise that he was a sobbing mess at the moment.
You take the card, swiping a thumb over it as you read it aloud. “I realized I was in love with you when we were out on a picnic.” Your head whips towards Bucky and you were about to pounce onto him in a hug until he made you move in front of Sam. 
You take the card and rose out of his hand. “I love it when you braid flowers into my hair.” Your eyes lock towards his a loving smile caressing your face. You move to the next person, which was Natasha. 
You take the card again, a bubbly laugh leaving your lips. “I love it when you make fun of Sam with me.” Natasha squeezed your hand and she gives you a knowing look. The next person was Tony, handing you the flower and the card as well. 
“I love it when you place me into your lap, singing songs to me after a nightmare.” Bucky presses a quick kiss on your knuckles, relishing in the sweet smell if you. You eventually reach the end of the line, Steve at the very center of them all with two roses and a single card. He couldn’t help but grin at you, teeth pearly white and all.
“I realized a long time ago that I never wanted to spend my life with anyone but you. I realized that I want to marry you.” A gasp escapes your lips and you immediately whip yourself around. A sob escapes your throat as you see Bucky sitting down on one knee, that certain little box in his hands.
He opened the box, showing a beautiful diamond ring in full. A nervous laugh escapes him, his hands were visibly shaking the box so much that you could barely inspect it. You were about to open your mouth until he beat you to it.
“I-I had this whole speech planned out but see you here, breathtaking as ever it seems that it completely left me.” You giggle, the sound being drowned out a little bit with the happy sobs that were raking through your body. He grabs your hand and squeezes it tightly.
“I have never loved quite like this. I’ve never felt a fire ignite inside me when I’m around you. I’ve never wanted to settle down, not really. I always liked the freedom of parading around and going about how I wished but then, I saw you and I never wanted to leave again. You’ve helped me through my nightmares, you’ve never seen me as the monster I am. You’ve always seen the best in me, even when I didn’t deserve it. Y/n, you are the love of my life. You make me happy on the saddest days, you make me angry and irritated when we fight, you make me soar when you cuddle next to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. So, will you marry me?”
Before he could react, you jumped on top of him. He chuckled as he felt your tight arms around him and kept shouting yes in his ear. He pressed a kiss right on your temple and detached the hug, placing the ring onto your finger.
Then you realized that nobody was around you, just you and Bucky. A smirk dances on your features as you realized where they all were. Bucky, however, was completely obvious and very confused.
“Where the fuck-” You didn’t even let him finish as you yanked his arm and dragged him down the hall. A string of confused protests escaped his mouth until the two of you stopped in front of the common room for all of the team to sit.
They all jump out of their hiding spaces and yell, “Happy Birthday!” There were banners everywhere and confetti that crowded around the room. Little string lights were placed on the ceiling, illuminating the area. Bucky gasps and turns towards you, a bright smile on his face. 
“Oh my god, we’re so stupid.” You laughed, “Stupidly in love.” Bucky wrapped an arm around your waist and leaning down to give you a peck on his lips. “Damn right, doll.”
Permanent Taglist: @hailmary-yramliah @kitkatd7 @captainchrisstan @angstysebfan
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katehuntington · 4 years
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Title: All I Want - part three Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester (Bobby Singer, Castiel Mary Winchester and many more mentioned) Pairing: Dean x Reader Series summary: Sam and Dean come across an object that could be the solution to Michael. The Pearl of Baozhu grants the beholder’s deepest desire. Once Dean focuses on his wish, the archangel remains caged in his mind however. Instead his former girlfriend Y/N shows up, who was killed in 2010 in Detroit, by no other than Lucifer himself. Summary part three: Still in shock after Y/N’s unexpected return, the Winchesters fill her in on what has happened in the past ten years. Learning about all the ones they have lost, is a little too much for her to take in. Warnings part three: NSFW, 18+ only. Spoilers season 14 episode 13. Angst, fluff. Swearing, alcoholism. Descriptions of flashbacks and memories. Mentions of character death, time in Hell, torture and nightmares. Anxiety, grieving over lost loved one. Confusion that comes with time travel. Word Count: 5377 words Author’s note: Part three of a multi part miniseries, based on the 300th episode “Lebanon”. Beta’d by the lovely @kittenofdoomage​, @winchest09​, @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish​, and @thinkwritexpress-official​​. Thank you all so much for your feedback!
All I Want Masterlist
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     “So, long story short,” Y/N summarizes, “Sam jumped into the pit with Lucifer riding piggyback, Cas pulled him out but forgot his soul. There was a civil war in Heaven. Cas declared himself God and released the Leviathan and when those ugly suckers were defeated, our angel buddy and you--” she nods at Dean, “- got sucked into Purgatory, which is a place that actually exists, apparently.”
     They are in the kitchen, seated at the four-person table. The hunters raided the liquor cabinet, all in need of a drink after the rather unexpected and staggering turn of events.      Y/N takes a shot of whiskey and puts the tumbler down on the varnished wood with a bang, shoving it across and motioning the older Winchester for a refill.
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     “Meanwhile, Sam hit a dog and you escaped Purgatory, but Cas didn’t. Then there was this whole deal with the tablets and the trials, which almost killed your brother. You let an angel - who actually turned out to be a different angel - possess Sam in order to save him. There’s a second civil war upstairs…” She knocks back her head, downing the glass in one go. “I mean, what is it with those halo idiots? Haven’t they learned anything from watching humanity slaughter each other for centuries?”      “Y/N, I know this is a lot, but you need to slow down a bit,” Dean advises, but she snatches the bottle from his hand and pours herself another.      “I’m nowhere near done. Where was I?” She looks up at the ceiling of the kitchen for a second while thinking, until it comes to her. “Oh, right! The angels fell, you took on the Mark of Cain, beat that Knight of Hell chick Abaddon, then got yourself killed. Again. But, oh wait, it gets better! You woke up a demon and had a fun summer with Crowley.”      Her voice pitches a little higher, a hint of panic audible now. Dean watches her process the information which is so clearly overwhelming her and eyes Sam, who is fixing her something quick to eat behind the kitchen counter. Their gazes lock on each other, both men wondering in silence if telling her the whole truth was a good idea.
     “Sam cured you, but you still carried the Mark. You killed Death.” She laughs, cynically. “I mean, c’mon! Death! It’s ironic to say the least. Anyway, the Darkness was released, which - I kid you not - is God’s sister. Oh, and God? Turns out that horrible tween girl novel writer Chuck is actually the almighty creator! Ha!”      “Why don’t you eat something? You’re probably hungry,” Sam suggests, putting down a plate in front of her.      But Y/N isn’t interested in the sandwich and instead picks up her crystal glass again, having another royal amount of the brown liquor. Holding the tumbler to her lips while letting the whiskey linger in her mouth, she points her index finger at the younger Winchester now, who sits down opposite of the woman from their past.
     “Your mom is back from the dead, the British Men of Letters turned out to be stuck up dicks. Lucifer was sprung from the cage, became President of the United States, and knocked up an intern. He had a son, his name is Jack. How am I doing so far?” she rants, setting down the empty glass in front of her.      Dean looks at her, a worried frown drawing lines on his forehead. He knows her well enough to sense she needs to blow off steam. Interrupting her might not be his best move, but that doesn’t stop him from growing concerned about her current state of mind.
     “There was a rift between our world and this - this Apocalypse world, you called it? And Mary and Lucifer ended up on the wrong side before it closed. Luci killed Cas, Dean was sad, Cas came back. You guys went on a rescue mission, Sam got killed. Again!” She sighs deeply, burying her face in her crossed arms on the table. “Seriously, the amount of times you two have died is giving me a fucking headache.”      “Yeah, sorry about that,” Sam says, shooting her a sheepish smile before she continues.
     “So Apocalypse!Michael possessed you in order to kill the Devil once and for all.” She looks up again, focusing on Dean. “But he didn’t check out like he promised - shocker, by the way. He wreaked havoc here, then out of the blue let you go. And now you guys live here in this Men of Letters bunker with a Nephilim, an angel and your undead mother.”      “That’s about right,” Dean confirms.      Y/N lets a breath slip from her lips and stares past him absently, the gears in her head still on overdrive.      “I need another drink,” she eventually mutters, not even bothering filling up her tumbler, but taking a swig directly from the bottle.      When she sets it back on the table top and lets her fingers slip from the glass, Sam is quick to get up and take the bottle back to the kitchen, putting it away in one of the cabinets; she has had enough for one day.      “And I died…”
     The younger Winchester turns around and leans over the counter while observing his friend, his knuckles white on the surface. He studies the breadcrumbs that litter the stainless steel surface after he cut her sandwich in two, having difficulty addressing that topic. When Lucifer flung her into that wall with such magnitude that it killed her instantly, Dean lost the woman he loved, but Sam lost his best friend. He didn’t realize how he felt about her demise until after he got his soul back, which somehow made it even worse. Like he didn’t do her justice, didn’t mourn like he should have. He doesn’t have to reply to her words, though, because Dean beats him to it.      “On May 10, 2010,” he states, averting his gaze and focusing on his folded hands in front of him, still wrapped around his own whiskey glass.      The date is forever etched in his memory. Her mirage haunts him on a regular basis, but on the 10th of May she’s all he can think about, like a fog that refuses to lift at daybreak. It’s one of the hardest days to get through, the day that he misses her the most. Dean’s jaw flexes and he tries to swallow down the pressure that’s gradually building in his chest.
     “That’s - that’s in a year and a half,” Y/N stammers, after quick calculation. “At least in whatever time I’m from.”      “Yeah, just before the big title fight between the Archangels,” Sam confirms.      Y/N glances up at him, then back at Dean, who still can’t force himself to look at her.      “Who killed me?”      “Lucifer,” Dean recalls, venom in his voice.      Her brow lifts up at the reveal. She was killed by the Devil himself? Well, at least that would make a cool inscription on her tombstone.      “You guys salted and burned me, right?” she double checks, even though she cannot imagine the Winchesters giving her anything but a hunter’s farewell.      Dean pulls at his lip with his teeth, the memory of the burning pyre flashing before his eyes. He remembers it as if it was yesterday. The funeral that made sure her death would be irreversible, permanent. The sight of her body set alight. In order to stop the Apocalypse from happening, he lost his brother and his girl. Sam was suffering endless and horrific torture in the pits of Hell while she was going up in flames before his eyes. God, he was a mess. His brother came home, but looking back now, deep down Dean knows he never really recovered from losing the woman who will forever have his heart.      “I did,” he confirms.      I did, he said. All of a sudden, Y/N realizes Sam was gone too at this point; Dean didn’t even have his brother to lean on. Pitiful she watches the hunter, who has endured so much already. He lost the two most important people in his life in a day’s time.      “Then… how am I back?” she wonders. “You said something about summoning me?”      “We found a magical artifact called the Pearl of Baozhu. It grants your biggest wish, basically,” Sam begins to explain. “Apparently, it’s so powerful it doesn’t need remains to resurrect someone.”      “And I am your biggest wish?” She chuckles. “What? Not winning the lottery? Peace on Earth?”      A small smirk pulls at the corner of Dean’s mouth; oh, he missed her wit.      “No, it’s you,” he states after a moment of quiet, finally meeting her gaze.
     Astonishment silences her as she stares at him, the pain of having to go through life without her still evident in his eyes. He looks so much wearier than she remembers the tough hunter, the soldier who always marched on and kept grinding. Even after he came back from Hell, the experience that tore open wounds which bled even worse than those inflicted the night the hellhounds took him. Honestly, there were plenty of times she thought he would never recover, whenever he woke up screaming from another nightmare and she had to hold him until he calmed. And yet, he didn’t seem as burdened as he does now, and that is saying something. It’s as if time broke him down bit by bit as he grew older, until there was nothing left but a ruin. 
     Dean said it’s 2019, which means he’s forty years old now. His frown lines lay deeper, so do the crow’s feet by the corner of his eyes. There’s a scar on his chin that wasn’t there before, covered by his stubble. His hair is a little longer, but only by a quarter of an inch. Age has not done a number on him, because he’s still handsome, but trauma and loss surely have. Knowing that her own death had a substantial part in the neverending sorrow and guilt she knows the hunter carries breaks her heart, because if anything, she would never want to cause him such agony.
     “We were together,” she says, ending the silence. 
     It’s more a realization than it is a question, but Dean nods either way. Her jaw lowers slightly, her mouth opening, but she has no idea what to say. She was frightened when she heard she was on a collision course with death. But now she’s made aware that her future self and Dean are going to face evil as one hell of a power couple, that fear diminishes. She was a teenager when she first started developing feelings for the oldest Winchester brother. She never acted on it, the hunter’s life always getting in the way of their romance. But somehow, despite destiny, despite the horror show that is their reality, they found their way to each other. 
