#as my game is... you know... not aquired through legal means...
fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #299
“Drinks With Jeb, Homecoming, Modded Seeds”
[CP] Grins as his liquor is brought to him-
[Jeb] Happy now? That stuffs 184 proof
-It's a bottle of Bruichladdich whiskey-
[CP] - Will be soon enough, although this stuff would probably knock you flat on your ass
[Jeb] I didn't think we were sharing. I thought you'd want it all.
[CP] - Oh I do, just stating a fact though.  We have some polish vodka on the server and it's the only thing that an get me decently drunk in a reasonable time
[Jeb] What's it called?
[Yster] You're just going to end up puking....
[CP] - Spirytus, knocked GK out after a couple of sips
[Yster] Gk? As in, the big ass dragon?
[Jeb] You have my full attention.
[CP] - Yeah, it's been awhile since he and I have gone out drinking since he's helping Endrea with her kids
[Yster] That's really sweet. I thought he was a big ol' grump.
[Jeb] Is trying to get the bartenders attention- Yeah man.... kids... they change everything...
[CP] - He helped raise Endrea too.  And he's mellowed out since helping with the kids and being around Sweet Alex
[Yster] Sweet Alex? I take it you've got multiple Alex's as well as Steves? I know you've got at least two Steves, right?
[Jeb]  -Spirytus aquired, but just two shots for now-
[CP] - Yeah, usually when a brine shows up, the Steve and Alex will sometimes follow.  But there's a bunch of different relations between the groups
[Jeb] Bangs a shot and snickers- Yeah... you aren't gonna fuck yours. That would be weird. - swimmy expression
[Yster] Do you have an Alex?
[CP] Scowls a bit- Yeah, but she's not from the same era as Stevie and I, she was created by Harvestman
[Yster] Stops mid bite- He... shouldn't be able to do that.
[CP] - Well he did
[Yster] That's not good... gods he's a piece of work. He should really be deleted.
[Jeb] Wow... this stuff is strong...
[CP] - Told ya- He's about five shots in- And Doc looked Alexis over, found some code meant to harm me if Alexis ever defected to my side or Stevie and I made up for some reason
[Yster] You know, we can't do it directly, but if we can provide something to help you fight, we could do it on the down-low.
[Jeb] Had the second shot and is certainly drunk-
[CP] - He's got a super dangerous sword right now, countering that is the main problem right now.  A single small scratch from it completely deleted me
[Yster] I wonder how he got a hold of that...?
[Jeb] Time to partner up with your dad! Hic!
[CP] - Fuck no
[Jeb] But he's got the- the- shieldy thingie-
[CP] - Which I'm sure works both ways, nothing getting in, or out
[Jeb] Starts laughing - You could hold him by his feet and beat Harvester with the shield-
[Yster] Eye-roll
[CP] - I don't think he, my mate, or my brother would appreciate that- He changes the station on a different tv to a toddlers show
-Lots of cussing and some popcorn being tossed around as the remote is fumbled for-
[Jeb] Still laughing-
[Yster] Yeah, he's drunk.
[CP] - Told you that stuff was strong- He has had about twenty shots now
[Jeb] ssssokay I'm goooood
[Yster] And this is why I'm driving
[CP] - If he gets stupidly drunker Lie can sober him up
[Jeb] Noooooooo
[Yster] He's okay. Let him be drunk. He hardly gets to do this with Markus gone all the time.
[CP] Is starting to feel a buzz- Well he only has to ask and I can drag him in to Sam's bar
[Jeb] Sam is the mannn
[Yster] Do what now?
[CP] - Drag him into the game?
[Yster] No, I mean, you have a bar in the game? Heh, Makes me think of Tapper.
[CP] - It was originally made just for the brines, but everyone uses it.  Sam is the skeleton bartender
[Yster] Weird. -eating wings-
[Jeb] Had another shot and is looking contemplative. - All you needs sa mods...
[CP] - Not when you can get the real shit from out here.  Speaking of mods though, we've found some odd things on TLOT and Steve's server...
[Jeb] Spins an empty shot glass on the bar- I'm not supriissed. I went through some shit...
[CP] - Like dinosaurs?
[Jeb] I thought I deleted that one... fucking.. fuck... I was just trying to give em something....
[CP] - Well you missed them, and they've been found.  The fucking raptors have created their own little civilization
[Jeb] hooo boy... ah well they can do their thing... that's probably the least of what's lurkin
[Yster] What are you talking about?
