#axel bait
wzardjellies · 4 months
Even if I love mkulia with all my heart and love their dynamic, I also have kinda been in the state of mind all season that their probably not gonna be a thing this season
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
i love this blog so much bc its like
aro culture is everything
all of us are so diverse in background and taste and interest but there exists a place for all of us to commiserate and express our joy and show to each other our interests
and all of this can be done without any judgement or derision because, different as we may be, we understand each other better than so many others can
this blog embodies the value of community; it demonstrates its many rewards
i love it
keep it up,,
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just-aro · 1 year
suicide bait mention
/gen what inspires people to send suicide bait? like... i can't at all imagine a circumstance in which sending it would feel good or cathartic, personally?
i know i've gotten a fair amount of suicide bait asks over the years on tumblr, especially on @aro-culture-is and here, but tbh like. bro i am just gonna report and block. enjoy getting your account blocked? ig?
idk i just don't understand the purpose. it hurt a little before therapy, but now i'm just like "huh, sounds like a you problem." do they like... actually think it's gonna make a difference?
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mushroom-for-art · 8 months
I don't know what came over me but uh, don't mess with Axels family and probably don't read this tbh it's nasty
Grunts moved quickly packing up boxes and supplies with clumsy inefficiency as a superior admin barked orders for them to hurry up and get everything taken down and shipped 10 minutes ago. They needed to get out of there quickly if they were hoping to survive.
"Stop fucking about! Get those boxes moved now, go go go! We haven't the time for you to be a pansy!" the Admin snarled at a stumbling grunt who had just dropped a small stack of boxes they'd been moving, they skittered past the doors of the main entrance, their neck snapping at the speed and velocity of the doors blasting inwards and becoming lodged into walls saving them from what was going to occur.
Time slowed as the Mewtwo floated into the room gliding in eerie silence as his tail swayed.
"Where, is my family. " His voice was more of a growl in his throat as he spoke and projected the words outwards, the snarl echoed painfully inside of the skulls of those present causing many to double over in sheer agony at the psychic voice probing their minds and tearing into their thoughts.
Limbs locked the Admin couldn't grab any of the Pokeballs secured to her belt and she felt psychic energy burning into her as the mewtwo zeroed in on her, she sneered at him past the pain inside her skull.
"I won't be intimidated by you. You won't find them if you kill me."
Her body was lifted slightly from the floor and floated up to his eye level slowly as he loomed in front of her his expression dark and unreadable, his eyes bore through her laced with unspoken threats and an awareness of control and power.
"If that is the knowledge you want to put your faith into." he lifted arms to the side casually his hand doing a flourish, "just know," his fingers moved closing into a fist before his arm flicked forward as though throwing something, bones slammed into a wall breaking on impact as the sound of tearing flesh and muscle registered to the admins ears, a grunts body stood for a second completely torn open from the inside outwards before their boneless husk slumped with a sickening slap of blood, brains smeared slowly down the walls from where the skull has smashed open on impact.
"You won't be granted the same quickness or relief."
Eyes staring on in horror the mewtwo produced a sharp quill from his inner wrist pulling it out from his flesh, he held it in his fingers twirling it before pointing it to another nearby grunt who let out a soft hiss as the quill cut a small line in their cheek. They started to hyperventilate before the toxins even took hold, the blood seeping from the cut became putrid and contaminated turning into yellow pus as the surrounding skin turned to shades of blue and purple and ultimately darkening to a deathly black.
The psychic restrains let up on the grunt who stumbled quickly, they tried to speak spraying spit as their tongue swelled causing them to hack and cough struggling for breath as it started to block off their airway, they were in hysterics crying and choking, dying flesh wetly slid from their muscles and bones sloshing on the floor beneath them filling the room with the horrid stench of death. Their gurgled quiet screaming and choking as their tongue rotted out from their mouth had fear soaking into the Admins very core as the grunt fell down onto their side. For a moment she thought dead but their wheezing told her they hadn't received that mercy yet.
The mewtwo had not broken their gaze from watching her even as his tail swayed behind him, she watched the fur shifting intertwining around itself morphing into a pointed shape like a syringe, there was an audible hissing of steam as see through organic pipes grew out and back into the mewtwos tail flesh. With a flash that nearly burned her irises, red hot flowing liquid pumped through the structures, almost like Kyurems biological tubes as they changed their form the way they pumped energy. Tail stabbed forward past her shoulder into the last grunt behind her, and he hollered in agony immediately.
She couldn't turn her head to see, but she could feel it was hot suddenly as there was another hiss with the mewtwos tail returning to its original state, screaming never ending behind her and the smell of burning flesh and flooring. She could barely swallow as she stared forward a horrid red hue illuminating the mewtwo from behind her as he looked at her but his expression was still dark.
"They were sent to another facility! In Unova! We only wanted the Haunter! The Gengar was just in the way!" She barely recognised her own voice for the terror in it.
"I know."
She found her breathing difficult as she stared at him.
"I was one of the most powerful pure creatures to ever bless this planet, and I am now a bastardized chimera of that purity that violated the boundaries of limits set by Arceus." His expression was almost a deranged grin.
"Do you really believe your thoughts are your own and private? That I couldn't rip out that information, why do you think your head hurts so much." His teeth gleamed in the unnaturally hot red fading light behind her.
"Why are, why are you still here then?! Wasting time! That family of yours must not be so precious-" Her voice choked as her lungs were squeezed in a way that forced all the breath from her, her vision blackening at the edges as her compressed lungs fought to gain any air, if this was how she went then she'd accept that. Unfortunately the air forces back into her lungs brought her back from the cusps of unconsciousness.
