#azura duskwalker
moonbaki · 1 year
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Lighting Practice ✨🍃
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mysticelf · 2 years
Oneiric Orenda
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Dances of fireflies and hums of crickets echoed in a symphony of life.
Leaves curled in joy with midnight dew glistening. Ripe berries with swirls of burgundy, indigo, and magenta accented among the lush emerald.
A familiar embrace all too welcomed and succumbed under.
Soft footsteps that barely graced the ground in a practiced glide saw the earth move, a rhythmic ritual to the oneness of it all.
It led further and further down the path, ever closer to the rising dawn and the blush of pinks, orange, and blue that began to filter through the singing branches.
It was so close.
She froze.
The warmth around still tickled her skin - yet she felt nothing save for the cold precipitation that began to quickly settle in her core.
For as the light rose…so too did the shadows.
It was not the darkness nor what it might hold that stripped away her will, twisting it and conforming it to focus on not the horizon, but the darkening branches next to her.
It was the voice.
It was her.
A heel turned. Path changed. Steps taken into the coolness of shadows instead of glorified warmth.
Whispers echoed and guided, wisps and remnants of those long past yet still seeking guidance. A trot…a run..a desperation to reach what was at the end.
Tall, ancient trees with rough bark and entwining vines began to create the path. Plants and creatures were but a blur to the passing speed of vision.
A stone of moonlight and traces of amethyst began to pulse.
A pyramid took shape in the stones, trunks, and dirt all around.
Fingers splayed in an outstretched motion to rush forward and pull back the final set of vines…To the final answers…
She had been so, so close.
Yet not reached.
It never was.
The smooth surface of wood brushed against thick lashes while they fluttered open, allowing the returning of the waking world and herself.
Silver tresses rose in hazy afternoon light. Threaded beads of moisture clung to her temple and cheeks.
Azura allowed herself to stand from the chair that had been settled in, walking towards the window. The warmth of the panes from the sun were graced in a light trace, pouring thoughts out silently through the lines and fading images that none other would see.
A certain clarity could be gained from repeating oneiromancy. Or perhaps clinical insaneness, for trying the same set of moves and messages…again and again, only to fail.
This time though….This time would be the last.
Certainly over time, the cause of events…The stone that rested forever safely in the folds of her clothing…Even the seed which had revealed itself one fateful morning that she carefully cultivated in a loving pot of soil and care…They had all been spoken of.
Theorized, pondered over, questioned..and eventually accepted.
Recent events and those which she found herself around in her daily life finally sparked the epiphany which she had- admittedly- been avoiding. Hoping for a different path to reveal in the meanwhile.
The seed was gently placed into a small cloth pouch and given a bit of the soil it had been resting in. Leather twine secured the top to close, placing it to nestle against the stone that forever weighed her pockets.
Azura would wait no longer. This path was her own, and one that revealed she may have to venture alone to begin at all. She accepted this weight.
It would not be for long. Responsibilities still called, after all. But it would be a time selfishly, perhaps, taken.
She wandered.
Deep into the lush jungle that surrounded her home. Deeper than she ever had in times past. Pushing the boundaries of what was known and gaining the courage to venture where the answers laid.
In the unknown.
And she would begin to grow. Not only of herself, but the jungle as it would begin to take and accept her presence.
It began.
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moonbaki · 2 years
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“Soooo, what’s the tea~?”
Tea elf! ✨🫖
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moonbaki · 2 years
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Dreaming Nights ✨🌙
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moonbaki · 2 years
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Redraw of the very first Azura art I did 3 years ago!
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moonbaki · 2 years
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Happy Lunar New Year
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moonbaki · 2 years
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Your local tea elf~
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moonbaki · 3 years
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~Eternal Dreams~
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moonbaki · 2 years
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New eyes, who this? ✨🌙
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moonbaki · 2 years
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Memento Mori
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moonbaki · 3 years
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quick sketch of Tea Elf, because my brain has been absolute mush~
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moonbaki · 3 years
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Lady Azura Ravenoak
Just a character design concept after I saw a haute couture dress and couldn’t resist! 👀✨
(Also updated tats cause I grew tired of old ones)
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moonbaki · 3 years
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mysticelf · 2 years
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“Come on! We’ll miss it!”
