idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
Do you never leave this library?
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“The Library is safe. The safest place I’ve found, since…”
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
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“Welcome in. I don’t get a lot of visitors. If there’s anything you need help finding, let me know.”
[Side blog for a supernatural-themed au of Eli Clark from Identity V. [Leave an ask in Book Returns~ [Blog follows as lifted-oriion
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
Is there a children's book section in your library?
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“The library was initially a collection of information - myths, origins, and features of the various creatures that inhabit this world and sometimes the next, last, or in between. We never expected children to visit - it never came to mind - and then some things happened and…
“Well, Fiona was the one to suggest and later collect a handful of books when she could. Her occupation rarely offers the opportunity to search, so excess trinkets- er….toys are more abundant in the room. I have considered attempting to simplify the informative books, but selecting the relevant information is proving more difficult than I’d expect.”
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
☑: something muse has accomplished that they’re proud of
E: There’s the archive? I…have accomplished very little in my lifetime, and certainly nothing to be proud of.
F: You heckin liar! When I met him, Eli’s vocabulary was limited to what you’d find in a dusty old bible. I found him a dictionary, and he was talking like a scholar in two weeks. While traveling across the country, no less! That’s plenty to be proud of! Not to mention that he basically adopted and cares for about half the orphans in the city, continues to do so with children and the unruly non-mundane, found an ethically sustainable way to keep up with a too-large population of vampires three villages over, solved about half of my cases when I couldn’t, which he still refuses to take credit for, and he esca-
E: That is enough, Fiona. These are hardly what can be called accomplishments. They get the idea…
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
[[hhhhh okay so most of this is bc ART so uhhh
@idv-ask-azraelSpaceboi?? SPACEBOI!!!! (i dont play joseph enough in game to have that skin but of course i have it anyway, it’s space themed for hel’s sake)
@ask-vampire-hunter-naibThis blog was originally made because of their encouragement. Initially, I’d thought we would end up connecting our blogs, but there’s more I’ve developed since starting so the compatibility might not be there any longer. We don’t talk much any more, but they’re pretty rad - they do good art.
@the-count-desaulnierAnother Joseph. Am I biased? Maybe. Do I care? No.The colors, the lines!!! THE CHARACTERS!!!!! From a writing perspective, I’m in awe. From an artist’s perspective, I’m starstruck. Also has delightful post tags.
@ask-luckyA new baby to the thrall, as I understand it, but precious. Such a good style, and characterization, too!!
@askminiwuchangbabybabybaby-THe pure chaotic energy of these two. A+ must poke more, and also interact when i get my own Wu Chang blog running
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
… 🙃 with the mun!
Title:If I Let This Guy Into My House I’d Have an Unlimited Supply of Craft Feathers
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Alt titles:
- Outing Myself as a Furry- Why Is My Tea Cold?- Fix Your Dang Posture You Stupid, Stupid Bois
Sat down and did this in an hour bc i was too lazy to do it digitally. Apparently I work faster/better traditionally? I think I just have lower standards. The proportions are off and i don’t give enough of a darn to fix it and reupload the image onto my computer so heck it
I had to learn how to draw humans to start this blog, and it’s going about as well as expected. i started with aliens from my favorite video game, so…i guess i’m doing okay? still need to learn how to do expressions tho. bonus points to anyone who knows what i am
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
Dear past me,
The page tucked away in an older volume that looks more like a field journal than a tome. The journal is stained with ink and dirt and all manner of things, but the binding is still sturdy despite the obvious abuse it’s been through, filled with scribbles, but it’s the note that sticks out: cleaner, free of wrinkles, but tucked away as if wished to be forgotten.
Things I wish I’d known:
It was all for nothing.
You are not what you think you are.
You will not be trapped in the dark forever.
The woman with the stolen demon’s horns is someone you can trust.
You are not what you think you are.
Keep them hidden. It will hurt at first, but it will be worth the safety.
There are other things out there.
They aren’t as scary even when they try to be.
You are not what you think you are.
Don’t let them lie to you. They do not want what is best for you.
Do not believe them. They will do everything in their power to get you back.
The things you see can be changed. Not always, but you can try.
It wasn’t holy water.
You are not what you think you are.
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
Dear person I hate,
In address to Father S-
Hate- Intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury- Extreme dislike or disgust, antipathy, loathing
Is that what I feel? Hate? I feel like there is a pebble stuck in my throat, and other times something that burns between my lungs. When I think of you, of then, my hands shake and my shoulders grow stiff and I cannot breathe for the memory of that taste on my tongue. Was it worth it? The pain, the humiliation, the efforts all to hold on to a lie you constructed, and for what?
