#as wild rabbits and other critters walk about
hyliascommonwealth · 1 year
What's everyone's favorite creature?
That Depends on if you mean by “Creature” haha! We’ll be broad on this answer and give one from the commonwealth and one from the world surrounding them!
Uli has a huge weakness for Horses, he loves to sit in the grass and watch them roam, most of the wild Hylian horses recognize him as the “Hylian who brings us free apples!” Aside from being terrified of monsters he actually finds Lizalfos terribly interesting to watch from a distance, he has several sketch books full of scribblings about Lizalfos. As for Creatures of the wider world, Uli loves Blue whales and Beluga whales, they are some of his favorites to learn about, and see if he decides on taking a ship to other parts of the world. Though it isn’t often as he gets horribly sea sick.
Nabora LOVES Sand Seals, they are her favorite Gerudo Desert Native Creature she interacts with Daily, though she can approach them in the wild without them fleeing immediately, she much prefers to watch them roam uninterrupted.The world has many Mythological creatures that she finds endlessly interesting, and when she has access to the Internet she is quite swiftly down a Rabbit Hole of Creatures in the regions she visits. She simply cannot Choose one! As for animals she was in love immediately when she learned that there was a snowy equivalent to her Sand Seals, she loves Walruses and really developed a love for Elephants.
Vallo likes most any Bird, He isn’t all that picky, Song Birds, Herons, He’s always a fan of the Hawks native to Hyrule, this carries over to the outside world as well, Secretary Birds, Penguins, Ostriches, he really enjoys watching any bird he can see and will gladly travel to see them in the wild if he can.
Viri loves Gorillas, he thinks they are absolutely the BEST animals outside of Hyrule. Any Ape or Monkey is absolutely tops on his list of creatures. The now critically endangered Faron Woodland Monkeys are some of his most beloved, but they haven’t been observed in the wild in Generations.
Rika has a real soft spot for Sea Lions and Seals in general, they have such fun personalities and behaviors that watching them sun bathe on the Glass Beach gives so much free serotonin. She’s also developed quite an interest in Griaffes and Cheetahs.
Tuto Loves the little Fireproof Lizards that skitter about Death mountain, and has an interest in Dragons, but still remembers a time when he was young when a Dragon would eat Gorons.
Idli has more of an interest in Bugs than most critters, she loves bees and Dragonflies, Watching she has a tank of Snails in her home that she maintains Meticulously because she loves them so much, they are all named.
Rutelia doesn’t think much about creatures though she likes the sounds of Ducks in the area, their silly little walks and funny noises make her want to hold them and listen to that noise all the time. The first time she encountered a swan though was really traumatic.
Cirrus loves The Skyloftian Loftwings, but also has at least three Remlits, though the first time he saw a wild hare on the surface he was deeply intrigued by them, and then he discovered that Hares and Rabbits are a whole separate thing, and he’s been fascinated for years.
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honeytapioca · 1 year
Sooo there’s this one audio that I feel fits my wol and Zenos soooo…Zenos/wol fic below hehehehe
🌾Do you think I’m spooky?🌾
Smoke bellowed out of the kiseru, the night air catching it and carrying it along its course. Abigail watched the smoke dance on the wind, lifting the pipe to her mouth once more, inhaling and puffing out backend fog.
She stood, looking out at sharlayan from the inn room’s balcony. With the final days averted, it was quiet, the city lay dormant. All was still in the room. By the wall, a hearth filled the room with dry heat, and the crackle of firewood rumbled against the whining of the wind outside. A small rabbit lay in the middle of the room, sleeping contently, its back rising and falling in a rhythm.
There was a bang at the door. It was loud enough to startle the sleeping rabbit, there was a spike in its gentle breathing pattern as it awoke, frightened. It scurried under the bed, its ears pinned against the back of its head. Abigail noticed both the interruption to her silence, and the sudden thumping of paws on carpet. She sighed, walking in front of the bed and bending down. She extended a hand to the rabbit.
“Come now, sweet thing.” She whispered. The rabbit stared up at the miqo’te. It eyed her nervously, then hesitantly crawled out from under the bed. Abigail gently picked up the small critter, cradling it in her arms as she stood.
There was another knock, this time less hurried than the first. She rolled her eyes, moving to the door, rabbit in hand. She unlatched the lock and pulled the door open, peeking into the hallway. She was met with a tall figure, blonde locks sprawled over their shoulders.
“Ah, welcome back my dearest prince.” She smiled, her lidded eyes opening slightly. The rabbit in her arms was less pleased than the miqo’te, it glared at Zenos, snuggling impossibly closer to Abigail's chest. Zenos took notice of the small critter's gesture, his eyes flickering from it, then to the woman’s gaze.
“Back so soon from the hunt?” She questioned, walking back into the room as the prince followed, closing the door behind her companion. He grunted in response, placing his scythe next to the entrance and plopping down on the bed.
“How was it then?” She questioned, hand stroking the rabbit’s head as she stood in front of Zenos.
“It was, equally tedious. The prey was far less captivating than you. The beasts of the wild are…meaningless.” He grumbled out, crossing his legs as he sat, arms fooled against his chest. She hummed, continuing to pet the rabbit in her arms, gently sitting down next to himself, the bed dipping slightly to accommodate for the extra weight. She extended her arms, leaning down to place the rabbit onto the ground beneath them.
She looked up at him, his light blue eyes boring into her golden. She tilted her head, lifting a hand to his cheek, brushing over a fresh wound with her thumb. He flinched slightly at her touch, but remained still, allowing her to do so.
“What happened? You’re hurt, my dear.”
“It's but a scratch.” He mumbled, avoiding her worried stare.
“Zenos…” She trailed off. He huffed out, withdrawing his face from her hand and laying down on their bed. She turned, her legs folding into a crossed position as she faced him. Her hands entangled within his hair, scratching his scalp with her clawed fingers. He sighed, closing his eyes. She was about the only being allowed to see such behavior from himself.
“The others attempted to strike me.”
“The other men?”
He nodded, eyes still closed.
“You know their view of you. They feel your ferocity, your methods, your decisions…They feel you’re-.”
“A monster?” He interrupted, a grin on his face. “Do you think I’m a monster? A beast, my warrior?” He turned his head to face the miqo’te when her hands pulled away from his golden strands. Abigail hummed. “I have no reason to fear you, prince.” She smiled. “One wrong move and you’re as good as dead.Why should I fear you when it was I who spared you?”
He chuckled. “I suppose I should fear you then. Such a bold statement from a hero.”
“Yes. I suppose so.” Abigail layed next to Zenos, curling into his chest, a hand placed once more at his cheek.
“Beides.” She mumbles lazily. “I wouldn’t kill you. You know this.”
He smirked in response, arms encasing her small frame within his own.
“Perhaps you shouldn’t be so hesitant. Some monsters need slaying.” Abigail sighed, her eyelids fluttering open to catch a glance of his baby blue. A soft smile splayed across her lips.
“I only kill monsters that deserve it.”
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Assiniboine Forest: Exploring Nature's Wilderness
Discover the untamed beauty of Assiniboine Forest, a true haven for nature enthusiasts seeking a peaceful retreat within the heart of Winnipeg, Manitoba. This urban forest stands as a testament to the importance of preserving green spaces amidst urban landscapes. Whether you're an avid hiker, a birdwatcher, or simply someone looking to reconnect with nature, Assiniboine Forest offers a rich tapestry of natural wonders waiting to be explored.
1. Nature's Abundant Greenery
A Verdant Paradise: Assiniboine Forest is a lush oasis boasting a diverse range of plant species. The forest canopy creates a soothing ambiance, making it an ideal escape for a leisurely stroll or a more challenging hike.
2. Trails for Every Adventurer
Hiking and Walking Trails: The forest features well-maintained trails suitable for all levels of hikers. From short, family-friendly walks to longer, more adventurous hikes, there's a trail for everyone to enjoy.
Biking and Jogging Paths: Cyclists and joggers will appreciate the designated biking and jogging paths that wind through the forest, providing a blend of fitness and natural beauty.
3. Birdwatcher's Paradise
Diverse Avian Species: Birdwatchers will delight in the myriad of bird species that call Assiniboine Forest home. From songbirds to raptors, the forest is alive with the melodies and sights of these feathered residents.
4. Wildlife Encounters
A Glimpse of Wildlife: Keep a keen eye out for glimpses of wildlife during your visit. Squirrels, rabbits, and various other critters add to the charm of this natural paradise.
5. Photographer's Dream
Nature Photography: Capture the beauty of the forest through your lens. The play of light and shadow, the vibrant hues of leaves, and the overall natural aesthetics make for stunning photography.
6. Nature Education and Conservation
Educational Programs: The forest often hosts educational programs, workshops, and guided tours, allowing visitors to learn about the importance of conservation and environmental preservation.
Conservation Efforts: Gain insights into the ongoing conservation efforts and the significance of protecting urban green spaces for future generations.
7. Plan Your Visit
Visitor Information: Plan your trip by gathering essential information about the forest, including hours of operation, parking details, and any necessary permits or fees.
Responsible Enjoyment: Remember to follow the park guidelines, practicing responsible and respectful enjoyment of the forest to ensure its preservation for years to come.
Assiniboine Forest invites you to step into a world of natural wonders. Whether you seek adventure, tranquility, or a deeper connection with nature, this forest offers a unique and enriching experience. Come and explore the beauty of Assiniboine Forest, where the wonders of the wild await your discovery.
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make-mine-movie · 11 months
Bambi (1942)
Bambi is the last film of the Golden Age of Walt Disney animated productions. It was released in 1942, and has since received a 91% rating from Rotten Tomatoes. It is also the first Disney movie to feature no human characters in the cast.
Bambi is a masterfully created movie with beautiful scenery, animation, and plot. The backgrounds are very well-designed, featuring multiple seasons and landscapes. Additionally, as is well known, the animators worked with actual deer in order to study their anatomy, something that becomes quite obvious in the film. The deer are well-designed and well-animated, their movement graceful for a majority of the movie, and appropriately clumsy on occasion. As for the story, the length of the film may be short, but by narrating season by season, the writers manage to convey a whole year of information into just over an hour. Another highlight of the artwork are the brief abstract scenes, such as the deer frolicking through the meadow, and Bambi fighting with another buck over Faline, in which the emotions present are portrayed through color rather than dialogue, an exceptionally impressive feat. Another wonderful aspect of this movie is the music, which also heightens the emotions of the audience, shifting how we feel and pushing the story further along. I only have one grievance with Bambi, which is a problem I have been calling “girl Thumper,” although her real name is Miss Bunny. As previously mentioned in the summary, Bambi features a scene in which the protagonist and his two friends pair off with female characters, symbolic of them growing older. While this is fine, beyond Faline, Disney designed the other female love interests as exceptionally feminized versions of their male counterparts. This is less obvious in terms of Flower’s mate, so I predominantly disregard her in my criticism. However, when it comes to Thumper’s partner, she presents secondary-sex characteristics and gender roles typically prescribed to women. The fur tufts on the front of her body are exaggerated and rounded out to mimic boobs, and she very obviously has blush on her facial fur. The worst part is that Bambi features a normal-looking female rabbit, Thumper’s mom Mrs. Hare, which means the reason Miss Bunny looks so oddly feminine is strictly for the purpose of sexualising her so Thumper finds her attractive.
In conclusion, Bambi is a fantastic movie with a multitude of positive attributes including, but not limited to, its animation, art style, background artwork, music, storyline, and creative liberties. Overall, Bambi receives 9 out of 10 stars from me, a marvelous, near-perfect score. Two points were initially deducted due to the uncomfortable portrayal of female side characters as well as the fact the movie does not pass the Bechdel Test. However, for the wonderful music it has since regained a point, making it not only a near-perfect film, but also the best movie in the Golden Age.
Summary of the film under the cut.
Bambi opens with a large number of wild animals native to North America running about the forest, announcing the birth of a “new prince.” This scene later pans to the aforementioned prince, a fawn named Bambi, lying with his mother as his father looks on from a nearby rock. Everyone is exceptionally excited to be in the presence of the small deer and watch him as he ages. First he starts walking, then learns to talk, similar to the progression of a young human. He befriends a local bunny named Thumper, who helps him learn to speak by pointing out random forest objects (starting with birds, then a butterfly, and some flowers). While walking about in a patch of flowers he also meets a young skunk who goes by the same name, Flower. Another scene relevant to Bambi’s progression into teenage-, and later, adulthood, is when he visits the meadow with his mother. The meadow is an important location in the film, providing the deer and other critters with a beautiful open space to frolic and eat, but also a multitude of dangers due to the lack of coverage. Bambi’s mother, who is unnamed, introduces him to the meadow after she determines it is safe. Bambi runs around, exploring the scenery while his mother grazes. He runs into another fawn by the name of Faline, who chases them back towards a small bluff. Their mothers introduce them to one another, but Bambi is still skeptical of his new friendship. However, the duo wander off together, observing the other deer in the meadow, one of which is Bambi’s father. Bambi’s father is the “Great Prince of the Forest,” a deer who commands a lot of respect, which is demonstrated in this scene. There are some sequences in which the seasons change, showing Bambi and his mother eating tree bark to sustain themselves during the winter. They become exceptionally happy when the beginnings of spring show in the meadow, a small patch of juicy grass sitting in the open. Halfway through their meal, Bambi’s mother becomes concerned about their surroundings. She tells Bambi to run back to the thicket, in which he succeeds, but she does not make it; gunshots can be heard in the background and Bambi’s mother is killed by a hunter. The Great Prince of the Forest finds Bambi and tells him that his mother is gone. It is implied that he raises his son on his own for the remainder of his childhood. Bambi returns to part of the forest he was raised in when he gets older, obviously more independent and mature, but still new to the world around him. He talks to Friend Owl, and mid-discussion reunites with Thumper and Flower. Friend Owl advises the trio that at their age they are susceptible to falling in love, which they deny. They begin to take a walk through the woods, one by one becoming attracted to another one of their species and pairing off. First Flower encounters a female skunk, then Thumper finds another rabbit, and finally Bambi reunites with Faline. After catching up with Faline, Bambi runs into another buck who becomes defensive over her. The two of them fight in a series of flashing lights before Bambi knocks the other off a ledge, victorious. He then pairs up with Faline, a romantic time lapse observed between them. One morning Bambi leaves Faline alone, drawn away by an unfamiliar smell. He sees several tents surrounding a campfire, which his father also notices. The Great Prince of Forest comments on the great influx of men in the forest. The following scene shows a myriad of animals running for their lives, being shot, and the campfire spreading. Faline is chased by a group of hunting dogs, which Bambi fends off, allowing her to escape. He gets shot in his escape, falling on the ground. The Great Prince of the Forest insists he gets up, encouraging him to join the other animals on a small island considered safe from the fire. After the chaos ends, the forest is shown in ruin but gradually regrowing. Bambi and Faline have both aged, having two fawns of their own, and Bambi joining his father as one of the most respected deer in the forest.
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mountains-moving-91 · 2 years
Find Motivation N-UR-H8TRS
I spent a majority of my life putting myself in terrible situations, which always left ruble within my destruction. Over and over, I would do that - BUT - I would always find a way to put the pieces back together and move along, no matter how slowly. When things got dark in my previous life, the pouring rain was more often than not due to my personal bad life choices. Soft rewind...What’s up with that saying…you know the one - “When it rains, it pours” - anyways? It sure does feel like it almost always, and whole heartedly, stands true for those that cannot afford the emotional-or-financial set back. 
Now, super-the-charge-& rewind together, and with me. Let’ take this back to the divorce timeline…VERY beginning-ish (side-note: from beginning to end, my divorce took over 1 year & we were only married for a little over a year.). One of my MAIN #problems in #life tends to be that ima very independent person with a big mouth and a need to constantly provide more than helpful info to those that may not necessarily need/want to hear it. As you may guess, that wasn’t_and_isn’t good for any relationship, yet alone a marriage - which is also a big part of why it ended 1 year in. Let’s think bigger here…the point is - some things will always fall apart. And some things fall apart at the exact same time. And sometimes it becomes too much for one person to bare-by-themselves. 
This is where the carpenter ants come in. And you guys - I have to point out a few little but weirdly cool things (hindsight 20-20 sit-i-ations) about these bugs. First, they look like mini-and-baby wasps, only without wings. That is actually how I found out what they were. I looked that description up on google and was able to have other people actually determine exactly what kind of bug I had sitting right in my kitchen…oh and if you own a home and you don’t know what those little critters are, you should go to google yourself and look them up. If you don’t own a home - you should be cool. Basically, think termites - only difference is that they don’t eat the wood, they just build their fucking home with their whole damn colony within it...
Long story short - they are NOT a thing (one or two) that you want…oh wait - we aren’t there yet. 
Second, they all have different roles. They being the carpenter ants. And depending on their “role”, they are different sizes. THEY even have carpenter fucking bees. Anyways, the little basic-but-bigger-than-average-sized ones are basically just GIANT ants that are “solider” ants…they come in from the Trees/Wild/Outside area to find food. If they find a solid_f-ing_location, they all start moving in. With their aunts & uncles, too. Now think Bugs Life and Disney princesses..I had 2 (that is 1+1=2) coming out of the area under the sink when I made my first call to Orkin Pest Control. 
Third, they have a “Queen”. And if danger comes, all the “lesser-than” ants all swarm her. No joke you guys… They even have a “FAKE-Queen” to use as a decoy. - At least per the Orkin Pest Control head-rabbit-guy. 
Super interesting…but it took over $3k trying to save my home - my biggest and most solid asset - from bugs that were  tryn to live within my space - before I walked into the kitchen (with my boys behind me) only to find what seemed liked millions of GIANT WASP LOOK-n-LIKE W/O WINGS Carpenter Ants crawling all over my kitchen. While I totally flipped and ended up standing on a chair screaming, my 4 (@ the time) rushed in to save the day. He told me not to worry about it and that he would “KILL THE ANTS” with his big and mighty-ass self. Eventually he realized the reason I was standing on a chair and advised that maybe we should call “PAPA” instead. .Long story short - Solid scam gone wrong and the higher-ups had to come running. This was right after the washing machine wouldn’t drain, and then the dryer broke, and then the dish-washer turned on but completely stopped running and all of a sudden we were living off paper plates and a-quarter-to-nothing left of my sanity. 
Within that time, and that break, I found that sometimes the solid break brings you back down to reality. Sometimes, who you needed to show up long before you realized it, actually shows up, and you don’t even know it. Some people walk proudly as a decoy. And some people have a little bump-behind-their-walk because they are true-good-ones, just raised a lil differently. And to be clear, sometimes, that means that you have your own back. And only you. That’s the thing with life. What might break you today, might actually build you for another-day-kinda-war. Try to find the beautiful in the broken. And if you can’t; fix at least a portion of what you feel is broken. But always, and fore-very-fucking-most, start with your damn self FIRST. 
