#arcane is everything i think about like everyday now its a little scary...the girl is obsessed
toxicstardust · 2 years
Ok I have officially had enough of you bitches. Vi gets a weird amount of hate in this fandom for no fucking reason and her being one of the two main lesbian characters in the cast makes that more gross like I've read the same fucking rotten ass cold take about how she's a horrible sister and that her freaking out that HER 8 y/o SISTER SHE TOLD TO STAY AT HOME KILLED HER FAMILY AT THE AGE OF 15 is some type of absolute manipulative, violent bullshit only to go around romanticizing Jinx and Silco. Like yes they are a cute lil play on the found father/daughter trope, but like lets go back to using all of our brains people like he literally drew her deeper and deeper into her delusions and manipulated her into distrust and isolation. Like I'm afraid for some of you, the inability to see red flags here is very concerning.
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toxicstardust · 2 years
Gonna turn this into a jinx themed blog just give me some time
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