#aos or tos I’m not picky
nepobabyjimkirk · 4 years
I’m furloughed, under stay at home orders, and bored as hell. Rec me your favorite McKirk fics.
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yamoksauceforsale · 4 years
tagged by @herenya-writes (thank you! 💜)
top 3 ships:
all of these are top tier bc i’ll read them in any configuration, friends or lovers, gen rated or m
1. spirk (kirk/spock, tos): i’m very picky bc i only really like the tos characterizations and so much of the fic on ao3 is from aos but liStEn I go feral for the concept of t’hy’la okay also authors that paint me a wordscape with mind melds are just 👌👌 doing the lords work
2. jotakak (jotaro/kakyoin, jojo’s bizarre adventure): Kak’s character never got fleshed out well in canon so every fic is interesting for characterization. part 3 era fic is cute but tragic bc u know kak’s gonna die and i love dramatic irony. But i ALSO LOVE ignoring canon to see kak alive and happy in part 4, but joot didn’t know.
3. trephacard (trevor/sypha/alucard, netflix castlevania): again I just want to see them all happy bUT ESPECIALLY ALUCARD GOD IM STILL UPSET OVER S3 :( can you tell I want to read/write fix it fic? lol
honorable mentions to daforge (tng) and killugon (killua/gon, hunter x hunter) (both of which i’m too new to to say that it’s a fav but god i love the Gen rated fic that i’ve seen), and hannigram (hannibal/will, nbc hannibal) which is an old favorite but I don’t really love the ship I just want to see those characters interact more lol
lipstick or chapstick? chapstick at night for daily routine, lipstick to feel special
last song: don’t judge me but it’s “set fire to the rain” by adele lmao I was in a weird mood when I took my shower last night
reading: nothing star trek right now bc i’m watching tng avidly but i’m halfway through a bunch of fics right now including this hannigram regency au, this jojo case fic, and this ace attorney fic
3 random things that make me happy:
1. my dog
2. my guinea pig
3. baking bread
I tag: @mindmeld @lyrslair @nerosighted @lacefuneral @elements-united @bestnoncannonship
no pressure to do it! i dont know a ton of people on this blog so i just tagged a bunch of people whose blogs I enjoy :)
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songbookff · 4 years
If it’s not too much to ask, I’m a sucker for Amanda/Sarek and Christine/Spock fics. This is the main account for SareksHeart, by the way. If you already have some, I would love to read them! I’m not too picky about topics, or ratings.
I love Amanda/Sarek fics. However I haven't written anything for them. But I may be inclined to do a piece or two if you could give me a specific prompt. (Can be TOS/AOS/Disco/anything lol). These days I need a bit of a prompt to get going.
As for Christine/Spock, I don't personally ship them but I adore their friendship. I can probably come up with something somewhere in-between. I love writing Spock and to be honest, I haven't written Christine before, so that would be really fun to explore!
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green-blooded · 4 years
Hokay, I'm starting Star Trek: Beyond. Going to rant again... maybe say some positive things here and there. Does McCoy get to be a character in this one? Guess I'm about to find out.
Tumblr media
(Because he did! And also other words! So there’s still some negativity here, but I liked this one best out of the three movies.)
What.... are these aliens. Why do they look like this. Why are they gargoyles. Why are they attacking Kirk. Why is this happening. Why is this in a Star Trek. Okay. I'm. Trying. Let me enjoy this. Let me try to enjoy this. I will stop being grumpy.
Haha he ripped his shirt okay you got me but if the nipples aren't out it doesn't count.
McCoy is onscreen early in a corridor walk that they could've easily left him out of, so that's a good sign? They were a trio for a second.
Why are they showing all Kirk's uniforms as the same? Where is his fat shirt? This is important to me, okay. Wait, I said I wasn't going to be picky.
Whoa, McCoy has a second scene already!!!!!!!! Oh they're having a whole interaction oh no it's cute. WHY IS McKIRK THE ONLY THING I LIKE IN THESE MOVIES? "You know me, Mr. Sensitive." Oh no he's so cute.
MCCOY'S CONTINUING TO BE IN SCENES AND ARGUING WITH SPOCK. It's still about nothing because these movies don't do deep conflict, but. Y'know. There was a tiny trio moment again. I'm being positive.
Okay, those were a lot of establishing shots for Yorktown, so I hope it's actually important...
Oh yeah this is the one where they kinda let us know Sulu's gay? I forgot about that.
Oh no don't make me cry about nimoy please i don't want to deal with real emotions watching these movies. :(
Some of this does feel vaguely Star-Trek, even though it's still taking place in such HUGE environments that it throws me off. Every room is so POINTLESSLY huge.
Um... we're leaving Yorktown so I'm continuing to wonder if those establishing shots meant anything...
The CMO is on the bridge where he belongs, thank you.
Oh, did they let the lady characters have rank now? Soooo progressivvvve.
Do we really need to completely destroy the Enterprise in every movie? Like. Gosh. Where is Kirk's weird sexual attraction to his ship that makes him want to keep it safe? He's sexually attracted to everything ELSE in this version.
Oh my god are Spock and McCoy getting to do something without Kirk there???!!! ARE THEY CHARACTERS????
Everything is so spaced out on the bridge that Kirk has to be standing at the nav station to talk to someone in another part of his ship???