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haneys · 3 years
well. I think that's enough for one day. im gonna go and nap at the train tracks
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Linked Universe: Our Nightly Confidant 1
Wind From Home
Twilight considers himself a simple man. A farmer at heart, even if he has the hands of a hero. He's grown in a small village, where everyone knows everything about everyone else. Community is a sense that's been cultivated in him as well as pumpkins on a sky island (whatever that saying means).
He loves his brothers and his sort of dad. This quest... he doesn't want to say it's a blessing. It isn't. The monsters threaten many. Their group hasn't always saved everyone. It's no blessing that hurts so many. But he can't help rejoice the opportunity to meet so many heroes. To find his place in the legacy of the Hero of Courage.
As a Hylian from a human village, he's never worried about his place, but he does find peace in belonging to a group with no such innate distance.
He's one of the oldests, weird as that is. Most of the group are like little siblings to him. Weird, insane and irreverent little shits that give him grey hair. No, he's not thinking exclusively about Wild (Wild's a special case). He's attuned to their moods.
Four asked if he had a special sense for this, the second time he'd done it. A 'special' sense, he had insisted in the middle of their training camp, meaning wolf senses. No. Twilight doesn't feel one side of him bleeds into the other. It's not like that.
It's not what makes his eyes trail after Wind today. His youngest brother (barely losing to Colin by a season) is currently laughing his ass off on a tree stump over Warriors tripping on Legend's items. It is denied, not very convincingly, that the items weren't left there on purpose. Little shits, he's telling you.
The truth is more down to earth, the way Twilight likes it. Dogs train themselves to recognize hylian expressions. They know what sadness and joy and anger look like all too well. They know when to cheer their big two-legged friends. And a wolf? Well, a wolf better learn fast the difference between a real smile and a fake if it doesn't want to end up stuck in a bear trap.
First watch is always a bit nerve wracking. Unlike second and third watch, Twilight can't just shift into wolf form to sniff out enemies and make sure the whole forest is secure. Links don't fall asleep easily. Legend wakes up at the slightest noise for the first two hours he looks asleep. Time might just stare at the sky the whole night, not getting a wink of sleep. Sometimes, Twilight himself just... can't stop thinking. Wondering where she is now. If she's alright. If Ordon's safe without him. Once in a while, he'll close his eyes and hear Lumi crying, and Uli's quiet steps to shush her.
The other half of the time, it's staying asleep that's the problem. The Goddesses know they all have plenty of material to fuel their nightmares (he's never forgetting Yeta's face, he's resigned to that).
When the moon's path has almost reached its zenith, Twilight hears the first few moans. His heart drops. He hoped. But he's not surprised. Sometimes, the heart can't take the weight of the mask people plaster on.
It starts small. It always does.
For a time, it's mostly sniffles and choked sobs. Then a small 'I'm sorry.' Twilight grimaces. None of them show their scar easily. The deep scars, at least. Wind wouldn't appreciate an audience. Unfortunately, Twilight can't exactly leave. The next best thing however is to try and cut it short.
So, decision made, he creeps around camp, places himself behind Wind and shakes his shoulder. (Carefully. The group collectively learned not to take sleeping Links lightly. At least, Sky had laughed out the black eye with grace.)
“Hey, Sailor,” he whispers, hoping none of the others react. “It's your turn.”
In truth, it's a touch early for that. But he knows he made the right call when Wind rubs his eyes and freezes at the wet feeling on his fingers. He'd been in the middle of turning around, but he immediately fakes a stumble and buries his face in his rolled up blankets instead. It's a good cover to wipe tears without being too obvious.
Twilight would be impressed if that didn't send pangs of worry through his chest. Oh, Wind...
“Mrm,” Wind mumbles. “One minute?”
“Sure, I gotta take a leak anyway.”
“Yeah, yeah, piss off.” Wind waves him off from under the blanket.
Twilight smiles to himself. He should ask Wind to direct a play next time they visit his Hyrule. Queen Zelda was always in need of entertainment for the stuffy dignitaries. Jackasses couldn't crack a smile if they were whipped.
That faint irritation pushes him toward the end of the camp line, out of the clearing. Once he's out of sight and hearing range, he grabs onto his cursed necklace and sneaks through the underbrush. His senses make navigating through the twigs and branches child's play, and the lack of any pig-like stench reassures him that there's no malice-infected monster around. In less than a minute, he has circled around the camp and positioned himself the near opposite of where his hylian form left through. Generally, people don't make the association if he leaves a few minutes tick by. Out of sight, out of mind.
It's a bit embarrassing how well that trick works.
Wind's head is turned in the direction he disappeared earlier. Skittish, like a rabbit looking out of its hole. Wind must be waiting for him to return from his manly business, which is a bit of a lost bet at the moment. Seconds tick with only the faint brushing of leaves on his fur and the nightly wind for company. Then, all at once, Wind stands up and stomps his way to the stump Twilight had been using for his turn at the watch.
“Damn it!” Wind curses under his breath. The tears are held at bay, barely. “There's no way he didn't see... calm down, calm down dammit, he's gonna come back soon!”
A small boot kicks off some dirt. Twilight flinches in his hiding spot. That's more anger than expected. He's not sure what to do with that. None of them like vulnerability. None of them are used to being allowed vulnerability. He's worked on Wild and Time for a while now, and he's making progress, even if it's only them opening up to him.
It's that same instinct that pushes him to walk through the bush and reveal himself. He's as non-threatening as a large wolf can be, but Wind still whirls around with his sword drawn. Recognition is a second slower.
“Wolfie!” Wind whisper-yells. “Bad dog! I almost skewered you!”
Twilight raises one eyebrow, unimpressed. He is most certainly not a bad dog, and he is quite experienced at dodging last second hits by flailing, surprised preys. Not that he even thought of Wind as prey, never, but Wind didn't have to imply he'd be that stupid.
“Oi, what are you looking at?” Wind grumbles, dropping back on his tree stump. “Stupid dog...”
Twilight fights the urge to growl. He's here to help, not pick a fight. Unfortunately, his struggle had been obvious, because Wind deflates and sheaths his sword.
“Sorry. It's just... I'd been doing so well so far,” he whispers. “Even if they're big mother cuccos about me sometimes, they still listened to me.”
Twilight feels his tail curl between his legs. He knows he's overprotective. He knows it's annoying Wind, but he can't help it when every other time they fight, he sees Colin rushing into the path of King Bulblin.
“Hey, hey, don't be sad.” Wind cajoles, patting his knee like an invitation.
Twilight's too happy to question the change. He plops his chin on Wind knees and looks up. Small, calloused hands run into his fur.
“Do you have family, Wolfie?”
… What? For a second, he slips out of grasp just to better stare at Wind. Then, he sniffs his breath for a second, and whilst there's a fair amount of onions there (dental hygiene, Sailor!), no traces of booze anywhere. So, he softly woofs, tilting his head to the side.
“Do you have a she-wolf and a litter of little pups that trip all over themselves? I bet you're a good dad, aren't you?”
Twilight can't help the shocked whine that burst out of his throat, nor the flattened ears on top of his head. Him? A dad? He was far too young for that! Being a brother to Wild alone was trouble enough as it was, fatherhood remained firmly beyond his grasp. Besides... it wasn't like he had someone with whom...
“Aww,” Wind cooed, scratching behind his ears, “I didn't want to scare you, Wolfie. I just thought you take good care of us, s'all. I bet you'll be a good dad someday.”
Flattered as he is, he can't help puff and huff into Wind's shirt. He's a noble beast, talked down to like a lap dog. At least, he successfully distracted Wind from what nightmare he had.
Together, they listened to the crackling embers, moving only when the flames needed another log or when a critter stumbled too close to camp (a very curious rat that scampered when it met Twilight's eyes).
“How much did he drink?” Wind mutters, a bit later. “Did he pass out with his breeches down?”
A low growl rumbles into his chest. The disadvantage of others not knowing he's Wolfie is hearing that kind of crap about himself. He's a misunderstood man condemned by the judgemental Links of the world.
“What? Don't like him? Twilight's okay. Most of the time. Like, he saw me cry. I know he did. He knows I know, but he still pretended not to... you know?”
Twilight's best deadpan glare expresses that yes, he knows. More importantly, he puts a paw on Wind's chest, making a small inquisitive noise. Why? Did he need to share it with a very innocent wolf that doesn't judge anyone and anything except Warriors' morning hair?
The fragile grin on Wind's face falters. His eyes dart around. “I... it's not like... You won't laugh, right?”
Twilight nods emphatically.
“It's nothing too bad. I just miss my sister and my grandma.”
Oh, Wind...
“... Please don't tell the others,” Wind said in a tiny voice. “They already have a hard enough time taking me seriously. I don't want them to think I'm being a baby who cries about his family.”
The confusion can't overtake the lance of shame and heartbreak that spears through Twilight's body. Had... had they pushed Wind into this? Made him think that because they hide their tears, they'd laugh at his?! Goddesses... Uli would smack him with her wooden spoon for making a mess like this.
He might have been a bit overbearing once his quest had ended. Colin had been happy about the attention... the first three days or so. Afterward... well... Uli and Rusl had taken him aside, put their feet down and helped him let go of his dead grip on his little brother's safety. And half the monsters he'd faced had nothing on the challenge of letting Colin make his own mistake. He thought he'd gotten better about this.
But he might have forgotten Wind was not nearly as tolerant or hesitant as Colin.
“I'm a Hero too. I'm strong. Why would I cry over nothing? My grandma and my sister are fine. I bet we'll be portaled in my Hyrule soon and I'll have worried for nothing and Twilight and Warriors will be right to treat me like a fragile little boy again.”
He's not. They all know he's not. He's just... the youngest. The most cheerful, most innocent, most... most well-adjusted of them all, and they want so badly for Wind to keep that. He's a wonderful young man. They're all so proud, so impressed with him.
He's gonna have a few conversations with Warriors and Time tomorrow. Goddesses!
“Hey, Wolfie... I know you don't like being around too long, but... Do you mind staying a bit?”
Twilight chuffs, stubbornly burying his face even deeper in his little brother's shoulder. As if someone would be able to pry him off Wind before morning.
“Do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls?”
Wind looks up sharply, startled but unwilling to admit it. He'd been polishing that long view of his by himself. “What?” he says, and there's an implied 'the fuck?!' in there. Pirates...
Twilight brushes the grass and then sits on the hill, staring past the coast at the red sun. “My father told me that, the day before I left on my quest. Neither of us knew then I'd have a quest soon, of course. But it stuck with me.”
For a long time, Wind's expression shifted between fascination, embarrassment and a bit of confusion. Twilight really needed to teach him how to maintain a poker face before he played cards with Warriors again. Still, there's no rush.
For all that it tears him in half, dusk also has a way to sooth his old aches. It's a peaceful time. A moment when the day dies, when the living settle and close their doors.
“It's the horizon, for me,” Wind admits. “When I... the first time, I'd never ever left my island, and all of a sudden, I had to leave because that huge ass bird had kidnapped my sister. So I had to leave my home for the first time, and I was on Tetra's boat, staring at Outset Island shrinking and shrinking till it was gone. Even when I pulled out my sister's long view, all I could find was the waves of the Great Sea.”
“Ah, a boar and a bulblin got my brother, my childhood friend and a bunch of kids. Knocked me right out with a hit to the head.”
Wind pulled his lips together and narrowed his eyes. “Well... I didn't get hit or anything, but Tetra threw me out of a cannon so I could infiltrate the fortress. Hit my face pretty hard too. That counts?”
“It wasn't a competition!” Twilight laughs, ruffling Wind's hair. It causes a flinch, and that's the light-hearted mood gone. Great. Twilight breathes through his nose. “You know, sometimes, I really want to smack my dad upside the head.”
Wind blinks. “... Okay?”
“Every goshdarn time I see the sun set, I remember him and my mom and my brother and sister, and... home. Every sunset reminds me of home. Makes me miss it so bad. Now I can't help feel that strange sadness every time.”
A snort.
“Goddesses damned!” Wind wheezes out through his laugh. “He...”
“Yup,” Twilight says, leaning his chin on his fist. “He didn't think that one through. Bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, ain't it? So, I do want to make him think before he spouts philosophy at me.”
“Hey, hey, Twilight!” Wind says, impish, tugging on his sleeves. Then, the second he has Twilight's attention, he puts on the most serious face he ever wore. “Do you ever feel a strange sadness... as you put on your pants?”
“You little shit,” he says, brimming with affection.
Wind, not to be undone, jumps to his feet. “Do you ever feel a strange sadness... as you drink milk?”
“Oi,” Twilight stands after him, darting right after the brat.
“Not the strange sadness of being chased by a goatherd!”
Two minutes. Two minutes and six variations of the most profound saying his farmer dad told him. Butchered. Butchered like a lame goat in winter. Twilight is both furious and delighted and it might be why, when he does catch Wind, he unleashes the noogie from hell.
Wind's screams, so closely related to that of a dying piglet, are very satisfying. Worth the kicks to the ribs.
And when retribution is served, Twilight shifts the hold into a one-sided hug with the smooth grace of a man who regularly pretends not to be the wolf that is never seen with him. Wind freezes, realization sharp on his face when he notices the tears gathering in Twilight's eyes.
“But the first thing I'd do if I saw him tomorrow... is hug him. Tell him I'm glad he's okay and that I missed him. Then I'd smack him and run for the hills, because Rusl happens to be the only guy in my village that knows how to use a sword.”
After a whole body shudder, Wind gives up and buries himself in his big brother's shoulder.
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89 with Stevie 💜
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89. “Hey, babe, look what I found.” - “GET THAT OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!!!”
Steve Rogers x Odinson!Reader
Warnings: None
Yeah, you’re Thor’s sister but adopted.
Going to a house in the woods was a nice thing to do. Tony had the team go out on a small trip out in the woods so everything was nice there. You find wildlife very beautiful. You love animals, too.
Steve knew he worried about the bears, mountain lions and wolves or other things that could roam in the forest. 
Natasha and Clint were in the cabin with Tony and Steve while you were out with Thor looking at the wildlife. You were a Goddess from Asgard. So, being Thor’s friend in Midgard was nice.
You fallen for Steve when you first came down to stop your brother, Loki. You saved the America’s Golden Boy and you couldn’t help to stay in Midgard for the next years. You visited your brothers every once in a while but you never really got to know about the wildlife.
“Oh, would you look at that, sister,” Thor points, you look over and see a deer walking across the brush. You softly gasp. “It’s gorgeous.” You and Thor hear chattering in the brush and Thor walks over. 
You follow and he reached down, moving brush around. You hear a hiss and you both backed up. A striped animal comes out and it stands on its legs, lifting its little hands up.
“Oh, look it’s a rabbit,” You say, the tail was black and grey, the rabbit must be some different species but you were able to pick it up and cradle it. “It’s so cute, can we keep him, brother?” You asked.
Thor grins, “Of course. Let’s show the rest of the team.” You smile up at him and walk back to the cabin. Holding the critter in your arms, it was so calm. You loved rabbits as much as you loved snakes. Loki was sometimes a pain with them.
Thor warned you about his tricks.
You were the first one to rush up to the door and entered the house. “Where’s Steve?” You asked, pacing around. You met into the living room and saw the team sitting down, enjoying their time once you spoke.
“Hey, guys, look what I found!”
Tony and Steve turn around, eyes go wide. “Y/N! GET THAT OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!!!” Steve yells, you jolt back at the sudden outburst. Why did they hate on the rabbit? 
Steve stands up and holds his hands out, Tony stands up, “Steve, what the hell is she doing with that? Thor tell her to put that back!”
“It’s a rabbit,” Thor points.
Natasha shook her head, “That’s not a rabbit, Thor.” Steve walks up to you, slowly, “Y/N, put that raccoon back where it came from.”
You peer down at the rabbit, “Raccoon? It’s a rabbit-”
“It’s a trash baby! Get it out!” Tony shouts, “It probably is gonna foam with rabies any minute!” Steve gently gesture you out and followed you till you released it to the wild.
The rabbit looks at you and you grin, “Bye, Rabbit. I’m sure the sun will shine on us again, my friend.” The rabbit chatters at you before turning away back to the wild. Standing up with pride, you sighed happily.
Steve grabs your shoulder and slowly turns you away, “Next time you come out here, just leave them be, okay?” He asks.
“But wasn’t that rabbit cute? I think we should have one.”
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gosickoonmymode · 4 years
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18+ Bloodhound x reader!!!
Summary: Run rabbit run rabbit run run run.
Details and story under the cut WEW
You've been running for a while now, unsure how long exactly, but you know it's only a matter of time before Bloodhound is on you. You're wondering why they haven't caught up already, they always find you quickly when you get separated during the games. Are they waiting for a certain amount of time? Are they on the way? Are they already right behind you, reveling in watching you from the shadows? Your heart is going a mile a minute, you want to be caught, but you want to put up a fight as well.
Some Details: Continuation of my last story, it’s gonna get SAUCY! Bloodhound and reader are gender neutral, dom stuff, primal dom stuff??? rope stuff?!?! BH has a lil something for ya but you decide what that is (strap-on or organic). Reach arounds apparently apply to everyone so ya know. Also like, BH is 6 feet or something so I wrote this for the person to be shorter than that but kept it ambiguous-ish. Sorry if you’re tall.
It's so surreal how just earlier today the two of you were good friends, and now you're being hunted in a forest by them. And you love it. You slow to a careful walk, gently tread over a log trying not to disturb anything. You softly step down and take a seat using it for cover. You have no idea where they could be, if they'll pounce while you sit. Still, you need to rest for a minute. You're beginning to feel that exhaustion from earlier, the physical toll the games had on you is creeping up.
After a couple minutes of slowing your breathing you peak out over the log, you check all surrounding areas but see nothing. Of course, that doesn't mean no one is there. You slowly rise to your feet and listen, you can only hear the sounds of the night critters. You remember how Bloodhound made no noise at all when they walked toward you in the living room, so they'll certainly make little to none out here. You do one more look over before running off again. Maybe 10 minutes pass, you can hardly run anymore but you keep trekking on clumsily. Suddenly, you get pulled backward by your wrist.
You're spun around by the force, Hound grabs your free hand and shoves you hard against a nearby tree. They press their body against yours, you’re so tired you can’t really bring yourself to push back. Now you know why they waited so long, they wanted you worn down. They force your arms together, hold both wrists with one hand and slide the rope from their shoulder. You manage to get one arm free and use your leftover strength to push against them, but Hound hardly flinches. They plant their feet firmly on the ground, put their forearm across your chest, and shove you back against the tree with more weight than before. They bring their face centimetres from yours, “Do not get cute with me,” they say through gritted teeth.
Both your arms are free, you push on them to the best of your ability but you’re wiped out. Bloodhound sighs in frustration as they grab your wrists, one again placing them in one hand in an attempt to stop you from struggling. You twist slightly only to get jerked forward, “Þú ert bráð mín,” they glare at you, “you do what I tell you, understand?” You sit still, heeding their words. Bloodhound picks up the rope up from the ground, it must have fallen when you tried to escape. They release one wrist and tie the rope around the other that’s still gripped tight in their rugged, scarred hand. Hound then grabs you by the back of your hair, “stay put,” they command. You nod in silence, they seem suspicious of your obedience, but curious over what you might do. They let you go, step to the side, and the moment there’s an opening you yank the rope from their grip. You take one step to run in the opposite direction of them before they slam you into your initial spot by pushing back on your shoulder. Their one hand pressing on your shoulder is stronger than your entire body at the moment. Their eyes are gleaming in the moonlight, their brow is furrowed, they almost look like they’re going in for the kill.