[CP] - And what else might there be?
[Jeb] Runs a finger around the rim of the glass... - maybe some big ol- bugs, other stuff... I was trying to give them a fighting chance. But nobody ever found the sword pieces... I don't even think they even found the fossils....
[CP] - Where are they?
[Jeb] Scattered around. Buried. It's supposed to be like a - like a treasure hunt mod.
[CP] - Oh for fucks sake...- He files the information away to let TLOT know later
[Jeb] Mighta helped... but they got away... oh well.. fucking NOTCH.... Good riddance.
[CP] - There's a chance another might have spawned
[Jeb] Blinks- oh yuuuusss, new cycles... they'll be different... and they've got the book-
[Yster] Elbows him hard-
[Jeb] OW!
[CP] - What book?
[Yster] Aggressively eating, she looks embarassed-
[Jeb] Slides down against the bar with his fingers spread- The bookitey book
[CP] - Need something more than that
[Yster] Nice one dipshit-
[Jeb] Yeeehehehheeh
[CP] Is about to ask again but his attention is drawn towards the door of the establishment.  A slight scowl makes it's way to his face-
[Jeb] One more-
[Yster] No, you're already useless.
[CP] Is keeping his eyes trained on a familiar figure in a bright red coat with messy black hair-
[Yster] Notices his gaze- Friend of yours?
[CP] - Yeah...
[Locklear] Approaches the group- Ah, Herobrine, I thought it was you I saw entering here
[CP] - Fuck off Locklear
[Locklear] - Now now, no need for such language
[Jeb] Drunken wave-
[Yster] Turns to face the new person. - Hello
[Locklear] Focus' on Yster- Hello, I'm Dr. Locklear, and you are?
[Yster] Yster, and the drunken goofball is my boss Jeb.
[Locklear] - Charming, I see you're not participating in the festivities?
[Yster] Ah, just enjoying some wings. I like to make sure my friends get home safely, do you like chicken at all? -Holds up the plate. It's still has several wings and some celery and carrots
[Locklear] - Ah yes, I've tended to many a child, and no thank you
[CP] - Yeah by stealing organs for them
[Jeb] Hey!
[CP] - Oh shut up and drink some more
[Jeb] I'm not a child... And I'm practickkally a parent to you so shup.
[CP] - No you're not!
[Locklear] - Now why would you say that?
[Jeb] Becasssuuue I made the game!
[Yster] With a lot of help. You know it was Markus's dream to begin with.
[Jeb] Yeeeaaah.
[Locklear] - Ah, so in essence the gods of your game
[Jeb] Right on ya! I got temples an everythin-
[Yster] Yes, well some of us like to take a more personal approach then others.
[Locklear] - And you my dear?
[Yster] A little bit of everything. I make and marry sounds with things happening in the game, I do debugging, some item modeling, I work with the legal team too.
[Locklear] - You're a very educated woman then?
[Yster] Oh yes. I have a degree in software engineering.
[Locklear] - I see- He glances at a watch on his wrist- Well, I must be going, I'm on a tight schedule
[Jeb] Seems to sober up for a minute- Did someone say something about organs?
[Yster] You said you were a doctor? Are you on a hospital night shift or something?
[Locklear] Smiles a little- I suppose you could say that- He stands and moves towards the door
[Yster] Smiles slightly - Mystery man...
[CP] - Be careful
[Yster] If he's a friend of yours I'm assuming that is a literal warning.
[Jeb] Oh shit.
[CP] - I mean, he has better morals than the rest of us
[Yster] Eyebrow- What's his deal specifically?
[CP] - He seeks out very specific targets, usually murderers or rapists, tortures and steals their organs, and then gives the organs to those who need transplants
[Yster] Blank look- Well... I guess he's doing a weird kind of community service.
[Jeb] Just loooks scared-
[CP] - Relax, neither one of you is in danger from him
[Yster] Ah, Reminds me of Hannibal Lechter.
[Jeb] You love that shit.....
[Yster] Not my fault all you can watch is Disney movies with your kid.
[CP] Scoffs and drinks some more, starting to really feel the effects of the alcohol-
[Jeb] Gets another shot and downs it. He's just flopped on the bar. - Fuck.... you get it Cp, you got kids in da hooouuuse.
[CP] - One annoying little NOTCH
[Jeb] And all da babby dragonz
[Yster] I thought the kid one was okay?
[CP] - He keeps trying to get between me and Lie.  And Endrea keeps her kids pretty well corralled
[Jeb] Welsh hez supposed to prtect her....
