#at least not while they're in it; (and that it serves as a coping mechanism then and afterwards - if it's not that bad; it can't hurt me)
h-worksrambles · 8 months
James' interactions with Eddie are something I've found myself thinking about a lot since finishing Silent Hill 2. Pretty much every character in the game serves double duty as being fleshed out as individuals, while also serving as a commentary on some facet of James as a character. Maria is the most obvious, but you also have Angela's self loathing and suicidal ideation, which reflects James' own self flagellation through Pyramid Head. Laura echoes many of the regrets James himself feels about his distance and possible neglect of Mary before she died, and throws those thoughts back in his face out of her own anger. By that same logic, I'd argue Eddie is a means for James to confront his denial as well as his capacity for violence.
Eddie comes to Silent Hill on the run after lashing out against those who bullied him since childhood. After being mocked for years due to his appearance and weight, he shoots both his bully, and the bully's dog, and so ends up coming to the town. Like James and Angela, he too committed a crime of passion (assuming Angela did indeed kill her abusive dad as is implied), and all three are trying to come to terms with what they did. Unlike Angela, who knows what she did and has been conditioned by her abuse to blame herself, Eddie is closer to James, seeming to actively deny what he has done. Or at least only sometimes. It's not entirely clear (and I invite anyone to correct me if I'm minsinterpreting) but Eddie seems to experience multiple personalities. He flips between being more aware of his surroundings and past, and more out of it and unaware. Sometimes he's gleefully boasting about how the people he's killed had it coming. Sometimes he's sat eating pizza like he isn't even aware what kind of place he's in. And we see this flip when James confronts Eddie in Toulca Prison, finding him standing over another body. At first he revels in his kill, and rationalises it, before seeming to flip, and attempt to feign ignorance, as if the prior conversation never happened. For all his bravado, I'd imagine the blood on his hands is extremely traumatic, just as it is for James, and this is likely a psychological coping mechanism. With his false memories repressing his past actions and allowing him to deny it, Eddie mirrors James in that respect. As well as how they're both mild mannered people but who are capable of acts of terrible violence when pushed far enough.
What really stands out to me is that every encounter with Eddie is done in a way that allows James to claim the moral high-ground. When James finds Eddie vommiting in the apartment bathroom, he expresses concern. When Laura runs off from the bowling alley, James berates Eddie for not showing more concern for her safety (giving us one of the most iconic meme lines in the series). And most blatantly, James is horrified when he finds Eddie, having just shot somebody dead. Most tellingly he says "You can't just kill someone just because of the way they looked at you!" And yet, isn't that precisely what James did? He killed Mary because of the exhaustion of caring for her in the late stages of her illness. Because of the way she spoke to him. The way she looked at him. James spends all his interactions with Eddie trying to convince himself that he's a good person. A better person than Eddie. But the more he encounters Eddie, the more Eddie becomes a mirror to him. He definitely has his own struggles as a character and makes a very prescient point about what happens when people are constantly rejected, mocked and socially isolated by society, convinced that they are unlovable (in some ways, Silent Hill 2 was making some very relevant points about incel culture in 2001). But he's also a means for James to confront the parts of himself he doesn't like. His frustration, self-loathing, denial and violent streak. When Eddie tells James that they're the same, that they were both called by the town for a reason...he's right.
And ultimately, for all of James' posturing, all his denial, all his attempts to be the moral voice of reason, James still ultimately ends standing over Eddie's corpse.
Once again, he's killed another person. And confronting that side of himself one of the last things he does before arriving at the Lakeview Hotel and being forced to fully accept the truth...
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beehawk4 · 10 months
I sometimes think about N Corp Meursault and how he uses K Corp healing technology despite that going directly against his dogma of the only acceptable body being a “pure”, human one, with no alterations.
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Although his mask covers the tubing from his fellow Hammers, Faust (as The One Who Grips) is fully aware of it, and in fact was the person to give him the mask in the first place specifically for covering the tubes.
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This firstly serves as a metaphor for hypocrisy in indoctrination, i.e. slaughtering those with prosthetics or mechanical alterations while bearing the same devices yourself. Also doublethink, since Faust accepts both "truths" of "All prosthetic-users or anyone that alters their human body with devices are heretics and should die" and "Meursault is allowed to use a K Corp lifeblood device" simultaneously, despite the obvious contradiction. She's even aware of the contradiction, since she gave him a mask specifically so the other Nails and Hammers wouldn't find out about it.
With this in mind, I think if Meursault and Faust knew that Dante's "mask" was their actual head and they was a prosthetic user, they wouldn't give a fuck. Dante's time-rewind abilities are effectively the same in usage as Meursault's lifeblood, and they've been aiding them by keeping them alive and mending their wounds. So they'd let Dante's heresy slide, since they're helping Nagel Und Hammer and forwarding their cause (to them, at least). They might not follow the same doctrine or be an official member, but they're an invaluable partner to work with.
Also, I feel like Faust already knows that it's not a mask -- she just doesn't say anything about it to Meursault or Dante. I don't really have any evidence for this, but two of the lines she has makes me think about it. (Second one is said when she's viewed in battle)
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(Maybe the "confession" is referring to Dante's head not being a mask?)
Don Quixote would definitely immediately attack Dante if she found out. Sinclair would be mixed even if he did try to kill Dante as well, partly because he's just fucked up with the whole "I'm trying to cope with having to commit atrocities and faking my pleasure in them" and also because of Dante being one of their confidants that turned out to be a prosthetic-user (so feelings of betrayal and reluctance would be felt).
Heathcliff would maybe try to hide the fact that he knows? Or if he can't, he'd fight Dante but only in a "gotta do my job" way.
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sarahshoots1st · 1 year
When Samira was first released, it didn't take long for people to compare her to Miss Fortune. Both are bounty hunters with a Devil-May-Cry aesthetic, gunslingers that scream "I'm going to shoot you and look sexy doing it". Samira in many ways felt like a modernized MF, a run-and-gun crit ADC with insane wombo-combo potential, yet decked out with the tools necessary to survive a decade's worth of power creep.
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It took all of 5 seconds for people to ship them together.
On paper, the ship just *works*. Sarah's perpetually flirtatious nature is an invitation to dance that the thrill-seeking Samira simply can't resist. Sarah/Samira works for the same reason as MF/Katarina - one of the game's oldest ships, which I will insist be referred to as "Red-Head-Redemption". Fortune's intense personal charisma - her "Miss Fortune" persona, which she uses to mask her unresolved trauma and grief - pairs perfectly with the Noxian assassins' culturally-cultivated need to prove themselves by murdering as many people as possible. She is the spark to their tinder, igniting them both in a self-destructive blaze that will see them girl-boss their way to world domination or die trying.
