#are any of the ant fam really straight though?
wiltingxrose · 10 months
drabble after the events in ant-iversary- Jan appreciation Post 2
Janet kept her eyes fixed on Scott and Cassie, were they really saying what she thought she had heard? They had lost UltronPym. It was broken open into this pocket verse. And Ant-Men from different timelines from early Henry to someone in 2549 named Zayn all came together to help defeat him. It was good to know that the science of ants and everything Hank worked on would continue to grow in his absence, but what she needed was a stiff drink after Scott said Ultron merged with the All-Father and they defeated him, melting him down to nothing. Nothing was left. He was eliminated. Her heart was pounding and she felt lightheaded, maybe not a drink but smelling salts would be better. Eyes brimming with tears as the realization hit her straight in the gut. That meant Hank was gone as well. Any trace of him. The wave of grief started to fill her, but she held it down, needing to think, process this. “He’s gone. Ultron…Hank is gone?,” she couldn’t help the crack in her voice which was all but a whisper. Was Ultron the thing of her nightmares, the person who wanted her as a bride time and time again and recently merged with Jocasta this last time? Yes. Though,if she was honest with herself she would still take Ultron over Dave, Whirlwind, her other creepy stalker. But he also had merged with Henry and she hadn’t wanted to believe what Tony said about him being just a flesh suit. Hank had merged with Ultron to stop the threat, he had to know what would happen to him if he merged and if so why hadn’t there been a note or something. Meanwhile, Nadia was still holding out hope to meet him, she knew she was. Now there was nothing Jan nor Nadia could do if he was really gone. Exterminated from the universe. Her attention came back when Scott was talking about how he helped Hank in the past see how much he mattered and that he was a great man. And how Hank was really going at him and so smart to defeat him, even saying that he would never build a robot like him again when the time came. Cassie was rattling off how she thought a Ant-vengers team would be great between all of the Ant-Fam and through in the Spider-Fam too if they wanted and could behave, but Janet cut her off. “First off Cassie, we could probably due that, just have to find of a way to have everyone in the right mindset, but second,” her eyes held Scott’s excitement but also cautious fear before she spoke again. “Henry knows about Ultron and you all went back to your time. Without a memory erase, what if, what if he doesn’t do that and he keeps the confidence of what he has seen, what if that means he can be back in this world working in his labs right now. That means that would have never happened, the merge, everything.” Janet got up and grabbed her keys before deciding to shrink down just enough to have her wings. Scott grabbed her wrist, “Hold on Jan, we don’t know if that is the case or even true. I might remember because it doesn’t change a lot. We were the only ones that were from the current timeline to go through and all I know is that the ants do nano-science or something, there is no guarantee.” Jan pulled her hand slowly from his grasp, knowing he was right, “But there is a chance and in science, if Henry has taught me anything is not to give up hope on a chance because it’s still a possibility,” Jan flew out of the window and headed towards Hank’s lab, hoping to see him there. Hearing Cassie in the background said, “So does this mean the Ant-vengers is on hold right now?” Janet landed outside of PymTech, heart pounding, wouldn’t her memories be different if he was really still here. Wouldn’t those events never happened? Or was this what Dr. Strange would talk about a breakaway timeline, she never really listened too long on those conversations. As she made her way through the corridors and to his lab, she swiped her ID and put her hand on the biometrics scanner. Holding her breath she stepped inside.
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incorrectantfam · 4 years
Ava: I don't let my sexuality define me.
Ava, a minute later: Move, I'm gay
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yasminkhxns · 4 years
I'll take an 8 “Why are you so jealous?” plz
 8. “Why are you so jealous?”
The birds were sorted, Jake was safe and praxeus was gone.
But the Doctor wasn’t happy. 
After the ending of the rapidly unfolding events that led to Jake materialising in the middle of the TARDIS, rather than shoot off straight away, they all sat around on the beach. The sun shone brightly and was still a couple of hours away from creeping behind the horizon and letting the moon take over the shift. 
They’d managed to find a few camp chairs and blankets in the TARDIS and laid them out in a neat circle. The group chatted and laughed and Graham and Ryan even scavenged a few beers from the TARDIS fridge for them to clink in celebration of a revitalised marriage. 
Yet the Doctor still wasn’t happy. Because she couldn’t keep her eyes off Yaz. Yaz, who was getting awfully cosy with Garbriela on the blanket opposite her. They were giggling to themselves and murmuring into each other's ears and showing each other stuff on their phones, Gabriela’s beer completely forgotten beside where it was stuck in the sand. 
The Doctor sat in her chair and scowled. Like a child. She knew it was ridiculous, and petty and sort of selfish to be jealous of Yaz getting along with someone else so swimmingly. But seeing Yaz’s undivided attention on anyone but herself was quickly becoming something the Doctor didn’t like. She didn’t even like herself for it and how possessive she sounded in her own head. 
She knew she’d been pushing her whole fam away, closing herself off. So really it wasn’t a surprise to see. She also knew it meant she could sit in her chair like a total grump and not be brought up on because they were getting used to her mood swings.
Which in hindsight –– that was bad too. 
So when Yaz looked up to find the Doctor scowling directly at her, her expression was understandably confused. Though she looked past it and took Gabriela’s phone from her hand and stuck the screen out for the Doctor to see.
“Doctor look at this! Gabiela saw these super rare birds in the rainforest once. They’re amazing, right? Look at the colours!”
