#astral realm
grey-sorcery · 9 months
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Title: Dimensions & Planes: A Comprehensive Look
Related Reading:
The Energetic Senses Visualization, Reiki, & Fascism Astral Projection Basics Conceptualization Vs. Visualization Bias in Witchcraft Basics of Warding Introduction to Gnosis
Important note: A lot of information in this post has its origins from Theosophy (The core of New Age ideology) and is an integral part of a fascist pipeline. All high-risk concepts will be highlighted in red. Please use discretion when researching further into these topics. Researching for this article myself was very difficult and time consuming. The last thing I want to do is misinform others or provide sources that will lead my readers into a fascist pipeline.
The exploration of dimensions and spiritual planes has captivated human curiosity for centuries. From scientific inquiries into the nature of space and time to metaphysical explorations of unseen realms, these topics invite us to contemplate the mysteries that lie beyond our ordinary perception. In this comprehensive study, we delve into the intricate concepts and implications of dimensions and spiritual planes, transcending the boundaries of conventional knowledge and venturing into the realm of the unknown.
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Understanding Dimensions
Dimensions, in scientific parlance, are fundamental parameters that define the structure and geometry of the universe. They serve as coordinates within the framework of space and time, facilitating the measurement and description of physical phenomena. Dimensions provide the framework through which the spatial and temporal extents of objects and events can be comprehended and quantified. It is important to distinguish between physical dimensions and their metaphysical, spiritual, & energetic counterparts. Physical dimensions relate to observable spatial and temporal extents that can be directly perceived and measured.  Beyond the dimensions that our senses can apprehend, there are postulated higher dimensions that transcend our perceptual limitations. These higher dimensions are hypothesized to exist based on various scientific theories. While we can't directly perceive these dimensions, their existence is inferred through mathematical models and theoretical frameworks such as string theory and M-theory. These dimensions can become intuitive with study and regular exposure to conceptualizations of their behavior and properties.
String theory postulates the existence of additional compactified dimensions that are curled up and imperceptible at macroscopic scales. These dimensions are believed to influence the behavior of subatomic particles and underlie the fundamental forces of nature. M-theory extends this notion by encompassing multiple possible geometries and allowing for a broader range of dimensions. Multidimensional models, built upon principles of topology, provide mathematical frameworks to explore the complex structures and dynamics of higher-dimensional realms.
It is important to note that String and M-theory has been mostly dismissed in the scientific community as a purely mathematical experiment rather than an operable model.
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Exploring Spiritual Planes
It is so important to discern genuine information from the influence of the Theosophical Society, which has at times distorted and popularized certain aspects. The society's appropriation and misrepresentation of spiritual concepts, such as the astral plane, have led to a bastardization of authentic beliefs. For example, the Theosophical Society popularized the notion of the astral plane as a realm inhabited by disembodied entities, deviating from its original context within esoteric traditions.
The concept of spiritual planes spans across diverse belief systems and religions, each offering unique perspectives and interpretations. For instance, in Hinduism, the concept of "lokas" refers to different realms or planes of existence, such as the physical realm (Bhuloka), the celestial realm (Svarloka), and the abode of the divine (Brahmaloka). Similarly, in Buddhism, the notion of "Buddhafields" represents different realms where enlightened beings reside, such as the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. Throughout history, spiritual planes have played a significant role in the practices and rituals of various cultures. Ancient Egyptian civilization, for instance, held a strong belief in the existence of the Duat, an underworld realm where the souls of the deceased traversed. Indigenous cultures worldwide have embraced the concept of otherworldly realms, such as the Aboriginal Dreamtime in Australia, which encompasses the spiritual dimension of creation and ancestral connection.
While the specific characteristics of spiritual planes may vary, some common elements emerge across different belief systems. These include the presence of heightened consciousness, divine energies or entities, transformative experiences, and access to higher knowledge. Spiritual planes are often described as existing beyond the physical realm, serving as realms of expanded awareness and connection to the divine or transcendent forces.
Spiritual planes encompass a range of realms beyond our immediate sensory perception. The astral plane, often discussed in esoteric traditions, is considered a realm of psychic and emotional energies. The ethereal plane is described as a realm of subtle energies and spiritual beings. Beyond these, the celestial planes are associated with realms of higher consciousness and divine presence. It is important to note that the categorization of these planes can vary across different belief systems.
The interactions between dimensions and spiritual planes are subjects of great interest and contemplation. While dimensions pertain to the structure of space and time, spiritual planes exist beyond these physical dimensions, yet are intricately connected to them. Spiritual planes are often described as existing in parallel or interpenetrating dimensions, coexisting alongside the physical realm. They are accessed through altered states of consciousness, deep meditation, prayer, mastery of energetic practices, or ritual practices. These interactions enable communication, guidance, and spiritual experiences, providing opportunities for personal growth, enlightenment, and union with the divine.
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The Astral Plane
The astral plane is believed to exist parallel to the physical realm. It is often described as an interconnected network of subtle energies and vibrational frequencies that permeate the universe. However, it is important to note that the astral plane does not occupy a specific location in physical space as we understand it. Rather, it is a realm of consciousness and energy that can be accessed through altered states of awareness.
The history of the astral Plane is closely intertwined with esoteric and mystical traditions from various cultures (*1a) throughout human history. However, it is crucial to distinguish between genuine esoteric teachings and the popularization of the astral plane in certain New Age and Christofascist movements. Some individuals and groups have appropriated and distorted the concept of the astral plane, aligning it with their own ideologies and personal narratives.
A prevalent misconception surrounding the astral plane is the belief that it is inhabited by spiritual entities or beings. However, it is important to note that the astral plane itself is not a dwelling place for independent entities. Rather, it is a realm of energy and consciousness that reflects the thoughts, emotions, and intentions of individuals who access it. The perception of entities in the astral plane often arises from personal narratives, personal beliefs, or symbolic representations rather than the existence of actual separate beings. These narratives often stem from individuals who do not genuinely access the astral plane.
Perception and interaction with the astral plane vary among individuals and spiritual practitioners. It is commonly experienced through altered states of consciousness, such as deep meditation or astral projection. (*2a) However, it is important to note that the astral plane is not accessed through visualizing or imagining specific entities or landscapes. In fact, relying heavily on visualization during astral experiences can be a sign of failing to enter the authentic astral plane, as it indicates a reliance on mental constructs rather than a true connection. In order to enter the astral plane, one must break away from their physical body and move into their subtle body (astral form). Visualization is a mental and physical process and will keep a practitioner locked in their body.
For witches, the astral plane can serve as a valuable tool for spiritual exploration (*3a), self-discovery, and magical practice. By accessing the astral plane, witches can tap into aspects of their own being, gain insights, and work with potent subtle energies that they normally have difficulty accessing. They may engage in astral travel to gain knowledge, receive guidance (*4a), or create complex and sprawling energetic constructs. The astral plane can also be a space for ritual work, spellcasting, and experimentation.
1a: When trying to research the history of the astral plane, nearly all the information originates from the Theosophy Society.
2a: Many of the altered states and meditations (often guided) that are online or are in texts are mostly, if not entirely, based in New Age practices. 3a: Spiritual exploration, if not done responsible can very easily lead to cognitive bias. 4a: Seeking knowledge or guidance from the astral plane without experience and critical thinking leads to logical fallacy.
