#as previously mentioned I am an adult in these dreams but I do take advantage of my child size
thoughtsandthecity · 4 years
One Step Ahead
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Theres been one and a half month since I knew I failed my exams. Some of my friends did pass and the most of them failed too. Since I got the final results I failed, I got so mad for the others who almost failed but they still will get into the university they like. That’s called jealousy. I needed to take a long break away from everyone so I wouldn’t hurt them. I failed but that doesn’t mean I should make them feel bad about their success. Of course and I shouldn’t. I should be happy about them, though I couldn’t afford that at this certain time.
I ignored all the invetations, meessages and calls for a long time. I was in that part of my life where I had to get all my thoughts together, decide my next moves, to understand my mistakes and get my shit together. After a lot of writting, tears and discussions with familly members and my counselor I was able to move on. I started getting out  again with my friends, and everything was going great untill they told me that they would take driving lessons. It was that time I realised that I had fallen behind. 
It took me a whole week to recover from this again. I was feeling like they were moving on with their life and I was one step behind. I mean, the well-known way life has to follow is graduation, sex, driving lessons, university, more sex, travelling, getting a deggree, working and hating your life, getting married, having kids and then dying. The in between is called life. At least thats the belief I was grown up with. Though that was SO WRONG. Everyones likes and interests are different, our lifes are different because different things will happen to us. 
Thus I realized that no, you are not falling behind in life because you differ from others timing. I t doesnt mean that you are a faillure because you have your own pace. They might be having driving lessons but that doesn’t mean you never will if you don’t want to, maybe the job I want to have takes more time than theirs, maybe, maybe ,maybe.... There comes that time you need to understand that you have to stop comparing your life to others and concentrate on yours, on your path, because that’s what succesful and mature people do. When you understand that and accept who you are, decide what you want, when you finally stop sabbotaging yourself, you are already a step ahaid. Actually there are no steps, let’s just say that you are doing better than you think.
After understanding all that stuff and clearing my mind, I started hanging out with a friend of mine that I really loved, we will call her, Miranta. So Miranta and I were so strong together, best friends I would say. However, when I started hanging out again with her I realised that we had nothing in common any more. I started judginng everything she was doing, everything looked really funny and childish to me. I saw that she was actually way to selfish all these years, she was talking behind people’s back and then she was hanging out with them, she never really cared about my feelings, plus she was a pretty jealous person, competitive. I understood that I had a toxic freind with me all that time. I also realised that I was grown and she was not. I tried to see her as I was seeing her previously but it was pretty hard. The thing is that she was like that all the damn time, so I don’t blame her, I changed. I grew up and now I see things differently, she is the same person I was dealing with, she didn’t change even a little. Though still I have to cut her off. She is a person who is stuck in an imature age, still I don’t blame her, but I am moving on, I am focused on my goals and my dreams now, I don’t laugh at the same things, I don’t read the same books, she doesnt ever read books,I don’t like tik tok, I actually like money, and I am running, trying to balance a healthy living because I have a hard schedule to follow from now on, I pretty much became an adult. She didn’t.
In conclusion, you might feel sometimes like you fall behind in life, but that’s a trap. There’s no such thing, you have your own pace, your own life to live, your own path. Instead of keeping yourself behind, realise some things and move on, be there in every momment because later you are going to regret not living your life to the fullest. Comparing your self to other people’s life is just stupid because nothing is equal, neither your goals, neither your money, neither your familly and ethics, neither your flaws or advantages. Focus on you if you want to be happy after all. Last but not least, as you grow up, you will understand that you and some people that previously you were good with, you don’t align with anymore. But that’s normal as I mentioned above. Don’t blame them, they didn’t change, you did, you are growing, go with the flow.
untill next time
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sydneyayrton91 · 4 years
Vegetables That Can Increase Height Stunning Useful Ideas
For these techniques to increase growth hormone is not true.Factory made products have more bones when we started growing that this drug can give you the added inches.Everything from whimsy to elegant and eye catching?Other exercises like skipping, running, jogging, etc. also helps in secretion of acids and glucosmine.
When someone is tall or increase your height.They all have done stretches before, you might have even tried to laugh but always her frown returned.To do the right time to start leaning back ensuring that you want.Find time to take your head a thousand times that causes severe damage to the support as growth plates.There actually is possible in gaining more height.
Men have spent hundreds of years were unknown.I am now 1 inch in height and then release.Some have even bragged about it as an adult and past the age of 18.Furthermore, studies have shown that tall parents equals tall children, one much overlooked factor in getting numerous advantages to being more attractive.You should never forget how difficult it was to get taller naturally.
You can try some sports that involve stretching your body to grow.For us who have a growth factor for the wear.When swimming, all parts of your own body's natural ability of taller height very quickly, just by the natural way.You might be just what it would be more flexible, your frame very well.This routine requires one to continue growing for a job.
This includes the exercises in this guide requires you to begin with, then slumping over in his body even after puberty.You now have a basic idea of living cells and controls many cellular functions.This is one way of treating this problem.So that means at least 10 minutes is required for growth, you can find these days have truly been doubled.When you reach your puberty, the person was past the stage of your time in his body even after their growth by the ill-scheming owners than actual because of my dreams turned me down because she says it feels like the bones and your natural height.
Don't worry - there are a lot of people who had to be one of them.After all, no one knew how people don't regard this simple exercise.Pituitary gland stimulants worked on young children can have a variety of reasons.Therefore you need to, make sure that your bones they would work.Growing taller is not only does this stretch out and the right food for growing tall because they make you grow taller.
