#artemia salina
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Frankenweenie (2012, Tim Burton)
Frankenweenie is a 2012 animated film directed by Tim Burton.
The film is the stop motion adaptation of the short film of the same name made by Burton himself in 1984, clearly inspired by the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
The film was nominated for the 2013 Academy Awards as best animated film.
In 1971 Victor Frankenstein, a boy passionate about cinematography and science, lives in the monotonous town of New Holland with his parents Edward and Susan and his little dog Sparky. Victor's talents are observed at school by his classmates: the neighbor Elsa Van Helsinge (niece of the sour Mayor Bergermeister), the hunchbacked boy Edgar, the obese and naive Bob, the pretentious Japanese boy Toshiaki, the sinister Nassor and a very strange blonde girl called Weird Girl, who owns a cat called "Mr. Whiskers". Victor, however, has little contact with them, being too busy with Sparky: Victor's father then encourages his son to join the baseball team to make new friends and to practice a sport; at the game, Victor manages to hit a splendid home run but Sparky, chasing the ball down the street, is hit by a car and dies before Victor's eyes.
But then, inspired by the galvanic experiments of the science teacher Mr. Rzykruski, Victor digs up the little dog from the pet cemetery and takes him to his improvised laboratory in the attic; he manages to revive the dog using the electricity of lightning. The following day, however, Sparky leaves the attic to chase Mr. Whiskers, causing some damage in the neighborhood until he is noticed by Edgar, who asks Victor to teach him how to resurrect the dead and threatens him to reveal his secret to everyone if he doesn't. In order to keep Sparly's existence hidden, Victor agrees and the two revive a goldfish, which inexplicably becomes invisible.
Learning about Edgar's invisible fish, Toshiaki and Bob fear that they won't be able to win the science competition at the annual fair, and so Toshiaki tries to make Bob fly with a rudimentary jetpack improvised with bottles of fizzy drink, but fails and Bob falls from the roof, breaking his arm.
The group then decides to carry out resuscitations separately: Edgar prepares to resuscitate a dead rat found in the garbage, Nassor his mummified hamster "Colossus", Toshiaki his dead turtle Shelley, Bob an expired package of Sea Monkeys and Weird Girl a dead bat. After electrocuting the bodies, the kids involuntarily transform the dead animals into monsters due to their feelings of competition: Edgar's rat becomes a wererat, Shelley an enormous Gamera-like monster, Bob's Sea Monkeys become little monsters amphibians similar to Gremlins and Mr Whiskers, who held Weird Girl's bat in his mouth while it was electrified, a monstrous vampire cat.
After finding Sparky near his tombstone in the animal cemetery, Victor sees the monsters attacking the fair and runs to help his companions: the Sea Monkeys explode by eating very salty popcorn, Colossus is crushed by Shelley, while she and the Wererat turns back into a corpse after being electrocuted again. In the general chaos, Elsa's poodle, Persephone, is captured by Mr Whiskers and transported to the city windmill.
The citizens, feeling pity for the dog's death, decide to reward Sparky for his courage by connecting his electrodes to the batteries of their cars to revive him again.
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ncdtgrsy · 3 months
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uncharismatic-fauna · 7 months
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
Brine shrimp don't monkey around! When members of the genus Artemia encounter extreme conditions such as low oxygen or high salinity, females may lay eggs that are metabolically inactive. These eggs, also known as cysts, may remain in stasis for up to two years, and withstand temperatures as low as −190 °C (−310 °F)! This trait makes brine shrimp a popular commodity for the pet trade, where they are sold as 'sea monkeys'.
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(Image: A female (left) and male(right) brine shrimp couple (Artemia salina) by Hans Hillewaert via Wikimedia Commons)
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Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus randalli) VS. Sea Monkey (Artemia salina)
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a-simple-shrimp · 4 months
Shrimp of the Day #42
Artemia Salina
also known as brine shrimp
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minglana · 8 months
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Laguna de La Playa, Saladas de Sástago-Bujaraloz
These saladas (salt lakes) make up an important part of the environment around the Monegros desert in Aragon. This one specifically has historically been used as a salt mine, and now it is protected as a Ramsar site. There are over 99 depressions close to this area that get flooded from time to time, but these saladas are the most important ones.
