#anyway please enjoy my obsesssion
mightyjensblog · 6 years
Why rose/pink is justified.(and why its still interesting)
Now this may be a controversial opinion but its one I have anyway. A lot of people are either saying she was a cold hearted bitch OR that she was well meaning but still very flawed not good or evil.
I don't think she was either. I think she was just a good person with some flaws(like her condescending attitude towards Greg) but was mostly forced to do things she didn't want to. Now for the argument ahead
She started a war and got thousands corrupted or shattered!
Yes she did start a war. No she didn't get them shattered or corrupted. Its established she more or less HAD to start the war to save the earth. There were no other options. She tried to talk the diamonds out of it, she tried to sabotage the production and so on and so forth. It was only til it was made clear she had no other options. Also when it came to her strategy many people say it was stupid of her. Reason being that, even if the diamonds didn't love her they still would not tolerate a threat against the empire, Buuuuttt. Lets analyze this a bit further.
She tried to scare homeworld off earth but every time she failed. The diamonds didn't seem to care about the rebel threat and just told her to suck it up. To her this didn't just make her think they didn't love her it made her think they were not concerned with her safety.
She left it all on steven!
Okay first of all this was already debunked. But to Elaberate on further why this is wrong, how was she supposed to know homeworld would return literal EONS after they had last been seen?
Now I had issues with this episode from a meta standpoint(such as the unintentional racial implications) but her keeping bismuth bubbled was for the best. And if she was told the others it could cause some people to AGREE with her
She lied!
Many say that she should have led the rebellion as pink instead of disguising herself. But here's the thing. If they did not only would she not have alot of support becuase those designed to be loyal to pink were, above all supposed to be loyal to homeworld so they wouldn't follow her. And she wanted to give the crystal gems an idea. An idea to rise against the diamonds and be themselves. This would be very hard, if not outright impossible to do as another diamond. Also her putting the spell on pearl was done to avoid having to look back. And didnt know the consequences would be so bleak.
Well intentioned but not good.
Many people say that she was neither good nor evil. That she represents a figure that was built to be perfect but revealed to be just as flawed as the rest of us. But I've debunked alot of those "flaws" here. While it is true she didn't know the full consequences. That isn't really out of immaturity as it is simply not being able to tell the future. With all the facts given too her the plan seamt full proof. Its only Because of things out of her control it all failed.
Why is this still interesting?
If rose was really the great person I'm building her up to be, then what's the point. It is just boring and out of place for a show that demonstrated that there's no "perfect" person
I'm not saying she was perfect she could act a bit condescending towards Greg for one. And the reason its still interesting is becuase well...lets go back a bit.
The reason alot of people were upset at the reveal is that it to them having it be that rose DIDN'T shatter pink it ruined the arc of steven admitting his mother wasnt perfect and overcomethe guilt he feels over her wrongdoings.
But, this may be personal opinion but I never really interpreted the arc that way. I always interpreted the arc instead as, Steven learning not learning that his mother did bad stuff, but that she HAD to do bad stuff. The Aesop was that sometimes good people...even the best people like rose had to do stuff she wasn't comfortable with and that was just the nature of war. Steven refused to learn this just thinking that his mothers killing was simply an act of violence that needed to be punished. His borderline obsession with that belief caused him to refuse to go back to earth so he could face punishment on homeworld. The new arc dosent really change this. Pink still had no choice but to start the war and lie. With alot of Grey characters while there sympathetic its not really "challenging" for example you can sympathise with alot of grey characters but still say that if you were in his or her scenario you would do things differently. With pink there's really nothing she COULD do Wich makes you wonder what you would do in her shoes. It creates the unique and realistic lesson that sometimes there is no "best option" there's just Wich option seems the best at the time.
In fact if you want a flawed but well intentioned character just go to steven himself. He means well but his borderline OBSESSSION with being a pacifist. As well as his somewhat condescending attitude towards moral ambiguity itself make him a very grey characters in my opinion.
So tell me what you guys think about the whole thing as I enjoy debates. See ya later.
(Also could someone please show this to The YouTube Uncivilized Elk I would love to hear his thoughts here)
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