     Seeing just how much her departure wrecked him, she reaches out, moving her hand across the table to take his. She squeezes softly, running her thumb over his skin, rough from the many fights he’s faced. He visibly relaxes, cherishing the moment he never thought he’d have again.      Y/N forces herself to avert her eyes, aware they aren’t alone. She glances at Sam, who watches the two, smiling, but his content expression dissolves when she inadvertently turns the conversation in a harrowing direction.      “What about the others? How’s Bobby?” she wonders, oblivious to the painful reply that is to come.
     Dean’s face falls, closing his eyes in apprehension. Shit, he wishes he didn’t have to break the bad news to her. Bobby Singer was like a father to all of them, but Y/N spent the majority of her childhood under his wing. After her parents died, he took her in and raised her as his own, made sure she could go to school, that she could be a kid. Hell, he was her father, maybe not genetically, but he was the wise man who taught them that family doesn’t end in blood.
     Sam stares back at her, then swallows thickly, letting his head hang. Analyzing his stance, the smile on her lips dies down, frantically searching for an indication that says it isn’t so. When the tall hunter is unable to return her gaze, she fixates on Dean, tears already glazing over her eyes.      “Y/N...” He takes her hand in his now, trying to sooth her and cushion the blow, but he knows there’s nothing he can do that would take the pain away that is about to hit her like a freight train.      “No...” She shakes her head, unable to accept it. “No no no no...”      “I’m so sorry,” he says softly, his heart breaking as he breaks hers. 
     Her bottom lip begins to tremble, her face contorting as she fights the emotions that quickly overpower her. Shimmering pathways of anguish find their way down her cheeks, eventually falling to land on the wooden surface. Y/N wipes her cheeks dry, but it’s no use, new tears forming faster than she can erase. And so she brings her free hand up to cover her mouth, holding back a sob.      “W-when?” she stammers, her voice shaking. “How?”      “In 2012. He... he was shot,” Dean explains, trying to get the words across as gingerly as possible.
     She shuts her eyes now, her throat closing up and she bites her bottom lip, trying her hardest not to break down in front of the boys. She has so many questions of which the answers terrify her.      “Did he die alone?”      She barely dares to look up again, meeting Sam’s gaze this time. He shakes his head, offering her a comforting smile.      “No, we were right there with him,” he assures.      “He’s in Heaven,” Dean consoles, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the back of her hand. “Cas double checked.”
     Y/N nods slightly, sniffling as she digests the news. Knowing that he’s in a good place right now doesn’t stop the grief from tearing her apart, because she has no idea how to go through life without her mentor to council her, but at least he’s not suffering anymore. A shuddering breath escapes from her lungs as she collects herself.      “What killed him, is it--”      “- dead. Yeah, we made sure of that,” Dean guarantees.      “Good,” she says, her voice having gained some strength. “What about Rufus? Ellen & Jo?”      Sam sighs and looks down, painfully confronted with how many people they’ve lost over the years.      “They’re all gone,” he states, still leaning heavily on the countertop.      Shocked, Y/N stares at him, unable to believe how many have perished.      “So, of the original crew, you two are really the last ones standing, huh?”      “Yeah, I guess we are,” the younger brother confirms. “But we met some great people along the way, I’m sure they’ll be excited to meet you. We’re not fighting the good fight alone, by any means.”      “Glad to hear that. Just, not today? I’m not sure how much more I can take,” she almost pleads, her voice raspy from crying.
     Dean watches her closely, guilt constricting in his gut. Unknowingly, he has pulled her from a time where things weren’t all that bad. If she’s from October 2008, he has just returned from Hell. Bobby was alive, Sam was okay, so were the other people she considered family. They were growing closer, on the verge of giving in to the attraction they felt for each other. But now it’s just the three of them and a ten year gap between her lifetime and theirs. She must be feeling completely out of place, disorientated, exhausted.      “Why don’t we go pick out a room for you, so you can lay down for a bit?” Dean offers, squeezing her hand gently to get her attention.      She agrees and gets up from her seat without another word, mentally too tired to argue. The alcohol is coursing through her system, and although she doesn’t feel highly intoxicated, combined with the range of emotions she just went through, it’s doing a number on her. Honestly, she’s down for a nap, preferably one that lasts a day or two.      Dean lets her go up the two steps first, ready to catch her might her coordination fail her after all. He glances over his shoulder at his brother, who picks up the untouched sandwich and carries the plate to the sink.      “Go ahead, I’ll clean up,” Sam offers.      Thankful, the older Winchester forces a small smile before he leaves the kitchen. 
     Quietly, Y/N follows the broad shouldered hunter who leads the way, her arms crossed in front of her chest, the coolness from the stone walls chasing chills up and down her spine. It’s not just the cold, though, it’s everything. Too much information to process, too much heartbreak to endure. Her brain is overloaded, fatigue hitting her like a ton of bricks.      She watches Dean turn the corner and stroll into a long hallway with doors on either side, gold plated numbers below the Men Of Letters emblem. They stop in front of room 12.      “You can take this one,” he suggests, opening the door for her and flicking on the lights. “I’m right next door if you need anything. Sam’s in room 21.”
     Y/N steps inside, taking in her new accommodation. Despite the use of mostly brick and concrete and the lack of windows, the glow coming from the ceiling light and the lamp on the nightstand feels warm and welcoming. A large mahogany bed is situated against the far end, a matching desk on the left with an old typewriter and a radio sitting on top. Directly behind the door there’s a sink and a medicine cabinet with a mirror on the lid, and a wardrobe next to it.      “We can put a rug on the floor, if you want. I remember how you always had cold feet,” Dean suggests.      She turns in the middle of the room, a small smile on her lips; he’s not wrong.      “I’d like that,” she says, grateful.
     A little uneasy she lets her gaze linger over the still empty cabinets and bookshelves again, feeling foreign in this future that didn’t include her, before Dean wished she was. She realizes there’s nothing to fill them with, no clothes, no books, no picture frames.      “Could I maybe borrow a shirt and some sweats from you? I’m gonna have to buy some new clothes later today,” she asks, a little flustered.      “Sure, but actually, uh…” He rubs the back of his neck, the way he always does when he’s nervous. “I never threw away your stuff. It’s been in boxes in the storage room, so your clothes are probably gonna need to be washed--”      “- Wait, you… you saved my stuff?”
     She stares at him in awe. It’s been almost ten years since she died, and he still held on to all that she owned. Sure, it wasn’t much, since they were on the road most of the time, but still. They didn’t find this bunker until a couple of years later, which means Dean had stored it in a locker somewhere, or maybe at Bobby’s, and picked it up again when they found a permanent home. He had moved her things around for almost a decade, yet never threw them out, even though he knew there was no purpose left for the items that once belonged to her. Just painful reminders of what was and what was lost.      “Yeah, I - I couldn’t really bring myself to throw it out,” he claims, as if he was dodging a task that should have been done long ago.      He isn’t lying. Even though he knew she was never going to return to him, that her life was lost and his love was hopeless, he kept everything she held dear. Her books, her mixtapes, her photos, her jewelry. The clothes she wore, the guitar she played. The stack of coasters she collected, picking one up at every bar they ever had a drink at, from every town they ever crossed. The old school Polaroid camera she brought everywhere, snapping pictures of everything that caught her eye along the way. Sunsets, funny road signs, captivating landscapes, interesting people. There are a few of him, of the Winchesters together, some more portraying the three of them, all squeezed into the shot. She even caught Bobby on camera, ignoring his grumpy mutters when she had fulfilled her seemingly impossible mission.      There’s the music box she got from her mother when she was little, her parents’ wedding album. Lore books, weapons and crystals that Bobby gave her when she first started hunting. The enchanted good luck charm Dean gave her for her birthday. He held on to it all, because he couldn’t bear the thought of having to let her go completely.
     Sympathetically, Y/N observes him. His tough exterior only lets a hint of embarrassment over something so sentimental seep through. But she knows him, she has seen the knight without his armor. She knows how badly he’s hurting.      “Anyway, I’ll - uh, get you some clean clothes and dig up your stuff from storage.” He points his thumb over his shoulder a little awkwardly, excusing himself.      She nods. “Thanks.”
     With a faint smile on his lips he disappears, leaving the door ajar. Y/N breathes in deeply and allows the air to flow out, trying to calm herself down. It’s her first moment alone since she found herself in the year of 2019 and she cannot begin to comprehend what is happening to her. How she time-jumped a decade into the future, having history with Dean she cannot even recall. It feels like she’s in a bad daytime television show, where one of the characters has hit her head too hard and suffers from amnesia, not remembering her lover.      Rubbing her forehead she turns around, trying to massage away the headache. Her eyes glide through her new bedroom again. This is going to be her home now. After moving out of Bobby’s place, she never really had that kind of stability. The closest she came to a roof over her head was her minivan, her little house on wheels. 
     Fingertips grace the covers of her bed, the material soft under her touch, when she hears Dean’s boots echo in the hall. She turns around as he comes through the doorway, holding two boxes with a bundle of clothes laying on top of the stack in his arms. He lowers the neatly taped carton containers to the ground, her name written on them with black marker. Dean made sure to file on the label what’s inside them.      “There’s one more box, your clothes are in that one. I can put them in the washer now, so you’ll have something better to wear than my oversized stuff,” he offers.      “You don’t have to do that, Dean,” she objects, but he shrugs it off.      “It’s no problem.”      His voice is kind, but he’s not taking ‘no’ for an answer. It’s the first time he has moved her belongings without having to fight the tears, without having to pause in order to stop himself from breaking down. He wants to make sure she has something clean and fresh to wear when she wakes up later, finally being able to take care of her again. 
     Dean turns the corner and heads to the storage room, his heart finally calming with the simplicity of being able to do something as domestic as washing her clothes. After picking up the last big box, he exits the storage and pulls the door shut behind him, making his way to the dorm where the washers and dryers are situated. He sets the box down in front of one of the machines, pulls his pocket knife from his belt and cuts through the duct tape. The first item he pulls out, however, steals his breath; it’s the leather jacket she wore that night in Detroit.      Two days after they lost her, Dean wrapped her in linen before he laid her down on the pyre he and Bobby built, her lifeless body still in the jeans and band shirt she had on when she was killed. He took off her favorite black leather jacket, though, wanting to preserve it, even though it was a part of Y/N - or maybe because it was. Traces of faded crimson still stain the collar. Dean shakes his head, trying to ban the image from his mind. The image of the blood running from her nose and mouth as she hung from his arms, dead weight, the spark of life in her eyes long gone.
     After a deep breath, the hunter collects himself and lays the leather jacket aside, then begins to carefully pick out some of her clothes. He makes a selection that fits in the drum, adds a laundry pod and turns the machine on. He hopes the old thing does a better job at washing away the memory of her death than he’s doing.
     When he enters Y/N’s room again, she has changed into the black shirt and grey sweatpants he offered her. She spins when she hears him, an amused grin adorning her face.      “Nice socks,” she chuckles, showing off her novelty footwear with burgers and milkshakes on them.      “Shut up. Sammy gave them to me for Christmas,” he utters, a blush on his cheeks. “Your stuff’s in the washer.”      “Thank you,” she returns, grateful.
     A silence followers as Dean lingers in the doorway. This would be the moment to give her some space and retreat to his room, but somehow he can’t make himself step outside. He has spent too much time without her by his side already, he doesn’t want to waste a second not being with the woman he’s still unmistakingly in love with. She’s his girl, afterall. But that’s where it gets confusing, because he’s not sure how she feels about all this. Y/N was zapped from a time where they weren’t in a relationship yet, so where do they stand in this messed up mayhem?      “Y/N, about that kiss earlier…” he starts off hesitant. “I, uh - I didn’t know you were from a place where we weren’t… y’know, together.”
     The smile on her lips dies down as she watches the hunter, skilled in the field when fighting evil, but now stumbling over his own words. It’s only now that she realizes how surreal this must be for him. His mind probably has archives full of memories she has no clue of, simply because in her time, they didn’t happen yet.      “What I’m trying to say is…” Dean takes a breath, trying to get his message across. “If I came on too strong, or made you feel uncomfortable in any way, I’m sorry.”      He glances up now, watching how she slowly approaches. Gently, she takes his hand in hers, their fingers entwining. After studying their hold for a few seconds, she tilts her head and restores eye contact. The look she gives him is so warm and kind, it mends the broken man that he is.      “I’m not,” she responds, her voice soft.
     She leans in, tiptoeing, and presses her soft lips against his. For a good moment all his grief, the endless regret, the physical pain that became chronic, is forgotten. He closes his eyes and melts into the touch, returning the kiss without hesitation. The voices in his head are silenced, his anxiety calmed. After eight years, eight months and twenty eight days, he has found his missing piece. If her departure from his world didn’t make him realize how much he loves her, this moment surely does.
     The kiss lasts a few heavenly long seconds, but then Dean parts from her, resting his forehead against hers. He sighs deeply, the air leaving him with a shudder. Still high on the ecstasy that the undeniable connection induced, she opens her eyes, but his remain closed. Wondering why, Y/N squeezes his hand. When he does look back at her, the tears bring out his green irises, like holding an emerald gem against the light. Compassionate, she cups his face, tracing the lines of his jaw.      “You really missed me, didn’t you?” she perceives.      He huffs; she’s putting it mildly.      “You have no idea,” he breathes.