The Doctor took a quick glance, and gave a loose shrug. She could show Yaz far better birds than that.
“Yeah, nice.” 
It was curt, and she was aware of that –– so was Yaz by the looks of her frown, but she continued anyway, “We could maybe go see them sometime?” she offered with a hopeful smile. The Doctor loved that smile, it suited Yaz. 
“I can show you better birds than that, Yaz.” she huffed, looking away. 
Yaz’s hand dropped to her lap as she rolled her eyes. “In one of those moods again then,” she murmured under breath in resignation, passing the phone back to Gabriela with an apologetic glance.
The Doctor picked up what Yaz said, the other woman often seemed to forget about how sharp her hearing was. It only soured the Doctor’s mood further. All she did was push Yaz further away, clearly into the arms of someone else. Not that Yaz was in her arms in the first place, though the Doctor wouldn’t mind…
She shook her head and stood from the chair, setting off on a brisk pace down the beach. She was pretty sure she heard Graham call out after her but she ignored it.
It was a couple minutes later when a hand wrapped around her arm. So lost in her own thoughts, the Doctor didn’t hear whoever creeped up behind her.
Oh. It was Yaz. The Doctor took a breath, preparing herself for what likely to be a pretty crap conversation. 
She let Yaz tug her so she swiveled on the spot to face her, coming straight in the view of a frustrated scowl. 
“What was that all about?” Yaz questioned, gesturing the group that looked like the size of ants in the distance.
How far had she walked?
“What was what all about?” she denied, shoving her hands in her pockets in an anxious tick. 
“You know exactly what. Not being funny, Doctor, but you were being rude. For no reason.” 
The Doctor hated being in Yaz’s bad books, and usually, she’d wilt under the stern gaze of the young officer. The boys used to tease her for bending to Yaz’s every request. But her current mood was as bitter as burnt coffee so she snapped back before she could stop herself.
“You were the one in your own little world with Gabriela and ignoring everyone else!”
“I was having a conversation Doctor. It was nice to have one with somebody that doesn’t bite your head off every five seconds.” Yaz’s arms folded across her chest defensively. 
It was obvious who she was talking about, and the Doctor would be lying if she said it didn’t hurt. But it wasn't exactly as if Yaz was wrong. 
“A very close conversation,” she mumbled to the ground, “Getting quite cosy weren’t you?” the Doctor glanced up for a moment before directing her glare back to the sand she’d just kicked up with the tip of her boot. 
“What?” Yaz frowned, arm dropping back to her sides, “Quite cosy? What are you––” Yaz paused, eyes widening, and suddenly the Doctor’s hearts were thundering in her chest.
Turned out a grouchy mood meant things let slip a lot easier. 
The Doctor didn’t look up –– didn’t dare.
“Are you jealous?”
“No.” she replied instantly, and her eyes clamped shut as she realised she’d replied far too quickly for it to be believable. 
“Oh my God,” Yaz huffed, “You are, aren’t you?”
“I’m not!” the Doctor looked up then to the complete look of astonishment on Yaz’s face. “I said I’m not, Yaz.”
Yaz breathed out an airy laugh that lacked any amusement, “Why are you so jealous?”
“Yaz,” the Doctor groaned, “I told you, I’m not––”
“I mean I don’t see why. You haven’t exactly…” Yaz trailed off, shaking her head as she looked out at the fast approaching sunset.
“Haven’t exactly what?”
“Nothing. Nevermind,” Yaz sighed, moving to turn around, “See you back at the TARDIS, Doctor.”
Yaz started to walk back down the beach, hands stuffed in the pockets of her jacket as her gaze followed her feet.
The Doctor knew she should’ve reached out to her in that moment. Pushed her for an answer. But she was afraid. Her head was still a mess. Still yet to sit and process Ruth, Gat, Jack’s warning. The mystery of praxeus had been a brief reprieve from her own mind. Now that was sorted, she had a thousand thoughts to muddle through, her feelings for Yaz one of the strongest and most terrifying ones.
Something was coming for her, and that was never good for anyone close to her. Best to keep Yaz at arms length –– she was safer there than in the Doctor’s arms.
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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(trumpets sound) 👑Hear thee! Hear thee! You are cordially invited to the Coronation of Eclipsa Butterfly, Queen of Darkness to be legally declared as official queen of Mewni! The ceremony will be held at The Monster Auditorium where they’ll be food, drinks, music, dancing and even a play area for the children. Don’t be late!👑
*Cornonation-It’s Eclipsas Cornonation Coronation! (mumbles) Damn it Marco, would it kill ya to spell check!? And everyone’s invited! The Spiderbites, The Pigeons, Buff Frog, Hell! Even The Assassin's Guild! Cuz.............why not!?
Tomstar discovers the Yurt Village and Star invites her mom, Moon, hoping to see her there despite the fact that Moon still doesn’t trust Eclipsa and knows of the danger that’s to come, but is keeping quiet about it *cough*MinaLoveberry*cough*. Uh, Moon, I know you’re being “hands off” and everything, but I really think you should, oh idk, be with your daughter and warn her about Mina! Seriously, you just went ahead and straight up abandoned her with someone you don’t even trust! WHO’S THE TARGET OF A RACIST PSYCHO WARRIOR! WTF!? I know Eclipsas a bit shady, but she’s still a nice person, you saw it yourself! Star states that this’ll be last thing she helps Eclipsa with and then she can go back to being a teenager doing whatever the f*** it is teenagers do now-a-days. I guess this is the “growing up” that Star needed to learn from “Moon Remembers”, doing what you think js right. River isn’t goin’ obviously cuz he openly hates Eclipsa as much as the rest of the Yurt People.
