#astro world🪐
leoascendente · 8 months
Astro observations part 4🌛
🪐 Aquarius moons usually have their mother an another mother figure that also fits in the nurturing mother archetype, like they have their mum but also an aunt or a grandmother that takes that role intheir lives too.
🪐 Neptune in the 6th house, be careful with being scammed with health products, Neptune in the 11th be careful of being scammed online
🪐 Hey my Aries/Scorpio moons out there, do you like your showers at the temperature of hell too? or it's just me??
🪐 Capricorn Mercury= Masters of sarcasm, Aqua/Sag Mercury= You'll laugh until your tummy hurts
🪐 Pisces lilith can be the most charming people in the world but their defense mechanism is victimization and make you feel bad for what you've done
🪐 Libra mars has the title of being undecisive but have you met any Libra mercury?
🪐 Cancer rising/ 1st house moons are the best making people feel comfortable and safe at their presence
🪐 Mercury square/opposite Pluto usually makes the native highly aware of other people's mindsets
🪐 Not all people have it easy to fit in their rising sign because the rising is our vehicle to embody our sun sign. It can be even harder if the ruler of the rising is bad aspected with pluto or mars. Ex: a libra rising doesn't have to feel comfortable in formal relationships or socializing, even they can run from commitment if Venus is bad aspected but if their sun is in capricorn, they'll need these social interactions to embody capricorn's energy
🪐 Water/earth Mars are the best at kill them with kindness, they'll be the nicest persons in the world with you while they wait until you get what tou deserve, they'll be warching but won't bother enough to get involved
🪐 Libra and Capricorn Venus are the most elegant people I've ever met, they give off this old money aesthetic
🪐 Mercury on air signs have it easier for learning about sciences, Mercury on Gemini or Sagittarius are great learning new languages
🪐 Earth Mars are awesome working under pressure, they have the gift of keeping the focus no matter what
🪐 Virgo mars are awesome plastic surgeons
🪐 8th house deals with mysticism and the occult arts, 9th house is about religion and giving meaning to our existence, 12th hpuse deals with spirituality and the ethereal realm
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🪐 Always trust your Cancer friend when they tell you someone gives them bad vibes
🪐 Pisces/taurus/cancer venus are the sweetest people ever
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stellarsagittarius · 11 months
🪐 10th House Astro Observations 🪐
[P.s. Please follow me on Instagram! @/Stellar.Sagittarius I post even more astrology content on it and it's a business I'm trying to grow. Your presence means a lot to me ❤️.]
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‼️Paid readings are OPEN‼️
✨️ Moon in 10th house or Moon conjunct MC - These natives tend to put a lot of value on their public image. They crave validation and are always looking forward to win everybody's hearts. These are naturally pretty social people and tend to respect other people's opinions very much over their own. These people are emotionally invested in their career and will do anything to stay on top. Their career is their safe space.
✨️ Virgo MC, especially the one with Pluto conjunct the Ascendant - These people come off as super serious looking. They have this aura that naturally calls you to get your shit in order. These people look strict and very particular. These natives tend to be very particular of cleanliness and always want things to be in a certain order. These people are very sharp minded and won't let silly mistakes slip away. They will make amazing managers and CEOs.
✨️ Lilith in 10th house - These people are envied heavily. They have a, "my way or the highway," attitude that might really tick some people off. They tend to attract plenty of jealous people who can't comprehend how the native is so carefree and always gets their way. These people are also very mysterious appearing.
✨️ I've noticed a lot of times when people try to guess celebrities' rising signs, they usually guess the MC as what is actually their rising sign. This tends to happen because we perceive a person through their social mask, ie, the Midheaven.
✨️ Gemini MCs are some people who are constantly in the talks. These people come off as very memorable due to their smart minds. They have the answer to almost everything and won't hesitate to let you know. The 'answer' can be both a fact or their own logic, and we can almost always trust a Gemini or Virgo's logic.
✨️ 10th house in a composite chart reveals how your relationship comes off to the world. Here is what your composite 10th house says about your relationship:
1. Aries 10th house - The passionate and adventurous couple
2. Taurus 10th house - The power couple
3. Gemini 10th house - The couple who knows everybody's business and is somehow everyone's business
4. Cancer 10th house - The homey/married-already couple
5. Leo 10th house - The IT couple
6. Virgo 10th house - The couple who has their shit together
7. Libra 10th house - The popular/influential couple
8. Scorpio 10th house - The super private couple
9. Sagittarius 10th house - The besties/partners in crime couple
10. Capricorn 10th house - The boss couple
11. Aquarius 10th house - The authentic couple who aren't afraid to be themselves
12. Pisces 10th house - The dreamy disney like couple
✨️ Your Moon in partner's 10th house synastry - You are very much concerned with their reputation. You have the need to know every detail of how their public life is, who they sit with, what do they do for work or if they are well respected by other people. You might be the one to advice them over their career. You are also very concerned with the people they work with, and you would want the whole world to know that you both are in a relationship.
✨️ Saturn conjunct MC - These people are the late bloomers. But often times it also shows that you are not concerned at all with what other people think of you. At the same time you are very disciplined regarding the matters of your career. You like to be in full control of your career, and are generally good at recognizing who is good for you in the long term and who isn't.
✨️ Your Venus in someone's 10th house - People love to see you both together and you bring this very special glow to this person's reputation. You bring very good energy to their career and social life. In a romantic sense, people might see you as their 'perfect partner'. People somehow just love it when you are around this person. And they might even feel that the 10th house person keeps you around because you either raise their reputation in some way or that you enhance their value.
✨️ 2nd, 6th, and 10th house trine, especially in earth signs - These people are extremely diligent and responsible. They don't waste time and they clearly know how to achieve something. They people have a really good workflow and are more productive than the rest of us.
✨️ Chart ruler in the 10th house - These people are super motivated regarding their work and social life. They love to stay on top, and it'll be pretty natural to them because it's literally the focus of their life. They are naturally quick to pick on trends and seem to fit in very well with anyone.
✨️ Overall, major 10th house placements creates a person that is socially very active and well aware of how they would level up, whether it's their career or simply their public image. People with major 10th house placements are very good at making friends as well. They are pretty approachable with this sense of formality and respect.
Stay tuned for more Astrology content ✈️✨️!!
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meafortuna · 1 year
I was thinking this was going to be a synastry one, but it turns out it will be a mix. 😅 Enjoy and don’t take anything personal! 🫶
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• Mars in Aquarius it’s so unpredictable when it comes to their anger. It will be easier to explain, if you imagine the following situation - The native tries to unlock the door 9 times and the door doesn’t open. Our person seems pretty cool… and then on the 10 time they just start to 🌪️, u know. 😁 Well after five minutes everything is just fine, but that 5 minutes would be hell for you if you stand in their way. And don’t touch them, ok, that will make their craziness go even worst. ⚠️
• Moon in Gemini u are so bi polar, everything in you is such a mess. I mean… your emotions swinging with your thoughts, just like the Moon changing her phases. Ocean of thoughts, that’s you guys. 💭 Really moody, always overthinking, anxious, but deserves the world. *at least that’s the funniest Moon sign and who doesn’t love to laugh?! love ya! 🫶 ♊️
• In synastry if there is a Chiron conjunct Moon or vice versa it can be really helpful for the natives. The Moon person recognise the pain in Chiron person and tries to heal them from their past traumas. For the Chiron one it seems easier to open up in front of Moon and that doesn’t make them feel ashamed of their wounds. Really beautiful connection, accept there are some hard aspects. ❤️‍🩹🌓
• Does anyone have problem to recognise a Pisces Sun?! 🐠I don’t know if i am crazy, but they all are so different from each other, and i have a lot pisces around me… Maybe cause Pisces collect in themselves all the qualities of the other 11 signs, or maybe because they are ruled by Neptune and can afford to be whatever they want or don’t know who they are, because of that Neptune influence. Like the water they can be calm, stormy, deep… And one more thing which it’s not necessarily true, just my observation. Most of the Pisces i know have a water rising. 💦
• Mercury RX = Mercury conjunct Uranus or in Aquarius. 🤝 They just don’t know how to express themselves in a right way. Super smart, different point of view, innovative, but it’s hard for them to explain what they wanna to say. Always thinking they are misunderstood or some kind of weird, which only feeds their God complex, they love to feel different. ( Aqua guys are with the biggest God complex of all zodiac signs). 😅
• Pluto conjunct Nessuss it’s so powerful aspect to have. These natives transform the pain into strength, very healing power! 🧡On the topic of Nessuss i want to warn you, if you have personal planets conjunct/square Nessuss in synastry, please be careful with that person, especially with the conjunctons to Moon, Venus and Mars. That’s an indicator for having a violent relationship. I noticed Moon conjunct Nessuss most of the times it’s a sign for emotional or mental abuse. Mars square Nesuss for physical abuse. If you have some of this aspects with someone, please don’t ignore. 🙏
• You can always spot a Taurus men, because they will do anything to see them. 🤡 They will try so hard to get your attention in some kind of funny way, with their silly jokes. But they are not funny at all, I mean their sense of humor it’s so… conventional. For me is irritating, maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m wrong. 😅
• Native with Saturn in Pisces in sixth house it is an indicator for the individual have to grown earlier, also there can be some cases where there is a violence in the family or an abscent father. Person with this position of Saturn was forced to take care for things and people that are not their responsibilities, since they were a kid. There are so many suppressed emotions in them. Really important for them will be to learn how to set healthy boundaries and to look more often what’s going on with their health. The good thing with this placement is that after their 30 (Saturn return) the things going to start getting better. I promise! 🫶 🪐♓️
~meafortuna 💙
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sensualnoiree · 1 month
astro notes: jupiter 🪐💫
Jupiter embodies a multifaceted symbolism that is deeply rooted in its associations with growth, expansion, wisdom, and spiritual evolution. Often linked with the metal tin and representing qualities of malleability and resistance to corrosion. This association suggests that Jupiter's influence encourages individuals to be adaptable and resilient in their spiritual journeys, while also remaining steadfast against negative influences.
Associated with the element of air, symbolizing intellect, expansion of consciousness, and the dissemination of knowledge. Air is seen as a purifying element, really suggesting that Jupiter's influence can help clear mental obstacles and facilitate the growth of higher understanding.
