#arcane gifs
arcanegifs · 2 days
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PVRIS  — "Oil and Water"
"If you give me your cold shoulders I'll bravе the storm and keep my arms wide open We're oil and water, it's true But I still fall into you"
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shi-the-second · 2 days
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lovelybrooke · 1 day
We Could Be a Family Pt.2 (Platonic Yandere Silco and Jinx).
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It's finally happening. Here's part 1. And no, I'm not doing a part 3.
tw: choking is done to reader.
"You called for me."
Silco was sitting at his desk, his chair facing the grand window behind him, his eyes locked on the world outside his office. 
He doesn't acknowledge you immediately. Instead, he slowly swivels his chair around, facing you with his syringe in hand. He gives you a small smile, one which you do not reciprocate. 
"What do you need, I was working." You say blankly, Silco's smile dropping. He sometimes missed when you were younger, cute and naive. Now, you're eighteen, much more mature and hardened towards the world. He wishes he could go back to when you were a child, he wishes he could change a lot of things. 
Silco waves the syringe around, your eyes rolling immediately. You take a short walk to his desk, walking behind the desk and taking the syringe from him. 
The syringe has a small vial of shimmer in it, glistening under the light of the room. You take a stand in front of Silco, pulling down the syringe and listening for the click. 
"You know...I've been thinking..." You mumble, Silco's focusing on you. 
"That could be dangerous." Silco says, his voice gravelly. You don't react to his comment, moving the syringe towards his eye after a faint click sound is heard.
"I--I want to join the Academy." You whisper, Silco flinching when the needle punctures his eye and the shimmer drains. Once the syringe is taken away, he bends over heaving, looking at you with a snarl. 
You fiddle with the syringe, placing it down on the table eventually. "I-I want to join the Academy, become a chemist." You reverted back to your shy demeanor, not even looking Silco in the eye. 
He huffs, a small laugh escaping his mouth as he regains his composure. "Heh-you think they'd let a child from Zaun into the Academy." He leans back into his chair. "They wouldn't even let you into the city."
You look up at him, your face scrunched up in embarrassment. "I have the money, remember?" Of course, he remembers. You were smart, you hid it, and neither him nor his underlings could find any trace of him. "I could leave at any moment." 
"But you won't." Silco says, smirking. He waves the syringe around, almost playfully. "You're my best worker." 
"What about Jinx?" 
"Jinx is unpredictable." 
You cross your arms, and Silco can notice tears on your eyeline. "Can I go now?" 
Silco doesn't answer, simply turning around and gazing back out the window. His smile drops as he hears your feet shuffling away. "(Y/N)." 
"...Don't forget about dinner." 
You don't answer, the door slamming shut.
"Where ya going?" 
You look over your shoulder, Jinx in the doorway behind you. You barely spare her a look before continuing to throw clothes into your old suitcase. 
"I'm leaving."
The girl doesn't respond, but you can hear her move deeper into your room. She sighs dramatically, before crashing down onto your bed, her arms out to the side, one of her arms conveniently covering your suitcase. 
"Is this about you messing up your assignment the other day?" She giggles, blowing a strand of hair out of her face before it falls right back in place. "Cuz it's not that big of a deal." 
You don't even remember your previous assignment, but you remember being reprimanded by Silco. It was the first time in years he's yelled at you that loudly. It's a harsh reminder on why you should've left sooner. 
You huff at the girl, moving her arm and zipping the suitcase closed. "No, Jinx, it's not about the assignment." You look her in the eyes, your whole demeanor calming when you notice the slight hurt in her face. "It's about-about everything. It's about Silco not respecting me, about me essentially being his prisoner since I was 14. It's about wanting more than what Zaun can give me. You understand that, right?"
The girl, yet again, remains silent, and her eyes move from you to the ceiling. You can tell she's having a conversation with herself in her head, and you debate leaving now. But you instead wait it out, watching as she rises from her spot, looking directly at you. 
"You're being selfish." Her face was stern, angry even, and you could feel rage bubbling inside of you. 
You let out a dry laugh, "I'm being selfish? Me?" You raise a brow at her as your voice raises. "What about you, you--you monopolize all my time, which gets me in trouble, and since you're Silco's little princess I have to take blame, because nothing could ever be your fault!" 
