odinsblog · 11 months
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Phony Stark is now tacitly endorsing racist Ron DeSantis
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 7 months
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
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Hitler observed the Munich agreement for less than 24 weeks. And the invasion of Poland began just over 11 months after Munich. Appeasement is not the road to peace.
Ethnonationalist dictators are not interested in the rule of law – including international law. That's usually how they got to be dictators in the first place.
Putin violated a host of international agreements and treaties when he invaded Ukraine. That includes the United Nations Charter, the 1975 Helsinki agreement, and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. And all through this war, Putin has been violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide which went into effect in 1951.
Anybody who believes that Putin would adhere to any future agreements on Ukraine has to score in the top 1% of the population for gullibility.
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bouncinghedgehog · 1 month
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originalleftist · 13 days
For anyone honestly still asking why the US or other countries should support Ukraine against Russia, here's why:
When Ukraine became an independent country upon the breakup of the Soviet Union, it, along with Belarus and Kazakhstan, signed the Budapest Memorandum, an agreement with Russia, the US, and the UK where it gave up the immense stockpile of Soviet nuclear weapons it retained (then the third-largest nuclear arsenal in the world), and signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, on the condition that, among other things, the other signatories, including Russia, would respect it's sovereignty and borders. It is facing the threat of annihilation now because this agreement has not been upheld.
2. Any "peace" achieved by the surrender of Ukraine's land and people to Russian occupation and genocide would be an illusory and temporary one. Not only for the subjugated and brutalized people of Ukraine, who would no more know peace than any other people under authoritarian rule, but for the world. Every nation with expansionist aims would see Russia's victory as proof that they too could get away with annexing weaker countries' territory by force. This has not been the norm for nearly a century (for all the criticisms of the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the US never tried to outright annex either country's territory into the US). What we are talking about is a return to the days of colonial "Great Powers"- a world order which gave us two world wars in less than thirty years before we finally put an end to it.
Such a "peace" would be soon interrupted, likely either by a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, or by Russia moving on to it's next target once it had sufficiently rebuilt it's strength- either scenario being one with a high risk of leading to global nuclear war.
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dclcq · 9 months
"Putin was wrong to invade, but Europe and US should negotiate peace instead of fueling warmongering Zelenskyy" - this is the message I've been getting almost every day. So I decided to respond with a thread.
First of all, dear peacemakers, do you have a clue what are Putin’s demands for peace? I will tell you: Russia is allowed to invade and control Ukraine’s government, resources, and legislation for an indefinite time.
Ukraine’s army must be demilitarized and almost destroyed. This means leaving no weapons, and no means to respond to any future threat from Russia. All damage Russia brought to Ukraine must be rebuilt by Ukrainians and Europeans.
All criminal accusations, all sanctions must be lifted. All crimes must stay unpunished. Territory, Russia took over by force, must stay under Russia no question. Russia does not agree to draw its forces out of Ukraine.
It still insists it is allowed to deport Ukrainians from their homeland and instead let Russians move in. Look at what is going on in Mariupol. This will be all of Ukraine.
At the same time each attack, each mass murder committed by Russians in Ukraine is blamed on Ukraine. Logic: Stop protecting yourselves, you are not allowed. We are allowed to shoot anti-ship missiles at your cities.
But it is you who’s guilty, bloody warmongers. Stop resisting. Let us turn you into the colony. Because we have the right, because we used to have you and want to have you back by force in 21st century.
Meanwhile, the ones, you call warmongers from EU and US: provide weapons on their own schedule, do not provide any means we can use to attack Russia or even Crimea. Strictly forbidden to use any of their weapons to bring war to Russia. Still are afraid of Russia losing
Agree to lift sanctions from Russian oligarchs, put Russian banks on Swift, buy Russian nuclear energy even at times Russians keep largest NPP in Europe hostage.
But let's think we agreed on Russia's peace terms after all it did to us. After it destroyed our cities, and industries, killed, raped, and kidnapped our people. Because "every war ends with negotiations", right?
NATO indeed got a boost because Russia attacked Ukraine. So they do have a plus. We got weapons to stand and retake our territory. Also a plus. But let's go into the "negotiations camp". Imagine this war ends on Russian terms, and that's the terms Russia agrees to negotiate.