Is that hate? Do I hate you? Can I? I am told I have every right to, but those words so stringently rehearsed cling to me, claw into my core and will not release me. They pierce my heart and rake at the remnants of my memory, and they leave me with no peace.
“Love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Never were there words so damning, for love and hate cannot coincide.
Love and hate cannot coincide.
They cannot coincide.
They cannot.
They cannot…
You are not my neighbor…are you…?
You do not live in the house next to mine, nor do you live on the road down the way. Nor do you live in the next town over or the village after that, nor across the water in the country next over. You are somewhere in between all of that, but you are not…cannot be called…a neighbor.
Neighbor- a person who lives near another- a person or thing that is near another
You are not near me. You are miles and miles away, cities and towns and rivers away from me and my Sanctuary. I have placed so much distance between me and you that we are not considered near each other in any sense of the word. You are not my neighbor.
And I am no longer beholden to you.
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
“A story about love? I have…none of my own,but… Brooke Rose told me one once - her kind can convey stories in interestingways, and I was able to write it down in a sort of novel form. Does a storyabout protecting loved ones count as a story about love?” The Archivist opens a tome pulled from the shelf, opening it to a page marked with a purpleribbon.
“They’re late…” Sturdy handspaused in the washing of a pan, their owner looking to the brown-haired wisp ofa woman. She eyed the road that lead up to their quaint cottage at the edge ofthe wood just beyond the town’s defined edge. She tilted her chin, trying tosee around the bend. Her lips pursed lightly together at whatever she saw.
“But they are coming.” He didn’t need to ask. Heknew the answer; her predictions were never wrong. Not ones like this. Hewaited. She hadn’t answered yet. Setting the pan aside out of the sink, heturned to her and called for her softly. “Rose?” Her head turned, and starryvoids flicked across to his tawny eyes. He felt a tightness in his chest.
“Without a doubt.”
She seemed so frail in that moment - the most she’dever been. She’d always been such a strong woman, even when her health tried tofail her. But the Sight took a hefty toll on her - her mind, her body - leavingher a shadow of herself in the aftermath of its offerings. Were the gift topass on, could it be kinder to-
“What about him?” Her eyes grew misty, and hershoulders sagged. He shook his head, slowly at first, then with the firmness ofstubborn denial. “They- They wouldn’t… He’s just a child, Rose. Hehasn’t had a chance yet - they can’t.” Her breath jumped in her throat, and heheld her tightly, running a hand over her hair. “Is there anything we can do?Any-”
Their heads turned towards the window at the owl’scall. The air was stirring. Motion started in the distance of the winding road.She gripped him by the arms as she worried her bottom lip, then squeezed forhis attention, which he gave instantly. “When do the feathers change?”
“At…this rate, not for another year and a half…perhapslonger if…” His brow furrowed as he tried to follow where the question wasleading to. “Why…?” She nodded, firmly, pulling away from him and gatheringitems from the kitchen: herbs, berries, her mortar and pestle, a small brush.His eyes followed her urgently. “Rose?”
“They won’t kill him,” she promised. That was allshe was certain of. “I don’t know what they’ll do, but they won’t kill him.”Her items gathered, she already set to work, barely pausing her craft to turn apleading gaze to him. “If he inherits my sight, he’ll have no defense. This isthe best I can do.” She pulls in a breath, blinking back tears. “Can you buy metime?”
He enveloped her in his arms for a short moment, hiswarmth seeping into her, his forest scent grounding her in the task she neededto perform. He pulled away and held her by the shoulders to meet her eyes. “I’llgive you as long as I can.”
“I won’t waste a second.” They squeezed each other’shands, then she went to work, hands diligent as she called upon a patron she rarely ever uttered the name of: “Ibeseech thee, Lord Has-” The words faded from his ears as he went to the door,though a curious warble and a tug on his shirt gave him pause. He didn’t haveto look down to know how wide the child’s already big eyes were. He knelt down,ruffling fluffy white locks and nuzzling the child, to the smaller one’sdelightful giggling.
“Mind your mother.” The little one deflated, mouthdipping into a pout. “She’ll need your help in a moment. With her magic.” Hewiggled his fingers, and the little boy perked up almost instantly. He ruffledhis hair again and steered him towards the kitchen. “Hurry on, don’t keep herwaiting.” As the child tottered through to the kitchen, he tugged open thefront door, yanking a charm from the coat hook and pulling the leather cordover his neck.
