#atrioventricular septal defect
allkindsofadvocacy · 2 years
Find Me Friday: Michey & Owen!
Find Me Friday: Michey & Owen!
Logo that says Reece’s Rainbow Special Needs Adoption Support in blue, below a blue & yellow paint stroke rainbow graphic with a yellow Ukrainian trident symbol on the right half. In this series, each Friday, I want to share a different child or group of children with you who are available for adoption and listed through the adoption advocacy website Reece’s Rainbow. All the kids who are listed…
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Rare Disease Day 2023
I'd like to start by saying a huge thank you to everyone for your support and love after my recent surgery, it truly means so, so much.
As it's Rare Disease Day once again, I want to share my experience in the hope that it helps someone out there to not only understand what it's like to live with a rare disorder, but also to feel a little less alone. So, let's get down to it.
For those of you who don't already know, I was born with a Dandy-Walker malformation and an atrioventricular septal defect specifically known as Tetralogy of Fallot. ToF is characterized by four defects, and according to my current surgeon, my case isn’t textbook. God's plan was to make me as unique as possible!
I had corrective surgery at just 5 weeks old, and my second repair in October 2022. I’ll need further surgeries in the future.
While ToF is one of the more commonly known conditions, DWS is largely unrecognized. Even the specialists I’m under don’t know everything about DWS. That’s the trouble with a disorder with so many variants.
According to statistics from the Dandy-Walker Alliance, 1 in 10,000 children are born with DWS. It’s also more likely to affect women than men. Some people don't live past the age of 40.
My malformation and co-existing symptoms are milder than they could have been. I’m one of the lucky ones who won’t need a hydrocephalic shunt, or end up in a wheelchair, but for some, that’s the reality of living with DWS.
The defining trait of Dandy-Walker Syndrome is an abnormality of the cerebellum, forming a cyst at the base of the skull, and complete absence of the cerebellar vermis. In severe cases, increased cerebral fluid is present. Children born with DWS will have delayed development and poor motor control. My hands mirror each of their movements, and I occasionally experience myoclonic jerks.
Another side effect of DWS is epilepsy. I've had a lifetime of headaches, dizziness and seizures. There are 41 different types of seizure, and I can experience any one of them at any given time. So in short, it's sometimes a real chore to get through the day! But in spite of it all, I've managed to live a reasonably normal life.
I turn 30 this year, and I've been thinking a lot more about my future goals, because as I'm sure you know, women face a lot of pressure to have their shit together by the time they turn the big 3-0. I’m a woman who would love to have children, but know that because of my health, it might never happen. Or if it does happen, there’s a significant chance my child could end up with all the same health complications I have. I can’t count the times I’ve kept myself awake at night, sometimes even cried because of it. Sometimes it’s scary having to admit and accept that. However, I'm a big believer in the old adage 'where there's a will, there's a way'. It's gotten me this far, and I don't intend to let anything stop me from living the life I deserve.
If you're reading this and you have a rare chronic illness or disability - or any disorder - I hope you take a little time today to remind yourself of how unique and wonderful you are. Take pride in being perfectly imperfect.
You are seen, you are loved, and you are stronger than you believe.
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teachingrounds · 2 months
Q. What's the breakdown of anatomical defects of the septum between the upper chambers of the heart?
A. 75% of atrial septal defects (ASDs) are ostium secundum defects, including patent foramen ovales (PFOs) 20-25% are ostium primum defects or partial atrioventricular cushion, usually associated with Trisomy 21 5-10% are sinus venous defects
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Pro-Tip: Ostium primum defects can distort the mitral valve, causing mitral regurgitation and yet another murmur.
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iamsomeonestrong · 2 years
I'm Lauren, I'm 29, and I have Dandy-Walker Syndrome. I also have a complex congenital heart condition.
You might be wondering, what exactly is DWS? What heart condition do I have? Well, I'll tell you. Because it's a little complicated.
I was born with a Dandy-Walker malformation and an atrioventricular septal defect, specifically known as Tetralogy of Fallot. ToF is characterized by four defects, and according to my current surgeon, my case isn't textbook. Always reassuring! I had corrective surgery at just 5 weeks old, and I'll need further surgeries in the future - in fact, I'm due to have my next surgery this year.
While ToF is one of the more commonly known conditions, DWS is largely unrecognized. Even the specialists I'm under don't know EVERYTHING about DWS. That's the trouble with a disorder with so many variants.
According to statistics from the Dandy-Walker Alliance, 1 in 10,000 children are born with DWS. It's also more likely to affect women than men. My malformation and co-existing symptoms are milder than they could have been. I'm one of the lucky ones who won't need a hydrocephalic shunt, or end up in a wheelchair, but for some, that's the reality of living with DWS.
The defining trait of Dandy-Walker Syndrome is an abnormality of the cerebellum, forming a cyst at the base of the skull, and complete absence of the cerebellar vermis. In severe cases, increased cerebral fluid is present. Children born with DWS will have delayed development and poor motor control. My hands mirror each of their movements, which means making coffee can sometimes be a little more dangerous! Over the years, I've learned to control my mirroring, but it hasn't been easy!
I started this blog as a way to document my experience, but also in the hope that someone else out there would find it and get in touch. After a while, I got to thinking - what if this wasn't just a blog, but a safe space for other women to share their experiences with disabilities and chronic illnesses?
As a result, Someone Strong was born. I'm hoping to turn this into a social media campaign to shine a light on women with rare conditions and the strength it takes us to get through each day.