"You don't get to die that easily, don't presume about the importance of my family when I know what you did to my daughter and mate. I've seen through your eyes what you did to her. How you tormented my love in the process." His spoken words were venomous as he stared down at her in pure hatred, she was faintly aware of the weakening wheeze on the floor near her.
His hands came up casually and she felt like her aura was being pulled out of her body like her soul was being separated before witnessing the projected double helix swirling around before her.
"They say mew are the ancestor of everything, classes as the genetics pokemon, so very fitting" his finger idly touched over a strand of dna and she felt her skin begin to crawl from uncomfortable to painfully as it seperated from her muscles as though the connective tissues were dissolving, before he flicked his finger over the strand again and her skin stopped trying to peel from her body though it still hung just a bit looser than it did before.
"When me and my brother were younger, not in full control of our powers we used to play this game with other pokemon." another idle adjustment, the backs of her eyeballs burnt as her eyes weeped her ears ringing loudly painfully in a way that blossomed pain across her whole temple in a brain splitting migraine.
"We'd fly past and," his fingers moved adjusting changing her dna structure, she hitched a quiet scream as her muscles spasmed in her arm breaking her forearm bones as her fingers twitched against her control, the bones in her fingers began to deform subtly but quickly deforming her fingers and cracking through the skin, "of course we were only little and we could only change phenotype expressions making fur scales and that different colors, or grow faster, straighten curl." he let out a sigh.
"In hindsight, what cruel little bastards we were, mini gods tampering with things that they really had no right to for our own amusement, of course we meant no harm and didn't intend harm but I do sometimes wonder." Her vision went black as the genetics in control of her sight were altered, blood vessels popped and blood mixed with her tears streaming down her face. She could feel her organs moving, growing shifting inside her as well as he altered her biology casually in a way that shattered her concept of pain, leaving her with only searing burning nerves.
"I was pretty blind to the cruelty of mews when I was one, maybe I wouldn't have ended up like this were my brother kinder, but I see now how rotten we can be but we still had our naivety at least that kept our innocence, the disconnect from mortals that we couldn't properly sympathize to or understand." Her spine popped bones growing out from her skin but she could still feel everything as more muscles broke in spasms.
"I don't have the excuse of innocence or naivety anymore, I can see with mortal eyes everything I do and the effect it has, and how wonderfully ironic that in place of that innocent evil the rot of humanity has replaced it, giving rise to the ability and enjoyment of hurting others and how to make it worse. I am the worst of humans and the worst of mew." He looked at her almost gently with a smile that mocked her as her bloody eyes met his, blood dribbled from her cracked lips.
His eyes roamed her for a second as he fiddled with the very core of her person altering her genetics irreversibly.
"Did you know that there's a lot of uncategorized pokemon that exist purely inside others?" his finger hovered over her stomach "it's fascinating actually the organisms that have specialized in your gut, and they're so intertwined with you that no one realized they're there. Why don't we let you be the first to say hello?" psychic energy glowed from his hand and she felt the breath leave her again as she almost wretched.
Something inside her began to writhe, she could feel hundreds, maybe thousands of squirming legs pushing on her stomach and small intestines and a sickly burning pain that would've had her double over did the psychic energy not keep her restrained. He lowered her body slowly and her legs flopped uselessly like a ragdoll as he slumped her down on her legs unnaturally. She couldn't move still.
A piece of glass levitated to him and he put it in her hand, "here, since you did tell me eventually I'll give you this mercy to end this suffering." he closed her hand around the glass shard as her arm remained held out for his psychic ability. He turned leaving her there, the grunt finally still but bloated and missing chunks of flesh that lay gruesomely on the floor.
His psychic restraint released and the admin raised her hand quickly to thrust the shard into her throat. Her fingers went numb and the shard slipped smashing by her feet as her arm slumped body collapsing to the side, she could breathe but only barely and she could move her eyes but nothing else.
"Guess you didn't act fast enough." the mewtwo had stopped at the busted doorway just to look back and mock her, "ah well, ever heard of parasitic Beedrill? I'm sure you'll make a very comfortable flesh womb meal combo, you'll get to enjoy feeling them grow inside you while unable to speak or tell anyone. Maybe they'll die inside you and the sepsis will take you out or maybe they'll adapt to keep you alive even after you should die, after all your insides will have been their comfortable little home for so long they won't want to part with it. You'll be their hive their playground protection from the real world in your chest cavity nuzzling into your ribs. Congratulations Admin. This could be the rest of your life." his smirk was simple as he flew away with force that caused the trees to bend and sway.
The admin lay there stomach twisting in knots, eyes in a panic darting around at the sight of the corpses around her as the horrors crept into her mind of what would happen, her thoughts spiraling into gibberish as the hours passed decaying her only ability to even try to communicate as her eyes flicked around in circles, death burning into her vision and the stench crawling over and seeping into her skin and senses permanently.
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satan-is-a-furry · 2 years
“Do not skip this sound if you do-“ SHUT THE FUCK UP HOLY SHIT SHUT THE FUCK UP BY GOD!!
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axel-1996scream · 7 months
Pov: You hooked up with cesar, while he and monse were broken up.
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"I'll kill them!" Monse yelled as she stormed down the street towards the santos house, with Ruby and Jamal trailing behind her. "Monse, stop and calm down for a minute!" Ruby yelled as he quickly walked behind the curly haired girl, trying to convince her to stop. "Yeah, c'mon! Don't go messing with y/n, Do you know what sad eyes would do to us if he knew you were threatening his (brother/sister/sibling)!" Jamal added in, with a scared expression for what the santo would do to him and his friends if he were to find out. "Monse!" Yells ruby as the said girl walks up to the santos house.