Jinx is standing now, her face directly in front of you. "You're abandoning us, me and Silco, and you won't even acknowledge it." 
"I'm not abandoning you; I'm giving myself a better life! And if that's selfish, then I guess I'm fucking selfish!" You yell one final time, slamming the door to your bedroom, leaving Jinx all alone. 
Getting into Piltover was the easy part, you knew that. 
The hard part was making sure you had all the money you needed. 
You had to have enough money for food, clothes, housing, and eventually, schooling. You knew the money you've been saving would be enough, but you were still nervous. 
You hid your money well, deep within Zaun, a place Silco would never go himself. You hid it in an old, abandoned building, in a case locked away. You knew hiding it in a place such as that was risky, Shimmer addicts frequented the area regularly, but it was the safest place from Silco and his goons. 
You push your way into the building, your body squeezing when your arm brushes up against something gooey, but you ignore it. You take a deep breath when you finally get into the room, immediately eyeing the case. 
You rush over to pick it up, checking just in case to make sure all the money was there. After counting everything, you shut the case, tucking it under your arm, squeezing yourself back out of the building. 
You heave, never looking back as you make your way higher and higher out of Zaun. You make sure not to bump into anyone, every few seconds checking to make sure the case is still with you. It was difficult, feeling as though everywhere you turned someone was looking at you, looking for you. It was only a matter of time before Jinx realized that you were gone, but you didn't care. 
You were done. 
You were free. 
And as you crossed the bridge into Piltover, the fresh air on your face, the singing of birds in your ear, the bright blue sky almost too much to handle, you knew that you finally made it. 
You sometimes wonder if you're too lucky. 
You've been in Piltover for three weeks now, and so far everything has been fine. Almost too fine. 
You haven't gotten any weird stares, you haven't seen any tuffs of blue hair in any corners, and you even have an interview for an Academy position in a few weeks. You may have had to lie about your situation, but it didn't hurt anybody, and it wasn't like they were going to find out. 
Everything was great, but it made you nervous. 
Admittedly, you were a bit of a shut it. You barely left your small apartment unless you absolutely had to. Call it paranoia, but you always feared that every second you were outside was an opportunity for Silco to find you. You knew he was working with the enforcers, you knew that If they wanted to, they could take you right back to him immediately, but they haven't, and that scared you. 
It was the dead of night, and of course, you couldn't sleep. Back in Zaun, it was hard to tell what time of day it was, the sunlight never reached down that far. It makes sleeping difficult for you, the quiet unnatural. So, you'd spend hours looking at the stars on your balcony. They were fascinating, beautiful, and strange all at the same time. 
"It's beautiful, isn't it." 
In a moment, you jumped up, turning towards the sound. Your heart was racing as you stared Silco in the eyes, his face unwavering as you shook in a mixture of surprise and anger. 
"What are you--how did you get in?" You knew that was a stupid question, you could see a guilt ridden face of Marcus just right outside your door. You knew it was a matter of time before he ratted you out. 
The wind blew behind you as you took a deep breath, steading yourself. "What do you want?" 
Silco smirked, sensing your fear. You tried your best to put on a brave face, you didn't want him to use anything against you, but he could tell you were on edge, and you could tell you right where he wanted you. 
The tall man stalked towards you, "honesty, I want you to be happy" he says, his voice low. You back away from him as he gets closer, hands grabbing the edge of the balcony as you back into it. He stands right in front of you, staring down at you. 
"I've always wanted your happiness" a hand reaches up to grab your cheek. "above anything else." He whispers the last part as he looks you in the eyes. He was surprisingly soft, stopping you from moving out of pure confusion. 
"I know I haven't been the best to you." He says, his hand moving down toward your neck. "But that isn't an excuse to disobey me." His hand tightens, restricting you from breathing a small bit. Your heart starts racing again as you feel your breath constrict. 
"You are coming home." He says, his voice cold. "You will apologize to your sister, and you not leave again." His gaze never leaves you, even as you start choking. "Are we clear?" You could barely move your head, his grip tight. You racked your brain for any sense of fight, any small bit of rebellion left in you. But as the air left your lungs and your vision began to darken, all you could do was nod. 