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I think the ship works in theory, but I have a hard time seeing either of them involved in a traditional relationship. Sarah has too much on her hands, struggling to find a balance between resorting to Gangplank's tyranny and letting Bilgewater tear itself apart, while also constantly having to deal with the threat of the Ruination everytime Viego decides to make his bitchlessness everyone else's problem. Samira meanwhile is an adrenaline-junkie who canonically values her thrill-seeking ways over settling down into a steady relationship - a fact which ended her last romance, as alluded to in one of her voice lines. I think what is more likely is that they develop an intense flirtatious-rivalry - competing to see who can pull off the most impressive trick-shots, trying to one-up each other by bringing in the most dangerous bounties, or maybe even hunting bounties on each other. Nothing says "being pursued by your love interest" like them actually chasing you down. I can't see them actually developing a long-term relationship, but the homoerotic tension would be off the chart.
The drunken-sex would be mind-blowing. And then Samira would go back to Noxus in search of her next bounty, and Sarah would clean up the mess they made in her manor and put the alcohol back on the shelf, and cry because she *still* hurts. Still hasn't healed from the scars Gangplank left on her. Not even this - this *thing* they have - can fill the void her parents left inside her.
Unless, of course, Samira can help her start the healing process by developing healthier coping mechanisms? Samira, who also lost everything as a child and had to start over as an immigrant in Noxus?
Anyway, as someone who has officially spent Too Much Time™️ thinking about the Pirate Queen, I felt obligated to share my thoughts on the matter.
Also, in case you're internally screaming "bUt WhO sAiD tHeY'rE gAy!?" - Riot has made it pretty clear through Legends of Runeterra - their card game which often serves as an info-dump for the world-building and character exploration they can't flesh out in the main game - that Sarah has at least a preference for women; see her interactions with Vi and Prowling Cutthroat, as well as her all-female crew in her level 1 card art - a noteworthy detail, as Bilgewater's pirate population is depicted as being predominantly male. Samira, meanwhile, is one of the most fruity-inclusive characters Riot has ever produced - she specifically refers to her previous lover as "they", leaving the gender up to the fanfic writers, and specifically addresses "guys, gals, and other pals" when she respawns.
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
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greed 's beginning - mammon
a/n: I don't like the hate mammon gets in the game, so I just started writing out my thoughts and it turned into something I guess you could call fic-ish? idk here you go
it does get a little dark ish.
also apologies if there's anything spoilery, all the facts here I pulled from the wiki. I hc'd everything else?
wc: 774
the first time mammon did something greedy, he was still in the celestial realm. there was an innocence in him, even then, especially then. he didn't know that what he was doing would prove to be his downfall. he also didn't know that it's not always a ton of small decisions that choose your path in life. sometimes life just launched you from a cannon for parts unknown. 
but he did go willingly. 
he chose lucifer. lucifer had promised him. promised him that there was more. that mammon didn't have to stay with michael. that he could be free.
mammon didn't know what freedom was. not until he met angels who could be just as silly and mischievous as he could.
but of course, as lucifer's throne, his right hand man, knew when and where silly and mischievous was allowed. he pushed boundaries anyway.
it was just who he was and lucifer accepted that. lucifer enjoyed the companionable relationship he'd created with mammon, his brother. adopted or no, they were brothers.
mammon and lucifer built a foundation for their little family.
he was greedy when lucifer rebelled. he wanted his family to be able to live freely. lilith didn't deserve this? wasn't that what the celestial realm wanted to exude? love? compassion? trust? 
he wanted more for himself, but he wanted even more for them. 
what he got out of it: he got to stay with the ones he loved above all. he had helped lucifer create this family and he would be damned (even more) if he wouldn't support them as they had always supported him. he would help them all realize that dream, that need for more. 
he was greedy when he entered into his deal with the witches. when he had found that small child, all he saw were the similarly between them. he had been lost at such a young age as well, trapped in the reality that was serving michael. if he hadn't been saved by lucifer, what would he have become? he saw a chance for this young one to have more in life. he reached out to lucifer, who helped him strike this agreement with the witches. 
he's willing to put himself on the line, and only himself. 
what he got out of it: lucifer's help enabled him to avoid forging a pact, saving him from the enslavement it would have been. also when he really needs a win, he thinks about that child, knowing that they're safe. cared for. given room to laugh and grow. something he never got until lucifer. 
he's greedy now because he knows that while his is the least physically offensive sin, if he goes overboard, his brothers might learn restraint on their own. it's his way of teaching them, guiding them, knowing they wouldn't just take him up on a no strings attached offer without endless debates about his morality. it allows lucifer a small bit of stress relief, to funnel some of his anxiety out on to mammon. 
mammon can recognize that letting lucifer have the upper hand to punish him, it gives a little boost to the pride lucifer is tied to, giving lucifer just enough extra control in his life, something to cling to, saving him from succumbing to the deep rooted fear that he's a complete failure and he's led all of his brothers astray. the fear that's followed him since the fall. mammon knows this all too well and knows someone needs to keep lucifer together, without lucifer knowing it. so he sins daily. brightly, loudly, anything to give his brothers a distraction from their own sad stories. 
mammon doesn't mind taking all the heat from his brothers. he really doesn't. he puts up a cursory front for them, but that's all it is. mammon's ability to seem cheerful and happy-go-lucky is thanks to his unhealthy coping mechanisms. his favorite thing to do is compartmentalize everything, packing it away tidily before shoving it to the back of his mind to be forgotten in the depths. sure one day, he'll probably snap. but by then, maybe things will be better and he'll be able to slip away for a bit and just... breathe. but that's not something he's going to concern himself with. that's for future mammon and part of him hates that. he's going to focus on his brothers. 
mammon knows they need this. mammon and lucifer built that family a strong foundation and he'll do whatever he feels is necessary to ensure its stability. he's still not sure what freedom is but he's still sure it's part of the 'more' he hasn't gotten to yet. 
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🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
💻 ― excellent writing
🌼 ― creative headcanons
🎙️ ― great to talk to
📚 ― nice threads to read
🎀 ― all-around kind person
🥇 ― well-developed oc
😍 ― admiring from afar
📌 ― a staple on the dash
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
Yeah fuck you, ilu bitch (:<
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
── For this I've decided to talk a little about @bells-of-black-sunday because he deserves it and also because his blog is just generally an all around treat that excels in multiple areas!
