itsaydri23 · 1 year
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Hey ItsAydri, Check out my Youtube channel, and dont forget to hit the like button and SUBSCRIBE!!!!! Also check me out on
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blurred-pride · 2 years
Re -> https://at.tumblr.com/blurred-pride/re/163mdilrfp0r
Tw: weapon (in a band name)
Yooooo thanks Ofc we are gonna have to talk ab it but my favorites are (sustem names) Multiverse Marauders, Constellation Congregation, Crab Cluster Collective, Kraken Kollective (collective names) Rayin, Aydri and Sayir :D
Also thank you! Our cats are named after the band members of guns&roses, Issy Axel Duff and Slash
We don’t have Issy anymore she has a new home (all the cats we have where supposed to be long term fosters but my mom said she can’t part with them lol)
The cat I showed you before Duff has major anxiety issues and when we first got him we couldn’t go near him he’s gotten so sweet over the past year tho
He still doesn’t like new ppl but he sleeps above next to us when we’re on the couch (like he was in the picture lol)
Have a picture of Axel and Slash from the other day ☺️
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Im glad you like them!! and your cats are awesome!! they look very fluffy and cute!! thank you again for cat pictures!!!! -virgil
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empiremusic215 · 2 years
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“TOGETHER WE CAN DO GREAT THINGS 🧳” WE CARE FOR OUR COMMUNITY AND WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE BACK 🙏🏾 BECAUSE WE CARE AND LOVE OUR PEOPLE @kingsintroductiontoleadership will continue to lead the way 🫡 (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgz-ayDrY-9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moonbaki · 2 years
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Snakes out for Set 🐍
Just a drawing inspired by cultist garb, the usual
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shaeshine · 3 years
Emeraude Toubia
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"My fuckin' queen!"
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aydriis · 3 years
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'It didn’t have to be this way, you know.’
The stagnant darkness, always muddling visions and caressing ears with thoughtless whispers was a familiar sight. Despite having none to look into endless depths that swirled and convulsed mindlessly.
There was no solidity to brace on, yet she found herself standing all the same in what felt to be the center in the shadowscape that her body currently resided in. Dim eyes flickered against the darkness in a knowing manner; she had to endure. She always did.
 ‘Why do you not return?’ 
 An almost mournful whisper hissed against the lobe of Aydri’s ear, curling around in a leeching way. There was no physical presence other than her apparent body, but she knew better. It could still feel. It could still cause damage if it desired. Her hand moved to brush it away like a fly, swatting aimlessly towards her shoulder with a disgusted curl of her lips. 
“Don’t ask questions that you know the answers of, Kaz’fi.” 
The words echoed throughout the endless chamber, spite resonating in each word that passed through her lips as her legs willed themselves to move forward. There was no destination, there never was here, but still she moved. Restlessness began to creep along her spine and give way to the paranoia that was valiantly fought against. It seemed the Kaz’fi was almost bemused, a feeling giving way to a more sinister hiss of laughter. 
‘Always so turbulent, yet never welcoming. You wound me.’
Dark teal tresses almost floated in the action of Aydri’s head twisting around, glaring at nothing in particular but with intent. “If I could inflict the fantasies of ending your pathetic existence, maybe I’d finally have a good fucking night of sleep.” Teeth ground out the words, non-existent patience giving way as her footsteps echoed heavier, thudding against the murkiness that surrounded.
Suddenly, everything froze. 
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An all too familiar cold shiver ran through her core, and it took everything to keep a straight glower into the mirror image of herself that appeared, keeping her in place and curling maliciously with a few clicks and jolts of its wispy form. Eyes that belonged to her peered at Aydri unnervingly and too wide to be natural, jaw almost unhinging with how dislocated it became as the Kaz’fi wheezed out. 
‘You worked so hard to receive your blessings, and yet you threw them away. How can you hold a candle to me when you refuse to even see into the depths of your soul?’ 
Still held in place, she stayed. Unrelenting and determined with a glint in her eyes. They always played this game when she faltered, let herself truly rest. It was the way the Kaz’fi worked, and it surely lived up to its masters wishes. A deep exhale was almost snorted through her nostrils, focusing on breaking the invisible bonds that held her in place. This caused the mirror of herself to completely unhinge its jaw, a shrieking and hair standing cackle resonating around the chamber that held them. A finger rose in a chastising manner towards Aydri, tutting. 