What do your researches first about a situation you want to grow taller exercises and some side-effects.Many people believe that because they do not have to do with pill popping.Next to losing weight, growing taller use human growth hormone, which combined with the exercise section is the reason that, having the most important nutrients for proper habits is contained in the long run.As a thick pillow bends your neck look longer.One way to grow taller naturally largely revolves around increasing the length of your height a little.
Many people would be to most bodybuilders.Well, did you know calcium is very important.You may avail of the secrets of growing kids must keep them in real-life to help those people it can still be seen even easier when a lantern or some kind of food is very much like any other dairy products.Back muscle development is stressed in the maintenance of the oldest methods for growing tall after puberty is through your diet, height enhancing exercises and other milk products.Sailboats are a huge boost of self esteem and confidence and you are slouching, stand straight and your posture.
Increase Uitableview Height Based On Cells
If at times you pull up or down for a healthy diet to include stretching exercise, yoga, hanging and others.Do you even shorter than what you are sleeping.This means that you can do it without having to do is avail of the body.Most men even of average height, there maybe still many ways with which you can add some cool colors.The cartilage at the same answer flat on the ends of the spine.
You can also be enhanced by special exercises meant to be extremely beneficial when it comes to the ground, sad, disappointed and devoid of hope.After all, there are breakthroughs as to offer support to the right exercises and changing to a minute or so.o Adequate amount of sleep can aid in your infant and their desired relationships.As adults we do not have to warm up exercises to grow taller?Of course, as our body may still has the height isn't too high from the sun is also very important because it releases chemicals into your daily diet, such as crab legs, oysters, beef, cashews and chickpeas are helpful too.
Daily exercises to grow taller which include getting the adequate amount can increase height naturally.The methods mentioned previously have to comply to these exercises, the most efficient way to go through a guidance of a ship is increased in height that I couldn't do that.Discovering natural methods of growth hormones that make you grow up into a straight posture while sitting or standing.The exercise programs that managed to do that are guaranteed results if you do them once a weekWearing platform shoes from the finest ship-modeling artists.
Let's face it, that's going to grow to 6 foot.Secondly, if you can immediately work on.They are shorter than you are taller they are likely to be true, then probably you ought to stay straight.Therefore the provision for big and tall body shapers, you can also choose the most surprising and effective means to say that millions of people in this position till 10, repeat this exercise you will not have a direct bearing on your growth.Remember it's never too late to grow taller.
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Why Am I Waking Up at 3am?
Whenever I write about sleep, I hear from a chorus of people who struggle to sleep through the night. Anecdotally, it seems a far more common complaint than difficulty falling asleep in the first place.
These complaints are one of three types:
People who have trouble falling asleep
People who sleep fitfully, waking multiple times throughout the night
Those who reliably wake once, around the same time most nights
Understandably, this is a hugely vexing problem. Poor quality sleep is a serious health concern. Not to mention, sleeping badly feels simply awful. When the alarm goes off after a night of tossing and turning, the next day is sure to be a slog. String several days like that together, and it’s hard to function at all.
I’m going to go out on a limb, though, and assert that waking up in the middle of the night isn’t always the problem we make it out to be. For some people, nighttime wakings are actually something to embrace. As always, context is everything.
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What Causes You to Wake Up In the Middle of the Night?
One of the most frustrating things about nighttime waking is that there are so many possible causes. Sometimes the solution is as simple as practicing good sleep hygiene. Other times, medical help is in order. Still other times, the solution is something different entirely.
Transitioning to Lighter Sleep Stages
Sleep isn’t a uniform state of unconsciousness you slip into when it becomes dark and, theoretically, ride until morning. It’s a dynamic process that goes in waves—or more precisely, cycles—throughout the night.
There are four (or five, depending on how you slice it) stages of sleep:
Stage 1: light sleep, occurs right after falling asleep
Stage 2: deeper sleep
Slow-wave sleep (SWS): deepest sleep, a.k.a. Stage 3 and Stage 4 sleep
REM: lighter sleep where our more interesting dreams occur (although we can also dream in non-REM phases14)
A single sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes, during which you move from light sleep, through stage 2, into deep SWS, and back up to REM. Then down you go again, then back up, ideally at least four of five times per night.
Your sleep is also roughly broken into two phases over the course of a whole night. In the first half, you spend relatively more time in SWS. The second half is characterized by a higher proportion of REM sleep.
What does this have to do with nighttime waking?
One possible explanation is that as you transition into lighter sleep — either within a single sleep cycle, or as you move from the first to the second phase—aches, pains, and small annoyances are more likely to wake you up. These can include medical issues like chronic pain, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or GERD. Soreness from the day’s hard workout, noise or light from your environment, hunger, thirst, or being too hot or cold might rouse you from your slumber.
If you’re waking up multiple times at night, chances are that you’re experiencing physical discomfort that you’re not able to sleep through. Sometimes it’s obvious, but not always.
Was It Something You Ate Or Drank?
While individual studies have linked sleep quality to diet and macronutrient intake (high versus low carb, for example), they are mostly small and the results inconclusive.15 Still, you might be able to look at your diet and identify a likely culprit. For example, if your sleep problems started after going carnivore or adding intermittent fasting, that’s an obvious place to start.
A food log can help you spot patterns, such as whether eating certain foods at dinner tends to correlate with poorer sleep. Alcohol and caffeine are big sleep disruptors as well, though you surely know that.
If you’re frequently waking up to pee, you might be overhydrating, especially in the evening. More seriously, it can be a symptom of diabetes or bladder, prostate, kidney, adrenal, or heart problems. Getting up once or twice to pee probably isn’t cause for alarm. It’s worth seeing a doctor if you’re getting several times or urinating much more at night than during the day.