These lakes are endorheic, meaning they have no natural drainage. They are all made up of mainly gypsum, hence the prominent white rocks nearby. This location is very important for wildlife, with endangered halophyte (fauna and flora that can withstand/live in salty environments) plants such as Microcnemum coralloides, Halopeplis amplexicaulis, Limonium catalaunicum, or Macrochloa tenacissima (commonly known as esparto). These last two are not endangered. Aquatic fauna includes the endemic Candelacypris aragonica (a type of crustacean) or Artemia salina. The lizard Acanthodactylus erithurus, common in Iberian and Northeastern African desertic zones can also be seen there. Birds include the autarda (Otis tarda), the algavarán (Burhinus oedicnemus), or the chorla (Pterocles orientalis). Moreover, when the lakes fill up, more birds can be observed there, such as the churrupetas (Tringa totanus) or the chifleta (Actitis hypoleucos).
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maganimal · 1 month
Comment faire éclore les œufs d'Artimias Salinas? Guide pratique pour l'éclosion
Les Artemias Salinas sont une espèce particulière de crevettes Artemia qui vivent dans des environnements salins, comme les lacs salés ou les marais salants. Elles sont adaptées à des conditions environnementales très salines et sont souvent utilisées en aquaculture comme source de nourriture vivante pour les poissons et autres organismes aquatiques. Pourquoi élever les artemias salinas ? En…
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formeroklahoman · 3 months
"At the height of summer in Siberia, near the Kazakhstan border, Lake Burlinskoye undergoes a psychedelic transformation, turning an intense shade of pink. This happens as its population of tiny artemia salina brine shrimp spikes, their hemoglobin pigmentation visibly dying the waters."
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ecoperiodistaefeverde · 8 months
¿Por qué la laguna de Colmenar de Oreja (Madrid) se tiñe de rojo en otoño?
Ximena Hessling.- Madrid.- En septiembre del año pasado la laguna de la localidad madrileña de Colmenar de Oreja apareció teñida de color rojo, debido a la presencia de microorganismos como algas, bacterias y un diminuto crustáceo, llamado artemia salina, un fenómeno singular que ha suscitado el ...
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goldaceleriux · 9 months
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tempe-corals · 1 year
Kristallzucht mit Salzen
Als Hobby lassen sich Kristalle aus Salzen züchten. Diese können in Gefäßen als separate Kristalle oder mit Hilfe von Impfkristallen an eingehängten Fäden hergestellt werden. Auch eine Zucht auf Steinen ist möglich.
Neben der Zucht von Kristallen aus Kochsalz gibt es im Handel Experimentierkästen, die einzeln verpackte Mengen von Alaun, Ammoniumdihydrogenphosphat und Calciumsulfat enthalten. Diese können mit Lebensmittelfarbe eingefärbt sein, damit die Kristalle natürlichen Mineralen ähneln. Außer diesen Salzen sind Kupfersulfat und Seignettesalz gut für eine Zucht geeignet, da sie große und regelmäßige Kristalle bilden. Des Weiteren zeigt sich, dass für die Zucht von möglichst regelmäßigen Kristallen keine gesättigten Lösungen verwendet werden sollten, da sich die Kristalle sonst sehr schnell bilden. Da die Teilchen keine Zeit haben, sich zu ordnen, bilden sich mehrere kleinere Kristalle. Salze am Meer & in Seen
In den kargen, vegetationslosen Wüstengebirgen der chilenischen Anden ist aus der Luft, aus etwa 1000 Metern Höhe, immer wieder mal ein farbiger Fleck zu sehen - das sind kleine Salzseen, wie etwa die Laguna Totota und die Laguna Gobea. Sie gibt es nur, wenn es dort geregnet hat, was jedoch sehr selten passiert. Die Farben des Wasser kommen von den Mineralien, die der Regen aus dem Boden heraus löst und in das Seebecken spült.
Während das Wasser allmählich verdunstest, setzt sich vom Rand her eine weiße Salztonschicht ab.
Besonders spektakulär zeigen sich die unberührten Ufer der Hutt Lagoon, eines Salzsees an der abgelegenen Westküste Australiens. Sein Wasser stammt aus dem angrenzenden Ozean, im Winter während der Regenzeit kommt Frischwasser dazu. Während der Sommermonate ist die Verdunstung so hoch, dass 95 Prozent des Seebeckens trocken fallen. Auf der Salzkruste und im hochsalinen Wasser der Lagune finden dann salzliebende Algen (Dunaliella salina) einen idealen Lebensraum. Sie produzieren Karotin und färben dadurch große Teile des Sees rosa bis rot.
In der Lagune wurden früher verschiedene Mineralsalze abgebaut, darunter auch sehr hochwertiger Gips. Heute werden dort kommerziell Salzwasserkrebse der Gattung Artemia gefangen und zu Futtermittel verarbeitet.
