#arianna romero
victorluvsalice · 11 months
Happy Birthday Squid!
@gaydragonwizards -- as per your previous request, here is a story about Romero teaching Melody how to shoot, back before some of the major nonsense in our RP stuff! I hope you enjoy!
“Okay, so – for our first lesson in shooting, I figured we’d start off with handguns.”
Romero snapped open the case in front of him, gesturing for Melody to take a look. “Got us a pair of basic Brokk 17cs here – they’re some of the easiest guns to get and carry around Los Angeles. I mean, pretty much every gang-banger and wanna-be crime lord on the street has got one of these in their back pocket or shoulder holster. Small, light, pretty easy to handle – downside is that they don’t have the greatest stopping power, but – well. You’re a Kindred – you’ve got other ways to stop people. And trust me, anything is better than that .38 your mother was using for fucking ages.” He rolled his eyes at the memory. “Seriously, I have no idea how she lasted until Hollywood with that damn thing. Like, she went down into the fucking Nosferatu sewers when that lizard asshole was filling them with shit with that and somehow managed to come out the other side.” He paused and considered this. “Then again, I guess she had Alice backing her up there. . .and let me tell you, that woman is terrifying with a knife.”
Melody made a grunt of agreement, then started reaching for one of the guns, clearly eager to begin. “Whoa – slow down there,” Romero said, putting his hand in front of theirs and earning himself a look. “Let’s get one thing straight right here, right now, okay? You don’t do anything until I tell you to. I’m the teacher here, and you’re gonna respect that.”
Melody’s eyes narrowed challengingly. “Don’t start – your mom’s asked me to teach you how to shoot a gun, and I’m happy to give you a few lessons,” Romero told them, frowning right back. “Knowing how to shoot, and shoot well, is a fucking lost art these days, and I wanna keep it around. But I know what you’re like, kid – that you’re into screwing around whenever you think you can get away with it. And normally I wouldn’t give a shit – but you cannot pull that while we’re having shooting lessons.” He wagged a finger at them. “I mean that – guns are dangerous. I mean, yeah, fine, not as dangerous to you guys as they are to humans and ghouls, but getting shot, especially in the right spot, still ain’t fun. You gotta respect your weapon – and more importantly, you gotta know how to handle it before you even think of pulling that trigger. I know you’re a smart kid, and you’ll pick up this shit fast, but you gotta listen to me. You start fuckin’ around, and I’ll end the lesson right here.” He leaned in for emphasis, meeting Melody’s gaze head-on. “And I’ll tell your mother exactly why.”
Melody’s expression went from “resting sullen” to “oh shit.” “Yeah, I figured that’d get your attention,” Romero said, allowing himself a tiny smirk. “I’m gonna try and keep it fun for you, I promise – we got loads of cans and bottles to shoot off the fence, for starters. But like I said, guns are dangerous, and I don’t want to be the one to explain to Ari why you’ve got a bullet wound or two in you – or in me. We do this, we’re doing it right. Good?”
Melody nodded, setting their face in “I’m ready and willing to learn” mode. “Great. So, before you even pick that thing up, a couple of safety tips to remember – always treat any gun as if it’s loaded. Even if you unloaded it yourself. Shit can happen, bullets can get chambered without you knowing, and it’s just not worth the risk. Second, always keep your finger off the trigger unless you intend to shoot. It’s too fucking easy to pull it without meaning to. And third, always be aware of not only your target, but what’s beyond it. Bullets go fast, and – depending on the caliber of the bullet and the gun – can punch through more stuff than you think. You don’t want to shoot a guy, only for the bullet to go right through him and hit your buddy on the other side.” He wagged his finger again. “What it comes down to is, well, don’t be an idiot. Think you can pull that off?”
Melody leveled another look at him. “Yeah, yeah, I know, lived under all our noses in that junkyard for who knows how long, you got brains and can take care of yourself. Just humor me and nod.”
That got a small smile, and the requested nod. “Fantastic. Okay – now you can pick up the gun, and I’ll show you how to check it and how to load it up. . .”
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theselection-rp · 10 months
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É com grande prazer que damos as boas vindas à ROMERO ALTHEA-GIACCOMO III, de 30 ANOS. As fofocas dizem que elx se parece muito com AARON TAYLOR-JOHNSON, mas ele é apenas um PRÍNCIPE vindo de NOVA ROMA. Seja muito bem vindo, REMY.
Por toda Europa existe um único nome infiltrado em quase todas as famílias reais ao seu redor, os Althea-Giaccomo, após Arianna e Romero consolidarem a sua união em um casamento arranjado poucos acreditaram no sucesso de tal união porém para a surpresa de todos, os monarcas foram capazes de unificar seus países, a antiga Grécia e Itália, formando o início de Nova Roma, e eles não pararam por ali, adorados por sua população o casal tivera 15 filhos, que se espalharam pelas redondezas, trazendo outros territórios e alguns pequenos países ao seu redor a uma forte aliança em prol da agora super potência que nova Roma se tornara. Assim como seu pai e seu avô, o que começara a união do agora forte império que herdaria, Romeo como prefere ser chamado, também foi nomeado Romero em homenagem a seu avô. Equitação, esgrima e tantas outras classes extras nunca fora uma obrigação para Romeo, e sim quase que um talento nato que ele sempre fez bastante questão de explorar por um único motivo: Remy, sua irmã gêmea. Romero e Remy eram o tipo de crianças que terminavam a fala um do outro, uma conexão tão profunda que ninguém duvidava quando eles diziam que tinham super poderes, e em partes Romeo sente bastante falta e ressentimento pelos motivos de que aquela conexão morreu: a competição pelo trono, e em partes por isso ressente principalmente sua mãe, Delphine. Princesa mais nova da Croácia, a rainha jamais pensou que teria acesso a tanto poder, não até casar-se com o herdeiro do trono de Nova Roma, e lhe dar quatro herdeiros, mas embora sua ambição fosse em prol do sucesso de seus filhos, a mesma também dividiu a família real, especialmente os gêmeos.