It’s a full house. Phew! I thought it would just be a “small intimate get together” with only Star, Eclipsa and their friends and it would all be really depressing, but thank God People actually came! With 5 mins to curtain, everyone’s dresses up fancier than usual and getting everything in check such as who showed up, what song to play and why the f*** Janna is here (Ruberiot, idk!? I thought it was cuz of the Starco thing she was trying to speed up, but now, your guess is as good as mine!). Pony Head and her sisters dress up Eclipsa, elegantly this time and even Meteora and they’ll be a song to commorate the coronation too (Yes Star, we need a song! This is so we can hear more of Brain H. Kim’s good music!).
Star sees that her mother has arrived and signs that her father went Bog Beast hunting with Eddie (Great, that guy came back :P). Star reminds herself how she’ll finally be free of all this royal/political drama and go back to enjoying what’s left of her teenhood where Tom suggests a trip together. Eclipsa has gone to get a new guitar string earlier since one broke and hasn’t come back yet, so Star gos to the Monster Temple and finds out Globgor is loose! Don! Don! Don! She returns and finds Eclipsa announcing it as a warning and suddenly, the MHC jump into action restraining Eclipsa, caging Meteora and putting the whole auditorium on lockdown thinking Eclipsa freed Globgor, but she claims she didn’t. To distract everyone while Star looks for Globgor, Marco and the others put on a talent show (good thing Ruberiot married a prepared entertainer).
Eclipsa informs Star that Globgor might be at the bog since they used to hang out there and-Wait a minute! The bog! But that’s where River is! Don! Don! Don! Sure enough, he’s there and River mistakes him for the Bog Beast (okay, WTF!? River, you know damn well there’s no real “Bog Beast”. We saw that in “The Bogbeast of Boggabah” cuz its just a title given to someone! What an idiot😒). Star gos Mewberty to save her father and tries to stop Globgor from running off and he defeats her! This is why he’s the Monster King people! Mmmhmm. However, he lets her go since as I mentioned in my last review, he’s a family guy. Turns out, he was just trying to escape cuz he knows about the consequences of what’ll happen once the Mewmans see he’s been freed and turn against his family more.
Back at the auditorium, Mewni is introduced to Love Sentence when Tomco sings “their song” from “Friendenemies”. Ahhhh, so this was the other song ive been hearing fans talk about their voice actors doing again! How cute! Star comes back with Globgor handcuffed and tries to reason with the Mewmans on how harmless he is despite the fact that he willingly surrendered, but the MHC note that recrystalizing him again would be pointless as once Eclipsa is coronated, she’ll be free to use her dark magic and re-release him again, so Rhombulus starts crystallizing her! Globgor doesn’t take lightly to this and it’s him vs. The MHC. It was an epic battle there, we all their powers: Omnitraxus with his multi dimension teleporting and strength, Hekapoo and her cloning/scissors, Rhombulus with his crystal shooting and then there’s the Prince of Darkness, Plucker of Limbs! CRUSHER OF SKULLS Globgor and his Ant-Man powers! Now that’s a fight!
During all that, Meteora dips down to free herself and starts crawling toward Globgor. What was touching was she recognized him as her “Ba-ba” and the Mewmans were actually concerned for her well being as the whole place was practically on fire! Awwwww. Globgor stops to see his daughter whom he hasn’t seen in over three centuries and is happily holding her again :’). He still surrenders and just wants his wife and daughter left alone. Then River, actually shows up and vouches for him on how he’s a father like him and every other guy (well, fathers-to-be in this case). River! The idiotic wild man and former king of Mewni who wasn’t afraid to badmouth Eclipsa stood up for Globgor! Wow! That’s good character realization.
Star realizes that something doesn’t make any sense, why would Eclipsa free her husband, who was (formally) a Mewman eater on her coronation day when she knew it was a bad idea, from my last review as I mentioned, and tried to warn them to leave and stay safe locked in their homes? (intense thinking music plays) You know, when Star saw that Globgor was free, the chicken Eclipsa had that she was gonna use to free him in the last episode, by making it crow, still had its beak wrapped, so it couldn’t have been her! But who could’ve done it!? (intense thinking music grows more intense). Who else could’ve freed Globgor from his crystal imprisonment!? Wait a minute! Crystals! (Long GASP!) It was Rhombulus! Don! Don! Don!
He’s the “Crystal Guy”! He can put anything/anyone in a crystal imprisonment! That’s his job! But why!? He said he would never let him out!? Rhombuluses excuse was that he still believes Eclipsa is “evil” and that by officially making her the queen of Mewni, she’d be allowed to use her dark magic as she pleas, so he freed Globgor thinking he’ll be “dangerous” and prove it to them. FOR THE LOVE OF F***ING GOD RHOMBULUS! WE ALREADY SAW FROM “BUTTERFLY TRAP” THAT SHE’S NOT EVIL!!! The only thing we learned is that she’ll incredibably selfish! That’s it! And FYI, you were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dead wrong about Globgor being “dangerous”. He was only trying to save himself and his family! Are you still holding a grudge from what Eclipsa did to you in “Swim Suit”!? OMG! LET IT GO RHOMBULUS! Eclipsa apologized for that! C’mon! Even Hekapoo and Omnitraxus Prime call him out on his still impulsive behavior cuz even though they don’t like Eclipsa as much as he does, they’d never put innocent Mewmans lives in peril just to prove a point! Rhombulus! You’re under arrest for police brutality, unleashing a falsely accused monster of monstrosity without permission, framing a regal authority over it and just being a total a**hole! :P.