So, if you're reading this, please join me and share your stories. I look forward to meeting you x
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Currently have Otterheart and Turtlebreeze on the brain and I thought it would be understandable to give them some birth defects that they display in the Dark Forest (since they were stillborn and their surviving sibling Eelstream was born with gills, I think Otterheart and Turtlebreeze must have been pretty fucked up anatomically)
Otterheart: Has an atrioventricular septal defect, pulmonary hypoplasia (underdeveloped lungs), a left back club paw, microphthalmia in his right eye, and a cleft palate
Turtlebreeze: Has a hiatal hernia, renal hypoplasia (underdeveloped kidneys), a right back club paw, micropthalamia in his left eye, and a cleft palate
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ilmutaforma · 2 days
the clinical and anatomical features of a live-born diprosopic lamb are described. there are no complete anatomical analyses of two-faced lambs in the literature despite the frequency of conjoined twinning in sheep. the lamb had two heads fused in the occipital region. each head had two eyes. the pinnae of the medial ears were fused. caudal to the neck the lamb appeared grossly normal. the lamb was unable to raise its heads or stand. both heads showed synchronous sucking motions and cranial reflexes were present. nystagmus, strabismus, and limb incoordination were present. the respiratory and heart rates were elevated. there was a grade IV murmur over the left heart base and a palpable thrill on the left side. each head possessed a normal nasopharynx, oropharynx, and tongue. there was a singular laryngopharnyx and esophagus although the hyoid apparatus was partially duplicated. the cranial and cervical musculature reflected the head duplications. the aortic trunk emerged from the right ventricle just to the right of the conus arteriosus. a ventricular septal defect, patent foramen ovale, and ductus arteriosus were present along with malformed atrioventricular valves. brainstem fusion began at the cranial medulla oblongata between cranial nerves IX and XII. the cerebella were separate but small. the ventromedial structures from each medulla oblongata were compressed into an extraneous midline remnant of tissue which extended caudally to the level of T2. the clinical signs therefore reflected the anatomical anomalies. a possible etiology for this diprosopus might be the presence early in development of an excessively large block of chordamesoderm. this would allow for the formation of two head folds and hence two "heads."
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duchessravenclaw · 9 months
New important characters Chapters 11-20
Albert Fawley: Lord to House Fawley, first ally of Slytherin House. Makes reparations and still comes out well with marrying his daughter in the house after some horrific family history comes to light. He is an even tempered man who never expected to accomplish much during his reign. Alexandria Fawley: Married to Lord Fawley, formerly Selwyn. Married off in a betrothal, while she does not love her husband she has come to like him a lot. They have become good friends and maintained a faithfulness that you don't find anywhere else. Nicolai Fawley: Son to Albert and Alexandria, Heir to House Fawley. Already in Hogwarts and is forced to keep the secret of the family alliance for years. This helps his cunning, and Lady Slytherin owls with him often helping bolster his confidence and begin making alliances at a young age. Helping to set the family up for the future. Gemma Fawley: Daughter to Albert and Alexandria, Secondary Heir to House Fawley. Betrothed to the future Lord Slytherin. She is raised with the Slytherin boys, learning a long with them, both their family traditions and hers. The families hope this will help them to learn to work together. They encourage her play with her betrothed but to spend more time with the secondary heir so as to not develop sibling like feelings. August Nassau: Herr Nassau, raised and lives in Germany, Holds his seat on the German Ministry, holds a seat on the Italian primary school the children attend, and the department head of the German DMLE. Introduced to the Slytherin family through Sirius. Formerly allied with the German Black Branch of the family, which Sirius holds up. Karl Nassau: Son of August and Heir to the Duchy. One year older than the Slytherin boys. Friends with them and attends primary school with them. Over protective of his younger sister. Mathilde Nassau: Daughter of August and Secondary Heir to the Duchy. She was born with an atrioventricular septal defect and born with no right forearm or hand. She is treated as a princess by both her father and brother. She is the same age as the boys. Narcissa Malfoy: Daughter of House Black, granddaughter to current Lord Black. Married to Lucius Malfoy, formerly Black. Meets Lilith at the opening of her first shop. She is Lilith's first wizarding female friend. Lucius Malfoy: Lord of the Malfoy House. Very Pompous, exceeds in gaining the upper hand but sometimes can lack a deft touch on things. Always thinks he knows everything and isn't always good with having foresight and can frequently almost mess things up if not for Lady Malfoy. Lucette Laval: Daughter to Lucienne and Lou Laval. Heiress to the Laval House. Meets the Slytherin children at primary school and becomes friends with them, the Nassau children, and the Wilhelm children. She is one year older than the boys. Lunette Laval: Daughter to Lucienne and Lou Laval. Secondary heiress to the Laval House. Meets the Slytherin children at primary school and becomes friends with them, the Nassau children, and the Wilhelm children. She is one year older than the boys. Lunette was born blind but sees far better than most do. Her family desperately tries to keep this knowledge from the public as true seers are valuable. Augusta Longbottom: The Dowager, Grandmother to Neville Longbottom. Current Regent of House Longbottom until Neville is of age. She is one who was a big believer of Dumbledore until tragedy befell her only son and daughter-in-law. Drowning in her grief she is barely able to keep up her formidable front on in public.