Esoterically, Jupiter is seen as a planet of trust, faith, growth, and expansion. It symbolizes adventure and hope, inspiring individuals to embrace new experiences and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. Jupiter's association with the etheric heart center highlights its role in connecting the individual with the cosmic sphere. It fosters a sense of unity with the universe, allowing human actions to be instilled into the essence of the images of the cosmos. This suggests that Jupiter's influence transcends individuality, contributing to the unfolding and metamorphosis of forms at the heart of evolution.
In Sagittarius, Jupiter's influence is amplified, as this sign resonates deeply with Jupiter's qualities of expansion, growth, and spiritual questing. Sagittarius is associated with the element of fire, representing inspiration, enthusiasm, and the spark of divine creativity. This fiery nature aligns with Jupiter's alchemical association with the metal tin, suggesting a transformative and dynamic energy that propels individuals towards higher understanding and enlightenment.
Sagittarius is also linked to the ninth house in astrology, which is traditionally associated with higher learning, philosophy, and travel. This connection further emphasizes Jupiter's role in broadening one's horizons through intellectual exploration and spiritual expansion. Individuals with strong Sagittarian or Jupiterian influences in their charts are often drawn to philosophical and spiritual pursuits, seeking to understand the deeper meaning of life and their place in the universe.
In Pisces, Jupiter's energy takes on a more mystical and transcendent quality. Pisces is a water sign, symbolizing the depths of the unconscious mind, intuition, and spiritual sensitivity. This watery nature aligns with Jupiter's alchemical association with the process of projection, suggesting a deep-seated urge to merge with the divine and project one's inner transformation onto the world.
Pisces is associated with the twelfth house in astrology, which is traditionally linked to spirituality, introspection, and hidden knowledge. This connection further emphasizes Jupiter's role in guiding individuals towards spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery. People with strong Piscean or Jupiterian influences in their charts are often highly intuitive and empathetic, with a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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thepradapariah · 2 years
Your Rising Sign ✨. The Male Gaze 👀. & Female Character Movie/TV Tropes 📺.
Are you the manic pixie dream girl or the femme fatale?!
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Astro Observations 🪐
Using Movies & TV shows, I’ll be talking about observations I’ve made about rising signs! This is just my opinion! You are more than welcome to share your thoughts in the comment section!
(If you know your sidereal Rising Sign Naksaktra EVEN BETTER!)
BARE WITH ME HERE!!! This post is written in a VERY generalized way. I am not trying to be exclusionary at all! I want this to be a fun post about movies & astrology. Please be creative with your pronouns if needed! This post is for anyone who wants to read it, no matter your gender or preference, but it will be written in traditional cis-gender fashion, BUT!!!!! I have tried to incorporate all female identifying communities within the examples! I hope there is something for everyone :)
Before we begin:
✨What is the Male Gaze?
“In feminist theory, the male gaze is the act of depicting women and the world, in the visual arts and in literature, from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the heterosexual male viewer. In the visual and aesthetic presentations of narrative cinema, the male gaze has three perspectives: (i) that of the man behind the camera, (ii) that of the male characters within the film's cinematic representations; and (iii) that of the spectator gazing at the image.” — Wikipedia
✨What is a Character trope?
“A trope is an idea, pattern or motif that appears often enough in a particular art form that consumers of that art form begin to form particular associations with that idea.” - The Novel Factory
Men tend to be VERY simple creatures. Yes, they may present themselves as the broody artist w a checkered past or a sci-fi-nerdy-glasses-wearing-type fellow who LOVES Star Wars & Comic-Con. But believe it not, both these men have something in common…Their simplicity. Most men see life in black & white. They tend to take things at face value & rarely feel the need to dig deeper into something unless they are called to. This is not to over generalize (or perhaps that’s exactly what this is) but to draw attention to the straight forward attitude men usually have towards life. (I blame this on their primal hunter/gathering nature, but that’s another topic for another day). Men tend to prefer life & communication to be clear & concise, whereas woman tend to be far more “colorful” in our approach. We don’t spare any details when talking w our girlfriends about the latest gossip as if it’s our life’s duty, where men can sit in silence, playing video games & be perfectly content. In fact, I learned in sociology, that men can actually have ZERO brain activity happening at times (besides the automatic stuff, like breathing lol). Meaning— men can actually sit & think about nothing. Women, not so much, we are constantly stimulated, thinking & planning ahead. Because of this cosmically cerebral mis-match, the way men & woman tend to view each other can be a point of contention. Woman tend to over complicate men & men tend to over simplify woman. Thus giving us the ongoing battle of real complex female characters VS. the over simplified version of them through the Male Gaze. Do men think woman just sit around playing in make-up & fashion, bursting out into random tears & having pillow fights all day? If you ask Hollywood— probably. In this post, we will be specifically looking at how men over simplify woman using Movie/TV tropes & comparing them to the display of our rising sign, &/or if you know it, your rising Nakshatra.
You should know, that before I got into tarot & astrology, I graduated from the film school at New York University. So I am WELL AWARE of the film/tv writing process & thought this would be a cool way to combine my education of films & my love for astrology to teach & critique how woman tend to be represented in Cinema & Television— and in return, real life. (Art meets Life, amiright?)
There has been a discourse in the film & tv world about how woman are represented through the male gaze. I’m sure you’ve heard of the “manic pixie dream girl” trope over saturating the market right now. (Don’t worry, we will get into this later). Woman feel as if these are shallow representations of the feminine experience. While I agree with this statement, usually we don’t see very fleshed out, complex & interesting woman from male writers. (*cough cough* Euphoria Season 2.) I’m arguing here that until we form deep & intimate connections with men, they tend to see us, woman, as these movie tropes, IRL (in real life). If you don’t understand what I’m saying, hang in there w me.
Because men tend to be simple & take things at face value, they can miss out on the nuances of the woman they are with. How many times have we seen in movies a wife gets a haircut & the husband doesn’t notice? See, no eye for detail, or subtlety. Those small details that make us unique from other woman tends to go over their heads from time to time. And in a day in age where woman are generalized more on a mass scale through social media, it’s easy for men to get carried away thinking woman are all the same or simply, just not that complicated. This isn’t a bad thing, per say, this is just the default until we are able to build a lasting, deep connection between masculine & feminine energy.
In this post, we are going to be breaking down this “conundrum” by RISING SIGNS/1H/Nakshatras. Why? Because the rising sign is how you are seen in the world. The first house rules the body, & what people project on to you as well as what you project onto other people. (The beauty of the 1H/7H axis…more about this later) As a sidereal astrology girly, I think the first house/Rising Sign Nakshatra rules the personality more so than the sun & moon sign. After all, it is called “person”-ality, & the 1H is the house of person, whereas the 7H is the house of partner.
✨Why Does this Matter?
Well first off, it matters how much you want it to matter. This post is for inspiring self expression. By seeing how you effortlessly come across through the male gaze, you may be able to craft your own unique persona or perfect one of these tropes. I am not writing this post because you have to see yourself the way men see you or over simplify yourself while getting to know someone, I’m writing this to give you some indication of HOW men see you so you can put on a SHOW! I’m hoping this gives you the encouragement to take your narrative into your own hands & present your femininity in a way that’s true & authentic to you. I am an absolute FAN of these female tropes. Movies & tv shows have helped me curate the kind of woman I want to come across as. Nothing like seeing a great character on TV that you want to emulate. We all have the ability to play pretend. Look at using the male gaze as a game of dress-up. You can ALWAYS play the part in the ever going Hollywood Film— Your Life.
✨What is the First House?
The first house is the house of first impressions— the cover of the book men are judging.
Because your first house is home to your rising sign, to put it simply, the first house is how you come off to others at first glance. Even though I’m sure you’re a beautiful, complex & intriguing creature, for the sake of this article, we are looking at the first house through a “shallow” perspective. You may feel as if these descriptions don’t fit you at all, in fact, you may feel like this is the total opposite of who you actually are! (Blame the contradiction of 1H/7H axis for this one) However it’s not about how you feel, it’s about how you come across…
Read this article as if you are your crush meeting you for the first time. (Read that again, very meta, I know). The Male Gaze in movies/tv has been argued to be lazy & uninspired writing. I personally think that’s just the male gaze in general. I kid, I kid. Lol. But seriously…they are very simple minded, so we can use this to our advantage to give some of the best performances of our lives!
***If you are reading for your Sidereal Vedic Rising (which is HIGHLY suggest), please look up the degree, so you can read for the specific Nakshatra)
(If you are a man reading this, I don’t mean to drag you. We all know the childhood fact, Men are from Mars & Woman are from Venus. Lol.)
Through the Male Gaze, we will be breaking down how you come off through your rising sign & placements as Classic Movie & TV Character Tropes.
How to Read:
✨IF YOU KNOW YOUR SIDEREAL VEDIC RISING NAKSHATRA: Read that first! That will be the most specific to the trope. (I didn’t double dip, each nakshatra is only used ONCE)
✨If you DON’T know your Sidereal Rising Nakshatra & your reading as a Western/Tropical Girlie———>
✨You can read for the sign in your first house (your rising sign) &/or planets placed in your FIRST OR SEVENTH HOUSE!
✨7H placements cast a direct aspect on your 1H, so if your rising sign doesn’t resonate, check your 7H placements! They have a major influence as well!
✨If you have multiple planets in your 1H &/or 7H, the planet with the LOWEST degree is the dominant planet. Ex: If you have Saturn at 26 degrees and Venus at 2 degrees, you would read the Venus tropes.
✨Unlike men, I’m giving you some flexibility (Lol) Your placements may overlap. For example, if you’re a Pisces Rising— read the blurbs for Manic Pixie Dream Girl & Girl Next Door. One description will probably fit better than the others, but you got options! If you know your sidereal chart for your rising Nakshatra, you’ll get
***There is NO direct correlation between the signs & Naks picked, this is a matter of opinion, so I put what I felt worked!***
Please please please keep in mind, movies & tv characters are larger than life, so please have fun with this post!!! This is over the top!! If you can imagine that you were an old Hollywood glamour queen or a modern cinema starlit, this would be your starring role!!!