After that, Eclipsa really thinks about the Mewmans this time and let’s them decide on if they want Globgor to be free. Think about it Mewmans, Globgor did nothing but look out for his family and your authoritive MHC are a bit to extreme, sooooooooooo-Hey! Don’t ask Moon! SHE’S NOT THE QUEEN ANYMORE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! C’MON! She’s a nobody like Star now! Sheesh! Buff Frog vouches for Globgor as well bringing up his fatherhood and even Katrina says they should stop with the hate and start a new! With that, they agree and Eclipsa is happy at last. All hail Eclipsas! Queen of Darkness! Hit it Queeny! Woo! Group hug!
Twistity-TWIST! Mina did NOT show up to crash the coronation! OMG! I was for sure she would! I mean, she’s still running loose in Mewni after getting her soul back and wanting to eliminate Eclipsa (“Ghost of Butterfly Castle”) and she’s getting equipped with her inventory! (“Junkin’ Janna”) and yet, she didn’t show up! However, that doesn’t mean, she still won’t come around. Perhaps in one of the final episodes in May she’ll finally come in. Hmmmmm. Well, looks like the major drama is over, no more Monster/Mewman prejudice as they all finally see that no one means no harm and all is at peace. Yea! Well, the shows ending so it’s about darn time that they fixed it before the finale. Globgor is totally and completely harmless (unless you mess with his fam) and is just a lovable dorky family guy. Eclipsa now has the family she wants with the man she actually loves and their baby who’s the real heir to the throne and she can side with the Mewmans. I’m very disappointed in Rhombulus right now. He was the first member of the MHC to make friends with Star and come to some understanding with her (“Crystal Clear”) and the important was that Star told him to not be so impulsive (and it takes one to know one), but did he listen? No! He was still poisoned with the idea that all Monsters, and Eclipsa, were still evil and wanted them crystallized! (“Monster Bash”) not even thinking about what his supposed new friend Star had to say. HELLO! Rhombulus! It was you who first spoke out on what you and the MHC did to Meteora! (“Butterfly Trap”) and you even got to confess it too! What happened to that Rhombulus!? Okay, so it was wrong what Eclipsa did to him in “Swim Suit”, but like Globgor, she was only looking out for her family and was desperate and he wouldn’t cooperate! Because of his racist mindset, it ruined his nice friendship with Star and now she hates him (“Junkin’ Janna”). Well, it was over a compact, but still, their friendship went out the window. Tist, Tist, Tist, there goes your BFF. Now the MCH is a member short. I liked all the group hugs in the end. So nice to see everyone happy and at peace and so loving and caring putting all that nonsense drama behind them and coming to an understanding of what’s really goin on. No more “Yada Yadaing” The queen (“Yada Yada Berries”), no more relaying on Moon (“Down by the River”), no more Anti-Eclipsa hate (“The Ponyhead Show”), no more Globgor scares (“Surviving the Spiderbites”), no more anything! It’s all over now! Course, it’s still not over yet. There’s still a few more problems left in the show like Mina and if Tomstar is truly solid or even if Starco is endgame or not! We’re getting closer! See you guys later, Long live the Queen!✊👑
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eliaselliot-blog · 6 years
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♔ LOCKWOOD TASK 001 ; character sheet
Full Name: elias anton elliot. Meaning of Name: greek derivation of “jehovah of god”. Nickname: eli, ant. jackass. whichever you will.
