ayahuasca12 · 4 months
Ayahuasca Vs Bufo – Similarities And Differences On The Healing Journey
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vikaralifestyle · 9 months
Exploring the Profound Healing Power of Ayahuasca Ceremonies and Plant Medicine
My journey with Plant Medicines began almost a year ago when, desperate to find alternative forms of healing, I encountered a great teacher along the way who introduced me to the marvelous world of Sacred Plants.
It was a sunny morning when I decided to ride my bicycle along the Chaquiñan, the path that connects the Cumbayá valley to Tumbaco in the city of Quito, Ecuador. Determined, yet somewhat nervous, I pedaled through lush vegetation, surrounded by the sounds of birds and the winding stone paths, until I reached her house. As I entered her door, I was pleasantly surprised to realize that I had been to this place before. Years ago, I had visited her home through a twist of fate and because her daughter and I shared a mutual friend.
Upon arrival, I beheld the magnificent vegetation that flourished abundantly in her gardens. There was a natural wall of majestic San Pedro cacti adorning the façade, giving me the feeling of being far away from the city, far from the place I thought I knew. I continued walking until I reached the backyard, where Tatiana sat in a wooden chair in front of a fire, inviting me to take a seat. A sense of fear and confusion invaded my body. What was I doing there? How could a woman sitting in front of a fire possibly "heal" me?, I thought.
Embracing the Unknown: Embarking on an Ayahuasca Therapy Retreat
I sat down, and Tatiana, as calm as ever, continued stripping leaves from cedar branches in her lap. Although filled with fear and uncertainty, I accepted without hesitation when, after sharing a bit of my story, she said, "Today, I am beginning a retreat with a girl visiting from the USA. I believe that supporting each other in this process would be of great benefit." And so, without further ado, I said yes, grabbed my bike, and returned home to gather my belongings, ready to embark on a life-changing week-long retreat.
I returned in the late afternoon and was introduced to a person who is now very important in my life, in fact, the reason why you can read this post today - Nadia. Together we began a journey that changed our lives. Tatiana had scheduled daily activities in various regions for us to participate in therapies such as family constellations, spiritual response therapy, fire readings, walks on nature,  temazcal, and energetic cleansings. On the fourth day, Tatiana informed us that we would be taking Ayahuasca medicine the following day. I became so nervous that night that I could hardly sleep. A sense of fear and a strong urge to run away overcame me. I felt I wasn't ready, that it wasn't the right time. I tried to come up with a thousand excuses to leave, but for some reason, I didn't.
The Profound Ayahuasca Ceremony: A Gateway to Inner Transformation
The day of the ceremony had arrived. We prepared the bamboo hut located in the backyard of Tatiana's house, and Mercedes, the woman who served this sacred medicine, arrived with a presence I had only recognized in Tatiana. She exuded a firmness that was simultaneously warm, a sense of certainty and determination about who she was and what she did, which filled me with utmost assurance. That day and since the night before, I had only consumed guayusa tea and water. My attention was heightened, and despite hardly sleeping the previous night, I felt quite energized.
We were a group of five women and one man who, that night, under the flickering candlelight and the beautiful singing of Mercedes, received the medicine. Sitting in a lotus position, with an upright back and focused on my breath, I felt the medicine starting to take effect. I experienced a powerful energy that serpentined from the base of my spine to the crown of my head, and I felt that if I didn't maintain my focus on my breath, this energy could overwhelm me. I lived my entire life that night.
Unveiling the Wisdom of Ayahuasca
Amidst picturesque visions and jungle imagery, allies began to come to my rescue. There were moments when I felt I could lose myself indefinitely in all those vibrant, lifelike forms and colors. I traveled within that vision, guided by a black panther, until I heard a voice. It was the voice of a man, and his name kept repeating in my head: "Rubén." For a moment, I thought of my uncle Rubén, my mother's brother. However, it didn't feel like his energy. Suddenly, this voice said to me, "Listen to them, pay attention to their words, everything is here," referring to Tatiana and Mercedes, who were sharing their knowledge and care for each other in front of the altar. With closed eyes, I continued to listen, returning to the present moment. I began to hear what they were saying, and I felt how this energy that surged through my spine transformed into an ability for active listening and deep reflection, something I had only experienced a few times in profound meditation sessions.
