#babysitter bakugou
assassyart · 21 days
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Little Explosion Murder Dynamight
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mhathotfic · 5 months
Ok but who else has line cook energy?
Oh hands down Kirishima.
He has “knows their face, not their name” energy.
The type who sees you walk in looking like you just dragged yourself out of bed and calls out to you specifically and makes you feel so special.
Calls you gorgeous and tells you he’s got a thick slice of cheese cake with your name on it. That he kept the other guys from snagging it before you could get it.
If you’re his favorite regular, he’s definitely taken early “breaks” when he sees you and returned later with your panties in his back pocket.
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candleshopmenace · 1 year
they will guard thee from harm.
Shouto looks down with a delayed kind of panic, eyes widening when he sees that his homework is burning underneath his touch. His pencil is now a black puddle of plastic goo and graphite. He curses and tries to smother the fire, temper mounting higher as the crackling of the flames rises in perfect harmony with the sound of Bakugou’s maniacal laughter.
— When Present Mic asks him to watch Bakugou for the afternoon, all that Shouto can think of to say is, “You want me to babysit?”
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When Present Mic asks him to watch Bakugou for the afternoon - something about having to help out a fellow hero or something of that vein - all that Shouto can think of to say is, “You’re aware that I’m sick, right?”
Present Mic sighs. “Yes, Todoroki,” he says, “I am aware that you are sick.” He glances over at where Bakugou is sitting on the common-room couch, kicking his feet back and forth as he doodles something on the sketchbook that Yaoyorozu made for him, blissfully unaware of the conversation taking place just a few paces away. “I mean, it won’t be for too long, and…” He trails off, looking sheepish. “If you don’t think you can -”
“No, I can do it,” Shouto says, then blinks, unsure as to why exactly he just said that. He’s not an older brother. He doesn’t know how to take care of children. Besides the remedial course with Bakugou, the longest time he’s spent with small children recently is when Eraserhead brought Eri around for Christmas. 
“Thanks so much,” Present Mic says, and now it's too late to take his offer back. “It's just for a few hours. Just don’t let him, y’know, die or anything. Keep him happy. Don’t let him see Midoriya.” Shouto nods and nods without actually processing a word of what his teacher is saying. “Okay.”
Looking relieved, Present Mic walks over to Bakugou and crouches down in front of him. “I have to leave for a little bit,” Shouto hears the hero say. “Todoroki is going to watch you for me, alright? Make sure to listen to him!”
Bakugou stops drawing and looks up at Present Mic with a wounded expression on his face. “Where are you going?” he asks. “Why can’t I come?”
“I’m going to go do hero work,” Present Mic explains, patient as always. “You can’t come with me because it’ll be too dangerous for you, and I don’t want you to be hurt.”
Bakugou looks like he understands what Present Mic is saying, but he doesn’t look all that happy about it. “Alright,” he says, sounding like he’s trying not to show how upset he is. “Come back soon.”
Present Mic stands and ruffles Bakugou’s hair. “Be good for Todoroki, okay?” he says, which earns him a grumble in response. Present Mic laughs and walks towards the door. He opens it, then pauses. “Thanks again, Todoroki,” he says, and then he leaves.
… And that’s that.
[1:43 PM] Todoroki Shouto: Fuyumi.
[1:43 PM] Todoroki Shouto: Do you know how to take care of small children?
[1:49 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: i mean.
[1:49 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: considering that i’m an elementary school teacher, i’d like to say yes?
[1:51 PM] Tordoroki Shouto: Okay. Do you know what it means when they won’t stop being angry?
that usually means that they’re hungry, in my experience.
[1:53 PM] Todoroki Shouto: Okay, thanks.
[1:54 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: no problem!!
[1:54 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: wait.
[1:54 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: why are you asking this.
[1:54 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: shouto?
[1:54 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: shouto???
Shouto inspects the contents of the refrigerator, then looks at Bakugou. “What kind of food do you like to eat?”
Bakugou doesn’t even look up from where he’s sitting in the doorway of the kitchen, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he rakes a bright red crayon across a fresh sheet of paper. “I’m not hungry.”
Shouto closes the door of the fridge and leans against it, watching as Bakugou nearly rips through his drawing with the force of his strokes. “Have you eaten lunch?” he asks, wondering if that’s the reason why Bakugou is denying food when he’s obviously so angry. 
Bakugou’s reply is short and sharp, “No.”
“Well, then, you need to eat.”
“No,” Bakugou repeats, spitting the word out with much more venom than strictly necessary. “I’m not fucking hungry! Go away!”
“If you’re not hungry, why are you so upset?”
Bakugou yells, “I DON’T KNOW!” and there’s a loud, flat crack! as his Quirk activates on both hands, palms exploding in flaring sparks of orange and white. This only seems to agitate Bakugou further, and he jumps to his feet and storms away, leaving Shouto alone in the kitchen. 
Shouto waits a moment to see if his classmate is going to come back, and then sighs when he hears the television turn on in the common room. He walks over to where Bakugou had been sitting and bends down to pick up the half-melted crayon. He stares at it for a second, then throws it away, stooping once more to retrieve Bakugou’s sketchbook from the floor. He closes it carefully, tucks it under his arm, and then follows after Bakugou.
[2:19 PM] Todoroki Shouto: He said that he isn’t hungry.
[2:19 PM] Todoroki Shouto: He also yelled at me.
[2:22 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: isn’t it a school day? why are you taking care of a child? whose kid is it?
[2:26 PM] Todoroki Shouto: It's a long story.
[2:26 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: … alright.
[2:26 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: so, he’s still angry?
[2:29 PM] Todoroki Shouto: Yes.
[2:30 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: maybe he’s tired? that makes a lot of kids cranky. try to put him down for a nap and see if that helps.
[2:31 PM] Todoroki Shouto: Okay.
“You know,” Bakugou says, breaking the silence. “You’re not a very happy person.”
It's the way he says it, like he’s stating a fact, that makes Shouto pause. He turns in his chair, curious despite himself and guiltily grateful for the distraction from his homework - which he still has to complete, apparently, even though he feels so sick that his entire head is just one pulsing, unrelenting ache. “What makes you say that?” he asks.
Bakugou stares up at him from where he’s sitting in the middle of Shouto’s futon, blankets piled high around him like a castle wall, wide-eyed and alert and definitely not asleep. “You don’t smile,” he says, “and you don’t laugh.” He pauses, then asks, “Is that my fault?”
Shouto shakes his head and turns back to his homework, glaring down at the missing angles and unknown values of x. “No,” he says. 
“Well, are you sad?” 
Shouto glances over at him, then shakes his head again. He’s spent most of his life being angry and upset and afraid, but he can’t remember ever looking around and being sad about the things that stared back. “I have no reason to be sad.”
“Everyone has a reason to be sad. Even All Might, I bet.” 
The way he says it - All Might - is telling. The name is spoken with a kind of quiet awe, and it's something that Shouto - raised to respect and acknowledge the hero’s strength, but ultimately hold the man himself in utter contempt - can’t quite understand. 
“I’m not All Might,” Shouto points out, jotting down what he hopes to be the correct answer to the first problem on the sheet. “I don’t even like him.”
“You probably don’t like anyone.”
“That’s not true,” Shouto says. “I like my friends. And I love my family.” “Everybody loves their family,” Bakugou says, and from the tone of his voice, Shouto can tell that he’s rolling his eyes. “You have to. Even if they’re mean to you.”
“I don’t think you have to love anyone that you don’t want to.” Bakugou is quiet for a moment, like he’s thinking of a response, and then he says, “Well, you have to at least try.”
“Why do I have to be the one to try if they’re the ones that hurt me in the first place?” Shouto snaps, not even realizing what he’s said until the words are already out of his mouth. He slams his pencil on his desk and rises from his chair, glaring at Bakugou. “Can you please just go to sleep?”
Bakugou scowls right back at him, Shouto’s blanket yanked around his shoulders like a cape. “I’m not tired.”
Shouto’s vision blurs, and he sneezes into his elbow, then sniffs the air. The smell of smoke is filling the room, and he looks down with a delayed kind of panic, realizing too late that his homework is burning underneath his hand. His pencil is now a black puddle of plastic goo and graphite. Shouto curses and tries to smother the fire, temper mounting higher as the crackling of the flames rises in perfect harmony with the sound of Bakugou’s maniacal laughter.
[2:56 PM] Todoroki Shouto: That didn’t work out very well.
[2:27 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: hm.
[2:27 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: maybe he’s bored?
[2:27 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: you could try putting on a movie.
[2:28 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: i don't really know if that’ll work, but it’s worth a shot.
[3:05 PM] Todoroki Shouto: Thanks.
he says -
- and she turns around. her fingers comb through his hair and then latch onto it. she rips his hair back and she’s crying and he’s crying and she says -
she says -
the kettle screams.
Shouto jolts awake and glances around frantically, heart pounding in his sore throat. He all but falls off of the couch in his rush to get to the kitchen. He’s moving so fast that he skids into the doorway and has to grab onto it to avoid tripping over his own feet.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he hisses at Bakugou.
“Making tea, obviously,” Bakugou says, shoving a stool across the tiled floor and clambering onto it. He strains to reach the controls of the stovetop, fingers barely brushing the dial. He somehow manages to turn off the burner and shoots Shouto a triumphant, bratty grin that makes Shouto’s blood boil with both fever and annoyance. 
And then the stool tips over.
Bakugou falls with a yelp, a sharp noise of shock that quickly cuts off with a pained hiss when his hand knocks roughly against the still-shrieking kettle. Shouto darts forward and catches Bakugou before he can hit the ground, yanking him into the air and clutching him to his chest as his pulse races so fast that he feels dizzy.
After a long moment of shocked silence, Bakugou unfreezes. “Let me go,” he huffs, then goes right back to the stove when Shouto obliges. He stands on his tip-toes and reaches for the kettle, and that motion alone is enough to snap Shouto out of his daze.
He grabs Bakugou’s wrist and says, “Let me see your hand.”
“No.” Bakugou yanks his arm away. “Fuck off.”
“We have to ice - no, we have to run cold water over the burn. If we don’t -”
“I TOLD YOU TO FUCK OFF!” Bakugou screams.
And maybe it's the fact that he’s sick, or maybe Bakugou is reminding him way too much of himself at that age, or maybe it's a combination of both, but Shouto’s temper flares up fast and hot and wild, too dark and writhing to be contained. He yells back, “DO YOU WANT IT TO SCAR?”
Bakugou snarls at him, teeth bared. “I don’t need your help!” he snaps, face going red with anger. “I never asked for your help! Leave me alone!”
Shouto closes his fingers around Bakugou’s wrist again and shakes him, asking in a waspish tone that makes his voice sound unrecognizable even to his own ears, “Why are you so angry?”
Bakugou shoots back, “Why are you so angry?”
“Because you’re pissing me off!”
“Well, you’re pissing me off, too!” Bakugou glares at him and wrenches out of Shouto’s grip, fists balled at his sides as his eyes go dangerously wide and watery, lips pressing into a thin line. Shouto only has time to think, I can’t believe that I’m having a fight with a literal child, before Bakugou spins on his heel and stalks away, muttering under his breath.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Shouto asks.
“Away from you,” Bakugou retorts.
“You little -” Shouto digs his nails into his palms, seething, and watches Bakugou walk away. And then, frustrated and terrified and still pissed as Hell, he grabs the kettle and makes them both some fucking tea.
[3:42 PM] Todoroki Shouto: I don’t think that I’m very good at babysitting.
The movie plays before them, blurred by Shouto’s thoughts and the shake in his hands that refuses to go away. He takes a sip of tea and forces himself not to flinch when it burns his tongue.
[3:51 PM] Todoroki Shouto: Is practice running late?
[3:51 PM] Sero Hanta: Yo that’s wild i was just abt to text you!
[3:51 PM] Sero Hanta: hows baku??
[3:57 PM] Todoroki Shouto: He’s alright. 
[3:58 PM] Sero Hanta: You sure? bc aizawa isseriously pissed at yamada rn
[3:58 PM] Sero Hanta: thats why were so late coming back lmao he keeps getting distractde and yelling at yamada for more shit
[3:59 PM] Sero Hanta: Hes. really mad
[3:59 PM] Sero Hanta: Mostly abt the fact that yamada made you babysit when youre sick
[3:59 PM] Sero Hanta: How are you feleing btw??? Class isnt the same w/o you
[4:03 PM] Todoroki Shouto: I don’t think that Bakugou likes me very much. And I also don’t think that I ever want to babysit again.
[4:03 PM] Todoroki Shouto: I yelled at him. I feel bad about it.
