#at one point accidentally dumped us in this random location nearby (I was like
theogony · 3 years
heyyyyy it is 2am and i have no respect for my own sleep schedule and am going on a two day road trip so this was a bad idea but i just wanted to say ily i hope you have/are hving a good dayyy
Ink I love you so much thank you for the message but please take care of yourself!!! This was so sweet please take care of your sleep schedule I am sending you best vibes and road trip shenanigan love <3333333 (and like. also this little picture of a little flower hamster. because I love him and you may too.)
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(maybe two pictures. sorry not sorry <33)
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ask-serious-sans · 6 years
Papyrus and Undyne find a portal gun. Multiverse roadtrip.
Okay so this is long. Really long. I’ll put it under a read more to spare everyone’s dashboards lol
I really, really enjoyed writing for this prompt. Thank you for sending it in! I may eventually make a part 2…
Undyne and Papyrus were at the dump, searching through the random odds and ends that had accumulated there after being tossed out by the humans on the surface, hoping to find a new set of cookware. The previous set had been, ahem, rendered unusable after a recent cooking lesson in which Undyne had wanted to test out the heating adjustments she’d instructed Alphys to make to the stove. In retrospect, Alphys figured she really should have questioned why exactly Undyne needed a stove that reached temperatures of over four thousand degrees on a regular basis.After awhile of searching, Undyne located something that most definitely not a piece of cookware, but certainly seemed a lot more interesting. “Hey, Papyrus! Check this out!” she shouted, drawing Papyrus’ attention from where he’d previously been digging through a large pile of assorted automobile parts.“What is it?” he asked excitedly, running over to examine the strange object Undyne was currently suplexing.“I don’t know, but isn’t it cool? I wonder what it does!” Undyne replied, turning the object over in her hands. Eventually, she ended up accidentally pulling a trigger of some sort, because a large portal appeared in the middle of the pile of garbage to her left.“What is that?!?” Papyrus asked, looking between the portal and the instrument that had created it in shock and apprehension.“Let’s go through it!” Undyne suggested, looking like this was the most normal suggestion she’d had all day.Papyrus looked like he wanted to argue, but then realized if he did, Undyne would probably just go through the portal on her own and get into all kinds of trouble. It was probably best he tagged along to ensure everyone at least survived. “Fine, but we have to be back this evening. Last night’s bedtime story ended on a cliffhanger and I want to know how it ends.”“Alright! Let’s go, punk!” Undyne shouted, running through the portal with absolutely no regard for her own safety. Papyrus followed hesitantly.Stepping through the portal, they found themselves in Judgement Hall. Sans and a human wearing a green hoodie seemed to be fighting another human.“Brother?” Papyrus asked, confused as to where the humans had come from and why Sans was fighting one. Had the humans fallen while he and Undyne had been sorting through the stuff at the dump? Papyrus was worried; would this ruin his chances of joining the Royal Guard, since he hadn’t been around to report the humans’ arrival to Undyne?Sans seemed to freeze before turning to face them, shock very evident in his expression. “P-paps? How are- Didn’t you- You’re-” stumbling over his words, Sans stared between Papyrus and Undyne as though he were seeing ghosts.“Oi, Comedian! Focus!” the human in the green hoodie shouted, a flurry of magical knives appearing to intercept an attack from the other human that was aimed right at him.“Brother? What’s wrong?” Papyrus asked, concern lacing his features.“Forget that! There’s humans! We can cross the barrier!” Undyne shouted, rushing towards the nearest human, which happened to be the one in the green hoodie.“Right!” Papyrus shouted, following Undyne’s lead. Apparently, he still had a chance at joining the Royal Guard.“Comedian, I could use a little help here- ACK!” the human in the green hoodie had been so focused on the fight with the other human that they hadn’t noticed Undyne and Papyrus rushing towards them until Undyne tackled them.“What are you doing? Get off them, they’re trying to help!” Sans told Undyne.“We need their soul!” Undyne retorted.“Don’t take their soul! You can take the other one’s soul for all I care.” Sans replied.“Will you please get off of me?!?” the human in the green hoodie asked.