The Healing Power Within: Ayahuasca as a Catalyst for Self-Discovery
The night continued until, at one point, Mercedes said, "Thank you, Rubén, for your presence, for joining us tonight, dear friend." Rubén, Tatiana's deceased partner, who together had created that magical space of knowledge and healing, was the voice that conveyed one of the most important messages I have ever received in my life. As I interpreted it, the message was: "Don't search outside anymore; everything is here. Everything you need is here. Listen, pay attention." And through attention and presence, the medicine allowed me to transcend many of the psychological postures I had labeled as "mine." With such love and care, the medicine gradually opened the deepest corners of my being, reminding me that I needed nothing more, that the answers I seek and the fears I hold—all reside within me.
The Transformative Journey Continues: Insights and Growth
Ayahuasca medicine has been a potent ally for me, providing key teachings and always remaining unpredictable. Since that first experience, I have had the opportunity to partake in the medicine a few more times, and it's fascinating how this Sacred Plant has gradually revealed visions to me. Perhaps it has been removing the veils that cloud my soul, allowing me to become, with each passing day, a more authentic being aligned with my essence.
This is not to say that the ceremonies have been devoid of pain. Amidst vomiting and tears, I have often asked myself, "What am I doing here?" But I have always been blessed with the reminder that this is life, and ultimately, the ceremony is a symbolic representation of the path I must tread in my own life. I have felt like a little child, needing to relearn how to be a conscious and present human being on this Earth. It has allowed me to understand that beyond the visions, the beautiful figures, and the multitude of colors, the most profound teaching is presence, order, and intention, all driven by the infinite love that sustains this work of art, we call life.
A Gratitude Prayer: Honoring the Ayahuasca Medicine and the Path Ahead
I feel that Ayahuasca medicine has bestowed upon me a very special gift, and I consider myself fortunate to join the new humanity, a humanity that remembers the interwoven fabric to which we belong, that remembers the connection, that remembers the vision.
Thank you, dear Mother, for reminding us of the vision, for teaching us with so much love how to live well—in harmony and sisterhood. Thank you for your patience, your affection, and the presence. It is an honor to serve the vision you bring, and with profound love, I offer a prayer for the new humanity, for the expansion of consciousness and love. May all those who seek find you, may your medicine continue opening our hearts and expanding our consciousness.
Plant Medicine Ceremonies at Vikara: Embracing Healing with Mercedes and Tatiana
Additionally, I would like to mention that both Mercedes and Tatiana offer their transformative Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies at Vikara, a sacred space dedicated to holistic healing and spiritual growth.
Located in a serene and natural setting, Vikara provides the ideal environment for profound healing and self-discovery. It is within this tranquil sanctuary that Mercedes and Tatiana, two experienced and compassionate facilitators, guide participants through the transformative journey of healing.
Mercedes and Tatiana bring their unique expertise and deep connection to the medicine, creating a safe and supportive space for participants to explore the depths of their being. With their extensive knowledge of plant medicine and their commitment to healing, they curate ceremonies that honor the ancestral traditions and wisdom of Ayahuasca, Temazcal, and San Pedro.