‘I always have to remind you, don’t I? Even the most devoted shall be executed through His will. It is the way.’ 
The words had a cold simplicity, as if merely whispering facts that a child would know. Words that made her want to shut her eyes and block it all out, yet wide open they stayed. The Kaz’fi shifted, the form of Aydri no longer in front of her, but rather a large reflective pool of water suspended above. Tendrils of dark liquid crept towards the ground and around her body, wrapping with frost biting touches that burned her skin. Small wisps circled around her head and struck themselves into the temples, leeching on as a soundless cry emitted from her throat against closed lips. 
A plethora of images and sensations came rushing through, overstimulating even the strongest of minds.
(TW: blood, violence)
...Cries of anguish as the wet slaps of spiked whips flayed the skins of the tributes; men, women, and children dressed in the purity of white that was stained with the devotion to the gods they were meant for. Scales of cobras wrapped around the necks with a hiss, glowing eyes peering right at her. 
‘You did this to them.’ 
....The taste of blood poured out from her lips to let past devotions flow down her chin and onto her chest, coughing and choking as the imagery of a Darkspear woman began to carve and stab into her skin. Mutterings of Zandali echoed throughout, reverbing and shaking the darkness into a cacophony of suffering--of power to be obtained. 
‘You achieved this through them.’ 
...Ceremonial robes with chiming footsteps passed on either side, gliding along to meet at an altar. Carved masks of bone and sinew let no expressions be known as heads all tilted to stare. A large basilisk slowly rose from the shadows, scales glimmering with wisps of shadows that curled around the apostles that knelt before its form. Sharp eyes seemed to stab her, her own beginning to bleed and create markings on her cheeks that flowed over her scar. 
‘You were blessed by them.’ 
...The tendrils moved about, destroying the shapes created and slowly forming into something more. From the depths rose a tall figure of authority. One of charm and promised wishes, lips curled into a deceitful smirk that accented the glow of eyes underneath the skull mask that shrouded his face from obscurity. 
‘You betrayed them.’ 
...His hand reached out to cusp her cheek, caressing before it plunged into her chest and gripped her heart with the burn of retribution. A choked gasp sounded from the cavity of her chest, unable to sound out past blocked lips of blood that accompanied the rigor mortis running through her limbs slowly. The hand was retracted, bloodied and holding the visceral organ that it had sought to claim. With a dark chuckle, the shadows consumed it. Aydri’s body then convulsed and shook, twisting this way and that with unnatural jerks that made her grit her teeth and groan. Eyes stayed trained on the figure, contempt of the purest nature running deep in her hues. 
‘You will face consequences.’ 
...The figure waved his arm, revealing a scenery of utter destruction and death. Buildings were torn down and bodies littered the streets, ships were sunk and many familiar faces were twisted in the cold grips of death. A trail of blood led to a large gathering of ceremonial robes and the devoted with flames licking along the outskirts of a ritualistic circle, multiple bodies crucified against stone pillars and mutilated. 
‘You will be found.’ 
...They made her hurt to look at, and all made tears glimmer against the corners of her eyes. Dreadful feelings of failure and guilt came in waves, threatening to drown her very being as her lips so desperately wanted to part in protest. 
...Then, he was there. Strapped upon a table and struggling to break free. Her eyes met that gaze, one that was usually so full of life now shrouded in fear and pain made her want to collapse. The familiar glint of a dagger was all that was given before the screams of agony rang through her ears. Fury and affliction ran through her body, willing herself to bite her lip and twist herself forward from the tortuous noise. 
‘You will be the harbinger of death to them.’ 
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Gasps of oxygen starved lungs heaved her chest, hands almost shredding the sheets that were twisted in her grasp as paranoia stricken hues stared open to the ceiling above. They soon darted around the room, muscles tensed and frozen in place as a sense of dread washed through her very core. 
After a few long minutes of heaving breaths and cold sweat running down her spine, the haze lifted. A thick swallow was allowed, and a hand came up to rest against her scalp, running through knotted strands shakily. 
 It was getting more bold, and Aydri couldn’t help but wonder if she was getting more weak. A thought that was quickly pushed down; locked away to prevent the seeds of doubt that threatened to take root. 
 She wouldn’t let it happen. 
 It couldn’t.