[4:05 PM] Sero Hanta: Well then you should probs apologize
[4:05 PM] Sero Hanta: I have a little sister and i was the youngest for like. 12 years. Nothing makes a kid feel better than when someone says theyre sorry
[4:05 PM] Sero Hanta: Hardly anyone bothers to apolgize to kids anymore
[4:05 PM] Sero Hanta: its weird
[4:05 PM] Todoroki Shouto: I suppose that that’s true.
[4:05 PM] Todoroki Shouto: And it is pretty strange, isn’t it?
“I’m sorry.” The words feel awkward and heavy when they fall out of his mouth, hitting the floor like stones and making him want to close his eyes so that he doesn’t have to look at Bakugou’s face. He imagines how different things would be if someone - anyone - had apologized to him when he was younger, and the crushing misery that accompanies the thought sweeps over him like a tidal wave. It's like the opposite of Uraraka’s Quirk, but it leaves him feeling dizzy and light-headed all the same. “For yelling at you, I mean. I - I don’t know why…” He trails off and stares down at his hands, feeling stupid and irrational and wrong.
Beside him, Bakugou has gone deathly still. Shouto doesn’t even know if he’s breathing. He doesn’t know if either of them is breathing really, because it feels like they’re both trapped in a pocket of stale air and silence and neither of them is willing to make the first move to break it.
Finally, Bakugou says, “Well, it's alright.”
Shouto’s head snaps up. He feels like he did those first few weeks after the bandages came off of his eye, how everything was just out of reach when he stretched his hand out to touch it, how nothing was where it seemed to be. He finds himself asking, disbelieving and shocked, “Just like that?”
Bakugou shifts, folding his legs underneath himself. “Yeah,” he says. “Just like that.”
[4:07 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: well… i don’t know what to tell you, honestly.
[4:07 PM] Todoroki Fuyumi: some kids are just like that.
[4:08 PM] Todoroki Fuyumii hate to say it, but maybe he’s just a bad kid.
[4:12 PM] Todoroki Shouto: No, I don’t think that he is.
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kingkatsuki · 11 months
— babysitting
Just a silly little piece about Bakugou looking after his nephew when Kirishima and his wife are both working, and him being the cutest little wingman.
Warnings: fluff!, implied!older Bakugou, Bakugou’s behaviour could be construed as stalking but it’s not really, he just proper fancies you.
Pairing: implied!Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 2.1k.
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“Please, Kats. I promise it won’t be for long, we didn’t realise we were both working this afternoon and I can’t take him on patrol with me—” Kirishima pleaded on the phone.
“I’m busy,” Bakugou replied bluntly.
“Busy doing what?” His best friend almost whined, and Bakugou could tell the hulking tank of a man was pouting on the other side of the line.
“None of your damn business.”
Bakugou didn’t want to admit the real reason he was busy today. It was the same reason he was now busy every day he was off.
A few weeks ago he’d made his way into Musutafu mall on his lunch break to pick up a copy of a new romance book his favourite author had just released. And while he was checking out he noticed you filling up one of the displays near the back of the store, giving him the cutest smile when he’d passed you to leave.
Since that day he’d come back every week on one of his days off, just to get a simple “hey” from you as he bought yet another book. Bakugou was certain he’d soon have so many unread books in his house that he’d have to build an extension to store them, but he couldn’t help it.
And today was going to be the day that he was actually going to talk to you— possibly.
“Can’t you reschedule? It’ll only be for a few hours until I can get off patrol and he can spend the afternoon at the agency with me.”
“What about Mina?” Bakugou offered.
“She’s got that photoshoot with Hero Weekly today, remember?” Of course she fucking does, “And Sero’s out on patrol with me.”
“Denks?” Bakugou was certain he already knew the answer to that one though, as he ran a palm down the length of his face.
“You know I’m not allowed to leave him unsupervised with Denki anymore, Bro.” Kirishima groaned, “The wife still hasn’t forgiven me for them almost setting the kitchen on fire.”
Bakugou couldn’t help but snigger at the memory, the panicked phone call that he’d heard coming through on the central emergency line that there was a fire in Red Riot’s neighbourhood, and when Backdraft had turned up at the scene he’d found a singed Denki standing inside a murky kitchen with some burnt cookies. Kirishima had to replace two cabinet units and the oven after that debacle and it was no wonder his wife no longer trusted Denki as a babysitter.
“Please, man. I already told him, and he’s real excited to spend the day with you.”
Bakugou couldn’t deny he missed spending time with his little nephew, and Kirishima knew his best friend couldn’t deny the pleas of his son. Silently fist pumping the air in relief when Bakugou finally responded on the other end of the phone.
“Fine, I’ll pick him up now.”
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“Uncle Kats, let’s get these!” His nephew picked up a water gun from a wire dumpbin of toys outside the toy store, turning around in a crouched motion with eyes squinted as he pretended to shoot Bakugou.
He put his hands up in mock surrender as he grabbed at the plastic barrel, holding it in the air as he took it out of his nephews hands to place it back inside the bin.
“Your parents don’t like you having guns, remember squirt.”
“But what if I need one for protection.”
“You don’t need that shit for protection,” He shook his head, “I’ll be there to protect ya.”
“But wouldn’t it be cool to have a water gun fight outside. It’s summer.” His young nephew whined as Bakugou began to lead him away from the toy store, noticing that your work was approaching on the right side of the mall.
“I’ll talk to them about it.” Bakugou reached down to ruffle his hair as his nephew shouldered his leg wrapping an arm around one thick thigh to squeeze him into a hug in thanks, “How about a book? You like reading, don’tcha?”
“Not really,” He shook his head, immediately making a beeline for the confectionery inside the shop.
“What? Why not.” Bakugou raised a brow before he began to search the store for you, hoping that you weren’t on your lunch break.
You were usually in one of the back aisles around this time of day, tidying the shelves as he pretended to flick through the various hero books that you sold. Like he’d ever actually buy one of them— perhaps the book Miruko had released on unabashedly being yourself despite the critics, or the memoir Edgeshot had put together before he passed away, but never the unofficial Deku books that seemed to line the shelves of your Pro-Hero section and were always on sale. Bakugou snorted when he noticed a large bright red “half off” sticker covering Deku’s face on one.
“It’s too many pages.” His nephew scoffed, picking up a chocolate bar as Bakugou placed a palm on the back of his neck to lead him away from the sweets.
“You just gotta find a book that doesn’t feel like too many pages, that’s all.” He began to walk towards the manga aisle, wondering if there might be something there that would interest the young boy.
“You like reading, uncle Kats?”
“Course I do,” Bakugou scoffed, “Way better than TV. That shit’ll rot your brain.”
He had an entire bookshelf of his favourites lined up at home. All in alphabetical order by author and spines outward facing, a few of his favourite covers turned forward to show off the artwork. Some spines were more worn than others, an indication of the sheer number of times he’d sought comfort in those stories after a long day at work, or a lonely night at home.
“What kinda books do you like?”
Bakugou chewed on the inside of his cheek before answering. It would be so easy to lie and say action or fantasy, certain that half the people who claimed their favourite book was Lord of the Rings or a Game of Thrones had never actually read them. Or the pretentious people who would pretend their favourites were non-fiction books about bettering yourself or hyper-specific topics that would never come up in normal conversation. But there was a part of him that didn’t want to lie to his nephew— the boy was always so open and honest with him, even at his young age.
“Romance.” Bakugou shrugged, leaning forward to pick up one of the new manga books that sat on a top shelf.
“Eww yuck,” Bakugou’s nephew immediately scrunched up his face, making a show of sticking his tongue out in distaste, “I didn’t think you’d like books like that.”
“What did ya think I’d like?”
“I dunno, like action or kicking villain ass.”
“Don’t say ass.” Bakugou frowned, his eyebrows narrowing as he glared down at the young boy.
“But you say it all the time, I hear you.”
“Yeah, because I’m an adult.” Bakugou grinned, “I see enough of that crap when I’m at work, don’t need to read about it too.”
“You say ‘shit’ a lot too.”
“Oi, you little—” Bakugou lost his train of thought the moment he saw you past a corner, words disappearing into nothing as he noticed the same focused look on your face as you sorted through a delivery of new books.
Bakugou was certain you were wearing a new pair of jeans today, or at least a pair he’d never seen before. You looked real good in them. He felt his heartbeat increase when you placed a book back on the shelf, stopping to talk to one of your colleagues as your lips curled in to the prettiest smile, and he couldn’t stop himself as he felt himself beginning to mimic your smiling face.
“Oh,” The kid nudged his thigh, shamelessly standing around the shelves to stare at you, “Is that the real reason why you brought me into a bookstore? Not because you want me to read.”
“What?” Bakugou wasn’t even sure he heard the question as he kept his gaze on you. Feeling his cheeks begin to heat up as you bent over to pick up more books, the angle had your jeans tightening against the curve of your ass and he felt like a pervert for ogling you so shamelessly.
“The lady you’re staring at.” His nephew snorted, pointing over at you “You’re so obvious.”
“Piss— shut up,” Bakugou caught himself, grabbing the kid by the collar of his shirt to tug him back behind the shelves, “I ain’t starin’.”
“Yeah you are!” His nephew sniggered, “You’re giving her the same look my dad gives ma.”
“No I ain’t.” Bakugou almost pouted, crimson eyes still peeking at you through the shelves in the aisle he was down as you continued to place more books onto the table in your section.
“You so are,” His tone increased, and Bakugou had to stop himself from slapping a palm over his big mouth to shut him up, “You’re so obvious. Look how red you are!”
Was he that obvious? Bakugou had done everything he could to be subtle each week when he visited your bookstore, trying to stick to the same shelves and strategically picking up books so he didn’t seem like was just staring at you all the time. Not that it was his fault anyway, you were so fucking pretty.
“Why don’t you go and talk to her?”
“She’s workin’.” Bakugou replied as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. He’d probably said a total of five words to you since he’d started coming into your book store a few weeks ago, and the thought of saying any more had a ferocious pit growing inside his stomach.
“So? If you like her you should tell her,” His nephew tried to nudge him towards you, “That’s why my dad asked my ma out.”
“That’s different,” Bakugou grumbled, “This is…”
Kirishima knew his wife liked him back, they’d been friends long before they started dating so they had a foundation to build upon. This? This was completely new to him, and the thought of being rejected, especially by a girl as pretty as you, petrified him.
“Wait, you read all those romance books and you don’t know how to ask a girl out?”
“I do know,” Bakugou sneered, “I ain’t a total dumbass.”
“So why don’t you?”
Because he was a coward, that’s why.
Not that he’d even be able to talk to you long enough to do it if he could. His throat seized up and his heart practically ricocheted off his rib cage whenever you were near, your perfume lingering in the air as it had him wishing he could bring you into a warm embrace. He’d ask you out one day, just not today—
“Because I told ya, she’s workin’.” Bakugou began to steer his nephew away from the manga section, trying to get him to leave the store.
It had been a bad idea to still come to your store on his day off even though he was babysitting, but he couldn’t help it. The routine he’d settled into on his days off no longer felt complete if they didn’t include you, the small time he’d spend in the bookstore each week were enough to become the highlight of his day. And he would ask you out— just not today.
“Don’t tell your parents about this,” Bakugou grumbled, “Your dads too frigging nosy.”
“Alright,” His nephew practically sung the word, and Bakugou knew exactly what was coming, “But it’ll cost you.”
“I’m sure it’s a crime to blackmail a Pro-Hero, squirt.”
“So I’ll just tell the pretty lady you fancy her then.”
“Fine, fine,” Bakugou snarled, the corner of his lip curling to bare his gum, “Whaddya want?”
“That water gun we saw at the toy store.”
God, Kirishima was gonna kill him.
“Fine.” Bakugou groaned, walking towards the cash register to pay for the candy that he’d picked up.
“But you have to get one too so we can play together, alright?”
Two guns. Kirishima’s wife would definitely kill him before he even attempted to sweet talk his best friend.
“I was going to say the loser has to tell that girl from the bookstore that you like her, but you’ll probably lose because you’re old.”
“Oi, you cheeky little shit,” He ruffled his nephew's messy black hair, “Watch who you’re callin’ old, squirt. I’ll kick your ass and ask her out.”
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★。/can i be a hero too?\。★
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ask: "I have a really cute request, Bakugou from Bnha with a little sibling reader. They weren't able to get a babysitter and Bakugou bring his little sibling to school, the reader is the complete opposite of him though"
pairing: bakugo x gn!sibling!reader
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 1,196
tw: none! purely some platonic, wholesome fluff. of course, a bit of cussing from bakugo but that comes with the territory
notes: thanks for being one of my first requests anon! it was really fun to get back into writing fanfic, and bnha is one of my favourite animes so writing this was a lot of fun - i just hope i did it well and you enjoy reading! i used primarily they/them pronouns for the sibling just in case ;)
! this is a repost from my other blog !
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‘Can’t we just hire that old fucking neighbour?!’