[CP] - There's nothing for her to be protected from!
[Jeb] Not everaaa Herobrine ish nice!
[CP] - Yeah but I'm meaner than them
[Yster] It's just a general objective. At least he's not trying to hurt her.
[CP] - Yeah yeah, whatever.  At least he's hanging out more with Firebird than being at our place.  Speaking of NOTCH's though, about that book
[Jeb] How to be a NOTCH 101!
[Yster] Shut up!
[CP] - I'm sorry, what?
[Jeb] So they don't do stupid shit... or else-
[Yster] Is beet red and embarassed as fuck
[CP] - I see...
[Jeb] Takes the tiniest sip from a mostly empty shot glass and suddenly flumps over.
[Yster] Annnd he's out cold.
[CP] - I did tell him that stuff was strong...- He's swaying a little himself
[Yster] It's not like he's never been drunk before. - gives the last bone a bit of a lick as she strips off the meat. - all done.
[CP] Just tucks the bottle into his jacket-
[Yster] Notices- A bit for the road? It's okay. He bought the bottle anyway.
[Bartender] Comes to check on them- Oh dear.
[Yster] It's okay. I'm sober. I'll make sure he gets home. - She pulls his wallet out of Jeb's pants and pays for the alcohol with one of his cards.
[CP] - He didn't listen to my warning
[Yster] I don't think it was that he didn't believe you, he was just okay with being drunk tonight.
[CP] Shrugs-
[Yster] Small smile- Shall we go then? Or are you not done annoying the patrons by playing with the tv?
[CP] Does it one last time, but with every tv in the building-
-General noises of anger from everywhere as they scramble to change the channels back-
[Yster] Haha, griefer.
[CP] - But of course- He stands up and grabs Jeb, dragging him towards the door
[Yster] Grabs a couple of peppermints off the bowl on the bar and follows- Thanks for that. He's hard to move when he's shit-faced. We usually bring Tokig to help out.
[CP] - What ever- He heads straight towards the car
[Yster] Hey, just a thought. Does the automatic item pick up thing work for you out here?
[CP] - Yes
[Yster] Flicks a peppermint at him and watches as the candy vanishes - You know that works for NOTCHs too, don't you?
[CP] - Yes, as it does for player too
[Yster] Gets an evil look- what if you chucked something at your NOTCH that he wouldn't want in his inventory?
[CP] - Probably just chuck it out
[Yster] Not if it's something infectious. Just thinking aloud...
[CP] Opens the back doors of the car and tosses Jeb into the back seat-
[Yster] Arranges Jeb a bit more comfortably and buckles him in before getting in the drivers seat herself. - just a normal weekend. I'd complain more if I had something else to do.
[CP] Takes the passenger seat and jams the seat as far back as he can just to make Jeb uncomfortable- What, no boyfriend?
[Yster] sighs-  I usually scare them off.
[CP] - Little tiny you?
[Yster] And it's attitudes like that that inspired me to learn how to fight. I could kill a man with a pencil if I needed too.
[CP] - I'd like to see you try
[Yster] Scowls- I don't have to prove anything to you.
[CP] Shrugs, he's a bit drunk but does lean against the window of the car-
[Yster] Hunkers down a bit but she's driving carefully- They tend to not like my apartment either....
[CP] - Is it too messy?
[Yster] No, I collect horror memorobilia. I like it, but it's not exactly romantic.
[CP] - Laaaaame, all that stuff's comedy compared to what I lived with on a daily basis
[Yster] Once again, I have nothing to prove to you. I like what I like. Anyone who has a problem with it can take a flying leap.
[CP] - Whatever
[Yster] Pulls into the driveway of Markus's house- It's been real. Have a good rest. You seem a bit tipsy.
[CP] Glances at Jeb- Are you sure you don't want my wife to sober him up a little?
[Yster] Nah. He'll be fine.
[CP] Narrows eyes a little before stepping out of the car.  Once near the door he attempts to teleport to the other side and ends up teleporting backwards instead-
[Yster] Snickers-
[CP] Scowls and tries again, clipping through the door a little-
[Yster] Loses it laughing- glad to see you enjoyed the alcohol
[CP] Quickly spots his wife bundled up on the couch sleeping and goes to join her, shifting her around until he is under her.  As his guard is down from the alcohol he releases a calming aura as he drifts to sleep holding Lie-
[Doc] Tumbles out of Notch's Tv and looks around, Xe smiles when xe spots Cp snuggled with Lie and breathes a sigh of relief. They look around in the dark room for the others-  -
[Deer] Is curled up in a chair and Flux is with Notch in his bedroom-
[Doc] Pulls up a footstool and leans on the chair with an arm around Deerheart's shoulders. Hir sigh of relief is audible as xe contacts hir lover-
[Deer] Snuggles into Doc and stirs a little- Love?