"Where's y/n!" She demands spooky and a few other santos. "What do you want with my (brother/sister/sibling)." Both Jamal and ruby turned around facing the voice of the male, seeing sad eyes stare down at them with an intimidating stare. "Nothing, She was just mistaken!" Ruby says as he and jamal both grab monse and pull her away from the santos house. "Monse, please just drop it." Jamal begged as he kept looking back towards the santos house out of fear. "No, their dead." Monse says as she walks angrily down the street but immediately stops once she sees y/n walking on the opposite sidewalk, distracted on their phone. "Y/n!" *She yells getting the said person's attention as she storms across the street towards them, while ruby calls cesar. Telling him to hurry and come before it escalates. "Mm, Monse?" Y/n pockets their phone and stops walking and stares at the brunette girl with a bored expression. "Let me guess, this is about cesar?" They questioned bluntly. "Damm right." Monse replied as she stared angrily at the person in front of her. "Look mons, You and him weren't together. Cesar was free bait." They said while shrugging their shoulders "I don't know what you expected, you broke up with him. Did you think he'd wait until you wanted him back? No, he went and got with someone else." Monse goes to reply but gets interrupted as a voice yells out.
"Monse!" Cesar yells as he rushes over standing in-between monse and y/n "Monse, calm down please." Monse scoffs as she barely spares cesar a glance, as she turns her attention back to y/n. "It was a temporary break up! You kno-" She gets cut off as y/n interrupts her. "Temporary or not, You weren't together. He was single, aka free bait. So I took it, you can't really think that he would wait for you like some fairytale?" Y/n looks at cesar with an amused expression. "Does she know about you having sex with that girl at the diner?" They ask with an amused smirk, you look back at monse. "Did he tell you how he fucked her right after his shift, while you both were together?" Monse immediately snaps her head towards cesar and starts going off on him, y/n watches silently as jamal and ruby stare shocked at the new information. "Oops, was she not supposed to know?" Y/n laughs lightly, and he looks at cesar "I have to go, see you later" He winks and then walks away smirking to himself as he hears monse freaking out.
Axel- I tried 😭 sorry if it sucked, this is my first ever story😅.
Hope u enjoy tho! Thx for reading :)
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masterangst · 7 months
Don't Worry, I Got You
Summary: Astarion is taken over by an unfamiliar sickness, which leads him to a doctor who wants to see him get better. So they say.
Warnings: Mentions of Astarion's past, blood, hurt/comfort, angst
Word count: 3.3K
Notes: There is my Tav at the end and mentioned. This is also for Whumptobers thermometer/ delerium / "They dont care about you" prompt. And set after the events of the game and Astarion is not ascended.
For someone who hasn't written a lot since till recently. I feel like Astarion is a good character to start with since he's so complex.
The night started off strange..well, stranger than normal. For once, after his meditation, Astarion felt. To him, he's not sure how he would describe it. Woozy? Heated? His skin felt hot, and his head felt off.
Gale made a joke, when he saw the sweat beading down Astarions face, that he looked pale. A hilarious joke. Though Astarion couldn't help but wonder if he did look more pale than normal. Something felt off.
Of course, Astarion assured himself he was completely fine. Perhaps something he ate had lingering effects.
He joked with Shadowheart. A thin veil to hide his worries and curiosity. Lead her to the edge to see if she jumped off. It came to no surprise when she took the bait.
"Sounds like a fever. I didn't know vampires were capable of experiencing that. No matter. Keep your distance if that's the case." Used her spells to help relieve himself, after some painful persuading. When Astarion got back to his bed, the symptoms returned.
His lover, Axel, was out tracking down some beast with Haslin, Jaheira, and Minsc. Some creature that is tied to druids. Hence the company he brought along.
That also meant one less person Astarion could confide in. Even worse, Axel is the only one Astarion can truly be himself with. No hidden meanings or parading.
Sickening when he lets himself think about it. How pathetic has he become to rely so heavily on another. Astarion has never needed anyone. The company he has gained was by choice.
Whatever this is, Astarion can handle it on his own.
After a couple days, his body started to feel worse and worse. The hunger that he learned to control and cage inside him was slipping through the cracks like the very blood it wished to consume. It grew and grew each minute it was ignored. Astarion would look at his companions and only imagined sinking his teeth in them. Could feel the way their body stilled and grew cold as he consumed the last drop of their essence. It felt like he was getting lost in a mirage within a drugged mind.
Astarion needed blood.
He slipped out, once everyone retreated to their beds, and pulled a hood over his head. He normally didn't cover his face, but with the way his face felt he didn't want anyone to see it. The carefully curated illusion was falling apart. His sense of control even on his own body was slipping. What was happening to him? Was he finally going mad?
Astarion shook his head and refocused his attention on a wild boar on the outskirts of the city. It was easy prey. But it wasn't enough.
Astarion walked back to the city, with his nails digging into his palms. The monster wasn't sedated. It needed more. More. More.
The yelp and scream of a young woman perked his elvish ears. Normally he would pass by and ignore it, but this time he let himself be moved by the sound. By the music of the drums in their veins.
A larger man, larger than Haslin, had his hand raised after he had used it to smack a young lady to the ground. She held her lip with tears brimming her frightened eyes as they looked up at her attacker. The man's rage was pungent even from the alleyway, from where Astarion watched.
It happened before Astarion realized. The man was no longer looming over the woman, now instead he was being cradled by Astarion in the shadows. His blood coated Astarions insides. Made the poisonous creature inside Astarion crackle. It drank and drank until there was nothing left.
Astarion bit and bit, searching desperately for more, but there was nothing left but putrid flesh.