Mitsuki doesn’t even bother smacking her son this time, too busy fixing up the bento box she has already begun making in the kitchen. Rice and egg and soft pretzels which [Y/N] always insisted on. The same thing everyday, which Katsuki found increasingly frustrating. Their name is painted on the lid, which sits on the sink.
It’s one of the only memories that Mitsuki repeatedly brags about to her mom friends. How her son eagerly decorated a bento box for his anticipated sibling, and how he ended up despising them when born. That’s what it looked like anyway
‘She’s too old for [Y/N], you know this.’ Mitsuki snaps, snapping on the box lid. ‘They’ll get bored if they have to sit in her living room all day.’
‘The place smells like shit too.’
‘Katsuki!’ This time she does hit him.
‘It’s just one day. All you have to do is keep them busy for a while, and they’ll find a way to occupy themselves for the rest of your classes.’
Mitsuki packs the bento box and several colouring books and pencil sets into a tiny school bag that’s been sitting open on the dining room table. Just as [Y/N] comes skipping into the room in an All-Might tracksuit that they demanded they ‘had to have’ when they saw it at a convention a while ago.
‘Aren’t you so pretty, hun?’ Mitsuki coos at - arguably - her favourite child. ‘Guess what?’
[Y/N] mumbles something around a mouthful of a soft pretzel. Where’d they even get it from?
‘You’re going to school with Katsuki today!’
Oh shit their face got a fuck ton more bright when he looked down again. Even the mention of U.A on any given day made them bounce around while babbling about how they’d love to be a hero when they got their quirk. 
‘Really?’ [Y/N] attaches themself to his leg, bouncing up and down to make sure they’ve heard Mitsuki just right.
She glares at him when [Y/N] looks away.
‘Yeah, yeah, whatever.’
* *
No one’s expecting anything entirely different when Aizawa starts class that morning. The only thing that seems slightly out of the ordinary is Bakugo being late. Kirishima is counting through the minutes and soon enough a whole half hour passes without him being there to yell at anyone. Even Midoriya is having a particularly stress-free morning!
However, no one was expecting for him to parade into the class an hour later with a six year old sitting on his shoulders, because (as he said) “they didn’t want to use their damn legs”. 
‘Bakubro,’ Kaminari is already laughing his ass off in the back corner. ‘Ya got a hitchhiker there.’
Bakugo is almost fuming by the time he drops off the child at his desk, standing by Aizawa to demand - or ask - that he ignore the situation. Number one, [Y/N] got a day off school because of a downtown villain attack, and Mitsuki couldn’t find a babysitter after their current one caught the flu. With no other options and both of his parents going to work early that morning, he had no choice but to drag them along as long as, and quote:
‘You don’t make a damn noise, and no questions, and no playing around, you sit down and shut up.’
Did [Y/N] listen? Nope. Not really. 
Halfway through the first lesson of the morning, and little [Y/N] is sitting in the lap of half of his classmates, messing with Hagakure’s invisible hair in utter curiosity, and playing heroes with Midoriya and Kirishima. At which point they all stand on their desks and put their fists in the air yelling ‘Detroit Smash’!
Katsuki just stands and watches as [Y/N] jumps from person to person, playing with quirks and planning out their future hero name. Kaminari is the most excited to stand on his desk and create a fake hero mask out of tape and paper, and theorise all the new quirks that could be made for [Y/N].
‘[Y/N] sit down for God’s sake!’ he growls at them, and they do so as they nestle themselves into a corner of his desk. Katsuki squeezes on with her. ‘No more talking to these... damn extras during class, ok?’
Mitsuki would skin him alive if he even thought about swearing properly in the same room as her “precious angel”.
‘But why?’
‘’Cause it’s annoying.’
[Y/N]’s eyes widen a bit, but then they beam at him and nod again, picking up a pencil as if they actually are a student and begin doodling a picture while others begin homework. Aizawa doesn’t collapse into his sleeping bag this time, instead keeping an eye to ensure he isn’t sued later for the death of an unrelated child. Midoriya and Iida are the first ones to finish of course, followed by Katsuki, who has to steal his pages when [Y/N] isn’t looking, handing it across the teacher’s desk with glitter flowers and stars in the margins. 
The bell goes to signal the beginning of their hero training, and [Y/N] clutches Katsuki’s hand as they shyly approach the scary-looking racoon man to hand him a (“professionally signed”) artwork by [Y/N] Bakugo. A misshapen house with a cat and a very dead looking racoon. 
(Aizawa does frame it later, like a dad of course.)
(Katsuki does call his teacher roadkill exactly three times after that.)
For hero training All-Might stands with his hands on his hips with [Y/N] at his side to help conduct the lesson. Together they order drills and [Y/N] gets to practise their hero voice and pose. The class ends with the whole group playing games and kicking a soccer ball around so they can pretend that [Y/N] has to save it from various situations. Which they do so successfully - “a top-rate hero” in All-Might’s words.
* *
For Katsuki, he’s glad to get home and die in bed when 8:30 rolls around. It’s been non-stop questions and poking and prodding even though he told [Y/N] not to, but they wouldn’t listen! And when they got home Mitsuki hounded him to make sure they hadn’t done anything stupid while at school. 
But 9 rolls around and [Y/N]’s socks cast shadows over the door frame, and the door handle jiggles. Katsuki waits and doesn’t move to help them with it. They come padding in with a stuffed Midnight plush, and crawls onto his pillow. 
‘Kat, can I come to school with you everyday?’
And god-fucking-dammit, they look so damn excited to go to school with their big brother that all he can do is turn off his lamp and pull the covers up and pat their hair. He can feel his chest swell with pride, because his sibling wants to come and watch him become a hero.
He can’t help but wonder what kind of hero [Y/N] will be. What would their quirk be? 
Oh, Mitsuki would kick his ass if he even thought about surpassing his own sibling.
He smirks at the thought. His sibling would be the best hero at U.A, not like those fucking extras. 
‘Yeah, whatever.’
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i really enjoyed writing this!
let me know if you want to request anything, and i'll try my best to get to them as quickly as possible.
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ms0milk · 1 year
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On a diplomatic trip far from home, Prince Bakugou must contend with his hatred for you. A woman who lives to take orders. The last thing the warrior prince needs is a babysitter but it’s a feat, not a coincidence, that you are the only apprentice to the captain of his royal guard. Feasts, balls, and festivities await you and your new friends at Takoba, and in the seaside kingdom you must reconcile with the idea that your prince is not so noble as the queen who raised him. All while something half dead and long forgotten festers on high tide.
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𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 [𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔] prince!bakugou x royal guard!(fem) reader, slow burn to eventual smut. y/n has a personality and it is business formal, she grows. individual chapters will have specific tags-warnings-ratings— in general please expect violence/descriptions of injuries, strong language, two aloof fools, the classic motley bnha crew, seaside shenanigans. bakugou is an absolute piece of work, y/n is professional to a fault and it drives him insane. travel companions ー civil teammates ー genuine enemies ー confused friends ー lovers. plenty of ridiculous tension accompanied by angst and 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄
❂ ー 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 this story has been my baby over the past few months (was this a direct response to mha ch 362? yes) — so I hope you cherish it as much as I do. I am not immune to roy/riza (fmab) and many of the dynamics in this au are heavily inspired by their relationship! just gotta build up that trust first (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ be prepared to absolutely hurtle this man out of harm's way TAGLIST | AO3
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈
𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆. ✦
You terrify him and it breaks his heart.
𝒐𝒏𝒆. 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩
In the warm forests of Aldera Castle you and the prince grew up in periphery. A soldier without magic and the boy who never spoke to her. Suddenly, he is your only responsibility.
𝒕𝒘𝒐. 𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
With the first day of travel under your belt and introductions well collected, your Alderan company finds time to unwind together. Thankfully, nothing bad ever happens around a campfire.
𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆. 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝
Are all carriages of the east made for prisoners of war? Prince Bakugou despises the close quarters and their snagging silver fixtures, but it is a special kind of fate that would deliver you to the safety of the sea and to the feet of the fire that bars your entrance. And deliver you together at that.
𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓. 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞
Hats off to dying!
𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆. 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
What a vivid dream you’ve made, of the prince and his heavy hands wrapped around your body.
𝒔𝒊𝒙. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐨𝐛𝐚
It is at exactly the wrong moment that you realize where all the guards have gone, and just how desperate you must appear for the prince to take such pleasure in destruction.
𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏. 𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭
Would he treat you this way in the presence of others? Is it only when you're alone that hell raises?
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈
𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕. 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 & 𝐭𝐰𝐨.)
In the immortal words of your prince, this was a dogshit idea for a dinner party. You are haunted by blue flames and scarred ghosts no matter how hard you focus on work, and a punishment for your distraction is in order.
𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆. 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐭
He has no right– your prince is a hypocrite and alone in a haunted seaside garden confrontation is, finally, inevitable.
𝒕𝒆𝒏. 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐟𝐨𝐚𝐦 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 & 𝐭𝐰𝐨.)
You will eat the flame mage alive before he lays a finger on your prince, but why gods has Bakugou chosen now to fear for you? To treat you so gently?
𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏. 𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
Thirty-one hours awake and every second spent thinking of you.
𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆. 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫
Gods help anyone that might try to hurt you, even if that person is the ocean, or a god– even if that person is you. You finally find your prince's bedchambers after a fight at sea.
𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏. 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳𝐤𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐠
The end of your fever comes with realizations. What happens when two people unable to speak stand too close for too long?
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈𝐈
𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏. 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠
You always think you're well enough to train and if Bakugou has to tie you to a hospital bed himself he will, but he doesn't mean to watch you win for so long and he certainly doesn't mean to join you.
𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏. 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧
Can devotion come before forgiveness? can you control it? the last two sober Alderans carry their friends to bed.
𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏. 𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬
You don’t mean to bite him, he startled you. You don’t mean to laugh together or beam about magic that is not yours. You do not mean to kiss him.
𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
“Age doesn’t matter” 6
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Dad!Bakugou x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
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“Mama Y/n..”
Did he hear him right? Did his son just call his teacher mama?
Katsuki scowled at this. He was trying to keep himself calm as he put Kazui back to bed and left the bedroom fast. This time, he shut the door as calmly as he can not to wake Kazui and made his way to the kitchen.
“What the fuck have you been teaching Kazui, huh!”
The loud voice made you stop pouring the sauces onto each plate and looked at Katsuki who was slowly nearing you.
“W-what?” You were confused. You didn't know what you did wrong.
“What the fuck have you been teaching to my son huh,” Katsuki repeated his voice raising.
“N-nothing! What would I teach him?” You were so confused. Earlier everything was fine, now here you are, face to face with an angry Bakugou.
“I don't know what you did to him, but this is the last time you’ll take care of him! I don't care if you're his teacher. You are not to take him in this shitty-ass apartment, ever again!” Katsuki yelled slamming his hand on the counter, trying to not activate his quirk.
Hearing him say this, Y/n’s heart throbbed painfully. She didn't know what she did exactly and why was he suddenly like this to you.
“B-bakugou. I really have no idea, please. Believe me.” Y/n looked him in his eyes showing him your honesty. You were really clueless.
Katsuki who was staring back at you saw how you have really no idea what he was talking about. He simply looked away and ran his hand through his hair.
“You really have no fucking idea, huh,” Katsuki said with a lower voice this time.
“Please. I really don’t..” You mumble wiping a tear from your eye.
Katsuki hesitated at first. He wasn't sure if he should really trust you or if this is only an act. But seeing you wipe a tear from your eye made him feel terrible. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before speaking.
“He calls you mama.”
Y/n didn't miss how his scowl deepened mentioning this. She sniffed a little bit before trying to compose herself.
“I need to tell you something.” She mumbled, head hanging low.
Katsuki slightly turn his head to look at you after he heard what you said.
“When we got home. Eer, I mean. When we reached my apartment, I was preparing our dinner when he suddenly asked me something and made me stop.” She said as she tucked a hair to her ear.
“What is it,” Katsuki commanded listening intently, his gaze never leaving her face.
“He asked if I could be his mother. I told him it was not possible so he cried.” Y/n said recalling the scene from earlier. She could remember how broke Kazui looks making her heart throb in pain. “He said why he doesn't have a mom, why he couldn't have a mom, and started crying.”
When Katsuki heard this, he couldn't help but close his eyes in despair. He didn't know his son is feeling this way. Was that the reason why he was asking for his mother?
“It pains my heart seeing him cry. I love Kazui. Like my own child. But at that moment, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't say no because I can't.” You said, tears streaming from your eyes. “All I did was apologize and carry him. Embrace him as much as I can.” You sniffed. “Then after a few minutes, he calmed down. I found out he was asleep. So I put him on my bed and just went back to cooking.”
After you told him what happened, there was an uncomfortable silence.
“She left.”
Y/n slightly look up to look at Katsuki who suddenly started talking.