What message do we send to the world: If you are a bigger power that wants to colonize neighboring countries, you can do it. You can come and kill the natives, destroy their houses, kidnap their kids, and turn them into your new citizens to replace those killed in war.
You can send natives to filtration camps, take away their property and send your own people from depressive regions to live in better conditions in the colonized country. and that is fine. You will still be at UN, still will be doing business as usual.
You might suffer from sanctions for a while, but you can always use loopholes or kill even more natives to pressure the world to lift the sanctions and let you continue your war. it will work. You will consolidate power at home, showing how strong you are.
You will use mindblowing propaganda efforts, mixing historical conflicts to get allies in modern times, making people previously colonized by others that now the sovereign state you still see as your breakaway colony, is somehow guilty for this war.
You dare to blame Ukraine, the West for this war, but not the one who actually has boots on the ground. not the one who destroys food destined maybe for your countries. This all because when you were suffering, nobody helped you. now you think it is fair for this to continue.
and the most mindblowing thing here is that if Putin's peace will happen, you will all remember us, like we now remember Syrians, Georgians, Chechens, and Afghanistan. World ignored all warnings, and kept business as usual, while one by one Russia was destroying us.
Now Putin, feeling the Ukraine fatigue and upcoming election year moods shits, feels blood and already reminds Poland that Stalin presented her lands. WEAK UP!!!!
The ones, who strip us of agency, because we need help fighting on our own with the largest army on the continent, please get a life. Read history. read about Ukraine. We have free and fair elections, even now there are openly pro-Russian lawmakers in parliament.
Yes, during the war we got a bit less democratic, but as did ANY OTHER COUNTRY during the war in history.
Our parliament still has heated debates about laws, we got rather strong institutions. We are older than Russia, we just had different names, like most of the countries in their history. Please read, and educate yourselves more. don't just write "independent thinker" in your bio
if you think that just letting Russia win will end this and it will be good, you should stop also in your daily life: standing for yourself or your loved one when someone's abusing him or her. Let bully at school to abuse your kid, and ask your kid what did he do to provoke it?
Stop writing quotes of great leaders about justice in your bios. Because you clearly are not ready to fight for justice, so be truthful. Write something about surrendering for the sake of peace. be honest to yourself. END.
Me, and many others like me probably will not survive to live in the new world, where surrendering to an aggressor who's murdering is right, cause you might get the chance that not all of you will be murdered, some might be enslaved and live happily ever after.
And honestly, I start thinking it is fine that I might not survive to live in this new "wonderful" world our place will turn if Russia is not defeated in Ukraine.
-- by Nika Melkozerova Source
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rainbowpopeworld · 2 months
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nordic-noire · 5 months
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'Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.'
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odinsblog · 2 years
Appeasement does not work.
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Appeasement didn’t work for Hitler, appeasement didn’t work after the Budapest Memorandum, appeasement didn’t work for Crimea and Dunbas, and appeasement won’t work now.
This is not about “denazification” of Ukraine. Remember, Russia has Nazis, and so does America and many other nations. Is Putin going to attack all of them too?
To be clear: Obviously I am NOT excusing Nazis anywhere, but much like the Jewish Holocaust survivors who were happily living in Odesa Ukraine—who do not welcome Putin’s alleged Russian saviors—as a Black man, I too would be kinda pissed if Russia started indiscriminately bombing tf outta my neighborhood to “denazify” it (and that’s despite the fact that I saw a ton of Trump flags in my hood during the last two election cycles). It’s bullshit. Russia recently used an antisemitic “argument” to disregard Zelenskyy’s Jewish heritage. It’s a bullshit argument. Putin wants to “denazify” Ukraine, about as much as George W. Bush wanted to bring “democracy” to Iraq, Afghanistan and every other country we’ve invaded.
Mikhail Gorbachev himself said that NATO expansion was never an issue. It’s revisionist history to say otherwise, but that’s not stopping Putin from using it as his current go to argument. Crimea was not a member of NATO, and Ukraine was not in NATO nor seeking membership when Putin attacked. And tomorrow, it will be some brand new bullshit excuse. But make no mistake: Putin is invading Ukraine and committing war crimes for the exact same reasons all colonizing imperialists do—for dominance, power, land and resources.
Russian imperialism isn’t good just because American imperialism is bad.