⚠️ I do not want to offend ANYONE by using traditional gender pronouns. I am a cis-gender heterosexual female, so I am writing from the perspective I know best. I am NOT trying to say this is the only perspective that matters. I have included cis-woman, trans women & lesbians as examples in this post. Please feel free to share any insights you have, no matter the gender, non-gender or perspective! I’m truly open & supportive. This is not an exclusionary post.
⚠️ SPOILER ALERT!!!! I am using Movies & Television shows as examples, so be prepared!
⚠️ Of course, special shout-out to my little sister! Without her, none of this would be possible!!
On with the Show! 🌹
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💋 Manic Pixie Dream Girl
Nakshatras: Ardra, Punarvasu, Swati, Vishika, Mula
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces (All Mutable Rising Signs) & Aquarius
Planets: Neptune, Mercury, Jupiter (1st or 7th House, lowest degree)
Tarot Card: Princess of Cups (Earth & Water)
“[The Manic Pixie Dream Girl] exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures… [The MPDG] seems to exist only to provide spiritual or mystical help to the protagonist. The MPDG has no discernible inner life. Instead, her central purpose is to provide the protagonist with important life lessons. “
-Wikipedia (Manic Pixie Dream Girl was coined by Nathan Rabin)
✨The Manic Pixie Dream Girl is arguably THEE female movie trope of the last 40 years in pop culture. As movies moved away from the Bombshell aesthetic of the 1950’s, most notably, Marilyn Monroe; Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s introduced a new kind of woman. (Even her last name, go-lighly is a play on her attitude towards the world) A woman who throws caution to the wind & isn’t afraid to take risk. In fact, this woman LIVES to take risk! She flutters in & flutters out of the Male gaze, usually chasing some wild dream of being a fashion designer, writer, actress ect, OR is a notch above (or under, depending on how you look at it) an aimless sexy hobo. Regardless of her career ambitions, she’s always as creative as she is elusive— yet somehow, is always able to drop into the male’s life right in the knick of time, whisking the male away on some fever-dream like adventures. Encountering the Manic Pixie Dream Girl almost ALWAYS accompanies a spiritual Awakening for our male protagonist. Upon meeting this woman, usually in some weird, “only happens once in a life-time” way, his world gets thrown into a chaotic flurry. Everything he thought he knew he now knows he never knew anything about it at all. He questions life, he questions reason, he question society, capitalism, the “American Dream”, etc. This is BEST demonstrated by Marla (Helena Bonham Carter) in Fight Club, directed by David Fincher. (If you haven’t seen this movie, you MUST (18+), Brad Pitt is at PEAK sexiness…s/o to the Female Gaze lol) Fight Club is a wicked tale of a man fighting himself, society & his own psyche after meeting a woman who mirrored him so closely, it triggered a masculinity awakening. This is the function of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. She is so free, so unbound, so fluid, & feminine, she helps to bring to life the masculine side of a man by reflecting his own inner chaos back to him.
As a Ardra, Punarvasu, Swati, Vishika, Mula Rising or Mutable Rising Sign: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, this could be one of the ways you appear through the male gaze. Because your temperament & view of life can be so changeable, you can come across as a free-spirit, a loss soul, or a wonderer. Perhaps you are, & perhaps you aren’t, but as quickly as you change a hairstyle, you change your goals in life. The male feels as if he needs to tame you, give you structure, security or direction OR he feels like he wants to join you! Break away from the daily grind of life, break societies expectations of him & rendezvous w you, eating cereal, painting & watching cartoons all day. You can represent a child-like wonder and be the embodiment of the “wild-side” of life! As the mutable rising signs of the Zodiac, you tend to be moody & unpredictable. Through the Male Gaze, men may find it hard to connect with you because you always seem “elsewhere”. You always seem a little dazed, perhaps a little confused, but certainly “pixie” like in your approach to life. To the right male, you are fascinating, like a Jackson Pollock painting (the splatter paint dude) in the works— each stroke improvised, never knowing where the paint is going to land, but intrigued more by your process than the final product.
Female Gaze: Like a Bird- Nelly Furtado
Male Gaze: Sex And Candy- Marcy Playground
Holly Golightly- Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Jules- Euphoria
Summer- 500 Days of summer
Robyn Brooks- High Fidelity
Helena- Fight Club
Cat- Victorious
Issa- Insecure
Raven- That’s So Raven
Bubbles- Powerpuff Girls
Emily- Emily in Paris
Sally Bowles- Cabaret
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💋Ice Queen
Nakshatras: Jyestha, Dhanishta, Uttara Bhadrapada
Zodiacs: Aquarius, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio
Planets: Saturn, Uranus, Moon, Venus
Tarot Card: Queen of Swords (Water & Air)
“…Cool, reserved, and giving nothing away. She may want love as ardently as anyone, but she masks her soft heart behind a wall of ice. It is up to someone else, typically her Love Interest, to soften her cold demeanor and win her love.
The Ice Queen is considered dangerous to love because she will not (or cannot) love back. She's not much for friendship either, preferring to be alone.” tvtropes .org
✨The Ice Queen is cold & unforgiving. She IS the resting bitch face personified, unimpressed & unfazed by those around her. Seemingly aloof, the male in the story is always trying to breakthrough her tough and unbothered exterior. Her coldness posses a real challenge to anyone who is interested in her romantically. She’s just a bitch. And a bad one at that! The Ice Queen is stern in her appearance & her approach to life. Usually divorced, or widowed, but doesn’t have to be, she walks as if she carries the weight on the world of her shoulder. She’s been abandoned by happiness in life, but she’s so regal, no one knows how deep her scars cut. She can resemble the Boss Bitch/Diva trope, because she normally holds a lot of power, but she carries a certain detachedness that is unique to this trope. She is NOTHING nice. The Ice Queen is hard to please & has no issues letting people know she’s unsatisfied. The Male wants to “warm her up”, breakthrough her cold exterior & get to know why she is so damn mean! In some cases he succeeds, in others he realized she’s just a mean & shallow as he originally thought. Elvira Hancock in Scarface is the prototype for this feminine character trope. Not only is her nose typically buried nose deep in snow (if you get it, you get it), she’s. a. straight. cold-hearted. biotch. She’s unbelievably gorgeous & unapproachable, & this is exactly what draws the male protagonist in to her. But even after the male “wins her over”, she was never satisfied. An Ice Queen to her CORE, she was never one to be defrosted. Defamed? Maybe…Defrosted…never.
It’s worth noting that the Ice Queen is usually HIGHLY fashionable. Not the cheap stuff either— the Ice Queen is a Queen none the less. She’s not the T-shirt & jeans girl next door, or the purple hairdo manic pixie…she’s class & sophistication. First rule, you gotta be hot to be so cold.
If you are a Jyestha, Dhanishta, Uttara Bhadrapada Rising or an Aquarius, Libra or Cancer Rising, or have Saturn, Uranus, the Moon, or Venus aspecting your first house, you may find that you come across as the Ice Queen through the male gaze. You carry a certain reserved & detached aura upon first meeting someone. Rarely would you put all your cards on the table. There is also a certain maturity that you carry with you when you walk into a room. Men will assume “oh, this girl, she’s been through some stuff”. You may find that you are somewhat withdrawn in social situations, although people may be very drawn to you. You don’t necessarily care about being liked, but you certainly care about being respected. You come off as if you don’t tolerate any kind of messiness. Men may think you play hard to get or that you just think you’re better than the average. Whatever! You don’t care what they think. You’re too busy reading or being an intellectual (whatever that means lol…this is the male gaze we are talking about). Again, to the right egotistical man who believes he can “warm you up”, you are a welcomed and ongoing challenge. The Ice Queen is the female trope of male dissatisfaction. When a Male encounters the Ice Queen in cinema, she tend to represent a part of the male that will NEVER be pleased, content or accepted. Normally the man after this cold woman’s stone-cold heart is trying to prove his worth to the world around him, & the Ice Queen serves as the perfect trophy. If he can impress her/have her, he can impress anyone & have the World! The Ice Queen is the ultimate prize for the male protagonist w ego/self-esteem issues. Nothing humbles a man quite like a cold-hearted bitch. You may find in your dating life, Male’s feel the need to impress you for no good reason..or maybe you enjoy watching men walk on their heads for a date w you! Either way, as the Ice Queen female trope you carry a certain air about you that commands attention & respect. You carry authority over yourself & those around you. The male gaze says although your intimidating, your worth a try to shut down all the haters, even if you’re hater number 1!
Female Gaze: Needed Me- Rihanna
Male Gaze: Roses- OutKast, Cooler than Me- Mike Posner
Elvira Hancock-Scarface
Camille- The Sapranos
Lady Mae Greenleaf- Greenleaf
Elsa- Frozen
Jade- Victorious
Elekta Evangelista- Pose
Claire- House of Cards
Molly- Insecure
Lucille- Arrested Development
Betty Draper- Mad Men
Mother Shannon, House of Balenciaga- Legendary
Cersei Lannister- Game of Thrones
Dominique La Rue- Harlem Nights
Gru’s Mom- Despicable Me
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💋Femme Fatale
Nakshatras: Ashwini, Bharani, Ashlesha, Purva Bhadrapada, Shatabisha
Zodiacs: Aries, Scorpio, Cancer
Planets: Mars, Pluto
Tarot Card: Queen of Wands (Fire & Water)
“A femme fatale,sometimes called a maneater or vamp, is a stock character of a mysterious, beautiful, and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, deadly traps. She is an archetype of literature and art. Her ability to enchant, entice and hypnotize her victim with a spell was in the earliest stories seen as verging on supernatural; hence, the femme fatale today is still often described as having a power akin to an enchantress, seductress, witch, having power over men. Femmes fatales are typically villainous, or at least morally ambiguous, and always associated with a sense of mystification, and unease.”