“After she gave birth. Kazui’s mother just vanished without any trace.” Why was he saying this to you anyway? “I got home hearing Kazui crying. I made him a bottle of milk not bothering to change. I was helpless. I didn't know what to do when I checked my home empty. All her clothes were gone, jewelry. Even the money I stacked for emergencies. It was all gone.”
You stared at Katsuki in pity. So that's what happened.
Katsuki looked at you seeing how you were staring at him in pity making him tch.
“Don’t fucking look down on me.” Katsuki looked away. “I did what I had to do. I asked for my parent's help.”
“You were brave, Bakugou..”
Your statement made him fully look at you. He saw how sincere you are. How honest. How innocent. So unlike his ex-wife. Now he gets why Kazui was so attached to you.
The small voice made both eyes widen. Katsuki looked behind him, and you, looked behind Katsuki both seeing Kazui waking up from his nap.
“Are you fighting?” Kazui looked at both of you.
“No, sweetie. Why would we fight?” Y/n smiled at Kazui.
“Papa?” Kazui looks to his papa asking for confirmation.
“Were not, brat,” Katsuki said ruffling Kazui’s hair.
Kazui lifted his arms up, asking to be carried but Katsuki rejected him.
“I thought you said you were too old to be carried,” Katsuki smirked but carried Kazui anyway.
Once Kazui settled in his arms, he looked at Y/n who just smiled at him.
“Ms. Y/n?” Kazui called.
“What is it, dear?” Y/n said staring sweetly at Kazui.
“Did you cry?”
Y/n stiffened but quickly compose herself. “Of course not, sweetie. Why would I cry?” You said.
Suddenly, Kazui places his small hand on your cheek making you blink.
“Are you okay, Ms. Y/n? Is someone bothering you? I can make papa beat them for you.”
Y/n laughed at what Kazui just said. He didn't know that you cried because of his father. But you’re not going to tell him that, of course.
“I assure you, sweetie. Teacher’s fine, okay?” Y/n gave Kazui a soft smile. “Now why don't you put this plate on the table so we can eat? You know your papa and I waited for you to wake up so we can all eat together.” You giggled seeing Kazui’s excited reaction as he wiggle out of his father’s arms.
“Really! We would eat together?! Yay!!” Kazui quickly grab the plates you were about to hand him and carefully took small steps, trying to spill the food.
Katsuki watches your interaction with Kazui quietly. He was still standing beside you in the kitchen, watching how you lied to his son about not crying.
Was this what it's supposed to feel like to have a wife around?
Katsuki saw how you treated Kazui like your own blood. How motherly you act towards him. No wonder he called you mama. Because he’s seeing you as a mother figure. A mother Katsuki wished Kazui has.
“Bakugou? Are you okay?”
Now here you are, worrying about him too.
“Tch. I’m fine.” Katsuki said about to head where the dining area.
“Wait.” Y/n suddenly said and grab his wrist, causing him to look at her.
“It may be too much to say, but please. Don’t take Kazui away..”
Her eyes. It's always her eyes that he noticed. It's how she shows her true emotions through her eyes.
“Tch.” Katsuki tched and firmly let go of her grasp.
He stood motionless, slowly putting his other hand inside his pocket and then slightly turning his head behind so he can look at her. But he didn't say anything, instead, he walked away.
Y/n looked at his back sadly. She didn't know if that was approved or not. But she tried not to get it inside her head. She took the last two plates from the counter and places them on the dining table where Katsuki and Kazui were now sitting on their own chairs.
The dinner went well. From Kazui’s rambling, and spilling food everywhere to Katsuki scolding Kazui to not spill the food everywhere and you, just smiling and chuckling, watching the father and son interaction.
After dinner, Kazui was watching TV whilst Y/n clean up the dining table. Unexpectedly, Kastuki suddenly appeared, helping her.
“No, no. It's fine. You're my guess-
“Shut up,” Katsuki mumbled going to the sink and started washing the dishes.
“B-bakugou.” You tried to stop him but he just blocked you from going closer to the sink.
“I said shut up. Wipe the table.” Katsuki threw a soaked tablecloth to Y/n’s face. Noticing it hit her face, Katsuki smirked. But soon turned into a laugh when he saw you pouting.
“Bakugou.” You pouted but threw the cloth back at him, hitting him on his face as well, earning you a laugh.
Katsuki growled in this. “You little shit.” When the cloth slid off reveals his annoyed yet playful face. “Come back here!”
When Y/n saw Katsuki took a step, you also took off. Both adult running around the house while Kazui watched in delight, laughing.
It was now 10 pm in the evening.
The sleeping Kazui was carried by Katsuki as he left the Y/n’s who were following him behind.
You followed them all the way to their car where you saw Katsuki settle Kazui into his own car seat, making sure that the belt was fastened and closing the door.
“Have a safe travel, Bakugou.” Y/n smiled as she watches Katsuki made his way to the driver’s seat.
But before Katsuki get inside, he looked at Y/n who was looking back at him curiously. “There’s a bag I left in your apartment. Go inside.” Katsuki said tilting his head in the direction of her apartment. “It's dangerous at this hour. You don't have to see us off.” He added.
“T-thank you.” You mumbled, slightly blushing.
“Ha? Tf are you thanking me for? I should be the one doing that.” Katsuki slightly pouts. “I said go.”
“Y-yes.” You stuttered. “G-goodnight, Bakugou.” You smiled slowly turning away.
Once you entered your apartment, you heard the engine start and gradually, the sound drifted away.
Y/n smiled to herself. She didn't expect Katsuki to have his playful side as well. She thought he was all serious.
Once she locked her front door. Y/n was about to leave the living room when she saw the bag Katsuki was talking about.
She blinked at it curiously as she approached it. When she opened it, she saw a bunch of fruits and flowers and a small note with writing saying thank you. She smiled softly as she read this.
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villainshoe · 10 months
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cw: childhood to lovers, penis in vagina, brat taming, spanking, praise (good girl, princess, love), knot, heat, creampie, multiple orgasm, overstimulation, age up collage!bakugou katsuki, pining, afab!reader, edging, no proofread, marking, omegaverse
Summary: y/n was on a horrible date and she happen to entered her heat and she called the one person she would trust with this.
author note: this was commissioned by a friend in a sever. If you want one please dm me and we can discuss prices! Read more under the cut
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Katsuki didn’t know what to do when he got a frantic call from his best friend y/n about needing an escape from a bad date. He hated it when she went on dates considering he’s been trying to court her everyday since 8th grade of middle school and it’s now senior year of collage. He could hear panic in her voice, so he quickly jumped up and got pants and a hoodie on, grabbing his keys. “Hey, stay where you are at and I’ll come get you.” He said to her as he heard her whimper out okay.
By the time he was dressed he was halfway out the door. He got into his car and drove to the place she was at. Of course it was a locally run restaurant. He got out and walked into the restaurant but was smack hard in the face with the stench of an omega in heat, he paled at the thought of it being her. He rushes towards the bathroom, he knocks on the door quickly, wanting to know if she was alright. “Come in ‘Suki.” He heard the scared timid voice of his childhood best friend’s sister. He walked in and smelt her even more clearly now, it was making his alpha wanna claim her, to mate her. He shook his head and pulled her up from her sitting position with her knees pulled up to her chest and had her head buried in them.
“‘Suki! What are you doing, you don’t need to manhandle me!” y/n said and let him pull her up anyway knowing she had asked for his help. What she didn’t expect was to be scented by him rubbing himself against her cheek and both arms. “I’m not manhandling you.” He said and put his jacket on her to keep more of his scent on her.
“I’m making sure no one will touch you. As your friend it’s my job to protect you.” He simply said and his alpha was purring at the thought of her being covered in his scent. But that disappeared when y/n shrugged off the jacket he had put on her, causing him to growled but took the jacket back and sighs softly. “I don’t need to be scented to be safe with you here ‘Suki.” She said, causing him to pin her against the wall outside of the bathroom. “You’ll listen to me closely, I do because you’re in heat so you know you’re not safe without scent patches or representations.” He snapped at her.
Y/n shrinks slightly and bites her lip to not give in to her omega who wants to please him, but she was stubborn so she bared her teeth at him which made him growled and stare down at her when she didn’t back down. So putting his jacket back on, he threw her over his shoulders, thankful she was wearing skinny jeans. He walked out to his car and placed her in the front seat, he buckled her in but not before she bit his hand, growling and hissing at him.
“I don’t need a babysitter!” She snapped at him once more, he growled and got into the driver side and drove off. He bites his tongue to make sure he didn’t stop somewhere random and fuck her stupid right there and then. “Obviously you do, you called me to pick you up to save you from creep! I told you he was just wanting a omega to fuck and you were that omega.” Bakugou said and pulled into the dorm garage. He got out and picked her up bridal style, carrying her to her bedroom all the while trying not to mate her. He wants to do this right, court her with gifts, scent blankets and hoodies and flowers. All that to have her as his mate, but smelling her in heat was kicking up his rut earlier then it supposed to be.
He drops her on the bed and prepares to go get her food when she grabs him, he looks down at her with a curious lift of his brow. “Please, stay.” She said the words that were in his head every time he had to go get her. “I can’t deal with fuck up thing alone Katsuki.” She said and he growled, turning around and forced her to look at him. “First thing first, it’s alpha if I’m going to help.” He hissed out as she began to rub at his crotch, he swatted her hand away, smirking to himself. “You’re not allowed to touch, if you do you’ll get ten spankings, and you should do as you’re told.” He said, causing her to whine but nodded her head. “Good omega, now, take off your clothes slut, let me see your beautiful body.” He commanded which she automatically listened to as she undressed herself, showing off her curves and the one thing he wanted to taste right now, her beautiful pussy.
“Be a good girl and spread your legs widely.” He said but y/n smirked and closed her legs, not letting him see her cute little pussy. He growled and kneel on the bed. “Open your legs… now.” Bakugou growled out causing her to whimper and kept her legs close to see what he’ll do. But the gasped let out from her pretty red stain lipstick caused him to smirk when he had her bind over his leg. “Now count to ten then I’ll reward you.” With every strike against her ass, she counted each one but tears were beginning together in her eyes as the strikes got harder, leaving both cheeks red and sore. “Ten!” She cried out as he struck her left cheek once more.
He let her get back on the bed, but spread her legs this time. He looked at how it glistened in the moonlight, he laid down on his stomach so he could have a closer look at her quivering hole. He leaned in and ran his tongue up from her hole to her clit, moaning at the taste, he attached his lips to her clit, sucking on it before circling two fingers around her entrance. He moved away when he heard her cry out for more. “Patient, I’ll give you more.” He replied as he attached his mouth back on her, sucking and nipping at her clit, letting his two fingers enter her and began to pump them in and out. He could feel her walls clenched around his fingers making him harder so he began to grind against the mattress, her hand in his hair as she tried to stay in the present of our bliss.
“Alpha! More please?” She cries out as he sped up his fingers, hitting the perfect spongy spot in her causing her to see stars, her walls squeezing his fingers tighter, he pulled his fingers away as she cried out in disappointment but gasped in delight as he cover her pussy with his mouth and using his tongue to prod to at her entrance before he slip it in, a finger on her clit rubbing in time with his tongue thrusting in her leaking hole. “Alpha I’m going to cum!” She cries out and he sped up his rubbing at her clit, licking at her entrance once she started to come undone on his tongue and fingers.
After a few minutes he pulled away noticing she was becoming overstimulated, he got off of the bed and got undressed his cock slapped his lower abdomen. “Now since you’ve been a good girl, I’ll give you a reward.” He said with a soft smile as he placed her legs over his shoulders and lined himself up with her. “Are you ready?” He asked, making y/n nod her head. “Yes, Alpha, I’m ready.” That’s all he needed to hear as he slid in until he bottomed out, grunting how tight she was. “Fuck, so tight for me princess.” He growled out, pulling out until the tip of his head was in. Before she could whine, he slams back in, grunting as he does so. “Fuck, alpha, feels so good.” She whines and he begins a slow but steady pace, gripping her hips tightly.
“Fuck so good love.” He praised as he kept thrusting in and out of her, rubbing at her clit, feeling her walls trying to suck him in deeper he folded her in half and began to pound into her. “Alpha! I’m gonna cum!” She cried out again before he stopped ripping her out of another orgasm. “Why? I was good! I was really good!” She felt tears in her eyelashes. “You’re not allowed to cum until I say so.” He said and thrust into her again, but a very slow pace was set, the thumb on her clit rubbing slow figure eights on it. He could feel her walls sucking him back in and he could get used to it. He quickly bends to her neck and bites harshly on her scent gland, marking her his forever, his omega no matter what.