Quando completara 27 anos ouvira de seus pais o que sonhara em ouvir por toda sua vida, ele seria o escolhido para assumir o trono, de repente todo o esforço e sacrifício parecia valer a pena, mesmo que sua vitoria significasse a derrota de sua irmã, ele merecia. Bastante envolvido e amado dentro de seu reino o príncipe nunca havia tido tempo para refletir em suas obrigações com a coroa, e em especial não com a importância de um casamento forte para demonstrar mais força ou responsabilidade. Romeo todavia estava muito distante de qualquer coisa relacionado a figura de família, com seu nome pelos corredores do castelo corria uma fama, o príncipe de Roma era um conquistador que desflorava maior parte não apenas das criadas mas também das filhas de nobres e de outras realezas convidadas no castelo, e bem aquela fora uma fraqueza que Remy decidira explorar, mas da noite para o dia os rumores acabaram; Romeo não parecia o mesmo, não tinha interesse por ninguém, ao menos ninguém além da mulher que conquistara seu coração. O príncipe se apaixonara por uma plebeia, em partes planejava casar-se com ela uma vez que fosse coroado rei, mas antes disso ninguém poderia saber disto, nem mesmo ela, mas claro que Remy iria descobrir, e o romance quase lhe custou bem caro: agora em seus plenos 30 anos, perdia o direito à coroa e se encontrava mais uma vez numa corrida para o trono, contra sua irmã, claro, noiva de um príncipe francês. Com seu coração partido entre precisar escolher entre a mulher que ama e o trono, quando ouviu falar que sua prima havia sido selecionada para a seleção tudo mudou e ele sabia exatamente o que deveria fazer.
Viajou para Illéa com um plano traçado em sua mente, com o secreto apoio de sua mãe; caso sua prima vença a seleção o romeo estaria livre para casar-se com quem ele quisesse principalmente pela necessidade de uma fortificação de aliança entre Nova Roma e Illéa, seria a única forma que o príncipe conseguiria manter seu trono e sua felicidade sem necessariamente precisar de casar com um nobre, provando que sua influência vai muito além de alianças pelo matrimônio, mas para isto existem muitos “se”. Embora não esteja abertamente assumindo que viera para ajudar Anastasia, o príncipe viera com a desculpa de que estava visitando o palácio para aprender mais sobre contratos e fornecer melhores preços para a distribuição de vinhos Romanos, um dos negócios mais importantes para a economia de seu país.
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happymeishappylife · 4 months
Comics/Graphic Novels I Read in 2023 (Part 3)
21. Displacement by Kiku Hughes
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Another great graphic novel about the Japanese Internment, but this time author Kiku Hughes adds a little sci-fi as she explores her family’s history. I found that actually a good way to tell the story and the history because as Kiku explains, she obviously wasn’t born in the time of the interment, but her family never talked about. Still that generational trauma and loss of Japanese identity happened because of the brutal treatment against Japanese people, so to see a young Kiku mysteriously transported back to that time and seeing her grandmother’s experience as well as living her own leaves a heavy mark. What was also interesting was to see Kiku’s experience not be similar to grandmothers which I think was valid as a girl from the future who might also be a bit queer.
22. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures Year One #3: The Fountain’s of Forever by Nick Abadzis, Elena Casagrande, Elonora Carlini, Rachael Stott, Leonardo Romero, Hi-FI, and Arianna Florean
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I wasn’t paying attention when I put these in order to realize these were from different years, but it was nice to get my answers as to why Cindy started travelling two (and I’m glad to see it was out of care for her best friend) and also how Nubis came to be and We also meet Dorothy who was once a famous actress, but turns into Sutekh’s hand. Since she was referenced in the last books it was nice to be introduced to her.Plus it showcased how early on how well Gabby and the Doctor work together, as well as how brave and compassionate Gabby is.
23. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures Year One #7: War of Gods by Nick Abadzis, James Peaty, Giorgia Sposito, Warren Pleece, Arianna Florean, and Hi-Fi
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Obviously not sure what happened in between issues 3 and 7, but we return back to where it started as Sutekh tries to take over Nubis and return to this universe. This was actually cool to see given that it plays right off the Fourth Doctor story. I also love that there were panels showing Sarah Jane and the Doctor to ground it to the show. Still Dorothy and the Doctor are rushing to save Nubis and the universe, but Gabby gets caught because she’s extra courageous in standing up to Sutekh.
24. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Adventures Year Three #1: The Sapling Growth by Rob Williams, Alex Paknadel, I.N. J. Culbard, Simon Fraser, Leandro Casco, Wellington Diaz, Triona Farrel, Gary Caldwell
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The last time I left the Doctor and Alice, things were beyond dark and grim so it was nice to catch back up with them when things were looking up. They go off searching for their musician friend Jones only to come across his funeral and then get trapped in a forest with a time stealing Silence named Scream, creepy. They escape, but only after putting a few of their memories into the Sapling. But before they can decide what to do with them, they arrive on Earth that is suffering from multiple decades colliding into another. That’s one thing to sort out but with the threat of Scream it becomes a little more deadly. I’ll be curious to see where it goes.
25. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Adventures Year Three #2: The Sapling Roots by Goerge Mann, James Peaty, I.N. J. Culbard, Ivan Rodriguez, Wellington Diaz, Klebs Junior, Leandro Casco, Triona Farrell, Stefani Renne, Thiago Ribeiro
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Instead of one overreaching plot like many of the previous stories have been, I actually really enjoyed this collection because it felt like the show. The Doctor, Alice, and the Sapling go on mini-adventures, saving Oods (or trying to), escaping a dying ship and preserving a species dying memory, and preventing a clown from stealing people’s memories so they can continue to enjoy the Ren Fair. Sure the problems still exist, but this was much more of a focus on The Sapling learning about memory as he settles into his existence.
26. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Adventures Year One #3 by Al Ewing, Rob Williams, Simon Fraser, Boo Cook, Warren Pleece, Gary Caldwell, and Hi-FI
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Again, wasn’t paying attention to the years when I put these in order, so yet again I jumped back to the year 1 collection. But I’m glad because I got to meet and get used to Jones to better understand his relationship to the team. But I missed the subplot of the Doctor falling victim to the talent scout which is continuing to haunt them and Arc, a sentient entity who is tied to the malevolent being. The sucky part about missing that, is there was some really emotional scenes where the TARDIS kicks the Doctor out and that means whatever he did was pretty serious so I’d love to catch up on those adventures.
27. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Adventures Year Two #4 by  Si Spurrier, Rob Williams, Simon Fraser, Warren Pleece, Gary Caldwell, and Hi-Fi
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Before the Sapling, and after the talent scout, we find the Doctor and Alice in the mists of learning more about the War Doctor. It’s here we meet The Squire for the first time, who I’ve read in other comics, and learn about how they served the War Doctor. We also meet Daak who wants to bring the Doctor to justice, but gets subverted by the TARDIS who hides his wife’s coffin. Then as they continue to be hunted through space and time, they discover who really is behind this, but we don’t quite get to catch up with The Master to see what incarnation is causing the problem. Can’t wait to see Eleven and the Master go head to head, so hopefully I find that issue soon.
28. Doctor Who: Four Doctors by Paul Cornell, Neil Edwards, Ivan Nunes, and Comicraft
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A worthy multi-doctor story where we see Ten, Eleven, and Twelve team up (or bicker with each other) to discover why a fixed point in time has been established between them to ruin Marinus. It starts because Clara tries to prevent it, but nothing could prevent it and so she, Alice, and Gabby, get pulled along to see which of the Doctors continuity bomb is causing this breakdown. Honestly, seeing the points where Ten could go wrong and not save Wilf (WHAT?!) to become the Timelord Victorious was pretty ballsy. Likewise seeing Eleven give into River and let the universe break down instead of rebooting it was sad. But heartbreaking was seeing Twelve go mad and cause these issues because of Clara demanding he go to hell. It was nice to see the canon of the show blended in that way and I would love to see more. Especially with the nicest and sincerest compliment to Chris’s doctor who couldn’t be involved because he was always, Fantastic!
29. Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Book 2 by Gordon Rennie, Emma Beeby, George Mann, Cavan Scott, Ivan Rodriguez, Wellington Diaz, Rachael Scott, Mariano Laclaustra, Anderson Cabral, Marcelo Salaza, Fer Centurion, Thiago Ribeiro, Nauricio Wallace, Rod Fernandes, Carlos Cabrera, Mony Castillo, Richard Starkings and Jimmy Betancourt
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The 60th Anniversary we could have had! And honestly this is absolutely the way it would go down with nine and ten being confused, the eighth doctor randomly showing up out of nowhere with no explanation and twelve running the show. I love that this is season 10 twelve too because he is also still in teacher mode, though maybe a little distracted by Jenny showing up. Plus, it was so nice to find the comic where Bill flirts with the Doctor’s Daughter because that’s amazing. And I like that 12 is weirded out a little, but not dismissive of it.