     Y/N does, though. Last thing she remembers is how Dean just returned from Hell. In the four months that he was gone, she was completely at a loss. Wildflowers blossomed on his grave from her tears alone. Knowing he was enduring unimaginable torment only made it worse. But when he returned and she was able to close him in her arms again, it magnified everything she had ever felt for the man who went to Hell and back. The rollercoaster he’s riding now is one she’s been on herself, but she doesn’t tell him that; it’s not about her right now.
     She kisses him again, shorter and more sweetly now, smiling at him afterwards until he returns her expression. His eyes are still shimmering, but it’s not sorrow she finds in the depth of his pupils, not anymore. It’s gratefulness, appreciation, love, for her, the girl he lost so many years ago.      “You should get some sleep. You had one hell of a morning,” he says after a quiet moment, unable to look away.      She scoffs. “Understatement of the week.”      He nods grinning, admitting she’s probably right.      “I’ll leave you to it.”      Dean is about to let go of her hand, when her grip on him grows a little stronger, causing him to glance up at her, questioning.      “Could you…” she pauses, not sure if she’s asking too much. “Could you lay with me, just for a while?”      He reads her carefully, pained to see the hint of fear; she doesn’t want to be alone.      “Sure,” he agrees, the single word soothing her.
     Y/N allows his hand to slip from hers now and circles the bed, folding back the covers as Dean sits down to take off his shoes. When he leans back into the pillow, his upper body still slightly elevated against the headboard, tiredness overwhelms him. He hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in forever, Michael always waiting in the shadows when he dares to close his eyes. But when Y/N crawls into his chest, filling the vacant place that has been cold for so long, he sighs content, letting the worry fall from his shoulders. Who knows, maybe with her by his side, he might actually be able to rest.
     She pulls the sheets to cover the both of them, feeling Dean’s sheltering arm wrap around her and pull her in. The kiss he presses to her hair has her bite back the tears yet again. She tries to hide it, not wanting to come across as weak or emotional. The man who has always cared for her, doesn’t fail to notice, though.      “Hey…” he says, softly. “You had a lot on your plate today, huh?”      She sniffles and nods, not brave enough to test her voice.      “It’s gonna be okay, we’ll figure this out,” he promises. “You got me, Y/N.”      “Yeah…” she whispers. “I got you.”
     Dean holds her close, giving her the security and the comfort she is desperately seeking, hoping she might forget about the world she’s in now and the one she was ripped from. Absently, he rubs his fingers up and down her arm, the slow, soothing rhythm lulling her to sleep. Within minutes she’s out, the warmth she radiates slowly melting away the tension in the hunter’s stiff muscles, tired and worn from endless battles with both monsters and himself. Exhausted, he lets his cheek rest against the top of her head, allowing his own eyes to flutter shut as well. The last thing that crosses his mind before he falls asleep is a promise. Past, present, or future, Dean will always be there for the woman who makes him believe in their little slice of apple pie life. A decade of time difference will not change his word of honor.
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It took me long enough, didn’t it! Stay tuned for part four, I hope I have gained some momentum now and will able to finish this series sooner than later.
Anyway, thank you for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to like or reblog my work, shoot me a message or buy me coffee (Link to Kofi in bio at the top of the page).
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144 notes · View notes
the photoshoot ~ david budd; bodyguard
part one   part two
word count: 2936
request?: no
description: david learns a secret about his assignment that connects the two together
pairing: david budd x female!reader
warnings: mentions of PTSD, mentions murder, swearing
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When David woke up the next morning, he thought he was back home, sleeping next to Vicky. He half expected the kids to run in at any moment and jump on the bed to wake them up. It took him only a moment when he opened his eyes to remember that he and Vicky weren’t together anymore, and he was working on a job. But, if that was the case, why was there someone wrapped up in his arms.
(Y/N) had her face buried in David’s chest, sleeping away soundly. At some point in the night, the two had become tangled together without noticing. David looked at (Y/N)’s peaceful face for a moment, almost not wanting to disturb her. However, he knew all of this was wrong. He could get in serious trouble if they were caught.
Slowly, he untangled himself from (Y/N), as not to wake her. He got out of the nice, warm hotel bed and made his way back to his own room. He ran the sink and splashed cold water over his face, trying to wake himself up more. He had gotten a good night’s sleep the night before, but he still felt exhausted. That was nothing new since he got home from the war, but he was getting better at hiding it.
Once he was dressed and ready for the day, he went around to (Y/N)’s room door and knocked on it.
“It’s me, ma’am,” he called him. “May I come in?”
There was a brief silence before a voice responded, “Yeah, come in!”
David swiped the room key and entered the room. (Y/N) was stood in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. She peered up at David and spit the mouthful of toothpaste into the sink.
“Why didn’t you come through the connecting door?” she asked him.
“I didn’t want to barge in, ma’am. You might’ve been changing or anything.”
She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Again with the ma’am. Didn’t we agree last night that you’d call me by my name?”
“Sorry, ma’am. It’s just an official thing when I’m on duty.”
She eyed him, a small smile on her face. “You’re a lot different when you’re on duty. More serious. I suppose that’s a good thing, you are guarding my life after all.”
David noted the changes in (Y/N), too. For the first time since they had met, she looked more lively, more cheerful. He wondered if it was just an act she was putting on seeing as she was about to go out into the public, or if she was truly just feeling better.
She lathered up her hands with some sort of “special exfoliating” scrub. “Why did you go back to your room? Did I kick you out of bed or something?”
“I had to get ready, ma’am,” David responded. “Besides, it would be considered unprofessional if we were found sleeping in the same bed. Could cost me this job, I might have to be reassigned.”
“Even if I asked you to stay with me?”
“Even then, yes.”
(Y/N) looked thoughtful at this. She shrugged and turned on the sink to start rinsing her face. As she did so, a knock came at her door, followed by Maggie’s voice calling, “(Y/N)? It’s me, Maggie! Are you up, dear, we have to leave to leave soon!”
(Y/N) moved to answer the door. David raised a hand to stop her. She stopped in place and watched him move towards the door. He peaked out through the peep hole before opening the door just enough that Maggie could see him, but nothing more. She smiled at him.
“Good morning, PS Budd,” she said to him. “Is (Y/N) awake?”
“She is, ma’am,” David said and stepped aside to let Maggie in. She walked past him and into the hotel room. (Y/N) came out to meet her, patting her face dry with a towel.
“You look absolutely gorgeous this morning, (Y/N),” Maggie told her. “You look much more rested this morning. Any nightmares last night?”
(Y/N) glanced at David, begging him not to tell Maggie about the night before. “Nope, I rested quite well. I guess it was being in a new environment had me spooked or something.”
Maggie nodded, believing the lie. “Alright, well let’s get you down to the car then.”
When the three of them exited the hotel, a string of paparazzi swarmed them immediately. They began shouting questions about the threats and the stalker at (Y/N). She tried to shrink back away from them all, back into the hotel is possible. David put one arm around her protectively, and put the other out in front of him, pushing people aside and asking them to move out of his way. The flash of their cameras nearly blinded him, but he found his way to the car eventually and opened the door for (Y/N) and Maggie to get in.
Nearly all three breathed a sigh of relief when David shut the front door and the car began moving.
“What the fuck was that?!” (Y/N) snapped. “I thought nobody knew where I was staying. How did those vultures find me?!”
“Someone must’ve seen us come in yesterday,” Maggie responded. “Tipped off the press. My journalist friend told me that tabloids and news outlets have started offering big money to anyone that can get more details about the threats and the stalker.”
“You have a friend in journalism?” David asked, eying Maggie through the rearview mirror. “Isn’t that a conflict of interest, ma’am.”
“Oh, she’s not worried about silly celebrity gossip,” Maggie responded, waving the comment away. “Besides, it’s not like I’d tell her anything about this anyways. I’ve been a manager for a long time, PS Budd, this isn’t my first time dealing with the press.”
“Never said it was, ma’am,” David responded. “Just asking a question.”
“Well, keep an eye out for any other danger, let me deal with this.” Maggie pulled a phone from her bag and started punching in some numbers. “I have another room in another hotel already booked but it doesn’t start until tomorrow night. I’ll have to see if I can pull some strings and bump it up a night. We’ll send the crew by later to pick up your things.”
“Do you think that’s a good idea, ma’am?” David asked. “Nothing against your team, but maybe the press found out about where (Y/N) was through a leak.”
Maggie looked at him with shock. “You think one of us did this?”
“It’s likely, ma’am. Like you said, the tabloids are asking for a lot of money for a story. Maybe a team member was bribed into leaking some personal information.”
Maggie didn’t look too thrilled about the accusation. (Y/N), however, was running her hands through her hair in stress. “Just listen to him, Maggie, he’s an expert. The three of us can go get my things when the photoshoot is over.”
Maggie narrowed his eyes at David through the rearview mirror. David continued to look forward, pretending he didn’t see it.
David didn’t believe (Y/N) when she said he’d be bored to tears at the photoshoot, but once he arrived he started to believe her. He stood watching the movie star being put into countless outfits and posing on a white background. Apparently her next movie was yet another Hallmark type Christmas movie, as evident by her snowy outfits and the fake snow being thrown around on her.
The photographer shouted different poses for her to do, hyping her up by calling her gorgeous every now and then. She smiled brightly and turned, giving the camera a show it was definitely loving. She looked so natural, so happy, like she was born to be in front of a camera.
David was so engrossed in watching her for a moment that he fell distracted. He forgot what he was supposed to be doing. He couldn’t help but marvel at how beautiful she was. When she looked carefree and happy, like she wasn’t scared for her life, she looked beautiful.
He didn’t notice one of the crew members carrying a large panel. He didn’t notice him stumble and drop the panel, causing a loud bang to ring out through the set. David jumped at the sound. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. Before the shakes started, before the awful memories he didn’t want to remember, he had to remember where he was. That he was home, and he was okay.
It only lasted a moment, luckily, but when David opened his eyes he noticed (Y/N)’s face had fell. She was staring at the camera but her mind was elsewhere. Her eyes started to gloss over with tears and she raised a hand to her mouth, as if she was witnessing something awful. Then suddenly, she took off towards the dressing room.
David found himself running after her. He caught up with her just in time to have a door slammed in his face. He knocked on the door. “Ma’am, are you okay?”
“Go away!” came (Y/N)’s voice. She was in hysterics, full on sobbing. David could hear her take shallow breaths from the other side of the door.
“I will, I just want to know you’re okay. What happened, ma’am?”
There was no response. David raised his hand to knock again, but realized there was no use. He couldn’t make (Y/N) tell him what had happened if she didn’t want to talk about it. Instead, he told her, “I’m going to stand outside this door just to make sure no one comes. If you want to talk, I’m right here.”
He was about to get in position when the door knob turned and the door cracked open a little bit. (Y/N) didn’t appear, but David understood the silent gesture; come in please.
When he walked in, (Y/N) was sitting down on a couch with tears running down her face, staining her cheeks black from her mascara and eyeliner. She looked up at David and bit her lip to keep back the tears.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” he asked her.
“No,” she said, her voice cracking as she said it.
“Did something happen at the photoshoot? Are you hurt?”
She shook her head. “The noise startled me, that’s all.”
But David knew that wasn’t true. She had the same reaction he had experienced when he first returned from the warn, a reaction he still had from time to time. It wasn’t just the reaction of someone who was startled, it was the reaction of someone who had experienced something traumatic in her past. Something she was still fighting.
David sat down on the couch next to her. She looked up at him, fresh tears welling in her eyes.
“You don’t have to tell me,” he said to her, his voice gentle and nurturing. “I just want to know you’re okay, or that you will be okay.”
(Y/N) breathed in and out, calming herself down. She grabbed a tissue from a nearby stand to wipe her tears, groaning when she saw the black that was coming off with it. “They’re so gonna kill me for this.”
“If they’re going to be upset because you got upset over something, they don’t really care about you.”
(Y/N) took in David’s words for a moment. She looked almost shocked by them, as if no one had told her that before. David realized she was probably used to people caring more about her career and reputation than her wellbeing. Although he had only known her not even a day, David cared more than he probably should have for (Y/N). Something about her just drew him in, something more than just his job.
She wiped her eyes again and balled the tissue up in her hands. “My dad,” she said suddenly, “he...he wasn’t a...fantastic man. He was a criminal defense lawyer, worked all sorts of cases that required him to defend all sorts of awful criminals. It wasn’t what he wanted to do, but when he was first out of law school no firms would take him. He was offered a job that would pay him a large sum at a criminal defense agency. He wanted to turn it down, but mom had just given birth to me, dad had student loan debts he was trying to pay off and neither one of them were working. He took the job, hoping it would only be a few years.”