✨The Femme Fatale is arguably the most ICONIC of the female movie tropes. A popular trope of Film Noir “movement” in the late 1940s, early 1950s, the Femme Fatale is a sexual seductress with a naughty side. Enchanting as she is dangerous, the male gaze ogles her, even though it may cost him his life— or at least his job & social standing. Medusa is one of the best representations of this trope. If a man locks eyes w her, he’s as good as dead— yet, time & time again, men tried to defeat her, only to meet a tragic end. As time progressed, the story of the woman who turns men to stone (definitely a sexual innuendo if you ask me) found new life in television & film. The Femme Fatale is a beautiful disaster just waiting to happen. She’s wild, like the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but she has a certain knack for danger and crime. She lures the male in & traps him like a spider in her web. The male is usually a little weary of the woman, but is overcome w her grace & charm, or he’s truly an unsuspecting victim who gets completely taken advantage of an entangled in whatever mess she’s made for herself. One way or the other, the male often ends up in a position of life & death after lusting after this dark & intriguing beauty. The film, Carmen Jones, starring Dorthy Dandridge, is a classic tale of a woman w loose morals who ends up (spoiler alert) dead. Unlike most of the other female tropes, the femme fatale almost always suffers consequences for her actions. She either ends up in jail, or dead, or kills her lover, or he ends up in jail, or her lover ends up dead. Tragic, I know. Again, think of Medusa…she killed everything she laid her eye on, & then ultimately had to be killed. (RIP Medusa, you were a baddie). No one gets out scotch free when dealing w this character. The femme fatale is mysterious, almost like a mythical creature or an enchantress, & the male is instantly drawn into her, whether they exchange words in a bar, or she simply flicks her cigarette & he rushes to relight it. One thing is for sure, she lives by her own rules & is bound by nothing…not the law or death itself. She’s usually a criminal minded free-spirit, manipulating her way through life to survive.
If you are an Ashwini, Bharani, Ashlesha, Purva Bhadrapada Rising Or an Aries, Scorpio, or Cancer Rising, or you have Pluto or Mars aspecting your 1H, you may come off as the femme fatale through the male gaze. Your dark, broody & secretive nature is fascinating to them, and they want to join you on a passionate journey through time & space or save you from whatever sticky situation you may have put yourself in. They want to play detective & you are the perfect case to crack. When the femme fatale enters the male’s life, she instantly posses a threat to his usually naive understanding of the world. She’s not your typical housewife— far from it. She challenges the traditional social construct of beauty & submission. Normally from a troubled/difficult past past, the femme fatale will only submit to law & death, she’s been forced to learn the ugly sides of life & uses them to her advantage. You may find that male’s tend to want to dominate you or control your direction in life in relationships, but you are REPULSED by this notion. This trope teaches men (and woman sadly), that freedom comes w a cost. Hopefully it’s not your life, but if it is, you sure make a sexy corpse!
Female Gaze: Wild side- Normani
Male Gaze: Dirty Diana -Michael Jackson
Filomena (Sophia Lauren)- Marriage Italian Style
Cat Woman- Batman
Carmen- Carmen Jones
Dr. Frank-N-Furter (played by the wonderful Lavern Cox)- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Jennifer- Jennifer’s Body
Gilda (Rita Hayworth)- Gilda
Amy Dunne- Gone Girl
Laura Biel- 365 Days
Alex Vause- Orange Is the New Black
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💋Queen Bee/Mean Girl
Nakshatras: Krittika, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Purva Ashadha
Zodiacs: Libra, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Taurus & Gemini
Planets: Venus, Mars, Sun, Mercury
Tarot Card: Princess of Swords (Earth & Fire)
“The Mean Girl trope had us all believe that the dark side to womanhood is catty, conniving competitiveness.”
The swaddle.com
“Mean girls are often overly concerned with appearance. They may place a high priority on their clothing, their make-up, and even their weight. Likewise, they may zero in on these things in others, pointing out everything from acne and weight gain to clothing choices and hairstyles.”
✨Somewhere between The Ice Queen and The Diva, there lies a sweet sour sweet CLASSIC female trope that always leaves the girls GAGGING in disbelief, like “did she just say that?!!” The Queen Bee/Mean Girl trope has her fair share of representation in film & TV, particularly in teen dramas, but she is NOT limited to high school. The Queen Bee is in charge, she knows what she wants, she knows how she likes it & she has ZERO problem letting her loyal subject know. Sometimes, she is portrayed w a deep deep deep DEEP down heart of hold, but most of the time, she’s just a straight biotch from beginning to end. You DON’T want to cross her, or you just might end-up on her ever growing hit-list. If there is one thing Ms. Mean Girl can do..it’s hold a grudge. As stated above, the Queen Bee/Mean girl trope serves the stereotype of the cattiness & competitiveness of femininity. And it is a fact that in the wild, the female animals are usually far more aggressive than their male counterparts. (Think Lion, or a Mama Bear). Boys may have their sports, but lady’s have their looks & they will secure that W come hell or high water all the way to Prom Queen.
If you are a Krittika, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Purva Ashadha Rising or Libra, Taurus, Aries, Leo or Gemini Rising, OR if you have Venus, Mars or the Sun aspecting your 1H/7H, you may come off as the typical Mean Girl Trope through the Male Gaze. You’re aloof, yet decisive about the things you truly care about— like— “Wednesdays, we wear pink”. You keep people on the tip of their toes with witty banter & effortless conversation. If they don’t know the latest trends, the current celebrity gossip or who dumped whom…well, you’re just not interested in what they have to say, so why bother? You can play the villain easily & have no problem being unliked as long as you are respected. You are a social butterfly, a socialite, if you will. You know how to make the streets talk with admiration & envy. People may be afraid that they can’t meet your standards, but good, they probably can’t. NO UGLY FRIENDS is the motto— people may think you actually hold try-outs for who is allowed to sit with you at the table. Through it all, you know how to take control & lead— this energy oozes from you as people seem to just step aside as you sashay down the halls. Always up on the latest fashion, you always come w your A-game and your enemies will NEVER catch you slipping. There is a beautiful confidence that you exude because you know you are the one and only. People may be extremely intimidated by you, but the real ones will bow at your feet.
The shadow side of this trope is the shadiness. Queen Bees/Mean girls are known for being just that—MEAN. People may assume that you are quite backstabby & mischievous. YOU, of all the movie tropes, don’t mind playing
d-i-r-t-y! People perceive you as never wanting to let go of that crown & you’ll do whatever it takes to keep the social order in tact. Think “Status-Quo” High School Musical w Sharpay, the ULTIMATE representation of this trope, screaming from the top of the cafeteria! (THIS IS NOT WHAT SHE WANTS! THIS IS NOT WHAT SHE PLANNED!!!!!) She didn’t care who she had to cut, scheme, lie, trick, plot & sabotage to make SURE Ms. Gabriella did not get the spotlight w her man, Troy. Think of the lengths you’ll go to to get what you want. You come off as spicy, cunt-y (in the best way), & beautiful. You are a glamour girl & never afraid to throw some shade here & there, making you the ultimate reigning Queen Bee!
Female Gaze: Feeling Myself- Nicki Minaj
Male Gaze: Mad at myself- Issues
Maddie- Euphoria
Regina George- Mean Girls
CoCo- Dear White People
Lulu- Pose
Toni- Girlfriends
Emma Roberts in Coven & Scream Queens
Blair- Gossip Girl
Cheryl Blossom- Riverdale
Santana- Glee (Rest in Peace)
Buttercup- Powerpuff Girls
Alison DiLaurentis- Pretty Little Liars
Sharpay- High School Musical
The Heathers
Penelope- My Dog (LOVE HER, but she’s such a Bitch—a bad one though lol)
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💋Ingenue/Damsel in Distress
Nakshatras: Mrigashirsa, Rohini, Hasta, Revati
Zodiacs: Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, Aries (All Cardinal Rising Signs) & Pisces, Taurus
Planets: Moon, Venus, Saturn
Tarot Card: Queen of Cups (Water) Libra, Aries
“The ingénue usually has the fawn-eyed innocence of a child but subtle sexual appeal as well.”
“The damsel in distress is a recurring narrative device (or trope) in which one or more men must rescue a woman who has either been kidnapped or placed in general peril. Kinship, love, or lust (or a combination of those) gives the male protagonist the motivation or compulsion to initiate the narrative. The female character herself may be competent, but still finds herself in this type of situation.”
✨The Ingenue/Damsel in Distress is one of the most recognizable female movie tropes to date. From the tales of The Greeks, to King-Kong, to Broomhilda from Djengo— there is always some damsel…somewhere…that is…in fact…in…distress. The Ingenue is a naive babe, just learning the ins & outs of life. She’s pretty, she’s unassuming & adorably doe-eyed, full of wonder for the life ahead of her— just waiting for a strong man to show her the way! The ingenue is common, but in the best way. She’s not an ice-cold bitch like the Ice Queen or the Queen Bee, but she sits more in her femininity that the Tomboy or the Diva. She’s divine & subtle and a man is always lurking around the corner, waiting to whisk her away from all the evils in the world. If this sounds like a Disney Princess, it’s because it is. Most Disney Princesses would fit into the Ingenue/Damsel in Distress character trope, but just like most of the Princesses, no matter how young & impressionable, the Ingenue is usually the one who makes a way for herself in the end.
If you are a Mrigashirsa, Rohini, Hasta, Revati Rising or a Cardinal rising (Aries, Cancer, Libra Capricorn) or Pisces, the male gaze may perceive you as the Ingenue/Damsel in Distress trope. Your beauty & grace exceed you, & your youth is ever-present. When the male sees you, they just want to protect you & hold you dear. You spark masculinity in those who are attracted to you because you come across so soft & gentle. But don’t get it twisted, you can be a little spicy! You certainly have a little sass to you, but you try not to wear it on your sleeve. You are a true darling to those who are deserving. You serve ultimate demure womanliness & you seem to glide through any room you’re in. Although your impulsiveness & naiveté may land you in some sticky situations, there’s always a lovely leading man just beyond the pines to lead you out of the darkness and into their arms (Awwwwwwwwwww). You may be the type to need help opening the pickle jar, or clumsily fall into some big strong arms— you don’t mind being on the receiving end of affection & people just swoon over you. Unlike the Door Next Door, there can still be an “unapproachability” factor to you. You’re not the girl from down the street, you’re the new girl in town; a little lost, a little curious, but always cute! You may find that men tend to underestimate you & you’re constantly trying to prove yourself. OR you can find yourself in situations where your voice tends to be over powered as you get lost in a sea of toxic masculinity! Either way, you know how to leave a room in awe. You carry just enough mystique & intrigue that male’s fight to know more about you, but yet they just feel as if you’re a naturally good person. You’re coy, but not too coy. You’re shy, but not too shy. You are the perfect “woman”. You may have a past, but your future is always bright! A hero waits around the corner for the perfect time to catch you when you fall or introduce you to a world you didn’t know existed.