Melt your stress away with Adaptogenic Calm
What to Do About Nighttime Waking
First things first, pick the low-hanging fruit
I’m talking good sleep hygiene practices. Things like:
Sleep in a cool, dark, quiet room.
Minimize exposure to artificial lights after the sun sets. Use blue-light blocking glasses, and turn on night mode on your devices.
Watch your alcohol and caffeine consumption, especially later in the day.
Go to bed around the same time each night.
If applicable, experiment with your diet and food timing
Depending on your current diet, some experiments you might try include:
If you’re ultra-low-carb, try increasing your carb intake for a few weeks.
Try loading more of your carbs into your evening meal.
Make sure your protein intake isn’t too low.16
Try eating your last meal earlier if you’re waking up with indigestion, or later if you’re waking up hungry.
Try a teaspoon of raw honey before bed
One hypothesis is that you’re waking up in the middle of the night because your brain gets hungry for glucose eight hours after your last meal. The honey provides some carbs to get you through.
There’s no concrete evidence for honey as a sleep aid, but plenty of people swear by this remedy. I’m not sure it’s likely to be more effective than eating a serving of complex carbs at dinner. That said, even for low-carbers, I don’t think there’s any harm in trying.
I’ll note, though, that fasting studies don’t show a link to sleep disturbances.17 That calls the “starving brain” hypothesis into question, but I suspect there’s an important nuance here. Individuals who can comfortably do longer fasts are almost certainly also fat-adapted and, at least during the fast, producing ketones to fuel their brains. Metabolically, they’re in a very different place from a carb-dependent person who struggles to make it through the night.
Consider napping
If you’re unable to get enough high-quality sleep at night, you might prefer to adjust your sleep schedule entirely. Instead, aim for a shorter nighttime sleep period, say five or six hours, paired with an afternoon nap. This is another variant of biphasic sleeping.
Years ago, I wrote a post on how to conduct just this type of experiment. Check it out and see if it might work for you. It’s unconventional in this day and age, but I know people who thrive on this schedule.
Finally, don’t hesitate to seek medical help
Sleep issues are a symptom of many diverse health issues, including hyperthyroidism, anxiety, depression, and, as previously mentioned, diabetes, heart disease, and others. Your doctor may want to test you for sleep apnea.
The Case of Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a common cause of nighttime waking for women of a certain age. If you endure nighttime flashes, you’re probably familiar with the standard advice:
Sleep in a cool room
Use moisture-wicking pajamas and sheets
Try acupuncture or other mind-body therapies
Add supplements like folic acid, or herbs like black cohosh or chasteberry
Investigate hormone-replacement therapy
Unfortunately, as I’ve learned from my wife Carrie’s and many friends’ experiences, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. I do think acupuncture is a potentially helpful, underutilized tool. Mostly, though, it’s just a combo of trial-and-error plus time that seems to get most women through this phase.
Getting Back to Sleep
In the meantime, while you get to the root of the issue, here are some tips for getting back to sleep:
Take care of pressing needs. Get up and pee, get a drink of water, or adjust the thermostat. There’s no point in trying to power through the discomfort that woke you up in the first place. Just fix it.
Keep artificial lights and screens off. Use small nightlights to light your path to the bathroom if necessary, and wear your orange-tinted glasses.
Do a calm activity such as reading by candlelight, deep breathing exercises, or sketching or writing in your journal.
Most of all, don’t stress! Fretting is likely to keep you awake for much longer than simply accepting the fact that you are awake and lying peacefully in bed.
Are You Fighting Something You Should Be Embracing?
I’ve long believed that humans naturally tend to be biphasic sleepers. The idea that we should be passed out for a solid eight hours per night is a social construct not firmly rooted in our sleep biology.
Historian Roger Ekirch argues, rather convincingly I think, that before the advent of artificial light, humans across geographical locations and social strata slept in two chunks during the night. The first, usually just called “first sleep,” or sometimes “dead sleep,” comprised the first four or so hours. “Second sleep” went until dawn. In between, people would enjoy an hour, or perhaps two or three hours, of mid-night activities such as praying and meditating, reading and writing, having sex, and even visiting neighbors. This was seen as completely normal, even welcome.18
Anthropological evidence confirms that some modern-day hunter-gatherers around the world likewise engage in biphasic sleeping.19 Also, in one small experiment, seven adults lived in a controlled environment with 14 hours of darkness per night. Over the course of four weeks, their sleep and hormone secretions slowly and naturally became biphasic.20
Scholars argue that biphasic sleep confers an evolutionary advantage.21 If some individuals fall asleep earlier and some later, and most people are awake for an hour or two in the middle of the night, someone in the group is always up. That person can tend the fire and watch for danger. In fact, the waking hour was sometimes called the “sentinel” hour. According to Ekirch, it was often referred to as simply the “watch.”
Are You a Biphasic Sleeper, or Do You Have a Sleep Problem?
Waking up multiple times per night, such that you rarely feel truly rested, is a problem. However, we shouldn’t rush to pathologize a single nighttime waking. That might just be your natural sleep pattern. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’d be better off aiming for biphasic sleep either. Even if you wake reliably at the same time each night, sometimes a full bladder is just a full bladder.
The litmus test is how you feel. With a biphasic schedule, the intervening waking period should be pleasant. Your mind should feel calm and alert, if perhaps a bit dreamy. Anecdotally, many famous writers, artists, and sculptors have adhered to a biphasic schedule, believing that creativity and flow are enhanced during the mid-night hours.
Of course, you can’t tap into how you feel if waking is causing you a ton of angst. Remind yourself that waking can be normal, not dysfunctional. I know this can be easier said than done, especially if you’re sleep deprived. The thing about biphasic sleeping is that you’re still supposed to get the eight hours of nightly sleep you need, give or take. That means you have to spend nine or ten hours in bed. How many people do that nowadays?