She shook her head. ��Apparently he was the best lawyer they had. They kept him on for years, he defended criminals every day. Some days he came home convinced that his clients were innocent, even if the evidence was stacked against them. Obviously, he wasn’t well liked because of this. People who were robbed, attacked, assaulted by his clients were angry when he’d get them off. He received all sorts of threats, mum got some for a while before the police stepped in. But he never let it get to him. He still walked and talked as if he were on top of the world, like nothing was wrong.”
She looked up at David with her big innocent eyes and he found himself hanging on to every word she was saying. “He was a great father. You have to know that. He gave me everything I could’ve ever wanted, he loved me unconditionally. Always said that no matter what he would always love me. And then...and then one day...” She looked down at her hands, trying to steady her breathing. “One day, when I was 10, we were out together, just a normal father and daughter day. We were so happy. And then suddenly this loud bang rang out, and when I looked over dad was on the ground and he was bleeding. I tried to get to him, but whoever shot him started shooting at me. They were shooting at a fucking 10 year old! A passer by grabbed me and dragged me away from my dying father. They called the police but no one would go near him. He lay there, bleeding. They wouldn’t let me go see him until first responders arrived. By that point, it was too late.”
She was crying again. Suddenly, their conversation about Ella from the night before made sense. (Y/N) had told him to love his daughter unconditionally because when she was Ella’s age she lost her own.
“Did they find who did it?” he asked.
She shook her head. “They couldn’t even figure out where the shot came from. There were no witnesses besides the people who saw dad go down. The suspect list was too long for them to go through them all, apparently. The case was deemed cold within about a month. But I knew it was because none of the police officers really wanted to solve the case. Dad was a dead criminal defense lawyer, it was a win for them. No one gave a shit about his poor daughter that witnessed the whole event.”
She started to shake. David reached forward and took her hands in his. She looked up at him and, despite the runny makeup and the puffy eyes, David thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” he told her, raising one hand to wipe the tears from her eyes. “And I’m sorry they never found the person who did it. I promise you, I will never let anything happen to you as long as I’m working for you. No one will ever get close to hurting you like that again, ever. And I’m true to my promises.”
(Y/N) smiled and leaned into David’s touch. Neither had noticed how close they were starting to get. They were mere inches from each other. (Y/N) looked into David’s eyes and something about them was just pulling him in. This started to become literal when he found himself moving towards her.
However, the turning of the doorknob caused both of them to jump away from one another. Maggie walked in and immediately started fussing over (Y/N).
“Oh, honey, are you okay?” she asked. “What happened? You just disappeared. Your make up is ruined and your eyes are bloodshot. What happened to her?”
That question was directed towards David, which came with an accusing look. David opened his mouth to respond, but (Y/N) cut him off.
“I just got startled, I wanted to be alone. David came to check on me,” she explained. “I’m okay, but I think I want to leave soon if that’s possible.”
Maggie nodded. “The hotel room has been bumped to tonight. The three of us can go back to the old place and get your things and have you to this new place as soon as possible.
(Y/N) smiled and thanked Maggie. Maggie nodded and just glanced at David before leaving the room. (Y/N) grabbed a makeup wipe and started washing her face.
“Maggie doesn’t know,” she told him. “No one does. I changed my last name when I became famous so no one would know who I am, although the police kept the whole case pretty under wraps. I don’t...really want anyone to know just yet. So...can this be our little secret?”
David nodded. “Of course, ma’am.”
(Y/N) smiled. “Thank you, David.”
He smiled back. “You’re welcome, (Y/N).”
Tags: @godohammers @letmelivetaylor @rogerfxckingtaylor @rexorangecouny @polarcrystall @emmaelizabeth2014 @sj-thefan @boycrazynotsorry @walking-stressed-mess @laketaj24 @maccasbeard @bookscoffeandotherstuff @badasseddy​ @internet-teenagedirtbag​
If you want to be tagged in future parts let me know!
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
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This week was a wild Samhaintide ride. I’ll post more about it in the read more
Here's yet another selection of stories from my witchy life I am ready to dump on you all so get ready lol:
Wednesday night was the party at the occult shop Treadwells where we met a new witch friend who joined us for the Samhain festivities. I have already made a post about it here but her name is Letitia and she is a beautiful sapphic Taurean witch who loves gardening and cooking (duh she's a Taurus) and all the goddesses she worships and bought an incredible pumpkin pie to the ritual.
So the day begun with me making candles for the ritual. I bought a skull candle, a candle the shape of a jackolantern and then I made several candles which were three mini pumpkins hollowed and filled with black wax that’s pumpkin and bourbon scented, then four tea light spell candles with black wax and four tea light spell candles with a special wax my sag witchy friend bought for me from Edinburgh from a witchy shop. The wax melt was made with herbs and was called 'thinning the veil'. I’ll elaborate later. I also had to walk to the post office to pick up the ouija board. I had a feeling I'd finally get my hands on it on Halloween. Its a very aesthetic round one and I was excited to use it.
We chose to gather in Queenswood in the north of London. It was already SUPER SPOOKY cause there was a murder nearby so all of the buses were being redirected lol. We gathered all in black with our witch hats and delved deep in the woods. It was so beautiful and the ground was completely coated in gold and red leaves so you couldn't even see the path. We found a clearing in the thick of the woods with an old tree that grew sideways so it made a semi circle. We made a HUGE circle that we drew in the earth with a dead stick and went over with dragonsblood incense and black salt.
We opened the space by lighting the pumpkin candles and begun with centering our energy. There were several parts to the ritual we planned, but first we begun with a 'putting it to rest' spell since autumn is the time to let things go and samhain is about death so it was like officially bringing things to an end. We wrote down what we wanted to end in our lives on a piece of paper (such as not seeing coworkers from a toxic job that someone was leaving or the retrograde made my friend run into her abusive father that she had binded from seeing her for YEARS so she wanted to put that situation to rest) and ignited it in my cauldron. When it burned down to ashes we chose a spot (under a goblin-like tree) outside of the circle to open the earth and bury it in. After we put it in it's grave we all said a few words of departure and said: rest in peace. lol.
In my case I wrote down names of these models that are obsessed with this Italian guy (who is the son of a huge fashion designer) who is in love with my sister. They are obsessed with him for his connections to the fashion world and that he is rich and are jealous of any 'hoes' he's currently into so they posted instagram stories on Halloween with them in witch hats taunting that they were going to curse him and all of his lovers or whatever in cutesy filters and my sister knows I practice witchcraft so she told me. So I binded and banished them and the next day they unfollowed her lol.
Anyway, afterwards we focused on what we should reflect on by pulling tarot cards for mercury retrograde in scorpio that was beginning on that day as it's going to be like two weeks of descending into our own underworlds. After we got a card we lit the black tealight candle as a road opening spell to manifest a helpful path with overcoming our retrograde's lessons.
Then I lit the skull candle and we had a moment to reflect on our ancestors and those that we loved that have been lost that year. We each shared stories then lit the white tea light candles with the wax that was for thinning the veil. When we lit it we thought about our loved ones or ancestors.
Finally we did a dance for thinning the veil. I had flying devil oil that was some fragrance oil I got from a hoodoo shop and we dressed ourselves with it and ran around the circle and chanted in the leaves. We then ate the pumpkin pie the lovely Taurean witch bought also some maple sugar fudge she bought (what a champ), and halloween candy. We used the Ouija board but it was really challenging. We thought maybe it was cause we needed to be less grounded so we put it away and cleaned up the ritual space and headed off.
The Taurean witch was going to head home to cook a feast, my French aries witch friend went to her friends she's staying at to have a party and my Sag witch friend went home to cook a dumb supper for her and her mom. I went back to my place to nap then get ready for the night. I met my Sag friend at a music venue to watch Honeyblood which is SUCH a witchy band. The performance really reminded me of some scooby doo hex girls shit. It was a lot of fun (until some grown ass men with no sense of self awareness took the mosh pit to mean something more of a Jailbreak riot and started throwing their whole 6ft man bodies everywhere despite not everyone being gladiator sized. It was really ridiculous but golden when Honeyblood sang "Glimmer" with lyrics like "she can put a hex on you" thats when this one guy in some sailor outfit shoved his body into us and we BOTH looked at him with such evil at the same time and he like.. stopped.. and like hastily moved to another part of the room..)  If you don't know Honeyblood you should listen to them, they are such a babe witch band.
We then went to a bar nearby to get flaming shots of absinthe as its a personal tradition (also a way to 'cross the veil') and someone took candids of us at the bar! (I added the picture above), for some reason we really caught the attention of everyone though we just were in witch hats like EVERYONE was like: OOO WITCHES and like we even had some lady take pictures of us at the bar? Like ok it was cute I guess. My friend was drunk then so every time someone was like: oo a Witch! She'd holler back YASS BITCH 365 24/7!!!! Like o' dear.
Final part to the night was the house party my Aries witch friend (she's the one who's apartment I almost burned down once when I was making spell candles). It was a place around the corner from mine with a host who was HIGH OFF HER FACE on drugs. There was the counter of alcohol that kept us going all night, we had a lot of mingling with everyone there then when it started to get a little less wild we claimed an empty bedroom and tried the ouija board again since we were definitely less grounded than in the forest. Unfortunately the results were still a bit weak but we got a little bit of consistency with movement. There was some guy there that seemed interested but as time went on it turned out he was more interested in me than the board. I am a touched starved human being and he was playing with my hair and I was drunk so I did not care then after we ended up kissing while my other witchy friends and some new comers were chatting about the dead. My Aries witch friend lives on the other side of the city so she asked if they could stay at mine and I was like yea plus it was like 4AM at this point and this guy was getting very handsy like I just wanted my hair to be played with so I was like ok nice meeting you I gotta go. And He was like oh no please come say one last goodbye. I was too drunk to realize that he was in the bathroom and he closed to door to make out with me and I was like this is nice you do have nice flowy long hair that covers your big shiny forehead that I am now noticing in this bright fluorescent lighting but I gotta go. And he's like: No I wanna take you home I wanted to the moment I saw you. And he WHIPS OUT HIS DICK AND SAYS: this is for you. I am DYING like honestly I found it hilarious, I was so drunk I like forgot that there were other people on the other side of the door so I barge out of the bathroom like: WE ARE GOING HOME and my witchy friends saw his dick and were howling with laughter and that 10 minute walk home they would NOT LET ME BE IN PEACE about it.
Samhain Day
Anyway my friends stay over and in the morning I make tea and a light breakfast since we are hung over and we watch The Worst Witch 1980s Halloween special where we fucking Howl at laughter at everything especially Tim Curry flying around in that Cape. The rest of the day is really quiet since most of it is me sleeping trying to recover from the day before.
At 4 PM I call my relatives to say I love them and stuff cause I felt like my closest relatives on the other side of the veil wanted that. I made a feast for myself which consisted of Mashed sweet potato, a salad of chopped royal gala apples, carrots and beetroots and duck sauteed in maple syrup and bourbon. It may sound sweet but the bourbon balanced it out and duck tastes a bit sweet so it blended well with the maple flavor. After I had sticky toffee pudding for dessert. I made a plate for my ancestors and then got ready for fireworks with my other witchy friend who is the sound healer at Alexandra Palace.
I nearly missed the MASSIVE fire effigy burning cause the commute there was a NIGHTMARE since everything was still being redirected. (Thanks mercury retrograde). The fireworks were incredible though. There were so many it was like being bombarded with fiery psychedelics. My friend still wanted to show off her sexy angel outfit for Halloween so I asked if she wanted to hang out with us tomorrow night to party.
Saturday Night
She came over like at 4 and we got ready. She looked a bit like the angel from the remake of Romeo and Juliette with Leonardo decaprio but in lingerie with a long white lace robe. I dressed as a poltergeist though I don't think it came off that way but I had a sheer black dress on with a skeleton body suit, a glow in the dark wig and pale tulle. I just wanted to be a spooky ghost. We had to sneak into a members club that I work at cause I am NOT allowed to be there and I was terrified of them finding out so it felt like Danger Partying. They had a day of the dead party so I blended in but I felt like some staff that recognized me were like staring at me all night. We still had fun and spoke about our Samhain experiences. My friend is also a medium so she gave me some ouija tips so hopefully that can help me in the future.
Sunday Morning
I went to a workshop in the food forest about fire starting!! It was beautiful and magical and the forest was in full autumn mode. I learned how to chop wood with different axes and carve wood and start fires with either two pieces of wood (which is extremely hard on your own like you better be in the dryest place possible and you better have a bow), and how to start fire with flint/magnesium which is 1000% easier would highly recommend. There's so much magic in nature and so much magic in those workshops. We learned which trees were best for firewood and which were toxic and how to use bark or forage for fire starter materials. I am getting more drawn to fire as an element to work with in magic so I loved learning the techniques and also that you can start fires with the back of a knife (the teacher had a specific wood carving knife that was thick) so its like if you get a specific Athame which is ruled by fire you could also use it to start fires too if you got a fire steel key. (It's a rod of magnesium and you'd strike it with the back of the knife hard and fast and sparks will shoot out like fireworks).