Newer versions of Star Trek keep putting the "evil" aliens in five hundred pounds of latex and makeup... you don't have to make the aliens less humanoid to make them threatening if you just... write better. Also maybe stop creating evil aliens.
I really have no emotional reaction to seeing the Enterprise being destroyed two movies in a row. I don't even have any emotional attachment to this version of the ship because it looks so stupid inside.
... We couldn't get the red alert sound right? Really?
Too much action too much action too much action. Please give me a story so I can care about what's going on.
Once again the gravity situation shows why the Enterprise shouldn't have such huge interiors... I know I'm going on about that a LOT, but it's one of the stupidest design choices in these movies.
Pointless action sequence with Scotty just... getting out of his escape pod. Cool.
Why put Uhura with an alien race where she could use her linguistic skills and then just have them know English? Sigh. Oh well, at least she's getting a scene to herself. Like she's her own character or something, wow.
Hello Spock and McCoy interacting! Thank goodness for small mercies. But a little less exciting when they have no established relationship to this point, but it's fine.
Oh wow they're having a conversation that could be considered somewhat philosophical. Someone saw a Star Trek episode before writing this!
The hot alien lady seems like a D&D character, but that's fine.
I appreciate McCoy yelling at Spock for collapsing in pain. But like, a caring kind of yell. Good job Urban.
I really do keep zoning out during action scenes. I barely know what's going on in the Kirk scenes because it's just a ton of action that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Like... the character who has already lied... lied again. Wow.
I really would like to have some emotional reaction to characters running around the wreckage of the Enterprise, but I don't. :(
Goodbye pointless alien who screwed everyone over a lot.
"Federation has taught you that conflict should not exist." No, these movies are just really bad at it, latex face alien.
Ooookay, we established Yorktown so we should care that this alien guy wants to destroy it because he hates unity or something. Cool.
Spock and McCoy scene okay. And we directly mention philosophy! Blunt, but cool. Again... it's just hard to get into it because there's nothing established with these characters, since these movies are more into action than character. But that was a good moment between them. Like... McCoy saying he'd throw a party if Spock left doesn't work because we have seen hardly ANY of the banter between them. It's relying on what we've seen in TOS... But Spock laughing was cute.
I like Jayla a lot. She's definitely a Star Wars character, but it's fine.
Lol they had to give us a ship older than the Enterprise to find one that looked a little bit like a Star Trek ship. Sigh. But at least they're doing it.
I love you Karl Urban for trying so hard to sound like you're from Georgia. I forgive you for, y'know, not.
He just yelled at Spock for collapsing in pain again, which is just the best.
Spock: [dying a lil]
Gotta say... I did like the moment where Spock looks to McCoy when Kirk says he needs him to stay alive. All I wanted this whole time was the trio.
Okay, McCoy calling Uhura's necklace a tracking device, then saying that he's glad Spock doesn't respect him--when literally a few scenes ago, Spock said he did respect him--is kinda great. Especially since respect in this scenario is, like, a way of Spock saying he has romantic feelings for Uhura? Beyond is bringing Spones back into the picture, and it's not perfect, but I'll take it.
Scott saying "she's lost people too, Captain" was good. It was real good. There are good moments in this one, thank goodness.
Holy goodness, they're letting Scott be a character too! They're letting everyone be real characters instead of just scene dressing for the Kirk and Spock show!
I appreciate Kirk calling everyone Mr. Whatever and McCoy is just "Bones."
McCoy saying "I'll keep an eye on him" about Spock oh no. Oh no it's cute.
Wow this dumb motorcycle scene is Very CG.
The main storyline of this movie is Also Very Bad, but I can deal with bad plots when there are good character moments.That's why I can watch the worst Star Trek episodes for the most part... So Beyond is capturing the feel of a bad Star Trek episode, which is an improvement from the first two movies.
On the other hand, while I would like to try to judge these movies on their own merit, I CAN'T because they lean on the original series. The Spock and McCoy interactions are just one example where all of the emotion and development was actually in the series, but now I'm supposed to apply it to this version of the characters who have never shown any connection before now. So, I have to compare them to TOS and it's just not going to come out well for AOS in any department but special effects and budget. (And Pine being more likable than Shatner as a person tbh.) Then even the relationships they HAVE developed in the show, like Spock and Uhura, make me feel very little because they didn't develop them well. Again, action scenes take precedence over development, and it makes the entire thing weaker.
But little moments like Kirk going to save Jayla when she thinks she'll be left behind, which calls back on the moment with what Scott said about being a team... that was a good within itself because it didn't rely on anything from the original series without entirely deviating from the spirit of it! I wish moments like that weren't so rare in these movies.
Were all those establishing shots like an hour ago really enough for me to care about what's happening to Yorktown? Not... not really? I mean, it's sad, but. I don't know anything about this place. The only ones I have any connection to are Sulu's family, and that's only because I like Sulu...
AHHHHHHHHHH MORE SPOCK AND MCCOY um... do you see how easy i am to make happy like... i could have easily loved these movies if they'd done a little better
Scott and Jayla are really cute engineering buddies and this is one thing that's 100% AOS that I really appreciate.
This is how I feel when I hear the Beastie Boys too. (Not in a good way. Not a fan.)