He sucks on the bite as he feels her walls quiver around him, her scent turning into the smell of them both, turning him on more than he thought it would, knowing this he wasn’t going to last long, so he begin to thrusts sloppily and rub her clit in sloppy fashion, cause her to cry out loudly. He growled and bites on her shoulder harshly to stop his, as he did so he could feel her tighten up. “I’m gonna cum!” She screamed out and with one last thrust he felt her come undone alongside of him, his knot swell inside of her. Connect them together for at least an hour until the swelling goes down. “I love you Alpha.” y/n said, causing Bakugou to smile the rare smile reserved just for her. “I love you too omega.” He said as they both fell asleep for a nap.
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http-tokki · 1 year
~ bakugou katsuki x reader ~ tags/cw: aged up bakugou, anxiety, established realtionships, home business girl boss, cute lil baby dynamight fan meeting his hero. ~ wc: 870
Katsuki was the one who mentioned working from home. He was the one who suggested turning the spare room into your studio and working out of the comfort of your own home.
"It's not like were using it for anything, and I don't plan on filling it with little ones anytime soon." He poked your belly as to emphasise the point.
“Plus, it’ll be good for your anxiety” and despite his flat tone and lack of concern for the space you would be taking up, your heart squeezed at how caring he was. he knew it was tough on you going into work some days, when the anxiety would grip you by the throat and slam you back into bed. The dark shadow of pandemic induced agoraphobia taking over your desire to be in the world of the living, and you felt so guilty taking days off, having a lower income than your boyfriend even though he reminded you every single time you paid of something that he was kind of loaded and didn’t need to struggle through (you could never let him do that, at least not while you weren’t married and ready to be a home maker) so you turned that spare room into your own workspace and after weeks of renovating and redecorating, you were finally open the public, well select few of the public.
You had been open for a while now, your clientele steadily increasing and so did your bank account, but it was the initial surprise of having your clients face drop upon seeing pro hero Dynamight lounging on the couch in his sweats, playing video games. You enjoyed the surprise and shock completely taking over them as they stammered trying to piece the puzzle together.
“You’re- is that - huh?” were the usual string of words that bringing new clients over for a consult is always interesting.
You don’t think Katsuki fully understand the impact he has on people, especially when he’s just lounging around watching tv or emailing companies, all very mundane not pro hero things. (he knows but he doesn’t care. it’s his house why should he change his behaviour for people he’ll see for two seconds) but it was your latest consultation that had you loving your newest work space.
It was a simple consultation, only half an hour to discuss price and appointment times but your client had to bring along her little one due to school being off for holidays. She had given you enough warning, asking if it was okay if her six year old tagged along because her babysitter had flaked and this was the only time she had free. It wasn't an issue for you, offering the little one a hot chocolate and cookies as you and their mother talked.
You hear Katsuki come home halfway through the appointment. He would usually walk into your voice and greet you with a kiss before heading to the shower or his office but you had put up the little sign to signify that you had a client and would be busy for a bit.
The jingle of keys and heavy footfalls of his boot clad feet alert the little one to another visitor. Your eyes flick over to them, hot chocolate clutched tightly in their tiny hands as their head turns to the door and only then do you notice the Dynamight t-shirt. Eyes scanning over the rest of their outfit you clock the socks and shoes and their little backpack in the corner all adorned with your fiancé's face.
"Do they like Dynamight?" you ask the mother quietly, trying not to alert them to the mention of their favourite hero.
"Like?" the mother scoffs. "That's all they talk about. It's Dynamight this, Dynamight that. I've just about had enough of that name." her laugh is soft as she looks over at her child, fondness and slight annoyance lingering in her eyes.
You nod in understanding, biting down on your lip to supress a smile. "You might just hate me for this but-" you turn your head towards the door.
"Baby, can you come in please." you call to Katsuki.
"Angel, I'm too tired so if you want it you're gonna have to- ohh," Katsuki is whining as he walks down the hall but stop his sentence as he spots the kid sitting at the end of your desk.
You watch as little one freezes. Their eyes growing wide and jaw dropping as they see their hero steps into the doorway. You catch Bakugou's gaze, smiling at him before nodding towards the shocked child sitting a few feet from you.
"It's… it's…." their voice is small as they follow Katsuki around the room. "You're Dynamight." they whisper.
"Hi, bud." 'Suki waves and drops into a squat to talk to the little one.
"You're… mum, it's him." they whisper, tiny hands curling in their shirt.
The mother turns to you, eyes wide as she reaches for her phone. "How did you- is he your- how?"
"Boyfriend." You laugh softly. "I'm sorry, i should have given you a warning."
She shakes her head, attention now on her fawning child. "You just made me mother of the year."
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a/n: cute bakugou content that i never finished from July last year
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
Babysitter's Guide To Watching Eri (My Hero Academia)
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Heyo! This is a gift for the ever amazing @thatbigbisexual29 A while back we were talking about Bakugou and Eri and how cute they'd be as a duo, and thus; this fic has been born! This is pretty self indulgent and likely OOC but who cares- it's Bakugou and Eri! I hope y'all like it! :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @nutzgunray-lvt @sarahmaystock5578 @rachi-roo @mochigiggle @chibisstuff
Summary: In an unexpected turn of events, Bakugou is tasked with babysitting Eri for the day.
When it came to looking after Eri, a few faces immediately came to mind.
First of course was Mirio. The kind hearted hero adored the girl and would bend over backwards to entertain her whenever Aizawa and Mic had hero work to attend to. It didn’t matter what was going on- he was ready to rush over and play whenever needed.
The next was Midoriya. If Mirio was busy or they simply desired another playmate, they’d grab the freckled boy from his studies and invite him over. He’d run through the door with a proud “I am here!” that left Eri squealing in glee and Mirio chucking at how into his role he got for the little girl.
There were others; Nejiri who was always down to play dress up and princess tea party with Eri; Shinsou who helped her with her drawings and watched movies with her; and the U-A girls like Uraraka and Tsuyu who always took her to fun places like the space zone or the aquarium, pointing out cool things and treating her to snacks.
Alas- none of those options were available today for Eri. Mirio and Nejire had work, Midoriya and the girls were finishing their internships, and Shinsou was in extra classes for the hero course. Things were rather…tense as the realization hit them.
“What are we gonna do? We can’t bring her with us during our patrol!” Mic was pacing around the room back and forth in thought, just barely avoiding pulling out his hair. “And all the pro’s are busy- oh man why of all the days!”
“We’ll figure it out. We just need to find someone on short notice.” Aizawa slumped forward in his seat, trying to think. Who was available with no plans today? “Yaoyorozu maybe?”
“Yeah! No…wait- Midnight needed her.” Mic deflated. “Oh! What about Tokoyami?”
“Hawks.” They said at the same time, shaking their heads. “Nearly all the students are being taken up for missions right now- it’s not fair to expect them to bail for our sake. What do we do…” Mic doubled over the desk, holding his head.
Just then- an answer walked through the door.
“Hey- Mr. Aizawa, Best Jeanist texted. He said he wouldn’t be able to take me with him today- some emergency came up.” Bakugou knocked before poking his head through the door, looking a bit disgruntled. “Should I see if Endeavor needs more hands?”
Aizawa and Mic looked at eachother.
“Endeavor has plenty of hands.” Aizawa spoke, finalizing their decision. “However, we do need a favor…”
A babysitter job. Him- babysitting!
Good grief.
“Okay- here’s everything she’ll need. Eri’s fairly independent, so really the only thing you need to do is entertain her while we’re gone.” Mic had handed him a whole list- A LIST! Of things Eri liked. Everything from her favorite toys to her favorite drinks and snacks- all the movies she loved and games she usually played, etc. etc.
“We should be back a little after lunchtime so if you could take care of that; we have pre-made meals in the fridge, you just need to heat them up. Oh- and careful with the microwave; we don’t know what happened but it’s acting weird. Try not to hit any odd numbers, kay?”
“Odd numbers-wait; how long did you say?” Bakugou stammered as Mic bounced out the door, putting on his hero face. “Is this an all day thing?”
“Is that a problem?” Aizawa raised a brow. “Do you have anything planned today?”
“Well…no, I just…I’m not-” Bakugou waved his arms, feeling a bit helpless. “I’m not exactly great with kids.”
Aizawa softened, reaching out and patting Bakugou’s shoulder. “From what I’ve heard, you did fine with the kids during your remedial classes.”
“That’s only because they were a bunch of snot nosed brats. Plus I had help” Bakugou grumbled.
“That was a bunch of kids. This is Eri- the farthest thing from a brat.” Aizawa squeezed his arm before pulling back, adjusting his scarf. “She’s a good girl and doesn’t need much. Try not to scare her. You know how you can be.”
“I’m not-” Bakugou growled, then snapped his mouth shut when he realized he was proving Aizawa’s point. “Fine. I’ll be…gentle.”
“Thank you again, Bakugou. We truly appreciate it.” Aizawa nodded before heading out, officially leaving Eri in the teen’s care.
“...Heh. Okay, squirt- where do we even-” Bakugou turned to face her but found…nothing. She was nowhere to be seen. “Eri? Hey, where are you?”
Poking his head down the hall, he found her hiding behind a door frame, peeking at him. “You good, kid?”
Eri seemed…scared. Bakugou winced at himself; he hadn’t even talked to her today yet and he already scared her. Sighing, he squatted down to her level, offering a hand. “Look- I know I seem scary, but I promise I’m not gonna yell at you. Whatever you want to do today, we can do, alright?”
The girl seemed to relax some, her expression still nervous. Slowly, she crept towards him, little hands folded on her chest as she looked at her feet. “Sorry…”
“Huh? Why are you apologizing?” She winced at his tone. He internally punched himself. “Er-sorry. Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You have to watch me. I ruined your day.” She sounded close to tears. Bakugou felt his chest hurt. Did she hear him calling after Mic?
“No, no kid- you didn’t ruin anything. My day hasn’t even started yet.” With some hesitation, he reached out and patted her head, making her look up. “If you heard me talking to your papa, it wasn’t anything bad about you, I swear. I just don’t know how to…” he waved a hand between them, shrugging in such a manner that he got a smile. “But we can figure this out. We can play whatever you want- including…” He looked at the list, wincing. “Fairy Princess Ball.”
Eri giggled, her nerves easing away as she bounced up to him. “I love that game! But I always play it with Neji. I want to play something else.”
“Sure kid, let’s see.” Bakugou looked at the list once more, but Eri put her hands over it, pushing it down with a headshake.
“No list! I want to play something new.” She looked up at him, eyes dancing. “Something you came up with…erm…”
“Bakugou.” He gave her his name, watching her light up. “But I guess Katsuki is fine if  you want.”
“Ba…Baku..” She stammered on the words, then she looked at him. “Kacchy.”
“Close enough.”
“Ahoy my crew! We’re approaching deadly waters!” Eri cried from her pillow fort on the couch, holding a circular cushion in her small hands like a steering wheel. “They say a mean old sea monster lives here- we must be careful!”
“Oi who you calling old-er I mean…Grrrrrrr!” Eri giggled at the growling heard beneath a nearby blue blanket, slowly getting closer and closer to her “ship”. Behind her, her crew of squishmellows sat aligned, all dressed in pirate outfits and ready to assist.
“Do you hear that? It’s getting closer!” Eri looked around, pushing up her pirate hat as she searched for the monster. “Let’s turn to-”
“ROAR!” Bakugou shot from the blanket, a dragon hat on his head as he raised his arms high. Eri squealed, falling back in her pillows with a giggly shriek. “I’m a sea monster! And I’m gonna eat your boat!”
“Noo! Quick- Yuki! Save us!” Eri chucked her nearest Squishmellow at him, watching it bounce off his chest harmlessly. Bakugou flailed backwards anyway, pretending to be hit. “Go, go!”
“Gah! No! Not the dreaded squish!” He cried out as she assaulted him with squishmellow after squishmellow, finally jumping on him when she ran out. “Ah! No! It’s the Pirate Princess Eri!”
“That’s right! And I’m gonna take you out, Mr. Sea Monster! Take THIS!” She shot her hands out, scribbling them all over his belly with reckless abandon.
“AH! Ahehahahahhaa! Whahahahit- wahahhhahait I didiihihihihn’t agrehehehehehehehee to thihihihihiihs!” Bakugou spasmed with a yelp, not at all prepared for such acts! Semi buried beneath squishmellows, the blonde laughed and squirmed, fighting the urge to curse in front of Eri. “Ehahhhahahhaha, you brahhahahahhat! This ihihhihihihisn’t fahahahhahair!”
“He he he! Looks like you’re no match for the great Eri-EHH!” The little girl squealed when Bakugou suddenly lunged, gathering her up and gently tickling her back. “Ahehahahahahahahaha! Kahahhaahahahchy!”
“Who’s Kacchy? I’m the dreadful sea monster, remember? Forget eating your ship, I’m gonna eat YOU!” He roared playfully as he carried on tickling her, making Eri squeal and kick in glee. “I’m gonna roll you in flour, bake you and then eat you up bones and all!”