Anyway that was my week so far!! It was so much fun and adventurous I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I have today off so I had a moment to reflect and get myself together for work tomorrow but afterwork I am celebrating Bonfire night with my sag witch friend at Victoria park so I am excited to take part in that!
I hope you all had a great Samhain!
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arissayoo · 5 years
Neverland -> [Ateez AU]
Chapter 2
Genre: Thriller, Horror, Fantasy, Lostboys!Ateez
Warnings: Mentions of blood, violence and dark/horror themes, fem!reader, cursing
Summary: As you work to gain the trust of the lost boys, you hear of the various magic powers that are found within the island, fueling your desire to return home. The horrors lurking within Neverland continue when you receive a cryptic note containing information on the lost boys’ dark secret, leaving you questioning if you sided up with your worst nightmare. 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
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Seonghwa led me through the dark narrow cave, the smell of sulfur invading my nose.
“God, how do you guys live with this smell?” I covered my nose. This was also kind of a small place to be housing eight boys.
“Oh, yeah I forgot to mention that, sorry. It covers up our scent. Our base is not that far up.” He continued walking, stepping to the side to avoid the large body of water. We turned a corner, the darkness disappearing as sunlight poured in from the ceiling. 
“Woah.” I gasped, my mouth hanging open in awe.
“This is it, welcome to The Den,” Seonghwa announced, chuckling at my reaction.
The narrow walls of the cave opened into a large dome shape, the expanse of space occupied by a large house that had been built into the cave. My mouth was still gaping like a fish when I realized Seonghwa was already at the front door. I ran to catch up with him, admiring the detailing of the structure.
“I would offer to give you a tour but I’m worried about your injuries.” Seonghwa looked at me worriedly. The blood from my cuts had mixed with dirt and dried on my legs.
“Oh right.” My voice showed my disappointment. This place was so beautifully crafted, the cave walls serving as the basic structure of the house. “How did you guys find a place like this?”
“We didn’t. Yunho built it with some help from us of course.”
“WHAT? You mean to say you built this whole house out of a cave by yourselves?” I exclaimed, my voice echoing throughout the living room. Seonghwa stayed silent leading me into a room on the first floor.
“This is my room, it doubles as an infirmary.” He opened the door, gesturing for me to sit in the corner. “I need you to place your legs on this, and I'm just going to feel for any, uh .......swelling.”
I just watched as he placed his hand on my shin, not touching any of my cuts but barely grazing the messy blood-dirt that dripped down my leg. I couldn’t feel the pain earlier due to the adrenaline rush, but now I could feel a stinging sensation from the cuts on my legs. Seonghwa closed his eyes, breathing in slowly before opening them again, his irises glowing a bright green.
“What the?!” I shrieked, trying to squirm away. Seonghwa’s hand clamped around my leg holding it in place.
“Stay still.” It was more of a growl than the normal voice I was used to. I whimpered in fear, his hold too strong for me to even consider moving. With one blink, his eyes went back to normal and he let go, turning to gather supplies. “Thankfully you managed to not cut yourself on any Manchineel trees. There's just a little venom from the Khanin’s claws, that’s why you feel stinging.”
“Excuse me, care to explain what the fuck just happened?” I backed into the corner, suddenly much more defensive from earlier.
“I’ll explain but not until I finish cleaning up your leg. You need to hear this anyway.” He brought over disinfecting supplies and started cleaning my leg, with me flinching with every one of his movements.
Even though I was on edge and scared about what happened, I felt waves of calm wash over me. Seonghwa was wiping my leg with soft strokes to get all the dirt and blood off without hurting me. A large gash running from my knee to the middle of my shin was outlined in a dark red, small scrapes scattered around it. 
“This will help with any lingering venom in the cuts,” he spread a green mixture over my legs before wrapping them in white gauze. He gave me some in a jar for the cuts on my chest and packed the rest of the supplies up, locking them away.
“So, now can you explain the whole demon eye thing?” 
“It has nothing to do with demons. The island we are on now, Neverland, is....magical to put it lightly. Everyone here as far I can tell acquires unique powers shortly after arriving. That’s how we were able to build this house. My power is herbalist, I can essentially see and understand illnesses or injuries and know what herbs and plants will help. That's why my eyes were glowing.” 
“So all of you can do that?” I questioned, not really understanding what he said. 
“Like I said, everyone has their own powers that are different from each other. My eyes are the only ones that can glow.”
“You really expect me to believe that? And that I somehow woke up in a children’s fairy tale?”
“It’s not a fairy tale Y/N. How else would you explain any of this? You think we all abandoned our lives for some fairy tale.” He raised his voice. I was too stunned to speak. “You will eventually discover your powers, just as the rest of us did. Neverland has a weird way of incorporating your normal life outside of here into the powers you get.”
“How-” I cut myself short, not able to wrap my head around this information. 
“In the future, try to avoid the Khanins. They are shapeshifters that hunt the humans on this island. They will tear you to shreds if they get the chance. Also, you need to learn our rules if you are going to stay with us-”
Seonghwa paused when I abruptly stood up. “I-I’m sorry. This is just too much to comprehend right now. I need some air.” I ran out the door, trying to follow the route that Seonghwa had took when he brought me here.
Until I was on the beach. The beach that looked completely normal, so similar to the one close by my house. I realized it would be a while before I got to see that beach or go home for the matter. I closed my eyes, trying to calm the rush of emotions. Ever since I got here all I’ve been is confused and lost. I thought getting information would be helpful but it only ended up disorienting me more than I already was. Just the idea of being on Neverland, surrounded by magical creatures and man-eating monsters was enough to make a normal person go mad. It was enough to make the line between reality and fantasy in my mind a blurry mess, teetering on the unknown fear of why I was the one in this nightmare.
A rustle in the bushes snapped me out of the thoughts in my head, the hairs on the back of my neck doing handstands. Don’t walk towards it Y/N. Don’t go investigate. I took a step back, fearing the worst.
Another rustle. 
A high-pitched wail sounded, the birds in the surrounding trees flying out to escape whatever danger that was behind them. I covered my face, turning around to run the opposite direction and bumping into something.
“Watch it, Wendy, wouldn't want to get in our way,” A distorted voice rang into my ears. I looked up, the sun blocking their features. I lifted my hand to block the sunlight, seeing San’s face take an animalistic look, eyes wild as he pushed me aside. He twirled his blade in his fingers, devilishly licking his lips. 
Another rustle sounded before a large Khanin ran towards us at full speed. My heart stopped as I struggled to run away, tripping and landing on my back. The Khanin’s gaze focused on me, running up to attack. Before I could scream, San appeared in front of me, slashing its throat and covering me in blood. 
“Did you see that Yeosang?” San laughed, licking the blood off of his blade. The other boy pushed out from the trees, high-fiving the crazy blonde. I watched, still on the sand with my eyes wide. It wasn’t until I got up and reached up to my face, smearing the blood there that Yeosang noticed my presence. 
“You got a little blood on your face Y/N.” His hands gestured to his face.
“I almost got killed!” I screamed, facing a shocked Yeosang and a smug San. The sky became dark and I could hear thunder rolling close. My luck was officially gone.
“I told you to move. No one said to get in our way.” San walked over to the beast, pulling out an arrow from its back. I huffed, beyond pissed at him. 
“I didn’t know you were going to be out here,” Yeosang came up, offering me a rag. I took it, turning and walking away from them. I couldn't stay here with them much longer. Between San and the information Seonghwa told me I was so emotionally tired. I missed my life back home and unless I figured out a plan to get back I would be stuck here. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, threatening to fall. I wiped my face, the wind picking up and causing me to cry harder. 
“It's always fucking raining on this island,” I sobbed, falling to my knees. The rag, loosely held in my hands flew away, falling against a gathering of rocks. Great. I wiped my eyes, standing up and walking over to them. I bent down to reach for the rag, my eyes catching on a piece of paper jammed between two of the rocks, fluttering in the wind. My eyebrows scrunched together, grabbing the paper carefully so it would not rip.
Playing with the enemy is not why you are here Wendy.
I turned the note over, looking for some sort of clue of its sender. There was nothing other than the small writing on the front, making me question whether this was a prank. Maybe it was and this was just a meaningless piece of paper. I went to toss it, before catching the black ink scrawled on the back. “Huh? I swear this was blank.”
They are hiding something from you.
I wiped the font, smearing the fresh ink against my fingertip. I gasped, dropping the paper as I stared at my fingers. My head whipped around checking for signs of anyone, scanning the bushes in the distance. I scrambled to my feet, running back to the only place I knew. 
The stench of sulfur stung my nose as I pounded on the front door. The sun was beginning to set, eliminating most of the light within the cave. My heart was pounding in my ears and I prayed that the door would open. 
“Y/N!” Hongjoong opened the door, hurrying me inside. “What’s wrong, did something happen?”
I looked around, trying to even my erratic breathing. “I-“
They are hiding something from you.
“I thought someone was following me.” I let out a nervous breath, “but it turns out it was just a bird.”
“Are you sure?” He didn’t believe me. I wouldn’t either honestly, but I needed a moment alone to process everything.
“Yeah, I think I’m just paranoid after today.”
“It’s been a long day. Here I'll show you to the guest room.” He led the way up the stairs to the room at the end of the second floor. “Just let me know if you need anything, my room is right next door.”
I nodded, quickly entering the room and locking the door behind me. I needed to figure out what was happening and fast. Everything that has happened today and how the guys have treated me was all that I could think about. I didn’t know that much about them, making it harder to not be suspicious.
Playing with the enemy. Were they the enemy? I didn't find it hard to believe after how I saw them act today, especially San. 
But they were the enemy of who? And how was I supposed to trust this person when I couldn’t even trust the people I was currently living with?
I needed time alone from everyone and everything that would hinder me from forming a plan to escape this island. I was not certain I was safe here, for now choosing to leave this house. It would inconvenience me greatly but I couldn’t risk staying here with a group that was harboring a dark secret and unwilling to share the truth.
I waited for in my room for hours, until the house became silent. I opened my door, checking the hall before trying to walk down the stairs quietly. The lights were off, save for a dimly-lit lamp by the door, cloaking me as I tiptoed through the house. Hopefully, the boys wouldn’t care and I could leave quickly without having to outrun them. As I made my way to the front door, I noticed there was just a simple lock, making my escape that much easier.
I slowly turned the bolt, reaching for the handle when two knives landed an inch from both my hand and head. I screamed, turning around to face all eight boys staring at me coldly.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
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srhunt · 6 years
Extraordinary Tales
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I was browsing Netflix for some horror or halloweenish things to watch this season, when I stumbled across Extraordinary Tales, an anthology film with segments based on the works of Edgar Allen Poe. I don’t consider myself a fan of Poe’s work, but it was always a pleasure when I had to read his stories for class. So I turned it on and...oh my god.
Animation people, why aren’t we talking about this?!
This was fuckin’ gorgeous! Incredibly haunting and disturbing, yes, but gorgeous!
Each segment has its own unique style, and each one is narrated by a different person.
I’ll just go through one by one.
0) Poe and Death
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To start, the thing that connects these shorts together. We see a raven flying around a cemetery, whom we learn is Edgar Allen Poe. He has a converstaion with the personification of death, who says he’s obsessed with her. Each story is being retold as Poe tries to show his writings were more than just love letters to death.
1) Fall of the House of Usher
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This story is narrated by the late great Sir Christopher Lee. I will admit, I’m not super familiar with this story (I read it for class, but I’ve slept since then), but nevertheless the presentation in this story is amazing. It has an almost Burtonesque look to it, and you can see the cracks in the building grow larger as the story progresses. Also, the narrator reminds me of human Blinky from Trollhunters. I don’t know why.
2) The Tell-Tale Heart
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Now this story I do remember. I read it in 9th grade, and it’s a chilling story I never forgot. It’s probably my favorite story from Poe. And this short has reignited the fear the original story stoked into me. Using archival audio, the segment is narrated by Bela Lugosi (If you don’t recognize his name, he’s best known for his role as Dracula in the 1931 film of the same name). This audio is not digitally restored in any way, so it sounds crackily and warped with age. And his narration paired with the visuals is incredibly unnerving. The short is mainly in black and white with no blending. The only other color used is red, and even then it’s used very little, it never fills the screen. This makes the short even more creepy looking. The Old Man, even though he’s the innocent victim in all this, is terrifying to look at! He’s really creepy! It’s just all around creepy, and it’ll probably keep me up tonight.
Speaking of keeping me up tonight...
3) Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
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...This will also haunt my nightmares! I had never heard of this Poe story before, it feels more like something Mary Shelley might’ve wrote! This segment is narrated by Jullian Sands (whose most notable movie from what I can see is Arachnophobia). The style takes after comic books, almost reminiscent of the animation used in Telltale’s games (ah hah, Edgar Allen Poe, Telltale, hardee har). The narrator of the story is very obviously modeled after the late Vincent Price, which made me wish he was the narrator. I mean, there’s so many recordings of Vincent Price reading Poe’s stories that they could’ve had him narrate one of these segments (I distinctly remember hearing him read Pit and the Pendulum while on a road trip, but I’ll get into that later...) But, for what we got, Sands is a pretty good narrator. This was my first time hearing this story, so I was not prepared for what was in store. Monsieur Valdemar’s lifeless body acts like it’s in the Exorcist (minus the crucifix masturbation, spider walk, 180 degree head turn, and the pea soup). And did you think the way Magica possed Lena in DuckTales ‘17 was disturbing? Oh ho! take that, ramp the graphicness of it up to 11 and you get what happens after Valdemar is snapped out of his “trance”. It is horrifying!
4) The Pit and the Pendulum
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This is the only segment that tries to look realistic. The other segments go for more stylized looks, which are incredibly affective. This one looks like a video game. I’m not saying it’s bad, that’s just what it reminds me of. Anyway, this story is narrated by Guillermo “Where’s-My-Haunted-Mansion-Remake” Del Toro, which is good casting. The story takes place during the Spanish Inquisition, so his accent helps illustrate that. I didn’t even know this story took place during the inquisition, I only heard Vincent Price narrate part of it during a family road trip. I don’t remember if I plugged in my headphones and zoned out or if I asked my dad to change the station (random fun fact: I’m really unnerved by audiobooks and radio dramas. It doesn’t matter if the story is funny or not, they creep me out. Probably stems from a creepy audiobook we listened to in elementary school or my dad listening to disturbing radio dramas late at night during long road trips) Only thing that doesn’t work is that Del Toro’s words don’t match the visuals. He says that following the wall didn’t help him figure out his surroundings, but the visuals show him looking out a barred window. How did that not help you figure out your surroundings? I think this short might’ve benifited from cooler colors. The story is meant to take place in a dark cell, the narrator can barely see anything. The animation is very red in this segment, not conveying this sense of darkness we should be feeling. It only goes to blues and cooler colors when night falls, but I think it would’ve been better if the rest of the short was like that.
5) Masque of the Red Death
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The final segment of the film. This one is unique from the other ones because it has no narrator. There are only two lines said in this short (one spoken by Roger Corman), the majority is told visually. And...I don’t think it works very well...? I have never read this story, the most I know is that it’s about the Plague and that the Phantom of the Opera has a killer Red Death cosplay. You kinda get what’s going on...? The poor are dying from the plague, the rich are hiding behind a wall to keep them from getting infected, but the Red Death gets in and kills everyone. Most of the short is just watching these people party. It’s like you’re the only sober person at this shindig and you’re antisocial as fuck (so... in my case, real life). It doesn’t get interesting until the Red Death shows up, then it’s like Oprah. “You get the plague! And you get the plague! EVERYBODY GETS THE PLAAAAAAGUE!!!” And then, it ends. Uhh, okay?...what was I suppose to gain from that? I mean, the animation is pretty, made to look like a painting. But outside of eye candy, what else is there...? Maybe if I read the story, this would make more sense to me and I wouldn’t be so harsh towards it, but a film should be able to stand on its own. I shouldn’t have to read the story to understand what’s going on, that’s your job! You’re suppose to tell the audience the story! Not rely on them to have done their homework that they didn’t even know was assigned! That’s basically how this last segment felt; it felt like when I forgot to do the reading assignment for class and the teacher starts discussing it like everyone has read it, while I’m sitting there going “...whut...?”
This was a mixed bag for me. The segments were either hit or miss, but the ones that hit, hit really damn hard. And even the ones that miss still had some redeeming qualities, whether it was the animation or the narrator.
If I had to rank the segments from my favorite to least favorite, it’d be like this;
😄Tell-Tale Heart
🙂Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
😐Fall of the House of Usher
😕Pit and the Pendulum
☹️Masque of the Red Death
Maybe my opinions would be different if I had read all these stories prior to seeing this film, but as someone who’s only dabbled in Poe’s work for school, I still really enjoyed this. I mostly appreciate it as a fan of animation. Each segment does something different, giving each story a unique style.
If you’re looking for a macabre film to watch this Halloween, give Extraordinary Tales a watch...
...just make sure you do so with the lights on...
...Goodnight, and pleasant dreams...
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vradika · 6 years
🌓 Vaderwan/Vaderkin Obikin Fic Recs
Updated 5/10/2021
Here you’ll find the Obikin Fic Rec Masterlist, and here are some tags and warnings in case you don’t want to read about certain topics:
🔥= Mustafar AU ⌛= Time travel/de-aged/rebirth 🔗= Slavery 🍫= Explicit sexual content 🍂= Master-student relationship or mentions/underage
🔥♥♥♥♥♥Dearly despised by Anonymous Status: on going Where a Jedi was spotted, Darth Vader was sure to follow, leaving behind a trail of corpses; Jedi or otherwise. To finish what he started when he knelt down and swore allegiance to a new Emperor. To finally bring peace to a galaxy that had been ripped apart from war.Obi-Wan knew better. This was a more personal matter: Vader wanted revenge. Vader wanted him.
🍫🔥♥♥♥♥ where every mask cracks by little_tales Status: on going
Four years after the birth of the Galactic Empire, Obi-Wan approaches Darth Vader with an offer he doesn't expect.
⌛♥♥♥♥With the will of the force, In the palm of my hand. by Spice_Runner Status: hiatus
After Obi-wan's supposed death on the death star,Darth Vader is sent back in time to his home planet by the will of the force, in the body of his nineteen year old self. He's been given a second chance,but to do what with? He doesn't know. All he knows if that the Jedi are alive once again,and so is Obi-wan. He plans to destroy the Jedi again without the rise of Darth Sidious,and With Obi-wan at his side as his apprentice. To right the wrongs of the Jedi,rebuild his Empire as he sees fit and take back all those he loves. The Force has different plans.
🍫♥♥♥♥come back from the dark by amidnightlove Status: on going
Almost a year after Mustafar, Obi-Wan is slowly becoming accustomed to living in exile, being an unmated Omega and watching over Luke. And then an imperial pod crashes into Tatooine.
🍫♥♥♥snowbound by amidnightlove Status: complete
Sent to Ilum to investigate the sighting of a new Sith apprentice, Obi-Wan expects to simply find them and detain them. Sharing shelter with a Sith during a snowstorm was the last of his wishes.
♥♥♥♥♥Neutron star collision by liv_k Status: on going
A neutron star merger is a type of stellar collision. When two neutron stars orbit each other closely, they spiral inward as time passes due to gravitational radiation. When the two neutron stars meet, their merger leads to the formation of either a more massive neutron star, or a black hole. In the aftermath of Order 66, Anakin Skywalker's miraculous survival after his confrontation with the new Sith Apprentice Darth Vader ignites a sparkle of hope in the remaining Jedi, in the fledgling rebellion and, above all, in his former Master, who had thought he had lost everything to darkness. But darkness is generous, and it is patient. [Title changed from "This time we'll fall together"]
⌛♥♥♥there is peace (peace is a lie) by luminousbeingsweare Status: on going
Ben Kenobi, Wizard of the Wastes, was really tired of this. For some ridiculous reason, he really thought he'd be able to rest for once in his (after)life. Of course, it couldn't be that simple. Judging by the intense cursing coming from Darth Vader's - or was it Anakin? - side of the room, it seemed he wasn't the only one in this predicament.Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are thrown out of the afterlife back to right before AOTC starts. Everything goes to hell.
🔥 ♥♥Bound to Me by ilcuoreardendo Status: complete Summary: One of the memories Anakin carries away from Geonosis is that of his master in chains.
⌛♥♥♥♥♥ Vader in time by  SWModdy Status: on going
Summary: He’s given a new chance. Or rather Vader takes the new chance as he feels the death of Obi-Wan somewhere out in the wide galaxy, the Jedi passing utterly alone without Vader there and in a moment of madness everything becomes clear… so he takes a new chance for himself. By going back. And this time Palpatine shall not take it all from him.
🍫♥♥♥♥What Dwells in Us by Caudipteryx dreamwidth
Status: complete
Summary: Three months have passed since Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on Tatooine. He has settled into a quiet, uneventful life in the desert, watching over the infant Luke from afar. Alas, his life isn’t going to stay quiet or uneventful for much longer.
Or: The story of Obi-Wan’s years in exile I have always wanted to read. (Yes, it is written in first person, and I know a lot of people hate first person. But this serves a very specific aesthetic purpose; if you think the subject matter may interest you, please try giving it a chance anyway.)
🔥♥♥♥ Eyes by  TiBun
Status: hiatus (last update:  2017-11-11)
Summary: Darth Vader had won the inner battle. He had wrapped Anakin in darkness and snuffed out his light. But Obi-Wan wasn't quite sure Anakin was completely gone, and the Sith Lord's eyes could be very telling.
♥♥♥ Ascension by  lilyconrad
Status: complete
Summary: Anakin loathes the soulmark Obi-Wan bears, a black dragon that will one day take his beloved master away from him.
🍫♥♥♥♥♥The Negotiator Series by  Ralph_E_Silvering
Status: complete
Part one  🍫♥♥♥♥ The Negotiator: Darth Vader was always arrogant. He forgot that Obi-Wan had spent 20 years in the desert, with nothing to do but learn new ways to mess with him. Or the story of how Darth Vader touches Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber after the events on Cloud City but forgets about that little Force-trick of psychometry. Obi-Wan has one last surprise for his old Padawan.
Part two 🍫♥♥♥ Hindsight: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi woke every night, sweating and gasping, from nightmares of Darth Vader. It had been nine years since he had watched his Padawan burn, watched the Republic fall, watched his life be destroyed around him. And every night he saw Anakin’s face, twisted by evil, his eyes sickly yellow, as he screamed his hatred of Obi-Wan. It was that last which he could not bear.
Part three 🍫♥♥ Darth Vader's Master: Yet always he would be pulled awake far too soon, finding himself in his sterile and empty Imperial chambers, hard and aching once more.........
Part four  🍫♥♥After the End: Obi-Wan tilted his chin up until their eyes met, and Anakin felt shame burn through him. But Obi-Wan was still smiling, his eyes deepest blue-green, and as he bent to place a gentle kiss on Anakin’s lips, the younger man finally began to relax. “Hello, Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, joy suffusing his presence.
♥♥♥And Back Again by DreamingMoonlight
Status: complete
Summary: Darth Vader is on Tatooine with a mission and cannot be stopped. Not until the Witch of the Junland Wastes stands in his path and changes the course of his destiny.
Also, look at this lovely art by @crinzinzey​
⌛🍫♥♥♥ Soldier, Poet, King by Glare @glare-gryphon
Status: hiatus (last update: 2017-06-08)
Summary: Second chances are very rarely given, but the Force smiles upon two of its favorite children and returns them to a time before their actions have met their consequences. Anakin Skywalker, also known as Darth Vader, seeks redemption while Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi, disillusioned with the Jedi Order and its Code, falls to the Darkness. Trapped out of time, Master and Apprentice must once again work together to stop Sideous’ plans from reaching fruition and bring Balance to the Force—all the while dodging the Jedi, the Sith, and their feelings for each other.
♥♥ Disjointed by Ha_neul @octavigustus
Status: complete
Summary:  Returning to Tatooine to erase his past, Vader reunites with his old lover and their son.
⌛♥♥♥♥ I myself have torn myself to shreds by iiscos @jamesalarcon
Status: complete
Summary: The Force whispers in its ageless voice, its touch peaceful and lulling against Vader’s ancient soul, “Tell me your biggest regrets.”
Or the five times Anakin traveled back in time with the intention of making things better, and the one time that it actually worked.  I would say this story begins as Vader and ends in Anakin, a more wise Anakin who have suffered a lot.
⌛♥♥ Anathema by poplitealqueen (Isimun) @poplitealqueen
Status: hiatus (last update: 2016-11-29)
Summary: An illogical visitor appears on the Death Star, following the apparent death of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
🔥♥ Am I only dreaming? by Kris_Amethyst  (now orphan account)
Status: dropped (last update: 2016-03-10)
Summary: It's been five years since Obi-Wan Kenobi saw Darth Vader. Now, in the deserts of Tatooine, he finds a seemingly amnesiac Anakin Skywalker who doesn't know of his fall. Can he and Padmé save him once and for all?
⌛♥♥♥♥ Tell Me, Show Me by LeelaLaFleur  ArvisTaljik
Status: hiatus  (last update: 2016-07-02)
Summary: While searching the Force for the spirit of his former Master, Vader finds himself thrown deep into the past. Free of the Dark Side and with his youthful body back, Vader/Anakin is ready to change his own destiny for better, but when he comes across shy, yet incredibly stubborn Padawan Kenobi, everything rapidly spirals out of control and the ex-Sith is forced to face some of the old attractions and attachments....
⌛♥♥♥♥♥ Return to the Point of No Return by theascetic
Status: complete
Summary: He turns around, his tunic soaked with blood, and holds the gorgon's head up by its wispy hair.