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fastdiet · 10 months
Ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine used in traditional Amazonian shamanic practices. The brew is made by combining the ayahuasca vine with other plants, and it is known for its intense psychedelic effects. However, before taking ayahuasca, it is essential to follow a specific diet to prepare the body and mind for the experience. The ayahuasca diet is a crucial part of the preparation process. The diet involves avoiding certain foods and substances that can interfere with the effects of the plant medicine. By following the ayahuasca diet, you can ensure that you have a safe and transformative experience. In this article, we will provide you with tips and guidelines for following the ayahuasca diet. We will cover the foods and substances to avoid, as well as the foods that are recommended. By following these guidelines, you can prepare yourself for a powerful and transformative ayahuasca experience. 🌿🍃🍓1. Understanding the Ayahuasca Diet: A Comprehensive GuideBefore embarking on an Ayahuasca journey, it is important to understand the diet restrictions. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and tobacco for at least a week before the ceremony. Avoid processed foods, sugar, salt, and spicy foods. Stick to a simple, plant-based diet with no animal products. The Ayahuasca diet is essential for preparing the body and mind for the experience. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and enhances the effects of the plant medicine. It also helps to reduce the risk of adverse reactions during the ceremony. The diet should be followed for at least a week before and after the ceremony. During this time, it is important to avoid any foods that could interfere with the Ayahuasca experience. After the ceremony, the diet helps to integrate the experience and maintain the benefits. Some traditional Ayahuasca diets include additional restrictions. These may include avoiding sex, caffeine, and certain fruits and vegetables. It is important to follow the specific guidelines provided by the shaman or facilitator. Overall, the Ayahuasca diet is an important aspect of the Ayahuasca experience. It helps to prepare the body and mind for the journey and enhances the effects of the plant medicine. Following the diet can also help to reduce the risk of adverse reactions and maintain the benefits of the experience. 🌿🍃🍓🥑🥦🍌🍉🍇🍎2. The Importance of Preparing Your Body for an Ayahuasca CeremonyPreparing your body for an Ayahuasca ceremony is crucial for a safe and effective experience. 🍃 Avoid alcohol, drugs, and caffeine for at least a week before the ceremony. 🧘‍♀️ Practice meditation or yoga to calm your mind and body. 🥦 Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. 💦 Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. By preparing your body, you can reduce the risk of negative side effects and enhance the benefits of Ayahuasca. 🌿 Detoxify your body by avoiding processed foods and sugar. 🚭 Quit smoking to improve respiratory function. 🧘‍♂️ Practice deep breathing exercises to increase oxygen flow. 🌞 Spend time in nature to ground yourself and connect with the earth. Remember, Ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine that can have profound effects on your mind and body. 🙏 Respect the ceremony and the traditions surrounding it. 🌟 Set an intention for your journey and trust the process. 👥 Work with a reputable shaman or facilitator who can guide you through the experience. 🌈 Embrace the lessons and insights that come from your Ayahuasca journey. 3. Ayahuasca Diet Guidelines: What to Eat and What to AvoidBefore taking Ayahuasca, it's essential to follow a specific diet to prepare your body and mind for the experience. Here are some guidelines on what to eat and avoid: Eat light, plant-based meals in the days leading up to the ceremony. Avoid processed foods, sugar, salt, and caffeine. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and medications. Avoid sexual activity and negative thoughts. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. During the ceremony, it's recommended to fast for at least 6 hours before drinking Ayahuasca. This helps to avoid nausea and purging. Drink only water during the fasting period. Avoid solid food, dairy, meat, and fish. Avoid spicy, oily, and acidic foods. Avoid smoking and chewing gum. Avoid using perfumes and scented products. After the ceremony, it's essential to continue following a healthy diet to integrate the experience and support your body's healing process. Eat light, nutritious meals, and avoid heavy and processed foods. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and medications for at least 24 hours. Avoid negative thoughts and stressful situations. Practice self-care and gratitude. Stay connected to nature and your inner self. Remember, Ayahuasca is a powerful medicine that requires respect and preparation. By following these diet guidelines, you can enhance your experience and receive the full benefits of this sacred plant. 🌿🍃🥦🍎🍵🚫🍔🍟🍕🍫🍩🍸💊🚭🙅‍♀️💭🧘‍♀️🌳🌞🙏4. How to Maintain a Healthy Ayahuasca Diet Post-CeremonyMaintaining a healthy ayahuasca diet after the ceremony is crucial for your physical and mental health. Here are some tips: 🍎 Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet to replenish your body with essential nutrients. 🥦 Avoid processed and junk food, caffeine, alcohol, and drugs for at least a week after the ceremony. 