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
── While they've recently gone dash-only, their carrd (or one of three - he's working on more because he's insane) is wonderfully put together, and so is his pinned post!
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
── Spük has a really amazing way of writing Tarhos and Danny in ways that both treat them as humans but also does not dance around the atrocities both of these characters have done. Both of these characters are expanded upon in a realistic way that fits both of their personalities. It also ties together loose strings for their lore - particularly in regards to Danny's lack of mother and Tarhos' complicated relationship with violence.
💻 ― excellent writing
── This goes without saying, if you're on my blog you've seen Spük's writing at least a few times a week LOL - his writing is really inspirational to me and is a big part of the reason I write so much. He has a very blunt way of writing which I appreciate, but there's a good bit of prose sprinkled throughout that really makes it enjoyable and easily understood for me and my dyslexic ass.
🌼 ― creative headcanons
── THISSSSS!!! Spük and I talk so much about their muses and headcanons about their lore and each one is like a gourmet meal served on a silver platter for me. This semi - relates to the point I made above about how he can tie together loose lore really well, Danny's lack of mother turning into abandonment issues and Tarhos' violence being a coping mechanism because its the only constant in his life? MAN - GOOOOOD fucking food all around. Don't even get me started on Karthus - LJFDGNFK HE'S SO ... SO ... Look I just love the entire idea of corruption through religion -- also modern verse being this bored asf British Ghost who smokes weed is the funniest shit to me idc.
🎙️ ― great to talk to/🎀 ― all-around kind person
── We legit talk from morning to night about everything, not only as a writer but as a person Spük has a wonderful personality. He's very kind and genuinely one of the most understanding, sweet people I've been lucky to meet. He's always eager to help flesh out other people's muses and plot too! I definitely recommend speaking to him ooc - he's just such a sweetie pie.
📚 ― nice threads to read
── Spük puts so much effort into each piece of writing he does, and it really shines through in how his long - form threads read and connect together. I won't lie and say that I don't ocassionally re-read our threads and kick my feet like a schoolgirl but thats besides the point. Each interaction on his blog is thought out beautifully and carefully, and they genuinely have some wild twists and turns throughout.
🥇 ― well-developed oc
── He has quite a few OCs on his blog, but Aita and Yijun are so wildly creative to me and they're both such deep, yet funny, characters. Aita's story is such a relatable tale for many of us, and I feel connected to him in how he feels in relation to his family and life's pressures. He just feels like a very realistic train-crash of emotions that have gathered up over time and I genuinely hope he can heal. Yijun on the other hand is a bitch and I also love them - the idea of turning a demon into a snake oil salesman that uses TikTok and social media as a way to form a pseudo cult is so fucking SMART and such an innovative way to explore demonic intentions. Plus he's just so ... mean? It's comical how bitchy he is - plus his relationship with Abel!!! AAAA!
😍 ― admiring from afar
── Not me peepin his blog daily for any missed updates -
📌 ― a staple on the dash
── Probably embarrassing to say but Spük is one of the first people I look for on my dash, they're such a huge part of it and I'm so invested in everything they make that I can't really imagine it without them on it. At that rate I'll just delete - NJKDHKJG this is a joke obviously but I really cannot picture the dash without him on it. He's so sweet, caring, has great writing and amazing art - how could I NOT want to see him popping up on my homepage everday? His content is a BUFFET.
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cilil · 11 months
Ive been reading through @edensrose's rp blogs and Ive noticed that your original character is written a lot. Im very curious. He looks very interesting. Would you mind telling me more about Navëquen? Please? 🤭
Oh, it'd be my pleasure! Thank you so much for your ask!💖
Navëquen means he who/person who judges in Quenya
Appearance-wise, his accustomed fána is humanoid and tall (8’3’’/~2.52m) with long black hair that he pretty much always braids, dark eyes with a slight emerald hue and a pale complexion
For animal fánar, he prefers corvids, mostly ravens, crows and magpies
Navëquen is a Maia of Námo and focuses mostly on the justice side of things. He serves as a prosecutor and later Námo's personal attendant as well, taking care of him whenever he's experiencing his future visions
Unlike his lord and his counterpart Vanimóre however, Navëquen doesn't possess any future sight. Other Maiar of Mandos sometimes say he's "blind to the future"
While Vanimóre's right eye sees the future, Navëquen's left eye sees the past, in particular past evil deeds
Aside from this, he also learned spirit magic and sword fighting from Námo, including his patient, defensive and precise style
Navëquen is very intelligent and observant and has an excellent memory, even by Ainur standards
He has a strong sense of justice and does his best to achieve it via the law, though at times he gets frustrated by its shortcomings. Additionally, he doesn't like making exceptions
Navëquen mostly appears to be calm and collected, even seeming cold and aloof to others; this is due to him trying to follow Námo's example and practice neutrality
Deep down, he does have strong opinions on many things, but won't voice them unless prompted. His statements may at times come off as odd or cold because of his tendency to approach matters from the pragmatic perspective of the law, sometimes also with a hint of cynicism
Navëquen isn't very good at recognizing and expressing emotions. His coping mechanism is his journal, in which he writes down his thoughts, feelings, observations, and he likes to draw as well
It takes him a while to warm up to people, but once he does, he can be quite sweet, caring and protective and grows very attached to them. His trust is not easily earned
Vanimóre is - or was, after his fall - his closest friend and Navëquen continues to have strong feelings for him. Yes, they're essentially soulmates <3
Because of this, he agreed to go to Middle-earth and attempt to save Vanimóre when Námo asked him to, but unfortunately ended up being captured and held in Angband for a while
Navëquen also has a bit of a crush on Námo, which is one of the reasons he's very loyal to him; the other main reason being that serving his lord gives him a sense of purpose and belonging
Now for a bit of fun trivia~
Navëquen is ambidextrous, which he uses to complete several tasks at once. When he has a lot of work to do, he may temporarily grow additional arms
He likes to braid ribbons, charms and other fun accessories into his hair
Those close to him call him Navë for short. Vanimóre also likes to call him Quenquen or Creeps
Over the ages, he has already filled several journals and sketch books
As some of you may have noticed, Navëquen has a bit of a type (pretty, dark-haired men). If you are one or can at least assume such a form, you have his attention
Here's his masterlist🖤
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freddie-77-ao3 · 5 months
Artbreeders of some of the pjo characters
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Lou Ellen Blackstone-- I tried to get green eyes in, but didn't quite manage.
red hair is the result of an experiment gone wrong with Connor Stoll. One of Alabaster Torrington's old potions exploded while they were cleaning the cabin out.
green eyes: all hecate children have green eyes. Also some legacies.