Hound steps toward you, removes their hand from your shoulder and grips your neck just hard enough to make you pleasantly dizzy, “Didn’t you hear me?” they growl. Their lips hover just by your ear, “Stay. Put,” they release you and continue where they left off. Your mind is swimming, the want for them to have their way with you is too strong to fight now, you’ve never heard them speak in this voice and you want to obey. Once they come back around, they tie your other hand. After adjusting it so you can’t pull your arms forward, but are comfortable in your position, they stand directly in front of you. You’re squirming in anticipation, you want them to touch you, to fuck you, but they just stand and observe for a while. You look at their face, they look so satisfied watching your subtle hip movements.
Just when you’re about to beg for it they move in and kiss you with ferocity. They bring their mouth to your neck and suck on it. Meanwhile they’re undoing the buttons of your pajama top. After the last button is undone, they return to kissing you, their tongue wrapping around yours. Their hands go from your chest, to your waist, to your ass. They pull you into them, squeezing your ass hard, you can feel their cock pressing up against you through their pants. Hound stops making out with you and moves down to your waist. They pull your pants off leaving your underwear behind, you breathe in deep while they stare.
They let out a soft laugh, "I see you're ready for me," they look up at you, "tell me..." They pull off your underwear and stand up, "...is this the kind of thing you thought of in the shower?" Bloodhound puts their hand on your crotch and rubs gently, “...hmm?” You don’t answer, you’re hardly paying attention to their words, you just feel your body aching for more. They notice your desperation and remove their hand. "You've been awfully disobedient, perhaps I should make you wait longer," they taunt.
You look at them with a pleading expression and shake your head, "I’m sorry. I’ll obey, I’ll do whatever you want. Just, please..."
They look at you sternly, "Please what?"
You look down and swallow hard, "please...fuck me.." you reply in a small voice.
They grab your chin and make you face them, "look me in the eyes and speak clearly. Please, what?" they demand.
You look them dead in the eyes, "please fuck me," you say decisively.
Bloodhound grabs your shoulders and pushes you to your knees, moves their sweats out of the way, and taps your face, "get it wet." You lick your lips and open your mouth without hesitation. They face fuck you briefly, making sure they’re good and slick. They pull you back up to your feet, lift your leg, and push them-self into you with ease. They don't build up, they're thrusting hard, your eyes well up in pleasure. They nibble on your ear, breathing heavily as they pound into you at a steady pace.
"B-Bloodhound...Ah!" You moan, loud. They lift your other leg and hold you up, driving you down onto them deeper. You're losing your mind, "Mmmnn, hah..fffuck! Hound!" Bloodhound is huffing and groaning, it’s so much hotter than you imagined. They bite and suck on your neck, thrusting faster. Your legs are aching but you want to keep going. Hound stops suddenly and puts you down, you look at them confused. They take out a knife, cut the rope, and put the knife away. They spin you around, “Ass up,” they push you and you drop yourself to the ground, the side of your face in the leaves and dirt.
You feel wonderfully exposed with your ass in the air, knowing they can see everything. They get on their knees and enter you with the same energy as a moment ago. One hand is squeezing your butt and the other is giving you a reach around, your body is completely engulfed with ecstasy. You're not holding back your voice even slightly, you love every second of this. Hound slaps your ass hard and you cry out, they lift you upright and grab your neck.
Their speed increases, both inside and out, their grip on your neck tightens enough to make you dizzy again. You can't hold it, "Hound, I'm..."
They slow their movement dramatically, remove their hand from your crotch, and grab your chin with the one on your neck, "you will not until I say you can," they growl. You feel like crying, you want it so bad. Bloodhound gives an occasional hard thrust or two, enough to keep you right on the cusp of climax but not enough to go all the way. They take their hand off your chin, remove your shirt completely, and shove you back to the ground. You can feel their eyes scanning your naked flesh, it makes you shiver.
Bloodhound slides their hands from your upper back to your ass. They grip and rub it as they very slowly slide in and out of you. The tension is becoming too great, you feel you might explode. "Do you wish to climax?" they ask in a calm, dominating voice.
"yes...” you plead.
They push into you hard giving you a jolt, "how bad do you want it?"
"More than anything," you say breathy and desperate.
Their hand finds its way back to your crotch, "beg, bráð mitt," they say quietly, no longer humping you.
You move your hips to stimulate yourself against them, "please, please fuck me more. I want it. I-I need it. Fuck me Blóðhundur...hh..have mercy-" you get cut off by them going at you more fierce than before, their hand working the front of you like no other. They’re gripping your ass so hard you know it’ll leave a mark. You're screaming with pleasure, they moan and grunt as they push inside you as deep as they can go. Your body is going completely wild, "Oh god I'm cumming! Ah! Fuck! Bloodhound!" they don't slow down even as you loudly orgasm, each of their thrusts prolonging your joyous release.
Bloodhound lets out a hard exhale, they thrust deep as they tremble, reaching climax as well. The two of you remain in position for a moment, catching your breath, before Hound pulls out and stands up. You stay on the ground for a moment more, you're so tired you can hardly move. Bloodhound helps you stand and hands you a rag from their pocket, they’ve already tucked their dick back into their sweats. You clean up and they take it back, folding it before putting it away, “Have to wash all of this anyway,” they mumble to them-self. They shake out your clothes and help you get dressed, your legs feel like noodles. They guide you to sit against a tree, "Are you okay to walk?" they ask as they untie your wrists.
You sit with your eyes closed, feeling your legs quiver, "um....dunno.."
They tie the halved rope back together and wrap it around their bicep, "don't worry about it." Hound picks you up bridal style and begins the walk back home.
You find it silly that you’re blushing like mad over being carried, after what the two of you just did. Suddenly you notice the dust and dirt all over you, "aww man I'm gonna need another shower," you whine, brushing the twigs and leaves out of your hair.
Bloodhound laughs, "I'll need one as well. We can take one together when we get back. I’ll wash you so you may rest." They tenderly kiss the top of your head, “From now on I’ll be caring for you, elskan mín.”
You blush more and rest your head against them. “Thanks Hound," you smile peacefully. It really is a beautiful night.
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This is for a request made @sathlens I hope that you like it <3 Please let me know what you guys think in the reblogs/comments! 💜
Warnings: noncon sex (oral and intercourse). This is dark!(nomad)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: The reader is away on vacation and finds something, or someone, in the woods.
Note: So in my head, to make this work, after Civil War, Steve’s kinda running around on his own. He was on a mission and got separated from the team. He’s found himself in the middle of nowhere but no alone. 
Anyways, hope you all enjoy some scurry Steve and let me know what you think as always. Love ya <3
It had been a few years since your last real vacation. Well ever, because who could really count that disastrous road trip as a vacation. Time away from it all; stress, work, your boyfriend. You loved him but you didn’t realize how much you needed time to just be you. A girl’s week on the northern shores was nothing to complain about and you were ready to take full advantage of the serenity. The isolation.
You deposited your cars at the docks and climbed aboard the small boat, crammed in with the luggage of four other girls, plus the girls themselves. It was Kaya’s family cottage, concealed by thick pine, aspens, and spectrum of fragrant foliage. After hours of driving, the sun was well into its descent and it was a race against daylight before the pearly ripples turning dark and foreboding.
You watched the shoreline come into sight. A small dock where you could see yourself sunbathing, a carpet of twigs and dirt turned to grass the further you ascended, the wooden deck that fronted the cottage peeked out from between the crowd of trees. A small stream trickled away from the dock; a small finger off the greater lake. You smelled the purity; the unfiltered wild. It was refreshing after the filth of the city.
After you docked, it took a couple trips up and down the trail to unload all the bags, and the two large coolers of assorted goodies. One was filled with all varieties of alcohol with more stored warm in a box. The other contained the more important staples; bacon, sausages, tofu, milk, eggs. Enough to feed your small army until another boat trip was made to the closest town.
Kaya claimed the master bedroom; your sister, Gia, and you shared the bunk beds across from those occupied by Camile and Milani, while Coretta took the fold-out sofa. All were situated by nightfall and cans were opened as sausages grilled on the stove. With the generator awaking from its seasonal sleep and the cabin groaning in welcome, you settled in for a late night of cards and rowdiness.
The first morning greeted you in a golden dawn. You drank your coffee on the dock and spent most of daylight reading a book in the sun. The hours were punctuated by empty cans and drained bottles. You fed your buzz enough to relax and lose yourself in the natural lull of the lake. After dinner, you tried your hand at fishing and after an accidental dunk into the stream, you returned with the other girls to the cabin. Drinking games to end the night; one in which you did not reach your bunk, awaking at the table in shame.
The next day, the rest of the girls wanted a trip to the waterfall. The thought was enticing but your stomach grumbled from your previous day’s excess and you hoped the painkillers would help ease your hangover. You had several more days at the retreat, you could go tomorrow.  You helped clean the dishes from breakfast and bid the girls farewell as they boarded the boat for the opposite shore.
A day alone would be nice. You had never minded solitude. In fact, you had hoped for it. The idea of being trapped in a small cabin with half a dozen others had been intimidating. You had trouble enough with just your boyfriend in your cell-like apartment. You watched them roar across the lake, the engine fading to a distant whir until the noises of birds and critters were the only left. You hung your legs off the dock as you dipped your toes into the water and basked in the ambiance. The soft ripples eased the stone set in your forehead.
You pulled your feet up after a while and went to grab your book from the kitchen table. You changed into your bathing suit and grabbed your sunscreen. The sun was strong today. You opened a can of cider and sat in the low deck chair as you opened the novel and delved into fantasy. A sword shining in the dark; a gloom most sinister on the rise.
The water and summer breeze mixed to lend a calming vibrance to the dock. You eased deeper into the chair and listened to the occasional flick of a fish’s tail as it ventured close to the surface. You sighed and rested your book across your chest as you leaned your head back. It had been what, an hour since they left. You loved how time seemed to slow down here. How you could just be; not think.
Your eyes popped open as you heard a distant rustle in the trees. You shrugged and set aside your book to sip on your cider. You had seen a deer earlier that day, some other critters hung around when they thought no one was looking. Near the outhouse, you had even thought you saw wildcat. Kaya said it was possible but not likely.
Another rustle. The snap of a twig. You drained half your tall boy and peered around your chair up into the trees. Whatever it was, it would scare itself away. You stood and stretched in the sunlight. You went to the edge of the dock and onto the large flat rocks that led to the water. You dipped down into the shallows and squeaked at the chill. Your body attuned to the temperature and you ducked your head under, rising with a gasp. It was nice. Revitalizing. Your headache started to slake away.
You heard the jostle of leaves and again glanced towards the forest. It did sound so much like there were footsteps out there. You tried to laugh at yourself but the shiver that went up your spine kept your self-deprivation at bay. You made your way back to the rocks and climbed up on the dock. You took the towel from the back of your chair and rubbed your hair and body as dry as you could. You let the towel fall across the arm of the chair and slipped on your sandals as you followed what you were certain weren’t footsteps. There was no one else here. You were alone. Of that you were sure. There was no way anyone else could have stumbled upon this little hideaway.
You didn’t bother calling out. You were quite convinced it was only a confused deer. Or an overly zealous rabbit. You walked up past the outhouses and the noise stopped. You exhaled but stared through the trees. You were still curious about what had caused such a ruckus. You saw no sign of flight. The sound had just died. It was almost eerie.
Assure yourself it was nothing and you could return to your book. You sighed at yourself and wandered into the brush. A chipmunk here, a woodpecker above, several other avian calls through the trees. You glanced around at nothing more than leaves and bark. You were definitely psyching yourself out. You finally laughed and turned back.
You cried out in surprise at the figure that waited behind you. Your yelp was smothered as his hand went over your mouth and he saved you from falling out of your sandals. You pushed against the tall man in your terror and confusion. He pressed his palm tighter to your lips and you silenced your murmurs as he shushed. He held you against him, his dark clothing rough against your bare stomach.
“Quiet,” He warned gruffly and carefully removed pressure from his palm.
He watched you as he lowered his hand and you stared up at him with wide eyes. Even if you screamed, it would be muffled by the branches above and none were anywhere close enough to hear. He released you and stepped back. He leaned against a tree and wiped the blood from the corner of his lips. As you got a good look at him, you realized he was injured. A man of poorer stature would not be standing.
He pushed himself straight and growled as he examined the blood on his fingertips. It was dry; flecks scratched from his flesh. His wounds were at least a few hours old. You hoped that meant they had not been dealt near here. He reached out and grabbed your shoulder firmly. Your body went stiff as he guided you past him, back in the direction you had come.
“You have a place around here,” He said. His tone was steely, his fingers left your skin tender as he rescinded his hand. “Show me.”
“How did you get here?” You asked as you wove along the path, past the outhouses and towards the back steps.
“No questions,” He retorted, “Are there others here?”
“No,” You answered, uncertain. “Well, not right now. They’re at the waterfall. Across the lake...they’ll be back soon.”
“Will they?” He sounded doubtful at your last-minute addition. “It’s barely noon. I’m sure they’ll want to enjoy the sun.”
You swallowed and remained silent. He wasn’t going to answer your questions; only discern your lies. He marched you up the steps and you opened the screen door. He caught it behind you and followed you inside. 
“Any weapon?” He nudged you against the counter as he looked around. “I’ll find them and I can promise you, I can wield them better than you.”
“Just a flare gun…” Kaya’s family weren’t the hunting types. The most dangerous possession they had were fishing knives and those were down in the shed. “Just beside the fireplace in the next room.”
He nodded and pushed past you. He opened and closed each drawer. He huffed and neared the round table. A few half-empty cans remained from the night before and the deck of cards in a crooked pile. He pulled out a chair and sat heavily.
His dirty blonde hair hung in sweaty knots around his face, his thick beard a shade darker. His narrow blue eyes shone beneath long lashes as they never stopped searching. He wore a dark blue uniform; some sort of combat suit. A harness stretched across his broad chest and the belt around his waist was lined with several pouches. His boots were worn and covered in grime and what looked to be even more blood. There was more crimson along his shoulders, small cuts along the corner of his lips and top of his forehead. You could guess that he had won the fight, even if he had taken a few blows himself.
“Well, you got a first aid kit or something?” He asked as he planted his elbow on the table. “Something stronger than…” He lifted an empty canned cocktail and eyed the label, “Whatever this is.”
“In there,” You pointed to the cooler by the door. “The kit is just…” You moved slowly, afraid that you might provoke him. When he had grabbed you in the woods, you had felt his strength. Even in his state, he could easily overpower you. “Over here.”
You crossed to the table just inside the living room; the space divided by the change in flooring. He watched as you opened the slatted door beneath and pulled out the metal box. It looked to be right out of the seventies. It must have been as old as the cabin. The man stood as you set the kit on the table and he kicked open the cooler. He bent and grabbed the bottle of gin you hadn’t yet uncorked. He resumed his seat and placed the bottle down beside him.
He dragged the box over to him and undid the metal clasp. He stirred through the contents and pulled out gauze and the small bottle of peroxide. Then he fished around for a spool and a curved needle. They looked like they’d never been used. That was reassuring. He shifted in his chair and pulled off his fingerless gloves. Next he pointedly loosed the buckles of his harness and slipped it past his arms with a pained grunt. He piled each piece on the tabletop between the cans and the open first aid kit.
You began to back away as he tugged at the hem of his shirt and he paused. He looked up at you and shook his head. He kicked another chair towards you, “Sit.” Your throat contracted and you obeyed. Despite the hot air trapped beneath the sun-cooked roof of the cabin, you felt ice in your veins.
You sat and he finished stripping himself of the sweat-stained shirt. His chest and torso were laced with thick muscles, his right shoulder gashed and bloody. You watched his bulging arms as he reached over to grab the gauze and peroxide. You had never scene a man in such peak condition. Not outside the television screen. The power which lay in his form kept you from admiration. It was more intimidation.
You watched as he cleaned his wound. He hissed through gritted teeth as he touched his tender flesh and blood flaked away. He dumped the reddened gauze on the table. He unscrewed the cap of the gin and drank heavily before he reached for the needle. He sterilized the metal in peroxide before he began the agonizing work. You wanted to look away but you didn’t want to seem weaker than you so obviously were. The only sign of his discomfort was the tic in his jaw.
Time dragged by as he wove the stitches. He glanced up at you when he finished, his brow lifted and he tilted his head. He was surprised that you hadn’t looked away. Then you did. You didn’t like the weight of his eyes on you. There was something behind them. The crystal-like irises could not disguise the darkness beneath. This man had been good once but now...something had corrupted him.
You listened as he cleaned the needle and wound up the thread. He packed it up with the unused gauze and closed the box with a click. The gin swished as he lifted the bottle and swigged. You kept your gaze averted until a speck entered the bottom of your vision. You turned to look at the short neck of the bottle. He held it out to you with a staunch look. You bit your cheek and accepted it.
You took a small sip and handed it back. He gulped again and pushed his shoulders back as he looked around. “How many of you are there?” He asked.
“Five,” You answered in a half whisper.
“All girls?” He passed the bottle back. Another small drink; your stomach was sinking and the alcohol wasn’t helping.
“Yes,” You should’ve lied but you suspected he already knew.
“Didn’t know you were still here,” He took the bottle back and drank again. He set it on the table as he turned his chair and leaned forward. His blue eyes held yours. “Was hoping to hang back and sneak in and out. Maybe steal a few pieces of bacon if you hadn’t ate it all.”
“I won’t tell,” You said in a small voice, “You can still go. Take whatever you want.”
“Aren’t you curious about what happened?” He leaned his elbows on his knees as he gauged your expression.
“I think the less I know, the better,” You replied grimly.
His eyebrows shot up and his lips twitched. “Smart,” He sat up and his chest rose and fell as he exhaled. “You should’ve gone with your friends.”
“I should’ve,” You agreed. “You were watching us then?”
“Watching you.” He countered. “You were talking to yourself when you came out to the dump the dishwater.”
You recalled how you had in fact been muttering to yourself as you tipped the large steel basin over the side of the porch. It meant he had been close enough to hear you. He had been lurking in the trees for at least several hours. You nodded. Your voice was trapped in your chest.
“Have a drink.” He took the bottle and held it out to you again. You looked down in defeat and numbly accepted the gin. You raised it to your lips carefully. “A real one.” He pushed up the bottom of the bottle and forced you to gulp back the searing alcohol until you choked. He grabbed the gin and put it back on the table as you grasped at your throat.
When you recovered, you looked up at him. There was a frightening confidence to his gaze. “You can take the gin...there’s more bacon in the fridge and--”
“I don’t want it. Gin doesn’t affect me that much. Not very hungry anymore,” His features set as his pupils dilated. “Well, in a manner of speaking.”