Hey guess what I'm about to say! Guess what it is! If you guessed "This action sequence is too damn long" then you get no prizes because it's pretty much a given at this point.
.... Krall is Idris Elba? I could've been looking at Idris Elba this whole time? Stupid latex.
This... reveal makes... no sense? I mean, on the plus side, I guess this means that the evil latex face aliens weren't evil aliens, but bad Humans... Still not great that they use latex to other characters and make them more ~scary~ imo.
Also, this is... basically the same reveal as the Khan reveal, just slightly less stupid because we didn't already know this character like we knew Khan. But they literally did the "different name, and then we find out who they are" thing twice in Into Darkness... seems weird to do it a third time for Beyond.
ALLLLSO I'm really tired of every conflict in these movies being resolved with fighting... isn't the theme of this very movie about how conflict is something we're moving beyond as Humans?
Are McCoy and Spock still just flying around? I'm confused. Too much action has happened and I can't tell who is doing what. I only know Kirk is in danger because people keep saying he is.
Oh, okay, they were still just flying around so they could save Kirk at the last minute. Which is goofy, but okay. Gotta love Kirk continuing to give Spock all the credit when McCoy is the one saving him. GREAT LOVE THAT SO COOL.
Love that Spock's conflict about leaving Starfleet to help his people is literally the exact same in these two movies.
Oh no they're bringing back Nimoy related thing to give me emotions again. Don't do that. You didn't earn my love of Nimoy, movie.
Oh, Karl Urban. I appreciate your accent efforts.
....... lol that look Spock and McCoy exchanged about the necklace. Um. Okay. I won't read into that, don't worry, not at all.
Okay, this one was the best of the three movies by a lot. Still not. Y'know... great. But they introduced a new character I liked. They had some good Spock and McCoy moments, even if they pretended that the TOS relationship was intact. They let Uhura exist outside of Spock for a while. Scotty got some really great moments. Overall, I'm not as angry as I was while watching the other two!
But now I'm going to watch some TOS, and the next episode I have queued up is Journey to Babel, so. I'm much happier about that. (Yes, this is a call back to the gif I used up top. Look at me, tying things together like a cohesive story would.)
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mia-cooper · 4 years
Fanfiction Questions
from here
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Involved as in ‘frantically read every book I could get my hands on, daydreamed about being part of that universe and wrote stories/made art inspired by the books, if not actual fanfiction’? Mm, probably The Chronicles of Narnia when I was six or seven. The next great obsession was The Silver Brumby when I went through my horse stage around age 12, and then Sweet Valley High when I was 15. Hahaha.
2. What is your latest fandom?
Marvel! I’m not into comics and I’m definitely not interested in consuming every last bit of canon material or memorising the variations of every universe, but I love (most of) the movies and Agents of SHIELD is pretty cool.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Star Trek Voyager. No contest. I venture to suggest that the older fandoms, the ones that are all about defunct shows, are a hell of a lot more chilled. Maybe because we’ve come to terms with our shitty canon endings and learned that liking the ship you hate doesn’t make someone problematic, unlike some newer fandoms I could name (Yes I’m talking about you, Game of Thrones fans. What the fuck.)
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
I’ve dipped a toe into one or two fandoms for shows or books I’ve really enjoyed and backed the fuck out when the vibe gets weird (oh hey, it’s GoT again), but nope. No regrets.
5. Which fandoms have you written fanfiction for?
All the Star Treks except TOS, and a Trek/MCU crossover. I’d like to write more for MCU someday. Plus I’ve written longhand entire notebooks full of teen romance shit that bore an uncanny similarity to SVH, and my first short story was a fantasy fic that featured a girl whose guardian was a wise talking lion who led her into mystical secret worlds, which is kind of familiar.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Wow. I’m going to define ‘involved in’ as ‘cared enough about to have an OTP’, but I’m guaranteed to forget a ton. In no particular order:
Voyager: Janeway x anyone who can get her off
Discovery: Lorca x Cornwell or Pike x Tyler x Burnham (or any combination of)
DS9: Kira x Jadzia Dax
TNG: Picard x Vash, I guess? I don’t really have any TNG ships
ENT: T’Pol x Trip x Hoshi (or any variation therein)
MCU: Cap x Widow
AoS: Coulson x Skye... no May... no Skye... I don’t know
CAOS: Madam Satan x Zelda
Timeless: Garcy
The Good Place: Eleanor x Tahani
The 100 (shut up): toss up between Clarke x Bellamy and Kane x Abby
Veronica Mars: Veronica x Leo (first run), Veronica x Logan (s4)
Orphan Black: Cosima x Delphine
BSG: Apollo x Starbuck
SG1: Sam x Jack
Arrow: Olicity (so over the show now though)
This Life: Milly x Egg
Yeah you know what... I’m drawing a blank. I can’t think of any other shows where I’ve been invested in The Romance that much.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
I’m too tired to do every fandom, and besides, I can come around to almost any ship if the headcanons (or fics) are convincing enough. I do have a few hard no-gos, but they might be someone else’s OTP so I’ll shut up about them.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
Reluctantly. The MCU movies are not something I ever thought I’d enjoy beyond a dull evening’s entertainment. I never expected to get attached to the characters. And yet.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
Voyager is my forever fandom and the only one where I’ve really interacted with other fans. The best things about it? In general, everyone is just cool, accepting, open and basically awesome. And talented. I love my Party Bus people.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Sure. The 100, Veronica Mars and Agents of SHIELD are the ones I’d dip into more frequently. I really enjoy crossovers between Trek and BSG or the Stargate variants, too.