In an instant, his hand left your throat, your ragged breathing and coughs filled the room. You hear Silco kneel down close to you, feel his hand touch your back, but you're too concerned with coughing up air to care. You feel him rub your back, that disgusting sense of care making you want to throw up. You tried to move away from him, but there was nowhere to go. 
Your head spins as he realizes that he wanted this, he wanted you to leave and get a sense of freedom, only to rip it away from you. He wanted to fill you with so much fear and then comfort you like a father comforts their child, it disgusts you.
It disgusts you as he pulls you up, tucking you into his side. It disgusts you as you walk out of your apartment, seeing the shame in Marcus's face as you're pulled away from him. It disgusts you as you watch the only bit of freedom you've ever had disappear behind the bridge.
Maybe this was your fault for assuming Silco would get over you. Maybe this was your fault for assuming Jinx wouldn't rat you out. Maybe it was your fault for being ever entering Silco's bar in the first place, for stealing that Shimmer and going along with that deal. 
You can only imagine what life would've been like if you and Silco never crossed paths.
You can only dream.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 day
Snippet - The Void - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Jinx, what did you do now?
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
tw: jumpscares, horror
"Faster," Silco says to Sevika
His profile is turned to the window. In the green-tinged reflection, his skin holds a jaundiced pallor. The bruises are blooming full-flower across his cheekbone. The cut, on his temple, is the exact color and shape of a rusted fishhook. The blood has clotted into a dark smear, same as the mess gluing Vi's hair to her brow.
Same as Vi, he’d refused Sevika's offer to tend to the injuries.
"We're going top speed, sir," Sevika says evenly. "Unless you want us to tip the whole thing on its side."
"Do what you must. Just get us there."
"Yes, sir."
The crawler slaloms a corner. The interior sways on its axles. But whatever else, Sevika is an efficient driver.  She takes the next bend like a knife slicing through butter. Zaun's tunnels, an intricate network of intersections, branch-offs, and switchbacks, seem as straightforward to her as a flat plain.
As the crawler speeds toward Entresol, the cityscape unrolls: the craggy outcroppings of cliffs and a ramshackle gridwork of industrial complexes.  There are narrow swathes of Zaun still luminous with neon. Others show dark patches, where the power has fritzed out. Smoke rises in a dozen spots, curling like ghost-fingers toward the sky. 
A diffuse blue haze floats like a halo above the rooftops. Here and there, Vi sees what Sevika was referring to: clusters of translucent blue specks dappling the gloom. Some as tiny as bubbles in a champagne glass, others the size of balloons. They float in midair, bobbing on an invisible current. Their edges shimmer like the afterglow of a flame.
Ghosts, Vi thinks again.
A childish terror squeezes the ventricles of her heart. Her eyes cannot peel away. They follow them, those little blue shapes, as they pirouette and pinwheel. She has the strangest sense that they can feel her scrutiny. That they are... teasing her.
Daring her to unroll the window, and reach out for them.
As she watches, a small clutch of them shape themselves into a playful O, rolling side to side like a pair of eyes. Then, in a flurry of winking sparks, they coalesce into two straight rows at intersecting angles: X marks the spot. The shapes become a disorienting repetition—XOXOXO—until Vi's head churns with vertigo.
She's seen that symbol before.
Scribbled in the margins of Jinx's journal. Notched on the maps scattered around the Aerie. Embroidered at the edges of Silco's handkerchief.
Slitting her eyes, Vi catches a sense of silhouettes at the granular margins of the light-show. The faintest impression of human dimensions: familiar, and yet alien, like a memory that isn't her own. Old friends from lives unlived. Lovers she's never met. Strangers whose faces are her own.
Stunned, Vi blinks.
He is a hulking shape in the middle of the road, his outline diffused by the glow of headlamps. It is a Vander whom Vi has never known: brown as a bear from a lifetime of sun and soil, and broad as a mountain slope from decades of farm-fed decadence. His hair, the same dark mane, is clustered light-over-dark into the signature wolf-cut. Dressed in well-patched brown trousers and a threadbare cotton tunic, heavy-soled boots shod at his feet, he could be a farmer fresh off the Ionian wheat-fields.