See if you can commit to at least a couple weeks of sufficient time in bed. Push away your previous (mis)conceptions about what a “good” night of sleep is “supposed” to look like. Try to welcome rather than fight the mid-night waking. Be open to what comes next.
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The post Why Am I Waking Up at 3am? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Why Am I Waking Up at 3am? published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
Why Am I Waking Up at 3am?
Whenever I write about sleep, I hear from a chorus of people who struggle to sleep through the night. Anecdotally, it seems a far more common complaint than difficulty falling asleep in the first place.
These complaints are one of three types:
People who have trouble falling asleep
People who sleep fitfully, waking multiple times throughout the night
Those who reliably wake once, around the same time most nights
Understandably, this is a hugely vexing problem. Poor quality sleep is a serious health concern. Not to mention, sleeping badly feels simply awful. When the alarm goes off after a night of tossing and turning, the next day is sure to be a slog. String several days like that together, and it’s hard to function at all.
I’m going to go out on a limb, though, and assert that waking up in the middle of the night isn’t always the problem we make it out to be. For some people, nighttime wakings are actually something to embrace. As always, context is everything.
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What Causes You to Wake Up In the Middle of the Night?
One of the most frustrating things about nighttime waking is that there are so many possible causes. Sometimes the solution is as simple as practicing good sleep hygiene. Other times, medical help is in order. Still other times, the solution is something different entirely.
Transitioning to Lighter Sleep Stages
Sleep isn’t a uniform state of unconsciousness you slip into when it becomes dark and, theoretically, ride until morning. It’s a dynamic process that goes in waves—or more precisely, cycles—throughout the night.
There are four (or five, depending on how you slice it) stages of sleep:
Stage 1: light sleep, occurs right after falling asleep
Stage 2: deeper sleep
Slow-wave sleep (SWS): deepest sleep, a.k.a. Stage 3 and Stage 4 sleep
REM: lighter sleep where our more interesting dreams occur (although we can also dream in non-REM phases1)
A single sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes, during which you move from light sleep, through stage 2, into deep SWS, and back up to REM. Then down you go again, then back up, ideally at least four of five times per night.
Your sleep is also roughly broken into two phases over the course of a whole night. In the first half, you spend relatively more time in SWS. The second half is characterized by a higher proportion of REM sleep.
What does this have to do with nighttime waking?
One possible explanation is that as you transition into lighter sleep — either within a single sleep cycle, or as you move from the first to the second phase—aches, pains, and small annoyances are more likely to wake you up. These can include medical issues like chronic pain, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or GERD. Soreness from the day’s hard workout, noise or light from your environment, hunger, thirst, or being too hot or cold might rouse you from your slumber.
If you’re waking up multiple times at night, chances are that you’re experiencing physical discomfort that you’re not able to sleep through. Sometimes it’s obvious, but not always.
Was It Something You Ate Or Drank?
While individual studies have linked sleep quality to diet and macronutrient intake (high versus low carb, for example), they are mostly small and the results inconclusive.2 Still, you might be able to look at your diet and identify a likely culprit. For example, if your sleep problems started after going carnivore or adding intermittent fasting, that’s an obvious place to start.
A food log can help you spot patterns, such as whether eating certain foods at dinner tends to correlate with poorer sleep. Alcohol and caffeine are big sleep disruptors as well, though you surely know that.
If you’re frequently waking up to pee, you might be overhydrating, especially in the evening. More seriously, it can be a symptom of diabetes or bladder, prostate, kidney, adrenal, or heart problems. Getting up once or twice to pee probably isn’t cause for alarm. It’s worth seeing a doctor if you’re getting several times or urinating much more at night than during the day.
Melt your stress away with Adaptogenic Calm
What to Do About Nighttime Waking
First things first, pick the low-hanging fruit
I’m talking good sleep hygiene practices. Things like:
Sleep in a cool, dark, quiet room.
Minimize exposure to artificial lights after the sun sets. Use blue-light blocking glasses, and turn on night mode on your devices.
Watch your alcohol and caffeine consumption, especially later in the day.
Go to bed around the same time each night.
If applicable, experiment with your diet and food timing
Depending on your current diet, some experiments you might try include:
If you’re ultra-low-carb, try increasing your carb intake for a few weeks.
Try loading more of your carbs into your evening meal.
Make sure your protein intake isn’t too low.3
Try eating your last meal earlier if you’re waking up with indigestion, or later if you’re waking up hungry.
Try a teaspoon of raw honey before bed
One hypothesis is that you’re waking up in the middle of the night because your brain gets hungry for glucose eight hours after your last meal. The honey provides some carbs to get you through.
There’s no concrete evidence for honey as a sleep aid, but plenty of people swear by this remedy. I’m not sure it’s likely to be more effective than eating a serving of complex carbs at dinner. That said, even for low-carbers, I don’t think there’s any harm in trying.
I’ll note, though, that fasting studies don’t show a link to sleep disturbances.4 That calls the “starving brain” hypothesis into question, but I suspect there’s an important nuance here. Individuals who can comfortably do longer fasts are almost certainly also fat-adapted and, at least during the fast, producing ketones to fuel their brains. Metabolically, they’re in a very different place from a carb-dependent person who struggles to make it through the night.
Consider napping
If you’re unable to get enough high-quality sleep at night, you might prefer to adjust your sleep schedule entirely. Instead, aim for a shorter nighttime sleep period, say five or six hours, paired with an afternoon nap. This is another variant of biphasic sleeping.