As the Ingenue/Damsel in Distress, your energy is POWERFUL, almost as if you’re sexily yelling “Fire! Fire! Save me! Help me!” when you walk into the room. You know how to keep the male gaze & they will break their necks to see you eloquently walk by. Before the reign of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, you were the trope on top— the beautiful default representation of hyper-femininty in the 20s/30s/40s. You set the standards for the early starlets, they were nothing if they weren’t the lovely ingenue!
Female Gaze: Bring Me to Life- Evanessance, Pretty When I Cry- Lana Del Ray
Male Gaze: Let Me Love You- Mario
Betty Draper- Mad Men
Celie- The Color Purple
Neytiri- Avatar
Autumn- P-Valley
Daisy- The Great Gatsby
Persephone- The [Abduction] of Persephone
Irene- Drive
Angel Evangelista- Pose
Disney Princesses
Broomhilda- Django Unchained
Piper Chapman- Orange Is the New Black
Mississippi- P-Valley
Penelope- The Odyssey
Satine- Mulan Rouge
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💋Girl Next Door/Tomboy
Nakshatras: Anuradha, Uttara Ashadha, Shravana
Planets:Jupiter, Venus, Neptune
Zodiacs: Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Taurus, Libra
Tarot Card: Princess of Pentacles (Earth)
“The girl next door is usually from a small town or an un-flashy neighborhood. Her personality tends to be down-to-earth, supportive, and approachable. For both her main boy and her culture at large, the girl next door embodies an idealized, wholesome femininity.”
✨The Girl Next Door/Tomboy Trope is by far the most realistic & relatable female trope of all. She’s not flashy. She’s not mean. She’s kind & sometimes even “one of the guys”. She gives off an innocence that makes her irresistible to the male gaze because she’s just so darn cool. She’s “not like the other girls”. Although she may prefer a comfy t-shirt & jeans, she’s comfortable in her femininity. She doesn’t try to compete with other woman— even though other woman my try & compete with her. Why? Because she’s usually the girl surrounded by all the guys— not because she flaunts her beauty, but rather because she’s not stuck on herself. She challenges the status quo demonstrating that sexy can be fun, sexy can be sweet & sexy can be “normal”. Zendaya is arguably the IT girl of a generation & she usually plays this type of character. She comes across as someone you can sip cool-aid with after she beats you in a round of basketball! For some, that’s sexier than Marilyn Monroe herself! This is the All-American (no matter the race) beauty that only lives a few doors down. This trope is most likely to be in the “friend-zone”, until one day the male realizes…”OH MY GOSH! SHE HAS BOOBS!”
If you are an Anuradha, Uttara Ashadha, Shravana Rising OR a Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Taurus, Libra Rising, you could come off as the Girl Next Door/Tomboy female trope. You’re approachable & not stuck on yourself & that makes you highly desirable through the male gaze. You’re simple & non-demanding like some of your other female counterparts and this makes you a breath of fresh air in a Kardashian fueled instagram dystopia. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you know how to clean up nicely! When it’s times for you to put on a skirt & heels, you knock ‘em dead. You’re stunning! But you’d much rather lead with personality than looks. You have an effortlessness about you that can’t be obtained by just anyone. At times you may feel a bit awkward about your sexuality, but again, through the right male’s gaze, this is SUCH a turn on. This is an extremely powerful trope because you are realistic. You may have big dreams, but you feel like you come from humble beginnings. You’re authentic to yourself, not to Chanel & Gucci. Sometimes, you may feel overlooked & one-up’d by the “popular girl”, but there is ALWAYS someone who thinks you are the most beautiful girl in the room because you light up the room like no body else & don’t get me started on the way you flip your hair & how it gets the boys overwhelmed. You don’t know you’re beautiful…and that’s….that’s what makes you so beautiful. How lovely!
If you are the Girl Next Door Trope, you don’t have to worry about putting on a show to impress the boysies around you. Just continue to be you’re cool & down to Earth self. Even though it seems like we live in Shallow Land, where everything is based on superficial looks & flawless instagram selfies, you’re super special because you don’t give in. Don’t conform & don’t rush to be the “it” girl. You don’t need the BBL & the thick lashes. (NOTHING IS WRONG W THIS!!! NOTHING~~~) Your natural beauty is more than enough through the Male Gaze!
Female Gaze: All You Wanted- Michelle branch
Male Gaze: Hey There Delilah- The Plain White Tees
*sorry I couldn’t link it! Ran out of space!
MJ (Zendaya)- Spider-Man
Zoe- Grownish
Monica- Love & Basketball
Bella- Twilight
Justice-Poetic Justice
Peggy- Mad Men
Moeisha- Moeisha
Betty Cooper- Riverdale
Blanca Rodriguez- Pose
Apollonia- Purple Reign
Danielle- The Girl Next Door
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💋Diva/Boss Bitch
Nakshatras: Pushya, Magha, Uttara Phalguni
Planets: Sun, Saturn, Mars
Zodiacs: Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius (All Fixed Rising Signs) & Sagittarius, Capricorn
Tarot Card: Queen of Pentacles (Earth & Water)
“The strong, dark, beautiful woman. She's often a go-getter, chasing stardom, wealth, or just recognition for her talents. If she becomes an Idol, she's not constrained by the pressures of always appearing youthful, innocent, and approachable.
Part of her allure is instead her maturity, either in personality or in sexuality. When she walks in the room she not only turns heads, but she demands respect and won't hesitate to set you straight if she doesn't get it.”
✨The Diva/Boss Bitch Female trope is THEE BADDEST BITCH. She’s worked hard to get where she is & she isn’t going to let some MAN come along and knock her off her thrown. This female trope demands a certain level of respect when she walks into the room— all heads turn because they know she’s the boss, just waiting to give quick & sharp directions. Usually fashionable, because she can AFFORD it (hello!), she knows how to command in any setting while looks good. A trend setter! She may be one of the most intimidating of the female tropes through the Male Gaze, on par with the Ice Queen, because the Diva carries a certain masculine energy. She usually is running things & bossing men around herself. She doesn’t let her sex get in the way of her ambition & talent. This character trope is not afraid to speak her mind because she knows she has just as much right to a seat at the table as anyone. She’s hard to impress & won’t settle for anything less than perfect. Mediocrity will NOT FLY with the Diva. She expects & she will have the best.
If you are a Pushya, Magha, Uttara Phalguni Rising or a Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, Sagittarius, or Capricorn Rising, you may come off as the Diva/Boss Bitch female character trope. You seem to prioritize work, success & your ambition over friendships & relationships. You force the males who gaze upon you to reevaluate their own status & merit in the world. They know you can’t be easily swayed & have to step to you with their best foot forward. Usually depicted as an insatiable boss, men may feel you’re an insatiable lover— demanding & hard to please…whatever, this doesn’t stop you! You know what you want & if they don’t get it for you, you’ll get it your damn self. You come off as self-assured & somewhat egotistical. You’re proud of your work & you expect to be treated like the BOSS that you are. If someone has a problem with that, well then, they can just get in line! Olivia Pope in Scandal is a great example of this trope in action. First, she has a J.O.B. & she’s DAMN good at it. The best, even. Her sex appeal through the male gaze is due to her wits & her competence. Like you, as soon as she walks into the room, people know it’s business time.
If you are the Diva/Boss Bitch Trope, don’t let ANYONE discredit your hustle—not another woman, not a man…NO ONE! You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and it shows because of the way you carry yourself. You can be one of the classiest tropes of all & that’s more impressive than you could ever know. Your beauty lies in the fact that you are sophistication personified. Your intrigue lies in the fact of your rarity! Not every woman is as ambitious or as capable as you are. You make men shiver when they lay eyes on you because you have an aura that screams “STEP YOUR GAME UP OR GET TO STEPPING!” Never try to dim who you are. You’re bossy & you’re the bitch they all LOVE to hate! Let them! You’d probably hate you too if you weren’t you because you are just too fly to handle! Confidence oozes from your pores because you know your stuff. Although it’s lonely at the top, you enjoy the view of downtown from your corner office! It’s hard to compete where others don’t compare Ms. Diva! Own it!
Female Gaze: Flawless- Beyoncé
Male Gaze: Ms. Independent- Ne-yo
*sorry I couldn’t link it! Ran out of space!
Olivia Pope- Scandal
Blossom- Powerpuff Girls
Miranda Priestly— Devil Wears
Annalise Keeting- How To Get Away With Murder
Sylvie- Emily in Paris
Jaqueline- Boomerang
Shug Avery- The Color Purple
Cookie- Empire
Mercedes- P-Valley
Matron “Mama” Morton- Chicago
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astrobiscuits · 11 months
Asteroids you should check out in Solar Return chart part 1
Hii, i'm backk all :3
Before i start today's post, i'd like to thank each and everyone one of you who engaged with my last post! Your support means the world to me <33
I was really shy to start posting and i postponed it for a long time lol
Anyway, back to astro business🪐
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(The first asteroid observation is inspired by one of @a-d-nox post's)
🌹 Asteroids Orpheus (3361) and Eurydike (75) indicate the year you’re gonna get engaged or married.
If the aspect is positive (trine, sextile) then it indicates marrying one of your greatest loves, but it will eventually end in divorce. If the aspect is negative (opposite, square) then the marriage is doomed from the beginning and it will still end up in divorce. The girls (for some reason i noticed it's only relevant in your chart if you're a female? idk why tho) who don’t have an exact aspect (0-3 degree orb) between these 2 asteroids in any year in their solar return chart may still get married, but it won’t be a passionate love marriage and it’s much more likely for it to last a long time.
(For the next asteroids, check if they aspect SR Sun, Moon, ASC, DSC, IC, MC, Venus, Mars or Mercury)
⚰️ Having asteroid Grieve (4451) prominent in solar return chart indicates a year when someone important to you will die.
It gives you information about the way you process this person’s death. It may also indicate just a great loss, even if the person hasn’t died in the physical realm (for ex. a difficult break-up).