Neville Longbottom: Son to Frank and Alice Longbottom, Heir to House Longbottom. Lives with his grandmother ever since his parents were brutally attacked and their minds addled. Lonely young child until he is introduced to Hadrian and his brother Andras. Learns with the two on most wizarding subjects outside of the main classes they learn at school. Becomes Hadrian's best friend and good friends with Andras. Henri Prewett: Son of Lancelot Prewett and Cassiopeia Prewett nee Black. Lord to the House of Prewett after Gideon and Fabian died in the last war. Meets Lilith at the opening of her rare book store and becomes intrigued with her. Severus Snape: Heir to the Prince House, Former best friend of Lily Potter. Held under vow to Dumbledore to keep his former best friends child safe. Professor of Potions and Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts, former death eater, and spy for the Order of the Pheonix. Kaori Kikuchi: Secondary Heiress of House Kikuchi in Japan. House is a Vassal to the Slytherin family who never gave up hope of the house having a resurgence. Voluntarily serves the family to help them and gain a leg up in the betrothal department for a prime husband. Harold Greengrass: Lord to the Greengrass family. Neutral family and head of the Neutral Block. Does not side consistently on one side or the other but tries keep things more even and away from the extremes. Well known for being fair and his ability to see through lies. Emners Greengrass: Son to Harold Greengrass, Heir to House Greengrass. Went to school with Sirius, James and Lily. Good man still learning the ropes. Min Greengrass: Married to Emners Greengrass, Helping Lord Greengrass out with Lady duties since his wife died. Very sweet, comes from a halfblood untitled family. Mother to two daughters. Annaliese Greengrass: Daughter to Harold Greengrass, Secondary Heir to House Greengrass. Once Betrothed to someone who grew up to be a reckless, sadistic death eater who luckily died before she hit the age agreed upon for marriage. Well protected by her family due to this and a little afraid to die an old maid.
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biomedres · 1 year
Prenatal Detection of Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect: A Down - Klinefelter Syndrome Case Report from Vietnam
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Prenatal Detection of Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect: A Down - Klinefelter Syndrome Case Report from Vietnam in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Down syndrome (DS) and Klinefelter syndrome (KS) are both serious congenital birth defects. DS is estimated to affect 1 in 700 births [1]. KS is one of the most common sex chromosomal abnormalities with the incidence around 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000 male births [2]. The existence of more than one chromosomal abnormality in the same individual could be considered as a rare phenomenon [3]. The first report of the patient with double trisomy combining DS and KS was published by Ford and colleagues in 1959 [4]. The patients with both DS and KS have variable clinical presentations [3]. The main characteristics of DS could be developmental delay, single palmar crease, short stature, facial anomalies, hypotony and short hands. Additionally, cardiac and gastrointestinal defects, hypothyroidism, and celiac disease are commonly associated with DS [3]. Congenital heart defects have found in 40-60% of DS cases [5] but rarely reported in children with KS [6]. This study aimed to report a fetus diagnosed with dual DS-KS who presents the characteristics of congenital heart defect.
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abheartcarenew · 2 years
Comprehensive guide to Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery
Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery
To keep the heart functioning, a tremendous amount of effort is needed. Minimally invasive cardiac surgery is one of the most recent developments in the field of a healthy heart. The procedure is risk-free and has no significant negative effects. Let's continue and quickly go over the procedure.
Many years ago, heart surgery is performed with a bigger midline incision and breast bone cutting (sternum). Although this strategy provided good exposure and convenience of operation, it is now time for evolution due to advances in technology and tools.
The minimally invasive technique will develop and grow as technology improves and surgeons' experience increases around the world. Patients who believe that MICS techniques lessen surgical stress will select more long-lasting surgical choices. Due to the clear potential benefits of an early return to regular activities and increased quality of life, patients are more likely to request MICS methods in the future for their cardiac problems. For the greatest results, heart teams from various centres will collaborate in hybrid operating rooms.
What is minimally invasive heart surgery?
The term "Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery" refers to treatments done on the heart using one or more tiny incisions (incisions). Open-heart procedures, on the other hand, often involve a single, lengthy incision down the front of your chest.
Through the incisions, surgeons insert small, powerful cameras, equipment, or robotic arms. To reach your heart, the surgeon inserts tools between your ribs. Compared to open cardiac surgeries, minimally invasive procedures might result in less scarring, less pain, and quicker healing. In order to access your heart during an open-heart surgery, your breastbone (sternum) must be sliced.
What are the types of minimally invasive heart surgery?
There are two main types of minimally invasive heart surgery:
Thoracoscopic surgery: One or more tiny incisions are made on the side of your chest by the surgeon. Through the cuts, a thoracoscope (a long tube with a video camera) is inserted to observe your heart. They use long, thin tools to operate.
A small incision is made on the side of your chest during robotically assisted heart surgery. Through the cuts, they direct robotic arms. Your surgeon operates the robotic arms to carry out the treatment while the robot displays clear views of your heart.
What is minimally invasive heart surgery used for?
Surgeons may use minimally invasive techniques for a variety of surgeries, including:
Atrial septal defect (ASD) closure.
Atrioventricular canal defect surgery.
Cardiac tumor removal.
Coronary artery bypass surgery.
Maze procedure for atrial fibrillation.
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure.
Valve repairs or replacements, including minimally invasive mitral valve repair.
Ventricular assist device placement.
Is minimally invasive heart surgery safe?
Yes. There is a risk of complications with any type of surgery. However, minimally invasive surgeries often have lower complication rates than open procedures.
What happens before minimally invasive heart surgery?
You'll receive instructions from your surgeon on how to be ready for minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Some drugs you may need to temporarily cease using before to the surgery.
To keep you sleeping throughout the procedure, general anaesthetic will be administered. Your surgeon may decide to shave a little section of your hair where the incisions will be made. You will be connected to a heart-lung machine by your surgical team, which maintains your blood pumping throughout the procedure.
How long does minimally invasive heart surgery take?
Minimally invasive heart surgery usually takes about two to six hours.
What happens after minimally invasive heart surgery?
After minimally invasive heart surgery, you'll normally stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) for one to two days. To avoid fluid accumulation around your heart, you might have drainage tubes in your chest.