“Ahehahhhahahhaa! Nohohohoohohohoo!” Eri rolled out of his arms, running for her boat. “Stahhahay awhawhhahahay!” She squealed through her giggles as she grabbed her squishmellow, smacking him with it. “Tahhake that!”
“Oh, it is ON!” He grabbed the smallest squish he could find, lightly swatting back at her as she laughed herself silly. For someone so small, she sure could pack a hit!
“Oh no!” Eri cried, freezing Bakugou in his spot. The squishmellow she was using to attack had suddenly ripped open- a huge gaping hole in the side. Stuffing rolled down the couch, littering the floor. “Yuki…”
Yuki…oh shit. That was one of her favorite toys from the list.
“Oh man, kid…” Bakugou paled upon looking at the mess. Eri’s eyes filled with tears.
Bakugou looked at her, then at the toy. Then he sighed, pulling off the dragon hat.
“No tears, Doctor Eri. We have a patient to fix.” He announced, making her look up. “Hang on- I have something that can fix Yuki.
“I didn’t know you could sew!” Eri sat wide eyed as she watched Bakugou carefully stitch back up her toy, his handiwork slow but consistent. “Where’d you learn that?”
“A hero has tons of tricks.” Bakugou grinned at her, pushing the fallen stuffing back in as he went along. “My parents are in the fashion business. My dad makes clothes while my mom models them. I helped them out a few summers- mainly just taking care of rips and tears in the clothes.”
“Wow…” Eri leaned into her hands, taking it all in. “Papa…he got me Yuki as a present when I first started living here.”
Ah. That made sense why the plush was so faded. It also explained Eri’s reaction. “Did he now?”
“Mm-hm! He came home with it one day- told me it was a present for my birthday!” Eri smiled at the memory, cheeks flushing with fondness for her adoptive parents. “It wasn’t really my birthday, but it was the first real gift from Daddy and Papa- I love it very much.”
Bakugou didn’t have much to say about that, finishing off the last stitch before puffing Yuki up some. “There we go. Good as new- er; minus the big scar.”
Eri practically tackled him, hugging his arm with a teary grin. “Thank you, Kacchy. And I don’t mind the scar. All the people I love have them.”
That’s when he realized she was looking at him too, at the faded scars along his bicep.
“Heh, I guess they do.” He laughed through a thick voice.
“Alright- let’s see…which one kid?” Bakugou presented both meals to Eri, watching her look each one over. It was around the afternoon when he got a text from Aizawa; turns out they weren’t gonna be back until late that evening; meaning it was up to Bakugou to prepare her meal.
“Hmm…this one!” She pointed, pleased with her decision. Bakugou nodded, putting the other away before popping the pre-made meal into the microwave. “Daddy makes the best food!”
“He does.” Bakugou agreed, knowing just how good Aizawa was as a cook. “He once made-”
The microwave beeped and shook. Bakugou paled upon realizing his mistake.
Don’t press any of the odd buttons!
“ERI MOVE!” Bakugou ran at her, gathering her up and leaping just as the microwave exploded. Glass and semi cooked food flew across the kitchen, the smell of smoke strong as the inside of the microwave sizzled. A small flame remained within.
Bakugou blinked, then he looked over Eri. Besides looking utterly shocked, she didn’t have any wounds or burns. Nodding, he quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher, putting out the remains of the microwave. Once done, he grabbed a wooden spoon and batted out the plug. “There. Eri, are you okay?”
The girl seemed stunned, wide eyed and shaky. Bakugou kneeled before her, voice gentle. “Eri?”
“Erm…yeah. I’m okay.” She nodded, shaking out of her shock as she met his eye. “What about you?”
“Nothing broken here. Sorry I blew up dinner.” He laughed some, looking back at the mess. “Er…want pizza?”
~~~ “And that is that.” Bakugou huffed as he and Eri flopped into the couch, fairly exhausted. The kitchen was clean once more, and a box of pizza with only the crust remaining laid on the coffee table. In the background, a movie with talking fish carried on. Eri insisted it was a great movie. If he were being honest, she was right. “What a day. Sorry I kinda messed everything up, kid.”
“What do you mean? I had so much fun today!” She smiled up at him, sleepy. “We played pirates and sea monsters, you fixed Yuki, and we got to eat pizza and watch movies! I’m glad you came today, Kacchy.”
Bakugou grinned, something warm setting in his chest as she scooted closer to him, lying against his side. “I’m sure Mirio or Deku would have been better.”
“Maybe. But you’re great in your own way.” She yawned, huffing some before closing her eyes. “Thanks for being here, Kacchy…I appreciate it…”
“Eri?” He looked down to find her sleeping with a happy smile on her face. Chuckling, he petted back her hair away from her peaceful expression.
“Glad to be there for you kid.”
Thanks for reading!
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writing-with-rania · 1 year
I have a really cute request, Bakugou from Bnha with a little sibling reader. They weren't able to get a babysitter and Bakugou bring his little sibling to school, the reader is the complete opposite of him though.
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pairing: bakugo x gn!sibling!reader
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 1,196
tw: none! completely platonic and wholesome fluff. some swearing from bakugo a few times but that comes with the territory lol
notes: thanks for being one of my first requests anon! it was really fun to get back into writing fanfic, and bnha is one of my favourite animes so writing this was a lot of fun - i just hope i did it well and you enjoy reading! i used primarily they/them pronouns for the sibling just in case ;)
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‘Can’t we just hire that old fucking neighbour?!’
Mitsuki doesn’t even bother smacking her son this time, too busy fixing up the bento box she has already begun making in the kitchen. Rice and egg and soft pretzels which [Y/N] always insisted on. The same thing everyday, which Katsuki found increasingly frustrating. Their name is painted on the lid, which sits on the sink.
It’s one of the only memories that Mitsuki repeatedly brags about to her mom friends. How her son eagerly decorated a bento box for his anticipated sibling, and how he ended up despising them when born. That’s what it looked like anyway
‘She’s too old for [Y/N], you know this.’ Mitsuki snaps, snapping on the box lid. ‘They’ll get bored if they have to sit in her living room all day.’
‘The place smells like shit too.’
‘Katsuki!’ This time she does hit him.
‘It’s just one day. All you have to do is keep them busy for a while, and they’ll find a way to occupy themselves for the rest of your classes.’
Mitsuki packs the bento box and several colouring books and pencil sets into a tiny school bag that’s been sitting open on the dining room table. Just as [Y/N] comes skipping into the room in an All-Might tracksuit that they demanded they ‘had to have’ when they saw it at a convention a while ago.
‘Aren’t you so pretty, hun?’ Mitsuki coos at - arguably - her favourite child. ‘Guess what?’
[Y/N] mumbles something around a mouthful of a soft pretzel. Where’d they even get it from?
‘You’re going to school with Katsuki today!’
Oh shit their face got a fuck ton more bright when he looked down again. Even the mention of U.A on any given day made them bounce around while babbling about how they’d love to be a hero when they got their quirk. 
‘Really?’ [Y/N] attaches themself to his leg, bouncing up and down to make sure they’ve heard Mitsuki just right.
She glares at him when [Y/N] looks away.
‘Yeah, yeah, whatever.’
* *
No one’s expecting anything entirely different when Aizawa starts class that morning. The only thing that seems slightly out of the ordinary is Bakugo being late. Kirishima is counting through the minutes and soon enough a whole half hour passes without him being there to yell at anyone. Even Midoriya is having a particularly stress-free morning!
However, no one was expecting for him to parade into the class an hour later with a six year old sitting on his shoulders, because (as he said) “they didn’t want to use their damn legs”. 
‘Bakubro,’ Kaminari is already laughing his ass off in the back corner. ‘Ya got a hitchhiker there.’
Bakugo is almost fuming by the time he drops off the child at his desk, standing by Aizawa to demand - or ask - that he ignore the situation. Number one, [Y/N] got a day off school because of a downtown villain attack, and Mitsuki couldn’t find a babysitter after their current one caught the flu. With no other options and both of his parents going to work early that morning, he had no choice but to drag them along as long as, and quote:
‘You don’t make a damn noise, and no questions, and no playing around, you sit down and shut up.’
Did [Y/N] listen? Nope. Not really. 
Halfway through the first lesson of the morning, and little [Y/N] is sitting in the lap of half of his classmates, messing with Hagakure’s invisible hair in utter curiosity, and playing heroes with Midoriya and Kirishima. At which point they all stand on their desks and put their fists in the air yelling ‘Detroit Smash’!
Katsuki just stands and watches as [Y/N] jumps from person to person, playing with quirks and planning out their future hero name. Kaminari is the most excited to stand on his desk and create a fake hero mask out of tape and paper, and theorise all the new quirks that could be made for [Y/N].
‘[Y/N] sit down for God’s sake!’ he growls at them, and they do so as they nestle themselves into a corner of his desk. Katsuki squeezes on with her. ‘No more talking to these... damn extras during class, ok?’
Mitsuki would skin him alive if he even thought about swearing properly in the same room as her “precious angel”.
‘But why?’
‘’Cause it’s annoying.’
[Y/N]’s eyes widen a bit, but then they beam at him and nod again, picking up a pencil as if they actually are a student and begin doodling a picture while others begin homework. Aizawa doesn’t collapse into his sleeping bag this time, instead keeping an eye to ensure he isn’t sued later for the death of an unrelated child. Midoriya and Iida are the first ones to finish of course, followed by Katsuki, who has to steal his pages when [Y/N] isn’t looking, handing it across the teacher’s desk with glitter flowers and stars in the margins. 
The bell goes to signal the beginning of their hero training, and [Y/N] clutches Katsuki’s hand as they shyly approach the scary-looking racoon man to hand him a (“professionally signed”) artwork by [Y/N] Bakugo. A misshapen house with a cat and a very dead looking racoon. 
(Aizawa does frame it later, like a dad of course.)
(Katsuki does call his teacher roadkill exactly three times after that.)
For hero training All-Might stands with his hands on his hips with [Y/N] at his side to help conduct the lesson. Together they order drills and [Y/N] gets to practise their hero voice and pose. The class ends with the whole group playing games and kicking a soccer ball around so they can pretend that [Y/N] has to save it from various situations. Which they do so successfully - “a top-rate hero” in All-Might’s words.
* *
For Katsuki, he’s glad to get home and die in bed when 8:30 rolls around. It’s been non-stop questions and poking and prodding even though he told [Y/N] not to, but they wouldn’t listen! And when they got home Mitsuki hounded him to make sure they hadn’t done anything stupid while at school. 
But 9 rolls around and [Y/N]’s socks cast shadows over the door frame, and the door handle jiggles. Katsuki waits and doesn’t move to help them with it. They come padding in with a stuffed Midnight plush, and crawls onto his pillow. 
‘Kat, can I come to school with you everyday?’
And god-fucking-dammit, they look so damn excited to go to school with their big brother that all he can do is turn off his lamp and pull the covers up and pat their hair. He can feel his chest swell with pride, because his sibling wants to come and watch him become a hero.
He can’t help but wonder what kind of hero [Y/N] will be. What would their quirk be? 
Oh, Mitsuki would kick his ass if he even thought about surpassing his own sibling.
He smirks at the thought. His sibling would be the best hero at U.A, not like those fucking extras. 
‘Yeah, whatever.’
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i really enjoyed writing this!
let me know if you want to request anything, and i'll try my best to get to them as quickly as possible.
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nishayuro · 2 years
My Hero Academia Class 1-A with a Gojo!Reader
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A/N: I was scrolling through tumblr searching for a jjk x mha type headcanon like this but can't find any sfw ones T-T so as a writer I opened my laptop and made one >< I mighttttt make this into a bit of a series type?? idk but I definitely love this idea so pls give me more scenario ideas, my requests are open!
Genre: Fluff
part 2
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You’re the child of Gojo Satoru, the number 2 international hero, fame only 2nd to All Might himself. Though your father is of Japanese descent, He decided to be more of an international hero rather than staying put in one country. 
He’d have either his other pro hero friends Suguru or Shoko to babysit you during his busy days where he is needed somewhere else, or to his sidekick Nanami Kento.
You inherited his quirks, Six eyes and Limitless which are highly sought after quirks due to how immensely strong they are (Let’s pretend that six eyes also allows us energy manipulation in the MHA world because writing Gojo’s technique is hard af) of course your father trained you seeing that you also wanted to become a pro hero like him. 
Due to spending time with your father growing up, you had picked up on his personality but you were more on the calmer side (thanks to your babysitters) 
When you told Satoru that you wanted to enroll into UA highschool, he fully supported you and asked if you wanted to be known as a Gojo, to which you said yes.