Birth Date: january 6th, 1996. Astrological Sign and Details: capricorn. Birth Place: manhattan, ny. Age: 21. Nationality: american. Race: caucasian. Hair Color: black. Hair Style: not too short, slightly messy. Distinct Features of Face: strong jawline, long lashes, thick brows, plush lips. Glasses or Contacts: both. rarely seen in glasses, however. Eye Color: hazel. Skin Tone: slightly tanned, but white. Scars or Distinguishing Marks: a scar that goes down his right shoulder blade. Disabilities: none. Build or Body Type: broad shoulders, muscular arms and torso, toned legs.  Height: 6′ 3″. Weight: well. Speech Patterns: speaks in a low, yet confident tone. tends to deadpan most things, even jokes. isn’t a man who makes his present super known, but is typically around a lot of people at social gatherings and gets along with most despite his sometimes stand-offish demeanor. Tag Words: “no, i won’t paint you.” Gestures: rotates his rings a lot, toys with his bottom lip while he’s thinking, pretty expressive with his brows, combs his hands through his hair subconsciously and then messes it up again to put it back lmfao FAMILY AND CHILDHOOD
Mother: evelyn elliot Father: jacob elliot Mother’s Occupation: ex-model, now just keeps up with the family’s social status Father’s Occupation: partner of a prestigious law firm Family Finances: wealthy gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang Birth Order: what. 1st? Brothers: none. Sisters: sophia elora elliot, 19 Other Close Family: jude hayward, first-cousin Best Friend: Other Friends: Blake, Lana, Imogen, Jude, Frankie, Tripp, Alex, Teddy, Reagan, surprisingly the list goes on Enemies: his DAD. dw he’ll probably find sum1 here soon enough Pets: he got a pup named king Home Life During Childhood: HAHAHA. horrible. Town or City Name(s): manhattan, ny Details of Town(s) or City(s): manhattan is as much of a city as it gets What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: somewhat tidy, eli’s always been kinda neat Any Sports or Clubs: couple mma tournaments, art club for middle school and first half of hs Favorite Toy or Game: fifa, amnesia, fleshlight, assassin’s creed etc Schooling: attended a public high school Favorite Subject: art Popular or Loner: god knows how bt popular Important Experiences or Events: being physically and emotionally abused by his father, and using that to better himself successwise and kinda spite his dad  Health Problems: does depression count? borderline alcoholic Religion and beliefs: his family is christian but doesn’t rly believe in his religion, he’s more of a logical thinker personally PERSONAL
Bad Habits: smoking, biting his nails, fidgeting, drinking alone, using certain people for personal gain Good Habits: typically neat and put-together, eats clean, works out religiously, dresses well, maintaining himself physically Best Characteristic: loyal to those he’s close to  Worst Characteristic: being consistently distant Worst Memory: Best Memory: Proud of: how he’s able to accomplish anything he wants to do Embarrassed by: his lack of ability to truly get close to/trust people Driving Style: lmfao did somebody say speed demon Strong Points: incredibly driven, charming when he wants to be, can’t think of any more atm Temperament: typically level headed, a bit of a grump but still playful yano Attitude: can sometimes be cold if someone tries to get too close to him, but typically socializes well despite this Weakness: elias would rather die than tell you what he’s really thinking. if someone actually manages to get him to open up he’d probably be a stuttering and babbling mess Fears: not doing as well as he wants to, because then he’ll feel like he let his family down. also his father still scares him a bit but would never ever admit to it Phobias: the dad 1 Secrets: lol nice TRY Regrets: NO RAGRETS. jk he kinda regrets not taking art more seriously bc now thats kinda gone as an outlet he’s picking up bad alternatives that’ll only hurt him nd his health Feels Vulnerable When: some1 tries to get closer to him Pet Peeves: loud chewing, nail filing, all i cn think of rn Motivation: working for the day he can say he outdid his dad Short Term Goals and Hopes: maintain his 4.0 and get into a good med school Long Term Goals and Hopes: become one of the top surgeons in the country Sexuality: straight unless u another matt daddario cos i mean come on Exercise Routine: nice try honey u cant get abs like these. Day or Night Person: night. absolute nocturnal fiend Introvert or Extrovert: ambivert! mostly introverted but he can also be v charming and social at gatherings etc. something he learned from bein the poster boy of the socialite fam Optimist or Pessimist: he doesnt like 2 complain a lot but i wouldn’t say he’s an optimist either
Music: arctic monkeys, the neighbourhood, the weeknd, muse, daniel caesar, frank ocean, dvsn, tame impala Books: anything khaled hosseini, haruki murakami, and mitch albom Magazines: forbes, if any Foods: cold pizza, sushi, seafood, apples, burgers,  dark chocolate, tiramisu Drinks: craft beer, whiskey and most other alcohol, black coffee, red wine Animals: tiger, wolf, big fan of husky dogs Sports: soccer Favorite Saying: “no." Color: red, black Clothing: urban style with a rich flair. leather, denim, expensive sweaters and  Jewelry: expensive watches, sometimes rings Games: poker, chess, cards against humanity Websites: pornhub uh, vine? TV Shows: sherlock, the office, stranger things Movies: the prestige, shutter island, borat, can’t think of any more Greatest Want: to stay on top of his class, take more time out for art Greatest Need: someone to be patient and understanding with him
Home: live in the beta delta xi house, but his family owns a mansion at home. Household furnishings: his room is rather tidy. numerous black and white murals remain littered across his walls and above his bed rests a shelf filled with his favorite novels and vinyls. Most Cherished Possession:  Neighborhood: manhattan Town or City Name: new york Details of Town or City: very busy, very on-the-go, new york city is a definition in itself. Married Before: heck no Significant Other Before: he’s got a couple of exes that he’d dated due to having extra time on his hands. he’d always get bored rather quickly into the relationship and leave, however. now that eli has much less time on his hands, he no longer looks to date. Children: LOL Relationship with Family: hostile with his father, indifferent but still somewhat caring towards his mother. Car: not yet  Career: full-time student. Salary: n/a Other Income: n/a Dream Career: professional artist. Dream Life: providing for his mother and sister, living in a new mansion with a fresh start. would have someone he could be emotionally intimate with, though the thought of this currently terrifies him. Love Life: eli scratches his head at this foreign term. Sexual Turn Ons: taking control, fighting for dominance, idk he seems like he’d be in2 bondage lmafaodifgbl Sexual Turn Offs: bad head, feet, excessive talking, repressed moans, “you like that?” no. leave my sight.  Hobbies: mma fighting, painting, taking pictures for painting inspirations, if getting drunk alone counts as a hobby hey be my guest Guilty Pleasure: bingeing martha and snoop’s potluck dinner party Talents or Skills: fights well, and can paint. can sex be a talent? Intelligence Level: very book smart, he gets this from his father. though eli has his moments (as does anyone), he is fairly street smart as well — although, he is very standoffish so it’s hard to tell sometimes if he’s being smart or just a closed-off prick.