You will continue to heal for a few more days in a different hospital area. Within a day or two of surgery, your medical team will assist you in standing up and walking. They could advise you to practise breathing exercises to prevent fluid from entering your lungs. People typically stay in hospitals for a few days. The particular disease you have and the kind of surgery you undergo will determine how long you spend overall in the hospital.
What are the advantages of minimally invasive heart surgery?
Faster recovery.
Less blood loss.
Less visible scars.
Lower risk of bleeding or infection.
Reduced pain.
Shorter hospital stays.
Minimally invasive heart surgery has a lower risk of complications than open-heart surgery. But there's still a risk of:
Irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias).
This isn’t common, but it’s important to understand that it’s possible.
How long does it take to recover from minimally invasive heart surgery?
For a few weeks following surgery, you could feel more exhausted than usual. You'll receive instructions from your surgeon regarding when you can resume driving, working, and other activities. Within two to four weeks, most people can resume their regular activities. For several weeks, you must refrain from doing any hard lifting.
To safely raise your exercise levels, your doctor could also advise that you finish a cardiac rehabilitation course. These programmes might also assist you in developing better routines, such regular exercise and a heart-healthy diet.
When should I see my healthcare provider?
See your healthcare provider right away if you experience any signs of complication after minimally invasive heart surgery, including:
Drainage or pus around the incision site.
Excessive swelling or redness around the incision site.
Fever or chills.
Heart palpitations.
Unusual swelling or fluid retention (edema) in your legs or feet.
Weight gain of more than three pounds in one week.
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Minimally invasive heart surgeries are operations that surgeons perform through one or more small incisions in your chest. These procedures are less invasive than open-heart surgeries. Open-heart surgeries use one long incision down the center of your chest. Surgeons may use minimally invasive techniques to repair heart valves, remove tumors or correct heart defects. Minimally invasive heart surgery often leads to less pain, smaller scars and faster recovery.
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fetalechoindelhi · 2 years
Why is the fetal echocardiography test important?
Fetal echocardiogram abnormal results can be ambiguous or necessitate additional testing to determine the exact cause. Sometimes additional testing is not required since concerns have been ruled out. You can better control your pregnancy and be ready for the birth once your doctor has made a diagnosis.
The results of this test will assist you and your doctor in preparing for any postpartum procedures, such as corrective surgery, that your unborn child could require. Additionally, you can receive counseling and support to assist you in making wise choices for the balance of your pregnancy. Fetal echos look for congenital cardiac conditions that develop in the womb and may damage your baby's heart's structure and function. A more severe instance of CHD can involve missing pieces, whereas a minor case might just be a hole in your baby's heart.
Examples of CHD include:
Atrial septal defect Atrioventricular septal defect Coarctation of the aorta Double-outlet right ventricle d-transposition of the great arteries Ebstein anomaly Hypoplastic left heart syndrome Interrupted aortic arch Pulmonary atresia Single ventricle Tetralogy of fallot Total anomalous pulmonary venous return Tricuspid atresia Truncus arteriosus Ventricular septal defect
To know more about the Fetal echo Shalimar Bagh, visit Fetal Heart Echo.
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All You Need To Know About The Best Procedures For Heart Treatment In India: Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery
With the advancement of health care, many hospitals have been able to include advanced procedures for doing surgeries. This has opened new doors for surgeries related to the heart, kidney, brain, and other sensitive body parts.  According to the World Health Organisation, the term “Medical technology” is defined as the application of organised knowledge and skills in the form of some specific factors.
Systems specially developed to solve a health problem 
Improving the quality of life. 
Today there are many best heart hospitals in India that also have expertise in other health care. They are known as “Multidisciplinary health care centres”. With the help of them, you can get all health care services under the same roof. 
What advancement has the medical field witnessed during the past few years?
The world has seen many advancements in medical science and health care during the last few years. We have seen the intervention of smart technologies and artificial intelligence in the field of medical science. Some of the advantages that have been acquired from the involvement of new technologies include the following :
It improves automation.
It increases speed, efficiency and agility.
It increases mobility and remote connectivity.
It improves storage and sharing.
It improves communication.
Understanding the concept of “Minimally Invasive heart surgery” in details 
The minimally invasive heart surgery process includes making the small incisions in the right side of the chest to reach the heart between the ribs rather than cutting through the breastbone. So it is pretty different from what is done in open-heart surgery.
This surgery process can be done to cure a variety of heart conditions. In addition, this surgery is much more pain-free in comparison to open-heart surgery. 
What are the reasons behind executing this type of operation?
The types of heart procedures that may be cured by performing the minimally invasive heart surgery include:
Aortic valve replacement
Atrial septal defect and patent foramen ovale closure
Atrioventricular septal defect surgery
Coronary artery bypass surgery
Maze procedure for atrial fibrillation
Mitral valve repair or replacement
Saphenous vein harvest for coronary artery bypass surgery
Tricuspid valve repair or replacement
What are the benefits of using this “Minimally invasive heart surgery” as a treatment for your heart?
The potential benefits that the “minimally invasive heart surgery” can be able to provide when compared with open-heart surgery can include:
This surgery results in less blood loss.
Tou can expect to have a lower risk of infection.
This surgery has reduced the amount of trauma and pain.
You can spend a shorter time in the hospital.
You can expect a faster recovery.
You can return to do your normal activities within a shorter period of time.
This surgery produces smaller and less noticeable scars.
So, to get the best heart treatment in India, you can always go for this mode of heart surgery. 
