#artist: 下田将也
animepopheart · 4 months
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★ 【下田将也】 「 博麗霊夢 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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2022f · 1 year
nneeeeeeji:3/18時点での順位を再掲載しときますー 4/1になったら最終結果を集計します。#アルバム選抜 のタグををねじまき♪が勝手に拾いにいくので、興味のあるファンの皆様、ひっそりつぶやいてください(笑) フォーマット自由、好きなアルバムだけでもOKです! #レミオロメン  #藤巻亮太 #アルバム選抜 pic.twitter.com/T84Ais4lM3 [https://twitter.com/nneeeeeeji/status/1638912756543012864] PlayerMagazine:哀悼 JEFF BECK Player 2023年Spring号は好評発売中です。追悼特集のほか小倉博和、THE LAST ROCKSTARSギアレポ、NEMOPHILAインタビュー&ギアレポ、内澤崇仁(androp)×菅原卓郎(9mm Parabellum Bullet)対談、藤巻亮太、OKAMOTO’S、鈴木慶一×PANTAインタビューなど。 player.buyshop.jp/items/72182462 [https://twitter.com/PlayerMagazine/status/1638908750429036544] JekeiJJ:✨#ジェジュン ✨🌟✨ #僕を見つめて  作詞:伊秩弘将 作曲:藤巻亮太  諦めないで いつも一緒さ どんな時でも     見守ってるよ  mora.jp/package/430000… @bornfreeonekiss  甘美でやさしい歌声✨ジェジュン🤍💙ハイレゾ🎧🎶💕 pic.twitter.com/5dyYA5kqki [https://twitter.com/JekeiJJ/status/1638897467965186049] pour_shink:藤巻亮太さんの Life is Wonderful  派手な曲ではありませんが、何気ない日常がなんとも愛おしいという思いが伝わってくるピースフルな1曲です。  寝る前に聴くと、浄化されそうな気がします。  youtu.be/laCFg2Ni06g [https://twitter.com/pour_shink/status/1638885925471268864] musicjpnews_mti:藤巻亮太主催の野外音楽フェス「Mt.FUJIMAKI 2023」開催を自身のツアーファイナルの地元・山梨公演で発表! music-book.jp/music/news/new… #藤巻亮太 pic.twitter.com/Y6rVdZiiC0 [https://twitter.com/musicjpnews_mti/status/1638865712801533953] musicjp_mti:藤巻亮太主催の野外音楽フェス「Mt.FUJIMAKI 2023」開催を自身のツアーファイナルの地元・山梨公演で発表! music-book.jp/music/news/new… #藤巻亮太 pic.twitter.com/A7nlHPjhqD [https://twitter.com/musicjp_mti/status/1638865702668107776] Specialthankssp:藤巻亮太さんバージョンの『電話』も良いですね〜。 『朝顔』に収録されているものよりテンポが早く、アレンジもされていて新鮮です。 pic.twitter.com/ypA6maVl55 [https://twitter.com/Specialthankssp/status/1638849419956342784] katakami_k:3月9日藤巻亮太さんレミオロメン 3月9日カバーしてるUruさん 曲が良すぎる [https://twitter.com/katakami_k/status/1638838748984279041] HARUKA55426150:2011年~2013年 EXILE、清木場俊介さん、BOØWY 2013年~2014年 ファンモン 2014年~現在 ファンキー加藤さん 2015年~現在 Aqua Timez 2016年~2018年 back number 2021年~現在 コブクロ、ファンモン 2022年~2023年 BOØWY 2022年~現在 KinKi Kids 2023年~現在 レミオロメン、藤巻亮太さん [https://twitter.com/HARUKA55426150/status/1638838471853998085] qrlinfo:5月28日(日)に開催される「さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭」にくるりの出演が決定しました!50年の歴史を閉じる中野サンプラザにて #くるり × #藤巻亮太 × #Tele によるスリーマンでの公演。純情息子では本日よりチケット最速先行受付を開始しました! quruli.net/news/202303221… pic.twitter.com/jAVKKfqoSK [https://twitter.com/qrlinfo/status/1638834743235219456] motuch71:椎名慶治さんの「RABBIT-MAN」の『とびはねろ〜』のフレーズで脳裏をよぎるのはレフティさんのジャンプ。  そういうば昨日の亮太くんの「雨上がり」でも飛んでたなぁ。  迫力あるベースさばきと飛び跳ねにキュン💕  #宮田レフティリョウ  #椎名慶治 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/motuch71/status/1638817614284865538] Ayu_Fujimaki:やっぱり藤巻亮太大好き [https://twitter.com/Ayu_Fujimaki/status/1638790781615112194] Solan_oki_014:この並びすごく良くないですか? くるりさん×藤巻亮太さん×Teleさんに温めてもらって、オーイシがもっかい温めておつるさんにバトンタッチ……ひょえ〜……🥺 pic.twitter.com/2yKXZGI1mt [https://twitter.com/Solan_oki_014/status/1638761423177416705] tamosou27_spGT:#藤巻亮太  Live Tour #Sunshine  ツアーファイナルの山梨公演2daysありがとうございました!💃 外も会場も最高の空気でした!!🗻 ツアー通して、同じ曲でもやる度にどんどん変わって違う色になっていくの本当に楽しかった🌅 9公演ありがとうございました🔥 終演後の感じもなんだかエモかったので🎦 twitter.com/ryota_fujimaki… pic.twitter.com/wRnojJ9EJz [https://twitter.com/tamosou27_spGT/status/1638760977541009408] rena_1111yt:藤巻さんとの回もやっと見れた!✨ 改めてサッカー繋がりすごい!!