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lucidiasansgaster · 7 years
The Aftermath
Refuge, a place she knew was a safe place she could rest. She could only hope that Flaps was home.
Panting and, with a grunt, Lucidia was barely even able to crawl, forcing herself to move to get closer to the space. There had to be someone there, theres always someone.
"F...Flaps? Someone...? A-Anyone!"
* [The door is quick to open - and while Flaps doesn't answer, that little black and green kiddo is standing there. They look... Upset? Angry? It's clearly not at Luci, but it's present in their expression nonetheless.]
* [They rush out to help her to her feet, as far past the doorway as they're able.]
She was fighting the urge to lose her vision, struggling onto her feet with the help.
As soon as she was past the door, her legs buckled under her and she fell back to the floor, the orange flickering in her eye socket. Maybe she went a little overboard with the magic. Maybe..
* [Yeezus fam. They help her into a sitting position - their projection flickers violently and they look pained for a moment, but then it's gone and they're sitting next to her. A plate of food appears in their hands, and they offer it to her silently.]
Luci wasn't coherent for the moment, till she was sitting up. Yes good, she needed to stay awake and alert. Now that she was looking over towards them, a hint of recognition flashed on her features. An old friend.
Her gaze turned towards the plate of food and she softly nodded a silent 'thank you', already trying to eat.
* [They give a soft smile in return! a soft pat to her leg.] * { lotta shit went down, huh. you, uh.... eat up as best you can, okay? i don't think flaps is going to be back for a while. }
In a way, even if they weren't Flaps, she was relieved to see a familiar face, even in this place.
"...yes, indeed there has been." She murmured, taking a moment inbetween bites to speak. "I hope I could see him but, I understand. It is...good to see you again, Room."
* { good to see you, too. } [real soft smile.... but then they frown.] * { .... he died, you know. not... not flaps, but. } * { this whole mess, trying to save cubesy, it. really was kinda hopeless in the end. } * [oh.... are they???? they wipe at their eyes a bit,]
That...wasn't the news that she was expecting to hear.
Her grip faltered on the plate, like a heavy stone dropped within her gut. He..died? She was so focused on trying to save Eight, to repay the favor that she owed the fragment so long ago, that she hadn't been able to keep track of her friend. The news was quite unsettling and, clearly it showed. And even the scarlet red coat that she wore, given to her by him himself, was gone.
Lucidia didn't know what to say...but she was quite upset.
* [They just.... lean against her a bit.] { i'm - sorry, i should've... waited to tell you. i just. }
* { it's. i dont know. m'sorry. }
* [they're really!!! really upset, and in a good bit of pain. But they're definitely trying to not show it, as best they can.]
"...I...knew he'd done terrible things.." Lucidia whispered, trying to keep back tears welling up in her eye sockets. "But..he didn't deserve death."
Setting the plate of half-eaten food, she moved an arm around them, perhaps of comfort for the both of them. "I saved one..b...but...not the other.."
* { eight's the one who should be fucking dead. }
* [they lean into that hold though! they're just Angry and Hurting.]
She wasn't expecting the venom in their voice, silently swallowing back her words. She knew Eight possibly deserved it more, but the fragments, and SIX.
"...the favor I owed him was paid...I did what I had to. What I could."
* { i... i know. i'm sorry. i just.... }
* { he went out of his way, he killed. probably thousands upon thousands of completely innocent fragments, and he's not getting anything back from that. cubesy died, and eight's off scot free for now. Protected, even. }
* [there's a BIG sniffle. they're...... definitely crying now,]
* { he was - h-he was getting better, you know??? he was Changing, and he wanted to fix all the wrongs he did, and now its just - he's just gone. he's gone and eight won and i cant - i c-c ant even trust ANY of them anymore- }
"Shhh...I know Room..I know.."
She couldn't hold back the tears now, holding Room in her arms. The poor woman was shaking even, feeling like she was to blame for this.
"I...I know that Trois was improving, I saw it myself, the times I stayed with him and Loyalty.." Loyalty, what had become of him? She feared for the worst.
* [UNLESS SHE ASKS.... they aren't even going to say. of course they know! they saw all that went down. but they don't want to upset her further.]
* [instead of talking more, they just.... start full-out sobbing into her arms. they're doing a BIG cling.]
Lucidia doesn't release them, only tightening her arms around them. Seemed like both of them were crying.
"....I'm sorry...I'm sorry I...I couldn't save him.."
* [there's a little hiccup!!! they manage to calm themselves a bit, after a minute or so.]
* { its - th-this isn t your fau lt. even..... ev en if you had gone w-with him. it's not your fau lt. }
"H...he ran..b.before I could get there. Un, I-I had to help Un.."
She shivered but, the tears didn't stop. This really hit her much harder than it should of. Luci knew fragments perished in the Void, by multiple means. This, she didn't like at all. "...Trois..called to me, asking for my help to save Eight. I-I had no choice, I owed him."
* { he.... h-he knew he was going to die. that's.. why he told you t-to help eight. }
* [they're still real shaky, but... it's starting to subside. they're just getting quiet.]