The high was exhilarating. After two days of shit, Astarion felt alive again (or as close to it as he could). He no longer felt weak and for a moment he basked in the glory of it. Smiled up at the starless sky and sighed.
Then a sharp pain ripped through him. His insides felt hot and the blood turned rancid. Turned to poison.
A scream bubbled up his throat, but it was cut off by the vomit pouring out of him. Every last drop of what he had just consumed had now painted the man and himself in a revolting shade of red. The smell was overbearing. Astarion needed to crawl away, but the smell was on him. In him. The horrible thing inside him still laughed and mocked and every memory of Cazador flooded back to him.
The tears felt unbearably hot against his cheeks. Was this more torture? Had he not escaped that fate? Whatever was happening to him also kept him from retreating into that safe space in his mind. To forget himself. It had saved him so many times before but that power was gone now. Just like everything else leaving him.
"Are you alright?" A voice broke through the haze. In the fog of tears, Astarion could make out a small shape. A woman.
"Leave me be!" He pulled his cowl taut so she could not see the horror.
"I can help you. Here." Astarion did not dare look. Help me! You can not. The last time he accepted someone's help in an alleyway, he spent 200 years as a slave.
"Someone else may find you, and they won't be as kind." She's right, but why would she be so kind?
When he looks up, peeking over his cowl, he realizes it's the girl. The one the man had attacked from before. She looked a lot different when she wasn't frightened and groveling. Though, she has every reason to be afraid. She should be afraid. Astarion opens his mouth to spit the words out, but the dizziness fogs his brain.
She scoffs and forces him to his feet. His body is too weak to protest. He has no choice but to allow her to lead him away. She could be leading him to his death, but what could he do to stop it?
After a blur, she gently cradles him down onto a bed and starts taking his clothes off. Astarion isn't surprised. He should have seen it coming. A part of him thought maybe all the blood would dissuade someone from being lecherous, but he should have known better. He simply closes his eyes and waits for it to be over.
But it doesn't come.
She just starts to sponge the blood off and then covers him with a blanket. She presses a cool rag on his head and offers water to his lips. Water is not what he needs, but his throat feels raw like it was shredded apart like butcher meat. He accepts the offer, because if nothing else it'll help his throat not be so dry too.
"My name is Cita. Thank you for helping me, before." She said as she stirred the coal in the fireplace. The shadows bounce around the room like dancing devils. Astarion fears one will awaken and reach out to him with slashing claws. It's too hard to look at them for too long, lest his mind starts to become too active for his own good.
Instead he focuses his strength on his words. "I'm," he swallows down the dryness and grimaces, "My name is As-astarion."
She stands and folds her hands shyly in front of her. "Do you need anything else?"
Astarion just needs to rest. To get back to the group and his own bed. He wishes for Axel to hold him and nurse him back to health, but another side of him wishes to never be seen until he is better. He wants everything and nothing at the same time. Is that among this girl's capabilities? If so, then her company is more dangerous than he thought.
Astarion settles with a head shake and closes his eyes. If it were up to him, he'd also roll over and away from her peering eyes, but he doesn't get a choice here. His body is in control, not his mind, and it's too weak to even move a muscle.
He hears her shuffle the distance between them, then flinches when he feels her cold hand on his cheek. "You are burning up. I'll need to find some herbs to help regulate your temperature before you burst into flames."
Astarion swallows against knives. "Why would you do that?"
"Because I'm a doctor." Astarion opens his eyes in disbelief. She chuckles and shakes her head. "I mean. I want to be. I've been studying and practicing. After the attack on the city, there were a lot of folks who needed help and couldn't afford it. I try to help where I can."
How noble, his brain spits. Another hero to save the day. How lucky he was to have been picked up by a novice. Makes him so happy he could cry.
With a huff, Astarion turns his head. He just needs to meditate and gain enough strength to move around again. If she wishes to help him, then he'll accept it. He'll be another test subject for her studies if that's what it'll take for him to be rid of this affliction. It doesn't matter. All that matters is getting back.
Mediation doesn't come easy. His mind is too alert like a caged animal. He closes his eyes and wills his body to relax, the sweet embrace of relaxation teases him and then he's awake again.
"Astarion." Astarion could have sworn that it was Gale's voice.
Astarion opens his eyes to see Gale's face hovering over him. A part of him is relieved to see a friendly face, another makes him say. "Your face is quite a horror in the morning, darling." Though the impact feels less satisfying when his voice sounds as raw as his throat feels.
"Even sick, you're still attempting eloquence. I applaud you for never losing sight of who you are, even in moments such as this."
"How," he swallows, "did you find me?" Astarion must keep his eyes closed unless the world starts spinning, but when he does he becomes more painfully aware of the amount of heat and sweat his body is producing.
"The girl, Cita, found us. Brought me here. I didn't believe her at first when she said you were sick, but you are indeed sick. How strange. I didn't believe it was possible for vampires to get fevers. Perhaps that means we are all doomed then." Gale chuckles.
Astarion rolls his eyes. "Take me back."
Gale clicks his tongue and the look on his face makes Astarion's stomach twist; and not because of his sickness.
Gale drops to one knee and the look in his eye seems foreign on the soft wizard. It's steel and even amusement lingering there. Gales fingers move away hair glued to Astarions skin with sweat and then pierces Astarions heart with a cold gaze. "No. No, I don't think I will."
A wave of dizziness washes over him, but he bites down and focuses. "This-this isn't funny Gale."
"I agree. Which is why I mean it. I believe it's fair to say everyone's grown tired of you. Of your quips and groans. Of your evil stench. I know I have." Gale stands up just to drive the stake further into Astarion's chest. "Which is why I'm going to leave you here. I wanted to see your face as I said goodbye. It really is such a sweet look. Don't worry though! I'll be sure to tell Axel you died. He'll be distraught, but he's strong. He'll pull himself back together."