😳✨❤️ #手越祐也 #スペプラ手越 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/rena_1111yt/status/1638760773798461440] 04banchi:くるりと藤巻亮太… [https://twitter.com/04banchi/status/1638742853336850433] fmsendai:Title:  裸のOh Summer    Artist:藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/fmsendai/status/1638740033363673093] rainybule1224:亮太君、嬉しいお知らせありがとうございます❗️🎉☺️💓 中野サンプラザ良い思い出の場所✨☺️💗行きたい~🎵 今日は、先程まで3時間🚤で ホエールウオッチングしてました~🐳 クジラ🐳いっぱい見れて😍すごい😆⤴️感動した~~🌈☺️ お天気🌞で良かった❗️😍✨ #藤巻亮太 pic.twitter.com/u7hAyHkOqq [https://twitter.com/rainybule1224/status/1638737384476114945] michiruneko:@KitrTele いいなぁ。 やばいやばすぎる! デビューから早くも 大物と共演✨✨ 行きたいけど、スケジュールムリ。 4/2にはとりま行ってこよう。 #tele  #くるり #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/michiruneko/status/1638729305894322178] GoIchi51_AO0113:今年は高校生以下無料!藤巻亮太オーガナイズの野外フェス「Mt.FUJIMAKI」(コメントあり) natalie.mu/music/news/517… [https://twitter.com/GoIchi51_AO0113/status/1638728109326475264] KitrTele:僕にとっていつか絶対通りたかった道がやってきました。光栄です。中野サンプラザに何か少しでも残せるように。  さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭 5月28日(日)18時開演 くるり × 藤巻亮太 × Tele 「Tele」アーティストオフィシャル先行 3月23日(木)10:00~3月27日(月)23:59 w.pia.jp/t/tele-nakano/ pic.twitter.com/YJVYzMbKhe [https://twitter.com/KitrTele/status/1638725978682982402] skream_japan:"さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭"、追加出演者でThe Birthday×GLIM SPANKY、Reol×女王蜂、くるり×藤巻亮太×Teleら発表。特別企画のコンサートも  skream.jp/news/2023/03/s… pic.twitter.com/0AzvHgAR2m [https://twitter.com/skream_japan/status/1638720688604467201] rVWUPjRdqurnkeO:@qrlinfo 失礼いたします。 藤巻亮太さんですかね😀? [https://twitter.com/rVWUPjRdqurnkeO/status/1638720616307245056] sutekinamiraie:「#さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭」出演アーティスト怒涛の追加発表&オリジナルグッズ販売決定! 同ホールにゆかりの深い超豪華アーティスト達が“聖地”に集結!  特別企... prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… @PRTIMES_JPより #奥田民生 #藤巻亮太 #稲垣潤一 [https://twitter.com/sutekinamiraie/status/1638708503702548480] Ryota_Fujimaki:【出演決定】 5/28(日) #中野サンプラザ で開催の「#さよなら中野サンプラザ音楽祭」に出演✨  3マンでの対バン& #藤巻亮太 は4ピースバンド編成🎸🥁  🕺出演者(敬称略) w/ #くるり ,  #Tele  🎫オフィシャル先行 3/27(月)23:59まで w.pia.jp/t/fujimakiryot…  🔗詳細はコチラ sayonaranakanosunplaza.com pic.twitter.com/EtwON8PVaU [https://twitter.com/Ryota_Fujimaki/status/1638707159721717762] sorama_zofu:@Ryota_Fujimaki ツアーおつかれ様でした 18日のスピードスターライブで心を捕まれての 初藤巻亮太ライブ参戦 楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて めっちゃ踊りまくってたら息が苦しくて ヤバい!これ私が担がれて後ろに運ばれてまう💦 と思ったけどなんとか乗り切った 体力つけないと  ずっとライブ反芻してる [https://twitter.com/sorama_zofu/status/1638699778023497729] ririkoko_r_k_:藤巻亮太さんツアーお疲れ様です😆 名古屋は2列目隅っこでも亮太くん何回かステージ端に来てノリノリ亮太くん見れた 広島は奇跡の番号、🫶🏻作って少しハニカム可愛い亮太くん見れた 大阪は色気ありオラオラ亮太くん見れて幸せでした 次のライブ楽しみです。 #藤巻亮太 #Sunshine [https://twitter.com/ririkoko_r_k_/status/1638690438172520449] sorama_zofu:藤巻亮太Livetour2023 「Sunshine」 甲府コンビクションにて  ツアー最終日は地元山梨で! 最高のライブ! 楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて楽しくて 永遠に続いてほしかった~  音楽は生で聞いた方がいいけど 藤巻亮太は絶対に 生で聴くべき人だわ  #藤巻亮太  #sunshine  #ライブ pic.twitter.com/jlewNNE1jQ [https://twitter.com/sorama_zofu/status/1638687610364379136] 39_RF_223_030:@Ryota_Fujimaki 奇跡のような時間でした✨(íoì) 慌ただしい日常にかき消されないようスキマ時間で記憶を辿っています🔥 ツアー他もたくさんあったのに藤巻さんはいつも笑顔で全力で…🥹 本当に本当にお疲れ様でした😌 ありがとうございました!! たくさんたくさん力をいただきました!!! #藤巻亮太 #Sunshineツアー [https://twitter.com/39_RF_223_030/status/1638660123072827393] zhtqQiNieS3SwNI:藤巻亮太@山梨*day2* 今日は40番台!ベースレフティを拝めるのが 当分ないのでレフティ側1択✨ライブ前に コートを借りてフットサルしたらしい! レフティくんいわくガチだったとw かっちゃんは2回転んで肘にケガww 猛暑の中お疲れ様ですw今回のツアーは やっぱり大地の歌が優勝!!かっけぇ~です❤ pic.twitter.com/Y2qW8fVxjk [https://twitter.com/zhtqQiNieS3SwNI/status/1638660013928640513] TOKU3236:藤巻亮太さんとXジャパンのToshiさんの動画がありま��たので投稿します 粉雪です pic.twitter.com/luEjw0rwBI [https://twitter.com/TOKU3236/status/1638649649304309763] fumiremi:最高に熱いFinal❗ これで最後と思うと、全部覚えていたいんだけど、記憶力があやふやで…💦 でも、亮太君の歌声と話し声と笑顔と仕草は絶対忘れない‼️ 亮太君、幸せな時間をありがとう❣️ #藤巻亮太  #Sunshine pic.twitter.com/q1LCflBbpq [https://twitter.com/fumiremi/status/1638644016215646208] eimu_asuma:藤巻亮太 Live Tour 2023「Sunshine」@新栄シャングリラ 2023/03/10|えいむ @eimuchan #note note.com/eimucchi/n/n57…  名古屋のん、自分感想含めnoteにレポしました。 