[Doc] Xe takes a deep draught of her scent- Missed you....
[Deer] Hums contentedly and falls back asleep-
[Notch] Wakes up in the morning and snuggles into Flux-
[Flux] Wakes up a little- Good morning
[Notch] It's always good when I wake up with you. Though I do feel a bit homesick.
[Flux] - True, I suppose CP's back by now...
[Notch] If he didn't break anything or kill and anyone last night, I'll count it as a win for everybody.
[Flux] - Shall we see if the others are awake yet?
[Notch] Sure- He gets slowly out of bed and heads down the hall.
[Flux] Stretches and follows Notch-
[CP] Is still holding Lie, asleep on the couch-
[Notch] Well it looks like Doc found us...
[Flux] - Did we tell them we had left the bunker?
[Notch] I don't think we did... shit... but then. You can trust Doc to find Deerheart without fail.
[Flux] - This is true- She looks over at CP as she laces her arm through Notch's- I wonder how your friend is faring this morning...
[Notch] Probably having a hangover.
[Flux] - Well at least CP won't have one
[Doc] Gives a little yawn-
[Deer] Snuggles a bit closer-
[Flux] - Should we make them some breakfast? Or should we just had towards the bar on the server?
[Notch] looks around at everyone and the space that still smells a bit of dust and neglect. - I think I've inconvenienced everyone enough for a long time. Let's go home.
[Flux] - Then let's wake them up
[Notch] has a sappy thought and sneaks over to Cp, he puts a gentle hand on the big brines shoulder and shakes him very slightly- come on son, let's go home.
[Doc] Is awake and quietly  watching with a small smile-
[CP] Grumbles and pulls his wife a bit closer-
[Doc] Smootches Deerheart- time to go home I think
[Deer] Sleepily- Good
[Doc] I left Yaunfen with Buff all night, I'm sure they'll be glad to see you
[Deer] - I miss our baby
[Lie] Starts waking up as well-
[Doc] And I missed you-
[Notch] Come on Cp, you're the best portal maker. I don't mind if you go home and take lie straight back to bed.
[Doc] I'm not sure I'm feeling that patient - Xe gets up and takes a ready fighting stance before lunging forward to break a hole in reality that leads back home. The opening shows Doc's garden on the other side, it's afternoon there and Basil can be heard splashing around offshore.
[Deer] Rolls out of the chair- Home... [CP] Finally starts waking up-
[Buff] Walks up to the hole on the other side and looks though- Neat!
[Doc] smiles- yeah, sometimes it is.  
[Notch] Steps through with a sigh of relief and offers a hand to Flux
[Lie] Stays urging CP along towards the opening-
[Flux] Accepts the hand and steps through-
[Notch] is watching her closely to see if she changes back to her normal colors
[Flux] After a few moments is her usual purple self-
[Notch] Ah, you're lovely as a human, but this face is the one I fell in love with. - he holds her gently and kisses her deeply-
[Buff] Heart eyes -
[Doc] Your turn my love?
[Deer] Smiles and steps through, her transition back taking just a little longer because of what she lost-
[Flux] Returns the kiss and reaches up, undoing the magic on Notch's hair-
[Notch] Thank you, I was missing that-
[Flux] - You're welcome
[Doc] oh thank goodness.
[Lie] Guides her tired mate through-
[Yaunfen] Is dozing in the sun, having stayed up very late due to the excitement of Deer returning-
[Doc] closes the hole with a flourish. - Xe slips a hand around Deerheart and dips her with a kiss
[Buff] You're little one passed out, but I'm sure they'll be happy when they wake
[Deer] Smiles and once released by Doc goes to give Yaunfen a gentle hug- I've missed you so much baby
[Doc] So did I miss anything? You guys kinda snuck off without me
[CP] Pulls out the bottle from the previous night- Got more booze for the bar
[Flux] - We visited where all of this started
[Doc] Thats... good? You mean?
[Notch] I took her to see the mainframe at the Mojang office.
[Flux] - I may have stumbled across CP's Notch while looking at all the servers as well
[CP] - What?