🍵 Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to flush out toxins from your body. 🥕 Consume foods that are easy to digest, such as soups, stews, and broths. 🍲 Consider adding probiotics and fermented foods to your diet to support gut health. 🌿 Incorporate herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, and garlic to boost your immune system. 🍓 Avoid meat and dairy products for a few days after the ceremony to help your body detoxify. 🥑 Incorporate healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, and seeds into your diet to support brain function. 🍵 Consider drinking ayahuasca-friendly teas such as chamomile, passionflower, and valerian to promote relaxation and sleep. 🍇 Finally, listen to your body and eat intuitively. Pay attention to what feels nourishing and supportive for your physical and emotional well-being.5. The Role of Ayahuasca Diet in the Healing and Transformation ProcessAyahuasca diet plays a crucial role in the healing and transformation process. It helps to prepare the body and mind for the ceremony. It cleanses the body of toxins and purifies the spirit. It enhances the effects of the ayahuasca medicine. The diet typically involves avoiding certain foods and drinks, such as alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods. It also includes consuming specific foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. It's important to follow the diet for at least a week before the ceremony. It's also recommended to continue the diet for a few days after the ceremony. Following the ayahuasca diet can lead to a more profound and transformative experience. It can help to reduce nausea and other physical discomforts during the ceremony. It can also help to facilitate a deeper connection with the ayahuasca spirit. It can lead to long-lasting changes in one's relationship with food and health. Overall, the ayahuasca diet is an essential aspect of the healing and transformation process. 🍃🌿🍓🍇🍉🥦🍗🐟🥑🥥🍵🍶6. Common Misconceptions About the Ayahuasca Diet and How to Avoid ThemMany people have misconceptions about the Ayahuasca diet. Here are some common ones and how to avoid them: Misconception: You can eat whatever you want before an Ayahuasca ceremony. Reality: Avoid alcohol, drugs, and heavy foods for at least 24 hours before the ceremony. Misconception: The Ayahuasca diet is only about what you eat. Reality: The diet also includes avoiding sex, negative thoughts, and certain medications. Misconception: The Ayahuasca diet is a one-time thing. Reality: It's recommended to follow the diet for at least a week before and after the ceremony. Misconception: The Ayahuasca diet is only for spiritual purposes. Reality: The diet is also important for physical health and safety during the ceremony. Misconception: The Ayahuasca diet is the same for everyone. Reality: The diet can vary depending on the shaman, tradition, and individual needs. By understanding the reality of the Ayahuasca diet, you can have a safer and more meaningful experience.7. Tips for Incorporating Ayahuasca Diet into Your Daily LifeAdopting an Ayahuasca diet can be challenging at first, but it's worth it. Here are some tips to help you incorporate it into your daily life: Eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains. Avoid processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. Include protein sources like nuts, seeds, and legumes. Try to eat organic and locally sourced foods. Meal planning can make it easier to stick to an Ayahuasca diet: Plan your meals in advance. Prepare your own meals at home. Experiment with new recipes and ingredients. Use spices and herbs to add flavor to your meals. It's important to listen to your body and adjust your diet accordingly: Pay attention to how your body reacts to certain foods. Make changes to your diet based on your body's needs. Consult with a nutritionist or healthcare provider if needed. Don't forget to take care of your mental and emotional health: Practice mindfulness and meditation. Get enough sleep and exercise regularly. Connect with nature and spend time outdoors. Surround yourself with positive people and energy. Remember, adopting an Ayahuasca diet is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process and enjoy the benefits it brings 🌿🌞 In conclusion, the Ayahuasca diet is an essential aspect of the Ayahuasca experience. It is crucial to follow the guidelines to ensure a safe and effective ceremony. 🌿 Remember to avoid certain foods and substances, such as alcohol and red meat, at least 24 hours before the ceremony. 🚫 By following these tips and guidelines, you can fully embrace the transformative power of Ayahuasca and have a profound spiritual experience. 🙏 https://fastdiet.net/ayahuasca-diet-tips-and-guidelines/?_unique_id=6490cac4823a9
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ayahuascaretreat · 10 months
Ayahuasca and Spirituality: Exploring the Relationship Between Plant Medicine and Consciousness
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In recent times, there has been a surge in interest in the possible advantages of using plant medicines to enrich spiritual experiences and foster personal development. Ayahuasca, a potent psychoactive concoction traditionally employed in shamanic rituals in the Amazon rainforest, is among the plant medicines that have gained popularity in urban settings. Ayahuasca retreats have become more popular as well, drawing individuals from all corners of the world who aim to examine the association between this age-old plant medicine and consciousness.