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babyhappypants · 5 years
Arlo often looks up at me and says, "Wa(click)?" So we go for a walk. Between climbing walls and examining rocks and throwing kisses to our neighbors, the 12-minute loop takes us 33 minutes. I recommend it. Go for a wa(click). Take about three times as long as you need. Climb some walls; examine some rocks; maybe just wave at your neighbors. It's cool.
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mcatmemoranda · 5 years
Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
VSD = there’s a hole connecting the right and left ventricles
ASD = there’s a hole connecting the right and left atria
CAVC Defect = Complete Atrioventricular Canal Defect = hole between the ventricles and the atria; common AV valve.
PDA = the ductus arteriosus (connection between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta) doesn’t close
Eisenmenger syndrome = the shunt switches directions (L to R shunt becomes R to L shunt or vice versa; basically, pressure will build up so much on one side of the heart that eventually, it starts flowing in the opposite direction from that in which it initially flowed; so pts who are born with VSD have a left to right shunt at birth. When it switches to right to left, that is called “Eisenmenger syndrome.”)
Atrioventricular (AV) canal defect is a large hole in the center of the heart. It's located where the wall (septum) between the upper chambers (atria) joins the wall between the lower chambers (ventricles). This septal defect involves both upper and lower chambers. Also, the tricuspid and mitral valves that normally separate the heart's upper and lower chambers aren't formed as individual valves. Instead, a single large valve forms that crosses the defect in the wall between the two sides of the heart. Source: http://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/congenital-heart-defects/about-congenital-heart-defects/complete-atrioventricular-canal-defect-cavc
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rookie-ramsey · 3 years
Eclipse, Chapter 3 (Ethan x MC)
Description: Five years after the birth of their unexpected twins, Ethan and Olivia are expecting their third child. Even if they planned the pregnancy this time around, they learn that not everything goes as planned.
Preview: “We know now that she’ll definitely need heart surgery. She has what’s called an atrioventricular septal defect. She’ll be okay for a couple of months, but then she’ll have symptoms of heart failure. The good news is that the surgery has a very high success rate,” Ethan explained.
Alan nodded softly. “Well, you know that whatever you need, I’m there. I’ll watch Zoey and Jonah anytime you need to be with the baby.”
Previous Chapter
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At the end of the month, they left Boston for a trip to Alan’s house.
When Ethan pulled into the driveway, Zoey and Jonah clambered out of the backseat and rushed to the front door. Alan answered moments later and knelt down to hug his grandchildren.
“It’s about time you got here!”
They hugged him tightly. Jonah smiled widely. “What are you making for dinner?”
Alan chuckled. “I’m glad you asked. I’m making spaghetti and I need some taste testers for the sauce. I just don’t know who to ask.”
“We’ll do it!” Zoey volunteered.
“Sounds like I found the right people.” Alan ruffled their hair and stood up. The twins raced each other into the kitchen and Ethan and Olivia followed Alan inside.
“Something smells good,” Olivia noted.
Alan grinned. “It better! It was one of the first recipes Ethan learned how to make. His results back then weren’t nearly as good as they are now, but he learned fast.”
“Too bad that doesn’t apply to pancakes,” Olivia teased.
“Or dessert!” Jonah chimed in.
“He never did learn how to bake, did he?” Alan agreed,
“Nope. He always messes it up,” Zoey added.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “We’ve been here a minute and I’m already the topic of discussion?”
“Always.” Olivia squeezed his arm. A few minutes later, dinner was ready and everyone took a seat at the table.
“Jonah, Zoey, how’s kindergarten?” Alan addressed his grandkids.
Jonah smiled sheepishly, with the hints of pride in his eyes. “I got put in time-out today cause I woke someone up at naptime.”
Alan chuckled. “Has your daddy ever told you about his kindergarten time-outs? He had a few, if I remember correctly.”
“Really,” Alan confirmed. “One time he stole chocolate out of the teacher’s desk drawer. He even had an elaborate plan to get her to leave her desk.”
Olivia snickered, entertained. “That’s painfully adorable. How did he get caught?”
Ethan rolled his eyes, but his lips curled into an amused smile. “I wasted time trying to choose between the Hershey bar and the Snickers. When she turned around, I tried to get back to my seat but she caught me with a candy bar in each hand.”
“Such a shame. You could have gotten away with it.”
Ethan smirked. “Who says I didn’t? For all you know, I spent my time-out eating chocolate every time she turned her back to me. The plan wasn’t a complete failure.”
“Just when I thought the story couldn’t get cuter.” Olivia and the twins laughed out loud and resumed eating.
After dinner, they gathered in the living room. Alan gave the kids a photo album to look through, something they always wanted to do when they visited.
When they found the picture of Ethan as a child, his lips locked with the plush mouth of his teddy bear, Zoey giggled and held it up. “This one’s my favorite!”
Ethan cringed. “You remind me of that every time we’re here.”
Olivia grinned. “It’s a pretty fascinating picture. Little Ethan making out with a stuffed animal is pretty fascinating.”
“Nuh uh, Daddy.” Zoey shook her head, tucking the picture back into the album. She and her twin continued flipping through the pages, amused with the pictures as if they didn’t look at the album every time they visited Alan’s house.
Jonah found Ethan’s basketball picture from middle school. “Daddy looks like a giant.”
Alan laughed. “He was the tallest kid in his class until his senior year of high school. Then he met someone taller than him and refused to learn the kid’s name.”
“How petty of him.” Olivia giggled. “I’m pretty sure these two are going to be skyscrapers, too.”
Once they’d looked through another album, Jonah and Zoey left the room to play in Ethan’s old bedroom, which now served as a room for them to stay in if they spent the night.
“We had another appointment yesterday to check on the baby,” Olivia announced.
“How did that go?” Alan asked curiously.
