#ash plays aai
mutxnts · 1 year
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mvk calling him worthless hurts 😭😭😭
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transgaysex · 1 year
and btw everyone play ace attorney
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theredcuyo · 2 months
So, I convinced a very dear friend of mine to play ace attorney and she's almost finished raise from the ashes, she got to the part of Miles' letter just now and asked me about it
I cried, i didn't tell her why tho, but that was me thinking about JFA, which... yeah, now that i think about it, did Franziska know that her brother wasn't dead?
It's been a good while since i played that, but i don't think they ever specified if she knew
She was in for revenge for him tho
But like, if she didn't knew he was alive, that's a big f*cking yikes, lost her father and brother in less than a year?, damn (we know she at least has another older sibling and a niece, but still that's like half her family)
Just imagine that, also, can we talk about how betrayed she must've felt?, as a matter of a fact she CRIES when talking to him later and i feel like the fandom puts Phoenix's reaction over hers a lot (not to count her reaction in AAI2 too when Miles "abandons" her again)
Which yeah, i get it, Phoenix pulling a legally blonde and then being hurt is interesting, but also, like, family is also a thing? and thanks to AAI we know that they had always been close and having a sibling disappear and sort of fake their death sounds really f*cking painful
Even if she knew Miles was still alive, she saw him so hurt to do something this drastic and not only that, but almost quit being a prosecutor all together (again, very important in their bond)
No wonders she went protective and vengeful sis against Phoenix
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fioras-resolve · 8 months
i haven't played ace attorney investigations 2 since i was a freshman in high school, and i replayed the first one a couple years ago and am already starting to forget about it. i think the thing about aai for me is that like, it doesn't have the silliness or the pathos of the mainline games. it's not really a game that emotionally resonates in the same way the original trilogy does. but it chooses instead to make every character the coolest shit ever, and i honestly love it. like, it was made by people who definitely played rise from the ashes and came away from it deciding to have a bunch of lawyers and cops brooding coolly about The Incident. when that kg-8 reminisce theme comes on, you know it's real
but also, like, the characters genuinely are cool as hell. part of this is definitely the presentation, because you're not just cross-examining a witness, you're arguing directly with another person's logic. i talked about testimony design a few months ago, how pressing a statement is a defensive act, while presenting evidence is an offensive one. crucially, in ace attorney investigations, every single argument/rebuttal has to end with you presenting evidence. there aren't passive testimonies where you just ask questions and press every statement, and there aren't obnoxious testimony puzzles where you have to press statement 3 before objecting to statement 2. there's a few times you have to press a statement for new testimony, but that new testimony will always require evidence to contradict. it's a game that always puts you on the offensive, and it's a really good energy for what the game's trying to do. it does mean you don't get the emotional beat of being forced to play defense, but i'm honestly okay with that. what this game is trying to do is worth that sacrifice.
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Okay, I have quite a lot 😁 here: 3, 9, 10, 31, 38, 39, 49, 65 and 100 please 😗💭
3. Favourite Assistant?
Kay Faraday, my beloved. Little thief of my heart; Yatagarasu of my soul <3
9. Least favourite character?
My honest answer is the culprit of the flashback case of AAI 2, who just infuriates and *aggravates* me in the way that no other character in the series does. I mean, they work well as a villain; I just see red whenever I think of this guy. 
But it feels like a cop-out to pick an obscure character from the spinoff game that doesn’t have any other stans or discourse about them. So in terms of a more popular character....
If I have to pick a “main/major,” I’m gonna go with Maya. I don’t dislike her; I’m just massively indifferent and the fandom is so ga-ga about her (to the point of not really liking other female characters/assistants because.. #NotMyBurgerQueen) that it annoys me.
If I’m allowed to pick a character that is major/significant but not a “main,”  we’re gonna go with Dahlia because the “girl-boss-ification” of her by portions of the fandom aggravates me to no end. I mean, yes there is potential to view her sympathetically and yeah, the way she was treated by her parents and Terry Fawles is all kind of messed-up. But Diego Armando did not “get what was coming to him” by pointing out that first-degree murder (which Dahlia had already successfully gotten away with at that point so it’s not like it even benefitted her) is like a major crime. And Phoenix Wright, Doug Swallow, and Maya Fey literally did nothing to deserve what Dahlia tried to (and succeeded in Doug’s case)  do to them.
10. Favourite trial from all the games?
Rise From the Ashes. Even if the unstable jar puzzle is the bane of my existence.
I once heard someone say that they judge every AA case in comparison to RTFA and every AA culprit in reference to Gant. And while I had never really thought about it that way myself, it makes so much sense and I guess I sort of do the same. As a standalone case, it’s wonderful; as a thematic reflection of some of the broader themes of the series, it’s wonderful. As a foreshadowing of Apollo Justice in terms of both character developments (we see the first glimpse of Phoenix’s manipulative sides) and future characters, it’s wonderful. 
It brought us the Skye sisters and the Blue Badger and Edgeworth’s fancy car. 
And Gant is just...he’s the best villain, full-stop.  There are others I personally love more (Kristoph obvi) but taking personally preferences aside, it’s got to be Gant. He’s fun and playful and funny, while also being genuinely menacing. Of all the AA villains, he’s the one that most gives me supervillain/Disney villain vibes  and that is the highest compliment I can give. In a series as absurd (affectionate) and over-the-top as Ace Attorney, you really need baddies who are Extra in every respect, fun to watch/interact with, and still be a legitimate and intimidating threat. 
31. Character you wish was playable?
I would say Gregory Edgeworth or Mia Fey, but we do actually get to play as each of them briefly (the flashback case of AAI 2 for Greg and the two cases of AA3 for Mia)--though we should definitely get the opportunity to play more from their POV.
The heart says Lang, because I love him so much and he’s so underrated and just give me more of my wolf boy.  
We also get to see a bit of young MVK in the same flashback case of AAI 2 (though we don’t get to play him sadly) which also makes me think that it would be so fun to just have an Investigations typegame of him and baby!Gant running around Japanifornia in the early part of their career and having a “gumshoe/edgeworth but EVUL” dynamic. (Even if I can’t exactly see them giving us a villain protagonist spinoff prequel game). 
Oh wait, no I lied. It’s Justine Courtney. On the one hand, the idea of a spinoff where you play as the judge instead of an attorney is appealing in and of itself but on the other hand, I love her and she’s pretty just bring her back, please. But the Lang game still applies. 
38. Plot Twist that came as the biggest surprise to you?
So....I actually came into the fandom knowing most of the significant plot twists. With the possible exception of the fact that Beanix was in fact the Phoenix we know and love...but as we find this out right away in AJ, I am not sure it really counts as a “plot twist.” Just a surprising beginning to a later game in the series.
So this isn’t  even much of a plot twist--big or small-- just like a character that the fandom seldom talks about and I therefore didn’t know existed until I watched a PW vs PL walkthrough. But my favorite “plot twist” is.... Sir Constantine, brave knight of Labriynthia. His courage, his fierceness, his cute face, his comical disdain for our favorite spiky boy. He’s perfect; he’s precious; he’s underrated. There’s barely any official art for him and I can’t understand it.
To a related extent, I sort of missed the initial mention of Vongole during my first experience of AJ and so I had no idea that this canine princess (who we’ve never actually seen *sobs*) would become so beloved to me and such a key player in my Kris/Krisnix head canons. 
39. Honest opinion on Larry Butz?
I was initially kind of meh about him. He was a little annoying, but you could tell his heart was in the right place. I was also slightly biased in his favor (similar to Godot and Nahyuta) because a lot of the fandom have really unfairly negative interpretations and feelings about him which brings out my own contrarian and protective instincts. 
I really started to like him when I started interacting more with people who genuinely like him and when I started engaging with some of the ships with him in it. (Especially klarry, my beloved). He’s just a fun character who is in many ways one of the more relatable ones in the game (if not the most flattering) as his short attention span/easy distractibility, love of silliness, and profound emotional sensitivity definitely resonates with me as someone with adhd (which like...not to armchair-diagnose fictional characters, but like...Larry definitely has adhd.  as do gumshoe and kay, but like Larry even more so than them, which is why they have my heart. )
49. Victim you would’ve liked to see more of? (Not e.g. victim of the second case of the first game. A victim we haven’t seen basically anything of!)
I feel like I can’t really go with the obvious answers of Clay Terran or Byrne Faraday, as while we barely see them in the games themselves we do hear Apollo and Kay talk about them enough that we get a pretty good sense of them. 
With that in mind, I  think Constance Courte, the victim of the Themis case in Dual Destinies has a lot of interesting potential. She was a mentor to Klavier and later to Juniper (and also has potential to have been one/ a kind figure to Sebastian during his time there--as he was in the same year as Klavier). I also read a fic once where she had a nice friendship with Gregory that gave me feelings. 
Otherwise, Cindy Stone as it seemed like she genuinely loved Larry back and it would’ve been nice to see him happy and stable. 
65. Outfit you’d like to wear?
In terms of overall outfits in official AA art, I will go with Franziska’s teal dress in the “formal” wear promo image.
In terms of outfits that are actually worn in one of the games,
I mean as much as I’d like to say one of the outfits in DGS/The Great Ace Attorney or the Layton crossover, because fantasy/historical fashion aesthetic. In terms of something I might actually feel comfortable wearing out in public in real life (i.e. not Halloween or a fandom event), I’d say probably one of Ema’s outfit minus the labcoat, or Adrian Andrews’ are probably closest to my real-life style. (I’m not nearly as...flashy as most AA characters, lol).
100. Phoenix Wright or Miles Edgeworth? Who do you like better?
It depends. Like really, it all depends on what exactly one means by “like better.” 
I’ll be honest that initially I wasn’t a massive fan of either of them in the Trilogy games. 
