#anyways shaking ur hand bc i'm also one of those people who has a hard time opening up irl. it's also part of the emotional repression
enbies-and-felonies · 2 years
fuck idk why i keep doing this. i always get scared to tell ppl ik irl abt anything going on bc im usually the happy go lucky, energetic person that everyone vents to and shit and everyone else has shit going on and i dont wanna hurt them so i end up ranting to fucking stranger who dont deserve to put up with my shit. i feel bad no matter what. i either hurt someone ik or i hurt a stranger. ig it fucks my thoughts less when i donthave to see who i fucked over yknwk.
anywaysssssss how has ur day been? aside from. like this whole thing lmao
it can be really hard opening up to people, especially when it feels like the person they know is a front or a mask, so you feel like you can't be genuine. i think it's important to know, even if you can't bring yourself to open up, that you can set boundaries! it's okay to tell people you can't handle them venting to you right then, or ever. part of being able to help other is FIRST making sure you are okay, and that includes not taking other people's burdens on yourself if it's too much
not saying it's right, but i do understand why it's easier to hurt someone who you can't see. it takes a bit of the reality of it away
i'm gonna be honest dhjsbdhjfb, this whole thing has been significantly less stressful/bad than the rest of my day /lh i'm 97% sure that i'm sick, but i have a hard time admitting it when i am, both to myself and others past that i've also got like. an essay due tonight that's probably gonna go in late rip to me </3
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