He knew? If only she could of seen him one last time..
"....even after everything, h-he..wanted me to save Eight." It still doesn't help soothe the pain in her soul.
* [they nod softly.]
* { ... i don't know. how long it'll last, though. him being safe. }
* { i don't even know if he'll try to fix things. }
Luci couldn't even think straight, the more she thought on it. In the end, there was nothing either of them could do.
"I....I don't know. I can't tell with how Eight is. Even if I came when Trois called for me..now.." She didn't want to finish it. She was once more trapped within the Void.
* [they pat....]
* { .... i'm sure you'll get back out. }
She softly nodded, lifting a hand to wipe the tears from her cheekbone. It felt...alien, to not wear the coat she had grown quite fond of.
"I...I n..need to rest. I used too much of my magic."
* [they nod quietly.]
* { do you want me to show you to a bedroom where you can get some proper sleep....? there's beds up here, or i can show you to like. a proper bedroom. up to you. }
She wasn't sure if she could trust her legs but, softly, she nodded.
"Please? I..truly thank you Room. Of anywhere in the Void, this place was the first..that came to mind for safety."
* [WELL.... they did not get an answer on WHICH, but they'll show her to the room of beds on this floor. it's just a couple feet away, after all - and it literally is. a room of beds. the entire floor is just made up of beds all connected to one another. REAL COZY.]
Luci had managed to stand and being led off to the beds, already choosing one to sleep in. It definitely was cozy.
"Thank you again. Perhaps rest will help rebuild my magic."
* { i hope so, yeah. } [weak lil smile...] { just, uh... say something if you need anything, okay? }
"Alright, I will. I do hope Flaps is alright.."
She nods, yawning before getting comfy in the bed. Before she knew it, she was out like a light.
* [goodnight.... the lights in the room click off, and they vanish the projection before the door shuts softly.]
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elizaslegacy · 7 years
i want you to belong to me (chapter 3)
Period: modern
Pairing(s): Lin x reader, Anthony x reader
Warnings: cursing (this goes without saying)
The cast had just ran off of the stage following their bows, shouting wildly along the way. You couldn’t help but smile as the actors sprinted along the halls, shedding pieces of revolutionary dress. You gazed down the corridor where costumes were haphazardly strewn all over the floor. The costume crew was gonna have a field day, you thought with a giggle.
After changing into their street clothes, meeting celebrities and the like, and greeting fans by the stage door, the actors were finally ready to leave. Apparently, according to Jasmine, these cast get togethers were weekly events that had been affectionately dubbed “Ham Fam Bonding Sessions”. You felt as though you weren’t really apart of the “Ham Fam”, but Daveed quickly reassured you that the cast loved you. “People in the crew are usually older professionals that have been in the business for a long time. They’re all no nonsense,” he had said. “The actors love having an awesome young person so closely involved and willing to interact with them.”
You changed out of your t-shirt, which had been stained with foundation, and slipped into a tight black crop top. You paired it with shredded jeans and white sneakers; you shrugged your jacket on. Before you left, you gave one last glance in the mirror and decided to dress your bare face up a little bit. You broke the rule you had set for yourself and snuck some of your high quality makeup out of your drawer. You covered your face in a thin layer of makeup, swiped some eyeliner and mascara on, and decided on a rich purpley-brown matte lip color. After giving yourself one final look in the mirror, you grabbed your bag and headed out. 
A few of the cast members were already waiting by the back door. Your cheeks grew hot as you felt Anthony’s eyes passing over you. “Damn mami,” the man whistled as he looked you up and down once more. “You clean up nice.” You managed a playful wink. 
“Please, Ramos,” you retorted. “This isn’t cleaned up. You’re not that special.” Pippa and Renee arrived at that moment, wincing dramatically at your previous comment. The three of you giggled. You looked around at the group. The only one missing is - at that moment, Lin burst into the room, panting. “I’m ready! Sorry,” he blurted out.
Daveed just gave Lin that mischievous look again; you glanced back and forth between the two men and attempted to gain any insight into this odd charade they kept putting on. “Alright, Leslie is picking up the food, so we can all head to my apartment!” Jasmine cheered, the group applauding afterwards. You all hurried out of the door and hailed taxis. The actors jumped in quickly, hoping that no one would recognize them and further postpone their Chinese meal.
You arrived at Jasmine’s apartment a few minutes later, where Leslie was already waiting with the takeout. Everyone dashed towards the brown paper bags, tearing through them ravenously until they found what they had ordered. Once you had all gotten your food, everyone settled in the living room. You had meekly let the actors push past you and had ended up being the last one to get your food.
It wasn’t until you walked into the living room that you became aware of a harsh reality - the only open seat was next to Lin on a loveseat. You groaned internally. The world just loved to torture you, huh? You sheepishly took the seat next to the man, crossing your legs and scooting as far away as possible. No matter how closely you hugged the arm of the loveseat, though, you could still smell his cologne and you could still feel the heat radiating off of his body. 
You all engaged in rapid conversation, sharing thoughts and opinions freely. You found yourself laughing a lot - you even snorted by accident a few times. You had just downed all of your food when you shushed the group. “Wait! Shh,” you voiced excitedly. The room fell pretty much silent as you sat there, holding one finger up in the air. After a few seconds, you opened your mouth to let out a very loud and very disgusting burp. The room burst into howling laughter following it, everyone beaming at you.
