snailtrain · 1 month
actually E2 for Desmond and Altair too
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this is a fill for this meme
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majormeilani · 9 months
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shipping bingo board i made because some of them don't appeal to my personal thoughts. you may reblog and repost but if you repost outside of tumblr do not remove the watermark so others can get a clean ver of the board to use if they so wish. (watermark can be removed if you are posting to tumblr tho!!!!) these can apply however you wish and you may elaborate in your response too if what i put in the boxes doesn't get your thoughts across :)
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saturncoyote · 2 months
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
You didn't say any specific OCs so i'm guessing i can pick freely
well Sage Solace is most definitely not new to committing unspeakable acts to get what he wants, he has no qualms with putting other's lives on the line if it's what it takes to achieve his goals nor does he care for his own wellbeing, putting himself in near death situations on a near daily basis
however, even the worst of men have lines they won't cross, and sadly for Sol over here, his biggest weakness is his nature
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mylordshesacactus · 2 months
What is your best writing advice?
"Show don't tell" doesn't mean what you think it does. Learn it better, and free yourself from a half-understood mnemonic.
When you show, you slow. Learn THAT one backward and forward as well; it won't fix pacing issues overnight, but it'll help you understand what causes them.
Writing fanfiction? Go back to the source material FREQUENTLY, or you'll lose all sense of the characters and end up writing someone unrecognizable.
If you struggle to block out action sequences, genuine advice? Think in terms of combat rounds in D&D. Not literally, of course, nobody should be taking rigorous turns, but: Play out the action in your head. If six seconds have gone by, everyone in this sequence should have done something. That thing could be charging into melee range--noting that this extra combatant is running toward the fight but hasn't gotten there yet. It could be reloading a weapon. It could be clutching their side in shock and wheezing. They don't need to be Selecting A Combat Action, but fight scenes become incoherent when you lose track of who's doing what. When you forget about Goon #3 and then have him show up again doing something that doesn't remotely track with where you last left him. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO INCLUDE THEM IN THE NARRATION if they're not important! If two seconds ago your protagonist kicked a guy off the dock, we can safely assume they'll spend at least the next several "combat rounds" climbing back out. But at any given moment, YOU should know where everyone is, what they're doing, and why.
But most importantly:
Anyone purporting to give The End-All Be-All Writing Advice is either delusional or a scam. Yes, including or perhaps especially famous bestselling authors. What works for them won't necessarily work for you, and there are plenty of people who don't even like their work. You're never going to be whoever's advice you try to mimic. Write your stuff, not theirs.
Do you prefer urban fantasy or high fantasy?
Genuinely though. They're both good and they both serve their respective narratives in some way. In general I'm more drawn to high fantasy, personally, but I'm never not going to be interested in a well-done urban fantasy.
Pedantic nitpick though, these things are not the opposites they are being portrayed as. I think what the question was GOING for was actually "low vs high fantasy" which is a completely separate concept. Words mean things! But also, I'm not an ass, and the intent was pretty clear.
(High Fantasy: This story is set in a completely separate world from ours, with no crossover into our known and lived reality. ANY completely separate world, regardless of technology level! STAR WARS IS HIGH FANTASY. This is not an opinion, this is a genre fact.
Low Fantasy: The story is set partially in our world or includes crossover or other intrinsic connections to a realistic world that follows the same rules and expectations of our world. Isekai and portal fantasies like Narnia fall into this category, as do hidden-world/veiled-magic fantasies like the Bad Wizard Lady Books, Percy Jackson, and Artemis Fowl; and also a lot of true-anthropomorphic fiction like Watership Down, Warriors, etc. Note that "low fantasy" does NOT mean "gritty" fantasy or fantasy that focuses on the lower classes instead of nobles, nor does it mean a low-magic pseudo-medieval setting
Urban Fantasy: A story with fantasy tropes and themes that takes place in an urban setting. Can be low or high fantasy!)
What is the worst thing you've ever created?
Okay so this one time in high school me and my best friend Sam were trying to make lemon bars at his house and to this day we do NOT know what the hell ingredient we neglected to add to the lemon bars
but given the state of the results, there is a non-zero chance that the ingredient we forgot was flour.
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sweetside · 6 months
🎃Trick or Treat🍬
It's the spookiest part of the year, everyone Nyeh nyeh Nyeeeeeeh!~ Or not if you reblog this in April or something.