絵レポ以外はうざいかもw 良ければ見てやってください。 [https://twitter.com/eimu_asuma/status/1638619393298161664] tomokoujirr:ファイナル…山梨‼️✨✨ 今ツアーの集大成のような熱い熱いLIVEやった🥰💕 39の再現のような始まりで、ダブルアンコールでは「Sakra」🌸  もう燃え尽きましたー😭🔥(ロスが怖い…) でも、全部の思い出が宝物🎁✨ 「朝焼けの向こう」にこの先の光が見えた‼️🥰💕  #藤巻亮太 #Sunshine #甲府CONVICTION pic.twitter.com/bYjfE4kS1a [https://twitter.com/tomokoujirr/status/1638594955978629121] boyacky:写真撮り忘れてインスタはなしですがきょうは #藤巻亮太 さんのツアーファイナル #甲府CONVICTION を観ました!ファンを楽しませようっていうサービス精神的なものがそれはもう随所に感じられてすてきなライブでした!ポジティブなニューアルバムにぴったりなライブ [https://twitter.com/boyacky/status/1638560421908221953] aRI_maRI_1:藤巻亮太さんのツアーファイナルに息子と参加。  手渡し会も参加させて頂き感無量。  すごく楽しそうにライブをされる姿に元気をもらいました。 息子もお話しできて感激な様子😊  ファンとの距離を大切にしてくれて感謝❤️ 中学生の息子もどっぷりファンですよ。  ありがとうございました♪ #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/aRI_maRI_1/status/1638558313150582785] picoron_n:officialの写真まとめた📷 亮太くん🫶🏻バンドメンバーのみなさん、スタッフのみなさん♪ 最高のSunshineLiveTourありがとうございました☀️🌈 東京・愛知・広島・大阪でお会い出来た亮太くんファンのみなさん♪ ありがとうございました🤝🏻🤍 藤巻亮太さんって最高ですね! #藤巻亮太 #Sunshine pic.twitter.com/ABk36SOCbm [https://twitter.com/picoron_n/status/1638557745292128256]
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【下田将也】 「 二人 」 ☆ ⊳ youmu and yuyuko // touhou project ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on instagram
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唐人街探案3▷ Detective Chinatown 3 線上看完整版本(2021)在线观看[1080P]
唐人街探案3 完整版本本 [  Detective Chinatown 3] 完整版本觀看電影在線小鴨 (2021-HD)完整的電影
➥➥ 現在觀看 ▶️▶️▶️ https://t.co/JGENooJuNH?/cinatown
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➥➥ 現在觀看 ▶️▶️▶️ https://t.co/JGENooJuNH?/cinatown
继曼谷、纽约之后,东京再出大案。唐人街神探唐仁(王宝强 饰)、秦风(刘昊然 饰)受侦探野田昊(妻夫木聪 饰)的邀请前往破案。“CRIMASTER世界侦探排行榜”中的侦探们闻讯后也齐聚东京,加入挑战,而排名第一Q的现身,让这个大案更加扑朔迷离,一场亚洲最强神探之间的较量即将爆笑展开……
发布日期: 2021-02-12 运行时间: 136 分钟 类型: 动作, 喜剧, 悬疑 明星: Baoqiang Wang, Liu Haoran, Zhang Zifeng, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Tony Jaa 导演: Jie Du, Nathan Wang, Stanley Cheung, Chen Sicheng, Chen Sicheng
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Being the eldest of five children, the girl was brought up in a comfortable and quiet environment of the small town. Her parents, a supervisor in an insurance company and an amateur painter sent her to Girl’s High school. However, at the age of 15 Hannah had to quit studying for the long six years to take care of her newborn sister. Only in 1912 she continued her education with Harold Bengen in School of Applied Arts, mastering glass design. As the World War I broke up Hannah returned to the native town to work in the Red Cross. The first years after war the young woman recommenced her studying, getting to know graphic arts. 1915 was highlighted by an acquaintance with an Austrian artist Raoul Hausmann, which grew into the long-lasting romantic relationship and involvement in Berlin Dada movement. For ten years till 1926 Hoch worked in Berlin’s major publisher of newspapers and magazines. Her task was to design embroidering, knitting and crocheting patterns for the booklets. Being on vacation with her beloved in 1918, Hannah discovered ‘the principle of photomontage in cut-and-paste images that soldiers sent to their families’ (National gallery of Art). This find affected greatly on her artistic production, and she created mass-media