But his face, the warm complexity of lines etched into a grin, is the same from Vi's memory.
The twin circles of the crawler's headlamps coalesce into a spotlight. Vander moves forward. There is no mistaking his gait. The same purposeful stride, shoulders rolling and fists cocked. The same head-tilted swagger of a man accustomed to toeing the scratch, and owning what's on either side. Vi sees his lips stir: words of welcome spoken like an incantation.
I’m here where you are.
Vi reaches, in a blind fugue, for the door handle.
In the rearview mirror, Silco's eyes snap to hers.
"Don't," he orders.
Vi freezes.
The phantom of Vander is suddenly eclipsed by the glare of the headlamps. His delineations flicker and fade, and in their place is a swirling angry blue, so bright it burns everything it touches: skin, eyes, teeth. Reflexively, Vi throws up an arm, the brightness solidifying into a pair of fists whooshing toward her at phenomenal speed—
The infernal phosphorescence is gone.
Only the crawler. The headlamps. The bare stretch of the empty street.
A hot wetness films Vi's eyes.
"Fuck," she breathes.
Sevika glances sidelong, from Vi to Silco. Twin coals of confusion—and low-key concern—are burning in her dark eyes.
"What?" she asks. "'Don't', what? What'd she do?"
 Vi drags in a spooked breath. "Didn't—didn't you see him?"
"See who?"
"Vander." She makes a frantic stab toward the windshield. "He was right there. He was standing there, just a second ago!"
Sevika's eyes flick back to the road, then reorient on Vi.
"I didn't see jack shit," she says flatly.
"Neither did I," the guard on Vi's left says.
"Me neither," grunts the one on her right.
Quietly, Silco says, "There's nothing to see."
Vi whirls on him. "Bullshit! You saw it, too! He was—"
"He wasn't." Silco half-turns to face her. His good eye is a chip of frozen sea-glass. "It's only a figment. An echo."
"An echo of what?"
"The Void."
The single word sucks the oxygen from the crawler: a deep peristaltic flex, like the darkness itself has gulped.
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chaoticvi · 6 months
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bisexual 🤝 lesbian solidarity 🏳️‍🌈
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soranatus · 5 months
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Arcane Season 2 in November 2024
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space-blue · 2 years
Arcane animators self referencing!
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This animator got to use his son for young Ekko's reference and it's so damn sweet!!
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Imagine acting up this incredibly heart-wrenching scene in your lounge to a rolled up sock on a bag... They gave it their all too!
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This scene's acting fidelity is incredible! Especially the shakiness of Ekko's movement to punch Jinx...
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caitlyn-kirammans · 5 months
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: 1x04 - "Happy Progress Day!" ↳ "You were supposed to guard the cargo!"
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soforgetsummer · 1 year
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"We built a special rig on Jinx. You can control her face, going from looking childish to adult." [...] "The idea was to connect her somehow, visually, to what she was as a kid." (Arcane: Bridging the Rift)
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sypha-sophie · 3 months
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I hold with those who favor fire
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bloodraven55 · 5 months
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still thinking about this bc how tf did they manage to create so much Tension™ in less than ten seconds
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arcanegifs · 2 days
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: 1x09 - "The Monster You Created" ↳ "Vi, she's too far gone."
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aeirithgainsborough · 5 months
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ARCANE SEASON 2 Coming November 2024
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purplegrapevines · 6 months
Good Girl
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Pairing: dom!Vi x fem!cellmate!sub!reader
Content: edging, orgasm denial, dacryphilia, praise, degradation, size kink, manhandling, spanking, hair pulling, thigh riding, grinding, fingering, face grabbing, humiliation, oral, overstimulation
Word count: 3.5k
You don’t know how you ended up here. One minute, you’re dealing some shimmer like you always do, and the next, you’re here in these cold, metal handcuffs.
The guard grabs your shoulder to keep you walking, and you push back against his hand, only wanting to defy his authority. But in your situation and position, you really had no choice but to obey.
The prison stunk and the gawking eyes of the other prisoners made you uncomfortable as you shuffled past them. 
“There’s no empty cells left,” one guard tells the other behind you.
“Just throw her in with the pink bitch,” the other responds, and your head turns in confusion. You’re going to have a cellmate? A “pink bitch?”