The public never knew that the Gojo Satoru actually had a child, he kept it a secret in fear that villains would use you against him, especially when you were young and he couldn’t always be with you.
So when he made a public appearance with you, announcing you were his child, the people went insane!!
Not only did one of the strongest heroes have a kid who was practically a teenager by now, that also meant that he was off of the bachelor’s list (F to them, Satoru loves your mom a lot) 
You looked a lot like him too, blue eyes and white hair and all.
You went to UA on the 2nd day because of a few things you had to fix first with your dad.
Surprise surprise! You got into 1- A. You came into the room with Aizawa sensei who introduced you to the class.
Your presence, along with your quite laid back personality made your classmates a little intimidated, even the spiky haired blonde much to his dismay. 
When you introduced yourself to the class, you took off your blindfold for formalities, showing your beautiful blue eyes.
Congrats! You got the class blushing from how attractive you look.
During your quirk assessment tests, everyone watched your moves as you showcase your skills. Midoriya was both astonished and scared of how well you knew your quirk. Which made sense since your father would sometimes bring you to missions as a form of training.
Not much was known by the public about the quirk you and your father possessed, so Midoriya took this opportunity to observe further. 
You used your teleportation for the running and jumping ones and you manipulated your energy to strengthen you during the grip test one.
During the ball throwing tests, you decided to use black flash, which sent the ball flying very far, shocking your classmates.
During break, Midoriya approached you and asked about your quirk while also fanboying about your father. 
He asked why you were wearing a blindfold and you explained that six eyes makes you more sensitive and can fry your brain if overused, The scared look on his face after you said that made you laugh. 
After getting to know you more, the class found out you weren’t that intimidating, you just had the confident aura your father has.
You got along well with everyone! With your playful personality and all, you fit right in!
Your hero costume is like Satoru’s jujutsu uniform and your blindfold is also like his, He says you both are twins lmao. 
Being one of the stronger ones, Bakugou and Todoroki definitely made it a goal to overpass you. But you’d look at the two which a mischievous glint and deck them during training lmao.
You don’t use your dangerous techniques, knowing how easy they can kill if used wrong, you definitely ask your father for help on that one. 
You became a sort of teacher to the class in a way, with you having more experience in the field, you like helping them out. 
Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou being the ones who come to you more, well in Bakugou’s case asks to spar with you more. 
Overall, despite how overpowered you may seem, you still fit right in with the class and they treat you like normal despite being the kid of a well known pro hero.
Satoru definitely comes to UA just to annoy you and sometimes teach when he’s in the mood.
He’d spar with you in front of the class and that's the only time they see you losing so bad lmao
Midoriya definitely bombarded Satoru with questions which inflate his ego more. 
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their-pebble-bear · 10 months
Hi there! So, I had the idea: What if it's a KiriBaku x Fem!Reader, Kinda, "My Babysitter's A Vampire" Idea, where Reader is Human, and KiriBaku are recently turned Vamps (or the other way around if you prefer) and Reader is attacked by another Vamp, and the boys have a moment where they have to decide to either save the reader or let them be turned, but dooming them to a life as Vamps (again, can be the other way around.) And you can decide how it ends, cause I'd love to see your take on it. I hope your Day/Night is good, and that you're well. 😊
Kindreds (Vampires!KiriBaku X Reader)
Note: Hey extra. Fucking had to write this cause the others were missing and left me to run the account.
Okay and we're back. Hi darling, of course I can indulge you. Get ready for an angsty fic because this goes real sad. If you wanted something different, feel free to request again ;)
I have never seen My Babysitter Is A Vampire so this will be inspired by the Vampire The Masquerade campaign I am in. (DND sort of roleplay) I rolled a d20 to get the outcome of this story.
Hope I managed to fulfil your desires.
Masterlist - Requests: OPEN
Summary: Newly turned vampires Kirishima and Bakugou struggle to hide their identities from their girlfriend. What happens when their secret has to be revealed too soon?
Warnings: Angst, blood, vampires, death, kidnapping, blackmail? Kind of? (I get lazy with warnings just normal vamp shit) No beta we die like men.
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The rush they felt after feeding was incredible, the bloodlust that made their eyes pulse, their fangs come out from their gums as their body trembled with adrenaline. Their unbeating heart had never felt more alive, pumping their body to move faster. They woke up the next morning tired, laid in a forest they don't remember stepping foot into. Their sire was interesting to say the least, a vampire who taught them to always respect the essence they received, to hide their tracks and respect the domain. They had met him a few times, Todoroki Shouto. He seemed the same age as them, but he reassured them he had been a vamp for far longer than he appeared.
They remembered their doting girlfriend at home, the one who always made sure they were safe and the first thing they checked was their phones. 10 missed calls each, 20 messages each and a few voicemails with a worried voice. They looked at eachother and panicked, Kirishima instantly calling their girlfriend as they started walking towards their shared apartment. She picked up on the first ring, "Where the fuck where you?! Do you know how worried I still am? Couldn't you have at least sent a text message?" She sounded so tired and her voice was slightly hoarse.
"We know baby. We're so sorry we just got caught up with Sero and Denki. You know how drunk they get haha." Kirishima laughed it off, hoping she'd let it go. Bakugou scoffed and called the two, vamps like them, hoping they'd get the message and go along if ever asked. They hated this, hated lying to their partner. She was their sunshine, their lifeline. They felt like they were cheating on her, like she was on the side as they lived their lives. They had managed to satiate their hunger for only three days before they had to leave. They were still fledglings after all. They needed more blood than the rest of the older kindred.
They got to their apartment, not seeing the gaze of a vampire behind them, as they closed the door behind them. Their girlfriend wasn't at home, probably at work. They threw themselves onto the couch and held eachother. "We have to tell her. We can't keep her in the dark. It feels so wrong. I can't do this anymore." Kirishima said as he was being pet by Bakugou. "I know shitty hair, but we can't risk her coming into this life either. You know her. She couldn't handle near killing someone just to satiate her own needs. She cries at the little ads to adopt a kitten or wild animal I have never heard of, none the less an actual human." He said, near grumbling as he used his free hand to angrily wipe his face.
A few hours passed by and they got a call. Bakugou instantly picked up seeing the calling ID being their grilfriend, expecting to hear their girlfriend's voice but instead hearing a random's voice. "So, come to the abandoned warehouse just outside of the city. Bring your sire. We have some...unsettled business." Before Bakugou could even get a word in the call cut. Kirishima was already calling Todoroki, getting their apartment keys and waiting for Bakugou to get up. They looked at eachother and started running, their speed making it much more efficient than a car. When they arrived Todoroki was already there without backing up and holding what seemed to be a wooden spike. A stake.
"Why the fuck are you being asked here? Why the hell were we not informed you had fucking enemies?!" Bakugou growled grabbing Todoroki by the collar and slamming him against the ground. "Of course I have enemies. Even brutes like you have a braincell or two to comprehend that such a long running Vampire clan has enemies." Todoroki said nonchalanty as he pushed Bakugou off him. "And the love of our life is there, with god knows who, because you fucking refused to tell us to keep her fucking safe." Todoroki stared deadpan at Bakugou and sighed. "And yet, I am here to fix my mistake, yes? So I suggest we stop blabbering and get to killing." He handed each of the boys a stake that they didn't see behind him and explained how they were going to go. They'd sneak in and find her. Only kill if necessary.
They split up and each found an entrance for themselves. Kiri took the back, Bakugou took the middle and Todoroki the front. There didn't seem to be any vampires, none they could hear or smell, but they knew better than to let their guard down. Suddenly Bakugou's eyes laid in the middle of the warehouse where the lights suddenly turned on and their she was, in the hands of a vampire he had never seen before. Their eyes shone blue, something he had never seen in a vampire before, except for Todoroki who had one blue eye. "Brother. Why must you be so brash?" Todoroki said as he jumped from the railing and landed in front of Touya. "Do not call me that Shouto. You are not my brother." Dabi growled as he kept his fangs just above her shaking body. Her hands were bound and she had a rag tied around her mouth to keep her from screaming. Her eyes looked puffy and red, her cheeks stained with tears that refused to stop. She looked tired, exhausted.
"Let her fucking go." Bakugou said, jumping down beside Dabi while Kirishima did the same on his opposite side. "Wow. Has that ever worked?" Dabi smirked, licking the side of her neck. "Don't you fucking DARE." Kirishima growled his fangs sharpening and growing bigger. Their eyes shone brighter, turning into slits as they felt their anger pump adrenaline into their veins. "Oh? She must mean a lot. Tell me, fledglings, do you know what would happen if, I don't know, an emperial vampire turns a human? Or did the golden child forget that information?" Dabi turned to Shouto as he sighed and stared at his brother. "An emperial vampire turning someone would forever bind them to him, just like you are me. The only way of escape is to kill him but many cases have been that they would go crazy without their sire and start rampaging." Shouto explained his tone stern and his glare burning into Dabi. "That's right. And she smells so delectable. Like a vanilla ice cream in the Summer." Dabi licked her neck again, holding her tightly to his body.
Bakugou refused to control his rage and Shouto yelled at him to stop but his body moved before he could comprehend it. Kirishima moved with him but Dabi smirked and bit into her, quickly letting her go and disappearing as if he never existed. "Where the fuck did he go?!" Bakugou yelled as Kirishima grabbed her and laid her across his lap. "He's highly skilled." Shouto said as he examined her new bite. It would definitely take, and a vampire without a sire or a sire like Dabi would cause nothing but disaster to themselves and others. "I will allow you a moment. Do what is necessary." Shouto said as he stood and walked away, still in range enough to help if needed, but enough to not hear the conversation.
"No no, pebble...we're so sorry." Kirishima felt tears slide down his cheeks as he untied her, the wound was bleeding and her breathing was getting shallow. The process of dying, only to return has begun. Bakugou kneeled by them, blaming himself for not being faster, not being stronger, not saving her. They knew what to do, they just didn't know if they had the strength to do it. "Hey baby, we love you okay? My little explosion." Bakugou refused to cry, he had failed, he will save her. He grabbed the stake and held it above her heart, his grip on it shaking as he gathered all his strength to be able to push.
"I will always love you." A soft voice that sounded so broken said as he pushed it through. Kirishima's screams and Bakugou's sharp breaths as he laid on his knees looking at her body were deafining. Shouto gave them a few moments to grieve before coming back and ordering them to go home. He'll take care of the body. They stared blankly as Shouto commanded them to do so as their sire, a command they cannot go against, and waved them off. He cared of course, but he couldn't. He had a job and this was it. His hands trembled as they both gave her one last kiss and left.
The life of a vampire was not luxurious. It was not fun, it was not pleasant. Bakugou and Kirishima knew that, and that's why they had to use their so called powers and get revenge.
Please note! This is all my original work! I do not give permission to repost, credit yourself or steal my ideas. Reblogs are appreciated! The picture is not to be saved and used! That is originally made by my fiancé!
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star-struck-wonderland · 11 months
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•~Sero Hanta Agere Headcanons~•
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Thank you to @happymirio for the lovely request! I don't know much about Sero, but he deserves more recognition! I hope you enjoy these little headcanons!🧡🧡
📎Sero is a middle regressor, with an age range of 10 to 12 (and a few rare instances of 13!)!
📎He's a flip, though he doesn't reveal his own regression at first to his friends
📎For his carer side, he's a huge babysitter for his little friends, especially the Bakusquad littles!
📎He's a great big brother and always plays video games with the littles he's watching, and he's big on making sure they're filled on snacks and drinks! No littles are allowed to run out of juice on his watch!🤍
📎On his regression side, he hides his regression for a while because he feels some of that shame about the regression, despite how many of Class 1A regresses
📎He feels weird for being one of the only middle regressors with an older age range
📎It takes some time, but once he finally opens up and comes out with his regression, it's a fun time for everyone! He has quite a few playdates! Everyone loves him, big and small!!🤍
📎Because of his older range, he still cares for his little friends though! He's very much like a cool big brother🤍
📎He loves lovesss orange juice! He has a cool black water bottle for his middle regression that's covered to the brim with video game and comic stickers- And it's always filled with orange juice!🧃
📎He loves comics and video games when he's regressed! Spiderman is his favorite for obvious reasons
📎...He mayyy have tried to swing like Spiderman one too many times during his regression, resulting in quite the mess and a few needed bandaids and tears🤍
📎He doesn't really have a caregiver or feel like he needs one. But Kirishima, Kaminari, and sometimes even Bakugou come over and play video games with him when he's regressed!
📎They all let him win most of the time, since Sero can get just a bitttt cranky when he loses
📎He wears a lot of comfy printed shirts of his favorite video game characters and superheroes! And he usually wears his black and white plaid sweatpants without shoes. You have to make sure to be extra comfy for a day of gaming and comic book reading!🤍
📎He also really enjoys going outside and looking at the bugs. His favorites are the little wiggly caterpillars- He could watch them for hours in fascination!