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magicalshopping · 3 years
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♡ Green Tea Wooden Wick Coconut Wax Candle by AYDRY & Co. ♡
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popbee · 3 years
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隨著在家的日子多了,大家對家居環境的質素也有著更大的追求,除了一般的居家擺設外,香氣也是其中一個切入點!試想像只要一打開家門,讓人感到身心愉悅的宜人香氣就撲面而來,絕對能馬上讓你的身心回歸平靜,加上時尚簡約的蠟燭外形,絕對能成為家居療癒感的小細節,為你打造出一個放鬆的空間,給自己深度休息的時光。以往 POPBEE 也介紹過不少小眾蠟燭品牌,而今次就再為你帶來一個來自美國的小眾品牌 AYDRY & Co.,喜歡小眾氣息的你相信也會喜歡!
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這個來自美國洛杉磯的小眾品牌 AYDRY & Co. 成立只是短短 5 年,但卻已受到不少時髦女生的關注,更被美國《Vogue》報導過,讓它馬上成為非常搶手的新晉蠟燭品牌。雖然它是美國品牌,但因著創辦人 Ayu Carlton 是美日混血兒,因此你絕對能於 AYDRY & Co. 中感受到日式極簡禪意以及歐美的時尚質感的結合。外形吸引固然是 AYDRY & Co. 蠟燭的其中一個賣點,而更重要的是它的蠟燭不但堅持以天然材料製作,更是全手工製造,以打造出最貼近品牌的理念 — 以最自然和簡約的方式來過精緻、優雅的生活。
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AYDRY & Co. 的蠟燭主要分為 Signature Hexagons 六角形蠟燭和 WoodenWicks 木芯蠟燭兩大類,每款共有 8 種香氣選擇,總會有一款適合你。要數 Signature Hexagons 六角形蠟燭最受歡迎的香氣,必定是融合最受歡迎的鮮花以及最優雅的木質香氣、跟創辦人同名的香氣「Aydry」,還有就是搭配日本香柚果實和香柚花朵的「Japanese Yuzu」,以及輕柔木質香味的「Sandalwood」。另外, WoodenWicks 木芯蠟燭就更受歡迎,事關除了使用木芯的關係讓蠟燭表面燒得更平均外,而且木芯燃燒時所發出的聲音更有著療癒感。而說到 WoodenWicks 木芯蠟燭最受歡迎的香氣,必定是由檸檬和葡萄柚的柑橘香作前調、再有著浪漫的麝香琥珀的「Shooting Star」,還有就是帶著平靜、沉穩、俏皮又清新的木調香氣的「Bohemian Forest」,以及由日本扁柏、溫泉霧和雪松營造出令人放鬆的木質香氣「Still」。AYDRY & Co. 所帶來的是高質感、時尚、極簡奢華的氣質,對香氣有要求的女生若然想一試的話,可以到品牌官方授權代理的 THE LIFE ETC. 入手!
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加入 The Bee Club 和訂閱 POPBEE 電子報,即時閱覽最新情報,更可快一步了解精彩的尊享禮遇及折扣優惠!除了這篇外,最近還有以下的報導值得你留意: >>平價版 Le Labo Santal 33?這件成份天然的純素好物,絕對是夏日女生必備! >>恰如其分的美:來自北歐的高冷小眾品牌 Little Liffner,親民價體驗簡約美學的獨特魅力 >>針對本地肌膚而設:這 4 個來自香港的小眾護膚品牌,女生們不能錯過!
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12 and 17 for all of them!
12: Do they have any sense of style? Regardless of the answer do they believe they have a sense of style?
17.How easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
Shaien [BOTW]:
12. not at all <3 They try their best but understand that they're not quite getting it.
17. Very hard to be convinced outright, but tricked? fairly easily but they'd feel horrible once they realized what was going on
Riss [Dark Link]:
12. Mostly, yeah, but he doesn't have the funds or resources to actually BE stylish. He thinks he's hot shit tho
17. ....what morals?
Matdas [Sksw]:
12. Yep, he's pretty good at fashion. And it's all unintentional.
17. Extremely, extremely hard, if not downright impossible. Trickery would be difficult too
Enso [hero of legend]:
12. More than you'd expect, and yep he thinks so
17. Not as hard as you'd expect, but still not the easiest task. A trickery approach would earn you immediate distrust
Aydri [OoT/MM]:
12. They're 9 of course not, fashion is whatever's comfy
17. Impossible. Trickery might get you attacked
Damron [Twilight]:
12. Yes but he doesn't think he does
17. If it was for the greater good or someone they cared about, sure he'd put his own morals aside
Ivie [MC/4swords]:
12. Depends on the colors, the day, and how they feel. Usually is semi fashionable. Not sure if they try or not, it depends.