Years ago, I wrote a post on how to conduct just this type of experiment. Check it out and see if it might work for you. It’s unconventional in this day and age, but I know people who thrive on this schedule.
Finally, don’t hesitate to seek medical help
Sleep issues are a symptom of many diverse health issues, including hyperthyroidism, anxiety, depression, and, as previously mentioned, diabetes, heart disease, and others. Your doctor may want to test you for sleep apnea.
The Case of Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a common cause of nighttime waking for women of a certain age. If you endure nighttime flashes, you’re probably familiar with the standard advice:
Sleep in a cool room
Use moisture-wicking pajamas and sheets
Try acupuncture or other mind-body therapies
Add supplements like folic acid, or herbs like black cohosh or chasteberry
Investigate hormone-replacement therapy
Unfortunately, as I’ve learned from my wife Carrie’s and many friends’ experiences, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. I do think acupuncture is a potentially helpful, underutilized tool. Mostly, though, it’s just a combo of trial-and-error plus time that seems to get most women through this phase.
Getting Back to Sleep
In the meantime, while you get to the root of the issue, here are some tips for getting back to sleep:
Take care of pressing needs. Get up and pee, get a drink of water, or adjust the thermostat. There’s no point in trying to power through the discomfort that woke you up in the first place. Just fix it.
Keep artificial lights and screens off. Use small nightlights to light your path to the bathroom if necessary, and wear your orange-tinted glasses.
Do a calm activity such as reading by candlelight, deep breathing exercises, or sketching or writing in your journal.
Most of all, don’t stress! Fretting is likely to keep you awake for much longer than simply accepting the fact that you are awake and lying peacefully in bed.
Are You Fighting Something You Should Be Embracing?
I’ve long believed that humans naturally tend to be biphasic sleepers. The idea that we should be passed out for a solid eight hours per night is a social construct not firmly rooted in our sleep biology.
Historian Roger Ekirch argues, rather convincingly I think, that before the advent of artificial light, humans across geographical locations and social strata slept in two chunks during the night. The first, usually just called “first sleep,” or sometimes “dead sleep,” comprised the first four or so hours. “Second sleep” went until dawn. In between, people would enjoy an hour, or perhaps two or three hours, of mid-night activities such as praying and meditating, reading and writing, having sex, and even visiting neighbors. This was seen as completely normal, even welcome.5
Anthropological evidence confirms that some modern-day hunter-gatherers around the world likewise engage in biphasic sleeping.6 Also, in one small experiment, seven adults lived in a controlled environment with 14 hours of darkness per night. Over the course of four weeks, their sleep and hormone secretions slowly and naturally became biphasic.7
Scholars argue that biphasic sleep confers an evolutionary advantage.8 If some individuals fall asleep earlier and some later, and most people are awake for an hour or two in the middle of the night, someone in the group is always up. That person can tend the fire and watch for danger. In fact, the waking hour was sometimes called the “sentinel” hour. According to Ekirch, it was often referred to as simply the “watch.”
Are You a Biphasic Sleeper, or Do You Have a Sleep Problem?
Waking up multiple times per night, such that you rarely feel truly rested, is a problem. However, we shouldn’t rush to pathologize a single nighttime waking. That might just be your natural sleep pattern. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’d be better off aiming for biphasic sleep either. Even if you wake reliably at the same time each night, sometimes a full bladder is just a full bladder.
The litmus test is how you feel. With a biphasic schedule, the intervening waking period should be pleasant. Your mind should feel calm and alert, if perhaps a bit dreamy. Anecdotally, many famous writers, artists, and sculptors have adhered to a biphasic schedule, believing that creativity and flow are enhanced during the mid-night hours.
Of course, you can’t tap into how you feel if waking is causing you a ton of angst. Remind yourself that waking can be normal, not dysfunctional. I know this can be easier said than done, especially if you’re sleep deprived. The thing about biphasic sleeping is that you’re still supposed to get the eight hours of nightly sleep you need, give or take. That means you have to spend nine or ten hours in bed. How many people do that nowadays?
See if you can commit to at least a couple weeks of sufficient time in bed. Push away your previous (mis)conceptions about what a “good” night of sleep is “supposed” to look like. Try to welcome rather than fight the mid-night waking. Be open to what comes next.
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The post Why Am I Waking Up at 3am? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Why Am I Waking Up at 3am? published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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mrsteveecook · 6 years
boss invited our whole office on a 10-day cruise, I had a disturbing dream about an employee, and more
It’s four answers to four questions. Here we go…
1. My boss invited our whole office on a 10-day cruise at his expense
I’m seven months into my first adult job after college. I work for a university doing outreach for the VP and AVP of university advancement.
On Monday, our VP (my boss’s boss) called us all into a meeting. He said he needed to “get the ladies’ opinion” on his gift for his wife’s birthday. He then loaded up a PowerPoint presentation (we were all chuckling at this point) in which he shared all about the 10-day cruise to Mexico he had planned for her. In the end, he told us all that he and his wife had discussed it, and that they’d decided they would love to invite the office along with them. This includes my two bosses and four (including me) administrative staff. We have until next Monday to make a decision. VP is going to pay out of pocket for all of us, but if we want to bring our spouses we need to pay $1,000.
I’m in shock. I don’t want to commit career suicide by saying no (especially because I’m hoping to move up here eventually). But it’s tough to consider paying that money for a vacation I didn’t plan when I should really be paying off my car or saving for a down payment on a home. Not to mention it will use up every hour of vacation time I’ve saved and then some — and I can’t afford unpaid time off! I don’t want to go without my fiance either, because I know all the other ladies will be bringing their husbands and I’m already by far the youngest employee. I also would hate to make him feel like I don’t appreciate such a generous invitation. On the flip side, I’m concerned about the professional boundaries of going on a 10-day vacation with all three of my bosses. I shared some of my concerns, about money and vacation time, and VP said that he would “gift” me his extra vacation time and not to worry about the money and we could work something out. This is vague and makes me kind of uncomfortable.
