#aorry if theres typos i did this on my phone :(
scary-lasagna · 2 years
EJ scenario with an s/o struggling to focus on their college essay 🥺
Like no I shouldn't be here writing an ask 😂 but I really need this to put my mind at rest😩
If this finds you I wanna thank you💋💋💋 love your work and always excited to see what you put out!
aaa Thank yOU for requesting and liking my work! It means a lot! :]]
Have you finished yet?
"Aren't you supposed to be working?"
Jack was a dear. He was a very sweet entity that was supposed to be the bane of humanity, an evil creature that eats human organs, and an eyeless hellspawn.
But damn.
He's very pesky.
"No, Jack, I'm about to start, though."
Jack paused behind you, in silence, of course. He sniffed casually as he stared towards the glowing screen of your laptop. "You said that 30 minutes ago, [Y/N]. You still haven't started." He loved pointing out the obvious. Especially to solely prod at your patience.
You sighed and leaned back in your chair, puckering your lips with petty intent. "Y e s, I k n o w t h a t."
Jack continued to stare in silence, observing you switching between Tumblr and YouTube, then back to Tumblr to satisfy your need to procrastinate through endless scrolling.
More staring. And more silence ensued. Jack finally turned off your computer like a peeved cat and dragged your chair across the room to your dismay of yelps and whines. Being a 6'0"+ demon with super strength, Jack picked you out of your chair with the ease of one of your schoolwork papers and set your criss cross on the floor.
Jack opened his own laptop on the floor beside you, and closed out of some very sketchy looking website. Not even the good and cool kind of sketchy, but the ad ridden sketchy that makes you feel like you'll get a contagious disease from touching the laptop.
"Here," Jack placed a pillow under your laptop for comfort, along with all of your school work, and grabbed one of your boxes of candy from your desk before sitting down beside you on the floor. "Everytime you write a paragraph, I'll give you a piece of candy."
"Are you trying to good condition me?"
"Maybe. It'll work, though. Humans are very easy to manipulate with sweets. I'll give you some cuddles too, to top it all off." Bless his cold heart. Even if he hated long timed cuddles, he still persevered to give you the love you want and need.
Jack pulled you into his lap, and nuzzled into your neck. The teeth poking your skin may have been a little unsettling when you first started dating, but now it's a known comfort and joy to feel your boyfriend so comfortable with his self that he lets you get a peek of the monster that lies within.
You sighed, looking at the empty document that taunted your very existence. "Alright, fine." You gave him a little headpats, followed by a hair ruffle of his black tainted auburn locks, and started writing.
As you started to write, Jack paid close attention to your essay, giving you pointers towards grammar and rearranging sentences to make them longer. And as promised, he gave you a good reward after every paragraph...until he fell asleep.
Your mouth was already open, expecting the sweet to be shoved in your mouth like earlier. But the quiet purring against your neck let you know that Jack was sound asleep. And judging by the tight hold he had around your waist, you weren't going anywhere anytime soon.
You might as well finish this, considering the anchor that Jack kept on you, even in his sleep. But the cheeky bastard knew what he was doing. Human psychology was a piece of cake, and was surely easy to master. All you need was a little bit of sugar and loving to get your gears turning.
And no doubt when you finish, Jack will tell you how proud of you he is, and shower you with purrs and kisses in front of your finished essay.
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fagarlic · 4 years
i did a phone call yay
i got passed around a million times (like 3 lol) but i finally found the exact right number so i left a voicemail cuz i havent slept at all yet and i am so so so tired and i finally sent an important email before i had to do this too and i did it and at first i was gonna reschedule but i had to leave a voicemail so canceling it was easier bc i need to sleep today maybe
and i Also finally cleaned my toilet and most of my shower last night after i think over a month so yay again
i am almost tempted to make More phone calls i havrnt been able to make since im just sleep deprived enough for it to work lol but also theres one i dont remember the right numbers to (theres meadurements and amounts i need for onr and i dont remember what they are or where i mighta wrote the info down qnd i am too tired to look or care about fizifnf wllnof my typos (even tho i still fized some lol)
i did the things finally (we love a good deadline lol)
aorry id this post is annoying lol but i get to be proud of myself cuz all ive been to myself lately is just super mean and sinxe im sleep deprived enough to not be mean to myself i am gonna try my best to be nice to myself to make up for the times i was really mean
one od the ways ill do that is by sleeping but sayinf nice things about myself is the other thing
i winder how long im gonna sleep til lol
unless i stay up all day o_o :?
we will see
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