"Anakin, please-"
"Don't beg me, Master,” says the last of the Sith, tenderly reaching to cup Obi Wan's hot cheek with a gore-stained hand. “Command me.”
The ever-popular time travel fix-it fic... with a bit of a twist.
🔥♥ Go Away Closer by MissPop (before poplitealqueen (Isimun) ) @poplitealqueen
Status: hiatus (last update: 2016-04-04)
Summary:  'Go Away Closer' aka a double bind: where every decision you make feels like the wrong one. However, in Zen Buddhism, it's also viewed as a path to enlightenment. The impossible question with no correct answer.This is a Star Wars AU, a Mustafar AU to be exact, where Obi-Wan doesn't cut Anakin down to size and nothing is okay.
Also a SPOILER WARNING of Go Away Closer, for the next one shot:
🍫♥♥ Comorbidity by MissPop,poplitealqueen (Isimun) @poplitealqueen
Status: complete
Summary: Anakin's premonitory "Probably-Palpatine-Just-Fucking-With-Him-But-Also-Lowkey-His-Old-Pal-The-Force-Trying-To-Give-Him-A-Head's-Up" nightmares return.
🔥♥♥♥♥♥ I have lied my way to the stars by iiscos @jamesalarcon
Status: hiatus (last update: 2016-03-13)
Summary: Anakin wavers in darkness, while Obi-Wan questions the light.Or another post-RotS AU where Obi-Wan is captured on Mustafar.
⌛♥♥♥♥♥ Second Life by Sapphirethief
Status: hiatus (last update: 2017-01-05)
Summary: Vader takes his last breath only to wake in times long past.
...keep updating
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wlwhc · 6 years
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Witches and Banshees - Lydia x Fem! reader x Morgana
Requested by @lilsebpotato (I luv u)
Words: 3355 - Warning: Almost dying - mention of blood
(A/N): I had to admit love that I struggle with this, just because I had to mix Teen wolf with Morgana , but I think I did it right, I have fun writing this. And you know me Alex,whatever request that has Katie in it , I’m more than happy to write it. I also learn how to put the “read more” thingy
“Go to hell!”
“Already done it sweetheart,  and it was awesome”
Here’s she goes again . Lydia thought. Since you came back from the dead and told the rest of the pack that you had a great time in hell,  nothing came back to be same, at least for Lydia. You, on the other hand,  seem to be doing okay, like nothing happened,  but the truth is,  that you’re still dead. Putting a smile on everything was the best you could do after your trip to hell, to be more precise, to purgatory,  where all the supernatural beings end up when they die.
You thought that by being a witch, it would be easy to survive there, but it was not. The things that you did in that place to survive would make anyone be afraid of you, and let’s not talk about the things that the creatures did to you, or how many times you died just to appear in that place again, haunted by your own demons, and the ancient creatures.
Sanity was something had always been afraid to lose, being a witch takes a ton of it. You have seen things that no one would understand, yet you do. You have seen the past, and the future, from this and other worlds. You have to deal with nightmares about upcoming events,  events that maybe you will never be involved,  dreams about an entity’s giving you his wisdom, other witches from your bloodline punishing you for breaking the rules. Being a witch is hard, being a witch means that someday, sanity will no longer be with you.
You thought that the purgatory would be that place where you would lose your sanity, but surprisingly, you didn’t, or at least you haven’t realized yet. Lydia did. She noticed the dark circles below your eyes, the countless nights without sleep that you’re carrying. The disgusted face you put when she tries to make you eat. Your eyes are no longer filled with sparks, now they’re empty, without emotion. The enemies that you fight against will always end up dead. You didn’t care anymore about letting them live, you just slip their throats without caring. She noticed how paranoid you are as if someone would appear at any minute to attack you.
You’re not okay,  and she knows that maybe you will never get the chance to be, but she wanted to try,  to at least make you feel better.
The pack was always pretty obviously,  busy with other things,  actually,  the only people that are with you when problems are not knocking at their door are Stiles, Lydia, and Malia, maybe because of their caring nature. So when you came back,  the pack was happy,  they still are, but they didn’t stop to think about the big picture. Stiles and Lydia did. Stiles had tried to talk to you, trying to know how did you made to came back from the dead, or at least see how you were doing, but he only got a “don’t worry about it” and a smile. He would have push a little bit more,  but Scott had troubles with a new pack,  and stiles ran to help him.
A part of you was happy with it, some finally alone time. But when the “side-effects” of coming out of purgatory hit you, you beg for someone to be with you.
It started with a tiny nose bleed and headaches. No one noticed, you knew that when the headaches didn’t let you move the nosebleed was close. You would run away always, no one was suspicious of it. But it began to happen more often, and this time, your veins would turn black, your eyes would cry red tears, and the headache would be unbearable.
From being with the pack all the time, you end up lockdown in your house, with your bleeding nose stuck in ancient books, trying to find a solution or at least to know what the hell was happening to you. Again, no one got worried, they just thought you needed some alone time after all that you went through. But Lydia had that bad feeling, her legs lead her to your house one day, and without even knowing what was happening, she was already knocking at your door.
As best as you could,  you walked to the door, leaning your body against the walls, slowly but surely reaching the door.
“Who is it?” You asked,  trying to calm your breathing, the headache was not letting you think properly much less breath normally.
“U-uh is me y/n,  open up” Lydia said, somehow hearing your gasps for air. Her chest filling with worrisome.
“I-I’m busy Lyds… Come back later!” You tried to go back to your room but your legs give in, your chest feeling heavy, you could feel your veins turning black, it was like a burning sensation, your eyes were bleeding again, and this time you could swear someone was calling your name…but it wasn’t Lydia.
“y/n?… I’m going to get in anyway! Open the door” Lydia said, she is going to have a talk with you,  no matter if you want it or if you don’t .
Y/N…. Let her help dear…let her in…
The voice was oddly familiar,  but at this point,  you couldn’t care less about who the fuck was talking with you. You tried to get up, oh dear lord you tried. But your body was not responding, and something deep inside you thought that you were going straight back to hell.
“Y/n come on!…fine I’ll try with the window” Lydia knows that you always leave a window open so Malia can get in without breaking it. She rushes into the window,  struggling to get in.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this just because she’s a lazy mother-” And there you were. You eyes black,  veins just as dark, your body trembling with fear.
“L-Lyds” You manage to say. Your throat was burning, and you were having trouble not to gag at the taste of blood in your mouth.
To say that Lydia was horrified it’s a misunderstanding,  she was shocked,  scared,  upset,  she was a hurricane of emotions, but horrified don’t even reach the level of horror she was feeling.
“Oh my God” She gasps. She runs to your shaky figure on the floor,  her hands shaking, she could feel the tears already threatening to spill and that urge to scream.
“Y/N! W-what h-how” She didn’t know what to do,  you didn’t know what to do.
Yes you do
Oh,  that voice again. It’s weird,  that an unknown voice makes every hair in your body stand up in fear but also makes you feel at peace. About what the voice said,  you do not know what to do.
You do know dear… Just tried to remember
Remember what exactly?!
“Y/N don’t you die on me!  I just called Scott he’s on his way just-” The burning sensation in your veins now feels worst, a cry of pain could be heard, and Lydia couldn’t hold her sobs anymore, she had never felt so hopeless.
“Oh god,  what the hell is happening?!” Her shaky hands tried to wipe away the blood running down your cheeks, but it didn’t help much. Another cry of pain could be heard, and Lydia’s heart was crushing. This time she made you rest your head on her lap,  her fingers lost in your hair, trying to give you some comfort.
“Shhh, it’s o-okay,  everything i-it’s going to be fine-” You didn’t know if she was saying that to you or to herself.
“Ahhh! Lydia!” You cried out,  your body trembling with more intensity,  every nerve of your body was in pain.
“tell me what to do!” Lydia screams.
“please tell me what to do Y/n…Please” Her body shaking wiht sobs, her tears falling to your face.
Tell her my child… Tell her what to do
I don’t know what to do! I don’t know what the fuck is happening to me
Just say my name…I’ll help you just like you helped me…say it Y/N…
You were starting to recognize her voice, everything seems to make sense now, your eyes began to close, and in the distance, you could see a pair of golden eyes.
“Y/n…please don’t close your eyes-Y/N!” Lydia screams at you,  shaking you, trying to wake you to from whatever place you were.
“Mor…Morgan-” You begin to whisper, but Lydia couldn’t hear it right. The golden eyes were getting closer.
“What? Y/n what?!” Lydia said,  grabbing your face with her hands.
“Morgana” You whispered.
Everything around you disappeared. Darkness was the only thing surrounding you, Lydia was gone.
“hello?” You asked in the darkness, your voice sounds as if you were underwater.
“I’m here y/n… There’s no need to fear…I promised to protect you,  to watch your back… And I intend to keep that promise” There she was,  Morgana,  evil witch for a few,  a corrupted soul for others,  but for you… Your mentor.
“am I dead?” You asked. Morgana laughs at this, her vibrant eyes shining.
“oh no dear,  your alive, but not conscious… Your friend is having the time of her life” Her smile turning into a devilish grin.
“oh Lyds” You begin to imagine how scared she may be.
“aren’t you curious dear?” Morgana asks,  walking slowly towards you.
“I-I am… What’s going on Morgana?” She gave you a sad smile this time, and with a flick of her hand,  the scenery surrounding you changed, from darkness to a beautiful forest.
“Sit down with me” She orders,  and you comply, not daring to disobey her.
“Remember the spell I told you to do in order to escape from purgatory?” You nod at her words.
“A part of me was used in that spell, my soul is now combined with yours little one” You stare at her piercing blue eyes.
“You have my power,  and my guidance too…that’s why I can speak to you whenever I want to”
“Yeah but…you’re way too powerful” You said, remembering the time when she showed you how powerful she is even in the purgatory.
“Exactly… I forgot that you’re… Just a human”
“I’m a witch” You said, your voice firm, proud. Morgana chuckles again.
“I know I know,  but your blood is not as pure as mine. Your blood has been washed away with the centuries, that means that you’re not as powerful as you should be, your body is not ready to such power as mine…that’s why its now reacting this way” She said,  her gaze focused on the big trees surrounding you.
“I’m overpowered?” You said,  more like a question than a statement.
“In did you are…but I’m working on it,  what you have to do now is wait for your body to get used to it”
“I’ll keep having this…attacks?” You said,  your hands shaking a little bit.
“I’m afraid so…but it will pass… Same as the nightmares,  I’ll help you” She said, a sad smile on her lips. Her hands now resting on yours, it felt… Right.
“Why?” You asked
“I’ve told you” She said,  avoiding your gaze.
“It doesn’t make sense, I’ve never help you-I-I mean I remember you but I don’t know from where! and I know you’re my mentor but-” You said, trying to remember but it was impossible.
“You helped me a long time ago… In one of your past lifes, we were….closed friends” She said, a said smile plastered on her face.
“you should go back now, your friends are worried about you…we will meet again” She said, disappearing through the woods, leaving you alone.
“Wait!” You scream , but it was too late, your vision became blurry and in a blink of a eye…you were out again.
“Lydia calm down, she’s alive, she’s just in some kind of trance-”
You could hear Stiles trying to calm Lydia. You tried to move or at least open your eyes, but it seems that your body wasn’t ready to wake up yet.
“she wasn’t breathing!”
“we just need to wait-”
“for how long?!”
Is she crying?
“look, we can stay here screaming at each other or we can-”
That’s definitely Scott’s voice.
“what? what we can do? you’re too busy with that new pack to even worry about her, she came back from hell! and you didn’t even stop to think the consequences of coming back from the dead-”
“she said she was fine!” Scott’s voice breaks a little.
Ugh, you need to wake up or they’re going to scream at each other for god’s now how long.
“and you believed her?!”
“I’m sorry okay! I’m sorry!”
Why is everyone crying?-That’s it, my body better start working now or-Oh…there it goes. Your hands start moving slowly, finger twitching. The dark veins were disappearing, and when you finally opened your eyes, your beautiful Y/E/C eyes could be seen.
“Guys stop!…she’s waking up”
You could see Stiles on your right side, his usual worried face staring at you. Lydia was on your right side, her eyes red and puffy, she was holding your hand with a strong grip.
“Oh thank god-Y/N are you with us?“ You turn your gaze to the end of what you think is a bed, a pair of big puppy eyes staring at you, his eyes holding a few tears.
“Ugh” You mumbled when you tried to move, your whole body hurt, the burning sensation in your limbs was slowly dissipating, your body was burning.
“Stiles give me that” Stiles handed Lydia a piece of cloth, she dumped in cold water and puts it on your forehead. The cold piece of cloth soothing your burning skin, a think layer of sweat was covering your whole body.
“You gave us a huge heart attack” Stiles said, sighing in relief and his friend was okay.
“Y/N…what happened? can you tell us what’s going on” Stiles asks, trying to keep his voice calm.
“I…where am i?” You asked, while Lydia dumped the piece of cloth in the cold water.