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP?
Janeway x Chakotay.
12. Who is your current OT3?
Janeway x Chakotay x Paris.
13. Any NoTPs?
A few.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Janeway & Tuvok! Also Torres & Chakotay, and I’d have killed for more Janeway & Torres in canon. (If they kissed sometimes that would be okay too)
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Yeah. Paris x Seven. There are like two fics in existence, and yet ... the potential! (Sorry, B’Elanna)
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Janeway x Paris. And they’re still way up there, but not quite at the top.
18. What ship have you written the most about?
84% of my fics feature Janeway x Chakotay as either the primary or secondary pairing... holy shit.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Paris x Torres. I mean, I feel them. I just don’t generally feel the need to write about them.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Chakotay x Seven. In another universe, it could’ve been beautiful.
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Actual story that was clearly fanfic? A farcical drunken romp told in the 24th century equivalent of email format called PADDemonium (see what I did there?)
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Lol, a few things that should probably have never seen the light of day for various reasons, some of them leola related. But I’ve only deleted two fics that I can recall.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Relieved. It’s a 30k AU Chakotay moral dilemma backstory that brings in DS9 characters, Section 31 and his longstanding history with AU Janeway. I did so much research for it (way back in the days before memory alpha and chakoteya.net) and I’m really proud of how I wound in canon stuff across series but changed a few key bits and pieces. Only problem is, it’s a sequel to ...
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
... Pressure, which I can’t even read without cringing. My characterisation of Janeway, even Angry Maquis AU Janeway, is way over the top and there are moments that verge on Mills and Boon and give me first, second and third hand embarrassment. God, I’d love to rewrite it. Actually, that’s a lie. I want someone else to rewrite it so I can read it without covering my eyes and moaning.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
Desperate Measures, by about 70,000 light years, lol. Although Fragile Things beats it on bookmarks.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
You know what? A fair percentage of the time, I think of the title first and come up with a plot second. Aside from that, I prefer shorter, punchier titles that clearly tie into the story (Flight Risk, Speechless), though sometimes it’s song lyrics (Burn Our Horizons, your body like a searchlight) or a literary quote (Required to Bear, All the Devils are Here) or a turn of phrase from the story itself (The Prisons You Inhabit). Hey that was fun. Thanks for letting me pimp the shit out of my stories.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Ugh, it depends on the day. Summaries are harder, I think. I never want to give away too much of the plot, but there has to be enough there for people to know whether they’ll bother clicking. Funny story: I actually ran the stats on this a few months back. Here they are for your edification:
Fics with a one line plot summary = 54%
With two or three line plot summary = 18%
With a short snippet directly from the fic = 16%
With a snippet + a one line explanation = 3%
With a one line plot summary plus a line to date the fic (eg "set in season 3", “episode tag to Worst Case Scenario") or the fic prompt = 7%
And finally, a quote from something other than the fic = 2% (that's only 3 fics).
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Ooh. I’ll say the final scene in Explosive.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
I used to regularly ask @jhelenoftrek​ and @littleobsessions90 to beta for me, and both of them are brilliant at it. Lately I’ve been posting without sending my stuff off for editing. This is partly because I’m impatient to get stuff out there, partly because I don’t have as much time to write/edit, and partly because I’m a little less focused on improving my writing and more on enjoying it for its own sake.
30. What inspires you to write?
Little bits of episode dialogue I haven’t noticed before, other people’s fanfiction, stray conversations, fic prompts, song lyrics, random headcanons, fever dreams, dares ...
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I’ve been really lucky with comments on my fic. The least helpful comment I’ve ever received was on one of my early 30k fics and all it said was “Did you have to take the name of the lord in vain?” Which is kind of funny. The nicest thing anyone’s ever said? I’m very partial to the feedback that starts “I don’t even like this pairing/genre/trope/show but you made me love it”, and particularly “I’ll read anything you write, I don’t care what it’s about.” But all comments are gold. The little heart button is cool too.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
I’m not someone who can tune out music I love, or leave it in the background to inspire me. If it’s on, I’m fully invested in it. I’m that annoying person in the car who flips radio stations every three seconds until I find something I like and then it’s on 11 and I’m singing along to it. I’m also really picky but extremely eclectic, although there are genres I can’t stand (anything with autotune makes me stabby). That said, sometimes I find a song that I can’t stop listening to for weeks and often that perfect combination of music and lyrics will inspire me to write a fic. For example, I just plotted out an entire J/C story because of this song.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
All of the above. Although I’m not sure if my longest epic is huuuuuge or just huuuge.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I have two drabble collections. One is all J/C, full of responses to random prompts and I add to it sporadically. The other is episode additions set on Kathryn Janeway’s birthday (May 20) and added to annually.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Angst, definitely. Sometimes it’s smutty angst or fluffy angst or hurt/comfort angst, but often it’s just fucking unrelenting angst. And I’m okay with that.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
I did the stats on this once, too, haha. Pretty sure I came out fairly even on first and third person with a smattering of second person in there. I’m probably even-ish on present vs past tense, too. I make it a point to mix it up to avoid my writing getting stale or same-y. And sometimes a fic doesn’t really click for me until I try it in a different POV or tense or from a different character’s perspective.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I mostly write for canon characters - the fun is in all the different ways you can interpret and imagine them - but I’ve been known to throw in the odd OC, or focus on a character who only got a brief cameo appearance, or write about someone who only appears in beta canon, or who only rates a mention on screen.
