#axel von fersen
njezan-cvjetic · 1 year
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roseillith · 6 months
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Versailles No Bara - The Rose of Versailles Bara wa utsukushiku chiru (1994) OST artwork
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devilsrains · 4 months
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rose of versailles 50th anniversary book
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paleosart · 5 months
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my take on oscar's dress scene
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figchn · 29 days
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warriordragonart · 8 months
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Hans Axel Von Fersen, the first of the RoV MC art series I drew! I find it hilarious that it was Fersen of all people who kicked off this little series because he’s my least favourite RoV protagonist overall (he’s fine I just don’t have much to say about him) but this image popped into my head and I just had to.
Only Rosalie is left, and now that I have my copy of the manga I’ll be able to get some better references for her!
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mangaandanimeposts · 1 month
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Oscar Françoise de Jarjayes from "Versailles no Bara" or "Lady Oscar- The Rose of Versailles" by Riyoko Ikeda
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hakonohanayome · 11 months
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Rose of Versailles - Riyoko Ikeda
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sparklingpax · 1 year
I am not sorry for making this,
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rinringringu · 1 year
i can't stop making these ...
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natsukashii-naa · 10 months
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Rose of Versailles (1979)
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runawaycarouselhorse · 8 months
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lacoscienzadiemme · 7 months
I'm back and I'm in my Versailles no bara era again
Disclaimer: long ass post, boil some water and make some tea
Three weeks ago I was sick and decided to have a rewatch of my second hyper fixation ever (the first were the Teletubbies when I was 4): Versailles no bara, aka Lady Oscar aka my life when I was ten.
Rewatching it at 27 was a completely different experience. I got to understand more details in the charaters' personalities and dialogues, but most of all in the main crucial elements of the plot. Let's write a few words about them (hopefully without forgetting anything)!
Oscar's gender identity. When I was a kid I would get mad at people making fun of this passion of mine saying "BuT iS OsCaR a BoY oR a GiRl?!?!?!?" like dude, it's called LADY OSCAR it's not that deep. ACTUALLY, it is that deep but not in the way they thought. The struggle with Oscar's gender identity (due to her father's awful decision to raise her as a boy despite being a girl) is somehow the most contemporary and current topic in the story. Somewhere (I can't remember if it was in the manga or in the anime) it's revealed that Oscar only found out she was a girl after being firmly convinced of being a boy during her entire childhood. Given that, we must accept that it was... ehm... nature/biology/her body to unveil the mystery (with every psychological consequence along, I guess), this means it was just a couple of years more or less before the beginning of the story (when she was 15 yo). The whole struggle between living as a man while being a woman, keeping on trying to run away from her womanhood and the consequent sorrows she faces, could be very important to address the topic of gender identity. This being said (and after a wonderful fanfiction I read yesterday that claimed the opposite), I want to share a little speculation about her identity WELL KNOWING THAT REAL PEOPLE'S GENDER IDENTITIES ARE NOT QUESTIONABLE NOR SUBJECT OF DISCUSSION. In my humble and personal opinion (again, about an anime character and NOT a real person), Oscar is not a trans man. I think the struggles and the very point of the whole story come from the fact that she, a woman of the late 700's raised as man, starts experiencing what we now consider the social constructs that define genders and gender norms. Let's consider that she has a male name, everybody refers to her as a man, her entire family and social milieu consider her as a man. But Oscar knows she is a woman despite everything and everyone because her male identity is something that was forced upon her. THIS is, for me, the crucial point of her story: Oscar wouldn't be struggling if the reason of that weren't a constriction made by her father. Her gender identity dilemma is not generated by a gender disphoria, but by a choice someone else made when she was just born. And that, I think, is similar to the struggles trans people live but not precisely identical. In fact, if she had been raised as a girl, she would live her life without considering the other side of the sky as her own. But because she was forced into manhood, she keeps convincing herself a male identity would solve all her "female" problems (especially her sentimental ones, without realizing that men too, even the ones she's around, suffer because of love). So, is Oscar a trans person? I wouldn't be so sure, but what I'm sure of is that trans people are people and they deserve basic human rights just like anyone else. PERIODT.
Oscar's love for Fersen. We all have lived even once the awful situation of not being loved back by someone. It's a part of the game we forcily accepted when we were pushed into a social civilization made of human relationships. BUT after reading @xwaterice post, something in my mind shifted. OP clamis that Oscar mainly falls in love with the way Fersen loves Marie Antoinette. Lest we forget that back then relationships were mainly formed for convenience and Oscar has been around this kind of mindset for her own life. Even though she argues with Fersen when he reveals he's going to marry for convenience that it wouldn't be fair because people shouldn't stay together if not out of love. Bonjour mademoiselle, you already knew that but let's pretend the opposite. Of course, count Fersen is charming and good looking man, he has a nice personality and so on. But the most impressive thing he does is loving a woman for who she is and not what she is. And yes, @xwaterice is right: Oscar wants to be loved for who she is, for the person she is and for what she can give as a person (as a woman) and, all around her, the only one who is behaving like that is Fersen. Yes, we could tell her "Hey, wake up, there's André right besides you!", but my man, my malewife André hides himself for most of the episodes and my girlboss Oscar has it rough paying attention to other people's feeling when they don't show them up.