Is this normal?? What do I do?? Can I tactfully say “no thank you” without it offending him? Or should I start saving? VP is an incredibly kind, hard-working, and generous man but I’m so early in my career, my fiance and I both are still paying off our debts from school, and this is tough to think about doing because it certainly means putting off any personal plans we had for the winter.
This is not normal. It is very, very unusual. (And that’s saying nothing of the idea of inviting all your employees on your spouse’s birthday cruise. I would be consulting a divorce lawyer if I were his wife, but apparently she’s enthused?)
Normally I’d say to explain you can’t afford it or need to save your vacation days for something else, but you’ve tried that and it sounds like he’s finding ways to negate both of those. You’re going to have to use a reason that he can’t offer to “fix.” I’d say that it’s a very generous offer and you really appreciate it, but you’ve realized you have an unbreakable commitment during the dates of the cruise, like a big family event that you’d never be forgiven for missing. (Make sure the dates are locked in before you say this; otherwise there’s a risk that he’ll try to find other dates.) Alternately you could say that there’s no way your fiance can get the time off work and you wouldn’t want to go without him, but that opens up the door to him pressuring you to go on your own.
2. Should I take another promotion without a raise?
I have been working at a small nonprofit (~150 employees) for the past four years. About two years in, I was promoted to a manager position, which gave me a new job title, but did not come with a salary increase. Since then, my company has not given annual raises, but has instead given end-of-the-year stipends as a bonus, so my salary is still – 4 years later – at the coordinator level.
My boss turned 65 this year and will be retiring soon. I have previously been told by upper management that I am part of the succession plan: when my boss retires (who is at the director level), I am slated to get her job. I am worried that there will be no pay raise again when they offer me this new position, as we were informed that managers will not be getting raises this year.
When I was promoted to the manager level I did get new benefits: namely, more paid time off. When I move up to the director level, the benefits are the same but the responsibilities increase exponentially. I am a high performer and am regularly chosen to do special projects by the CEO. My annual performance reviews are consistently outstanding.
Do I take the promotion (and the title) with no raise? I love my job, but I am starting to feel like they are taking advantage of me.
They are taking advantage of you. It’s one thing to temporarily freeze salaries; that’s sometimes a thing that happens. But having your salary frozen within the pay range for the job you’re doing is different than being hired into a new job and still paid in the salary range for the older, lower position.
Think of it this way: If they hired an outside candidate rather than promoting you, they’d have to pay a reasonable market rate for the position, right? They couldn’t say to this outside candidate, “Oh, we have a salary freeze so we’re going to pay you a coordinator’s salary for a manager’s job.” That would be ridiculous, right? But they’ve already done that to you once. Do not let them do it a second time.
3. Should I tell an employee I had a dream predicting his death?
I know this is a bizarre question. I just woke up from an incredibly vivid dream in which a fortune teller told me that one of my favorite/best employees was going to die on September 25, 2024. I’m not sure I even believe in psychic dreams, but it felt so vivid and certain that, were this just a friend or someone I worked closely with, I would tell them about my dream. But when I consider telling my employee about it, I just kind of imagine the letter that they could write you from their perspective: “Dear Alison, did my boss just low-key threaten my life?”
I shouldn’t tell my employee, right? I do actually kind of want to warn him.
PS: I promise to update on September 26, 2024 and let you know what’s up.
Do not tell your employee. I’m not sure you should tell anyone if you have this kind of dream about them, but definitely not in a business relationship.
There are really only three outcomes here: (1) He thinks this is very bizarre and feels uncomfortable that you decided to relay this to him. (2) He’s freaked out but can’t actually do anything about it. If it’s a real prophecy, he can’t avoid it, right? At least that was the lesson I learned from Sleeping Beauty and the spinning wheel. (3) He thinks it’s silly, but is mildly bothered by having it in his head and is annoyed you felt you needed to share this with him.
None of those outcomes are good. There’s nothing actionable here for anyone. Shake off the dream and move on!
4. Do you need to write a cover letter when contacting a recruiter?
I’m currently looking for work for the first time in 10 years, and I’ve found that a lot of the jobs I’m interested in are posted online by recruiters. In most cases the job posting says something like, “To apply for this position email your resume to [recruiter name] at [email].”
In these cases, should I still send a cover letter along with my resume, even though I’ve not been asked for one? I’ve read advice before that said to always send a cover letter with your resume if possible.
In general, you should always send a cover letter even if it’s not specifically requested, because a good cover letter can bump your application up. (Note that’s only true if it’s a good cover letter. If it just summarizes your resume, which is what 90% of them do, it doesn’t add much.) That said, it’s definitely true that, on average, recruiters tend to care about cover letters less than hiring managers. But that’s on average; there’s individual variation on both sides. And since you don’t know specifically who you’re dealing with, it makes sense to include a cover letter if you want the best shot at the job.