“Fine,” Undyne stated, sounding somewhat annoyed, as she stood up, “You’re lucky we only need one soul, punk.”The human in the green hoodie sighed and stood as well. “Oh yes, I feel very fortunate,” they stated sarcastically, before proceeding to summon more magical knives which attacked the other human.Undyne started raining spears down on the other human, though the human did not seem particularly inconvenienced by them; it was more the combination of attacks that threw them off.“Keep attacking!” Sans shouted, seeming to have noticed the human stumble slightly a few times in their attempts to dodge everything.Undyne and the human in the green hoodie complied, though Undyne did add, “I’m the boss here, punk,” before doing so.A large, skeletal creature appeared, a large blue pulse of energy escaping the creature’s jaws and enveloping the other human, who dropped to the floor.“Woah, what was that?” Papyrus asked, watching the creature disappear, its work finished. “Have you always been able to do that, brother?”“Uhhhh…” Sans replied awkwardly, before changing the subject. “Bro, what are you doing here?”“Oh! That’s a funny story, actually. Undyne found this thing and it made a portal and we went through it and now we’re here!” Papyrus replied, indicating the portal-summoning device, which was now lying on the floor, having been discarded by Undyne in her rush to capture a human.Sans blinked. “A portal?” he asked, walking over and picking up the device to examine it.“Yes!” Papyrus replied, pointing in the direction they had come from, only to find the portal was gone. “Oh… It’s gone.”“I guess we’ll have to make a new one then,” Undyne said cheerfully, taking the portal-making device back from Sans. She then created another portal in the side of a wall and jumped through it. “Later, punks!”“Right… Uh, yeah, see you later, guys.” Sans replied, and though Papyrus could tell something was off, he didn’t ask.“See you later, brother!” Papyrus called back, waving, before following Undyne. Glancing back as he stepped through the portal, he saw his brother had a sad smile on his face, and the human in the green hoodie was standing beside him, a comforting hand on his shoulder. Papyrus wondered why his brother seemed sad; oh well, he could always ask him later.Meanwhile, Papyrus now found himself and Undyne somewhere completely different. So different, in fact, that they weren’t in the Underground anymore. They weren’t even on the planet.They were in space.“WE’RE IN SPAAAAAAAAAACE!” Undyne shouted, seeming rather excited about that fact for someone who didn’t have a spacesuit. Then again, Papyrus couldn’t really blame her; he was excited too. Having been trapped in the Underground for so long, Papyrus had dreamed of reaching the surface, but this was beyond even his wildest fantasies. Papyrus felt bad Sans wasn’t here; his brother loved space, so he would surely have enjoyed this even more than Undyne did. Looking back to try to get Sans’ attention so he could come visit space as well, Papyrus found the portal was once again gone. Papyrus sighed and decided to settle for telling his brother stories of what he saw in space once they returned.Though he had to wonder how exactly the portal had brought them to space in the first place. Shouldn’t the barrier have kept them from reaching the surface, much less space? Also, how were they supposed to get back?“Undyne, maybe we should try to go back-” Papyrus started, becoming a bit apprehensive. What if they just kept getting farther and farther away each time they used the portal device? “Don’t be silly, Papyrus! This is AWESOME!!!” Undyne replied, doing several flips just because she could.Papyrus sighed, “Yes, but don’t you think it’s also a bit… dangerous? Who knows where we’ll end up next. What if the next portal sends us into a volcano or something?”“Aww, Papyrus, don’t be a killjoy! This thing hasn’t taken us anywhere dangerous yet!”“I would like to respectfully point out we’ve only used it twice and the most recent use left us stranded in space.”“I suppose that’s a fair point. Very well, we can head back- but first I want to get a space rock! Sans will be sooooo jealous!” Undyne stated, heading in the direction of the nearest slow-moving comet, which fortunately wasn’t too far away. Papyrus followed, and as they neared the comet they heard a voice.“What are you idiots doing out here?”Undyne and Papyrus looked around wildly, but didn’t see anyone nearby.“I’m right here, idiots. The star to your right. Are you always this slow?”Undyne growled as she turned to the star. “What do you know, punk? What were we supposed to do, hear someone talking and automatically think, ‘Oh hey, I bet that’s a star talking’?”“…You’re not from around here, are you?”“Well, no. We went through a portal and ended up here!” Papyrus explained, smiling at the star, who seemed annoyed by his cheerfulness.