“My friends--”
“Have got five, six hours before they need to start their boat and head back.” He said evenly. “It’s summer, they might have even longer. At least eight hours before dusk. I’d say we’ve got all the time in the world.” His tongue poked out between his lips as a smirk spread across his face. “You and me. All alone.”
You swore your heart stopped. You stood but he was faster. He shoved you back to your chair, his hands on your shoulders as he loomed over you. His nose was only inches from yours. “How far do you think you’ll get?” You blinked. Resignation shadowed your face and you knew he could see it. He could feel it as your shoulders fell. “It’s a vacation, isn’t it?”
He stood straight and his hands ran along the front of his belt. His fingers deftly unbuckled the leather and you looked to the wall. You listened to the metal as it clinked and the zipper of his pants as it descended. Your fingers sank into your thighs without thinking. The brush of fabric, the movement in the corner of your eyes, his breath steady and determined with his movements.
His hand was on your chin as he forced your head straight. You closed your eyes and his fingers squeezed harder. He could break your jaw with a single pinch. “Look at me,” Your eyes opened and you kept them aimed up at his face. He had his cock out, you could see it at the edge of your vision, smell it even. The odor of sweat and something else. Of him; dusky. “Just you girls up here...must be boring.”
Your nostrils flared as your fear melded with anger. Then shame. You thought of your boyfriend waiting for you back home. You had felt bad enough going away without him. Now look at you. It might not be of your own volition but you weren’t fighting it much were you.
“I don’t want to tie you to the chair.” He warned. “But I saw the rope in the drawer and it wouldn’t be hard. So stop that little mind of yours from running astray and open up.”
You did as he said. Your lips parted mechanically as his hand moved to cradle your cheek. His fingers spread and he gripped the side of your head as he pressed his cock to your lips. Slowly he pushed further and you couldn’t look him in the eye. You lowered your gaze so that you stared at the trail of hair along his pelvis. He sank deeper until he poked at your throat and you struggled to take more of him. He was bigger than your boyfriend. Much bigger.
“It’s been about a month since I’ve talked to someone else.” He spoke as he forced himself down your throat and you pushed against his thighs. You were at the edge of your seat as you tried not to gag. “Been running. Fighting.” He pulled back and then back in. He worked himself in and out as he urged you to accept more. “Lonely.”
Your eyes rolled back and your lids finally closed. You slapped at his thighs as he kept his motion steady, slowly building his speed. The room filled with the sound of his cock sliding in an out of your throat. Slobber spread across your lips and up his shaft. Your nails dug into his skin as he held your head between his hands. Your head spun as you were suffocated by the gin and his relentless fucking.
You were just about to fall out of the chair when he pulled out. He held onto your head with one hand as he stroked himself with the other. “Open.” He commanded and you kept your lips as you were as he tilted your chin. Erratic ribbons shot along your tongue and around your mouth. You waited until he finished and at last released you.
“Swallow.” His voice was smoky as he stared down at you. You closed your mouth and urged yourself to do as he said. His cum slid down your ragged throat with a painful gulp. “Strip.”
There was something about his tone, the way he ordered you around, that told you he was used to being in charge. You rose and stiffly untied the neck of your bathing suit top. The cups fell forward and you undid the back as well. You tossed away the bra and braced yourself as your fingers slid under the waist of your bottom. You bent and drew them down in one swoop. You stood straight as you stepped out of it.
“Turn around,” He twirled his finger in the air. His cock hung out of his pants without shame and you turned to hide your stray eyes. He looked even bigger than he felt. “On the chair. On your knees.” You approached the wooden chair and got up on your knees. He growled in approval as he came up behind you. “Do you swallow your boyfriend’s cum?”
“How--” You stopped yourself and bit your cheek instead.
“I heard you mention him to your friend. Something about him working too much. Wasn’t really listening.” His hands came up on either side of your head and brushed through your hair. He dragged his nails over your scalp and you resisted a shiver. “So, do you?”
You shook your head. You couldn’t have spoken if you tried. He gave a soft chuckle as his hands settled on your shoulders and kneaded them. His fingers then danced down your shoulder blades and along the curves of your body. He cupped your ass in his large hands; his palms calloused and rough. He pulled the cheeks apart and pushed them back together.
“Should I feel special then?” He teased. You sucked in your lip as he slipped one hand below your ass. He felt around and you closed your eyes as you felt your wetness at the same time he did. “Maybe less work and more play for you.”
“Shut up,” You whispered, “Just shut up.”
He slapped your ass so hard you fell against the back of the chair. “Too bad he’s not here to see how it’s done.” He continued. “Hmm? He could probably use some pointers if your quivering like this.”
You wrapped your fingers around the back of the chair. You clung to the top bar as you clamped your lips together. He felt around with his fingers until he found your entrance. He pushed inside with two fingers and you bit down. He added a third and you squirmed. He roughly worked in and out of you as he slid his cock down between your cheeks.
He pulled his fingers out and pressed on your lower back, your juices spreading across your skin. You arched your back as he lined his cock up with your entrance and you exhaled slowly. As he pushed inside you couldn’t help the whimper. The signal of your surrender as you hung your head. With every inch, you leaned forward, aiding his delve inside. When he bottomed out, he sighed. He slapped your ass with both hands and bucked his hips, poking your cervix sharply.
At first, his thrusts were slow, as if to allow your body to adjust. Your walls strained against him, aching as he stretched you to your limit. You grunted as you tried to withhold your moans. His hand slid up your back and his fingers wrapped around your shoulder as he curved your back further. He slipped out of you so that only his head remained and paused.
He slammed into you and you cried out as you slumped against the back of the chair entirely. Your breath picked up as his thrusts turned sharp; rough. He was done playing nice. The chair creaked and wobbled beneath you as he threatened to fuck it to splinters. You held on as you feared its collapse. His other hand was on your hip as he rutted into you like an animal. The grunts and snarls which rose from him assured you of nothing else. This was a man unhinged. A man who had left his humanity far behind.
Your walls clung to him, pulsed around him as you felt the bloom. The sudden surge and your head flung back. His fingertips dug into your shoulder as his pelvis clapped against your ass. You whined as your orgasm flowed through you and shattered the last of your strength. You spasmed against him. You dropped your head down and leaned it against the back of the chair as you chased the breath that had whisked from your lungs. You could barely keep yourself from crumpling to the floor.
The chair almost tipped as he pulled out of you suddenly. He drew you off your knees and turned you to face him. He swiped the empty cans, the bottle of gin, and the first aid kit from the table with his arm. He grabbed you and lifted you so easily your head spun. You landed on your back atop the wood and he was quick to move between your legs. His hands went to your thighs as he pushed your legs up as far as they would go. He entered without delay, even deeper than before.
His blue eyes glided up your body and watched the twitch of your cheek as you tried to restrain the pleasure soaring through you. His gaze retreated as he smirked and he pressed his thumb to your clit. You moaned and reached to latch onto the edge of the table as he resumed his former rhythm. There was no patience left in him. He pounded into you so that the table shook and your body added to its tremble.
You swore as another orgasm tore through you. Your legs were flush to his torso as he grabbed onto your thighs and held you close. He rocked his hips into you in violent thrusts. Your ass was almost off the table as he bit his lips and threw his head back. His strokes turned spastic and he slowed as he came. His heat seeped through you as he buried himself as deep as he could.
You shuddered as he let your legs fall around him and your chest beat a melody. You lay prone across the table and he removed himself after a moment. He huffed and fell back into the chair. He was still hard but fatigue lined his eyes and hung from his broad shoulders. You raised your head as you sensed his gaze. He watched as his cum leaked from between your legs and you pushed your thighs together as you sat up.
“Come on,” He patted his thigh and held the base of his cock with his other hand, “Might as well have some fun while your friends have their own, huh?”
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layce2015 · 4 years
Life is Strange 2 (Sean Diaz x Reader)
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Chapter 2: Sean And Daniel
Chapter 1
Mount Rainier, Washington 
3 Days Later
I was walking down the quiet, deserted road, just minding my own business when I come up to an old sign:
Trout Spring Trail - Nisqually River viewpoint.
Oh, good. A place to sleep. I thought as I come up to an abandoned car. I walk over to it to look inside and see nothing really, except for a Choc-O-Crisp on the dashboard. Sweet! I mean, I still have a few bars left of this candy. But....you can never have too many! I thought as I dig in my pocket and pulled out and un-bent paperclip. I stick the paperclip into the keyhole of the car door and jiggle it for a few moments before it pops open. 
Score! I thought as I open the door and grab the candy. "Hell, yeah." I mutter when I heard some voices coming. "Are we there yet?" A young boy's voice asks. "Dude. Stop! You know what, you're not allowed to say that...Ever again!" An older male voice exclaims, annoyed. "Yesssss...Sir." The young voice replied, defeated. "You'll be the first one to know when we get there, okay? I'm tired and hungry too!" The older voice said.
I turn around as the footsteps get closer. "Listen...This looks like a perfect place to camp out...I bet we're not the first people to stay the night." The older voice said as it grew closer and closer. "It's creepy! There's nobody out here...We didn't even see any cars!" The young voice said. "We're gonna camp here. I'll look out for you." The older voice said just as two figures walk up and I could see that it was two boys, one looked really young (probably about eight or nine) and the other looked about the same age as me. Both of them looked like they were Hispanic descent.
"Oh! Uh....hi." the older boy greets, awkwardly, to me as I look between him and the little boy. "Uh..hi. Sorry...you guys just scared the crap outta me." I said, alittle nervously. "I just...wasn't expecting anyone out here."
"Yeah...neither were we." The older boy said to me, still a little awkward. I run my right hand over the back of my neck as I asked. "Soooo....what are you two doing out here?"
"We're on a camping trip!" The little boy exclaims, excitedly. "Oh, really?" I said with intrigued. "By yourselves?" I asked him. "Yeah, but we're supposed to meet our dad later." The boy said and I happened to look over at the older boy and I could tell that he was hiding something. "Really? Well that's cool." I said as I look back over at the young boy.
"What about you? You seemed to be alone." The older boy pointed out and I chuckle. "Yeah....I am. It's just rarely do I see other kids out here alone. Usually they're with an adult." I said. "What about your parents? Aren't they worried?" The little boy asked me. "I..uh...don't have any parents. They gave me up for adoption. I've basically been on my own for awhile." I replied as I cross my arms. "Oh...I'm sorry." The older boy said and I wave my hand, vaguely, at him. "It's okay. People have tried to put me in foster care, but I always leave....I don't belong to those families. I'd rather go at it alone." I said.
"So...you're like a runaway, then." The older boy said and I smiled. "Yeah....I guess you could call me that." I said with a laugh. "How long have you guys been on your trip?" I asked them. "About two days." The older boy said. "Oh...so, you're just pups when it comes to this sort've thing." I chuckled as the older boy replies. "We're learning."
"Well, like he said, munchkin, this place is a good place to camp out. It's quiet, calm and beautiful and as long as you don't bother the wilderness, you should be good." I said to the younger boy as I gesture towards the older boy. "Uh...thanks for the advice..uh..." the older boy stuttered and I smirk. "(Y/n). My name is (y/n)." I introduced. "I'm Sean. And this is my little brother, Daniel." Sean introduced. "Well, nice to meet you, Sean and Daniel." I said as I do a little bow at them, but I began to wander why those names sounded familiar. I feel like I should know but I can't remember.
I hear Daniel giggle a bit as I stand up straight then got an idea. "Hey, you seem a little hungry. I might have something in here...." I said as I pull my backpack off then dig inside it. "Ah, here they are." I said as I pull out a bar of Choc-O-Crisp. "A Choc-O-Crisp! No way! I haven't had one in like...a million years!" Daniel exclaims, excitedly, and I chuckle. "More like two days ago!" Sean said to him. "Well that's too long for you to go without one. Here, it's all yours, munchkin." I said as I hand the candy to him. "Wow! Really?! Thank you!" He exclaims with happiness and I smile at him. "No problem." I said as I put my backpack on.
"You better watch out, you just became his favorite person now." Sean said to me and I laugh. "Hey, I don't mind. He looked alittle hungry anyway." I said as Daniel opens up the wrapper and begins to eat it, like a starving man. "Wow, and I thought I was the addict when it comes to Choc-O-Crisp!" I said as he munched down on that candy. "Are you kidding?! He could wipe out an entire bag of those things!" Sean said and I look over at Daniel, impressed. "Wow, kiddo. That's impressive." I said as Daniel looks up at me and smiles.
"Well, I guess I better leave you two to your trip." I said to them. "Aww, you're leaving?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, I don't want to impose on a camping trip between two brothers. I'll just...be on my way." I said as I start to walk away. "Wait! Sean, she could come with us." Daniel said as I turn to face the brothers. "Hey, wait! You could...uh..stick around. We could use an expert's help." Sean said and I look over at him. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah, plus it would be cool to have someone new to talk to." Sean said and I smiled. Normally, people don't want me around but these two do. "Okay...cool. Well then, I guess I'm joining your party then." I said, smiling, as Daniel shouts for joy.
I chuckled at this as we began to walk over to a tree with some marks on it. "What is that? Graffiti?" Daniel asked Sean and I as he points at the tree. "Not exactly...It's called a Trail Blaze and people used to put them up to give directions..." Sean replied to him and Daniel looks over at him. "Like GPS?" He asked. "Yeah...Just slightly more ancient." I replied. "Awesome! Let's follow it!" Daniel exclaimed and we start to walk into the forest.
"Come on, boys...The sun is going down..." I said as we started to come up to an old port house. "Okay, dude. Do you have to use the bathroom?" Sean asked as he points at the old shed. "No! It smells real bad..." Daniel said as he looks at the building at disgust. "No shit. Seriously? You better go now." Sean tells him. "I don't have to go! Jeez! Can't I just pee on a tree?" Daniel asked his brother. "As long as you don't mind the poison ivy on your balls!" Sean said to him.
"Uhhhh....Well...Maybe I'll go...But don't let me get stuck in there!" Daniel said to us. "Don't worry, we'll call the forest plumbers if you fall in." Sean said as Daniel gets inside the port-o-potty and started to use the toilet. "Yuck...This is disgusting! So gross! These are worse than the ones at school!" He exclaims, few minutes later, as he starts to walk out it. "Especially after you use it..." Sean teased and I chuckled at this. "You two are a mess." I muttered with a smile.
"Sean...(y/n)....Look how big these trees are..." Daniel pointed out as we walk deeper into the woods. "That's only because they need the sun. Besides, they'll protect us from the rain." I said to him. "What if they don't? What if they...a...attack us?" Daniel asked me, nervously.
"Aren't you Mr. Minecraft? I thought you loved the forest? I watched you build giant cities out of logs!" Sean said to him. "I did! I built the biggest cities ever! Ooo...I can use my axe to chop up some wood! Then we can build a secret base!" Daniel exclaims in excitement. "Well...Sounds like you're ready for the woods! Lead the way!" I laughed as Daniel runs ahead.
"Where are we going?" Daniel asked as we approached a direction sign that showed one way was towards the picnic are where the other leads to the river. "Hmm...The river must be a bit further..." I said as I look over the sign. "Yeah...Let's take a look around." Sean said and we reach an area where the path branches out, trees were scattered about and to the left was a picnic area.
"Wow...That place is huge!" Daniel said in awe. "Yeah, it's kinda cool." Sean said. "Yeah, this place is pretty epic." I said while Daniel walks up to some berries. "Hey guys! I found berries! Can I taste one, please?" He asked as he gets in front of the bush. "Hold on, munchkin. Let's check those out first." I said as Sean and I walked over to the bush. I check the berries, by tasting them, then nodded. "They're okay. Go ahead." I said and the boys begin to eat some. Daniel even tries to throw the last one into his mouth but he misses.
The path we take branches off to a small picnic area with some benches and a noticeboard. I run up to the board and read the wild animals poster. "Picnic and Hiking Site..." I read then look around just as Daniel walks up to me but Sean goes over to a bench and sits down as he looks out towards the river. "Well, I bet nobody comes out here to picnic anymore...and that's good for us..." I told Daniel as he looks up at the poster.
"No camping? Uh oh..." he said with worry. "Don't worry. Nobody is going to find us out here." I assured him while he continued to read the poster. "Do not feed...or disturb the animals? What...What kind of animals? Like bears...or coyotes...or..." Daniel said as he looks around, nervously. "More like...squirrels...rabbits...critters... like I said earlier...don't bug them and they won't bug us...They're way more scared of us than we are of them." I said as I place a hand on his shoulder, assuredly. "Unless they're angry...or hungry..." he said with worry. "Don't freak yourself out, munchkin. Everything will be fine. If anything, your brother and I will protect you." I said as I patted his shoulder and he smiles at me before he goes over to his brother.
"Whoaaaaaa..." Daniel said as he comes up behind his brother and sits next to him. I walk up next to the bench and look out at the river. "Look at that..." Daniel said. "Yeah..." Sean mutters. "So cool!" Daniel exclaims in excitment. "Never seen you get so jacked up over a nice view before..." Sean said to Daniel. "So? I've never seen anything like this! Never ever!" Daniel replied as he shakes his head. 
"Never ever?!" I asked him. "No." Daniel replied and I smile. "Don't worry, Daniel. You'll be seeing more views like this when you're out on the road, trust me." I said as I sit down on the edge of the bench and Sean chuckles. "Yeah...I remember when... Dad..." he stops as he looks down at the ground and I frown at this.
"I wish Dad was here with us..." Daniel said, sadly. "Well... Thanks! Not cool enough anymore?" Sean asked him. "Yes, you're super cool...But...I just wish the family was together... at home...It'd be cool to watch a movie and get a pizza and eat ice cream." Daniel replied to him. "Oh, you're making me hungry." I groaned as I rubbed my stomach. "Yeah, dude...stop. Besides, I told you we have to keep going...We'll see Dad later...Right now it's just...you, me and (y/n)...Okay?" Sean said to him.
"Yeah! It's our park! We can do whatever we want!" Daniel exclaimed, excitedly. "That's right...So...we better go build a secret base...so we can hide out for the night...Are you ready?" I asked Daniel and he nods. "Yes! I can build anything! We just have to find some cool blocks around here...and be careful of Creepers..." he said and I laugh as Sean starts to get up and Daniel cups his mouth and shouts. "HELLOOOOOOOOOO DOWN THERE!"
I get up and walk over to Sean and look at him with concern. "Hey, you okay, Sean?" I asked him. "Huh? Oh uh....yeah. I'm fine." He replied. "You sure? You just seem...kinda...out of it." I said. "I'm fine. I promise." He replied. "Look, I know we just met and all but....if there's anything that's on your mind, I'm a good listener." I said as we walked out onto a big open section.
"Ooooo, Sean! (Y/n)! Let's play hide and seek!" Daniel exclaims as he runs over to us. "Betcha can't find me!" He said and I laugh then I look over at Sean. "Looks like your little brother challenged us." I said and he smiles as he rolls his eyes. "Yeah. Okay. We'll give you ten seconds to find a hiding spot and then you're toast!" Sean said to Daniel as he winks at him. "Turn around so I can hide. And don't look!" He said and Sean and I start to count on the spot, without covering our eyes. 