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The Dream Plane
The dream plane is a fascinating realm of consciousness that exists parallel to our waking reality. It is a domain where dreams unfold and where the mind explores and experiences a multitude of scenarios and emotions. Unlike physical locations, the dream plane is not bound by conventional notions of space and time. It transcends the limitations of the physical realm, offering a platform for profound exploration of the subconscious mind.
Throughout history, dreams have held significant cultural and spiritual importance in various societies. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans, recognized the profound insights and messages that dreams could convey. Dream interpretation was considered an art, with dreams being seen as portals to hidden truths, divine messages, or glimpses into the future. These cultural perspectives highlight the belief in the dream plane as a gateway to the mystical and the profound.
One common misconception regarding the dream plane involves the belief in the existence of entities or supernatural beings within dreams. However, it is important to understand that dreams primarily originate from the depths of the dreamer's own mind. The various characters, events, and environments encountered in dreams are often representations of personal experiences, emotions, and subconscious processes, rather than external entities or supernatural phenomena.
As far as science understands, the dream experience is a complex interplay of psychological and physiological processes. While dreams are commonly associated with the processing of subconscious thoughts and emotions, they offer more than mere symbolic representations. Dreams can provide profound insights, creative inspiration, and problem-solving abilities. They offer a unique window into the mind's inner workings, allowing for personal growth, self-reflection, and a deeper understanding of one's own psyche.
The dream plane is a realm of limitless possibilities, where the dreamer can navigate and interact with a rich tapestry of dream environments and experiences. Within this realm, the dreamer's thoughts, emotions, and beliefs shape the dream landscape, influencing the unfolding events and the overall dream experience. The dream plane becomes a canvas upon which the dreamer's subconscious and conscious mind converge, creating a personalized and dynamic dream narrative. During a dream, the dreamer becomes the space and is capable of experiencing any and every aspect of the space from any and every vantage point. While the dream plane is technically a zero dimensional space, the mind and subtle body generate as many dimensions as necessary in order to facilitate the dream. Small pocket spaces are generated that house aspects of the dreamer’s subconscious which are pulled from during the generation process. Time within the dream plane often behaves in a nonlinear and fluid manner, defying the constraints of our waking reality. Dreams can compress or expand time since they exist outside of time and space, enabling the dreamer to experience a significant passage of time within a brief dream episode or to condense extended periods into a fleeting moment. This time dilation and distortion within the dream plane add to the surreal and immersive nature of dream experiences. Furthermore, due to the method dreams are generated here, the dreamer moves through areas of the space that are dedicated to their subconscious. This is typically where the “vibe” of the dream is ingrained. Most of the dream is actually in these areas.
Dreamwalking is a unique phenomenon that involves consciously traversing the dream plane while in a state of lucidity. It differs from regular lucid dreaming as it encompasses the intentional exploration of other dreamers' dreams or venturing beyond the confines of the dream plane itself. Dreamwalkers possess an extraordinary ability to navigate and interact with dreams beyond their personal realm, connecting with other dreamers or accessing extradimensional realms within the dream space or beyond. This practice opens up a realm of possibilities for expanded consciousness, interconnectivity, and multidimensional perceptions. Think of the dream plane as a nexus where all planes and spatial dimensions connect. From this nexus, Dreamwalkers may leave and traverse anywhere. Due to the lack of time in the dream plane, a Dreamwalker may also traverse through any point in time when they leave the dream plane. 
It is important to note that Dreamwalking is not an easy or common practice. The improper practice of Dreamwalking (or the narrative that one is doing so when they aren’t) can lead to cognitive bias. Some of the best ways to identify Dreamwalking are: Waking not feeling rested at all, remembering 100% of the dream- even the subconscious areas, waking with bloodshot eyes, feelings of being disconnected from the body for several hours after waking.
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The Mental & Causal Planes
These planes originate 100% from Theosophy. Please use discretion when reading about or researching them. 
The mental plane represents a realm of consciousness that transcends the physical and material dimensions. It encompasses the vast landscape of thoughts, ideas, and cognitive processes (*1b) that shape human experience. Within the mental plane, the mind operates on a heightened level of awareness, exploring the depths of intellectual inquiry, analysis, and creativity. It is a realm where abstract concepts, mathematical principles, and philosophical musings come to life (*2b). Examples of the mental plane's characteristics can be found in the insights and intellectual breakthroughs experienced by scholars, scientists, and artists (*3b). It is a domain where the mind's potential is unleashed, offering glimpses of universal truths and the interconnectedness of knowledge.
The causal plane resides beyond the realm of thoughts and ideas, diving deeper into the essence of existence itself. It represents the underlying causes and fundamental principles that shape the physical reality (*4b). The causal plane is the realm of pure potentiality, where the seeds of manifestation are sown. It transcends linear time and holds the blueprint for the unfolding of events and experiences in the physical world. Understanding the significance of the causal plane allows for a deeper comprehension of the interplay between cause and effect, and the power of intention to shape reality.
Consciousness plays a pivotal role in accessing and navigating the mental and causal planes. It is through consciousness that individuals can transcend the limitations of the physical world and tap into the higher realms of existence. Higher awareness enables a deeper understanding of the workings of the mind and the interconnected nature of all things. It allows individuals to transcend the confines of ego and tap into the collective consciousness, accessing profound wisdom and insights that surpass individual intellect (*5b).
Various practices can facilitate the exploration of the mental and causal planes, enabling individuals to expand their consciousness and delve into the depths of their inner being. Meditation serves as a powerful tool for quieting the mind, enhancing focus, and cultivating a state of heightened awareness. Through meditation, individuals can access deeper levels of consciousness and explore the realms of thought and intuition. Additionally, practices such as mindfulness, self-reflection, and introspection provide opportunities for self-discovery and accessing the wisdom of the mental and causal planes.
The mental and causal planes hold immense potential for practitioners of witchcraft. By tapping into these realms of consciousness, witches can enhance their magical practices and expand their understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. The mental plane provides a platform for the formulation of spells, rituals, and intentions, allowing for the cultivation of focused and directed thought energy. The causal plane, on the other hand, holds the keys to the underlying causes and forces that shape magical manifestations. By aligning with the energies of the causal plane, witches can amplify their intentions and manifest desired outcomes in the physical world (*6b).
1b: I have found zero support for these concepts that can’t be explained by imagination or visualization. 2b: Nearly all descriptions I’ve come across are all misunderstandings or misinterpretations of concepts found in science and math. 3b: I found zero first hand testimonies from qualifying individuals. 4b: This can easily be used to justify biases and elitism. 5b: See cognitive and confirmation biases. 6b: While alone, this idea isn’t inherently an issue, in the context of the rest of the topic, could easily lead witches to ineffective practices.
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Intuitional Plane
This plane originates 100% from Theosophy. Please use discretion when reading about or researching it.
The intuitional plane represents a realm of consciousness that taps into the depths of inner knowing and wisdom. It transcends the limitations of rational thought and linear logic, allowing individuals to access insights, truths, and guidance that arise from a deeper, intuitive understanding (*1c). The intuitional plane is a gateway to the realm of instinct, gut feelings, and subtle perceptions that reside within each individual (*2c). It is a realm where knowledge arises effortlessly, bypassing the need for conscious analysis or external validation. The intuitional plane invites individuals to trust their inner guidance and connect with the wisdom that lies beyond the realm of ordinary perception (*3c).