“We know now that she’ll definitely need heart surgery. She has what’s called an atrioventricular septal defect. She’ll be okay for a couple of months, but then she’ll have symptoms of heart failure. The good news is that the surgery has a very high success rate,” Ethan explained.
Alan nodded softly. “Well, you know that whatever you need, I’m there. I’ll watch Zoey and Jonah anytime you need to be with the baby.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
They stayed until the kids emerged from the bedroom, both visibly sleepy. Jonah tried to contain a yawn as he leaned against Ethan’s knee.
“Can we spend the night?”
Ethan shook his head and ruffled his son’s hair. “Not on a school night.”
“School is closed tomorrow!” Zoey tried.
“Nice try.”
Olivia stood up. “I think it’s time to start going home.”
The kids sighed but gave in and hugged Alan goodbye before they followed their parents to the car. Despite their insistence that they weren’t tired, they were both sound asleep before they’d made it out of Providence.
Even though they spent most of their after-school time in the daycare for staff children, Zoey and Jonah knew the halls of Edenbrook just as well, if not better, than the employees.
When they  saw Bryce checking his schedule at the front desk, they rushed to the desk. “Uncle Bryce!”
Bryce grinned. “Hey, Double Trouble.”
Jonah pointed at the schedule on the wall. “Are you gonna cut anyone open today?”
“Two. I’m doing a kidney transplant. I cut the first guy open, take out his kidney, and then put it inside his brother.”
Zoey’s eyes widened. “Cool!”
Bryce laughed. “Sure is. What kind of trouble do you two have planned?”
Jonah glanced around to make sure nobody was eavesdropping. “We’re gonna watch TV in the lounge. Don’t tell anybody.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Bryce assured them. Satisfied, the kids waved at him before they left, sneaking in the direction of the lounge.
They poked their heads inside to make sure nobody was inside. Then they dashed into the lounge and started perusing the available snack options. Once they’d picked out something to eat, they sat on the plush couch as if they belonged there.
They’d only been in the lounge a few minutes when the door opened and a confused-looking handful of interns stuck their heads in the room. One of them sighed and shook his head.
“Nope. This is the lounge.”
Curious, Jonah stopped clicking through the channels on the television.  “What are you looking for?”
“Uh… Dr. Ramsey’s office?”
“Which Dr. Ramsey?”
The intern’s eyes widened. “There’s more than one?”
Zoey hopped off the couch and grinned. “Yup! Our mommy and daddy. But Mommy usually goes by her old last name so people don’t get confused.”
“Uh… this folder says E. Ramsey.”
“That’s Daddy,” Jonah confirmed. He finished his cookie and pointed at the door. “We’ll show you.”
Looking simultaneously grateful and awkward to be accepting directions from five-year-olds, the intern looked back at the little group and nodded. “Thanks? We just transferred from another hospital, so we don’t know where anything is.”
Zoey and Jonah led the interns through the halls, knowing the way to the diagnostics office by heart. When they reached it, Zoey pushed the door open. “There!”
Ethan looked up from his charts and arched a brow. “What are you two doing, and why do you have interns following you?”
“We’re helping them!” Jonah explained.
“I mean, why aren’t you-” Ethan stopped, dropping the subject. The twins managed to escape daycare regularly enough that he knew better than to interrogate, so he motioned for the puzzled interns to step inside.
Curious, Zoey and Jonah lingered in the doorway to watch. When they heard a voice behind them, they turned around and smiled. “Naveen!”
Naveen grinned. “I think I need to put you two on the payroll.”
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Don’t encourage them.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure they get where they’re supposed to be.”
“I presume you’ll be taking them on a detour.”
Naveen chuckled. “Would I do that?” With a wink, he ushered the kids out of the office. “I’ll tell you what. I think we need to go check out the new ice cream machine in the cafeteria.”
Tags, part 1
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page-doctor-bekker · 3 years
Rooftop - Part 1 (transfemme!sarah)
(A/N) hey! i have a long ass one-shot and i kinda of want to make it lead off a lil bit of a cliffhanger so i've got part one here for you. this takes place a few days after this oneshot
Sarah grabs her white coat from her desk chair, and stares at the embroidery.
Sarah Reese, MD
Dept. of Psychiatry
She sighed, before retreating to the bathroom to tuck and dress. Even after her orchiectomy, tucking was still mildly uncomfortable. At least she had graduated from using tape to using a gaff, which was much more comfortable and easy to take off at the end of the day.
Once she was dressed, clad in a pair of relaxed, navy blue dress pants and a pale pink button-down shirt speckled with cartoonish images of various types of fruit, she grabbed her lab coat, and shrugged it on.
There was a mirror on her closet door, and she caught a glimpse of herself in it. She gulped, and stood in front of it, staring herself down.
She pressed the pad of her thumb against her jawline, and dragged her skin around in a feeble attempt to soften it. Her jawline led her to her chin, the cleft in it causing a pang of dysphoria in her stomach. She puckered her lips, trying to make them look fuller, but that only exacerbated her chin. She sighed, and gave up. It is what it is.
She let her hand fall to her side, and fiddled with her coat. After a moment, she scowled at herself.
“Move on, Sarah, just move on,” She mumbled to herself, taking a hair tie from her wrist and putting her hair up into an unintentionally neat bun. No matter how hard she tried, she could never succeed in creating a messy one. That required more finesse than she had.
She smiled at herself, although her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I am a good doctor,” She affirmed, “A good doctor who made a mistake,” She quoted Dr. Charles, the thought of him filling her with calm.
“And Ava,” She gave herself a confident look, “Is not worth my time. I don’t even like her anyways.”
She paused for a moment.