Ayahuasca Retreat Options: South America vs United States
Ayahuasca retreat offer various options for individuals to choose from, including traditional Amazonian ceremonies in South America and modernized retreats in the United States. Seeking an authentic experience? Then you should consider a retreat in South America, where traditional shamans keep the wisdom and cultural heritage of this medicine. But for those who cannot travel abroad, there are also options for ayahuasca retreats in the USA in 2023, with trained facilitators leading ceremonies in a controlled setting.
Benefits of Participating in an Ayahuasca Retreat
Spiritual experiences: Ayahuasca can facilitate a sense of connection to something beyond the self, leading to powerful spiritual experiences. Such experiences can be transformative, offering a new perspective on the nature of reality and one’s place within it.
Healing from past traumas: Ayahuasca can help individuals access repressed memories and emotions, allowing them to work through past traumas in a safe and supportive environment. That can lead to healing and emotional growth and can help individuals overcome long-standing emotional blocks.
Personal growth: Ayahuasca can promote introspection and self-reflection, leading to greater self-awareness and a deeper understanding of one’s behaviors and motivations. That can help individuals identify areas for personal growth and development and can facilitate positive changes in their lives.
Increased empathy: Ayahuasca has the potential to amplify an individual’s sense of connection to others, resulting in a heightened capacity for empathy and compassion towards them. Such emotional benefits may contribute to building stronger relationships and cultivating a more profound sense of community.
Breaking addiction: Ayahuasca can potentially reveal the root causes of addictive behavior, aiding individuals in breaking free from patterns of addiction. That can serve as a powerful tool for those grappling with addiction and offer a fresh outlook on life.
Enhanced creativity: Ayahuasca can stimulate individuals to think beyond their typical patterns of thought, inspiring new ideas and a revived sense of creativity. That can be useful for artists, writers, and anyone looking to tap into their creative potential.
Greater connection to nature: Ayahuasca can help individuals feel a deeper connection to the natural world, fostering a greater sense of respect and awe for the environment. That can lead to greater environmental awareness and a desire to protect the planet.
Improved overall well-being: Potential benefits of ayahuasca use may include improvements in an individual’s mental and physical well-being, resulting in better moods, increased energy levels, and relief from physical ailments. That may lead to a heightened sense of balance, grounding, and centeredness in daily life.
Final Words
Plant medicine retreat provides a clear chance for people to delve into the correlation between plant medicine and consciousness. These retreats create a safe and encouraging environment where participants can encounter the significant impact of plant medicine. That fosters personal growth and spiritual advancement. Whether someone attends an ayahuasca retreat in South America or the United States in 2023, it is vital to approach the experience with a receptive mindset and a readiness to explore uncharted territory.
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hivibration · 1 year
Ayahuasca - “vine of the soul" / Grandmother plant
Ayahuasca is a psychedelic plant originally used for spiritual purposes and modernly used for medicinal purposes such as healing trauma, mental health, and addiction.