The intuitional plane operates beyond the realm of visualization, offering a profound experience of direct knowing. It is not dependent on mental imagery or pictorial representation but rather arises as a deep inner resonance and understanding. Perceiving the intuitional plane involves a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies, a receptivity to inner nudges and whispers, and an openness to the spontaneous flow of intuitive insights. It is a realm that can be accessed through stillness and quieting of the mind, allowing the intuitive faculty to arise naturally and effortlessly.
Within the intuitional plane, individuals can explore a wide range of uses and applications. It serves as a wellspring of creativity, enabling artists, writers, and innovators to tap into new ideas and inspirations. It offers guidance and insights for decision-making (*4c), helping individuals navigate life's challenges and make choices aligned with their deepest values and purpose. The intuitional plane also provides access to spiritual insights and transcendent experiences (*5c), offering glimpses into the interconnectedness of all things and the nature of the divine.
Cultivating a receptive and open mindset is key to expanding intuitive capacities. This involves letting go of preconceived notions, suspending judgment (*6c), and embracing a sense of curiosity and wonder. Engaging in practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection can help quiet the chatter of the mind and create space for intuitive insights to emerge. Developing self-awareness and attuning to one's inner sensations and feelings can also enhance intuitive abilities, as it allows individuals to discern the subtle cues and signals that arise from the intuitional plane.
There are various techniques that can be employed to access and utilize intuitive guidance from the intuitional plane. Journaling and reflective writing can serve as powerful tools for tapping into intuitive insights. By engaging in free-flowing writing and allowing thoughts and impressions to emerge without judgment, individuals can access the intuitive wisdom that arises from within. Engaging in creative practices such as art, music, or dance can also facilitate the expression of intuitive insights and enhance the connection with the intuitional plane. Additionally, practicing active listening and deepening one's capacity for empathy can help individuals attune to the intuitive messages that arise through interpersonal interactions and subtle energetic cues.
1c: This mentality can very quickly lead to cognitive bias.
2c: I found no supporting arguments for this plane’s existence outside of personal narratives and visualization.
3c: Giving too much trust to spiritual means of acquiring information will lead to multiple logical fallacy.
4c: No one should ever rely on magical or mystical means when making life changing or major decisions.
5c: This concept can easily be used to enforce personal narratives.
6c: Letting go of judgement when dealing with concepts and practices within a new age practice is asking to fall into fascism. See new age conspiracy theories and fascist propaganda.
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Other Esoteric Planes
Beyond the realms of the astral, mental, causal, and intuitional planes, there exist a myriad of other esoteric planes waiting to be explored. While the exact number and nature of these planes may vary across different spiritual traditions and belief systems, they collectively contribute to a lot of esoteric knowledge and offer diverse avenues for spiritual exploration. Each of the following planes either originate from or were heavily influenced by Theosophy. Please use discretion.
The Ethereal Plane: a realm of subtle energies that underlie the physical universe. It is often described as a bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions (*1d), serving as a conduit for the flow of life force energy. In this plane, one can explore the interconnectedness of all things and gain insights into the energetic dynamics that shape our reality. This plane is also inhabited by spiritual entities.
The Celestial Plane: The Celestial Plane represents realms of heightened spiritual consciousness and divine presence (*2d). It is often associated with celestial beings, transcendent states of bliss, and profound spiritual insights. Exploring the celestial plane offers seekers the opportunity to connect with divine wisdom (*3d), experience states of unity and oneness, and deepen their understanding of the cosmic order.
The Akashic Plane*: The Akashic Plane, also known as the Akashic Records, is described as a vast reservoir of collective knowledge and information. It is said to contain the records of all past, present, and future events, as well as the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of all beings. Accessing the Akashic Plane allows individuals to tap into this expansive library of wisdom and gain insights into their soul's journey and the interconnectedness of all life (*4d).
The Transcendent Plane: The Transcendent Plane represents the highest realms of spiritual realization and non-dual awareness. It transcends the limitations of form and duality, offering seekers a direct experience of the timeless and formless nature of existence. Exploring the Transcendent Plane involves surrendering the individual ego and merging with the infinite consciousness that underlies all creation (*5d).
1d: As far as I could find, the type of spiritual entities aren’t ever really specified beyond “angels”.
2d: Typically anything that heightens spiritual consciousness and connections with the divine or anything along those lines is a set up for bias and godphoning/manipulation.
3d: Given the context of this practice, “divine wisdom” is a means of spiritual elitism and gatekeeping.
4d: See cognitive bias. This practice can be used and manipulated to justify nearly any action, ideology, prejudice, or preference. Creates an environment perfect for elitism.
5d: A bastardization of the concept of enlightenment found in some Buddhist and Hindu practices.
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Navigating the Spiritual Planes
Embarking on a journey to explore the vast realms of the spiritual planes requires the utilization of various tools and practices. These tools serve as gateways to higher states of consciousness and facilitate the exploration of multidimensional realities. By engaging in specific practices, seekers can enhance their capacity to navigate the spiritual planes and connect with the profound wisdom and transformative experiences they offer. 
Meditation stands as one of the foundational practices for navigating the spiritual planes. Through focused attention and mindfulness, individuals can quiet the mind, transcend the limitations of the physical body, and tap into higher states of awareness. By cultivating a deep sense of presence and inner stillness, practitioners can access expanded states of consciousness and explore the depths of their being.
Lucid dreaming serves as another powerful avenue for multidimensional exploration. This practice involves becoming aware within the dream state, enabling individuals to consciously interact with and navigate the dream environment. By honing the skill of lucidity, seekers can harness the potential of the dream plane as a platform for spiritual growth, self-discovery, and even interaction with non-physical entities or aspects of their own psyche.
Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) offer yet another avenue for traversing the spiritual planes. During an OBE, individuals perceive themselves as existing outside their physical bodies, allowing them to explore different dimensions, realms, or even visit other states of existence. Through various techniques such as astral projection or remote viewing, seekers can expand their consciousness beyond the constraints of the physical body and venture into uncharted territories.
Gnosis is one of the most reliable methods for entering a spiritual plane. Through a state of gnosis, a practitioner may become so engulfed in the conceptualization of the plane that their physical body almost seems to melt away. 
Shamanic practices, deeply rooted in various indigenous traditions, provide profound methods for navigating the spiritual planes. Shamanic journeying involves entering an altered state of consciousness through rhythmic drumming or other techniques, enabling individuals to connect with spirit guides, ancestors, and the energetic realms beyond the ordinary perception. Through the use of sacred rituals, plant medicines, and spiritual ceremonies, practitioners can access profound states of consciousness and engage in transformative experiences within the spiritual planes. Be very conscious when trying shamanic practices as a lot of them are either closed or appropriations of closed cultures. Remember to be respectful and aware.