“At the vet clinic, Deaton will be here at any minute now” Scott said.
“That’s no necessary-” You said, trying to get up but a pair of hand on your shoulders stop you.
“wow wow you need to rest, you almost die …again” Stiles said.
Listen to him…you’re still weak
“It’s okay, it happens sometimes-” You said, still a little dizzy.
“So this had has been going on for some time now?! why you didn’t tell us?” Lydia said, biting her lip at the end of her sentence, trying not to smack you for being such an idiot and not ask for her help. It hurt her, you were suffering, she could have help.
“I..I was dead…I should not have returned here-” You tried to explain, your head was still foggy, and shocked for the encounter with …Morgana.
“oh no, you pissed off the witches again?!” Stiles said, remembering the time that you break the nature rules with dark magic, and end up hunted by angry witches.
“Stiles shut up” Lydia said, putting the cold cloth on your forehead again, her hand caressing your cheek.
“No no, they let me do the spell to come back, but I had to consume a big part of their leader’s power, but it’s too much-”
“and your body can’t take it, you’re lucky you’re still in one piece” Deaton said, interrupting you.
“Hey Deaton” You said, earning a smile from him. He was holding a book on his hands, probably where he was searching for a solution to help you.
“Only ancient and highly powerful witches have revived…how did you steal such a big power?” He asked you, The Pack’s eyes were now on you.
“I didn’t steal it….she gave it to me” You said, remembering Morgana on the other side.
“A big powerfull witch, just shake your hand and say ‘Oh hey! take my power I don’t need it anymore!’ , just like that? no tricks?” Stiles said, her sarcasm dripping out of his mouth with ease
“it’s a long story-” You said sighing. Lydia grabs your hands, squeezing it softly. You turn your gaze to her, smiling softly at her. You know that when you get out of this place, she’s going to have a talk with you, probably a few punches too.
prrr prrr prr prrr  (this is how I think a cellphone vibration sounds, lol)
“That must be Malia, I-” Scott’s said, grabbing his phone from his pocket.
“Go, I’ll take care of her” Lydia said, not even looking at him. She was still upset, he is the alfa, he should take more care of you, you’re part of the pack too, and you had saved his ass countless times. While Lydia was angry at him, you were angry at yourself. You know that Scott is having trouble with this new pack, the last that you want to be is a burden.
Oh dear…you’re their family..don’t forget that You heard Morgana’s voice in your head
“I’ll stay too” Stiles said, grabbing a chair to sit by your side. He already helped Scott, now you need his help, and you can bet your ass he is going to stay by your side until you’re okay. Scott answers his phone.
“…Malia? yeah…sure…I actually am in a bad situation here…Y/N almost died-don’t scream! …yeah …we’re at Deaton’s-” Malia cut the phone call when Scott told her where were you, she had begun to walk to Scott’s house when She heard the words “Y/n almost died”. The young were-coyote was beyond worried for her friend.
Seems like the whole pack is going to come here, great, they’re going to waste their time with you. Scott saves his phone in his pocket and grabs a chair too, sitting at the end of the bed, he sends you a smile.
“What about the new pack?” You asked. Scott could easily smell the guilt on you.
“That can wait, you’re part of this pack and our friend…you come first” He said, you could feel Lydia’s grip on you tighten, and a soft squeeze on your shoulder by Stile’s hand.
“Now…tell us all about this witch-” Lydia said, your three friends waiting for your explication.
“Morgana…her name is Morgana” You said softly and somehow, you could feel Morgana smile at the tone that you used to call her. But you also saw Deaton’s smile disappeared.
“Oh…that’s not good”
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sserpente · 7 years
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A/N: Request by @sallyp-53 and anon. I mixed them up a bit. Enjoy, everyone!
Words: 2004 Warnings: execution attempt, mentions of an abusive relationship, a bit of angst
There was no rejecting a mission. Not because it went beyond your skills and surely not because it went too personal. When they chose you to spy on the First Order to forward valuable information to the Resistance, you had not hesitated. Or maybe you had… what if you met… him?
Kylo Ren. It was a strange name, really. All you could remember was calling him Ben. It was Ben whenever you had had playflights, whenever you had kissed and whenever you had had sex. It had broken your heart when he had left to join the First Order and killed a bunch of young Jedi in the process. He had disappointed you. Not because he had turned to the Dark Side, of course. You had talked about that a lot, the ways of the Sith were no more harmful than the ways of the Grey or the Jedi… but because he had left you. You, the person he had claimed to love so much, had been left behind.
It was ironic, really. For as long as you had been on Starkiller, you’d never actually seen your teenage love in person, only heard them speak of him. Did he still look the same? Had he changed? You didn’t even know.
Well, right now, you couldn’t let your feelings get the better of you anyway. You still loved him, that was for sure, even if you had gotten yourself a new boyfriend by now. A weird fellow, vexed easily. Not once had he laid hand on you but then again… you liked him and you knew he needed somebody in his life. Just like Ben once had. Maybe you were cursed for attracting guys like that.
Sighing, you wandered through the halls of Starkiller Base. It was in the middle of the night, with barely anyone patrolling in the dimly lit corridors. As soon as you heard footsteps, you hid, and every now and then, you passed on the plans and all of the scheming the First Order did to the Resistance. Only today… something was different.
Somebody was getting closer and that somebody certainly was no stormtrooper. You swallowed thickly, looking frantically for a hiding place. When you found it, you held your breath. A cloaked figure walked past your concealed form. Robes? No… it was… a blanket. A dark grey blanket. Carefully, you looked up and… Ben. His black hair still framed his beautiful face as if he was a prince and the determined expression on his face… it scared you, sent ice cold shivers up and down your spine.
What was he doing? So late at night? Maybe he couldn’t sleep? Years ago, whenever his nightmares had stolen his sleep, you had both sneaked into the kitchens to eat ice cream or drink hot chocolate.
You almost scoffed in an amused manner. Surely, he wouldn’t be doing that now, though on the other hand, you wished he would. You wished he would remember you and maybe even miss you. It’s been so long… he probably couldn’t even recall your name.
After he had gone, you waited for at least thirty more seconds before you came out from your hiding place. Paralysed and shook, you attempted to regain your composure but you were shaking like leaf as you continued your way to get back to an inconspicuous and unused chamber used for broken droid parts, where you hid your datapad, always ready to send out new information.
It was then you felt a sharp pain in your neck, followed by nothing but pitch-black darkness that had you drop the ground, your legs not supporting you any longer. You fainted before a proper thought could form in your head.
When you woke up again, you were in a chamber. Metal walls surrounded the empty room, except for the odd plank bed you were lying on… tied up. You panicked instantly, struggling against the metal restraints but it was to no avail. Your ankles and wrists remained in place, not moving a bit.
You had been caught. And now… you were as good as dead. Shit!
“She’s awake,” It was a stormtrooper talking, you realised. Anonymous with his white armour and helmet, he stepped in front of you. You could swear he was grinning underneath that stupid mask of his. “Good morning, pretty girl. You know for a spy, you’re really attractive. And young. It’s a shame.” Another stormstrooper came in sight, chuckling at his colleague’s words.
“Now, surely you wonder how we caught you, huh? We found your little datapad last night. After we found you, that is. The Commander had us investigate a little, you see. Said there must be an intruder. He could sense it with the Force or some shit like that but hey—he was right.”
The Force. Of course, the fucking Force! Had he been able to sense your presence last night when he had walked past you? Or was it just you not being careful enough after he had gone? Shit, shit, shit!
The fear in your body was physically painful, it was like thousands of daggers were piercing your skin.
“You’re lucky. I’m in a good mood today. You’re with the Resistance, aren’t you?”
“No,” you lied. It earned you a smack across the face, your cheek stinging with the impact as your head was forced to the side. You could taste blood in your mouth. Fuck. “Yes, god damn it, what else would I be, you morrons…” You mumbled then.
The stormtroopers giggled again. It was a ridiculous sound, really.
“It’ll be quick. No hard feelings, just one shot right in the head and no suffering. Ain’t I generous?”
Your heart skipped a beat as you watched him drawing his blaster. That’s it. It was gonna be over. You’ll be… dead. Wiped from existence, just like that! Don’t show them you’re scared, don’t, DON’T.
“What do you think you’re doing?” It was a mechanic was that spoke. Deep and throaty. A black cloaked figure entered the room, his form concealed by dark clothes. Leather gloves decorated his clenched fists. He truly looked terrifying. Intimidating. Who was that? A higher ranked stormtrooper?
“We are executing the spy, just like…”
“You are not going to execute her.” No? What then? Was that… creature… man… going to torture you first? Please, no, no, no! Ben… Ben, where are you? You thought. Help me. I don’t want to die yet.
“Out.” His voice was threatening, making both of the stormtroopers in the room flinch before they legged it and hurried out of the interrogation chamber. Confusion spread on your face.
“What’s your name?” The stranger asked, circling you slowly. You hesitated. Was your name important? You were but a spy for the Resistance, dead or alive, your name wouldn’t really be useful to him.
“I’m… (Y/N). My name is (Y/N).” You whispered.
He took a sharp breath, his fists clenching even tighter.
“It’s you then. It’s really you.” What? Did he know you? He wasn’t… no. Your lips parted in shock as you swallowed, searching for any kind of emotion behind his black mask. But there was nothing. Nothing at all. Could it be?
“W-who are you?” You chocked out, unable to talk properly but instead of answering you, he simply reached up to remove his helmet. It fell to the ground with a loud clonk, making you flinch and then… you looked right into the face of Ben. Your Ben… it was him. This was Kylo Ren.
“Ben is dead, (Y/N).” Your name from his lips… it sounded like music in your ears.
“No, no that’s not true and you know that.”
He simply ignored you. “What are you doing on Starkiller?”
You frowned. “I came on a mission. The Resistance sent me to spy on you. I’ve been forwarding information for a full week now.” It was like he’d never been gone. One look straight into his deep brown eyes and you would tell him everything he wanted. You had trusted him with your life back then. Now, however, you weren’t so sure anymore.
It was like he had read your thoughts. “I’m not going to kill you.”
“Then what are you gonna do? It’s short of a miracle you even remember me, Kylo.” You spat angrily. You could feel tears forming in your eyes. No, no crying. Stop it! Don’t let your feelings get the better of you!
“Of course I remember you. I never forgot you. My own spies have been informing me of your whereabouts and your well-being ever since I left.”
Your eyes widened at his words. “You… what?”
“Your new lover. Who is he? I was told he is abusive. Are you suffering?”
How… dared he? Intervening with your life after all these years? He didn’t love you anyway, he had shown that when he left without you and still… he was still… looking after you?
“I… he’s not abusive. Sometimes he… he… I mean when he’s angry, maybe his hand slipped a few times, that’s all.” The bruises on your body proved different but certainly, you were not going to tell him that.
“My spies have informed me of something else.” There was concern in his eyes. Real concern and it made you realise that Ben was indeed still in there, somewhere. Buried deep inside this dangerous man but… he was there. Did that change anything? No, a quiet voice in your head whispered. It didn’t. The heartache that very man in front of you had caused you… you couldn’t just forget it all.
“It’s none of your business,” you finally replied then, lifting your chin in defiance. Kylo only snorted.
“You don’t get to decide that.” Excuse me?
“I don’t? So… so what now, Kylo?”
“You’ll stay. Here. With me.”
If your heart had been malfunctioning before already, it had stopped completely by now. You blinked at him as if he had lost his mind. Well, maybe he had.
“I-I… I can’t stay! I work with the Resistance, I—“
“Not anymore. You work for me now. (Y/N), I won’t let you return to that abusive man. He hurts you.”
“You hurt me too when you left, you know.” Taken aback, he paused as if you had slapped him across the face.
“I had no other choice.”
“You had the choice to take me with you.” You stated, your expression blank. At least you hoped you would come across as emotionless. Ben was a skilled Force user though, he always had been. He probably noticed that you weren’t at all repelled by the idea of staying with him.
“You’ll stay with me now and in return, I’ll make sure you’re safe.” With that, he removed your restraints and watched you climbing off the plank bed, crossing your arms as you stood there in front of him. You wanted to seem confident and proud but all you could muster was a desperate whimper. There was nothing you could do about it. Next thing you knew, you had already flung your arms around him, hugging him so tightly he stumbled back.
“I missed you so fucking much,” you murmured into the black curtain of his hair, letting out a relieved sigh when he finally put his arms around you.
“I missed you, too. You’ll be staying in my quarters. Don’t come out unless I tell you to. Call me if you need anything. I’ll go and talk to the Supreme leader.”
Reluctantly, you pulled away, biting your lower lip as he led you to his private quarters. It wasn’t exactly a Happy End but maybe… maybe you finally had your Ben back. And you’d help him. Help him to get through whatever it was he needed to go through. Fuck the Resistance, as long as you could stay with him. It would take a long while until you could fully trust him again but for now, his promise to keep you safe was enough. For now, it had to be.
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