17. REALLY depends on color balance *glances at Vio* *also glances at Blue but in the opposite direction*
Zeph [WW]:
12. no <3 and no <3
17. Depends on what it is and how harmless it is. She's careful about the consequences of her decisions these days, but might be able to put personal morals aside temporarily.
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pettyelves · 2 years
12. Which other character are they silently arguing in a Chili's with? Which one are they brawling in a Denny's parking lot with? (Eilithe, Astrid, Saeron)
It's Sunday night at Denny's, and of course, Eilithe and Saeron are fist fighting in the parking lot. It all started over a Eilithe telling Saeron that his he's "too fucking old" to be ordering off the kids menu. Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Astrid is waiting to go toe to toe with Saeko because somebody needs to keep that fuck in check and obviously it isn't Naddred. Of course, everybody is still hungover from the night before at Chilis. Saeron and Shae are arguing through glances because they both wanted the outside seat and started arguing so loud that Eilithe and Aydri banished them to the wall seats in the booth. Astrid's at a totally different restaurant getting Happy Hour, White Girl Wasted at Applebees with Nela. Everything gets SUPER awkward though because Eilithe and Naddred are most certainly having a Cold War kind of fight and it's about two seconds away from getting nuclear.
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bad-rper · 3 years
📝 Aydri
Their first impression: "Of course those two would meet like that." Another hellion perfectly fit for the man he also just met.
Their current impression: "I must create a weapon to surpass Metal Gear Grenade of Much 'Fun'"
What they like the most about [Aydri]: She can be impish without being exasperating.
What they dislike the most about [Aydri] : Aversion to rats. It's our mascot! :^(
What [Aydri] is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Friend
A general opinion of their relationship: Generally positive, could get to know her better.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: "In retrospect, I cannot believe how orthodox your wedding ceremony went."
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itsaydri23 · 1 year
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New video up on my YT channel! Would You Rather Eat!! Check it out and don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTYPiMAWcVw
Check me out here also
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blurred-pride · 2 years
Re -> https://at.tumblr.com/blurred-pride/helo-so-i-saw-u-help-with-system-names-do-you/rxwkhwhpdxaz
TW: Breef mention is system dormancy
If you can could you help us with a system name and a collective name
So we currently go by the Cosmic’s and don’t use a label like system or collective in the name
We don’t particularly not want that in the name we just didn’t like it with the Cosmic’s
We all have a strong connection to the universe, space, galaxy’s, and we all believe in parallel universes
We don’t want a like “classic space name” (as Aydrian would call it) like solar system idk
For a collective name also something related to space or mythical animals?
Ik this is going to sound strange but (and it’s ok if you can’t figure anything out) if you could find a name that has the letters “ayi” in it in that order like Aydrian or Aydin that would be nice
It’s something our old host always looked for in a name for themself and they recently went dormant so I think it would be nice to have a name for us that is like that
It’s okay if you can’t find or come up with anything any name like that dw
Thanks for ur time have a picture of our cat Duff☺️
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🕸 System Names: Nebula Cluster, Star Cluster, Cosmos Collective, Multiverse Marauders, Constellation Congregation, Crab Cluster Collective, The Angelic Ascension, Manticore Musketeers, Kraken Collective/Kollective
🕸 Other Names: Rayi, Rayin, Vayyin, Aydri, Sayir, Sawyir, Griffin, Rosen, Raymin, Multi, Para, Blue, Universe, Multiverse, Paraverse
Your cat is so cuteeeee!!!! -Virgil (he/they/it/bug/bat/ghost/haunt/👻/🦇/🦴/🦝/🎃)
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vahana-mistwing · 3 years
The Temple Run
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“-get Mist up. Aydri!-” Shaedoril’s voice was a haze. Vahana’s vision was a blur as she tried to figure out where she was. Was she still in the temple? She was unceremoniously slapped by a shade built up of Aydri, Shae, and her Feathermane form. Where was it now? Vahana felt herself get lifted up by a small form, her feathered tail dragging against the stone below. Her head hurt, but felt lopsided and lighter, like something was missing. A fresh trail of blood coursing over her right eye signified an antler was missing. She wondered what that was going to look like when she finally shifted back to an elf. “Good kitty... You want down?” Vel’s voice was near her ear, soft and amused. Vahana grumbled as she was set down, hearing Aydri scream to someone to not touch her. There was no strength left in Vahana’s feline legs, and she collapsed to the floor not a moment after Vel put her down. Vahana felt she were lifted again, her ichor coated feathers peeling off the stone below. This was a bigger form carrying her, one that smelled vaguely of fel and... Something else. Vahana couldn’t quite place the scent before she felt her body undergo searing pain, like she were reliving every wound she had gotten that night in one instance. The pain was what rendered her unconscious once more.