The voice called out playfully. A tune that graced ears and traveled on the winds between the branches under a full moon.
Pairs of footsteps glided over roots and burrows with agile ease. Tinkling laughter and the thrumming excitement building with each passing vine was palpable.
Finally, the clearing.
A sea of green, tall grass tickling to the hip, was dove into. Delicate hands grabbed to guide -
To dance.
How they danced.
As their bodies swayed and there was nothing but the pure nature of the moment, the glimmer of a thousand stars began to rise from the earth.
They would catch a few, giggling at their splendor of luck and how tiny the flickers of life were.
“Look! We’re catching starlight in our palms, falore. Isn’t that just wonderful?”
A cherished moment.
One of many tucked away safely, to be viewed time after time when longing became heavy — a story to be told.
…When faced with the impossible.
Of all the thoughts, voices, and memories that could have gone through Azura’s mind in the present moment - that was the one.
For the simplicity of joy to find comfort in? Or the pure love that knew no bounds of nostalgia?
It mattered not.
Watery eyes stared ahead. Despite all of the comforts her mind desperately tried to provide…the crushing desperation and turmoil that bubbled up from the scarred wounds of the heart still came.
The pieces of a stone made of moonstone and accents of pale amethyst finally revealed a shadowy figure, familiar…yet dissonant.
One wanting to make her cry out in disbelief, a name on the tip of the tongue she could not bring herself to utter. For was it truly who she thought?
At that moment…It couldn’t be discerned.
It was. It was not.
The shadows…They were created for the balance. Purpose in guidance and ensuring the cycle did not tip too far - She knew of that.
A small sniff and clearing of the throat saw Azura return to the moment. There were more questions than answers…but little time for such.
Continue to follow.
Then it all snapped. As if the shadow had been there all along, whispering in the corners of Azura’s mind and soul. A connection forged and brought to light in the moment. It had been there. Ever since the stone was.
Perhaps the memory had simply been what manifested in front of her, urging to guide deeper into the wilderness…
Like everything else…
Nothing but a shadow.
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mysticelf · 2 years
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“Are we there, yet?”
Early morning dew clung against plants in fresh droplets, accenting the natural rhythm and hushed tones of leaves swaying in the breeze. Old stone paths, long overgrown yet still traversed, offered little navigation between thick trunks.
The occasional call of denizens that resided in such nature echoed over the hills, a tranquility that eluded a wondrous illusion atop the grief-stricken and bloodied grounds that vines had long grown over.
Bits of wood and fencing began to line the trail. Shuffling pairs of footsteps slowly came to a halt before a crumbled and charred gateway, long forgotten and intertwined with the forest reclaiming its land.
Nimble fingers grasped around knotted wood of a staff that offered support for the long trek throughout the ancient land. Silence and stillness. A heaviness unlike any other struck against a core of willpower and threatened to shatter it.
Smaller, more innocent fingers grasped against the sleeve of robes.
Cela’nea’s consideration broke the chain of doubt threatening to creep through and tarnish the efforts that laid before them.
“It is okay…Do you wish to continue?”
Azura offered a faint, somber smile as the posed question left her lips. Dark hues met bright ones, and both heads of silver tresses were caressed by the passing breeze. An encouragement of sorts.
Two more steps forward crossed the threshold of the gate..into the heart. Echoes of memory given physical form began to appear in ancient wooden structures, charred and overgrown much like the gate…broken pieces of pottery scattered through the path…a small well tumbled over and more of a trail mark than refreshment.
There was a stillness that enveloped the space. Despite the usual wilderness calls and butterflies that mingled with the dancing breezes and blossoming flowers that curled in delight under the rising rays of sunlight through trees.
It was empty.
Bright eyes gave away the awe and trepidation that Cela’nea felt. She hasn’t been old enough to recall the full glory of what life once enveloped the space she and Azura traversed…there were clear reminders yet no answers. Her hand gently ran along a broken fence and the curling vines.