“Because I don’t like women,” She shrugged, “And someday I will meet a man who loves me for me.”
“Don’t give me that look,” She snapped at herself, “Just because I’m not cis doesn’t mean I can’t be straight.”
“And I deserve better than Ava anyways,” She opened her mouth, then closed it, like a fish. She opened it again, “Someone better who is a man. I will find the man for me. The only reason I think I like Ava is because I haven’t found the man for me. That’s okay. I’m only 26. Some people don’t get married until after 30.”
“I am a confident woman,” She declared, “A confident straight woman.”
She started to walk away, but she looked back.
“And i’m a good doctor,” She said, sharply.
She saw Dr. Charles outside the hospital, and he waved her over. She ran to catch up with him, out of breath by the time she arrived, “Hello Dr. Charles,” She tried to catch her breath, thinking about how insane she must look right now.
“Dr. Reese,” He greeted with a nod, “How was your break?”
“It was very good,” She announced, “I feel like I am making progress with myself. I am a good doctor! What happened was a mistake, and it doesn’t define my clinical skills.”
He looked at her skeptically, “Good.. Good,” He gave a smile, “In my experience, all you really need after a mistake is to treat a few patients successfully, so I’ve volunteered you to be in the ED this morning.”
Her heart sank.
“And then, when Maggie dismisses you for lunch, come see me in my office and we can chat about what you did differently today,”
Sarah nodded, stuffing her hands in her pockets so she could fidget discreetly. If he knew I’m anxious, he might send me home again.
He gave her a pat on the back, “Holler if you need me. I’m just a page away.”
He left her at the doors to the ED and she took a deep breath, and smiled at the big red letters.
“Help! I need help!”
Go time.
She ran towards the direction of the voice, a large man in his mid-40s who was carrying a young girl, maybe 5 years old, in a bridal-style position.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Reese, I’m going to help you, tell me about your daughter,” She prompted, pressing two fingers onto the girl’s neck while awkwardly walking with the man.
“Ah, she’s my niece, Miranda Maxwell,” He corrected, “Uh, she’s almost six, she’s got a.. uh… Heart condition? She was born with it. Her mom said she sees a doctor here uh… Dr… Dr… Beaker? Brekker?”
“Dr. Bekker?” The name made Sarah’s heart flutter.
“Yes, that’s the one. Anyways, she collapsed today, and says her chest hurts, and she’s a bit blue around her lips and nails.”
Dr. Reese took Miranda from the man, and took a light jog into the emergency department. The man took off after her. Upon entering the ED, she called to Maggie, “Five years old with a congenital heart condition, chest pain, trouble breathing, rapid pulse, blue lips and nails, where do you want me?”
“Treatment five.”
Dr. Reese set the girl down on the bed and Monique rushed to start an IV, “Let’s get her on the monitors, and get her changed into a gown,” Sarah instructed, “And Maggie?”
Maggie looked up from where she was conversing with the girl’s uncle.
“Page Dr. Bekker, Miranda is a patient of her’s, and get Miranda’s parents here as soon as possible,” She looked back towards the girl, “Miranda? My name is Dr. Reese, I’m going to help you feel better.”
“It hurts,” She cried, clutching at her chest.
“I know, I know, we’re going to figure out why,” Dr. Reese cooed softly, before taking on a more serious tone with Monique, “Get a CBC, BMP, urinalysis, 12-lead EKG, and get her on oxygen until Dr. Bekk-”
“Talking about me?” Dr. Bekker startled Dr. Reese, “My ears were itching. Miranda, did you miss me? Is that why you’re back so soon?”
Miranda giggled through the pain at that, and Dr. Bekker smiled. Dr. Reese almost allowed herself to feel endeared by the rare display of kindness, but quickly regained composure.
“Maggie, where are we with her parents?”
“They’re on their way, but they said to do whatever it takes to help Miranda,” Maggie called back, and Dr. Bekker nodded.
“What seems to be the problem, Mindy?” Dr. Bekker pulled her stethoscope off of her neck, and pressed the drum to Miranda’s chest, and listened thoughtfully.
“I felt weird and then fell down. My chest hurts real bad,” She complained, “I can’t breathe.”
“Let’s get an echocardiogram,” Dr. Bekker noted to Monique, who nodded, and started to set up the ultrasound machine, “Does it hurt more when you breathe?”
Miranda shook her head.
She’s so gentle with her.
Sarah smiled.
“Okay, I’m going to look at your heart with this special tool, you’ve done this before,” Dr. Bekker assured, before squeezing the gel onto the girl’s chest and pressing the ultrasound wand down.
She can be gentle. And kind.
“Psych residents, I swear. God, isn’t anyone in this hospital competent?”
Sarah was shocked back to reality by Ava, who was snapping her fingers at her, “Dr. Reese? What tests did you order?”
“Uh… CBC, BMP, urinalysis, and a 12-lead-EKG?” She trembled, her voice seeming more questioning than answering.
“Okay,” She said quietly, focused on the ultrasound.
A few minutes of quiet later, Dr. Bekker put the wand away, “Clean her up, and,” Dr. Bekker looked back at Miranda, “And if I remember correctly, your popsicle of choice is cherry?” She winked at Miranda, removed her gloves, and helped herself to hand sanitizer off the wall. Dr. Reese nodded at Monique, who was wiping the girl off, and left as well.
“Um…” Dr. Reese started, “What do you think?”
“Transfer her up to the PICU and let me know when her parents get here,” Dr. Bekker told Maggie, before turning to Dr. Reese, “I think she’s in congestive heart failure,” She shrugged, “Did you see the ultrasound? She has a complete atrioventricular septal defect, she’s been my patient for the past year, we knew this was coming.”