photographs comprising the elements of photomontage and handwork patterns, thus combining traditional and modern culture. Her prior preoccupation was to represent the ‘new woman’ of the Weimar Republic with new social role and given freedoms. Hoch was the only woman in Berlin Dada, who took part in all kinds of events and exhibitions showcasing her socially critical works of art. Till 1931 she participated in exhibitions but with the rise of National Social regime was forbidden to present her creative work. Till her last breath in 1978 Hannah Hoch lived and worked in the outskirts of Berlin-Heiligensee. The piece of art which is going to be analyzed in this research is ‘The beautiful girl’ designed in 1919–1920. It combines the elements of technology and females. In the middle of the picture one can clearly see a woman dressed in a modern bathing suit with a light bulb on her head which probably serves as a sun umbrella. In the background a large advertisement with a woman’s hair-do on top is presented. Maud Lavin describes strange human as ‘she is part human, part machine, part commodity’ (Lavin). The woman is surrounded by the images of industrialization as tires, gears, signals and BMW logos. A woman’s profile with the cat eyes, untrusting and skeptical, in the upper right corner is eye-catching as well. This unusually large eye symbolizes DADA movement — a monocle, which is present in almost every Hoch’s work. The colour scheme does not offer rich palette of tints, including mostly black, white, orange and red pieces. The photo is surrounded by the BMW circles which add the spots of blue. An apt description of the piece is given in the book ‘Cut with the Kitchen Knife’ and states that it is ‘a portrait of a modern woman defined by signs of femininity, technology, media and advertising’ (Lavin). In other words Hannah Hoch focused on the woman of the new age, free and keeping up with the fast-moving world. The artist promoted feministic ideas and from her point of view urbanization and modern technologies were meant to give hope to woman to gain equality of genders. With this photomontage she commented on how the woman was expected to combine the role of a wife and mother with the role of a worker in the industrialized world. The light bulb instead of a face shows that women were perceived as unthinking machines which do not question their position and can be turned on or off at any time at man’s will. But at the same time they were to remain attractive to satisfy men’s needs. The watch is viewed as the representation of how quickly women are to adapt to the changes. In a nutshell, Hoch concentrated on two opposite visions of the modern woman: the one from the television screens — smoking, working, wearing sexy clothes, voting and the real one who remained being a housewife. The beautiful girl’ is an example of the art within the DADA movement. An artistic and literal current began in 1916 as the reaction to World War I and spread throughout Northern America and Europe. Every single convention was challenged and bourgeois society was scandalized. The Dadaists stated that over-valuing conformity, classism and nationalism among modern cultures led to horrors of the World War I. In other words, they rejected logic and reason and turned to irrationality, chaos and nonsense. The first DADA international Fair was organized in Berlin in 1920 exposing a shocking discontentment with military and German nationalism (Dada. A