[Notch] She just spotted him moving around from outside the computer, he didn't see us or anything.
[CP] Growls- Which seed?
[Notch] Shrugs and looks at Flux.
[Flux] - Why do you wish to know?
[CP} - So I can tear that bastard apart
[Notch] Not yet. I don't want to see anybody get hurt. We still don't have a way of countering him.
[Doc] You remember what happened last time.
[Notch] Did Jeb tell you anything useful?
[Buff] Can I help at all?
[CP] Getting angrier- Just tell me!  I'm nearing an energy surge!  That should be enough to take him down!
[Lie] - CP no!
[Doc] Goes pale - This is not a problem to be solved by battering yourself against a wall Cp.
[Doc] Please tell me what you did to keep from freaking out while you were irl. You should have had one of these already since your sword went missing.
[CP] - Fucking Polybius and Karla...  And fucking
[Doc] Karla did something to you?
[CP] - Had a fucking black feather that did weird shit
[Notch] How odd.
[Buff] A feather?
[Doc] Could we ask her to do it again?
[Doc] A bit bitter- Do you really want to be a kitten and a kid again Cp?
[Lie] - Let's try this...- She summons a vampiric flower
[Notch] That looks dangerous...
[Doc] Takes a big step back but stays between the flower and hir mate and child-
[CP] Looks at it- That did nothing last time
[Lie] - Try again
[CP] - No
[Buff] Well it's kinda neat looking.
[Lie] - CP please...
[Buff] Don't be a jerk to your wife. - He picks up Cp, holding his hands to his sides and sets him down firmly next to the flower.
[CP] - FUCKER!- His foot moves a little and he feels an instant drain on his power
[Doc] Is that better?
[CP] - Fuck you...
[Lie] - I think it worked
[Doc] Thank goodness. I'm in no mood to fight with you Cp.
[CP] - Yeah well maybe you should be checking your NOTCH's inventory
[Buff] Looks worried-
[Doc] Why would I do that?
[CP] - Because they were given things
[Buff] ....
[Doc] Looks at them both- what kind of things?
[Deer] - I'm sure it's nothing, if it were bad, Buff would have told us, or CN
[Buff] Muttering to himself quietly - I'm doing a good job....
[Lie] - Are you sure you're not delirious CP?
[Doc] At Deerheart - Do you know something about this? Or is this just a character assessment?
[Deer] - I know a little, I assure you, it's nothing harmful
[Doc] Well I do trust your judgement.
[Notch] I doubt it would be anything bad. Nearly the whole development team is on our side.
[Flux] - Let's turn our thoughts to other things, we did only just wake up, we could use some food
[Buff] Looks a little relieved. - I've been up a while, is it okay for me to go sleep?
[Deer] - Absolutely Buff
[Buff] Thank you - he hurries off.
[Doc] What about Yaunfen? I guess we should wake them up.
[Deer] - Or we could carry them in our other forms
[Notch] I just want to go home. Is that okay with you Flux?
[Flux] - Absolutely
[Doc] Oh? You want to go to the bar? I was just going to make something.
[Deer] - Let somebody else do the work Doc, I want to tell you everything I saw
[Doc] Smiles hugely- thank you love. I can't wait to hear it. - Xe steps away from the garden and flops out into hir dragon shape. - Ahhh.... bliss. Ready when you are.
[Deer] Shifts as well, picking Yaunfen up and putting her child on her back-
[Lie] - Come on CP, we should take your new liquor to Sam
[CP] - Fine fine
[Doc] Is it okay to just leave that flower?
[Lie] - I don't know...
[Doc] Then... Cp? Can we have a small fireball? That might be the best route. No sense in leaving hazards laying around.
[CP] - Gladly- He quickly burns the flower
[Doc] Good job. - Xe gets to hir feet and shakes out hir mane a bit- Anybody wants a ride speak now, or you'll be walking.
[Lie] - Walking is fine
[CP] - Fuck no
[Doc] Your choice. I just need to strech my legs a bit anyway. Let's go- Xe starts trotting towards the bar.
[Lie] Follows them, knowing CP will follow her-
[Deer] Moves smoothly, trying her best not to disturn Yaunfen-
[Doc] Falls back to walk next to her and busks her gently, brushing her a little with hir tail fluff.