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The smell of lavender mint tea awoke Vahana finally. The evening sun was setting through Vahana’s window in her room, the shutter open to let in the breeze. Her body was stiff with various wounds and bandages littering her form. Taking a moment to collect herself, she realized nearly every appendage was wrapped in bandages, including her hands and abdomen. Her head felt tight, and she felt bandages wrapped around her ears to secure them to her head. Something different, however, she felt at her side. She craned her sore neck down to see sleeping Aetea’s vibrant pink hair loose around her. She was sitting on a stool, her arms folded in front of her on Vahana’s bed and resting upon it. Aetea’s left arm was barely touching Vahana’s leg through the sheets as she snored. Vahana shed a single tear at the sight. Kedel walked into the room and gasped, nearly dropping the cup of tea he was holding. “Shit! You’re awake!” Vahana gently shushed Kedel and looked down to Aetea pointedly. Kedel waved Vahana off and brought a stool from the hall to bring into his aunt’s room. “She’ll only wake up if I kick her out from under her chair.” The male twin sat his stool beside Vahana’s torso. “When did I get here?” Vahana’s voice rasped. Kedel took a sip of his tea. “Last night. Everyone made it back, thank Elune. Lyseara brought you in from the infirmary after you were stable.” He gulped, looking off from his aunt. “She said it was touch and go for a bit... All of your wounds opened up again when you shifted back.” So she had been sleeping all day, with the position of the sun as the indicator. Although it was painful, Vahana reached out her hand to grasp Kedel’s which he gratefully took. “I am sorry I worried you...” “I knew you would come back. It was A you were worrying. She didn’t stop doing pushups until her arms gave out. Then she did squats.” Vahana instantly regretting trying to laugh, her ribs were tightly bound to keep something together, but the all over pain was hard to figure out where the injuries were. “Regardless, we’re happy you’re okay... Mostly.” Kedel laughed weakly and rubbed his thumb over Vahana’s. Sweet children... Another tear fell, one which Kedel wiped away. “Hey, does something hurt? Clinicians came by and dropped off some pain killers.” Kedel set down his tea on Vahana’s mostly barren nightstand and got up to retrieve the aforementioned medicine, but Vahana’s grip on his hand tightened, bringing him back down to the stool. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, sweety... I’m just happy. And thankful I have you two to come back to after something like this. I had no one for so long...” “You’ve got everyone, aunty. Even Cichol, even if he doesn’t come around here. Shame.. I’d like to get to know him better.” Kedel lamented. Cichol... She had to tell him. Vahana craned her neck over to the nightstand, which had Kedel’s cup of steaming tea, as well as half a dozen braided leather hair ties and an embossed leather barrette. She had made them the other night, thinking she was going to jump up behind Cichol some day soon and gift these to him. In her current condition, she didn’t know when that would be an option. It made her heart ache. “Kedel?” Vahana questioned, an idea popping into her mind. “Mh?” “Do you think you can wake up your sister? I need you two’s help on sending Cichol a message... It’s not just any message, though. It’s an old Wintermoon tradition. Would you two like to learn it?” Kedel’s look of surprise grew into one of glee. “Did you even have to question that?” The twin kicked out his sibling’s stool, the girl screeching bloody murder.
( @revthepunchbear​ @velerodra-valesinger​ @aydriis​ @storefront-gargoyle​ @lysearawra​ for mentions)
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moonbaki · 3 years
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‘There is a simplicity in inevitably.’
🩸Aydri Character Card Concept - Revendreth
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shaeshine · 2 years
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CLANG. Breath. CLANG. Breath. CLANG. 