"You," something bubbles up Astarion's throat and spills over the edges. It tastes like rot and iron. Blood. He's spitting up blood.
"Goodbye Astarion." Astarion can't even protest, his chest heaves and he coughs and coughs, but his eyes watch as Gale leaves.
He wants to tear him apart. Tear himself apart. Wants to burn the world and watch it crumble to ash. Astarion thrashes in his new bed in anger and heartache. He swears he can physically feel the remainers of whatever was left of it tearing apart.
After everything he did. Everything he survived and suffered. After all the bullshit and the fighting and trying to set things right, this is how he'll face his end? Sick and weak, tied down by his own body in a foreign bed! He'd weep with rage if he had the energy for it, but his mind finally collapses and forces him into a dreadful sleep.
This time when Astarion comes to, opening his eyes feels like getting drunk on a pirate ship during a storm.
He can barely keep his eyes open long enough to make out anything but the shadows of the fire.
The cold hand on his cheek shocks him, but she seems weirdly distant. The world is distorted like a strange new nebula of reality.
"I'm so sorry you were abandoned. I can't imagine how hard that is." Her face morphs from a young pretty girl to a monstrous hag and then back again. Is it just his eyes playing tricks on him? Nothing looks right to him, so maybe it is. Thoughts don't come easily to him. They whisper and then fade away too quickly for him to be lured.
"Don't worry though. I'll make you better. Drink." Astarion weakly shakes his head, but the girl shoves the cup between his lips and downs the water into his throat. Astarion chokes, but she covers his mouth to force him to keep it all in. He has no choice but to swallow now.
She smiles, but in his distortion, it's unsettling instead of comforting. "Good boy." Her fingers pet his head. "They don't care about you." Maybe they don't. Maybe no one does. How can he blame them?
"I do." She continues. "You are my pretty little thing. You take the medicine so well. It makes you better." Or it makes him worse, he thinks. His mind tells him to run, but he can't. Astarion has been trapped and brought back to a new master. How long will this service last, he wonders. Another 200 years?
"Don't worry though. I will take good care of you. I am a doctor after all." Everything that comes next is a blur. She sponges him down, takes his temperature, changes his blankets, and spoons blood into his mouth like hot soup after giving him "his medicine". Astarion isn't sure how many times it happens. Has no idea if this all occurs in one night or if a year has passed.
At least he has the sweet memories of his mad love. His Axel. Perhaps Gale did Axel a favor in setting him free from Astarion. Perhaps the woman was right when she said they don't care about him. Did Axel ever really care about him?
It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing matters.
The routine goes on and on and on. She speaks to him like he's her journal and he sits in the shadows in his mind, waiting for it to end. His body has given up on trying to even move. What's the point? Everything seems useless now.
Once he tried to sit up without her permission and she waterboarded him with her "medicine" and strapped him down. The leather bruised his skin and he learned his new master's lesson to not move.
"Time for your medicine." Astarion squeezed his eyes shut and waited for it to be over. Instead, there was a loud crash and then a cut off yelp, and then a new pair of hands were on him.
Calloused fingers pet his head this time and then Astarion was being carried away. His body didn't let him be awake for much longer to see what new horrors await him.
Astarion woke up this time with a sense of clarity he hasn't felt in who knows how long. The roof he gazed up at was different and recognizable. The same beams he has seen countless times.
To his side, Axel is hunched over asleep in a chair by Astarions bed. How did Astarion get here? How did Axel find him?
Astarion groans when he tries to sit up, more than fed up with laying down, Axel springs awake. The half elf's silver eyes swell up with worry. "Astarion. Oh, Astarion. " Axel cups Astarion's cheek. "I was so worried. When they told me you disappeared and they couldn't find you. I tracked you down and found that hag. Did she do anything to you? If so, I'll raise her from her grave and kill her all over again."
Astarion finds himself laughing. He holds his hand over his lovers, clinging desperately to that familiar warmth. "Only drugged me. Kept me sick. You should ask Gale where I was at." Astarion curls his lip up. He'll never forget, or forgive, the way that wizard looked at him.
Axel has a sweet look of confusion on his face. "Gale? Gale's been with me the whole time?"
Astarion scoffs and pushes the heat away. "Clearly, not the whole time."
"I don't understand."
Astarions chest twists when he thinks back on the wizard's words. "He left me there. Found me and handed me over to that witch." He spat out.
Axel shifts and sits beside Astarion. He wraps his arms around Astarion's shoulders and pulls him in for a hug. "I don't know what happened." He said. "But I do know that Gale has been with me the entire time. He hasn't gone anywhere. In fact, Gale is the one who sensed the witch's magic. I wouldn't have been able to find you without him."
Was it all a mirage? An illusion by that hag to break down his walls. It doesn't surprise him. Thinking back on it, Astarion doesn't think Gale is capable of being so cold. That man is kind even when he's angry. A feat Astarion will never understand.
"Well, how kind of him." Astarion said weakly. The anger he felt is hard to let go, even if he knows it's not right.
Axel shifts once more so he can look into Astarion's eyes. "Are you alright, my love? I'm so sorry this all happened."
Astarion still feels weak, and his opinion about himself isn't any better either, but he can't say he isn't relieved. His inn bed has never felt so good. Knowing that there are people who will look for him; save him. Reminds him of how much he's gained.
"I'm fine, my love. Nothing I couldn't handle." Astarion smirks.
Axel smiles softly. "I'm sure that's true. I'm just glad we were able to find you after three days. Three days too late though. Forgive me." Axel cups Astarion's hands between his own and kisses Astarion's knuckles.