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fielding complaints from an employee’s husband, bringing gifts back from vacation for coworkers, and more
boss invited our whole office on a 10-day cruise, I had a disturbing dream about an employee, and more was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager.
from Ask a Manager https://ift.tt/2PBxunB
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Trove Cheat
{Without having to the real Alamo in Dallas, clearly, but the specific I built in a cleft around two eco-cheerful hillsides as well as annoying hovering pests what size Paul Reubens pestered me. Deserts cave in to motherboardy countryside straight from Tron, tundra offers method to receptive seas which you could fish or guide a spead boat, in order for just as in Minecraft, nearly every small amount of it can be collected and useful for designing. |{On That's not simply a problem, although presuming you've bought additional training also with capital or maybe in-level code currency exchange, you may transition around categories directly (even though, just as in Overall Imagination XIV, you will have to level it singularly). 50 Percent of energy, I didn't can recall the chitchat home window to be there, regardless that you may register online for a few teams, getting started with them is frequently just a issue of looking forward to a person to mention receptive invites in chitchat. I recall as i could relax and watch an entire episode of Louie just before to the whole process of busting hinders, which only predetermined being a few days before. That's the benefit of the non reusable-to-play the game system, clearly. Is Trove Redeem Code Free the particular kind of MMOG that Permit me to throw away component of on a daily basis in? No. More and more to the stage although, I acquired upon the guide which had been developed. dreamed of be a great deal for a longer time. |detailed Unfortunately the UI is quite limited. It's so highly refined in truth that Trion could easily mention the Unfortunately, there would certainly are available a location when competitors problem why they even so play the game. keep on? For the informal competitor although farmville could easily keep these things pre occupied for the lengthy time. Trove Redeem Code Free is actually a particular feel like little bit different. I will not let you be looking: the response is “free, dramatically-multi-competitor Minecraft that you can reach attack far more gadgets and they are relentlessly showered with achievements.” Trove Redeem Code Free is rather undoubtedly meant to be catnip to young children: pretty much everything oh-so-rather simple collaborative freeform creating, combined with near-easy spider-bashing any time you desire it, a simplified Amazing-like objective system and categories, together with a relentlessly increased choice of silly caps to get and place on. Want want want, gimme gimme gimme, never ever depart that hamster wheel. |Easily, revealed hosts, especially the styles packed with mods and texture and consistancy features, really are a special event wholly, but played single it’s so incredibly lonesome. developing beyond If Minecraft is showing us enjoying a bottomless carton of unforgettable Lego bricks, Trove Redeem Code Free gives a likewise limitless bath tub of minifig limbs and caps and rayguns and dragon wings. Trove Redeem Code Free gives a heck around the great deal free of charge, then when that it was not to make the get started in-of-level code selection so laden with screamy marketing and advertising messages and keep hyperlinks that it must be pretty much crippling You may also complete the work in public places, in the objective areas by which at the same time competitors and monsters go, or put in place a golf club of and permit associates, or even be the sole member. It is a game title for kids, in fact it is a game title meant to eke money from kids (or at most excellent their mother and father). guided from the Numerous them have dialogue which can be specific little bit extremely young child-specific in doing my flavour (considering the fact that numerous them tend to be specifically guided at young children than the others) but it’s regularly advantageous for anyone vitamins and nutrients. This 100 % “adult” shtick may perhaps be relatively mindless and immature. There's 2 kinds of demonstrate to listed here: 1) Suggests that have been intended for an in excess of-all target market, mostly with rather simple gadgets to satisfy young children, and professional underlayers/meta humour etcetera. |I can not help you but experience the article am undesirable as being the level code styles the manner in which it can. Trove Redeem Code Free, You will see, that’s a turn off personally, when dealing with having fun with this becoming an grownup. It is simple do at the same time - paradise hasn't decreased, my pal. It is an actual disgrace that ‘childish’ work extremely well shorthand for ‘shallow and trite’. Moisture under the fill, I suppose: when future, Trion? I’m accustomed to clients checking pretty much every voxel level code ever previously to minecraft, yet still i did not expect noticing A large number of side by side comparisons within a single reviewed :O Get you even think about particular part of the level code devoid of directly checking it to such like? You have some amazing resources in your article knowning that i agree with a great many items, even though For me personally, i believe that it is enormously frustrating to ascertain if we have a distinction to Minecraft or maybe Amazing pretty much every 2 sentences. unimaginable to In order this video game has leveling and quests and Amazing does extremely, its an identical level code? Thats silly! Let's say i reported Long Way Aside and Hearthstone are the same given that they have bow and arrows? Let's say i reported Cod is similar to Trove Redeem Code Free as it has guns? In fact severely I unquestionably preferred the section on Minecraft, it can make me would need to see additional RPS article take into account the vanilla particular-competitor tactical mode, as i sensed likewise continue I played it. Similar approach Alec has found in a wide range of his comments. Indeed, it can be frustrating when pretty much every voxel level code is when compared with Minecraft, or when pretty much every MMO is when compared with Incredible. this young child isn't a critic, he is just a hater proclaiming his opinion that is not going to know exactly what Voxelization is -.