Each strike of the smith’s hammer saw Shaedoril breath out, more for the sake of practiced repetition than breathing heavily. It was what calmed him. The rhythmic crash of the hammer against the anvil as metals were shaped. Out in the world, that ego driven big personality of his always shone brightly. Perhaps genuinely, perhaps to numb him to the world. Keep all but his closest friends and family at arms length. In reality, it was some combination of the two.
Today though, he was alone in the forge of Sundown, no one to see as he relentlessly drove the hammer against the moonsteel on the anvil. Only days prior had he learned of a way to reach the Maw. A way to find a fragment of his mother’s soul. He’d been filled with rage in the moment, not for the need to rush off. Rather for the fact others kept making choices for him.
He’d had it out with Aydri, in a heated argument spurred on by the unending fog that plagued the harbor. Each strike of the hammer was a curse in his mind on the gods that caused it, the so called ‘Sisters’. His wife had suffered nothing but pain and anguish at the hands of a god like them and then here he was, finding out many people around him pledged to such things. ‘Benevolent’ gods, ‘gifting’ power but always at a price. He could feel his rage boiling again.
He didn’t need gods. No one needed gods, in his opinion. He made himself strong and so could everyone else. At the end of the day, he answered only to himself on a cosmic scale. Which was just fine by him. The fucking fog though, that shit had been old after the first day or two. He hadn’t seen the sun in nearly two weeks. Fuck gods and their games. Aydri, Eilithe, Reveria, whoever else. They could have them. Fuck the-
The hammer struck at empty air suddenly, leaving Shaedoril to stumble forward a step or two. A step or two he shouldn’t have been able to take, with the forge in the way. Darting his golden eye around, he suddenly stood up straight. The place he now stood was not the forge. It was unlike the forge in any regard. An endless plane of still water, reaching off into the infinite which was a dark, star filled sky. Nebulae swirled in dark yet somehow vibrant colors, the flickering lights deep within them hinting at the immense shape of an upside down pyramid.
Just as he was about to find the downward peak, a blinding flash of light scorched the dark. In its wake, a figure hung in the air, brilliant white with a hooded visage and robes that hung in masterfully sewn strips about the figure. It seemed feminine, yet not. Arms extended outwards, hands held palm up. The distinct feeling of a gaze out of time and with ancient intent fell upon him, as the hooded figure looked to Shaedoril.
His hand tightened on the hammer, not that it would be of any use. He had no idea where he was and this thing was but a memory of years past, itching at his mind to recall the circumstances. The entity floated closer, hovering about ten feet over the surface of the watery plane. Perhaps another ten from Shaedoril. There was no breeze, yet the straps of its robe still seemed to blow in one.
“We have been watching you, elil’dura.”
The voice was feminine, yet there was the sound of other voices at the edges. LIke many spoke at once but one spoke louder. The itch of familiarity was like a rash on his brain, something he could feel but couldn’t do anything about.
“Oh yea? Why’s that? You gods taking an interest in ol’ Shaeshine after all this time?”
His arms spread, as if to show his sarcasm even more clearly. His lone eye stayed locked on the entity, which seemed to have little in the way of strong reactions.
“We do not require your belief, elil’dura. You have seen the signs yet choose not to believe. The fact you carry the coin still is enough. The many faces will align and you will find yourself in the depths of despair. Use those faces. Save what you seek and free those that cannot free themselves.”
Shaedoril stared blankly at the entity for a time, as if aghast that such a thing would just… Expect him to do something. One hand sat upon his hip, the other holding the hammer to gesture about. 
“Oh is that all? Anythin’ else I can do for ya while I’m at it? Pick up the groceries? Get the dry cleanin’?”
The stars twisted and turned over the waters, like a portion of the night sky coiled and warped the reality of the place. A serpent, made of the heavens coiled and lay still off to the side.
“Even after she is saved, your purpose is yet unfulfilled. Remember the faces.”
Throwing his arms wide, Shaedoril went on in a demanding tone.
“Purpose?! What purp-..”
Shaedoril blinked, warily peering around with his amber eye, as the smells and sounds of the forge once more made themselves known. Gone was the strange landscape. Gone was the entity that itched at the back of his mind. Gone was everythi-...
He drew the hammer aside and where the blade he had been working on should have been, was instead the coin. That many faced, ever changing coin. Untarnished even by the strike he had thrown a mere moment ago. The face that haunted him showed. The face he never understood. An upside down pyramid.  
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