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Annabeth Chase
blonde hair: i feel like Athena's kids' hair depends entirely on their relationship with their mother. the better the relationship, the brighter and more golden your hair is, so this is annabeth when she's ten or so and basically running the cabin.
blue-gray eyes: if athena has a child with a mortal with NO preexisting ties to a god, the child gets fully gray eyes. however, say athena has a child with a child of hecate-- the child will have gray-green eyes. for annabeth, her family's eyes are all pretty blue because of their ties to the norse gods. so she gets blue-grey eyes.
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Drew Tanaka (as a child)
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Drew Tanaka as a child (again)
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Drew Tanaka (as child)
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Drew Tanaka (post Titan War)
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Drew Tanaka (when Piper first sees her)
so. Drew. My lovely blorbo. Anyway, my backstory for Drew is entirely too convoluted, and I don't have her teen form corrected quite yet but:
changing hair: drew's a shapeshifter! or at least, to an extent. She isn't Frank, so no animals, but she can change hair colour/length, eye colour, skin colour, etc. at will. When she was a child (we're going to split this into three sections) there's pre-mother's death, pre-ethan's death, and post ethan's death.
before her mother's death, Drew's hair was blue-- she loved the color! it made her happy, and she was so often happy that her hair was always blue.
before Ethan Nakamura's supposed death (using my backstory of them being stepsiblings-- mortal mother's got together-- and Ethan went on Luke's quest but after the third quester, Allegra, died, Ethan and Luke both began hearing Kronos, and by the end of the quest, Ethan had gone off to serve from the background and Luke faked his death), Drew's hair was at it's natural dark brown color. She was sad, sure, but she still had Ethan, so she was doing alright.
Post his death however, Drew was depressed, hardcore, and her hair mirrored that, jet black. It stays that way way past the battle of manhattan.
post titan war Drew has no clue how to cope because she's... 13-14, so her entire coping mechanism is substance abuse (alcoholism) and starving herself so she's very skinny and not healthy at all, gaunt, too pale because she doesn't see the sun.
eye wise, she has constantly changing eyes like Piper, but if she's unconcious, they're sea green. Her mother was a daughter of poseidon.
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Grover Underwood during the lightning thief.
I think Grover straight up just looks like that. He doesn't stand out in a crowd or anything, he just looks more childish than most other satyrs for reasons?
anyway, his hair is too short to be super curly, but it is when it grows longer
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Piper McLean as a kid.
Piper really embraces her beauty until her father makes it big and she starts getting sexualised by the media, which is when we meet her in TLH.
her eyes are constantly changing, and her hair is brown.
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Annabeth Chase post BoO.
After the mark of Athena, I think Annabeth really broke off any semblance of a relationship with her mom-- so her hair's bleached, her eyes are leached of gray-- she's a shell, basically, because she hasn't dealt with her trauma yet. She's all sharp edges.
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Will Solace as a child
Like Athena's children, Apollo kids get more saturated the closer they are to their father, and Will is probably Apollo's favourite. Of the year rounding boys at camp post Luke leaving (SoM-BotL), there's only Michael, Lee, and Will, and Michael is-- well, Michael, and Lee never actually broke up with Luke Castellan, so. Yeah, Will's the favourite.
bright blue eyes, and sunny golden hair, children of apollo are usually pretty tan.
also, will's always been pretty tall. By the time he's 13 in BotL, he's 5'9. The happier apollo's kids are, the taller they grow-- when Lee died, he was 6'3, but Michael was always pretty bitter, so he was about 4'9.
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Katie Gardner age 12
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Chris Rodriguez- post BoO
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mangodestroyer · 20 days
Because of some bad life experiences, I've been looking into unhealthy dynamics in relationships quite a bit. I even have a list of books to read at this point (two books that I always see recommended are "The Gift of Fear" and "Why Does He Do That?" and I seriously want to give them a read).
Now, one type of abuse I want to see discussed more is financial abuse. I currently have a relative who has made it his career to be a leech. He's caused tons of drama in the past year and just keeps getting worse. He's also started acting more and more threatening. ALSO, he's gone out of his way to abuse me for well over a decade so this crap he's pulling now is just him letting the mask slip for EVERYONE.
Why haven't I left? I've tried a couple times in the past and it hasn't worked out. But this time, I've really, REALLY had it! And I also have a much more effective plan for getting out in about a month.
And yes, I'll also admit that I think I put up with it and normalized it for the longest time because... I grew up pretty much being trapped with this person. For my own survival, I had to just sort of dissociate from my feelings over it. That hasn't served me well as an adult because mania and dissociation cause me to overlook situations that are stressing me out (and they are coping mechanisms intended to protect the brain from excessive stress). But good lord, after being away from him for a few months, and now seeing him in person on a regular basis... now it's kind of hard not to get angry about it. I've forgotten how insufferable he really is!
So, he doesn't care to contribute, he takes my shit, he shows a very dishonest character, he doesn't want to do anything with his life, he's always treated me like absolute shit, and he starts doing crazy and threatening shit when confronted. Some of this is financial abuse, but people tend to focus on the threats and emotional abuse parts of it. But the financial abuse is a huge burden too.
I want to know how to avoid people like this in the future because I can NOT deal with another individual like this again. I see so many horror stories of women getting stuck with these useless men who eat all their food and never pay for groceries, lounge about playing video games all the time and refuse to work, help out with kids, or do the household chores. Leave all the bills up to the woman. Never give their girl any attention and expect them to be their mommy. Well, mommy until they need the girl to service them (but never do anything for her in return). Emotionally dump on them and again, not care about her. Sometimes, they get like this after trapping her with marriage and kids. Sometimes, they're like my brother and get weird and threatening/stalkerish if they don't get their way because they're manchildren.
What are the redflags for this? I think I can sorta see some redflags over unhealthy views of finances in my last relationship, considering they were very materialistic, seemed unimpressed with me not making lots of money at the time (as someone who was still fairly young and in college, and also, we weren't living together), and got annoyed with my needs. But that person at least seemed like someone who wanted a nice career and wanted to accomplish things in life. They probably wanted someone with lots of money while also making a good salary themselves. So it seems like I have a bad habit of going for the opposite end of the spectrum: materialistic workaholics who are more perfectionistic. Again, that might be a response to my trauma.