“Who?” you ask them, but they ignore you as they drag you across a few more cells. You’re finally stopped in front of one, and you tilt your head to sneak a glance at the inmate inside of it. Will she be your cellmate?
You’re startled by a thump followed by a crack sound, which you notice is your soon-to-be cellmate’s fist pounding into the stone wall. 
You could see the bulging muscles of her broad shoulders, the sweat dripping down between the creases. Tattoos adorned her upper back and followed all the way down to her forearms. Who is she?
You’re so mesmerized by watching her that you almost forget that you’re here to be jailed. With… her.
As the gate to the cell opens up, the shadows of the bars cross her back until you can see her better light. 
Suddenly, your handcuffs are tugged off by the guards, and you’re shoved in the cell harshly. You struggle to keep your balance as you hear the cell gate slam shut behind you.
You start to soak in that you’re now stuck in jail until your cellmate turns around and looks at you. Beads of sweat slid down her face, and she catches her breath.
“Who the hell are you?” she asks, scrunching her scarred eyebrow. Her short, pink hair covers her eye. That explains the “pink bitch.”
“I’m… your cellmate,” you respond, intimidated by her presence.
“Yeah, I got that. I meant your name,” she corrects.
“O-oh…” you blush and look embarrassed as you tell her your name, and you then ask for hers.
“Vi,” she responds. 
“Like your cheek,” you blurt, and your blush deepens when Vi looks you in the eyes for a couple seconds.
“Yeah. Like my cheek,” Vi says. Silence fills the air for a couple seconds, and you both stand in awkwardness. Thankfully, Vi breaks it.
“So, tell me, what’s a pretty thing like you doing down here?” Your eyes widen at her unexpected statement, and your face becomes hot again.
“What? Look at you, you’re so small and sweet-lookin’. Are you sure they got the right person?” Vi jokes. You pout, which makes Vi smile.
“Yeah they got the right person,” you confirm, looking away from her and leaning against the wall. Vi sits on the floor near the other side of the cell.
“What did you do then?” Vi asks as she tilts her head, looking genuinely curious.
“Just some minor shit…” you respond. It was totally a lie; dealing shimmer is the worst business you could put yourself in, especially because of shimmer’s dangerous properties and high demand. But the money was too good for you to resist.
“So, ‘minor shit’ is how a cute girl like you ended up in a cell with me, huh?” Vi says. 
“Stop it. I’m not cute,” you say with a frown. 
Your eyebrows raise as Vi stands up, walking over to you with her hands in her pockets. She stands in front of you, face to face. She’s tall, at least three inches taller than you.
“You are,” she says, “look at you. You don’t look like you belong in a prison like this. You look like a pretty, little Piltie, looking so fragile…” Vi says, looking down slightly, “so delicate.” 
You know you don’t look like the average Zaunite. You’re too feminine and sweet-looking compared to the rest of them. Usually, you hate being called small and delicate, but with Vi, you don’t seem to mind. In fact, it’s making your face hot and your palms sweaty, and you can’t understand why.
“Vi…” you start, not knowing how to finish.
“Hm?” Vi asks as she starts to back away, leaving your heart racing with your back against the wall. 
“Nothing…” you say. You brush the dust off your pants and sit on the tiny bed awkwardly. Vi sits back down on the floor as she drags her foot across the ground. You take a small glance at her, and you notice the small smirk on her face. What a tease.
“I’m bored,” Vi says, tossing a small pebble out the bars of the cell. You nod, not knowing how to respond.
“How long have you been here?” you ask her.
“A couple years, I think. At some point, I stopped keeping track,” Vi answers.
“Oh… so you must get bored a lot, then. Have you just been by yourself the entire time?”
“Yeah… been just me,” Vi says, looking at the ground. You assume that she’s extremely touch-starved after spending years in solitary.
“So, then, what do you do when you’re bored?
Vi shrugs, “Usually, I just work out. Or punch the walls, you know?” Vi laughs, pointing at the multiple cracks along the stone. You laugh, too.
“So… how did you get those tattoos?” you ask.
“Oh, I there’s a guy that can do ‘em for you. Why? You interested?” Vi asks, looking up at you. 