Seeking guidance from spiritual teachers and traditions can provide valuable insights and support in navigating the spiritual planes. These teachers, who have often dedicated their lives to spiritual exploration and practice, offer wisdom, techniques, and guidance based on their own experiences. By studying under the tutelage of these teachers, individuals can receive guidance on the practices, rituals, and approaches that facilitate safe and transformative journeys through the spiritual planes. However, please bear in mind that a lot of these concepts have their root in New Age practices and ideologies. Due to this, many “guides” and “teachers” actually commodify their services, which will likely not even be genuine. Many predatory capitalist practices exist within the New Age community. Reiki is an excellent example.
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Spatial Dimensions & Witchcraft
Spatial dimensions play a significant role in the practice of witchcraft, offering a framework through which magical energies can be understood and harnessed. By exploring the connection between spatial dimensions and witchcraft, practitioners can deepen their understanding of the metaphysical realms they work with and enhance their magical abilities.
Incorporating dimensional concepts into magical practices allows witches to tap into the vastness and complexity of the multiverse. It involves recognizing that the physical world we perceive is just a small subset of a larger reality encompassing multiple dimensions. This expanded awareness enables witches to navigate and interact with different energetic planes and dimensions, facilitating more profound connections with spiritual forces. Rituals and spells focused on exploring and harnessing spatial dimensions serve as gateways for witches to access properties of space that most typically do not consider. For example, by perceiving and working with higher dimensions of space, witches can expand their perception and influence beyond the limitations of three-dimensional reality. This expanded awareness can enable them to sense subtle energies, communicate with spirits, and navigate intricate energetic networks.
Incorporating higher dimensions into the creation and maintenance of wards significantly enhances their potency and effectiveness. Wards, which are protective barriers or enchantments, can be fortified by utilizing the spatial dimensions to create complex and multi-layered structures. By extending the wards into higher dimensions, witches create a more intricate and resilient defense against negative energies, malicious entities, or unwanted intrusions. The incorporation of higher dimensions allows for a broader scope of protection, encompassing not only the physical realm, but also the spiritual and energetic planes. Furthermore, the utilization of higher dimensions in spirit and energy work opens up new avenues for witches to connect with and channel divine forces. By aligning their energy with the higher-dimensional aspects of the spiritual realms, witches can access heightened states of consciousness and tap into the abundant energies present in these dimensions. This can enhance their ability to communicate with spirits and manifest their intentions with greater clarity and potency. A lot of spirits exist across a multitude of higher and lower dimensions. Becoming aware of and working within these dimensions can give a practitioner a better understanding of how these entities experience their realities, granting the practitioner a sense of empathy for the spirits they interact with.
It is essential to note that incorporating dimensional concepts into witchcraft requires a balanced approach, grounded in knowledge and discernment. While working with spatial dimensions can be empowering and transformative, it is crucial to maintain an awareness of cognitive bias due to the lack of methods of confirmation. Practitioners should be mindful of the interconnectedness of all dimensions and the potential consequences of their actions. This includes practicing consent and respect when working with spirits or other entities from different realms and being aware of the potential impact on workings.
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The Limitations and Challenges of Understanding Dimensions and Spiritual Planes
The study of dimensions and spiritual planes is not without its limitations and challenges. Skepticism and criticism from scientific and religious communities often arise when discussing these topics, as they may be perceived as esoteric or outside the realm of empirical observation. Scientific rigor demands empirical evidence and reproducibility, which can pose challenges when investigating phenomena associated with dimensions and spiritual planes that may transcend the physical world.
Subjectivity and interpretation also play a significant role in the understanding of spiritual experiences. Each individual's perception and interpretation of these experiences can vary, making it challenging to establish objective criteria for evaluating or measuring spiritual dimensions. Personal beliefs, cultural background, and individual experiences all contribute to the subjective nature of spiritual exploration.
Moreover, spiritual exploration is not without its potential dangers and pitfalls. It is essential for individuals to approach these realms with caution and discernment. Without proper guidance and understanding, one may become susceptible to misinformation, manipulation, or falling into the trap of self-deception. In the quest for spiritual enlightenment, individuals must exercise critical thinking and discernment to avoid being led astray by misleading ideologies or dogmas.
Furthermore, the quest for knowledge and further research is an ongoing process in the study of dimensions and spiritual planes. As our understanding of the universe and consciousness evolves, new insights and theories may emerge, challenging existing frameworks and expanding our understanding of these phenomena. The scientific community continues to explore and investigate these topics, utilizing diverse methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches to shed light on the nature of dimensions and spiritual planes.
However, it is crucial to be aware of the potential dangers of encountering fascist propaganda while researching spiritual planes. Theosophy, with its historical associations with white supremacy and fascist ideologies, has left a lasting impact on spiritual communities. Therefore, it is necessary to approach information originating from theosophical sources with caution, critically evaluating its content and context to avoid inadvertently perpetuating harmful ideologies or misinformation.
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Megan Kipp Jinsu Ing Mar Cosmicaquamarie
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My shift to legend of Korra and astral projection story
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As promised, I’m finally going to talk about one of my favorite places I’ve shifted to! my first ever shift (that I consider at least) was to here and I’ve found myself reminiscing about it and found some old journals about it. I’ll probably go there again soon but until then here was my experience:)! This is going to be very long so if you hate long posts just scroll past this!
Anyways Yall, The city was abuzz with activity, but the most impressive feature was the magnificent airships soaring above. I witnessed the incredible technology used to control those airships, and it was a sight to behold tbh.
Not only was I able to explore the physical wonders of Republic City, I also felt like I was living in the midst of a conflict. There were always whispers of trouble on the horizon, whether it was the power struggle between benders or the ongoing tension between the United Republic and the Fire Nation colonies. Everywhere I went, I encountered people talking and debating about the latest developments.
When I ventured outside of the city, I had the opportunity to witness and join in some of the great adventures that Team avater had gone on. I saw the Spirit World, (which very much resembles the astral realm in this reality) fought alongside her team against their toughest adversaries, and felt first-hand the strength and courage that each of them possessed.
I felt amazed and enlightened by my time here, Seeing such a harmonious society with so many different cultures living together in peace was eye-opening, and it left me with a newfound appreciation for humanity. The Avatar has a lot to teach us all.
One of the most exciting things I was ready to see was to explore the cities. Republic City is a remarkable place, full of possibility, opportunity, and sometimes danger.
the first things you’ll notice as you explore the metropolis is its diverse population of people from all nations, each with their own vibrant culture that contributes to the city’s ever-changing character. From Air Nomads to Earth Kingdom citizens, to Water Tribesmen, the city has something for everyone.
The city itself has been built on the pillars of modernity and traditionalism alike. As the cultural, economic and political hub of the United Republic of Nations, Republic City is bustling with activity. From the bustling Business District to the vibrant Pro-bending Arena, there’s something to do here for everyone.
If you’re looking for adventure, there’s really no better place than Republic City. its a host of powerful and mystical benders, brave police force aka The Metalbenders, and an active underworld made up of some of the most powerful crime lords in the world, there’s never a dull moment here.
And of course, no visit to Republic City would be complete without an exploration of its public places and parks. Take a stroll through lovely Centennial Park, or view the majestic statues of the city’s founding members in Chikara Plaza.
But above all else, Republic City is a living, breathing organism. Its unique mix of technology and tradition creates a fascinating environment that no other city can replicate. Explore its culture, people, and places. You wont be disappointed.