Story time! (nobody asked me lol)
Back in 2021 i used to talk with this guy online, we were in a "long-distance relationship" even if soon after i realised i just got attached to him strongly and i didn't actually have romantic feelings for him. It lasted around 5 months which is a lot for me (i've got Sagittarius Venus y'all, i'm noncommittal af). Even if i've been wanting for the relationship to end for a long time, when it actually ended, i had a very hard time moving on from him. Turns out i had Grieve conjunct my Sun in 3rd house that year, which was also opposing my 9th house Uranus. I'm honestly glad i'm over it now.
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⭐ I noticed nobody has been mentioning this asteroid yet, but having Zdislava (5275) proeminent in solar return chart is a big indicator of becoming famous that year.
Zdislava is a Czech girl name which literally translates to "created with glory". It is the feminine form of Zdislav, which was duke of Croatia in the late 9th century.
⭐ Of course, you can also check asteroid Fama (408) which is, well, self-explanatory.
Having Zdislava/Fama asteroid conjuncting your SR Mars would make you gain fame suddenly, basically wake up the next day famous lulz. You might also be known for your drive, never giving up attitude or you might become popular in the sport industry that year (it does depend on the sign it is in tho).
Having Zdislava/Fama asteroid conjuncting your SR Venus would make you famous for your looks. You will attract the attention of the opposite sex quite easily that year. You might also become famous in the fashion industry or in the arts.
That's all for today folks!! Soon i will start to give paid readings, so follow me if you don't wanna miss it <3
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diaryof-apisces · 4 months
Inner planets can be categorised in 2 ways : instinctual (moon/mars) and intentional (sun/venus) or unconscious and conscious.
The expression of a sign will vary based on which type of planet we’re observing. The instinctual planets are more prone to embodying the darker, more destructive aspects of a sign because without exposure to external limitations, they spiral downwards. Catch my drift? Being unconscious, the expression of energy is not ‘thought’ about but rather acted upon ‘instinctually’ to reach the furthest goal of whatever sign it’s occupying. Conversely, the conscious/intentional planets are aware of external limitations, because their energy is directed outward and consciously measure their actions and behaviour, so are less likely to go into extremes.
For example, with the template of pisces and it’s tendancy towards addiction/having a lack of boundaries, I’ve noticed this trend being more severe in people with instinctual pisces placements (so mars/moon), rather than intentional ones. Here we see schizophrenics and people with bpd, severe drug addicts, sex addicts. The conscious types are more of the ‘manic pixie dream’ girl archetype, the energy is more tolerable because it measures itself against the outside world and is thus more ‘consciously aware’ of its own limitations. It might go to pisces extremes, as the sign is likely to do, but has the capacity to reel itself back. A capacity that the instinctual planets struggle to build, with their energy being ‘uncontrollable and untamable’ by outside forces. In instinctual positions, the planet will go to the extreme of that sign with little to no moderation, to accomplish whatever that sign would naturally want, according to the planet’s energy. For example : a pisces mars will constantly dive face first into uncomfortable situations where their boundaries are tested, into drugs, into sexual addictions etc. without taking time to reflect on why or understand their behaviour. It will be as automatic as breathing. You might not even be aware of your unconscious planet’s shadow, with how innate and invisible it is, compared to the obvious flaws you attribute to your sun or venus. Or if you are, you wouldn’t know how to change your behaviour. The pisces mars will be more likely to have extreme/forbidden sexual perversions because the intensity of pisces in an unconscious planet is instinctually destroying all their mental/moral barriers, and they’re helpless to the process.
Pros of Instinctual Planets : With no limitation, you can reach the greatest depth. This is the source of your most profound artistry and wisdom. Use it wisely. Connecting with people you share conscious synastry with, so someone who has your unconscious planet sign in a conscious planet (your moon conjunct their venus, ex), will help you untangle unhealthy mechanisms you have. And you will help them go deeper into their psyche, behind the surface level, into the messy shadow. Synastry between same-gendered planets is preffered for greater chemistry and ease (moon/venus, mars/sun).
Hope this was enlightening. What are your thoughts/experiences with instinctual vs intentional planets? This is a new theory I’ve created based on my observation of different charts and signs in different planets.
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libbee · 1 year
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Last update: 13/2/2023
Taurus ascendant/ 2nd house/ Taurus sun/moon/venus/mercury placements
Aries ascendant/ 1st house/ Aries sun/moon/mercury/venus placements
Astro observations (October 2022: part 2)
Astro observations (October 2022: part 1)
astro notes about air signs
astro notes about 8th house placements
11th house placements/Aquarius placements
venus in 8th house observations
emotional people/Scorpio/cancer/pisces/4th/8th/12th house placements
men with moon in 3rd house
many people in one body
scorpio rising/sun/moon: i am my own worst enemy
gemini/libra/moon in 3rd house: tone down the mind games
My astrology observations Part 1 (Feb 2023)
sun in 1st/7th/8th/12th; venus in 8th/12th; venus in scorpio, sun in pisces
Surviving rock bottom
What is seen cannot be unseen.
Scorpio/8th house dominant/stellium: Social circle.
Descending into the unconscious
What is fate?
8th house placement observations
venus in 8th house & relationship trauma
navigating psychosis
personality development for 8th housers
venus in 8th house predictions
venus in 8th house: what does love do to you?
venus in 8th house ladies advice
transformation of venus in 8th house
the world is not a wonderful place
friendly advice for 8th houser
innocence of 8th houser/scorpio
secret life of 8th housers
friendly advice for 8th houser/scorpio
what might 8th housers have to deal with?
Venus in 8th house: why do they turn ice cold?
how do 8th housers transform?
life advice for moon in 8th house
moon in 8th house mom: what you see is not what you get
calm down scorpios
weakness of 8th house/scorpio
hobbies for 8th housers
my 8th house transformation notes
rising like the phoenix
thoughts on 7th house placements
7th-8th house vedic astro relationship nexus
Safety first: protection against manipulators.
It is almost impossible to know how others perceive you.
"I am so bad at judging people".
learning to handle life.
trust your perception. No matter what.
power of validation
projection and astrology
Understanding 8th house with Jungian psychology!
Falling in love as a water dominant native
astro and babadook movie
metamorphosis and astro
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
To, Mr. Darcy
a little prince quotes for signs
For more: this is my master list page
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1dastroficfest · 7 months
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Round 2 is officially finished! Thank you to all our amazing authors and everyone who's supported them! It's been a pleasure to bring the astro fest back for another round, not only to explore different parts of all the wonderful mystics in the world, also to see how people interpret them differently. We learned so much in just a few months and we hope this is a collective feeling. Thank you thank you thank you. We intend to do a round 3 next year, again with different themes. Stay tuned, the sun travels fast through the signs.
Under the cut are all our round 2 fics, please check them out! 🌙🪐☀️
Lullaby Garden by rockstarlwt28 / @rockstarlwt28 Harry/Louis, 29k, prompt: the Moon Tarot reader Louis Tomlinson and fortune teller Harry Styles, better known as the Tomlinson's, are the proud owners of a children's home, Lullaby Garden; in the heart of the hilly town of Scarborough. With eight children to keep them on their toes, the pair aren't short of good-hearted family fun.
I Don't Have A Choice (But I'd Still Choose You) by Wishingforloushair / @wishingforloushair Harry/Louis, 31k, prompt: Pluto Louis Tomlinson is the captain of The Dagger, a pirate ship so wicked his reputation as the Spectre precedes him into every quay, dock, and tavern. When a mysterious package arrives for him seemingly giving him the last pieces of the puzzle to find the treasure of the mythical Nymphaea Islands, he sets the ship on a course to find riches that amount to more than the grains of sand on every beach. The men discover a stowaway on the ship, and to Louis' utter shock the man is Lord Styles, the man who broke Louis' heart years earlier and drove him out to sea in the first place. Loyalties are tested as the past comes back to haunt Louis in a way he couldn't imagine.
we don't fight fair by HelloLovers13 / @hellolovers13 Harry/Louis, 2k, prompt: Mars “What, you think I'll just roll over for you now?” The smirk on Louis’ face was almost devilish. “Yes,” He breathed against Harry’s lips, cocky and sure, like it was a fact of life. It sent all kinds of shivers through Harry. God, but he wanted to. Wanted Louis to have him right against this wall, let everyone see how he fell apart under him. But not tonight. Harry fixed his posture, standing up straighter and trying to get himself under control. “I don't think so, omega.” Or: Nothing like a little chase to start off Louis' heat.
Catching A Partner by berzerkshires / @berzerkshires Harry/Louis, 24k, prompt: Uranus This documentary follows the story of two people who fell in love in the last place you'd expect. Louis is a detective at the Boston Police Department investigating a trail of recent murders. Harry is the latest victim who survived an attempted murder and is sent to live at a safe house with Detective Tomlinson as the killer is still at large. This is their story.
It's Only Sunny Cause The Planet's Dying by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 Harry/Louis, 13k, prompt: Sappho The man leans back in his chair and looks down at the tarot cards in front of him. “Wow, that was really impressive. How long did it take you to memorize all this bullshit?” He raises a brow and that challenging look is back on his face, but he’s not even bothering to mask it this time. It makes Louis’ blood run cold. “I beg your pardon?” The man chuckles, but there’s no humor in it. “If you take a peek in my wallet that you just stole, you’ll see there’s a detective’s badge in there. Why don’t you come on down to the police station with me and you can explain your methods to me there?” (Or the one where Louis is a thief and a con-artist who’s used to getting what he wants, using any means necessary. And Harry is is the straight-laced detective who might just be tired of always doing the right thing).
a little party never hurt no one by Kikiberoski16 / @larrysballetslippers Harry/Louis, 3k, prompt: Eros “I did! But now you only want them to be your personal toys. So you get more men to touch you!” Louis pointed at Vang, the one who always wanted to be close to Harry. Harry threw his arms up. “Maybe because I do enjoy their attention, Louis! Maybe I like having them around.” “If you like their attention so much, maybe they should replace me completely.” Or, Louis wouldn't call himself a possessive boyfriend, but can't stand it when the mates touch Harry.
The Heart's Home by homosociallyyours / @homosociallyyours Harry/Louis, 10k, prompt: Chiron Louis is alone in the world, working long hours at a restaurant job that barely pays his bills, when he's roped into helping his bosses with a scheme. All he has to do is guard the special catch they've brought in, the one that they expect will bring them unbelievable wealth. But there's a problem: the creature they've caught is definitely half human, with the heart and soul of a human and the voice of an angel. Louis knows immediately that he can't let this mer-squid, Harry, become a wealthy person's dinner. As they spend more time together, growing ever closer, Louis realizes that he's got to find a way to get Harry back to his home-- the sea --even if the thought of losing him hurts and doing it means risking everything.