"Come on! You guys are cheating..." Daniel exclaims and I roll my eyes as Sean and I turn around and cover our eyes. "No peeking!" Daniel said, warningly, and we began to count again. "One...Two...Three...Four...Five...Six. Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!" We said and we turn around to see no Daniel in sight. "Hmmm....you go this way and I'll go this way." Sean said to me and I nod at him and he goes to the right side of the forest and I go left.
It was a few minutes and we still haven't found Daniel, and I could tell Sean was alittle bothered by it. "Daniel!" He calls out as we look around. "Daniel!" Both of us exclaim then I got an idea. "Well...looks like I'm gonna be enjoying these Choc-O-Crisp all by myself." I called out and I swore I heard a noise in front of us. 
Sean and I look towards the noise then I nod at him and he comes up to this large tree. I follow him and we see Daniel hiding behind a tree, his hands covering his face. We slowly come up behind him then we shout. "There you are!" And he jumps back in fright. "Aww, no fair! You guys were peeking!" He said. "Not when we could see your foot a mile away, dude! We win!" Sean said as I chuckle. "Whatever..." Daniel grumbles and we continue down the trail.
Eventually, we come across a raccoon sitting on a rock just off the trail. "Daniel! Come check this out!" Sean said as he points out the raccoon. "What? What?" Daniel asked, gleefully. "Be quiet...He'll take off." I said to him as he comes over to us. "Ooo...Raccoon! He's sooo cute!" Daniel said. "Hah. That raccoon will tear us apart. Let's go, bro." Sean said while Daniel has a face of disbelief and walks forward, but the raccoon scurries away.
"Here, kitty kitty! Aww, that raccoon must be starving..." Daniel said as he starts to walk along the edge of the path, looking for the raccoon. "Raccoons are way smarter than us...He'll find more food!" I said to him and we began to walk some more.
"Hey! There's another one here!" Daniel exclaims as he points at the trail blaze then I follow the trail. "Hey! I think this path leads to the river." I said to them. "Coming!" They said and we keep walking until we reach a fallen tree, even on the ground, it goes almost up to Daniel's shoulders. "Wow. That's one big tree!" Daniel said as Sean and I climb over it. "Come on. I'll help you climb up." Sean said as he places his hands under Daniel's arms. "You better not let me go!" Daniel said to him. "Would I do that to my little brother?" Sean asked as he picks him and helps Daniel over the tree trunk and sets him down next to me.
"Let's go!" Sean said as Daniel runs off and said. "We have to watch out for skeletons, and zombies!" I look over at Sean and said. "It's really cute how you help out your brother." Sean looks over at me in slight shock and I notice his face turned red. I wink at him then I continue forward until I hear a bird chirping and I see a bird's nest up in the tree.
"Hey! Daniel! You hear that?" I asked him as he runs over to me. "Is that a bird's nest?" He asked me. "Oh yeah. They're everywhere out here." I replied to him. "At least they have a home..." Daniel said in a sad tone. I frown at him as Sean said. "Come on...We're too big for a nest."
Sean, Daniel and I reach a ledge as tall as Sean and I, but he and I jump down. "Mmm, this is pretty high up..." Daniel said with worry. But Sean holds Daniel up and helps him to the ground. "Come on! I got you!" He said to Daniel as he sets him down on the ground. "Whew...Thanks!" Daniel said then they high-five each other. I smile at this as we continue onwards.
"Uuuuhh...You guys see that?" Daniel asked as he points out some weird mushrooms on a tree. "Looks like a Clicker...Creepy..." Daniel said then Sean makes a weird clicking noise from this video game I remember watching a playthrough of on the internet a few years ago. "Stop it!" Daniel laughed as he starts to run ahead. Sean and I continue down the path but as we turn around the corner, Daniel was nowhere to be found.
"Uh...Sean? Where's Daniel?" I asked and he starts to look around. "Daniel?" Sean calls out but nothing. "Daniel?!" I call out, again nothing. "C'mom, dude! This isn't funny!" Sean said as we start to come upon a tree. "Muhhhwaaahh! I got you!" Daniel exclaims after he pops out behind the tree, scaring Sean and I as we jumped back but I accidentally stumble into Sean's arms. He and I look at each other for a moment as Daniel laughs. "You got me, munchkin." I said, laughing, as I stand up. "Dude...You struck out. That did not scare me..." Sean said to his brother.
"Liar! Liar! I saw your face!" Daniel said, in a laughing tone. "That was...uh...surprise. Maybe you scared me for like...one second..." Sean said as he starts to walk ahead. "Ha! I got you, I eat you! Don't mess with the zombie!" Daniel said, smiling. "Well, I'd rather be bitten by a cute zombie than an ugly one." I said as I ruffle Daniel's hair, who looks up at me and smiles. "Oh God, he got to you too!" Sean grumbles but I could see he had a slight smile and I laugh at this. "Hey, didn't you know? Cute kids are great chick magnets!" I teased and Sean rolls his eyes as he continues on, Daniel and I follow him.
Finally, we reach the riverside where there's a large beach area and a rock formation, which was jutting out, offering shelter. "Ooo...Looks like a cave...Kind...Kind of spooky..." Daniel said, nervously, as we come upon the formation. "No. Actually...it's kind of perfect." I said as I look it over. "For what?" Daniel asked me. "For us, man." Sean replied.
"We're gonna stay in there?" Daniel asked as I looks at it, questionable. "I dunno..." he mutters. "Come on, Daniel." Sean said, exasperated, then he turns to me for help. "Look, this can be...our secret base!" I said to him as I place a hand on his shoulder. "Hmmmmmm. We...could fight off any Skeletons or Creepers with some good traps!" He said and Sean and I smile down at him
"Cool!" I said. "In that case, we definitely need to get a fire going first. Right?" Sean said and Daniel nodded. "Right! Yes! Uh...So what do we need?" Daniel asked. "Um...You know...Shit to make a fire." Sean said. "Twigs, branches, paper, if there's any around..." I added. "Are...you sure we can do this?" Daniel asked us. "Who can stop us?" Sean asked him and Daniel smiles. "Nobody!" Daniel said and he takes a step and looks back, Sean nods at him and then Daniel runs off towards the beach.
"Okay...Let's unpack." I said to Sean as we set our backpack down. "Finally." Sean mutters as both of us take out our blankets from our bags. Sean lays his blanket on the ground under the cave and I lay mine on the other side of the small firepit, across from Sean's blanket.
Next, Sean takes out a newspaper clipping and looks at in disbelief. "What's that?" I asked him, after I walk up behind him, and he looks up at me in shock. "Uh...uh..well...." he stammers but I could clearly read the headline on the paper and my eyes widen. Now I know why their names sounded familiar.
Shooting in South Seattle
"Sooo....you're the Diaz brothers." I said and Sean looks at me in fear. "Yeah, I know about it. I passed by that area about a couple of days ago, sometime in the evening, and people were talking about it. I even saw it on the news the next morning when I went and ate breakfast. " I informed him and he looks down. "You're not going to say anything to him, are you?" Sean asked me and I give him a quizzical look then I realized what he was referring to.
"Does Daniel not know?!" I asked him. Before Sean could say anything, Daniel shouts. "Guys, check it out! I already got one branch for the fire!" We jumped and look out to see him picking up the branches. Sean crumples the newspaper clipping up and puts it in the fire-pit as kindling.
"Coming!" Sean shouts then he turns to me and grabs my arm. "Please don't tell him." He pleads. "Sean, I promise I won't tell him. I understand where you're coming from but....you need to tell him." I whispered. "I know, I know. It's just...I'm trying to find the right time." Sean said to me and I nod at him. "Yeah, I understand. That kind've stuff is hard. But I do want to say, I am sorry about your dad, Sean. I...I couldn't imagine going through that and..." I stop then sigh at this before I continued. "I know I'm basically a stranger to you and your brother but if you feel like talking just come to me." I said and Sean nods as he let's go of my arm. "Thanks, (y/n)." He said then he covers the pit with logs and dirt. "No problem." I said.
"Hey, guys. Let's have a race! Whoever finds three logs is the winner, cool?" Daniel asked us as we walked over to him. "Okay. You're brave to challenge me...So let's do it!" Sean said and I smile at them. "No way you boys are gonna beat me." I said, jokingly. "Nu-uh!" Daniel exclaims and he begins to run around the beach and Sean and I laugh as we spread out to find some logs.
By the time I find three logs and started to head towards the cave, I hear Daniel shout. "I win! It's over, guys!" Sean and I reach the campsite and check the pile. "All right, how much you got?" Sean asked him. "It's all there!" Daniel exclaims. "Yeah, okay...That should be enough for the night." I said as we set down our wood pile and we look it over. "Ha ha! See? Told you! I won." Daniel exclaims.
"All right. We have a little time to explore before we light up the fire." Sean said to him, smiling. "Cool! I'll go check the river!" Daniel said and he runs off. "Man, this place is like our own giant camp! We should catch some fish for dinner!" Daniel exclaims and I smile. 
As Sean makes the fire-pit, I walk over to the river and see Daniel trying to stab at fish with a long stick. "Gotcha! No I don't..." he mutters. "What are you doing, mountain boy?" I asked him as I walk next to him. "I'm gonna catch a fish to cook!" He replied to me. "Nice! But we should wait until we get some gear or something..." I said to him. "I can do it! Just watch..." Daniel said to me. "I know....we'll come back later." I said. "You promise?" He asked me and I smiled. "Promise." I said as I nod and he smiles at me.
He walks away from that section of the water and walked down stream. I smiled as I turn around and see Sean sitting on a log. He had a notebook and pen out and I couldn't tell if he was writing or drawing. I walk over to him and asked. "Whatcha' doin'?" He jumps in shock then looks up at me. "Whoa! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I said as I hold my hands up then I was able to see that he was indeed drawing.
"Whatcha' drawing there?" I asked him. "Oh...uh...nothing r-really..." he replied and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Really? It looks like something." I said. "It's just...sometimes I just like to sit and draw things." Sean replied to me. "Can I see it?" I asked as he looks at me. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to...." I said. "No, no...it's okay. I'm just alittle conscious about it." Sean said and he hands me his notebook and I take it in my hands and look at the drawing of the river and trees but I also noticed that he drew Daniel and I near the river.
"Wow, Sean, this is good. Like really good." I said as I go and sit down next to him. "Really? You think so?" He asked me, sounding shocked that I complimented him. "Way better than me. I can only draw stick figures." I said and he and I laugh at this. "You've got talent." I said as I hand him the notebook. "Thanks." He said as he takes the notebook and puts it away. I look over and see Daniel throwing a rock into the river, which lands with a thump.
"He shoots, he...Oh...Sorry, Mr. Fish!" Daniel said and Sean gets up and walks over to him. "Watch me!" Daniel said and he throws another rock, but it falls straight into the river. I chuckle as I walk over to them as Sean says. "Dude, come on...That's a boulder, not a rock! Here, you need a flat rock..." Sean said as he picks up a flat rock. "Hold it like this...Look at my hand..." he tells Daniel as he holds his hand then he flicks it and the rock skips across the surface of the water. "Boom!" He said. "Okay, I get it! My turn!" Daniel said as he picks up a flat rock.
"Hold it with your thumb and finger...and...spin your wrist when you throw..." Sean said as he demonstrates to Daniel. Daniel copies him then has another go, but he is no better. "Almost... What'd I do wrong?" Daniel asked. "Not bad! Give it another try." Sean encouraged him. Daniel throws again, but there's no improvement. "Aw... So close..." Daniel said, defeated. "Try again, Daniel. You've almost got it..." I said to him. "She's right, enano. You're getting into the zone. Don't give up now!" Sean said and Daniel throws again....and it skips over the water several times.
"I did it! I did it! Did you guys see?" Daniel exclaims, excitedly. "Oh yeah...That was awesome!" Sean said as they high-five and fist bump. "I think you're ready for the Olympic Stone Skipping Team!" I said as Daniel and I high-five each other.
A few minutes later we head back to the cave and Sean crouches down then gets his lighter ready when Daniel calls out to us. "Check this out, guys! Whoa! Nice view...You can see so far..." he said as we look up and see Daniel sitting on the rock ledge. "Wait, we're coming!" Sean said and we walk up and Sean sits on Daniel's left side and I sit on Daniel's right side.
"It's...beautiful!" Daniel whispers. "Pretty amazing, huh?" I said and Daniel smiles. "See? It's not so bad here in the forest..." Sean said to him then the three of us lay on our backs, staring at the clouds. "Hey. Look at those clouds. What do they look like to you?" Sean asked us. "I don't know...Cotton candy?" Daniel said, questionable. "That's it? Cotton candy?" Sean said, shocked. "I dunno...What do you see?" Daniel asked him.
"A dragon!" Sean replied. "What? Where??" Daniel asked. "Okay. There's the tail...and the horns...and the fangs! And the smoke coming out of its mouth!" Sean said as he points towards the sky. "Oh, I see it! It's awesome!" Daniel said. "And I see a castle. Looks like the dragon is going to attack it." I said and Daniel smiles. "Wouldn't it be cool if we had a pet dragon?" He asked. "Yeah, it would be faster to travel than on foot." I said. "I hear that." Sean said and I smile.
Then I started to feel something. Something I've never felt before as I lay here, watching the clouds with these two brothers. As I watch them look up at the clouds, I began to wonder....is this what I was looking for? Are these two the answer to my question of where do I belong? Have I already found what I'm looking for? I mean, I just met these two but...I've never connected with people so quickly like I have with these two. Maybe I could hang around them alittle longer and see where this goes. I thought.
"Ooo...I see something else! There's a giant douchebag!" Daniel said. "Oh yeah? Where?" Sean and I asked. Daniel points up at the sky, then lowers his arm to point at Sean. "Right here." He replied and I began to laugh. "Right here, huh?" Sean said as he playfully nudges Daniel's arm away. We laid there for a few minutes and watch the clouds go by until Sean sits up. "C'mon. Let's go eat something." He said. "You read my mind." I said as I sit up and we walk down the formation and enter inside the cave.
"All right, enano. We're cave people now. Time...to make fire." Sean said to Daniel. "Okay...Can I help?" Daniel asked him. "You have a big mouth like me, so come on! Blow!" Sean said and Daniel smiles. "Yes!" He exclaims then he gives a large puff that blows smolder everywhere. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I said as Sean exclaimed. "Dude, don't blow it out!"
"Sorry, sorry...I wanted to do it like a movie..." Daniel said, apologetically, then he gives a softer puff. "Nice. It's warming up..." I said and we began to pull out the food from our backpacks and began to eat.
Chapter 3
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everythingsablr · 3 years
The Wanderer
What happens when a Scout gets forgotten, presumed dead, further into the Titan forest than has ever been gone before?
And what happens when that Scout survives, thrives, even? Despite bearing a child that wasn't meant to be, especially not then.
This is the story of a teen born outside the walls, among the trees, knowing nothing but a life a hundred meters above the ground. And finding her way to these mythical walls her mother always told her about
The Wanderer is an in-progress, slow-burn OC/Reader Insert Attack On Titan fanfiction that as of yet has no set character of which the reader will end up with, though the choice will be between Hange Zoe, Jean Kirstein, and Levi Ackerman. Hit read more to read the prologue. ~2k words
The world had come back to me tinted in red. Upside down and quiet.
I liked the quiet.
You never hear it behind the walls. It’s too crowded. Too cramped and locked in.
I never liked tight spaces.
I guess that’s why I joined the Scouts. I was tired of being trapped like a rat in a cage.
I had found myself strung up in a tree, deep in the Titan’s Forest, deeper than we ever had gone before due to being chased down by multiple abnormals, for many days by horseback; my ODM gear the only thing keeping me up. I was alone. My horse's carcass was at the foot of the tall, tall tree I had somehow found myself in. It appears to have been squashed.
As I hang there, trying to remember where I was or how I had gotten there, I realize it is not silent. Not quite.
I can hear…. Birds?
Their gentle warbling is soft and beautiful, and I see a deer peering through the trees, maybe fifty meters away. This is unheard of within the walls, human desperation devastating any natural wildlife inside them. It’s prettier than the photos Erwin’s shown me, in the books we were never supposed to have.
The thought of him was what finally pulled me out of my reverie.
There were signs of a fight, struggle, everywhere, but far below me, I was.....unusually high. I found no corpses but plenty of blood, plenty of scrapes of my own including a nasty gash across my eye. I'm not that pretty anymore, unfortunately.  
‘I must have been thrown or tossed by a blast…’ I had thought to myself. So I gathered what I could from my horse and started searching through the trees.
I ran out of gas within hours. Food from my pack in days,
Hope in weeks.
My gear off of my horse and the lines out of my ODM gear allowed me to string my tent up high into the trees. And it was there, I planned out what I didn’t know would be the rest of my life.
And the beginning of someone else’s.
The treehouse was the product of six months of nonstop work put in by myself upon realizing that I had no way home. I was too far into the tall trees of the Titan Forest in the deep, deep southeast, with no mode of transportation. I was stranded in a sea of people-eating giants, and it became clear soon enough that no help was coming. They think me dead. I know that now.
A couple of the six remaining blades from my ODM gear were broken and turned into axes; my scout training along with my knack for hunting and gathering that I had picked up growing up in the small population of people in Dauper combining into pure survival tactics.
The sounds of my chopping down branches always inevitably brought a couple of titans but as time went on I became more and more accustomed to climbing trees, to the point where it became second nature. As easy as walking by the river.
Despite the name, the titans I came across were few and far between in the forest, never tall enough to reach me in the hundred-meter treetops; their arrival always preceded by an eerie, breath-stealing silence, as the birds and other fauna go into their own hidey holes.
Once at a certain height, though, I found they eventually lose my scent, and therefore their interest in me. It was rare that I ever had to jump from the trees to dispatch one, but if I did it was almost surely an abnormal. One that would just stand there for days, watching me. Almost seeming to...think. As though it were analyzing how it would be able to get to me. I didn’t like those ones, so they were dispatched with quickly. No one likes being watched. Especially by bulging-eyed freaks. It was four months into my new hell of a life when my stomach began to bulge, and I had to sit down, in my half-finished tree hut and fully realize where I was and what was truly going to happen.
Could I do this? Bring a child up in this world away from the world? Was that possible? Or should I…
The glint of green-tinged sunlight shining off the blade of my knife had drawn my eyes towards it, and as I got closer, I could see myself. Perhaps for the first time in many months.
My coiled red locks were thick and tangled, and my eyes, near the same shade of the leafy treetops above, are bloodshot and raw.
“I could end it all now. ‘ I had thought. I was tired. I was ready. I was so ready…
But when I grabbed that blade again, when I looked into it, looking for myself, I swear to you upon the Gods above Erwin, I saw you. I saw your stupid eyebrows and your steely gaze.
I saw your smile.
I felt your touch. And for a moment it all fell away and you were there with me, a hand on my stomach, feeling the baby kick for the first time. And I realize that I had to survive. I had to survive as long as it took for you to meet your daughter.