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Oh, wow. I’m not sure. I guess the thing I value most about my own writing is my willingness to try different styles, characters, pairings and so on. The thing I strive for most is characterisation that feels true, and I really love it when I get comments on that. Exploring a character in a way that rings true with a reader is the best thing ever.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Overly long sentences and adverb abuse, haha. No, truthfully, there comes a point in most of my fics, particularly the longer ones, when I really just want to scrap it because in my heart I know it’s dreadful. Usually that passes once I slog through the ‘I don’t wanna’ stage because I’m a bloody-minded bitch, but sometimes fics do get left in the dust half-written. Honestly, though, they’re the ones that probably should stay there.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
This is hilarious because I was just talking on discord about my problematic ‘to read’ pile. My unread AO3 subscription emails currently number 29 and my phone browser has 71 tabs open. So here are 5 random picks from that list of exactly 100 fics I should be reading:
Sex on the Beach (E, Janeway/Chakotay) by @traccigaryn​
The Ruby Ring (T, Janeway/Chakotay, Janeway/Tighe) by @trinfinity2001​
Earth is But an Idea (T, Janeway/Chakotay, Carter/O’Neill) by @caladeniablue​
Home (E, Janeway/Chakotay) by Cassatt
Wise Up (E, Janeway/Chakotay) by KimJ
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Only five? Shit. Okay. In no particular order, these are five of the writers I keep coming back to:
quantumsilver (also here)
But there are so many others. My chosen fandom is chock full of amazing talent.
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
All of the authors above for various reasons, but also august because her writing is so spare and delicate and devastating, and runawaymetaphor because she writes the most delicious Janeway/Paris, and @seperis​ because I read In the Space of Seven Days literally 20 years ago and I still haven’t recovered, and I could be here all night raving on this topic but there are still many questions to get through.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
Janeway x Paris. I’m so happy there’s been a little bit of a resurgence in J/P fics lately. Thanks, @curator-on-ao3​, you’re doing the lord’s work.
I’ll also take Janeway x Johnson content any day of the week.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
What the hell? I can’t pick just one! Ugh!
... but okay, here’s the first one that came to mind when I tried to think about this: if you came this way by tree. I’m not sure I’d call it my favourite, but it’s one I revisit often. Ugh, there are so many other fics I’m thinking of now that I really want to list.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Oh, that’s hard. I should probably pick an angsty smutty J/C because that’s a fair proportion of what I write and it’s good to let a new reader know what they can expect. But honestly, I think the best fic I’ve written is The Uncharted Sea. (It’s safe for work. Maybe not for makeup.)
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
The Archive, of course. Where else can I find ad-free hosting on a stunningly user-friendly interface with absolutely no moralising content restrictions and the world’s best tagging system? That Hugo award is well deserved.
Tumblr is good for headcanons and meta and gifsets and a few other formats that I’m less likely to post on AO3 because I’d feel like I was pissing off people who subscribe to me by giving them some random garbage.
I also have my own website, but I’m not really sure why. Sometimes I post fic there that doesn’t make it to tumblr or AO3.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
I try to. Honestly I do. I love it when I get reviews, so I figure paying it forward is the least I can do. I’m less scrupulous about leaving comments when I’m busy or reading on my phone.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
I mean, I love it when people reblog, but I certainly don’t expect it. @arcadia1995​ is amazing for reblogging stuff *blows kisses*
Nobody owes fanfic writers shit, but I feel like there’s a tacit agreement that if you like what you just read for free and you’re on a platform that makes it easy to do so, you leave a review or at least a kudos, because I’m not gonna lie, posting a fic you’ve worked super hard on and seeing it get very few kudos or comments is a bit deflating. I’m sure a lot of us have been there.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
During Voyager’s original run I was trawling the internet for Endgame spoilers (I don’t know why; I usually love surprises) and I guess I googled (or whatever the 2001 equivalent of googling was) something like “how does voyager get home” and somehow I stumbled across Revisionist History. At first I had no idea what I was reading - was this a lost story pitch that somehow got leaked? A professional novella commissioned by the showrunners?
Then I started following links and discovered yahoo groups and webrings and Trekiverse and fanfiction.net and all sorts of incredible things I’d never guessed at, including the now defunct ‘archipelago of angst’, a collection of Voyager writers who focused mainly on a darker Janeway than most of the other fic writers I was encountering, and I was hooked. So I wrote a few of my own pieces, and then I lost interest for 15 years. I’m still not sure how I got dragged back in.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Honestly, in what other way can I indulge my obsessions, hone my skills and talk about it endlessly with like-minded people? Where else can I instantly find a plethora of fiction about the exact topic I feel like reading about on my mobile device and for free? Fanfiction is fucking amazing and I’m so glad it exists in my life.