You shake your head, “No, I was just wondering.”
“Oh? You wanna see?” Vi asks.
“I can see them.”
“No. I mean all of them.”
Blush starts to return to your features, “I-it’s alright if you don’t want to-“
“It’s okay,” Vi interrupts, “come closer.” Slightly hesitantly, you step towards her. She stands and begins to reach for the hem of her shirt. You watch patiently.
Slowly, she pulls it off to reveal her hard, toned abs. You have to stop yourself from gawking.
“Like what you see?” Vi asks. Not knowing how to respond, you simply shrug. But your red cheeks answer her question. Vi smiles smugly as she turns around to show off her muscular back.
Gears and wheels follow the back of her arms to her shoulders, and then extend to the rest of her upper back. Whiffs of smoke intertwine with the gears and everything just comes together perfectly.
“Vi… it’s really nice,” you compliment. 
“Yeah?” Vi says. Without thinking, you reach out to touch it. Vi jerks flinches lightly with the unexpected contact, but she doesn’t interrupt your exploration.
After a couple seconds or your hand running over the might of her back, you realize what you’re doing. You quickly pull your hand away.
“I’m sorry… I don’t know why I-”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind,” Vi assures as she turns around to face you. You stop your eyes from looking down at her muscular stomach and instead force yourself to look into her gray eyes.
“You’re so cute,” Vi starts, “especially when you’re nervous and blushing like that.”
“I’m not…” you argue, but Vi shushes you and drags her thumb along your bottom lip. Your breath hitches.
“You are. You’re so cute, I just wanna ruin you until tears are streaming down that pretty face of yours,” Vi says as she inches her face closer to yours. Your eyes widen at the bluntness of her statement.
“Vi… you can’t just say stuff like that. What if the guards catch us?”
“They won’t. The guards are sleeping right now. We’ll be fine,” Vi assures as you feel her breath on your lips. You decide to trust her as you let your lips brush her gently.
Vi grabs your chin and pulls your face towards hers, kissing you passionately. You give up your control and let her tongue explore your mouth. Vi pushes you against the wall and continues to make out with you.
She grab the bottom of your shirt and pulls it over your head, leaving you in your bra. You blush and make an attempt to cover yourself, but Vi holds both your wrists with one hand.
“No. I wanna see it,” she says. She lowers her head to your neck and starts to bite marks into it. She lets go of your wrists, and uses one hand to hold your chin to the side and the other to drag along your chest.
You can’t help but moan when she pulls your bra down to your waist and kisses your breasts. Her mouth wraps around your nipple as you grab her pink hair. Vi doesn’t seem to mind it.
Vi places her knee between your legs and you absentmindedly begin to grind against it. Vi brings it upward and you groan. The guards may not be able to hear you right now, but the other prisoners sure can.
“Shh…” Vi says, “You don’t want everyone to hear you, right? To hear how much of a slut you are just from grinding against my thigh?” Her words surprisingly make you moan. You shake your head, but you wouldn’t really mind it if they did.
She removes her leg from in between yours and you whine in frustration. Before you could protest, Vi grabs your body and throws you over her shoulder like you’re as light as a feather. It turns you on.
She walks over to the small bed without any struggle, and she tosses you onto it. You look up at her with those adorable, innocent eyes, and it drives her feral. She gets on top of you and makes out with you again, but this time it was much less gentle. Your hands tangle through her hair again, and you grab it as if she’s your only lifeline.
Vi’s lips travel down your neck, down your chest, and she starts kissing down your stomach. She finally unclips your bra, and then she surprises you when she licks a stripe all the way from your nipple to your neck.
Vi’s hand starts to reach for the hem of your pants. She sits on her knees between your legs to unbutton them. She takes your ankles and brings them up, allowing her to yank your shoes and pants off. You blush at being exposed like that, and your position with your legs in the air. You try to bend your knees to cover yourself, but Vi holds you still. Even though you’re still wearing your underwear, this feels very embarrassing.
“Vi…” you whine, but Vi pays no attention to it. Instead, she pushes your knees back so that they almost reach your head. You turn away in an attempt to hide your face from her. She doesn’t need to see your red face; this is humiliating enough as it already is. 