"You are exceptionally foolish." Astarion scolds. Then he can't help but smile, "But perhaps I should be thankful for that."
Axel kisses Astarion's wrists. "What can I do for you? Do you need anything? Do you wish to sleep?"
Ah, the freedom to choose. He'll never let anyone take it from him again.
"Will you just lay here with me?" Axel is quick to nod and spoons Astarion's body against his own. Astarion is still too exhausted to freely move around, but being held feels nice. Hearing the steady drum of Axel's heart is soothing. It grounds him, reminds him that this is his reality. Being around friends and being held by a lover who sees him as an equal. He may not be a god, and though a part of him wishes he was so he could have the power to avoid that again. To have the power to protect himself and his friends. But Astarion has enough power as it is. He will do better in the future, that much he promises himself. For now, he's just glad to be free. Everything else can come second.
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wilygryphon · 10 months
Some ML fans are hoping that Season 6 will make everything from the season 5 finale clearer, that the finale is supposed to set up the next season. Respectfully, I disagree. Setting up the next season should be a secondary purpose of the finale. The primary purpose should be resolving at least some of the previously-built-up plotlines. Especially when the finale is supposed to resolve a multi-season arc, particularly in defeating the overarching villain and dealing with all of the plot points that were directly tied to them, particularly when one of the main protagonists (the villain's son) is left out of the whole thing and never told the truth about both his father (who he's finally started to stand against) and the villain he's been fighting for five seasons. Doing a poor job of wrapping up those plot points should not mean that the next season is left to deal with what should have already been tidied up. Sequel baiting should not override finishing the story that was already being told. There is a reason why Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 were criticized for putting too much focus on setting up sequels.
Compare this season finale to Kingdom Hearts III, another "end of an era" installment and the resolution to the Xehanort Saga. That game put a lot of focus on setting up the next saga, but it never forgot what its purpose was. Everyone who was lost and left to a bad fate in previous installments was rescued and made whole. Each villain was given a proper sendoff, even the ones who we would expect to see again. Everyone got to face their particular nemeses again and in some cases vanquish them personally. (Roxas, Axel and Xion fought Xemnas and made peace with Saïx; Aqua and Ventus faced Terranort and Vanitas again, and Terra reclaimed his body and eliminated that incarnation of Xehanort for good; Riku AND Riku Replica overcame the physical manifestation of their dark past selves and mistakes; Sora and Riku (as well as Mickey) defeated Ansem and Xemnas once and for all, and they also defeated Young Xehanort even though the earliest version of the villain was unconcerned; and Sora, Donald and Goofy fought and defeated Master Xehanort. Re:Mind even gave Kairi the chance to fight by Sora's side and defeat another incarnation/Replica of Xehanort.) Now let's talk about the final battle. Sora, Donald and Goofy, with all of their friends helping keep Kingdom Hearts stable, fought and defeated Master Xehanort. Despite being barely able to stand, Xehanort did not want to give up, before Sora and the heart ghost of Master Eraqus convinced him to let go. What did Xehanort do then? He entrusted the light to Sora and gave him the χ-blade, then faded away to enter the afterlife with his old friend. Then Sora fixed everything, and went off to recover Kairi while sacrificing himself.
Would you look at that? Kingdom Hearts III resolved all of its major plot points while still setting up future conflicts. No one kept secrets from their friends, everyone had their moments of catharsis, the villain was not vindicated even if the game turned around to try to make his goals sympathetic at the last minute, and the heroes. Actually. Won.
Oh, and while there are still mysteries and things left to interpretation, the game still made a point to clarify what was going on in front of us.
A later episode in a season can make earlier episodes make sense, but it shouldn't be left to the next season to explain things that the season finale refuses to resolve. If the next season is necessary to make this season good, this season was not and never will be good.
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fruitysalamander1398 · 3 months
what i think the deer hunter friend group gc would look like
mike: never uses it. never replies to anything. occasionally likes a message but only if it's from nick
nick: sends nature pics and also strange memes that no one else finds funny. reacts with heart to other people's messages
stan: tries to argue with everyone. regularly blocks people and leaves the group chat only to beg one of them to add him in again.
stevie: likes everyone's messages. pretends to find nick's memes funny even if he doesn't get them. probably one of the most active people in the chat and tries to start actual conversations.
john: the group chat is for making plans and making plans only. he will also respond to people if no one else does and he doesn't want to leave them hanging.
axel: also participates in actual conversations with stevie and john. always takes the bait in arguing with stan and their message chains can become very long. usually ends the argument by clowning on stan. second most active texter aside from stevie.
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rupalpspodrace · 11 months
🏆 Welcome one and all to Ep. 76 - The FIRST ANNUAL ZEBBY AWARDS! 🏆
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In honor of our show's 2nd anniversary, reaching 100,000 downloads, and Pride month, we are proud to present the Zebby Awards, a celebration of the best (and the worst) of Star Wars of the previous year. This year's categories are:
and, the audience choice award reveal you've all been waiting for...GLUP SHITTO OF THE YEAR!
NOTE: Only Star Wars media released in 2022 was considered by the Academy (the hosts of RuPalp's).
POINTS OF INTEREST: Arihnda Pryce is Only Four Awards Away From an EGOT, IMDB Bait, Axel Greylark is Unabomber Coded, the Was Worked On By Thundercat Club, #ZebbysSoWhite, Kor Plouth (#LoveLoses!), He Actually Drowned, the Legacy Runification of the Halcyon, RuPalp’s Joke Recession, Syril “Vine Boom” Karn, Tey vs. Tay, Mon Mothma Shiv Roy Parallels, the Book of Book Fett, voluntary wiglet removal, #CINTASWEEP, and “We are not getting pussy today, Geode".