 Similarly with Maya, I just didn’t get the Edgeworth hype at all until the Investigations games, which made me love him. I think it’s because his primary interactions in the Trilogy are with Phoenix or (as in the case of Gumshoe, MVK, and Franzi) are filtered through Phoenix’s own interactions and interpretations and with his public persona as the “Demon Prosecutor.” 
Whereas, we get to see a lot more of who he actually *is* in Investigations and specifically what it’s like for him to interact with characters who aren’t in total awe of him (the way 90% of the characters in the main games are) and who challenge and question and tease him.  He’s so much richer a character in the spinoffs than the main games and it makes me so sad that so much of the fandom doesn’t get to enjoy the gift that is Miles’ AAI characterization.
As for Phoenix, I was largely indifferent to him in most of the Trilogy. Like he was just a fairly generic protagonist who is likable and relatable enough to facilitate the plot but doesn’t really have much of a unique special spark.( I feel similar to him as I do to Luke Skywalker in the SW Trilogy and Frodo Baggins in LOTR  that it’s impossible to really *dislike* them but they are definitely overshadowed by their supporting casts.) And as for Wright’s “Feenie,” phase  well, I’ve always found it rather insufferable and try not to think too much about it. 
It really took Phoenix becoming a DILF  maturing into a more complex, confident, and morally-ambiguous character in the Post-Trilogy games for me to really love him. Even though I sort of wish he was no longer playable, as he works better as mentor-type figure imo.
So for me, “do you like Phoenix or Edgeworth better” is a question of Investigations Edgeworth or Post-Trilogy Phoenix? As to that, the heart says Post Trilogy Phoenix because handsome and charming and a little dangerous and part of my OTP, but the head says Investigations Edgeworth because he brings something more unique to the table.
That being said, this doesn’t seem like a good answer/comparison since majority of the fandom only knows the Trilogy. So if I am forced to pick between Trilogy!Nick and Trilogy!Miles, I’m gonna go with Phoenix, as I like him slightly more than Miles based on trilogy characterizations alone. 
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ashenworth · 3 years
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hnhngnhgnhn PLEASE
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igazikutya · 2 years
Zajok a nappaliból – 2021 Grande Traxelektor – „Mind”
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Elérkezett 2021 év összegzéseinek szokásos csúcspontja, amikor a 12 havi Traxelektor kb 80 órányi zenei anyagának java kerül szétválogatásra három kategória mentén. Az első a „Mind” nevet viseli, és csak körülírni tudom, középtempós underground elektronika, idm (intelligent dance music) ihletésű, gyakran leftfieldbe hajló nem tipikus nappali szobazene, sok táncolható darabbal. Nem emelek ki senkit, egyszerűen, mert igazságtalan volna, hiszen annyi közel erős alkotást tartalmaz a válogatás.Ha kritikai elemzést kerestek az alkotókról, többségükről olvashattok az előző 12 havi számban. Hazánkat a Haramia Tapes, Norwell, a Shokasava és az Új Látásmód Fúzió képviseli.
Grande Traxelektor „Mind” Spotify Playlist
(75/89,  7h10m/8h12m, 84%)
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Grande Traxelektor „Mind” 2021 playlist
Aaron Dilloway & Lucrecia Dalt - The Blob [Lucy & Aaron, Hanson] Adam Pits - Magenta (Seb Wildblood Remix) [International Wafter The Remixes, Coastal Haze] Adam Pits - Piston Pump [Piston Pump, X-Kalay] Anthony Linell - The Final Words [Winter Ashes, Northern Electronics] Appleblim - Illusory Universe [Infinite Hieroglyphics, Sneaker Social Club] ASC - Space Echo (Echoes in Space Mix) [Defiance: Prelude, Horo] ASC - Triton [Sacred Sevens III, Modern Cathedrals] Atoloi - Umida Superficie [Inflorescenze, Sure Thing] Automat - Slacid [Acid Avengers 017, Acid Avengers] Benoit B - Dreelkrugz [We Come In Peace, Animals Dancing] Blawan - Close the Cycle [Woke Up Right Handed, XL] Bookworms - Wycoff [Alternative Group, Boomkat] Child Of The Waves - BloodLust [Basic Moves 15, Basic Moves] Client_03 - Default Mode Network [VA. - More Than Machine 2, Tronic] Clouds - Geistinh [The Parallel, The Parallel] Coco Bryce - D.L.P. [Wuthering Heights, Lobster Theremin] Controlled Weirdness - Destroy To Create [Sounds from A Disappearing City, Aaja] Deadbeat & Om Unit - Leaf [Root, Stalk, Leaf And Bloom, Midnight Shift] Detroit's Filthiest - Horizontal Bop [Smoke Suggests Fire, House of Underground] Emeka Ogboh - Danfo Mellow [Beyond The Yellow Haze, A-Ton] Eomac - Battle for Your Mind [Bedouin Trax II, Bedouin] Erobique - Tatortreiniger Theme (Plaid Remix) [VA. - Remix EP, Pudel Produkteg] Extrawelt - Streiflicht [Eigensender, Furthur Electronix] Franck Kartell - Fragile [VA. - More Than Machine 2, Tronic] Gary Numan - Is This World Not Enough [Intruder, BMG] Glenn Astro - Penduloop [Purple, Tartelet] Golden Bug feat. Vega Voga - Tokoyo No Kuni [Tokoyo No Kuni, La Belle] Guedra Guedra - كدرة كدرة - 40' Feet [Vexillology, On The Corner] Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة - When I Run [Vexillology, On The Corner] Haramia Tapes - Limp [Daydreaming, Baroque Sunburst] Henry Greenleaf - Gem [Rush, Version] Hoshina Anniversary - Hane No Uta [Jomon, ESP] Hoshina Anniversary - Michinoku [Karakuri b/w Michinoku, ESP Institute] Humanoid - sT8818r (A664 Mix by Autechre) [sT8818r Humanoid, De:tuned] Israel Vines - Nosedive (Ectomorph Remix) [And Now We Know Nothing Remixed, Eye Teeth] Istota - Zzz [REM Phase, Diffuse Reality] Japanese Television - Falling Spikes (UNKLE Reconstruction) [EP III. Remixed, Tip Top] JASSS & Silent Servant - Años Perros [VA. - Ostgut Ton Fünfzehn + 1, Ostgut Ton] Jinjé - Cinétique [Open Unity, Mesh] Kessler - R2D2 On Crack [Foul Play, Holding Hands] Konduku - Mantar Kaya [Parlama, Spazio Disponibile] Kozmic Niggah - Homeworld (Edit) [Wormhole Of Time, Organic Analogue] Krust - Hegel Dialect (Unkle Reconstruction) [The Edge of Everything Remixes 3, Crosstown Rebels] Manslaughter 777 - Gainax [World Vision Perfect Harmony, Thrill Jockey] Marco Shuttle - Acrobat [Cobalt Desert Oasis, Incienso] Martin Gore - Howler (The Exaltics Remix)[The Third Chimpanzee Remixed, Mute] Martin Gore - Vervet [The Third Chimpanzee, Mute] Maruwa - Neo-Plant [Steel City Dance Discs Volume 24, Steel City Dance Discs] Michel Banabila - Hidden Story [Wah-Wah Whispers, Bureau B] Michel Banabila - Tic Tac [Wah-Wah Whispers, Bureau B] Mouse On Mars - The Latent Space [AAI, Thrill Jockey] µ-Ziq - Slade Treacher [Scurlage, Analogical Force] Nathan Fake - Vanavond [Sanxenxo, Cambria Instruments] nd_baumecker & Nick Höppner - Labskaus [VA. - Ostgut Ton Fünfzehn + 1, Ostgut Ton] Nic Arizona - Akalaton [Shavua Tov, Malka Tuti] Nic Arizona - Floating The Flood (Album Version) [Shavua Tov, Malka Tuti] Nicola Cruz - Naeku (Multi Culti Micro Dub) [Hybridism (Remixes), Multi Culti] Nicola Cruz & Nasiri - Third Eye Dub (Azu Tiwaline Remix) [Hybridism (Remixes), Multi Culti] Nihiloxica - Black Kaveera (pq & Ekhe's Recycle) [Kaloli Recycled, Crammed Discs] Nihiloxica - Tewali Sukali (Giant Swan Remix) [Kaloli Recycled, Crammed Discs] Nonnimal - Klapparstigur [Hverfisgata, Thule] Norwell - Broken Symmetry [VA - Dalmata Daniel x EXILES x Farbwechsel, Farbwechsel] Not Waving & Silvia Fendi - What Is Normal Today? [What Is Normal Today?, Ecstatic] Ohm & Kvadrant - Skagerak [Waves, Kontakt] Paul Hierophant - Returned Signal (Carl Finlow Remix) [Utopian Dystopias - Part Three, Exalt] Prefuse 73 - Remembering the Past Through This Riot Pt.2 [The Failing Institute of Drums & Other Percussion, Self-Released] Quixosis - Micropótamo [Rocafuerte, Eck Echo] Quixosis - Yéssica cuántica [Rocafuerte, Eck Echo] Rivet - Ordine Kadmia [On Feather And Wire, Editions Mego] Scalping - Deadlock (Laurel Halo Remix) [Flood Remixed, Houndstooth] Shokasava - First Rays Of The Sun [Chosen, Mana Mana] Sleepy Rich - Hyperspace [Solaris, Ilian Tape] Sun Genam - Pinski4ex [Aexion, Something Happening Somewhere] The Bug - Red Rhythms - No Version [Red Rhythms Vol​.​1, Self-released] The Exaltics & Helena Hauff - Creatura [Futuros, Solar One Music] The Future Sound Of London - Mib1 [We Have Explosive 2021, fsoldigital.com] The Future Sound Of London - The Whispering Masses [Music For 3 Books, Self-released] The JDs - Kitty Litter (Single Cell Orchestra Remix) [Proust EP, Pretension] The JDs - Proust (V3) [Proust EP, Pretension] Time Cow (Equiknoxx) - The President Eats Children [Equiknoxx Meets Feel Free Hi Fi, Digital Sting] Tomaga feat. Cathy Lucas - Very Never (My Mind Extends) [Intimate Immensity, Hands In The Dark] Tusken Raiders - Butterfly [Boundary Road, Self-Released] Új Látásmód Fúzió - A lehetőségek távlatai [VA - Dalmata Daniel x EXILES x Farbwechsel,Farbwechsel] Vatican Shadow - Nothing Lived There [SR-71 Blackbird Survivors, Hospital Productions] VC-118A - Aurora [Spiritual Machines, Delsin] Weird Weather - Devil's Dinner Plate [Succulents, LASH00] Weird Weather - Succulents [Succulents, LASH00] Years of Denial - Reverie [VA - Murder 02, Murder]
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characteroulette · 3 years
Ace Attorney fave case list
okay so I wanted to write about my fave AA cases but in like. a weird award list sort of way. so I assigned each of my fave cases some top-tier totally unbiased awards!