“Aw, baby, are you shy?” Vi coos, “Hold your knees for me, just like that.” Despite the embarrassment, you obey. And you can’t say you don’t like it.
“Can I take this off?” Vi asks, gesturing to your underwear. You nod.
Vi pulls off your underwear, and she brings it to your knees. You squirm with the thought of how you must look right now. Legs up, knees apart, so fucking exposed, and it’s all for her.
“Aw, look how wet you are. You’re fucking soaked,” Vi teases. You whimper.
Without any warning, Vi pushes her middle finger all the way in and without any struggle. You moan.
Vi begins to slide another one in. This time, you can feel the slight sting from the stretch, but you like it. You subconsciously grind against her hand to push Vi’s fingers in deeper, and Vi chuckles.
“Fuck, you’re so needy, aren’t you? Good girl.” You shamelessly grind against her fingers as your eyes shut and you grip the sheets. 
Vi flips then you two around, so she’s lying on the bed and you’re on top of her, your knees on either side of her waist. Her fingers are still in you.
“C’mon. Ride me,” Vi whispers as she pushes your head down to rest on her shoulder.
You moan at her words and start moving your hips again. You adjust yourself to get her fingers to just touch that one spot… but you can’t. You look down at her and see her smug smile. You know she’s avoiding that spot on purpose.
“Vi, fuck, c’mon,” you whine, still trying stimulate your sweet spot.
“What’s the magic word?” she teases, like you’re a child.
“Oh, fuck, please? Please, Vi, please please please…” you moan into her neck. 
Vi suddenly curls her fingers in you. She hits the spot perfectly. She continuously rubbed it, giving you no break or chance to breathe.
“Oh my god… Vi… it feels so fucking good, please don’t stop!” You try to match her rhythm, but it was too fast for you. You do the best you can. When her other hand reaches down to rub your clit, you can’t hold your sounds back anymore. Fuck it if the other prisoners hear you. They can hear how good Vi is making you feel…
“Vi- I’m cumming,” you tell her, mouth agape and expression blissed out.
Suddenly, Vi pulls her fingers out of you takes her other hand away from your clit. 
“No, no no no no…” you cry, as you attempt to grind against her, not wanting to lose your high. A tear of frustration falls down your cheek and Vi loves it.
“Aw, did my girl wanna cum?” You sniffle and nod.
“Please, please let me. I can’t take it,” you beg.
“But you look so adorable like this, crying into my neck,” Vi says, tilting your head up so she can wipe your tears away.
“Please…” you beg with desperation. Vi moves your body so that your knees are on either side of her right thigh.
“C’mon. Ride me properly, then,” she says. You whimper and begin moving your hips. The rough fabric of her pants against your swollen clit feels so good, and you try to match the pace Vi was going at earlier, but you can’t do it.
You cry out in annoyance, and you look up at Vi with those wet eyelashes and swollen lips.
“Vi, please, help me?” you ask. Vi shakes her head.
“You can do it. C’mon. Ride my thigh like the slut you are,” Vi says, grabbing your hair and pulling it back. You place your hands on her biceps and use it as leverage.
With each motion of your hips, Vi brings her leg up slightly to help you. Her hand is still in your hair, yanking and tugging on it whenever she feels like it. It hurts your scalp, but it feels so good.
“H-help…” you moan out. And, this time, Vi complies. She reaches down and rubs your clit while you ride her.
“Don’t cum without my permission,” Vi warns, and you nod in response.
In just a minute or two, you could feel your orgasm creep into your body again.
“Vi, gotta cum, please?” you ask her nicely. 
“No,” Vi says. Plain and simple. You cry out in need as you continue riding her and Vi keeps rubbing your clit.
“Why?” you whine. Tears fall down your face as you struggle to hold it, and Vi smiles at the sight.
“Because I said so. Be a good girl for me,” Vi says. You want to, you really do. But you just can’t hold it anymore. 
Just as you’re about to cum, Vi pulls her hand away and places her hands on your hips to halt their movement. You try to fight against her, but she’s too strong. No no no no…
You start to actually cry this time, not just the soft mewling like before. Vi yanks your hair, making you look upwards.
“Were you just about to cum? Without my permission? You weren’t planning on disobeying me, were you?” Vi says, looking at you angrily.
