#anyway this is just one of the like 10 scenarios i have concocted none of which i havethe talent or ambition to write
jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Yume100] Event! 終焉く冥府の祭り・ 第4話 Hell’s Festival that leads to the End [Chapter 4] Translations
*Yume100 Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will be retained as my usual. *As requested by Anon!
Pre-Event talk Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Last Chapter / Epilogue(Finale)
??: …I see. So you were travelling, if only to find a way to save your Country.
A voice sounded from behind us. Turning around to face the source, I saw Rubel who had an astonished look on his face.
Rubel: Nox, this is the first time I’m even hearing about your country being in such mortal peril. Why didn’t you tell me?
He took a couple of big strides, walking past me, as I stayed rooted there in surprise, to face Nox himself.
Nox: What are you doing here? I don’t recall ever inviting you.
Nox furrowed his eyebrow, not liking how it felt like to be stared down by Rubel, who was significantly taller than him.
Seras: Oh…Rubel’s here because I brought him with me.
Seras awkwardly raised his hand, making both heads turn in his direction.
Nox: …You’re responsible for this?
Seras: I think it was the day after I received the invitation? He forced his way into Seitos all so suddenly, like, no one asked him to, ya’ know?
Rubel: What do you mean I forced my way in?
Seras: But it’s true, ain’t it? I mean, you probably heard about what’s happenin’ here somewhere else but you insisted on comin’ along with me.
Seras: And then, you went off and disappeared somewhere the moment we reached Necropolia. I was a tad worried, ya’ know…?
Rubel: You seem to be enjoying the trip outside instead of being sick with worry to me though.
Seras: Well, that, I can’t deny.
(They know each other?)
I was surprised at their relationship with each other as I watched their exchange.
Nox: Rubel. You’re still an un-invited guest, in any case.
Nox: I don’t suppose I can get you to politely leave this premises?
Rubel: Not gonna happen. Not until the Moon Road appears again, anyway.
He gave a cold smile, but that didn’t seem to hamper Nox’s stubbornness about the matter.
Lied: I don’t know what the issues between you two are, but…
Lied sighed deeply, as if trying to clear up the tension in the air.
Lied: This still doesn’t change the fact that the Hell’s Festival is still going to be held tonight, right?
Lied: I’m still not satisfied with the piece I’ve written for the upcoming performance. So, would you kindly take your lovers quarrel elsewhere?
Nox / Rubel: ……
All the fight that had previously been present in them seemingly dissipated upon Lied’s words. He, who clearly does things at his own pace.
Lucien: Your relationship with each other seems pretty complicated.
Lucien: But this is a special place, is it not? Wouldn’t it be better if you took this elsewhere?
Lucien smiled at Nox, attempting to placate him.
Lucien: Prince Nox. You have my thanks, for diverging such information about your Country.
Lucien: I’d love to borrow a little of your time afterwards, if possible. There’s something I want to tell you.
Nox: You have something you wish to tell me? Of course, I don’t mind.
Nox: There’s still time before the Festival’s slated to begin…How about we all return to the Castle for the time being?
Rubel: You don’t mind me coming, do you?
Nox: …Yes, yes. You’re free to pass.
A kind smile graced his features once more as we headed back to the castle…
━━━━━━━∘◦ ✰ ◦∘━━━━━━━
The light of the setting sun filtered into the Drawing Room… The only people within the room were me, Lied, Seras and Rubel, who looked as peeved as ever.
Lied: ……
Lied didn’t make a move to touch the tea that had been set out for him, choosing instead to focus on his musical concoction in a corner of the room.
(He seems to be really absorbed in his work.)
Meanwhile, Seras and Ruber were each seated on a sofa, adamantly refusing to look at the other…
Ran: So the two of you knew each other since the very beginning…?
Rubel: I saw him countless of times during my journey. That’s all there is to it.
Seras: You’re as cold as ever, ain’t cha’, Rubel?
Seras shrugged at Rubel’s blunt answer before turning his gaze onto me.
Seras: Ya’ know how I leave my Country for periods at a time to do various things all ‘round, yeah? That’s when I got to know the guy.
Ran: I see. Why were you travelling, Rubel-san?
Rubel: It’s none of your business.
(That’s true…)
His attitude and the way he shut me off didn’t really give me much space to work with; it stung a little.
Seras: Forgive him, Princessa. He’s got a lil’ bit of a foul temperament, this guy. Probably, anyway.
Rubel: ……
Seras: You too, Ruber. Wipe that scowl off your face; you’re scarin’ her.