Make Me Your Aphrodite by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove Harry/Louis, Zayn/Liam, Niall/Shawn, 16k, prompt: Venus “I just – I don’t know." Harry sighs. "I go on so many dates, and they’re all just… nothing. The guys are boring, or they’re terrible in bed, or there’s just no chemistry. It’s just so frustrating. Enough to make a girl want to give up on men altogether.” “I mean, I did give up on men, like a decade ago,” Louis says, laughing. “Have you tried dating girls?” It’s meant as a joke, but Harry looks thoughtful. “Maybe I should,” she says. “I’ve considered it, but never actually tried – I mean, goodness knows it can’t be any worse than some of the guys I’ve gone out with.” Louis blinks. “Wait, do you – are you serious?” “Why not?” Harry says, pulling out her phone. “I’ll change my Tinder settings right now, look.” She taps the screen a few times, navigating through the pages. “If it doesn’t pan out, then oh well, I’ve had some nice conversations with some nice girls – not the worst thing. Maybe we can even be friends. And if it does…” She smiles. “Well. You know.”
(Gimme a Solution and) Watch Me Run With It by lululawrence / @lululawrence Harry/Louis, 21k, prompt: Vesta This second, this minute, this hour, this day... hell, this week the trend was for Harry to feel overwhelmed. He was having a hard time not drowning in all of the responsibilities he had heaped upon himself and it had exhausted him. Beyond that, really. He had gotten to the point where he didn't even remember why he used to be so focused on getting back on stage every night. Fine. Maybe this trend had been going on for even longer than a week. It might have even been months. Harry is getting dangerously close to his breaking point, and that is when things start to change, starting with a favorite childhood sweet a member of the touring crew leaves for him in his dressing room.
Daylight by ReynaLovegood2 / @reynalovegood2 Harry/Louis, 18k, prompt: the Sun The change in Harry’s behaviour was subtle for the most part, Louis decided. More eye-contact, more upright posture, and the casual ease with which he handled his words and his fingers—a lot of it could be chalked up to late-adolescence induced confidence. He was a teenager after all. Surely they were all still finding themselves and growing into amazing, mature adults with every passing day. And then school started. ~ Or Louis opened up to Harry more than usual when he's in London and it causes Harry to act different. He expects Louis be vulnerable all the time, and Louis has to choose between shutting away his best friend or letting people assume they're romantically involved.
lost in the silver sea by you_explode / @nobodymoves Harry/Louis, 42k, prompt: Echo Non-AU. From MSG 2012 to MSG 2018; or, Harry and Louis keep having their voices silenced, and they keep finding ways to speak.
Thanks again! See you next round! ✨
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inkindofmagic · 2 years
How to survive Mercury Retrograde
Astro Notes
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🪐 What is Mercury Rx
Mercury retrograde is a natural part of our cosmos, and brings us just as many gifts as troubles. Mercury is the most frequent planet to station retrograde. If we learn how to navigate these times wisely, we can create opportunities all year long for realignment and inner growth.
The first thing to understand is Mercury is not actually traveling backwards in our sky, he just appears that way.
Mercury rules our communication, including all of our technology and systems of information exchange. Mercury rules the part of us which absorbs information in an instant and transmits that information to others. When he retrogrades, the normal flow of energy is reversed. Ideas and thoughts seem to get stuck within our mind, instead of easily pouring out to others. The same thing occurs with our digital communication; e-mail servers go down, social media platforms show their bugs, and our normal systems fail to meet our expectations. It can certainty be a frustrating time. We can have a hard time speaking, writing or even creating art.
Mercury Retrograde is a time to review, recalculate, recalibrate, and return to the past. In fact, it’s the perfect time to disengage and turn within.
🪐 connect your words
Through the period of Mercury Retrograde, pause before you speak. Take a few deep breaths and collect your thoughts, especially if you feel at a lose for words.
🪐 let others speak
Watch out for taking up too much of the floor in meetings and dominating the conversation with your consciousness.
🪐 connect with nature
Things do have a habit of breaking during Mercury retrograde, especially technological systems. Go for a walk, look at the sky, or dip your feet into the ocean. Remind yourself that not everything is digital, and sometimes we need a forced break from our devices to connect with what really matters, ourselves.
🪐 read the details
You can sign contracts in Mercury Retrograde - BUT you want to read them thoroughly twice, maybe three times. Mercury retrograde has a habit of helping us miss the details. Our eyes and mind move too quickly over the words, and we don’t give ourselves enough time to process the meaning. Read things slowly, take your time with them. If you are not comfortable with the terms, allow Mercury retrograde to break the contract and start anew.
🪐 confirm plans
Double check all meeting times and travel arrangements. Flights get missed. Texts are forgotten. Emails go unread. Everyone’s plans shift, and we often see a bit of chaos. Even if you are a thousand percent certain you have the right time, still verify. Likewise, have compassion for others if they miss a meeting or run late to your lunch. Time is tricky and Mercury retrograde makes working with it even harder.
🪐 spend time with yourself
A wonderful side affect of Mercury retrograde is the increased ability to talk with yourself. Retrogrades spin the energy inward. This allows for deeper access to our heart, our intuition and our inner compass. Spend time journaling, pulling cards and exploring the inner workings of your mind. Try to start each morning listing your gratuities and affirmations for the day. This clarity will help you pace your day and avoid some of the common Mercury retrograde pitfalls.
🪐 be open to realignment
If Mercury Retrograde breaks something in your world, consider it a good thing. If energies are perfectly aligned, Mercury won’t be able to affect them. If he does wreck a few things, then they were never aligned in the first place. See this as an opportunity to build anew from the ground up.
🪐 learn flexibility
Breathe, chill out, and go with the flow. In fact, the more that you learn to roll with the punches and be flex, the more you’ll actually enjoy this time.
🪐 let go off the drama
Think of Mercury Retrograde as an opportunity to be the bigger person, own up for things that didn’t work out, and just be kind.
Make the best out of the next three weeks, slow down, enjoy nature and be open to the gifts of this Retrograde. Instead of fearing it, get excited for the chance to realign your world and the information it contains. Happy Retrograding!
Learn more about Mercury Retrograde ✨here✨
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Sources spiritualgangster.com & cosmopolitan.com
via @inkindofmagic
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I love your blog and vibe. I started to follow you shortly after joining tumblr which is like 2 years ago now and you’re still and still will be my go-to astrology blog whenever I want to learn more or just read astro notes for fun. You’re amazing and I love you, thank you for doing this and just being here. I would definitely miss you a lot if you one day decide it’s time to end with this blog. Your blog was my gate to the world of astrology and I don’t regret it. Okay, that’s all for now🤭. I really hope you have a good day/evening/night and I look forward to your future posts and observations .🪐💛
Wow, this came as such a surprise!
I really relate to the fact, because when I joined astro community I had just a few blogs about astrology that I read every day and it means now so much that I can be this to you with my blog. What an honour truly!
I will try to keep my promise and not just vanish one day from the blogosphere.
You gotta tell me your major 3s at least haha...
I feel truly grateful today <3,
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badxbabyyy · 2 months
I am Astro Titty/ Guhnehf Dhesheh Bachkhaz/Stripper Cocaine Drug Dealer and inventor of GOLD (gold backed dollar), owner and inventor of Tampa, Florida Hard Rock Casino & alllll casinos. Las Vegas is me & Fadi Malkosh's love town for each other♥️❤️❣️💌ily Elizabeth Mary Grant aka Del Rey and Sarah Mclaughlin, my babbbbyyyy best friend of france, hottest French girl alive other than me, 3rd in line of first women alive. Previous: Mistress. Fadi, orgies? (Fadi Wai Malkosh is only who I'm ever talking to when I say, breathe, or gasp FADDIIIIIII. Fadi baby, we're Gods now, let's be monsters too. ily we're married💍🪐🪙💛🩶Fadi poops honey and u all eat it? can I eat it butt Fadi? I wanna lick ur butt, lolllll teehee ilyyyyyyyyyyyy❤️♥️❣️🫀💋🩸🎩🖤🕶️👓🕴🏼🐍🐍🐍🐍⚕️⚕️🥰
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Benjamin Netanhayu was our family friend Fadi Wai Malkosh, as children, we have Israeli ancestors and blood too, I told the world through walls & buildings & shit that you were a Jew too, as am I, Israeli (a) Goddess, Gahlia Lahav, your last name is Lahav as an Israeli Jew soldier of Prime Minister of ISRAEL, most scariest country on earth.
Advice to my Second Father, Benjamin Netanhayu, hottest man on earth, aside from Fadi Wai Malkosh, gold magician: United with the Saudi Arabian King (Real Name hidden so he doesn't, as Royals we're getting rid of Decoys: you have your I.D. card back. I invented all ID's and the entire concept of an I.D.