“‘M sorry, so sorry,” you whimper. 
“Bad girl. Told you to hold it, and you didn’t even listen,” Vi hisses. You start to cry more.
“I really tried! I’m really sorry, I did listen!” you try to convince.
“Oh, really? So if I didn’t pull my hand away, you wouldn’t have cum?” Vi asks. You sniffle and stay silent which answered her question. Vi sighs.
“I’m so sorry, Vi, please,” you say in desperation. Vi grabs your face harshly and squishes your cheeks together. You try to apologize again, but it comes out in gibberish.
“Fucking slut can’t listen to fucking instructions,” Vi says. Her other hand reaches down to slap your ass. You moan in both pain and pleasure.
“M-more…” you moan, not even realizing what you said until Vi lets go of your face raises an eyebrow.
“Oh? You want more?” she says with a smirk. She brings her hand down on your ass over and over again, causing you grab onto her shoulders. You moan her name as more tears drip down your face.
“Such a dumb slut. Crying from a few spanks. But, fuck, you look so fucking pretty like this,” Vi whispers into your ear. She continues with her hard hits, making you squirm on top of her. She holds you down easily with one arm.
She doesn’t stop until red hot handprints litter your ass.
“You look so beautiful right now…” Vi tell you.
You sniffle, “Please, wanna cum now, I can’t take this anymore!”
“Aw, poor baby,” Vi says, stroking your hair, “Does it hurt?”
“Yes, it hurts, Vi. Please? Please help me?” you ask her nicely.
“Fuck, you’re such a good girl,” Vi says as she pushes you onto the bed and gets on top of you.
“Spread your legs for me, baby,” she says. You obey. Vi kisses down your body until she reaches your dripping pussy. She gently places a peck on your clit, causing you to back your hips up against her face. Vi laughs at your desperation.
Finally, she licks a stripe up your slit and circles her tongue around your clit.
“Oh, fuck, Vi, it’s so good,” you moan. 
Vi eats you out like there’s no tomorrow. Her tongue fucks deep into you and her nose nudges against your swollen clit.
“You taste so fucking sweet. I love it,” she whispers into your pussy. The slight vibration from her talking makes you go feral.
From all the edging you experienced prior, it doesn’t take long for you to reach the edge. Her lips sucking your clit and her strong hands holding your thighs was too much for you to handle.
“Vi, I need to cum, please, can I cum?” you whimper. For a second, you’re worried she’ll deny you again. But instead, she hums and nods between your legs.
You let go with a scream. This is the most intense orgasm you've ever had. You see stars and your legs shake around Vi’s head. 
Vi doesn’t stop. She continues lapping up your juices as they drip down her chin. You make an attempt to push her head away, the sensitivity being too much, but she stays put until she gets every last drop.
You finally get a chance to breathe when she pulls away, wiping her chin with the back of her hand, and smirking at the sight of you.
Vi brushes your sweaty hair our of your face and coos at you.
“So good for me. Good girl,” she says. You nuzzle into her neck as you start to drift off. Vi gently puts your underwear back on for you and drapes the blanket over the two of you.
“Thank you…” you whisper. She slowly drags her fingers down your arm.
“Hey?” she asks. You hum in response.
“How’d you get in here?” Vi asks, “You never told me.”
“I… dealt some drugs,” you respond.
“Oh? So it really is just minor shit. I thought you were hiding something,” Vi laughs. You laugh too.
“Yeah, just some shimmer,” you admit. Vi stops laughing for a second and her eyes widen.
“You’re kidding,” she says, stunned.
“I’m not,” you chuckle.
“You dealt fucking shimmer? That’s fucking crazy. I didn’t know you were capable of that shit,” Vi replies, sounding impressed.
“Yeah, well, I got caught, so…”
“Well, you know, if you didn’t you wouldn’t have had the best orgasm of your life,” Vi smirks. You nod in agreement.
You yawn and your eyes began to close. You rest your face comfortably in her neck, and she looks down at you in adoration.
“My good girl…”
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arcanedaily · 5 months
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Arcane (2021 - ) 1x04 | Happy Progress Day!
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chaoticvi · 10 months
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caitvi + TV Tropes
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