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Ucciso con arco e freccia, chiesto l'ergastolo per 'l'arciere'
Il pubblico ministero Arianna Ciavattini ha chiesto la condanna all’ergastolo per Evaristo Scalco, il maestro d’ascia che la notte tra l’1 e il 2 novembre 2022 uccise nel centro storico con una freccia Javier Alfredo Miranda Romero. Quest’ultimo quella notte stava festeggiando la nascita del figlio con un amico. Scalco “ha stroncato la vita di un uomo nel fiore dei suoi anni. Ma a un anno di…
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atletasudando · 2 years
Barquisimeto, un buen test para Venezuela en todas las categorías
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Informe: Iván Romero/FVA En el Polideportivo Máximo Viloria, en Barquisimeto, comenzó este viernes 19 de agosto el torneo evaluativo de mayores (con vistas a los Odesur) y u18 (hacia el Sudamericano de Sao Paulo), además del Campeonato Nacional u23, también evaluativo para el Sudamericano, con la Copa Raúl Dome Sanhouse. En mayores, una de las pruebas principales fue la de 100 metros llanos, donde se impuso Abdel Kalil con 10.51, seguido por David Vivas con 10.59 y Alexis Nieves con 10.67. Eubrig Maza, quien terminó cuarto con 10.81, venció en su especialidad de salto en largo con 7.69 . Y otros vencedores fueron José Daniel González (9m.00s.47 en 3.000 metros con obstáculos) y, en damas, Arianna Gutiérrez con 1.75 m. en salto en alto, Yerilda Zapata con 48.00 m. en lanzamiento del disco y la recordwoman Rosa Andreína Rodríguez en martillo con 60.99 m. La velocista Orangy Paolis Jiménez (FOTO PODIO) fue la figura de la primera jornada del Campeonato Nacional u23 al ganar los 100 metros llanos con su mejor producción personal de 11s.62, tras registrar 11.86 en las eliminatorias. Y la juvenil Fernanda Maita, quien venía de su gran cuarto puesto del Mundial u20 de Cali en salto triple, ahora se impuso en salto en largo con 5.96 m., con viento en contra. Entre los hombres sobresalió Javier Gómez con 48.81 en 400 (47.88 en las series) en tanto Yoneiger David Padrón alcanzó los 61.55 en jabalina. Y también ganaron la juvenil Ana Patricia Torin con 56.20 en 400, María Victoria Tirado con 11:54.21 en obstáculos, Silenis Vargas con 58.85 en martillo y Franyeli Suárez con 39.83 en jabalina. En las competencias de la u18 los valores más destacados fueron Héctor José Añez al pasar los 2.00 m. en salto en alto -mejor registro sudamericano de la temporada hasta en momento- y Jennifer Veroe, con 60.31 m. en lanzamiento del martillo. Pedro José Piña se adueñó de los 100 metros llanos con 11.06, Sebastián Gómez de los 110 metros vallas con 14s.40 y Héctor David Gómez en 2.000 metros con obstáculos, con 6m.11s.36.   Read the full article
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kandadiff · 2 years
Roses -Chapter I
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Caroline Esmerelda Romero, a name that was enough to strike both fear and respect in people. She was a mystery to the even the people that knew her. She came from the most affluent family in Ashwood. Her was a prominent lawyer, her mother was a shrewd businesswoman, her oldest sister was at Harvard and while their were rumors of her brother being a huge stoner, he was still considered incredibly handsome.
She was sweet and incredible to the people she liked, and even formed her own eclectic friend group. The girls were like patches sewed onto a quilt - extremely different but brought together by the string that was Caroline. 
~ ☁️ ~
You met Caroline the first day you had transferred to the prestigious academy in 8th grade. Your mother had nagged and whined about getting you the best schooling possible and had plopped you in a brand new school all the way across the country. You suspected it had to do with wanting to be alone with her latest husband who's daughter, Madison, was sent with you. Luckily for you, you got along with Madison, who you dubbed Maddy. 
Caroline introduced herself to you first and you became friends. She invited you to her massive house, sleepovers and was even nice to Maddy. You trusted her completely especially that time your mother came and harassed you everything. You usually ignored her - grateful she was to busy with her married life to focus on you. When she said you were getting fat and both you and Maddy were starting to look like trashy sluts after a dinner with the rest of the friend group, Caroline was there and put your mother in her place. Even managing to get her to leave early somehow. 
“How’d you do that?” you asked after your mother announced she was leaving.
“Easy, I just let her know you were special and didn’t deserve to be treated like that.” She said plainly. After that you exclusively hung out with Caroline and her group. Meeting the best people you’ve ever met. Draven. Me. Makayla. 
Then again being on Caroline bad side was a whole other story. Demi was the worst recipient. You were walking with Caroline down the street having just gotten your hair done when Demi followed. She was always so desperate for Carolines attention, she would do anything for it. 
“Hi Caroline!” Demi called desperately and Caroline rolled her eyes. 
“If we ignore it, maybe it will go away.” She said and you giggled looking at the desperate girl behind you. 
“Adi! Caroline!” She called and kept calling as she chased after you. 
“My god!” Caroline whipped you around, both of you now facing the girl. “What Demitra!”
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Demi looked taken off guard but soon a nervous smile appeared on her face after she stammered out her words. “Adi, Caroline! Your hair look so beautiful! You know - I I have been trying to get my hair like that-”
“Its Arianna.” You quickly corrected. “Arianna not Adi.”
“Only her friends call her Adi” Caroline added “are you her friend?” before Demi could answer Caroline gif it for her. “No instead you are a sad little loser who has worse hair than cancer patients. If I were you, and I'm so happy im not, I would just stop trying. Go home and cry about it.” With that Caroline hooked your arm in hers and walked away leaving a stunned Demi behind. 