I don't want to be with someone who is uber materialistic and feels like their life is ruined if they can't have it all RIGHT NOW. Or treats those who make less as lesser individuals who oughta be grateful and let them have all the say because they make the money. I don't want to be a mommy for a leech either. I would literally rather ditch everything and live in some shack to avoid that (I was almost tempted to because of said relative). Finances are important to a relationship and I want someone who will be more reasonable. More like my friend, who tries to make things equal during trips (or who is willing to cover a little more without complaint if you're going out of your way for them/doing them a favor).
I just think it's strange that finances are not talked about more. It can be all too easy to control and manipulate someone with them. Even if you're the one who owns. They can still try to fuck you out of shit legally. I also live in a state with laws that have made the shit involving my brother a fucking hell! We also have terrible divorce laws here... so idk if I'd live in this state while married.
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wwriothesley · 1 month
At heart, Wriothesley is a realist: he knows that he hasn't healed fully. He has merely learned to make peace with many things in his life, and thus has developed a better mentality.
Realistically, he knows that he had committed manslaughter at the time, and served his sentence for it- however, he knows that what he did and saw would have permanent, long-lasting consequences on his psyche, atoned for it or not. This is simply how trauma works, and the more someone denies having been affected, the more they hinder their recovery process. Logically, someone who's plagued by traumas cannot work as an administrator- so he learned new coping mechanisms and to deal with things knowing that there's very little he can do if he doesn't, at the very least, come to terms with several things.
He didn't had a choice, and didn't wanted to hinder the Fortress's administration by ending up having his mental health issues worsening, if left alone.
Wriothesley has learned to know that, while the law is strong, it's not an absolute thing. There will always be people like his adoptive parents, who go against the law fully knowing that what they're doing is wrong, and would protect themselves with any methods to avoid facing justice.
The law is not omniscient- and it being omniscient wouldn't be a good thing. Those who operate the law are only human- if given the power of absolute justice, they'd end up abusing it, as it's in human behavior to become greedy upon being offered to operate ''for the greater good''. Plus, even the law somehow can be corrupted- it's never a linear thing. Again, the people who operate around the law are only human, and humans can be tempted with their greatest desires. Wriothesley doesn't pity nor excessively blames them for human nature at it's finest. 
If there's someone at fault, these are the one who corrupt to keep the law silent- yet, it's never black and white as it could seem. A person could become evil after being corrupted by their gains- or they could be acting out of desperation. An human being has so many shades to it that it'd be impossible to truly read into the motivations of what they do without knowing them fully.
The only evil people he knew were his adoptive parents. I headcanon that they were from a very wealthy, upper class family at the moment where they started their ''business'', and could have done very well without the money- yet, they always craved more. That, and they loved the popularity that came with it- and to take their small frustrations out of their ''livestock'', aka much smaller people incapable to react and hurt them back.
Wriothesley didn't killed them for self-defense- Wriothesley killed his adoptive parents because he realized that they were rotten to the core, with no chance of ever being redeemed.
He has, by a long time, came to terms with this course of events, and made peace with the only solution he could have thought of, at his age and with his experience of the time, was execution.
I like to imagine him laying down on a makeshift chair that Sigewinne put on for him, and trying to make sense of what goes in his head by talking about it. Basically, a free therapy session for him- and a good learning-human-behavior session for Sigewinne too.
He got roped into it because she wanted to learn- but, apparently, vocalizing what he thinks helps him too. It's good for him to talk and place things together, and I believe that it continues to this day.
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stuckwith-harry · 6 years
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“And under here, Hedwig”—Harry pulled open a door under the stairs—“is where I used to sleep; You never knew me then—Blimey, it’s small, I’d forgotten.... ”
#hpedit#harry potter#hjp#hp#dh#cw abuse for the following tags#so i've been thinking a lot lately about harry and the way he looks at / remembers his childhood#because i read somewhere that abused kids who've never known anything else don't necessarily realise just how bad their situation is#at least not while they're in it; (and that it serves as a coping mechanism then and afterwards - if it's not that bad; it can't hurt me)#and we've had these talks inside the fandom too; how matter-of-factly harry talks about the abuse he's suffered#both in dialogue with other people (like joking at the end of cos about how the dursleys would probably be disappointed he didn't die)#but also with the actual descriptions of things as they're happening; there's something almost /comical/ about the way#he describes things as a narrator; it's got this weird nonchalant ''so ya that happened'' vibe#and harry never had an actual confrontation with the dursleys#he never got to call them out and actually tell them ''what you did to me was beyond fucked up and this shit isn't okay''#like; there wasn't this one incident where harry realises - let alone verbalises - ''i'm literally being abused''#it happens yeah#and especially for older readers (by which in this case i mean everyone who's not a literal kid)#it's so obviously abuse#but it's never discussed in the books#hermione and ron notice the dursleys' behaviour is fucked up#but again#we don't get the confrontation that i think harry deserved#(actually that was one of the few things i liked about cursed child; it sort of talked about it; briefly; even if not well)#and that just leaves me wondering how that affects him as an adult#and how he /thinks/ about it#i've been developing some things in my post-war nicheverse recently where he gets confronted by that#mostly via ron - and then ginny and hermione - talking to him about it#and sort of comes to realise ''everything they did actually really fucking hurt me and it /still/ hurts because it's really really not okay#''
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I read the previous post and then, um, wrote an essay apparently.
I have a hypothesis that Virgil and Janus are both Thomas's Self-preservation, and that this is what sits at the root of their conflict with each other.
They're not both Self-preservation in the same way the twins are both Creativity, because there are always two aspects to self-preservation in people. The instinctual, hind-brain, internal drive to survive; Virgil. And the more conscious, front-brain, social need to not be ostracized; Janus.
Over time they became Anxiety (specifically "heightened") and Deceit, because those were the primary mechanisms by which they kept Thomas safe.
Character Thomas being heavily based on actual Thomas means that we can pretty safely assume he grew up a gay kid in the southern US, in a catholic family. I can speak from experience when I say that no matter how loving or supportive your immediate family is, that can leave some serious trauma. It's a scary situation to be in when you're young.
So Self-preservation told little Thomas that he was different and different is bad. People might hurt you if you're different. You should avoid letting people know you are different. You should hide who you are. You should avoid situations that might make people question you. And when directly asked, you should lie. Do these things so you can be safe.