(there will be spoilers)
(also this is just the main games. the AAI games, the Layton game, and DGS all should get their own categories) (and I haven’t played either DGS games yet)
Best Protagonist Showcase --
  > 2-4!! Farewell, My Turnabout!
This case has some great tunes and is a very, very good look into Phoenix Wright as a character. This is probably the best look into our playable character the games have ever given us. I mean, AAI2 got close, but seeing Phoenix struggle against both himself and the case (and Edgeworth) is just. *chef’s kiss* Perfection, I love it more every time I come back to it.
Best Prosecutor Showcase --
  > 1-4!! Turnabout Goodbyes!
This is still the only case we’ve gotten where you defend your rival prosecutor and it is very near and dear to my heart because of that. I feel like this is the reason why Edgeworth is such a popular character, because all of his angst and depth comes out here and it is amazing. Making a rival character like Edgeworth whom we learn about to this extent and can connect to so much? Genius. And we see babies!! That’s important to me.
Best Villain --
  > 1-5!! Rise from the Ashes!
Look you cannot tell me there’s been a better villain than Damon Gant. Chief of Police for two years after manipulating a serial killer case, making Edgeworth present forged evidence and throwing the Chief Prosecutor under the bus for it. He got too comfortable in his seat (as Von Karma did before him) and found out the hard way that committing a crime is a lot harder than it is to catch a criminal! (Also Phoenix really came into his own in this case, it’s beautiful.)
Best Assistant Showcase --
  > 6-4!! Turnabout Storyteller!
okay you can tell I’m a sucker for the chance to work with your prosecutor buddies because holy shit, the only reason I stopped hating SOJ so much was because this case happened (and it only gets better from here). It’s just so nice to see Blackquill adjusting to life now that he’s not on death row! Having friends he wants you to defend! And then GRABBING YOU UP IN A THREAT!! Holy shit words cannot describe how awesome it was to see that.
Best Bait and Switch --
  > 3-5!! Bridge to the Turnabout!
Oof okay so setting up the whole Dahlia mystery and then taking Phoenix out entirely for the first day of the trial?? Honest to goodness genius move, holy shit that was such a game changer for the series. This case has a lot of bait and switches happening, but that one. That one is my favourite.
Best Mess --
  > 4-3!! Turnabout Serenade!
This one was a real close call between it and 6-2 (or 3-1, if I’m being honest), but watching the concert video over and over again has the same vibes as watching the Blue Badger in 1-5 and therefore it wins out This case sucks on all logical levels, but it’s fun and I like the progression it takes for the characters, so it is the best mess hands down.
Best First Case --
  > 4-1!! Turnabout Trump!
Holy shit this one is such a gut punch, what a way to start off a game. First setting up the scene, in which it’s been seven years and Phoenix was mysteriously disgraced as a lawyer. Then it builds, giving us Kristoph being just a little suspicious, enough so that the player is steered towards suspecting him for the big reveal. And then!! The bloody ace!! The betrayal!!! This case is meant to throw everything you know about the original trilogy on its head and it does it so well that it’s just. The best.
Best Final Case --
  > 6-5!! Turnabout Revolution!
Listen okay 2-4 is so good and 3-5 is also great, but 6-5 really steals the show. First ever appearance of a Civil Case?? And it’s against Phoenix Wright??? Amazing. All the investigation beforehand exploring Apollo’s very mixed feelings on his foster dad?? Perfect. And then the investigation in Khura’in and the trial after!! Holy shit, this entire case was such a showstopper that I will adamantly tell you to please play SOJ if you, like me, skipped it because it was digital only.
(the mmd models are the only thing that I actively hate in this case, but your mileage may vary on that one. I personally think mmd models look so damn awkward anytime they show up and it just ruins any and all tension the scene is trying to set... XD)
                                             and, of course,
Best Turnabout --
  > 1-3!! Turnabout Samurai!
Honestly, this award could go to any case (and 1-2 is a close second in my heart), but seeing Edgeworth realise right at the end that Phoenix’s arguments are making sense, that he’s right, is just so good. I like this case a lot more than a lot of others do I think just for this reason alone. And all the Gumshoe friendship building is also important. Dee Vasquez deserved better.
....and that’s all I got! Try this out for yourself if you want, I like hearing people’s opinions and I’d like to see what all awards and reasons others might have for their own favourite cases.
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writtenfan · 4 years
Welcome to the Party! (Part 2)
 DisneyHades x Reader Imagine
Warning: Some small cusses, some force-fullness don’t worry. He can be respectful enough...
Continuing off Part 1!  (wowza now...its time for some shut eye..ha!)
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You sigh and lean into the comfort of the red armchair while massaging your head. Aphrodite’s golden hair illuminating this dull backstage prep room.With the entertainment pushed out of it, it’s much more personal and quieter.
A room you rather not be in after Aphrodite asked about what you were feeling for a particular god of death that has your mind bouncing off the walls. Aphrodite is studying you as you do this, and you try not to notice but it’s making this whole, “what is going on with me”, process a little bit harder to handle. 
Having the actual Goddess of love hinting to your blooming crush on a god that doesn’t have quite the positive record, let’s just say, no letters of recommendation are being written for him anytime soon, made you melt. After a few minutes of this quiet brooding and her silent but loud observation she  leans forward and gently brushes you hand away from your forehead and runs her thumb over the spot with a smile, before taking both her hands and placing them on the sides of your cheeks using her thumbs to massage the corner of your eyes. 
 “Come on, stand up with me.” You stand slowly and play with your hair a bit, trying to hide your noticeable blushing.
“You do. It’s obvious.”
Your face grows warm, and it’s not just her words. Woah, her whole aura had this soothing jittery feeling about it. You absolutely see why she is the goddess of love. Because you were loving how soft her hands fel- 
“Hey” she snaps, “stay with me, head above the waves little pearl” she says with a snicker.  Aphrodite locks eyes with you and you nod sheepishly, and her eyes light up.
“Yes…yes you do!”
She bops your nose with the tip of her finger and takes her hands away begins to pace around in front of you hand covering her mouth, her eyes furrowed in thought.
“You see. The thing is I don’t understand it!” She stops pacing the sudden stop of clicking from her golden heels drew your attention back to her eyes as she faced you. Her golden hair swinging lazily at her feet, pink and gold illuminating brightly from around her.
“I mean yeah, I often saw you two, talking. At the reunions and the parties.” She taps her foot and looks into your eyes. “I mean, back then yeah. I sensed something but, it was so” she pinches her fingers together “teensy weensy I thought it was just basic appreciation but now. Woah, you’re coming off loud and clear sister.”
“Yeah it seems I have developed a crush.” You say as you pull at the sides of your dress in tenseness.
She takes in a sharp breath, “For Hades. The Lord of the Underworld I will add.”
 “I mean. I don’t want to say this honey, but ha… what am I saying? I actually do!” She presses her hands together and shakes them for emphasis.
“HADES. ISN’T. A. GOOD. GUY!” she plots her hands on her waist. 
 “He prays on the weak and disadvantage. He literally captured all the gods using Titans. TITANS and then proclaimed himself king of Mount Olympus before getting his ass handed to him by Hercules!” she looks down at you with astonished eyes. “Its surprising to me we even allowed him to stay here once we realized he snuck into the party! I mean, Zeus was just about ready to ask him to step out when -” She eyes you up and down with an upset look on her face but it softened as she looked at you longer. 
“He saw you and him enjoying each other’s company and that, that surprised him” I mean, he already punished Hades…the whole, trapped in the Styx and then the confinement  for a few hundred years in that pocket dimension. It made him rethink is action to intervene but your father woah!”
“Yes, he. He actually told me all about the, imprisonment.” you softly say as you begin to remember the time you spent together a few weeks ago.
“Oh really, and how did that go?”
A few weeks ago…
You set your offering bowl onto the barren ground just as the torn books from the library had told you and you hold out your hands. “Hades, Lord of the Dead. I call upon you…” you open your eyes and wait for a few moments, looking around you waiting for a poof, a flame something. As you stood upon the top this hill, without a sound but the wind and a few birds. You lower you hands and frown at the offering and  intricate sigil you had drawn on the ground with silver ash. “Come on, its me. (y/n).”
The ground rumbles beneath you and you step back from the offering.  But the shaking grew worse and you found yourself on your ass with dust tossing up in your face. You cover your eyes and start spitting out the dust that flew into your mouth and wave around your hands trying to see again. “HELLooo MOrtal…yOu CaAAlled?” echoed a sing-songed disembodied voice.