So let's celebrate this most wonderful time of the year with our muses!
Send 🎃 or (Trick) to give my muse a piece (or multiple pieces of candy) from the list below!
Send 🍬 or (Treat) to let my muse choose a piece (or multiple) from the list below. (Im not liable if some of the less bright muses decide to not read the effects before consumption.)
Remember that the muses' Mun can pick out the candy sent to them if they don't want their muse eating it.
The Options:
🍭(Lollipop) : Upon eating this, the eater gains 10 lbs.
🍪(Cookie) : Upon eating this, the eater gains 50 lbs.
🍫(Chocolate Bar) : Upon eating this, the eater gains 100 lbs.
🥛(Milk dud) : Upon eating this, the eater's bust size doubles.
🍑(Peach Sweet): Upon eating this, the eater's butt doubles in size.
🍐(Pear Gummy): Upon eating this, the eater's hips double in size.
🍌(Banana Marshmallow): Upon eating this, the eater grows 1 foot taller.
🫐(Berry Gum): Upon eating this, the eater's skin starts to change into the colour of the berry the asker specified (Blueberry by default), The muse also slowly fills up with said berry's juice.
🥝(Kiwi Pop rock): Upon eating this, the eater's hair grows 1 foot longer.
🧃(Juice box): Upon eating this, the eater gains a months worth of muscle.
🍋(Lemon Lozenge): The eater's personality becomes stubborn and sure of themselves!
🍯(Honey Drop): The eater's personality becomes sickeningly sweet and optimistic!
🧂(Salt Toffee): The eater's personality becomes outgoing and vocal!
🥒(Bitter Pickle): The eater's personality becomes spoiled and self-entitled!
🌿(Mint sauce): The eater's personality becomes more confident and concerned about their identity!
🥡(Leftovers): The eater's personality becomes more lazy and lethargic.
⚡(Energy Drink): The eater's personality flips upside down, becoming the reverse of what it is!
🪥(Tooth paste): The eater's personality resets to their original one.
🐺(Moon pie): The eater turns into a Werewolf!
😺(Kit Kat): The eater turns into a Cat Girl/Cat Boy!
🐟(Swedish Fish): The eater turns into a Mermaid/Merman!
🐰(Candy Carrot): The eater turns into a Bunny Girl/Bunny Boy!
🐮(Milk bottle candy): The eater turns into a Cow Girl/Cow Boy!
🦇(Red Licorice): The eater turns into a Vampire!
👻(Sugar Glass): The eater becomes a Ghost!
😈(Spicy Sucker): The eater becomes a Devil or Demon!
🧶(Strawberry Laces): The eater becomes a construct! (Like a doll or golem or maybe even a Frankenstein!)
🐵(Gum): The eater becomes a human!
🔴(Mars Bar): Turns the eater Male!
🟡(Venus Wine gum): Turns the eater Female!
Additional Details:
(These can be added to the ask to change the candy's effect.)
🪙(Cheap candy): Flips the candy's effect to be negative. (Doubling becomes Halving, etc.)
🏠(Home-made): The candy's original effect is ignored. Instead the effect is decided by the asker. (Beware that this is the type of candy Mun's are most likely to throw out.)
✖️(Charity): Doubles the effects of the given candy.
🍿(Grab bag): The Mun must randomly roll for what candy their muse gets.(Note: There are exactly 30 pieces of candy to choose from.) (Though they can still throw it away, or roll again.)
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aka-trashrat · 8 months
🧣 with Ordo Skirata <3
From the Comfort My Characters ask meme.
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Image description: Kal'buir is standing behind his son, Ordo, as Ordo sits on a chair in front of a computer terminal with a focused look on his face. Kal is holding a red blanket in both hands and is in the process of draping it over his son's shoulders. Kal is dressed in his distinctive golden Mandalorian armor, and Ordo is wearing the red Clone Trooper fatigues. End ID.
If Ordo won't go to bed, then maybe the bed will have to go to Ordo.
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lunarblue21 · 13 days
🖍, 🤔, 🤡 for the WIP asks
🖍 Post Any sentence from your wip
“I didn’t kill him,” the tracker said, quietly. “I gave him a choice. Leave my friend alone, or take me down first. My friend - the mammoth - saved my life by killing him. I won’t deny that I’m party to Soto’s death, but I did not kill him.”