Seras sighed dismissively. At the very same moment, the door opened with a small noise.
Lucien: ……
Peering through the gap in the door was none other than Lucien himself.
Ran: Lucien-san…Where’s Nox?
I approached him as I voiced my question, but he only shook his head to and fro.
Lucien: He went off to prepare for the Festival after I finished talking to him.
Lucien: I felt bad for taking up his time when he’s so busy so I just wanted to thank him.
Ran: Thank him…?
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Lucien: Yeah. Arbito used to have relations with Necropolia in the past.
Lucien: And…I thought that I should be the one to answer their invitation since I’m the one with black wings.
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(Come to think of it, I wonder what he meant back then?)
I stared a Lucien and he seemed to have caught onto my train of thought, for a complicated look crossed his face before he spoke again.
Lucien: We have a debt to this Country.
Lucien: It was a long, long time ago…Where the discrimination back in Arbito was worse and much more violent than it is now.
Ran: You mean…
Lucien’s Country, Arbito, had a strongly abhorred those who had black wings. Even Lucien himself, had gone through that pain for a long time counting now, despite his status as a Prince.
Lucien: There were people with those hated black wings who gave up trying to live in Arbito in the state it had been back then.
Lucien: They sought to live their lives elsewhere; away from Arbito. Hence, they now sleep in Necropolia.
Ran: Here?
Lucien: Yeah. This place is often where one comes to mourn lost ones.
━━━━━━━∘◦ ✰ ◦∘━━━━━━━
Lucien: ……
━━━━━━━∘◦ ✰ ◦∘━━━━━━━
Ran: Could it be that, that grave you had been staring at outside the City was…?
My voice softened as I asked him so. Lucien gave an affirmative nod.
Lucien: I’ve always wanted to visit this place.
Lucien: I wanted to come here, to the place where my people sleep, to thank them. As a noble with the exact same black wings as them.
He breathed, turning towards the windows with a sorrowful look.
Lucien: Hearing about Necropolia’s soon-to-be demise was a bolt out of the blue, but…
Lucien: Prince Nox promised me, that he’ll continue watching over their graves until the very end.
(Until the very end…?)
The ring of that word made my heart ache a terrible thing.
(Nox did say that he had already made the necessary arrangements to secure the safety of the citizens, but…) (But what about him? What will he do after it all ends?)
My heart only felt heavier and heavier as my thoughts slowly broiled towards the worst-case scenario.
Rubel: …He’s always been like this.
Rubel: He’d always decide something on his own and then stay, to see it all through till the very end.
It appears that Rubel had been listening in to our conversation…
The words he had spoken reverberated through the room, dyed russet-orange from the light of the setting sun…
To be continued…
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slytherinknowitall · 4 years
Potion Fumes and Cauldron Leaks
Chapter 10: Oh, How Intimate First Names Can Be!
(Click here for chapter 9!)
(Click here to start from the beginning!)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the “Harry Potter” book series. The story of “Harry Potter” is the property of J. K. Rowling, it is not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only.
Severus cut her off before she could even get a single word out.
“Miss Granger, today, you will be preparing a rather easy potion which you have already learnt about during your early years at this school: the Cure for Boils. As I will be instructing the first-years in how to brew this particular potion tomorrow morning, I thought that it would be wise to have some ready-made phials of it on hand. After all, we both know how foolish and dim-witted some students can be.” He was, of course, referring to how Neville Longbottom once had made a cauldron melt while unsuccessfully trying his luck at this very concoction.
“Now, when you first learnt how to brew the Cure for Boils, you used a formula from Magical Drafts and Potions. This time around, however, you will be working according to the instructions found in the Book of Potions as that version does not consume as much time. As you can see, I have written the directions on the blackboard. You may take the required ingredients from the storage room and get started.”
As Miss Granger obediently and – by the grace of the gods – for once wordlessly got down to work, the Potions Master sat down behind his desk. He pulled up some essays to correct; however, he couldn’t concentrate on them no matter how hard he tried. He stared at the letters and words written in smudged ink for what felt like hours, but his mind couldn’t seem to form coherent sentences out of them. It appeared as though this was becoming some sort of pattern for him; he hadn’t been able to be productive for weeks. Whenever he would try to do some research or even just to read a book, his head would start to fill with images of a certain insufferable know-it-all.