📎Whenever he and Midoriya are together and regressed, they go outside and just silently watch the critters and bugs for hours. Midoriya loves it. Sero does too🤍
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📎He's a favorite big brother for lots of the littles in Class 1A, big or small! Everyone loves him, even if he can be a little goofy sometimes, and even when he gets just a bit too competitive🤍
Hope you enjoyed these Sero Hanta headcanons! I know there aren't many, but I might make more if I think of some! Thanks for reading!🧡
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku supernatural au
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked on titles are mine.
Some contain mature content. Read tags.
Art work by @veve {twitter}.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Under the Full Moon
by shalia_earante
Summary: Katsuki is finally ready to propose courtship to his nerdy ghost Deku, but the boy is nowhere to be found!
One Shot | SFW
Werewolf Baku x Ghost Deku
A Cat Named Deku by silentsongbird
Summary: Bakugou begrudgingly takes in a stray cat that has been hanging around his home. He says he's motivated by the weather turning colder, but he just can't resist the little fur ball. One night, Deku decides to let him in on a little secret.
One Shot | No Quirks AU
Rated - Mature
Cursed Shifter Deku x Human Baku
Blood Oath by Kolista
Summary: “Being alive ain’t worth shit if you don’t got something to live for,” I tell her with a sneer.
“Yes,” she pauses with a knowing tilt to her head. “To bad I am not alive.”
I laugh at her then. A deep one that has my chest shaking and when I settle down a little I start to feel a bit woozy. Whatever the fuck that old man puts in that brown water he calls ale has finally caught up with me. Or so I think.
The vampire bitch leans in close to me. Those disgusting red tipped finger nails graze my inner thigh as she whisper in my ear, “you’re going to make such a fine pet once we’re done with you. I bet you look splendid with a collar wrapped tight around that pretty neck of yours.”
— — —
Or Baku is kicked out of his pack and forced to make it on his own. He doesn't get far before he's scooped up and held prisoner at The Shelter, a supernatural black market where you can purchase anyone for any price. Bakugou is purchased by Izuku, a vampire prince whose in need of a bodyguard and the enemy to Kat's people. Now he must choose between his people or the one person he's supposed to hate.
Complete | 40 Chapters
Rated - Explicit
Vampire Deku x Werewolf Baku
The Morning-After Pill Doesn't Work On Werewolves, You Damn Deku!
by greatcloudninja
Summary: “All Supes have a secondary gender separate from the regular gender spectrum: alpha, beta, and omega. Alpha Supes—even non-werewolves—develop knots. And omega Supes, even those who have male genitalia, develop certain characteristics as well… like the fact that all omega werewolves can get pregnant if they have sex with an alpha during the full moon.”
Recently-turned vampire Midoriya Izuku wakes up in a hotel room, naked and vulnerable to encroaching morning sunlight, with a stranger on the other side of the bed. Except the stranger isn't a stranger at all—Bakugou Katsuki was his babysitter growing up, the older boy Izuku idolized and crushed on. Now he's getting a very... hands-on lesson in what separates the supernatural community from 'normal' humanity, as he realizes he's become very intimately connected with Bakugou in a way he never imagined.
One Shot | OmegaVerse
Rated - Explicit
Vampire Deku x Werewolf Baku
my love is always bitter/yearning
by lovemepidge
Summary: Two vampires get drunk and describe each other looks as they cannot use mirrors
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Vampire Baku x Vampire Deku
Not Enough Time With You
by schrammashley1
Summary: Bakugou and Midoriya have already spent more than two lifetimes together yet, Christmas remains Izuku's favorite holiday and Katsuki realizes the nerd always gets what he wants.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Vampire Baku x Vampire Deku
An Aching Desire to Find
by psycovibes
Summary: It's been years since he last saw that freckled face, those viridian eyes that looked at him as if he was the most beautiful poem ever written.
The pull on his heart had only grown stronger with his will to find him. He would do anything to hear that voice say his name again.
He would give anything to find him.
One Shot | Victorian AU
Not Rated
Vampire Baku x Vampire Deku
Vampires Versus Wild by skyfallgar
Summary: Izuku barged into their shared home, panic written across his face. “Kacchan! we have a problem.”
“No,” Katsuki said. “YOU have a problem.”
He then pointed a finger at the intruder. “I have an idiot who keeps getting into one.”
“Mean, Kacchan,” Izuku pouted.
“So, what is it this time?” Katsuki asked.
“I told vampire hunters we were vampires,” he blurted.
“You did WHAT??”
— — —
OR Vampires bkdk keep pranking each other every 50 years or so.
One Shot | SFW
Vampire Baku x Vampire Deku
Lovebites by mynameis152
Summary: Katsuki Bakugou was going to hate this summer.
He thought he'd hate it because he was being forced to leave home and work for his mother's friend in a small, seaside town. He thought he'd hate it cause he was being punished for burning his room to a crisp. He thought he'd hate it because he hated change.
But it turns out, he hated the Supernatural Turfwar between four species that shouldn't exist but do a whole lot more....
— — —
Or The one where Katsuki is forced to move in with Inko for the summer and finds himself falling for a particular bloodsucker....
Complete | 57 Chapters
Rated - Explicit
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
“Age doesn’t matter” 5
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Dad!Bakugou x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Hearing what Kazui said made her completely stop. Mama? Why would he think that? Was it because she takes care of him like her own child?
“K-Kazuki. I don't think that's something possible.” Ms. Y/n said washing her hands before she approach the now pouting Kazui.
“Why not?” Kazui said, now tearing up. “My classmates have a mama. Why I don't have one? Why can't I have one?” he was now sobbing.
Seeing his tears pour breaks her heart. Ms. Y/n dreamt of having her own child, but because of how life can be challenging, how she can't afford to buy her own house or a decent permanent job, she set her dream aside and focus on trying to make it at least to the cruel world.
But nothing is crueler to a child not having a mother wanting to have one.
“Shh.” Ms. Y/n carried and embrace Kazui who was sobbing in her arms. “I’m sorry, Kazui.”
Then it suddenly went quiet. Ms. Y/n was still holding Kazui in her arms.
“Kazui?” Ms. Y/n called out, but get no response. When she slowly made her way to a mirror, she saw him fast asleep. She looked at him for a moment, sad that she couldn’t do anything for Kazui. It took a while for her to bring him up to her bedroom and tucked him in, caressing his cheek that was stained from his tears.
Ms. Y/n then left her bedroom. She decided to keep the door open in case she heard him wake up. She strides down the stair and went back to the kitchen where she left some of the burger steaks she molded. As soon as she washed her hands again to proceed, she saw her phone lit up causing her to look at it. When she saw the unknown number, she slightly frowns. But when she clicked on the message, she blinked in surprise.
It was Mr. Bakugou.
Once Katsuki settled in his car, he placed a bag beside him. A thank-you gift for Kazui’s teacher.
Giving anyone a gift isn't his thing, but Ms. Y/n's kind gesture made him want to. This is the least he could do to show her he appreciates what she does.
And so, Katsuki turned on the engine when he received the address he needed and drove his way to the said address. seeing he was nearing the address, he noticed it was close to the school. After just a few minutes of walking, for sure they'd reach it.
He remembered Ms. Y/n telling him there was a near convenience store and taking a right turn. As soon as he turned right, he immediately saw her apartment and slowed down. Once closed, he pulled up but didn't leave his car.
Katsuki is nervous. He didn't know how to approach her. His palms are sweating, and so was his forehead, and believe it or not? This was pissing him off. So with all the courage he has. Wait? Why does he need courage for this? He's just going to pick Kazui and hand his gift to her.
That’s fucking it.
Katsuki groan, starting to get frustrated. Without thinking, he grab the bag beside him and exited his car, slamming the door shut behind him.
Ms. Y/n heard this, making her jump and slightly spilling the hamburger steak sauce. “What was that..” She mumbled to herself and wiped her sauce-filled hand.
She made her way to her apartment door even though she knows it was a bad idea. But curiosity got in her and grab the doorknob, twisted it, and pulled the door open. She comes face-to-face with Mr. Bakugou who has his hand raised, about to knock.
“U-uh. Good evening! Mr. Bakugou!” She slightly stuttered. “Please come in!”
Seeing him in an awkward position made katsuki's face turn slightly pink, all the way to his ears. “Ahem. Thanks.” He said in a quiet voice.
Ms. Y/n closed the door behind her as soon as Katsuki get in. “I'm sorry about the mess. I have a lot of papers to work on.” She said sweating dropped when she saw him eye the papers stacked on her coffee table. “Please have a seat.” She added as she collect all the papers and headed to her bedroom.
When she came back, she made her way to the kitchen switched the fire off on her stove, and saw Katsuki sitting on the sofa. “Make yourself at home.” She smiled. “You might be looking for Kazui, he’s currently sleeping in my bedroom.”
Ms. Y/n opened one of the kitchen cabinets and grab two glasses. She then grabs a drink and pours the content into the glass.
Katsuki was quiet even though he can hear her talking . He was checking her apartment which was neat, and organized, with no dust in sight. Except for the stack he saw earlier, which was now gone.
Her apartment was indeed small, like what Kazui said. But she made it look homey. Unlike his quiet home. Even though he has all those branded furniture and expensive stuff. Never in a while, had he felt his house homey. But he, sitting in someone’s home? Knowing that Y/n is living alone, single-
Wait, was she single?
Katsuki’s thoughts about her apartment suddenly vanish. I mean, was she by herself?
Getting inquisitive, he looks for a sign of another person living with her. A male person. But all he saw was what a single woman has.
How old was she again? 23? Right. She’s too young and still unraveling her future.
Well, age doesn’t matter to him.
What? The fuck was he thinking? Why would he think that?
Katsuki internally smacks himself in the face. He’s not looking for any relationship right now. After what happened. He’s too scared to try again.
“Here. Seems like you're deep in thought.”
Katsuki blinked being cut off and saw Ms. Y/n place a cup of tea in front of him.
“Thank you.” He said.
Why was he being quiet anyway?
“You’re welcome.” Ms. Y/n smiled at him. “I actually poured you an orange juice and was about to give it to you but it seems like you're stressed. So I made you some tea. I hope you don't mind camomile?” She giggled and went back to the kitchen.
“It’s fine,” Katsuki said. “Where’s Kazui?”
Ms. Y/n blinked. Didn't she say he’s asleep? Maybe Mr. Bakugou was too deep in thought that he wasn't listening to everything you said.
“He’s sleeping in my bedroom.” You chuckled making Katsuki look at you raising an eyebrow which made you panic and immediately apologize.
“Why're you apologizing?” Katsuki asked and gently gran the tea in front of him. The aroma made him relax.
“I was being rude.” Ms. Y/n smiled nervously.
She’s always smiling.
"You're not," Katsuki said and took a sip.
Ms. Y/n only smiled before going back to her kitchen and preparing the plates needed. "Have you had your dinner, Mr. Bakugou?" You asked.
As if on cue, Katsuki's stomach started making a sound making him blush and her, giggle.
"I'll take that as a no." You said. "I made Hamburger steak. Kazui requested it."
"Hah? I swear to god that spoiled ass brat." Katsuki said, this time, out loud.
"Would you want a plate, Mr-
"Just call me Bakugou. I hate this formality and such. It's fucking pissing me off." Katsuki said as he placed the teacup back on the coffee table.
This doesn't surprise you anymore. Why? Because there are times Y/n watches television in her free time and saw how Dynamight swears a lot. Even civilians got used to this.
"Alright, Bakugou." Ms. Y/n chuckled and just prepare another plate for him. "You can go wake Kazui so we can all eat. The more the merrier right?"
"Don't order me around." Katsuki tsked but follow otherwise.
He heard a low sorry when he walked past the kitchen and straight to her bedroom where he saw the door wide open. He was about to go straight inside but he stopped midway. He's trespassing on her privacy. But she was the one who gave him permission, plus, he's only waking Kazui up, so it doesn't matter. So he continued and went straight into her bedroom and saw a double-sized bed where he saw Kazui sleeping peacefully.
"Oi." Katsuki called but got no reponse. "Brat. Wake up. We're going to eat dinner."
Seeing his son won't wake up anytime soon, he picks him up and carries him in his arms. "Kazui, wake up. Ms. Y/n made us dinner. You spoiled brat."
Kazui lightly stirred in his father's arms before completely waking up, and rubbing his eyes. "Papa," he mumbled.
Katsuki only watched his son.
"Where's mama.." Kazui yawned and snuggled back into his arms.
Katsuki was frozen in his place. Shocked, confused, angry? He doesn't know what to feel when he once again heard his son looking for his mother.
"Why are you looking for her?" Katsuki asked, hoping he would get a response despite knowing how drowsy his son is.
"Mama Y/n.."
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