I'm broken not poor, Adib Rachad Bachkhaz's real full birth daughter,
GLADIATOR GUHNEHF DHESHEH BACHKHAZ, Queen of France Cherry Marmont I, aka Raspberry MARMONT and Blueberry SALVATORE, prince of Italy, and KING OF ITALY (FADI WAI MALKOSH) Sour Apple's SALVATORE'S wife. 🍒🍏🩸🫐
I'm pregnant and birthing myself and Fadi Wai Malkosh as ourselves blood clotty distorted snotty ugly little BEAUTIFUL holy sweet purE ourrrrr evilllll evol L-O-V-E children. My true anger at woman is I LOVE PROTECT AND DEFEND MY MEN (side bitches). And Aicheh Nafun Bachkhaz, my birth sister, molested me as a kid. Fadi Wai Malkosh was molested by Yan Malkosh, evil distorted jealous creature freak old man puppet faggot homosexual creepy old geezard COMMUNIST would let himself be broke, homeless, and starving YAN MALKOSH fake Circassian Arab faggot still grudging why Fadi Wai Malkosh won JORDAN, but doesn't want it because it's a dirty shit town 3rd world country with tents (ARMY), how are you innocent or oure you fake faggot, you MOLESTED AND SEXUALLY TOUCHED A LITTLE BOY who was drowning in yoir guidance. Fuck their guidance Fadi (Wai Malkosh) They are mini shit gross garbage versions of you. We all follow and love you, the evil children. Xxxxxxo I healed you from molestation and you healed me from molestation so forget it, but murder and break Yan Malkosh's neck ome day in war. Or shoot him or whatever, what weapons do we have in war #scared of armies
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meafortuna · 1 year
Mambo number 5. 😁 Take what resonates and enjoy it! 🫶
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• I have never met a stronger person than one with Sun square Saturn/Pluto. There is nothing that this individual cannot overcome and trust me in their life it’s always something that they have to deal with. All of their life is full with challenges and obstacles that are really hard to handle, but these people… ❤️ They have to fight with something or someone all the time, there is no chance for rest. And the saddest thing is they don’t even realise how strong are they, instead of that they always criticise and underestimate themselves and never let themselves to doing what they want. Most of times this aspect has something to deal with problematic male figures in the life of the person. Sometimes can be a father, but i have noticed more often it’s about spouse/partner. They just attract abusive people who try to control them, because of their lack of self esteem. Incredible inner strength and I admire them. Hats off! 👏
• Venus in 5th house and their love for children. 🚸 I mean if i have to pick a teacher for my child it will be someone with this placement. The way they communicate with kids is so unpretended, they can make the child to feel like they are equal. They just have that joyful and childish personality, which perfectly match with the energy of the kids. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they want kids (especially if it’s in the sign of ♒️ ♍️ ♑️ ♈️), let’s not forget that 5th house it’s also about what are the things that brings joy to us. Venus in this house can sometimes indulge too much in the pleasures of life and not want to take responsibilities like children. 🍬
• If you searching for a long lasting friendship, you should look for someone with Saturn in 11th house. These people have only a few friends, and most of them are from their early years. They look at a friendships as a responsibilities, so they will put much effort in you, but once they see you don’t do the same, they will cut you out of their life. Their group of friends often is small, because deep down they are insecure and don’t think they fit with anyone, or just because of their high expextations. Often times their friends are older then them. The bad news are the access to that circle of close friends it’s not that easy to get. So if you are already in there, stay there, these guys will be, no matter what, always there for you. 👫 * There is one quote that reminds me of Saturn in 11th house - “Friendship’s serious. Maybe more than love.” 🪐
• I found it funny how Moon in 1st house thinks they are good with hiding their emotions.🙈 Yes, they can control them or suppress them, they even won’t say if anything is wrong, because they don’t want to bother you with their problems, but their facial expressions will scream everything that’s inside of them. Except they wear their heart on their sleeve, their mood is entirely subject to how their environment reacts to them. People pleasers who need to stand for themselves more often. And also, stop using other people's problems to forget your own, that’s not good coping mechanism, ok? This applies to all Moon signs, doesn’t matter if is in ♑️ or ♏️, which are generally more secretive and private. *Sometimes if they suppress something that upsets them, their facial skin may get irritated. 🌗
• Mars in 8th house and their s*xual desire 24/7?! What’s that? 😅 Yes, they are pretty good when it comes to that part, but does anyone else have noticed how they can stand without having s*x for a really long time. ♾️ 8th house also represent taboos, and Mars in here can feel some sort of restrictions when it comes to s*x. Especially if Mars aspecting Moon or in Cancer, will seek emotional connection first, or their s*xuality strongly will depend on what’s going on in their inner world. They are not that type who just sit there and think “hm, i feel down today, i should have some s*x”, no quite the opposite. Just because this is Mars, doesn’t mean these people are only primal creatures. In this house Mars will crave for deep intimacy with their partner, there must be passion, something sacred, otherwise they don’t want it. ❤️‍🔥
• Mercury in Aries it’s the most blunt and energetic sign. Did they ever sit when they talk about something that it’s important for them? Sometimes it’s hard to listen to them, because they use all of their body in the conversation - hands, legs, head and I don’t know do i have to listen or watch them?! 🤸‍♂️But on the other hand if they are not interested in the topic of the talk, they won’t even look at you, while you explain something, they just don’t care to listen. And I guess because of their energetic nature, they also learning new things faster than the others. 🐏
• I think Mercury in 7th house is the planet that want relationship more than others. When it comes to seventh house people would say that Venus or Moon represent the most our desire for relationship, but i would say that will be Mercury. Mercury it’s about what are our thoughts, how we learn, what kind of themes we like to talk about, how we think, how communicate… do you get my point? 🗣️ Natives with Mercury in this house are the one who truly desires for relationships with another people, not only because they need to communicate with others, but because that will put their mind at ease. Think about it - if something it’s on your mind daily, than isn't this thing of primary importance to you? Yes, Mercury here also represents that the individual will seek someone who is intelligent or communication will be really important for them in one relationship. 🔭
• I hate saying things that have been said hundreds of times, but Cancers are so damn manipulative and use your weakest spot to hurt you, especially women. 👩🏻‍🦰 What’s wrong with them? They are not over emotional, they just pretend to be like that so can make you do whatever they want. I have seen many, many Cancers that have such a narcissistic behaviour. I still love them, but I can’t justify that sh*t. ♋️
~meafortuna 💙
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sensualnoiree · 28 days
astro notes: saturn's energy 🪐
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Saturn's association with lead is deeply symbolic. Lead is the metal that represents the prima materia, the primary material or first matter that is the starting point of the alchemical process. The prima materia is often depicted as chaotic, formless, and impure, symbolizing the unrefined state of both the soul and the material world.
Lead's qualities of density and heaviness reflect the weightiness of this initial stage of alchemical work. It signifies the darkness and inertia that must be overcome in order to progress toward the goal of spiritual or material transformation. Lead is seen as the base or foundation upon which the alchemical work is built, much like Saturn's influence is foundational in shaping our understanding of limitation, structure, and discipline.
Saturn's association with time highlights its role as a marker of the passage of time and the limitations it imposes on mortal life. Saturn's energy is often seen as a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of making the most of our time on Earth.
Aging is another key theme associated with Saturn, reflecting its role in the process of maturation and growth. Saturn's influence teaches us the value of experience and wisdom that come with age, as well as the acceptance of the changes that come with the passing of time.
Saturn's association with the cycles of life and death reflects its role in the process of transformation and renewal. Saturn represents the process of dissolution and decay that is necessary for new growth to occur. This process is often challenging and painful, but it is essential for personal and spiritual growth.
Saturn's energy teaches us the importance of patience, perseverance, and the understanding that all things have their time and place in the grand scheme of the universe. Saturn's influence reminds us that change is inevitable and that we must learn to accept and embrace it in order to grow and evolve.
Saturn's association with earth signifies its qualities of stability, endurance, and resilience. Like the element of earth, Saturn's energy is slow-moving and enduring, emphasizing the importance of patience and persistence in achieving our goals. Saturn's influence is about building a solid foundation for the future, ensuring that our efforts are well-grounded and long-lasting.
In astrology, Saturn is often associated with discipline, responsibility, and hard work. These qualities are reflective of the earth element's ability to provide structure and form. Saturn's influence is said to bring a sense of order to our lives, helping us to organize our thoughts and actions in a way that leads to tangible results in the material world.
In Capricorn, Saturn is in its domicile or home sign, which means its influence is particularly strong and pronounced. Capricorn is an earth sign, emphasizing Saturn's qualities of stability, discipline, and practicality. Individuals with strong Capricorn or Saturn placements in their charts are often hardworking, ambitious, and reliable. They are skilled at long-term planning and have a strong sense of responsibility and duty.
Capricorn's association with Saturn also reflects its connection to the concept of time and aging. Capricorn individuals are often wise beyond their years, displaying a maturity and seriousness that is characteristic of Saturn's influence. They are often seen as natural leaders and authority figures, capable of guiding others with their wisdom and experience.
In Aquarius, Saturn's energy is expressed in a more unconventional and humanitarian way. Aquarius is an air sign, emphasizing Saturn's mental and intellectual qualities. Aquarius individuals are often progressive, innovative, and forward-thinking, seeking to bring about positive change in the world.
Aquarius is also associated with Saturn's role as a teacher and mentor. Aquarius individuals are often drawn to teaching and mentoring others, using their knowledge and experience to help others grow and evolve. They are often seen as visionaries, capable of seeing the bigger picture and inspiring others to think outside the box.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree 🤸🏿‍♀️
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ahesitantapproach · 6 months
Welcome to A Hesitant Approach, my story WIP
About me:
My name is Parker
I am 18
I use she/he pronouns
Character Tags: [intros are linked in their names]
Elaine Val’Taya: #Elaine🍋
Spencer Vessard: #Spencer🪴
Conrad: #Conrad📚
Astro Cardairral: #Astro🪐
Important Post links:
General World Info
Alignments Explained
Other tags:
Character Introductions: #AHAintros
Question and Answer: #AHAqna
Lore posts: #AHAloreposting
My instagram is eldee.arts ! Follow me there !
Please please please ask me questions!!! Anything you see that is interesting to you!! Ask about it!!
My DMs are open if you ever want to chat or be mutuals ✨
[This will be edited as I add characters, add tags, etc.]
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laurafruitfairy · 2 years
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NEW MOON IN GEMINI ♊️ today, 1:30pm Berlin time 🌚 What it means: The new moon marks the beginning of a new moon cycle. As the ruler of our inner world, the moon invites us to set intentions, redefine our goals and think about our dreams in life. 💭 Gemini topics are communication, education & networking. This new moon brings fresh ideas & perspectives, mental focus and the brain power to process & reflect on what happened in our lives recently. Questions to ask yourself today: • Am I tend to feel or think more? • How mindfully do I speak to myself? • What do I nourish my spirit? • What new steps or projects do I want to tackle the next few days? ___ Wir bekommen heute frischen Wind & Leichtigkeit durch das Luftzeichen Zwillinge. Perfekt zum Intentionen & Ziele setzen! ✍🏻✨ Heute Abend um 20:30 Uhr gehe ich live. Freue mich auf das Journaling & den Austausch mit euch. Es wird auch wieder ein umfassendes Astro-Update geben. Bis später!🪐💫🌙 (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeLBuT8MtNZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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