When I briefly visitied Ba sing se i was immediately taken aback by the sheer size of this city. Everywhere I looked, there was something new to discover. I felt like I could actually hear the city breathing alive and growing with every passing moment.
As I kept exploring, I was constantly amazed at the level of detail put into the city’s design. Everywhere you look, there’s something unique to explore – from the enormous street markets where you can shop for precious artifacts, to the magnificent gardens that are tucked away in the alleyways.
The most incredible thing about Ba Sing Se is its interconnectivity. Every part of the city comes together in a way that’s truly breathtaking. You can explore this amazing city via its intricate system of waterways, which are connected to each other by ancient bridges and tunnels.
But the best part about Ba Sing Se is the people that call it home. This city is filled with some of the friendliest and kindest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. They are all so welcoming and eager to share their culture and knowledge with anyone who’s willing to listen.
Exploring Ba Sing Se was truly a unique experience for me. It opened my eyes to different cultures and ways of life that I’d never encountered before. It has since become one of my favorite cities in The Legend of Korra, and I look forward to visiting it again someday soon.
But The most fun part was being apart of team avatar.
Being part of Team Avatar is not only about fighting for what is right, it’s also about making connections with others. We have many wonderful members who become close friends and confidants, providing support and guidance to one another.
The Avatar is the leader of our team (duh), Korra obviously. She is ultimately responsible for guiding us, teaching us, and keeping us all on the same page. Korra is brave and powerful, but also compassionate and humble. You can always count on her to listen to your concerns and provide thoughtful advice.
The rest of the team consists of myself,mako, bolin and asami. We are all loyal and devoted to Korra and Team Avatar. Everyone has their own talents and specialties, ranging from combat skills to earthbending. While we all have different strengths, we learn from each other, providing encouragement and support along the way.
Being part of Team Avatar is more than just fighting evil in the world; it’s also about being part of something bigger than yourself. We rely on each other to maintain a balance of peace and justice, while also learning and growing together. We may have different backgrounds, but we all share a common goal - to make the world a better place. This was my first real shift and experiencing this family like friendship was the best thing I could have asked for.
Also Harmonic convergence was insane 😭😭
For those who don’t know, Harmonic Convergence is an important event. It occurs every 10,000 years when the planets and stars align, allowing for a transfer of spiritual energy between the physical and spiritual realms. On this day, many people can receive spiritual gifts like airbending (I did! Before this event I was a non bender)
The process of getting airbending during Harmonic Convergence was both exciting and nerve-wracking. Tenzen told me I had to spend weeks mastering the basics of airbending, like how to move my hands and how to direct my breath. As well as spend days meditating and connecting with the spiritual realm.As of now I have no intentions doing this as I like my job and life, but I have always had an interest in the spiritual realm so maybe this journey tenzen wants me to take will help me with that.
I got mine a couple of days after harmonic convergence during my time at work with mako. I work with the police force under beifong and mako and I have always had a competitive nature. I was a non bender before this historic event, but I knew how to chi block which is essential. Now I have bending so I expect the competitive nature to increase and I can’t wait to utilize my new bending with chi blocking lol
The experience of getting my airbending during Harmonic Convergence was incredibly special and unique. I was able to witness a spiritual event as well as gain a new power and skill. If you ever visit, and end up gaining airbending during Harmonic Convergence, it’s important to be patient, practice mindful meditation, and create a sacred atmosphere on the day of convergence.
And as I mentioned before I am a chi blocker!
Chi blocking is actual super complicated and you need a lot of dedication & Precision to master it.
First, it’s important to understand where your attacker’s pressure points are located. The pressure points are located in the body’s meridians, which are the pathways used by the body to transfer energy. Here are a few of the main pressure points to keep in mind: the jugular vein, carotid artery, clavicle, forearm, and shin.
Once you’ve identified the pressure points, you can start working on your technique. The key to chi blocking is speed and precision. You want to be able to quickly and precisely target the pressure points to effectively stop your attacker.
To begin, you’ll need to know how to properly block the pressure points. To do this, use your palm, fingers, or knuckles to press firmly into the pressure point on your attacker’s body. Make sure you are using a flat strike in order to fully block the energy in your attacker’s body.
You can also use strikes or kicks to interrupt an attack. When striking an attacker, aim for vulnerable body parts such as their wrists, elbows, or throat. You want to avoid targeting sensitive areas like the eyes or groin.
In addition to blocking and striking, you can also use joint manipulation techniques to disrupt an attack. By using leverage and pressure, you can force your attacker’s limbs out of their fighting stance and disable their ability to fight back. chi blocking is all about speed and precision. I had to Train regularly as a child, use proper technique, and be aware of my environment so that i could safely and effectively defend yourself against attackers.
I also want to reminisce about Korra and asami 🥹
Being friends with Korra and Asami has been an incredible experience. Not only have we grown close over the years, but we’ve also shared some great life lessons along the way. I didn’t grow up with a lot of women because I spent a lot of time with my father and as he worked in politics i was always surrounded by old men, so their friendship means a lot to me.
Korra is the kind of friend who always has your back. She’s strong, brave and fiercely loyal; a true friend no matter what. Life’s lessons have been tough at times, but she’s been a support system through it all. Korra knows just what to say to motivate and inspire.
Asami is another great friend. She’s intelligent and driven, yet practical and empathetic. Together, we’ve worked through complex problems and made some difficult decisions. Asami has the unique ability to see the whole picture and to think objectively.
No matter what we’re dealing with, our friendship has been a cornerstone of our lives. We may not always agree with each other, but we’ve come to trust each other even with different opinions. We laugh together and are open with each other.
Of course, we’ve also gone through some tough times. We’ve had disagreements, said hurtful things to each other, but we’ve never failed to apologize and learn from our mistakes.
Korra and Asami are two of the strongest women I know. I’m proud to call them friends, and I wouldn’t change our friendship for the world. Life isn’t perfect, but it definitely is better with them in it.
Ok next, No one ever talks about the mundane stuff of their shifts but the religion aspect fascinated me about this reality.
there are several different religions, but some may stand out more than others. Regardless it’s nothing like current day religions in this reality. The primary religion is the cult of bending, which is mostly centered around reverence for the four main elements (fire, earth, air, and water). This religion is followed by most people including myself even when I was a non bender.
The second major religion is the spiritual order of the “White Lotus,” a secret society that is dedicated to preserving and passing on wisdom about the Avatar. It has members such as Iroh and Aang having significant roles. This is incorporated into the religion I follow as well
Thirdly, there is a mysterious element known as “energybending,” which is used by some of the larger spiritual beings in the series, such as Raava and Vaatu. This energybending allows one to transfer energy from one person to another and even manipulate matter in ways that bending cannot do. This power is seen as a sacred practice and only those truly enlightened can use it.
Finally, there are the various local religions that I have heard of but no one really practices on a global scales. Korra and I met a group of nomads who practiced a religion based on ancestor worship. There are also several mentions of various sects of Buddhism, as well as indigenous spiritual beliefs.
Overall, There are many different beliefs and traditions present throughout which add to the out societies diversity. As I continue to explore this universe, I expect to learn more about these faith systems and how they affect the people I am surrounded by.