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warpfactornonsense · 6 years
Fic Recs
An incomplete list of Star Trek TOS/AOS fics I recommend.
Literally anything by ThereBeWhalesHere. She’s written such fan favorites as Sha Ka Ree, Refuge, and To Be Wed. (My personal favorite out of those is Refuge, though Sha Ka Ree is better known.) Mostly Spirk works with a touch of Tilly/Michael, T’Pura, and Chahura. Mix of TOS and AOS.
Magpie by waldorph - Spirk, AOS - I’d describe this one as an absolute gut-punch. AU where Spock and Jim meet when they’re 7 and 6, respectively. Chaos ensues, of the heavy-hitting and emotionally wrenching varieties, as they grow up. Note: I forget if this includes any underage content or not?? I honestly can’t remember... I’m usually one to avoid underage content like the plague, but this one came highly recommended by an IRL friend, and it did not disappoint. Waldorph is also a fantastic writer with a lot of great fics worth reading.
the ship in port is the safer one by KiaraSayre - Gen, AOS - Otherwise known as "the toilet paper mutiny fic.” It’s a hoot and a holler, in a serious way. Full of friendship goodness. Jim learns on the fly how to be a real captain, and how to deal with all the less-than-glamorous garbage that comes with it.
Tick-Tock and Fizzbin by entrenous - Spirk, TOS - OMS fluff. So fluffy. So fluffy, I about died. One of my all-time favorites. Sulu gives Kirk and Spock a unicorn dog puppy as a housewarming gift, but Spock’s not really keen on having a pet. Kirk, on the other hand, really wants a dog. (Full of positive reinforcement pet training techniques! Hooray!)
Phoenix by museaway - Spirk, TOS - OMS. Less fluff, more plot and angst. Misunderstandings, resolutions, problems solved... and appropriately dramatic hospital bedside confessions. Very nicely understated, for all it’s actually dramatic? If that makes sense? Just an overall well-done trilogy.
Insontis by KCS - Gen, TOS - THE CUTEST THING I’VE EVER READ. Kidfic (and I’m CRAZY picky about kidfic), and mostly cracky, but in a way that’s just *Pacha meme face* mmmmm. It even gets pretty serious at times. Jim volunteers to get turned into a tiny infant, and the Enterprise crew has to raise him. He ages every time he learns a valuable life lesson. Full of all the friendship feels. 
Without Words by plaidshirtjimkirk - Spirk, TOS - You want shippy goodness? Here it is. Spock’s never been on a date. Jim decides to remedy that, and try to convey to Spock what he can’t seem to articulate with words. Plaidshirtjimkirk has tons of great stuff worth reading, but this one is my favorite out of their works.
The World Well Lost by annaknitsspock - Spirk, AOS - Read the warnings. There are additional triggers you may want to know about before reading this work. But it’s so good: Spock and Jim are on Tarsus IV as kids. Then a lot of stuff happens... Hard-hitting and full of Jim being self-sacrificing for the good of his t’hy’la. 
Take Refuge in What You Know by CorpusInvictus - Spirk, AOS - Spock has extreme agoraphobia. Jim just wants to get to know his enigmatic neighbor. Also healthy doses of Joanna McCoy, who is an absolute treasure in this fic. All the bonus points ever for this fic for appropriate patience dealing with mental issues.
Of Socks and Spocks by gentleau - Spirk, TOS - Spock tries to be a better partner to Jim, and takes the advice of a few crew members in an attempt to show his regard for Jim. This leads to some misunderstandings. Insecure!Spock, but there’s a happy ending.
Those are the big ones, anyway! I might have a few others squirreled away in my fanfic tag.
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soap-brain · 6 years
B, K, M, N, U, X! (I tried not to ask too many but djfsdhlkdf... pls?)
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.aos kirk being besties with aos uhura. like.. in retrospect it makes absolute sense (if you use fan characterization and not... you know... jar jar assbrands characterization) and they would be fucking TERRIFIC
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? already done!