~ ☁️ ~
Of course being on Caroline bad side was hard to say the least. So many people loved her but she was equal parts hated. If you were lucky enough to be friends with the beautiful ‘It Girl’ you ran the school... That was until the Halloween Party last year. 
~ 🎃 ~
Every year the two younger Jenner sisters used any excuse to throw a party and halloween was no exception. The girls went out, no money was spared when they rented out the huge warehouse at the edge of town decorated like a massive old victorian mansion. Of course being Carolines friends meant an automatic invite. Though weeks leading up to the party Caroline, or Cece, as she was dubbed by us was more cutthroat then usual and you witnessed her get into plenty of verbal fights with Demi, Elizabeth, Cassie, Hayley as well as the friend group. 
We still all went together and even dressed in a group costume. “Disney Princesses!” Caroline announced when we were deciding. "Makayla your jasmine, Mimi your Ariel obviously, Draven you’ll be Rupunzel” She frowned when draven made a face. 
“My hair is black.”
“Then, Kalyn will give you a wig.” She says obviously.
“Oh” Victoria frowns “I wanted to be Rapunzel”
“No” Caroline rolled her eyes “You’ll be Tiana. Maddy you be Pocahontas, Adi you be Moana! Julezie be sleeping beauty, Kylie you be belle and Kay you be Snow White. I will be Cinderella The leader who paved the way for the rest of you.”
“Actually, Snow White was first.” I chimed in. If looks could kill I'd be dead. She narrowed her eyes at me. 
“God, do you have to be such a drag?” she rolled her eyes. “Lets just go to the store.”
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The Halloween party started out good. Drinks flowed easily, compliments from costumes and photos snapped capturing happy moments until Demi got sloppy drunk and tripped over Shawn’s legs and into Caroline. Her blue costume was stained red and Caroline went off on her. 
“Are you fucking kidding me? You goddamn loser! Can’t you hold your fucking liquor?” she laughed when Elizabeth started crying and poured her drink on her head. The liquor making Elizabeths makeup run, making her look like a raccoon. “Now leave! Go cut yourself or something.”
“That was harsh, Cece.” Makayla said after Demi scrambled out of the house. 
“Harsh? That wasn’t harsh enough and if your going to judge me Makayla, might want to clean your nose.” With that she pushed past Makayla and out into the front yard. 
You saw her outside, in the middle of making out with Justin, an old boyfriend when you saw her arguing with me. You tried to go and ask what was wrong but when she slapped me and I slapped her back you froze in shock. The last time you saw Caroline was her getting into a truck a few minutes later.
Matter of fact that was the last time anyone ever saw her again. A few days later she was considered a missing person and still is. 
~ 🎃 ~
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That was a year ago and since that day your mother took you and Maddy back to France for a year but now you were back. You and Maddy sat in the back of the cab taking you back to the schools girls dormitories. You placed your sunglasses on trying to block out the bad memories that were attached to this place. 
You both sat in silence, each of you looking out the window. You had to look away from the window when you past the warehouse you had last seen Caroline at. 
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“Are you okay?” Maddy asked unable to look at the warehouse herself. You nodded grateful to see the towering buildings of the school to come into view. 
“We’re back” You said seeing the large gray stone building of the dormitories. “Look” your manicured finger pointed out the window and Maddy moved towards you “Its Draven! and who is she with?”
“Hes hot.” Maddy smiled then sucked her teeth. “Eh to many tattoos.”
“Yeah cause your tinder men are so much better.”
“Bitch! I don’t go on tinder!”
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chrvstenpress · 4 years
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happy hispanic heritage month!
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lesliecphotos · 5 years
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matstegen · 5 years
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31.07.19 — arianna romero of mexico during lima 2019 pan american games women first round group a match against paraguay at san marcos stadium in lima, peru.
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gfranco17 · 5 years
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kjsoondingie · 4 years
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new tag drop   ━━   characters edition
#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     anthony ahn     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     song areum     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     arianna ricci     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     aurora kim     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     yoon bonghee     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     jeon bora     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     choi byeol     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     celeste romero jung     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     wen chang     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     bae chanwoo     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     cherry mors     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     choi chunghee     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     claire kim     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     moon daesung     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     bae dakho     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     kang danbi     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     jung dongho     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#˚ *   〈 🍒 〉     chwe donghyun     ━━   * 〔 ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ 〕#tag drop.
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missn11 · 4 years
Taika, Hazel, and Arianna raid the Chantry, after a long tough fight with a big group made of ghouls and Kindred. Taika finally faces her old Regent, Strauss, and another grueling battle happens with Taika and her pack coming out as the winner and the key in her possession.
Now all is left is to deal with LaCroix destroy the Ankaran sarcophagus and then Taika can fulfill her destiny and stay off Gehenna another night.