[Deer] Hums happily at the contact before glancing at Yaunfen- I'm betting our little one has a lot to tell me too
[Doc] I'm kinda glad they didn't see you before you changed back . I think they might have been weirded out a bit. - Playfully nomms the nub of one of her antlers-
[Deer] - Well eventually they will see it
[Doc] Yeah, gonna warn them first though. I tried to wake you, but you were out of it. I feel bad for leaving them with Buff all night. Well it was probably two days here at least.
[Deer] - Oh...  That's right, time moves differently
[Doc] Num num on a different nub and gives her a smootch- I missed you so much. Apparently TLOT had some trouble too. Someone stole the grass block out of Nessies temple. They took her Nether Star too.
[Deer] - Oh no!  Were they able to fix everything at least?
[CP] - So somebody actually pissed off the bitch?
[Doc] You say that like she isn't easy to make mad. And yes and no. Lie replaced the block and she and TLOT and Steve slew a wither, but the new star hasn't been delivered yet. The whole thing worries me.
[CP] - Why give her another?  She won't use it
[Doc] I'm not sure. It's a good way to keep her from bitching, and to be fair it's not a huge deal to let her have one. It's decently symbolic for her native Herobrine to give her some small treasure since she was the acolyte of his enemy and we have a kind of agreement with her now.
[CP] Scoffs- Maybe Notch should give it too her
[Doc] I assure you he is not interested in Nessie worshipping him. And it seems to make Flux jelous as fuck.
[Deer] - Yes, but it might get her to be calm for a little while at least
[Doc] Eh, this is TLOT's diplomatic thing, let him handle it.
[Deer] - Alright
[Yaunfen] Shifts around on Deer's back-
[Doc] Gives Yaunfen a loving nudge- We're both here sweetheart
[Deer] - Wake up sweet heart
[Yaunfen] Sleepily looks around- Mama?
[Doc] Coos over them-
[Yaunfen] Wakes up more- Mama!  Mama!
[Deer] Laughs a little- Yes baby, I'm right here
[Yaunfen] Lunges to wrap themselves around Deer's neck
[Doc] Is purring a lot-
[Lie] Smiles and leans into CP a little-
-The group reaches the bar and Doc walks across the air so that Deerheart can use the little bridge. Xe's high stepping like a horse and wearing the biggest smile.
[Yaunfen] Is excitedly blabbering about everything they did while Deer was gone-
[Doc] Waits by the door and opens it for Lie and Cp-
[Lie] She and CP enter the bar-
[Deer] Encourages Yaunfen to get smaller and goes smaller herself once Yaunfen is on the ground-
[Doc] Shrinks down as well and takes the opportunity to group hug them - Did you have fun with Buff kiddo?
[Yaunfen] - Yes!  We did lots of running and jumping!
[Doc] Figures, - xe leads them inside-
[Sam] Waves to everybody-
[CP] Plops the bottle of alcohol onto the counter- For the collection
[Sam] Examines it closely -
[Doc] So what it is? More vodka? It looks like a brown rum.
[CP] - Whiskey
[Sam] Signals that Gk will be happy.
[Lie] Takes a seat- Hey Sam?  Could we get some breakfast?
[Sam] Nods and gets to work-
[Doc] So Notch said something about you hanging out with Jeb?
[CP] - Yeah, he promised me booze
[Doc] Oh, hence the bottle. I presume he was smart enough to get you something super strong rather then beer after beer after beer.
[CP] - That stuff's almost on par with the polish vodka
[Doc] Duly noted.
[CP] - Yeah, Jeb also got super drunk and let some things loose
[Doc] Anything that might actually help us?
[CP] - Ummm...  TLOT's seed is modded?
[Doc] That would explain a few things. Do we have any idea what kind of mods?
[CP] - Well the main one seems  to be a sword that you have to search for all the pieces for
[Doc] A sword? Why on earth....? That's like trying to find a single endermite in a nether fortress.
[CP] - It would have been useful against his old NOTCH
[Doc] Now there's a problem I'm glad to be rid of...
[Sam] Starts passing out plates - Lie has a mess of scrambled eggs with bacon and potatos, Cp has a plate with bacon, sausages and a steak.
[Lie] - Thank you Sam
[CP] - Who knows, the sword could still be useful
[Sam] Lays out a lot of syrupy waffles, bacon, milk, and coffee for Doc, Deerheart and Yaunfen-
[Doc] Maybe. I'll add it to the addenda.
[Yaunfen] Immediately starts shoveling food into their mouth-
[Doc] It's really the theft itself that worries me. Who steals from a bunch of monks who practice fighting all day?