LISTEN NOW in your favorite podcast app! And thank you all so much for listening these past few years ❤️
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kebriones · 10 months
Alcibiades music playlists
Okay here it goes!
There are 2 english playlists and 1 greek. Note 1: so some of these are very self-indulgent and might not make sense but at the very least maybe you'll find a new song you'll like. this was really hard to do because evey song reminds me of him. I tried to make sure all the lyrics fit him somehow, might've failed at that, and the order is completely random.
Note 2:
a (v) next to a song menas it has a music video I reocmmend checking out,
a (s) means it is heavily socrates/alcibiades focused rather than just alcibiades.
Note 3: Feel absolutely free to add your own suggestions!
ENGLISH PLAYLIST (part 1) -Anger (sleeping at last) -Young and beautiful (lana del rey) (s) -Because the night (Patti Smith) -Cellophane (FKA twigs) (s) -i dip (Sawn Wasabi) -All Eyes on Me (Or3o) -Heavy in your arms (florecne and the machine) (s) -The first disciple (tamino) (v) -Grown Ocean (fleet foxes) -Dots and Dashes (Silversun pickups) (v) (s) -Never look away (vienna teng) (s) -Behind blue eyes (L'Orchestra Cinematique) -Ever fallen in love (Pete Yorn) (s) -Neo Surf (GENER8ION, 070 Shake) (v) -The greatest show ( -everything I wanted (Billie Eilish) -i wanna be your slave (Måneskin) -we have it all (pim stones) -accidentally in love (counting crows) (s) -the shrine/an argument (fleet foxes) -Eros and Apollo (studio killers) -S&M (rihanna) -Scream until you're coughing up blood (against me!) -Addicted to bad ideas (the world/inferno friendship society) -Wicked game (chris isaak) (s) -Everything at once (lenka) -Your younger man (the world/inferno friendship society) (s) -The rifle's spiral (the shins) -two men in love (the irrepressibles (s) -the weight (amigo the devil) (s) -Desire (champs) -Rich (andrea vargas, cosmo sheldrake)
ENGLISH PLAYLIST (part 2, songs that i'm on the fence about kinda) -I'm so sorry (imagine dragons) -Bad Karma (Axel Thesleff) -Mountains (Socrates) -Sugar boats (modest mouse) -Not strong enough (Apocalyptica) (s) -Everybody knows my name (Harley poe) -dear fellow traveler (sea wolf) -Who are they (Danai Nielsen) (v) (half is in greek) -Revenge, and a little more (unlike pluto) -No good (kaleo)
GREEK PLAYLIST (with commentary, some translated lyric bits are in purple . If anyone wants a full translation of any specific one, let me know! songs are linked on the titles for your convenience)
-φρονιμα κουκλα μου (behave yourself, doll, I tell my soul. Everything will happen as we have planned it, there's a flirtiness towards the soul there that UGH idk) -μαγιατικο (every other lyric in this song is so alcibiades coded I am losing my mind) Newly brought spring, my red fate Awaken to speak your dreams Awaken and hold close The most beautiful things, the most distant, with stubborness and bait The haze from the perfumes, your youth's load I woke you up suddenly, I know You'll see I'll turn the wreath twice on my head, my mind is the warp and the weft is the world's daze -αναθεμα σε (the socrates/alcibiades mood here :''') shout out to my best friend, this is their favorite singer ) -κατω στης μαργαριτας τ'αλωνακι ( the overall vibe of the song gives me something alcibiades-like, also: their sleep smells like wildfire, the sun writhes on their teeth) -τα μπλουζ της αγριας νιοτης ("the blues of wild youth") -δεν χωρας πουθενα ("you don't fit in anywhere", but the phrase for fit in is here literally means not fitting in due to size, like something that doesn't fit in a box because it's too big, not because it doesn't match.) -με γελασαν τα πουλια (the birds tricked me and told me I would never die, so I built my house taller than the rest) -κοκκιν' αχειλι (traditional love song, there's some desperate feeling underneath it all that reminds me of alcibiades. also half the sun and the whole moon turns red after a kiss how crazy imagery is that) -ελα ψυχουλα μου (okay so I really fought with myself for this one because I think it's cringy as a song but some of the lyrics scream socrates/alcibiades and that made me put it on the list. I am sorry. I debated this for days but if I have to hear this and think of them, you have to as well.) -σιμουν (everything went wrong and everything is beautiful, along with "sends ships off the cliff, fades the shade and turns me into brushwood, but me, I don't care gives alcibiades) -καιγομαι και σιγολιωνω (again, socrates/alcibiades I am also partial to this version of it) -σπιρτο και βενζινη (tell me this isn't an alcibiades song with soc/al undertones i dare you) -γιορτη (set fire to what burns you, what eats at your soul, the streets outside are breathing, thirsty, open. Love is a trip from celebration to celebration. live with me in the wind, the fire, the rain, empty days and fractured skies await us, love is a trip from wound to wound) -παντα θα ξημερωνει (I'll become a thorn in your throat, dust in the eye, a whisper in your ear and shivers on your back, a splinter on your certainty) -Κρασι, θαλασσα και το αγορι μου ("wine, sea and my boy". a eurovision song from the first time greece took part in it.) -μη χαμηλωνεις τα φτερα (turn your heart into stone, and hold onto the stone)
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prongsfootandco · 1 year
On Love
Day 28 of @prongsfoot-microfic
AN: Yuri on Ice references (I don't know much else about ice skating. Don't judge me)
On AO3
James landed on the ice, his hands hitting the frozen floor as he skates slid out elegantly behind him. His hand was bowed, hidden from the audience behind a shock of dark brown hair, and he was panting hard. It all came down to this routine. He was either the gold medalist of the grand prix, or he’d come in second with silver. Well, unless he’d completely flopped… 
Had he?