Severus was hopelessly distraught. He was beyond disgusted with himself for acting like a teenage boy going through puberty all over again. It didn’t matter whether he was eating in the Great Hall, teaching in his classroom or walking through the castle’s ever-busy corridors – whenever there was a quiet moment, he couldn’t help his thoughts wandering to his apprentice. To combat this, he was trying to keep himself as busy as possible and had even began to lash out at the student body more than he usually already did. But his desperate attempts proved to be fruitless; once he would lie in bed at night, the darkness engulfing him, he couldn’t put a stop to his imagination anymore.
His mind would be plagued by mental pictures of the Gryffindor Princess, some real and some nothing but chimerical. Miss Granger in his private laboratory, bend over a cauldron, small beads of sweat running down her slender neck into her cleavage. Miss Granger in his sitting room, spread across the fluffy carpet in front of the fireplace, reading one of his beloved books while only scantily clad. Miss Granger straddling him on his bed, a cheeky smile on her face as she moves in to kiss him with those luscious lips of hers.
Worst of all, he couldn’t help his body’s reaction to these forbidden thoughts either, and that made him feel like a complete sicko.
Severus knew that he was doomed. Why oh why did this have to happen to him out of all people?! The Head of Slytherin – a former Death Eater and more often than not referred to as the greasy git of the dungeons – lusting after Gryffindor’s on-site smartass who was half his age; could it really get any worse? Had he honestly gotten so desperate for female touch that he had to resort to fantasising about a girl still wearing her school uniform?
He had only been in love once in his life and that had ended in tragedy. Except for some random encounters with witches he didn’t care for, he didn’t really have any experience when it came to the opposite sex. And so even if his silly, little crush weren’t so immorally wrong, it could never work out anyways. The Dungeon Bat wasn’t exactly what one would call a chick magnet. His nose was disproportionately large, his skin was almost sickeningly pallid, and his entire body was battered and scarred from the torture he had had to endure as a follower of the Dark Lord. A smart girl like Hermione Granger could never love an old wreck like him.
NO! Who was even talking about love?! Severus was simply getting turned on by her admittingly rather shapely form, that was all – he was a man, after all. Yes, while he had had many good-looking students walk into his Potions classroom over the years – with some of them even having being stupid enough to try to offer themselves to him in exchange for better grades – none of them had ever caused such a reaction before; but that was probably just due to the fact that the war was finally over now. With him not having to constantly fear for his life anymore, his body was seemingly starting to act “normal” again and that included his libido, too. With not many options available to him cooped up here in the middle of nowhere, it was no surprise that he would eventually stoop as low as to desire someone as annoying, overzealous and pesky as Granger. Mind you, she had indeed grown up to be a beautiful and attractive young woman. Him suddenly not getting irritated anymore by the constant flow of questions leaving her mouth and instead thinking about that very mouth in a perverted way meant absolutely nothing; he was simply horny.
At least that was what Severus was trying to tell himself.
To make matters worse, he had gone completely overboard with that stupid birthday gift. After having been forced to play along with this silly tradition, Snape’s mind had been completely blank on what to get his apprentice. Following a frantic one-hour search of his rooms, he had still not been able to find anything suitable for an 18-year-old girl.
“Well, she is a bookworm …” he’d thought after finally deciding on his volume of Long-forgotten Secrets of the Mayan Wizarding Culture – Potions, Spells and More. Severus had never been a huge fan of this book to begin with; while it was certainly a good read, he had always thought that it was completely overrated and therefore not worth hanging on to. Still, Miss Granger would probably get some enjoyment out of it somehow.
He had only realised his mistake once he had already sent off the owl. Even if he himself didn’t think much of the book, the witch would surely be bewildered as to why her teacher would gift her something so rare and valuable. There was no doubt in his mind that she would start to question his intentions sooner rather than later.
Severus let out a small grunt. He would have to find a way out of this misery. From here on out, he would try to further limit his contact with Miss Granger; continuing to outright ignore her during class and giving her tasks to complete elsewhere instead of holding their apprenticeship lessons. He could also do some research and look for a potion that would help suppress his bodily desires. Worst case scenario, he would simply have to pay a quick late-night visit to the sketchier part of Diagon Alley and find a willing Galleon-seeking witch to take his sexual frustration out on. Perhaps he could also have a talk with Albus and ask him to reassign Miss Granger to –
Suddenly, there was a loud blast coming from the other side of the room. Alarmed, Severus looked up from his papers, but all he could see was a half-destroyed cauldron and a lot of dark blue smoke – there was no sign of his young pupil.
His heart leapt into his throat. “HERMIONE!” he cried out before sprinting to the scene of the accident. With a quick flick of his wooden wand, he at once got rid of the chaos, and it was then that he discovered Miss Granger lying on the cold dungeon floor, covered in a mixture of unfinished teal-coloured potion and what he suspected to be blood. Her head of curls was a fuzzy mess and her face was completely drained of colour.
