#ashane tabris
fereldanrenegade · 7 years
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I’ve mentioned a few times that, in addition to Eroan, I also have a Tabris.  So, meet Ashane.  She’s a rogue archer, she’s loud, she’s rude, and she’s very dead after punching the archdemon in the face. This was mainly just a quick doodle to calm myself before I go onto other things.  Feel free to hit me with a few more expressions in the meantime. 
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odinspattern · 7 years
One thing that I love about DAO? Is that your characters can have diffrent face expressions. Ronja often looks a little distant, my old Tabris always look sad, Ashan looks bewildered, and Rakim, bless their heart, always looks slightly unimpressed. It's great!
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