So I just wanted to have a video where you could hear Strauss's condemning speech to the player, especially one that's playing as a Tremere. I realize that I could've used more of my Thaumaturgy but I kinda forgot about a little during the fight. It seems that I can't do the boss fight with Strauss without frenzying! XD  Also, Nines is a lot tougher to deal with if your Celerity isn't level five, he freaking killed me twice at the Temple fight! XD   One criticism I have of this mod is I would've liked to have seen Nines' reaction to Damsel turning against him. The angst factor would've been off the charts. ;__;
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theselection-rp · 11 months
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É com grande prazer que damos as boas vindas à ANASTASIA JULIETA ALTHEA-GIACCOMO HUGO aka ANASTASIA HUGO, de 25 ANOS. As fofocas dizem que ela se parece muito com JESSICA ALEXANDER, mas ela é apenas uma selecionada vinda de ANGELES que pertence à CASTA DOIS. Seja muito bem vinda, ANA. 
Anastasia nasceu em berço de ouro, descendente da família real Greco-Italiana, Althea-Giaccomo, pelo lado de sua mãe, Vicenza Giaccomo, e filha do Ator renomado e multimilionário, Henry Hugo, da casta 2 de Illéa. Não é muito incomum, principalmente entre a nata europeia (mas não exclusivamente), ter parentesco com a linhagem dos Giaccomo, visto que o rei e a rainha Romero e Arianna se amavam tanto que tiveram quinze filhos, todos frutos desse grande amor; e que, por sua vez, também se casaram e lhes deram netos. Anastasia Hugo, naturalmente, é uma dessas netas. A garota cresceu influenciada pela veia artística de seu pai, adornada pelo glamour de Hollywood, e moldada pela disciplina e elegância de sua mãe. De início, Henry não queria que sua filha tivesse contato algum com a indústria do cinema, mas Anastasia era geniosa e insistente e não desistiria até que conseguisse moldá-lo à sua vontade; o que não foi muito difícil, visto que ela era a sua favorita e primogênita. E não havia como negar o talento da garota para a dramaturgia, visto que tomava aulas de teatro (primeiro às escondidas) e se dedicava à exaustão. Sem contar as aulas de ballet, etiqueta, equitação, esgrima, idiomas e música clássica, etc. Vicenza fez questão de dar a ela a mesma educação que teve, crescendo no Palácio de Nova Roma, na medida do possível.
Anastasia estava em sua melhor era quando recebeu a notícia do início da Seleção. Sua carreira como atriz estava em ascensão: enfim conquistara a sua primeira grande estreia, após sete anos de filmes independentes e alternativos, que causavam comoção entre os críticos mas não à audiência popular, fora escalada para estrelar uma remake de Cisne Negro, filme audacioso da Antiga Era que fora brilhantemente resgatado e readaptado pelo diretor Vicent Winnick, um dos mais ambiciosos cineastas da atualidade e também amigo íntimo de seu pai. Proximidade essa que fez com que muita gente questionasse o mérito de Anastasia ao ser escalada para o papel. Papel esse que diziam que ela só havia conquistado por ser filha de quem era. E parte disso era verdade, Ana tinha privilégios que muitas das outras atrizes de sua geração não sonhavam em possuir. Mas também o dobro do talento e preparo. No final, o filme foi um sucesso de bilheteria e sua atuação lhe rendeu aclamação nacional e indicações à três das maiores premiações do cinema de Illéa. Mas também lhe rendeu ansiedade crônica, perda de peso, e dermatilomania. Seis meses depois de tudo isso, estava finalmente colhendo os frutos de seu trabalho e aproveitando um período merecido de descanso (e reabilitação), longe das câmeras ao máximo que podia, e planejava continuar assim por mais tempo. Mas sua mãe, Vicenza, tinha outros planos, e a inscreveu na Seleção do príncipe sem que ela soubesse.
A notícia de que havia sido selecionada a atingiu como um tremor que abalou completamente suas estruturas, pois não estava lidando apenas com isso, nem só com o pós-estresse das gravações exaustivas de seu grande filme e toda a exposição à imprensa que veio junto. Secretamente, também estava de coração partido pelo fim do relacionamento duradouro que tivera com sua colega de profissão, Natasha Bardot. Não queria voltar para os olhos do público tão cedo. Não conseguiria. Não podia. Não era justo. Finalmente entendia porquê seu pai era tão averso a deixá-la entrar para aquele mundo. Nada que fizesse ou desse seria o suficiente, estariam sempre sedentos por mais e mais e mais. Mas era uma Hugo, e isso estava em suas veias. O estoicismo do estrelato, a dissimulação, os segredos. E o sangue Althea-Giaccomo que também corria dentro dela, não a permitia demorar muito para reagir. Estava programada para perseverar e prevalecer, ainda que não quisesse. Além disso, sua mãe não fez aquilo por mal. Estava pensando em seu futuro. Estrategicamente, uma moça de prestígio como ela, bem conectada e de sangue-azul era esperada a se candidatar. E traria rumores maliciosos caso não fizesse. Ao menos foi isso que Vicenza lhe dissera, quando confrontada. Mas conhecendo sua mãe como conhecia, Ana tem a impressão que debaixo desse angú tem caroço. Mas não sabe o que é.
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jetslay · 7 years
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One image per artist: Superman/Clark Kent & Lois Lane [53/?]
Tyler Kirkham, Arianna Operamolla, Abdon J Romero, Jett Atwood, Luciano Vecchio, Alyssa Dalagin, Chris Rousakos, Elena Mirulla, Amy Mebberson, and Bruce McCorkindale.