And for a while, Virgil and Janus were probably in accord, more or less. But as Thomas got older and learned more about the world and himself, something changed. Sometimes the coping mechanisms we develop to survive negative situations no longer serve us. Thomas came out, and he was embraced by his loved ones. He built a community and a support network of people who loved him for who he was. He was safe, or at least as safe as anyone can be.
Avoiding uncomfortable situations or conflicts, hiding who he was, didn't serve the person he was becoming. And Thomas began working on unlearning those less than helpful coping strategies. 
And he started with Anxiety, because oftentimes fear responses are the easiest to identify. And the only way to release unhelpful coping mechanisms is to acknowledge them and the role they played in keeping you safe, to accept the positive and necessary origins of them. Anxiety is Self-preservation. Anxiety keeps you safe, keeps you alive. Sometimes Anxiety just needs to be channeled into different coping strategies.
Virgil is accepted.
But unlearning coping strategies doesn't happen overnight. And Virgil is terrified of going back to being "part of the problem." And Thomas is still afraid that some of his less healthy coping mechanisms and less palatable traits make him a bad person. 
And lying is one of those things still viewed as inherently morally wrong by society. And lying as a defense mechanism has probably caused Thomas a fair few problems. And Virgil is still the instinctual part of Self-preservation. It's a very black and white reactionary trait. There is danger, or there isn't. There is a tiger in the room, or there's not. To Virgil, Deceit is still "part of the problem" to be dealt with the way one deals with a tiger in the room.
For his part, Janus also realizes that regularly lying is not a helpful coping mechanism. It's why he's encouraging Thomas to be more honest with himself. That's where you start to dismantle that habit. Because if you're not honest with yourself, it's a lot harder to recognize when you're lying to keep yourself safe. But he rejects the notion that Thomas can never lie to protect himself, because that would also be unhealthy. Janus isn't wrong here. If your life is at risk when you tell the truth, lying is morally neutral.
Also both of their jobs are made significantly harder because Virgil used to work with Janus and now he treats him like the enemy. Janus feels attacked and afraid, abandoned and judged, like Virgil did a 180° on him. And Virgil feels like he's losing hard won ground in helping Thomas. Which is a really great metaphor for the way it feels when your new coping methods bump up against your old ones. 
Janus isn't fully accepted. Yet.
Thomas hasn't yet learned all the coping skills he needs to solve that conflict within himself. But he's getting there. Virgil and Janus have both acknowledged that the way they used to function to keep Thomas safe, isn't healthy anymore. They're both trying to change the way they do their jobs. They just haven't figured out how to work together going forward. That will hopefully come with time.
Anyway that's my take. 
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arr-jim-lad · 4 years
Thoughts on Dio's sons? (especially the florida ones because they're criminally underappreciated)
They ARE criminally underappreciated, and because of that I will now talk about them exclusively.
--------WARNING: Stone Ocean spoilers--------
The Florida boys are a really heartbreaking bunch to me tbh. I always say how the popular ‘mudad’ AU is a very uncharacteristic portrayal of what DIO and Giorno’s relationship would be like and that the two are better off separated, but with the Florida boys... well, they needed DIO. Desperately.
Not because he’d be a good dad (he wouldn’t be lmao), but because he’d give them the same thing he gave his minions to make them revere him so much: Purpose.
The Florida sons were fated to have incredibly unlucky, miserable lives. They were born as lost souls and with DIO not being an option for them, that was the only path they were ever meant to walk until Pucci, DIO’s replacement, entered the picture.
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Fate - Gravity -  is a real force in the JoJo universe. It’s a higher power that directs the events which occur in the story, and fate decided that Ungalo, Rikiel, and Versus are not going to be happy.
Versus is the clearest example of this, as his life is pretty much a series of unfortunate events. It seems like at every step of life, misfortune followed him and made him be judged for crimes he didn’t commit. 
It’s easy to understand why such a continuously unfair life would eventually turn Versus into a cold and bitter person, and why he would feel entitled to DIO’s legacy over Pucci - to him, it was just another thing that was being unfairly taken away from him.
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I also think that Versus was the one to turn against Pucci and felt the most entitled to DIO’s legacy because he was the one son who actively had everything taken from him at every turn. Rikiel and Ungalo were happy to accept Pucci’s guidance as a chance at better life, while Versus , at this point likely always expecting the worst from people, was suspicious from the start.
Rikiel was probably the son with the most ‘normal’ life of all, being the one who made it to college, but he suffers from severe anxiety that he has no idea how to handle. He doesn’t understand what is happening to him when an anxiety attack strikes, which only increases his panic, making him break down completely. 
This has been continuously messing up his life, and making it hard for him to advance - he dropped out of school because of it and can’t drive without getting into an accident.
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Rikiel saw Pucci’s goal as sort of a coping mechanism, even being able to compose himself during his fight with Jolyne and Hermes despite almost slipping into another panic attack. Pucci also helped him reveal his stand, which served as another coping mechanism for Rikiel. Out of all three sons, Rikiel was the most willing to truly put his life on the line for Pucci, because he truly believed that Pucci had helped him overcome the one thing that constantly dragged him down throughout his life.
And lastly there’s Ungalo who we sadly know the least about, but we can make some decent assumptions. Because of Araki’s style it’s hard to tell if he’s supposed to be ugly or deformed, but personally, I always assumed it was the latter, as it would go well with the fate theory. One could assume that he was likely treated poorly for it - for something he couldn’t control - which eventually led him to drugs and violence.
Ungalo clearly led a very troubled life because once he gets a taste of success, a taste of PURPOSE, the thought of having to fail again and go back to how he used to be is so horrifying to him that he literally just dies.
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I’ve seen people mock this and joke about it but to me, this is honestly one of THE most heartbreaking deaths in JoJo due to its implication about Ungalo’s life.
What Pucci brought these men was essentially the same thing that DIO would bring them.
The three brothers felt like their lives were going absolutely nowhere, and that they will never amount to anything, only for this mysterious charismatic priest to come into their lives, reveal the truth about their incredible father and his plan, and make them believe that becoming a part of the plan will lead them to greatness.
He convinced them that this was their purpose in life, and having no better future in sight, they happily accepted it.
I really wish people didn’t just brush these three off as undeveloped minor villains, because they are characters with such upsetting backstories. I think the most tragic part of all is that they weren’t bad people by nature or choice.