“Oh GODS whats with ground breaking introduction?!” you burst with a laugh. After the dust settles your greeted with the curling smoke and black robe right of in front of you. You watch as one of the smoke wisps reach out towards you and curls itself beneath your chin, surprisingly angling your head up to the broad bodied, sharp cheek boned, extra chinned, smug looking face of Hades himself. 
“Went a little overboard on the entrance huh?” he chuckled as he leaned over and hovered an outstretched hand in front of you. “Need a lift?” You look down at his sharpened fingers and then back up at his pleased face. “Yeah to both questions.” You answer as you place your hand in his, automatically feeling a wave of cold wash through you. “Up and at ‘em” with one tug you lift to your feet, the movement made you stagger once you stood up and he placed an unexpected arm under yours holding you up.
 “Aay, looks like you just left Happy Hour at Dion-and Wine!” he laughs at his own joke as you get over the wooziness that suddenly washed over you.  “Staggering, falling over, does little (y/n) need a designated driver back home to her little pond?”
  You give him an ugly look and move away his hands that had settled themselves onto you for quite long enough “I don’t live in a pond.” Hades shrugs and dusts off his hands.
 “Stream, Lake, Sea. Whatever literally floats your boat alright? You still live with your pops, right? I mean in this economy it’s understandable…” You brush yourself off and watch as Hades glides, arms behind his back, past you to look at the valley below.
 “Every so often, I make visits…” your voice trails off as he glances back to you with a sharp toothed grin.
 “Nice set up may I add, a bit eh, extra. But I love the whole, sigil fruit basic scenario…old school I like it.” He looks back towards the valley stretching out his arms with a loud exhale verbal exhale. “Ahh, change in elevation. Makes me feel weird, especially after being down under, for so long.” He rolls his shoulders and cracks a few knuckles with a shocking pop and turns around sliding back in front of you, towering over you with a smile and the weak smell of death that hung in the air when the winds didn’t blow as hard. He made you both intimidated but eased. It was terribly frustrating. “So, let’s get down to business huh? Or did your pretty little face just wanna chat with little ol’ me?” he takes his finger and brushes it against your cheek but you don’t move away and his touch lingers there for a second longer then slides down and away from you, his grin growing wider and his eyebrows more furrowed and you noticed a few drops of sweat trailing down the side of his face.
“Yeah. I’m ready to talk.” He claps at your response.
“Alriiiight, good. So, what’s on your mind Bambi, what kinda thing did you want my assistance with?” He stretches out his fingers and moves them in the air as if he was about to cast a few spells. “I mean, it’s been a bit. But I feel like I still got it.” He chuckles as he makes a cloud of smoke manifest from his hands. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.” He gives you a sheepish grin holding up a finger “W-wait just a moment” he scowls as he shakes his hands, the sound of a match hitting a tinderbox complements it and a sudden burst of flames causes you to move back as you shielded your eyes. “WOAH, THERE WE GO!” the flames die down and he gives you a wink as he blows out a flicker on his fingertip.
Your raise an eyebrow and place your hands on your hips. “I’m not here to make a deal Hades I just- wait what do you mean by that? Weren’t you released from the Underworld like 6 months ago? Haven’t you been in action for a while even before your release and doesn’t a few years seem like seconds in a gods eyes?” his grin slowly turns into a grimace as his focus turns to the ground at your feet.
“Haha- yeah…NOT like 6 months ago babe.” You watch him close his eyes as his blue flames start flickering widely on his head turning redder by the second and traveling down his neck as if someone poured oil on the back of his head. But he stopped that, and he shook himself off letting out a “Yeash” and popping his collar while returning your eye contact with a strained smile, the vein on his neck straining. “See. That isn’t even half of it I did more time than you may think sweetie. Yeah- I’ve had my few months out, but that doesn’t compare to the- “FeW YeARS” (he mocks) - I spent. IN.” He leans forward with the last word and gestures his hands hard in the air, his flames flaring up before simmering down.
“I don’t understand-“
He hold up a hand and rolls his eyes “-Let me just, clue you in, for a moment.” He snaps and two dark blue rattan armchairs appear behind you both. “Take a seat.” He gives you a closed mouth smile and you lower yourself in your chair as he does the same. “Drink, something to nosh?” a martini glass and an… eyeball… on a toothpick appear in his hands.
“No thanks.” You shudder as you watched him pop the eyeball in his mouth.
“More for me, anyways-“  he smiles and waves his now free hand in the air.
“Yes. Let me start from the beginning, you know what happened right?”
You lean on the arm of the chair and sigh. “Yes, you decided hey fuck the underworld why not take over Olympus, and imprison all who oppose me, killing millions by letting the Titans wreak havoc across the earth!”
He chokes on the sip from his drink and coughs a bit while laughing and you look at him puzzled as he slaps his knee with a grin “HA! Wow, such snarkiness love the vivid yet right to the point explanation. But see, I would change a few words like “imprison” to more like, “confine” sounds a lot nicer. A forced vacation even.” He nods and you glare at his calm expression.
“Yeah right” you mutter.
“Glad you agree!” He muffles as he drinks the last drop from his glass. He looks into his glass as if expecting something else and then poofs it away, focusing his blackened eyes right back on you. “But you don’t see the big picture. I bet your daddy dearest gave you the rendition one night as a spooky bedtime story. Ooooh, big bad Hades…”
“But you see, all of them up their own their little cloud, have always thought I was bad news. Labeled me, based on my looks alone!” He gestures to the sky and scrunches up his face. “Even earlier than the moment I was first assigned this position in the Underworld, unwillingly I may add, I’ve been treated with little to no respect.” His fire started to grow, and you clutched the arm of your chair.
“Treated me just as Zeus’s baby brother, who was always the top-dog, saving the universe, being the golden god and the twinkle in all humanities eyes. But no one even talks or acknowledges my part in the whole striking down daddy part of history or the hard work I do everyday JUST TO PREVENT THE EARTH. From being infested by the residents of the afterlife, no sirree!” he grumbles. The smoke at his feet curling up eerily around his chair.
“Ive been handed a job, no one wanted to handle and practically confined to it like a jail cell, which ha catch this, actually turn out to be one for me. FOR MORE THAN A FEW YEARS SWEETHEART!” His voice was sharp and full of bubbling anger and his hands did the same as yours except it was now smothered in smoke.
“After I finally was pulled out of the Styx by none other than Zeus, talk about that encounter, after they let me stew in that soul pit for a good while. I was exiled to this special little jail dimension just for Hades! And left there, to sit for at least, I don’t know… 2,000 -6,000 years?!!”
You sit up in your seat, “Wait what? That makes no sense, you were down for less than that.”
“Yeah, that’s only because they knew that without me, literally all hell would break loose, so they trapped me in some kind of alternate time zone that felt like a perpetual 3:00am at a mall parking lot. Just so I wouldn’t be out of the job for too long. How very kind of them.” He snarls his eye contact not breaking away from yours, his stare was increasingly becoming harder to bare. “But I had absolutely NOTHING to do expect boil and ruminate new ways of getting my well-deserved payback yet after a while even that grew stale. I grew more and more distant from this reality. They say time flies when you’re a god? Well even THAT was even too long for me. So I just slept. Yes. Slept. Until they popped the lock and sprung me out with their sullen faces and worthless words of forgiveness and broken promises of respect.” He hissed through his teeth. His flames now danced around his elbows and he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, while a wisp of smoke started traveling to you. You scoot back a bit, but the smoke follows and followed by another they wrap themselves around the legs of your chair and begin slowly scooting you close to him. Your heartbeat was racing, fight or flight instincts kicking in. The mood going on here felt like it was about to take a sour turn.
“So, YEAH. I wanted a heap load of revenge, so?” he continued rubbing his eyes and he rested on the armchair.  “I deserve MORE, I deserve RESPECT, I deserve HAPPINESS! They had it coming to them. Let me be the villain alright, but again, they deserved it and still do.”
The air was now humid. You felt both concerned for him and astonished by his words. But then his tone took a sudden shift.
“But ever since I met you my little lady…” his voice grew huskier and he peaked through his fingers at you with a mischievous smile. His breathing heavy and loud as his chest moved up and down. You pulled your feet up on the chair as you were pulled closer to him. The dragging of the earth beneath the legs of the chair bumping you here and there.
“I’ve found some…pleasure amidst all that unpleasantness…” Your chair pulled right up in front of him, within arms distance and a steam of smoke rose from his lips as he breathed out.
“Now, I thought I was just going to, go on with my plan…” His smoke rises up your chair and playfully dances around your body, wrapping around you, poking your sides.
 “H-Hey, woah there…” you stutter in a tense chuckle  but he gives this no attention. 
“Starting with you , which was to slowly slaughter all the little demi-mortal children of those complete idiots, just slow enough for none of the suspicion to be aimed towards me, just happy little accidents.” He scrunches his nose with a smile while one of his smoke tendrils brush against your face and hook your chin pulling you forward.
You pull back and it dissipates, and he grunts. “Holding a few for security.” He sings and you feel even more nervous and you stand up and try backing away but his smoke tangles you up and pulls you off your feet and…onto his…lap. Your face grows frightenly warm, and it wasn’t coming from him!
Your feet dangle over the armchair and his finger begin to walk their way down your leg on top of your dress. His other hand securing you down in place by the waist. “That was going to be my start, but-” He watches eagerly as he reaches the end of your dress near the bare calf of your leg and his grip tightens on your waist.
“-I thought one night, you know the third time we met, that…I should just, chill out for a bit…enjoy the-” His eyes trail back to your eyes and he bites his lip, sharp fangs poking through, his eyebrows raised and relaxed. “-sweet things. And oh, I was blessed with the sweetest most fascinating thing right before me baby cakes.” You place your hands on his chest and push off him, and right onto your feet. “I didn’t come for this Hades.” you scowl, and he smirks as he rises from his chair, following every step back you made. But your blushing. Why were you blushing. Why had you felt sorry for him? Why did you feel sorry but still angry at him?!