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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ABLAZE Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover A V Kenneth Marion), $3.99 Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover B Roberto Meli), $3.99 Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover C Robin Recht Wraparound Variant), $3.99 Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover D Fritz Casas), $3.99 Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover E Fritz Casas Virgin Variant), AR Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover F Robin Recht Wraparound Virgin Variant), AR
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COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1774, AR
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DARK HORSE COMICS Avatar The Next Shadow TP, $19.99 Black Hammer Visions #7 (Of 8)(Cover A Melissa Duffy), $3.99 Black Hammer Visions #7 (Of 8)(Cover B Veronica Fish), $3.99 Black Hammer Visions #7 (Of 8)(Cover C Yuko Shimizu), $3.99 Castlevania The Art Of The Animated Series HC, $39.99 Crimson Flower TP, $19.99 Critical Role Vox Machina Origins III #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Marina Romero Arias), $3.99 EC Archives MD HC, $49.99 Kabuki Omnibus Volume 4 TP, $29.99 Killer Queens #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Claudia Balboni), $3.99 Killer Queens #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Chris Ables), $3.99 Killer Queens #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Jen Bartel), $3.99 Rangers Of The Divide #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Megan Huang), $3.99 Savage Hearts #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Jed Dougherty), $3.99 Tales From Harrow County Fair Folk #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Emily Schnall), $3.99 Tales From Harrow County Fair Folk #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Tyler Crook), $3.99 Untold Horror HC, $39.99 What’s Michael Fatcat Collection Volume 2 TP, $19.99
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MARVEL COMICS Black Cat #9 (Cover A Pepe Larraz), $3.99 Black Cat #9 (Cover B Joshua Sway Swaby), AR Black Cat #9 (Cover C Emanuela Lupacchino Connecting Variant), AR Black Cat #9 (Cover D NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Black Cat #9 (Cover E Joshua Sway Swaby Virgin Variant), AR Gamma Flight #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99 Gamma Flight #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Carlos Pacheco Connecting Variant), AR Gamma Flight #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Kyle Hotz), AR Guardians Of The Galaxy #17 (Cover A Brett Booth), $3.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy #17 (Cover B NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Guardians Of The Galaxy #17 (Cover C Frank Brunner Hidden Gem Variant), AR Heroes Reborn America’s Mightiest Heroes TP, $34.99 Iron Man #11 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Iron Man #11 (Cover B NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Del Mundo), $4.99 Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Ryan Stegman), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Skottie Young), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Natacha Bustos Stormbreakers Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Juann Cabal Stormbreakers Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Carmen Nunez Carnero Stormbreakers Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Joshua Cassara Stormbreakers Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover I Iban Coello Stormbreakers Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover J Patrick Gleason Stormbreakers Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover K Peach Momoko Stormbreakers Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #1 (Of 5)(Cover L R. B. Silva Stormbreakers Variant), AR Marauders #23 (Cover A Russell Dauterman), $3.99 Marauders #23 (Cover B Marc Aspinall), AR Marauders By Gerry Duggan Volume 3 TP, $15.99 Marvels #4 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Marvels #4 (Cover B Greg Smallwood), AR Marvel-Verse Doctor Strange TP, $9.99 Mighty Marvel Masterworks The X-Men Volume 1 The Strangest Super Heroes Of All TP (Jack Kirby Direct Market Cover), $15.99 Mighty Marvel Masterworks The X-Men Volume 1 The Strangest Super Heroes Of All TP (Michael Cho Book Market Cover), $15.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover A Kim Jacinto), $4.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover B Ron Lim Connecting Variant), AR Miles Morales Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover C Tony Fleecs), AR Moon Knight #2 (Cover A Steve McNiven), $3.99 Moon Knight #2 (Cover B David Finch), AR Moon Knight #2 (Cover C John Romita Sr. Hidden Gem Variant), AR Moon Knight #2 (Cover D Peach Momoko), AR Moon Knight #2 (Cover E NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Reign Of X Volume 3 TP, $17.99 Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Bryan Hitch), $4.99 Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Mark Bagley Connecting Variant), AR Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover C David Baldeon Handbook Variant), AR Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover D Jeffrey Veregge), AR Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover E Carlos Gomez), AR Spider-Woman #14 (Cover A Jung-Geun Yoon), $3.99 Spider-Woman #14 (Cover B NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Star Wars #16 (Cover A Carlo Pagulayan), $3.99 Star Wars #16 (Cover B David Nakayama Wanted Poster Variant), AR Star Wars #16 (Cover C Chris Sprouse Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary Variant), AR Star Wars #16 (Cover D Jan Duursema), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Steve McNiven), $3.99 Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Declan Shalvey), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover C David Nakayama Wanted Poster Variant), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover D John Cassaday Trading Card Variant), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover E John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR Warhammer 40000 Sisters Of Battle #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Dave Wilkins), $4.99 Warhammer 40000 Sisters