It is well known to be the "Grandmother Plant" or mother of all plant medicine because it teaches you lessons, offers wisdom, and yet provides comfort and love during the experience. It simply shows you exactly what you need at that specific point in your life, even if that means reliving your trauma in order to heal.
I have been presented an opportunity to go on an ayahuasca retreat this year at Cancun, Mexico. They say, just like DMT, "if the opportunity comes, it is your time." I believe this is my opportunity to heal what I haven't been able to.
There is only so much one can grasp from therapy, self-books, seminars, etc... It's a daily practice, and one can fall off easily, unfortunately.
It is said that a single session of ayahuasca is like taking 10 years of therapy. I heard the same about mushrooms, and it is true. My mushroom experiences were all therapeutic! But I'm ready to take it a step further!
If anyone is interested in a ayahuasca retreat and heal surrounded by nature and guided by experinced "curanderos" (shaman), I have shared a link to a website in which I will be signing up soon myself!
>>>> https://samskara-retreats.com
I will update my experience when it happens.
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solsanacion · 1 year
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AYAHUASCA CEREMONY | ECUADOR. Momentos previos inolvidables, nuevos amigos, nuevas historias. Gracias!
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shamanflora · 3 months
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How do I choose a reputable Ayahuasca retreat center?
To choose a reputable Ayahuasca retreat center, consider factors like experienced facilitators, positive reviews from past participants, safety measures in place, and legal compliance with the country's regulations.
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tahitianstarseed · 11 months
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benjaminnerding · 3 years
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#backtotheroots 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️☮️ . . . #pachamama #ayahuasca #ayahuascaceremony #ayahuascaretreat #ayahuascaart #hippielifestyle #hippie #hippiestyle #hippievibes #hippielife #hippiespirits #hippiesoul #hippieheart #hippies #hippieart #hippielove #meditation #méditation #meditationpractice #meditationspace #meditationtime #meditationart #meditations #meditationretreat #meditation🙏 #meditationeveryday #findyourpeace #wallpainting #artstagram . Calm with @dare2b_sports + @regattaoutdoors + @outdoorsportsoutlet at @guayusaruna in 🇪🇨 (at Puyo - Tena - Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRVroAvLBRu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vikaralifestyle · 10 months
Private Ayahuasca Retreats at Vikara
Your Personal Journey to Healing
When we make a conscious decision to embark on a journey of self-benefit and healing, we set in motion a powerful chain of energy. At Vikara, we understand the significance of this intention and the transformative potential it holds. That's why we offer a private Ayahuasca retreat designed to cater to your unique needs, providing a personalized and profound healing experience.
Crafting Your Personal Haven
Our monthly group retreats create a container that welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds, each with their own intentions and aspirations. While many find solace and support within this communal setting, others seek a more intimate and personalized approach. For those who desire a deeper level of personalization and one-on-one guidance from our facilitators and medicine man/woman, an Ayahuasca private retreat at Vikara is a perfect choice.
Honesty and Self-Reflection: Key to Finding What You Need
When deciding on the type of retreat that aligns with your needs, it's crucial, to be honest with yourself. Ask yourself what truly resonates with you and the level of support you require. Joining a group retreat means becoming part of a community dedicated to healing, where we uplift and support one another along the way. However, we understand that the group dynamic may not suit everyone. If you feel that being around others physically or energetically may hinder your personal process, a private retreat offers you the freedom and solitude you seek.
Crafting a Retreat Tailored to You
At Vikara, we take pride in our ability to design retreats based on your specific needs and intentions. We offer a range of therapies and activities that complement the healing power of Ayahuasca ceremonies. Whether you're seeking deep emotional healing, spiritual guidance, or personal transformation, our dedicated team will curate a retreat experience that is entirely focused on supporting your individual journey.
A Safe Haven for Your Ayahuasca Experience
Sitting with Grandmother Ayahuasca is a profound honor, and at Vikara, we hold this responsibility with the utmost care. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We are here to provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about which retreat is right for you. Our team is always available to guide you through the process and help you determine if Vikara is the perfect place for your personal healing.