“Come on, you should be glad! You changed something in me, redirected my whole plan and don’t think I can’t see it in your eyes~” he sings as he holds out and hand, but you refuse and continue backing up “You see nothing.” You jeer and he only swoons and holds out his arms to you theatrically. “Come to the Underworld with me doll, we meet only briefly, but every time its like paradise!” You stop only for a second and he pulls you into him by the lower back, he looks down at you with such lust you could barely stand it. “I don’t. I cant-”
“Then why beseech me In the first place?” his voice grew cold and the air around you grew thick.
“I wanted to tell you..” his eyes squint as he awaits your words “That despite whatever we may have shared previous to today. That I wasn’t interested in any type of “adventure” with you, despite how much you’ve asked me!”
His face scowls for only a second but then bounces back to a small grin and he lets you go.
“Fine. Understood. Then I have no business here then hmm?” He walks past you towards the offerings you left to summon him. “Pomegranate? Ah, so cliché…but appreciate the offer.”
“Wait, your…you’re not going to do anything to me? Especially after spilling all your plans?” you say this and then automatically feel regretful.
He stops and turns his head to you still smiling, rather eerily. “No. Matter of fact. Because first of all. Not my plans anymore and second.” He turns around, his hands behind his back, “I trust you won’t go telling everyone.” Your breathing slows “I have a feeling, that…you wouldn’t want me getting into any trouble with the other gods, especially your father…” he chuckles as he runs a hand through his blue flames. “I have a feeling that, you’ve started to acknowledge the feeling of that figurative heart-shaped arrow in your spine sweetheart.”  
He breathes in deeply and closes his eyes before opening them lazily “and I’m willing to wait even longer until you admit itm and when that time comes. Then you will come with me and we will…explore something beautiful…” his voice is so deep and seductive and you feel angry at yourself for thinking so, “ See ya later toots.” The blank smoke surrounded him and he was gone.
(back to the present)
“It was a lot to handle all at once”.
You say softly to Aphrodite with a weak smile. “But I kept on seeing him after that and tonight, I’ve found that I really can’t deny these feelings any longer.”
You let out an angry exhale and look at the ceiling.
“I know that he isn’t…the best…I just can’t ignore him for some reason, he keeps pulling me in!” you say, smiling nervously as you did.
“Aww dear…I understand. Mortals and Gods alike all tend to fall for the “bad boys” she air quotes.  “But this isn’t no boy.” She snaps her finger.  “He’s not just bad. He’s lousy, abominable, beastly!” She points to you with a smirk “and not in that way sister, I sensed that little emotion of yours…” You blush and look at the door for a moment, hearing occasional shouts and something crashing. She clicks her tongue, “Honey eyes back here. Forget whatever’s going on out there…” She saunters up to you gesturing to one chair and it moves behind her and she sits down so that she can easily talk to you.  Listen to me.” She leans over and holds your hands in hers. “I’m just…”  she lets out a deep breath before gazing into your eyes in silence for a few moments. “Tell me…why you like him.”
You looked into the mirror across from you, studying your own reflection.
“I know, he isn’t a hundred percent a good guy, I’ve heard.” You look her in the eyes with a playful grin.  “Especially from Hercules and practically every other god I’ve ever came across.” You close your eyes and mock a swoon, and this makes Aphrodite roll her eyes in a quivering grin.
“But I can’t stop these feelings! Its maddening! Whenever we talk, I find myself blushing inside. It’s annoying, there’s obviously some part of him I like!” “I- I know he isn’t an image of an angelic being, but I don’t feel as if he’s all bad either, I feel that he’s misunderstood and could change in some way, and that doesn’t make up for his bad actions.” You look back into Aphrodite’s eyes in a pleading way. “But when we talk...I find myself noticing parts of him that are…attractive.”
“Like what sweetheart? I need to know, what.” She says with sass in her voice.
You lean your head back and laugh restlessly looking up at the ceiling.
“Like yes, by the Gods, he’s narcissistic and just woah, so much to handle. I mean, he isn’t the god of death thanks to his love of mortal life…but there are times when he’s bearable! He does things that don’t have some kind of ulterior motive! Just pure raw self. I see that he isn’t completely what this world has labeled him to be.” You look back at Aphrodite and she looks at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Yes. He’s constantly suggesting I let him carry me off into the Underworld to what I presume to be his bedroom-” Aphrodite’s gaze grew fiery and she glinted at the door biting her lip angrily before shaking her head calming herself down.
“-but Gods he is just so charismatic and hilarious! and not 100% vile. I feel that there is a part of him that keeps escaping that’s likable and caring, I can’t stop myself from thinking about him.”
She lets out a soft sigh and leans back in her chair.
“Ok. I see there is no convincing you and I understand the whole charismatic thing. However, that’s his talent. You don’t know half of the trouble he caused with that sharp tongue and quick wit young lady. You need to be careful; I don’t want him to be using you for something, playing around with your little heart.” You felt her hands squeeze your hands before they let go and you open your eyes to look at her.  
“He’s not a project you should be trying to fix, so let’s make that clear first of all.” She lets out a soft sigh “But I don’t think I can stop you from pursuing what I’m picking up on. So, just be careful and if he does anything to hurt you emotionally or physically. Let me know and I’ll come down and kick his ass with Artemis.” She stands and pulls you up with her.  
“Let’s go back to the Masculine Murder Show and stop your daddy and your dark knight from shredding apart this party.”
You both head to the door when she stops abruptly and turns to you.
“Just before we go, what exactly do you like about Hades…physically. If you don’t mind me asking.” You stare at the door with wide eyes refusing to look at her while laughing timidly.
“Um. I- uh…I…a few things…”
“Ok. Never mind, I’m picking up on something, you don’t have to say it. I’m just- woah, Still absolutely concerned with your wellbeing but kust don’t be afraid to say no, yada-yada, let’s hit it.” she clasps the doorknob, and you both head out the door.
The party surprisingly has calmed down. You spot Artemis near the stage and you walk up to her Aphrodite at your side. “Where is my father?” you say with a nervous titter in your voice.
She snickers and points to the open patio near the doorway. The squirrels supported up on her shoulders running back and forth across her arm and snuggling themselves around her neck. “Be careful doll, they had a mighty loud tussle and just moved it outside, not sure what to expect for a little mortal girl like youse.”
“Thanks Artemis” Aphrodite says before she guides you towards the patio decorated with purple silk flowing in the wind. You hear the noises of Zeus loud voice accompanied by Poseidon bellowing and Hades’s shout.  
You walk out onto the balcony and see the three brothers. You watch the figure of Hades as his black robe tosses in the winds that were now steadily increasing the more Zeus had a chance to shout. Your father had Hades pressed against the balcony railing, pointing his Trident on his neck. As Hades grabbed the Trident and was forcing it away from him in a flaming fury.
You clear throat and they all become silent; Aphrodite is no longer by your side but awaits just pass the balcony door nodding at you before walking away in order to give you privacy. Your father releases Hades and bounced towards you with a wide smile tossing his arm around you holding you so close to him you can hear his heavy breathing.
“Sweetheart I think it's about time we should go.”
You gently pry your father's grip that smelled of sea water and walk between the three gods. Hades eyes you with an inquisitively silent interest. You lock eyes with him, and his eyes don't break away from yours instead he grins and waves a few fingers at you in a titillating way and shrugs mouthing “what?” to Zeus when he stares him down. Who then stops glaring at Hades and comes up to you with an uneasy grin.
“Now come on inside, you two don't have to leave. I'll keep our younger brother in check he won't pester young (y/n) anymore Poseidon, will you Hades?”
“Again. Not pestering~.” Hades moves closer to you but stops abruptly and sucks air through his teeth as he changes his direction towards your father.
“Anyway, like I keep saying if you guys can actually get off your high seahorses and listen to me.” He looks around the room, noticing its completely silent he nods his head with a wide sharp tooth grin “Good thank you. Appreciate it.” His fingers press together occasionally lifting and pressing back together in a rhythmic way.
“I think, I had enough of this party anyway so I’m gonna to head out…no need to dip and dive the little princess back home...to her little pond” you flinch as he starts heading towards the balcony entrance.
“I think that would be wise Hades.” Zeus mumbles as he and Poseidon watch him head towards the entrance. You turn to the doorway and watch as he pauses just before entering the room to turn his head to you with a sly smile on his face raising a hand to his chin in a mock of a phone.
“Call me babe if you ever feel like talking. I’ll make room for you.” Poseidon’s face grows furrowed and he aims his triton towards Hades but before it could zap him, Hades left the place he stood In magnificent blue flames, disappearing completely,  leaving scorched marks on the stone floor and lighting one of the silk drapes on fire that was quickly extinguished by your father.
Yet the party still continued as planned, your father was instantly more protective of you and refused you to leave his side except when he and Zeus asked you to depart as they talked on the balcony for a few minutes, joined by Aphrodite. During this time, you went back inside, shrinking at the stares intended for you before surprised by a worried Hercules who was asking about the situation.
You explained to him Hades started chatting you up and your father didn’t agree so it resulted with a fight that caused Hades to leave. Hercules scowled back and looked out towards the balcony, “Good riddance, he shouldn’t have even showed  his face after what he did to me and the Gods involving the Titans”.
You hear your fathers voice call to you almost telepathically and you finish up your conversation with Hercules and make your way outside on the balcony. Zeus has a soft smile on his face and Aphrodite looks exhausted. Your father steps forward and looks at you with loving glistening blue eyes and gills that shined in the moonlight.
“I think it’s time for us to go dear. I should send you back home to your mortal parent(s) before it gets too late.”
And so, your taken back home to a nice house in a small little town with a stream running behind it. Along with the thick forest just outside your backyard. Littered with steep hills.