No one really ever talks about this when they shift either,but I will be telling you guys my favorite dishes and general popular dishes as well because all i think about is food ;p
For those who want a taste of Republic City, a common food is tarragon glazed beef buns. This dish consists of beef strips cooked in a tarragon infused glaze, served in a steamed bun with various condiments. The variety and texture make this dish a favorite in my friend group.
Another popular dish is hot tofu salad. This traditional salad consists of diced tofu and vegetables, often served cold alongside various sauces and herbs. It makes for a filling and flavorful meal with a hint of tanginess.
If you’re looking for something spicy you will love Republic City’s version of fiery noodles. This dish contains a variety of vegetables, noodles, beef, and chili peppers served with a sesame or peanut sauce. The mix of textures and flavors makes this dish a great choice for when you’re looking for something flavorful and exciting.
No matter what type of food you prefer my city has something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you like sea creatures wrapped in seaweed or fiery noodle dishes, you can find all kinds of delicious dishes in Republic City. Whether you enjoy cooking them yourself or picking them up from a local cart, the options are endless lmfao.
Here are some of my fav restaurants:
First, let’s start with the classic Ba Sing Se Republic City’s oldest and most traditional restaurant. Here, you’ll find a variety of bao dishes, like pork-filled buns, vegetable dumplings and Tianjin Rice Porridge. The favored accompaniment to many of their dishes is their legendary tea-smoked duck.
The jianbing cart downtown is also worth a visit. It’s a one-stop spot for all your street food cravings. Their jianbing pancakes are hot and crispy, and loaded with egg, shallots and pickled veggies. Make sure to grab an iced tea after your meal for a sweet finish.
If you’re looking for something more adventurous, you can go to Republic City Fusion Cuisine. This restaurant has a unique spin on traditional dishes from around the world. Enjoy succulent pork-stuffed peppers from the Andes, Thai-style curries or Indian kebabs.
And of course No meal in Republic City is complete without dessert, and who better to satisfy your craving than Iroh’s? Iroh’s specializes in bubble tea of every flavor, chai tea lattes, and their signature treat, smooth yogurt topped with sweet honey glaze. It’s my favorite place to go for dates and group meet ups because of the ambiance and it’s history of its creation. Iroh is a greatly respected figure in history.
Now for the Random stuff
Some of my favorite things I did outside of hanging out with team avatar and work included: exploring the beauty of Republic City’s architecture. I love walking by the breathtaking skyscrapers and the majestic Tree of Time that stands proud in the center of the city. Not to forget taking strolls along the canal, and admiring the Spirit Wilds’ colorful gardens. Also watching a tournament at Pro-bending arena I think this is an obvious no brainer but it is the equivalent to this world’s sports! attending one of their many festivals was super cool. They have a bunch, From the music festival to the spirit festival, and these events offer a great chance to meet new people, discover new sounds and tastes, and learn more about the history behind Republic City. Lastly going over to Air Temple Island and soaring through the sky on an air scooter with Korra and tenzens kid. This is a great way to admire the city from above.
As a police officer, I have had the privilege of working directly with Chief Beifong to help keep Republic City safe.
I can honestly say that Chief Beifong is one of the best leaders I have ever had the pleasure of knowing in any reality. She is a focused, intelligent, and strong leader with an unwavering commitment to justice and protecting the citizens of Republic City.
Chief Beifong has always been incredibly supportive of the police officers who work for her. She’s always available to give encouragement, advice, or direction when needed. The chief encourages us to stay on top of suspicious activity and to be proactive in safeguarding the citizens of Republic City.
She also heavily values accountability and ethics for her police force. She believes strongly in the importance of doing the right thing and follows through with disciplinary actions if her officers get out of line.
Being a cop under Chief Beifong has taught me the valuable skills of dealing with difficult situations and the importance of keeping a cool head in tense situations. It has also instilled me with a strong sense of responsibility and ethical decision making.
Overall, being a cop under Chief Beifong has been an incredibly rewarding experience. She is an incredible leader and an amazing role model for her officers. We are all grateful to have her as our captain, and I know that I feel much more confident in my duties knowing that she is leading the Republic City Police Department.
One of the most impressive pieces of technology used in Legend of Korra is the power armor of Zaofu. This robotic suit was created by Suyin Beifong to protect her family from danger. It’s equipped with a multitude of weapons including a large drill and repelling cables. The power armor can also sense the presence of benders nearby, allowing Suyin to know when danger is coming.
Another fascinating piece of tech featured in the show is the radio controlled cars. These vehicles were built by Varrick and are capable of interacting with and carrying out complex commands. They’re powerful enough to outrun Korra’s airbending and can be used to transport people across long distances. By using a remote control, drivers can pilot these vehicles to strategic locations with ease.
In addition to vehicles and mechanized suits, it also featured a unique form of communication through holograms. This technology was used by Tenzin to contact other Airbenders and relay important updates. There was also a psychological application of this tech as Korra was able to gain insight into the Avatar state by taking part in a virtual Reality experience.
Lastly the interactive control panels used by Kya and Bumi. These panels gave access to a wide range of knowledge, including the locations of benders and the status of the world’s vital functions. The panels could also be used to trigger alarm systems, contact other benders, and carry out research.
Overall, technology played an important role in the Legend of Korra universe and complemented the power of bending in unique ways.
Bisons bro, I can’t believe they’re not in this reality 💔They’re one of the biggest aspects I miss about my legend of Korra homes they’re quite friendly and intelligent as you would assume. They have a strong bond with their airbenders, so they appreciate being handled with patience and gentleness.
When you interact with them, they seem to understand the feelings of those around them even those they are not quite familiar with. This makes them quite easy to get along with.The best way to describe the feeling of interacting with a sky bison is that it makes you feel calm and peaceful. They’re so big and gentle that you can really get lost in the moment and enjoy their majestic presence.They also are way bigger than I imagined. As for their size, sky bisons can reach up to 25 feet in length and have a wingspan between 12 and 20 feet. They’re impressive to look at, both from far away and up close. Almost seeming to almost take up the entire sky.
Now, Astral projection
after this shift, a week later I astral projected which is Insane considering it took about 1.5 years for me to initially shift. I’m combining these stories because the spiritual world and the astral realm are the same thing which is why I think it was so easy to do.
I got into astral projection after I started reading about other peoples out of body experiences..like meeting spirits, traveling the world in seconds, some even meeting what they presumed to be god, and got fascinated once again as it did not sound like the shifting I had been doing. I was so interested and did a little research to find out that once again this was astral projection and I decided this was going to be me.
Contrary to everything I was taught, I didn’t do much research like I did with shifting. My belief was if I shifted, then there’s no reason I should not be able to astral project tbh. it seemed easier on paper. I watched a video on how to do it, and it seemed simple enough. After three days of trying one day, while doing my method I felt myself rolling out of my body and when I “awoke” I saw my real body.
It was so amazing, I could not feel myself but i was aware of my own presence, and was on my floor even though I resembled what you would think is a ghost, at least matter wise. I didn’t really know where to go or what to do. I wasn’t using it to shift, and I didn’t have any goals or intentions but I was not going to waste a good spiritual moment. I told my subconscious to take me where I most need to go. Just Like that I started moving, but I was not moving? More like….My environment was changing at the same speed of light, but I could not feel it. Anyways I wasn’t in my room anymore.