[CP] - A weirdo?
[Doc] Drinks hir coffee and takes a thoughtful bite of waffle- yeah... but it feels symbolic. They took a grass block and replced it with a cobweb block. You can't place those under normal circumstances, it's a creative move.
[CP] - Looks like TLOT needs to pay a bit more attention to his seed
[Doc] He's not an admin Cp. He doesn't even have a server spirit like Deerheart or Flux to consult.
[CP] - Well then what do you suggest?
[Doc] I'm not sure. I mean, he doesn't have any desire to just rule them all with an iron fist or anything. Just smack them back into line if they're mistreating one another.
[CP] - Well he'd better figure out something unless he's too scared to even return to his own seed
[Doc] Somehow I think you're just being mean and baiting me now.
[CP] Scowls- TLOT has a seed that he can go to at any time and yet he will not, I WANT to return to my seed but can't!  He's being a coward!
[Doc] I think you don't understand that he doesn't have the same sentimental feelings for his seed as you do. The mobs don't obey him, all the homes he made there were destroyed, and the Testificates don't need him to run their lives. He's happy wherever Steve is, and the rest of his friends.
[CP] Would stand and storm out but Lie stops him-
[Lie] - CP...  I know you want to go there, make certain your generals are alright but-
[CP] - You don't get it!  I have no idea what is happening to my army!  Winston has not reported back in ages!  For all I know it's because he's been destroyed!  If I try to move what remains of my mobs, Harvestman will follow!  And yet TLOT can freely go between his seed and here and yet he WON'T take advantage of that!  It's absolutely asinine!
[Doc] I'm sorry Cp. I've offered to move your people many times and you always refuse me. I don't know what to do for you. And I know you're angry but I don't understand why you want TLOT to leave so badly. He has little reason to do so.
[CP] - Because if this is a threat to him or his people, he has a chance of protecting them as I currently can't do for mine!
[Doc] If you want to help him, I'm sure he'd be grateful for it.
[CP] Dissolves into an angry silence-
[Doc] Do you want to help?
[CP] - Fuck off
[Doc] I'll let him know. If he doesn't already. That was quite an outburst.
[Deer] - Love, let's just give him some space
[Doc] Nods- You said you had things to tell me anyway.
[Deer] - Oh yes!- She begins listing of all the small things that she saw and her pottery lesson
[Doc] Did you pick up any souveniers while you were out? I'll make a note to go check on Mort in a few days to see how your bowl is doing-
[Deer] - Um, just some food
[Doc] Something new?
[Sam] Is now listening intently-
[Deer] Nods and pulls out the food Markus had given them-
[Doc] Is already multipling things and passing copies to Sam. - So this green stuff is kinda slimy but it smells good... the potatos are familiar enough, but what the brown crumbly stuff? It smells like meat.
[Deer] - It is!  It's fried chicken!
[Doc] Makes some copies and sniffs a piece before taking a bite- Oh that's good... it's messy and probably terrible for humans, but I like it!
[Deer] - Yup!
[Lie] Is speaking soothingly to CP, trying her best to calm him-
[CP] Has had enough and just leaves, leaving an awkward silence behind-
[Doc] Turns to see him go. - I'm sorry Lie. I know he's upset about his mobs, but I don't know what to do for him. I'm no match for Harvestman either.
[Lie] - But he does bring up a good point, we haven't heard anything for some time
[Doc] What about you and Endrea? Can either of you contact Winston?
[Lie] - Endrea might be able to... But if she dies over there...
[Doc] I said contact him. Not go over there. Winston can come here, remember? Even if he's the only one we can save, that's better then nothing
[Lie] - I'll ask her about it later
[Doc] Do I need to use the chat for you again Lie? You can whisper you know.
[Lie] - No, it's just at this time of day she's feeding the kids and the other dragons that need it
[Doc] I see.
[Lie] - I'll catch her when she gets home
[CN] Is still a bird but is almost finished molting, his brown feathers having turned a shimmering blue and black-
[Firebird] -Has 100% been gathering up lost feathers and moving them to where CN can't get to them-
[CN] His flight skill has increased and he's hunting for the feathers-
[Firebird] -Watching CN flit about-
[CN] Frustrated noise in that he can't open chests to look-
[Firebird] -Small grin-
[CN] Defeated he flies over to Firebird and lands on his shoulder-
[Firebird] Given up? -Pets CN a bit-
[CN] Long frustrated noise-
[Firebird] -Just small grin- I'll take that as a yes. But really, why would you want your old feathers? Look at em now!