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.i mean technically hugh but i think i look up to him too much and uhh there are,,, Reasons,,, for why that would probably not be the best idea, so imma definitely go with tilly!! she’s got so much self confidence but she’s still far too relatable and too much like me, so that would work out, and she’s so bubbly and caring and smart and i love her a whole lotalso yumi moon bc she’s perfect and loves chickens
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).for disco:1. content2. content3. content:/// ya know. i wanna be able to be picky with content and choose stuff i genuinely like, not stuff bc that’s all there isalso same for legmen, the high king’s golden tongue, and a couple other faves of mine but most of that is yet another case of me having to make that content. esp with legmen, bc there is legitimately only one other person in the fandom with me and she’s currently writing a different novel 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.disco - it’s a tie between hugh and tilly, i think? bc hugh... hugh is just so good and he’s who i aspire to be. tilly is just 1000000% best friend material and i love her so muchtos - uhura??????? yes???? do i even need to explain this??? (also her abs in mirror mirror like HEWWO???)fallen empire - leonidas. he is soft (battle hardened veteran), tiny (6′7″ or something), sweet (ex soldier) and needs to be protected (cyborg, therefore already better than all of us)also bc i love more character, have more characterstales from the high court - it’s a tie between... well... TECHNICALLY between all of them but i’m especially partial to allen (wanna be his level of amazing and Getting Shit Done) and lesto (cool fucking dude) and shemal (i’m just lov him ok? he’s soft and needs to be protected)idk whether this counts as a fandom but @its-life-jim ‘s oc areum?? she is Good. steve is also good but she’s a catmcu (do NOT @ me) - bucky barnes (he has never done anything wrong) and sam wilson and also shuri??? the best??? i Will die for her. also okoye? amazing and the best. love t’challa too! shadowhunters - i will die for magnus bane please understand that and have a good day. he’s just the best. so sassy and snarky and such a big softie on the insidewonder woman - naturally i would also die for diana. and steve. and... oh god i forgot her name but the amazon’s general?? the one who died?? I LOVE HERmad max fury road - furiosa. i am big gay. also she’s just really cool and a Tough WomanTM but not in the male way, ya know?dbh (again, do NOT @ me, don’t talk to me, don’t even look at me or breathe in my direction) - connor. he was sent by cyberlife directly into my heart (i know dbh is garbage, dw)star wars - finn????? rey, the dirt eating lesbian????? poe????? bb8????? yes????? listen they are all perfect and have never done anything wrong and also i am bi
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom. already answered!
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aprofessorbhaer · 7 years
dammit im gonna have to write it arent i?
lmk if you have any recs ive missed, please and thank
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magneticjaebum · 7 years
Fanfic recommendations- SUPER DESPERATE
Hi. I need Fanfictions, Oneshots, etc. my week hasn't been good, and I would love if anyone can help me get something to distract me from my troubles. Just message me or anything what you recommend. (NO MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH- please have happy ending) Here are a few things I like •bottom Spock. (Bottom Kirk is fine too, I just have a preference) •sick space husband •AOS AU's where they're still in the academy •AOS AU's when they're on the ship •Same with TOS^ •awkward Spock and loving Jim. •anything really I'm not that picky. •Spones is okay too! All these rules apply, just switch Jim's name with Bones. •smut one shots are also an option I mean anything applies as long as it's not sad. I'd like anything upbeat and easy to follow, but it can also be angsty. Just pay attention to my No MCD warning, and have it have a happy ending.
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green-blooded · 4 years
So I watched Into Darkness and wrote out my reactions to it... Again, it's going to be negative, so if that'd bother you, please don't read! All Star Trek fans are legit, even if this is a portion of the canon I don't like.
A brief summary of my reaction:
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And it's a Star Wars opening. This is a scene from a Star Wars film. The sound effects even sound like Star Wars. LIKE. I love Star Wars, but this isn't supposed to be Star Wars please stop.
I mean why should we give Uhura any characterization other than liking Spock. That would take effort or something.
I'll admit that I like Spock hanging out in a volcano wearing a disco suit. It's where he belongs. It is his home now that they blew up Vulcan. ('Cause it's a volcano, get it.)
Hey, hey omg they are almost doing a philosophical thing with Spock being willing to die for the needs of the many and McCoy yelling at him, then telling Kirk that if the situation were reversed, Spock would let him die. It's almost a Star Trek!
They're letting McCoy have lines. Wooow. I don't expect it to last.
Um... suddenly I'm in an episode of Black Mirror or something? I don't... wait holy shit that's Mickey? Who gives a shit about Sherlock, that's MICKEY. I didn't know he was in this!
Oh good, Kirk is having a threesome with alien twins. Cool. Love this. Love it. Great characterization.
OH GOOD more bickering between Spock and Kirk that is absolutely the worst and I hate it. :)
I just want McCoy in scenes. :( I just want Uhura with her own story. :( I just want to not look at Sherlock's face. :( Oh look, Mickey's already dead. :(
I don't... get Spock's characterization in these movies. I don't get what Kirk and Spock's friendship is. I don't... feel anything about it. I actually really love Kirk and Spock's friendship, and not having it work for me is a huge void, right up there with McCoy having lost his role in the trio.
So much of the sound design is Star Wars-y. It's really, really bugging me.
Chris Pine is such a likable guy. I really do enjoy when he's on screen. I don't like some of the characterization that he's been saddled with, but I like the character just fine outside of him being called Kirk.
... The conflict that made Kirk not the captain of the Enterprise and Spock not the first officer lasted for like five minutes and had no consequences wow.
Ugh, please stop having Kirk take the place of McCoy in the arguments with Spock. I hate it. It does not work, especially with McCoy not taking Kirk's role of being mediator. It's just bicker bicker bicker but without actual ethics really being brought in because?????? WHO KNOWS. Why'd they have to mess up the trio? That was the easiest thing not to mess up.
Here's what it is. The conflict between Kirk and Spock in AOS is a pissing contest with the standard TWO MEN CAN'T JUST BE FRIENDS THEY HAVE TO BE COMPETITIVE. While the conflict between Spock and McCoy in TOS is ethical and moral differences with a core of (admittedly complex) friendship. Just. Let men be friends and have real disagreements instead of just trying to play Alpha Male.
As I'm typing this, they're doing the same with Kirk and SCOTT of all people????????????? This is so not Star Trek ugh. Let people be nice to each other what the hell. Kirk is such a nice person. Let him be NICE. Let Spock be NICE. They only one they made nice is McCoy, and they only managed it giving him 0% of his edge. He's just cranky instead of a super intelligent and philosophical guy who is also Real Southern and ready to argue.