I ended up in an abandoned house. I was just exploring it when I saw, what I didn’t know at the time were probably spirits. (Y’all do not be like me, do your research before you practice any out of body experience.) anyways, they looked liked live dolls, but they were asleep. I knew better than to mess with something I didn’t know of, so I let my curiosity die and I went outside. When I went out there, the sky was colors that did not exist on this earth, or at least we can’t see them. The weather was something I had never experienced and I felt the most euphoria and tranquillity that I doubt I could ever feel on this human plain of existence. I wanted to cry of happiness and just stay there forever. But moments later I saw a beautiful angel, and for some reason I knew her name before asking. It was Helen
After confirming her identity, it almost feels wrong to refer to it as a her. This was a godly being lol. I digress, but I asked her so many questions. Why I had to go through everything I did, what is shifting, how is it possible, did she hear my pain when I was asking for help from anyone, how is she real, who is god. I asked everything guys, and all the answers I received aligned with my beliefs. My final question was is she apart of my subconscious, because unless I’m the second coming of god how could a normal ass girl have the correct answer to everything unknown to man. She told me that was up to my interpretation and just smiled at me. I already knew the answers because, what we assume is true. If you were to ask the same questions to a godly being who knows all, we would all get different answers. Everything I had learned from shifting, all the questions I had came to the final conclusion and my journey was over from that point forward. I asked her to take me home as I was excited to wake up and tell my friends what I had learned. That is what happened and when I saw my body, I went back inside and I simply opened my eyes back to my room where I had fallen asleep
Basically,When I woke up from that moment my journey was over and I decided it was time to experience as much as I can. Everything changed. I had so many questions as to what to do to continue to shift forever.. how it works etc.. just so much questions and it’s like the following days everything just came to my knowledge at once.
Like I said before, I shifted to legend of Korra, and the spiritual essence in that reality was insane. Not to mention the astral world is quite literally the humans world version of the spiritual world in that reality. I do not know if that had to do with my success or if it was a coincidence (really doubt it) but astral projecting right after my first shifting experience was one of the best things that could happen to me. There’s not much to say but that journey was the peak culminating point of my Experience and I think about it often !
After that’s I wanted to be more apart of the astral projection community but my god they are such haters. They think shifters are mentally ill, and treat us worse than the lucid dreaming community. It doesn’t even make sense considering opening an awareness to a parallel universe sounds way more believable than leaving your body and traveling as a soul, but….whatever I suppose. They’re both very real and I have noticed anytime time a new community emerged it’s labeled as false. I mean decades ago even lucid dreaming was mere pseudoscience and people just thought lucid dreamers were insane. Astral projection followed and then lucid dreamers treated them the same. Now they do the same to shifters. As someone who has experienced all three phenomenons it’s insane how limiting they all can be. It doesn’t matter though. Anyone hating on your desires and are content with their limitations have nothing to do with your accomplishment and goals. Misery loves company so don’t falter to the hatred of others. Even here in my asks, void state anons and manifesters tell me I’m delusional for being a shifter and I have to cackle bc baby… to others you’re in the same boat 🫶 but it’s whatever, live your life and seriously don’t let anyone limit you. That universe is yours.
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draxumain · 8 months
Time Is not a factor, we are eternal
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konniesreality · 1 year
Yes, you heard that right! I had a lucid dream! I never had a lucid dream in my life, but I actually did it!
How I did it:
So basically, remember the post I made about forgetting to tap in the void? It was 6 AM when I made that post and I was super tired. I lay down in bed, and then I ended up falling asleep. My REM cycle is always at 6 AM. So while I was sleeping, I ended up having a lucid dream! I wasn't aware of the dream at first, but then I realized I was dreaming and I could control everything! It only lasted a few seconds because I got scared.
I was gonna tap into the void through it, but I was so scared that I woke up and had sleep paralysis, but I got out of the sleep paralysis.
I think my subconscious mind is on my side because I told you guys if I should enter through sleep paralysis, and my subconscious was like "yes you should!"
This is crazy!
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kdmatheson · 11 months
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“RAINMAKERS”  kd matheson, 2023
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sidewalkchemistry · 9 months
'𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘' 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊
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Dreamwork is a powerful mystical practice for enhancing your perspective of reality, quality of your life, and imaginative abilities by bringing awareness to the content of your dreams.
This challenge intends to bring each participant into greater attunement with their dream worlds. This, then, allows increased ease in trusting your intuition, being bold enough to dream and manifest, creating more beauty and mystique to your life, catalyzing the healing of inner traumas and limiting beliefs, as well as just to developing an understanding of your own multidimensionality. (For more on developing your imagination/3rd eye, see here).
The challenge will span from July 21st to September 14th 2023 (offering 2 full months of skill development), and it is open to the public. However, I'm sharing details and guidance are available exclusively on Patron, such as a downloadable dream journal (cover page pictured above) & nighttime routine tips. Of course, you may take on the challenge at whatever date you like.
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The Challenge Tasklist (see the more detailed version here):
Week 1: Recording Your Dreams: This is to gain a sense of familiarity with your dream worlds. Notice what kinds of themes come up. Notice how you tend to act. Notice what kinds of characters come up. Notice the locations. Each morning or after each slumber (naps included), your task will be to immediately write down your dream with as much detail as possible. Dream log pages are provided in the downloadable dream journal.
Week 2: Enhancing Your Inputs (Part 1): Emotional constipation, or blockages in your astral body, can be caused by lifestyle. You will be encouraged to approach your choices of food, music, pastimes, entertainment, etc. in a way that will let the energy in your astral body thrive. For example, signs of a healthier astral body include a slower (low stress) lifestyle, healthy communication, greater mindfulness, positive self-talk and self-esteem, healthy detachment, restful sleep, and, of course, more lucid dreams. Tasks will include certain meal upgrades, because digestive situations can be a major hindrance to optimal sleep quality, dream recall, and emotional processing (due to the gut-brain relationships).
Week 3: Moment to Moment Awareness: One of the major reasons why we are unable to continue consciousness into our dream states is that we lack true consciousness when we're awake, particularly of our emotional states. Remaining aware of how your emotions shift and how you're being emotionally affected by your perspectives & circumstances will allow you to remain in present moment awareness. The daily task will be to develop your awareness, just in the way that children tend towards, never attached too long to your emotional circumstances, without dismissing them.
Week 4: Dream Herbs: Certain herbs are able to enhance dreams, relax the nervous system, and strengthen meditative awareness. These will be employed in our challenge so that we can experience this relationship. Tasks will include different ways of working with the herbs, such as implementing a tea time.
Week 5: Visualization Boost: A large component of dreams are the visual component. Many people lately, with their constant attention to screens and stories in visual form (TV, videos, movies, etc), struggle to realize what their imaginations look like in particular. The tasks will include a series of meditations and methods of connecting to your own imaginal realm.
Week 6: Enhancing Your Inputs (Part 2): Further emotional/astral blockages will be able to be relieved by more lifestyle shifts. Tasks will include spending time on more fruitful hobbies, choosing & creating habits that fill your cup rather than deplete your energy, and working with the elements daily.