You sat watching the river peak past the trees of the forest edge. You stand up from ground and head towards this familiar stream, the first form of communication you ever had with your father, and before that, a calming river that you loved to play near and in. You walk barefoot in the warm tickling grass, your swaying silk pants imported from Agrabah, flittering in the wind.
The closer you get to the water, the louder the sound of it running down the small steep is. Your feet occasionally touch dusty dirt that covers the bottom of your toes. Near the river is some muddy soft ground and when you reach this dirt you stand overlooking the dark blue waters only illuminated by moonlight. You find a large bolder to your right and sit down brushing off the bottoms of your feet against the stone and look up at the starlit sky before taking a deep breath.
You wait and listen to the warm winds hitting your face. You look into the trees which lose the light from the sky and become darker and more foreboding. You can’t tear your eyes from it, however. The darkness was calling you, but you dare not move into it. You were afraid, yet it still called. Two eyes, bright yellow move from behind a tree. Your heartbeat jolts. You clutch the rock and begin to stand up to appear larger. You watched the eyes come closer, the dark black pupils coming into view, losing their yellow illumination as they reached the light.
The smoke curling first into the light, its shadow dancing against the trees behind it. His fingers pressed together, his smile closed and broad. His eyes so carefree and entertained by what he saw, which was you.
He hovered to the water’s edge on the other side of the small river but didn’t stop. He kept moving, across the water, just above it. This movement was eerie, but he made it seem so natural. “You called?” His voice sang, making you shiver.
“I mean, dang.  Your reception was loud and clear even down under.” He points to the ground  “That sweet little voice of yours calling out to me Ooo!~ Such a treat after such terrible treatment at that little party earlier.” his voice, smooth and as snarky as ever.
When he reached your rock, even though you stood over him, he simply used his smoke to rise gently off the ground to meet you eye to eye. He raises an eyebrow and holds out his clawed hand opening his mouth in a smile flashing the row of sharp teeth just behind his lips.
His eyes lose their friskiness and look into your eyes with a surprisingly soft gaze. How he could make you so calm despite his appearance astonished you. But you place your hand in his, hesitating just before placing it down. However, he moves his hand up and closes his fingers around yours before you could have even thought to move your hand away. He pulls you off the rock and onto the smoke which now curled beneath your feet hovering you off the ground.
You watched the ground beneath the translucent dark grey smog, and he pulls you into his chest and let’s go of your hand causing you to fall into him. You use your hands to stop from completely slamming into him but catch yourself staring at the fabric of his robe, and the menacing silver skull pin on his chest. His hands find their way to the middle of your back and you push off him now noticing that you two were floating back to the middle of the river. He begins to chuckle and takes one of his hands off your back and props your chin up to his face with a calm expression.
“Woah talk about whisking me off my feet…” you say with a nervous laugh.
His eyebrows raise with an amused look on his face. He takes his hand and slides its down your arm back to your hand raising it up and mocking a little dance number as you two slowly spin in the middle of the river as he hums and guides you around in the air.
“Heh- I tend to do that sweetheart. You should see the monster gals down out west, they practically “claw” for my attention. I mean come on. Look at me.” He bats his eyes and raises a hand to his face gesturing his jaw line while giving you an attempt at a dashing grin.
You find a laugh escaping your mouth. “Yeah, handsome. I see…” you say as you watch him look at your smile with lazy love-stricken eyes. You then take your finger and place it under his chin so that he looks back into your eyes, and he practically swoons.
Abruptly his smile grows, and he spins you around quite fast causing your hair to whip. The smoke on the bottom of your feet expanding beneath you two. The ends of the smoke flickering up towards the sky like tentacles moving up and around you both in a circle, rising steadily higher. Which you find this a little bit unsettling. You focus your observation back at him and he pulls your hand in close to his chest lowering his hand on your back a bit more, making you jittery.
“They do have a beasty appetite in all aspects…” you say with a grin and tighten your hand over his, this surprises him, and he starts stuttering softly but you hush him, and he just becomes quiet. “I’m sure they would just love to get a taste of you if they could. Even I have a “deadly” appetite myself.”  He lets out a low purring sound and spins you around again and leans in close to your face
“Rawwwwrrrrr… but they won’t have a single taste of this hunk right here babe don’t worry about it. This bachelor is off the menu~!-”
“-Are you sure?” you give him a pouty grin and lean in close to his ear.
“Because I sure wouldn’t mind having a taste of death...but I need the flavor to be…hot enough to enjoy.”
BOOM his flames bursts from his head traveling down in a flash of red down his back before snapping off and flickering back to a dancing blue. You close your eyes and stagger back as his fingers let go of yours. You fall back, and the smoke rises around you covering your sight before a hand grasps onto yours and stops you from tipping over into the water. “Your always falling for me huh sweetheart…quite literally actually.”
The smoke moves away from your eyes and he slips his hand against your back and pulls you in close to his face. The smell of smoke coming from a campfire filling the air, a steady small stream of smoke coming from his nostrils with tiny wispy hearts made of smoke
following it. A crazy enamored look on his face. Your eyes are locked on each other and your clutching onto his chest tightly. “Kiss me doll.” He says in a deep whisper, but before you had the chance to reply, he picks you up and dips you on his other side before tilting his head and pressing his lips against yours fitting them, oh so perfectly, and hungrily as he held you against him so tight it was getting difficult to breathe. The smoke of his nose coming out of his face His fire burning brightly from the top of his head. The smoke around his feet that started traveling up around you both in a circle, raising towards the moon before shutting tight and unexpectantly blotting out the moonlight. The smoke twisted around you both until a wave of energy traveled through you and all you saw was absolute darkness.
The smoke bursts away and you take a deep gasp in as you pull away from his following lips. Your eyes squinting at the damp light that now surrounded you, the stale and hot air flowing into your nostrils as you blink rapidly as your eyes tear up. Your held by the waist and your arm. His laughter starting to grow louder as it rumbled from his throat. Your eyes begin to clear, and you see weird glowing water illuminating off the cliff you were standing on.
“Welcome to the Underworld baby, 500,000,000,000 annnnd counting!” he croons as he swings you around in a circle just over the cliff, you turn your head and look down and watch weird translucent figures floating on top of each other, in a never-ending circle towards the ending at the bottom of the pool. Which was as bright as the sun but softer on the eyes.
Your raised once more and turn your head to the smiling, sharp cheek boned face of a God who brings a sense of adrenaline and uneasiness that can’t seem to make up their mind.
His eyebrows wiggle as he wraps a finger around a strand of your hair.
“And my humble eheh. Abode…I brought you down here to witness my glorious domain…But in order to keep you comfortable little queen of mine, I’ve got your room already made for you. Which is, heh. Mine.”
He pinches cheek “Bingo! Then he leans forward, his lips just against your earlobe.
“That kiss we shared, signifies that you’re ready to be with me baby and if you’re with me. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable in this little world of mine…” he pulls away and gives you a little air kiss as he gestures to the rocky ceiling full of stalactites (mites?) You raise an eyebrow, but it falls as his surprisingly cold breath trails down your neck and he snickers and plants a series of lingering Gomez kisses from your earlobe down your neck.
You squirm and he only follows with you, before you place a hand on his neck, just below the roaring fire on his head. And he purrs as you push him on your skin “Aye che mama.” He leaves a kiss below your jawline, “You.” 
He unexpectedly presses something wet and dripping against your collarbone sliding it  behind your ear and you flinch away from him to see him sliding his tongue back into mouth while snickering, his shoulders bouncing as he let you go and you staggered back as you watched him wipe something from his forehead and smooth back his flames so that they stayed slicked for only a moment before flickering back to normal.
“Taste good. Might I say. I mean, wow your lips are divine. Your flesh, oh how I never thought id say this. But, isn’t something id prefer to be cold.” he finishes as he puffs up his chest and slides behind you, letting his fingers rest on your shoulders.
“D-did you just?”  
He shrugs and looks at the ceiling as if he was innocent, but you take your mind off what just happened and turn around to look down at the pool of … “Souls. Sweetheart.” He’s suddenly at your side. He puts an arm around your body, dancing his fingers on your sides. “All dead, all gone. All controlled by me, this is the River Styx babe. You like rivers right well…don’t go dipping any toes in this one. Might lose it.” He turns towards you biting his lip in a fretful way “And much more hon, zaps your life away, plus the souls in there are…rather clingily as you know.” His fretful face turns annoyed as he looks into the water kicking a stone into it, you both watch and hear the souls wail as the water ripples and the stone crumbles into nothing. “And I would know, ha for sure. Those wailing idiots dragged me towards the bottom of this damn lake. Keeping me there for a while after Hercules knocked my light out.” he squirmed and pulled you in close “By the way. Hercules? EHH.” He mocks a buzzer noise. “No more hanging around him, get it?” He squints his eyes with a thin grin. “Bad crowd.” He takes his hand and smooshes your cheeks together shaking your head entirely. “I don’t want him to influence my snooky-wookums.”
“Ok. Alright. This is moving too fast.” You say as he releases your cheeks.
“Fast, fast?” he whimpers as he turns you around to face him.
“Baby, Sweetheart~” You hold up a finger and look him in the eyes and he surprisingly shut’s up.
“Um. First of all, queen of the underworld no. I’m not becoming your Queen Hades…”
“mmm…not yet.” He mutters before you shush him, and he rolls his eyes.
“Yes, I’ve fallen for you…” He chuckles and walks two sharp fingers gently against your arm up to your shoulder.
“The perfect decision love. I’ll make sure to treat you right babe. You’ve got me wrapped around your finger-“
“Yes listening, listening…don’t worry. I’ll get better at it. Promise. Continue~”
“Second, I have the feeling that you want me to…move in.”
“Like, now.”
“and forever~” he grins.