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
I've long wanted to do an IA3-based canon divergence fic where Diego gets injured protecting Ellie from the guanlongs during Peaches' birth, but I've just never had the time for it, especially since returning to my CI-verse series in 2021. I've written a few sentences out of context for such an AU-fic but I don't have the mental space to devote to trying to actually make a story out of it becos rn I'm so consumed by my CI-verse, CI bk 1 in particular.
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
Just one! (thank goodness). Just the one, "Cruel Intentions" the first true book (chronologically) in my CI-verse fanfic series. In fact, as of today, CI1chap5 is at 7k words and I think nearly finished, woohoo! :) I am just hoping that it won't be 10k words like the previous chapter but long chapters aren't unusual for me and in all honesty, with my CI-verse, I have a LOT of story to tell - and that's becos that "story" is something I have been working on since 2009 (when I began "outlining" it through chapter titles and by writing up some paragraphs - not in a linear context - from an extremely vivid dream I'd had), which means I've been working on my CI-verse since before I got my ffn account!
In fact, three days ago, I actually dug up some of my earliest CI-verse writings from my USB drive, dated 12/18/2009, and preserved it into one of my "Backups" gdrive documents that I use to keep all of my CI-verse planning in one place.
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drunktuesdays · 9 months
☉ what do you do when you get stuck writing? asking for a friend 👀
well i can tell you the honest answer about how i'm dealing with it lately which is "open a new doc and start a brand new story" but i do not recommend this, because it's how you end up with 4 wips with significant investment in each.
here are some ways i have managed to unstick myself when i'm stuck:
complain about it on tumblr until someone sends you a motivational message that makes you buck up and do some stupid work
set a time goal instead of a word goal--you have to sit down and look at your doc for fifteen/twenty/thirty minutes without changing tabs, and whatever happens, happens.
open a new doc and start the scene you got stuck in over in a fresh place. sometimes starting completely over without the baggage of LOOKING at the rest of the wip helps.
this came from longnationalnightmare, but if you're stuck on a sex scene, turn off all the lights in your room. put on headphones and blast white noise. drape a blanket over your head. anything you can do to block out all other stimuli. do not allow yourself to press backspace. write all the grossest most visceral sex words you can think of until something starts coming together.
idk, give up and start a new hobby like woodworking or identifying birds? author's note: i am considering this
ask me things!
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the-pen-pot · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ⭐️
All right, five things that make me happy:
That feeling of getting a chapter just right.
Warm cups of tea on cold, grey days.
Fairy lights
Being snuggled up in bed with a hot water bottle
(I realised two of these make me sound cold-blooded and heat seeking, but honestly? True.)
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snailtrain · 1 month
but then also B1 for Ezio and Desmond
ohoho. I have chosen AC2 Ezio ♥
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this is a response to this meme
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saintmachina · 5 months
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Completely obsessed with this askmeme I'm going to need everyone to get into my askbox posthaste and make me expose myself. (Also thank you to @majormeilani for creating this bingo board!)
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sweeterthanmydreams · 4 months
Shiha 👔
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Shiha in formal wear! This came out surprisingly well (compared to how well it was going when I started sketching) so I now have a token for the next time the party goes to meet with the queen. u-u I added a bonus Shiha with novel-canon hair (light red) to fix the image ratio.
Much thanks for the submission. This is the last one I received, so unless someone else sends another in the next few days, the set will be complete. Still got space left to fill out the sketchbook page, so I might have to come up with bonus doodles to fill the space.
[This is for the OC Doodle Asks meme, which I'm still accepting Asks for. You can see art from previous times I've run it over here including a previous 👔(Ume).]
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saturncoyote · 2 months
4 Needlebiter!
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mylordshesacactus · 2 months
extremely specific assumption (i am cheating): very competent woman/her even more competent bodyguard
[mocking spongebob noises] YES YES WE'VE ALL SEEN IT--
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saturnscholar · 4 months
Thinking of You Asks
send a… ✉️ for a written note to your muse 💬 for an unsent text to your muse 💭 for a thought or daydream about your muse 📓 for a journal entry involving your muse
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chaldea-after-dark · 3 months
Testing out a new ask format! Send me:
"My Room" + [ Servant Name ] + [ Question you want to ask them ]
And I'll answer as if it's a my room quote from said servant!
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