Just in time.
He met them at the edge of the garden, quicklytaking in the sight of over a dozen men wielding sickles and harvesting toolsfor weapons. One man carried a torch. Each face was etched with fear but more sowith determination and, in some places, anger. He knew this, all too well. He’dseen it many times, but never once had he imagined that apprehension would beaimed towards his own home. Gods save them…
The pastor, only a few years his senior, stood atthe head of the group, ramrod straight and eyes burning like coals that refusedto be smothered. He held no instrument of physical harm in his hands, butinstead clutched a Christian Bible to his chest. He - that is, the man of thehouse - did not look upon it with disdain but rather a sort of sad, wretchedgaze. He knew what came next.
“Father Samuel.” By no means would he abandondecorum, of course.
“I don’t think I need to tell you why I’m here, Finnian,”he answered, abrupt and stoic in his tone. The crowd behind him shifted restlessly,tools clattering, feet shuffling in the dirt. Rose had just cleaned that path,too.
“No, I don’t believe you do, Father. However, I do believeit better to take this crowd of yours back to town. Doesn’t the sermon startsoon? An hour from now, yes?” Father Samuel narrowed his eyes and shook hishead fiercely at Finnian’s placating smile.
“Don’t you try to get her out of this, Finnian. Thatwoman is a witch, and we’ve the accounts to prove it.” Murmurs and cries ofassent came from behind him to which he raised a hand, silencing them quite effectively.
“That woman?” The gall of these people. Helooked at them, his neighbors, people he had called his friends before this day.“Rose is not some nameless hag; you know her!”
“That woman has you bewitched you,” a voice criedfrom the crowd. Others chimed in, hawking on about his corruption and the perceivedsin against their god. The Conqueror God, as his family and ancestors knew it.The people carried on and on until Father Samuel’s voice rose above them all: “Renounceher in the name of the Lord God and be saved!”
“That’s my wife you’re talking about!” Thistime it was his own voice that silenced the crowd, and they looked startled,for to them he had always been a mild-mannered fellow. “Samuel, you were at ourwedding-”
“Yes, she had us all fooled to believe she was agodly woman,” the pastor interrupted shrewdly. “As her kind are wont to do -lie and deceive to get in the good graces of the people they leech off of forpower.”
“You have no idea how this works, do you?” Finnianalmost laughed in hysteria. These people-
“I know that God condemns those who practicewitchcraft and commands that they be put to death - that is all that matters.” FatherSamuel took a bold step forward over the border of their property, smearing thethin salt line sprinkled there. “Now step aside, Finnian, or be put to deathalongside her.” Finnian, a loyal husband and protective father, widened hisstance, staring the man down with a fierce gaze, and felt his own bones creakwith anticipation, just waiting for the shift.
It was not entirely his own voice that spoke, but that of his innerCreature, bold and powerful, that spoke in tandem with him.
“I will not let you destroy my family in the name of such a hatefulgod.”
The story stops very abruptly, unfinished, and theLibrarian speaks: “The man died that day, protecting his family, and hiswife shortly after. They intended to stone her, as dictated in Leviticus, butthey instead trapped her within the house and…” The Librarian pauses, a strangethought seeming to occur to him. He shakes his head and shelves the book again. “As for the child, Brooke Rose tells me he still lives. That is all Iknow of his fate.“
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
[[Here we go again-
@idv-lunar-phaseOne of the first Seer blogs I spotted and followed. The evocative theme of mystery is captivating, and I want to accomplish the same in my own blog someday. Every post is mesmerizing, from the use of color to the structure of the design.
@ask-the-coordinator-idvMasterfully interactive and yet another person I should send an ask to. Very active so far, A+ art~
@ask-nyaib-subedarAppeared out of nowhere and snatched my candy bar with a dazzling grin and eyes for mischief. One I should and certainly could interact with, even without dipping into multiverse shenanigans, and I should take advantage of that. Song rec: Cheshire Kitten (We’re All Mad Here) by SJ Tucker
@theincessantmercenaryAn AU plot done RIGHT, and I’m taking notes. Also the ANGST- dude, my heart. sent an ask that drove me to create one of my most ambitious projects to date. Very good with words, and not afraid to get a little silly with things. Again, I’m taking notes.