If you’re reading this, Erwin, you have. At least I hope that’s who is handing you this note right now. Pretty girl, hair as red as mine and eyes as sharp as yours?
She’s beautiful, isn’t she?
She’s smart. She’s sharp, quick, and everything you could ever imagine. And more. I hope you get the chance to witness it.
I love you, Erwin.
My knight in shining armor I never thought I needed.
Until the Gods bring us together again,
Flora Allaway
Year 847
Sixteen Years After Stranding.
Long, freckled fingers trace over the words written into the pages of the well-worn journal, salty, bitter drops dripping from the teen's face as she reads the journal for the last time where she was now sitting.
Morrigan was sitting on her knees in the middle of their home far above the ground, held up and of thick, woven branches, sixteen years of adapting and evolving turning the structure from something a little more than an unsteady shack- into a sturdy home, with walls made of wood planking, holes sealed in with mud, roof watertight with clay found from digging a bit deeper underground. They even had a small fireplace, and a chimney that chipmunks got stuck in quite often unfortunately for the critters, but fortunate for the women, who had enough to make gloves, and slippers, and even me out of.
The walls were lined with animal skins - over a decade of hunting and recording the local fauna.
Whitetailed deer.
Wild Boars.
Even a fox or two.
Arrows made with owl feathers.
Grappling hooks made with ODM wire and antlers, there wasn’t a part of Morrigan’s wardrobe that wasn’t the skin of some animal that had sacrificed its own life for her and her mother to keep their own.
They learned to respect the forest that housed them because you can tell if you’re safe; based on the sounds of the forest. They’ll tell you if you should be quiet.
It had been a week since her mother had last come home. The longest amount of time by far. She was always back within two, three days tops. She had a caution to herself that Morrigan always teased her for, for her daughter was always almost a little too daring with her own life, always wanting to go further, whereas her mother preferred them to be safe.
And they were, for fifteen years.
It was soon after Morrigan’s fifteenth birthday, when they noticed a distinct shift in the Titans’ migratory patterns.
A titan or two would wander by inevitably around three to four times a week, usually coming from all directions, usually right after they would return to the trees after hunting or foraging, their scent being far enough to attract the monstrous beings. But, at one point in the early summer, something changed. Drastically. From the south. They all came, it wasn’t one massive rush, but enough of a stream to keep the forest quiet of all natural life for many days, weeks. By the time the birds started singing again, Flora and Morrigan’s cheeks were sunken in and they were lucky to be alive enough to hunt. Flora knew that something had happened. Something had happened to the Walls. She felt it in her soul. But she couldn’t go. She couldn’t take her daughter, no matter how capable she thought she was. She was just a child.
It was a year after the event her mother called “The great migration.” And they hadn’t seen a Titan in almost a month.
Which is just what made her mother’s disappearance so strange.
‘ Was now really the time where you weren’t careful enough, mother?’ Morrigan thought to herself bitterly, snapping shut the journal and tucking it to the bottom of her leather pack. The cloak she wrapped around herself was rabbit fur, waist-length and various shades of brown to near black, the hood entirely covering her face and wild mane of fiery ginger hair.
Her pack was filled with exclusively essentials, her waterskien strapped to her waist and her knives on various bodyparts, she stares at the two, untouched blades her mother had left. From all that time ago. Morrigan wondered why she’d never really used them, but had simply taught Morrigan how to at the ripe age of 12.
But she thinks she understands now, as she puts them in the sheathes she had watched her mother painstakingly take weeks making, sheathes that not only strap to one’s back and provide easy access, but don’t impede ones’ movement while swinging/running through the trees. As she’s about to step outside what she’s known as home for the past decade in a half for what she knows is the last time, she hears the silence. It’s deafening. She pauses, hand on the loop of twisted bark that served as their door handle, holding her breath as she pulled it open, not expecting anything immediately, but the eventuality of encountering a titan was enough to set one on edge. But when she opened the door, it was not green-filtered sunlight that met her. It was the disgusting, hot, wet breath of a Titan.
She felt her heart skip, once, twice, three times, processing what was before her in both slow motion, and the speed of light. It was between ten and twelve meters, it’s hair a ridiculous bang ordeal, with wide, accusatory brown eyes and a sneer upon its lips. It was disgusting. The thing  had climbed the wide-based tree across from their home, using that one to avoid shaking theirs. It was… stealthy. That was the only thing Morrigan could process before a massive hand was reaching for her. She threw herself through the door, knowing that if she didn’t, she’d be stuck and die for sure; her body inevitably being ripped apart and devoured by this vile creature
The grappling hook was swung, and it luckily hooked onto a tree branch, swinging her quickly behind the Abnormal and allowing her to perch just above it, unsheathing the blades and grimacing, eyes staring down its naked form with pity-laced disgust. For all she knew, this is the monster whose fault it was for her mother not coming home. It was that thought that launched her off of the branch, before the creature could even turn around and try at her again, she had done what her mother had taught her, and what those people behind those walls were supposedly “so good at.”
‘ One meter across ten centimeters wide…’ She thought to herself, as she slashed across the back of the Titans’ neck. She knew she had done it correctly when the thing slumped forwards, falling and hitting every branch on its’ way down. It had begun steaming almost immediately, and she crinkled her nose in disgust. “Good riddance.” She said softly, before shaking herself off and resecuring all of her things. This was going to be quite the journey. She wasn’t sure if she was going to find her mother or the fabled “Walls” first. But she knew she refused to die until she found both. The Wanderer is updated weekly on fanfiction.net and archiveofourown.org  and is currently two chapters deep, with many more to come.  I tend to forget about Tumblr so updates here will not be so frequent though I will try and remind that the chapters are up elsewhere. Have a good one and I hope you stick around!
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marunalu · 4 years
Disney Movies List
Ok first of all I want to make clear that english is not my first language. I therefore apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please don't be too strict with me =D
I recently bought Disney+ and I plan now to watch and review every movie, Disney has ever produced or participated in it. And I tell you, this will be a hell of a trip, because my list now contains no fewer than 701 movies. That means if I watch at least one movie every day, it will take me about 2 years to see all of them. And since I will most likely not watch a movie every day, I will definitely need at least twice as long....
For the films on my list, which I marked with a cross at the end, it means that I have seen them already. However, since I last saw most of these movies in my childhood or teenage years (so at least 15 years ago), it will be interesting for me to rewatch them after such a long time. I have probably already forgotten most of the plots.
I also plan to watch them in chronological order and rank them. The movies that I don't find on Disney+ I will watch somewhere else.
Here is the list: (The films follow the chronological order in which they were published. However, it is quite possible that I accidentally swapped a few. But I think most of it is accurate).
Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons (X)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (X)
Pinocchio (X)
Fantasia (X)
The Reluctant Dragon ( )
Dumbo (X)
Bambi (X)
Saludos Amigos ( )
Victory Through Air Power ( )
The Three Caballores ( )
Make Mine Music ( )
Song of the South ( )
Fun and Fancy Free (X)
Melody Time ( )
Seal Island ( )
So Dear to my Heart ( )
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (X)
Cinderella (X)
Treasure Island ( )
In Beaver Valley ( )
Alice in Wonderland (X)
Nature's Half Acre ( )
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men ( )
The Olympic Elk ( )
Water Birds ( )
Peter Pan (X)
The Sword and the Rose ( )
The Living Desert (X)
Bear Country ( )
The Alaskan Eskimo ( )
Prowlers of the Everglades ( )
Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue ( )
The Vanishing Prairie ( )
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ( )
Siam ( )
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier ( )
Lady and the Tramp (X)
The African Lion ( )
The Littlest Outlaw ( )
Men Against The Arctic ( )
The Great Locomotive Chase ( )
Davy Crockett and the River Pirates ( )
Secrets of Life ( )
Westward Ho the Wagons! ( )
Johnny Tremain ( )
Perri ( )
Old Yeller ( )
Navajo Adventure ( )
The Light in the Forest ( )
Tonka ( )
Grand Canyon ( )
Sleeping Beauty (X)
The Shaggy Dog ( )
Darby O'Gill and the Little People ( )
Zorro the Avenger ( )
Third Man on the Mountain ( )
Mysteries of the Deep ( )
Toby Tyler: Or, ten Weeks with a Circus ( )
Kidnapped ( )
Pollyanna ( )
The Sign of Zorro ( )
Jungle Cat ( )
Ten Who Dared ( )
Swiss Family Robinson ( )
Island of the Sea ( )
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (X)
The Absent-Minded Professsor ( )
Parent Trap ( )
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North ( )
Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog ( )
Babes in Toyland ( )
Wonders of the Water Worlds ( )
Moon Pilot ( )
Bon Voyage! ( )
Big Red ( )
Almost Angels ( )
The Legend of Lobo ( )
In Search of the Castaways ( )
The Prince and the Pauper ( )
Son of Flubber ( )
Miracle of the White Stallions ( )
Savage Sam ( )
Summer Magic ( )
The Incredible Journey ( )
The Sword in the Stone (X)
A Tiger Walks ( )
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones ( )
The Three Lives of Thomasina ( )
The Moon-Spinners ( )
Mary Poppins ( )
Emil and the Detectives ( )
Those Calloways ( )
The Monkey's Uncle ( )
That Darn Cat! ( )
The Ugly Dachshund ( )
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. ( )
The Fighting Prince of Donegal ( )
Follow Me, Boys! ( )
Monkeys, Go Home! ( )
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin ( )
The Gnome-Mobile ( )
The Jungle Book (X)
Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar ( )
The Happiest Millionaire ( )
Blackbeard's Ghost ( )
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band ( )
Never a Dull Moment ( )
The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit ( )
Guns in the Heather ( )
The Love Bug ( )
Smith! ( )
Rascal ( )
The Computer Whore Tennis Shoes ( )
My Dog, the Thief ( )
Ride a Northbound Horse ( )
King of the Grizzlies ( )
The Boatniks ( )
The Wild Country ( )
Smoke ( )
The Aristocats (X)
The Barefoot Executive ( )
Scandalous John ( )
The Million-Dollar-Duck ( )
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (X)
The Biscuit Eater ( )
Now You See Him, Now You Don't ( )
Napoleon and Samantha ( )
Run, Cougar, run ( )
Snowball Express ( )
Chandar, the Black Leopard of Ceylon ( )
The World's Greatest Athlete ( )
Charley and the Angel ( )
One Little Indian ( )
Robin Hood (X)
Mustang! ( )
Superdad ( )
Herbie Rides Again ( )
The Bears and I ( )
The Castaway Cowboy ( )
The Island at the Top of the World ( )
The Strongest Man in the World ( )
Escape to Witch Mountain ( )
The Apple Dumpling Gang ( )
One Of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing ( )
The Best of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures ( )
Ride a Wild Pony ( )
The Boy Who Talked to Badgers ( )
No Deposit, No Return ( )
Treasure of Matecumbe ( )
Gus ( )
The Shaggy D.A. ( )
Freaky Friyday ( )
The Littlest Horse Thieves ( )
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (X)
A Tale of Two Critters ( )
The Rescuers (X)
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo ( )
Pete's Dragon ( )
Candleshoe ( )
Return form Witch Mountain ( )
The Cat from Outer Space ( )
Hot Lead and Cold Feet ( )
Child of Glass ( )
The North Avenue Irregulars ( )
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again ( )
Unidentified Flying Oddball ( )
The Black Hole ( )
The Muppet Movie ( )
The London Connection ( )
Midnight Madness ( )
The Watcher in the Woods ( )
Herbie Goes Bananas ( )
The Last Flight of Noah's Ark ( )
Popeye ( )
The Devil and Max Devlin ( )
Amy ( )
Dragonslayer ( )
The Fox and the Hound (X)
Condorman ( )
The Great Muppet Caper ( )
Night Crossing ( )
Tron ( )
Tex ( )
Trenchcoat ( )
Something Wicked This Way Comes ( )
Tiger Town ( )
Never Cry Wolf ( )
Love Leads the Way (X)
Where the Toys Come From ( )
Return to Oz ( )
The Black Cauldron (X)
The Journey of Natty Gann ( )
One Magic Christmas ( )
Teen Academy ( )
The Great Mouse Detective (X)
Flight of the Navigator ( )
Disneys Fluppy Dogs ( )
The Parent Trap ( )
The Christmas Star ( )
Benji the Hunted ( )
Return of the Shaggy Dog ( )
Mr. Boogedy ( )
Return to Snowy River ( )
Oliver & Company (X)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( )
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (X)
Cheetah ( )
The Little Mermaid (X)
Bride of Boogedy ( )
DuckTales: The Movie – Treasure of the Lost Lamp ( )
The Rescuers Down Under (X)
White Fang (X)
Shipwrecked ( )
Wild Hearts Can't be Broken ( )
The Rocketeer ( )
Beauty and the Beast (X)
Newsies ( )
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid ( )
The Mighty Ducks ( )
Aladdin (X)
The Muppet Christmas Carol ( )
Day-O ( )
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (X)
A Far Off Place ( )
The Adventures of Huck Finn ( )
Hocus Pocus ( )
Cool Runnings ( )
The Nightmare Before Christmas ( )
The Three Musketeers ( )
Iron Will ( )
Blank Check ( )
D2: The Mighty Ducks ( )
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf ( )
The Lion King (X)
Angels in the Outfield ( )
Squanto: A Warrior's Tale ( )
The Santa Clause (X)
The Jungle Book (X)
The Return of Jafar (X)
Heavyweights ( )
Man of the House ( )
Tall Tale ( )
A Goofy Movie ( )
Pocahontas (X)
Operation Dumbo Drop ( )
A Kid in King Arthur's Court ( )
The Big Green ( )
Frank and Ollie ( )
Toy Story (X)
Tom and Huck ( )
Gargoyles – The Movie ( )
Muppet Treasure Island ( )
Homeward Bound: Lost in San Francisco (X)
James and the Giant Peach ( )
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (X)
First Kid ( )
D3 The Mighty Ducks ( )
101 Dalmatians (X)
Aladdin and the King of Thieves (X)
Wish Upon a Star ( )
Susie Q ( )
The Darn Cat ( )
Jungle 2 Jungle (X)
George of the Jungle (X)
Air Bud (X)
RocketMan ( )
Flubber (X)
Mr. Magoo ( )
Tower of Terror ( )
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas ( )
Under Wraps ( )
Northern Lights ( )
Angels in the Endzone ( )
Mighty Ducks the Movie: The First Faceoff ( )
Pooh's Great Adventure: The Search for Christoper Robin ( )
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves ( )
The Love Bug ( )
Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella ( )
Oliver Twist ( )
Meet the Deedles ( )
Mulan (X)
The Parent Trap (X)
Air Bud: Golden Receiver ( )
I'll Be Home for Christmas ( )
A Bug's Life (X)
Mighty Joe Young ( )
You Lucky Dog ( )
Halloweentown ( )
Brink! ( )
Whoopi – A Knight in Camelot (X)
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit ( )
Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World ( )
The Lion King 2: Simbas Pride (X)
Belle's Magical World ( )
Armageddon ( )
Don't Look Under the Bed (X)
Genius ( )
The Thirteenth Year ( )
Johnny Tsunami ( )
Can of Worms ( )
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century ( )
Horse Sense ( )
Smart House ( )
My Favorite Martian ( )
Doug – The 1. Movie ( )
Endurance ( )
Tarzan (X)
Inspector Gadget ( )
The Straight Story ( )
Toy Story 2 (X)
H.E. – Double Hockey Sticks ( )
Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas ( )
Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving ( )    
Annie ( )
Fantasia 2000 ( )
The Ultimative Christmas Present ( )
Phantom of the Megaplex ( )
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire ( )
The Other Me ( )
Quints ( )
Ready to Run ( )
Stepsister from Planet Weird ( )
Miracle in Lane 2 ( )
Rip Girls ( )
Alley Cats Strike ( )
The Color of Friendship ( )
Up, Up and Away ( )
Angels in the Infield ( )
Air Bud 3 ( )
Mail to the Chief ( )
Geppetto ( )
The Tigger Movie ( )
Dinosaur (X)
Disney's The Kid ( )
Remember the Titans ( )
102 Dalmatians (X)
The Emperor's New Groove (X)
An Extremly Goofy Movie ( )
Whispers: An Elephant Tale ( )
The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea (X)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command ( )
Life-Size ( )
The Miracle Worker ( )
Bounce ( )
Jett Jackson: The Movie ( )
The Other Side of Heaven ( )
`Twas the Night ( )
Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge ( )
The Poof Point ( )
Jumping Ship ( )
Jennie ( )
Hounded ( )
Luck of the Irish ( )
Zenon: The Zequel ( )
Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse ( )
Motocrossed ( )
Recess: School's Out ( )
Lady and the Tramp 2 – Scamp's Adventure (X)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (X)
The Princess Diaries ( )
Max Keebles Big Move ( )
Monsters, Inc (X)
Princess of Thieves ( )
Air Bud 4 ( )
The Scream Team ( )
A Ring of Endless Light ( )
Gotta Kick It Up! ( )
Get a Clue ( )
Tru>> confessions ( )
Cadet Kelly ( )
Double Teamed ( )
Snow Dogs (X)
Return to Neverland (X)
The Rookie ( )
Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True (X)
Lilo & Stitch (X)
The Country Bears ( )
Tuck Everlasting ( )
The Santa Clause 2 ( )
Treasure Planet (X)
Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year ( )
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 ( )
Tarzan & Jane ( )
Mickey's House of Villains ( )
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time ( )
Air Bud 5 ( )
Full Court Miracle ( )
The Cheetah Girls ( )
Eddies Million Dollar Cook-Off ( )
The Even Stevens Movie ( )
Right on Track ( )
You Wish! ( )
101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure ( )
The Jungle Book 2 (X)
Inspector Gadget 2 ( )
Piglet's Big Movie ( )
Ghosts of the Abyss ( )
Holes ( )
Atlantis: Milo's Return (X)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie ( )
Finding Nemo (X)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (X)
Freaky Friday ( )
Brother Bear (X)
George of the Jungle 2 ( )
The Haunted Mansion (X)
The Young Black Stallion ( )
Stitch! The Movie ( )
Recess ( )
Recess: All Growed Down ( )
Going to the Mat ( )
Pixel Perfect ( )
Zenon Z3 ( )
Halloweentown High ( )
Tiger Cruise ( )
Stuck in the Suburbs ( )
Teacher's Pet ( )
Miracle ( )
March of the Penguins ( )
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen ( )
Ghost in the Shell 2 – Innocence ( )
Home on the Range (X)
Sacred Planet ( )
Springtime with Roo ( )
Around the World in 80 Days (X)
America's Heart and Soul ( )
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement ( )
Mulan 2 (X)
The Incredibles (X)
Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (X)
The Lion King 1½ (X)
National Treasure ( )
Mickey, Donald and Goofy: The Three Musketeers (X)
Aliens of the Deep ( )
The Three Musketeers ( )
Kronk's New Groove ( )
Once Upon a Mattress ( )
Kim Possible Movie – So the Drama ( )
Go Figure ( )
Life is Ruff ( )
The Proud Family Movie ( )
Twitches ( )
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (X)
Pooh's Heffalump Movie ( )
The Pacifier ( )
Ice Princess ( )
Herbie: Fully Loaded ( )
Sky High ( )
Valiant ( )
The Greatest Game Ever Played ( )
Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie ( )
Now You See It ( )
Buffalo Dreams ( )
Chicken Little ( )
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (X)
Tarzan 2 (X)
The Muppet's Wizard of Oz ( )
Air Buddies ( )
Read It and Weep ( )
Wendy Wu – Homecoming Warrior ( )
Cow Belles ( )
The Cheetah Girls 2 ( )
Return to Halloweentown ( )
High School Musical ( )
Brother Bear 2 ( )
Glory Road ( )
Roving Mars ( )
Bambi 2 (X)
Eight Below (X)
The Shaggy Dog ( )
The Wild ( )
Cars ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (X)
Leroy & Stitch ( )
Invincible ( )
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ( )
Bridge to Terabithia ( )
Johnny Kapahala – Back on Board ( )
Jump In! ( )