“Well, isn’t that wonderful.” the star commented. Then it seemed to take a slightly mischievous tone. “You know, since you guys are new here, I better warn you about the terrifying creature that lives in this area.”“H-huh? What do you mean?” Papyrus asked nervously.“Oh, come on! You aren’t actually buying this, are you?” Undyne asked, raising an eyebrow.“N-no, of course not! But, um, maybe we should head back now anyway?” Papyrus stammered.“Oh, fine!” Undyne muttered, shooting a glare at the star before using the portal device to make another portal. “You all are no fun!” She commented before jumping through the portal. Papyrus followed hastily.They found themselves in an alley. All around, buildings of various sizes stood, and people rushed around from one building to another.“Is this what the surface looks like?” Papyrus asked, gazing around in awe.“Maybe,” Undyne replied, “Let’s ask someone!”“Paps? Undyne?” The two turned to see Sans walking over, wearing a suit, and looking quite confused. “What are you guys doing here? I thought you were having a sparring match?”“Brother, why are you wearing a suit? I’ve been trying to get you to wear something other than that old hoodie for years, and here you’re just walking around in a suit without even telling me?” Papyrus asked, looking simultaneously happy that Sans had finally listened to him and annoyed that he hadn’t told him.“What are you talking about? I always wear a suit. Why aren’t you wearing a suit? The boss told us to blend in, remember? You guys are sticking out like a sore thumb right now.” Sans replied.“Boss? Isn’t Undyne the boss?” Papyrus questioned.Sans just stared at him in disbelief. “Is this some kinda joke, bro? You aren’t usually one to joke about responsibilities…”“Hey, wait, what are you even doing on the surface?” Undyne demanded. “Have you been able to cross the barrier all this time?”“Surface? Barrier? Are you two drunk or somethin’?” Sans seemed bewildered. “I thought we all agreed, no more bets where drunkeness is involved!”“No one’s drunk!” Papyrus replied quickly. “You don’t remember the barrier? We were all trapped in the Underground?”Sans sighed, “Look, bro, we’ve talked about this, if you’re gonna make up new code words you have to tell me what they mean. This just sounds like nonsense right now.”“But brother-” Papyrus was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing.“Hold on a second, bro,” Sans said, answering his phone. After a short pause, he said, “Okay bro, I- Wait.” Sans looked back and forth between the phone and Papyrus, looking both confused and slightly scared. “U-uh, I’ll call you back, bro…” After hanging up, Sans stared at Papyrus and Undyne. “Alright, what’s going on here?”Undyne shrugged. “We were hoping you could answer that. How did you get here?”Sans blinked. “Here as in this alley, or…?”“Here as in on the surface, or whatever you want to call this place!”Sans frowned. “Uh, this neighborhood, you mean? We’ve lived around here for years…”“Do the portals go through time as well?” Papyrus asked Undyne urgently.Undyne shrugged and made an 'i-don’t-know’ noise.Sans was now even more confused. “Portals?”“Yeah, remember?” Undyne replied, shooting a portal into the side of a building.“R-right… Uh, I’ll… See you later, guys…” Sans said, before speed-walking away.“Huh, he seemed a bit freaked out by that. Does he not remember when we showed him the portal earlier? I guess this must be in the really distant future or something,” Undyne commented. “Then again, wouldn’t portals be even more common in the distant future? Ugh, I’m making my head hurt…”“Let’s go before the portal closes,” Papyrus suggested, heading towards the portal. “Plus, it seems to be drawing some attention…” Sure enough, several individuals had stopped in the street to see what was going on.Undyne and Papyrus entered the portal before an even larger crowd could gather, and found themselves in yet another unexpected place. A classroom at a school, where several humans were seated at a table.“Wh-where did those things come from?” One of the humans asked when they noticed the two standing there, pointing at them, looking both terrified and furious.“Hello!” Papyrus said cheerfully. “Where are we?”Someone screamed, someone else fainted, and two people ran out of the room.“Well? Isn’t anyone going to answer his question?” Undyne asked.“Someone call the police,” whispered one of the humans to the others.“Oh! Look! It says 'PTA Meeting’ on the board over there!” Papyrus pointed out.“Huh. Wonder what that means?” Undyne said thoughtfully.“Hmmm… Public Toast Agreement?” Papyrus suggested.“Honestly that would be kinda interesting so I hope you’re right.”“I’ll have you know this is the Parent Teacher Association!” The human who had spoken earlier announced, looking at Undyne and Papyrus with disdain.