Join Us on Your Path to Healing
Embarking on a private retreat at Vikara is a deeply personal and transformative experience. It's an opportunity to delve into your innermost being, to heal, and to grow. We invite you to embark on this sacred journey with us, where the power of Ayahuasca and the serenity of our retreat merge to create a space of profound healing. Discover the true potential of your personal retreat at Vikara - your gateway to self-discovery and transformation.
Contact us today to embark on your path to healing. Visit our website at www.vikaralifestyle.com or send an email to [email protected] to connect with our team. We are here to answer any questions you may have and help you create the perfect private retreat experience at Vikara.
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newlifeayahuasca · 1 year
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❤️ #ayahuasca #ayahuascaretreat #ayahuascacostarica #plantmedicine #plantteachers #ceremony #ayahuascaceremony #newlife #newlifeayahuasca #newliferetreat https://www.instagram.com/p/CpNlmCwuBUB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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When you decide to walk the corridor into a place of infinite time & space, safety is the 🔑 key to a pleasant experience.⁠ ⁠ Ayahuasca is a spiritual gift from mother earth and has to be treated respectfully.⁠ ⁠ Just like with any mind-altering substances that exist, it has to consumed carefully with the guidance of professionals. ⁠ ⁠ Keep these 3 things in mind before deciding to do your first ceremony:⁠ - Preparation⁠ - Setting⁠ - Intention⁠ ⁠ Prepare in a good way by following a diet, decide to commit to healing, and let go of all expectations. ⁠ ⁠ With the setting; find people that you can trust, who are experienced with the plant medicine, and are there to support you on your journey. ⁠ ⁠ You'll get what you are searching for, so set your intention from what your heart truly desires and your soul needs. ⁠ ⁠ Be humble and come with an open mind and everything will go perfectly fine 💚⁠
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positivecreations · 3 years
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Well, my 7th “Healing Visions” art and medicine Retreat is now concluded and it was one for the books! So happy and honoured to have had such great awesome artist friends come nd join me in the Peruvian jungle to do some magic! We all did such great work on our personal evolution while making some fun art in nature! Wish more people would come down here to enjoy such blessings with us! Next one is in December so please hit up @katari.ayahuasca.center if you’d like to join! Much gratitude!! The nicer pics in this bunch are by @tymberlee1 #healingvisionsretreat #chrisdyerworkshop #kataricenter #tarapotoperu #ayahuascaretreat #spiritualwork #gratitude (at Katari Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMcZLG9MaLP/?igshid=qhw99z0q82tw
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Let me introduce you to my new family 😊 My mother Maestra Isabel and my brother Maestro Raphael. 2 of the most powerful ayahuasceros and curanderos I have ever met! 🙏🏻 I can’t wait to make their Centre the best in Iquitos and allow hundreds of pasajeros to experience the healing and love that is here in abundance! 🥰🌈 💖🌎 #mundoyacuruna #mundoyacurunaayahuasca #tamshiyacu #ayahuasca #ayahuascaretreat #аяхуаска #аяхуаскадлярусскихлюдей #айяуаска #аяхуаскадляроссиян #peru #аяхуаскалечебныйцентр #iquitos #ayahuascero #curandero #healing #love #compassion #truth #plantmedicine #maloca #jungleretreat @mundo_yacuruna_ayahuasca @mundo_yacuruna_ayahuasca @mundo_yacuruna_ayahuasca (at Tamshiyacu) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-wa3gnWPf/?igshid=1eeb4iqbfusza
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solsanacion · 1 year
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mrtattoodesigns · 5 years
#kingofcompassion #kingofcompassionresorts #ayahuasca #ayahuascaretreat #jungleresort #jungleretreat #wellness #plantmedicine #wellnessretreat #healingretreat #amazonrainforest (at Iquitos, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/By03T0ZHWlB/?igshid=n252w3kjc7eb
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