Week 7: Digital Detox: Eliminate some aspect of technology in some way. Maybe you will refuse to use your phone for the first two hours of the day, take a break from social media, take a rest from social media overall, or use the internet purely for uplifting content. A serious period of meditation may even be implemented. Whatever you do, that will be your task of discipline so that you can connect deeper to your imaginal realms.
Week 8: Constructing Your Imaginal World: You've gotten a good picture of your dream worlds now. It's time to integrate that so that you thoroughly bring up the value of your dreams. Tasks will encourage you to bring a deeper sense to your imaginal world, so that you have a deep interest of navigating it and learning from it, just as the physical world we're already all aware of. You may find that, in the process, you get a deeper sense of who you are multidimensionally, based on your skills, actions, and interactions in the astral plane. You may find communication with benevolent spirits, ancestors, elemental beings, creatures, pets, and so on.
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vxnomthemenace · 10 days
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⭐️⭐️20 TRACKS⭐️⭐️
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ssweetart42 · 11 months
A Double Edged Sword
Started: May 27th
Last Update: June 20th
Total Works: 9/Complete
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Chapter 1: I'd Rather Be Invisible
Chapter 2: Like a fart in a dust storm
Chapter 3: Like A Hand Sandwich
Chapter 4: Darkness Falls Early
Chapter 5: What? Do You Want a Cookie?
Chapter 6: A Heavy Metal Hug
Chapter 7: The Trip to Naboo NSFW
Chapter 8: Back in the Saddle
Chapter 9: The Rules of Engagement
I'm loving where this is going! Yay for a slow burning, tender story. Love it!
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chicagognosis · 6 months
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Want to lucid dream?
This for me is the fun part, questioning, doing the reality check. Do you want to know if you are dreaming or not? In a discreet way, take your finger, grab it lightly, and pull it slightly with the intention that it is going to stretch―not too hard―you don’t want to hurt yourself, but you should have the intention and the motive that your finger is going to stretch.
The reason is in the astral dimension, your astral body is subjected to different laws. The astral body can become elastic. It can stretch. It can become small. It can fly. It can come apart. The matter of that vehicle, of that body, is not as material as this physical world. It does have a type of material, energetic substance, and so if you find that in your dream your finger is stretching, you got your answer. You know you are in the astral dimension, and this is the beginning of knowing how to investigate the higher worlds: when you recognize that you are out of your body, and you’ve verified it.
Another way to do it, to check your reality, is to jump in the air. You might not want to do this at work or someplace too public, but if you are in private somewhere, you can jump in the air with the intention of flying, physically, obviously. But in the dream state, if you are levitating, you have got your answer.
But the only way that you can do this is if, in the day time, discreetly, when you see something very unusual, something out of the ordinary in your daily physical life, you pull your finger, or if you are somewhere alone, jump in the air. See if you float. There is this advantage to being very mechanical, meaning, we kind of repeat past behaviors unconsciously. If you train your unconscious behavior to check yourself all the time, when necessary, when convenient, when you dream, you do the same thing. It becomes automatic. You train yourself, so that now, you are awake. You know where you are and what you can do.
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angelical-dreams · 2 years
✨💫Lucid Dreaming: prompting reality checks💫✨
When trying to lucid dream, there are many factors to take into account if we want to make the best out of our dream work.
Reality checks or reality tests are the actions we perform in order to corroborate if we are awake or in a dream. But what should be the prompt for these reality checks? Clare P. Johnson (a magnificent author on lucid dreaming (which I highly recommend looking up!) and PhD on lucid dreaming), advices not to set an alarm to prompt reality checks, and this is why:
“A reality check should be prompted naturally; doing reality checks on autopilot, out of a sense of obligation, is never going to get the best results. We need to find ways of creating spontaneous reality checks that are unique to us, using our bodies, and our thought-patterns”
“You are unique. So invent a reality check that reflects your uniqueness. When we link our bodies, our senses and our habitual thoughts to a reality check, it grows in power and can be extremely effective. Have fun and be creative.
• If you’re a smiley person, why not recall your intention to get lucid each time you smile at someone? • Or if you have a singing gut, you could use stomach gurgles as a prompt to do a reality check. • Notice when your body is not doing its usual thing. • If you have any kind of chronic aches or pains, notice the spaces between the pains. In dreams, we are often pain-free. • Link certain thoughts to reality checks. If you’re someone who regularly experiences negative or self-critical thoughts, you could react to this by using a reality check as a springboard into a lighter state of mind. • Connect specific sensory sensations to reality checks. For example every time you smell something amazing; ask yourself seriously: “am i dreaming right now?” • Whenever you see something that strikes you as particularly beautiful, ugly or weird, ask yourself “am I dreaming?”.
Change your anchor every so often so the challenge stays fresh and surprising.
Highly personal reality checks are likely to be the most effective ones for you. You’ll find yourself so used to testing your reality that you’ll soon find yourself doing it in a dream and realizing that you are actually in a dream.”
The Art of Lucid Dreaming, Clare P. Johnson. Chapter 2: Powerful practices to help you wake up in your dreams.
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psyhaven · 1 year
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The Star by Philip Byers
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strangepersonthefirst · 7 months
The Dreaded Pinned Post
Hey, I call myself strange! I'm an entirely astral/energy worker. I am blunt enough, I say shit, and honestly I've been around the wider astral community just long enough to get tired of ANYONE who claims to work with a closed practice. I have a server that I co-run with a friend! I made a realm for it! The realm grows! (I cannot stop it.) It is full of things to do! Please come check it out:
In real practice, I consider myself the Magic Man with an unhealthy zest for life I do nothing about, and also I make shit in the astral. I am heavily discouraging you from interacting if you're under 18, as I am an adult. (In this case, this means sending messages. Ask, but be aware I will treat people I come across like they are adults and treat them with that in mind.) Yeah that's me. I don't plan to do much else here but be that asshat who posts only astral stuff.
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coffeetoffeeart · 2 years
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i’ll be real i forgot the context for this. just look at the dress though
[ID: a traditional sketch of aster, a black person with an afro mohawk, wearing a fancy dress with ruffles and armbands. they have one hand up to their face, proclaiming “woe is me!” as broken hearts surround them. end ID.]
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konniesreality · 1 year
hey guys should im gonna go in the void and manifest for yall through sleep paralysis... im lowkey just very exhausted and i have no energy to enter the astral realm... what do you guys think..?
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draxumain · 8 months
Still thinking about that Arctic Monkeys themed pap I dropped with the question "What does your lover fantasise about you"
I didnt want it to be NSFW. I didn't THINK it would turn NSFW. I don't do NSFW reading. But honestly with a question like that AND with Artic Monkeys?...
Idk what I expected.
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sidewalkchemistry · 9 months
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Dreamwork is the topic for our summer challenge! It will officially begin next Friday, July 21st 2023 and last for a full 2 months, so that we can really get a dent into transforming our relationships with our imaginal realms. Only my Patrons at this point in time have EXCLUSIVE access to the challenge details, so that they can participate with greater depth and be properly prepared for the full experience. Activating your imagination while awake and asleep can bring not just mystique but a sense of freedom to your worlds. Liberate yourself from limiting beliefs, a lack of imagination, trauma-based mindsets, an all-around dullness, and lack of perspective of your multidimensional self.
Are you ready to live your wildest dreams?✨ See those exclusive details here
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