Most other villains chose that life; DIO’s followers are fully aware that they are evil and many revel in it. La Squadra chose to be assassins. Minor villains in Part 4 agreed to help Kira’s father. DIO’s younger sons, however, were forced into that role by a cruel fate.
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faelune-home · 3 years
Jumbo ask meme: 🌹, 😊, 📀, 🛍️, 🔮, and 💗 (sending you the same questions bc I think they're good ones!)
Apologies for taking a few days to get back on this, I needed to collect my thoughts to write it, which took some time on its own XD But thank you for the ask \o/~~ Always appreciated ^^
🌹 - miqo!Fu is very much the social butterfly type. Maybe initially with larger groups she’s a bit wary - joining the scions, she was more subdued since she’d just been thrown into it, plus the feeling that everyone else already knew each other and she was the newbie, but she eventually grew out of it, and especially after the Waking Sands attack, she vowed to hold a bit faster to her friendships with those that did survive - but otherwise, she’s always the first to try and make new friends, or at least be open for others to talk to her.
Making enemies tho...well she never deliberately sets out to do that, and unless the other person is set on being hostile, she would try to bridge a gap. Although after all that she’s been through, that tendency is a bit slower, maybe she’ll allow the diplomatic folk to make the first step before her, but actively trying to make enemies isn’t her thing.
😊 - Aaah, at the risk of sounding cheesy and obvious lol, its her friends. ^^ but i suppose in the event they’re not available, ironically it would be the opposite - some time alone in Gridania. She’s still very fond of the old forest since it was the first place she really knew in Eorzea.
And making others smile is her goal, she set out on the adventury thing to help others (and make a legacy to share with her loved ones that they could emulate...so in a way still continuing the idea of helping others for the sake of helping others). If it makes things easier for those that struggle, then she’ll try her best \o/
📀 - miqo!Fu is a bit less easy to manipulate after so long, tho she does have help from the other Scions to make sure she’s not being given the slip. She tries to be careful nowadays after so many events have occurred, but she still wants to be open and friendly to all. But for the most part she does trust very easily, and she likes to hope others will trust her. Hopefully without any insane hero worship, despite her goal of leaving a legacy, too much hero worship makes her uncomfortable cos she feels it makes people forget who she is as an individual vs what deeds she’s done as the WoL. Maybe from strangers she’s fine with it, but from those that she’d consider friends...ideally no.
The lies and manipulation though....aaaaa. That’s a tricky one, because obviously those closest to her that she trusts have done that for all their own reasons, and it depends on the individual how she feels about it. This feels like an appropriate point to discuss that, even if things get a bit wordy. >.>
(I’m gonna read more here, partly due to talking spoilers and partly due to length. Ironically the next few questions after this are very short in comparison but this one about “lies and secrets and trust” got very wordy on its own lol)
HW and ShB spoilers after the cut
With the Lyse reveal, it did sting to start with given how close miqo!Fu was the “Yda” and Papalymo, but after some thinking on it - like Lyse’s situation, understanding that it was a maybe not so healthy coping mechanism after losing her sister that then just spiralled further, plus the immediate aftermath of Papa’s death affecting all of them, putting Lyse’s situation into some perspective for the WoL - miqo!Fu got over it a lot quicker than even she expected. In the end of that case, Lyse is still a friend, and one that she trusts a lot, especially after seeing that, for all Lyse was trying to emulate her sister, she really was more like the same person Fufu already knew.
Urianger’s frequent cases are a mixed bag for miqo!Fu >.> Because on the one hand, she knows he’s not doing it maliciously, but at the same time, its still secret keeping rather than trusting her, or even the other scions, so intent on working on his own. Plus the fact that often, his plans are eerily pragmatic and someone is on the chopping block along with it - Minfilia was cast off to the First in the conflict against the Warriors of Darkness, and now she’s gone for good, and G’raha obviously offered himself up as a sacrifice with the WoL in the frontlines first, so Urianger technically had less say in that, but that one didn’t pan out anyway - and she doesn’t agree with that, she’d rather try to avoid as many deaths or sacrifices as she can. She trusts him maybe a bit less now, however she’d still trust him to watch out for her if need be, its just when it comes to making plans, she’d rather if he worked with others rather than doing things on his own.
The catboy himself is kind of an example as well >.> miqo!Fu still doesn’t see the point in him hiding his identity other than so she wouldn’t then want to make sure he didn’t do that. But the identity hiding part aside, he falls into the hero worship side of things that makes her uncomfortable. She still trusts him as a friend and companion of course, but the idea that she’s somehow untouchable  and all powerful just because of some old texts that survived past the 8th calamity doesn’t sit well with her. Again, that may be the end goal with her becoming an adventurer, but she does want to hope she can fade off and let the stories do their thing where she doesn’t have to then experience the fawning, and having it up front with a companion doesn’t help.
(Have i went too far down a rabbit hole here? is this off topic from the original question? idk :’D i hope its still okay, it’s nice to think a bit deeper about my girl and her motivations and thoughts on things)
🛍️ - This one :’D I feel this one differs from player to character, a lot of the glams i post here on tumblr and socials in general are more me as a player having fun with fashion over me actually representing what miqo!Fu herself would do. There’s some overlap though.
As a player, as Lady Fufu, I go for aesthetic, whatever looks nice, or whatever my vision for an outfit is. Miqo!Fu on the other hand, while she does have a fashionable streak, she tends more towards function and comfort.
So more flat shoes than heals for battle, the heals are better served for fancy occasions where she doesn’t have to fight. Skirts or trousers depends though on what job she’s running as.
One common point is skirts for dancer ^^ I like my flowy skirts flying around as she spins and flips.
🔮 - Star gazing! She loves the wide open night sky! Definite night owl, much like me the player XD But then she has an important job to do so she’ll stomach the mornings if need be.
Oh and she’s definitely a snuggler ^-^ In her home village, she’d often go to bed with at least a few younger miqittens cuddled up into a pile with her.