“Comeeeeeonnnn Babe. This place is perfect for you. Anyway-“
He turns around and you do as well as his hand is still lovely on your shoulder.
He leans his face to yours and blows a smoke heart in your face while keeping his face close to yours as he speaks, occasionally pinching your clothing, brushing off your shoulders and playing with your hair.
“-I can’t have you being all, up top frolicking around on the grass, sniffing flowers feeling that sweet sweet sun Aries pulls through that blue beautiful sky…and oh what is this?”
He takes his hand from around your shoulder and slams his fist into his open palm. “BAM! KAPOWEE!!... Or even worse” he moves in front of you making you stop creating some smoke that surrounded his mouth looking like your fathers’ beard. “You are coming with me and I’m refusing you to see Hades again, and Bam. “He flicks his hand and a small cage manifests in the air before he waves it away. “You see. I…heh…I have a lot of enemies…” He rests both his hands on your shoulders and leans forward. “Gods ,Demi-Gods, Mortals, you name it. Now, not that I can’t handle them…if anyone would dare threaten you well. I’m not the god of death for nothing but- I can’t risk you-you getting all caught up in that capiche. I like having you around get it?” he grits his teeth t the last part. “So, literally. I’m Going To Keep You Around.” He looks about and points to the ground “Got it?” you open your mouth  to protest but he interrupts, “ALLLRIGHHHHTTTT!!” he finger guns you before taking your hand and pulling you into him, except when you got close once again you were covered in smoke which dispersed In a nanosecond.  You both were standing in this darkly lit dining room with a long dining table a sharp looking fireplace and a chandelier carved out from the ceiling above with eerie green flames.
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mutxnts · 1 year
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the fact that mvk refuses to refer to miles by his first name.... pain.
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astriline · 4 years
y'all ever think about how out of every prosecutor in the whole (main) ace attorney series Edgeworth is the only one that probably wouldn't get thrown out of a real courtroom like let's go over the facts
The most Edgeworth did wrong is manipulate testimony and whatnot, but according to rise from the ashes he never forged evidence on purpose.
Manfred Von Karma on the other hand has forged evidence and also more or less threatened the judge.
Franziska Von Karma just has a whole ass whip that she actually uses, goddamn.
Godot is just endlessly drinking coffee. I don't know if that's against the rules of court but evidenced by dialogue in his first appearance and even in ajaa when Ema and Apollo eat snackoos in court it's at least considered quite unprofessional to eat in the middle of a trial. I'd imagine at most lawyers are allowed a water bottle in a real court but that's it. But anyway besides the coffee drinking itself what would get Godot thrown out is that he throws his mug at Phoenix like that's literally assault who let this guy stay here
Klavier Gavin did nothing wrong technically but if I were a judge I wouldn't allow him within 20 miles of my courtroom wearing that ATROCIOUS affront to god suit
Where do we begin with Simon Blackquill. First of all he's an actual prison inmate I don't care about how good his psychology skills in court are that doesn't mean you put a fucking convicted felon on death row in court even if he does turn out to be innocent later. Besides that he has a whole ass pet bird that he sics on the defense, witnesses, and even judge. Not to mention his rude language with the judge. This guy would've been in a courtroom for maybe two minutes before he was taken away and executed on the spot.
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi at first seems innocent but then he attacks the defense with prayer beads and that's just Not Great.
Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in is another instance of I wouldn't let her inside in the courtroom in the first place with that outfit she's wearing she only gets to stay cause she's royalty but if she didn't have that she'd be arrested for crimes against fashion
Bonus: the Payne brothers. They're both little bitches who don't deserve rights.
Since I haven't played any of the spinoff games besides about three cases in the first aai which I barely even remember I can't speak for prosecutors introduced in aai and dgs but with the track record of the main series I just don't think they'd be much better
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inlovelawyers · 4 years
just curious about what your fav cases are and which ones you dislike the most ? i’m sorry if you’ve been asked this before :( your posts are awesome
Hello, anon! How are you today? Thank you for asking!
Oof, my favorite cases? Let’s see... In a non-specific order, I’d say... [SPOILERS FROM ALL GAMES EXCEPT DGS 1 AND 2]
Turnabout Goodbyes is a MUST. I still remember my feelings when I played AA for the very first time. I hated Edgey-boy in Turnabout Sisters. How could he, right? But then something changed during Turnabout Samurai. Without realizing, I was in love with that man and I wanted to protect him as badly as Phoenix. When the intro played and Edgey was holding a gun, all I could think of was: “DON’T WORRY, BABY! YOU’RE INNOCENT AND I’LL PROVE IT!”
It’s silly but I felt like Phoenix in Turnabout Goodbyes, channeling all my love for Edgey in courtroom. Also narumitsu at its best. It brings me good memories!
The Kidnapped Turnabout is also great because I love the badgers so much. My URL used to be something related to Blue Badger! Also it’s the first time that we see Lang and boi, do I love that wolf???? He’s so hot wtf??? Ahem... Plus, there’s Kay and that Gavinners reference! Also Phoenix crossing the bridge of love? hahaha that’s gay. Still in the AAI universe, I also adore The Inherited Turnabout because Dad Greg is a precious beam. And the whole gang is so cool? Sebastian, Justine, Jeff, Katherine, Delicia... They’re all so funny and nice! AAI 1 and 2 are AmAZiNg games!
And lastly (and probably my fav), Turnabout for Tomorrow. People can judge me all they want, but I love DD. Mostly because Phoenix is back, he’s happier and healthier after his AJ breakdown. He’s engaged to Edgeworth. Also, although I didn’t like Apollo’s behavior when I first played it, I understand everyone now. Apollo? Did nothing wrong. Aura? Did nothing wrong. Lesbians? Everywhere. Simon Blackquill? Hot af. And the plot twist at the end? The Phantom? I needed to stop the game and go for some air because I couldn’t believe it was ~~Bobby~~ the whole time. Love it! Love it very much!
Honorable mentions: Rise from the Ashes is SOOOOOOOOO cool???? The characters are great, I love them! But it’s sooooooo long?? At some point, I need a break and finish it the next day. Also, how could I not mention Bridge to the Turnabout? Simply because, although I love all the angst, the plot, the tension... I love Godot very much. I hated learning he was the culprit. My first time playing? I had to stop it. I couldn’t finish it, so I just looked for a walkthrough and concluded the game with a broken heart. Not to mention Iris and Phoenix. It’s something that does not please me. I have very mixed feelings about it, although I do know it’s one of the best cases. It’s more like a personal matter, you see. Lastly, I find SoJ very weak as a game in general, but I do appreciate Turnabout Time Traveler, in which Edgeworth and Phoenix get married.
That said, those are my favorite cases! I haven’t played DGS yet, only watched half of the first game walkthrough. Also I don’t really want to go to AA2 and AA4. We... don’t do that here.
Finally, thank you for such kind words! I’m glad you appreciate my posts, it really means a lot to me! Hope my answer was good enough! Have a nice day!
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claitea · 4 years
Question what Ace Attorney game would you recommend to start on as a someone who hasn't played any of the games.
i'd say just play them in order of release! if you have no interest in them, the spin-off miles edgeworth investigations, the prof layton crossover and dai gyakuten saiban are the only skippable ones, but i wouldn't skip them because aai and plvspw are brilliant, and i hear great things about dgs!
just in case i'd like to also give you this link, its a doc someone made listing possible triggers for the games because it can be graphic, disturbing or problematic at times.
when playing the first game, i believe only the ds version has the fifth case, rise from the ashes. the original gba version only had four cases. someone correct me if i'm wrong though.
miles edgeworth investigations 2 and both dai gyakuten saiban games don't have official english translations, but they've been fan translated, so you'll definitely need an emulator for those. you can buy the rest on actual consoles/steam, but if you can't and emulate them, be warned that for some reason dual destinies may run like garbage even on good computers. nothing horrible, but i ran at half-speed for like 90% of the game.
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taotrooper · 4 years
4, 7, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 45
4. Favourite prosecutor?
My boy Klavier for sure. He was really refreshing, he was the nicest to the attorney team, he had a personality and interests outside the job, he wasn’t a sore loser even when he had personal losses, he was absolutely as cursed as some very cursed AA characters but still moved forward, he was pretty cool, he was dorky, and if I have to be shallow he’s very hot. The fact CAPCOM didn’t allow him to have better bonds with the other characters and be around more just bums me out constantly.
I also really like Miles and Nahyuta.
7. Favourite murderer?
I think Gant. Power suit orange man was very threatening and very real, and he had the charisma as well. I like Shelly De Killer’s concept and design although he’ not the main murderer and about that, I do like Engarde a lot incidentally because he’s such a shit. Of course I love to hate Dahlia and Kristoph, they’re such fun villains.
27. Apollo’s perceive, Phoenix’s magatama or Athena’s Mood Matrix?
The magatama might be overdone but it was the least annoying by far. I love you Polly but I sweated while I was looking for sweat stains and shit. Mood Matrix was okay and even kinda fun but I felt like I was bullshitting through most of it.
28. Ace Attorney trilogy or Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies (and Spirit of Justice)?
This is hard to say because while my favorite game is in the Apollo trilogy, and most of my faves are there, and I liked the telenovela that was Spirit of Justice, the Phoenix trilogy is more memorable and better paced. Takumi was a better game producer? director? and it shows.
Please CAPCOM, sell the Apollo trilogy in a pack, I beg you.
30.  Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice?
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I love. All of Ema so fucking much. Favorite character,
34. Do you think Miles Edgeworth should get another Investigation-game or do you think another character deserves a spin-off?
Well first, let’s get AAI2 translated officially because I can’t figure out how to play it pirated. But as long as we don’t have another case like that diplomat from hell, I’d be up for more Miles games.