@askdoodleseerYES IT YOU!! I keep forgetting to follow you but I kept seeing you on my dash and also you drew something kinda relevant to something here tho unconnected and i was :O Fixed the follow problem finally- and now can we take a hot minute to appreciate ART!!!! ANd CHARACTER!!! This Eli- oh my goodness, what a good bean. If I’d done canon Seer for an ask blog, I might’ve gotten spooked by this lovely bean. Fave Seer so far.
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
"Perhaps a professional could assist your cousin, dear? It would be my pleasure after all." (@asktheidvdoctor)
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“I should have everything you need, but I’m a little more practiced at remedies you can find rather than ones you make or buy.” There are more shelves in the room set aside from the rest of the library, filled with bottles and boxes more than books. Dried herbs and salves clutter alongside shining implements and standard medical equipment. Towels, a basin of pinky water, and needle and thread are already out on the bedside table.
“Thank you for coming. I’ve just gotten started. She hasn’t been this hurt coming home in a long while.” Fiona was grumbling in slurred words about professionals and compensation and an apparent certain dislike for letting strangers in. An empty bottle sits by the bed, the label declaring it to be an alcohol. “She...might also have alcohol poisoning? But that’s pretty normal.”
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
What would you like to see in your future?
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“I would like to find the sky where the clouds meet the stars and the warm winds hold the birds in flight for days on end.”
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
… 🐟 as a mermaid!
“Um…Fiona…? Small problem?”
The Archive has a vast collection of artifacts, some magical and others mundane. Generally, the ones prone to wild magic are kept under lock and key and sealed, but sometimes things need to be moved, and sometimes seals lose their integrity. That was how his usual strange feature ended up replaced with a tail. The Trident of Singing Shores was an older acquisition, procured as a gift from the North Atlantic merfolk. It was usually far more stable, but sometimes accidents happen. It took some research and a call through a scrying pool to figure out how to reverse the effects.
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Notes:Despite the change in bone structure, the transformation caused by the Trident of Singing Shores is not a painful one. Rather, the sensation I felt was something akin to being submerged in water for a brief moment, and I felt quite bewildered to find myself entirely dry when the change was complete. I have a few theories as to why, noted in Appendix C of the Singing Shores Compendium (Aisle 12, Shelf B). More fascinating is the sheer difference between merfolk and land-folk anatomy, and I have obtained a more intimate understanding after a certain incident with the Trident.
The pelvic bones are practically non-existent, I suspect for lack of need. Rather, thin bones extend from the region into what becomes the pelvic and dorsal fins. I found it interesting to learn that the structure of their spine through the tail sets the perfect example of how to tell the difference between a merfolk and a human pretending to be a merfolk. In land-folk, the range of movement below the waist is limited to the joints such as the knees and ankles, and they bend as such. However, merfolk have no such limitation to their movements, as the bones leading through the tail are an extension of the spine. The liberty of artistic depictions fools the audience into thinking that a mer’s tail may bend at an angle similar to how land-folk bend their knees. This is not so. Rather, the tail bends in a more curved motion and cannot achieve such a sharp angle without mutation in the structure or danger of breakage.
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
Spiders, the Dark, and Crowds for the fear-themed asks
[I’m gonna answer these with more than one post for ease sooo]Fear Themed Asks Part ASpiders: Does your muse squish bugs or put them outside?
“The proper answer to this is really neither. The spiders are mostly harmless and keep moths from eating the books. Obviously, I keep them out of the kitchen of course, but they don’t do much harm, so I leave them alone and let them stick around. Other bugs depends on how they might harm the books or compromise the pantry. If I happen upon a roach or a beetle, though… Well.”
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“They don’t stick around too long.”
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
How does one get away with murder
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Fiona Gilman, Supernatural Huntress, is temporarily available for questions.
[Transcription below]
Between lines: Why is this a question? Whyyy?
“Well we do have a few books and methods or cases of death - there’s the mystery collection, too, but if you mean this seriously... Eh, my cousin is better suited to answer but she doesn’t get back in town for another few-” BAM!
Fiona: i gots an arm full a shrapnel a body full a bloodloss an a whiskey bottle full a empty
E: How did this happen? N don’t slam doors
F: *indistinct cursing* jumped me
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idv-oletusarchives · 4 years
🖐 ~ its-lisa-beck
Ask meme: Soft Affection - Send an icon for my muse to…🖐  Tracing fingers against your muse’ skin or over a scar/other
“Are they…flowers?”
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He does not remove his blindfold, but traces the split in her forearm with a gentle touch. “I do not recall having encountered something of this nature before. If you are so inclined…would you tell me about it?”@its-lisa-beck
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