Of Battle #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Games Workshop), AR Warhammer 40000 Sisters Of Battle #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Edgar Salazar Design Variant), AR Way Of X #5 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99 Way Of X #5 (Cover B David Baldeon), AR Way Of X #5 (Cover C InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Variant), AR Way Of X #5 (Cover D InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Virgin Variant), AR X-Corp #4 (Cover A David Aja), $3.99 X-Corp #4 (Cover B David Lopez), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Valerio Schiti), $4.99 X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover B John Romita Jr.), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Elizabeth Torque Spoiler Variant), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Mark Brooks), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover E David Finch Spoiler Variant), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Greg Capullo Hidden Gem Variant), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Peach Momoko), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover I Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover J Stanley Artgerm Lau Virgin Variant), AR
ONI PRESS Jonna And The Unpossible Monsters #5 (Cover A Chris Samnee), $3.99 Jonna And The Unpossible Monsters #5 (Cover B Zander Cannon), $3.99 Star Beasts TP, $12.99
SCOUT COMICS Broken Souls Balland #1 (2nd Printing Ludovica Ceregatti Cover), $3.99 Sam And His Talking Gun #4, $3.99 Sh*tshow TP, $14.99
SCOUT COMICS – SCOOT Stanley The Snowman #1, $1.99
SECOND SIGHT PUBLISHING Edge #2 (Cover A Mark V), $3.99 Edge #2 (Cover B Mark V Virgin Variant), $3.99
SOURCE POINT PRESS Black Of Heart TP, $19.99 Damned Cursed Children TP, $19.99 Eighth Immortal TP, $14.99 We Are The Rejected Omnibus TP, $19.99
TITAN COMICS Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover A Dani Strips), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover B Jesus Hervas), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover C Robert Hack), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover D Veronica Fish), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover E Dani Strips Mirrored Foil Variant), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover F Natasha Alterici Pride Variant), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins TP, $17.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover A Mike Mignola), $3.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover B Valentin Secher), $3.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover C Eric Bourgier), $3.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover D Julien Telo), $3.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover E Mike Mignola Virgin Variant), AR Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover F Julien Telo), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #3 (Cover A Priscilla Petraites), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #3 (Cover B Fabio Mancini), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #3 (Cover C Ana Godis), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #3 (Cover D Yoshi Yoshitani Pride Variant), $3.99 Monday Monday Rivers Of London #2 (Cover A Sanya Anwar), $3.99 Monday Monday Rivers Of London #2 (Cover B V. V. Glass), $3.99 Monday Monday Rivers Of London #2 (Cover C Patricio Clarey), $3.99 Monday Monday Rivers Of London #2 (Cover D Jennifer Hickman Pride Variant), $3.99
TOHAN CORPORATION Hobby Japan June 2021, $20.00 Megami May 2021, $20.00 Newtype May 2021, $20.00
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT X-O Manowar #5 (Cover A Rahzzah), $3.99 X-O Manowar #5 (Cover B Michael Cho), $3.99 X-O Manowar #5 (Cover C Michael Cho Virgin Variant), AR X-O Manowar #5 (Cover D Christian Ward Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR
VAULT COMICS Hollow Heart #6 (Cover A Paul Tucker), $3.99 Hollow Heart #6 (Cover B Jen Hickman), $3.99
VIZ MEDIA Asadora Volume 3 GN, $14.99 Assassin’s Creed Blade Of Shao Jun Volume 2 GN, $14.99 Chainsaw Man Volume 6 GN, $9.99 Disney Cruella The Manga Black White And Red GN, $14.99 Golden Kamuy Volume 23 GN, $12.99 Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Volume 16 GN, $14.99 Sensor HC, $19.99 Urusei Yatsura Volume 11 GN, $19.99 Zom 100 Bucket List Of The Dead Volume 3 GN, $12.99
WARRANT PUBLISHING COMPANY Vampiress Carmilla Magazine #5, $5.95
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Belle Dragon Clan #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Belle Dragon Clan #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Canaan White), $5.99 Belle Dragon Clan #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Ron Leary Jr.), $5.99 Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover A Mike Krome), $8.99 Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover B Igor Vitorino), $8.99 Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover C Derlis Santacruz), $8.99 Watcher TP, $12.99
NECA/WIZKIDS Pathfinder Battles Human Cleric Female Premium Painted Figure, AR TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES 52toys Fat Tiger Emoticons Vinyl 8 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR 52toys Food On Head Noodle Cat Series Vinyl 8 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR 52toys Lucky Cat Desserts Series Vinyl 8 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR 52toys Lucky Cat Fortune Series Vinyl 8 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR 52toys Wuhuang Daily Life Vinyl Figure 8 Piece Series 3 Blind Mystery Box Display, AR Avatar Series 4 Deluxe Action Figure Assortment, AR DC Justice League Darkseid 7 Inch Scale Mega Action Figure, AR DC Justice League Steppenwolf 7 Inch Scale Mega Action Figure, AR Marvel Gallery Comic Days Of Future Past Wolverine Statue, AR Marvel Universe Spider-Man Miles Morales ARTFX+ Statue, AR Mobile Suit Gundam Big Missile Launcher Model Kit Accessory, AR Mobile Suit Gundam Dress Up Parts Crash Cloak Model Kit Accessory, A My Hero Academia 6.5 Inch Plush Series 2 Assortment, AR My Hero Academia The Amazing Heroes V12 Hawks Figure, AR Vinyl Soda Frankenstein Jr With Metallic Chase, AR Vinyl Soda The Goonies Sloth With Chase, AR
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lesliecphotos · 5 years
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