five minute history). Hannah Hoch was introduced to the world of DADA by Raoul Hausman who together with Kurt Schwitters, Piet Mondrian and Hans Richter was one of the influential artists in the movement. Hoch became the only German woman who referred to DADA. She managed to follow the general Dadaist aesthetic, but at the same time she surely and steadily incorporated a feminist philosophy. Her aim was to submit female equality within the canvass of other DADA’s conceptions. Though Hannah Hoch officially was a member of the movement, she never became the true one, because men saw her only as ‘a charming and gifted amateur artist’ (Lavin). Hans Richter, an unofficial spokesperson shared his opinion about the only woman in their community in the following words: ‘the girl who produced sandwiches, beer and coffee on a limited budget’ forgetting that she was among the few members with stable income. In spite of the gender oppressions, Hannah’s desire to convey her idea was never weakened. Difficulties only strengthened her and made her an outstanding artist. A note with these return words was found among her possessions: ‘None of these men were satisfied with just an ordinary woman. But neither were they included to abandon the (conventional) male/masculine morality toward the woman. Enlightened by Freud, in protest against the older generation. . . they all desired this ‘New Woman’ and her groundbreaking will to freedom. But — they more or less brutally rejected the notion that they, too, had to adopt new attitudes. . . This led to these truly Strinbergian dramas that typified the private lives of these men’ (Maloney). Hoch’s technique was characterized by fusing male and female parts of the body or bodies of females from different epochs — a ‘traditional’ woman and ‘modern’, liberated and free of sexual stereotypes one. What’s more, combining male and female parts, the female ones were always more distinctive and vibrant, while the male ones took their place in the background. Hannah created unique works of art experimenting with paintings, collages, graphic and photography. Her women were made from bits and pieces from dolls, mannequins of brides or children as these members of the society were not considered as valuable. Today Hannah Hoch is most associated with her famous photomontage ‘Cut with the kitchen knife DADA through the last Weimer Beer-Belly Cultural epoch of Germany’ (1919–1920). This piece of art highlights social confusion during the era of Weimar Republic, oppositionists and government radicals (Grabner). In spite of never being truly accepted by the rest of her society, this woman with a quiet voice managed to speak out loud her feministic message. Looking at Hannah Hoch’s art for the first time I found it confusing, because couldn’t comprehend the meaning. It was quite obvious that every single piece and structure is a symbol of the era, its ideas and beliefs. However, after having learned about her life and constant endeavors to declare about female’s right, little by little I started to realize what’s what. As an object for research I chose ‘The beautiful girl’ as, to my mind, its theme and message intersects with the modern tendency: a successful, clever, beautiful and free woman has to become one in no time, cause the world is moving faster and faster. I enjoyed working with this artist as her example is inspiring and is worth following.
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