The whole free skate was a bit of a blur even though he’d just skated. He couldn’t remember what jumps he’d done, but he was pretty sure he’d done something stupid. There was just a distinct feeling of recklessness, adrenaline rushing through him and he closed his eyes to try and drown out the applause, retracing his steps in his mind. He’d pushed his quad salchow into the second half of the routine for more points, directly going against his coach Alastor Moody’s advice, but he’d swapped it for a double axel into a loop combo in the first half instead of a triple… so hopefully, he’ll be off the hook. 
His step sequences… happened? Probably. He wasn’t sure, but he hadn’t fallen so that was a good sign. 
He’d gone for the quad Lutz. 
At the very end of his routine. 
Sirius’ jump. 
James got to his feet, his face red as he peered out at the crowd. He hated wearing his contacts, but at that moment he was glad for them. There was no way he would have been able to see anyone in the crown without his contacts. He bowed halfheartedly, faking a smile and a wave as he glided over to pick up a bunch of lilies. 
Always the lilies. 
You say one thing in an interview and then you’re hounded by Lilies for the rest of your career. But Lily Evans was the last thing on his mind now. He was looking for the French skater, his rival, his lover, his Sirius. 
Their relationship was private, mostly at the behest of both their PR teams, but Sirius was retiring this year and James was so fucking tired of hiding. He didn’t care that their “rivalry” was massive viewer bait, he hadn’t seriously considered Sirius his rival since they were twenty, after one rather memorable night out in Barcelona. 
But adding the quad Lutz to his routine like that, right at the end when he was most fatigued… that was a declaration in skater speech. Anyone who knew anything would know. It was a love letter, a poem, a vow. 
Finally, he spotted Sirius running towards the edge of the ice, and then he was on the ice, skates forgotten. James grinned and skated gracefully towards his boyfriend, his arms opened wide. When Sirius reached him, he launched into James’ arms, crashing their lips together as they tumbled back onto the ice below. 
When they pulled apart, Sirius cupped James’ cheek, beaming like the sun. 
Gold, silver, bronze. It didn’t matter. 
James had Sirius. 
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slocumjoe · 1 year
I see you got infected with Gage Brainrot... Join us
Yeah he's really grown on me...and I gotta say, it's 100% because of his voice acting. His lines could easily be cheesy and kinda cringe, but the VA sells all of them perfectly.
Like, Gage and Cait are very similar in speech manner and the actual content of their dialogue, but Gage is the only one who sounds like a real person. Cait always came off as kind of...modded-in fan oc follower, y'know? The fact that she's mostly an Irish caricature doesn't help.
But Gage. Oh my God, Gage. Maybe it's because he was the only companion for this section of the game, so they could afford to put extra love into his character, but he's coming up as maybe my #1 companion? In terms of quality, at least. Gage is on par with MacCready, who I've gone on record to say is the most well-rounded, realized character in the base game.
It's just...he has an interesting backstory with lots of narrative threads and philosophical discussions, he's humanly oxymoronic and hypocritical (very hard to do without fucking up), his motives are consistent, sympathetic, and set him just outside of being a typical raider, he doesn't play 'tough guy' and can be tripped up (almost never seen in his character archtype), he has different layers of personality that all depend on situation (like a real person)...Gage is just solid fucking writing. There's missed potential, there always is with Bethesda, but that exists outside of Gage himself, it's just stuff that they could have used to further his writing.
And then the VA not only sticks the landing, but ends on a fucking....triple axel cartwheel, or whatever. If Mark Rolston wasn't putting his whole [redacted by Mark Rolston's lawyers] into his performance, Gage would have been hit-or-miss instead of blorbo bait.
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featheredcartoonist · 7 hours
I saw someone on tt hc that ben and axel are biological cousins but they still ship them 💀😭😭 yfm fans on tt are WILD dawg
least unhinged bait account fr 😭
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firestorm09890 · 2 months
in chain of memories (gba, can’t speak for re:com) when Axel points at Zexion and says “he’s as good a place to start as any” apparently in japanese he called him perfectly fine bait with “bait” being in katakana which ultimately doesn’t change anything but it is slightly more fucked up than in english I think
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mediamoklet · 1 year
Cinta dan Rahasia
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Oleh : Bujang Inam dan Axel
Cinta yang kumiliki bagaikan sebuah api
Tak terlihat namun terasa menyala
Kaulah rahasianya
kupendam dalam hati
Seindah dedaunan di musim bunga berkala
Kuukir namamu dalam setiap doa
Kutuliskan rindu dalam setiap bait
Namun rahasianya tetap terjaga
Kutuliskan dalam sebuah puisi
Kita memiliki rahasia
Cinta yang kumiliki, cinta yang kau simpan
Takkan terbendung oleh waktu dan masa
Bagai sungai yang mengalir deras dan Panjang
Tetaplah rahasiakan cintamu
Karena hatiku selalu untukmu
Biarkan dunia terus mengagumi
Kecantikan rahasia yang tak terbongkar oleh waktu
Cinta dan rahasia
Keduanya takkan bisa dipisahkan
Keduanya menyatu dalam kerinduan
Yang kan selalu hadir di dalam pikiran
Cinta dan Rahasia
Tetaplah tersembunyi
Hingga akhirnya nanti
Kita kan bersatu dan
Menjalin cinta yang tulus dan abadi
Tanpa ada rahasia lagi.
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