“Why didn’t you operate earlier?”
“Her parents wanted to wait,” Ava shrugged and rolled her eyes, “Nobody wants to put their four year old daughter through open heart surgery. But now,” She gestured back towards the room, “Their five year old daughter is going to go through open heart surgery today.”
“Well is she going to be okay?”
“If I can get her in for- I’m sorry,” She interrupted herself, “Why do you care?”
“She’s…” Sarah balled part of her coat up in her hand, “She’s my patient, I just-”
“Not anymore she’s not,” Ava huffed, “Thanks for not killing her. Wish I could say the same for Mr. Nearling.”
Ava flounced off.
Sarah watched her leave, and turned to Maggie, who pointed at treatment 1.
“Ear infection.”
Dr. Reese nodded, grabbing the tablet the charge nurse was holding out, and heading to treatment 1.
By lunch, she had treated three ear infections, a gunshot wound, a miscarriage, and sent a psychosis patient up to the psych ward. By the time Maggie sent her off for her lunch break, she had practically forgotten about Ava.
Dr. Charles was waiting for her when she opened the door to see him, and he gave her a tight-lipped smile, “How was it?”
“Uh, good,” She sat across from him, and he pulled out his own lunch while she unpacked hers, “I saw Dr. Bekker.”
“Oh? How was that?”
Sarah tapped her foot, “One of her CHD patients came in, um…” She took a bite of her sandwich, “I ordered some tests for her. She was snarky about it when I talked to her afterwards though.”
Dr. Charles shrugged, “Well, Ava will always be Ava, regardless of-”
“She said, um… She thanked me for not killing the patient and said she wished she could say the same for Mr. Nearling.”
He sighed, and nodded, “Well, it’s only been a few days. She’ll get over it. You guys were good friends before, you’ll be good friends after a while..”
“Good friends?” She questioned, “What makes you say that?”
“Well, y’know,” He motioned back and forth with his hands, “You’d chat, you seemed to be happy when you saw her, she teased you a bit. All of Ava’s telltale friendship signs.”
Sarah was quiet, instead choosing to take a bite of her sandwich and chew thoughtfully.
“Tell me, Sarah, do you like Ava?”
“What do you mean?” Sarah asked, carefully.
“Like… You know, are you interested in her? Romantically?”
Sarah choked on her sandwich, coughing a few times.
“Remember to chew, Dr. Reese,” Dr. Charles reprimanded.
“I don’t like her,” Sarah defended, “I don’t care about her. I deserve better. If I still liked her after she talked to me like that, even if I liked her in the first place, I’d be crazy.”
Dr. Charles shrugged, taking a bite of his salad.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The shrug.”
“What do you think it means?”
“Did you do Yolanda’s intake?”
Sarah nodded, stuffing her half-eaten lunch back into the bag and tossing it in the trash.
“Sarah, you haven’t finished your lunch-”
“Not hungry, I’ll see you around,” Sarah started to leave, but Dr. Charles stopped her.
“I’m supposed to pass a note on for you.”
(A/N) come back tomorrow for pt 2 lol
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neworleansspecial · 3 years
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It is the first proper day of the summer opening, which will span the course of several to make time for every room to be christened. Every building must be appreciated by and introduced to those who believe in Crockett’s treatments. The chemical wing, the bio research center, the operating building, everything. They need to know that he’s doing things right and doing them well, and that includes his patient who will be the first to experience the brand new operating rooms, state of the art and ripe with new surgical equipment to be tested. It is Dr. Halstead who lies on the table, Dr. Sexton who performs, Nurse Lockwood who assists.
“This is an experimental procedure,” Crockett says into the microphone. He has also scrubbed in to assist and observe, and can see through the theatre window at everyone who has come to see. These rooms will allow teaching in a way that isn’t usually possible. A round operating room makes it perfect for people to find the vantage point that teaches them from beyond the glass. “Dr. Halstead has something called an Atrial Septal Defect. For those who don’t have medical degrees, that means there is a hole in his heart that disrupts blood flow. Today, we will be repairing this hole with a minimally invasive ‘closed’ heart surgery.”
He does not explain too much in depth, knowing it will go over most of their heads, but people watch as it all happens. Dr. Sexton operates the thin, newly patented tools with ease, following the image on a screen brought up by the endoscope, occasionally directing Nurse Lockwood in a soft voice to adjust. People can see the feed from the observation area as well; there are screens every few feet. Some look at that. Some look at the blood leaking around Dr. Sexton’s tools. Some look at Crockett. 
“Dr. Marcel, scalpel?”
Crockett reaches for it, hesitating for a moment as his hand curls around the instrument. “This is a closed surgery.”
“I’m seeing another defect.”
He gestures at the screen with his free hand, the flesh pulsing with Dr. Halstead’s heartbeat, showing off the place where he’s stitched together the hole with dissolvable thread and then directing Nurse Lockwood to turn the endoscope.
“That’s an atrioventricular defect,” Dr. Sexton says. “It’s complete. I can’t get out of his chest and do nothing, it’ll kill him.”
“Is it new?”
“Torn edges.”
He looks at their observers, who are now whispering amongst themselves, theorizing. This is bad. Especially if it seems that the procedure caused it, which it very well may have. Dr. Sexton can’t proceed without the scalpel. Crockett sets it down and leans toward the microphone once more.
“Okay, folks, so we found another defect in Dr. Halstead’s heart. We’ll be repairing that as well via the same method.”
Dr. Sexton stares at him. “Dr. Marcel,” he says sharply. “He is going to die on this table-”
“If we don’t repair the defect, I’m aware. Go ahead and do so.”
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