... He just made Chekov his chief of engineering? What... are... who... why is everyone on this ship twelve.
Is it just me or do they write Spock as an android instead of a Vulcan? Like... he knows how Humans work. And yeah, he sometimes plays up being non-Human on TOS, but... it just seems so overdone. Maybe I'm being too picky idk.
I continue to hate the Spock/Uhura stuff wow.
Take McCoy On Away Missions He Has No Business Going On Like Real Star Trek!!!
Oh my god even the shuttles are fucking huge. Why are all these ships so big inside? It makes everything feel much more sterile and difficult to believe.
The McCoy and Sulu interactions are A+.
Oh good, now Uhura is having a McCoy argument with Spock. Don't let McCoy have any role in this whole movie, that's fine. I mean the Bread and Circuses talk about Spock wanting to die was way better and took less screentime, but that's fine. That's fine. Let's just bluntly talk directly about Spock's Feelings instead of any kind of subtlety. God I really hate the writing.
Wow, we almost had one (badly written) conversation without an action scene. Phew, they fixed that.
Why does every iteration of Star Trek feel the need to completely redo Klingons from scratch?
Oh no, they almost have diplomacy where Uhura got to show off her skills, couldn't have that. Time for an action scene!
Every interaction Kirk or Spock has with another man in this whole fucking movie is aggressive for no reason. And even in this alternate universe, McCoy refuses the toxic masculinity. This is why I love him. He just wants to be everyone's mom friend.
Oh hey they did send McCoy on an away-- what? Did he just... flippantly refer to a Gorn? That's... they didn't... whatever. McCoy demanding to be left behind to die for the good of someone else just flies by unnoticed but it was a big deal for Spock. Okay.
Ok, the reveal that this is about Khan is more than an hour into the movie. Which is a reveal everyone knew before the movie came out and also a character that we're all familiar with. So I just kinda feel like every minute of the movie so far was just wasted on backstory. Again!
(McCoy should be in this scene where they confront Khan but whatever.)
Hey, AOS? We already know that Khan is a fucking monster, so trying to get us to feel sorry for him as if we don't know this is weird as hell. Like, these ethical quandaries it's trying to bring up are not working for me at all, because... if you're going to base this on TOS, you can't just pretend nothing in TOS happened!
Also love these reveals where I'm supposed to care what ship just showed up, but they're shining lights in my eyes so I can't even see what it is!
Nimoy was on my screen time to start paying attention again. I definitely kind of zoned out for a while there. I think I missed like five consecutive action scenes.
Again, why are we getting a reveal about Khan being evil? We... we know this. Even people who don't watch Star Trek know he's a bad guy. Why do we need Nimoy to tell us this? We're an hour and a half into the movie and still getting reveals that we should have known before the movie started!
~ This Is Dumb ~
Oh my gosh Khan betrayed them wow i didn't see that coming
Wow look at this disaster that shows why a huge fucking ship with endlessly huge corridors is maybe a bad idea because we're in space and gravity failures means everyone would fucking die. I hate this pointlessly large interior oh man.
How long do I have to watch the Enterprise fall apart before something new happens? This movie could be like half an hour long if we just cut the pointless action scenes.
Okay, time for the only actual reveal in the whole film; Kirk "dies" instead of Spock. It might be good if it didn't go on too long and make the Sad Music swell. They did hire good actors, so you'd think they'd let them use their Acting Skills instead of making it sappy and dumb with bad cinematography and overwhelming music.
So, for one thing, McCoy should be getting to Engineering to see to Kirk when he gets out, not Spock. For another thing, there is no history between this Kirk and Spock that makes this moment meaningful. Maybe it would be kinda, if you don't have Wrath of Khan (which I don't even like!) to compare it to where we have three seasons and two movies of history between two people who are actually friends! Kirk's actual friend in these movies is McCoy, WHO SHOULD BE THE ONE CALLED DOWN HERE THIS IS A MEDICAL SITUATION.
Like, it's great that you're feeling, Spock, but I'm sure not. This is so dumb.
Oh god did he just yell khan no this is so dumb this is so dumb now i AM crying this is so dumb
Love that they took the Khan storyline and drained it of any relevance by not really getting into the whole eugenics aspect.
Oh now I get to see someone who actually was Kirk's friend reacting to hsi death. Thanks for finally getting to something meaningful, movie. Oh man, I almost felt something, because Urban is a pretty good actor and McCoy's friendship with Kirk is the only relationship I care about in the AOS, but then there was a tribble and ruined it, so.
This fight between Khan and Spock is dumb, just. Dumb. It's dumb. This is dumb. Why does every action sequence go on SO LONG.
Spock's rage toward Khan makes no sense. He and Kirk barely tolerate each other in these movies, I don't get it.
McCoy and Kirk are really cute in these movies. That's all I have. Of course, we can't let McCoy talk too much, because this is the Kirk and Spock show.
Oh thank goodness, this movie is over. I am hoping I'll like Beyond, because people have said this one might not be awful. Probably going to wait until tomorrow because it's nearly midnight and I want to be in a better mood when I watch it.
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