Meet the Robinsons ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ( )
Ratatouille ( )
Underdog ( )
The Pixar Story ( )
The Game Plan ( )
Le Premier Cri ( )
Enchanted ( )
The Fox and the Hound 2 (X)
The Secret of the Magic Gourd ( )
Pooh's Super Sleuth Christmas Movie ( )
Twitches Too ( )
High School Musical 2 ( )
Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time (X)
National Treasure: Book of Secrets ( )
Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert ( )
Snow Buddies ( )
The Cheetah Girls 3: One World ( )
The Little Mermaid – Ariel's Beginning (X)
Tinkerbell (X)
Camp Rock ( )
Minutemen ( )
College Road Trip ( )
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian ( )
Dasavathaaram ( )
WALL-E ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahu ( )
Morning Light ( )
High School Musical 3: Senior Year ( )
Bolt (X)
Bedtime Stories ( )
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience ( )
Iron Man ( )
Race to Witch Mountain ( )
Hannah Montana: The Movie ( )
Earth ( )
The Incredible Hulk ( )
Trail of the Panda ( )
Up ( )
Lilly the Witch: The Dragon and the Magic Book ( )
G-Force ( )
Walt & El Grupo ( )
The Book of Masters ( )
Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie ( )
Santa Buddies Here Comes Santa Paws ( )
Disney's A Christmas Carol ( )
Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure (X)
Old Dogs ( )
Princess Protection Program ( )
The Princess and the Frog ( )
Tigger & Pooh and a Musical Too ( )
Hatching Pete ( )
Dadnapped ( )
Space Buddies ( )
Alice in Wonderland (X)
Waking Sleeping Beauty ( )
Oceans ( )
Santa Paws ( )
Avalon High ( )
Den Brother ( )
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam ( )
Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue (X)
StarStruck ( )
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ( )
Toy Story 3 ( )
You Again ( )
The Sorcerer's Apprentice ( )
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos ( )
Secretariat ( )
Do Dooni Chaar ( )
Tangled ( )
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story ( )
Tron: Legacy ( )
Iron Man 2 ( )
Geek Charming ( )
Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas! ( )
Phineas & Ferb – The Movie ( )
Spooky Buddies ( )
Anaganaga O Dheerudu ( )
The Suite Life Movie ( )
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure ( )
Lemonade Mouth ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 ( )
Thor ( )
Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan ( )
Mars Needs Moms ( )
Zokkomon ( )
African Cats ( )
Prom ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides ( )
Cars 2 ( )
Winnie the Pooh ( )
Pixie Hollow Games (X)
The Muppets ( )
Girl vs. Monster ( )
Santa Paws 2 ( )
Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess ( )
Radio Rebel ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3 ( )
Treasure Buddies ( )
FRenemies ( )
John Carter ( )
Chimpanzee ( )
Arjun: The Warrior Prince ( )
Brave ( )
The Odd Life of Timothy Green ( )
Frankenweenie ( )
Let It Shine ( )
Secret of the Wings (X)
The Advengers ( )
Wreck-It Ralph ( )
Teen Beach Movie ( )
Super Buddies
Oz the Great and Powerful ( )
Wings of Life ( )
Monsters University ( )
The Lone Ranger ( )
Planes ( )
Frozen ( )
Saving Mr. Banks ( )
Iron Man 3 ( )
Thor: The Dark World ( )
How to Build a Better Boy ( )
Zapped ( )
Cloud 9 ( )
The Pirate Fairy (X)
Muppets Most Wanted ( )
Bears ( )
Million Dollar Arm ( )
Maleficent ( )
Planes: Fire & Rescue ( )
Khoobsurat ( )
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ()
Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( )
Guardians of the Galaxy ( )
Big Hero 6 (X)
Into the Woods ( )
McFarland USA ( )
Cinderella ( )
Monkey Kingdom ( )
Tomorrowland ( )
Inside Out ( )
ABCD 2 ( )
Ant-Man ( )
The Good Dinosaur ( )
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (X)
Teen Beach 2 ( )
Tinkerbell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (X)
Bad Hair Day ( )
Descendants ( )
Avengers: Age of Ultron ( )
The Finest Hours ( )
Zootopia (X)
The Jungle Book ( )
Tini: The Movie ( )
Alice Through the Looking Glass ( )
Finding Dory ( )
BFG ( )
Pete's Dragon ( )
Queen of Katwe ( )
Moana (X)
Captain America: Civil War ( )
Doctor Strange ( )
Rogue One. A Star Wars Story (X)
Growing Up Wild ( )
Dangal ( )
 L'Empereur – March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step ( )
Beauty and the Beast ( )
Born in China ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales ( )
Cars 3 ( )
Ghost of the Mountains ( )
Jagga Jasoos ( )
Coco ( )
Lillys Bewitched Christmas ( )
Descendants 2 ( )
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( )
Spider Man: Homecoming ( )
Thor: Ragnarok ( )
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (X)
Expedition China ( )
A Wrinkle in Time ( )
The Incredibles 2 ( )
Christoper Robin ( )
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms ( )
Ralph Breaks the Internet ( )
Mary Poppins Returns ( )
Zombies ( )
Black Panther ( )
Avengers: Infinity War ( )
Solo: A Star Wars Story ( )
Ant-Man and the Wasp ( )
Dumbo ( )
Penguins ( )
Aladdin ( )
Toy Stor 4 ( )
The Lion King ( )
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil ( )
Lady and the Tramp ( )
Noelle ( )
Frozen 2 ( )
Descendants 3 ( )
Captain Marvel ( )
Avengers: End Game ( )
Spider-Man: Far From Home ( )
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ( )
One Day at Disney ( )
Togo ( )
Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made ( )
Onward ( )
Stargirl ( )
Dolphin Reef ( )
Elephant ( )
Artemis Fowl ( )
Hamilton ( )
Mulan ( )
The One and Only Ivan ( )
The Beatles: Get Back ( )
Soul ( )
Secret Society of Second-Born Royals ( )
Magic Camp ( )
Howard ( )
Urgh! Wish me luck, that I survive this....
14 notes · View notes
davidedwardking · 4 years
My dog was lost for three days. What came back wasn't my dog.
As a kid, I was raised in a small fishing community on the Eastern side of Canada, surrounded by the gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Boreal Forest. The entirety of the land was close to 4000 foot square with an even smaller number of residents sprawled out over "main street", the main road running straight through our little town, and farming houses spread widely between areas of trees that were changed to domestic residential homes when agriculture stopped being profitable. In total, our community is surrounded by a vast expanse of ocean, and a seemingly endless barrage of trees that's spread over 55% of Canada's entire country. I spent most of my life hunting in those woods, so you can imagine my joy when my parents got me a "hunting dog".
Sandy was a Shetland Sheepdog, and while they were more fit to be herding and tracking sheep over grassy plains rather than rabbits and deer through dense forest, it didn't stop me from taking him with me on every excursion I possibly could. Sandy had been by my side for enough hunting trips that he'd grown accustomed to waking up just before breaking daylight, and on a few occasions helped track down small game like squirrels and rabbits through considerably large areas of forest.
Sandy wasn't my property, and wasn't treated like he "belonged" to me. Sandy was a member of the family, my best companion, and my truest friend. I think fondly back on all the times he'd sit in the front seat of the truck without being told, ready to go for a walk in whatever part of the forest I took him to. I can honestly say that there will never be a dog that will fill the void Sandy left in my life. I find that dog lovers relate to that sentiment more than others.
It was October 30th, the first day of deer hunting season. I had been talking with my family about taking Sandy, my hunting gear, and some essentials to one of the cabins my Grandfather owned in his heyday off an unmarked road a few hundred miles into the wilderness for a few days. This was met with a lot of protesting, but nothing could stop me from getting in some time looking for wild game in an area that wasn't already picked clean by illegal hunters earlier on in the month. Everything was packed into the old blue ford, Sandy included, and a few hours of driving later we were setting up camp in one of my Grandfather's secluded old cabins.
Here's where things got fucked up. Sandy, I'm so, so sorry.
I had spent most of the time of my life being in the wilderness. There were only a handful of times that things had gotten weird for me, but usually everything can be explained with scientific reason. That's why I brushed off Sandy's weirdness on the first few nights, chalking it up to the nervousness of a dog that's capable of hearing the far off noises of various coyotes, wolves, bears, and moose. This was untouched territory, of course. There had been plenty of time for wildlife to set up camp here, too.
The first night was fairly normal. I had set up Sandy's bed in the corner of the living room, next to the T.V. that looked like it came out of the early 90's. I figured I'd give Sandy the option to have someplace to lay down for a while, despite the fact that he slept curled up with me nine times out of ten. Close to 10 at night, Sandy looked straight at the wooden door and whined. I figured he needed to piss, and opened the door to let him out, not worried about having my best friend stray too far from me. Instead he sat just inside the door, looking out at the forests edge beyond the path. I too stood and looked for a few minutes before deciding he had just heard an errant critter close to the cabin. The rest of the night was fairly normal, and Sandy slept with me fine.
The second night, I chalked the weirdness up to Sandy's stress. Earlier in the day, we had been walking a few miles through the woods beyond the house, and I thought I heard the sound of twigs cracking under something heavy. I hoped it wasn't a moose, because my shotgun wouldn't have stood a chance, but something changed in Sandy that I didn't pay close attention to at the time. He hunched himself on his hind legs, his front pressed close to the ground. His mouth pulled up over his teeth, and he growled towards nothingness. I figured we'd try hunting again later, if whatever it was had left and should he be feeling up to it, but once we were inside he didn't want to move. Even when I tried to get him to go outside and do his business, he sat at the door and cried, wailing at me to let me know he didn't want to go out there. I didn't pressure him. If he pissed on the floor, so be it. Sandy never acted up before. I could excuse an accident or two, if he really didn't want to be out there. It must've been a bear, I thought, before locking the door and calling it a night.
The third night is where things went to hell, /nosleep/, and I still don't fully understand what happened.
Sandy didn't eat all day. I managed to shoot a rabbit in the early morning, when Sandy decided he didn't want to be outside any longer than he had to, and retired inside for the day. I cooked it up, threw a little gravy on it, and gave it to my dog. I didn't do this all the time, but I figured now was a special occasion, and maybe a treat would put him in a better mood for another walk the next day.
Sandy didn't touch it. He didn't so much as sniff it. Instead, he sat at my side on the couch, watching the doorway intently. I tucked him under one of my arms, and he laid his head on my lap, eyes still locked on that door. Close to three hours of watching grainy VHS tapes on an outdated television set, Sandy started crying, hugging himself close to my body. This is where my judgement took me down the wrong path for the first time of many.
It must sound silly, being my dogs protector rather than my dog being mine, but this was my family. I figured if there was something out there that was scaring Sandy so bad, then it was my job to do something about it. I loaded my 4.10, opened the door, stood in the doorway and waited.
I must've waited at least a half hour, staring into nothing. There was barely any sound, save for the faint buzz of insects and leaves rustling in the cold autumn wind. Moose aren't elegant creatures, and if it were a moose, I would've heard it coming. Around the 40 minute mark, Sandy took off like a shot, into the darkness of the trees beyond the path, barking wildly. I started to get worried, despite my knowledge that my dog isn't entirely helpless in the wilderness. There were still bigger animals that would've liked to take a bite out of him if there wasn't a lot of food for the winter.
I heard Sandy's bark fade away in the distance, and then stop altogether.
I waited hours standing in the doorway with my shotgun cocked and ready to put down whatever it was that was waiting in the woods. I waited hours for Sandy to come back to the house. I waited until the sun was cracking through the trees, and then I waited until that night, sitting on my porch step, feigning off sleep deprivation to see my dog come back.
Sandy did come back, but not for another three days.
Fog had rolled in at that point, and it was getting darker, the night painting the sky a navy blue. Tracking over the last few days proved futile, and I started to get worried that I'd need to leave and find more provisions to last me the next few nights. I couldn't leave Sandy up there, lost in the woods, cold and probably hungry. The thought that he might be waiting out there for me to find him and bring him back home was distressing enough. I was packing the bag that hung on the coat rack next to the door with what I'd need for the next day's trip. I figured tomorrow would be the last day before I'd go into town and see if my Father would help me find Sandy. He was a retired, graying man, but I was sure if I brought up Sandy's name he'd be more than willing to help me search for him. Thankfully, Sandy came back before I'd even finished that train of thought.
I saw him from the window, on the path that lead down to the main road, a few dozen feet away from the house. Normally I'd hear him scamper to the doorway and paw at the door a few times, eager to come in, but this was different. I could see the reflection of his eyes as green pearls in the murky fog that had swamped the house. For a moment I thought it might be an animal, but the outline of his body in the wisps of thick low-lying clouds was unmistakable. Still, despite myself, I hesitated. There was something different about his body language. I stared out the window for a few more moments before reason overcame my gut instinct. Sandy could be hurt, I thought. Or worse.
I flung the doorway open, but he didn't come right away. Instead he stood there, watching me intently, and when he didn't move I whistled to him. "Here, Sandy," I coaxed him towards the house. "here, boy".
The way he moved was... different. It was as though his hips had been dislocated, and the angle of his paws changed direction with every step, as though he'd forgotten how to walk properly. His head was bowed to the ground, but his teeth weren't bared. He didn't seem aggressive. The only way I could describe the look he gave me was "sheepish", like he'd just gotten into something he wasn't supposed to and I yelled at him for it.
I thought he might hurt himself hopping up onto the elevated step if he'd dislocated his hips, but he did just fine. His back half swung a little, oddly enough, and his paws almost folded underneath himself, but he didn't go sprawling. He sat on the step and didn't take his look off me. It wasn't until I had moved from the doorway completely, opened the door wide and waited for him to walk in that he moved.
Straight to his bed. He didn't stop at my hand and sniff at me. He didn't wait for pets or jump up on me like used to. It was straight to his bed, where he sat and watched me for quite some time afterwards.
I returned to the movie at hand. I called to him a few times, but he didn't respond. His ears didn't so much as raise to the sound of his voice, or the pat of my hand on the worn out couch beside me. I had missed my buddy, but I wasn't about to move him physically towards me. There was something about him that said I shouldn't have let him in, but I chalked it up to silliness, and a few hours later I went to bed. The more I think back on it, I don't recall him blinking once. He sat there like a statue, and when I turned off the light, I could still see the reflection of jade green following me as I went into my room and shut the door.
I could have sworn I heard him walk in the night, the sound of nails clicking against the wooden floor coming up to the door of my room, but they were slow and deliberate. They weren't like the quickness of Sandy realizing I'd gone to bed and coming to curl up. I heard the noises stop outside of my bedroom, but I didn't hear his whine. I thought nothing of it and fell into a deep sleep.
When I woke in the morning, I figured it must've been a dream. Sandy was still sitting in the upright position I left him in when I went to bed. It was as though he didn't move a muscle the entire night, and when I said good morning, he didn't so much as wag his tail.
He did follow me into the kitchen, but he paused at the doorway when I put his bowl down on the floor and filled it up with supermarket dog food. Once again, his back half moved weirdly as he slowly made his way towards me. There was a nagging feeling that something was off putting about the way he looked that day. It was like he had gotten a little longer overnight.
Sandy hunched down again, like when he was walking to the door the night before. He didn't come into the kitchen. I figured he must've been hungry being out in the wild for so long, but he eyed me like he was waiting for me to come a little closer rather than touch the food. It goes without saying, but after a few moments of a staring contest between me and my unblinking dog, I called off that foolishness and called his name out loudly. Not even a flinch. I didn't want to move closer to my dog to leave the kitchen door, but this was my Sandy, and the most damage he'd ever done was eat flies. Sure enough, as I passed him, he turned and his body swayed unnaturally, but he didn't move towards me.
When I left that day, I couldn't find anything. The deer tracks in the mud were made a few days prior and went cold off naturally made trails through the woods. I couldn't hear bugs, or birds, or even the howl of a nearby coyote. The only sounds for miles away from the campsite were my own breathing, and the sound of crunching leaves underneath my feet. When the sun started to set, I started making my way back, but I should've just packed my shit and left.
Just behind a cluster of trees, with the house just visible beyond the rise, I figured I found out the reason why the animals had abandoned this place.
Generally, when there are mass animal deaths, that usually means that something is wrong in the area of the slaughter, and wildlife are usually smart enough to get the hell out of dodge. Even cats are bred instinctively not to like drinking from water that is close to where their food is, because if you saw a dead animal close to a stream, you'd figure the stream was tainted and find another source of water.
Hundreds of squirrels were disemboweled and strewn across the grass in an almost perfect circle. Most of them were skinned alive, but when I turned to heave up all the contents in my stomach, there were a few dozen that were inside out. I couldn't help but vomit repeatedly as I tried my best to walk around the circle of tiny organs and mashed up bodies, not just over the sight, but because the smell was ungodly. I don't know how long they'd been out there, but if I'd stumbled across this sooner, I'd have left with Sandy in tow immediately after. Gradually, the bodies stopped, and delved off into a random dead squirrel here and there. The biggest thing I managed to find, just a few feet off the unholy feeding ground, was a deer.
It looked as though something had decided to skin it alive from hide to neck, and draped some of the skin over a branch like someone was tanning the hide. I don't know how long it had been there, but it smelled like it had been dead for quite some time, despite the fact that there wasn't a single fucking fly. The head had been cut off clean just above the shoulders, and when I realized the organs had been removed, I moved from a walking pace through the forest to a jog. Thankfully the cabin wasn't too far off. I heaved one final time, wiped my mouth off on the back of my sleeve, and looked up to the house to see Sandy watching me from the window.
I tried to reason with myself, and tell myself Sandy's odd behavior could've been trauma. I know it's stupid to think of it now, but at the time, it was the only reasonable explanation I had to keep myself from going insane. The elongating body could've just been the loneliness getting to me. Sandy had realized there was something up with this place, and the second he noticed it I should've taken this warning and taken off back into town.