And for the “communist” tankies suddenly simping for Henry Kissinger—a U.S. war criminal they hated until last week—all I have to say is this: telling people who were peacefully minding their own business, to “just stop fighting back if you want to end the war,” has got to be some of the vilest shit I’ve seen in a good long minute. Except, I see this mentality all the time. It’s the foreign policy equivalent of telling Black and Brown people to “be peaceful” and maybe the cops will stop attacking you. It’s the equivalent of advising a battered wife to please, “just try not to provoke your abuser, and maybe he’ll stop hitting you.” It is literally endorsing “might makes right.” It’s abuser logic. It’s gaslighting. It’s bullshit advice that has never ever ever worked for anyone smaller who is being systematically harassed or attacked by a more powerful abuser.
“Just give the bully your lunch money today” is terrible advice, it only ensures that the bully will expect to keep on taking your lunch money every single day.
Obviously, no sane person wants any war to continue, but what kind of world do we want to live in if we keep telling smaller countries to just acquiesce to larger countries who invade and attack them, unprovoked?
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howifeltabouthim · 2 months
She, on the other hand, had spent her entire life trying to placate cruel and brutal people, so she was in the perfect position to help him.
Anna Biller, from Bluebeard's Castle
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postersbykeith · 10 months
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Unless Russia abandons its goal of conquering new territory in Ukraine, peace talks have little chance of achieving anything. History shows that appeasement only strengthens and encourages aggressors and that aggressors can be stopped only with force. As the prime minister of Estonia, a frontline NATO country that endured half a century of Soviet occupation, I know what peace on Russia’s terms really means. Russian peace would not mean the end of suffering but rather more atrocities. The only path to peace is to push Russia out of Ukraine.     [ ... ]    What is at stake in Ukraine is not just Ukraine’s existence but Europe’s security architecture, with its core principles of territorial integrity, sovereignty, and prohibition of the use of force. We cannot allow the fundamental principles of the UN Charter and the European security architecture to be trampled underfoot. For that reason, Ukraine must win, the Russian aggressor must fail, and war criminals must face justice. No peace that is reached before these goals are achieved can ensure anyone’s security.
Prime Minister Kaja Kallas of Estonia, at the journal Foreign Affairs. (archived)
Estonian Prime Minister Kallas knows what she’s talking about. Countries next door to Russia have no illusions about the régime there. Often it’s people in the West who know next to nothing about Eastern Europe who are calling for an immediate negotiated settlement. That’s like trying to reach a “compromise” between a serial killer and an intended victim.
Russia has attacked Ukraine despite previous international agreements such as the 1975 Helsinki Accords and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. And let’s not forget the United Nations Charter. Russia isn’t respecting those treaties and so there’s little reason to believe it would follow any new agreements.
Russia has never given up its colonialist and imperialist ambitions. It’s only when it starts acting like a normal 21st century country that there will be lasting peace in Eastern Europe. Leave the idiotic talk of bothsiderism to Elon Musk, “tankies”, and other brainless dupes of Putin. 
Prime Minister Kallas expatiated on the war and Russia’s responsibility for it in this interview on Australia’s ABC.
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wisdomfish · 1 year
It was not the nature of the early church to appease anyone.
JP Moreland
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mysticdragon3md3 · 6 months
7 Signs You’re Not Too Nice, It’s Your Trauma by Psych2Go
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cultml · 2 years
“Is Ukraine worth fighting a nuclear war over? If not, we should act accordingly.” If you answer that question by putting America’s interests first, the answer is obviously “no.”
your asking the WRONG question. Is it putting Americas interest first to stop Russia from using nuke threats to take over it’s neighbors and there by setting the president for ...oooh N Korea.... Pakistan... Iran.... China... and any one who can get their hands on them. And you know the general right of countries to have some autonomy ( spare me the US coups everyone all the time coloring book or “Ukraine so corrup’” theme song)
This is the larger point about most of what i read about this. This story is just a useful example and  the rest of it from my brief skim is the usual myopic though process.
This isn’t that complicated. Tell Putin that if he uses nukes there will be no more Russia. Then tell his that he is welcome to leave Ukraine and Crimea and we won’t turn Russia into the Weimar republic and spend the next two decades persecuting everyone involved for war crimes. Of course it only works if he believes we would do it..... and there is the problem
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