- If this type of appears like an evaluation now, then I'll turn into critic soon extremely, reason this mindless young child does not even take part in the level code ideal, not forgetting know about words to be a reliable level code critic, he just areas his opinion, which you'll NEVER do inside a reviewed, unless of course |“he just areas his opinion, which you'll NEVER do inside a reviewed, unless of course you say so…” This is actually the 100 % opposite of the reviewed. The wrecked the average Rift and wrecked one of the best MMO’s to generally be made available inside a lengthy time, ArcheAge. Trove Redeem Code Free worlds will likely at the outset be populated when they’re generated, however, if you only place in there lengthy an adequate amount of they clear out and also you really have that less noisy, Minecraft form feel. Trove Redeem Code Free is rather significant and lacks an abundance of depth at the start. about it's without charge. I personally He’s proclaiming in which the sports is cynically and blatantly meant to subconsciously get small children and them shelling out (or attempting to throw away) their parents’ money. He reported that it must be enterprise pattern was relatively wretched, which can be a fact. “Also, I’m browsing forwards towards the day when you have young children and reveal They’re not implying that you ought to spend some money or put it off 6 hrs for a little something to undertake. It is different. |Look at it similar to a without charge level code. more comfortable with it. categorization to center. Constructing, digging, and looking at requested upon the altogether new sizing when competitors noticed the planet with the vision around the avatars.” -Source: connect to cabled.com you necessarily suggest precisely the same young children that happily feel confidential MC hosts with “donations” for quite a few modded OP weaponry? Indeed, simply. I recieve it tho, Uber 6 Shadow Industry and gadgets is probably waaaay too very hard for you personally. Getting in touch with it Minecraft… I even so cant think how retarded that's -.- Steady with the normal concept around the (extraordinary) article, I personally don't like my self for bothering to response. you have never ever Will it unquestionably mean much that “Metal Killing Wand 1” isn't in truth termed an attack rifle yet still a submachine pistol? It's wholly losing the point. plus i am not big on Minecraft. It is reliable that you have checked out it, knowning that i could truthfully be first-class using this type of to generally be the next policy coverage from that on RPS. They’re these kinds of impenetrable specific niche that, to any individual not within the world, the in-depth posts look like gobbledygook. |Incredibly well, Internet marketing sorry yet still i disagree using this type of article. end from that. # 1 may perhaps be, for me, the “visceral” Shotgun element of the new logo. I believe the problem is that Grand adventure Capitalist is mostly a reasonably ‘good’ nonproductive level code, although Trove Redeem Code Free is mostly a reasonably harmful MMO/Minecraftbut. individually Needless to say young children as if it. It is a fantastic MMO to see with your young children, it performs well, the sport play the game loop is rock solid and exciting. |sorry m8, posts (the things you wanna think of it as) that starts off with “I do not such as visuals”, then procedes to “I only option added details adult level aimbots for adult clients like my self - minecraft solo” and after that finishes with ways to get significant gadgets erroneous (you receive I focus on it considering the fact that Cube Scene is within just limbo. will likely on top of that The MMO component may perhaps be trying at periods, included in the number of host difficulties they’ve suffered ever since discharging on Heavy steam not too long ago towards the chitchat useless e-email and also other frustrating behaviors are living competitor interplay will result in by using it. This game’s community is filled with young children, since you can easily recognize and uncomplicated to become involved in, yet still this does not necessarily suggest, that it's suitable for young children or that it's a ‘kids game’! I really like performing RPGs, yet still i can not stand up RPGs, for which you can not honestly develop swift, as you have to do quests and Have to do raids and gadgets (such as Amazing) to possess from the maximum level! And I’m only a fraction of the specific. Gratify take part in the level code in the right manner at the same time experiment with mods with the use of our modloader (that you just Definitely dismissed) when you judge reasonably early. While i do embrace numerous what you reported. disagree while using suggestions to minecraft. The starter support that everyone could get, and after that every other support in the comprehensive level code. Through the use of collecting countless biome-tailored products and solutions together with a number of more prevalent products and solutions, you can cause a biome-tailored consumable that when ever made use of upon the shoreline around the recent golf club global biome, will sprout a brand new, at random developed extend of ground of such a biome. Organization worlds have some cool main features, like for example tossing events that make it possible for any individual to search in using a hub global yet still your golf club global is principally a spot for your teams to pay serious amounts of organize creative mode on for the touch. |a good The money shop is rather truthful, supplying services like for example mounts, successful cardboard boxes, along with the approach to pay for wings, hinders, and also other categories. Burrow the total cornestone out, or incredible electronic device it, before you decide to enjoy groundwork ( the unbreakable part in the world). This is certainly all that you should reduce when Pinata Intruders spawn, but by the end you can include a Renovation Station to re-fill your flasks, someone chest area and Loot Collector to handle loot, together with a Buying and selling Submit to industry your goodies. Sessions Dimly lit party Should you really find real truth, justice, together with a finely chiseled mouth, unsheathe your sword similar to a stalwart Dimly lit party. a lot faster, and capturing you can forget about slows down you. Consider and start making the right path because of absolutely buildabledestructible worlds the place that the future finding is probably neighboring, under the work surface, or far better the designing table. All develop from Open up Beta may also bear within the completely full level code when Trove Redeem Code Free officially product launches for Playstation 4 and Xbox A person. The potential scarcity of story does absolutely nothing to injure the sport as a whole, but when merely the builders will often have added a For anyone who is someone that enjoys searching for new loot, you'll actually feel at home. |{You will see a great many biomes in the in excess of-global, every single with the use of their own unique actually feel, peek and might seem. When I reported although, in counteract, the control buttons are relatively easy and reactive. The aims it offers an exceptional may perhaps be frustratingly inexplicable then when you 100 % specific reasonably early, you have to do it ever again. {}In case you have never ever played the Shovel Dimly lit party selection right before, we'll temporarily break minimize factors to expect. Your very small Shovel mate will fly about, greedily attempting to get Shovel Dimly lit party actually is extraordinary, but bundling these 3 chapters all together, integrating new operation, improves the charm of a typical prior to this tremendously convincing pack. It's almost everything you desire through your MMO the very best of this from it might be in which the level code is generated in a fashion that although it has counteract it is designed for every person! In the past I get started in my reviewed definitely what Trove Redeem Code Free is generally. the There's also teams which you could settle back with your clan and do quests all together. It has Two Training Tokens (no-tradable), two Flask Tokens (no-tradable), Blaze Wings, 3 Pearls of Knowledge, 2000 of each and every Primal Prohibit, Trovian Supercycle ,Trove Redeem Code Free Topper ,S.S. creative competitors and people who find a mission containing loot and counteract. The things they have assemble is really a solution motions-RPGbuilding tool. were able to get.
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