“Doesn’t sound as interesting, but okay,” Undyne commented offhandedly.“It’s not supposed to be amusing, these meetings are very important-!”“Linda, careful, we don’t know how dangerous these things are,” one of the other humans spoke up.“I know Helen, but they insulted the good name of the PTA!” the first human replied.“Toast would’ve been better,” Undyne spoke up. Linda looked furious.“I’m hungry now,” Papyrus spoke up, “Think there’s a kitchen around here so we can make spaghetti?”“That’s enough! You have interrupted this meeting for far too long.” Linda said in a tone that showed she was clearly less brave than she was trying to seem.“Oh, fine, you’re no fun anyway.” Undyne muttered, creating a portal in the middle of the table just to spite Linda.“WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!?!” Linda shrieked, but Undyne didn’t bother to answer before jumping into the portal.“Bye!” Papyrus said, waving at the humans before following. “Have fun with the meeting!”Undyne and Papyrus stepped out of the portal and found themselves back in the dump.“Well, that was eventful.” Papyrus said, glancing around. “…We are back, right? This isn’t just a very convincing future version of the Underground?”“I think so,” Undyne commented, glancing around for any garbage that looked familiar.“That’s a relief. As fun as that was, it was quite confusing.”“Hmm, yeah, but that’s part of the fun!” Undyne then smirked, “Come on, let’s go tell Sans we went to space! That’ll show him for being too lazy to come to the dump with us!”
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teamstitch · 7 years
Food Fight reactions! Plz! PLZ!
This is a fun one!Aright, so I'm assuming they'd break down into teams really quickly, and all have their own strategies about how to win.The Teams are going to be Team Serious and Team PrankstersKirsten (Team Serious): When the fight breaks out, she quickly looks for the first thing of cover, sliding and ducking behind a table, peeking over slightly to observe her surrounding, once she notes everyone's location she grabs a nearby plate (filled with PB&Js) and starts strategically chucking them over the table at the enemies. Until Amanda sneaks over to the table with a bowl of cereal, and dumps it over Kirsten's head.Taken Out By: AmandaCameron (Team Serious/But literally only because Kirsten is on that one): He's prepared for this moment, oh how he's prepared, he darts to the mini fridge and opens it up, grabbing armfuls of soda cans, shaking them over and over again, before rolling all of them out to the middle of the room, ducking before the soda grenades go off and eliminate everyone nearby, including himself.)Taken Out By: HimselfCamille (Team Prankster) If she's doing this, she's going to have fun with it, she learns from Cameron's strategy, grabs a soda can and shakes it, before darting at a Team Serious member and when she gets behind them, grabs the back of their pants, points The can at the person's backside, and opens the soda, spraying the Team Serious members with a harsh spray of carbonation to the butt. Then a random banana hits her in the chest, meaning she's out.Taken Out By: Linus Linus (Pranksters): This is his moment! He grabs nearby plates and uses them as shields, blocking the sprays over liquid, and tossed cupcakes, before throwing the plates to the ground and grabbing a few bananas, chucking them at people like boomerangs, he honest to god is like Rambo, dodging food left and right, and knocking players out of the game every few seconds. That is until he stands right in the middle of a soda can explosion.Taken Out By: CameronIvy (Team Serious): She's seen a few food fights in her day, so she knows what to do, which is hide behind a wall, grab a book, sit down and read, waiting for the fight to end. Things don't go as expected however when Camille runs up behind and sprays her backside with a can of soda.Taken Down By: CamilleAmanda (Team Prankster): Her go to is to improvise, grabbing what she was eating at the moment (a bowl of fruit loops) and noticing a few sandwiches flying out from behind a table, she darts over there and pours the food over the table, and over Kirsten's head. Though is taken down by a random banana to the forehead.Taken Down By: LinusMaggie (Team Maggie): Comes in when it's all over, cleans up the mess seemingly easy, and then yells at everyone for being childish. "Accidentally" going on for a long enough time for everyone to have to sit there in messed up, food covered clothing for about an hour.It's good to be the boss!Also instead of tagging specific people to get opinions from, if you want to give your reactions go ahead! No matter who you are! I always enjoy seeing others thoughts!
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