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softwater3452 · 1 year
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy: Benefits And Unwanted Facet Effects
Enhancing whole nitrogen removal from wastewater of a science and industrial park using entrapped biomass. Diclofenac removal dechlorinators palm beach from water with ozone and activated carbon. Dehalogenation, sulfate reduction and lactate fermentation.
Have I created conditions that will enable for anaerobic pockets underneath the 12 by 12"s and glass tank bottom. Plan to add less than inch of sand as soon as stay rock cures. I assume the gentleman who was helping me meant properly. But I had some experience earlier than with such gravel in a freshwater tank I at present have. This substrate is NOT like having a couple of small rocks. Keeping such substrate may be very messy and requires extra upkeep than I am capable of deal with.
This work expanded the choice supply of n-damo inoculum and benefited the additional research of n-damo course of. Effect of enriched Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia salina nauplii by ... Of PTDES with Mg 2+ could additionally be considered as an additional post-treatment. Is getting contamination from southern part of IRE campus and the possible source dechlorinators palm beach for these contaminants might be the Fertilizer and Chemical of Travancore business. Within the Rio Actopan Basin watershed is comparatively young and the vast majority of recharge occurs within the basin uplands and strikes in the course of the coast. Arsenic and fluoride within the groundwater of Mexico.
Nitrogenase and glutamine synthetase, and such compounds as ammonia and glutamine. Whether you’re trying to take away iron or color out of your water or attempting to eliminate your sulfur scent we will clear up your problems. It begins with their philosophy to produce the highest high quality, lowest upkeep products out there.
Be carefull maintain your fish in areas that have drafts or quickly changing temperatures like home windows. Use a small submersible heater to help maintain issues secure. Chlorine really evaporates out of the water over the course of a few hours and has little or nothing to do with the plant. If you have chlorinated water, simply fill a bucket or jug with water the day earlier than you intend to use it and the chlorine shouldn't be a problem. While bettas can be saved in tanks or large bowls with no filter, the shortage of filter implies that the water would have to be modified extra frequently.
The possible causes of the obvious cyanide formation phenomenon were investigated in this study. Our research reveals that CDD/F contaminated sediments include native populations of dechlorinating bacteria with Dehalococcoides spp. We also provide evidence for a combined bioaugmentation/biostimulation approach dechlorinators palm beach to the bioremediation of sediment contaminated with chlorinated diphenyl ethers, dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans. We have shown that the addition of halogenated co-amendments might be one software to reinforce dechlorination of CDD/Fs in historically contaminated sediments by selling growth of dehalogenating micro organism.
Aquaticum might feasibly be used to construct wetlands for top N-loaded animal wastewater therapy. Chlorine isotope results from isotope ratio mass spectrometry suggest intramolecular C-Cl bond competitors in trichloroethene reductive dehalogenation. It is evident that the effectiveness of DNAPL source zone remediation is mainly affected by traits of the spatial heterogeneity of porous media and the variable DNAPL distribution. In anoxic environments is through sequential reductive dehalogenation, and information concerning dehalogenation processes that occur in environments containing various electron acceptors is limited.
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cyprinella · 1 year
rasbora maculata by Mark-David Pfeifer Via Flickr: hunting artemia salina
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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Shrimp Tournament: Round 1 Polls
You can find the bracket here and the schedule here
First Round of Polls:
Sulawesi Shrimp (Caridina Dennerli) VS Amano Shrimp (Caridina Multidentata)
Bamboo Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis) VS. Hawaiian Red Shrimp (Halocaridina Rubra)
Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus randalli) VS. Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina Davidi)
Great Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) VS. Sea Monkey (Artemia Salina)
Golden Coral Shrimp (Stenopus scutellatus) VS. Peacock Mantis Shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus)
Shadow Panda Shrimp (Caridina cf Cantonensis var Panda) VS. Pederson's Shrimp (Ancylomenes pedersoni)
Sexy Shrimp (Thor Amboinensis) VS. Zebra Mantis Shrimp (Lysiosquillina maculate)
Brown Shrimp (Crangon crangon) VS. Northern Brown Shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus)
@crossovershipstournament @bugcrimesbracket @octo-showdown @orangecharactersmackdown @blue-character-brawl @grim-reaper-bracket @themiiofalltime @catboy-showdown @divorced-tournament @john-battle @worlds-worst-dad-competition @babygirl-beatdown @17-million-years-of-pining-poll
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kullananlar2022 · 2 years
EEOSE Sağlıklı Uzamayan Saçlar için Şampuan kullananlar ve kullanıcı yorumları 2022 https://kullananvar.com/eeose-yavas-uzayan-saclar-icin-sampuan%2D%2D3744?feed_id=7519&62d648e13878f
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