Falling forward, she kept pace with Azura’s lead. Her mother had barely spoken and the sunken cheeks with glittering eyes seemed to hold a certain sorrow that couldn’t be placed. It was only glimpsed at, for when she turned to face Cela’nea, only maternal warmth and perhaps tiredness were allowed to shine through.
“Just up the path here…watch your step, Cela.”
Old ruins of buildings were left behind as the two trekked towards overgrown foliage. It all seemed to simply be unruly wilderness thriving in a desolate landmark that no longer controlled its will. However, there was the faint remnant of a trail leading away from the husk of the village and to a small clearing nearby.
Unlike the village remnants…the clearing seemed to be more looked after and tended to in recent times. A few small, twisting trees held charms in their brachial. Carved stones lined against the base of trunks and throughout. Bigger stones sat at the head of smaller mounds, carefully crafted and lined with rocks and flowers.
The air was thicker…thrumming with a serene energy that gave sacred simplicity. Cela’nea swallowed as the stones passed by. Names and souls cherished in memory..
Slow, deliberate steps waded through the grounds as the two approached their final destination. One of the trees had three gravestones beneath it, each with a special bush and flower alongside charms and handcrafted mementos. It was here they stopped.
When Azura had asked a few nights ago whether or not Cela was keen on taking a trip somewhere….The tentative request of Ashenvale was not expected. Surprise etched into understanding as the girl went to explain that…she wanted to make her own marks, if acceptable to do so.
Standing before the stones with vaguely familiar names and bonds…They knelt. Items were taken from a satchel in ritualistic practice to honor the time and space. Incense was lit—faint wisps curling in the air. Hands and palms met in a single clap, murmurs of Darnassian carried throughout the clearing to invoke ancestral connection and blessing.
Time was taken to truly…observe. Azura seemed to keep her eyes closed for the longest of time with a deep, shivering breath taken in. The first stone was larger than the rest, swirls of patterns carved into a large tree of life with the antlers of a stag charm wrapped around the base.
Orenlian Duskwalker
The second stone was slightly smaller, clouds with sparks of lightning carved in intricate detail through the stone. A charm of a silver coin hung around it.
Meladryn Stormweaver
The final stone was the smallest. Carvings of intertwining flowers and a single hummingbird nestled in one of the blossoms. A necklace of silver with a tiny moonstone pendant was wrapped around the base.
Lysaelia Duskwalker
Gentle hands embraced Cela’nea’s own, guiding to take out the final items within the satchel. A small butterfly pendant with moon steel and opal, and a carving whittled from pine—of a bear. They were held in a reverent gaze for a time, blurred by the misting eyes that were quickly beginning to stain the cheeks of both visitors.
“Place them when you are ready, kalla.”
Azura’s murmurs followed the thumb brushing at Cela’nea’s cheek despite her own sorrows openly gleaming in the light. The young girl swallowed thickly and curled her fingers around the mementos. After a few moments…In a surprisingly steady gesture…they were placed between the stones.
Eralia Duskwalker and Farendil Autumnstar
Arms wrapped around one another upon the devastating sense of sorrowful catharsis that completed the shrine. It was more than welcomed to be released - melding tears and soft cries joined in a grounding embrace. Azura’s hand rubbed in gentle motions against Cela’nea with the melancholic melody of a Darnassian song hummed.
Midnight hues of pooling water flashed in a myriad of emotions when they pulled back to look at bright, equally fervent ones.
“I have…We have lost much, kalla. But we have one another..and no matter the trials and mistakes made, I am always here for you. Even in my shortcomings…Your happiness is all that matters, for seeing you thrive makes my heart swell in pride and relief. Know that, Cela’nea.”
A choked sob responded in kind, the girl squeezing herself tighter in the embrace and hiccuping through the overwhelming emotions that gripped her. Silver tresses shook.
“You and An’di..have given me everything and more. We’ll be okay and..and we’ll always have each other. That’s all we need..right?”
A cutting pain flashed through Azura’s core, reflected in the darkening sorrow that laced tears among her cheeks. A small, weak smile still managed to push through with the kiss upon Cela’nea’s forehead and croaked words eluded to those unspoken.
“That is all we need.”
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moonbaki · 3 years
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Updated art of Azura Duskwalker!
Art: @moonbaki
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