Severus immediately dropped to his knees and grabbed her by the arms to pull her onto his lap. Thankfully, the brunette was still breathing; however, the blow of the explosion seemed to have knocked her out.
He feverishly thought about what could have caused such a catastrophe; brewing Boil Cure was a simple task after all. With a brief glance at the blackboard, it finally dawned on him: He had forgotten to add a warning to only stir the potion very gently after adding the pickled Shrake spines; otherwise they tended to get “overexcited” and therefore become explosive. The Potions Master had obviously assumed that Miss Granger would have known this already, but it seemed as though even the knowledge of Hogwarts’ most brilliant student wasn’t all-encompassing.
Severus couldn’t help but to silently scold himself for this rookie mistake as he swiftly conjured up a cushioned stretcher on which he then carefully laid down his apprentice. After a quick visual assessment of her injuries, he was sure that the damage wasn’t too bad apart from some cuts and bruises. As a next step, he ripped open her singed and torn blouse, trying hard to ignore her now visible frilly bra. Using some basic cleaning spells, he made quick work of the sticky potion and blood mixture before focusing on the main problem.
“Vulnera Sanentur,” he whispered as he dragged his wand along the wounds on her chest and arms. He had invented this very spell during his own years as a student; and while it had originally been intended to mend severe injuries, it had become his go-to healing spell over time – because naturally, he had always had the most faith in his own creations.
A quick Repairing Charm later, Miss Granger’s tattered clothing was back to its original state. Severus then disappeared into his storage room just to come back out a few minutes later with a crystalline phial in one hand and a small jar of ointment in the other. He placed the latter on a table nearby before yet again kneeling down next to his patient. Supporting her head with his left hand, he poured a few drops of Wideye Potion down her throat; it had come from the very batch they had brewed together not even two weeks earlier. Sitting back on his heels, all he could do then was to wait for her to wake up.
Soon enough, Granger started to stir and eventually let out a muffled groan before opening her brown eyes, seemingly disorientated. It was only when she attempted to sit up that her teacher spoke up.
“You shouldn’t try to get back up quite yet … unless you enjoy feeling lightheaded, of course,” he said with an icy undertone as he stood up and moved back to his desk, sensing her questioning look following his every move. He sat down in his black leather chair and waited for her to speak.
“What happened?” she finally managed to ask, her voice still husky.
“It seems as though I have overestimated your brewing abilities greatly, Miss Granger, as you appear to have disregarded the required safety precautions concerning the use of Shrakes in potions, subsequently blowing yourself up. As a result, you have not only forced me to interrupt my work and come to your aid, but I will now also have to utilize my free time later this evening to prepare the required potion for tomorrow’s class. For this unbelievable foolishness, I shall deduct 15 points from Gryffindor.”
A tiny tear started to slip down her left cheek, but whether it was caused by the pain from her injuries or his cold words the wizard did not know. The incident hadn’t been completely her fault, of course; but Severus didn’t care. He told himself that she should have better than to make such a ludicrous mistake. Now that he knew that she would eventually make a full recovery, worry and shock was replaced with sheer anger – anger over his doom-laded error, anger over how distressed the sight of her unconscious and wounded body had made him, anger over how he was nothing but a slave to his primal needs and anger over how he had frantically called out her name just minutes earlier. He was practically seething.
“I will let you know that I expect better from someone who is not only this school’s Head Girl but also my personal apprentice. I expect a lot better … Now, I suggest you take this jar of dittany,” he commanded sternly, pointing to the small tin sitting on the desk to her right. “As I am sure you know it prevents scarring. Or maybe you don’t. Who could be sure after such a grave mishap?”
Apparently, he’d gone a step too far with his mocking, because the young woman’s crying promptly turned into uncontrollable sobs. Standing up abruptly, still a bit unstable on her legs, she bolted from the room, leaving the ointment as well as all of her other belongings behind. Snape grabbed the pieces of parchment covering his desk and flung them against the dungeon wall in blind rage. Damn Hermione Granger, damn those oversensitive Gryffindors, damn his own emotional turmoil!
Later that night, Severus was lying in his bed and staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep.
“Hermione,” he whispered, letting the name roll off his tongue in a hushed voice.
For some reason, saying her given name out loud seemed a lot more intimate than any of the deviant, shameful fantasies he’d had about little Miss Granger.
(Click here for chapter 11!)
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