André, or the art of being a sottone (adj. Someone who is madly in love with a person and would literally do everything for them). Here he is. A malewife, a good friend and ultimately even a little problematic man (you know, the whole ripping the shirt off scene). Without condoning his r4p3 att3mpt, I think we should focus on the fact that he is always there for Oscar and, most of all, he is there to help her embracing her womanhood. Because he, who is in love with her and hopes for a relationship with her till the end, would benefit from her womanhood? Of course. But he actually knows that every single problem and every single trouble she has to face comes from rejecting it. André is the only one who really understands what Oscar is goind through and the only one who understands thay she is a woman. He cares about her womanhood because he cares about her.
The everybody's a little bisexual trope. So, let's put aside the whole discourse about Oscar's gender identity for a min. Or better, let's talk about it from a different pov. If she is a woman, every other one who falls for her (like the majority of the court and more in general most of the female characters she bumps into throughout the story) would at least be bi; on the other hand, if Oscar is a man this makes André, Girodelle, Alain maybe(?), the gentlemen ready to take her hand during the ball in her honour in the last episodes and even count Fersen (I'll focus on this later) bisexual. To be true, I'd fall for Oscar too even though I'm a straight girl.
Count Fersen × Oscar: what if? Oscar is in love with Fersen and with the way he loves women (or better, ONE woman): we got it, ok. But Fersen, the world champion of delicacy, friendzones her. In the worst way, by the way, and I know it because... *cough cough* been there lived that... Anyway, towards the last episodes, he rescues her and André from a violent protest in Paris. He rushes from the theatre the very moment it's clear it's about Oscar. They said goodbye quite some time before, don't forget it. Notice this: when Oscar cries for her André (quote) he (Fersen) acts surprised. Yes, he is because he knows their relationship and so on, BUT my crazy brain keeps thinking that the surprise comes from the fact that Oscar is not indifferent to him. I mean, if he has to settle down and he cannot do it with the Queen, at least let it be with his best friend. It sounds weird, but it makes sense to me. At the point, anyway, she is the friendzoner AH!
I can't remember if this is everything I wanted to say, but I promise if something else comes to my mind I'll reblog this post and add it down. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk!
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ghost-bard · 8 months
Everytime Fersen shows up after a while in Rose of Versailles his hair is longer and more glorious i need his hair care regimen good lord
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cuartoretorno · 11 months
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María Antonieta 2006
A los 14 años de edad, la archiduquesa María Antonieta (Kirsten Dunst) es alejada de su familia y amigos en Viena, despojada de todas sus posesiones y abandonada en el mundo sofisticado y decadente del Palacio de Versalles, la magnífica corte real. María Antonieta es un simple peón en un matrimonio concertado para solidificar la armonía entre dos naciones. Su esposo adolescente, Luis (Jason Schwartzman), es el heredero al trono de Francia, pero María Antonieta no está preparada para ser el tipo de regente que espera el pueblo francés. Bajo todo su lujo, ella es una joven protegida, asustada y confundida, rodeada de pérfidos detractores, falsos aduladores, titiriteros y chismosos. Atrapada por las convenciones de su condición en la vida, María Antonieta debe encontrar la forma de encajar en el mundo complejo y traicionero de Versalles.
A sus males se añade la indiferencia de su nuevo marido, Luis. Asombrosamente, su matrimonio no se consumó en siete años. El tímido futuro rey resulta ser un desastre como amante, desatando graves preocupaciones (e incesantes cotilleos) porque María Antonieta nunca llegue a tener un heredero. Abrumada y angustiada, María Antonieta busca refugio en la decadencia de la aristocracia francesa y en una aventura secreta con el seductor conde sueco, Hans Axel von Fersen (Jamie Dornan). Sus indiscreciones pronto están en boca de toda Francia.
Tanto si es idealizada por su estilo impecable o vilipendiada por estar imperdonablemente fuera del alcance de sus súbditos, la reacción hacia María Antonieta siempre es extrema. Sin embargo, poco a poco, a medida que va madurando, va encontrando su sitio como esposa, madre y reina — para terminar trágicamente en una revolución sangrienta que altera Francia para siempre.
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gabycat26 · 4 months
These are my favorite characters from the Time Princess game, or rather, my husbandos❤️
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