You looked out of the corner of your eye at Lin, only to see that his gaze was trained on you. You quickly averted your glance, fearing dreaded eye contact. However, you weren’t fast enough. Lin scooted over towards you and rested his arm on the seat behind you. “Hi,” he blurted out. He almost sounded nervous.
You giggled the slightest bit as the tension left your body. “Hey there,” you replied softly. Lin moved a little bit closer to you; your heart sped up. “I have a very important question to ask you,” he murmured. You felt apprehension build in your chest. “Yeah?” God, your voice was audibly shaking! How did Lin manage to get you like this?
“Do you watch The West Wing?” Lin inquired in a serious tone, yet you found yourself bursting into a fit of laughter. “What?” he yelped defensively, throwing his hands up in surrender. 
You simply shrugged with a humored smile on your face. “Nothing, you were just so serious. Like I’ve never seen you keep such a straight face,” you giggled. “And it was just about a TV show.”
Lin gasped dramatically and slapped a hand over his heart. “Just a TV show?” he repeated incredulously. “Just a TV show? (Y/N), if you don’t watch it then I don’t think we can be friends...”
You pushed his shoulder playfully. “Well I guess we can’t be friends then.”
He mocked a fainting motion, his head landing on your shoulder. You could feel his warm breath fanning down your chest, sweeping under the neckline of your shirt. A small tingling sensation started deep inside of you. The blissful feeling was over as soon as it began, though, and Lin had picked his head back up. “I guess I can make an exception,” he sighed deeply. “Normally it’s a mandate for me, but you might be cute enough to let it slide.”
Your chest swelled with a warm, fuzzy feeling as the words escaped his lips. You had to fight back the huge smile that was forcing its way onto your face. Despite how flustered you were, you attempted a sarcastic reply. “I’ll have you know that I am very cute, Miranda.”
Lin looked as though he was about to say something, but eventually decided against it. Rather, he simply looked at you with that dopey smile on his face; his eyes flickered around your features as he got a close up look. You could have sworn his eyes paused on your lips for half a second, but it was over before you could tell. The two of you just looked at each other for a solid minute before you snapped your eyes away. Way to be discrete, you thought. 
The hours seemed to slip past, people leaving every now and then. You and Lin kept chatting aimlessly, the tension you usually felt around him disappearing. The clock now read 12:05 AM; the only ones remaining were Daveed, Jasmine, Anthony, Lin, and you. Anthony had passed out on the floor after one too many drinks - the alcohol didn’t react well with his extreme fatigue from the show - and Jasmine was now brushing her teeth. She announced something about everyone being able to stay over if they’d like, but you barely registered her voice as your eyes began to shut. Before you knew it, you had settled into a heavy sleep on the loveseat.
Golden rays of sunlight streamed through the windows and bathed your face. You slowly opened your eyes, your lids heavy with sleep as you sat up. You noticed that you had fallen asleep in Jasmine’s apartment; you glanced around and noted that you were on some sort of pullout couch. Huh, you thought. I don’t remember falling asleep on the bed last night. 
You threw yourself back down onto the bed. Your arms stretched out, waking the stiff muscles, when your hand hit something solid. And that solid something was breathing. You peeled the blankets down the slightest bit, expecting to see Daveed sleeping peacefully or Anthony still in his alcohol induced state. But no, you were met with messy and long hair and that smell that was all too comforting and that really fucking adorable face. An audible groan escaped your lips. You had just resolved to actively avoid Lin, therefore dodging any unwarranted feelings, yet you were sleeping in the same bed as him.
You gazed over Lin, who was sleeping peacefully, and you tried to suppress the suggestive thoughts that were forcing themselves into your mind. You couldn’t help but think that this was what he’d look like on the morning after - sparking all kinds of other indecent images of the man besides you.
Lin stirred beside you, immediately snapping you out of your reverie. His eyes fluttered open, observing his surroundings before landing on you. His face cracked into that dopey smile; a red tint colored his cheeks.
“Uh, hi.”
You could’ve sworn your heart had never beat so quickly. “Hey there,” you responded gently. 
Lin’s eyes filled with light; he was positively beaming in every aspect. “It’s Friday, right?” he asked, to which you nodded in affirmation. “The cast party thing is tonight.”
You were began to reply when a loud vibration emanated from your phone, which was haphazardly strewn somewhere on the bed. You scrambled for it and quickly clicked the green ‘answer’ button without checking who was calling. A familiar playful Brooklyn accent greeted you. “Hey Ant,” you grinned.
You missed the way Lin’s demeanor grew icy, his hands clenching up ever so slightly and his jaw setting. His eyes remained glued on your face; the radiance that had just shone in his eyes had frozen over.
“Yea, I’d be happy to get coffee with you,” you replied to him, raising your eyebrows playfully at Lin. That was when you noticed his steely glare. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion; the man beside you tossed the blankets off of him and began gathering his things. “I’ll meet you downstairs in 5. Yea. Mhm. Bye.”
You hung the phone up after the conversation ended and jumped in front of a very angry Lin, who was storming towards the door. “Woah, woah, woah,” you voiced, placing a cautious hand to his chest. He barely paused his movements before lightly nudging you to the side and leaving the apartment. He didn’t look back at you once; you stood there with your mouth hanging open in disbelief.
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