💗 - Miqo!Fu would probably say her eyes, big and bright and purple :D
Other might say her tail, its very expressive, you can read her easily by it XD
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pseudorecovery-blog · 5 years
my opinion on "pro ana" PLEASE READ!
i'm not trying to attack anyone, i'm just sharing my opinion.
pro ana is wrong, sickening, and quite frankly fucked up. you can struggle with an eating disorder and at the same time not deliberately promote fatal behaviors to other people.
so what does pro ana even mean? if a person is pro ana, they're encouraging and advocating anorexia, a serious mental illness.
it's the same as if someone were to say that they're pro depression, and would encourage others to self harm or develop a suicide plan.
being pro ana is seemingly wanting to be ill. while anorexia develops due to the need for control, the need for a coping mechanism, better self-esteem, or any other desirable purpose (because it does serve a purpose), nobody with a legitimate eating disorder genuinely wants to have one. they're just searching for an escape from their harsh reality.
even when i was both physically and mentally in the worst of my disorder, i longed to be a regular teenager with normal habits. i didn't want to have to track and limit my intake and obsessively power walk around the perimeter of my basement for hours each day. i never wanted aching legs from forcing myself to stand until i went to sleep. i wanted to sit on the fucking couch and relax like the rest of my family could. despite this all, i felt like i needed my disorder. i still feel like i need it. that doesn't mean i have the right to endanger the lives of others by promoting anorexia.
moral of the story?
anorexia is a debilitating mental illness, and its behaviors should never be endorsed by anyone.
let's end pro ana (or at least try to spread awareness), reblog if you're with me.
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
Kikuchi Takumi
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Say hello to my train-wreck of a Persona OC!
The entire reason he's a Wildcard is because literally everyone else who was eligible ended up dying!
Anyway, he exists in a collection of AU's concerning the the Persona-verse that I have working in my head, in a hypothetical Persona 6.
(P1: Of the Toudou twins, it is Kazuya who survives past their childhood. Now normally, this would mean positively nothing... Unfortunately, Kazuya's been through this game one too many times to be anything less than absolutely fucking insane... Not really, but, you know, poor coping mechanisms combined with a brutal fifteenth round of Peggy Sue New Game+ Bullshit™ equals... Not completely there in the head Kazuya. Thankfully, Maki's along for the final ride.
P2: Rather than splitting the timelines, more New Game+ Peggy Sue Bullshit™ takes place. Six times. Kazuya ends up buying Tatsuya and Maya some grade-A vodka, though, so all's fair. No one wants anything to do with Personas afterwards, though. Like, seriously, Tatsuya is ready to shoot a motherfucker. Katsuya is inclined to let it pass. Thankfully, the entire gang gets on with it this time.
P3: Minato and Kotone are horribly selfish people, they also wish they were anything but, and try to do better, be better people, they both fail, and succeed, in all the best and worst ways. A.K.A. where a pair of Wildcards only have one chance, a single, dreadful year to save the world. And, well, in the end, they're just two seventeen year olds doing their best. [Featuring a completely unique line-up of Social Links for Kotone! And Guess What!? Shinjiro Still Fucking Dies!]
P4: In the absence of Narukami Yuu, Konishi Naoki steps to plate as the next Wildcard... It's actually not as much of a trainwreck as you might expect. Yosuke's opinions aside. And you know, if you ignore the fact that he has a sorta-alien-slash-supernatural-being living in his attic, and the fire... Dear Gods, the fire... Er, uh, meet your hero everyone! [Featuring something of an Arcana Shuffle via Perception.]
P5: Surprisingly enough, Toudou Subaru is a relatively well adjusted human being, you know, if you ignore the fact that she's a volleyball player at Shujin Academy, a Phantom Thief, and her general perception of 'normal'. [Or Kazuya and Maki have that totally-and-completely hypothetical kid, Akira gets his Aeon Confidant, and the Phantom Thieves get a mentor. A batshit insane mentor, but a mentor! This also might have a single run-through of Peggy Sue New Game+ Bullshit™ that has Kazuya break out the good Vodka.]
Persona 6:
[Concerning the other living Wildcards...
Akira flipped him off, and very pointedly explained that he and the rest of The Phantoms were only willing to get involved as mentors, and that was only after Lavenza turned on the Puppy Eyes.
Goro is technically dead, and would rather actually die than willingly track down the Phantom Thieves, confront them, and then convince them to help him undertake a mission that would save the world, but very likely result in all of them dying. Like, he knows at least Subaru and Akira have a kid at this point, he has a fucking kid Godsdamnit, he's not gonna ask them to put their families lives below something like this, nevermind deal with the fall out.
Minato has not had a healthy coping mechanism in upwards of twenty-years at this point, and Aigis has largely been his impulse control while he serves as a Shadow Operative. It's a wonder he hasn't become a hermit, much less that he even still talks to the other ex-S.E.E.S.'s members. Like, Shinjiro socializes better than him, and the man's dead!
Kotone and Ryoji are playing a demented game of chess while Nyx hisses obscene commentary beyond the seal.
...and Naoki just laughed hysterically until Igor decided to awkwardly exit left.
Kazuya and Maki are grandparents at this point, and are firmly on the 'Do Not Ask' list, because the last time Igor asked something of Subaru, who was sixteen at the time, Kazuya found a way into the Velvet Room and had a talk with him.
The rest of P1 crew are all firmly settled, and a bit to old to deal with the oncoming the threat.
No one from the P2 duology wants to get involved. Period. They're all leading their own damn lives and would rather keep it that way.]
Anyway, the reason I created this post!
The confidants and their descriptions!
The Hierophant - Hamasaki Kanako/Hamasaki Ritsuka - [Your legal guardian for the foreseeable future. There's a set to her shoulders that makes it seem like the weight of world is upon them, and a steel to her eyes that make you question how anyone can oppose her. Perhaps, you could learn a thing or two from her. More than that, you wonder how such a contradictory woman came to be.] - [The son of Hamasaki Kanako, your legal guardian. Though mute, he seems to be the most expressive of the household, however, every now and then you catch a glimpse of a much more solemn boy underneath. He seems to stick to Atsuko like glue, although, the girl can read him without needing to look...]
As they are mother and son, together, they repersent the two sides of what the Hierophant can mean.
Oddly enough, however, it is Kanako who represents the most positive meaning. As a single mother, she's done nothing but learn after her own mistakes, doing her best to make up for them, yes, but acknowledging that it's happened, and has long shaken off societies views of her, and simply focusing on doing her best, for both herself and her three charges.
By that, Ritsuka is still trying to figure out who he wants to be, he's already so world weary, the way he clings to Atsuko, afraid of what might happen if he tries to make nice with someone who doesn't know him like the back of their hand. He wants to stick to societies rules, and follow the path that's set out for him... But, he's always been told that as... Well, he ain't got much that way, but he wants more, but he doesn't feel like he deserves it.
The job is to bridge the gap, find the middle ground, and make sure mother and son know that they've still have each other.
(About where I ran out of ideas...)
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