However. Ever since I heard AAI was originally going to be an Ema forensics game, I have not have peace in my heart. Give me a fucking Ema game. I don’t care if she’s detective teaming up with Klavier or forensic teaming up with Nahyuta, or with someone else entirely, or with the attorneys, or if she gets her own teen sidekick. JUST MORE EMA. CAPCOM, listen,
35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise?
It’s hella good and iconic, but it’s not one I listen to by itself. Maybe ti’s because it’s too bombastic when doing court music so it’s bad background noise when I’m studying or working.
45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on?
Following the consequences of events of previous games. This is something AA2 touched upon, but afterwards it feels disjointed. Entire character plots don’t ever come back when we see them again, and sometimes instead they build up something new that might not... contradict the character’s backstory directly but it’s hard to marry with the rest of their personal lore (the timeframe for Klavier to study both in Germany and that law high school is so short, for instance). Apollo is the most infamous case, but he’s not the only main character that doesn’t get an acknowledgement of the stuff that happened even in the previous game.
And then there’s opposite case: Phoenix who literally had no backstory besides two things that happened to him in elementary school and college, and no known family except for the found family he built along the way. Does the guy even have parents? We just don’t know.
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ashenworth · 3 years
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mikumutual · 4 years
answers aa themed questions nobody asked because i’m cool and sexy
also i havent played the 5th or 6th games so
YOUR FAVOURITE…? 1. Favourite Ace Attorney game? honestly? phoenix wright ace attorney! everything’s fresh, there aren’t many weak characters, and the plot is remarkable (especially the fifth case). the whole trilogy is really good as one unit though 2. Favourite case? 1-4, 1-5, 2-4, and 3-5 are tied lol, i can’t make a decision to save my life. 2-1 is really really funny tho 3. Favourite defendant? as a defendant, lana skye. as a person, edgeworth 4. Favourite prosecutor? as a prosecutor, franziska von karma. as a person, edgeworth 5. Favourite ship? wrightworth obviously... ive probably put more thought into them over the last 3 years than any other ship 6. Favourite victim? probably mia fey or gregory edgeworth... but for non-relevant victims, neil marshall :( 7. Favourite murderer? shelly de killer, i LOVE that guy. but dee vasquez was very cool as well 8. Favourite assistant? maya fey!!!!!!!!!! but i like kay faraday a lot too (im so sorry ema) 9. Favourite witness? adrian andrews... or maybe iris? i mean i didn’t like iris but god what a person 10. Favourite quote? “It doesn't matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses... The truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is to fight with the knowledge we hold and everything we have. Erasing the paradoxes one by one... It's never easy... We claw and scratch for every inch. But we will always eventually reach that one single truth. This I promise you.” - Miles Edgeworth i made this one of my senior quotes :]
YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE…? 11. Least favourite Ace Attorney game? uh fucking apollo justice. literally what the hell was that 12. Least favourite case? turnabout visitor wasn’t very strong? i guess it’s fine as an intro, but it’s also wonky with the timeline of aai 13. Least favourite defendant? max galactica. he’s better in the anime though 14. Least favourite prosecutor? manfred von karma, obviously. i like every other prosecutor (who i know of) though, even winston payne is pretty funny in hindsight 15. Least favourite ship? “miles edgeworth/female oc”. there are a lot of bad ships though, mostly involving phoenix & his assistants. dont do that please 16. Least favourite victim? zak gramarye for kickstarting that shitty, shitty game 17. Least favourite murderer? again mvk... but also fucking frank sahwit LMAO 18. Least favourite assistant? i guess trucy 19. Least favourite witness? fuck everyone from turnabout big top unless it was the anime episode 20. Least favourite memory of Ace Attorney? repeatedly trying and failing to download the emulator for aai2 hbjsjhdb i eventually got it but someone had to send me the download fully pre-patched and i felt kinda useless DO YOU PREFER…? 21. Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice? phoenix wright. fuck that “GOTCHA!” mechanic jesus christ 22. Maya Fey or Trucy Wright? maya fey. nothing personal against trucy but i just dont like aj hbjsdjhsdb also maya is really sweet and fun and she has the best sprites. she seems like she’d be a good friend, it’s too bad that she doesn’t have the time for them as a spirit medium and all :( if maya ema and kay got to hang out together itd be wild 23. Investigations or trials? trials are easier in my opinion because investigations have several things you could be doing without such a linear style, so if you miss something, you won’t really know until you wander around forever 24. College Phoenix or Hobo Phoenix? college feenie!!!!! he’s like trilogy feenie but more emotional and less witty. i like to pretend that hobo phoenix doesnt exist 25. Klavier Gavin or Kristoph Gavin? who would say kristoph 26. Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations? ace attorney but only because phoenix is in it lmao. im actually rewatching a playthrough of aai now, and playing aai2 at the same time, so while it is on the mind, i feel like the cases characters and mechanics - while loved - don’t hold up to the OGs 27. Apollo’s perceive, Phoenix’s magatama, or Athena’s Mood Matrix? i actually kinda like the mood matrix more than anything because it has a really good UI and the magatama is kinda grating. but FUCK the gotcha mechanic it is SO FUCKING STUPID and IMPOSSIBLE TO USE.  where is logic chess 28. Ace Attorney trilogy or Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies? you already know my answer to this one 29. 3D models or sprites? i do like the 3d models a lot but i like the original sprites more! imo original pixel sprites > 3D models > HD sprites. mostly bc the hd sprites are garbage (see here, here, and here) 30. Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice? rfta !!!!!! shes actually really nice as an assistant, esp considering the fact that we actually see her interact with her sister, which is something maya didn’t have very often. also her random appearance in aai was well appreciated by me
MISCELLANEOUS 31. Did you like what they did to Phoenix in Apollo Justice?
32. Your opinion on Dai Gyakuten Saiban? haven’t played it! it looks pretty cool though
33. Do you think Dai Gyakuten Saiban and/or Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 will get localised to the West? doubt it, since the creators have said that it won’t be. but the fan translations are pretty good, so i think it’s okay
34. Do you think Miles Edgeworth should get another Investigation-game or do you think another character deserves a spin-off? i mean he already has two, so i guess he doesn’t need another? like i love edgeworth but he’s not as fun without phoenix around. ngl i would play a franziska game. or a maya game, or any spinoff revolving around a side character. hell i’d play hotti game if it meant it took place in the trilogy era
35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise? REALLY good. really really good. i love how each game of the trilogy has different composers but each track has the same theme and feel!!!
36. Do you like where the franchise is heading or did you prefer the atmosphere in the original trilogy? seriously absolutely completely prefer the trilogy. i’m sorry but the rush of youth and trust is way, way more enjoyable than whatever “i’m 35 and therefore middle aged” nonsense is happening in the 2020s
37. Capcom suddenly announces that Phoenix will no longer appear in the Ace Attorney franchise! Your reaction? He’s been replaced by Penny Nichols. Fuck you.
38. Capcom suddenly announces that the Ace Attorney franchise has ended for good! Your reaction? it was me i ended it
39. Would you like there to be another Ace Attorney/Professor Layton crossover game? i didnt play it but i really like the idea!!!!!! aa crossover games are really funny to me, i mean have you seen edgeworth in project x zone 2, lmao
40. Would you like an Ace Attorney anime? we have one now! honestly i don’t think it did a very good job of representing the cases, but it did do a good character remix of turnabout big top so that they’re not creepy anymore. they also did a really good job with the anime-specific cases, like the one on the train! it feels a lot better paced when it’s intended for that medium rather than just adapted.  also the childhood episodes made me cry
41. Opinion on anime cutscenes in Ace Attorney? like in 5 and 6? mm, the art style is kinda weird, and i don’t really like the voices, but i guess not everything can be pachinko and prozd
42. Would you want to play an Ace Attorney game where you take on the prosecutor’s role? YEAH ACTUALLY!!!!!! it might be kinda weird being on the right side of the screen though lmao
43. Do you like having DLC in Ace Attorney-games? uhhh i hate having to buy extra things, but i’ll admit that they are pretty funny
44. Opinion on Lamiroir’s storyline? i only played aj so if shes in other games idk but i thought she was fine
45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on? stop having creepy characters please. also jesus christ if phoenix and edgeworth arent wearing rings in aa7 i will become the ceo of capcom myself
46. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you like it to be based on an already existing case or would you like an all new storyline? i mean the musical did a pretty good job of adapting existing cases, so it might as well be new. it would be kinda hard to balance the games’ timeline & character development without being repetitive or an au
47. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you prefer it being live-action, 3D animated or 2D animated? stylized 2D animation, probably? i would want it to feel more like into the spiderverse than an anime, though. in my dream ace attorney movie, they’d just need a high art budget, several plausible deniability wrightworth scenes, and prozd to voice edgeworth
48. If there could be an Ace Attorney crossover with whatever franchise you’d like, which one would you choose? (Does not need to be a video-game franchise) your turn to die is probably closest in characterization, although its premise is more “locked in a room” than the open-world investigation of aa
49. Opinion on recurring witnesses? (Wendy Oldbag, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, etc.) honestly, i like them a lot! i don’t know why people hate them so much - i mean, i know lotta lied, and wendy is a horrible old flirt, and larry just kinda sucks all around. but they’re also pretty funny to have around! larry is a constant comic relief who reminds you how much better nick & edgey are in comparison, lotta is likeable as a general character (like in 2-4, although yeah, not remarkable), and wendy oldbag is really funny. she’s so fucking funny. none of you appreciate wendy oldbag’s quirks and you are SLEEPING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. Do you think Dual Destinies deserved its M-rating? no idea, holy shit, it got an m-rating? i mean every game before it has had blood violence and very mild swearing, and since DD probably doesnt have anything too sexually risqué, i doubt it deserves a rating any harsher than the rest of the series
okay thanks thats all
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