Once the door was shut behind me, I started packing the food and essentials back into boxes, moving quickly to try and get my things into the truck before night came. It'd be dangerous to try and maneuver my way through the trails at night, as the hills off Kelly's Mountain were steep, and in pitch darkness with my only companion being my headlights, it would've been easy to slide off a ravine and never be heard from again. I didn't want to stay one more night, but I had no choice. I had gotten back to the house just moments before the sun finally receded past the horizon, and we were bathed in a navy blue sky once again. I didn't pay attention to Sandy. He just sat at his bed and watched me pack. I figured no harm no foul, I'd throw his stuff in the truck in the morning and we'd be back in town before night the next day. Glancing at him for just a moment, it was a passing thought that he was looking a little longer today, and when I went to bed, it was a hard time getting to sleep for the next few hours.
It must've been close to 4 or 5 in the morning when I heard it.
The sound of whistling. The same whistle I used to call my dog. I broke out into a cold sweat when I realized that whoever slaughtered those squirrels, hung the skin up, left what he didn't need, could've very well broken into my house.
The door to my room didn't make a sound as I opened it slowly, thankfully. I waited a moment, listening to someone call my dog for a few more seconds before I dared poke my head out from the door frame to get a good look and whoever it was that could've hurt Sandy.
The outside door was open. All I saw was the back half of Sandy, too long and lanky, almost coiled around the back of the door. His front half was outside. Whatever it was that had impersonated my dog, it was whistling slowly, calling for Sandy.
When I could've sworn that it had hunched down to the ground again, and said "Saaaannn-deeee" in the most ungodly voice I'd ever fucking heard, I closed the door just as softly as I'd opened it.
I don't know how long I waited with my back pressed up against the door. I knew I left my gun in the bag on the coat rack. I know I didn't sleep. I waited until I saw the sun break over the horizon, and then I waited some more, until it must've been mid-day and I finally got the balls to open the door again and make a break for the truck. I wouldn't die in that place.
"Sandy" was gone, and the door was open. His food was untouched, but the fridge was open, and all the meat was gone. I didn't bother packing his stuff. I just threw my bag over my shoulder, made my way to the ford as fast as I could, and turned on the ignition. I can't describe the feeling that overcame me as I realized that I'd have to leave Sandy in this place. The thought that he could be dead was never a thought in my mind. I don't think I could cope with the knowledge that whatever I allowed in my house, whatever disemboweled those animals, could've done the same with him.
I made my way down the winding paths and roads as fast as I possibly could without veering off the cliffs. I felt like I was turning in circles down this labyrinth that would take me back to that house, but when I reached the pavement on the stretch of road back to town, I felt relief wash over me, thinking I was safe.
Just as I was pulling off onto the cement, I felt something hard hit the back windshield, sending broken glass into the passengers seat. I only got a glimpse of the deer's decapitated head catching on unbroken glass and tumbling into the back seat. I cried for most of the way home, hands clenching the steering wheel so hard my knuckles were white.
I wish I could leave this off with a positive note, /nosleep/. I wish I could tell you that I found Sandy at home, waiting for me. I wish I could tell you that was the end of it, a traumatizing experience in the woods that I'll get over with time.
Last night, I found it hard to sleep. I kept replaying the entirety of my trip to Kelly's Mountain in my head. I figured I wouldn't be sleeping for a while, and laid there, listening to the wind through my open window.
I could've sworn I heard the whistle I used to call my dog with, coming from the forests edge.
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chaospenelope · 5 years
The Unbeaten Path
The Flowers that Grow in Darkness
Freddy took a deep breath and took off his hat to unsuccessfully slick back his fur. It seemed like every day there was a new feud that needed mediation. It didn't help that Chica's first solution to most problems was to throw someone at it.
He glanced back at Faye, who was dangling helplessly as Chica and Penny untangled his lower half. A dazed Jovi was propped against the far wall getting looked over by Billy and Philip had his arms crossed in the corner, still holding back a snicker.
He put his hat on and started to head for the elevator. The animatronic just felt really drained at the moment. He needed to get away. He paused as he reached the gallery exit. He heard a strange noise on the other side of the vent. He got on his hands and knees in an attempt to hear better.
'Is that a mouse?' It seemed to be an echo of something chewing. Unfortunately even with his optic lights he could not see the source. He moved to push himself in the opening only to remember his shoulders were too wide as they clanged against the metal. Standing up he figured getting into the control room might give him a better view. Since a lot of the floor had been opened to allow excess to all animatronics this was a bit simpler than it used to be, since the vent that connected the elevator to the control room was gutted. It was now a steep ramp leading to a makeshift door.
The sound was much louder now, the vermin was most certainly in this room. Hopefully could catch the critter before Philip sees it, kills it, Chelsea sees that, gets upset and- well, there's just so many ways it could go bad. He really didn't want to deal with that. He was careful not to make a sound as he opened the door. However, he was caught off guard by what was actually chewing.
Sitting on a table curled up and facing the wall was the original Foxy the Pirate Fox. The animatronic was hard at work and had not noticed the tall shadow that loomed over him.
"Kit? What are you doing?" He drew closer to see what his 'closest friend' was nibbling on.
The fox's ears perked up as he heard his voice. His tail even wagged as he turned to look at him. His gold tooth glinting in the light as he smiled. Freddy would have smiled back if he hadn't noticed the half bitten piece of rope tied around his wrist and a pipe connected to the wall.
"Who tied you to the wall?" He asked, concerned and restraining his anger.
"Hmmm" Kit stopped to think for a moment. "That, that wee Bonnie with the needle fingers." He wiggled his fingers as he said that.
"Plushy tied you up? Why?" He moved to free him, but Kit had already managed to break from it.
"Aye, that be the one!" He stood up and rubbed his wrist a bit. "They didn't want me ta go out alone I think. I almost got away but by Poseidon's beard are they a fast one! I've been bested, I have ta turn in me running shoes." He chuckled to himself.
Freddy showed a brief hint of amusement, but it was over shadowed by his serious grumble. "I'll have to talk with them later."
"So," He looked around to make sure no one else was listening. "Have ye thought about...The day?"
"Yeah, I haven't actually...Sorry." He looked down, dejected.
"Ey..." Kit tilted his head as he got a look at his bear's face. "Ya feelin' alright mate?" He put his good, non hook hand on his cheek. "If ye don't want to talk about it-"
"Oh, I'm fine." He rested his face against the metal palm. He gave him a reassuring smile but the fox's sharp eyes could see he was tired.
"Aye...Then, maybe ya wouldn't mind takin a walk with me?" His sad, puppy eyes were not something he could ever say no to.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
There was a loud crash coming from the breaker room. "What the D-"
"That's just Faye again. C'mon."
The elevator was currently out of order, again. A common occurrence at the moment. They'd have to take the ladder up. Freddy out of thoughtless instinct wrapped his arm around the slightly smaller animatronic and started to climb up.
"Ah," Kit didn't mind being carried of course. He did wonder, however, why exactly Freddy did this. Was he possibly reading his mind? He never actually told him he enjoyed it. Maybe he was just worried he'd get his hook caught? His tongue stuck out as he watched the busted elevator get further and further away, his tail and other limbs dangling high above it.
The wall slid open as they approached the motion sensor. He gently placed him on the old faded carpet. Parts of the floor shined like it was on fire as the last rays of the day died behind the wall of trees. Most of the house was quiet, everyone was underground except them and one other.
In the living room sat a possessed mess of stitches, the rabbit Plushtrap was humming as they sewed something. As soon as they noticed the two they jumped on their project, covering up what they could with a nearby blanket and their own body. "What are you doing up here!? What did you eat through like a rat?"
"Aye, I did!" He stated proudly.
"Plushy, you can't force Kit or anyone else to stay down there just because you didn't want him going outside. I know you mean well but it's ultimately his choice. You don't have to keep fixing him if it bothers you so much."
"Well, yeah, I guess I understand....But, That's not really why...I really didn't want him to ruin his surprise. I couldn't let him go up in the house til I was done." They said, still sprawled over the pile.
"Surprise? Be it Treasure?" The Pirate's tail lightly thudded against the ground. "Can I see it?"
"No! Not until it's done!" They bit at his hand as he started to reach for the heap of cloth.
"The next time you tell me and I'll help you."
Their eyes shifted suspiciously. "...I was gonna, but you were busy so I took care of it myself...Though I guess it didn't work out as well as I'd hoped, so you can help now and get him out of here until sunrise."
Freddy sighed. His voice stern. "Well, Since Kit isn't hurt we'll just forget it happened, but don't do it again. I don't care if you're throwing a surprise party you don't tie people up or put them in a dungeon."
"What about a broom closet?"
"Okay, okay fine! Now will you please get him out of here?"
"Aye, Let's!" He pulled himself on Freddy's shoulders, showing his fanged smile again. The bear smiled back this time. Then he let go and ran out the door. "Adventure awaits!"
"I thought we were just going on a walk." He said to himself and followed.
The ground sunk slightly under their weight. Air was crisp and a little quiet. Unseen critters scurried around them as they walked into the growing darkness.
"It's strange," Freddy paused as he looked at the natural leafy canopy above. "After all these years and attempts to escape. We just walked out here without a second thought. Just, left through the front door."
Kit nodded. He stopped so he could stay next to him, holding onto the other's paw. "There were many a days spent tryin to see the outside of the old place...You, remember the time Bonnie and I tried to pick the lock on the door?"
"Yeah, more specifically the part where Chica wanted to throw an arcade cabinet through the glass, while you two were still standing there."
"Well can't blame her enthusiasm. We'd been promised so many times."
"Yeah...Henry never was good at keeping promises." He muttered. "Not for our sake."
"Charlie was. She always came after school ta say hi, even after her friends took up most of her time." They started walking again, Kit looking in every direction noise seemed to permeate from.
Freddy resisted the urge to scoff. They didn't deserve the term 'friends' not after what they helped accomplish. "Charlie was such a great sister. She taught us how to draw, gave us the prizes she won to keep it safe for her, and sang with us."
The pirate chuckled. "Aye, At first ye started storin them in yer torso and the sticky hand clogged yer innards. It took hours to get out. We thought you were a goner. If we could cry back them we would've."
"Yeah, poor Charlie took the blame...You guys really thought a sticky splat hand was going to kill me?"
"It was the first time any of us broke down." He explained with a shrug. "It was worse because it was you. Being you were the voice of reason. Remember how much of a mess we were then?"
"It's hard to believe were the same people but I do. We used to talk about what we'd do when the restaurant was closed. We were going to get jobs and get an apartment until we had enough money to travel the world." He gave a wanting sigh, kicking at the weed that grew in the middle of the path defiantly. "I knew we couldn't do that as we are even back then but I had this secret fantasy that Henry would make us human bodies."
"Hmmm. What did ye think we'd look like?" The fox rested his hook on his chin as he thought ears twitching. "Ye think I'd be a handsome human? Fast with strong muscles and a skull Tatoo on me back."
"To me you would be handsome." He smirked. He closed his eyes as his fox poked his nose emitting the small squeak.
"You'd say that even if I was a scrawny land lubber weenie, wouldn't ye?"
"Mmm. Yes, cuz no matter how much spinach you eat you're still my Kitty."
He huffed in faux annoyance. "Yea, and you'll be me Snuggly Care Bear."
The larger animatronic nodded, feeling a little jolt of electricity as he heard that old pet name. It's been so many years since he called him that. Of course they were out of commission for a good half of those years but he felt it in his phantom heart, his wired vessels, his steel bones. Hearing it seemed to erase those eroding years.
As they continued walking the fox finally noticed something odd to him. He had been looking around trying to figure out what it was and it suddenly hit him. "Wonder what happened to the flowers?" Kit asked as he eyed a once flourishing wild flower patch. "I swear on me Mum there were millions around here."
"It is getting cooler. Maybe they wilted last night?" The brown robot smirked. "Wait, 'Mum'? Kitty is your Captain Morgan returning to us?"
"Errr, No. It slips in sometimes...Not me fault." He pretended to pout until his boyfriend gave him a playful smooch.
"I know, It's the old program still trying to kick in." He then patted him gently. "We really need Lolbit to check that out Kitty."
"I'm fine really, it isn't affectin me movements like it used to." He stopped and let go of his paw. "They did a great a job ye see?" He ran in place for a bit and stood perfectly still. "No twitchin or lockin up!"
His spectator leaned against the tree with crossed arms. "It doesn't mean it won't return. It's basically a virus, remember?"
"Freddy. I'm fine." He insisted sternly. "I'd know."
The bear didn't say anything. He sighed and shook his head.
"I, know yer worried about me, but ya don't have to! I'm not some scared urchin quaken in me boots anymore." He walked up to his boyfriend and put his arms around him.
"I just don't want to lose you again Kit..." He said softly. Voice strained with the memory of his loved one's broken, torn parts twitching and convulsing. Jaws snapping and hook swinging uncontrollably. He could still hear the screeching. Not being able to take his eyes off him, stopping mid performance. Unable to run to him.
"Ye ain't gonna loose me, if sledge hammers, wrenches, or sticky hands aren't strong enough to tear us apart nothin will." Foxy rubbed the bear's back. The body quivered a little. He could feel arms around him, returning the embrace. Wet substance dripped on his shoulder as they held each other tightly. He cried too, remembering that horrible day. The day he was the last to fall. His friends bodies beaten, scattered, and unmoving. A beautiful blue eye staring up at him seemingly asking 'why weren't you fast enough?' When the phantom tears dried they started walking, hand in hand. They were reaching the end of the path.
The lake water reflected their optic lights as they walked past the cover of trees. There was silence as Kit collected what he deemed good skipping rocks. "I wonder what the perfect day would be? Flowers bloomin everywhere? Can't have one without them, right?" The first two splashed right in as he got a good position. The third skirted along the water twice before giving up. "Hm?" He raised a perplexed brow. "Flowers?" "Ye know, Our super special day?" He glanced at him, making a motion like he was holding up an invisible dress skirt, humming a familiar tune. "Oh!...Oh, the Wed- I don't know." "If ye change your mind it won't hurt me. I'm a big pirate I can handle it." He said coyly, the fourth rock he threw actually skipped five times. "No, It was my idea. I want to, as soon as possible. We should tell everyone before that though. That sort of thing needs help planning, right?" "Not if you don't want to." The thinner animatronic threw another rock that made a few more skips before plunging to the depths with a 'plap'. "We can just do it in secret if it'll make ye feel better." "Well, I want this..." He looked into Kit's eyes, his lifted eyepatch showing his full attention. Freddy held his hand and hook in his own grasp as he continued. "I want this to symbolize our next step in...Life and what we survived. We're alive, together, and..." He looked away, contemplating the full implication of the word. "Free." Eyes focused back as he continued. "I want to involve them because they are a part of our bond too. Rosie, Chica and Bonnie who have been with us since the beginning and helped us through that awkward pining phase, the Rockys who had the strange inclination to gather us in a pile, which helped Penny and Faye find us all in the fire, Shiva who we couldn't find Rosie without, and the Nightmares who rebuilt us so we could all be together again. If just one of them weren't in our lives, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The Toys may not be here in person but, I'd like to think they'd be happy too. Teddy still making sure to keep the whole event child friendly and covering  BB's eyes when we kiss." "Aye..." He nodded with a laugh. Then his ears suddenly drooped as he asked. "Ye, ye think, Henry would be happy?" 'The old Henry would...' Freddy thought bitterly. He pushed it away with a warm smile. "Yea, he and Charlie would definitely be there with everyone." He let go and sat at the base of the large oak. "It'll be a great way to start our new chapter." "We should tell 'em today then! Start it as soon as today!" Tail kicked up a few leaves as it waved with excitement. "What are wee afraid of? Are they gonna think we're silly? Chica reads to her cupcake that's silly!" He plopped down next to his boyfriend. "Ha, I guess you're right." He pulled him closer, kissed him making his nose squeak. They snuggled together for a while. They stayed that way for some time even watching as the sky brightened with the glory of sunrise. Until the blue eyed machine spoke. "We'll tell them when we get back." "Should do that now, eh? Wouldn't want any morning hikers catching a glimpse of the likes of us." "Yeah, we better." He sighed. "And I was just getting comfortable too." He stood up and held a hand out to help his secret fiancé up. The door opened and petals danced along the breeze that flowed. Not a single soul in sight. "Oh no! I'm gone for a whole night and they go and preform some weird ritual sacrifice!" "We best be following it then. So we can get it over with and clean up what's left." Rows of carefully placed flowers lined up to form a path to the back bedroom and elevator shaft. They were tied to the ladder that led to the second floor, Lolbit's place. It was eerily dark as they climbed into the large room. "I think ye be right Freddy they gone and-" "Surprise!!!" Everyone jumped up wearing partial suits or formal dresses. Behind them two rows of random chairs lined up as nicely as possible leading to Lolbit's center screen. Their digital image was decorated with marrying pixel attire. Bonnie stood to the side with Jovi as they played a soft riff of the bridal march. The table in front of them were carefully placed white suit, tie, and top hat. Next to that was a lovingly stitched pirate Captain's coat. "Who's idea was this? How did you know?" Freddy asked in amazement. Faye shrunk a little as everyone's attention turned to him. Wires and eyeballs spilled out of the suit's arms and bottom. A nicely dressed spaghetti monster. "I-I heard you talking the other day and I thought, I thought it would be nice if we d-d-did it all for you. Got myself tangled-t-tangled on purpose. Made sure you'd hear K-Kit in the vents. Plushy was supposed-posed to lead you out in the woods to find Billy's kids but you left before they were all ready. Luck-Luckily it worked out anyway. Hee hee!" "That's, I don't know what to say..." Freddy looked at all the flowers laced together in a beautiful aisle and along the hanging wires. He felt phantom tears welling up in his eyes. "Aye, it sure is a sight." "I didn't exactly approve of the secret." Shiva admitted. He too was dressed in somewhat formal wear, suit coat over his vest. The sleeves were still almost touching the ground. "I felt like the date should have been your choice but I suppose they took it as me wanting to, 'tell' on them so Plushy locked me in a broom closet." "Dang it Plushy!" "What? I wasn't gonna let him ruin the surprise Faye worked so hard on!" Bonnie looked up as he realized something. "Oh, that's why you weren't around to help put up decorations. I thought you started protesting because FredBear had to start stealing all the flowers from that annoying lady's yard." "Borrowed." The yellowish Nightmare bear corrected softly. "Right..." "We made rings and everything!" Rosemarie stated cheerfully pointing at the Nightmare chicken that held the old couch pillow that had two metal circles resting on it. "I made them from that nonfunctional Toy bear's pinkie." "Chelsea. Don't tell them that." Billy half whispered, half grumbled. His suit already had little cuts from where his children held on, one popping their head up from his neckline to look out. "Oh, sorry." "Uh, um." Faye was a bit fidgety trying to judge their expressions. "H-Hope you l-ike it. I know you probab-bly want-wanted to do it your-sself and I'm-m sorry we got a little carried away..." "It's perfect Faye, thank you. The fact that you all did this together, for us-" Freddy looked over to Kit. They smiled at each other as they held hands. "-Means more than you can ever imagine."
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