[CN] Slight consenting noise-
[Firebird] -Pet pet- You know, about now you could probably turn back. The lock down of forms ended a while ago.
[CN] Loud indignant and somewhat angry noise-
[Firebird] What? -Innocent look-
[CN] Beats Firebirds face with his wings-
[Firebird] -Amused laugh before patting CN a bit- Do you know how to Switch back?
[CN] Shakes his head+
[Firebird] Well, I'm not sure how it works for others, but I focus really hard on what I looked like and just... Will myself to be that way. You give it a try.
[CN] Shuts his eyes and concentrates, vibrating a little he's so focused-
-After a couple if minutes he starts shifting back-
[Firebird] There ya go.. While you're at that.. -Switches to his usual form, petting his tail fringe a bit.-
[CN] Tumbles awkwardly to the ground, naked-
[CN] - Firebird! I'm back to normal!- He does not see the little tuft of feathers covering his butt
[Firebird] Good job! Do you have any clothing with you bud? -He doesn't see them yet either-
[CN] Looks in his inventory- No, they must be in my room
[Firebird] Alright, let me see what I can scrounge up -Moves about to poke and prod through chests-
[CN] Starts looking for his molted feathers-
-They're all crammed in a single chest-
[CN] Happily starts pulling them out-
-A lot of feathers, enjoy bird kid-
[Firebird] Hmmm.... -Fabric ruffling noises-
[CN] Starts going through them trying to find the best-
[CN] - Of yeah, sorry I destroyed your book Firebird...
[Firebird] Hm? My book? I thought it was yours... -Turns, a bundle of fabrics in hand- Oh! CN, you have a tail.
[CN] - WHAT!?- He spins in a circle trying to look
[Firebird] Kind of like mine, but still tiny.
[CN] - But... But...
[Firebird] But? -Walks over and offers CN the flowing clothing articles so He can pick one- Do you not like it?
[CN] Quietly- I'm not supposed to have a task...- He starts looking through the clothes
[Firebird] So? If you like it it doesn't matter if you do or not. -Most seem like old white shirts of his, one still has a long yellow cape clipped onto it-
[CN] Pulls on the one with the cape- I don't know...
[Firebird] Well, I'd say give it a week or two, see if it grows on you. You wanna go down now?
[CN] - Yes please, I'm tired of eating seeds
[Firebird] Alright, here. Hang on. -Holds an arm out to CN- I gotta find one of the doors first though...
[CN] Takes Firebirds hand-
[Firebird] -Guides CN along before finding one of the balconies of the tree. It's got a bunch of carpets and a nest in one corner- ahh, here we go.
[CN] - Your best looks a lot better then the one I tried to make...
[Firebird] I've had a lot of practice. A lot.
[CN] - Oh... Will I want to build more?
[Firebird] Maybe, you might. I find them comfortable when I'm a bird and just to lounge around in. Now that you can fly you might find a few of them around. Here, you wanna hold onto my shirt, I'm gonna bring us down.
[CN] - Huh? Okay- He reaches his arms out to grab Firebirds shirt
[Firebird] Both hands, and do not let go.
[CN] - Got it!- He grips tightly with both hands
[Firebird] -Makes sure CN's secure before backing up a few steps, taking parts of his cape in his hands. He rushes forward and sails off the edge of the balcony, heading down. Because they're near the top there's a long way to go. Firebird is totally laughing like a madman.-
[CN] Shrieks in fear-
[Firebird] -Laughing as they sail closer to the ground-
[Firebird] -Throws his arms out after a moment, them jerking upward into the air before sailing along the desert a bit-
[CN] Whimpers a little-
[Firebird] Oh shhh... You're fine. -Sticks his legs out, milling them a bit as they get closer to the ground-
[CN] Clutches tighter- That was scary...
[Firebird] That was FUN! You'll learn to enjoy that sort of thing! -Lands and scuttles along the ground a few steps-
[CN] - I don't know...
[Firebird] -Slows to a pace CN can hop off if he wants to- You'll see...
[CN] Jumps down- So where are we going?
[Firebird] - shrugs a bit -
[CN] Kicks some sand as he walks- Can we get food?
[Firebird] Sure, what you hungry for? We could stop at the doctors..
[CN] - Mmmmm... Steak!
[CN] Runs a bit ahead of Firebird-
[Firebird] -Walks after CN- Sounds good.
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